1. Introduction to the Anatomy of a Webinar: I want to talk to you know now about what you're going to discover in this section, and it's all about the anatomy off a webinar. Now, in this, the introduction to the course have already shared with you the 17 essential components off a webinar. So you understand the framework that we're working with now I want to put a little bit more meat on the bones. I want to take you deeper into each of these component elements and show you the next layer off complexity below that because you need to build up your own webinars and presentations with all these minor components building up to delivering what you need to communicate in order to persuade your audience on the webinar to eventually buy from you. And it is quite a complicated process. But I want to keep it simple and straightforward and easy to understand. So we're taking it to the next level. Now we're going to take it to another level of depth, another level of detail, and you'll begin to understand how these elements start to flesh out and how they connect together, because both of those elements are very important. So this is gonna be all about understanding in more detail. The anatomy off a webinar
2. The Anatomy of a Webinar: I want to explain to you the structure and the anatomy of a webinar so that you have this framework in your mind so that as we go forward and we build up our webinar layer by layer , it's very clear to you how everything fits in. It's very important you get this basic structure, right, because the key to a successful weapon are is to share the information in the right sort of order so that you build up your trust with your audience so that when you're ready to pitch them something at the end, they will be ready to buy because you will have prepared them for that process. There are seven stages to a webinar which, actually very straightforward to understand on. Once I have laid them out to you, you're really under begin to understand how easy it is to put together great webinars. Stage one is what I call the Webinar. Welcome on. This is where you come online, maybe as much as 30 minutes beforehand, so that you can welcome people as they sign in. And you should try and do that by name and also make it clear to them that they're in the right place. Stage two is when the Webinar starts. Now it's really important that you start absolutely bang on time because that sets the tone for the whole webinar on. When you really have to do in this phase is to introduce yourself and your other co hosts. So this section doesn't last very long at all. Stage three is the hook. This is where you tell your audience why they're they're what they're going to get from you . I e the W I I f m What's in it for me on you? Maybe give them some sort of extra unannounced bonus, Which do you tell them they can actually get at the end of the webinar if they hang around the whole thing because you want them to stay on and not drop off halfway through. Stage four is where you lead them into the teaching. And this is an important phase because you're really getting across. Why, what you're going to share with them is important. Stage five is the core content off the webinar on. This is where you actually share some of your very best material because you want to completely blow them away with the quality of the information they're getting on the actionable information that they can take away and apply to their businesses straight away . So you need to make sure there's some really great core values at the center of it. Stage six is where you pitch whatever product or services you want to pitch. It could be a simple is getting them to sign up your meaningless. But I suspect if you're going to the trouble of putting together a 62 90 minute webinar, you've actually got something to sell them. This is where you do that. Stage seven is the Q and A, and it's important that you have this respect, this map poor and this this too, and throw with your audience at this point so they can ask any questions and they get the benefit off a live event. But don't forget, you can take the opportunity as well to cross refer back to the product and services that you're selling when you actually answer the question. So those are the seven stages off the anatomy of a webinar on. If you've got that framework fixed in your mind, then you'll be ready to actually go on and start to create your own webinar
3. Stage 1 The Webinar Welcome: I want to share with you some really important aspects of how to manage the webinar Welcome . When you start your webinar. Now I've explained to you the seven stages to you and this is the first stage, which is when you first log in in advance of the start of the webinar. And it's really important here that you're going to set the tone for the whole webinar. Make sure you do log in at least 15 to 30 minutes early to make sure you have the opportunity to do everything that I'm going to tell you now on. The first thing you must do is to get all your technical checks out the way. Make sure your mic is working. Make sure your slides already turn off any additional programs on your computer. You don't need tohave running. Make sure your phone is switched off. Make sure your landlines disconnected. Make sure anybody who's in the office or the house that you're in understands that you're running this webinar on gonna leave you in peace. And in my case, I make sure that my dogs not with me because he has a great habit off joining in or interrupting. Now, once you've done that, the whole purpose off this Webinar welcome is to establish a report and a connection with your audience right up front because by during this on, by repeatedly keeping that going throughout the webinar, when you actually want them to take action at the end, then they'll be much more likely to do so because they'll feel that completely connected to you. So one of the best ways to do this is to call people out by their first name as they come online and welcome them to the webinar on by actually calling as many people out by name as you can you hear they'll feel sound check. They will automatically feel part off the process. So this is really important. One of the little techniques you can use to make that more effective is you can ask them questions and an obvious one is what city from and then you can say, Oh, hi from you know, David from Birmingham or, you know, Philip from Newcastle or Anna from New York. Whatever it happens to be and you that way again, you're beginning to draw them in and to make them feel part of the whole event at the 50 minute point. Either you should or your partner who's helping administer the weapon are or indeed have it automatically set up should make sure that your final reminder email goes out to everybody who's registered to attend