1. Introduction: You want to be more productive. You want to get more done. Yes. This is awesome. But honestly, a lot of productivity advice is complicated, and it often leaves you feeling overwhelmed. That does not make you more productive. My name is Rich Armstrong from TapTapKaboom. I design, illustrate, doodle, animate, and code. I have tons of ideas and things I want to do, but I have ADD, and I often struggle to get things done. Despite that, I've built websites and apps. I've written books. I've made classes, and I'm continually creating stuff. It is possible to be productive despite your challenges when you know how. Over the past few years, I've learned how to be productive, mostly through trying a bunch of different things and seeing which ones work the best. This beginners productivity class, I'm going to show you a few simple practices you can do to become more productive. The practices we'll be covering are bringing order to your spaces, reducing distractions, writing everything down, and prioritizing what's important. Besides those four things, I'll talk about what productivity is, what tools I use, and I'll end the class by giving you a framework for becoming even more productive on your own. If you want to get more done and you want simple and effective steps to take, join me in this beginners productivity class.
2. What Is Productivity?: Hey, welcome to this class. I am pumped that you want to learn how to be more productive, but the topic of productivity can often be overwhelming. So let's begin with what productivity is. I like to think of productivity or being productive as getting more done in the same amount of time. And I think you know that this is possible because you see people who are like you getting more done than you are getting done. Yet, they had the same amount of time as you do. So how do they get more done? Well, simply, they change what they do and how they do it in order to get more out of what they put in. It's like making t. Given 10 minutes, one person may try making tea by leaving a tea bag in cold water for 10 minutes. It's not good tea. Another person may leave the tea bag in boiling water for 10 minutes, does, is much better T, Now, a season tea drinker may leave the tea bag and hot, but not boiling water for exactly four minutes. And those small differences make the most amazing tea and they didn't less time. What you do with your time and how you do it make big difference, not just with t, but with everything you do. What's really important to know here is that productive people are naturally more productive than you are. What makes them productive is the systems, habits and practices they use. It's like a crayfish. A coin will stay small if you leave it in a small pond and grow huge if you put it in a big pond, it's not the fish that matters. It's where the fish is. It's the same with you. If you change what you do and how you do it, you change how much you get them. Here are three examples. If you don't use a screen for at least two hours before bed, you're probably sleep better, which means you'll probably work better and get more done the next day in the same amount of time. What change was how you use your digital devices? Example two, if you are chopping wood and you sharpen your acts before you do any shopping, you chop far more words than if you use all your time chopping with a blunt axe. What change was, how you prepared for a task? And example 3, if you work in a noisy and disruptive offers and you wear headphones while you work, your signal to others that you're busy and the amount that you get disturbed or decrease. What changed was how you work and more specifically, what you wear. Now, these were just a few examples. The good news here is that you can learn what to change and how to change it, but not all at once, when we try to do too many things to increase our productivity, it gets overwhelming. So for the rest of this class, I'll take you through four simple and effective things you can begin practicing to be more productive. After we've covered those basics or end the class by going over how to become even more productive on your own. In the next lesson, we'll cover bringing order to the spaces where we work.
