Drawing Animals: How to Draw a Bunny | Patricia Caldeira | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Use The Right Resources!


    • 3.

      Playing With Proportions


    • 4.

      Draw a Standing Bunny - Side


    • 5.

      Bunny Standing - Front


    • 6.

      Bunny Standing - Back View!


    • 7.

      Tired Sitting Bunny - Side


    • 8.

      Sitting Bunny - Front


    • 9.

      Sitting Bunny - Back View


    • 10.

      Snooze Time! Side View


    • 11.

      Sleeping Bunny Front View


    • 12.

      Sleeping - Back View


    • 13.

      Your Turn! (Don't skip this one!)


    • 14.



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About This Class

Are you looking for a fun Class where you can draw a cute new subject?

Join me to be Improve your Drawing Skills in a fun and relaxing way, Drawing Animals!

More about the Class

Welcome to my Class on How to Draw a Bunny! Here you'll quickly learn how to draw a Bunny in several Positions, this is one of my Classes on Drawing Animals.

I'm Patricia, a Professional Artist that loves to Draw Animals and People, and I've been helping people learn this skill for a few years now. In this Class I'll take you through my Step-by-Step Process for Drawing Animals in a very simple way, you can follow me along while I draw or take it all in and Draw right after.

Here's what we're covering:

  • Resources for Drawing Animals from Reference Images
  • Drawing a Bunny in a Standing Position (Side, Front and Back View)
  • Drawing a Sitting Bunny (Side, Front and Back View)
  • Drawing a Sleeping Bunny(Side, Front and Back View) 
  • A Fun Exercise to help you Improve your Drawings!

Once you finish this Class you'll be able to Draw a Bunny in the position you want, starting from basic shapes and going all the way to Coloring it. You'll also improve your Drawing Skills by practising with a new and fun Subject: Drawing a Bunny!

So come right in, and let's start!

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Patricia Caldeira

Illustrator | Digital Artist | Designer


Patricia Caldeira is a Freelancer Artist working in Illustration, Design and similar Artwork.

She graduated in Graphic Design and Multimedia and soon after started working on her own independent company "Don Corgi", doing work for several Streamers, Game Developers, Youtubers, and even selling Cards and Social Media Icons at her Etsy Store.

You can find more about her, her work and Drawing Tutorials and Tips at Don Corgi.

In the recent past She has:

- Co-Founded the Don Corgi Art Group;
- Collaborated with Programmers, Game Designers, Musicians, Youtubers, Twitchers and more!
- Taught over 14.000 people on different platforms;

