Online Course Marketing Blueprint | John Colley | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction - Welcome to the course


    • 2.

      Chapter #1 Branding


    • 3.

      Chapter #2 Website


    • 4.

      Chapter #3 Content Creation


    • 5.

      Chapter #4 Lead Magnets


    • 6.

      Chapter #5 Email


    • 7.

      Chapter #6 Youtube


    • 8.

      Chapter #7 Facebook


    • 9.

      Chapter #8 Automation


    • 10.

      Chapter #9 Free


    • 11.

      Chapter #10 Podcasting


    • 12.

      Chapter #11 Webinars


    • 13.

      Chapter #12 Funnels


    • 14.

      Chapter #13 Traffic


    • 15.

      Course Summary and Wrap Up


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About This Class

Joined Up Digital Marketing Strategy for Online Course Instructors! Do you know WHY your marketing is failing?

Discover how your Course Marketing Strategy fits into your Digital Business

How to match the Six Parts of Digital Business - Business Model, Customer, Product, Offer, Marketing and Traffic to your Course Marketing Strategy

In this course we discuss the following Strategic Steps:
1. Branding
2. Website
3. Write Epic Content
4. Lead Magnets
5. Emails
6. Youtube
7. Create a Facebook Group
8. Automate Social Media
9. Create a Free Course
10. Podcasting or Be on a Podcast
11. Webinars
12.  Funnels
13. Traffic

I will show you the importance of relationship building and how to create a system which will make your Course Marketing more successful.

This is an introductory course to get you thinking beyond "Spray and Pray" marketing

You will not discover 101 places to post coupon codes

You will discover how to start thinking like a professional marketer and how you can start to take your Course Marketing beyond selling your courses for $10 each and looking to sell them for as much as $997 which is what I am now doing.

Discover 13 critical components to an effective online course marketing strategy. If you don't know what these are and how to join them together then the chances are that your course marketing is not successful.

What will students learn in this course?

  • How to place branding at the core of your marketing strategy
  • The importance of establishing your own website which you control
  • How to market yourself as an authority through the power of content creation
  • The importance of lead magnets to attracting potential customers
  • Why email is the arterial system of digital business
  • Why Youtube is such an effective digital marketing channel
  • How to use Facebook to develop your online reputation as an expert and authority
  • Why Automation is important to digital marketing and why it’s the key to scalability
  • The importance and power of FREE
  • How Podcasting can leverage your brand with a completely new audience
  • How Funnels can enable you to organise an effective marketing campaign
  • Why Traffic is the lifeblood of your marketing

Who this Course is for?

  • Any digital entrepreneur looking to grow their business
  • Online marketers who want to understand the digital business ecosystem
  • Online Course creators who need guidance in marketing their courses

Enjoy the Course and I wish you great success!

Best regards


Meet Your Teacher

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John Colley

Digital Entrepreneurship


Exceed Your Own Potential! Join My Student Community Today!


Here is a little bit about Me...

Cambridge University Graduate

I have a Bachelors and a Masters Degree from Cambridge University in the UK (Magdalene College)

Master of Business Administration

I graduated from Cass Business School in 1992 with an MBA with Distinction and also won the Tallow Chandler's prize for the best Dissertation.

British Army Officer

I spent nine years as a Commissioned British Army Officer, serving in Germany and the UK in the 1980s, retiring as a Captain. I graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Britain's West Point) in 1984.