3. Bring Order to Your Spaces: I used to think that being organized was not for creative people and cleaning and tidying, no way, certainly not for me. I used to think that doing any form of cleaning or organizing was a complete waste of time, and I thought it was a creativity killer. But over time, a few things began to happen. I began getting distracted by the stuff that was lying around. I began taking longer and longer to find things as I created more and more stuff and this frustrated me. I began feeling anxious and uneasy when I enter my studio, I developed this, I don't want to be here feeling and I could physically feel the anxiety bubble up when I walked into my studio. I noticed that I was associating those anxious and uneasy feelings with my work and what I created. Finally, I felt disorganized and unprofessional. Which then influenced what I believed about myself, my work, and my worth. I began realizing just how important my workspaces were to being productive and creative. Having clean, tidy, and organized workspaces makes a massive difference. I started picking things up off the floor. I began using a vacuum cleaner. I began washing up. I started organizing my files and folders. These things may seem trivial to you, but a bunch of small things add up to something big. Now I say spaces and not space because we all have multiple spaces where we work. A space can be a physical space like your desk, your studio, your office, wherever you actually do your work, or it can be a digital space like your email inbox, your desktop, or your file system. As I began cleaning and tidying, and organizing my spaces, a few things began to happen. I started loving being in my studio rather than wanting to run away from it, which made me love working. I was able to focus on my work and not get distracted by the clutter. I could find things far more easily and this allowed me to stay in the flow of my work. I felt like I was in charge of my work and life. I felt more professional, more creative, more productive, it gave me confidence. I began doing better work. I began charging more. I began being more assertive. Bringing order to your spaces can lead to stuff like that. The good news here is that bringing order to your spaces is one of the easiest things you can do to start being productive and it doesn't have to take long. Even a small change can have a big impact on your productivity. For starters, when you clean and tidy and organize stuff, your body rewards you by releasing a chemical called dopamine into your bloodstream. This makes you feel good and it gives you momentum to get more done. You don't have to bring order to all your spaces all at once. That would be overwhelming, and you don't need to do a Marie Kondo ritual. Just spend five minutes and do what you can in those five minutes. For example, the amount of browser tabs I often have open frequently gets out of hand. When I look at all the open tabs and think about going through all of them, I get overwhelmed because I know that I don't have the time right now to read and watch all the stuff in all those tabs. In five minutes, I would focus my attention on one tab at a time. I would consume whatever the first tab contained, take action if necessary, and then close the tab or if it was no longer relevant, I'd just close it. If I finished one tab, I'd get onto another, and when the five minutes are up, I'd stop going through them and get back to work. If all I do is get through two of my 72 tabs, that's great. If you wash half the dishes, great. If you organize some of that bookshelf, great. Just do what you can, every little bit helps. Sooner than you know, you'll have no outstanding emails, an organized bookshelf, a cobweb free studio, and an empty downloads folder. What I suggest you do now, is pick one space to focus your attention on and spend five minutes cleaning, tidying, or organizing it. Pause the video here and bring some order to one of your spaces. How did that make you feel? Maybe it was a slog, but I think you felt a little bit of that, that was good feeling, right? I've gone from someone who created a mess, who never tidied up, who left everything out to someone who now puts everything away in its place. I clean, I tidy, I organize. My spaces still aren't perfect and that's okay, but they're far better than they were, and it's made a massive difference to how productive I am. What I found is that bringing order to my spaces for a few minutes each day makes far more difference than doing a massive clean once a year or every few months. You want to build a habit of order and of being organized. You want to reap the benefits on a daily basis, not only after a big clean. As you begin to feel better and better about working in your spaces, so you'll begin to feel more capable, and professional, and productive. I'd love to know what you spend five minutes doing. What did you clean? What did you tidy? What did you organize? Let us know in the class discussion area. In the next lesson, we're going to cover reducing distractions. You're already doing this by bringing order to your spaces, but there's more to it than that.
4. Reduce Distractions: Let's talk about distractions now. Maybe it's obvious that getting distracted is not productive, but maybe not. Let me tell you plainly, getting distracted is not good for productivity. When you get distracted, you stop doing what you're meant to be doing and start doing something else. But why is this a problem? There are two reasons. The first is that you're not working on what you're meant to be working on. The second reason is that when you resume what you're meant to be doing, it takes time to focus and get into flow again. A distraction doesn't just mean you're not working on something. It means you need to build up to working at full speed again. Getting distracted is like driving through a city full of traffic lights where you could have taken the highway. Simply put, if you reduce the amount you get distracted, you get your work done exponentially quicker. This equates to more time to do other things. You could do more work, you could play with your kids or work on your side project or spend a good chunk of time playing Xbox. Now, here's what we don't often realize. Distractions aren't limited to scrolling through Facebook and Instagram feeds. It's not just the games on your phone or cute cat videos. Distractions come in all kinds of shapes and forms. They change shape depending on what kind of work you're doing and where you're working. The sneakiest distractions actually make it feel like we are working. I found that there are five types of distraction. The first type is the obvious or blatant kind of distraction, the cat videos, addictive mobile games, a Netflix series, that kind of thing. These things are great for when you're not working, but they can easily devour your working time. The second type of distraction is the one that disguises itself as work. Yeah, very sneaky. This could be scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration, reading interesting articles about architecture, learning about new animation techniques. These could be considered work, but they're not really helping you in any of your current projects. In fact, there are often the things you procrastinate with. The next type of distraction is what's happening around you. Maybe you're at the office and your colleagues' conversations are very loud. Clients keep calling you and your boss keeps on interrupting you. You may think you have no power to stop these kinds of distractions and interruptions. But you have more power than you think. The fourth type of distraction is work that shouldn't be being done right now. This could be another project, replying