1. Introduction: Hi. Welcome to my class about Adobe Audition. In this class, you will learn several tips and tricks to improve your all your quality when you are uploading your audio for podcasts, if you are someone who is into creating podcasts and instructional videos and you want to have the best all the quality so that your customer or your students understand to you better than this is the right course for you because in this course you will learn all the tips and tricks to create the best audio quality for a podcast. So I hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
2. Workspace Adobe Audition: before we start everything I want to show you how to You still work space in Adobe Audition . So the workspace has to do with the user interface. When you are looking at the windows here, for example, here you see that there is an editor on the top off the window, which will indicate this is where the audio is going to be, because here is then where you can add it to your audio. Here you can see the window off the history and then here at the left side, you can also see the media browser. So where your falls are situated at and when you can click to insult files. And here is the effects rack, which you can adds to your older in case you think that your own your needs more effects like noise reduction or echo reduction. You can also go to a tap effects here. So this is another way to select all these effects. In case you don't want to go to attack, you can also go here. You just have to click on the track or the odor that you have inserted or important from your music files. And then you can then click on the arrow here, and it will show you what you can do and what you can add to it as an effect. So here you have the markers and the properties, and then here you have the name off the fast. Imagine if you want another type off workspace where it's focuses on other windows. You can go here in the window, tap. You can go on workspace, and then you can change it to another type off workspace. So, for example, if you want the classic, you can then click on classic, and it will don't show you the classic workspace, which is after news. In case you want to move them around. You can bend racket around by clicking. It's on the top off the window. Here you see a black Kurtzer appearing, and when the black Corso appears, you can then drag it to wherever is highlighted. So if it is highlighter in the middle, it well done attached to the middle. And if not, it wasn't a Castro top or to the left side off that specific area. In case you want to go back, you cannot press undo, but you have to go to a window and in grand Goto workspace back. And then you go to resettle safely out. So the edible don't go back to early All that you had before this. So this is that how you under it And if you go to add it on though it will not really help in this case. So you have to go to the top off the window and then you can click back to reset to safely out. If you want to save the changes to the workspace that you have created, you click here on. If you want to say fast new works based by giving it a new name, you can then click. It's here. So here you can then insert the name off your new workspace. If you click on that, you will see that you can type in the name and then you can click. OK, it will that safe it for you. So if I go back here, you will see that in the workspace. You can also add it to your workspace, So if you click here, you will see that you can and rack the windows for the bar to a top or to the bottom. And in the overflow Manu, you have a lot off with no as well where it shows you, for example, the level off the flu and, for example, the everything window and the we know where the audio is available and so that you can copy and paste eight. And that's other outings to it. So in case you don't want them to show, you can drag into the bottom or you can click on something and then you can delete it as well, so that then you don't have to focus on so many windows. Sometimes too many windows can be overwhelming, so you can then delete a few windows so that you can have a clearer workspace. Okay, so when you're done, you click on either OK or click on cancel. If you don't want the changes to apply, you can then click on cancel so that then you don't have to add it everything again, and this is then how you work with the workspace. In other be audition
3. Shortcuts: If you are new to Adobe Audition, you probably want to know the shortcuts for the key port instead off clicking on everything mentally, because it will take you a lot more time to select something or toe at a function to whatever you want your audio to sound like. So if you Goto added, here, you can then go to keep our short costs, which will show you the short costs by pressing on the keyboard instead of clicking manually with your mouse. So let's say, here I go to effects and then I want to amplify my audio. I can then go to the list where the shortcut is. So here in the middle is where the sure cash will be, and then I can click once on the specific area. So here, if I click on the function and I click once again, I will then half the area where I can enter my shortcut. So here, if I want to enter my shortcut, I just press on the keyboard. Whichever shortcut I want some. If I want shift as this will happen, this is what I pressed on my keyboard, and if not, I can then press on old see, for example. And if it exists already, you will see that it will not to be able to accept it. So then you can press on all the you will see that it's already exists as well. So everything that is purple on the keyboard or letters or sure cost that already exists. So in this case, if I click here, I can impress on shift again. And if I process, see if you will see that there are some empty letter. So, for example, I can juice w because it is great at the moment. So if I choose w, it will then safe as the amplifying shortcut. So you have to check for the bottles that are great, which means that they don't have sure card yet in case they already have a short court, you cannot adding on the shortcut to it. So here, if you don't want to shock her anymore, you can also click on the close bottom, which is at the right side. And then you can click OK, or you can on to it and you see if it like that. So if I want to save my amplify shortcut for shift W I can impress. Okay. And then right now, if I press on shift W you will see that it will select the option off amplify for me. And then I can amplify, for example, 10 There. See Bow. I don't recommend amplify too much because it will then be to Louds. It will create a lot off hissing sounds if it is too loud. And it's not the ideal situation for the listener either, so I don't really recommend having a too loud.
