Sketchup For Beginners - How To Create Your First 3D House from Scratch With Sketchup (Part 4) | Alek Stanojevic | Skillshare

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Sketchup For Beginners - How To Create Your First 3D House from Scratch With Sketchup (Part 4)

teacher avatar Alek Stanojevic, Every day is a new chance to learn a new skill!

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to Create the Porch Columns in 3D


    • 3.

      How to Create the Porch Fence in 3D


    • 4.

      How to Create the Roof in 3D


    • 5.

      How to Add Materials to the 3D Model


    • 6.

      How to Add Components from the 3D Warehouse


    • 7.

      Before You Go... IMPORTANT!


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Sketchup Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4)

Dear friends,

Welcome to the 4th part of the course called Sketchup for Beginners – How to Create a Complete 3D House from Scratch Even If You’ve Never Done It Before!

In the third part of this course, you have learned:

  • how to create the ground, and
  • how to create the paving, the basement, the external walls, doors and windows in 3D

Besides that, you have learned how to use a lot of Sketchup tools.

In the fourth part of the course you will discover:

  • how to create the colums and the fence of the porch
  • how to create the roof
  • how to insert the car and trees from an external source
  • how to add colors and materials to the 3D elements

In order to draw the porch we will be using the drawing with its exact measurements, which you can download below (Right-Click + Save image as..):

So, if you’re ready to discover how to create all these new elements in Sketchup, click the blue ENROLL button and I’ll see you inside!



1. Sketchup Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1)

2. Sketchup Tutorial for Beginners (Part 2)

3. Sketchup Tutorial for Beginners (Part 3)

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Alek Stanojevic

Every day is a new chance to learn a new skill!


I love teaching people and doing it the right way. All classes and lessons I teach have one main goal: trying to keep it as simple as possible, so that the learners can acquire a skill with the least amount of effort.

If you are one of them, I would really like to know if I'm on the right path.

See you in class(es)!

