1. Consistency on TikTok Video Trailer: Growing on TikTok is to consistently post
every single day. Now, I understand
that the challenge of that is to always have
something to post. It's not every day
we can come up with new novel ideas for content. You just turn out. Or is there, what
have I told you? There was a way that
we can customize and make this process
a lot easier. Included with this class for a class project is my topic
template cheat sheet. Now along with that,
we're going to talk about how to constantly, continuously come up with different ideas that is
going to help your brand. We're also going to dive into how to create
your branding. So there's always constantly
grown your brand for that. Every move that you take, every video that
you want is always only going to help
your brand get better. Now all of these
tips and strategies are taken directly from how I grow my own personal account so that you know that they're
trying to improve it. So if you're ready to begin, I'll see you in the next video.
2. Frequency & Timing of Posts: Hi students. So let's talk
about the frequency and consistency that you have to have while you're growing
your TikTok channel. So frequency and
consistency is very important because as you're
building your account, you're bound to have videos that are picking
up some traction. While these videos
have some traction, the algorithm on
TikTok is going to push a lot more viewers onto your account as these
people are coming into your account and seeing your
account for the first time, you should have content
ready for them. There's nothing worse
than having one. Do you like your first
video pop up and you don't have enough videos to
bring in more audience. So as new people come in and
they are seeing your page, they should be able to look at the different
videos and be like, Wow, I really liked
this content creator. I want to follow this
content creator. So after they do that
and they look at your content and they have
subscribed to your brand, your image, what you're
selling, or what it is, your stories, what
you're talking about, then they're going to
expect some more stuff. So you need to continuously be on their radar
because with TikTok, people lose attention
really fast. That's the unfortunate
thing about the platform, but you need to be able to follow up that
initial contact with a lot more hot it that way when people are already
subscribed to you, they're more invested
into your brand. So I found that the magical
formula for a lot of these viral creators
is that they post between three
to ten videos. Now, it's not a path to do this. But if you keep this up, it tends to be very
beneficial to your account. It of course, it's
very hard to keep up with so many videos a day. So you don't always
have to do that much. But if you are able to
do one video a day, that's going to help and
then once in awhile, throw in three video day batch. Now, let's also
segment into talking about the timing
between your posts. Because if you made
a ton of videos, you don't just post them
all right away because the TikTok algorithm needs some time to process everything. And also it's to your benefit to not post all your
videos right away. Like maybe spread out
throughout the day. Because if one video picks up, then you want it to be starting to build
some more momentum. And then when people are following you because
of that video, but they don't know that
the content is coming. So as they are following you, you drop some more content
on them throughout the day. So now, instead of having three videos that
just come out right away and only be shown to a
certain amount of audience. You have three videos that
are spread throughout the day that some new audits
might be able to see. Like once they followed you in the morning and the afternoon, they're back on TikTok, they see your new video. And then finally as they're scrolling through
again at night, they see your third new video. That really helps with the engagement because
it keeps bringing them back by surprising them with more good,
amazing content. And the disadvantage
of just posting it all at once is that if
you post it all at once, people are only going to see one video and then be
like, Okay, I'm done. Because when they go on
your profile and they're interested in your
other videos or less. All three of these
videos are very good at getting their attention
in which most likely isn't, because videos now are competing with each other based
on the thumbnail. So they're probably only going
to click on a few videos. And what throws few videos? They're gonna watch
those few videos, only. Having them spaced
out would give you that video more of a chance
to be seen by your audience. But the key to having a good growing channel
is to be consistent. And as you're consistent, be able to have videos
completely come out on a good time basis
so that everyone that follows you
knows what to expect.
3. Secret to Consistency & Success on TikTok: The secret to consistency
at TikTok success. Now, first of all,
I have to talk with a disclaimer because with this, we are not looking
for instant virality. We're not looking for a
video to just blow up and to continuously do novel things that make your account blower. Now, we are doing an
authentic brand building. This exercises are
all going to be authentically good
for your brand. Because ultimately to build a brand on social
media these days, it's to implement authenticity because with platforms
like TikTok and reals, It's really planned
your stuff to different types of
people and new people. And we've been so trained throughout the
years to be able to sniff out BS and to sniff out when somebody is selling
something inauthentic to us. So first things first
is that we have to be authentic to our brand. So if you're
watching this video, promise that you'll
be authentic to your brand and then we
are going to continue. Okay, promise. Great. So let's talk
about TikTok first and how TikTok really blew up on the scene and how it really
is for millennials and Gen Z. And we're the most part being the bulk of the
audience being Gen Z. Now, Gen Z grew up in
the time that we're, everything sold to
them was social media. Like they grew up
with social media. Whereas a lot of
millennials like me, we grew up like pre-internet and we had to learn the ways
of the Internet. Well, Gen Z grew up
with the internet. They know the
internet. They know when something smells fishy. Since this platform these
days are kidding mostly to Gen Z and TikTok especially
is catering towards Gen Z. We have to really focus on being authentic
with their brand. So how do we become authentic with their
brand and to create a meaningful type of brand so that other people want
to watch your content. First of all, we need to
consider three things. The first thing
is our interests. The second thing
is our expertise. And the third thing is our
history, like our story. And why are these important? Well, these things
tell the reason why you have value to
provide someone else. So take story, for example. When you're able to share your
story with your audience, the audience understands
where you're coming from, how you gain your experience, and why you are a thought leader that
they should listen to. And then with your expertise, many of us have expertise in certain fields that
were in say for me, I'm a designer, I'm a
brand professional, so I've had years of experience
doing branding work. So when I go and talk
about branding work, it makes sense for someone
to listen to me because I've made millions of dollars for
people doing branding worth. And then finally, interests is important because
interests is what you're actually interested in and that you care about. So when somebody knows
what you care about, they know that you're authentic to what you're talking about, so long as it fits into what you say
you're interested in. And so that leads to the
good content triangle, which is a Venn diagram
of our interests, our history, and our expertise. Because what do you make
content that is within the three factors then that makes for the best
content for your brand. And also if you continuously create stuff in
these three factors, you're going to make
consistent content because it just goes on brand with who you are and is authentic
to who you are. Really the secret
to being consistent on social media is to
understand who you are, where you're coming from, so that you can provide value to whoever's
listening to you. Because the platforms these days really weird reward people
for being the authentic them.
