1. What you'll learn: Hey everyone, My
name is Sarah Smith. I'm the founder of culture, its simplicity on Etsy and
cultured simple And in this course I'm only
showing you how to set up a beautiful professional
Etsy shop in at 20:23, we're going to go over
privatization and the setup process to privatizing
your brand identity. How do you approach SEO? Trend analysis,
competitive analysis, and pricing analysis. How to resize your images for Pinterest pins and
creating carousel pins. We're gonna be going over
some Etsy seller pro tips. Just everything I
thought you should know us either opening
up an Etsy shop in 2023 or optimizing the one
you already have in 2023. So get excited, grab your notes, look at the class project. I'm excited and
we're going to just dive straight into this course.
2. Prioritization in the shop set-up process: Alright, so first things first we're going to be going over prioritization in the
Etsy shop setup process. And I have my notes
right here on my laptop, so I will be looking over intermittently
you to look at that. So I want to just touch on the order that
you should be approaching. Basically just everything while you're sitting
her Etsy shop, what you should be
prioritizing, most highly. Prioritizing a bit less. So I'm going to get into that. So first things first, you wanna make sure you
have quality products above all else, your products that are going
to be what's getting sold. You want to make sure
that your products are of high quality. So do not brush their
creation process. Okay? Etsy is about selling
what you love. So take that time to really create those
things that you love. If i'm, I'm assuming that you loved the process,
so don't rush it. Buyers can tell that
anybody looking at Etsy shop can tell if you
rushed that creation process, low-quality products don't sell. And if they do, your
buyers are gonna be mad and they're
going to come back and leave the negative reviews. And then your shop is just
simply not going to be found in a t-shirt search. So just make sure that
products are high-quality. Enjoy that process at, having a shot is not a get
rich quick money scheme. It's not that. So take the time that you
need and have patients. Okay? So first things first is
those quality products. Number two is your SEO, which is search
engine optimization. Memory that your search
engine optimization is what gets your
products found. So it's really, It's super, super important just after
your quality products is the keywords that you are using when you are
creating your product. So these are the
words that you put your description and your
tags and your title, which is threaded
throughout your shop front. You want to make sure that you are targeting certain keywords, make sure you're ranking highly for them and search agents. So this is both, this is Google, even pinterest. Wherever your products
can be found, you want to make
sure that you have, you have those keywords
to describe your products so that they are
getting found in search engine optimization if you're not familiar with it. It's neither about the keywords that people are searching. You can think of something
like branding templates. Sometimes people search that. They'll search that
and they'll see all these products pop up. And I'm assuming you're either a newer shop
or shaw That's not getting all that many sales. So your products are
likely not showing up that high for such a
general search term, even though branding
templates is a very popular, highly searched
for a search term, it is a short tail keyword, which means that it
is not that specific. So there's tons of competition. So typically, you're going to also want to target
longer tail keywords. This is super
important when you're starting out because
this is your, your differentiation strategy
to make sure that you are showing up and you seem
different than your competitors. So it's those longer tail
keywords that are going to differentiate yourself
from these other shots. So instead of just
branding template, you would maybe say
contemporary branding template or Bohemian branding template. Adding those other
little descriptive words and create those
longer tail keywords is really key to just
making sure that you are showing up, since you're going to
be showing up higher. And search when you're targeting these smaller long-tail
keywords since there are less competitors that
are also targeting them. So I hope that was a decent
way of explaining it, but I like how that's
just the order. So first you have your
quality products and you have your search
engine optimization. And then I can't even say number three, I'm
going to say 2.5. So we have one, we have two, and now we have 2.5,
which are your images. Your SEO gets your
products found, your images get
your products sold, it gets them clicked on. So that is why they are almost
just as important as SEO. Because when people are
scrolling through Etsy, remember at sees a very
beautiful marketplace. People come in, they're
expecting to see aesthetic images, the
best of the best. That is why people
are willing to spend a little bit more on Etsy. So you want to make sure
that your products, your product images
are gorgeous, that you're putting in that time to make sure they look amazing. So whether that's
beautiful photography, if you are selling
physical co-products or beautiful designs created in or Adobe Photoshop. Using mockups, you would
make sure you're putting that word even if you're
selling those digital products. And typically,
you'll also want to have some texts
overlays in there. I know the easiest
way to upload listing images is just to
take the photo and just upload it straight
to the product. But it's those
texts overlays that really set your product
apart in the Etsy search. And I say set your product,
set your product apart. But nowadays, So people
are using texts overlays that if you're not using
them, you're really just, you're giving yourself
an extreme disadvantage because you are missing
out on highlighting those key features
that sets you apart because a lot of your
competitors are already using those texts overlays that include the little
feature that includes the product name,
beautiful fonts, colors. It's how they further show their brand identity
within their images. You want somebody to look at
an image that you are like an image of one of your products and
know that it's one of your products because the font, the colors, the texts, the quality of the photo. It all, it represents your brand and it's
distinguishable. So you want your
brand identity to be a parent and you want it
to be very attractive. You want people to
know that your shop. So we have quality
products at number one, SDO at number two, and images at number 2.5. And then number three
is your shop front. A lot of the times
people will kind of overlook this and the
listing creation process. And that's not a horrible
thing because it is your listings that are wet skinning found in
order getting sold. But at the end of
the day, Etsy is, it's a marketplace
and it's not just, it's not an Amazon. It's people are coming
here because they want to support
small businesses. They wanted to see what
makes you different. And we'll see you a
little backstory. The abouts, you
widest support you. They come here because
they know that they're supporting handmade
creators, local creators, small businesses, just everyday
people and they want to, they want evidence
of that and that's where your shop front comes in. And that little about your
shot sexually and put down your About you add in a
little photo of yourself, added some about
your shot photos showing the creation process, makes sure that your
shot banner is big and pretty and also showcasing
your brand identity, makes sure that your shop
announcement is up to date. Make sure your shop policies and your FAQ are all there and
make sure you have sections. You want everything to be super crisp and polished
and professional. And keep in mind that all that texts that you include
there as well. It's being read by
search engines, maybe not buy Etsy, but by different search engines because that's
text that's there. You don't want to
miss out on those search engine optimization
opportunities where you couldn't be
including like, you know, I sell branding templates are my love for reading
templates was founded Back in
blah, blah, year. Like you conclude that
all of that in here about shop section and that
will also help with SEO. But remember to be genuine, be transparent, be honest. People can see all of that. You want to connect
with your buyers. So that's your order. It's your quality
products at number one, SEO at number two, images, low-quality images that are just beautiful at 2.5. And then we have your
shop front at three. So now let's move on
to the next part of setting up your beautiful
professional Etsy shop in 202033.
