1. Introduction to Low-Cost Marketing for Small Businesses and Freelancers: welcome to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Many business owners and freelancers have a great skill or talent or product that they want to sell, but their one skill away from success and that skill is actually getting customers to buy their stuff. Now some people think if I have an idea, I just make a website, make a social media page and people will come to me. That's not really how it works. There are millions of websites out there, millions of Facebook pages and other social media profiles. If you're waiting for people to just stumble upon you and give you money, you're probably gonna be waiting a really long time. So in this class you're going to discover what type of client you want to target for the best results and where the thes clients hang out so you can actually get their intention instead of just putting information out into the blue while they you'll pass it by and what to seeing your marketing so they actually pay attention and act upon it. You'll also discover how to overcome objections such as I don't have enough time or I don't have enough money Or maybe this isn't right for me in a way that makes people feel supported and appreciative and grateful to you instead of pressured or annoyed or treated like a commodity. A lot of ads are annoying interruptions into people's days. You try and read a website and add, add add hate. We interrupt this content to reading to give you more content that you're not even interested in yet, which often leads to people. Just clinic King X on it before they even register what that content is. Never mind act upon it. So I'm going to teach you how to create content that people actually seek out and wants to consume content that they learn from, and that educates them about why they need to work with you and why they need to do it now . Now, with this kind of marketing, you've been target anyone who needs you now most marketing, especially this interruption type marketing Onley targets one type of people, the type of people who are already ready to make a purchase, and chances are these people they're shopping around looking for the best prices. They're already looking at your competitors. This type of marketing that I'm going to teach you helps you to get the attention of the people who need you. But don't even know it yet, so they start to work with you before they even look at your competitors. This type of marketing can be done on a low budget and in many cases, even for free. But don't expect it to happen instantly. This kind of stuff takes time and dedication, so you can't just poke out it a nit pick at it with a little bit for a week. And I say, Oh, didn't work too bad. It takes time to build up that relationship with clients to the point where they no and like and trust you enough that they willing to give you their money and entrust you to help guide them to the place where they want to be, or that they trust your products to get them the results that they desire. So if you want to build a successful business to attract the clients who need you and to make their life better, and, of course, during your own life better in the process, I look forward to serving you through this course
2. How to Choose Your Target Audience: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to talk about how to choose your target. Audience the roads to a higher return on your marketing investment. Now, some of you may be wondering, Why do you even need a target audience in the first place? What if I have a skill set or a product that could help anybody on Earth? Why should I exclude people who might need my help and be willing to pay for it? So to start with, let's look at the difference between a specialist and a general practitioner General practitioners attract people who know they have a problem and want a solution, but who often don't know what, that the problem is serious and are less likely to be ready to make a big investment in solving it. The specialist, on the other hand, attracts people who know that they definitely have a big, serious problem that needs to be taken care of. So these people are a lot more motivated to actually take big action to get their problems solved and to create the outcome that they want. There's also the fact that a specialist can ask higher prices than a general practitioner because they have a more in depth and specialized field of knowledge, and therefore they can provide better results in better value. And for 1/3 people just trust specialists more. For example, if you went to a pharmacy with this horrible head splitting headache and you really wanted to some pills to just take the pain away, which would you choose The everything pill or the headache pill? Chances are that everything pill would kind of look like snake oil. It would look like it was made by someone who was trying to be too good to be true, and it didn't really know what they were doing. The headache pill, on the other hand, is going to jump out as being exactly what you need right now, and you're probably going to trust it more. All in all, the for the audience feels like you're speaking about their exact problems and desires, the more they're going to trust that you understand them and their own unique challenges and means, and the more they're going to trust you to actually help them to solve their problem and get the benefit they want There's also the fact that knowing who your ideal clients are helps you to know where they hang out. This enables you to get faster results and higher conversions by putting yourself and your materials where your ideal clients are already looking. Now, to be clear, Having an ideal client doesn't necessarily mean you'll turn away other clients who need you . Other people who are an ideal fits and okay fit who might be a good fit. You need to do some more exploring, to be sure and who are a great fit. So it doesn't mean that you'll be turning away people who need you and are a good fit. It just means that you'll get higher conversions by targeting the people who are the most likely to buy. So how do you determine who your ideal client is to start with? Let's determine the demographic. This includes things like their gender, their age, their marital status, whether they have Children, their culture. So what do you need to know about this? All these factors may affect your phrasing, where they hang out both online and offline their priorities in decision making power. For example, if they're married, they may have to consult their spouse instead of just making a you know, a lateral decision about the family's finances. If they have Children, chances are they're going to be a lot more pressed for time and how much time and money they have. This is another factor it can affect. Children tend to be expensive and time consuming their culture effects. Cultural values may. You may need to consider in your marketing and your phrasing and even in your color scheme , depending on the culture and its values. Another thing you need to determine is their desired outcome. This is actually the most important factor. This is why they buy from you. So what are the day to day problems that they want to stop struggling with? Now, when you're thinking of these day to day problems, don't think about it in terms of the root cause. A lot of people don't even know what the root causes think in terms of the symptoms, instead of they have a bad mindset about dating. Maybe they're having trouble getting the people's phone numbers. They're having trouble getting people to actually show up on the first date when they get a first date. It tends to be the last date these air, some tangible, noticeable problems that they can detect with their own five senses that they see they feel they remember they feel strongly about, and they really want to get solved. Talk about it in terms of actual events. Show don't tell another is the positive outcomes that they want to experience once again show don't tell, you know, don't tell them that they're going to change their mind. Set about dating. Tell them that they'll get more phone numbers. They'll go on for states with great people but could feel the continue dating people that they really enjoy and have a lot of common with and want to spend their lives with. And they'll feel confident and happy and loved instead of insecure and nervous and just waiting to be rejected. Talk about it in terms of the things that will actually see and feel and experience in their day to day lives. 1/3 criteria is the mindset they have and the challenges they encounter, what obstacles air keeping them from solving this problem on their own Things could be things that you talk about to help them to understand that this is something I'm offering that you can't do by yourself. This is how my services different from everything else you've already tried, and how much do they know about your field? This determines whether you should use industry door jargon or layman's terms. Their mind set? What do they think? Feeling believe about your field. This determines how much groundwork and coaching you have to do to help them to understand the basics of what you're going to be doing together. Fourth criteria is incoming location. How much money do they make? You should be targeting people who can afford you easily and who aren't going to have to choose between paying you or paying for their mortgage. If you target people who are going to be struggling just to afford you, ah, lot fewer of them are going to sign A. Another reason this is important is because people with lower income are more likely to value money over time, whereas people with higher income are more likely to spend money in order to save time. So which, when you emphasize, will depend partly on what your target audiences also income often effects where people live in what kind of activities or groups they join. So once you know what your target audiences income is, this will help you to determine where to put your marketing materials and where to show up yourself in order to get their attention. So now you know the basic criteria for choosing your target audience. It's time for the action step that for all If you just get this information and don't do anything with it, you won't really get any results. So this week's homework right out a description of your target audience being as clear and specific as possible. Then put this description in a place where you can easily refer to it during later classes . And when you're creating your marketing materials, having this available in a neatly organized format will save you a lot of time down the road. We'll get that done as soon as possible, and I look forward to seeing you next week.