Join her Class on Character Design, Gesture Drawing!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: hello and welcome to this class here to learn how to draw the cute and amazing bunny. My name is pathetic a letter, and I'm a professional illustrator. I've been drawing most of my life, and I don't work for small companies, video games, YouTubers and much more. I know that sometimes getting started, withdrawing a new subject or just doing in general consume heart and quite intimidating. I've been there, and that's why I've created this class where I'm going to show you step by step the best and simple sways to drop. This is a perfect glass for beginning artists that want to start with something fun, like animals, or for someone that just wants to try new and different subjects. I'll thank you to drawing different positions, like standing, sitting and sleeping and also different perspectives like front, back and side view. For this class, you'll only needs a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. Or if you prefer a computer with the software of your show, it's like photo shop and a drawing tablets. It's certainly after you, and either way will work perfectly. At the end of this class, you'll be able to draw this amazing animal in the position of your choice, and you'll also improve your drawing skills in general. Thank you for interest in this class. There's no reason to exit eight, so join now and I'll see you soon. 2. Use The Right Resources!: Hello and welcome back. Before starting our drawings, I want to go over some places where you can go and get references to help draw. Remember that references are always important when you're learning to draw anything. Beat animals, buildings. Are people. Be sure to find some images to help you. Alright, that are a lot of places where you can find some good reference images by forbids being pinterest.com and Splash.com, pixabay.com. And finally, pixels. Cough, simply right on the search tab what you're looking for, and you'll find what you need. If you're looking for a specific breed or species, you can always take pictures of your own plants or ask your friends if they own any bet. Taking your own photos means you will have the exact reference that you need and don't need to spend as much time in searching. Now, the challenge here might be to convince your bed to stand still. But you can do this either way. Finding references online or taking your own photo is always helpful. I also have a Pinterest board full of animal photos that you can check for inspiration and references. I'll leave the link so you can go there and give it a look. Alright, this is it for now. Let's go for the next video where we will talk a little bit about proportions. So I'll see you there. 3. Playing With Proportions: Hello again. In this video, I just want to talk a little bit about proportions and how can you play with them to create more interesting drawings of bunnies when trying something new. And liked to break everything down into simpler shapes. Work both if you're drawing something more cartoony or more realistic, breaking an object or subject into simple steps, it's always really helpful. Now, in the next videos we'll be drawing some bunnies and play a between their proportions. Doing this will help a lot integrating more interesting animal characters. For example, let's look at this button here. We can break it down into simpler shapes. They have very round shapes, which makes them look very cute. But we can go a bit further with them or exaggerate one of its body parts a bit more. For example, look at this bunny in Bambi. As you can see, his head is a bit disproportional, comparing with a real photo. But trying to head bigger with big round eyes makes him look even cuter. Picking certain features from an animal and exaggerating them will give your drawing some more personality. So do have fun with this and experiment as much as you want. The next videos, we'll be drawing some bunnies in different positions, but the principle is always the same. Fine shapes. Draw them and exaggerate its proportions. All right, without further ado, let's start drawing some bunnies. I'll see you in the next video. 4. Draw a Standing Bunny - Side: Hello, everyone. And welcome back. We are now going for a bunny. We're going to start drawing our bun in the standing position. So let's start. So, as always, we're going to start with our shapes and we're going to start kind of a weird shape. So follow me. So Terry goes something like this. So this is our main body. And now we're going toe adhere A circle to signal our bag leg and another one here for the front leg. All right, now we're going to make here kind off a circle shape for our heads can adhere our butt. And finally the year. So this is all we're going to be doing for the shapes and you can already see what's happening here. And now let's see it clearer with our sketch So we can start you here with heads sketching out our heads a big round here and the rounded butts. And now we can make here our legs So something like this for the front Lee. And now for the back leg we make he'll discover and then Arbet click. Don't worry too much about your lines right now you're on Lee trying to figure out where everything is in your rabbits. And then when you ready and you're happy with your sketch, you can make the final lines when everything is going to be looking pretty. So now for the face we have here a bit off the nose and and I hear a simple So there we go . We have here the sketch of our bunny. We can see better now what we are doing here and now we're going to do our final lines. Let's start. We can start once again with our heads. Just go with it slowly and steady. Repeat your lines is much as you need. Don't be frustrated. And don't be afraid. Just have fun with this. Do it slowly. No rush. You're not being timed here. So just two things at your own pace. You can add some some for to it some small lines. We can also add here a bit off the other year and then we can paint or rabbit. So I'm going to peak. Maybe some crazy stones. Something like this is is a cute scholar. Since our lines aren't fully close down there, you 20 it out. But we can you raise it. And it's good. No, it. And now we