to emails, updating your website, posting to Instagram. This distraction is also super sneaky because you are working so you hardly realize that you've been distracted and you can easily justify what you're doing because it does need to be done. The fifth type of distraction is when you're working on one thing but your mind is somewhere else. This is the sneakiest of all because you are technically working. What helps me most with distractions is being honest about what distracts me and then making a plan of how to avoid them. I'll write down what distracts me and then come up with ideas of how I could reduce, eliminate, or avoid them. Let's say one of my distractions was my phone and everything that comes with it, new apps, social media, YouTube. I use to tackle this type of distraction with self-control and willpower. I will not look at my phone. I will not look at my phone. No. I just won't do it. It does work for a day or two, maybe even less, but then my willpower runs out. What I do now, instead of relying on my limited willpower, is just remove the distraction. I leave my phone in another room. I delete apps that distract me and poof, just like that, I'm no longer distracted. Often extreme measures are necessary, especially if using things like Do Not Disturb, downtime and applicants on your phone, don't work. Let's try a sneakier example now. What if you're getting distracted by your next project, the one you're not meant to be working on yet, the one that's new and shiny, far more appealing than your current project, which is normally the case, isn't it? Let me tell you. This is a tough one and it's one I struggled with all the time. What are some ideas to reduce or remove this one? Well, you could schedule an ideation session for it and get a ton of ideas out all on one go, then you wouldn't be continually distracted by new ideas for it. You could change your mindset and see this new project as a reward for finishing your current project. You could use a timer to give you a bit of a rush for this project and then reward yourself with a walk or coffee or something else when time is up. What I want you to do now is take five minutes to write down your distractions. Then circle the three things that distract you most and come up with ideas of how you could reduce and eliminate or avoid them. You don't need to know if these ideas are 100 percent going to work. There are things you need to test. Pause the video here and write down your distractions and ideas of how to reduce your top three offenders. The ideas you have to reduce distractions are important, even if they feel stupid. Test them out, especially the ones that are easy to test, then iterates on them. Tweak them, learn which ones work for you and which ones don't. Let us know in the class discussion area what some of your distractions are and what ideas you came up with for reducing them. Have a look at what other students have to say. In the next lesson, we'll be writing everything down, which as it turns out, is a great way to get your brain to stop distracting you with constant reminders of what to do and what not to forget.
5. Write Everything Down: One of the best things that you can do for your productivity is write things down. Why? Because your brain is not optimized for storage, especially not for all your ideas, all your tasks, all your dreams, your goals, your thoughts, what's for dinner this week? That person's name, when and where your appointments are, what you promised a client and everything everyone said during that last meeting. I mean, I can't even remember everything I just listed. Your brain cannot store it all. In other words, your brain forgets stuff. But why is this a problem? Well, when you forget stuff, you need to spend time finding out what you used to know. It's like following a treasure map for the whole day and arriving exactly where you started because someone forgot to put a big red X on the map. Simply put, forgetting is a massive waste of time and your brain knows it. It hates forgetting stuff, which means it uses a lot of brainpower to avoid forgetting, which it could instead be using to be creative. This often looks like two things. The first is you consciously trying to remember things, like dates and numbers and ideas and who said what? The second is being continually interrupted by things your brain thinks are important, like dinner tonight and the date you're going on next Friday and about dinner again and about that other project. So instead of trying to remember it all, write it down, all of it, everything your unconscious mind pops into your conscious mind, write it down and soon as you realize you're thinking about it, get it out your head. I began the practice of writing things down when I started working at an agency because I got interrupted all the time, people would ask me tons of questions. They wanted my opinion, they assigned me to other projects, and then there were client meetings and conference calls and discussions about lunch. When I finally got back to working on my projects I'd often forgotten that amazing idea I had, or I'd even have forgotten what I was actually working on. So I began writing everything down. You may think writing stuff down is distracting, but getting stuff out of your head, lets your brain know that you've got it and that it can stop continually reminding you about stuff. It means you can focus on the task at hand rather than getting continually interrupted by your own thoughts. If you've never done something like this before, I suggest trying it for five minutes, right now. Grab a piece of paper and write a list of what you want to do today. If there's time left over, list things you want to do this week, and if anything else comes up, that's cool. Write it down as well, and then add to it over the rest of the day when you need to. Okay. Pause the video here and give it a go. Okay, How did that feel? Let us know in the class discussion area. So I prefer using paper for this practice because it doesn't distract me like my phone or my computer does. But you can use an app if you want to, which I do when I'm traveling or commuting. Now, once your thoughts are out of your mind, it's important to look at what you wrote down from time to time. This is what it looks like to remember and remind yourself of things. Because remember, your brain has entrusted remembering and reminding to you at this practice and to allow your brain to fully relinquish control, you're going to want to act on what you write down. If you don't, your brain won't trust this new practice and it will resume its old ways. So do the tasks you wrote down, meet the deadlines, make the appointments, review the meeting notes, try your ideas, explore your thoughts and act on your dreams and goals. Assure your brain that you have it under control with this writing it down practice and if you need to move some things, you write down into places that make it easier to find. For example, you may want to put deadlines, appointments, and dates into your calendar, ideas into an idea database, dreams and goals into a journal and future tasks into a to-do app. What I like doing is spending a few minutes every day getting stuff out of my head. I do this first thing in the morning, so I can focus on my work for the day. As the day goes on I cross items off my task list and add more thoughts and tasks that pop up. Then at the end of the day, I have a look at what I wrote down and move some items to different places. Using this practice every day allows me to use my brainpower for creativity, and the added benefit is that it makes me way more productive. It's a win-win. In the next lesson, we'll cover how to do what's important, which is very important.