3. Creating a Package That Stands Out: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to talk about how to create a package that makes you stand out. If you want to stand out in your field and get clients, you need to create a service package that give people a reason to choose you over your competition. A great service package should meet the following criteria. For one thing, it gives your clients and easier journey or a destination that they can't reach on their own. You need to give them something that they can't get without you. For another, it just solve problems or offer solutions that your competitors can't. What expertise, experience or perspectives. Do you have that your competitors don't? What features do you offer that your competitors don't? Are there any specific problems? You solve our demographics that he served that your competitors can't. Those would be included in your service package. For another, be comprehensive. Give the clients everything they need to solve the particular problem your service package focuses on, and for another, use your unique perspective or expertise to enhance her offer. What life experiences do you have that make you more of an expert. But character traits of those experiences built that make you better at doing what you do your competitors offer may have some more features, but it will never have you. Another important factor is that your package should focus on the outcome. Don't stuff your offer with features just to make it look good. You overloaded with too many different features or items. People are going to look at that and go, Whoa! I don't have time for all of that, so just give them what they need to get the result they want. Every feature you include should give them a piece of the process they need to get the outcome they signed up for. There shouldn't be any filler or fluffer stuff that's just there to pad the offer. Focus on making it easy to understand and implement and showing them how each step contributes to the overall result. If you have products, services, action steps, exercises or gems of wisdom that you really like, but that don't apply to the specific problem or outcome that this package focuses on, you can always turn them into a different course or package later on. When you created your package. Try to compete by value, not by price. Don't focus on being cheaper than your competition. Focus on being better. What do your clients want that your competition doesn't do? What do you do better than your competition? Include that in your package creation and in your marketing. So what? Those factors in mind it's time to create your service package. To start with what? Teaching points action steps and or physical or digital products? Will your package include? Make a list of all the different steps your clients are going to need to take and items they're going to need in order to get the results and organize those into your package. Once you've decided what the content is, what form does it take? Is it gonna be physical products? Digital delivery bols exclusive access to a members only area in your site service that you offered to your clients? While you're deciding what goes into your package, you also need to decide how they're going to be different from others in your field. Is it easier to use than your competitors products? Does it get better results or get results faster? Does it help with problems or help demographics that your competitors can't. This is one of those times when it's really helpful to know exactly who your target audiences, because that allows you to get a clearer idea of what their challenges and needs are and how to meet those needs more specifically and effectively than your competition can. So your action set for this week is to get your package outlines, decide how it's going to be unique or better, and decide how you're going to deliver it. Please get that done by the end of the week, then tune in next week to find out how to market this package with confidence instead of guilt. I look forward to seeing you then.
4. Marketing With Confidence Instead Of Guilt: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to talk about one of most important parts of your marketing. Your mind. Many people are so focused on being polished and perfect and professional that they come across is boring or inauthentic. The mother are self focused on imitating their mentors that instead of being first trade versions of themselves, their second grade versions of somebody else but a lot of them don't realize is authenticity is more important than perfection being present in the current moment. Being focused on your clients being yourself are more important. Those air would create a connection. Those what makes people trust you and feel like you're the person they want to work with. This is especially important. In Call feels like coaching where it's really intimate. People are opening up to you. They're being vulnerable. They need to know that they can trust you and connect with you, and that you're a real person, not just some fake mask who's trying to look better than you actually are. This is especially important when you're in a crowded field, when there are a lot of other products that are similar to yours. Sometimes your personality is what's going to make you stand out from all the other ones. Even if you have somewhere features similar price similar products, you might be the differentiating factor that makes people choose you over everybody else. Now, one of the things that stops us from being authentic is guilt. Ah, lot of us are trained for an early age, whether explicitly or implicitly, that asking for money is bad, that rich people are greedy. But you hurt people by asking them to invest in your product, and you should be giving things away for free instead. The trouble is that causes several problems between you and your client. For one thing, it devalues you and your work, and people don't value things that they don't have to pay for as much. And if he thinks you feel less valuable to which causes you to not show up at your best for another, asking for money could actually be in active service. People are less likely to actually use things they don't pay for. And if people actually make an investment in their dreams, that tells them that their dreams are worth making invested in, and it tells them that they are capable of pulling together the money they need for the things they really want. Unfortunately, even if you know that asking for money can be a good thing, some people have a hard time doing it because they feel like they aren't worth the price. That's another thing that can come between you and your clients and make you feel inauthentic and uncertain. It also make your clients feel uncertain that you're worth the price. I mean, if you don't believe it, why should they believe it? So if you don't really feel like you're worth the price that you're asking, or that your services valuable enough here in a few exercises you can use. For one thing, write down a list of all the areas of expertise you have. What are all the specific things that you could help your client's to do? Break it down into the little steps is even the little steps are important. End of people miss them. They can end up in ongoing good results. There's right down a whole list. What are the topics you know about where did the little things within those topics that most people don't know how to do. What are some of the things that you get approached for and ask for advice on? Those are things that you know and are good at that most people don't. We're not good at a 2nd 1 is compared where your clients were when you met versus where they are the end of your work together. What things were they struggling with? What were they suffering from? What were they wishing for that they couldn't get? And now that you've worked together, what are they enjoying? What kind of problems are they so glad to be free from? Well, wonderful experiences are they having? This will help you to understand just how valuable your offer is, just how important your services in ways that go beyond money. Another reason why these were so important is because your first sales call the client isn't away. Your first coaching experience with them. Even if you aren't a coach, you're still helping them to get clarity on what is their dream. When do they want whether how important is the problem of how important are they? Are they worth taking action together? Problem solved. You're helping them to get clarity on their desires and goals on who they are and what they want in life and on whether or not they're worth investing in. When people choose to pursue their goals to make an investment in themselves, they're giving a tangible message to themselves. Yes, you are worth it. Your dreams are worth it. You are worth solving these problems for and not having to suffer from this anymore. You deserve not to have to suffer from this, so that's step forward for them in terms of their mindset. So asking for money can actually be in active service. I'll cover how to deal with objections like I can't afford it or I don't have time in a later video. For now, I just want you to get really clear on your value on why what you do is important and how people benefit from it, why it's worth the price. You're asking why you're worth the price you're asking. And I want you to understand how important your personality is, how important it is to let that personality shine instead of trying to be stiff, polished and perfect, and somebody you're not actually mean benefits are perfect. One more thing to take away is to remember, Keep the focus on the client. If you're thinking about your bank account or your bills are all the things you need money for or how worried you are that you won't make a sale they're going to come across is uncertain or disconnected or money grubbing. People will sense that you're focused on the money and not on them. So keep the focus on the client on your connection with, um now the life that you want to help them create. Your goal is not to push somebody into making a purchase that isn't good for them, even if it isn't a good fit. Your goal is give everybody the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not this is right for them. And if it isn't right for them to help them, to get clarity on that and to decide that even if they don't actually make a purchase, you can give them value just by helping them to get more clarity on what they want in life . And if somebody isn't a good fit, don't beat yourself up about it. Some people just aren't a good fit. They don't need your product or your personality clashes with. There's there's with yours. Or sometimes they just aren't ready to prioritize this particular thing at this particular time. So don't feel bad about what he declined. Who isn't a good fit? Go. It's actually a service to both of you. So now it's signed for this week. Faction steps. If you've been questioned your value, I want you to write down a list of all the things you're good at, all the things that you know that your clients don't know and all the steps that you can help him to take. By doing this, you'll see just what a great depth of experience and expertise that you have now let you know that you can offer your clients also make a list of the problems your clients are suffering with, and the benefits they experience is a result of working with you how much better their lives are. As a result of that, this will help you to see what a big transformation you make in their lives and just how valuable your services. So please put that in your calendar, make sure it gets done. I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson
