1. Introduction to the Hook and Introduction Section: I want to talk to you now about what you're going to cover in this section, which is all about diving even deeper into the hook on the introduction. I hope by now you've got your webinar presentation at least beginning to come together in draft. So now I want to take you in the next sections of the course, starting with this one on dive even deeper into the hook on the introduction. And don't forget the introduction is nothing to do with introducing yourself. It's the section off the webinar presentation where you build your credibility where you really get your audience to know who you are and why you're such a great authority on. The purpose of this section is to take you that next level deeper, and you can then really start to add some meat to your own webinar presentation on. There's an activity at the end of this section where I want you to actually take that time out on to work on this section off the presentation. While all this is still fresh in your mind, you can go back obviously and revise it later on. But if you build your presentation incrementally and you build your on right your webinar incrementally, you'll find it much easier to do So So we're now going deeper still into the hook and into the introduction on I hope you're gonna find lots of rich detail in this section which is going to help you to really put together a fantastic webinar presentation.
2. The Key Components of the Hook: Now we'll talk to you about the key components off the hook section because this is really , really important to get your audience full attention right from the start of your webinar. Now the it's really important. It's a statement of the obvious that your hook has got to be completely consistent with the main theme off the webinar. You've got to get them on the hook to really want to know what you're gonna be talking about. So one of things you think about is what can you possibly tell them that is gonna make the biggest immediate impact to their business by the information we're going to share in this webinar. Now you can phrase it in terms of some sort of secret or some sort of so great we breakthrough solution that you've identified. But you need to make it very clear that you found something that you're going to share with them, which is incredibly valuable to them, is going to make a big difference to their business around whatever topic it is your teaching. So you need to sum this up in your big promise slide and here you make it very clear that what they're going to discover in this webinar is something that's going to make a huge difference to their business. Now, what they really want to know is what they're gonna gain from the webinar and therefore you have to express it in terms, off benefits. It's always coming back to what's in it for me. But they really want to feel that they're going to miss out on something if they don't get included. If they're not gonna stay in the Webinar than actually, they will regret it later because there's gonna be such fantastic content that they will miss out on this is a really deep seated human need, the fear of missing out. So you want to tap into that and get them to feel that they need to stay on because there's gonna be something good coming up. So get them to look at the webinar in terms off an investment off time and you hope a bit later on money in themselves. And this is the the mindset that you need to start to get them to adopt. This is a change in their belief about why that came on the webinar in the first place they might have thought they would come on because it's gonna be good. Interesting topic. But actually, we want to move them quite considerably to thinking that this is going to be such a valuable piece off information that they're going to get that is actually gonna have a big impact on their lives. So your promise statement has to be bold. It has to be really life changing. It obviously has to be honest and truthful and consistent, but you need to actually have something out there which is going to really get their attention. The next thing you need to do is make sure they stay focused because you want their undivided attention. And so you need to make it clear to them that they need toe. Remove all the distractions that around the place that they need to turn off their phone. They need to be in a quiet room. They need to make sure they have privacy for the duration of the moment. Our and also they need to be. You need to consider getting to take notes. Another thing as part of this section that's really important is thean ounce mint of the unexpected bonus and this is where you bring it in, having got them on the hook and got them really interested about what you're going to say, Say, Well, look, if you stay until the end, then there's gonna be a special extra bonus which I'm going to share with you what you're gonna find really helpful. Now, this bonus must be consistent with the main theme of the webinar, and it has to be valuable. But it's something which is going to again keep them interested all the way through because off the fear off, missing out foam. Oh, and that's why you bring it in now you haven't announced it before, and it gives them an extra reason to stay right to the end. So those are the key points you need to bring into this part off the webinar, the hook section where you get the attention off your audience and you set them up to stay with you all the way through
3. Introduction Establishing Your Credibility: Let's take a look now at the first step in the introduction, which is all about establishing your credibility. What you have to do in this section is to really build trust with your audience, because if you're working with the joint venture partner or somebody else, the people who are attending your seminar U webinar may know, actually know you very well, and it's really important that they see you and understand you to be a competent authority . To do this, you actually have to present the evidence off your relevant experience and why they should believe in you as the authority. And you can do that in a number of ways. You don't have to do all of these, but you can reference and show you know yourself its speaking engagements. Or if you have a book or white paper, you can share that with them and tell them about it. You can have photographs of yourself with permanent influential people, which you have issued up to borrow from their authority. Obviously, testimonials on other social proof provide third party confirmation of your expertise, but you can be more direct with that by having written audio and video testimonials as well , which you can bring into your webinar to show other people endorsing you. And, of course, if you've won any awards, then it's a great thing to to demonstrate to. So why is social proof important? Well, it shows that you understand your market's needs. It really shows your in in tune with what your audience wants and needs, So you are in complete alignment. It also helps them to understand that what your teaching is relevant to them because they see you as somebody they can look up to and naturally learn from you can show the results of what you've achieved with your system on that, you know, really moves to compound that the credibility factor and actually shows, you know that what you're gonna be offering them later on actually really works is a proven system, and it's really important that you can do that so that they will have absolute confidence when it comes to making a buying decision later on in the webinar. It also helps to show that your predictions have bean right, and if people are confirming that through social proof, then it's going to be much easier for your audience to believe it. Of course, you can use stats to build your case, and that's a very useful tool on did. You can also provide case studies to prove your case, and all these factors knit around to establish and confirm your credibility. And in the first part off the section of the introduction section, you need to be doing this. You need to set out very clearly that you are an authority that you are somebody they can know like and trust, because unless you achieve that connection, then your attempts to sell them your product or service later on the webinar won't be successful.
