1. Introduction: Hi, my name is Nikola
in a parish and I am character animator and motion capture artists from Serbia. I'm working again and
gaming in the suite, but I also have a lot
of experience working on cinematics and
animated series. Today, I'm going to be
teaching you how to edit simple motion capture
file in motion builder. So in this class, I will be teaching you how
to choose right take and create loop animation
from motion capture. Broken up the lessons
into easy steps. So it's easier to follow along. Mole cap made animation infinitely simpler
and far quicker. So I will focus on motion capture in the
future classes as well. I'm excited to get started, so let's dive in.
2. Setting up MotionBuilder: Hello everyone, Welcome
to the first video. In this one, we will set up
our motion builder scene. We will create custom layouts. So when you close your
emotion builder and open it, again, you will have
your screen set it up. So if you got two monitors, just put everything
with the second one. So your main scream is much
bigger and you'll have much better perspective
on what you're doing. So move everything aside
and go into Layout. Create, Custom, and name. It's like you want. So because I'm filming now, I will go back and choose
Layout and editing mode. So you can see
everything on screen, what I am doing in
what I'm working on. And also what I'm
gonna show you. If you are more comfortable
in Maya shortcuts, you can change it in settings, interaction mode and trues
here, Maia, and press. Okay, But I'm more comfortable
in motion builder, so I will stay on motion
builder shortcuts. So that's it for this video. And I think everything is clear so we can move
onto the next one.
3. Import File: We can now import our file. We go to File Open and this
beg euro file I prepared. We can go here just open. And here is our character. She is a pose and you can
see from all perspectives, motion capture file is
plotted on her oral already. So Let's see our motion
capture movement. As you can see,
there's multiple takes in one file that is totally normal for mockups
show tanks will always feel more few versions. So on one take, then we choose the best
one and edit that one. So this is editing phase. And in editing phase, you choose the best steak
and you edit that one. You can see there is like, Yeah, this is another version. Then the other, as you can see, he goes from the idle pose, do movement and go
back to idle pose. This is the last one. Yeah. We will choose the best
steak and added that. See you in the next video.
4. Story Mode Choosing the Right Range: First thing we're going to do is plot our character
to control rig. This blue tint, big
plot to control rig. On control rig, we got all the controls that
moves our character. As you can see, everything
moves perfectly. Every animation we do
video on control Rig. Skeleton is just skeleton and
control rig is regretted. Controls where we
animate everything. So everything is fine. And we can go back
now to skeleton. Also blue thing, bake plot. Skeleton. Now we're going to Story Mode. Right-click, insert
character animation track and we choose our character. And right-click
insert current desc. Cool animation will be
now in this story mode, what we're going
to do with this, I will show you right now. Of course, we need to
enable Story Mode. So this button We
will enable here, yeah, and must be blue. So you know, it's enabled. As we already said, our animation has multiple
ticks inside and we said that we choose the best one and
we will edit that best ones. So we will choose which
stake we want to edit now. And we will watch
our animation again. We can choose which
stake we want to edit. As you can see,
it's pretty long. But watch everything. Now you can see which
takes you want to choose. This is the last one. That's the whole animation. All of 66 be captured
on that shooting. I think I will take this one. Yeah. Yeah. I will cut this now. First frame where I will cut, it's one frame before
movement starts, which is, I think here I could cut it with
this eraser tool. Yeah. At the end, it's first frame after
the movement is done. So I think that's right here. Again, razor and I will, I will delete everything
before and after are take, we want to edit and
I will press here 0. So our animation will start from the
beginning, from 0 frame. And I will go right-click
frames start, and our timeline is now on. Frames we want to
edit and I will go right-click Plot
seem to current dq. And I will change here FPS to 30 because plotted and because
our scene is 30 FPS. So you need to look at
that before you plot. It's really important. I can now turn off
Story Mode and big plot to control
the rig, everything. Yeah. As you can see, our character isn't a positions. Position really well. So I will go back. Plot irritable skeleton,
open Story Mode again, double-click on this
and I will press zeros, zeros 0 to center it, to center our character. Yeah, that's it. And I will go now again, plot Holstein tocar take to
save all the changes I made. And I can now turn
off story mode, and that's it for now.