5. How To Describe Your Offer: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. By now, you've created your ideal client description and your service package, and you've also started working on the mindset needed to market and sell with confidence instead of guilt. Now it's time to learn how to describe your product or package in a way that makes people want to purchase it. Now one of the most important parts of this is to focus on the results. One mistake I've seen over and over is that people talk about the process instead of the results. They talk about their weekend intensive, their hours upon hours of coaching calls, the hundreds of pages of materials. He'll get the dozens of hours of video content, and I'm looking at that going, Wow, that's a lot of work. And on the weekends to just what I'm looking to settle down and relax instead of doing more work. This is not a selling point. This is extras work that you want me to commit to. The process is not what people are going for that the results they want, what I'm gonna learning to wreak and intensive. What are they going to get from doing all these pages upon pages of homework. What tantalizing information are they going to learn in these videos and when results are doing going to see in their lives? Because of, um, people don't want the process. They want the outcome that process provides. So let's go over the components of a great marketing message. For one thing, there's the immediate top of mind problem. It solves what two people lie in bed awake thinking about you. Think about it in the terms that they think about it. They don't lay in bed thinking off only a devoted a weekend intensive. Let's say you're a relationship coach daily in bed, thinking. Why do I keep attracting the wrong people? Why do I only attract losers? Why can't I get people to give me about their phone number? Why don't I get first dates? Why do I always end up having the first date be the last date? A simple, direct, physical, event oriented things And what are the actual events that people go through that are giving them trouble? One of the principals in this is show don't tell. It's like you're writing a story. Don't say they're having problems with their dating illustrate. What are the specific problems they're having with their dating? The second is the top of mind benefit that you give you. Do they get more phone numbers? Do they go? Don't go on more first states. Do they have better for stage that lead to more dates? Be specific. Another is the problems side effects. If they're having trouble getting dates that can in fact, their self esteem, which in turn can affect fertility every area of their life, their friendships, the career, their health if they're stressing owed over being in bad relationships and also impact their health. If it's a really bad relationship, you can have a very direct physical impact on their health. So those are examples of side problems that the main problem could cause if somebody's having health issues that could impact the career or the relationships with their family, their general psychological well being and similarly, you want to talk about the side benefits of the solution. If you help people to improve their health, they'll have more energy for their family in their career, but only advanced more quickly in their career and make more money we'll have better relationships. They'll be happier. They'll be able to do all those activities they didn't have the energy for before. Of course, there are also problems that you saw that your competitors don't. This is one of the areas where you can stand out. For example, let's say you're a weight loss specialist who helps stress eaters and people who have glandular issues that could cause them to gain weight and have trouble losing it. These are people who might not get results with your competitors solution. But who could get results to your more specialized approach Closely related to that? There's demographics. You can help that your competitors can't stress eaters people with glandular problems. People who have struggled with weight their whole lives and don't know why these air some demographics that may have special, specific challenges than you can solve that your competition can't. They don't legendary solution because they probably tried the generic solutions and those solutions don't work for them. They want something that specifically solves the extra problems that are keeping them from getting results. And then there is the best and highest benefit people could get from your solution. Now I understand. Not everybody is going to get this best and highest benefit, and that's not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to give them all the tools supporting information they need to get that result. And then if they fully implemented, they will get that results. So this Preston highest benefit, for example, you help people to get better dates and more phone numbers best and highest result. They get married to the love of their life. They have kids if they want them. They have a great family life. Together, they have more money to share between them cause they're both contributing income. That's an example of the best and highest benefit people could get from your solution. Not everyone will get bad outcome, but the important thing is you make that outcome possible. Another way to make your marketing more effective is to tailor it to your target audience. Tailor your phrasing to match your audience. For example, marketing that targets competitive athletes would use more aggressive and competitive phrasing than marketing that promotes products for small Children. No other ways to let your personality show. As I mentioned in an earlier video, that's a unique part of your package. Are you fun and quirky, elegant and composed, sexy and flamboyant? Let it show. The third is to address challenges that uniquely or disproportionately affect your target audience. What do your ideal client suffer from or struggle with, or what obstacles are in their path that don't send to affect other people? A. Strongly, if you can talk about that that Mills take us, somebody who really knows what you're talking about, who knows them and who can get them results whether people who don't address those challenges can't, and another is to use images that depict your target audience. If your target audience is women, then show women in your marketing in your book covers and wherever you use images that will show them that they're the kind of people that you're speaking to. Another important component is preemptively dealing with objections. You can often be easier to deal with objections before they come up. Then, after those doubts have already been seated in people's minds. Now a lot of entrepreneurs dread objections. They feel like they're the death knell of sales. But the truth is, objections aren't always something to be feared. There's sometimes a sign that the client is thinking about your offer, but they need a bit more convincing. If they weren't interested in your offer, they might have say No, not interested. Sorry and walk away. But if they have objections, then they're still engaging you with you there still actually thinking about the pros and cons of the offer. We'll have a lesson have focused on dealing with objections during sales conversations later. But for now, let's start with preempting some of those objections before they ever come up. No objection. Number one. I can't afford it. This is one that comes up pretty frequently. Sometimes he will mean it, and sometimes it's actually a cover up for another problem. They aren't ready to voice. I'll talk about that more in a later video, but for now, the simplest way to deal with this it preemptively it's demonstrate that your solution is less costly than the problem. It solves. So for one thing, how much money is the problem costing them directly or indirectly? Let's go back to the Dating coach example. How much money are they spending on bad dates on you, on dinners, on drinks, on gas? How much is this costing them compared to how much they spend on your solution for another , what financial benefits will a solution bring? If they marry their soul mate and they're both bringing in income, they'll have more money to spend overall or, if you're of solution, is business oriented especially. How is it going to help your business person clients to make more money? How it help them do so cut down their expenses or get more clients? Will the investment pay for itself or third? Why is what you offer worth more than money? If you're in the harry of health, you could prolong their life by years. No amount of money covers that or meeting your soulmate, having a happy marriage. What price tag could you put on That also highlighted the ways in which your offer gives them something that's worth more than money ever could be. Another common objection is I don't have enough time. So the strategy for preempting this objection is similar to the one for I can't afford it. One thing. How much time is their problem causing to waste? How many hours have they spent on bad dates? How many hours have sick people spend not being able to work quickly and efficiently because of the health problem. How many more hours of free time where they have, if they could get their work done faster and more effectively? If you could help them to understand that they're wasting more time having their problem than they'd spend solving it, that can help them to understand that it's actually a net gain. Another factor is how much time would they spend trying to solve the problem on their own? How many hours of research or physical therapy or trial and error getting it wrong over and over again? That's another area where you can demonstrate with time they spent on your solution. You still in that gain And for 1/3 how much time will your solution saved? Um, how much time are they wasting on their problem? How much time would they spend trying to solve it on their own? Now compare that to the amount of time they spend implementing your solution. The difference is the amount of time you saved. Um, I could be a big, compelling factor in helping thumb to realize just how valuable your offer is. Another important strategy is to use specifics to increase your credibility instead of saying this product saved you a lot of time. Say this task used to take an hour every day, but now it only takes me an hour every week where, instead of this will help you get rich, given example like one of my clients used this to make $10,000 in one month overall. Specifics air more compelling, incredible than vague statements. Okay, now you know more about how to describe your offer, and it's time to take your action steps right out. The element of your marketing message that we covered in this lesson, including the primary inside problems, the primary side and highest benefits the problems you solve that your competitors don't demographics. You serve that others don't if any, and how much time and money the clients problem costs them versus how much they spend on your solution. So, please, it's always set aside some time in your calendar to get that done, unless you can do it right away, which is even better, and I look forward to serving you in the next video