4. Set up the audio hardware: before you start recording. It is also very important to set up your equipments correctly because if you don't set it up correctly, you were than spend time record your voice. While there will be no audio, that's will be recorded. So if the software accidentally selects in other device that's will not record your voice or cannot pick up your voice, you were then lose sometimes. So now I'm going to show you how to go if you have the correct settings with your equipments. If you go to Addis, you can goto preferences. And when you go to preferences, you can then go to general or you can press on audio heart were so here on all of your heart were you were then be directed to the device class with just the MME. I would leave it at this one, and the default in port, in my case, is the line barrenger UMC because that is the audio interface that I'm using In case you are using a USB microphone. The name off the microphone should be appearing here as well, so make sure that you know what the default input ISS, because otherwise besides off this it will be no input. So make sure it selects the right equipment. And with the output, you should also be certain that it selects the right output. Because otherwise you cannot hear your own audio if you select a speaker off the audio interface which I don't have, or the real tank, which all port, which I don't have either. If I select this bond, I won't be able to hear any noise if I am recording anything so I won't be ableto listen to my own audio to see if it is the correct audio and if I recorded it the right way. So in a case I have to choose the speakers which Israel Tech High definition audio. If you are not certain which one is the correct one? In your case, you can also go to the bar at the bottom off your screen end ofa loom where you can manage your for loom controls as we'll show you which equipment you're using for the flume. So right now, if you choose this equipment specifically, you cannot make the following higher. You can then check if you will hear anything by playing something in the background so it can be a music video or in normal audio, anything that you play on YouTube, for example, you can check if you are able to hear any salt if you are not able to hear any song. And he said you have to select something else that this then how you know which playback device you should choose for your own sport. So then the Layton see, I will leave it as 200 milliseconds, which is the best option because if you choose a later see that is too high, it will then be heart. If you have a general process, er or an average process, er so make sure that you put it at 200 because at 30 it will be very slow as well. So I will then leave it at two hungers m s. And here it tells you the sample rate. So when you export your audio, you have to also make sure that the hats are correct. Otherwise, you can go to settings and then you can change the equipment before you start recording. So, for example, here when it brings me to the sounds settings, you will see that my speaker here is indeed the one that is the right one because it has the green check here, which means that this is the one that I'm using otherwise, if not, you can then play anything in the background. And it's supposed to have the volume here going up which has the green bars going up and down. So that the stand, how you know, for certain interest the right equipments that you have chosen for your output. So out boat is where you listen to the audio and input is where you record. So here in the recording, you see that indeed, I have to align Barrenger here because when I am speaking that there's moving here in the volume you see that sometimes the green bar appears and sometimes it doesn't. So this is indeed the right input. Okay, so in case it is not the right one, you can then choose for another one and then you will see if at the sites you will see the Fulham going up and down. So this is then how you set up your equipment before you start recording. Because if you don't have to write equipment either it doesn't record your voice or you cannot listen to your audio afterwards to see if it has recorded correctly
5. Common creative music and sound effect: if you are looking for free music to down Oh, so that you can practice in Adobe Audition or you can add it to your backgrounds in your introduction or promotional video to make it sounds Morley, flee and fund. You can head over to the audio library in YouTube, which is this specific audio library here. You can also find a link here at the top this youtube dot com slash all your library slash music you can then had over to the attribution. So if it stays attribution not required and you click on it, it will then show you all the tracks that you can download and adds to whichever die look that you want so that you don't have to give any credit to the original owner or the original downloader. And you can also have over to Salt FX to be able to download a few sound FX in your dialogue or your type off audio s well, other websites that are also available for free downloads or for your music arc IIF So here , If you go to Free Music archive, you will find endless music and audio so that you can download from and you can then find the general's here as well, in case you are looking for a specific time off genre and you can also go to Amazon, actually. So here, for example, you can then go toe Amazon. That's home, and you can then search here for your music. So what you need to do is you have to go to the digital music team and you can then search for it by quickie on the search bottom and then you go to deals. So when you goto deals, you can then have the free one. So you have to look out for which ones are free. You can then click here at the laugh site, which has the option that will show you the songs by price. So you click on free and then you will see which one you can. Then don't note, and you can then don't know this for your introduction video or a promotional video. Other websites that I can also recommend is to go to Jamie and also here if you go to Jamie and so you see that you can then also download music for free. So here you can then click on starts and you'll see that there are several types off music that you can use for free, streaming and free download here, and you can also upload your music as well, in case you want to share it with others. So those are all the options to get free music for your dialogue.
6. Frequencies: in this video, I am going to talk about the term frequencies. So you probably heard that term a lot. When you are working with all you in any audio software, what frequency means exactly? It's the time that it takes from the beginning until the end, because every wave counts s one frequency. So every new wave that the audio creates means that there is any frequency, and in total, they are called frequencies. So if there is more than one cycle, which is usually the case, it will then be called frequencies, which is the plural form off the work. Okay, so right now, if I assume it in, it will be easier to explain it to you. So here, I'm going to highlight this specific area, and then I'm going to assume it in at the top here. So I direct us to the right side just before off the highlight. And then I select the right side here and drag it to the left. So sumit, and just before the highlights. So here, see several frequencies, which means several cycles here. Every cycle is one frequency and you can check the timing for every cycle as well, which is also known as frequency. And then this is the next cycle. So it's means the timing off the waves here are the waves that you see. So it has to do with how many ways there needs to be to reach the next seconds when you record a new Oh, no, you will see that you can select the hurts that you want it to records in The higher the hurts, the better the quality will be, The clearer the difference will be in the audio quality. And that means that when you at an all the effect to it, you will realize it better. When you hear the audio with the higher hearts. Then when you hear the audio with the lower hats
7. Amplitude: in this video, I'm going to talk about the amplitude the amplitude ist Ah for loom or the laugh off the flu in an audio. So you see here that we have a few peaks which are a few lines here that are very high. The highest in the odor that I have right now in the frequency is the minor street decibel . So here you see that when I summit in on this specific peak, you'll see that it is indeed the highest and it this ministry and possible. So this being that the amplitude here is very high. Another way to know if the amplitude s story high is to go down at the bottom off the old your wife you can go to a bottom here and you can check the levels. So if the level will reach the color rat, it means that it has, ah, very loud audio there. And it can cause distortion or clipping. So you have to be careful when you are recording that you don't reach the level rat because otherwise you have to turn the volume down and there are several ways to turn it down. So I'm going to explain that later on. But for example, right now you see that there is a few parts that isn't reaching the rat site. But there are few that thus, if you choose for the amplitude that is reaching the rest parts, you can select that specify area only because otherwise it will make the other parts off the audio where their level is lower sounds too low. So that this also and problem. So make sure that you select a specific area if you want to lower the decibel or the followem in the how do you So here, for example, if I choose their specific peak here, a peak is when the audio is very high. You see that? I can then drag it to the left side here in the decibel. And it will change the amplitude for me so that this 1 may you can then change the amplitude without affecting the other parts off the audio in your audiophile. So they sustained how you can turn down a few peaks in the MP, toot my driving into the last sites in the decibel and make sure that you don't have the other part selected. So here you can direct us to the left side as well. And here s well so that it will change the level off the audio everywhere.