5. Creating Pose: First thing we're going to do is plot everything
to control rig. And as you can see,
our character, it's a little bit down, so we will move it up. I will make a new layer and on new layer I will make changes. So I will just push
him up a little bit. This doesn't need to be perfect. Just I think this is fine. Yeah. Totally fine. And as you can see, I selected hips and
right and left ankle. So I press a key on full body
and our character now is 0. I will bake everything
to skeleton against to save the changes and then bake
everything to control. Rig again. As you can see, I'm
now in full body mode. This is selection part mode. When I choose this mode, selection and body
part and full body. When I Yemen selection mode, I move just the selected part. When I'm in full body, my whole body moves. And when I am in body part, only the part of the body
that is selected moves. So I hope this is clear. Selection, only
selected body part, only part of the body that
I selected and full body. My legs are pinned. So this is the reason
they don't move. But if you unpin them, they will move to
the whole body. So now we will make pose
first and last bows. So we can make loop animation. First thing I'm going
to do are the fingers. I will go in this schematic
view to see every joint. Skin is pretty messed up here. The skinning is get a strophic fingers
you do with rotation. But now I will try to make it
like this with translation. I hope this is gonna work. This is usual problem. We have many times we got the character that is not skin
very well, but that's it. We need to deal with that. I will try to make it to look. I guess I will leave it like that and
I will move move to another Hand to try that. This moves much better. Yeah, I like it much better than this other one. I'll try it. There's not much I can do. I will take this
hand that I like. I will press a key on body. We'll make a pose. I will select the
fingers and make the pose impulse controls. Just plus, and the
pose will appear. And I will mirror that. I made that fingers. On the other hand
because I didn't like the the first fingers they meet, so I will mirror the second. Yeah, that's it. I hope this is clear. You can make both in both controls plus
and you just select the the joints you
want to make pose off. I just mirrored other hand. Fingers are now now the
same on both hands. I will go big plot to
skeleton, everything. Don't forget to press key
and then plot skeleton. I will go back to control
rig and make pose of the whole car
character, full body pose.
6. Creating Loop and Placing Pose: So when we made a full pose on the beginning of the deque, we will place that
pose at the end. I will turn off this translation
rotation and mirror, and select Full body. Double-click on full posts
and key the end posts. So in this way, week make loop animation. So our animation,
when I turn this off, we'll loop and loop again. And the point is that we
don't have any glitches, which we don't have here. So this is like perfect day, the easiest to do. You don't have to fix anything. It's perfect just when
you place the pose. So I will be averaging
two skeleton and then again on control
rig to save our changes. And just just check this
neck control and curves. Curves. You check curves when
you go back to base layer. Know everything
looks fine to me. I would not I wouldn't
change anything here. I think she's, the
moment is 0, ER, smooth. Just like it has to be. This is the way you
place the pose. Just select the hips, full body, and double-click on
pause V made and press key to make key. And don't forget to plug, plug back to skeleton
and then again to control rig so everything
gets baked and saved. I will just save this. Forget to save every
step you are working on.
7. Choosing the Right Ranges for Every Take: In this video, I'm gonna
show you how to choose right Rangers for
every single take. V of course are doing
that in story mode. Insert character animation, track, character,
insert current. And here are all the x. I will show you where I
would cut every single take. Actually, I'm helping you
now for your class project, but I will tell
about that later. Something for this first. Yeah, I think I
will cut it here. Of course we did, we do this with this razor tool. So this is the first one. Next one, as I said before, one frame before it begins, and von frame after eight, and something like that. But frame before
the first movement. This is the second one. We're going yeah, That's
when we did before, but I will cut it again. Yeah, right here. Of course you need to
enable story mode. I will delete all the
things that we don't need. I will left here just
the takes for editing. Let's move to the next one. Here. Here's starts next one. I will delete this. This is the last one, so I will cut it here. Delete this here, and
click and delete this. So all of the six stakes
and we have in this file, we are now ready
for editing phase. Don't forget that practice
makes everything perfect. So I will save this. Your project will be to do every single day
to make globe of every single thick. Here.