6. Traditional vs Educational Marketing: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to compare two different types of marketing. Traditional marketing versus educational marketing, also known as how to annoy people versus how to make them like you. So traditional marketing usually is an interruption. You're trying to watch a YouTube video, and you got to get through this 32nd ad for a story trying to read some content and then pop up. Also, traditional marketing usually doesn't provide a new actual value in and of itself. It's just there to tell you how you can get value by buying something, and usually it isn't actively sought out by people unless it's funny, you know, like the Old Spice Guy commercials. Also, it frequently induces ad blocking in reflective cop up. Closing Educational marketing, on the other hand, is valuable and end up itself. Even if you don't buy anything, you get some value out of it. Also, it's actively sought out by your clients. They're looking for the information and value that this kind of marketing provides. It doesn't trigger ad blocking, and it's more likely to be actively shared by its viewers, as opposed to avoided now. Another difference is the focus. Traditional marketing generally focuses on brand recognition, getting you to recognize their product when they're in the store and getting you to seek it out, getting you to trust it more than you would a non brand name product. It also focused on getting purchases from people who are ready to buy. Educational marketing, on the other hand, focuses on helping people to understand why they need you, even if they didn't know that they needed help. And they therefore weren't shopping around, get or looking at your competition. It also focuses on building credibility and goodwill by giving value, which could be pretty important, especially for information based services where people need to know that you're an expert. The targets are also different. Traditional marketing targets, people who are ready to buy and people who might be interested in buying some day but aren't yet. They also target people who know about the product unless it's an infomercial, which is kind of a little closer. Educational marketing, but not quite. It's targeting people who already have an understanding of what the product is, what it's for, why they would need it and that they even needed in the first place. Educational marketing, on the other hand, targets people who need health but don't know it yet. And as I mentioned earlier, therefore they aren't shopping around there looking at your competition yet they need your product, but they haven't yet figured that out. It also talking to people who are seeking solutions and do the things they can solve their problem by themselves and who might need a bit of education to realize that they actually need help. Here's an example of the different types of people who are targeted. If a person already knows they need graphic design, they're probably shopping around comparing providers, often comparing by price instead of value and looking at your competition. However, if this person is looking at how to articles, they probably don't yet know that they need help, and therefore they aren't looking at your competition. Yet if they stumble across an article that explains all the different strategies, skills, software and nuances that go into good graphic design, they might realise they need an expert to do this correctly, and that the expert is you, the person who have the expertise to know all these different things that go into it. This gives you the chance to connect with and impress potential clients before they even look at your competition. It also widens your client base from people who are ready to buy now to people who are ready to buy and people who need my solution but don't know it yet. Personally, I specialize in educational marketing, so let's look up them the basics that go into this. The first part is an intro that tells them what they learn in this piece of content and how they'll benefit from learning it. People's time is valuable, and you need to convince them that it's worth spending that time on your content. When you're doing this. Be specific about what they're going to learn to tell the benefit from learning it. Don't be vague or confusing just to try and raise curiosity that will turn a lot of people . Often we can think this will just waste their time. If you want to raise curiosity raising about the progress you tell them, discover the strategy that produces this result. You can be vague about what the strategy is in your title or your blur. But don't be vague about the results. People should know what the reward is for consuming this piece of content. The next component is a few pieces of valuable, actionable information. Don't bore them with basic stuff. There's a new Internet full of that. They have no reason to choose you over everybody else just cause you gave him a few basics instead and to impress them with really good information that will get them results. The third component is the call to action, where you tell them how they can get even better results through your paid off for a while . You're giving your culture action. It's important to be really specific about what they'll get in the paid off for versus what they find in the free author. I've seen some really vague calls to action like don't expect to get the whole puzzle from just this newsletter. You to get the whole puzzle, you need to buy my book. Well, great. What puzzle pieces am I missing? And why do I need them? I have no idea. And therefore I am not gonna buy. Yeah, bye bye. If on the other hand, he told me exactly what was conveyed in the e book and why I needed it, then it would have been more likely to check it out. And possibly by it. Some people are worried that they'll give away the whole farm in their free content, and nobody will want to buy their offer. This is a legitimate concern, but there are ways to avoid this. Obviously, you don't want to give away everything in the free content with clients could still feel the need to buy your product to get to get the full results they're looking for. At the same time, it's important to impress them with useful information that shows your expertise and credibility. So here are a few ways to strike that balance. One strategy is to offer just one piece of the puzzle. For example, a dating coaches educational marketing could explain how to get a first date while the paid product teaches how to do every step after that. Another option is an overview, lists all the components of successful strategy needs, then offer a detailed walk through in the paid product. This could help them to understand just how much goes into the process of actually getting results and how much they don't know. 1/3 option is a diagnosis. What do their symptoms are? Life challenges mean this is where you could answer some burning questions like, Why do I keep attracting losers, or why does my back hurt or what is this rash on my arm, or why do I have such trouble advancing my career? If you could help them to understand why they're having these problems, you show that you're an expert in those problems and in the root causes behind them. And then, after giving the diagnosis for free, you going to give them the solution in your paid offer. Now here is an important principles to keep in mind. For one thing, share information. The audience can understand at the current level of knowledge, your focus on the symptoms that they know they have, and give them information that they can understand without having to go through a whole course in three requisites. Those first stage is there for your educational marketing, a rare you meet them where they're at and give them the information they leave to understand your more advanced stuff. Another principle is to make your audience more aware of their root problem, its effect on their lives and why they need you to help cure it. Your educational marketing should help your clients to both get results and understand why they need you to get even better results. The third principle is don't vaguely allude to the fact that there's more content in your paid product. Tell them exactly what they're missing and why they need those missing pieces. Okay, it's time for this week's action steps. Please make a list of these two things for one thing, topics you could cover in your educational marketing materials and for another what information you'll share in these pieces of content. What do you know how to do that? Your ideal clients don't What are the steps that go into each of these things? For example, you might know how to get someone's phone number, but there are several different steps that go into that, such as mustering your mindset, how to approach people with how to make conversation and how to earn their trust so they're willing to entrust you with the phone number. If you, to those steps, is detailed enough for involved enough background stuff like mind said each of those steps could be an article or of social media. Posting it up itself in the later class will discuss how and where to share the content you created. For now, just get an outline of what kind of content you have to offer. That's all for today for deserving you in the next video.
