1. FPPB Intro: Hi, I'm Kylie. Alzheimer ended this class. We will be learning the basics of foundation paper piecing by creating this cute six inch butterfly block. I hope you join me and I can't wait to see what you create.
2. FPPB Supplies, Fabric Selection and Preparing Templates: first, we'll start off with what you need. In order to complete this project, need a printer so that you complete your templates for the butterfly block. You need just a regular school glue glue stick. You need some nice thread I use or a Phil 40 or 50 weight because it's strong and doesn't terror. It doesn't break when we're pulling out the paper from the back in just some nice sharp fabric scissors. Up next, we're gonna talk about fabric selection for your block, as you can see here, in my example Block, I didn't choose the high enough contrast ing fabric for the better flies body right here. It just doesn't stand out against the white background. So for my next bark, I chose to brightly colored fabrics for the wings. These are both by till a pink from her chipper line. In case you're wondering and a bright fund purple for the body, it will release Do not great against the white background. Now we're gonna move on to cutting our templates. As you can see, it's a little difficult to see here, but you can see the light line that goes around the dark lines That is what holds our quarter inch seam allowance all the way around the actual block. So you do not want to cut that off? Keep that. Don't even count right on the line. Give it a little bit of extra space on the outside of it. When a little extra paper around each of the blocks. There's not a lot of space between these right here. But that's OK. You just cut right between, um and we'll be ready for the next step now that we have each piece of our template cow with a little extra around the edge. We're gonna fold on each of these dark lines that go there in the center of the block. We don't need to fold around the outside, but we're gonna fold here. You fold the line four and backwards. You can give it a good crease, and we're gonna do that through each piece because it helps with tearing later. Now that you've cut out each simple piece, we're gonna look at them a little closer. As you can see here, the sun is template piece A. It's labeled a one. A two, a three and a four. This is the the order that we're gonna piece the fabric to this piece of paper in. We're gonna begin by attaching our center fabric for the wing for the top of the wing right here. To the back of this template with a little damage Glue. We're going to use our school blue here. A glue stick is best. I haven't used the liquid glue. I wouldn't recommend it. We just need a little doubt. Mine actually is purple in the beginning and it turns clear eventually it has never seen the fabric in my experience. So that's OK to use to, and we'll get started.
3. FPPB Fabric Prep and Template Placement: now we're gonna press each of our fabrics. It's extremely important to press so that the fabric lace flat when we're trying to piece. If you're going to fussy cut, you should probably iron most of the piece of fabric that you have that you can catch the repeats. They don't happen quite as often in larger prints. So keep mind of that. Make sure your iron is on the cotton setting. I like to use steam because I feel like it presses better. But do whatever you feel is best. Get a nice quick press in late somewhere flat so that it doesn't get wrinkled. - We really won't be using a lot of any of these pieces are block is pretty small, and so are the pieces in each part of it. So, um, you know, you really don't have to iron the entire piece, especially if you aren't fussy cutting and you don't have a large print. But I like to go ahead and press it really good just for the heck. But I guess now that Oliver Fabric is pressed, choose the one that you want for Parts A and B of the wings. That will be the top on each side. Take your fabric and lay it face down On your on your workspace you can see that it's the wrong side up and take a template Pieces a and be I'm gonna flip them over and use our glue stick right in the center of that right there. We just want to put a little bit on part one in the center and flip that over in, place it on our fabric and give it a little press so that it will stick. We're gonna do the same for part B. If you don't mind where the fabric placement is, then you can just do it like I've just shown. If you want to fussy cut, this is the time to do it. I'm not gonna go into that. I'll make a separate video for the a different class, but right here is exactly what we want to dio. If you're just going to really basic like I am here, take your scissors and we're gonna cow around, leaving extra here on this part two, you'll find that foundation paper piecing is pretty messy, but the results are really worth it because you have an accurate, really gorgeous block. That would be pretty hard to piece without using this method. So it's it's worth it, in my opinion, rights to get all of your excess fabric out of the way. As you can see, I have a lot of extra here. You could really use scraps if you wanted Teoh. I just used up all my scripts, so I just don't have any. Um, now we have our piece. You can see that the numbers are facing up and the right side of the fabrics facing up. What we're gonna do is we're gonna take where we folded back before a two right here in the full. That back. You kind of got to keep track of the fabric. And if you need to add a little extra glue, you can. But we're gonna trim off a little bit. About 1/4 inch, maybe a little more important more is better than less. That's where you can see we've turned off a little bit here. So when you pull up the paper, there is a little fabric missing here. If you want, you can go ahead and do that to be too. Also, I like to kind of peace. I'm sort of chain piece a little bit. So I'm gonna go ahead, do it to my B. Just not one side. We're just gonna dio I've never to right now, So Okay, I lost my background fabric for a second, but I found it. I'm just using white scraps for my background. It's from Sachin A quilt. Um, if you don't have scrapped the fat, it would be plenty. We are gonna work with template pieces and be again take this whole year and make sure it's folded down and take your scrap fabric piece and make sure we're just gonna place it over the paper first. This is not where it's going to stay, but this is what we're gonna check that it's big enough. I'm gonna make sure that it reaches the seam allowance up here, and then it covers all edges of our paper, so that will will be large enough when we, um so impressive. Open. So now I'm gonna add it to face the right side of the fabric. We've added it back here now and moved it. And as you can see, it sticks out large enough that it would actually cover. And we're gonna flip that little your backup and begin sewing
