Webinar Success Part 1 - How to Design a Webinar From Scratch | John Colley | Skillshare

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Webinar Success Part 1 - How to Design a Webinar From Scratch

teacher avatar John Colley, Digital Entrepreneurship jbdcolley.com

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Skillshare Webinar Success Course Introduction


    • 2.

      Webinar Course Introduction


    • 3.

      What a Webinar is NOT


    • 4.

      The 17 Essential Components to a Webinar


    • 5.

      Webinar Project Using the Template to Create Your Outline


    • 6.

      Why Do Webinars in the First Place


    • 7.

      Simple 15 Step Structure for a Selling Webinar


    • 8.

      How Can I do a Webinar if I don't Have a List


    • 9.

      Five Basic Webinar Mistakes to Avoid


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About This Class

Webinar Success Part 1 - How to Design a Webinar From Scratch


NO!  They are not!

Webinars are a complex, carefully crafted sales presentation!  

But if you know how, anyone can do them! - Yes Even YOU!

By the end of this course you will be able to design and outline your Webinar which will be every bit as good as those created by experienced experts!

Why am I so confident of this?  

Because Webinars are:

  • A Formula  
  • A System  
  • A Framework 

I will share with you step by step so that you can discover the key components, and the essential order in which you must deliver the content

This Course is entirely focused on creating an outline of your Presentation itself.  This is the most difficult and valuable component of a webinar.  Without this all the work to put a webinar together - which is essentially logistics - is a complete waste of time!

In this Course you will discover:

  • The Essential Components of a Webinar
  • In more detail, the Anatomy of a Webinar
    • The Welcome
    • The Hook
    • The Introduction
    • The Core Content
    • The Transition
    • The Pitch
    • Questions and Answers
  • How to create a Presentation - starting with provided for you Templates

Why do Webinars?

If you are not sure whether you should be doing webinars, then lets deal with this issue first, or there is not much point in you enrolling in this course.  

Here are 10 good reasons why you should be doing webinars.

Simple 15 Step Structure for a Selling Webinar

This is a highly simplified structure for a selling webinar.  The point of this is to show you that webinars are made up of a series of deliberate steps and components that are put together in a specific order to achieve the objective of the webinar, which is normally to sell something.  I share this with you so that you can start to watch webinars and look for the structure the presenter has created and understand why he has created the structure in that particular way.

But How Can I do a Webinar if I don't have a List?

Many entrepreneurs are worried about hosting a webinar because they don't have a large enough list.  What if I market my webinar and nobody comes? Well, here is the answer.

Five Basic Webinar Mistakes to Avoid!

I want to highlight five basic errors that you should avoid when you put on a webinar.  These are simple mistakes but very often made by inexperienced presenters and I don't want you to lose sales by repeating these mistakes.

I am really looking forward to working with you to help you to create successful webinars!  

See you in the Course!


Webinar Courses From John Colley

Webinar Success Part 1 - How to Design a Webinar From Scratch - https://skl.sh/2f1GULe

Webinar Success Part 2 - Understanding the Anatomy of a Webinar - https://skl.sh/2oY5Jrt

Webinar Success Part 3 - Designing Your Webinar Presentation - https://skl.sh/2trOlBP

Webinar Success Part 4 - Step by Step Guide to Writing Your Webinar - https://skl.sh/2tPGDS1

Webinar Success Part 5 - Delivering Your Webinar - https://skl.sh/2OYoFUJ

Webinar Success Part 6 - Marketing Your Webinar - https://skl.sh/3aS5GpE

Webinar Marketing Unwrapped: The Key Steps To Creating A Successful Webinar - https://skl.sh/2FniK7h

Webinar Marketing Sales Funnel Blueprint - https://skl.sh/2RkTW7n

Webinar Marketing - How to Create an Effective Email Marketing Campaign - https://skl.sh/2MQ51gf

Marketing Courses

Digital Marketing Blueprint - Design Your Own Digital Business - https://skl.sh/2VLbk6b

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John Colley

Digital Entrepreneurship jbdcolley.com


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Here is a little bit about Me...

Cambridge University Graduate

I have a Bachelors and a Masters Degree from Cambridge University in the UK (Magdalene College)

Master of Business Administration

I graduated from Cass Business School in 1992 with an MBA with Distinction and also won the Tallow Chandler's prize for the best Dissertation.