7. How To Address Objections: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to discuss how to address objections in your sales conversations, no matter how good your arteries and how much you've tried to preempt objections in your marketing materials. There will likely be times in your sales conversations when you encounter objections. In some cases, you'll be talking to people who haven't seen any of your marketing material, so you'll be addressing these things for the first time with them. So if these objections include, I can't afford it or I don't have enough time to implement this. This isn't the right time for me, or I just don't know if this is right for me. As I've said before, objections aren't something to fear. If a person raises an objection, that probably means they're thinking about your offer, but something standing in their way, like a big old buffalo in the road. Objections aren't as good as a yes, but there's still better than a simple I'm not interested now. Sometimes objections are valid and accurate. Some people simply aren't a good fit for you, and it's best to let those ones go. Other times the clients. Fears were perceived. Limitations can be overcome or their objections or simply a cover up for a problem. They don't want a voice. It's important to remember that your client is not your opponent. You and your client are both on the same side of trying to get them the result they want. So don't try to argue them into submission. Prove if they're wrong or pressure them into making a purchase that will just make them feel uncomfortable around you. They won't like you, and it makes them more likely to ask for a refund later if clients are in complete alignment with your offer. If they feel good about buying it and they believe it's right from them, they're much more likely to actually stick around, implemented and not request a refund on the other side of the spectrum. Don't just give up the moment they say there have an objection or they can't afford it. Instead, keep an attitude of teamwork in an open mind and help them to find ways to get what they want. Now some people try to avoid hearing objections. It's actually better to invite discussion about do their concerns if a potential client seems reluctant or uncertain. Tell them, you know I could be wrong, but I'm sensing some hesitation. You have any questions or concerns while the stuff we're discussing this showed them that you're paying attention and you care about the concerns. It also gives them a chance to tell you about anything that could keep them from buying. Or that could cause them to seek a refund later. So you have a chance to address it now before it preempt or ruins a sale. Now here's something you definitely should not do If they seem reluctant or voice in objection, don't try to counter where the flood of selling points that just makes them feel ignored. And can you make them feel overwhelmed? And it shows that you care more about your product and your profit than you do about them. Now that we've covered on the general principles and wine says behind successful objection handling, let's get to the specifics, starting with one of the most common objections people voice I can't afford it to see. You know, it might not be about your price I can't afford. It doesn't always mean your price is too high. It can also mean one of these things. For one thing, you could be targeting an audience that just has too little income, and you need to target an audience with a higher income bracket. Another possibility is that you haven't convinced them that your product is right for them . Maybe they want the result that you give, but they aren't sure that you'll get them. They're. Or maybe they want certain features that you don't offer or feel that you're offering too many features and they won't have time to implement them all. So at this point here gonna want to explore the reason for their objection and find out which of those problems is the real one. Another possibility is they think it's right for them, but not that it's worth the price. So here you might want to explore. Why don't think, Think it's worth the price? You know, what more the would they need to see for it to be worth the price, And what do they think it's worth? How much money are they wasting by having this problem? And how much more money could they be making or saving If they had that problem solved. Another possibility is that they actually haven't concerned. It's completely unrelated to money, and they're just using money as an excuse to say no. When you're talking to someone who needs your product but says I can't afford it, ask them if you could afford it. Is this something you'd want to do? This helps to cut through the BS and reveal whether money is really the issue. If the answer is no, even if I could afford it, I wouldn't do it. And yet they have the problem you solve. Here's a response you can use. Thanks for your honesty. Now you told me you had insert the problem you solve here, and I want to make sure you get what you want from this conversation. So I'd like to know, Is it because solving this problem just isn't a priority free right now or because you don't think this is the right solution for you? This gives you a chance to find out if there's something wrong with the way you presented your offer to them, or if there's a problem on there and holding them back or if it simply isn't a priority. It also creates an opportunity to explore what their problem is really costing them and to help them determine if it should be a priority. If you know someone who experienced additional problems because of that focal problem, now might be a good time to bring that up. You may recall, in an earlier lesson, we talked about the side problems that a problem can create. They may not realize that they're having the side problems because of the main problem where they may realize they're having beside problems but just never connected the dots. So now might be a good time to do some diagnoses. It help them to understand what the problem is actually costing them. But what if money is the issue? But if they do want your offer, but they just don't believe they can afford it. So if they say that there are a few things to do for one thing, do not drop your price. Doing that devalues you and your product, and it can imply that your original price was actually fake, inflated in an attempt to rip them off, instead, help them to find a way to afford it. Do they have something they can sell vacation plans that are less important than their dream or some other money source of removable expense. Or in some cases, your big offer just might not be right for them right now. And some programs, or might just be too big and expensive for them right now or might not be entry level things. In that case, do you have an entry level product they can use right now something cheaper, like maybe an e book or a mini course, something a bit smaller and more affordable? If so, you can offer that to them. Another common objection is I don't have enough time. As I noted in an earlier lesson, objections about time are often similar to objections about money. The client thinks they like a resource that they need to obtain and use your product, and they may or may not be right. So here are some ways to adjust the objection of I don't have time. For one thing, find out if time is the real issue, much like you did with money. If they had time, would they do this? If not, find out what the real problem is. Another method is to find out how much time the problem you solve is costing them. How much time are they spending dealing with the problem, researching how to deal with the problem, dealing with the side effects that the problem causes? It's gonna all add up to a lot of wasted time time that they wouldn't be wasting if they got the problem solved. If they subtracted all that wasted time from their schedule and replaced it with the time spent on your solution, would it be a net gain of time? Another option is to tell them how much time it takes each day to implement your solution and help them to see how they could fit that into their schedule. It might not be as hard as they think. So what if it isn't the right time? Sometimes people are spinning to money plates to add another one, or the problem simply isn't a priority right now. But it might be later in that situation. Find out if it's likely to become a priority in the future, and if so, when. While you're still having that conversation schedule the time to follow up. If you walk away without scheduling a time first there's a much higher chance that it'll slip through the cracks and they'll never actually get back in touch with you. Also, be sure that you're the one following up with them. If they're waiting for them to follow up with you, the odds are really good that you'll never, ever hear from them again. Personal experience. And when you follow up, remind the person how you met and what you talked a boat and find out if they're still having difficulties with the problem you previously discussed. It's also a good idea to remember a few of the personal things about, um, what did they express interest in? What were they planning to do? What things were they struggling with, The