4. Tell Your Story: part of establishing your credibility on really connecting with the audience is to tell your story. And there are a few tips and techniques I want to share with you about how you do that to get the maximum effect. The first thing to point out is, this is a personal story about you and your experience, which is really starting at where you were when you were struggling. As much of your audience are and culminates with where you are today, successful and moving forward and in command of all this expert knowledge. But whatever story you tell, you must make sure that it ties in to the topic off your webinar. So if your webinar is all about making online courses, as mine will be, then don't give them a story about how successful you are climbing Mount Everest because the two won't connect. If any of you have read anything about creating stories, you will be familiar with the Hero's Journey, which is a treatise put together by Joseph Campbell, who looked at how people told stories, and he basically came to conclusion that there was only one way of telling a story all the way through history, and he called it the hero's journey. Now the concepts very simple. The hero starts off. He's in the place where everything is ordinary. He goes to a struggle, a conflict. He triumphs, he's transformed and he comes back way started. And that's essentially the wheel. If you want to get some idea of how it works in detail, just think back to the first Star Wars movie on Luke Skywalker, and that is a classic hero's journey tail. So I'm sure that need to expand any further on that particular point. But your story must have a beginning. A middle and an end in order to be some sort of cogent, followed will story, and it doesn't have to be very long, but you do need to have that structure to it, and it also has to mirror the conflict struggle transformation story. So when you started off, there was some sort of conflict had a problem with you struggled all the way through, and then you were successful in your transformed because if you're going to persuade people that you can transform their lives, you need to demonstrate that in your own story and show them how you've done it for yourself Now there are lots of different types of stories, but I just want to bring your attention to a couple of them. The first is the David versus Goliath story. I'm sure you're familiar with this story from the Bible, but this is inch essentially setting yourself up as the small guy on explaining how you struggled against the big guy or the big corporation or wherever it happens to be and how you were successful. The other one is what I call the King Canute story, which is essentially the guy who's basically going against the received wisdom soaking commute sat on the beach, put us from the water and commander to see to go back. Unfortunately, he wasn't successful in that, but the whole concept was he was being completely contrarian to accept a wisdom I thought he knew better. Hopefully, your control in story will result in you driving the waves back and pushing the tide back. Pick the tide times carefully is my advice. So using those to talk types of stories, it can be a vehicle for communicating how you're trying to get your message across another thing to bear in mind is that people will respond much better to somebody who tries to remove a pain and take that away from them than somebody who is trying to draw them towards pleasure and to make life more pleasurable. Because it's the people who have got the pain who are suffering the most. And you've got the highest motivation to want to actually change the status quo. So you're far better positioning yourself as somebody who is solving a pain and removing a problem than somebody who is offering some sort of pleasure pain cells. When you're telling this story, it's important that you do it in a way through your weapon are that you're really talking to one person just as I'm talking to you right now. So it's a very personal, direct, intimate, emotional conversation on that is how you're going to connect with them and really be believable and really be a somebody who they will want to know, like and trust. So work on that. You shouldn't make it a sort of lecture or make it very loud and dictatorial. Just keep it very simple and bay personal in very intimate. Now, bonding is not to be underestimated. And what you need to be doing is to be connecting with people on an emotional level as opposed to a factual level. And when you bond with people, then you can talk to them in terms off what their dreams are for a better future. How you understand that they're failures, you know, weren't their fault. And actually, you know, you were there as well, and you can help them to move away from that point of failure and how you understand their fears. And you completely, you know, having bean there yourself. You know, you really completely get where they're coming from and you know you want to be able to work with them to actually allay those fears and make them feel better. And when you have those sorts of confident conversations on an emotional level rather than on just a factual and features driven level, then you're gonna have a much closer conversation with your audience. Emotion. Trump's fax every single time. And if you can talk to your audience in terms of emotion, with sentences like just imagine what your life will be like when, as opposed to on do you know there are three basic features of this product which you're gonna find amazing. The 1st 1 will really connect. The 2nd 1 will probably switch off because I find it really boring. So those are some of the techniques you need to tell your story, but you need to tell them about yourself, how you started and how you struggled on how you became the expert that you are on that therefore will give them complete confidence that you're the right person to buy the product from when they get to the end of the webinar.
5. Expand on the Big Promise: So the next phase off the introduction is to expand on the big promise on the point you start at here is that you referenced their pain. You make clear that you understand what the pain is that they are suffering as a result of their lack of knowledge that you're about to fill in your about to share this knowledge with them. But what you have to do before you tell them about the solutions is you need to agitate. You need to release a twist the knife a little bit on, make the pain even more immediate and even more painful. So that and you're not just being horrible and cruel here. You actually doing this with a very constructive point so that they understand there and then the consequences ought not solving their problem. You're reminding them of something they probably don't want to think about because it's painful and they rather just brother, it went away. But you do need to highlight in their own minds the need that they have to solve the problem on. By bringing this back to the fore, you're upping their sense of urgency, bringing this topic back to any something that's important to them, and that will help you when you want to convert them to buy your product, you need to motivate them to be prepared to take action when you want them to. When you given the court action urgently because it's gonna be front of mind on, they're going to really feel be feeding the pain and be feeling uncomfortable about it. And suddenly you're gonna take that pain away from them. Then you have to bring yourself into their space. You need to associate yourself with them on the aegis. Way to do that is to start using phrases like Well, I know exactly how you feel. I've bean there. I felt this is well, I had the same problem. I can remember a time when I was going through this. So you're putting yourself in their shoes and helping them to understand that actually, you're on their side. You're not just making them feel uncomfortable. You're actually very sympathetic because you've experienced the same pain and problem and you bring these front again by highlighting their fears, their frustrations and anxieties in their aspirations. And you put the aspirations at the end because you having gone negative, Negative, Negative. You then want to give them a positive to make them feel better than about themselves. The idea of this isn't to drive your audience into a fit of depression. The idea is to manipulate their emotions so that they are completely on your side. And they will do what you want them to do, which is ultimate. Buy your product, then, having got them into that frame of mind. And don't forget, this is in the context off the big promise you made for the whole webinar. You then expand that promise and promise them a breakthrough day today that the the promise that you made at the beginning is going to have a real impact on their lives. Andi, Therefore, this is going to be something which is going to be really, really valuable to them. You need to be very positive at this point, and you need to communicate to them what life is going to be like after they've worked all this out. Whether they're gonna have a greater income where they're gonna have more time on their hands, they're gonna have more freedom on their hands. Whatever it is it needs to be emotional and qualitative things, not just factual and feature driven things. So you're communicating the really positive benefits off what it is you're going to share with them. Don't forget we're talking about the teaching that's coming up in the next section. We are not at this point talking about your product at all. Then congratulate them for coming to the event. Now you're building up again, you know? And so I realized you are people who have taken action so I can see that you are really motivated to do something about this. So I know you're gonna find one for you a little later on really valuable again. You're speaking to their dreams into their emotions. Imagine what life is going to be like after I've shared this with you. After you've implemented these solutions, after you solved the problem that you've bean struggling with and again I two struggled until I found the solution to this topic. I'm going to share with you today. You want to again link the context off year suffering and your suffering with the information you are about to impart, which will then make it emotionally very important to them. and valuable to them without telling them what it is exactly. You're going to teach point by point. You want to give them the overview on what the solution is going to be, You're going to be able to x wiles said on then, having promised them say three great secrets, you over deliver and you say, Well, actually, I know I promised you three secrets, but I've got so much information, and I know it's gonna be so valuable to you. I actually want to share six secrets with you and they're gonna go. Wow. Hey, I'm getting double the amount of value I thought I was going to get. So this is good news. Then. At this point, you can summarize what's coming up in the next section. You know, I'm going to share with you these six secrets in these six. These six secrets and difficult sayinit are 123456 So you are now lining them up for the education. Your transitioning to the education phase and you're saying this is what I'm going to teach you? Don't forget the classic teaching methodology. You tell them what you're going to teach them. You teach it to them, and then you tell them what you've taught them. So this point, you're now taking them into the transition phase for the first part of the education. But you want to. Although we've given them the big promise and pride in more detail and context, you're not actually at this point going to tell them exactly what these secrets are. You give them a bullet points. But you don't actually go into any detail at that point because you want them to feel a sense off wanting and urgency and interest and curiosity on you just need to keep them waiting a little bit longer. But you want to build up their expectations. They'll know what is coming now, but they won't have any detail on what these points are going to be, because that is what the next section is all about. So this is how you expand on the big promise, and you really play on your audiences emotions so that you have them in the palm of your hand and they're going to get blown away in the next section when you start to share your secrets in your education with them.