3. Templatizing your brand image: Alright, so now we're
going to be getting into templatized your brand identity. We're going to go to to do that. If you don't really understand,
I'm saying templatized. I'm basically saying creating templates for your
different listings, like visual templates
that you are going to use repeatedly every
time you create a listing. And this just really aids
with making sure that your shop is showing
up very cohesively. It looks professional
and it really just speeds up the
listing creation process. Do you don't have to
repeatedly remake these these listing
images and whatnot. So let me, I'm going to
show you guys a taste of what having that
cohesive rent identity looks like an images. And these are actually
part of my Etsy shop kids. I'm not trying to sponsor them. I'm just kinda showing you the
little bit of cohesiveness that comes with starting with an Etsy shop kit are
essentially creating your own, which is what I'm
basically about. Show you how to do. So you can kinda see here that
it includes thank you note cards and includes profile photos which
aren't as important, but they can be Q
Sharp icon slash, slash logos, your shop banner, which is a huge part of how
you're a shop front looks. You're listing photos, your receipt manners,
even Instagram posts. But I'm not going to
be getting into those. And you really just
want them to look pretty similar so
they're cohesive. So let's go in and look at the Canvas templates
that are out there. You just go up to the
top here to search your content or a canvas
and just type in Etsy. And you can kinda see
what they have here, what they have pre-made. I am going to start with let's start with
our listing photos. Let's just start there. So I was in my
personal experience, people don't really create listing photos and
photos for other things. But we will see if anything shows up when you
type in Etsy listing. Alright, so there
are a few things. It's important to
note that these are not specific to Etsy. And I can tell straight off just because they're not in the Etsy listing photo
dimensions which are 3,000 and by 2,400 pixels. None of these are
size like that. So I'm going to just create
a custom design for that, for the listing photos. I did want to say though,
if you want, wow. Okay. You want to start
with one of the ETC. Banners. Then I will show you what comes
up when you type that in. And this can just be nice. We don't want to
start from scratch. There's a ton of listings, Etsy shop banners here that
you can choose from and customized to reflect
your own brand identity, adding your own brand name. There are a lot here, so you don't have to start
from scratch. This is why I so strongly
recommend Canva. You'll see a lot
of crowns on this, which just means that they
are Canva Pro templates, which means that you will
need a Canva Pro plan if you're a new member to Canada or you use a new email address, then you can get that 30-day free trial,
which I strongly, strongly recommend
because there's so much more templates
when you go with those, with that Canva Pro plan. And I even recommend buying
it if you are looking into doing this as a long-term thing because I really
think it's worth it. I will say that it's coming
from someone who sell solely digital products
to each their own. Now we're gonna go
ahead and just move on into that custom, that custom photo or custom design for the listing photos. So we're going to type it, we're going to click Custom, and then we're going
to type in 3,000, then 2,400 pixels,
That's Px right here. And then create new design. Right now. It's just going to open
that up and you'll have a Canvas that is size
accordingly for you to drag and drop your listing
photos into there. So if you have
physical products, you already have
photography done, you would just drag those into that Canvas right now
to make sure that they are sized appropriately
for Etsy. Or if you have those digital
products and you would just download your products as PNGs and then our peak ping
files or JPEG files. And then you would
upload them here and then drag and drop
them into the Canvas. So I'm going to use one
of the elements here to just pretend like
I have a product, then I'm going to be selling. Let's see, we haven't enough. Okay, so let's pretend like
I'm selling something, some kind of baking supplies
for making macaroons. It's pretty image
photography is nice. So let's go ahead and play
around with actually editing the image because you do want your images look really good. It's typically I, if
I am gonna edit them, I'll edit it in Photoshop. But Canva has some very, very nice editing features and there's a lot less
of a learning curve. So we're just going to
reduce the blur a little bit to make the
photo a bit clearer. We are going to up
the vibrance a bit. And really this is
unique to each products. It's just how you want to
showcase your product. For these though, I will
be upping the vibrant, typically up being the
contrast at least a little bit will help to up the saturation a bit Nimmer to not play around
with this too much. If you do start
playing around, a lot, definitely indicate that in the description or put a
little footnote on the photo, it says, colors
have been changed. You don't want people to
be mad for this product. It does it really matter because I'm just talking about
baking supplies. But I did just recolor it
and I think that it's just really good to be
transparent because you don't want angry buyers. So I probably would've
put a footnote down here, something that says color, listing photos, lifting colors
have been tampered with. So just like this, it already looks pretty. So that's your your photo. And then adding
some texts overlay, you can see that there's
some shapes over here. You add in a rectangle. I'll add in shapes if I
feel like the texts won't contrast well with
the background of the photo
actually right here, the background is pretty light, so I could just add in some black text and
it will look fine. But I will see you guys actually adding
in those shapes as well. Because a lot of times
you will need to add an a shape to up that contrast. And you really want your
texts to be visible. This is not the time to
be trying to play around too much with fancy fonts and swirls and cursive and
crazy color combination. Don't do orange and yellow. Don't do red on green. Just kinda try your best to stick around white on
black, black and white. But I will say it can be very attractive when you have some different
coloured texts in there. I'm going to show you
what I mean by that. When we go to Tech, we see some different font
combinations here. You can look through them a bit and choose one if you like. I typically I really liked
this one right here. This leaks Spartan
font is just very attractive and it's
bold and it's feminine, and it just, it does
the job, so I enjoy it. I'm a host of other recently
used ones if you guys kinda looking for
some recommendations. I also really enjoy
the strict hand font. That one is very bold as well. And people are going to look at that listing
photo while they're scrolling and
they're going to see that text very clearly. Canvas Sans is also quiet, just straight to the point, still pretty attractive,
not too hard. So all three of those fonts are nice ideas
were starting out. So I'm just going to
leave this text as is, because the actual text doesn't really matter for editorial. And I'm going to show you guys, if you do want to play around
with the colors a bit, how you would go
about doing that. You can either start directly from these photo
colors right here. I will say that just
looking at these, you can see all these
beautiful photo, all these beautiful
colors in this photo. And it only took out these
five rather dual ones. So if you want to select different colors
from your photos, you just click this
plus icon right here and you've got onto
the Eyedropper tool, then you can take any color
you want from the photo. So I'm going to click
that and I just change that to a pink color. And then I'm going to
click the plus sign again, the eyedropper. And I'm, I hovered
over the 0 already. I'm going to go in here
and select some purple. And there you go. I will say that I'm
trying to choose slightly darker variations
in the color since this is on a white background
and you want that contrast should be there. So I'm gonna go back in
with the eyedropper tool. We're going to select this
greenish bluish color. Going to go over the
D and the plus sign. And I would say the yellow, but yellow doesn't normally
contrast to WOW, on white. So I'm just gonna go with
the green. There you go. It's just like that. It's already pretty
and it's coming together and you'd
be shocked how just beautiful product images can look when the text and the image like
match when another, it's, it's pretty amazing. In my opinion. I'm a little bit
biased, I guess, since I do this kind of work. But really it just
like that, It's super, super easy to create
your listing photos. So that's how you would
create the listing photo. And then go back and you
can kinda look through to create a shop banner, but to stay consistent with that cohesive
brand I didn't eat eat. I'm gonna be just resizing
this photo right here. And you just go up
here and click resize. This is a Canva pro feature. So once again, go ahead
and try that Canva pro free trial and