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1. Introduction: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fourth and last part of the course called Sketch up for Beginners or how to create a completely house from scratch even if you have never done it before, I'm really glad to see you again because it's tells me that you have followed the previous three parts of the course and that you want to learn how to add the final elements. Your treaty house. Until now, you have discovered how to create the ground and how to create the paving, the basement, the external walls, doors and windows in treaty. Besides, you have learned how to use a lot of sketch of tools. In this fourth part of the course, you will discover how to create the columns and defense off the porch, how to create the roof, how to insert the car and trees from an external source, and how toe add colors and materials to the treaty elements. In order to draw the porch, we will be using the droving with its exact measurements, which you can follow below this video. So if you're ready to discover how to create all these new elements, it's ketchup. Click the blue enroll button below this video and I'll see you in sight 2. How to Create the Porch Columns in 3D: Hello and welcome to this new class. In this video, I will show you how to create a three D porch off our house with the help of this drawing, with its exact measurements that you can see on your screen. Our porch contains five columns on defense between each one of them, and we will start by creating the columns off are pretty porch. In order to do that, we will open the treaty model that looks something like this. If you have followed all the periods lessons from this course on before creating the first column, we will create its layer by clicking the plus sign within the layers window and renaming the layer one toe Borj Boesch holds press center and select this layer toe. Make it active. Now zoom in a little bit. So, like the tape measure told to create the first set off guidelines that are 10 centimeters from this left side and this other site off the basement and then, by using the rectangle to we will create the basis off our column that is 20 by 20 centime to speak, so the rectangle tool draw a rectangle and in the bottom right corner. Enter 20 comma wet when you do that, and in order to create three D so like the push pull toe. However, over the basis, click on it. Move your mouse up and in the bottom right corner and 300 for its height of 300 centimeters . To make it the group, select the selection tool. Triple click on it, right click on it and select the main group option from the drop down menu. As you can see on this, drawing the distance between every column is 345 centimeters. So we'll go back to our model, create another guideline that is 345 centimeters. And then So I moved to click the bottom left corner on the colon. And in order to make its copy, press the cultural key on your keyboard dragons tobe a parallel to the red Xs and then click again. Now you may the first copy off your column, but instead of doing it four times as I've already show you, all you need to do is to enter four and X in the bottom right corner, so make four copies on the first cold. If you want to check is everything is okay. And the problem is 10 centimeters from this side off the basement. So, like tape measure toe, click here and then click here. And as you can see, it's 10 centimeters from this site off the basements. So that would be all for this video. I'll see you in the next one where I will show you how to create a fenced off our porch. 3. How to Create the Porch Fence in 3D: Hello and welcome to the next video. In the previous one, I have shown you how to create a treaty columns off our treaty porch, and in this one I will show you how to create offense off the porch. Before I started doing that, I will go back to the drawing with exact measurements where I can see that the high toll defense is 100 centimeters, and that defense is created by two horizontal elements and several vertical elements. So going back to the treaty model, the first thing I will do is to create a new layer renamed the Layer One Abortion Dash Friends Press Center on Select this layer toe Make it active. Now everything is ready to create offense. So I was zooming a little bit. And by using the tape measure tool, I will first define the height off the fence by entering one found in the bottom right corner. After that, I will mark the height of the first horizontal element, which is five centimeters. The vertical element is 81 centimeters, and the second horizontal element is for centimeters. After doing that, I was create another vertical guideline in the middle off the column at 10 centimeters, and now I'm ready to create the first for result of element, which is a centime to swipe. So I would create the guideline at four centimeters to the right, on four centimeters to the left. By using the rectangle tool I would create a rectangle on. By using the push total, I will create its length off 345 centimeters, which is the exact distance between two Collins. After that, I will triple click this new element, right click on it and select the main group option to make it a group when it's created. I don't know, create the bottom horizontal element that is four centimeters. Why? So I will need a new set off guidelines that are two centimeters to the right on two centimeters to the left. By using the rectangle tool, I will create rectangle on with a push. Balto. I will define its length off 345 centimeters. Again, people click on it, right click on it and make it to group. Now I'm ready to create a vertical elements off the fence, and the 1st 1 is 25 centimeters from the column so I will enter 25 in the bottom right corner on the with all the element is four centimeters. By using the rectangle tool, I will create its base on by using the push. Balto, I will make it three d off 81 centimeters, so fit in perfectly between two horizontal elements. After that title, triple click on it, right click on it and make it to grow. Now I want to make a copies off this vertical elements, so I will again use the tape measure tool and create the distance between vertical elements , which is 25 centimeters. When I zoom in a little dates with the move toe, I will click the lower left corner off the elements, drag it to the right, taking care off the time parallel to the red access. Then, while doing that, press the control key on my keyboard and then click it on the intersection off this horizontal element and guideline. Now, before doing anything else, end in order to create the copies off this vertical element, Enter 10 and X in order to create 10 copies off this word to go element. As you can see, we have created defense, and now we need to select all these elements off the fence and make them a group in orderto copy them between other calls off our porch. We will do that by using the selection tool and by creating direct angle over the fence from left to right to select all the elements, right Lee Konitz and make it a group. Now I can create the copies off this fence between the rest of the column, so I will select defense. And by using the copy tool, which is the combination of the move tool and the control key on your keyboard, I will sell like this corner dragged offense, toe the right being peril to the red axes and click the lower left corner off the second column and then in the bottom right corner, out of banter. Tree acts in order to make three copies because I don't need dispense here, click on it on village. This is it for this video. By following the instructions from it, your task will be to create these side fence off the porch, and I'm looking forward to see your results in the next video. Bye for now, 4. How to Create the Roof in 3D: hello and welcome to the next lesson in the previous one. I have shown you how to create offense for the treaty porch. And if you care, followed all the instructions from previous to medians. Your pretty port should look something like this. Him. That's the case. You are not ready to create a final treaty element off the house which will be the trader off before doing anything else. Created new layer by pressing the plus sign within the layers in the rename layer. Want to roof press center on dso like this new layer toe Make it active. The first element off the treaty roof will be its eaves that we want to be 50 centimetres wider on all four sides off the house And in order to determine its size, we will first need to measure our basement. So we will use the tape measure tool and starting from this corner, the first dimension is 1500 the 2nd 1 is 1140. We really was the rectangle tool like this, cooling off the house and taking care of that. Your parallel to the surface playing the second corner and enter 1600 by 540 in the bottom right corner to determine its dimensions by using the post. Balto, however, over it after 20 toe, make a treaty on 20 centimeters heart. Now, by