more they feel that you were paying attention to them as a person, the more they'll appreciate you connect with you this feel heard, seen and liked by you. The more you can feed, make people feel special and noticed, the more they're going to like you. So what if it's just a hard no no specific objections? No, I do this. If I had time or money just plain no. Well, sometimes a person simply isn't a good fit or they just aren't willing to prioritize the problem you solve. Or in some cases they just don't get along that well with you. And that happens. Sometimes. Personalities clash, and it's not really anybody's fault. There's something like that happens. Thank them for their time. It ask if they know anybody else who might need your help and if they'd be willing to make an introduction. So now you have a few new strategies for dealing with objections. In your sales conversations, it's time to take the action step. This is one of those things that isn't really covered by simply making a list. So I recommend practicing these principles in your actual sales conversations. If you're not having many sales conversations because you just don't have that many leads or if you just need a safer space to practice, I recommend asking your friends or family if they'd be willing to help you practice and trying having a few pretend selling conversations with them. So please sure to set aside some time this week to do that, and I look forward to serving you in the next video. Have an awesome day
8. How to Spread Your Message: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Now that you created your marketing messages, time to put it where your ideal clients can see it. There's a number of ways to spread your message in which you use will depend on your personality and target audience. Personally, I got my best result from guest blogging on size, my target audience reads and by contacting people directly on social media. But I'm going to share a few different methods in this video, including those two Method one email, marketing email Marketing is a great way to put your information into place where many people look multiple times a day you, but it's also a really crowded field. Standing out in the full inbox can be a challenge as Kim getting permission to send people emails in the first place. You know there's all this free and content out on the Internet that people don't have to go away their emails for, and some people are just so bombarded by newsletters that they're really cautious about who they give their email address, too. If you want them to sign up for your newsletter, you need to offer them something they really want, preferably something that's even more appealing than the free content they can get without reviewing their email address. How you go about encouraging people to sign Apple depend on the nature of your offer. If you specialize in physical products or services, you could offer deals or discounts that are exclusive to your newsletter. Subscribers made perhaps a gift certificate for new subscribers. If you sell information, coaching or training, offer a piece of information they really want or tool, like a questionnaire that your readers can use to learn more about themselves into their situation. On your newsletter, Sign up page. Include a picture of yourself for the often gift, as well as a brief description of what they'll get by signing up Now, some often gifts are completely digital and intangible. Now their information. They're just words or audio, in which case you can use something symbolic like, say, a CD set or a picture of the result. So good if they implement the advice you share in the opt in gift. Now, how much information you ask for in your sign it form will depend on how close your audiences to being ready to buy. If your target audience is nearly ready to purchase, you could ask for their phone number as well as their name and email. For example, let's say you're a Realtor targeting people who are hunting for houses. Those tend to be pretty time sensitive transactions and dealing with people who are already actively looking to buy. So in those cases you could ask for their phone number. But if these people are still shopping around, possibly looking for do it yourself solutions and they don't know you that well, they might refuse to give you their phone number. So it's better to just ask for their name and email at that stage. You'll have to build ups and trust before they'll give you their phone number and rescue, calling them with all hours of the day. Once you've got them signed up, you need to share the right kind of material in your emails. The Clintons of your newsletter defend on your offer for physical products. I suggest talking about new products, deals and discounts, recipes and ways to use the products. If you've got a special way to use the product or something that can make their lives easier that they haven't thought of that. They can use your product for share that in your newsletter and, of course, guides for choosing products that are the best for their current project or need. If your offer is more service or information or coaching oriented, you can share how twos answers to questions you've gotten from your readers or your clients or new offers and discounts. For example, if you're hosting a webinar, let them know about that. Or if you just created a brand new program, tell him about it. That being said, I suggest sharing about seven pieces of valuable information for everyone. Email that sells them something. Most of the time when they open their email, there should be value in the email itself. If you do, nothing would sell to them. They're probably going to just tune out, stop opening your emails and possibly even unsubscribe. Speaking of which, Harrison common mistakes to avoid, for one thing, sending too many emails too fast. You ever had one of those times when you signed up for somebody's newsletter? I think a boom you had a new email every single day, a really long one to make matters worse, sometimes even multiple times a day. I could just end up feeling spammy and overwhelming unless you're one of those really rare unicorns that haven't nearly clean inbox every single day. You probably don't want that, and neither do your subscribers. How often you send emails will depend partly on your target audience. Your target audience has a lot of free time on their hands. Or if your emails are really short, you can get away with doing it a little more often, maybe every one or two days. But if your clients are really busy or your emails are pretty long, I suggest doing it maybe once a week at most. Another mistake is giant, often gifts people are more likely to consume, use and share something bite size in a 100 page report. If they open up a pdf and find that it's 100 pages long. A very small percent mind regent worried away. But a lot of them are just going to file it away for later, or some of them might just give up on it entirely, and those who file it away for later theon of them actually getting around to reading it are not that great. So it's better to just have something bite size that they can actually consume, use and share right away. Another mistake, as I alluded to earlier, is too little value. Too much selling people are more likely to stay subscribed and keep it opening your emails if the emails themselves air healthful. Another mistake is really vague subject lines or confusing subject lines. The goal should be to create curiosity, not confusion. Give them enough information to tell them what the email is about and what they're going to discover inside. But leave a bit to the imagination. Another method is social media marketing. When you do this, you'll want to choose a site that's popular with your target demographic. If you're doing all your marketing on Facebook, what most of your target audiences on Lincoln, you're not going to get great results. No matter what you coast, there are a couple different ways to do this. One of them is building an audience on your own page or a group that you control. This gives you more freedom and authority, but it can take a wild gained followers. Another is joining pre existing groups where your target audience already congregates. This gives you a pre built audience, but you do have to follow the group's rules regarding what you're allowed to post or talk about it. How personally, I've gotten better results from hanging out in pre existing groups simply because there's already that pre built audience there so I can get straight to interacting with people instead of just hoping they show up for trying to get them to interact with the page. So here's an examples of things you can post on each different type of page in your own grouper page. You can post relevant stories answers to questions you've gotten related to your field, how to guides, tips and strategies and best practices. For example, if somebody is doing something in a way that's OK, but not quite optimal, you can share a better and more effective way to do it. As with the email marketing, I recommend having a high value to selling ratio approximately 7 to 10 useful post for every sale oriented coast. Also, you can use images to increase engagement with your posts. As I noted in another