8. Sample rate: in this lecture, I am going to talk about the sample re. When you zoom in on your wave in the editor panel, you will see that there will be dots in between the lines. Every single one of these thoughts is called a sample. The more cycle you have, the more sample Reese you should have. So the sample rate is actually best decided if you check your highest frequency and you double its in the number. So the frequency times two is, then your simple reads that you should choose the lowest temporary that normally is chosen is 41 kill words which is used in cities. But the highest can get quite high, so you can choose as high as 192 killers. So if I go to a new audio file here, you see that the highest hurts is indeed 192,000. So that is the highest sample really that you can choose. And the higher it is the batter quality, the audio is as well. So when you add effects on it, especially if you used to stretch and pitch option, it will then show you a clear difference compared to. If you choose a sample rate that is only 6000 it won't be too different in the all Dio. So if you want to create an all your for animation, for example, and you wanted to be like a robotic voice, or like a voice as Darth Vader and courses that are normally used an animation and not normally a voice off a human in real life, you can then change your sample rates to the highest as possible. That's your computer can handle, so that then you will hear a lot off difference in the voice, and you can then at a lot off effect to it. And it will then be clear for the listeners as well that there is a difference. So the higher the hurts is, the bigger the far and the same in the bit depth, which is what I'm going to explain in the next video
9. Bit Depth: and this video, I'm going to explain about the big step, the bit that has to do with the amplitude off the audio. That means that the more bit that's you have, the bigger the fluctuation can be in the audio. So if you want to make a clear and concise audio, I recommend the biggest kidnapped in case it's just the biggest bid adapt, and the foul is too big for your computer. You can then compress it later on as well. Normally, when you are listening to city, they are consisting off 16 bits in the audio. But if you are downloading your audio or you want to upload your audio additionally, through the Internet, you can always choose for the 32 bits, which is the biggest made that you have. And all the modern computers and laptops should be able to support this unless your PC is like really old. But that should be available for you to use it in 32 bits, or, if you want to make sure before you have to upload it and compress it. You can then also have over to your computer because the process er also has ah lots to do with how many bits you can choose for your audio farm. If it's a normal process, er you can also try yet, And if not, you can always compress the file later on. And if you have a very old process, er, than I was recommend to go a step lower in the bed that
10. Zoom in and out of Editor panel: in this video. I want to explain about the zooming in and zooming out option in the other panel. So this is our editor panel. I want to show you possibilities to submit in intimate out. There are many possibilities that you can choose from. So here I am going to show you the 1st 1 at the top off the other panel, just below often the editor and the title. He will see that there is an option to drag the some option to the place that you want it to assume, too. You can select a specific part that you want to some in. So, for example, if I select this area, if I highlight this, you will see that it will highlight it at the top as well. So if I want to zoom in on the specific place, I can then drag it until I am close. So that highlighted area and you see here at it was vomiting for me in case I want the summit out back so that I can see all the audio. I can click here at the laugh site where I can zoom it out for for all excess. So if I sum it all back, it wouldn't show me everything in the audio that I create it. And otherwise I can go here at the bottom two summit in in the amplitude. So if I want to see if there are noises in the background, I can sum this in. This doesn't make your Holum higher, because if you play it right now, you see that it will sound. Those thing s been icing me out. If I have it on some out, it will have the same problem. So it means only that you want to submit an so that you can see the nurses in the background. And here you can then submit out entirely as well by keep pressing in on the zooming on option So you consume it all to which ever number you want, and you consume it into whichever amplitude you want. So here you can zoom in on the time as well. When you someone on the time it will summit in on the specific area where the rats play back line is. So if you're rats, playback line is here at the beginning. You can then select the zoom in in the time at the bottom off the page. And then it was limiting On the center off we're go. Ratlines iss If you zoom it out, it will dance. Um, it out back to the original audio that I have so that I can see everything. If my playback line is here, for example, I can then summit in here and then you see that it was in on the area where my red line is in the center. So that this, then how the some out and zoom in in the time works. And in case you want to submit out full back so that you can see the whole audio, you can click here in this icon. It is the same icon as the one at the top here where you can zoom it out entirely so that you can see the whole all your file so here and assume in That's in point. You have the option, assuming on where the playback Linus as well, and here is the same. And this focus more on the right side, and this focuses more on the left side, and then you have to zoom to selection. So if you select a specific port here that you want to zoom it in. You can then click here and it will then entirely zoom in on the specific highlighted area . And then you can also some it out back and here in the some to time in the last icon, you can dance, omit in depending on the milli second. So, for example, if you are in the beginning off the timeline and you click on the first option which is the road to merely seconds, you will see that it was indeed zoom in on that specific area there. And it depends a spell where you are at the moment. So, for example, if I zoom out back by clicking this icon here and then I, for example, click on the one second frame. You see that when I choose for the two milliseconds soon in option, you see that it will indeed summit in there because the playback line is going to jump specifically to that place. So this is how you apply the milliseconds in the case that you want to jump to a specific area as well, and you can then press on the shortcut control warm control two and etcetera for the rest, so they understand how you can zoom in and zoom out off the editor panel.
11. How to record audio: welcome to another video about Adobe Audition. In this video, I want to show you how to record with the audio wave Elder, which is the elder that will record one track at a time. So before a record, you will see that when I click on this button right here at the transport panel or press on control space, you will see that I can feel in a new name. So this time it came with the title on title to with just a general named title that the software will give you. It has answered the number two because I have recorded before as well. So it depends on how many times you open a new recording in the same window. So right now you see that when I am here in the window, I can then change my son boring as well. So my sample rates can be as high s 92 que or 190 to Kate. So 192 k meets the highest hurts. And when it just on the highest hurts, you will notice more difference when you add the effects to it. So right now I am going to enter my title as in the farming. And I can then type in whichever topic that I will be talking about in the recording so that I can remember it easier as well. Next time I opened my recording. Okay, so I know I can Then go to my sample right here. You see that it has to H C, which stands for hurts, and then I can open it. And you see, the low was a six Kate and highest x 192 k in the hurt. And in case at this key lowers, you will see that there will be last numbers. It will then need last numbers in the zero. So you will see, like 192 killers instead. Okay, so right now I select this. You see that I can also change the bid dept. So here I'm going to select the highest one and then in the bit depths. I will then also select the highest one. So the 44,100 hertz is often used in CD quality audios. So if you want to record it for CD, I recommend to have it at That hurts. Unless you have a compressor, which is a suffer that's can compress your foul so that it can become a lower hurts. But for digital audio, it is best to have the hires hurts as possible. So that's they will hear the difference in the audio effects that jewel ads in your for it's over. So here you see that I have my channel at stereo. So they're history option. You have the more no stereo and the six channel, So 5.1 cents for six channel. Okay, so right now I am going to select 190 to kill worse. And here you see that you have that Morneau stereo and 5.15 point one stand for six channels at the same time. So I rather you stereo where they will listen to both sides when they were had phone, especially so that it won't be annoying too. Only be able to hear the audio from one side. Okay, And in the bit dept. I am going to leave it at 24. So right now you see, this is how it will start recording my voice and when I want to stop it, I just press on the bottom. Here in the transport panel, I press on stop and it will danced off my recording. And it will then start again. Were the rats playback line left off as well? So that is what the rats playback line stands for in the way for elder.