the event on this is to make sure that anybody who's obviously got we will get busy lives. Anybody who's forgotten actually is about to start gets that email, and that's a really important part of this process. You should have a welcome strip, and I'm actually given you a template, which you can adapt to your own use. But you need to repeat this at least every minute or so up to the start of the webinar so that people understand what's going on and you can welcome them to the webinar and say, Yes, they're in the right place on This is the how to create amazing Webinars. Women are on that. They're gonna learn this and they're going to discover that, and you're going to share with them this and yes, there, definitely the right place and hang on. We're gonna be starting at in a few minutes at the top of the hour, whatever it happens to be, and that way they know that they're in the right place and they're waiting for the webinar to start. It's really important in this phase to actually be quite upbeat and have quite high energy levels so that you're setting the tone for the whole webinar. So do get stuck into it and really sound enthusiastic and sound passionate about what you're about to be sharing with this wonderful audience that you've got to register your event. It's really important that you do all this because the worst thing that can happen is that people sit there and all they get is deafening silence. And if they get that, they might think, well, maybe the weapon are still happening or they'll get distracted by something else and their log out. But you need to be actively encouraging them to stay, to let them know you're there on getting stuck in with them and not just leave them waiting on with a deafening silence. This is and I have to stress the start of creating the relationship. The report, the connection with your audience that you will need at the pitch phase when you actually ask them to take action, so getting them drawn into the event very early on is absolutely critical. And that is why the Webinar welcome is so important. So I hope that gives you some very clear, actionable instructions on how you conduct this phase of the webinar. I am providing you with the outline script for the welcome script said. You'll be able to adapt that very easily to your own webinar event.
4. The Webinar Start and the Hook: Now I want to take a look at the start of the Webinar and then discuss the importance off the hook. So stage two is the Webinar start. Now. It is really important that having gone through the webinar welcome, you start bang on time because people who arrive late well, that's that bad luck. But people have already registered and attended and logged in. We'll expect you to start on time. And if you start five or 10 minutes early, they'll be thinking about why am I hanging around here? I really, you know, want to be getting on. I won't find out what this is all about. So it's essential to the whole tone of your webinar that you start bang on time. All you have to do in this phase is really to introduce yourself and your co host. So they understand who's going to be saying what to whom and who you are. This is quite brief, but you should also explain to the people who are on the webinar how they can communicate to you during the process. Now, this will depend on the software and the set up that you've got, how they do that. But most webinar software enables you to have some sort of chat going where people can make comments on. Then you can pick up those comments on Just is another hint. It's very helpful to have somebody else monitoring those comments for you rather than you trying to deliver the webinar content and also try to keep the conversation going with the chat. It's also worth while sharing with them your Facebook and your Twitter information so that they can make comments and tweet out and make comments on Facebook so that your webinar your event get some real social media buzz and this is a great way off, then away raising awareness off the webinar, which may then in time lead to more people coming in and registering for future webinar. So it's a really good little tip that to get people tweeting out about all the great stuff they're discovering from you. So now we come to stage three, which is the hook, and this is normally about 1 to 5 minutes, and the key thing here is that you dive straight into it, so people have come on the webinar you've started. This is who I am. This is who they are. This is how you can communicate with us. This is Facebook. This is Twitter. Now I want to tell you why you're here, the benefits off the webinar that you're going to get by listening and attending. So you're getting straight into the material straight away and it's the classic communication off. What's in it for me? And this is what you have to get across in this section. They need to understand why they're there on what they're going to get from the webinar on . We're talking now about benefits and not features, so you need to have the core benefits off the information you're going to share with them. You don't share it with them yet, though. But you have that information ready and you tell them what they're going to get by attending the video by attending the webinar. It's also important that you stress to them that you want their undivided attention because this is such valuable information, they won't want to miss anything, so encourage them to turn their phones off, encourage them to shut down for social media, encourage them unless, of course, they're tweeting about you. But certainly encouragement. Switch off their email so that you get their undivided attention. And it's really important to do this so that you can keep their them interactive with you and not let their minds wander on. Get distracted. Because if that happens that eventually they're gonna either zone out or that actually, just switch off one trick to get people to hang about until the end of the webinar ie to go through. The whole thing with you is you tell them at this point that there is this bonus which you're going to they're going to get which you haven't announced up to now a special bonus . You don't tell them necessarily what it is. You might give them a hint that they can get and you're going to give them all the details at the end. Off the webinar on this should be something free, but it gives them an incentive to stay with you throughout the webinar. If nothing else, you'll have their curiosity triggered, but certainly that have a self interest in staying with you through the webinar on. Therefore, you'll be able to take them through the whole process and pitch to them so that is the phase off this start on the hook, and that's what you need to do at this point in the Webinar to really get your event off to a flying start.