British Army Officer

I spent nine years as a Commissioned British Army Officer, serving in Germany and the UK in the 1980s, retiring as a Captain. I graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Britain's West Point) in 1984.

Investment Banking Career

I have spent over 25 years working as an Investment Banker, advis... See full profile

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1. Skillshare Webinar Success Course Introduction: hello and welcome to my webinar success course. I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to the whole cause. The first question I want to ask you, though, is. Are you doing webinars? And if the answer is no, then pine. Thanks. Question has to be. Why not? It is, without doubt, one of the most effective on and profitable ways of marketing online. It's amazing for teaching because you don't have to sell it all. You can just give an amazing teaching lesson that could be very engaging. And if you set it up right, it becomes very easy for students and for people to find your webinars and to watch them for free without you having to do anything else. And, of course, it's amazing for selling, and it's particularly good for selling higher ticket items. So if you're interested in during that, you definitely want to take a look at this. Now. What I have put together here is a six part course on it's really designed to be particularly comprehensive. Now I have broken it up into six parts in order to help you here on skill share to make sure that it fits into this 60 minute area. There's an awful lot in this course Onda. Therefore, just taking it step by step, I think, makes it easier to digest. The six different parts of the course are shown here. We're here in part one, which is the overall introduction. How to design a webinar from scratch. In Part two. I help you to understand the anatomy anatomy off a webinar in Part three. I help you to design your webinar presentation on. Then we dio into Step four step by step to guide to writing your webinar, which is actually really important as what is getting the slides right? Part five. Logically enough, we follow on with delivery and then in Part six, it's how you go about marketing your webinar. Now this course is for anybody who's interested in digital marketing whatsoever because it really is a core piece or should be a core piece of your marketing effort. So anybody who's gotten online business and frankly, it's for anybody who wants to take their social media marketing to the next level. So I really hope you enjoy the courses a lot in it. I've got lots of projects for you if you're interested and you've got questions for me than definitely post them on, I'll do my best to respond to them on. I really hope that this will help you to achieve spectacular results. So until the next course, I look forward to seeing you in this. I really hope youll enjoy working through it with me and that you will do particularly well afterwards. So this is just the introduction to the whole of my six part webinar success courses here on skill share on. I hope you're going to find them particularly useful for your business. 2. Webinar Course Introduction : Hello and welcome to this course where I'm going to show you exactly how to design a webinar from scratch. My name is John Colley. I'm an instructor, a podcaster, a speaker and a blogger on I. As you can see it being very active online. And so why did I go and create a course about Webinars? Well, if you bean looking at your inbox recently, you will have noticed that you are getting invited to Webinars, probably incessantly on. There's a very good reason for this Webinars can be extremely profitable. But the big question is, where do you start? Because webinars are not quite as easy as they seem. And what I want to do is show you how to design your weapon are from scratch. So you have the right structure and the right framework from the word go on. Then you'll be able to build it up consequently, But in this course, we're just going to concentrate on getting that weapon. All right, I'm going to show you the outline framework of the webinar, and I'm gonna give you a template and take you through it, step by step so that you'll be able to in the project, create your own webinar, or at least get the outline of it so that you can then take it forward. Because once you've got that framework in place, then you'll be in a great position to create the weapon are itself. So who should take this course? Well, basically anybody who wants to deliver a webinar without stating the obvious. But if you're interested in Webinars, you've never done them before then this is a fantastic place to start or maybe already doing webinars. But you've never really gone back into the sort of the detailed understanding off the structure in the framework. In which case, I think you're gonna find this really helpful. And at the end of this, you should be able to design and draft your webinar from start to finish right from the pre slide all the way down to the Q and A so you'll have that whole framework in place. And I hope you're gonna find this particularly helpful on. I really look forward to working with you in this course to help you create your webinar from scratch 3. What a Webinar is NOT: Hi, it's John Colley here. I want to talk to you very simply about what a webinar is not. I guess the first question to ask you is how maney webinars have you actually bean on? Not how many of you done but how many of you actually being on how many webinars of you sat through the whole thing listening to the Webinar, enjoying what the guy has to say working through it and maybe at the end, buying something from him, asking some questions, being really entertained and all the rest of it. Now what you might think is that he just hops on or she just hops on. Andi starts to deliver and chapter you and he's got some quite nice slides and it's all based