12. Find your audio file: in this lecture. I want to show you how to find your fast back and other be audition. So we have all been there when we have too many files open in a software and all the falls are almost the same name. In that case, it will be hard to find back the location off the foul because it can be saved anywhere on your computer. So in case you don't know where your father is, you can always right click on the file, ning. And then you can click on the reveal in Explorer for Windows. And if you are on Mac operating, system it this reveal in finder. So it is always the last option. When you right click on it in the name panel. In case you're not certain off the name, you can always right click on the name off the file in the name panel and then you can click on the last option, which is either revealed an explorer or trivial in Finer, and it is the same as the fast panel. So if you are on the fast panel and you want to find the location off your farm back, you can right click on its
13. Edit Audiowave: in this video, I am going to explain how the way form all the other thing works so away from audio everything. Me start your only anything one all your track. At a time like here you're seeing there is only one all your track or all your farm. So you can also check it at the top here, right below off the fall. You see that there is a way form and the multi track other. So right now we are in a way for enter. OK, so I'm going to show you ways that you can add it to your all your track in the way for enter here. For example, if you want to delete an area, you can right click on it and then you can go to either cuts the elite or you can crop it. If you crop it, it will literally delete everything. So I don't recommend there. And if there was something said that is wrong, you can all so silence it. Instant off deleted. The difference is that when your silence it you won't hear that error and the timing will still be there if you delete it. If you delete apart in middle off the all you. It can have consequences for your video because it will only they lead it in the only far and not in the video file. So you have to be very careful with that because in Adobe Audition you were always and that's only the audio and it won't have anything to do with the video. So then, if you delete this part, it will also delete some timing here. And that means that in the video, the audio might be running faster than the video if they are going to be seen together again. So you have to be very careful how you add it's your audio and make sure if you want to end it here all there together with the video, you go back to the video enter so it can be DaVinci resolve or, for example, hit from express or screen Caso Matic or Adobe Premiere Pro. Make sure that apart off the video where the silence ifs will also be deleted them To know how many seconds you have deleted here, you can always go to the selection for you here at the bottom, right corner off. Other be audition. You will see here how much the duration ISS and you will also see the starting until the end. So you would then be able to know how many seconds you have deleted and from which part Until which part So that then you can also delete that specific part in your video. Okay, So besides, off the leading a part, you can also insert another all you here. So let's say I'm open in the fall. Let's say I select this morning and you see here that it has in all of you that barely has any pauses and at least that is what it looks staggering out because you don't see any space or big space in between, you'll see that it can, for example, select this part and then cut it. So you see that when I caught it, it will then automatically make it's a smaller far because the end is cut it. So here, if I go back to my went to, I can then also pasted back here like so or I can then pace it at the end. Depends where I wanted to be. So in case you want to paste it you will see that it will place it in the specific place and there will still be the silence afterwards. So if you want to delete the silence afterwards, you can also creating other all your separately. And then you paste it here and you did it the silence so that the timing will still be the same. So the audio that you create needs toe have this specific seconds in between the silence moment. So in the past, which is adoration off six seconds, you have to then create and all the old file that is around Fife or six seconds so that it will fit here so that this doesn't also in other ways and it's in the way for matter. So you copy a part off another all you to a new audio. And here, let's say I press on undue. It's came back here to the ending off how the audio file look like
14. Recording a multitrack audio: If you want to record an audio in the multi track session, you can head over to the laugh site before the timeline. You will see that there are three letters here. One is for mute when it's for solo, and money is for recording. So the artist for recording. If I click on it and it becomes right, you'll see that's my levels are will be going up and down those other levels off my audio. So when you are recording, you have to have this on for it to be able to record. And then I go to the bottom here and then I can click on the bottom record. Or I can press on control space for command space for Mac operating system. So right now, I am then recording something and you will see that indeed, there will be a few bumps. If I click on stop, you will see that here the bombs are quite low, so the level is very low at the moment, and it is hard to admit it this way as well. So in case you want to change the game off it, you can then drag this to the right side here at the bottom, you see the dearest like a for loom icon. You contract this to the right side so that it will become higher or you can right click on it and then go to clip King. And then in the clicking on the left side, you will see in the basic settings that you can also change it or you can drag it to the right side and it will then make it louder. And if your drug Attar left, it will make it lower in the decibel, which has to do with the amplitude and the volume off the audio. So if you don't wonder for them off the audio to be changing, you can also go here at the bottom on this icon, which is the zoom in amplitude, which you can also press on ALTs and equal symbol. So here you can then click on it and it would m make it bigger for you so that it will be easier for you to edit it. So this is then how you can record your audio in Adobe Audition with the multi track special, and you can also make the volume higher this way
15. Multitrack session: and this video. I'm going to talk about the multi track sessions in Adobe Audition. So here you have a muddy track session and you see that I can drag my audio into it wherever I want. So if I wanted to be on the track number one, I can drag it here. And if I want, it's to start from the very beginning. I can drag it more to the left. Okay, So if I want to change the color, I can right click on the beginning here, and I can click on track color, and I can then change it to another color. For example, Purple. I click. OK, and then you will see this is the color off the audio. I can also leave the hurts at 48,000 since it's the best for and digital audio. Okay, so right now I'm going to plane the audio. This video is a screen cast video which I made from my PC screen. So this is how my desktop icons. So these are my desktop, I So what I need to do right now is I need to select these bulls part here. So I am going to someone in to see it better. You see that I have created some key frames here. So I'm going to summit in over here. And right now you see that I have created these key frames to create these key frames. You just click on the specific area here, and then you can create any keeping for in case you wanted to be deleted. You can the lead selected key friends like so by right clicking on it, you can underneath the selector key frames. So right now I know which era it is. I can just press on I which will then select the back off the playback lying for me and that I dragged my playback line to the end off where I want to delete. And then I press on the latter. Oh, it wouldn't be select the rest off the audio, which is after the playback line. And right now I can then right click here and I can report deleted. When I repertory that you see that there are options here to select its clips or you can report very time selection in selected clips. I recommend delete time selection in selected clips because better than delete the clip together and not the audio only. So here you can impress on all's backspace as well, in case you want to use a shortcut. So here, I'm going to report delete it and then you can listen to how it sounds like. Best video is a screen cast video which I made from my PC screen. So these are my desktop icons and this is my wallpaper. So right now this will sound really okay, so I can stop it and I can drag it back to the oh, well, that's I have now corrected and Casey wants it's to be deleted in other way. There's also another way. What you can do is you go to this specific area here, so let's see. This is the part I want to delete. I can always go to my razor tool, which is this one. The reasons selected clips toe, and then I can select the specific area here. You see that there is a blue line and this blue line will tell you where it will caught the Oh, you off. So I know I said, like this specific area, it's what caught this off and what I do is then I can either use the open brackets, which is the breaker that is facing the right. Or I can use the closed record, which is the breaker that is facing the left. Okay, so right now, if I drag it to write, it will then deletes the audio that is not in the selected bracket. So right now, I have tracked it until here. So then, whatever is in middle off, what I have selected doesn't exist anymore. Because I have just moved the split to a further part off the audio. So what I do now, if I used a move to and I can Dan drac this back to wherever it waas so here I can then drag it to the ending off the first part off the audio. You don't see that there is, like, two lines here, which is the color yellow. This nice are used so that it can tell you where you half caught it so that it will be easy for you to then use the fate in and feet out option in case you want the following to go down here and here it ghost back up Okay, so I know I'm going to drag this to the left and I can play it. That's video is a screen cast video which I made from my PC screen. So these are my desktop icons, and this is my wallpaper. Okay, so right now it sounds really good. So this is then the other way. So added it as well, in case you want. So deletes a specific part off an audio in a moody truck session.