6. Dispel Self Limiting Objections: The last thing we want to do before we move on to the core content itself is to work with your audience and help dispel their self limiting objections. Now, what's important here is that you convince your audience that their lack off success to date has not bean there fold that the fact that they haven't achieved the breakthrough that you achieved is not a negative. They simply haven't got to the breakthrough point yet, and it's really important that you get this point across. So if they haven't been successful so far, you must compliment them on the fact that they have been taking action. They have bean trying. You need to really build them up and not let them pull themselves down. They mustn't feel guilty about their lack of success in the past. On this is a really key point. What you need to do is to try to understand by talking to them how they feel about the reasons they haven't been successful. And don't forget there's the word feel in there. Are they feeling guilty? Are they feeling let down? Are the feeling depressed on what are these reasons? And then you play back the reasons to them in a positive way, so that you encourage them to think that the hard work they have bean putting in, even if it hasn't yet achieved success is nonetheless a good thing. And, of course, what you're going to lead on to from this is that your solution is going to help them to make that breakthrough. So whatever that the psychological point is, that's creating that hang up in their mind. You need to turn it around and put a positive spin on it. You need him to be thinking positively about where they've been coming from, because if they have a negative mind set, it'll hold them back. But not only would it hold them back, it'll actually hold them back in the work they're doing view on the webinar on. It'll make them less likely to want to buy from you at the end. So you really need to work at this point to get them into a positive mindset so that they're ready to receive the information you're just about to share with them and, well, then feel positive and buoyed up and want to push forward, which will mean that they'll be much more interested to invest in your product in due course. So this is a quite a minor point. But nonetheless, you've got to get this this mindset change on, got to get this point across that they can dispel the guilt they can push away the negativity on, look forward to sharing the content with you or receiving the content from you in a very positive mindset.
7. Summary and Activity: before we move on to the next section. I just want to summarize what we've covered in this one because there are a lot of important details on. I've prepared a checklist, cheat, cheat, whatever you wanna call it to help you do some work to prepare your own webinar. Now, this is a key section. You are really setting your audience up to get them in the right frame of mind and giving them some very important messages. You'll recall. We covered the importance of the hook and how you deliver that the importance of establishing credibility with your audience, how you can go about telling your story because people love to hear stories and they really buy into them. Then how you go about expanding the big promise to really make them feel they're part of that. And before you start to deliver your content the importance off overcoming self limiting objections. Now I prepared a pdf which is attached to this lecture on it gives you all these points in detail. And what I'd like you to do is to go through and to drop down some of the key points you're gonna make when you start to pay your own webinar, and it's important you start to organize your thoughts now and start thinking of stories and start thinking about how you're gonna map this altogether, because is actually quite a complex jigsaw puzzle you're trying to put together. And it's very important that you cover these terms. These these points in the right order. On that, you deliver them convincingly to your audience. So download the pdf and start taking notes and start composing the key components off your own weapon out for this particular section. So that's it for this section. I hope you've got a lot out of it. And I hope you're gonna find the the scripting tool that I provided to you, the pdf that I have attached to this lecture a very helpful tool to start really getting your mind around some of the issues we've covered
8. Introduction to the Core Content and Transitioning to the Pitch: So in this section, we're going to continue building up our webinar on up webinar presentation on. I'm going to take a look at the core content on then it's very important phase, which I call transitioning to the pitch. Now the first thing I have to say is, I can't write your core content for you on the best way you can master the art off. Producing great core content is to actually go and attend a few webinars yourself and see how they do it on their different ways. You can present core content, whether it's about your journey or whether it's about a struggle or whether it's like a six steps or whether it's a process, whatever it is. But I do give you some guidance in the section on how to do it on. Then go into more detail about how you transition from your core content and into the pitch , because the way you do that on the way you set that up is really a paramount importance when it comes to the effectiveness of your pitch itself. So in this section I'm going to take you through those two components and then at the end of it, I want you to go back to your own template back to your own draft presentation on Put even more meat on the bone so that you're continuing to write the script on the content on the slides for your presentation, as we dio. So it's an important section this. Think through your core content on, then really think through and understand how you make that transition from your core content into the pitch.