5. The Introduction: Now let's take a look at the introduction section. This is stage four of your webinar on. This is where you are, explaining to your audience who you are and why you are the expert that they should be listening to, because you are the person that has the credibility and the knowledge and the experience that they want to benefit from. So this is all about you. Now bear in mind that some of your audience may know you, but there's a very good chance that they don't. And if you're doing a joint venture webinar with somebody else's list, then they won't know you at all. So it's really important that you get across to them why you are the expert that they should be paying attention to. When you do that, The best way to explain this is to tell your story. Remember that story sell? People love to hear stories, so explain to them in a way, you started how difficult things where the struggle me went to think about the timeline of the Hero's journey by Joseph Campbell, and by telling them stories, you'll get the much more involved in your webinar if you just go in there and start hitting them with hard facts. Or if you just launched straight into the content that teaching content off your weapon are , then, Actually, you're not gonna have that same connection with them, and you'll probably switch them off because I think it's really boring. But if they get interested in you, if they get emotionally invested in you, then they're going to find it much more interesting. So do explain how you come to be where you are today and how difficult waas and the struggle and all the rest of it, so that they understand that you have built up this experience over a period of time that makes you the best qualified person for them to be learning from. And this is really important, particularly when you get to the pitch. So do share some of your achievements. Don't hide your light under a bushel. Explain to you so explain to them some of the great things that you've done that you've achieved, which you know that some of the high points off the the achievements you managed to to succeed with but do it in a way that relates to the topic that you actually want to teach them. So you know, if you're talk teaching them about webinars that explain to them about some of your great webinars. But if you are simply I'm going to start telling them that you got a really good masters degree from Harvard. It doesn't really tie into the topic. It's also really good to tell stories about people you've helped on the way little case studies, because this makes them feel that you can help them. If you've demonstrated that you can help other people on it. Also add social proof to the weight of your argument that you're the credible expert. So builds your credibility as the expert in the subject that you want to deliver to them on . This is what this introduction is, and this can take maybe up to as long as 10 minutes, but it's worth spending the time up front. To do this, you have to answer the question in their mind. Why, why me? Why are you the person that should we listen to? Why are you the expert? And if you can do that, then it's gonna make your whole webinar much, much more impactful. So the introduction is all about establishing your credibility and deepening the report on the connection you have with your audience so that when you come to pitch them, they will want to buy. So that's the introduction. It's important that you spend the time in your webinar going through this because then you will have the authority on the credibility when you deliver the content to them, which you won't have if you just launched straight into it.