straightforward. But it's not the beauty about Webinars. And I say that because it means that if they can do them, you can do them. The beauty about Webinars is that there is basically a formula to them. There is a system to them. There is a structure to them. And once you've bean through this course, you will be able to watch a webinar on takeoff each segment as it comes and understand exactly why the Webinar presenter is presenting and saying what he is saying or what she is saying on why they're saying it on, why they're saying it. At that point in the webinar, there is a framework which I'm going to introduce you to in this course, which means that you can do exactly what they are doing, and you can probably even do it better. So what? I want you to understand these a webinar is not a haphazard online event. It's something that's very carefully prepared on. Very carefully planned on the beauty is, Once you learn how to do it, it's actually very easy for you to do yourself. The hard work comes in creating your 1st 1 After that, it gets a lot easier because you can reuse Ah, lot of the material that you create your first webinar in future webinars. So a webinar is not haphazard. A webinar is highly structured, very systematic, and it's something that you can do 4. The 17 Essential Components to a Webinar: let me share with you the 17 essential components off a webinar Now, although webinar looks like a very easy thing to deliver, one of the critical things you need to understand is that it does have a structure. It does have a framework, and what I want to do is give you an overview summary. There's a lot more detail to this to come, but an overview summary off what a webinar structure looks like by highlighting 17 essential components of a webinar. Now it's not enough just to take this and deliver your webinar on that because as your as you'll see if you follow my course all the way through, there's a lot mawr, complexity, subtlety, nuance to putting together an effective webinar. But to start with, I want to get this framework fixed in your mind. So let me show you. First of all, there are the six key components. There's the welcome, the hook, the introduction, the core content, the pitch in the Q and A. And you could say there's a pre webinar element as well. But I don't want to confuse you with that. At this point. I just want to focus on the key components of a webinar. So let's take a look now and see what's in the welcome. You do have the priest are elements that we've sort of captured that on. Then you have to have the title, which is really, really critical. And then you need to have a clear agenda. You need to set an expectation of what the webinars gonna container, how long it's going to go on for. Then you need the hook on the hook is basically the the big promise. The what? The attendee off the webinar is going to get out of the webinar. The key benefit the life changing breakthrough they're going to get if they stick with you all the way through on this couldn't take you about five minutes to communicate, even though there's only one symbol on it on this diagram, then you have the introduction, and this is 7 to 10 minutes. But this is all about introducing you. And I'm not talking about just saying hello. My name is so and so It's actually establishing in the minds of your audience that you are the authority, the credible person to take them on this journey on this breakthrough to give them this fantastic information which you're about to deliver them, which is the core promise off the webinar. But you need to be absolute credible and it's really important to do this because unless you establish that authority and that credibility, then you won't be able to sell anything to them later on, then you have the core content. Now again, there's only one symbol here. But actually this is potentially half of your webinar, and you may have eight or 10 steps and this could go on for 30 to 45 minutes. So the core content, which is really down to you, which is delivering the hook delivering the big promise off the webinar is the really core piece off winning your audience over. But you want to leave them wanting more because then you make your pitch. And again, I've highlighted out core components of the pitch because unless you handle the pitch in the right systematic way, unless you follow these steps in the right order one after the other, then your pitch won't be anything like a successful as it can be, and it may fail altogether, so you have to make a transition to the Pidge, and then you have to close them on wanting to buy your product or service. And there's a real technique to that, because it's nothing to do with selling. Then you make your offer. Then you make your guarantee, which is the risk reversal. And then you have to inject scarcity bonuses. And, of course, you need calls to action to make this all come together. And these are intertwined is actually quite a complex process. For instance, you may have three calls to action. You may have to referrals to the guarantee, but these are the key components. And then finally, of course, you have the Q and A on the way you handle the Q And A can also make a big impact on how many sales you make when you are actually doing the webinar live. So those are the 17 essential components to a live webinar, and I hope you've now got that framework fixed in your mind. And now you understand why Webinar is not just a ramshackle 20 for you know, 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes waffle through a live thing with a picture of the end. It's got a very, very its strategic, systematic, formulaic system to making it effective on that is what I want to share with you in this course. 