can ads here the color where we are missing and okay, so we have our base color. And now I'm going to had some whites. They sometimes if there are a lot off patterns in rabbits so you can follow me into the same pattern I'm doing are you can to your own if you have a rabbit drawing a rabbit so you if you have your own beds, your own rodent pets tell us a good exercise to look at them and see how they move and look for their shapes to help you with your drawings. So if you do have a rabbit to feel free to take some pictures of it and draw your bits and show me of course. Okay, so we're pretty much done just going toe adhere little bits off electrical Artur here and this is its for a rabbit. We can just add some shadows and next week and try and draw our rabbits in the front of you . So side view first and a front view and finally the back few forget. Just take your time. Don't rush, it's. And whenever you're done, we can go and starts our front view of our money 5. Bunny Standing - Front: so the front few nap. So we see most off the front part of our body and a little bit off the But so we're going to start with an ex gone shape like this. So you have here and now we're going to cut this ex agan shape beads around here. So this is our mind body here is going to be the front of our bunny and here the back now need toe adds our heads once again another exit con shape with a beat stretched like this. Go. And finally, that's move or head Pete, Lower 60 tend to have exactly something like this is better because they are always very small, making themselves small. So even if they're standing there, head is very close to the body. And now two years we have here our bunny in our shapes ready. And now we're going to make our Skitch, like, always, taking our time, figuring out our shapes. So when making now here the sketch we can make her head rounder than before years Now we can start here sketching out the front off our body very fluffy and round something like this and not finally all you're missing is the face. So start with the nose here and the mouse and then our eyes where is simple and very easy. And now we can do our final lines, starting here with top of her head and going for the years. Also trying the years. Feel free to try out different years if you to look for some images on Google, for example, ORP interests. You'll see that while there are a lot off kinds off rabbits and bunnies and they do have different shapes, feel free to play with that. You don't need to strictly follow my rabbit. You can do your own and, of course, feel free to show it to me. Make the changes you want in your trying. Don't forget that the eyes are a bit to the side stretch and here, years of Peter, I'm not completely happy with them. Yes, this is better. Since they are not turned, we have to think about the perspective here. So we are done with our lines and now we can call her Are Bunny. So let's speak up here are colors and add them to our kid. Funny. All right, so now are lighter tone. So in tow go something like this according to what we did before, something like this. And now here everything is white in front, right? Well, it's not. This is not exactly white, but you know what I mean. So in a lighter town here, including the boss and then the big book is white as well. And not just here. Our years and we are mostly done. Now all we're missing is the shadows. Very simple. Once again. Don't worry a lot about them, but as always, if you want to take your time, we did do it. So there we go. We are done. The the front few. And now we're going to make the backfield. That, as always, is going to have more or less the same shapes that we didn't know. But we're going to be seeing myself a rabbit, and it will have less details 6. Bunny Standing - Back View!: so right for the back few. We're going to have the same shapes we have here in the front view. So we're going to start with our Mexican shape this And now, once again, we can we make our cut here. So this is going to be the back off our body. And this is the bit off the front, and we see, and now our heads we don't see a lot. So it's going to be something around here, things like this. And now our ears And you could make here a circle. So we know where the but is going to be. So we have our shapes. It's door sketch now, so I'm going to start here with the back around. But let's make this here bit rounder this sides something like this. Now our Telus well here very fluffy. And now the beats off the front of her a bit off the front off the Bali like me erase here a little bit because this is starting to be messy. All right, this is better. And now we can make here our heads and do you so as you can see, this is way less details. We don't see a lot and that we can make our final lines. So it's not, as always. It's very simple. There isn't much to it. Don't forget to add some for for extra acuteness and extra fluffy nous Take your time Working on your lines kind of reminds me off a corgi right now except the years off course . Soberness in corgis look the same from the back. So all you're missing is once again our callers. Let's at them here. And that just adds the rest in the missing spots. Uh, this is easier. All right, Now, if needed to raise the bits that you don't want, I cured. And here, So we care of here. Uh, the lighter color. And here we have some as well and a little Pete here and well, that's it. That's all we can see from here. So now we can add our shadows. So start here. That is simple shadows. We don't want toe overcomplicate a lot. Right now you're just learning. And once we're confident enough in our rabbits and our Ben use, we can take more time in the coloring and shadows. But for now, doing it simply is enough So here we have our bunny in the standing position. I hope you had fun. Next, we're going for the sitting position. So else here, there. 