resizing your design. Etsy, Etsy shop banners already. It's one of the
preset sizes in here. Normally mess. Oh yeah, sorry. Etsy shop cover is
what they call it. So we're makes you
click Copy and resize, and that'll open up
a whole new tab. And you've resize the image that you were just
looking at and you can, it's gonna be resized
when Etsy shop cover. So there you go. This is just, it's
great for keeping that cohesive brand identity
and I keep saying cohesive, but I do quite like that word. We're going to center this, going to drag out the way. You want. Definitely going to make
that text bigger like I did. Then you can also
go in and change the rest of the
colors if you want or you can leave them as is. And really doesn't matter if you don't want this to
be quite this hard. Why you can change the trans? Parents see a bit to do, lay down a little bit so you
can kinda see through it. But don't drill it down
too much because you want the text to
be very visible. So down here we still
have this text here. I can choose Ungroup
and delete this text. I want it to, but
I think it's nice. So I will just add in a little description about
exactly what you sell. Theoretically, baking
supplies, food coloring, food decorations, and more. And I'm going to click out on my keyboard
and then drag this. And you can even
add in something to indicate your website. So just e.g. sake, I'll just use mine. Then I'm going to drag it out. Definitely going to make it a lot smaller than
it currently is. And it actually, I don't
want it to be capitalised, so I'm going to retype that. I do think putting your
website on your banner, if you have one, is
a pretty smart move or your social media, your social media accounts really putting
them on there too, can be a smart move
to really just build that brand loyalty. So we're going to drag
that towards the middle. I'm going to go ahead
and ungroup this. And then I'm going to delete that little piece
of text down here. You can see it's
not super visible. So I'm gonna change it to white. And let's see what it looks like within affect you click
this effectively, add in a shadow. Shadow. A black shadow will typically
make it a little more visible and then up the
transparency of it, we can play around with
that blur a little bit. And I think that that
is pretty visible. It will be pretty visible
on an actual Etsy shop. So this would just be
an example banner. I'm going to show you guys what my own Etsy
shop looks like. Because we now we
have this banner, we have that image. I kinda let you guys,
it actually works. So this is my Etsy shop
banner right here. And if you go down here, I'll show you guys like
my products a bit. Here is one hair template
that you can see. This one is very
similar to my banner. So it's all about
that brand identity. Then we have our sharp
kits in here and like, you know, everything is just,
I tried to keep a colorful. I play around with texts
color as I see fit, but I make sure that
it's all visible. I kinda want to just show
you guys what it looks like actually in Etsy search. So this is why you want
to use those big font. So it's high contrast colors. Add in some description and even at it, it looks right here. It's a little bit
smaller than it looks at Etsy search because when
you look at your Etsy shop, it just, it shows up
slightly smaller. I'll show you guys what I mean. If I type in Etsy shop kid, you can see how they're
just bigger images in all. So even though it's still four per row,
they're just bigger. And you can see, even though
it looks like the texts would be small when you
look on your own shop, it, they're actually
decently big here. Alright, so let's
go back over here. I'm going to re-size
this image once more to do the Etsy shop icon. And while we're here, we might as well touch on
that thank you note card. Actually, we can see that this is actually super convenient. They resize it twice right here. So it says thank
you. Note card and Etsy shop icon and it says those names because
they are my recent. So I'm going to uncheck
Etsy shop icons so it doesn't do it twice. And the 760 by 100 px pixels
is the Etsy shop receipt. They enter dimensions. So we're going to click
that too so that we can have that shop banner there. And I think that that's pretty much all I'm going
to be doing for now because that's
really all you need for templatized, that
creation process. And it just, it
really does them all. And they're all loading right now, while we wait for that, I'm going to go back and
show you guys some of the listing image templates
that I have already created that have more texts than
them that I've already done all ten images
where even though I only showed you guys
how to do one image, the whole point of starting out with
this template is this templatized and
processes that you will have all attain at
the very start. And yet I do say
tin because you can have up to ten images
on Etsy and I recommend you using Alton as you pretty
much every guru out there. Every etsy search engine
optimization tool out there recommends that you
use all tank and then you can show your product and ten different ways you should
see images or sell it. So it is, Let's just give
it a second here to load. Alright, so here's some of
my pastel listing photos. Just made all of these using that same little creation
process I showed you. I added in rectangles, circles, squares, just kinda hovered over to select colors
from the photos. Played around with
the coloring a bit. At the end of the day,
it just comes down to what looks the best. So it does, it comes down
to playing around a bit, giving yourself some time
to create those photos. Don't rush this process. A lot of people don't think about this list
increased process. They only think about
the actual process of creating the products. But there's no point in having amazing products if you don't
showcase them amazingly, because people aren't going
to click them and buy them. If you don't showcase them, you got to showcase
what there were. So here are some
examples of that. So your product name features, features, features,
product close-up, more features in context, more features, and use features. Product comparison yours
versus somebody's else's, their product in a collection
of products that you sell. And then just some other photos that don't have to have
any texts on them, but further showcase
your product. And we have all ten images here. At that point, you would just click this little
Share icon right here. Go to download PNG. Normally I will encourage
PNG because they are the most high
resolution ones. But sometimes every now and then the File Export and there'll be too big if they're
bigger than 10 mb, they won't upload into ETC. So at that point you don't
need to come back into Canvas, click PNG again and then compress the file and
then read download it. But I will say at least try to download the file as pin a pin without compressing it
and then uploading it to Etsy to see if it
will be small enough. So these are your listing
photos kinda give you guys that idea and we're gonna go back to looking
at the other stuff. So we have our shop cover. Now we have our
thank-you note card. Just move that text up there. I'm just trying to show
you guys have just how easy it is. So this is a thank you note cards where it's going
to do thank you. And I'm going to move
the website back down to the bottom. And let's make everything
just a little bitter. We're going to change
this small texts. You always want to just
be personable, genuine, supporting, supporting
my small group. And I'm going to change the sizing of this so that
it will automatically, you see that those lines come in there so that it's automatically positioned
right in the middle. And then I'm going to
change the sizing it is to, to just fit the text. And then I'm going to try to like auto put that
in the middle of two. I'm going to add a
page to this is that they can see that they
automatically put a bunch of thank
you note templates over here so you can select
one of those if you want. This will be like the
back of the card where you would put in
a bit more texts. See if any these kinda
match this front here. This one mashes decently. Then I'm going to just
caught me that delete that. Putting your own texts
you typically use there, we can just get rid of that. And just like that, your
thank-you notes are done. Now we're going to move
over to the shop icon. This is, Let me go back to my own shop to show you guys
what the Etsy shop icon is. We just type it in. Basically the ed site.
Etsy shop icon is the logo associated
with your shot. Mine is this image right here, which is me, and it
reflects what I do. So I do offer custom logos. So I'm gonna show you guys how to create that right quick. It just keep it in
this square size. I'm going to re-size
this into a square. Not super even though
it was clear to me. Then I'm gonna go ahead and ungroup this and
delete this smaller texts. You don't need your
website on your logo. And I'm just moving CS and
make the texts way bigger, so it's 200 now let's see if that That's
pretty good size. All right, and I'm going to
change the color of this. Drag and drop. Let's do purple. And we'll see kinda would
be like how it's looking. It looks pretty cute as is. But if we didn't want
to play around with the texts effects,
we can do that. Click on that shadow, change it to black. Raise the blur. And it's a bit different.