Investment Banking Career

I have spent over 25 years working as an Investment Banker, advis... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction - Welcome to the course: welcome to this short course on marketing strategy. In fact, it's on course marketing strategy I want to share with you at my overview off. Really? What marketing strategy is all about how it fits into digital business, on how the content of this course fit together so that you can understand where we're going to be going now. There are six key elements, in my view, to digital business. I'm the six minute strategist six points in under six minutes to explain the topic. You won't be surprised to see six key elements on those elements are the business model, the customer, the product, the offer, marketing and traffic. And you need to get all those six right if you're going to be successful with your course marketing strategy now, in this course in this series of videos, I'm going to review with you 13 steps in your course marketing strategy and take you through them so that you can try to understand some of the things you need to be thinking about. If you're going to successfully market your course, particularly doing it yourself to make a lot more money rather than just selling it for $10 a time on some while their marketplaces. The topics were to look at our branding, your website content creation, lead magnets, email, YouTube, Facebook, automation, free podcasting, webinars, funnels and traffic. But how does this all work together? You might ask. Well, if we go to the business model on, do you say, Well, look, you know, we've got the business model, your customer, the product, the offer, marketing traffic You can see. I've put in to the colored squares where these elements fit together. And if I want to make it easier for you, if we move the customer to the center on, then move this all together, you'll see that contact content and podcasting belongs there. The offer is lead magnets and free. Your marketing is email automation, webinars and the funnel. Your traffic is YouTube, Facebook and, in fact, traffic, which is misspelled. Andi, Of course, your business model is all focused around your branding and your website on. This is why thes things fit together on are important, and this is how you should be thinking about them in terms of your digital business and indeed your course marketing strategy. So I hope you find that introduction helpful. I hope you're really going to get a lot of benefit from the content that's coming up on. I look forward to work it, working through it with you on hopefully helping you to develop your own effective and highly profitable course marketing strategy. 2. Chapter #1 Branding : Let's talk now about course, marketing strategy. And before we get into some of the nitty gritty points off how you go about marketing your courses, let's talk about branding. Now. Creating your online brand is actually quite important because you need to establish yourself in the mind off your audience as an authority on this means having some consistency when they find you online. Now my brand is that off the six minute strategist. One topic. Six points in under six minutes. That's how I try to attach and attack major issues, but you can see my logo in the top right hand corner on. Trying to establish that sort of consistency or image helps people to regard you seriously as somebody who knows what they are talking about. Now, of course, this means you need to choose things like the name of your brand, which could be your own name. Of course, your logo, which you could get made up on fiber or up, work the style we're going to adopt. For instance, these videos always use the same template, so my videos have consistent styling on overseas to make sure that my website is in the bottom left hand corner, so you need to actually create a template, a palette, if you like off your design, that is going to become the outline of your whole brand image. And I'm not gonna become a brand specialist cause I'm not. But this is something that is important to bear in mind. However, it is more than just designing a color palette. What is really important when you are building your online authority and creating online brand is you have to make sure that every piece of content you create, albeit that it fits your brand. It also fits your brand mission, which should be to serve your customers. And if you'd are trying to do that seriously, then you need to know who your customers are. Andi be very clear in your own mind how you serve them. So having these things in place actually implies you would a joined up approach to thinking about fundamentally who your customer is and how you're serving them on. Then your branding helps to reinforce that message through a consistency off style, but it's also through a consistency off content, so that's the first step to your course marketing strategy, thinking about your branding and getting your branding aligned with your core mission to serve your customers and knowing how you're going to be serving them. 3. Chapter #2 Website : The next step in this strategy is to set up your own website. You need to have a home on the Web where you can build your foundations off your whole business. Now, setting up your website need not be a big deal, and it is certainly something you can do yourself. I basically went to get a word press book out off the bookshop, sat down and taught myself where press in a few hours. So it's entirely doable. Of course, you can get somebody to set it up for you. That's also perfectly straightforward. And you can find somebody on fiber who I'm sure you can pay to do that. Essentially, I do strongly recommend that you set up a WordPress blawg on Get your own domain name and think about that. It should tie into your branding on. Get your own hosting whether you do it with Go Daddy, your blue host or wherever it is. I'm not putting Philly. It links in here. I'm just trying to give you ideas. Make sure that you use a clean, modern, simple theme on the theme is the underlying framework and style off your site that you then build everything else on top off to start with. Keep your website simple, because what you're trying to do is to establish the foundations and then you can build on the overtime. You'll need a home page from which people confined the rest off the content on the site. I'd recommend having an about page or getting started page where people can learn a little bit more about you. You certainly want tohave a blawg where you can regularly post your articles. And don't forget the article's gonna have all sorts of different content in them. You want to have a Courses page which can direct your toe where of your courses are hosted on probably a resources page, which is a good place to put links to the various tools and resources that you use on which you can recommend. And if you attach affiliate links to them, you can make a little bit of extra money on the side. But this is all about starting to build your presence on the web on. This is something that you will control on did you will therefore be able to manage, and nobody is going to be able to shut it off on you. So the stories you hear about people having their accounts on different platforms band on that's their only presence online won't happen to you when you have your own website and your own account on, then you can spread out, think about Hub and spoke to the other places on the Web, the other social media platforms from your website. But that's your hub, and that's your center on the website now, as you develop your website, of course, you can make him more sophisticated, but don't worry about that. To start with, keep it simple to start with and build it gradually. Make sure that you post regularly. This is hard work to do and I accept that I don't posters regulars I can do. But I do have hundreds of articles online. Remember, all this strategy is about content and not promotion. The promotion will come when people know like and trust you, and we're trying to turn our customers into buyers, not into people down whose throats we shove promotions. So the prime objective off your blawg is to create great content where people come and they enjoy it. They engage with you, you entertain them on. Do you build your authority? And they really like what you're doing on that will then want them to get more information . And, of course, then they could look towards your courses free and paid. Make sure, of course, that you do have those courses available through your site wherever you end up hosting them . Don't try and set them up on your own site, whether you put them on you to be or that you put them on. Thank if IQ, or whether you put them on teachable. Use a platform to do all the hard work on the courses side. But you can have your courses page on your blog's where people can go and find all that content. Ensure that your blawg is kept on brand. We've talked about Brandon. Step one on your block should reflect your brand. You should focus on the core topics that you are wanting to communicate to your audience that you want to teach. Make sure you use great images, embed videos from your YouTube or from your courses and make sure you link out your other social media accounts when you post stuff. And, of course, from those accounts linked back to your blawg when you are posting on those platforms. So marketing strategy Number two is to make sure you've got your website set up and you've established your foundation. Stone your home on the Web. 