class, the more you could make your images look like your target audience, the more they're going to resonate and identify with those images and the stronger they'll respond. When you're posting and other people's groups, you can share useful tips like you would in your own group or page would be sure to follow the group guidelines. You can also respond to other people's posts with feedback, answers and insights, or ask the group for feedback and advice in your own stuff. If you meet someone in the group, do you think I need your help or who might make a good referral? Never remember. Contact them via the comments were a personal message and invite them to discuss the better further and see if they're a good fit. Another method you can use is guest blogging. This is how I let one of my highest paying clients to say, You know, Google has been known to penalize guest walking, sometimes kind of indiscriminately, so I wouldn't currently recommend it for SDO purposes. That said, it can be a great way to put your expertise in front of a pre built audience. Here's how to find and contact sites for guest walking purposes for one thing, pick websites, your target audience reads. There's no point putting information out there where they're not actually going to see it. When you're finding these sites. List of top Insert your field here. Sites are a fast way to find them. For example, top 10 marketing sites top 10 dating sites. Top 10 parenting sites. While you're doing this, make sure the list is current, preferably created in the last 18 months. You don't want to be looking at the top 10 sites from 2000 and four when you're looking at each site, check and see if it has guest posting guidelines, and if they do have guidelines, please follow them. Or I will have to smack you seriously as a person who allows guests quotes on my site. You have no idea how many emails I've gotten from people who instantly make it clear they didn't even try to find the guest posting guidelines. Never mind read them. Please don't be that person. If they don't have guidelines. Looks for contact info. You don't want to be researching states that you can't even contact waste of your time while you're researching the sites. Don't get sidetracked reading all their bullet close to research thm If you want to set aside a couple of long post to read later, go ahead and do that. But don't get sucked into that rabbit hole and waste all your guest blogging time reading other people's blood posts once you found the contact in votes and then a quick message to see if they accept guest posts and, if so, what procedure you should use to send them one. Once again if they have guest posting guidelines, follow those guidelines guidelines on their sites to proceed. Anything I'm saying here now, I can't believe I have to say this, but you would not believe how many people don't actually follow up and send them the guest host. You'd be shocked how many people have contacted me to see if they could guest post on my site? I said yes, and I never heard from them again. It's really weird. Once again, don't be that guy. Once you've confirmed that you're writing for a site, here's the mid photo include in your guest posts. As with most of your content marketing, your guest post should include the following an introduction stating what they'll learn and why they need it. Why should they spend their time on this? How will they benefit from it? After that? Some useful info is gonna be how twos lists of tips answers to frequently asked questions or anything the target audience really wants to know. After that, a call to action, if permitted, once again followed the guest posting guidelines. Some places will allow a call to action of those weapons. Even if you can't specifically cell in your guest host, it is good to include a cult of action just for the next action step they're supposed to take to implement. This is their lives. What steps can they add to their schedule to actually get results with the information you just shared and at the end of the block posts, you should be able to include a bio which tells them who you are, how you serve people, something that makes you unique and a link to your site if they won't allow you to include a link to your site is probably not worth posting on that website. Once you've sent out the block posts, be sure to make a note in your calendar to follow up. Some websites do have a backlog of submissions. They need to get through intercourse. Other tests for maintaining the site so sometimes they will take two or more weeks to get to your submission. So give them a couple weeks and then send them a message, see if they've got the block post if they've approved it. If there's any changes you should make, and if they're planning to publish it, if they are planning to publish it, ask for the links so that you can share it with your social media followers or anybody else you know who wants to read it. Another strategy is webinars. Webinars are live or recorded videos, usually lasting 30 to 90 minutes. These are often used to sell higher priced information products or coaching packages. Since customers often need a larger taste of your personality or expertise before they're willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for something intangible like that, there are a few different ways to make a weapon. Are here are a few of, um, one is hosting it live via Facebook life YouTube, lying zoom or something similar to that? Something where a bunch of people can congregate and see somebody talking on screen. This method can be a challenge is it requires you to know your material pretty well, and she got it mostly right on the first try, though that said, people are often more forgiving of life products than there are recorded ones, they understand that you can't always get it right on the first try. Another method is pretty recording yourself, talking to the camera and then uploading the video to a video hosting service. This case, you're gonna want to do some editing to remove the arms, the pauses, the stumbles just make it look a bit more polished and professional. Another option is recording yourself, saying the audio, then using video editing software to add slides to the audio. This could be a good strategy if your audience has a lot of visual learners who benefit from seeing writing words more than did they do from just hearing them. Of course, it does little good to get a weapon are made if you don't actually get anyone to sign up for it. The process of getting people to sign up for a weapon are is fairly similar to the one for getting them to sign up for a newsletter. You've got a capture page, Assign it box and some information that tells them what they're signing up for and why they'll benefit from it. I recommend using an opt in gift in this so they can get a taste of your expertise before they watch the webinar keep the often gift small and useful so they can consume it immediately and share it with their friends. This is especially important if you're using social media marketing because it will only be in their dashboard for so long before getting buried by all the other stuff in their timeline. If they can use the often gift right away, that great the increase of the chances that well, actually share the post while it's still in front of thumb, I recommend having an auto responder in place about when people register for the webinar. There immediately sent a welcome message with instructions for accessing the weapon are including the link, the password, anything else that we need to get access. I also recommend sending them reminder emails the day of the Webinar and half an hour before the webinar starts, just to make sure it doesn't slip through the cracks and increase the chances that they're actually going to attend. Now let's look at what in photo, including your webinars. I see just starting with a quick intro to let the viewers know what they're gonna learn in the webinar and how they'll benefit from learning it. So they understand why it's worth their time to sit through the whole thing, then include a brief version of your story. You don't keep them sitting there for 20 minutes, wondering whether they're going to stop talking about themselves and give me the info they promised. Just keep it fairly brief and focus on the things that qualify you to teach this subject. This could include things like times when you struggled with same problems your clients are going through. This will help them to identify with you, to trust that you understand them and their suffering and their struggles as to believe that your life is proof that the can, in fact solve their problem by the methods you use. Other things you could include, or your training, your relevant life experience and the results that you've gotten for yourself and other people After that, it's time to share the information you promised. Um, there are a few with different ways you could do this. One is an overview of the stuff they need to take to get results. There's give them a quick list of all things, the only to do the steps. Tell me to take the things they'll need to have in place and then offer a more detailed walk through in your paid product. Or you could give them detailed instructions for