16. Editing levels of audio Multitrack session: in this video. I want to show you how to add. It's a multi track session, but this time I want to add it to tracks at the same time. So imagine you have two tracks in your multi track session one which is the back row music , and one which is the audio where you are talking. So first of all, I want to insert the rental, dear. So if I like the went over there, it says that the sample rate is not the same. So I am just going to click, OK, so that it changes its to the sample right off the with the track session that I have set as the general. Simple. Right. Okay, so I know I'm going to drag the music also here at the bottom, you see that the music is shorter than the old your fall and you see that it is impossible to stretch it out because it this aspic at it is right Now, if you stretch out an audio, it might go very slow, so I don't really recommend it with a music. But what I can do here is I can practice until here, so that I can match them up for now. Off course. There might be some words here and will be caught off, but you can then change that later on. Okay, so here I have to audios right now and But I can do here IHS. Right now I select this older here You can see without listening to the audio that this will be a lot louder than the audio itself where I am talking. So if I play it so imagine you got a really nice picture from somewhere like picks up being just a really nice upset. You see that it is almost impossible to listen to what I am saying. So what you can do in this case, if you have a backroom music that is too loud, you can select the yellow line here There is always a yellow line in all. Do you? So if I zoom it in, you will see that there is indeed a yellow line here. So when you click on this yellow line, you see that there is a plus sign on the bottom off your cursor. What you can then do is you director Yellow line to the bottom. So here. You drag it onto here, for example, and then you can listen to it again because this means that the flu is now a lot lower. So right now, if I listen to it by assuming it out entirely, I can then play it. So here. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B, which is a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I have happy this picture by right clicking happy image. You see that? It's indeed made a lot of difference, but the problem is that it is still too loud. So what I'm going to do right now? Yes. I'm going to direct this more to the bottom. Or I can rack this the top as well. So here I wait until there is the plus sign that appears when I am selecting the yellow line. Okay, so first of all, you need to select the audio, and then you pass the cursor to it. So here you click on the yellow line once, and then you can drag it to the top when there is the cross sign on the bottom off the cursor. So here your direct their stand to the top and then you complete again. Imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B, which is a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I have happy this picture. You see that? Here? The amplitude is too high because it reaches the red color in the box. So what I do right now is I drag it just a little bit lower right click. It's a copy image. And then I went So here I need to then direct this more to the bottom. So here I will direct this more until it reaches minus 22. Dasa bell. So here I am going to play it again to see if it sounds better right now. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B, which is a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I have happy this picture by right clicking. It's a copy image. And then I went, So this one sounds a lot better than the ones before. So this is 10. How you can create the difference in the background music and the audio where you are doing a podcast or where you are doing an introduction video. Usually the introduction video and the promotion videos are the only videos in a course or in a podcast that is having a background music because it isn normally distracting. If you are instructing something or if you are trying to teach people something, so it's better to not use the music at all in case you are talking about a serious topic. Okay, so here you see that the line is straight. But you can also do issued practice a lots more to the top. And then you create a key frame here. So by cooking just wants on the line, you see that there will be a blue dots that will appear. If I assume it in, you will see it better. Here you see the blue dot So when I am here, I can then direct this more to the bottom or I can create a cue from in the beginning instead and here I drag this more to the top so that then it will make this effect like it ISS fading out. And at the end SL I can then do the same. So if I choose the option to show all which is this option here. I can then go to the end and here I can then create another key frame by clicking on the yellow line. And if I assume it in there, I can dance. Also, Drac the other parts to the top. So here I'm making other key frame. And then this one I drank to a top so that here it will then faith in Okay, so here I am going to play it. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B, which is a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I have happy this picture by right clicking it a copy image. And then I went to and here at the end, I can then direct the rats playback line until the ends. And then you can also hear it when it is going to make it sounds higher in the end, when the audio is going to fade in Now I want to select this, but with my went to, it will be hard selected. So, honey, So that s stand how you can make them music feet in and feet out. Okay, so here I am going to stop it, and I can do the opposite effect here. So let's say, here I have my audio. And then at the beginning, here I attract this mortar bottom instead. So here I create a key frame, and here as well. And then this one, I drag it to the bottom like so. And then here I create your key frames as well. Like so. And then here I attract this to the bottom as well. Okay, so right now when I go here, it will have the opposite effect. So the music would then be louder in the beginning and at the ends and the normal audio where the person is talking. Well, then have the following. That is starting low on going back up. And then at the end, it will go back down. Imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks a B, which is a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I have happy this picture by right clicking it and copy image. But to box a small and usually people have to box at the left side. Officer right now. I want to select this, but with my went to, it will be hard selected. So So then you hear the difference, dear, when it is going to change by having faith in the ends.
17. Multitrack session effects rack: So in the previous video, I've talked about how to stretch out the timing off an all new and also how to move it around so that it won't affect the speed off the audio s well. But in this video, I want to actually explain to you how to use the a fax wreck in the multi track session. You see, that's here in the FX rack just below off the panel off where the title off the audio's are . There is the option off clip FX and the track effects. So when you are at the clip effects here, you'll see that's nothing can be selected because you haven't selected any clip. So what you need to do is then select a specific clip, and the effects will then be applied to it, whichever affect you choose in the effects wreck. So as the 1st 1 I want to amplify this, for example, and what I do is then at another affected at the bottom and for example, I can then also at a reverb to it. So right now, I add a river at the bottom here, and then you can choose for a specific type off reverb. So let's say a depressing karaoke bar. That sounds fun. And then I am going to ask both off them here. And what happens is that it will only be added to the specific dialogue that I have selected here because I have only selected this clip here. What happens is that when I play it, the effects should be there. So to do that, I want to drive it with a Tampa because of this. So indeed, it has other to the effects there in that specific clip only. And when I'm Tom good power state off, you will hear the original audio. It's more accurate than writing. It's with a normal most. So, that is then the original dialogue. And when I put it on, you will hear the dialogue with the reverb and the amplify option, and in case you wanted to apply to all of them, you can then go to track a fax. And what it does is when I asked, for example, this one here, it will also apply the effects to their specific all the o foul. So, for example, here when I am done and I go here, it will also add it here when I asked the amplify option and when I asked the reefer options. So here I as a still you refer on with still your river. But I am going to ask for Corey for small and you will see here that it wouldn't apply to both off them. So let's say, for example, I players with doubts the toggle effort do that I want to write it and here, when you are watching you see that there isn't any effect on it right now. But if I turn it on, it will have the same effect as the one at the last site videos on you. To me, you see that there is an option. So this is then how it will apply to the whole track. So right now, for example, if I drag this to the same track that it waas, you'll see that it it will go back to whenever there was no effects and it so I have to add it. It again here goes, amplify and go to refer, for example, So the river, and then here When I play it, you will see that both off them will have the same effect. So that and at a light gray, for example. So here, you see that this one has this effect because I have actually half the effect on clip effect so I can select that specific effect that I want to delete and then press on the lead. So that's I don't have to effect anymore. And then here, when I goto track affects it, will apply to both off them, and it will have the same amount off effect blue that I want to write it with a tablet because of this mortar, it then writing it's with a every turn it on. This will be the results within the Ramos. It is very limited as well, because any candidate at a light gray, for example, or something darker you know all this watching videos on you. To me, you see that there is an option to change your settings at the bottom right corner when you you can, then at a light gray, for example, or something darker. So when you have to track FX, it will not apply toe the whole track, and when you have clip effects, it will apply to a specific clip only not this. The difference in working with the FX rack in the multi track session since in the other way for form it's will only apply to the only way that you have selected.