4. Chapter #3 Content Creation : Step three off this course marketing strategy is all about content creation. I want to impress upon you the fact that content is at the core off everything you do, because content creation equals value indeed equals long term value. If you build a bank of great content, which will include your courses, you are building assets for the future. And, of course, you can use your older content on repurpose it and republish it and re share it all the time. Don't be afraid of using different types of media written articles, audio tracks, videos, images. Create your content holistically on with a broad range off different types of content because people will want to consume it in different ways. So I want you to think about Blawg Articles about YouTube, videos about Facebook posts, about tweets, about Pinterest images about instagram images. Now this doesn't mean that you need to go and try and be on every single social network that there is. Pick maybe two or three, certainly only one to start with and focus on that one in addition to your website and create content for it. But bear in mind that you want to create a range of different types of content so that you can use them in your courses, and you can build them out onto different platforms over time. Ensure the topic of your content is built around the topics in your niche, so don't go off piece. Everything you should you produce should be focused on your core mission of serving your customers. So that's providing education on engaging and entertaining content within the niche that you want to focus in. Now, if you want to get ideas for what to write about or what to create content on, just go into Google. See what is coming up at the top of Google. Search in your niche or search for keywords, particularly long tail keywords with lots of words in them to see what people are searching for, what they want to know more about and remember in creating or content. Consistency is better than frequency because people will want to find your content on a regular basis and they keep coming back. So do try to put together some sort of consistent schedule for producing this stuff. And, of course, if it does become a bit overwhelming, you can always think about outsourcing some of the content creation, but if you do that, I advise you very strongly to keep a grip of the quality. So I need you to have a content strategy on by this, I mean that you think about any piece of content you create in the context of all the other content that you have out there, and in particular, if you think about your content far enough ahead, you can compile your content together. After you've written a Siri's into any book, or you could build posts into some sort of free course, you could compile your YouTube videos into a course. It's by thinking about your content ahead in a strategic and a tactical manner that you can actually start using it in larger groups to create even more value for yourself. Long form Keystone articles are great ways to establish your authority with your readers, because in these articles, which could be two or 3000 words long, you're giving them great value. But don't forget to make sure that there's an opportunity for them to download a leave magnet associated with that content, which they will then want to do and will consequently sign up to your email list now. One of the main things I want to stress in this content creation strategy is this is not about promotion again. This is about building your authority on building your relationship with your customer. So many times I see instructors rushing out and all they want to do is promote, promote, promote, promote on its the surest way to turn people off. What you want to do is and I keep coming back to this is take your prospects on a journey with you where they get to know you give them lots of value and ultimately they will come to you and want to buy from you. Don't forget when you create this content, you need to market it and share it. Now I want you to think about your hub in the middle. It was different social accounts dotted round in different locations around it and lots of crisscrossing lines going all across and around this circle so that if you put a piece out on Facebook, share it to Twitter, put but something out on it about Pinterest maker noted, or put out a little block post and cross, refer people back to it. Make a comment in your linked in account and send people over to that Facebook. Use the social media sites to cross. Fertilize on to get a smudge attention to any particular piece of content that you publish on. Let me come back to these lead magnets because lead magnets are the key engaging step between turning a prospect into a subscriber on when you got them as a subscriber. It's only a further step, then to turn them into a customer. So you want to be creating small pieces of content. PdF's checklist, cheat sheets, whatever they are that relate to the larger pieces of content on. Then you give people the opportunity to download those in exchange for an email address from them. Said That's marketing strategy. Number three. We're talking about content creation and the importance off regularly creating content that will engage and inspire your prospects toe. Want to know more about you to learn more from you on, Therefore, your turn them into subscribers and ultimately your turn them into customers 5. Chapter #4 Lead Magnets : Now I want to talk to you about the fourth leg off our course marketing strategy, and that is lead magnets. In case you're in any doubt, let me explain what a lead magnet is. A lead magnet is a short but valuable piece of content that you let allow your reader your prospect, whoever they are to download in exchange for their email address. And this is the important step between somebody who is coming past and consuming your content. Who, then you capture the information from you, get their email address on that puts them on the road to developing them as a prospect. They say the money is in the list. Not entirely true, but if you don't capture this email address, then you don't have any means going forward by which you can mark it to them. I believe you should be considering having lead magnets around all your major pieces pieces of content wherever you produce a big piece of content or a piece of content that you think is gonna have impact. Find a way off, creating a short, easy to consume checklists, cheat, cheat, something like that piece of content that you can then invite people to download in exchange for an email address. This really enables you to focus on building connections with prospects who are consuming your content and think about them. Is somebody driving past your house and you managed to get their name on their registration number as they drive past, and then you can contact them in the future in the future, if you don't get that information, you'll never be able to get hold of them in the future, and you will never be able to develop that relationship. So leave magnets do by their very nature, need to be short. You don't want toe make and hold e book a leave magnet because people will want to get the message, get the piece of information, get the valuable content on, then be able to look for the next piece of information they can get from you, and that might well be something much more substantial on. They might well be paying for it. Ensure, of course, that your lead magnet is relevant to the topic around which you built the content. One should lead to the other, so there should be a complete consistency between the to ensure it's easy to consume one or two page PdF is absolutely fine. Make sure it's easy to download one of ways you can do this is to upload it to Google docks on, then just make it a link herbal, and then people can find it on Google docks, and they can download it from that very, very straightforward. You can, of course, upload it to your own website. However you do it, making it downloadable is is important, but you only allow them to download after they've given you their email address. Of course, once you've written a piece available content and you've put it a lead magnet in it. And don't forget, don't just put the lead magnet a sign up form at the bottom of your content. Don't be afraid to put it right at the top above the fold, so people see the title. Maybe there's an introductory paragraph, and then there's the opportunity to get the lead Bangor and again, maybe halfway down. So you're giving people at least three opportunities toe find and down there this lead magnet, so you enable them to download the leave magnet, which is enabling them to learn more, all consolidating the information you are sharing. They are so valuable. But you need to get this concept on board because it's a critical step to putting yourself in a position where you're building a marketing engine and ultimately that marketing engine will be selling your courses. Of course, lead magnets also build your authority. Now Robert Mardini, in his book Influence Talks about reciprocity on The importance here is that your students are seeing you as a source of valuable content on your then giving them that content for free so they feel they're getting value from them for ban you from you for nothing on that builds a sense off. Well, we owe you one because we've given you, given us something very valuable on I haven't had to pay for it, and that reciprocity then builds going forward, and it starts to put you into a position of authority. It also teaches your students or your prospects, too. Take instruction from you. When you tell them to click here and download, then they're starting to do get used to the idea off, clicking on your content and downloading it. Of course, it's only a short step from there to actually signing up for a course. So think about this is it's in more than one plane. It's in more than one level off sophistication. Not only are you helping your students, but you are also building your authority and setting yourself up as someone from whom they want to learn more information. So that is why lead magnets is so important, important, and that is why you have to use them. You have to develop them, and you must make them part of your course marketing strategy. 