just one part of the system. Help them to get one part of their strategy completely handled, and then tell the other parts of the strategy that they still need help with and how they can get those through your paid product. Another option is a diagnosis. Why does the viewers problem exist? It's for example, why do they attract bad partners? Why do they keep having this health problem? Why does their faucet just not work? Then once you've given that diagnosis, you can tell them how to get the cure in your paid product. One strategy you can use to big people more receptive to your offer is called Seeding. It's where you mentioned your offer earlier on in the Webinar. While you're still giving the useful information, for example, he could say, I just taught you how to do this thing after the training I L. Terry Tool that you can use to do the thing more easily and quickly and efficiently. This prepares them for the sales pitch and frames. It is a good thing that builds upon what they're already learning. After that, it's time for the call to action. Tell your viewers what they still need in order to get the best results and why they still need it. Why is what they've already learned? Not enough to give the best enticed results. Then let them know what's included in your paid offer. This is where you can talk a bit about the process, but keep it focused on how the process makes things easier for them and then tell them the exact steps they need to take in order to sign up. They'll leave them guessing about any part of this. Tell them what button to push, what form to fill out, or whatever other steps they need to take in order to get the product after the webinar is over if you're WEBINAR. Software allows you to separate attendees from non attendees and attendees who bought from attendees who didn't. I recommend sending them targeted messages according to what they did. You can offer non attendees a replay or the next Webinars date, so they have another chance to see the webinar for people who did attend but did not make a purchase. Give them a chance to discuss their questions or concerns with you. Maybe they wanted your products, but something was holding them back. Or maybe we have feedback about why they didn't want your product. And for those who did buy the product, send them a message saying, Thanks for buying and give them all the information they need to take the next steps, implement the product and contact you if they need help. All right, time for the action steps. Pick one or two strategies inside. Aside at least a few hours to implement them each week. I would not recommend is trying to use all these strategies that once at least not to start out with. If you do that, you're probably going to get overwhelmed and failed to implement any of them effectively so you'll just end up doing a whole lot of work and not getting much in terms of results later on. Once you've got the strategies mastered and possibly automated or delegated, then you can add some more on. But for the moment, start with mastering a couple of thumb. So get those strategies in your calendar. Make sure you set aside enough time to implement them, and I look forward to serving you next week.
9. Staying In Touch With Future Clients: welcome back to low cost marketing for small businesses and freelancers. Today, we're going to talk about how to stay in touch with future clients. Just say people who haven't bought it yet. But who might in the future is he? Not every potential client will sign up on the first try. Some people need eight or more interactions with you or your materials before they'll make a purchase. Personally, I want spot any book and some CDs after being on someone's newsletter for a whole year. So if someone needs your product, but for whatever reason, they just aren't ready to take action yet irritable but that you can use to stay in touch. One is personal. Follow ups by email, phone text, social media and other such methods. Try to take note of each leads, preferred communication with it when you beat them, and use that to follow up. That will get you the best chance of actually getting a reply. Another method is automated follow ups such as email newsletters and automated texts. If someone isn't ready to buy right away, you can tell them what benefits your newsletter subscribers get to send them a link and invite them to sign up. 1/3 method related to number two is automated sales finals. This can include newsletters as well as additional elements that just webinars downloadable PDFs questionnaires and more. You can offer these additional elements for your newsletter or use them as incentives to get people to sign up from the newsletter in the first place. If you choose the sales funnel method, here are some additional hips when you're nurturing a lead you met online via your sales funnel started small and easy and then build up from there. Don't start your relationship with a one hour video. That's like trying to get around all the bases on the first date doesn't tend to go over that well. First, you need to demonstrate that your content is good enough to be worth that kind of time. Commitment. Start with free, small, easy to access stuff like articles and social media posts, then offer longer materials or paid products. If you choose personal follow ups. Here are some tips for that. If every contact you have with the person consists of, are you ready to buy my stuff yet? They'll probably get sick of it in tune you out. They might even block you if you go too far. Instead of burying up a bit, send them articles and videos that are relevant to their interests. Ask questions about their lives. Treat them like a person. Focus on building a relationship, not just enrolling a client. You can also send them physical cards and postcards. Chances are they're physical inboxes, a lot less crowded than their digital one, and this will give you a chance to really stand out and give it a personal types that a lot of people just don't have. So your action steps for this week are to choose your methods of following up. Will it be sales? Funnels newsletters. You'll definitely want to have some personal hollow ups in there, especially for people who could be really good clients. Or, if you're selling high, take it stuff. Having that personal touch will greatly increase your chances of actually getting the client for another. If you don't already have files for each of your current leads, now would be a good time to create. Um, yes, you learn more about each person, add notes about their interests, the challenges, their needs and past conversations you've had together as well as their preferred method of being contacted. And the third is to make a list of the leads you don't already have appointments with and set aside one or two hours each week to follow up with, um, help cakes, okay, but in your calendar, or get it done as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the week, and I'll crow deserving you in the next video. In the meantime, have an awesome day.
10. Final Recap: Welcome to the last video of low-cost marketing for small
businesses and freelancers. I'm so glad you decided
to stick with me through this whole class today. I'd like to just
give a quick recap of what we've learned as well as some spinal notes to help you keep going forward
in the future. So in this class
you learned how to describe your
product or service, how to create the
mindset you need to have when you're
doing your marketing. And some of the
places where you can spread the word
about your offer. Here are a few of
the key takeaways. Growing thing, keep your marketing
message results oriented. People care about the results and they only care
about the process if it's clear how
the process makes it easier for them
to get results. Another, spread your message in places where your target
audience is hanging out and in the form
of useful tips and advice that they
want to consume. For a third, once you pick
a marketing strategy, give it a good go before you decide that
it isn't for you. They don't just poke at it for a couple of weeks
then decide, oh, I guess this isn't
working and give it at least 90 days of focused effort unless
something is extremely, obviously wrong in a way that
just can't be attributed to inexperience or not
having given it enough time. For a fourth if you've
completed your class project, I encourage you to post it in
the project gallery and to offer comments and feedback on other participants projects. If you haven't completed it yet, please set aside an hour
this week to do so and actually put it in your calendar to make sure it gets done. For a fifth, speaking, putting things in calendars, Make sure you do that with
each step of your marketing. Don't just say I'll do it
when I get around to it or if I have time actually
scheduled the time to do it. Well, let's face it,
we're business owners. If we want to have the
time for something, we got to make the
time for Southeast. It's not just going
to fall in our labs. Thanks again for joining
me for this course. If you have any further
questions or you want more detailed
guidance for any of the steps outlined
in this class, please feel free
to contact me at Stephanie at coach
client I look forward to
working with you.