4. FPPB Sewing the First Seam: Okay, so now we're ready to start sewing. You wanna change or stitch length? You're not able to see mine, but about half of what you normally use my has normally set at 2.4. So I changed mine to 1.5. It doesn't have to be exactly half, but you just want a smaller stitch because it's gonna hold up, Teoh tearing the paper away later. We have our little dog in your hair and we're gonna fold it up. And this crease were a folded. We're gonna begin at the very beginning of that crease. If you start a little off of the fabric, it's actually best a little further than the paper. Um, we're going to come forward back, stitch, Come all the way forward, sewing directly on this line and go all the way off the edge of the fabric back stitch onto the sea, Malone's and come forward again. It's important to remember that it's not a race you could go slowly, especially for new with controlling the machine in just a beginner, it's important to go pretty slow exit. You begin and sewing off of the paper, lift your foot trim the threat and you can see that we have sonar line right here, and it's time to press. All right, so we are going to put our template against earning board and open up that seem that we've just So we're gonna press toward the new piece. We always press toward the new piece when your foundation paper piecing your esteem if you want. Teoh, um, it helps that stay better. Be careful. And with the paper, I don't know what it would do if you use too much and you can see that it is much larger then the piece that we cut away and it's perfect for what we're doing. So now we're gonna take section three and fold it down. Next we're going Teoh trim About 1/4 inch. A little larger is better away on the fabric just like we did before. We're gonna add a fabric to this side again in the same manner that we did Part two. And so that went on as well
5. FPPB Sewing the Second & Third Seams : All right, We have Temple peace again. We are going to hold this down like we did before out our background fabric. Mine is large enough that I can see. It's definitely going to cover the space that I needed to cover over here. If you mean to double check because your piece of little smaller kind of iffy place it on the front first and make sure it covers that area and seam allowances. So I'm gonna add it back to the front. Here went up the seam. The end. Open this up again. Know where the crease is from where we folded it down and put your needle just on the outside of that right there into the fabric, right before the paper. Just like before. We're gonna begin by back, stitching in in buyback stitching as well. But right from your threads. Open it up and make sure it covers and we're ready to press again. We're gonna repeat this process for part a four. I won't make you watch me iron this piece open, but will pretend that I just ironed this open and we're moving on to a four. You'll see that the stitches are actually holding this down if I am, This is from my sewing machine A little, but you can see better. Probably you can see that the stitches are holding down party for So what you want to dio is just terror that away a little bit. All right, so, as you can see were able to fold down a for now, been torn. It's the paper is still up here. We just or right where the stitches were. It's really easy. Um, Full that down. Go ahead and trim it like usual and add the fabric on. And that's just our little trick. Teoh be able to continue using her lines once we've sound other pieces down that kind of intersect.
6. FPPB Trimming and Completing the Rest of the Templates: now that you've added a four just like you did a two and three as well, you can see that there's some excess that needs turned off. This is over to use our fabric systems if you want to. You can actually use a rotary cutter, a ruler and a rotary cutting that. I just kind of like to sit at my desk. I don't like to move around too much. You get kind of exhausting. So I just use my scissors and you're gonna trim right on the sea. My last line. It's the light line. It's around the template. Peace and just trim off the excess following that line aren't sick and CR Cuba lay peas all turned up with the extra See Malone's extremely important to keep. I can't stress that enough. If you cut that off, you'll ruin the entire block and have to start over so we have part A. You can go ahead and finish part B as well. It's exactly like part a West, just the mirror image. Then you can complete Part C and D. After that and Part E. Make sure that you remember that part. E One is the body of the butterfly in parts E two and E three are the background
7. FPPB Removing the Papers: Okay, so, no, I finished all five pieces to my butterfly block A and B, C and D I first cut these ones and e which is a little better fly body. We're gonna finish up by attaching from a to D and then be to see we are going to put them , make sure that right signs up, face down, right sides together, and we're gonna so along that line. Now it's up to you whether you leave the paper here or not. Um, it is a great way to fall and make sure you get exactly quarter inch seam allowance here. It can be pretty thick in your machine, and it could break. And he'd also be careful. Um, so it's up to you what you dio make sure you saw on the correct seem the eastern evil right in the very edge of the paper. If you do, leave her paper stitch forward, back stitch and continue on the line back such again and trim your threats. If you can open it up. You see that we have finished 1/2 of the butterfly's wings. Repeat that step for parts a nd All right, so now that we have finished. Both have the roaming. It's time to remove the paper. You can see I've already ripped the paper on this one. Impress the seem open. I just need to remember here. So we're gonna take impress each one of these Little, um seems down where we've sown and then gently pull it away, Fold down, give a little crease and gently pull away. It's really simple, really easy. And you have to be gentle because you could pull your threads loose if you're not. I'm really careful with it. So it's really important. Once you hear all these away, go ahead and press this theme open.
8. FPPB Finishing the Block: we are finally to one of the very last steps of this block. We have Peace, E. I have found it's much easier to just go ahead and remove the papers from the back of PC as well. For some reason, my machine tour up really about last time. It was, like, impossible to give it all the little pieces, so I'm just gonna remove it. Now, Make sure you know that the smallest background pieces on the bottom in the largest background pieces on the top. As you can see, I've already added the body. Teoh, one of the wings. I need Teoh ad the other, and we're just gonna press that open. Um, you can see that I press this seem open. It's me, the exact same on the other side a music or inch seam allowance and again press it open and you will have your finished six inch block. All right, so we have our finished six inch block. It's actually gonna measure 6.5 inches. But when you sew it into, you know, at a border or you sell it in with other quote walks, it will be a finished side of six inches. And as you can see it, the body of this butterfly steins out much better than my last one. And I hope that you really enjoy this spot.