6. Chapter #5 Email : Now I want to talk to you about the next step in our course marking strategy on that is email. Now, if you think about it, this is the next logical step, because in the previous video we talked about lead magnets on When you get your lead, Mac and out there and somebody wants to download it, what did they do? They give you an email address, so now you have to do something with it. If it's going to be any use, it's no good having a very long collected names of emails and only just sending out stuff when you want to promote something to them because you won't get much of a response. You need to develop this relationship with your email a list. So as a result, I want you to focus on education, engagement, even entertainment. You want to make your email This people look forward to your emails. You may want to make them want toe open your emails when they arrive. It is not a promotion river. You are not creating a constant flow of promotions just flowing down at them because they will start subscribing so quickly, Gary Vaynerchuk sums it up brilliantly in his book. Jab, jab, jab, right hook, jab. Give them value jab. Give them value jab. Give them value right. Hope. Promote something. And if you get that balance where you're only promoting something when you've really got some to promote but you're spending. But most of the rest of the time, probably 80% of the time actually sharing valuable content with them, then you're going to start to build a useful relationship with your email list. You have to build this relationship. You need to get them to know like and trust you. And in this regard, consistency beats frequency every time, and I'll give you a little hint of how you can set that up in a moment. But you can take opportunities, which are very simple. So when you produce a new piece of content, wherever you produce, it just stopped them a quick broadcast email and let them know that it's out there and give them a link to it, whether it's in Facebook or whether it's on YouTube or whether it's on your blawg. And of course, if you do this consistently, then you can also tell them when you produce a new course, and maybe they'll want to buy it. Automation can be a dirty word, but I actually think automation is the key to success. If you do it right and with regard to email, I'm talking about auto responders, which all of your email service providers will enable very, very straightforwardly, whether it's infusion soft, a Weber active campaign Melcher, whichever essentially what you're doing is setting up a sequence off pre written e mails, most of which are providing evergreen content and valuable content of that on then when somebody signs up, then every week they get sent another little email from you, and you can set up 20 or 30 of these in advance. They don't have to be particularly sophisticated. They can actually just take people toe existing pieces of content that you've already got out there. But what you're doing is giving them a constant stream or value. So when you then step in and ask them to buy something, they'll already be very engaged and in and entertained by you and will want to buy something and we'll see your emails as valuable. So using email in the right way is critical to your course marketing strategy 7. Chapter #6 Youtube : Let's take a look now at YouTube because as a course creator, this is a natural place for you to be pre creating content. If you are used to creating videos, then you'll find video creation very straightforward. Not even easy, but very simple to do on. Therefore, it's easier for you to create engaging and valuable content in video format on YouTube, and your own YouTube channel is the natural place. To publish this, you can create a video from any content that you have created. In fact, just like this, put up a few bullet points, maybe take some screenshots and talk about them. But make sure you get your personality and your enthusiasm and your energy into the delivery so that people enjoy listening to you and watching you get the points across on YouTube. Consistency, as we've said before, is really important on this. Certainly Trump's frequency producing videos and publish them even if it's only once a week on a regular schedule will encourage people to come back and watch your content on a regular basis. So you have to post regularly and consistently if you want to build your audience. But don't forget it's not just about putting up boring stuff. You're there toe entertain, engage and educate. And funny enough, you are not there to promote. People don't go to YouTube because they want to buy. They want. They go to YouTube because they want to find something out, or they want to learn something or they want to be entertained. And, of course, you can't just make it a fire and forget exercise. You have to make sure that you do go back to your YouTube channel regularly on respond to people's comments. Try to keep your channel focused on your core topic. One channel per topic is ideal. Now. I don't do this, but I do have a number of different playlists on I group my videos by topic into the playlist, so at least it makes it easier for people to consume. If you have the time to run multiple YouTube channels and I don't, then it's better to actually get things one topic per channel on. Of course, you must pay attention to search engine optimization. YouTube is the second largest search engine, so you need to think about your titles, your descriptions and your tags, and you need to make sure they're properly and fully filled out, because that is going to help people to find your content. And if they find your content, they're subscribed to your channel and your followers on the people who will come back and consume. Your content will grow. It's really important, and I can't stress this enough to make sure you put a call to action in the 1st 2 lines of your description on end every video. Now this could be an opportunity to download Elite Magnet. We've talked about those. This could be links to further content on most of your YouTube content should be linking out to something else. And every now and again, of course, maybe you put up the promo video for your courses. You can link to a course, offer coupon and make an offer so promoting on YouTube is not forbidden. But it shouldn't be the primary purpose off the content you put up there. As with so much of this course marking strategy, your building relationships with prospects before you turn them into customers and you are not spending most of your time selling to them, you are spending most of your time helping them, educating them, serving them so that ultimately they'll come back and they will want to buy from you. So that's course marketing strategy Number six YouTube. And if you are creating courses, then creating content for a YouTube channel is gonna be absolutely natural for you. 8. Chapter #7 Facebook : Now we're on to part seven off our course marking stretchy, and I wanted to talk to you about Facebook. Now Facebook is a great platform that you can use to establish your authority on set out really leadership in your niche. And you do this by creating a Facebook group. Now you can create a group for one of your courses or one of your topics or indeed everything. So I've actually got a couple of groups here. So I've got my online learning Club, which is primarily my Information basin and value adding group, which has got over 1300 members in it. Andi, I don't let people promote in that. And then I've got my you to me teachable Andi. Think if it affiliates and instructors group. So we're trying to catch everybody in there, and that's where you can go and promote, and that's got over 800 members. So if you want to do anything, then definitely come on, ask to join those groups. I've also got a V i P Group for one of my courses, which is very much focused on the people in my premium very, very top end course, and that means I keep the numbers in there very small just for the people who have paid and enrolled in my top 10 course, and I can engage with them and have really interaction with them on a very direct basis. On these are all ways that you can use Facebook groups to establish your authority and leadership. So one of the first things you can do is actually invite your students to a Facebook group . Now I should add that if you're inviting you to me students into a Facebook group, you need to be absolutely sure that it is not a promotional group, and you need to check you Timmy's policies on that. You also need to be aware, as I will mention shortly about Facebook policies and staying on the right side of those. So you set up your group and you're inviting people to come in. And of course, you can invite people from the other social platforms to come and find and involving your group on