7. Tired Sitting Bunny - Side: Hello and welcome back. We're now going to be drawing our bunny sitting. So I start going to get here my layer for my shapes, and now choose here a lighter color. And now we can start. So we're going to start with a rounded shape. Something like this. And the bottom is a straight line, so almost like a drying a boulder. So, Ron shape not really a circle, because it's a pity regular, But you can also draw half a bit of a circle if you want to. So I'm going to make here occur. Fine. Something like this. It's enough. So this is mostly the back part of our bunny off our body. And here is the chest parts. Each part of the body is really close to each other when they seating. So our shapes are going toe overlap. Even if you want, you could make something like this so you can see better though this part you can see it. So now all you're missing is our heads. So the same shape we've been doing something like this. Don't worry about doing a lot of lines like you see me doing this is just a sketch. This is just a base reference for us to know where everything is going to be in our bunny. So now, once again, we make the shape of her ear, and all you're missing is bit of a circle, a squat Shirko here in the back for our tail. And we are done with your shapes. So you can already see what's going on in here where everything is going to be. You can tell that this is going to be the front part where the pole is going to be the front leg. And here we have the back part of her rabbits, the heads, the year Everything is in place now. So let's see things better and detail things a little bit more with our sketch. So I'm going to start here with heads. You can starts where whatever you feel more comfortable with, I tend to start with the head depending on the drawing. So you have peering in year, we can make already beat off the face. Very simple. Now, here, try to make to make the overlaps a bit visible. So here, this one is going to cut in this one. So this shape here. This part of the body goes in front off this one. And now we have here a bit off our chests. And now we're going to make a similar shape like we did before, like this for the front part, like we did in the in the standing position. We had a shape similar to this one for the front. Pull an hour curve for the back leg and the backboard is longer and you took cover A bit of our fronts. Poor. So let me raise disappeared, so you can understand better. As you can see, the back porch is way longer and sits more in the floor than the front porch. So all you're missing now is a bit off our tail here. So there we go. Very simple. Sometimes you might see some drawings and illustrations where the but is here when they're sitting. But usually when the rabbits where bunnies sits, the tell is going to be sitting on the floor as well. So here we have our skitch and now, once again, we're going for our final lines. So it's always take your time. Do it slowly. Repeat your lines is many times as you wish. If you're not happy with them at first you will see me doing that. A lot of times it's pretty normal. It's It's natural to do that. So just take your time. Don't rush into it and do not get frustrated. Also, while doing the final lines is good time for you to figure outs and change some things that you weren't happy about in our sketch. And you can change some the way some lines are looking like. And you can change. Show me some of your lines. Try toe, make fluid movements. Don't use Onley Your hand. Use your wrist. Use your elbow when drawing. This is very important since it will also help you if you draw lots to not have pain, any kind of pains in your hands or wrists. So pay attention to that as well Take some breaks from time to time. All right, so I think we are done right now. So I think I'm happy with your lines here. I think our Bunia looks cute. So now we're going to do our coloring. Okay, So for our colors we have here have you the colors from before, like so that we can we have our bunnies always in the same color. So let's do like we usually do. So pickup or paint buckets. At most of our base collar, you raise the things that are going out of our lines and add color toward is missing. So there we go. And the pattern we had was going with a lighter color up to our fronts leg. So something around here, something around here. That's enough, I think. And also here. So me grab here the point. Park it. All right. Okay. I saw this boy's also with a letter color. And the back poor here had a bit off letter cold as well. And also the bottom off our tail that may arrest his speed here. All right. And not just adding here another tone and the inside of her year. There we go. So all we're missing now is our shadows. So let's do it very quickly. Multiply. Give it 50% of capacity. And now we can other shadows. That a simple All right, so there we go. We have here our bun in a sitting position in the side view. So now we're going to draw him in a front position 8. Sitting Bunny - Front: all right. So for the front position, it's going to be a bit similar to when we did the standing position front view. So we don't see a lot off the back part of the body we see most off the front, so that starts to comprehend this better. So let's start again. With a round shape like this, something like this is good, good size. And now, just like we did in the front, few off our standing rabbit. We're going to cut this shape here into so like this to divide our shape. So the inside shape is the front off the overall body and the back shape. The outside shape is the back of our body. So now we're going to add our heads something like this. Now, the years. So don't forget, they are straighter on the insides and then a bit off a curved on the other side. And they're also thinner. They are also seen there than in the sudden position because you're seeing them in another perspective. So now we can do here this shape so we know where the back paws are going to be. So something like this, let's not jump tour Rough sketch and take a look and everything. A bit more details and clear that's to the face and forget you guys are a big turn to the side. Not really in the middle. No one knows and mostly are connected like this. And now we can make in front of our body. So are pause. They meet together really close to each other. And then here we have the chefs line. And now we have here our posts, something like this. And now we see a bit off the back coming out from here and our back boss appearing here they are turned bit turned to the sides. So there you go. We have here are rough sketch off our bunny. Now we can