1. From zero to Super Beginner - Part 1 :-):
2. Welcome to Vectornator for Super Beginners: Hello. My name's else and I'm a graphic designer. Welcome to victim. Native for super beginners. Detonator is a lab especially designed for bread or a rifle with which you can draw vectors . Great thing about factors is that you don't have inequality loss when you re sized. And no matter how time me or how big they are, the quality of the images stays consistent in the same class is all about mastering the basics. Go to work with shapes and colors because once you've got the basics going, you can move on to more intricate Bates. First, you need to be able to stand before you can walk. Right? So grab your I put it down. Look, the they got the rep a pencil and take alot. What can you expect of this loss? Well, first, I'll explain the interface, and once we've got kind of that will move on to drawing, we'll start drawing very simple shapes. Very easy tools on. Once we've got that covered will move over to coloring, combining those shapes. Then let's in text, and maybe you can work on your assignment
3. Your assignment: your assignment is to add almond studio doing. It's a simple money, but you might want to add half or clouds or three or a flower, anything that you can come up with that you can make with the basic shapes. But if you feel like you want to go step further than maybe you can try some of the tools that we haven't discussed, but that I briefly touched when I was explaining the interface. So don't forget to post your artwork in the student projects Gary.
4. What you need: four Victim nater. For super beginners, you will need a knife. It probe an apple pencil and the vector NATO app, which you can download from the APP store for free. So let's get started.
5. The document area explained: This is where we start. In the document area. You can work on existing artwork or create new documents. There are also some example files that come with the victim a trap. It's up on the plus to create a new document from existing templates or create one step your invitation for a landscape or portrait paper. When you create a new size, it will show up here in the document area. First stop it and it will open, and now you're good to go.
6. The toolbar explained: Okay, let's take a look around. Let's start with the toolbar. That's this thing on the left. From top to bottom, this is what you can encounter. The arrow is the select tool. It's used to select and move elements. By dragging over several elements, you can select multiple elements at once. Tap on the arrow to activate the fly out menu. The first button is useful when you have to select more than one element, but you can't drag. Just select the plus and then tap to select and kept. The next object to selected to the second button. When highlighted, makes a duplicate off your element. The tiny Arrowhead is the node inspector. You can use this to select and move anchor points in the fly out menu. You'll see a similar select more button like there is under the selection toe. The scissors tool we can cut in existing paths on the pencil is probably the most powerful one. You can create any sort of path with the infamous busy acres. We'll get into that in a later class. You can draw freeform pass with the pencil brush. The fly out menu is the place where you can determine how smooth your past will be. All the way down will give you a less smooth line. And when the slider isn't 100% the brush tool is for drawing freeform paths with variable wits on with the textile, you can create text frames on at texts in fonts available on the Internet That did. You can download and activate on your iPad in Vechten eight. This is the shape tool step on three adults to choose from. Presets of shapes suggest rectangles, circles, stars, lines, etcetera. The slider will enable you to at roundness two corners determined that I'm rough points in a star, etcetera. With the razor, you can erase an object along the path. The size of the razor is determined by the slider and last but not least, copied the style from an existing elements, with the aid often eyedropper. If you want to erase all elements from your artwork, just use the selection to draw Marquis Untapped the been No, you're done
7. Top left and action bar explained: Okay, let's take a look at the rest of the interface. On the left is the back to the document area, but it's Little arrow. You will exit your current artwork, and it will show up in the document area. The second button shows the size display. Tap it to have your screen filled with the work. You can use two fingers to pinch and zoom in and zoom out. The next button with the arrow facing left is the undue. A quick away is to tap with two fingers to undo. There are a number of a news you're not limited to the last one. And of course, the button with the arrow to the right is the redo. You can also tap with three fingers to redo. The action bar is in the top middle, the left one, the bin is delete. Then there's the select or de select button duplicates on the based button
8. The inspector bar explained: the inspector bar is on the right. This is where you can see and change properties off objects and shapes changed X appearance and a lot more. The Inspector Bob Heyes. Five. Go to elements on top style layers, photos, canvas and export. Each menu item has a tab are at the bottom that changes properties when you tap the different elements. If it upon style under the style menu, I'll find style. A range bar on defects. This is a so cold, contextual menu. It changes to available properties and settings based on your selection or action. I will cover this as we go, So now let's get started.