people on your Twitter account and people on your email this so again, it's lots of cross fertilisation cross promotion Teoh. Increase the level off engagement amongst your community and also increase their awareness off the value that you bring. One of the important things is to have some sort of content schedule you need to turn up in these groups and you need to publish to the regularly on again being very clear about your own group policies on what you're prepared to let people do and what you are not prepared to let people do. You own the group, you control it. You set the rules on one of the most important things. I think in a group where you're trying to get value added is toe really stop people during lots of self promotion because that's what they read. A lot of people trying just come into a group and then just spam it with lots of promotions , which is going to fill up your group feed with a load of rubbish, which you absolutely don't want because people will switch off very quickly. The flip side of that is encouraging engagement. Talk to people respond to people's posts, ask questions, invite your members to share Andy by other people to come into your group. Lots of things you can do to make it vibrant, exciting and valuable for your members. Off course. Turning up regularly is a core part of that. The content schedule we've talked about do try to make use off Facebook live because Facebook will give you much further reach on this and will encourage you and reward you for doing it. If you you're a bit nervous, Liam got time to do a live recording, then record a video like this, but post it directly into the group so that people can get it. If you post it directly, Facebook will give you much greater reach. If you put simply post a link to a YouTube video that give you much less reach i e. They will show that video to many fewer people and, of course, are make sure you adhere to Facebook policies. So bringing a Facebook group into your marketing strategy and listen to what I'm saying. I'm not talking about promotion here. I'm talking about building your community about bringing people in who you engage with but who look at you as a leader who look at you as an authority who look at you as the expert they should turn to, because when they had that mindset about you. What are they going to do next? They're gonna buy your courses. So that's step seven off this course marking strategy. And again, remember, we haven't talked much about promotion. What we have talked about is establishing that foundation for you as an authority on in particular. In this video, we focused on how you can do it in Facebook. 9. Chapter #8 Automation : all right, The next step in our course marketing strategy is automation. Now, let's be honest, you can't do everything. And if you're starting out, you almost certainly can't afford to get somebody else to do it for you. So you're probably not ready at that stage to get a virtual assistant or somebody else onto your team to do a lot of the mundane stuff for you. But don't worry. All is not lost because you can still automate it. Now, automation can be a dirty word, and if you use it just a spam, then you are definitely missing the point. But you can use automation in your marketing to make your life easier on. I'm talking now about tools like who? Sweet social. Be buffer ands a pia just to name but a few. There are lots and lots off them on. The essence of this is that you can set up automation ahead of time so that things happen for you. Even in Facebook, you can schedule things toe happen over a period of time ahead into the future. You can do some things like if you want to put out a whole series of posts and Facebook. What may be a poster thought of the day you could appreciate you all of those for a month, and then you forget about them and they'll come out and happen every month. So automation is a really asset if you use it properly. Think about scheduling your posts or scheduling content to go out on Twitter so that people can be stimulated. Use a pier, which is such a versatile tool on. I haven't got time to teach it here. Toe automate. Automate a lot of your tasks. There are lots of WordPress plug ins that you can use to recycle and returns every shape we share your content. I made that correction once already, and it's still went back to reshape. You can also use the auto responders an email to set up a whole load of emails in advance. I've talked about this in previous module in this course on, you can then get those sent out automatically when people in role in your list. And of course, you can use automation to cross post and cross promote content. And this is all about trying to set up a system which you only have to turn your attention to periodically to set up the next wave of automation, and they then all happens without you having to worry about it. And, of course, you can set things up so that if you post a post, then of course automatically it gets shared and distributed to other parts off your social network on. Therefore, it makes that part of it very much easier and saves you a huge amount of time. So you really do need to put your mind around how you're going to use automation to make your life easier. It's an incredibly important part off any marketing strategy, and you have to use it strategically to its best effect, and if you do that, you can really leverage it to get great results. 10. Chapter #9 Free : Now I want to talk to you about the power off free. Throughout this sequence of videos, we've talked a lot about giving a lot of valuable information to your audience in order to build your authority on the logical endpoint of that before you move into the paid area is free courses. And that's what I want to focus on in this video. Now anybody who knows me, there's listen to what I had to say. Well, know that I talk a lot about product pyramids, and if you think about the typical pyramid is basically it's a triangle, and that's a very wide base in a very narrow top. And at the wide base at the bottom is your free content on. Then, as Ugo up, you've got Mawr and Mawr, valuable content for which there are higher and higher prices. On the closer you get to the apex, the more and more personal involvement people buy from you so they get more access to you. But your business is scalable because at the bottom they're still paying you, but they're not paying you very much, and therefore you're not giving them very much of your personal attention. so you can see how the complexity and the price develops as you get near the top. But at the bottom you have lied magnets and you have a range of free content. Lead magnets is an example, which still adds loads of value but which is free and which gets people into your ecosystem , gets people into your world and get some. Give them a chance to know, like and trust you. Now when we talk about free courses, when I'm not talking about is splintering off a section of a chapter or something on then just making that the free bit and then bringing them into the pavement. What I would recommend you do is you create something off very high value. And yes, I'm shouting it very high value content because they'll look at that and think, Gosh, this is so good. And if this is so good, I wonder how amazing the other stuff's going to be, and it will make them want toe, even mawr come to you and buy something from you. So you need to produce some very high quality content. And perhaps this course is an example. I'm decided quite what I'm doing with this yet. This course is an example where you are giving this great value, but you're giving it away for nothing. But you will. If you play your cards right, end up with the student's name on your email list because you're using this to build your authority. And if you host the course on think if it and teachable you get the student email. If you hosted on you to me, you don't get the student email. But of course, you can put an up sell at the end of your you Timmy course into the bonus later. Now I find that a lot of people will sign up for those three courses. Not many of them will move across to actually pay for something, and it's very often better, I think. To put it on, think if it can teachable and dr quality people into that, and then move them on from that point because you'll have their email Now. If you have their email address, you can start to focus on them as a student, and you can use their email address to develop your relationship with them. And, of course, that's all about email We've talked about email in a previous module and using auto responders to basically Upsell and cross sell your paid content in due course. So, typically, just to give you a very simple example, you get yours student to sign up for your free course. That puts them across a using something like J. P. A. Or a direct integration into your email service provider, where they automatically get center. Welcome, email. Then maybe in a few days time, you send them another email with a ticker, a trip or a cheat sheet or something useful. Then you send them another email with more value. Maybe it's another video. You're gonna show them whatever it is. But then the next email they get you give them an offer off some sort of coupon into a paid product, and by doing that, you are not ramming, just ramming a promotion down their throat. You're giving them a stack of value. You're showing them that you're a real authority in a real expert on. Then when they're hungry, form or you're giving them the opportunity to get a deal on, get something even better, even more complex, even more value adding but they have to pay you some money to get it. So the whole point about this course smarting strategy is is built upon a content driven, value driven, relationship driven strategy. It's not built upon simply spamming out huge numbers of coupons and just trying to see where people might buy from you, something that I call spray and pray. So that is the power off free. And that is how you can use free to develop a relationship with a student and ultimately turn that student from US free student into a paying student in due course. 