go to our final lines. So let's start once again. Take this time to experiment different materials either on your computer or if you're doing this in the sketchbook. You can try out different pencils, pans, brushes can try toe. Use some pains that you might have. Watercolors are cree leagues, whatever you have and you want to try your hand at it, feel free to try them out. This course is not restrictive I'm just showing you some basics in the shapes to our drawings. But you can use any kind of material that you like to work with. The shapes are going to be the same. The steps are going to be the same. Even if I'm using on Lee, why not? With some painting, you can forget the Leinart if you want to. If you want to draw everything your way instead of doing this. Or you can make lines with the same colors you're going to paints, for example, and that we go, you have here our bunny in the front position very fluffy and rounds as always enough for the coloring. So starting with our by scholar, as always, even though here we're going to be seeing more off our light own than this gravestone. But I like to use always the same base color and then at on top of its the other tones. But if you want, you can try another order. I just think it's easier to add them on top. The color sets out on talk with Adam later. So for the lighter tone, all of this here is going to be in that tone So I'm going to grow up here. My pink buckets and Jericho. Everything is in this white ish color. Also the back because as well on Lee the pause, not the legs. Now you're only missing here a bit off the face like we did before in our standing bunny in the front few. So, Terry, go. He'll execute. If you do have some bunnies, feel free to show them to post them below if used them as ref. Show me your rabbits. Your bunnies share them with me. So there we go. We are finished with our calling. Now all we need to do is at our shells. So let's start here on this side. Artists tend to choose this default side with our shadows are going to be. I tend to make my light source coming from this side coming from the right so much. Others are out to the left. But you can experiment. Difference Different light sources her example. You can imagine that the light is coming from the back of a rabbit. So mostly it's going to be the middle of a Raboteau. It's shallows. If you want. Our light can come from the left So we're going to have our shadows on the other side and so on. If you would be interest for me to cover a bit more off days about shadows and colors in the another class to tell me I'm always ready, Teoh, help you improve and I want to make you a good content for you to tell me what you like in the courses and what you think. It's me seeing and I'll be sure to try and improve on that. So we are done with our front view we have here. So rabbits already sitting and now we're going to draw the bag view which, as always, is going to be simply fight. It's pretty similar to this one, but with less details. 9. Sitting Bunny - Back View: so the back view, it's start doing that. So once again, we're going to start with a round shape like we did just now in the front few. And mostly that's it because we don't need to divide this shape into liquid it before, because now we are only seeing the back part of our body. We don't see the front, so this is it. Now we can have here a beautiful tail and here and a bit off the heads. We can make the whole thing just so you can no better when everything is even if you want. So here we always have the front part of our body and now our ears. So this is It's very simple, and there's nothing much to it, like I told you so. It's just going to erase here the bits that I think it's too much. All right, so I think I'm going even. I'm going now. I'm not going to speak. Skip the sketch just so it's a good exercise for you. So let's do it nonetheless, just as practice could make here the pill popping up a bit just so you have a bit more not trying, remember We're not trying to do something realistic here. We're We are cartooning, are animals here, so we can change some things as long as they still make sense. So for the final lines now, I'm going to start with head as always. Now, the years once again we make the same kind of shape within the front few. But this time we don't see the inside over ears. You can even add some. It's a for if you want toe, have a bit more details. So this is it for our back view of our sitting money. We can now other caller and our shallows, and we are done very quickly, adding, Here, my color. Here we don't as opposed at the last one. We don't have a lot off the lighter tone. It's mostly this Graystone that we can see so going to have here a little bit, that's it's and that's it's not. All we need's is our shadows. All right, we are done with our sitting bunny, and next we're going to draw a bunny in the sleeping position, so I'll see you there 10. Snooze Time! Side View: Hello and welcome back. We're not going for the less part off our bunny drawings, and we're now going to draw our bunny sleeping so it start. So, as always, we're going to start with our shapes and the side view. So we're going to start with a round shape like this, like we did with the front and back for you or for Bonnie sitting. And now here we make another something like this. So we have here the front part of her body and the back part of her body. And now we're going to make a shape for the heads, something like this. And now an ear that can't go over here even a little bit. So I'm going to race this year so you can see better, Okay? And I'll finally all till here, a bit off the tail here. So here are our main shapes for our bunny. It's really simple. So let's now do our sketch so you can see better what stepping around here. So I'm going to start with the head like I usually do a year here, going to make the years a bit down, so bit more relaxed in a relax. Tense. Something like this. Now, our eye. This time it's closed and a bit off the nose. Ok, now we're going to have here, the chests going a bit in front off our face. You can even make some bits off air like this. And now for the back parts of her body have a long curve like this. And now here, another curve for the big click and one