5. Webinar Project Using the Template to Create Your Outline: Hi. Let's talk now about the project for this course, which is all about creating your outline off your webinar from scratch. I presented you here with a template. Now I'm going to make it available in pdf in keynote and in PowerPoint version, so you should one way or the other, be able to use it. Obviously, keynote PowerPoint means you can do all the changes on what this enables you to do is to basically create your outline by changing the images and also by changing the obviously the text to reflect what your webinar is going to be about. And we obviously start with a title slide. But this is the pre webinar title slide, and you need to have something in place for that. Then you have your main title slide for your webinar on. This is followed by a very brief personal introduction, so you need to say something very quickly about yourself, then set out the agenda for the webinar and explain what's going to be happening and what people can expect. The next phase is the hook. This is where you get people literally on the hook, get them interested and bought into the concept of your webinar on. This needs to be really punchy and really compelling. So you put that in there. This is then followed by the proper introduction. And this is where you really set out yourself and your credentials and your credibility. So festival Tell them a story about you share with them. You know why you've come to be where you are and how you got there and some of the struggles and really make it human and get them involved. But this is also about establishing your credibility as an expert as an authority, and you must get that in. And of course, you need to develop trust with your audience as well. And this is what you can do in this phase. Finally, it's helpful to have some testimonials and some social proof to really bring in third party confirmation off your credibility. Then the big section, which is all about the core content Now have any given you one slide for this and you need to replicate it. But basically this is the nuts and bolts the meat and drink off your webinar on. This is probably going to be 30 to 45 minutes, so you might have 20 or 30 or 40 slides here. So for the moment, just have a very so outline summary of what you're gonna covering your core content. You don't need to put all those sides out at this point. You just want to get the framework sorted out. Then you move to the pitch and there's some really key steps in the pitch and I cover them in a bit more detail in this outline because they're really important. You have to come up with a smooth transition to the pitch along the lines off. Well, you know, I'm sure you we then have enough time to talk about things as much detail. I'm sure you'd like to know how you can find out more that sort of smooth segue way to the Corbett off the webinar, which is obviously the selling from here. You make your offer to them on, set out exactly what it is you wish to sell them now, you may not at this point, name the price, but we can get into a lot more detail in other courses when we look at the very detailed structure. But in essence, you now have to deliver your offer on. There's some really key steps in getting the sale close, the first of which is risk reversal, where you basically make them a guarantee that if they don't get what they expect, you give them their money back. You need to give them some idea that there is scarcity out there, so maybe a limited number or limited amount of time for which this offer is available. But that's an important button. Then you need to press in order to close the sale. Maybe at this point you bring in some extra bonuses to make it even more attractive than they first thought it would be. Having convinced themselves it was a good deal. You now make it an unbelievably good deal. And finally, of course, you have to have calls to action. You have to tell them what you want to do, which is to go and buy. So then you wrap up your weapon out with a Q and A session, and there are different ways to do that. But that is the outline of your webinar on. I want you now to take that outline and start to create something from it that will at least give you the outline in your own mind on a framework around which you are going to build your webinar. 6. Why Do Webinars in the First Place: if you're on the fence as to whether you should be doing webinars, I want to give you 10 very good reasons why I think webinars are an excellent part of your marketing mix now. The first reason is that they're very easy to set up on for your audience. They can come onto the webinar without having to travel anyway, so there's no travel costs or time involved. They can obviously just log in on. They can connect with you straightaway, so it's a bit like having obviously a a seminar or workshop on the Web. So that's a really good advantage, and it makes it very easy for your audience to participate. By creating limited time slots, you're actually creating an element of scarcity. So you're driving your audience to actually really be proactive in turning up to a webinars on. Therefore, they're more likely to be ready to engage with you. They can't be very entertaining and memorable, but that's really down to you. You have to make them high energy and really get your point across. But if you succeed in doing that, they can be a fantastic way to entertain, amuse and ultimately work and sell to your potential audience automatically by doing a webinar. You position yourself as an authority, and you are seen as the expert on that immediately elevates you to a point above your audience and helps to set you apart. So it's a fantastic way for building your authority on aligned with that. It's a great way for boosting your brand because, particularly if you're reaching out to audiences, you don't know through joint ventures, it means that you can actually get in front of people who otherwise would not know who you are because they can be interactive. Assuming it's a live webinar, not a recorded one, then you have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with