9. Delivering Core Content: Now let's talk about delivering your core content. Having got this far, you do really now need to deliver your core content. And I just want to take you through the key points of that because when it comes down to this section, it really is all down to you. I don't know what you're going to be teaching, and therefore I can't tell you how to teach it. But what I can do is give you some of the key structural points you'll need to include in that teaching to make sure that it's effective. So the first thing is up the beginning off this you need to cede your product and service. So what a seeding mean was seed is just like the idea of sowing a seed in the ground, and then something will grow later on on what you're doing here is your leaving the thought in their minds by mentioning your product or service in passing, but without in any way trying to sell it to them so you could make comments like Well, of course, you know, my students in my product found that this was very helpful. Or, you know, one of the main reasons this product works so well is because off, but you don't stop to try and sell it to them. You just make them aware in their minds that it exists or when you come back to it later, it'll resonate with them and they'll know what you're talking about. Make sure, and I have said this several times already. Make sure that you give away the most amazing information that you really deliver on fantastic actionable content because it's this credibility that is gonna earn you the sales when you move on to selling your product and service. If you don't over deliver and give them fantastic content, then they simply won't believe you. So over delivery again, I stress it. You know, if you get off of them, five points off of them seven or eight. But really make sure they come away thinking while I got super duper extra value out of this webinar much more than I was expecting because it is all about then them feeling so blown away by your content and also in terms of the whole feeling of reciprocity, feeling that they really owe you something and it'll make them much more, more likely better positioned if you like to buy your product and service after that. So how do you deliver your content? Well, there's a few ideas you can explain a process, so you take them through a process you know, through the how the process works. But talk to them about you know what they have to do. Don't necessarily tell them exactly how to do it on. This is one of the tricks toe webinars that you you give people a lot of information. But you don't. Actually, at the end of the day, give them the real serving it that the nitty gritty. So you may read them the recipe, but you don't give them the ingredients, if you like. Another way to do it is perhaps outline a model. So you have ah, model for doing something. And you explain how that model works again, giving them lots of detail but not actually giving them all the answers. Or you can take them through something step by step. You know, maybe six steps to doing something was eight steps to doing somewhat whatever it is. But make sure you do use a framework because it makes it much easier for them to take information in and to understand. And if they're taking notes, then they'll end up with something they feel is really actionable. Now, whatever you do, you leave them wanting more. You give them a whole lot of information and you make them realize that this is only the first part of the process. I'm sorry. I simply haven't got time in a webinar like this to deliver everything to you. So I've really tried to make sure you understood, you know, part one of this whole process. But you do understand that time is limited. I just can't deliver everything that I would like to. So you are showing them what you're teaching can achieve, but only to a limited extent of Why do I say this? Because then in the next piece, you're going to go on and say, Well, of course, if you want to go on further on, then you're starting to go and pitch the opportunity. So this is where you've taken in through those this amazing training. But you're really lining them up for the transition phase and then into the pitch to sell your product and that's where things really get interesting. So this is quite a short lecture for the whole course, because really, this bit is down to you, and I'll try and give you MAWR help with how you can actually deliver your your own content . But for in terms of the lectures, this one's over to you. You've got to work out how you're going to do it. But follow my guidelines on you'll be setting yourself up for success once you go through the transition and into the page.
10. Six Steps to Content Delivery: I want to show you a little bit more detail about some of the components you can build into your court content delivery to make it even more convincing. Now, whatever your framework is, however, you're developing and delivering your core content. You are still delivering a sophisticated message to your audience, so you need to wrap around these components to make sure that your delivery framework is a suspect is as effective as possible. The first thing you need to do before you start delivering your content is to summarize what you're going to tell them, because when you're doing any teaching, it's always good to start off by telling you what you're going to be told to tell it to them and then tell them what you told them. So starting off with an overall reveal about what your core content is is very helpful. But don't forget. You need to be keeping some back. You don't give them or the nitty gritty. You give them a lot of the what they need to do, but you don't give him a lot of how they need to do it. This is where you exceed your promise, and you tell them instead of delivering them, six points are going to deliver them eight or nine points on this is where they get the first inkling they're about to get bombarded with some fantastic material. The second component is to try to take the opportunity toe. We've in the return on investment the actual numbers that people are making from your products and services. But do it in a way that it backs up the case, and it illustrates what your product and service can offer. So you're not actually sort of doing it is a selling point, but you're just saying, you know, you know, I really was very pleased when my friends so and so used this system on had these amazing results. So you're illustrating your case with these facts and figures but nonetheless underpinning the case for how brilliant your system or solution is. The weather without you question again is to really get the point across that they could probably work all this out for themselves if they wanted to do it the hard way. If they wanted to go in waste all the time, waste all the money and make all the mistakes you've already made, then they could probably go work it out and get to the same point on what you're offering them by putting it all together for them is to save them all that angst, that frustration, that waste of time and money. So you remind them that there's a real benefit to them off actually taking your product and service on board, as opposed to doing it the hard way. When you are explaining your content and probably towards the end of your content, you can then sort of come and wrap it up and summarize it up and at that point say And that is why having learned all this that I actually and then you reveal your main solution. But you don't go into it in a great deal of depth, and you don't try and sell it to them. You just explained that as a consequence of what you've already shown them than Logical Step Waas to then develop this product that you're about to be sharing them in a great deal . More detail. You'll do the breakdown of the product in the pitching phase, but at this point you want to tie in your product or solution to the stuff you're sharing with them so that there's a really strong connection there. So what you talk about is why you built it, how it will benefit them and what it does. But this is probably three slides, not 20 slides. So you're really connecting the two pieces of content. But you're not going into great deal of death, and you're certainly not setting it to them at this point. If it's practical, it may not be for everything. Then try to give a demonstration shows something working much easier said than done. But if you've got a piece of software, then you could actually run the software and shows some examples of the software working, doing whatever it does. So this is some sort optional step. It really depends where your product or service suits a demonstration. But case studies are certainly worth putting. Improve is really important, and you want to get the people who are providing the taste case studies, if you can, to provide you with a testimonial, saying how brilliant the product or service waas because you really want them to get them, get your audience to understand what their business was like beforehand what they did, what the business was like afterwards, what the results were and then had the testimonial saying how brilliant it waas. So these are things that you need to think about, so you need to get back to your best customers and talk to them about working with them to provide some sort of case, study and testimonial. So these air components that should be wrapped around your core content so you're not just delivering them a nonstop diatribe of 0.1 point 2.3 point four, which you're telling them and evolving story on, as well as teaching them the content. And you're wrapping the context off your product and service around all this content. So the little natural flow into the pitch. When we get through, the transition pays and we actually start pitching it to them. So again, more sophistication, Atmore complexity. But it does make your weapon arm or engaging and more interesting to your audience, as opposed to just being a lecture off half a dozen points, that you're going to tell them how brilliant you are