6. The Core Content: Okay, Now let's talk about the core content off your presentation. This is stage five on. This is the meat and drink off your webinar. This is where you are going to deliver so much value that your audience is gonna find your offer at the end totally irresistible. It's important that your content is well structured and easy to understand. One way to do this is due to have step by step. Or you could offer them a list seven ways to do something. 1234567 Your note that I've in this particular section have number the stages off the framework off the webinar to make it easier for you to digest the information. So by having a very clear structure to your content, it'll make it much easier for people to understand what you're trying to share with them. Make sure you've got plenty of slides, at least one slide per minute so that you keep things changing all the time and you keep stimulating them in different ways because you're talking to them. You're showing them images on the movement. Off the slides will also have an impact and helped keep their attention, so don't fill your slides with masses and masses of words. Keep the words to a minimum and usual voice to communicate the information. It's important as well that you check in regularly with your audience. At least I would recommend every 10 minutes. This is also true when your public speaking, because people's attention will start to drift after 10 minutes on what you have to do is to break that that trance state, which is way some people describe it on, bring them back and renew their attention with you. Now some of the ways to do this is to ask them a question or asked a feedback. Or if you pre prepared some polls or surveys, then you can bring in a pole or a survey. Now, one very simple way to do this is simply to ask them to type in the word yes, if they're following so far, so you'll get lots of yeses. Of course, you can name check some of these as well, and that will help to bring their attention back. But by actually asking them to specifically do something or you could ask them to give an example of something then you are getting them back in. Involved on. The whole experience becomes much more interactive now it's essential that your core content is absolutely brilliant. It's your best material, your most insightful and smartest strategies. You absolutely have to blow these guys away. So don't hold back. Ensure that your core content is stuff that only appears in your very, very highest quality courses. Because the point about doing this is that you want them to stay completely. Think Wow, this is so incredible. I'm getting all this for free in this webinar, and it's really amazing stuff and that will elevate you to a much higher position. It reinforces your credibility that you've established in the previous section on. They will be completely at your mercy. I'm being obviously slightly dramatic, but they will completely be taken along the journey that you want them to go on on. They will become a very receptive audience, so set out from the outset to exceed their expectations. It's all about delivering value, value value, really driving this home to them, and you want them to go through this on because you're giving them so much great stuff to be taking pages and pages of notes and nothing that they've had a fantastic experience because what you want them to think is that if the webinar is this good, when you pitch them your product or service, they will think that has got to be even better, which means that you've set them up to be very receptive to the offer. You're going to make them so the core content is at the heart of your weapon are. But it's absolutely essential that you don't hold back and you deliver absolutely fantastic value to this audience.
7. The Pitch: Now we come to the core purpose of your weapon out of the pitch. This is where you are going to pitch them the product or service that you bean leaving them up to all the way through. On this is stage six. So this is where you are making your offer. Now, before you do that, it's worth reminding them. If you've set one up about the bonus that you promised them that they would get if they stick with you right to the end of the webinar i e. To the end of Q and A. So just refresh in their minds that that bonus is coming their way. If they hang around on this one, improve your chances of getting them through this whole phase so they don't just switch off straight after they've heard all the content from your your content phase. You should also transition this as the next logical step, having given them all the key content on one of the easiest ways to do that is just simply to say, Well, look, there's only so much information I can share with you today and therefore, if you really want to take it on to the next step, then this is what I've got for you now. There's no reason that you shouldn't be confident about what you're going to be offering them. Remember what you're delivering to them is something that is going to contribute to their future success. So, yes, you're asking for some money for it. But that's because it's very valuable, and it's going to create value for them. So have a confidence in your offer. Also, always bear in mind the benefits that your product or service are gonna bring to your audience on this should be reflected in the detail text on the speech and the things that you tell them about when you take them through the pitch. Before you announce the price, you have to explain clearly and in detail what your product or service contains step by step on. Most importantly, the benefits off each of those steps. Tooth. Um, so this is not about features. This is about making sure they have a very clear picture about what the product is on. They have a very, very clear picture about the benefits they're going to get from it. No, at this point, you then present your offer and your price. Now, how you do that? There are different techniques, but you might stack up a whole er value than offer them a discount. But however you pitch it, this is the moment where you bring in the price and you put that screen up and it says, where they can buy your product. Now one of the the waste it make this look more impactful is to put