using the selection toe triple click on it. But this time we will not make it a group because we want just to move it, toe its proper position, use the move toe, click on the surface and by moving in parallel to the green, access after 50 to move it. 50 centimeters. Do these side, and by being barreled through the red access and 50 move it to the rights. If you orbits over the house, you can see that the roof eaves are perfectly positions. The next element saw the roof that we want to create our hips and rich. In order to do that, we will use another great tool reading sketch up, which is the protractor tool, which you can use to measure angles and create guidelines. So click on it to select it and then click this corner here and then click on the edge and by moving your mouse and then to read 45 in the bottom right corner. You will create a guideline that is 45 degrees from these edge off. The thieves now rotate by using the orbital. Click this corner here and then this edge and then again entered 45. Now rotate the house. Click here on the edge on again 45 and for the fourth here, click this quarter here, the search here and enter 45. Now you have determined the guidelines for the kids, and it's time to use the pencil tool to draw them together with original house like this, then draw the third hip and the fourth. As you can see, our roof is flat and in order to make a treaty only to do is to use the move toe Hauer over the ridge of the roof. Click on it and by moving its peril, toe the said axis and the 115 the bottom right corner to make its height off 150 centimeters. This is the easiest way to create a trading roof that looks perfect, and now you can triple click your roof right click on it and make it a group that will be the final treated element off the house. In the next video, I will show you how to add the colors on the materials to make it look more natural. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you in the next video. 5. How to Add Materials to the 3D Model: Hello and welcome to the new class. In this video, I will show you how toe add materials to the components off your three D model. In order to do that proto window on from the drop down menu Select materials. A new window will open with the pre selected colors category, but if you click on the drop down menu, you can see that there are a lot of other categories on the list. The first element that we will add a new material is our ground. So I will use the vegetation category, which has 10 materials, and I would choose this one called Vegetation Grass one. And when it selected all I need to do in orderto added toe, the component is to click on that components. If I want to change the parameters off a newly added material, all I need to do is to click on this addict tab and change its parameters here. In order to add a new material to the new component go to select and from the drop down menu, we will now use the stone category from that category. I will first use this material and click on the painting the next component will be the basement, and I will use this second type of stone called stone masonry will tie click on the basement, and I will also click on the boost upstairs. As you can see, adding materials so the components off the treaty model is not that hard on. All you need to do is to select category and the material within. After you're finished reading the materials, you can take a screenshot off your house and uploaded in the Project gallery below this video so other students can see it. That would be old for this video, and we'll see you in the next one, where I will show you how to use an external source that you can use toe. Add some three D elements, like cars and trees into your model. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you there. 6. How to Add Components from the 3D Warehouse: hello and welcome to the last class off this course. As you can see on the screen after adding some additional materials through the components off the treaty model, my house looks something like this. But there is another thing that we can go to improve the look off our treaty model on. You can do that by using an external source with lots of two D and three D models called three Day Warehouse. The easiest way to access this external source is to go toe view tool bars and from the drop down menu, select the last one called Warehouse. Close. This window on a little warehouse toolbar will open, which you can move so the existing toolbar and select get models when you click on it and your window will open on in, Orderto adds a treaty car to your model. Only need to do is to enter three D card. Frankly, the search button three d warehouse we provided were more than 1400 results for the treaty cars, and now all you need to do is to select the one that you like the most. Let's say that we want to add this Ferrari to our model, and in order to do that, just click on it on. When it's page opens, click the red download button and your window will open. That will ask you if you want to load this model directly into your sketch of model, because you want to do that, click the yes, but in a few moments the car will show up in your treaty model on Sometimes it can be bigger. Then it is. So take on your model to position, and when you do that, you will see that box made off blue lines. So in order to make it smaller, click on the scale tool within the large still set, and then select this corner off the books and drag toe the center of the barks in order to make this car smaller. When you finish, press the space bar on your keyboard. As you can see, the car is a little bit bigger than it should be. A. So click again on it. So, like the scale tool, and then make its a little bit smaller, has the space bark and click somewhere outside off model toe. The select the cold car in order to move it to another location. Select the car again, and by using the move tool, move it this way to position it to the right place. This is how you can place the pretty car into your model, and now I will show you how to place the treaty tree. So again, click the warehouse I can on when the new windows open. Enter three D three in the search bar and click the search button again. Three D Warehouse will provide you with hurting 196 results for three D trees, and you can look around until you find the tree tree. That looks nice. Let's say that we want to add this Ash Street treaty into our model. All we need to do is to click on it once, and when it's page opens, click the Big Reds down button. When the new windows open, Click yes to insert it into your mother. The Treaty three. We replaced into our model, and now all we need to do is to place somewhere in tow our model. Once you have found the appropriate place for your treaty. Three click on the model and Treaty tree will be placed As you can see, these 3 83 has some little mistakes like this line here on this small image off the man. The easiest way toe correct these mistakes is to select the selection toe and right click on this tree tree and select the explode option from the drop down menu. Explode is another name for a new grouping, the elements within one group. So we will. I'll select the group and then select this to the image of the man and press billet on our keyboard. If you want, you consume in a little bit toe the late these unnecessary lights. After that, click on the zoom extents tool to see your model as a whole on. If you want to copy the tree, you can select it on by using the move toe. Move it on by pressing the control key on your keyboard to create another copy and then place it in the backyard off your house. After doing that on select group on if you use the orbital to see your training model, this is how it looks like after adding the treaty elements from the tree, the warehouse on that would be all for this video. This is the end of this four part course called Sketch of for Beginners. Also, if you find it useful, and if you have learned something new that you didn't know before starting this journey with me, I would really appreciate your comments. Suggestions on how toe improve this course. And if you want, you can recommend this course to your friends and family by clicking the yes button about this video. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next course. 7. Before You Go... IMPORTANT!: Hello and welcome. Before you upload your work to the Project Gallery, please be so kind to recommend this class to other students. You can do that by clicking the yes button about this video. When the pop up window opens, you can include your short review, which is optional, and then click the blue Submit button bill in orderto upload the screenshot off your work. Clean the your project link below this video and in the provided section, enter the title upload image by clicking the leak on the right. Leave a short message about this class. Select the public option from the drop down menu and click creates. Thanks for watching, and I'm looking forward to seeing your projects.