So now we have that sharp icon there as well. And if we want it to go in here and do the receipt
Banner at this point, you can really use
exactly what you did for the thank you note. Because it's your
receipt manner, just basically new
thinking or person, your buyer for
buying the product. So let's delete
this original texts and I'm going to leave
the website on there. You can put your brand name, something on there so that
there is that brand identity. So people know exactly who
it is that they supported. Make this bigger. Let's go make this a little bit smaller
and we don't want it to take up so much. All right, so just
for that example, Here's that receipt banner. You can play around
with this rectangle. You can add in a stroke. So minds that extra stroke will really make it look
more polished. So you would just
click the line here, click this line and
then change the border. Wait a bit. So it's out for which
actually looks pretty decent. So we'll go ahead and change
the color of the stroke. Let's try this green and see
what that's looking like. Not bad at all. We're going to spread
out the rectangle. I'm going to click
the thank you. And then I point to shift, click this for supporting
my small business and drag both of them now. Then I'm going to grab everything and try to
put it in the middle. Once again, this is
just an example, but this would be
your receipt banner. So take note of the
dimensions that I mentioned because you will need to keep these
dimensions in mind when you're creating
your own templates. So at this point we've created everything
that you would need for a short listing photos
and your shop fronts. So let's move on
to the next video.
4. Etsy SEO made easy: So now we're gonna be
getting on to SEO, also known as search
engine optimization. And what I consider to be the most important part
of your Etsy shop. Basically, this is what's
gonna get people to your shop. Your search engine
optimization consists of the keywords that you
target when you are, when you're creating your
products essentially. So in your description,
your title, your tags everywhere that you can put texts throughout
your shop, all that, all that is factored in to search engine
optimization and how your shot full rank when buyers are searching for
different terms. So to start with research, I always just like to suggest, right within platform, since that is totally free, accessible if you're
trying to sell on Etsy, you're familiar with So we're going to
just go straight here and think about the product
that you're selling. Its most, kinda like
just general term. So I had mentioned
Branding templates. So I mentioned in my last video, I typed in branding
template to kinda see what longer tail keywords
show up when I take that. And we see branding template, Canva branding templates bundle
or any templates instead, or any template, Instagram
branding template, ETC. Just right there you
get a couple of, you had like four
different ideas for how to expand those branding
templates and neither stuff, these are search
terms that buyers are already searching for him, know that he has Etsy
is recommending it. So when people type it in,
this is what they see. And how many times when you're typing in a search term
you see something pop up. You click that
probably all the time. So of course you
would want to target the keywords at Etsy is
already recommending. And just like that, you can
assume that these are also, typically they're pretty
relevant of trends. So sometimes you like, you'll see us there
when you type this in. Now, you see these
search terms pop up. You might type it
into six months in different search
term, it's come up. And that's indicative
of the trends that are currently happening. But at least for now, these are the search terms
that people are searching for. So if we click
branding template, Instagram, and the
fact that you stop writing ticket into an
unbranded template, Instagram clearly
shows that that is a really big one to be targeting
is instagram templates. So you can see the
products here. And if you want to
dive even deeper to research directly on Etsy, go ahead and start
investigating the top listings. So these ones, these
are all as you can see, because I say add by
Etsy seller typically the first row or as
below these most love. So these are all
ads and then you'll have the organic
posts right under it. And then you normally
have another role of ads down like two rows. So here are some more ads. So typically I won't
really look at ads because that's paid traffic. And of course, they're
gonna be showing up since you are paying
to be showing up. So I'll click the
organic listing and kinda look a bit at the cures that they
have in their title. And if you're not at all
familiar with the way that people may products for
search engine optimization. The way that they have
all these commas in here is completely
normal and it's what you're going to need to
be doing to make sure you target all those keywords
that you're trying to target. So yes, this isn't
the reader-friendly, not the most visible, but it gets the job done and
it makes sure that you're showing up in search and come on at the end of day, people, they're looking at the image so they don't really
care too much about the title there and look
at the image and they see exactly what it is
that your product is. And then they'll click
through the images. So we can kinda look through the description a little bit. But typically their title is the focus for finding keywords that you
should be targeting. And then you can go down
to the bottom as well. And you can look at
explore related searches. And that'll show you
that, that'll show you the tags that they're
using on their products. So they're using e-commerce, Instagram highlight, Instagram, instagram cover,
Instagram icons, I say to take note
of these tags that they're using because
they're showing up high when you type in a
relatively shorter tail, relatively shorter or
longer tail keyword, branding, typically
Instagram, they're showing up really high for that. So clearly these
tags are working. Of course there are other
factors at play as well. They shop is probably quite old. You can see already has
managed to 94 favorites, which shows you that it's been around for awhile and people have really interacted with it. And you can also see that it was listed there was
last listed today. That is today's date, which means that they just sold. It's always going to say listed on the date
that it was last sold because that's
when it gets released in if they're more in stock, if there aren't more insight and it's just going to sell out. So that's how you do it
directly within Those are all really
good keywords. Personally, I always use
other tools as well. And E is my favorite, and I just find
it to be the most extensive and affordable one. So earache and marmalade are
probably my top two that I've taught to use slides
that I've used a lot. I'm learning more
about Laura and I think that that one
is also quite useful. So I'm going to walk through each platform just a little
bit to kinda show you guys different features
at each one has. So this is E Immediately you can see
where your shots stands. I've sold more than 97.3% of other shots and Etsy and
my new a lot of shops and Etsy just open and simply never sell or they opened
and immediately fall. But people don't try. That number. It's I feel like it
sounds better than the reality considering
2004 to 76 sales. But at the end of the day,
I'm happy with those sales. I'm happy with this
global sales ring. And I think that's a
really nice snapshot of how your shot is doing. So this shows me all my
active listings. I have 110. I've been spotted on Etsy search 82 times within
the last day, last 24 h. That shows you what that is. So that tells you
that my search engine optimization is pretty well. It's doing pretty good. Inventory value is just
showing you the cost of cost of the
products that you're selling times how many
you have in quantity? My ISO digital products. So for some of
them I have a ton, like I'll have like 999
units listed in my quantity. So that's why the inventory
value looks so high for it, just being digital products. Then this will show you immediately some days
you might want to fix. I have 110 out your
listings and I'm only missing one tag on one listing. So let me see what
that listing is. This one, I have 12 times
instead of 13 immediately, then I would go ahead and
go in and add an a tag. But I'm not gonna
do that right now since I'm showing you
guys this tutorial, but I do think that it's
the recommendations that they share are
really quite useful. And then we see 18 spelling spelling issues when it's
words that actually are okay, but I would recommend
going in and changing spelling
issues as well. Right here you can kinda
see if you're at all familiar with Powerpuff
Girls and Nickelodeon. They put this down as
it being misspelled, but this is actually how people spell it quite
often, Power Puff. But they're saying these
are just suggestions. So take some of those
spelling issues with the grain of SAR
or grain of salt. But at the end of the day,
you probably do want to change the ones that are obviously typos because Etsy
auto, correct spelling. So if you type it in wrong, then somebody typed it in wrong. Etsy is going to correct
what they typed in, but your spelling is not
going to be correct, so you're not going to show up. So we're going to
look down here, like here, this wasn't
the best time to use. Probably would go in
and change this to digital planners and then maybe digital stickers because I tried to do digital planners stickers. And each tag can only
