1. Introduction and Supplies You Will Need: Hi friends, how are you? I hope you're having
a great today. I'm excited about sharing
this project with you. This is a drawing and
watercolor painting project that I designed
especially for kids. Students do not need to have any drawing or
painting experience at all to be successful
with this project. I will guide students step by step through the entire
creative process. They will feel
comfortable at all times. Today, we are going to be creating this
Frankenstein design. Let's talk about
the supplies and the materials that you will
need for this project. The first thing
that you'll need is a sheet of watercolor paper. You will need a set of watercolor paints
and a paint brush. I'm going to use a paint
brush that's this size, but just use what you
have available to you. You will need a
cup or a bowl with clean water and a black oil
pastel or a black crayon. And you will need a paper towel. Go ahead and gather all of
those supplies and materials. And I'll see you back
here in the next video.
2. Step 1: Draw a Frankenstein Design: In this step, we are
going to draw our design. Let's get started. The first thing that we're
going to do is pick up our crayon or our oil pastel. We're going to go pretty close to the top of
our piece of paper, maybe about 2 "
down from the top, and that would be
about 3 centimeters. What we're going to do
is we're going to make a straight line
about that large. Now we're going
to come down with a capital letter U that touches
that line on both ends. Really long letter U, like that. This is going to be the
head of our Frankenstein. Now let's add some
features onto this face. I'm going to add some hair, and those are just going
to be some letter V's that are hooked together
different size V's. Now Frankenstein has a
pretty tall forehead. I'm going to put a scar
right here on the forehead. And it's just going
to be a line with some more lines going
through it like this. Then underneath that scar, I'm going to make
some eyes and they're just going to be straight
lines like this. Then underneath those
straight lines, we're going to make some use. If they're not exactly the
same size, that's okay. Now I'm going to put some
pupils inside of those eyes. If you have room to
add some eyebrows, you can go ahead and do that. I'm not going to add
eyebrows this time now. I'm going to make a small nose. Just a tiny nose. Then I'm going to make a mouth. My mouth is going
to look like this, because Frankenstein is not
the happiest character. And I'm going to
put a tooth there, because I think that,
that looks funny. Then I'm going to add
some small ears, a neck. Two lines coming down from
the bottom of that letter. Then on this neck, I'm going to add some bolts. You know how Frankenstein has those bolts coming
out of his neck? I'm going to just make
two straight lines, then a rectangle at the end
of the two straight lines. Now I'm going to make his
body down here at the bottom. His body might be a little bit smaller than his head,
but that's okay. That'll make him
look really funny and cool. Straight line. Straight line, and then a
V right here at the neck. This is going to
be his shoulder, arm, shoulder and arm. Then I'm going to make some zigzag lines
and then come back in zigzag lines and
then come back in, this is going to be his shirt. Then I'm going to make two
slightly slanted lines, coming down and
more zigzag lines. Then I'm going to
make some pants. I'm going to come down with a straight line on either side. Zigzag all the way across, and then a line down the middle. Now Frankenstein does
have hands and feet. I'm going to make some small
arms and then fingers. Then I'm going to
make some big feet down here at the bottom. Two lines with blocky feet. If there's a different way
that you'd like to make feet, go ahead and do that. I think I'll just
keep it like that. I was going to add some toes, but I think I'll just
keep it like that. All right, Now I'm going to make a little bit
of a background. I'll just put a line here, jump over that leg, make another line going
across like this. If there's anything else that you'd like to add
to the background, you can go ahead and do that. Now, Depending on how
much room you have, I think I'm going to make
some bats, some small bats. Let me show you how I make
bats. Make a curve line. A curve line, and then make more curve lines and attach in the middle. See how I do that? There's one. Let me
make one over here, curve line, curve line. And then more curve lines
and connect in the middle. Maybe I'll make
one more up here. Curve line, curve line. More curve lines and
attach in the middle. Perfect. All right. I think I even
want to make a moon here. I'll make the letter C
with the smaller C inside. Awesome. Then if you want to add something else
onto your artwork, you can go ahead and do that. I like how mine looks, so I'm going to
stop there and I'm going to put my oil pastel down. My hand is a little bit dirty, so I'm going to wipe it
off on my paper towel. There we go. Oil pastels can get a little bit
messy because they're super soft and they're
made out of oil. That's a normal thing. Alrighty friends,
what we're going to do in the next step is we are going to add some watercolor
paint to our design.
