Beginner's Guide To Starting A Podcast Without Spending A Penny | Allen Edwards | Skillshare

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Beginner's Guide To Starting A Podcast Without Spending A Penny

teacher avatar Allen Edwards, Voiceover Broadcast Training

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      1. Hosting Setup


    • 3.

      2. Setup Podcast Software


    • 4.

      3. Editing Software


    • 5.

      4. Create Graphics


    • 6.

      5. Upload Your Podcast


    • 7.

      6. Design Your Website


    • 8.

      7. Create Feed Distribution


    • 9.

      8. BONUS! Start With No Money


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About This Class

This class will teach you from the beginning how to start a podcast.  This includes how to create the podcast, record it, edit it, host it and distribute it all by yourself.  This class takes you step by step with a video and instructions documents that work together.

This is a great class for beginners that want to start a podcast and want to do it with zero cost.  No website costs.  No hosting costs.  No domain fees.  No cost from recording software. No cost for distributing your podcast to third-party platforms.

I'll even show you how to do this all without paying one penny for equipment to get started.

Meet Your Teacher

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Allen Edwards

Voiceover Broadcast Training

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Introduction: This class will teach you from the beginning how to start a podcast. This includes how to create the podcast, record it, edit it, host it, and distribute it all by yourself. This class takes you step by step with video and instructions, documents that work together. This is a great class for beginners that want to start a podcast and want to do it with zero cost. It's also good for current podcasters that want to cut costs. No website costs, no hosting costs, no domain fees, No cost Recording software, no cost for distributing your podcast to third party platforms. I'll even show you how to do this all without paying one penny for equipment to get started. This class starts with launching your free web hosting and your domain. After your hosting is set up, I'll show you how to download and install free audio editing software. I'll show you how to create your first podcast recording even if you have no equipment. I'll then show you how to create your podcast cover image and images for your episodes. Once your podcast is recorded and your image and thumbnails are completed, I'll show you how to upload them to the podcast software and complete all the required details to publish your first podcast. Once you publish your podcast, I'll show you how to add your podcast to third party platforms like Pandora, Spotify, Apple podcast, and many others. This is a great training to get started in podcasting. 2. 1. Hosting Setup: We are going to start with setting up your hosting, and once again the link is on your PDF. We're going to sign up and create an account, and I hit the Google login, I'm already set there. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to set up your domain, and this is going to be a subdomain. You're going to click the domain manager right there, and you're going to select the name for the domain. We're going to get it set up. We are going to create a free subdomain. You're going to name it whatever you want. Just going to put podcast test. And then you're going to select from the right, the actual name of the domain. There's quite a few of them try to find something related to your topic of the podcast. I'm just going to call it media news online, but you can select whatever you want. And then once you do that, click Create. Then that is your domain name. Podcast, test media, is the what I selected. But it'll be whatever you select at the time. Copy and paste that. And keep it so you always have it. So you have that for reference and you can share that. The next thing we're going to do is we are going to get Zaki app installer, so we can install Wordpress, Because that's where we're going to set up your podcast. You're going to click Browse Applications and select Wordpress. Proceed. The next step, this is all steps. It's very easy to set up right now. You're going to create the title for your podcast. It's going to be your website, but the website name should be really the same as your podcast. We're going to create administrator user name o times, I just name it the same as the podcast itself. And then create an admin password. Make sure it's strong, make sure it's something that you have access to or and can remember it, then you install the application from there. It's basically doing everything. It's creating the database, copying all the files required, and it's sending you an e mail that it did it. I'm going to save my password. Now there is your domain and under it is your access to the control panel. Copy both of them because it's very important. Now we're going to go into Wordpress. 3. 