11. Transition to the Pitch: Let's talk now about how you transition from your core content to the pitch. The whole idea of this is to bring your audience along with you so that they feel that they're almost begging you to let them into the content that you're bound to give them, which is to pitch them the product you want to sell them on the way you do this is to take them along the explanation of where they bean from. So you start off by saying, Okay, so this is what you showed up the weapon out for, and you explain to them what it is the big promise was all about. And then you explain that what you've shared with them actually delivers on the promise. So this is what I've shared with you. This is what you discovered on. Therefore, the promise has bean delivered. So you then say this is the key question that you need to conclude from this and you invite them to think for themselves that actually they need mawr. They realized that they've only just broken the sub d the age of the subject on they need more from you so that you can then say to them? Well, you know, you've can probably put all this together yourself manually. Could take a long time. You'll make a lot of mistakes, waste on the money. So you have to decide whether if you want to achieve this, that you're likely to be more successful doing this with me or without me. And obviously the question you're leading them to is that it's better stood with you. So if the answer is that is much matters here with you, then this is what I have for you and you tell them about the product. Now at this point is also useful to make some form of damaging or mission. Admission on the point about this is that by scoping the fact that actually what you're about to share with them isn't for everybody, and I'll give you an example in the minute you actually enhance the credibility because you say something like the lines off before I share this with you. I want you to know a couple of things. This is not for people who want to sit in the fence. This is not people who want to fly kites. This is not for people who don't want to put in the work. So you make them feel that they are none of those things and that they are part of your small group on, then, having taken with them through this, this is not for you. If sequence, then you can go and introduce them to your product. So by taking them the through those stages, you're bringing them along with you on making them feel part of the exercise. And therefore they are hanging on your every word and they're ready to receive more information from you. They don't feel as if they're being sold to, because if you try and then turn around so well, let me flog this product to you, then they're really going to switch off.
12. Summary and Activity Core Content and Transition to the Pitch: I want you to pause at this point and do some drafting because I think it's gonna be very helpful if you put together your outline core content and your transition to the pitch. And I provided you with a little scripting tool for this. But I think the main purpose of this will be to actually set out the key points that you're going to cover in your core content. The transition of the picture I've given you more helpful. But as I've already explained, the core content really is down to you. What you're going to present in your webinar in this section on how you're going presented , I really can't anticipate except I've given you some guidance. So use the scripting tool used the presentation template that I've already provided you with on start to sort out that the material that you want to present to really wow your audience on Don't forget. Make sure you over deliver. Make sure you give them your very best content. So take a break. Now, Andi, do some drafting so that you start to put your webinar together in manageable chunks and you don't leave the whole thing to the end
13. Introduction to Pitching and Beyond: Now we're really in the home straight, and I want to introduce this section, which is all about the pitching part of your weapon, are and what comes after that. So what you need to do now is to go through this section which talks you through the quite complex steps involved in how you picture put out. And you do need to get these steps in the right order on to do them and deliver them with some finesse and sophistication as well as confidence. So I've really gone into a lot of detail on this on then. Also how you handle the step beyond that, which is effectively the quick Q and A on their some riel, uh, good ideas and strategies for handling the Q and A correctly to make sure you get the best possible results from your audience. You give them lots more value, but you also hopefully convert more of them to buyers. So that's what this sessions all about. At the end of it. As ever, I want you to get your WEBINAR presentation out, get stuck into it on really build in the content I have shared with you into the template and make it your own. So that's the final section of the course. Teoh, the get your pitching right to get your webinar presentation near to a final draft as you can.
14. Delivering Your Pitch: Now I want to take you through the detail off how you deliver your pitch. And obviously this is one of the most vital parts of your whole Webinar. So I'm gonna take you through it step by step. The first thing you must make sure is that you don't sound like a salesman. It's really important that your audience believe, as you should in your own heart, that you aren't there because you care about your audience on that. Your solution. Your product is going to make their lives better, more successful, more profitable, whatever it is. But you are genuinely there because you are there to help them. And yes, you put a lot of work into it, and therefore you're perfectly entitled to ask for money in return for your hard work. The other thing is, don't make the mistake off making an obvious transition. You just want to keep the flow of your webinar going. But you are moving now from a step where you have set them up for the pitch on. Now you're actually going to be taking them into it. The first thing to do is to reiterate, explain if you haven't already done so why you created the product you've created and this is to solve. You know, off all the experiences that you've bean through, you are. Now you realize that what you're you've learned and what you've discovered cash. You help other people, and therefore you put it into a form on into a product form that is gonna make it very easy for them to replicate the success that you've had. You must explain and agitate. You know, you gotta rattle up the ante here. The pain or the problem that your put out solves again, reinforcing inside them the sense of discomfort and disquiet about the pain they're suffering on explaining why they can solve that pain by having your product. Obviously, as ever, you focus on the benefits, try to understand what it is your audience needs most, and then put that into words tied up to the benefits of your product. Then you have to go through your products step by step, and you need to spend some time during this. It's worth spending a slide on each key step of your presentation. And if this takes five or 10 minutes, then so be it. You must make them really understand the depth and the complexity off the quality product that you are putting in front of them so that they really understand what they're going to get for it. Take them through each component, explain the core features and alongside the features, time to the benefits. Explain to them what it's going to enable them to do, and for each step, a sign of value so that you're building up this value pyramid that you're going to then deal with once you've got to the end of this phase. So at the end of that, you then can show them that the total value of all this amazing content that you've created for them is X $1000 whatever it is. But it's the some of the steps, the value steps that you just explain. So you've stacked the total price and you've given them something that they think Well, yeah, this might be quite a lot of money, but they should be blown away by the quality of the content that you're offering them because you need them to understand that if they take action now, if they invest in themselves, then your you know they're going to be successful and then having made that explanation, you've given them the total price you've reinforced the you know what they're going to get . If they take action, then you can reveal the webinar price, which is going to be presumably something like 50% of the price. You just stack them to so they believe the contents. Amazing. They thought the price was probably OK. And now you're telling them they can just a this particular weapon are get this amazing content for a lot less than they initially thought. Now you make this absolutely irresistible By delivering and revealing your bonuses. These bonuses must be consistent with the product that you're selling. They must reinforce the learning curve of the product you're selling. But you should also add scarcely my making clear that they're only available with this product if you buy the product to night or maybe within the next 24 hours, however you want phrase your buying cycle again for each bonus explained the content, the benefit, the value off that bonus on the fact that it's free tonight if they take action on they invest in themselves at this point you need to insert your clothes now. I'm going to go into the clothes a bit more in the next