11. Chapter #10 Podcasting : Now we come to the final step in our course marking stretchy, and I want to tell you about podcasting on the power off podcasting because it is really a fantastic vehicle to use for building your reputation and authority. Podcast is something I've been doing on and off for three or four years. I'm really determined to get back into it. I love doing it. It's a brilliant way to build a network with other people to interview, then bring them onto the show that make them feel special, but also learn a lot from them. But you don't have to start your own podcast. You can also be a guest on somebody else's podcast on If you can get under somebody else's focus, then you are getting your name in front of their audience. And that's a brilliant way to build your reputation out even further and reach people who otherwise would not know you. Now I recommend obviously you focus on your leash and your expertise. You can use this as I said, to build your reputation. You can either do us of interview based format where you bring people in and I'll send the questions and get them to do all the work and at the value. Or you could do a solo show where basically you address a topic, you prepare a few, not things you're gonna talk about around that topic, and basically you deliver it. Now. One of the things I do recommend you do is that you record it with video because you can then reuse and repurpose that in YouTube and on your blog's as a video, as well as using the audio track from it on. If you mix it with things like, if you recorded in screen floor or camped Asia, you can take the audio into audacity. There's there's ways of doing it. It sounds complicated. It really isn't terribly complicated on. Then you upload your content to lips in. That would be the platform I recommend you use, and you can then track it now. Mike Podcast, the online lending podcast say I'm gonna be bringing back new episodes of this this year to date has had, as you can see from this screenshot from Lips in 932,000 downloads since I started it, which just goes to show the power and the reach off having a podcast. And if that number alone isn't enough to convince you to think about using podcasting, then I don't know what will. I strongly recommend that you create some notes for your show. You have a page or a block post, which covers that particular show and if you can, on the side hustle. The Nation Show Nick Lopez Show is very good at this. You have a lead magnet for each episode. You're giving people even more reasons to give you their email and it grows your lists. And if you're a guest, the other way you can do this is have a resource to share on getting agreement that the you can either send them to your list to get that resource or if the host wants to get it, that at least they'll share that. There's email contacts with you. You're gonna make sure you do it the right way around. I don't break any rules, but, um, by having a resource, you're adding even more value. And of course, that resource can have links inside it. That will then take those people to find even more of your content. Podcasting is a fantastic vehicle. I really, really love it. It's great fun. It's amazing the number of people you reach because people can listen to podcasts when they're doing so many other things. And I listen to shows all the time. So it's something you really should give some consideration to as part of your course marketing strategy. And that's number 10 podcasting. Greatly underutilized resource. But it is a fantastic vehicle for building your reputation for reaching people and for getting them to come back and want to consume more contact from you, which is really what this course marketing strategy has bean all about. 12. Chapter #11 Webinars : I thought Video 10 would be the last video in this series. But actually, having given it further thought, I want to bring you some further thoughts on course marketing strategy. And in this video, I want to talk to you about Webinars. Webinars are undoubtedly the most effective way at the moment off selling mid to high price products. You've just got to look and see how maney webinars you're being offered by how many people who are making very good money selling products on the Internet. There is no coincidence that all the big names use Webinars to sell on. The reason they do that is because it works. They sell online courses, they sell software they sell done for you services. Now, Webinars are not straightforward. You do need to actually put your webinar together in quite a sophisticated way. But the purpose off this video is not to teach you how to do a weapon out because that video would last about two hours. The purpose of this video is to bring your attention to the importance of webinars as part of your course marketing strategy. When you deliver a webinar, you're essentially setting up your customer your prospect on a journey through the webinar , where you're taking them through various stages in order to bring them to the point that you want them to be out, which is where they will want to buy from you. So you're webinar title needs to focus on the pain they're suffering on on the benefits off the solution, your offering. So three steps to five figures with online courses of one of my webinars, and the idea is that they need to make money with online courses. They're struggling, but I've got a simple solution to get them started. Of course, in Webinars, what you do is you show them a lot of the what you show the military little of the how, and you always leave them wanting more because the idea is to teach them 12 or three key things which shows them enough to get started may be enough to make some inroads into the problem. But in order to get the complete solution, obviously they need to buy your product. You then start your webinar, and you have to establish your authority. They want to know who you are and why they should be listening to you even before they're thinking of buying from you on again. Remember the purpose off? This presentation in the webinar is first and foremost to give the value first, which has been the whole theme off this Siri's off videos. You should share your story after you've told them who you are and why you're the right person to listen to on. Do you want to explain your struggle to them because at the moment, there in a place of struggle and you want to show them that it's possible, particularly with your solution to get out off that position off pain on towards the light at the end off the tunnel. It also establishes empathy with your audience, which is one off the important influence criterias of Robert Sheldon E. You then go through the educational phase off. The women are, and this has to be really good, and you have to add lots off value on. This could take 45 minutes, you know, possibly as you go through various parts off whatever you're teaching, explain in detail, give them lots and lots of useful information on make them really feel that they're learning something really helpful. And then, of course, you come to the transition point and you're basically saying, you know, that's great, isn't it? But do you want more on at this point? You then go into the offer phase and you explain how you're gonna offer your deal. But you just don't say come. And by my course, you basically have to set them up with a deal. You have to show them how valuable your course is going to be, and then you show them the headline price and then you discount them. And that's that's to do with price referencing. So, for example, if I made an offer to you, I said, This is gonna cost your $1000. Do you think that's a lot of money? But if I first of all said, this actually is normally on south of $3000 you think that's a lot of money, but I'm getting offer it to you for $1000 you're immediately thinking, Wow, I'm getting a good deal here. I'm getting $2000 off. That's only your third, So I'm my mind is bracketing those two numbers and saying the 1000 number sounds actually quite good. Now, compared to the 3000 number, it doesn't sound like a big number. It sounds like a small number because you're comparing it to the big number. You They're not for you or for the deal, and then you need to bring some bonuses in to make the deal even sweeter. And ideally, you want to have several bonuses, the combined value of which is mawr than the entire dearly offering. So you make it a complete no brainer for them to want to accept your deal on. Then at the end, you say basically, yes. But you've got to get this now or you lose it. So you bring scarcity and to help close the sale. Now, a webinar is something that you can't just stick up. You have to actually again have a sequence, have a sale system to bring people into the webinar in order to to get them to the point where they actually want to attend. And then they're in the mindset to listen to you and then consider buying from you on. That system is called a sales funnel on. That's what I'm going to address in the next video. So that is Webinars. You really should be thinking about putting webinars together and bring them into your marketing strategy as part of your sales portfolio simply because they are so effective. 