2. Setup Podcast Software: Now if you know Wordpress, it's very simple to use. A lot of this is just basic information I'll be giving you. Just log in with the admin information you had created. Now you're on the Wordpress control panel. The first thing we're going to do is go to plug ins and add new plug in. Because now we're going to get the podcast plug in. This is where you're going to create a plug in. There you're going to search. Seriously simple podcasting. There it is, there it pops up Seriously simple podcasting. This is what's going to help you create your podcasting every time you podcast. Very simple. Basically what you're going to do is click install and it's going to do everything else. Once it goes through its whole process, just activate, it's ready to go. There you are. Now you're going to name your show because this is the software or the plug in that's going to actually do all the work for recording your podcast using the audio files, creating your thumbnails. And this is what you're going to use to get it distributed to other platforms. Make sure that you completely give a lot of information on what your show is about. Now, the artwork is for the podcast cover image, and that's what you're going to drop in there, but we haven't made it yet. If you have any graphic application, use that or I'm going to show you how to do it in We're going to skip that for now because I want to show you exactly how to get the podcast set up. Now you're going to pick the primary category of your podcast. What is it all about? I'm just going to select business and entrepreneurship. But try to select the closest thing that your podcast is about because that's going to go into the distribution information and then just collect proceed from here. Just skip that, That's an up sale. Just skip that. You're ready to go, you're all set ready to start creating your podcast. And you can either just click Go to Dashboard, or let's start very quickly before we create your podcast information. To enter, I'm going to show you how to create the thumbnail, but if you already have a podcast audio file and your image, just fill out all this information. It'll create the podcast for you. 4. 3. Editing Software: What I want to do now very quickly is if you go to your PDF file, there's a link for Audacity. And that's to edit your audio. If you go to Audacity link, click that and it'll take you to the download page. If you use Windows or Mac, click either tab. I'm using a Mac, so I'm going to click that. It'll send me the link file to download. Audacity. I'm just going to click that and then put it on my desktop. This once again is to create the audio editing. If you already have your own audio editing, whatever it may be, you can just skip this part. But this is for somebody that's starting from scratch with zero. I downloaded it and I just drop it into my applications. Once again, this is for Macintosh. If you're using Windows, just follow the rules on that. Now I'm going to open Audacity Up. This is an audio editing software and I'm going to show you just the basic steps on how to operate it. It's good to learn the knowledge base and the instructions for detailed information. The first thing I'm going to do is create a track. Just go to tracks and I'm going to select mono track. You can select whatever you want and I'm going to select two tracks for my voice. I just do that a lot. If I'm not doing it in stereo, this is to do my voice. Then later we're going to put a music bed under it. But this is just for recording the voice. Now, if you have a microphone connected to your computer, we're going to get that set up to make sure that Audacity knows that it's the microphone. Or if you're just using your internal microphone, it's already the default on that. But what we're going to do is go to Preferences. This is to set up your microphone audio settings. And then for recording, select the microphone that you're using right now. It's for built in microphone, but I'm using Yeti X. There it is. It found it and then I just click. Okay. Now, a lot of times if you've already had your microphone plugged in and then you set this up, sometimes will not recognize it. If that's the case, just go to transport and select that audio devices. What that does is it resets it. Then if it's not there, it will be there. Then I selected again. It was already there. I just hit cancel. From there we start creating a recording. Hi, this is Alan Edwards and I'm just recording my first podcast to see how it works. I'm setting up all the information, and this podcasts to be all about how to create your own podcast from scratch, at zero, at no cost. What we're going to talk about on a weekly basis is simple, things you can do to create your own podcast. It could be any topic, any items that you want to talk about. We're going to discuss how the technical part works and how you can improve your podcast. Each and every time you do an episode, it's one of the best things ever and you're going to love it. There's going to be so many sequences that even pros don't even know about it. That's the way it's going to be. I'm just rambling on because, okay, you get the gist of it. I created the voice. Now I already have a music bed on my desktop, meaning a music file, and I'm just going to drop it right under it. But as you see, it's much louder than my voice track. If I was to play that, that music would be very loud. What you do is see that little icon there. It basically stands for adjusting levels. What we're going to do is we have to click that in order to get that music lower than my voice. The music is low under my voice. That's not overpowering and you can hear me. Let's click that. Now that has turned into little arrows. Now if you drag it up or down, see it gets much lower than my voice. It'll be a lower music bed underneath my voice. Now if I played it, you can hear my voice much louder than the music. It equals out. What I'm going to do is drag this over to match up to the length of my voice at the end. If I want the music to get a little bit louder, when I'm done talking, once again just drag it up. There's the track. Now, if you're going to add more tracks and you need to see them easier, you can just click on the track lines and then drag them up or down. See, now I have more room to add more tracks if I need to, but once again, this is just a basic settings on how to get started editing your audio once it's ready, once you've done it, just go to export audio. Then there's the settings. I'm going to click mono. I'm going to select it as a MP three file because that's probably the best. And that's what most third party podcasts take, are MP three files. I'm going to name my podcast. I'm going to decide to put it on the desktop when it's done. Then from here the quality don't get too crazy with it because it says like insane and extreme. Most of the time I would select standard. That's in case people listening on their phones using their data, they're not going to use up a lot. And it's not going to skip so much because it's such a high or large file. After I explored it, I dropped it on my desktop as it showed. 