18. Effects rack: before we start with adding the audio. I just wanted to let you know how to easily go to your effects in Adobe Audition. So you have the option to go here at the top, which has the tap effects. You click there and then you will find all the different tools that you can use to add it, your audio background or the sounds off your audio. In case you don't like using a tap option, you can also go here in the FX rack at the bottom where there is money choice here, where you see history video properties at Sitra. So in case you don't see the FX rack, which is here, you can always go to the window as well. And then you make sure that the FX rack is checked. Okay, So besides clicking here, you can also press on cults and zero so that then you can find the FX rack. In case I check it again, you will see that it will disappear. So if I click on it again and the Czech appears, it means that it is showing right now. So with affects rack, you can use a lot off effects here as well by clicking on this arrow here. So, for example, if I open and audio that I created, I can also go here in the arrow and you see that then I can find all my effects here and one off the effects that is Fahri known to be used in the FX rack. It's the option dynamics processing. So this is then how you can find your effects wreck and how you can at effects to your audio so that it will be at its. And here you can also change the loudness, which is the Nassim El in the input and the output.
19. Create and delete preset: In case you want to create a new preset, you can always go here and, for example, you can add the effect that you want in case. For example, you know that you're using one effect more for Curly than the other. So let's safe echo and that's a stereo vocals. And the second effect that you want to use ISS, for example, that the Aesir because your ass are usually really loud and it creates a lot off similares , which means that there are two money high amplitude off s. So in that case, you can then also add this specific effects to the effects rack and then But you can do Then after you have these two effects on, you can then safe the preset. So, for example, here instead off having a preset name on unknown, you can also name it new preset like so and then you can click on OK, so now you have safe this new preset and what you can do after that is also favorite it. So when you click on the start here, you can then safe. It s a favorite and you can call it whatever you want. You can leave a new favor if you want, and then you click. OK, but you can do after that is when you open up a new window off Adobe Audition. You see that when I click on favorite, there will be this option off new favorite, so you can then select the effect from your favorites menu instead off having it here in the FX wreck. And what you can also do is go to a favorites panel, and then you can create it over there as well. So a favor is currently being recorder. Flavors like to record one or more operation in the way from outer as a single command that you can access from the favorites menu or wrong on most bull falls. As support off a batch process, you can capture operation such as applying effects at Justin gain, inserting silence and in face and more so you can then start recording with this effect on . So after you have this only have to click on the record button here at the bottom so that it will also apply that specific effects to your recording. So this is then what you can do with the favorites in Adobe audition and how it to add new favorites as well, so that then you can use it the next time you are opening a new audio file in Adobe Audition. And it will be more time saving as well for you to select the favorites instead off always clicking on the same effects in the fact wreck. It will have all the settings here already for you, so you don't have to do much in case you find that some preset Here is something that you don't like or you think that you will never use. You can always choose it. For example, jump to hyperspace and then you can click on the trash can. It will then delete the preset for you. So when you select a specific preset, you'll see that all these effects will appear here because all these FX are needed to create that specific effect in your dialogue, and it will also delete the precepts of that next time when you are in your window, you don't have that precept anymore. And in case you wants to create a spirited again, you can always create a new preset by clicking here and creating it with the effects that you using here. So the notch filter would then be used The chorus, the Parametric equaliser and the heart limiter. So all off them then will be applied together next time that you used the jump to hyperspace in case you want to create a new one.
20. Changing settings of an effect: if you already applied an effect to your to your dialogue and you want to change the effect instead of clicking on the arrow and going toe amputated and compression to amplify again, you can also go to the function instead. So here were the on and off bottom issue. Can then click on the function MPA Fi, and it will Dangote instantly to the wreck. Effect amplify so that you can start everything the possible that you want it to boost ill in the window instead of going all the way again to AMP it'll and compression and then amplify. So that will also safe you sometime when you are wanting to at an effect. But you're not certain if the options that you have chosen were the correct ones, you can just double click on the effect here in the FX rack, and you go to the Hassiba that you want to boost it to in case off amplifying a dialogue
21. Create and delete preset: In case you want to create a new preset, you can always go here and, for example, you can add the effect that you want in case. For example, you know that you're using one effect more for Curly than the other. So let's say, for example, echo and that's a stereo vocals. And the second effect that you want to use ISS, for example, that the Aesir because your ass are usually really loud and it creates a lot off similares , which means that there are two money high amplitude off s. So in that case, you can then also add this specific effects to the effects rack and then But you can do Then after you have these two effects on, you can then safe the preset. So, for example, here instead off having a preset name on unknown, you can also name it new preset like so and then you can click on OK, so now you have safe this new preset and what you can do after that is also favorite it. So when you click on the start here, you can then safe it as a favorite and you can call it whatever you want you can leave a new favor if you want, and then you click. OK, but you can do after that is when you open up a new window off Adobe Audition. You see that when I click on favorite, there will be this option off new favorite, so you can then select the effect from your favorites menu instead off having it here in the FX wreck. And what you can also do is go to a favorites panel, and then you can create it over there as well. So a favor esque early in being a recorder flavors let you record one or more operation in the way from Answer as a single command that you can access from the favorites menu or wrong on most Apple falls. As support off a batch process, you can capture operation such as applying effects at Justin Gaines, inserting silence and inflates and more so you can then start recording with this effect on . So after you have this only have to click on the record button here at the bottom so that it will also apply that specific effects to your recording. So this is done what you can do with the favorites in Adobe Audition and how to add new favorites as well, so that then you can use it the next time you are opening a new audio file in Adobe Audition, and it will be easier. And it will be more time saving as well for you to select the favorites instead off always clicking on the same effects in the fact wreck. It will have all the settings here already for you, so you don't have to do much in case you find that some preset. Here is something that you don't like or you think that you will never use. You can always choose it. For example, jump to hyperspace and then you can click on the trash can. It will then delete the presets for you. So when you select a specific preset, you'll see that all these effects will appear here because all these effects are needed to create that specific effect in your dialogue, and it will also delete the precepts of that next time when you are in your window, you don't have that precept anymore. And in case you wants to create a spirited again, you can always create a new preset by clicking here and creating it with the effects that you using here. So the not shelter was on the use, the chorus, the Parametric equaliser and the heart limiter. So all off them then will be applied together next time that you used the jump to hyperspace in case you want to create a new one.