video, but this is where you hit them with the clothes, and there's a little bit of art to this. But I want to specify specifically cover it separately. So this is where the clothes goes in. We're going to look at it in the next video. Then you reveal your guarantee. You explain to them that if they're not entirely happy, then there's a no quibble. No questions asked. Money back guarantee. I give 30 days. I think that's plenty of time for digital product. Some people give more. I wouldn't recommend giving less. You need to give them a good reason why they need to take action tonight. So you need to create some form of scarcity, and it could simply be that you're going to take the bonuses away. You could be taking the price up. You won't get amount that probably that price for longer than 24 48 hours, whatever it is, but they can't be given the impression that they can get ahead and buy this product at any time in the future. They either take this opportunity now or it passes them by. So now you go into your first call to action, and this has to be a very precise explanation off exactly what steps they need to do to end up buying the product. And if that means you will take them through a PayPal process or whatever it is, then you need to explain to them exactly how it works. And at this point, you put your sale, but not where they can click on the the button to go through and initiate the purchase process on that button, then remains on your webinar screen for the rest of your webinar, so people can click on it at any time, and that's really important. Once you've done that, you should then take a step back and you want to give them a bit of time to mull over and make their buying decision. But the best way to do that is to recap everything you've covered in the webinar and to summarize. So go through the content of the benefits on what they discovered in the content, go through the product on a fairly high level. But reiterate the pain. The problem it solves the benefits are get from it and do the same with the bonuses. So you're what you're doing is you're reinforcing the positive message to them and giving them some time to make their decision about whether they should buy. At no point in this process are you pushing them to buy your product. So sorts of things you're saying is, if you want to achieve this, this is what you're going to get, and this is what it's going to do for you. This is the message that you're reinforcing said that they're thinking, should I buy? Should I get off the fence? And you want to make sure that they do have time to mull it over if you want to. At this point, you can help to tip them, and you can offer them an additional bonus that you haven't announced yet. Now, this is not the bonus that you promised them right at the beginning, which you're going to give them a the end of the Q and A. This is a next RA bonus to encourage them to make the purchase. Now you give them their second call to action Andi again, you rich reiterate the precise instructions they need in order to make the purchase so that there's absolutely no ambiguity in what they need to do. And when you're designing this process, you need to make it as simple and as easy. Obviously, for them to do that as possible again, remind them at this point after you had that second goal, traction off the risk reversal. Remind them of your guarantee. So you just pop up another slide, reiterating the guarantee. And if you want to, you can wrap up this thing section and effectively the end of your webinar with a case study, because this helps tow them to believe that they can actually replicate your success. Then you have your third and final call to action again with precise instructions. Then forget your your purchasing button, your buy. Now Button has being up on the screen the whole time, and then you can move to questions and answers on. We'll talk about how you deal with questions and answers in a separate video, but that is the step by step. Process off the pitch and effectively you're talking about at least one slide for each point I've made to you. But when you're explaining your content in detail than each portion, each module, the step of your content, needs to have its own slide. And it's worth spending, you know, probably is about. This is dissection probably at least 15 minutes off your at one hour webinar and possibly 20 minutes. You do not want to rush the explanation off the benefits of the product that you are delivering to them. You want them to really understand it in depth so that they are completely blown away by the quality off the product you're offering them. So that's how you deliver your pitch. It is a formula. It is a process. You do have to follow these steps step by step in this order to make it work. I wish you a lot of success with that. I'm sure you are going to be base successful with it, too.
15. Mastering the Close: I want to spend a little time now talking to you about mastering the clothes. This is the crucial little piece of scripting that you put in when you actually transition your audience from the point where you told them everything is there for them to have and you want them to actually make that buying decision. So it's just before the court action. But you need to set them up in a way that they actually recognize that they have a choice. And the choice is between either taking action now or doing nothing on the whole point about this is that they need to feel they emotionally need to feel that they're making the right decision. This isn't a convinced them with facts and figures. This is a an emotional cell, so you put them in a position where they are. They really feel inside themselves. They're making the right judgment. They're actually doing what they think they should be doing. You do not at this point asked them to buy anything. So this isn't a a selling exercise. This is a much more subtle process than that. You give them basically to alternatives. Show them that there is one alternative which leads nowhere on that. There's another alternative buying your product or service, which leads to success. And that's how you position them. You need to create that contrast so that they feel they have a simple do or no do decision . Yes, no bilateral, you know, take one route will take the other, which really makes it very simple for them. And if you've done everything else up to now in the webinar, then taking them to that point where they say right, okay, So either you know you do x or you do why? It's a simple as that make your mind up time. And by creating that contrast between those who will do and succeed in those who will struggle, then you are setting them up to realize that the right decision is to make the investment in the product, and therefore it makes it much easier for them to feel that they're making the right decision now in order to help you with this because this is so important to get right, I have created three scripts for you. Now, these are not original scripts of mine. I have looked at lots and lots of scripts and I have adapted and adopted on. There are lots of different wasting us, but I've got three scripts for you which we hope will help you, and I encourage you to adapt them into your own way. They've got to feel that they come from you because it's really important that at this point in the webinar that you get people that simple point where it's yes or no, and they have to make up their mind. And they they feel that the yes decision is the right thing to do, and without telling them overtly to their face, you make them realize that the no decision is the wrong decision. So the first of these scripts is two options, and it's very simple here and this one, you set yourself up as saying, Well, I had two options when I created this presentation. I could have giving you all this value and then gone away, or I could have given annual this value and then actually set you up for success, and that's what I have done. So this is why I've done it this way, and this is what you're going to get out of it. The next one is the old habits. Die hard approach, where you're basically saying that most of you tomorrow I likely the slip into the old habit of doing nothing. And the only way to break that habit and to break the pattern off not being successful is to actually take action now. So I want to help you break that habit. I want to help you more success be more successful. I don't want you to be back in the old habits off during nothing, which is what you'll do if you don't take action tonight. Therefore take action by the product and the third script is about disposable income. And this contrasts those who spend money on things which are ephemeral, which go away, which create no value on those where you make an investment in yourself, which creates value and adds to greater wealth down the road. On the contrast is maybe even more stark using rich Dad, Poor dad, you know the famous book. So there are three scripts. They're attached. This pdf's to this lecture. They will make it, I hope very clear to you how you script this particular part off your women are because is absolutely critical that you set people up in their minds to make the right decision. When you give them the chance to buy your product or service, make sure you deliver this with sincerity. Don't read out. There is a script, but you've got to deliver it as it comes from the heart. You got to deliver it as a relaxed piece of conversation, something Europe's of believing. You can't just read this out to make sure you get your delivery right. So that's a very specific lecture about mastering the clothes effectively. It's one lecture covering one slide, but I'm sure you understand why this is such an important point and why I really want to help you to get it right.