3. Step 2: Paint the Frankenstein Design: In this step, we're going to add some watercolor paints to our
design. Let's get started. The first thing
that we're going to do is we are going to add a drop or two of water
into each pan of paint. What this will do is it will soften up the paints
a little bit. They are easier for us to use. I always like to take a
moment to do this step. Now that our paints
are softening up, let's turn our attention
to our design. Here we have our Frankenstein. And he's standing
in the night sky, and he has a few bats
flying around him. I'm going to make the skin
of my Frankenstein green. I'm going to do a little bit of color mixing for my green. I'll show you what
I'm going to do. I'm going to add a little bit
of black paint to my green, so it's a little bit of a
darker green for his clothing. I think I will make that brown. Then for his bolts, I'm going to make
gray for the bats, I'm going to make black. I'm going to keep
the moon white, the whites of his eyes white, and his tooth white. All right, let's start
with our skin color. I'm going to add some water
into one of my wells. Then I'm going to add a
little bit of green paint. Then what I'm going to
do is I'm going to add the tiniest bit of black paint. Just a tiny, tiny
bit of black paint. If you add too much black paint, it will overpower the green. We want to make sure that we
don't overpower that green. It just makes it a
little bit darker. That's perfect
color right there. Sometimes I need to experiment a little
bit with my colors. It doesn't turn out the way that I want it the first time. I just keep trying. I try and try until I get it to be the
color that I want it to be. What I'm going to do
now is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to paint the skin on my Frankenstein,
this color green. Then after I do that, I will
paint the clothing brown. And then I'm going to
paint the hair black. I'm going to paint
the bolts gray. The way that I'm going to
make gray is I'm going to add quite a bit of water and just a little bit of black paint and that
will make the gray. You might see me doing that on my palette. All righty friends. So I'm going to go ahead
and do that painting. I'll speed up the
video and I'll see you back here in just a minute. All right, friends, I'm finished painting
my Frankenstein. I decided to put a little bit of black paint into
my brown paint to make a darker shade for
the pants of my Frankenstein. Then I wanted to make
sure that I painted those bats and the
hairy, dark black. Alright, friends. So
when we come back, we will be painting
the background.
4. Step 3: Paint the Background: In this step, we are going
to paint the background. So let's get started.
This is my plan. I'm going to paint my
background right here, the sky. I'm going to paint
a darker blue. Then for this part
down here, the dirt, I was going to make it grass, but then I decided
to make it dirt. I'm going to make it this
color brown right here, the same brown as the pants. For the pant color, I added some brown
and a tiny bit of black to get the shade
of brown right here. I'm going to go ahead and
start with the ground. I'm going to make a little
bit more of this paint. I'm going to use some brown, then a little bit of black. Remember, you don't need much black because the black
is really a strong color. Here we go, perfect. I'm going to this dark, dark brown color down
here at the bottom. I thought that, that
would look really cool for my
Frankenstein artwork. Then when I'm finished
with this part, I'm going to move
on to the blue. The way that I'm going
to make the blue is add some water into
one of my wells. Then I'm going to add some
of that dark blue paint. I'm going to lighten
it up a little bit so it's not
super duper dark. All right, so there's my water and I'm going to
add some of this blue ooh. Look at that, That's so nice. That is such a beautiful
shade of blue. Wow. All right, Perfect. Okay, so what I'm
going to do now is I'm going to just paint my Sky. I'm going to paint
slowly and carefully, so I do my very best work. And I will speed up this
video so you can watch me. All right, friends, I'm finished painting my
Frankenstein design. I'm really happy with it. I hope that you had a lot
of fun with this project. I had a lot of fun teaching it. I will see you next time.