4. Content Cheatsheet: Alright, now let's talk
about the secret weapon that you are signed
up to this class for, or the secret weapon of having
a content cheat sheet that consistently helps
you come up with content to talk about
that fits on your brand. And that also helps you make videos that could
potentially go viral, like giving you the best shot at making your account blow up. So I'm going to talk
about this cheat sheet, and I'm going to talk about how to make the most of
this cheat sheet. And then finally, we're
gonna go through examples of how to do this cheat sheet. And the benefit of this is as
you have this cheat sheet, you're able to use these topics consistently and reuse them
over and over and over again. So that essentially
you would have like unlimited
supply of content. So really it is a
cheat sheet for you to make good content
that is everlasting. Now first of all, I
need to go back to the best content triangle
that we talked about. And to bounce back on
the fact that we need to still consider the
three important factors of a good brand, which for you is
knowing your story, knowing your expertise, and
then sharing your interests. So as you're going
through this cheat sheet, when you're answering
these questions, you need to look at what
you're interested in, what your expertise is. And finally, how that correlates
with the story you live. So that when people
are watching this, they can understand that
the value you're bringing them is all real and
is all authentic. And the best way for you to
make these content is to actually dig inside
you to find answers, to answer these questions that are prompted up
in the cheat sheet. Because if you're just sitting
there answering questions superficially not digging
deep in for some answers, then these are just like videos that anyone can get
somewhere else. When you can actually
dig deep inside and have these like heart-to-heart
with the viewers. This is what people benefit from and this is what
people truly valued. If you think about
how form works, like how TikTok works
and how Rails works. It's kind of like
a FaceTime video. When you are talking to
someone on FaceTime, then you are learning from them. You are close up to them. You're talking to
them one-on-one. And this is really good for creating a bonding experience. So as you're talking
about this, think deep. Think about how you
can help answer people's questions and how
you can enlighten someone. Because every video
that you make should, at the end of it, helped this person benefit
in some ways. So let's go through
an example of one of the questions that would show up on the
cheat sheet, okay, So one question that
will show up is, Here's why you don't need blank, which is a myth to blank, which is one of the goals
that you're reaching. So personally for me, I would answer that by saying, here's why you don't
need Instagram to create a successful,
fulfilling business. And then I would go on to talk about why that
would not be true. So I would dig in to my past
and I dig into my story, which I am a brand builder. I do branding and
marketing for brands. And while my profession is actually so closely
tied to Instagram, I can explain that it's
not actually necessary and that you can build your brand
on other platforms as well. Specifically how we're
doing it right now, talking to each other. I'm talking to you through many other different platforms that this class is hosted on. And I can skip Instagram because Instagram these days
don't work with creators. It doesn't reward creators for constantly
creating new content. It's actually really tough
for creators because the algorithm does not push your content out to new people. Then I can talk
about my interests, how the interests of working with different platforms
come into play. And I have to learn how to use different platforms
to create content in a way that matches with
whatever audience is watching my content on
that certain platform. Then finally I could tie it
all back into my expertise, which relates to the story being a brand person and then teaching people how to brand themselves, whether it's aesthetically or whether it's through
videos that they're making or how they're presenting themselves are exactly like
how this class is doing. And just combine them
all into a package that answers this prompt
in the cheat sheet. There I would have
a video that went, somebody washes it, has
a lot of value in them. And they can go away and finish this video with a
good, solid takeaway.
5. Project: Using the Cheatsheet : Alright, let's talk about
the project for this class. So with this class, you're getting a cheat
sheet of different types of prompts and questions for
you to be able to answer. That it helps you
build a brand and have topics that really help you
consistently build a brand. Now the purpose of this
sheet should really be something that
is everlasting so you can reuse and reuse and reuse other prompts
on this cheat sheet. So this project, I
want you to choose one of the prompts on this
cheat sheet, make a video, and if it helps you list out the different
answers that you might have for this video and
then go and film the video. Now, I also went through
an example of how I would personally answer
one of these questions. I would like to see
what you have as well.
6. Final: Congratulations on
finishing the course. Now if you could do
me a big favor and spend 30 seconds to
write me a review about what you thought was
helpful so that I can continue doing more
content like that. That would be so, so, so helpful and also helping this course be seen
by other people as well. And if you enjoyed the topic, I do have many other courses that cover a similar discussion. So I'll see you in
the next course.