16. Optimising the Q&A: Let's spend a little bit of time now talking about the Q and a session on how you can get it right and maximize your sales in the time that you have available for this phase. I guess the first question you're probably going to ask me is, how long should you allow for Q. And A. Well, I would go back to what you said at the beginning, and you will probably have said something along the lines of, Well, I'll be available for 15 minutes Q and A at the end. But when I would actually do is allow the Q and A to take as long as it takes. So be prepared to spend maybe even as much as an hour, maybe even more. If people have still got questions on their hanging on and they're interested enough to ask those questions, they are potential customers. You've gone to all this trouble. It seems silly to cut it short. So although you may have announced a 50 minute Q and a session because you want to give people a very clear idea how long the webinar is going to last, if there are more people asking more questions than I would stick around with them and work with them because you will get sales from it. So the next point is, how do you answer a question? And there is a very simple little formula again, toe answering questions the right way. And this is what it is. First of all, name. Check the person who's asking the question So you're giving them public recognition. It's always great to hear your name called out. They'll appreciate it and will encourage more people to ask questions. Secondly, repeat the question. There's two reasons to doing this. Want to give you a little bit of a time to think about your answer? But it also helps people who are listening in to understand which question you're answering , because it may not be obvious to them. Which question you've selected from the many being asked that you're going to then would give an answer to. So I repeat the question and, you know, give the person a compliment about the fact that it's a good question on how useful it is. Then go into your answer, and however you answer it, make sure that you relate your answer back to the product and explain how it ties in explain that they could get more information from their explain that it's a really complex issue. You can't cover it all in the time now, but it is something that's covered in depth in the product. So make sure you're constantly referring back to the product, reminding them why they are there. This is not really supposed to be a, you know, brain dump from you, said people to get all the answers. The idea is when they're not sure about something and they need clarification on something you provide that clarification about what? But you don't go into the how you point back to your product and explain. That's where they need to find that at some point. And I would recommend it's probably after whatever time you said the Q and A would go on for. So maybe it's that 15 minutes you then deliver your extra bonus and congratulate them for staying on this long. Tell him you really appreciate all the time they're spending with you. You really hope that had a lot of benefit. You want to reward them for that, Andi. Therefore, here's the unannounced spent bonus, and it's your put up a link, and somewhere they can go and download something for free very easily. Doesn't have to be anything major major. Too complicated. Maybe it's a check least maybe to cheat sheet. Whatever it is, now is the time to deliver it. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of your Q and A because I think you need to go on about it so you give out. You give out this point about 15 minutes, but you can still carry on with your cure in A until people are have edible. Their questions answered on. Don't forget to give shoutouts to people as they buy. So congratulate bill from Kentucky for buying the product. Thank you very much. Really look forward to working with them going forward on If you're continually getting purchases and you're continually giving shoutouts to people one. You're rewarding them for making the purchase. But much more importantly, you're delivering the social proof that there are a lot of sales going on on. It'll upped the ante with people who might be a little bit worried about missing out, and you should just carry on your Q and A for as long as you can, as long as there are people who were there who want to ask questions, and then you can wrap it up nicely. Thank everybody for their time. Look forward to seeing you again very shortly again, either in the course or in another. Webinar on. That's really how you handle the Q and a session on. If you do it that way, then you're going to keep people engaged. You're going to keep people thinking about your product. You're going to get them to appreciate that will be appreciated when they make a purchase. When they make an intelligent comment. And the longer it goes on on, the more questions you answer, the more products you will sell. It's very simple. I hope you found that helpful.
17. Summary and Activity Pitching: Now that we've come to the end of this section, I think you'd be a great time to take a break on to do some drafting on your pitch. Now, this is going to take a little bit of time and a little bit of work to get right. So the sooner you get the first draft done, the better. Ondas your patching together the components of your webinar. By creating the draft step by step, you'll find it much easier to put the whole thing together. Now I have provided you with a scripting tool. Again. It's the key heading points that you need to use on. Of course, you've got the presentation template, which in this particular area is really quite detailed. So I strongly advise you. Take a look at that. Andi convert that, perhaps as your preferred way off, drafting out your your webinar pitch. I don't forget to use plenty of images. Mix it up a bit, making interesting to get stories in there, but also keep plenty of slides going. Make mawr content than you actually need. It's always easier to edit it down later, but also by keeping plenty of content at this point, you'll keep the momentum on the flow off the whole webinar Moving forward. Don't forget as well that from the moment you deliver your first quarter action, you keep that by button up on your webinar screen. Now you can put it in your size to a certain extent, but you want to make sure there's always gonna be there in your webinar software so people can start hitting that button on buying. So it's a really important part, Although it's not directly part of the presentation. You must remember when you're putting your webinar together that it's going to be available . So that's what I recommend you do now. Spend a bit of time drafting out your pitch, and you're gonna be in really great shape to put your whole webinar together at the end of the course.