9. Let's draw the bunny: make a new document. Use your iPad screen size from the document area. You go to your new document, then go to the canvas stool and set the background to white. If that isn't already the case. Next step on the photos tool in the inspector field and at Sunny Bunny from your photos. It's up on the layers menu but reduced capacity to, for example, 30% by moving the slider to the left or by entering the desired capacity manually. Now lock the layer on top. The plus sign to make a new layer. First will make the hit. Picked a circle. Aiken From the toolbar on Drew a circle. Keep one finger of your other hand on the screen to make a perfectly round circle. Don't worry about the exact position yet. You can use the selectable to move the circle to the proper place. Extra tip. Move this layer in the layers menu under the layer. With the important image, you can draw all the shapes with the bunny as a visual reference. Make sure your circle is selected. If not, then uses selectable to do so and go to the inspector. Choose the style top and turn off the fill by tapping the I, if required, give you a circle a black stroke off one pixel. The select your current circle by tapping the D selectable in the Actions ball, which is the X. Second, Make the snout in the same way we'll use the arrange methods to align the two circles properly with the selectable. Draw a marquee over both circles, then go to the inspector and invoke the arrange menu, which lives next to the style menu at the bottom. In the online part, tap the vertical align center on the horizontal Align bottom and D select. Next up is the ear. Make an oval shape and, while still selected, step the duplicate bottom on the based button in the action tap. The copy will be placed exactly on top off the original over with the selectable select one of the corner selection points and move it down and inwards slowly to change the size of this second over, which will be the inner ear again. With the arrangement, you put the inner oval centered on bottom, aligned in the larger one tap T select and both ovals, air know, perfectly aligned don't rotate them just yet. Let's roll on I the I consists off three circles one white, one a little smaller in a dark color, the pupil and a teeny tiny white shim a circle. You don't need the alignment tool to precisely aligned this. Use a selectable to put them in the right place. What looks good to you? Pro tip. Make sure that the white shimmer goes a little over the edge of the pupil and kind of bleeds into the white. This will give it a less static look. Let's go on with the news first draw a larger oval, the nose itself and two small overs, which will be the nostrils. Use the selectable to position them in the right place. Now select all knows parts and head over to the path dab in the inspector tool under the style menu. In the bullion tap tap. The second option. This is the minus front option, and this will give you a no shape Walla Well done so far. Okay, now comes to mouth drawn oval or circle with the shape toe with the scissors tool. Tip the middle top note, then tap the ways being in the action Law. What remains is a lovely smile. Now, de select on, draw a line with the line tool from the shapes. Use the selectable to position it or use the alignments. Happen, Inspector, if you won't precise alignment, draw 1/2 off the spectacles. Well, that's easy. That's just a circle. Use the selection tool to put it in the right place. All right, we've got all elements ready. It's time to start coloring. Oh, yeah?
10. About colouring: Yea, we're up to coloring now. The fun really begins. Let's start with the head. Use the select tool to select ahead circle by dragging over it in the inspector, Go to the style menu and tap Phil. The coloring area will open. The left upper button represents a solid color. Fill the middle button is a straight grade and fill up and down left to right on the right . One is a radial, radiant Phil, we'll use the radio. Grady in film, Tip the left slider marker Onda. Apply a car from the color field below. Now take the right side of marker to choose the second color For sunny bunny. I used Oakar and pink, but of course you can pick any color combination you like. The color fields gives you the range of your chosen core from very light, with little saturation to very bright and very dark. The slider in the neath this one determines to color on the second slider handles opacity all the way to the right is 100% opaque. All the way to the left is 100% transparent. You can see the last four chosen colors in this field, and select a color if necessary. It's also possible to add the hex code of your color by entering the numbers in the appropriate field. If you like your color, albeit a solid one or a great and Phil, you can add it to your palates just by tapping on one of the open spaces. Your current color will be there, and it is easily accessible from the one you can add your personal favorites there, and when you want to delete one, just step and hold on. The switch under the elite will pop up once you're satisfied. Tip done. Do confirm The circle has now a Grady INT radio filled to change the direction of the grade . Ian's simply hold a tiny orange bullet on dragging around. You'll see immediately what changes in the style to step on the eye next to the stroke to turn off visibility for a stroke onto the snout on the year. This note is a solid okra feel, first selective, then choose a color a solid one that you like and stepped on. Don't at a stroke. Select the ear and from the fill type picked the same color you made for the face. Use the selectable to adjust the direction of the grade into your liking. If you like, you can make a completely different Grady in for the ear. Whatever looks nice to you. Experiment a little with transparency. It really does give a feel very different look and feel. You can add transparency to one or both slider markers, and it's even possible to Atmore colors by tapping on the grade and bar and changing the new marker colony Inner air. I used the okra color, but now the solid style maybe turn down capacity little eat of 11 inner ear. The glass of the spectacle has a white stroke and a top to bottom blue grade and Phil that goes from 100% blue to approximately 55% transparent white. Once the grade in this set, pick up the orange dog to move the lower color point up a little. Of course, if you like, you can add another color into Grady int or lower down the capacity. However, the glasses look like glasses because of their similar transparency. So bad I have in mind if you want to achieve the same effect. The trick is that the eyes have to remain visible, knows itself has a solid Redfield, but no stroke. The lines are used for the mouth, half the same red color. But there's just a stroke. And no Phil. Play with the with of the stroke to find a thickness that you like. Once you're happy, group the nose parts. The eye has two colors, black for the pupil and white for the shimmer and the eye itself.