6. Prioritise What’s Important: So far in this class, we've discussed some simple yet powerful productivity practices. But unless you do them on a consistent basis, they're useless. If you do, do them on a consistent basis but don't do what's important, these productivity practices are once again useless. No one wants to be only super productive doing a boring job they hate, or to only be super productive doing something meaningless. No, there's a reason you want to be more productive, is because you want to do something, or do more of something. Maybe something big or meaningful, maybe something relaxing, and you most probably want to do multiple things. Let me tell you something, everyone has things they want to do. But few people actually do them, or do them as much as they could. How do you become one of the few who actually spend time doing what's important to you? You prioritize. You prioritize what's important, and you prioritize the things that enable what's important. What I've experienced when prioritizing things is that everything else will often fit in around what you prioritize. Your priorities are like tennis balls in a jar, and everything else is like the sand. The order you put them into the jar makes a big difference to whether they can fit or not. If you put the tennis balls in after the sand, they won't be enough space for them. But if you put the tennis balls in first, they'll fit and so will everything else. But priorities don't have to take up a lot of time. Five minutes of writing stuff down every day can be what you prioritize first, or exercise, or getting up early. I know that if I don't write stuff down first thing in the morning my day often spins out of control. For me, those first few minutes anchor the rest of my day. They help me make good decisions about how to spend my time, they enable me to create and teach, which are both very important to me. But without that time writing things down, I wouldn't create or teach as much as I want to. Priorities also don't have to be ongoing things. They could be seasonal things or one-off projects. How do I prioritize what's important? You may be asking. Firstly, choose one important thing you want to start doing. Only one for now, in time you'll add more. It may be that big something like writing a book, or updating your website. Or it could be something that enables you to work on those big things, like writing stuff down, or sketching every day. Next, choose a specific recurring time in the day and week to begin and end doing this important thing. You want to pick an amount of time that doesn't overwhelm you. Starting small and building up is a good idea. It could look like 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM every morning, or 3:00 PM to 05:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Next, write down what you're going to do and when you're going to do it in a place you'll see often. You do this so that you commit to doing this thing, and so that you're frequently reminded of that commitment. You could write it on a sticky note and stick it on your computer. You could write it in your journal, or on your mirror. It could look like, "I'm going to work on illustrating children's books every weekday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM." Or "I'm going to write stuff down every day from 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM." Make the tasks general so that it will apply no matter what stage of the process you're in. Then set a reminder or an alarm for it, and if you use a calendar, add it to your calendar. You want to make sure that you don't forget, and if you want to increase your chances of making it happen even more, tell someone important to you that you're going to do it and make some preparations for doing it. Put your paints out, leave your computer on the table when you go to bed. Put your running clothes out the night before, and then use all your willpower to pitch up and do what's important to you, especially the first few times. If you can't do anything else to help you do what you want to do, then do that too. This process is called prioritization. It's making what's important happen. After a while, you'll get into a routine of doing it, it will become normal or a habit. When this happens, you can plan one more important thing into your life using the same steps. Choose a recurring time in the day and week to start and end it. Write down what you're doing, and when you're doing it in a place you'll see. Set a reminder for it, or put it in your calendar. Make preparations for it and tell someone important that you are going to do it. You don't want to plan in everything you want to do all at once because that can become overwhelming, and it often won't develop into a habit, it won't stick. As one important thing becomes normal and part of your routine add another, and when that becomes part of your routine add yet another important thing. I'd love to know what important thing you're going to prioritize first. Let us know in the class discussion area. In the next lesson, we're going to chat about how to take your productivity to the next level.