18. Bringing it all together: Let's talk now about bringing all this together. At the beginning of this course, I showed you some of the essential elements off a webinar. I wanted you to understand that there was a real structure to the way Webinars Air delivered. It's not just somebody getting onto a presentation online for 45 minutes an hour, an hour and 1/2 on waffling his way through and then having to flog something at the end of it. So there is. There are some very deliberate components in a very specific order, and I thought this would be a very easy introduction toe help you to understand what these components were. Then, in the first major section of the course, I've taken you through the detailed anatomy off a webinar so that you can understand how these components fit together in a bit more detail before we really do a deep dive. And again, I hope that cemented the idea of the framework in your mind, bearing in mind that there's flexibility and the ability to tweak things here and there. But when we're starting off, I think it's important that actually you do have a clear framework in position that you can work with. Then it was time before we got too carried away to have a close look at the slide deck. The presentation to see how that looks and how that begins put together. And I wanted to give you as much help as I could with this outline presentation without writing it for you which obviously I can't do. But by giving you the template both in power point and in keynote form, you're in a great position to then pick that up yourself. Change the master behind it if you want to, and then really start to make it your own. And I've tried to give you guidance through the template as to where you should be putting things that I'm talking about in the anatomy. And then in the next step, where we go into a really deep dive into some of the aspects on the components of the webinar, you can hopefully match those up as you go section by, section into the template and really bring your weapon, are into some light and to give it some structure and some meaning and really turned into a working draft. So, by doing this Hopefully you won't find your webinar drafting too much off a and overwhelm that. Suddenly you will produce 100 plus slides on how you pull that all together, and it can be quite daunting. And I hope this step by step approach has made that a lot easier. So now we're at step five where I want you to complete that draft. So you've got a working document that you can really go from, and you should have as well as your slides. I would recommend that you build a scripture, at least some prompting points below in the notes that you can then work and deliver and make sure you do bring the right content to bear at the time that you have the slights and you're bringing the right messages at the time you need to deliver them. So then Step Six is really what I want you to do next, which is actually to record a run through for yourself and see how it goes. Maybe share it with friends and ask them what they think. Maybe do a small production for just somewhere exclusive people on your list. Or maybe do it is a blab and see how that goes down and see if your audience find it useful and receptive, because what you need then to do is to work on it and refine it. And then you are good to go. You've got a working webinar that you can actually intake and start to try to joint, venture or delivered to your list or whatever you want to do with it. So I hope that really encapsulates everything we've covered. And I really hope that you are now in a position to have written your first webinar.
19. What to do next?: So you've gone all the way through this course and hopefully you've picked up an awful lot of a device. So the big question is, what should you do next? Well, what I would recommend you do is actually sign up to a few webinars because now that you've got done the course and now that you understand the detail and the sophistication off how to put a webinar together, then what I would recommend you do is go and watch Some experienced Webinar instructors deliver webinars because you should be able to pick them apart on understand exactly now what they're doing, why they're doing it and why they're doing it when they're doing it. And you should be able to learn Onda, improve your own webinars by seeing really experienced Webinar instructors deliver that presentations. Now one of the ways you can do this is to sign up. You don't necessarily have to turn up to the webinar. I shouldn't be saying this because it's obviously came not going to help the people delivering webinars, but wait for the replace to come out and then using something like screen floor camped Asia or any screen recording software. You've got, then, you know, maybe at the end of the afternoon, before you know, you go to supper, just set the webinar playing and recorded on. Then you can come back to it in your own time, and you can stop and pause it and and have a look and see what he's doing and make notes. I am not suggesting for one minute that you copy what other people they're doing. But what I think you can learn is how they do it and learn some of the subtleties of their language and the phraseology. Because I do believe you should Scripture webinars, but you should still be able to deliver them naturally. And watching and learning from people have got a lot of experience. Delivering them, I think, is a really good way to accelerate your own improvement. So very simple. What I recommend you do now is to G O and sign up to a few webinars and then go and record them on, then work through them and see what you can learn from really experienced webinar presenters.
20. Summary and Wrap Up: Well, here we are at the final lecture in this course on. The first thing I have to say is congratulations. Well done for completing the course. I hope you found it very helpful. And I'm sure you've put a lot of work into it and into your webinar as well. So what do we look at? What I started off by introducing the essential framework off a webinar to you Because I really wanted you to understand. That is not a haphazard affair. There is a process and a system to delivering really effective webinars. To reinforce this, I then took you through the anatomy off a webinar. So I took you to essentially the framework. But I took you to a gym or detail and gave you a deeper insight to it. But before we jumped into deeply, I then wanted you to have a look at the presentation template because creating a weaponize obviously matter of creating both slides on script on. I wanted you to really have a chance early on to start to put your own webinar together and provided you with the templates for that and also provide you with lots of detailed notes and advice on how to design your presentation. Then we took a deeper dive, step by step. We worked through the hook and the introduction, taking into lots of detail for that which simultaneously I encouraged you. And I hope you did it to build this information into your weapon, our template as you went into your draft presentation as you went. Then we looked at the core content, which is really down to you. But we also looked at the critical bit, which is the transition to the pitch Really, really important. Then we looked at the picture itself, which is a complex, step by step process which you do need to understand and be able to deliver very naturally . But you must get all the component parts of it. And I also told you about the Q and A session. So that was the framework off the course on. I hope you've been able to use this to really put together your own webinar presentation step by step. That is the whole objective off the course to make it as easy and a simple to guide you through this process as possible. It's a matter of getting your slide design correct and writing your script and then being able to deliver that script naturally. And I've been trying to arm you with as much information, with its many tools, with as many downloads as I can to make that possible for you. But you might still need more help. You may still have further questions. There may be things I've left out that's always possible, but I'd be delighted to hear from you. You can email me, I'll give you the email in a moment. Or you could just messenger me through the messaging system. But do ask questions if you want to start a discussion thread in the discussion panel. Always delighted to hear from you. My email is John J. B D Cali dot com and always happy to hear from my students. And I do my best to reply to you as quickly as possible. Essentially, I am here to help you, and I really want to work with you and to share my experience with you. So let me know how you get on. I really looked forward to hearing from you on particularly I can't wait to see the webinar you create that you've being able to put together as a result of this course. So thank you very much for being brilliant working with you on. I really look forward to seeing you again very soon in another one of my courses.