be up to 20 characters. So I just stopped. But not the best, not the best move on. E-commerce, Instagram,
That's okay. E-commerce, that's
how you spell it, but they put these
recommendations in. Once again, take it
with a grain of salt. You probably do want to at least look through it to make
sure that there are no actual spelling
errors in your listings. So we go back to this dashboard here and we can see
missing images. I have one product that has, let's see what they're, what they consider to be missing that have fewer than ten images. So I have one product that
has fewer than ten images, and then I have
61 where attacks, but for the most part IS
target multi-word tags. 110 times 13. Not gonna do that right now, but that's how many
tags I have in my shop controlling for that one where I
only have 12 tags. So of all of those tags, only six of them
or just one word. So really try to focus on
longer to heal keepers. Don't do something
stupid. Degenerate. Instagram, go ahead and add
in that Instagram template. Trust me, your SEO,
we'll thank you. And then I have 406
unique, unique tags. So that's also pretty
good since I have quite a few products that are
different from one another, then this will kinda show
you sales comparisons with your competitors. These are shots that you
already pre-selected. To me, these are my competitors. Some of them have their
clients at some point. Then this will show you
marketplace popularity and not super important. This will show you what
we're even spotted on Etsy. And I really find this to be extremely valuable
because where you were showing you
the search terms that you were spotted four, shows you what consumers
are currently searching for and it's showing you where your products
are showing up. So people are searching for
black grow digital stickers. They're searching
for a black girl magic black girl
planner stickers. Hairstyle is template, priceless templates,
stickers, good notes. And then I can click at this, and I can see all this spot of listings that is super
just invaluable. So definitely check out spot
on Etsy and keep in mind, this is only a feature
that shows up after you, not a feature that shows up. You'll only have actual
information there after your shop is established
and you have products up. So that's your, of course nothing is gonna be
there if you don't have any products or if your listings are not
showing up in search. But normally they don't show up in search if they're super new. So now let's actually go
and look at listings. This is pretty
much where I spend the bulk of my time on
earring is under listing, looking at active listings. And then I'll also
go over to Tools. And i'll, I'll go into Keyword
Explorer and keyword tool. But how I typically approach
the SEO process is I go to my active listings,
tab, active listings. Keep in mind this is
when I'm optimizing listings that I've
already created, I can change the ranking, how they're showing
up if I want to. Currently, what's the
ranking up here first thing, kinda look and see. They don't really, from
what I can see it, it's ranked according
to alphabetical, but it's ranked according
to the name of the product. But do you want to rank
it by visibility score, you would just click that. And that would show
you either what's most visible or
what's least visible. And if it's a super new product like this one is not even going to have
a visibility score. I just put this up yesterday. That makes sense. So visibility, visibility score, this is my most viewed listing. Actually these both have 97% listing or
visibility scores. So I guess you could
say they both are. I'm gonna go in and
click this one. And this is my most
visible thing, which just means
that it shows up a lot for the
search terms that I have optimized it for search terms that
I've targeted and the tags and the title
and description. It shows up for that a lot. And it comes down to that product having
sold quite a few times at some point in the past. So let's seek me see. Yeah, 131 total sales. This product has sold
quite a few times. So that's why it's
showing up quite often. This shows you that it has
a conversion rate of five. Once again, that
visibility score shows you the age and the
daily views when it was last modified and created total hearts and
quantity available. So lots of good
information in here. You see it has a grade of an a. We kinda tap more into
why listings are graded, why they, how they
are in earache. They tell you right quick. Best practices for Etsy titles. Honestly feel free to ignore
this little piece here, because and nobody really
titles their products. Nobody who wants to
rank highly titles or products for optimal
readability, they, they create their titles
for optimal optimization. Optimists basically
is where as I could leave it just on 100 haircare Instagram templates and just stop it right there, since that's what
it is and when it show up for these
other keywords. So of course I'm
going to add them in there even if it's
not as readable. So you can kinda
feel free to ignore their advice to do
short clear titles. Just make sure it's relevant. Then we could go down
here and we can look at the tags that I have. And honestly the funny thing is, you can see quite a
few of these tags don't have that many
average searches, or average cliques, or
average click-through rate. But this product is
still doing well. So it really comes down to the mix of keywords
that you're using. And it's common sense too. So even though like
presented this, it has very few searches
according to Iraq. You could like,
you can think like a buyer and something that
would come to their mind. Like if a mutation is
coming in to add c to buy some branding
templates for Instagram. It kinda makes sense that they would search beauty Instagram, even though that doesn't have that many average searches
or average clicks. But at the end of the day, definitely make sure
you have those tags in there that are
performing pretty well. So good at researches
get average cliques, good average click-through rate. You can see there's
like I would say, a little over half of them have a good click-through rate. Down here you can see this one has 127% click-through rate, even though the average
searches are pretty low, I think click-through
rate matters the most out of all of these, because click-throughs are, shows you that when people are searching for that search term, they search it and
they're ready to buy. They're not just searching it, they're searching
it and they are clicking the listings that
are showing up to buy. They're not just searching that. I hope that explained it. Well, but I do think this is the most important
metric to consider. These all have pretty good these seven half decent
click-through rates. This one has a good
click-through rate. And then we can look at that
competition as well only for these have really high at C competition and
the rest of them are relatively low to mid-range. No typos or multiple words. We can see that they're
used in the description. At least. What is this? Half of them pretty much
are using the description. We got. Three torr is the
start of the title. So this is what I would consider to be a best
practices listing. That 97% visibility score kinda shows you that that is true. This will even show you
your sales history, which isn't important. But it's kinda cool to
see here all my images. If I was going to
play around a bit, like I want it to change
some of these keywords. I would not change
anything on this listing. It's sold what I want it. But if this was a lower selling listing and
I'm trying to optimize it. I would just tap
one of these ones that are not doing well. So you just click
it and you rank will open up a whole new page. That is. Describing the stats
related to that keyword. So haircare, Instagram. Once again, we see very
low stats, just metrics, unknown, unknown, unknown,
Etsy competition 110. So not a very strong
keyword at all, but it's on the listing
that performed well, so I would still leave it alone. But we can look there and kinda see some related keywords. And Steve, any of
those are doing better and then just
go ahead and swap one of those in for this,
for this keyword. So I would want to still keep it relatively long
tail, keep it relevant. And if I had to
choose one of these, honestly, none of
these are great. I liked the metrics are
skincare Instagram, but it's not relevant to inherit to a hair care
Instagram products, so known even mess with that. We can look going on
here and look at what other people are using
for their top listings. So maybe hairstyle is template would be the
way to go with that one. Instead of hair care Instagram, you could look at
hair Instagram posts. You don't have to go
into this blindly. Go ahead and click, click it and see what the metrics
are just because of their sellers are using it on their product doesn't mean
that it also has good metrics. This one doesn't have great
metrics, but we can see here, we can see an upward
trend even though the upper train is
only ten searches. That's more than the zero that it had all
these other months. So make sure you
always hover over what the actual number AS because sometimes it will look
like It's a huge increase, but it's just ten. That's ten people basically. So I probably would
not use, well, I can't even say that this is such a specific keyword
and it seems so something that
somebody somewhere with search that
I made he would, once again, that's where
that common sense comes in. Sometimes these analytical tools are just great starting points. But you have to