13. Chapter #12 Funnels : Let's take a look now at funnels are often called marketing funnels or sales funnels on. This is the system that you need to put together if you want to take a prospect and take them through a sales process pretty well automatically in order to get them to buy one of your courses or your products. A funnel in the simplest sense is basically what it says on the tin. It's a ah shape that has a wide space at the top and a narrow bit at the bottom, and you put in lots of stuff at the top and a bit comes out the bottom. And essentially, in this case, you're putting traffic at the top. Andi, you hope to get sales out of the bottom. But let me show you what a sales funnel looks like. And I'm gonna talk you through this in the next slide in more detail. Essentially, you're talking about a Siri's off pages on e mails that lead a prospect through a process till from the Weapon adminstration in the beginning, on the online course of the end. Now, to get people to the webinar registration page, you have to have various strategies for driving traffic to it, whether it's paid traffic or free traffic or affiliate traffic. So you have to get the somebody, maybe with an email list or you get a Facebook ad out there and you have to drive traffic through it. But I'm gonna focus on the funnel, not on how you get traffic into the funnel, which is almost a separate conversation on. We have talked about traffic earlier in this course, so let's break it down and look at it step by step and it'll help you to understand. And once I've shown you this diagram, I'm going to talk you through the process at one step at a time. But number one is the registration page. This is where your prospects go on. Do they have the chance to opt in to sign up to your website to your webinar Andi That puts them on track, then to attend the weapon out when you hold it, the thank you confirmation page Number two basically tells them that they are confirmed on there in the webinar because you want them to know that they've taken the action and it's being confirmed. But by opting in you're putting them or they're putting themselves onto your email list and you're putting them into an email automation sequence, which will deliver this series of emails on the first tee. Ball that comes out is a confirmation email, So you again send them an email confirming their place in the webinar. Then number four could be two or three or four emails. However, you want to play it on, however much time you've got basically giving them or education, giving the more value with videos in this case, their videos. You don't have to have videos, but you're basically getting them set up and getting them thinking about their problem. Andi warming them up for the webinar itself. It also increases the probability that they will want to attend the Webinar because you've given them more information and they're thinking, What if this is good? I wonder how amazing the webinars good to be. So that's your pre framing video. Number six is the attendance reminder email sequence. On the day off the webinar, you need to send them to three or four emails reminding them that the webinars happening. If you do this, your maximize your chances of getting your attendees into the webinar In very simple terms . Expect about 30% off the people who sign up for your weapon. Our toe actually attend when you hold it. This can be improved by sending out these reminders. But it's also the reason number eight. Why you then? Although you don't pre flag it, you then have a Siris of emails about the replay and you run recorded webinar replace to make sure you're trying to capture as many of the people who didn't turn up for the live web. Now may then be tempted. Teoh, turn up and watch one of the replace. And if they watch the replay, then obviously going to get the chance to check out on bio product Justus, they do in the main webinar. We're getting ahead of ourselves lining keeping with the email sequence Number 10. You then have a cart close emails because you you need to build scarcity and you need to say this is a great deal, but I'm taking it away on. Do you have a sequence of cart close emails lady up to the deadline that you promised them on? I run this on a seven day cycle, but you can run it on a 10 day or 2 14 day cycle. Or you could run the honor almost a three or one day cycle if you really want to be that aggressive about it. But you do have a series of car close emails reminding them that they offer is going away. Number 11 is the check out page. This is where they go to actually pay you. The money on Number 12 is where you deliver them, what you promised, which is the online course. But it will also include any of the bonuses you've included with the Webinar offer itself. So let's take a step back and look a bit further at this. The registration page, which is number one, has to be set up in such a way that it's very clear what you're offering when you're offering it on what they have to do to register. I tend to have a pop up box with the the opt in details in it that for them to sign up their name and their email address, there are various ways of designing it, but you basically want to keep this registration page simple all the traffic before that on any emails you sent out encourage them to go to the registration page will have done the persuading or do you need them to do is to take the action you want them to take when they get to the registration pages. So the thank you confirmation page is a basically when they click on the accepted, when they click the opt in on, they put their details into the opt in on the registration page. The next page opens automatically. It takes them to the confirmation page. It says, Hey, congratulations, well done. You're confirmed. You can also take this opportunity to give them a workbook or give them another video or give them some further confirmation or some firm but further value add, reinforcing the in their own mind that they've made the right decision. The confirmation email also goes out on confirms to them that their registered and they're gonna be in the email, but you can also then use their email to build their expectation of what's to come. I'm going to be sending you some great content before the webinar to give you even extra value on. I will be reminding you that the webinars coming up the pre framing emails, this sequence of emails on I run. Basically, I run three emails in my sequence. Um, wanna encourages them to download the workbook, and then I have to Pre framing videos gives them mawr teaching mawr education ahead of the video, which shows them they're going to get great value in the webinar on, therefore encourages them to turn up. So you get the pre framing email that has a click linking it to go to the pre framing video , which I put on lead pages page to make it very simple with an embedded video in it, and they can watch the video there on. Then they get a Siri's off attendance reminder emails. And it's so important to do this because it will get your attendance numbers up. And it's important to do this. Why? Because if one intended people attend your weapon, who attend your webinar, buy from you and you triple that number, you're gonna get three times the number of sales. So you're webinar page and your delivery page. It depends where the your during this life, in which case you could do it in something like Goto webinar or Webinar Ninja or whatever. Or you may be delivering a recorded webinar on. When I do record a weapon. I just have it on a lead page and they can. You can watch it there. You can have a chat open so people can ask questions. You can offer Q and a session at the end of the live webinar, and some point you need to have the ability on that page for them to click the buy button and go to the check out page on my recorded webinars. It comes of its hidden. They get all the teaching, and then when I start talking about the offer, then the buy button turns up at below the video, so you can do this in a number of ways. Then, once they've watched the webinar, I send out a couple of replay emails, and I'm encouraging them. If they miss the Web enough. For whatever reason, they can still go and watch the replay. And yes, they can still click on the button and check out from the replay video, which is on the replay delivery page. Then, following that sequence, there's a sequence of car close emails. I'm reminding them that this is their last chance to get the deal. To get the offer to buy the product, get the bonuses. And if they don't do that, they're going to miss out fear of missing out scarcity. This is what helps you to close the sale. And this is why having a relatively short period seven days is good because it helps to focus their mind if their minds drift off from something else than they are almost certainly never going to buy. The two other pages you need are check out page and course delivery page. And, of course, your course delivery page must also in include the delivery off the bonuses you've promised in the course. However you decide to do that, so I hope you find this helpful. This is only one type of funnel, but if you understand how these funnels work, then it's very easy for you to work them out for yourself and to put the steps in them that you want to. But make no mistake that funnels are a critical part off any marketing strategy, and you do need to get your mind around them and work out how to create them. So that's course marketing strategy Number 12 where I've been talking to you about funnels , particularly about a webinar funnel, because that ties into the previous video we've had about Webinars. 