5. 4. Create Graphics: Now we're going to create the thumbnail that is at And you just create the thumbnail by clicking the right top button. Create a custom size. They always have to be square. I always recommend 3,000 by 3,000 And there's a lot of templates there, Just pick one template, whatever you want. I just dropped this one in, I renamed it, reaming just what that episode was all about. You can resize it, change the fonts, change the pictures, whatever you want. I think most people know about It's free. And then once you're done, click Share and then download. And I'm downloading that on my desktop again. Now I have my audio file, I have my thumbnail. If you didn't create your cover image for your podcast, you can do the same thing on. 6. 5. Upload Your Podcast: Now we go back to the add new episode on the podcasting plug in on the Wordpress site. Here we have it. Where I am creating my first podcast episode that you should title. What the podcast is about. Feel free to explain what the podcast is about. Make sure that you add the guests name and everything. Now you're going to add the audio file. I've already uploaded it. There it is there. That's the one we created on Audacity. Now we create upload the episode image and that's what we created on We're going to upload that. If you don't have it on your media file, click the upload files, drag and drop it in. And that's what we created on Once it uploads, just upload and there it is. Now you have your audio file, you have your thumbnail. The rest of this you can fill out if you want. The more description you have, the better. Once it's done, click Publish. You created your first podcast, and as you see the permit link up there, that's the link to that podcast. If I click it, there's my first episode. It shows the single episode there and it comes with a little player and you can share that for people to listen to. 7. 6. Design Your Website: You go back to the podcast feed, which has all the episodes on. We have one episode there. You'll see it says visit podcast website link. We have to create that. But on Wordpress it starts out giving you a template. Now, you can use this if you want, you can put another template in. But for just an example, I'm going to use what came with it, the template. All you have to do is click the edit button and change anything you want on this edit your site. Get started. And I'm just going to change the title here. This is the website that everybody will go to. If they click that website link on your podcast. This will basically, you will be giving an overall information about what your podcast is about, what you're about. You can put blogs on this whatever you want. A lot of people don't spend that much time on it. But if you want to change the image, just replace it. Just go down and change all the information that pertains to you. Most of the time, people are more focused on the podcast because distribution only plays the podcast itself. Anyone does want more information, they would click the visit website. Just change all the details that they're going to go based on your information. You can delete a lot of this if you don't want to get that involved in it, but that pretty much covers that. And then you hit Save. Now when you click to visit the podcast website, all the changes you made are there. You can get as detailed as you want. 8. 7. Create Feed Distribution: What we're going to do is we are going to make sure that you have your feed settings correctly. Because that's going to be very important when you start sharing your feed to third party podcast platforms. To do that, you're going to verify everything. Just go to Feed Details. Most of the information you already input. It is already there. I put podcast test. If you want to put a subtitle in it, just put it there. Most of the stuff that you selected, like the category I selected, business, the subcategory, I put entrepreneurship. Whatever you selected will be there. One of the most important things is I told you earlier that we needed to create a cover image. Make sure if you didn't in Canva go back and create it. That's going to be your Feed podcast cover image. Make sure it has your e mail on there. Very important for third party distribution and fill out any information you feel that is important as far as the show type. Is it episodic or serial? Whatever it is, select that. That lets third party distribution know how many and how you distribute your podcast. Once you've filled it all in, all the information, just click Save Settings. Now your feed information is all there and ready to go. Then you just go from third party to third party and share those links and you're going to be distributed in no time. 9. 8. BONUS! Start With No Money: He's a great idea if you don't have equipment and really don't want to invest money until you're ready to create great podcasts, Use your phone, it's a great way to get started without paying $0.01 on equipment. Most phones have great microphones and there are a ton of great mobile apps out there. Specifically for recording your voice, Simply download a popular MP Three recorder app from the app store practice when you're ready, record your podcast to clean up the voice recording and make it sound better, go to the Adobe link on your PDF document. Create your free account, then upload your MP three audio file that you created with your phone. It will then remove background noise, clean it up, and make it sound better. Download the finished file.