think like a buyer. Whether I will use
that keyword or not, we kinda come down to what the other keywords are
still a metric wise. So we'll go back down here for this hair hair care
Instagram look on your top listings again. We'll see if any of these other keywords
are looking any better. We use, he likes to do hair Instagram posts to see if anything's
shown up for that. Even though it's not great, it has more than the other ones. So if I had to choose
between the two, I would probably
go with this one. Let's see what that trend is. Can we hover over
and get a look? We see that it trended
May to June 2022 as well, and that it actually had a
decent amount of searches. That's 210. That last one only had ten. Then in December
2022, it did peak. Peak a little bit, trying to hover over
it to see if I can see that that was ten. So I would end up going with this keyword just because it
has slightly more searches, It's not unknown, It's
just less than 20. That's sometimes the trade-offs you have to make with Etsy SEO because I hate saying
a guessing game. It's not really a guessing game. It's just something
that you have to be willing to play
around with the bit you got to be willing to
make changes as needed. I know it would sound ideal
for this initial searches and optimization phase to be the only search engine
optimization phase your shop every high CO2. But to be very
realistic with you, you should probably be optimizing
your shop twice a year. So that's that can be a lot. We have a lot of listings, so only optimize the listings that are not performing
well, Don't mess it. The ones that are
performing well mess with them once they
stop performing well, I'll leave him alone while
they are performing well. So that's my advice
in that respect, we've walked through
E rank a bit. I'm going to touch on
marmalade a bit as well. I only don't recommend
marmalade all that much. Because sorry, I need
to type in this. Just because marmalade is
expensive in my opinion, for what it is. It's 1999 per month. So it's something that I would
invest in for one month. And you all my
optimization within that one month and then stop. That's my opinion. Does at the end of the day,
you got to think about those cost trade-offs when you're starting your Etsy shop, basically, however
long you run it, you got to think
about those tradeoffs and whatever you're
spending money on, you need to be making
back and your product sales if you're trying
to make a profit. So this is what it first looks like when
you go into normally, this is just allows you to search for different
terms immediately. This will allow you to look at your listing to see
how they're graded on. Marmalade, It's interesting
to note the differences in grading on marmalade
averse, ie rank. And I will say that this is
actually a client's shops. So this is, these aren't different listings from
the other one anyway. So I'm going to show you what searching for a key
term would look like. Because nothing will go. We'll stick with me
saying they'd be other one was branding simple. I'd see Marlene an earache. It should be pretty, pretty similar if they're both pulling all their
data from the same spot. So let's see. Tastes a little bit of money. It always does this. I'll say that two marmalade typically takes a little
bit longer than any rank. Alright, so interesting,
branding triplets. I guess this is relatively
similar to the other one. It looks like the metrics
are a little bit worse on marmalade for this
same search term than they were for
the other word. But this is insightful
and itself. So we see our engagement over time to show you on a trend. So I'll show you if this
is a seasonal search term. Wow, It's not even that. That's interesting. Alright, so when you scroll down a
little bit on marmalade, they'll show you the
listings that are ranking for that search term. Slightly elite feature. The marmalade has as their
pricing analysis that they offer right within the platform that will show you
bargain price, mid-range price,
and premium price. So that'll really give you a good idea of how you should be pricing
your products and how you should be
utilizing discounts and where to position
your products. So this will show you the
exact spread of pricing. This is the kind of gives
you an idea shipping and you have physical products
that you're selling. This is how you, whether
people are covering shouldn't crisis within the cost
of their products. And this will show
you sample listings. So all very insightful information
and it's quite useful. And it will even
show you poplar tags that are popular
for this keyword. So yeah, there you go. It's pretty interesting
that branding template is more popularity of a tagged and branding templates for the keyword
branding templates. But that's kinda information
you get out of this. Similar sock shopper searches can be quite useful as well. Since you know,
people are actually searching for this if
that's relevant to you, if any of these are
relevant to your product and the metrics are
looking decent, going to put that in there too. This is a pretty
good keyword and there's not that
much competition. All of these are pretty good keywords and
they also will give you ideas of products that
you maybe want to create. You haven't already
created them. Maybe real estate templates
is in your future, has pretty good metrics. This is how you also
approach product research. This is, this is search engine optimization
analysis and research, whatever you wanna
call it, but it's also product research if
you allow it to be in, if you're looking to
create new products. We also see some long tail
alternatives is branding templates bundle and
branding kit templates. Neither of these
have great metrics, but this one isn't bad. So you maybe would want to
maybe at least target this, this has more than
20 characters, so it couldn't be a tag, but it could be somewhere within your description
or title or you could somehow do branding tip
links and then templates bundle if you feel so inclined to make sure you're
targeting this keyword. So we're gonna go back over that backup to this
hot random armor. Leave right quick, we're
going to run through a Laura, I think, is the most elusive search engine optimisation
tool out there. Because not that many people
are familiar with the Laura. And you see that it's used
by 121,819 Etsy sellers. Myself being one of them, might sound like
a lot of people, but it's not really that much compared to
the other tools. But I personally find that it
can be a very useful tool. And I'm going to show you why. It has some features that
are very distinctive from the other ones that make it more sharp, setting up friendly. If that's that's the
way to describe it. Essentially, it will templatized the work process even more so. And I mean that by saying
that it will auto-generate descriptions and responses in, I think that that's
just pretty amazing. The AI assistant is
where it will do that. I've actually never used. These will be for recently, I did change one of my
product descriptions, but one of the price
Cruises is that they recommended because it was just so good and it impressed me. I'm not the press. We're under AI
assisted on a loro io. So we're going to type,
we're going to click on product descriptions and let's read that exact description. Create compelling product
descriptions for Etsy listing. And it's not just compelling. It's also mildly search
engine optimization, search engine optimized. And you can do that by adding, entering that focus keyword
there and already having those targeted keywords that you also are also want to
target in your title. So I'm going to show you exactly how I would approach this. I'm going to go to my shop and I'm going to
tap on one of my listings. I'm going to copy and paste
the title into a Laura. So we're going to go over this
hairstylists branding kit. Happy to go back here. And this is a petal
of my product. You can see that this
is a bunch of keywords. And just like that, all of those keywords
are gonna be used to write this description. If I want to enter
a focus keyword, I can, I don't have to. I already have all
these keywords here, but if I was going to
put one in, I could say, let's let's just say
hair stylist branding. There you go. I'm assuming you already had on research that known that that was a good
keyword to focus on. So I'll give it a moment, a little robot here, it's going to stack. Unlike some people,
this robot does not go. So I'm going to immediately see this description that
it has provided, introducing the ultimate in
hair styling, granting kits. That sentence, not amazing, but it's a good starting
point if you're not familiar at all
with writing and tasting descriptions. So you see you've got your
back when it comes to helping you create professional-looking
presence online. I really liked that, like the fact that this
robot has generated that from this keyword stuffed. It's pretty amazing. This kit includes
Canada templates for all your Instagram posts so
you can quickly and easily create show stopping visuals
are grabbed the attention of your intended audience and make them come running to your salon. Jersey, you feel like reading
this entire description do but this is just a great,
great starting place. If you're not great at writing yourself or if you just
don't feel like it. This is a new
feature and a Laura, so I definitely wanted to
mention that with this being a 2023 focused search
engine optimization course, we're just opening
an Etsy shop course. So at this point, I've
touched on all the tools. I've touched on So now we're gonna move
on to the next focus.