a countdown timer on it , because you can make it clear that either either some of the bonuses or some of the content or the offer's only gonna be open for a certain amount of time. And that's what that countdown timer will represent, but showed the U. R L that they can click on and go to so that they can buy your product. And if you have a long link, it's worth using something like pretty linked to simplify that UL to make it as memorable and as easy for them to go and follow that link to go to buy your product. Now it's quite normal to include extra bonuses in your offer, which make your offer even more appealing and even more of a no brainer, and you can make those bonuses time limited and all the rest of it. But you should explain what they are, and you should explain to them that they'll get the bonus bonuses and therefore why there is a benefit in them taking action now and not leaving it to some indeterminant later point . You might even give them an extra bonus if they buy during the webinar. I eat something you'll take away once the webinar closes down, which it gives them an even greater incentive to actually take action Now on. This is what you're trying to do. You're trying to get them to take action at this point in time and not to think Well, maybe I'll do it tomorrow because the chances are if they leave it like that, they won't do it. So it's really important that you get them to take action straight away, and then at this point, you can say, having made all those that explanation of what your product is in the price and the bonuses and everything, then you can explain that Q and A will be starting shortly, and you might be responding to what people are saying and asking questions, but you want to give them an opportunity to bite. And when you see people buying, if you get results than call them out by name and congratulate them for buying your product on that will again act as a trigger to people haven't yet got off the fence and board to go ahead and buy. So that is the pitch. There is a lot more to it, but at this stage I just want you to understand the basic structure of it so that you're clear about the flow and the process off what the pitch involves.
8. Questions and Answers: Now we arrive at the final stage off your webinar, which is the questions and answer session. This is Stage seven on. After you've done all your presenting, you should make yourself available to talk to the people and deal with their questions on their issues. I would recommend leaving at least 10 minutes for this, but as you see at the end, I I actually think you can let it run on as long as you like. I would again recommend that you name check people as you go along when you see them buying something and congratulate them for buying the product that lets people know who have not yet bought that. It's the stern opportunity to buy. And, of course, to benefit from the bonuses you're offering at that particular time. Make sure you give your best answer that you can to the questions again. Try to be very open. People really appreciated, but also take the opportunity to refer back to the training in some way so that we understand that there's even mawr value and even more information if they actually invest in the training. The idea of this session is to instill confidence as well as addressing issues anybody might have on these issues might be about the topic itself. But there might also be questions about the product you're selling, so you need to be prepared for some of both of those. As I say, Let it go on for as long as you feel comfortable, you can give them a cut off time at some point. Be flexible on this, the more you can keep the ball rolling along and keep people interested. Then I think there's more of a realistic opportunity to buy. I probably wouldn't go on beyond half on hour. And don't forget at this point this is the time to then share with your audience and every is there that extra little bonus that you promise them if they hung around until the end off the Q and a session, so you mustn't miss that out. So that's it. Q. And a very straightforward, based, simple but vitally important because it's the selling period, and it's also a period where you can addressing issues people might have on that might then get them off the fence to make the investment
9. Summary Anatomy of a Webinar: So before I leave this topic with you, I just want to summarize what we've covered in this section about be anatomy off a webinar on. I'm going to do that by taking over and having a look at a mind map. I've made around this particular aspect off the topic. So here's the mind map. As you can see, it's pretty straightforwardly laid out and you can see both the timings and you can see the different sections. And I hope this will give you another visual overview off how you conduct a webinar. So you get the webinar welcome, which is the period before the weapon are starts. You then start the webinar. Introduce yourself, hit them with the hook. Get your audience interested. Given the benefits of the weapon on why they're there, then you want to take them through the introduction to you, which is really about building your credibility as to why you're the best person to give this webinar to them on. Then you follow that by the teaching content off the webinar, which could be up to about 30 minutes, and I strongly exhort you to give the best possible content you can because it really helps you when you come on to the next section, which is the pitch. And that's all about transitioning into why they should buy the product or service that you want to share with them. And then finally, you have the Q and A at the end, so hopefully this will help you to get a very clear picture. I've provided a PdF off this mind map with the with the video, so you'll be able to download that and use it as an aide memoire as well. The Pdf is actually in a slightly different form because from this particular former, I can't export PDS. I've had to take into free mind and export from there. But don't worry about that. The contents exactly the same. So I hope you find that helpful. And that is the anatomy off a webinar. So now that you've got the structure in your mind, we can start to delve deeper into the topic.