your audience. They can know, like and trust you, and therefore they're gonna be more likely to buy from you. The opportunity for real time interaction is really appreciated. If you look at by audience. If you look at the except success of things like Facebook, live on periscope, the live video is really very, very where it's at. At the moment, your audience will absolutely love the opportunity to connect with you directly and to ask you questions on. It's a fantastic characteristic old webinars, which is something you really need to make use off. They're very easy to host and set up. You've got options from trying to do them for free, using things like Google hangouts, but at the same time it with the software that's out there at the moment, they're actually very straightforward. It's all set up for you, and they're not that difficult to put together and to host. It helps you to focus on active buyers because people who have enrolled in your webinar have taken a positive step to actually come and attend the event. And if they show up there obviously interested in what you have to say, and as long as you deliver, then you'll definitely have an opportunity to sell to them. The great thing about Webinars is that they are scalable. I you can repurpose the content or as most people do, you record the webinar and then you can rerun that replay, either people who didn't turn up or indeed a later event as a recorded webinar. So there's lots of opportunity for scaling the content, so if that hasn't convinced you, I don't know what I have to say, but I think they're fantastic. I'm definitely getting into doing them. And I wanted to share all this with you so that I can hopefully persuade you that this is something you should be doing to. 7. Simple 15 Step Structure for a Selling Webinar: I want to share with you a simple 15 step structure for a selling webinar. Now this is a really basic type of weapon are, but it's a good place to start. The first thing you need to do after you very quickly introduce yourself is to set the objective for the webinar. Make the big promise. Let them understand what they're going to get from you in this webinar. Then you need to give them a very good reason. The hook for staying with you all the way through something that's going to really grab their attention. This is like a big promise, but it's also something that's that's going to really help them to understand that the information you're going to share with them is going to lead to a significant breakthrough in their life for their business, which is really the main motivational reason for them staying with you all the way through . Then you have to identify their pain. So you explain why we created the product that you're going to share with them. But what you're really doing is making them understand how difficult the situation they're in now. You're not being horrible to them. this is really selling 101 Because unless you can bring to mind the pain and the struggle of the difficulty there having, then when you present your solution, it won't have the right impact. Then you can explain why nothing else has sold their pain or problem up to now on what you're doing here here is really rattling the cage, amplifying their pain, making eat even starker that they are in a difficult hole on. Did you are the person to get them out of it? Then you can reveal the dream. This is our product on. What you want to do is to take them to the promised land, take them to the Nirvana, take them to the place where they've had the product on. They solved their pain and problem, and they can see you know what it's gonna be like on the other side. Because then you're giving them hope and you're giving them a route, a solution to solving the pain, and probably you've just bean amplifying. So then you need to talk to them about whether the product is for them and really again. What you're doing here is disqualifying people who are not going to be right for the product. But in doing that you make them feel that it's even more right for them because you say This is not for people who won't take action. I take action. It must be for me. This is not for people who want to be successful. I want to be successful. This must be for me. You get the idea. So your your experts scoping round and explaining who the product is. Not four. But what you're really doing is helping them to convince themselves that actually the product is for them then, if necessary, show them how it works. Show them what the product is. Take them through some of its capabilities, but not just its features. Really stress the benefits. Follow this up with testimonials and social proof. Show how your product or service has already helped riel people and get the real people to tell your audience how brilliant it has bean, how successful it has been, how much money they have made with it. So you're not relying on your own statements. You're relying on third parties to convince them that you have the answer. It doesn't hurt to have a live example. A case study. You might do some sort of screen demo, but you might have a video recorded or you just take them through a real life case. Study example off what it is you want them to invest in. And then the time has come for you to explain what the new way off doing things is. So what they need to do to go from where they are now to where they want to be in the future. On why you have the answer for that. And again, you explain to them why other things haven't worked. Show them the pain of the alternatives. You're going back to making them feel great because you show them the new way, and then you're putting them back in showing them the pain and the difficulty in the struggle, which they will want to get away from. You must emphasize the big benefits off what you want them to buy, what you want them to invest in and really make them understand in terms which are relevant