5. Trend Analysis Made Easy: Alright, so I'm
gonna briefly get into trend analysis a bit, definitely using those other search engine optimization tools is a way to approach
trichinosis. And as you're looking at those different keywords and tags, you're going to, of course, he's seeing how they're trending. But I think that
Dewey trend analysis at a very general
surface level is very beneficial as well for knowing what direction
you want to move your shopping or figuring out what products that
you want to target. So you've probably
heard of Google Trends, but I'm here to tell
you that Pinterest trends is where it's at. For Let's get into it. is the URL and it'll show you Pinterest trends that
are occurring right now. These, these ones up here are specific to my
audience on Pinterest. You don't have to
have an audience on Pinterest to explore the trends. These are actually
general trends that are just training right now
throughout the entire platform. It is early February. These trends make
sense and you'll probably see very similar
trends at anytime of the year relevant to the holiday that is coming
up if it's a big holiday. So similar to this. If it's around Easter, you'll probably
see Eastern hills. Around Halloween, you'll
probably see Halloween nails. You can still use this to plan at any point
in the year really. I think that it's
very, very insightful. So we can go down
here. We can also see Dream clothes are trending. Well. Excuse me, spring
outfits are training, hair looks or training. If you can think of
anything that you are, you want to create the has
to relate to these things. And these are just keywords that you would want to keep in mind. And this is especially
important if you're going to be re-posting your
products to Pinterest, just linking to them. It's really easy to
post to Pinterest. I'm actually going
to show you guys how to resize your image and then post it as
a carousel page, my Pinterest, so that
it will have that link. And I think it's super
important since the Pinterests shopping tab
includes so many Etsy products. It's like some it's almost like they prioritize
Etsy products over other products because there's
just so many that show up when you search for products on Pinterest that come from Etsy. So just looking
more at the trends. All these titles are super cool. These actual keywords,
they're really cool. The real insight to is over
here and in these metrics showing you the actual metrics, weekly change, monthly change, yearly change, year over year. This has increased, looks like one person's month over month. Of course, this has increased a tie-in with it being a holiday. So 1,500%, then we see
week over week 30%. All this is very
good stuff to know. And let's say if something
was to have a huge jump, like 1,000 per cent
weekly change, that would be considered
a like a flash trend, which I wouldn't even really encourage you optimizing
for that because it's clearly going to be there for a week and
then it's gonna go. So that's, that's my opinion, my educated opinion on that. So top trends in the
United States this month. We also see some, some other trends under here. And you can even look
at Pinterest predicts. They'll show you,
but to translate predict to rise in 2023. And these are pretty educated
predictions as well. So definitely take a look at it that if you get the chance, I did at the beginning
of the year. And then you want to
actually search for keywords. Let's go back. Well, branding, I will
see countries is not really a slot that
I think of to go for if I want it to look
at branding templates, you can kinda see that here. Pinterest is more
personal life focus. But it is interesting
to note that notion, template ideas is trending. And if you're not familiar
with Notion, you should, because it's a big
deal at this point. It's interesting,
I just saw that a few days ago on Etsy as well. Notion templates are
definitely trending. People are buying them a lot. And they're basically
a aesthetic planning. Dashboards that are Cloud-based. That is horrible way
of describing it, but that's how I'm
going to describe it. The notion, template ideas. You can see that upward trend, these are very small
visualizations, but they get the job done. So Notion template that
has also trended up. We can see it's, they're
both going down a bit, but they're still
higher than they were. And it makes sense because
this is around the new year. And Notion is a
planning software. Planning stuff always peaks
around the start of the year. Planner template.
Good notes, template, note that none of these
have anything to do with branding template
for the most part, but they are still up there. And good for product research. Branding Is, looks to
actually be trending a bit just without the
template word in there, just branding by itself. So that's training a little bit, even though it has cited like a downward trend this past year, it looks to be going, it looks
to be back on the comma. That's interesting. Looks to be if I had
to say year over year, this seems to be a keyword that gets high at the
start of the year. So that's interesting. We can see cool branding, brand, brand design,
self-branding. All of these are related trends. Let's look at these
actual numbers. This has 86. And let's
look at self-branding. What is this number? It's down here, it's six. So that kinda gives you an idea, even though they're
related keywords, you should probably
be targeting, branding, and not self-branding. But all of these keywords
are quite interesting. And they really give you
something to think about. Not only did they
show the keyboard, they see you actually
specific demographic metrics like age, gender, location. You can't really beat
these insights for free. So definitely use
Pinterest chains if you get the chance to. I know I said this is gonna be a brief touching on
it, so it's good. Skin wanted to keep it brief. We're going to move on. So I'll see you all
in the next video.
6. Best-selling tips for Etsy sellers: So now we're gonna move on
to the final video which are Etsy seller pro tips. Just a little list of tips
that I want to give to you. That'll put you in the mindset
of the Etsy seller pros. Alright, so I wrote them down, so they're are here,
I'm looking at them. Make sure that you have
a shop announcement and that it's up-to-date. I'd recommend updating it every month because people can see
what it was last updated. I see this a lot. I'll take I'll
click an Etsy shop and the shop and outset was last updated in 2021 or they
updated it for a seal, a summer sale and it's winter. Buyers see that. That's one of the first thing
they see when they click on your shop threat and they could see him, it's
not up-to-date. I mean, sometimes
people actually care. Like I personally
wouldn't care that much, but I know that some
buyers care when it's obvious than an Etsy seller doesn't really take the time
to take care of their shop. So keep that job
announcement up-to-date, keep it relevant,
kinda lighthearted. Definitely announce any
sales that you're having. Your buyers just right there. If you can't, you know,
thanks for visiting my shop. Summer sale going on 20%, 30% off, 20 to 70% off. Get them a little excited, get them looking,
keep it up-to-date. Next is that having a post-purchase customized
message to buyers, etsy has a feature
where you can have saved replies that you reuse. So every time you reach
out to different buyers, you can just click that simply. It just changed maybe the
name and then send it out. So for me, it says
something along the lines, have hi, thank you so much for supporting my
small business. It's been a really long
term dream of mine, and I really appreciate
the support. If you have a moment,
please leave some feedback. I would really appreciate it. It sounds a little bit
more personable than that, but That's just the gist of it. And I always start off
with high to their name. This is, I do this. It is a genuine thing. I really do care
about their feedback. And if they tell me something, because you can't say
that you're going to try to implement their feedback if you're not actually going to. But sometimes every now and then somebody will reach out and they'll they might tell
me something like this. Something was a
little bit confusing or can you it's me
reaching out that sparks them to tell me that
they actually weren't able to access their fall
and they needed me to send it to the email. It's all those reaching out that really
stands out to buyers. And if you look on my shop, you'll see customer service is my most mentioned feature in my customer reviews because
I evaluate so heavily. I always it's something that's really important
to me and of course, buyers care about that. So be genuine with it
and reach out to them. And don't just reach out
to them and never respond. If they respond, respond. Then a lot of times they'll