8. Layers and Poses Explanation: When we finish choosing
the right Rangers for dx, I will delete everything again. Let the first one, just put it on 0 and
frame start tend, plot whole scene to current day. And I will position it
in zeros, zeros, zeros. Make it on center. And of course plot whole
scene to current desc. And turn off the
story mode and then plot my character
to control rig. Big plot control rig. Why am I doing this? So your class project will
be to do all the ticks. And now I will quickly repeat the whole process of editing. I will do it differently
a little bit now so you can get more comfortable
with taking poses. As you know, I'm in this file, I saved our full body posts so you don't have to make
your posts all the time. You can do it. Once. I will open this file and
going PostController, find our full body
pose and fingers pose. And I will go file save as Peggy pose or I will just
name it blows and save. Now I will disable all elements, and here I will uncheck that
and disable all settings. And I will just save poses. So we can go now save. In our new Take that
we want to edit. We will just go and
take this poses file. So how we're going to do that? We're going to File Merge poses open and we will
disable everything, discard all elements, discard all animations,
discard all settings. And here live as these, we will check that and find
poses and merge only poses. So when we go in PostController, now, our poor poses are here. This night is
character extension. We don't need that now
so we can delete it, but we only need our poses. So we can now go
to the first frame and actually 0 frame and plot out our
character to control rig, select Full body
and select hips. And apply. Of course, turn off the
translation rotation and double-click on full
pose so you can see our poses now
applied Press Key two, make key and debts. And at the end, we will again press the full pose and make
it and press key. So this is our new desc edited. I will go on body
part and press here 0 and press 0 on the neck. Old saw. This 0 key is taking, taking position from
the base layer VI, do everything on layer one. But when you press
the 0 on layer one, you just take all
the positions and rotations from base
layer, base animation. So this is our base animation. When I turn off layer one. When I turn on layer one, this is our animation. You can see fingers
are now or gay. Position. Character is positioned right. You can see the difference. When I turn on layer. There's only smooth transition. Our loop is smooth
and nice and clean. As I said, practice make
everything perfect. So this is real. This is going to be
your project to do. Every single week. I will go File, Save As, and save this new take. Don't forget to, when
you save your file, save all elements,
not just poses, you need to save everything.
9. Summary and Class Project: So guys, this is how it
looks like at the Yan, this is our week. And now it's time for
your class project. I would like you to
do exactly this. So I will open now
Peggy Rowe file there are open there is
our motion capture file, which older decks
and your project is to cut all the ticks and edited. So if you ask me, I would like you to
do all six days, but if you do just one or two, I will be happy to
see your projects. So I will now open this beg
euro cut just to show you. The first step is
to install remote, to choose the Take you want, and to cut it. If you don't know where to cut, you always can go on this story mode video and see
the Rangers where I cut it. So if you, if
something is unclear, you can always go back
and watch everything. I explained the whole process. And this is the
first stake we did. And the second deck I
did is the first one, so I hope you like it. Yeah. Of course, if you
choose this one, you just press 0. Frames are ten, and that's it. I will go again on this file. So I want give you
that cut that file. I will give you
this just row file. So you will need to insert advertising in Story
Mode plot everything. Cut where you think
you should cut. So please take a
look at everything. If you don't know something
common down below and don't forget that practice
make everything perfect. So this is for beginners, this is first step in your motion capture
animating process. Thank you so much for watching. And please reach out if you
have something to ask me. Thank you so much. See you guys can't wait
to see your projects. Bye-bye.
10. Final Thoughts: You did it. Congratulations on
completing the course. We have done everything from
setting up motion builder, choosing right wages,
creating poses, and finally creating
loop animation. You can learn that
a lot of the work goes into pre editing process. Beyond this course,
I would love to see you bring your
own takes to life. If you've been following along and created your own loops, be sure to upload your work
to the project gallery. Thank you very much
for taking this class. I can't wait to see
what you created.