7. Becoming Even More Productive: We've gone through the basics of how to be productive. The practices have been clear and easy to follow. But now you may be wondering how you can become even more productive, which is awesome. But this is where it gets less prescriptive and more open-ended because there are tons of things you can try out. In this part of the class, we're going to change gears and I'm going to show you a framework for becoming more productive on your own. What I found is that all the things you could possibly do to become more productive, fit into four principles. One, make it easy to start working, two, make it easy to keep on working, three, get more from what you put in and four, work on what's important. These four principles can be summarized as make it easy to start working on what's important and keep on working on it effectively. You'll see that what we've covered in the class fits into these principles. What I like about these four principles is that you can turn them into questions, that give you the opportunity to come up with your own ideas of how to be productive rather than relying only on what others say. Here they are. One, how might I make it easy to start working? Two, how might I make it easy to keep on working? Three, how might I get more from what I put in? Four, how might I work on what's important? If you're in a team, you can start with how might we, rather than how might I. When it comes to productivity ideas or theories, no matter if it's your idea or someone else's, you need to test it and see if it works. What I aim for is getting a little bit more productive every week. I ask myself which of those four principles I'm struggling with, come up with some ideas and then try the easiest ones that I think will have the biggest impact. After a few days or maybe weeks, I take stop and see if what I'm trying has worked. From here, I tweak it, keep it the same or digit if it really didn't work. I suggest not trying too many new productivity ideas at once because you'll most likely overwhelm yourself and you won't know which ideas worked and which ones didn't. Even worse than trying too many is learning about new ways to be productive but then never trying them out. But then feeling like you're being productive because you're learning about productivity. I call this productivity porn, watch out for it. It can suck you in and be a deep hole. Because as you learn more and more about being productive, you don't actually get more productive or even worse, you get distracted by it. What I'd like you to do now is take 10 minutes to come up with possible ideas for those four questions. You don't have to know if they're going to work or not. Their theories, possibilities, assumptions. For each idea start with, what if I? Or what if we? Okay, pause the video here and come up with some ideas. [MUSIC] As you begin testing ideas, tweaking them, teaching them and adopting them, you'll become more and more productive and you'll learn about what works and what doesn't work for you. You will resemble a snowball getting bigger and bigger and quicker and quicker as it rolls down a hill. Don't underestimate the power of starting small. Something is always better than nothing. As GK Chesterton said, anything worth doing is worth doing badly. I don't know if he spoke like that. Making one small change that will make you slightly more productive can have a big long-term impacts. If you keep on making those small changes over time, you'll resemble an avalanche. I'd love to know what some of your ideas for being productive are. Drop them in the class discussion area and have a look at what other students have to say. In the next lesson, I'll be showing what tools I use to be productive.
8. My Tools: I've intentionally tried to leave out what tools I use during the class because what you use depends on what you do, how big your team is, your preferences, and how you use them. However, in this lesson, I will tell you what tools I use to be productive because often you don't know what you don't know. Sometimes all you need is an example or a place to start. Here are some things I use to be productive. Also have a look at the Class discussion area to see what other students use to be productive. The first tool I'd like to tell you about is Notion. This is my digital home and it's very versatile. You can write documents, embed videos, create spreadsheets, and so much more. I've used it to write books, create content calendars, track projects, store artwork information, and sends more. It has mobile and desktop apps. It's easy to share any page, and it has a massive online community sharing how to use it best and it's free for personal use. In short, I love it. Next up is Toggl. I use this to track my time which allows me to pull my clients accurately and reveal places where I could better spend my time. The next thing I want to show you are time timers. I use these things all the time to do a bunch of work within a certain time period. I love them. They're visual, they take up space, they bring energy and momentum to a task, and they don't distract me like my phone does. My next tool is more of a style of organization, it's called Bullet Journaling or BUJO for short. I use a notebook like a moleskine or a Baronfig's Confidant to write down everything in a specific way that makes it quick and easy to write and review. Bullet journaling also has a massive online community. Something I love having around are sticky notes, I use these things for new and important ideas. I stick them on my Mac, on my desk, and of course I use them when I ideat on my whiteboard which brings me to my big whiteboard. I use it to generate lots of ideas very quickly and to do big brain dumps when I need to. When I'm mobile, like riding my bike around Amsterdam or commuting and I don't want to carry a bag, I capture notes, and ideas, and thoughts using Apple notes on my phone. It's available on all my devices and it makes it easy to review. For my e-mail and calendar, I use Gmail and Google Calendar. They work everywhere. They work incredibly well and they have calendars you can synchronize with multiple people. Lastly, I use Dropbox to synchronize my projects between computers. As a bonus, it backs up my files. There we go. Those are the tools I use to be productive. Let us know in the Class discussion area what tool you use to be productive or if you have any questions about what tools to use. In the next lesson, I'll tell about your class project.