to them. The great phrase, What's in it for me? What they will get out of it. Benefit wise and therefore why they should be investing in your product. And then you get give them another picture of the dream. Just imagine what it's going to be like when you've solved all these problems and you've got our product on. Everything is brilliant. And all this money is coming in the bank, in your family, a happy or whatever the motivational speeches. But you do need again to show them the promise land. At this point, you need to mind urgency, a reason why they need to take action now. And it could be a simple as well, you know, you're losing money every day. You don't do this. Your competition is going to get ahead of you. But you could also say this office going to gonna be available for the next 24 hours. So if you don't take it, you'll miss it. And you want them to feel that there's a reason why they actually have to do something today. And then you make the offer. Then you tell them what it is you've got for them on what it is they can invest and how much it is going to cost them. Now, this could be quite a new expansive section because you might have a series of bonuses lined up. You might want to take them through the initial total package on the price of each one, and then you're going to offer them a ah group bundle package, which is gonna be a much better value deal for them. However, you you present your offer. This is the time to make it on what you need to tell you exactly how they can buy it. But then, while you're answering questions, answers, it's the time for them to stay on the webinar and buy your product and you should name check them and tell them Congratulations. So and so you made a great decision. I'm really pleased. I was very excited for you, reminding other people that people are buying and therefore you're getting the social proof that people are getting off the fence and investing. But when you're answering questions as well, you can refer back to the product. You can give them an answer and say on we explain this in more detail in the product. So there is this simple 15 steps structure to a selling webinar. This is gnome or than a cursory introduction, but I want you to see how it's important toe have structure and tohave flow on. That, though, is a strategy to deliver late, delivering a webinar on each part of that. That component that you find in that 15 step structure is there for a reason and a purpose , and if you get them in the right order, you will deliver successful webinars. 8. How Can I do a Webinar if I don't Have a List: now you might well be asking How can I do a webinar if I don't have a list? So in this lecture, I want to show you a really simple way off putting together a very successful webinar working with a joint venture partner on it's a simple is that if you haven't got the list, then go and find people who already have a list because in return for sharing your information with their list, they'll make money. And if you do it in the right way, it's gonna be really, really easy for them to say yes. Now there are different ways of working with joint venture partners. I just don't want to highlight three of them. Just so you get a flavor of what is possible. The first way is toe have collaborators, and here you actually share in the preparation of everything. So the emails, particularly the slides, the content and all the rest of it you may even work together on put the product together that you're going to be selling. So that's a very deep relationship. Now you may simply have a joint venture partner who's gonna host the weapon. Our on. Then you're going to do all the delivering in the selling and all the rest of it. And that's the normal case when you're basically coming to him and saying, Can I present my webinar to your people into your audience in return for a commission on the deal? So that's face straightforward Now. Another way is to have a syndicate of people who basically promote your webinar but don't turn up to it at all. Andi, they will go out and promoted to their list a return. They'll have special codes so you'll concede which people they've signed up to the to the webinar, and you'll be able to share a proportion of the sales from the webinar with the people from their list who buy your product and service during the webinar. So that's another way of doing it. So there. If you like almost affiliates and on the word on that, you can actually take it a step further because you could have unopened affiliate program and encourage a wide number of people to sign up to your affiliate program for the webinar and then reward them in due course. And you can take that a step further because you might even offer them prices for the people who bring the most registrants to the webinar. So you make it a bit competitive and you give them a an incentive, which is separated from the sales of the Webinar to actually drive people to it, as well as offering them a committee commission on the sales during the webinar. So, big question. Where do you find joint venture partners? Well, it actually couldn't be easier because there are a series of Facebook group. It's and I just put a little picture up on the screen here. But all I did was went into my Facebook, and I just searched for JV partners. You might also want to search for joint venture partners, and immediately these groups came up. In fact, I've joined a couple of the more I asked to join a couple of them straight off, so that's a really good way to start. But you can't just then parachute yourself in. You need to start to build the relationships with the people in there, and maybe if you want to deepen that relationship, you can connect with them through Twitter or, indeed, message them directly and start a conversation going so they get to know you, and they understand that you're a good person to do business with. Another way to take it a step