22. Importance of effect: in this lecture, I'm going to talk more about how to apply effects in the FX rack. So you have seen how you can find a fax right in the previous video. But I also want to show you how to apply the effects. So in case you want to apply more than one effect, you can go here and go to the number one first. And you can up by, for example, a referred here like the studio reverb and in case he wants the a specific effect. You can always go to the specific preset, like the vocal reverb small. And then you can apply the effect afterwards if, in case you think that the effects are the exact effects that you want. So first of all, I'm going to add the studio reverb here. I'm going to add, for example, a hard limiter, which I am going to limit toe minus treat possible. And then I am going to add it here at the bottom. Okay, so here you see that when I have thes to select it, you see that I can drag the affects around. So, for example, if you think that's the heart limiter it's more important that the Studio River you can then drank the hot limiter to the top and then apply it instead of having the studio reverb at the top. So that this also how you can drac the effects up and down so that you can give more importance toe one specific effect, depending on which one is more at the top and which one is more at the bottom. So this is also how you can apply the effects and here at the bottom, you see that you have the option to half the effects at a dry and wet. The only difference is that when it is a bet, it will then at 100% off the effect on the dialogue. Like right now, here the person touches at 100 if you have a dry, it will then be the raw version off the fall. So you were done here how the dialogue songs like without any effect. So that is the difference. If I apply it right now, you will hear that there is a studio reverb and it is higher than the hard limiter. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B. So you see that indeed, the studio reverb is higher than the hard limiter because the heart limiter waas at minus six decibel. So it didn't really delete many off the possible or the amplitude in the levels. But it did at a lot off studio reverb to it. So that this, then how you can decide which effect is more important using the FX wreck.
23. Noise reduction: first off all, I'm going to talk about the background noise in this video. So you see that there are straight lines here, which means there isn't any voiceover that IHS important when recording your audio because it is easier to reduce noise in the background that way and that this better as a sample as well. Since it will follow you to not have breathing sounds in between sentences or words, it will be easier to then erase it. So I'm going to a choose this us A sample and I'm going to go to a noise reduction restoration and capture noise prints. I know that I have captured noise spring. I am done going to select all off my audio by proxy on control or command A And then I am going to go back to the noise reduction restoration and go to noise reduction process. So I know that I am at the process. You will see that there is a trash hold here, which is the green dots. And there is the normal line here, which is the line that my speaking for icis ATS normally with just a 70 decibel. So this blue line is the line that shows you if the no example that you have chosen is higher than your speaking for them or not. So you see right now that it is indeed lower than my speaking for them. So I have chosen a great sample. It will not diminish my all your quality when I reduce the noise. So this green thoughts here shows me the trash Hold off the noise. So if it this lower, it is a great indication off a good sample. When the trash hold is higher than the 70 decibel, it might make your for its muffled. So I know I'm going to go to a noise reduction and I am going to change it to 80% because if you change it to higher than 80% it's can diminish the all your quality. So I recommend a from 80%. But I will leave a 70% in my case because I know that my background noise isn't very loud and I recorded in the morning as well, which will help a lot with background noises. If you're not certain, you can always prevue. It's while you are moving the noise reduction to the left or to the right so that you can find the best result that will fit for your audio at the reduced by. I will leave my decibel at 16 Nassib also that I don't change the audio a lot and here I can preview it's before I apply it. So if you're not certain, if it is a great choice, you can always preview it first and show me how it will sound like here. You see that every time I say something, there will be bumps in the recording and in case you're satisfied with the result, you can then apply it. So I know I am applying it and you see that there still are feel small bombs here in the lying where there are supposed to be possible. That means that there are some clicking sounds, maybe, or some breathing sounds. So in that case, you can also go back to effect and do the same process. So you go to noise reduction, restoration and you capture nice prints. So you go back and then you go to notice reduction process. You see that here it is a little bit higher than the decibel off speaking So you have to be careful what you select because if you use that as a sample, it can reduce the audio quality as well. In the next video, I'm going to talk about the songs removal process.