book. Our front paws are hidden beneath the chest area here, his very causes sleeping. And there we go very simple and that we can make our final lines. So let's he How is that going to turn out? Once again, I'm going to start read the head. So many in here. Some strays, strengths off hair to give a bit more detail to my drawing. And now all you're missing is our tail. So there we go. We have here our bunny sleeping. Okay, so now all we have to do is at some colors. So I'm going to pick up here the same tones we've been using, and I'm going toe clips to color my buddy here, You forgot a line here, so let's see this line I forgot to draw it. So let me just very quickly. Um and it's good And the rise dispute here and this bit here. All right, so now we can continue coloring. So we have our base shape just going to fill up the empty spaces now are lighter tone here . Now hear this parts and then just despicable for here a little bit. There we go. So now and a little bit here. A our tale, not a lot. We don't need a lot of tears. Part of it is See then and now here. Just a bit of a lighter tone in our here. Now, as always, all we need to add is our shadows. So let's do that very quickly. And next weekend starts with our front view Oversleeping bunny. He looks very comfortable like this. So there we go. We have here are sleeping barley, and now we're going to draw him in the front position 11. Sleeping Bunny Front View: All right, So let's start our front view. Are Sleeping Bunny once more willing to start with our shapes. And now we're going to start once again with a round shape like this, like we did right at the beginning of our video. So we have here a round shape. Now we can make here almost like a heart shape here for front part of her body. And now we have our heads in here and now our years here once again, going down the beats and, well, that's it for our shapes. I'm just going to make this a little bit bigger. Is it so small right now? There we go. And now we can make our sketch. It started, as always, weeds our heads, our years and now the schist part. We can once again give it some stray lines offer here and right here at the front. We can have our front paws appearing like this. And now we needs is to adds the rest off our bunny the back part of our body. So very simple once again. So now let's do our final lines. Starting as always, with head, as always, Take your time doing this. You don't need to rush it if I'm going through this too fast to tell me and I will try Teoh , go slowly for you. And now the back part. We don't see a lot of it. So we made it. Maybe a bit too big on our sketch, but nice to time to change it. So there we go. I think this is better. And now we can color our bunny. Look for the coloring. Very simple. It's always now, this time we're going to have more off or lighter tone than this. Graystone. Let's to use this'll as our base color, and then we ads the lighter tone. So once again, the very fluffy sleeping bunny. No. 40 years, the insights for the insides of our ears. Now, Terry, go. And now, finally, O Shea does Very simple. So we have here are slipping bunny in the front position. So now we're going to draw him in the back position. So that's to this 12. Sleeping - Back View: so our ships are going to be very similar to the ones we did right now, and once again it's going to be way less details. So very simple around shape like this. A bit off a tale here and now A little bit, not a lot. Just a little bit off the top of her head here and now. Two years. So this is it for our shapes. Like I said, very simple. So enough for the sketch that starts catching here, our heads and our years. If you want, you can jump the sketch part and go right to the toe your final lines. Since there's not many details here, we can jump or sketch part and to our final lines right away. It's totally up to you, though it is a good exercise for your still so you can practice your lines and then go for the funnel lines that once again starting here with the health changing something said on my needs that I'm I'm I think they need to change and that the back part of her body, very rounds and very cute and now, finally, Howard, too. I rise to spit here, and we're done with our final lines. So, like I said, very simple and very easy. All we have to do is to add our colors. It's that based scholar first, as always, feel up the places that don't have caller hits. And then once again, we're not going to have a lot off for lighter tone here. So but we still have a bit here on north to So there we go. Now all we're missing is once again our shows. Derek O, That is simple. We don't need to other lots and we're done with our bunnies. And I hope you had fun. And I hope you like videos. If you want more, you can check my other courses for more animal videos, so I'll see you there. 13. Your Turn! (Don't skip this one!): Hey, again. I hope you've been enjoying the view use and exercising your drawing skills in this video. I'll quickly talk about the class assignments. I do recommend you do this to put your new skills to use. Don't worry. If you don't get the results, you want it first. It's all about practice, so just keep going and relax. All right? So for the class assignments I want to true. Grab the reference photos. I'm leaving you. Choose one off the images and use it as a reference for the drawing. That's it. You can also gather your own reference photo. You feel like by searching through the Pinterest sport I've talked about before. Our true any other means online. Totally up to you. Remember to start with the basic shapes and build your drawing from there. All right, now go do it. I can't wait to see your drawing 14. Conclusion: Hello and congratulations. You finish this class and you're not able to draw more animals in the simple way, just starting with simple shapes. You have also improve your drawing skills by trying a new and fund subject. I really hope you've enjoyed this class. And if you could take some time to leave a review, it will be amazing. And it would really make my day. Also, if you still have some questions or if there's something you didn't understand, do tell me. All right, so that's about it. Thank you for watching. And I'll see you next time. Uh