further is to make it easy for your joint venture partners to work with you. So create a package which basically puts the webinar on a plate for them. Now there's a commission percentage I normally offer 50% commissions, net commissions of any costs, but basically 50% commissions to split the the sales 50 50. But I also would want to pretend a package of ready to go e mails, maybe some extra bonuses. Obviously the product, obviously the slide deck for the webinar itself. Andi, maybe even some workbooks that could be sent out in advance. So you put together the whole package ready for them on. That makes it very easy for them to put it on very easy. Them to say yes, I want to work with you. It also shows how professional you are. So if you haven't got a list, it's not impossible to do webinars, and it's not impossible to do very profitable ones on. That's a really good outline. I hope off how you conduce that 9. Five Basic Webinar Mistakes to Avoid: I want to talk to you about five basic mistakes to avoid in your webinar process. Now, these are really, really simple things, but they can have a huge impact on your webinar if you get this wrong. The first of these is don't be afraid to sell what often happens with a novice. Particular something is not used to being online and doing life presentations is that when you move from the point when you're doing the teaching something you're very comfortable with your bay confident about and you go through the transition and then you start selling . There's a risk that your whole demeanor, your whole energy level, your whole approach changes and you move from being the confident authority to somebody who's really sort of pleading for people to make a purchase. You mustn't do that. You must maintain the same confidence you just haven't. You've just given them 30 minutes or 40 minutes of fantastic content. You've earned the right to pitch them your product or service, so don't be afraid to do that. Do it with confidence, and that confidence will come across and increase the likelihood that your audience is going to buy from you. The second point, which actually applies to anybody who's doing any sort of public presenting, gets to keep your slides simple. If you have lots and lots and lots of text on your slides, then what happens is your audience will stop listening to you. They'll zone out now. Start reading your slides so your slides need toe. Keep the number of words down to an absolute minimum, and you need to have lots of images in your slides to keep their minds being ticked over and being stimulated by what they're seeing. Now, just as a free aside here, I actually think it's better to have too many slides than too little. So if you're aiming to do a 90 minute webinar, I would aim to have at least 90 slides. That sounds like an awful lot, but if you keep the slides moving quickly, then you'll keep your audiences attention. Thirdly, build the excitement before the webinar on. What I mean by this is that you have an opportunity in the run up to the webinar to send e mails to the people who have registered with the weapon are basically reminding them that the webinars coming up. But you can also do this to build the excitement on the the buzz about the webinar and to get them really worked up and interested in what you're going to be sharing with them. You know, you can give them free content. You can send them a free video. You can send them a workbook. But if you build this spells beforehand, then you'll have a highly energized audience when they arrive on. Actually, more people will come in and actually turn up your webinar. If you do nothing in the 24 hour or 48 hour period before your weapon are, then the number of people who turn up will be much, much lower. So by building the excitement beforehand and having this this e mail connection with your audience before they turn up, you're gonna get more people there, and they're gonna be more energized when they do arrive there. Now, the other side of that equation is you must follow up strongly. If you don't do any full up, you're leaving a lot of money on the table just because people either didn't buy when they turned up or registered and didn't turn up doesn't mean to say they're not still prospects for your product or service. And if you follow up in the right way with those different groups in different ways, then you will optimize. Indeed, possibly maximize the sales are going to achieve from your exercise. So by failing to do that, you are definitely leaving money on the table. On the last point, I would recommend that you do. IE mistake you don't do is don't cut short your Q and A. You want to be there on answering as many questions for as long as it takes until people are basically exhausted. All the questions they got because the longer you stay on the Q and A, the more people will buy. And if they're on the fence and they're not sure and they've got a question they want to ask you, then they'll ask it. If you satisfy them and you answer it in the right way, which is to tie back the answer into the product, then you will increase the chances that they will actually come off the fence and buy your product. So don't just do a 15 minute Q and a session, you know make sure you've shed George your day so that you could maybe doing our maybe even longer. And the more that you answer questions, and the more you respond to your audience, then the more people will be inclined to buy from you. And don't forget when you do get a sale or see a sale, then definitely congratulate the person name. Check them on. That will give the remaining audience the social proof that people are buying, so Q and A's a vital place to earn more sales from your audience. So these are just five basic mistakes you should avoid on. If you'd handle these issues correctly, you are definitely gonna have a major, very easy, short term positive impact on the success of your webinar.