14. Chapter #13 Traffic : in this course marketing strategy video. I want to talk to you about traffic. Traffic Is the life blood off any marketing strategy? If people don't know that you've got something to offer, how on earth are you ever going to sell anything? So you need to be thinking about how you were going to get eyeballs on your systems, your funnels, your structures, your pages, your offers, whatever it is. And that's called traffic. Now I'm going to talk to you about three types off traffic organic traffic, which you should be getting anyway paid traffic, which you may or may not be using. Andi affiliate Traffic on the last one is also quite a good strategy if you don't want to go down the paid traffic route. Organic traffic is very simple to understand. It's the traffic that finds your content wherever you put it on your website. Out on social media in your online course pages, marketplaces, forums wherever you are. If you create created a piece of content, the likelihood is at some point somebody going to come and have a look at that content. Now you don't have any control over who that person is that person may be searching for something. They may come across it by accident, but they are coming across your content and they are consuming it. So the consequence of that is that you need to be telling them what to do. You need toe, have what is called 1/4 action in all your content, so that when these people find your content, wherever it is, they have an action they can take next. What should they do next? And the key question to this is, where do you want your traffic to go next? Because you don't want to necessarily stay where they are, except maybe where if they're on a landing page and they want to check out. And to understand what you should be doing, you need to be asking yourself for what is the purpose? What is the goal off that piece of content? If you've got a a big keystone post on your in a 3000 word post on your blawg, your building authorities. So where do you want to take them next? After that, do you want to take them to a course? You want to take them to more content to reinforce your authority. You need to be thinking about it. Well, maybe you want to get the month your email list. So in this case, you have some options offering them a leave magnet relevant. That content in your goal is then to get the month your email list. Of course, you may have already had the Monory Manus for a while, you may have preferred them from your email list to a piece of content on your goal may be to get some sales. So at that point, you're then offering them course, saying opportunities to buy your course or whatever it is with some sort of coupon code with some sort of discount with some sort of offer. So you you need to be treating your traffic with intent. You shouldn't just accept the traffic, is there? You need to be guiding the traffic. Having found you, what do you want them to do now? Paid traffic is slightly different because paid traffic is targeted traffic. By that I mean you have gone to the platform, whether it's Facebook, YouTube or Google, and you have basically said, I want people like this to come to this piece of content. So on Facebook, you identify an audience by a number of quite complex characteristics, and you're hoping that that is, that those of the type of people who will want to consume, and intentionally by your content on that traffic is very much focused on. Then Facebook and YouTube and Google go off, and they find people with the characteristics you've delineated on. Then they show them your ad in the hope that they then click on it and then go to your content. So in order to be effective, you need to have a very clear idea of who the audience is on. This is the tricky bit defining audiences to send paid ads to. Is the rial crux off having successful paid traffic. Now, of course, you need to have a good ad. You need to have good content, but first and foremost, if you if you pay to send the wrong people, too, to see your ad and then ultimately hopefully to go to your content, you're not going to get anywhere. So paid traffic is a great way off, building out and scaling a business, but you really need to know. First of all, that everything works on that you're sending the ads to the right people. Now, I want to talk to you about affiliate traffic because this is where you can if you like, circumvent the whole issue off. Paid traffic on what you're doing with affiliate traffic is your basically saying I will pay you if I get sales from your traffic. But I'm gonna pay you only on success and only at the end. So you don't have to pay any money out front on what you're looking for are people who have got email this predominantly or they've got a lot of their own organic traffic or they can drive their paid traffic to your ads and you find a partner who you can work with and you share the revenue from the subsequent sales. Now you can find people like this and offers like this on JV Zoo on Klink back. But even other instructors you can team up with another instructor and do a promotion. You promote his course, and they permit your course. You don't do this on platforms like you to meet you do this using funnels and using your own email list. Cross promotion to other instructors is forbidden on you to me. But if you got a course on teachable or think if it that's absolutely fine, you can do that to your own courses on. The great advantage of this is that if you can find somebody to promote your content and you set the thing up in the right way, and by that I'm talking about probably setting up a webinar and setting up a webinar funnel , which we've already talked about in this marketing strategy course. Then you can really create, um, some great sales for your products at mid to high prices. I'm talking hundreds of dollars here, not tens of dollars. And, of course, in the process, your building your own list. Because when people opt in to the sequence that also opting into your email list. So this is a great way to grow your own email list from somebody else's traffic. So do think about this as a strategy for selling your courses. It's a really interesting, away, off developing successful core sales if you don't have a list and if you don't have your own traffic, so that is traffic. It's the life blood off course marketing, and you do really need to be thinking about who's seeing your content on, why that there why they're there, what their intent is and what you want them to do next. And if you have start to think in that way, then you're thinking strategically about managing your traffic to get them into some sort of final and hopefully ultimately, to get them to buy from you. 15. Course Summary and Wrap Up: First of all, congratulations for getting to the end off this course marketing strategy course this series of videos where we've been discussing course marketing strategy. I just want to take you over what we've covered in the course on to reemphasize a few key points I started off by explaining that there were basically six key elements to digital business on DWI. We're going to cover 13 key steps in this course. On Those were the six key steps the business model customer product off a marketing in traffic. And then I showed you this diet diagram, which showed you how it all tied together. First of all, by putting the customer in the center where they should always be, you should always have a customer centric business and then explaining that the content and podcasting fitted into the content section that your offer was all about lead magnets and free in this particular course, Obviously, then, in marketing, we were discussing email, automation, webinars and funnels on in the traffic area. We were discussing YouTube, Facebook and, of course, traffic and then busy your business model. We discussed branding on the website and these air how these key steps fit together on the relevance off them. Now the main point distress here is that this is about a customer journey where you have put the customer at the center on as they enter your funnel. They need to find you like you trust you, and then they will pay you. But this means that you don't bombard them with offers that you spend time developing the relationship. A successful marketing strategy is based on trust and relationships, and it's not about spray and pray. And your notice that in this strategy, 90% of it was about developing that relationship, and only about 10% where we talking about making offers on this is the key point to get across that you do have toe have a holistic a an overwhelming, a completely complete approach to your marketing strategy. You cannot simply just stick out coupons everywhere and hope people will stumble across them and want to pay you money. You have to do that relationship building first, and that is the key and most important message to this course. And if you take nothing else away, that's the message I want you to take away. So that's it for this course marketing strategy. Course. I hope you found it helpful. Interesting stimulating. But some really good ideas into your head on. I look forward to seeing you again very soon.