9. Class Project: For most of my classes, there's a creative project I get you working on. But for this class, it's a productive project and hopefully it'll be one you keep busy with for the rest of your life. What I'd love for you to share with us in your class project space, is a few things that really stood out to you during the class and how you're going to do things differently. Then in a few days or weeks, i'd love you to come back and give us an update of how things are going now that you've made some changes. The benefit of creating a project and telling us what you're going to change and how this change is going is that it allows myself and others to have a conversation with you about what you're doing. It becomes personal and you become accountable to us, which is powerful when it comes to being productive. I'm looking forward to seeing what you share with us. In the next lesson, we'll conclude the class and I'll give you a few more bonus tips.
10. Conclusion & Bonus Tips: What have we covered during the class? Let's do a quick recap. The first thing we covered was what productivity was. I like to think of it as getting more done in the same amount of time. Remember, as a quite fish expands the size of its pond you become more productive by changing what you do and how you do it. Then we moved onto the four practices this class focuses on. The first practice we covered was bringing order to your spaces. When you have a clean and tidy and organized space, it makes it easy to start working and to keep on working. Remember that it's more beneficial to bring order to your spaces on a regular basis. The next practice we covered was reducing distractions. There are five types of distraction and some are very, very sneaky because they feel like work or they are work just not work you're meant to be doing. I got you to write down your distractions and pick three to reduce or remove. Don't forget that your willpower and your self-control they're limited so remove distractions where possible. The third practice we covered was writing everything down and reviewing it. The purpose of this practice is to free our brains from the duty of storage and reminder management so that I can use all of its brain power on being creative. The important thing to remember here is to look back at what you write down and take action on it so that your brain keeps on trusting the process. The fourth practice we covered was prioritizing what's important. This in my opinion is the most important practice because unless you do what's important to you there is no point in being productive. To recap on how to prioritize something, choose one important thing you want to start doing, choose a recurring time in the day and week with the start and end time, write down what you're doing and when you're doing it in a place you'll see, set a reminder for it or put it in your calendar. Make preparations for it, and tell someone important that you're going to do it. The last thing we covered in the class, besides the tools I used was how to become even more productive on your own. I told you about the four principles of productivity which can be summarized as, make it easy to start working on what's important and keep on working on it effectively. When working on these remember to turn a principle into a question by prefixing it with how might I, and then come up with some ideas and test them out. Before we end the class, I would like to leave you with three pieces of advice. Firstly, you don't have to do everything, in fact you cannot. Do not try to do everything. That's why we prioritize what we do. Secondly, you don't have to please everyone. You don't have to say yes to everyone that asks you to do something, you can say no. This will most likely mean annoying some people or disappointing them or frustrating them even but if you're serious about getting more done, you want to be selective about what you do, why you do it, and how you do it. Thirdly, any productivity practice that you take on needs to work for you and the way you do things, if it doesn't change it or drop it. Otherwise, it will overwhelm you or actually be counterproductive. I hope you've enjoyed this class and that you found it helpful and maybe even a bit fun. There's a lot more to be said about productivity. If you have a question or want advice, please leave a question in the class discussion area. Will you please do me a big favor and review this class? It means a lot to me and let other students know whether or not to take the class. Both positive and critical feedback are welcome and specific feedback on what was good and not good is most helpful. For more things to help you become even more creative and even more productive visit If you've enjoyed this class, check out my Skillshare channel using this URL. I have a bunch more classes that I'm sure you will enjoy. That's it for me, bye for now.
11. Blooper Reel: That was good task list. Silly clock, stop it. As GK Chesterton. Let's do a quick recap so that I can.