end up leaving reviews. You don't even have to
ask them for that review if they do have a
positive experience. But I do recommend always
asking for some feedback, hopefully in the form of review because That's what shows
up on Etsy etsy search. Your shot name shows up under your product next to the
number of your reviews, not the number of sales,
not your revenue. Revenue is the number of your views and your
average rating. Of course you want it
to show five-stars, parentheses 500, because if we're gonna
know you had five is your five-star reviews. You could have five-stars. And next to it it says tin. Tin. Tin five-star reviews is
nothing like five-hundred. You want to get
those numbers up. That's what builds
credibility and that's what gets you to rank more highly
plus people trust you more. So it starts with a
personalized message, post-purchase, post-purchase
message that you send out. In my opinion. Next, you want to have
competitive pricing. So for me, I will typically run a sale that price is me
slightly below competitors. At least I recommend this
for new shops, especially. And I say using a sale
because you want, of course people to, to associate your shop, but the same amount of
quality as your competitors. But you just want the
price to be a little bit lower so that people are
willing to buy from your shop. And when you're starting
out, you got to sacrifice price a little bit because you're new people
when they don't know who you are and they don't
know about your products. So you've got to be a little bit below your competitors
who have already been around so that people were at least every start
buying from you. And I won't say, Can I
use a CEO because it conveys that your products are still of a certain quality, but it's just the seal that's
the reason that they're a bit lower than the price
of your competitors. So naturally, you
would have them price right around your competitors without having that
cell going on. Because people can see what
that original price was, but it's the sale
that makes it below. Hope that made sense. But if you look at
my shelf pretty much at any given point, I had a sale going on yes. For different discounts
throughout the year, but I have pretty much
always have one going on. And bear in mind that when
you create that sale, normally at around 36 h, I believe they'll start
showing they'll put up etsy will put up some kind of notification that tell us virus. You only have 36 more hours
to save this much money. So if the product is 50 per cent off and
it was $140 product, say, Oh, you only have
26 more hours to save. What did I say? Oh, it's just save $20. So if you make your
sales for shorter, that sense of urgency
comes up quite frequently. So if you set up a
sale for every week of the year at about
halfway through that week, that little notification
will pop up? Yes, That's a lot of work. A lot of work. I typically
only create 12 sales per year. So because you can create
itself for up to 30 days. So I'll create one
for each month. And that's how I do it. Of course, you can play around
with your sales strategy, but I recommend having
a sale at all times. Next, user have Etsy
ads starting out. I know pay traffic,
flow intimidating. It's not as fun as I read it as organic traffic because it is where the initial cost
right from the jump. But you're a new shop, you're trying to get seeing. You're competing with thousands of other established shots. Etsy as is what's going to give you that push and
keep in mind, yes, these competitors are
also using Etsy ads, but not as many of them are. So you have a higher
chance of even showing up within the first few
pages of a search term if you're using those ads, like I showed you, I
think two videos ago, how Etsy ads show up there, the very first row, and they're like
to organic rows. And then there are
another rub, Etsy ads. So at that point you're only competing with the other
people who are using Etsy ads for those very
highly ranked rows. Starting out, how at
least that $1 budget per day for your Etsy
ask keep in mind you only pay for them when people are clicking on it to yards. When people click on the ad. And yes, I've heard tons of
mixed reviews about ads. I've had mixed
reviews about ads, but at the end of the day they
do bring in more traffic. And if your products
are optimized, right? And if they look pretty, they should be bringing
in more sales. If you are using
Etsy ads and they're not bringing in more sales, it's probably because
of something that you are doing wrong and wrong. I mean, either your
pricing is too high, your products are
not pretty enough, your description is not
informative enough. Your keywords are
not relevant enough. They're not long tail enough. There's something in
there that you could be improving on. Yes. It's the ads is not a
miracle worker is not going to normally
quadruple your seals, but it should be adding
in a little increase and it shouldn't be bringing
in more traffic. And you want more
traffic starting out, like you're not really
going to be getting all that much traffic
in most cases, unless your products or I'm just very highly searched for and new targeted some search term that is this super
trending right now. Am I last pro tip would be to
aim for star seller status. This is a feature that came
out like middle of 2022. Being a star seller just means
that you are a seller who values the customer experience and it's a badge that
shows up on your shop. So nice, pretty purple
bands and we'll say speedy replies, fast shipping, whatever other
criteria you had to me since I don't have
physical products, I don't have to meet that
fast shipping criteria to be a star seller. But if you have
physical products, you would have three
criteria to reach. I only have to to reach. And among those is that you have to
respond quickly to me, pull up the exact, the exact metrics because this responding quickly and
having a rating and average rating of at least
4.8 over the last 15 ratings. I believe. I got to see exactly
what they consider to be a fast response. I know life happens. But having that star
seller status, like, especially as a new shop, can really just set
you apart because it shows up and it just,
it looks really good. So let's see. It says to earn the
speed and replies bad, you have to keep your
message response rate at 95% or more. So that just means you need to reply to the initial
message within 24 h. And then for the
rave reviews badge, like I said, you need to
keep your average rating at 4.8 or higher. Among those criteria, you
also need to have been, I think it's you have to
have been on Etsy for the last six months
or something. Let me see. And you had an
in-person me sorry. If you were selling
physical products that on time shipping
and tracking badge, you would have to have 95%
of your orders ship on time with tracking or with a shipping label
purchase on Etsy, 95% of your orders. So that is another badge. You have to have been
on Etsy platform for 90 days since your first sale? That is that last little
piece of criteria. You make five orders
and $300 in sales during a three-month
review period and eating it has been on Etsy for 90 days since
your first sale? Not 90 days since
opening your shop. 90 days since your first day
or so, that's three months. Not not to unattainable, and no star seller
is not going to boost your search ranking. But it will, it
will differentiate, differentiate yourself
from your competitors. And it'll make it
easier for buyers to tell that you care about them and the
customer experience. That is pretty much
my last piece of advice I covered as much
as I could in this course. Maybe I'll have another
future course out there, but for now, we're going
to leave it at that. Now let's go on into the outro.
7. Outro: Alright, so I want to
thank you guys so, so much for watching
this course. I hope you were able to
learn a lot from it. Hope you do the class project. Feel free to reach out to me. Check me out on culture, its, check out my Etsy shop quotes
for simplicity. I'm on Pinterest as
culture, its simplicity. So check me out if
you get the chance. Go ahead and give me a
hollow here on Skillshare. I'm so glad you're able
to tune in with me. And I really, really hope that your Etsy shops takeoff
really want to see them. I would just love to see, I would love to see them grow. I'm rooting for you. This year. This is your year, 2023. Okay. Get get excited about
if you're starting an Etsy shop or you're optimizing the one
you already have. This is your shops, you're
getting that business mindset. Treat this sharp like a business and not like
a passion project. And it will make money
like a business. You treat it like a business. It will act like a business. That's my mindset on it and a lot of other
entrepreneurs mindsets on it. So I look forward
to seeing you guys in a future course
and thank you so, so much for watching, watching.