11. Putting it all together: it's time to put it all together. First, we need to group elements. Let's begin with head on this note with the selectable drawer marquee to select both. You don't need to draw Marquis their covers all. Just a little piece that overlaps is already enough to select your segment. Head over to the arrange menu in the inspector and top group. A small G appears in the corner, telling us a group. Now repeat this process for the nose poets. The ear parts on the eye circles kept the canvas button in. The inspector on moved to snapping of the bottom off the top enable smart guides. Now, with this electoral aligned ahead group to the center of your document. Effect in Asia doesn't have rulers, but using this smart guides works pretty cool. And if you want to put a segment in a specific place, you can do this in the arrange menu, where you can manually put in coordinates with the X and Y axel on if you want to also put in an exact height or with here's a pro tip. Let's take a minute to look at the grid option on the Canvas Journal degrees your grits facing is probably different than mine, since my document dimensions are 1024 times 768 pixels and I want my bunny to be centered on the canvas. I'll input 512 in the great spacing area. This will divide my canvas into two. Give me a vertical guideline exactly in the middle of the document. The horizontal line Al Ignore for now, since that's nor precisely in the middle, but also 512 pixels down from the top left corner, head on back to snapping. If I turn on snapped, agreed and moved the bunny head, it will snap the outer side to the grid line. I just made, snapped, agreed. Can come in really handy. But all depends on what you want to draw and where you want to put it. Using a very small grids. Eyes, for example, 10 pixels and turning snapped agreed on. We'll help you position elements and aligning them easily for now to off the snap grid de select the head if necessary and make duplicate off the ear. You can, as we've seen, used to copy button in the action bar and then based, Or you can use the selectable activated plus and drag to make a copy and move it first moved in, knows group to the center and into this note. I need it. Chase the size a little, select one year, move it to the right place and rotated a little with the rotate handle. Do the same for the other ear. The ears don't need to be precisely mirrored in place or angle. Just put him in a way that looks nice. The glass, the glasses on the eyes do need to be mirrored. Move the glass to the right spot. Place it against the edge off the sound. Do you have the feeling you can't move your selection freely enough or does it jump a little? Then turn off the smart guides on the canvas. Once you've got the glass in the right place, turned a smart guides back on, and next used a selectable with the plus enabled to make a duplicate. As you drag. Select both glasses and group them under the Arrange step group. If you want, you can align the group to the center of your head by adding the head to your selection and topping the alignment button. The guidelines will help you to determine if your selection is exactly in the middle. Place the eyes in the right sport. Andi select on dear. We have a little problem. Once you've de selected the I, you can't seem to be able to select it again right now. Let's head over to the layers menu TFT Arrow to open the parts that form layer to you. See thump nails off all elements. Look the glasses by tapping the look and then to an off the visibility. Now you don't need to worry that you'll accidentally moved or changed him. Go back, select the eyes and position them than group. You might find it easier to position the eyes with the glasses visible. Make sure the layer is locked and then move the eyes above the glasses by keeping your finger a second or two on the eyes layer. This is another way to manage the order of elements in your drawing. Don't forget to bring the eyes back behind the glasses. Once you're done,
12. Text and finishing project: Okay, Time to put in some text. Let's import a fund so you can really make it your own style. In this example, I'll be using the beautiful for mosque, but you can use anything you like. Download a phoned unzipped of files and put them in a folder on your iPad, such as your Dropbox one. Dr. iCloud, etcetera. Here's a pro tip. Personally, I'm a big fan or the Riedel documents. App. Reata. Well, I'm not sure about the right way to pronounce that the kind of eats everything that is very easy to use. With a clear interface, you can now load it from the APP store. Exit your artwork so you will return to the document area of the gallery, though tap the settings button, then tap that formed library option. Tap the cloud icon on the right, a navigate to the desire location. Tap the phones you want to load on. Tad are it's at it. Simple as that, and not a way is to go into split mode, navigate to the location where you stored your fonts, select one or multiple phones, then add them directly into Vechten ator. This is particularly useful if you want to load multiple phones in one go step. Done. Re into your document, Go to the toolbar selected text tool on drag a tux trained to hold your text. The word text will appear, and your lost chosen Phil and stroke will be applied to the tech stream. Type the word you desire Now in the style menu, you will see a new part with typography properties. Choose your newly added phoned the weight type size alignment on if needed. Kern Ing, which is space between letters tracking on the line height. If you tap fit bounds to text size, the frame will adjust itself to the text you just typed and not confuse you with too much clutter. This is a very handy feature coloring Phil and shadow work and exactly the same way as you've already seen before. Now almost done. Clean up your artwork by going to the layers menu. Unlock the original sunny bunny and delete the layer. Now share your artwork with the world by using the export tap and use one of the many features available. A J Pick and Ping will rest. Arise your work VM That should for Victor Nater AI, Adobe illustrator SPG and pdf will keep the vectors and enable you to work further on it. What? The rest is pretty self explanatory.
13. You made it to the end, well done: well done. You made it to the end. All went well. You've got some kind of bunny on your I bed and you made it with Vechten ater shapes and colors. I hope you had fun. And I hope you feel encouraged to move on to more intricate things. Please do come back for the next skill. Share clothes about victim NATO in which I explain in depth the mental. Once you mastered a mental, you can make practically anything. So keep trying. Keep practicing until you feel confidence And then I will see you back another time. Thank you for tuning in by.