24. Noise reduction part 2: So now I'm going to show you how it sounds like with a ring toe. So I'm going to play it so that you can hear how their intentions in the background. What if I actually took the time to learn? So you see that there is a wrinkle in the background and here you see that when I assume it in, there will be a lot off these lines that appears in the background. So here you will see that the Harrington iss more permanent. So in case I don't want to select the specific area and total hell it, I can also use the brush in this case, which is better because it just mixed in with the audio. You will wants to select the specific area only and not the audio as well, because otherwise you will deleted together with it. So in this case, I can then choose the option to make the brush smaller as well, by using the brackets. So here, if you use the open bracket, it will make it smaller. If you use the close bracket, it will make it bigger. Like so and otherwise, you can always go here and changing mannerly at the top. By going to the size, it will tell you how much in pixels it will be. And you can also change the opacity if you want. It's to be at 50 or more. Okay, so 50 is the highest that it can get. So right now I am going to say, like, this specific area here and what I'm going to do right now is going to effect and go to some remover as well. So when I go to song remover, you'll see right now that there is nothing appearing here because it doesn't know what you consider asked the sounds. So you have to go to learn some model salami Texas to default first. I want a process to be the fault. So I'm going to learn his own mother right now. And then What I do is I d selected by pressing on G right now. I Giusti, I can then select everything, So let me sum it back out by clicking on this option here, I'm going to select everything from beginning until the end, and then I'm going to apply it. Okay, so let's see how it sounds like right now. let me take my look out. Because otherwise it will only playing the selected part. What if I actually took the time to learn more? You see that it has changed my audio a little bit and it still has this tone at the background since the vote must really close. It sounds more loud. So here, But I'm going to do right now is I'm going to select the bottom part here. You see that there is another part here that I can select and this as well. So let me select this first here, make sure it's not too close to the audio. And then I go to effects again. I go to the noise restoration or reduction, and then I go to the sound remover. I learned some model on de selected, and then I apply it right now I assume it back out. I can done here it again. What if I actually took the time to learn more? You see, that's the sound has being a little bit diminished in the quality. In case you wanted to sound better, it can redo the record here, and then you consume it in again. So let's say here. When I assume it in, I choose a smaller brush. So let's say here I make it smaller and then I select this area here and this one as well here. So I hold on shift so that it will select both off them at the same time. So right now I select them and then I go to effects, noise reduction, restoration and then solved remover. So I learned some other I de selected and then I apply It is on. Let's see how it sounds like right now. What if I actually took the time to learn more? You see, Right now it sounds a lot more better because I have used a very small brush. So the smaller the brush is the last, it will reduce the quality off the audio as well. In case you have diminished the audio quality, you can always under its pressing control Z or command Z, and then you can go back and go to the time where you have gone. You're recording, and in case you don't know when that waas you can also go to history window just below off your fast name and then you can go to the time where you have record that your audio. So in case you can't find that you can always go to window and then history here, half a checked and I knew will see it. And then you can go back to the time you recorded its so that then you can add it it again from there and then you can see which port is better. The smaller the brush is, the better It is, though, for if the sound is integrated together with the OU and if it is not integrated with the audio, it's better to use the spot healing brush to or the auto Hugh selection. So here, if I accused the time selection toe, I can just select this here and then we usedto Oto Hugh selection as well, or press on control you or command you
25. Noise reduction part 3: you see that at the audio I have at the moment, there are a lot off background noises. You see a lot off bombs, especially when I'm zooming in. And when they're supposed to be silence where the line is supposed to be straight, it shouldn't have any bombs because that means that there are a lot of background noises. So to erase this, there is also another way to do that. You can goto a fax rack and goto amplitude and compression, and then you can go toe dynamics processing. When you are at dynamics processing, you can go to a noise gate at 20 decibel, and then you can turn the effect on or off if you want to listen to it before you apply it . If you close that, you can apply it at the left bottom side, and then if you apply it, you have to select the area where you want apply it. So if it's the whole audio, you have to select everything. Since the processes selection on Lee, I know when I apply it, you'll see that the background noise is gone, so this company has been existing. So this is how you can also the leaks, the back row noise in an audio foul with Adobe Audition
26. Denoise: If you have a newer version off Adobe Audition, the 2018 ordered House 19 chances are that you have to deny this option as well. So here you see that I am at the noise reduction restoration. You see the option? The noise. So he didn t know is you see that there is nothing that will show in the graph. But you can choose the amount off noise that you want to delete. You can choose 100% s maximum and 0% s minimum. So in case you're not certain how much you need to choose for it apply, you can play the audio here and then you can slide it up to the 100% so that you can hear which noise is better or which amount is better. What if there were noises in the background so you can play it again? What if there were noises in the background? So you see that when it this low use here like some clicking sounds in the background. So if I played without the effect, you'll see how it if hear noises in the background. You see that it was so like that so if I have the option on, you will hear it like so what if there were noises in the background. So here, this one is for me sounding the best, so I'll just apply it. And you have also the processing focus so you can focus on lower frequencies, mid frequencies, which means that the sounds it's not so high and so low. Low frequencies mean that the sound is very low, and the lower and higher frequencies means that they will focus on the peaks and the songs that are the lowest off them all. And you can only focus on higher frequencies as well. But I recommend focusing on African sees because the noise can be sometimes loud and sometimes low. So in that case, I'm going to defend 79 total sense, and then I'm going to apply it. So you see that right now it has indeed deleted most off my noise in the background a spell so it's will also work as an option to reduce the background noise
27. Echo reduction: in this video. I want to talk about how to reduce the echo. So sometimes when you record there is a huge amount of echo. It happens when you are recording in a big area. So if you have a really big room and you recording in that room or you have recorded your voice far away from the microphone, it happens that there is a huge echo in the background. This is an example often all your that has huge echo. So in this reader, I want to create a text animation. That means that there is an echo inside off the room. Okay, So to the elites, or reduce this echo, you can goto a fax and then you can go to the noise reduction and you can go to the river, so reverb is actually the option, so create more eco. So if you go to the river, you will create last echo. So the advantage of using the reverb is that it is almost the same as using a D noise. You only select the processing focus. So, for example, if you wanted to focus on lower frequency or higher frequency or all frequency you selected here. There are different types of frequencies that you can select from, and the frequencies the terminal. Laugh off the audio's, um, if you have high frequency, you can then select focus on higher frequencies. But the best option is always to focus on Africa, Aziz, so that it doesn't skip and the echo. Okay, so right now you can change the amount as well. So, for example, if I play it and I, um, at the among zero, you will hear what the difference is when I change it to 100 that will look like the letters are going to be written from the beginning until the ends with a pencil. So to do that, I want to write it with a tablet. Because of this, more accurate than writing, it's with a normal most within the Ramos. It is very limited as well, because you cannot use pressure for it, so the sizes off the letter will not be different, so it's not really stylish to do it with the normal most. So in that case, I am going to use the brush to. So the best option for me is around the 70%. This may vary on every audio that there is out there. So you may want to check with your audio far before applying it instantly. Sometimes the echo is more and sometimes it this last. So the more it is, the higher your Ammon should be. But make sure that it doesn't destroy the quality off your audio s well. So in this case, I think 70% is the best option. So when I apply it, you will see that it will be having less echo. So when I play it, it will song better. So in this reader, I want to create a text animation that will look like the letters are going to be written from the beginning until the ends. So this is then how you can make sure that's the echo s, then at least reduced or delete it from your all of your foul. And if you see that there are too many off these peaks, you can always select it here, Make sure I just select the specific peak here. You can also assume it in, like so on. Do you still like this specific peak and then you can drag it to the left side so that it will go lower and there won't be so many peaks anymore when you are listening to the audio , because picks will make sure that there will be some distortion as well in the Oyo and he don't want there to be any distortion if the level off the volume is too high.
28. Dialogue compression: you see that this dialogue that I have here at the moment in the way for mother has a lot off peaks. So there are too many different levels in the dialogue, and this makes it so not so smooth. If you want a dialogue to sound smooth, you should use the compressor, which would then compressed the dialogue. And I'm not talking about the audio file compression because that will make a file smaller instead off making the audio sounds similar and sound smooth. So what I want to do here is actually compressed the dialogue, which will mean that the levels off the amplitude will be almost the same so that basketball will be almost the same in the whole dialogue and a dialogue means that there is an audio, whether our words spoken inside. If it it doesn't matter if it's a podcast or an instructional video, it can also be any voice over, or any animation of your as long as there are words inside, if it means that it is a dialogue, okay, so right now I am going to FX in the menu, and I am going to go to aptitudes and compression when I am at amplitude and compassion. You see that I can choose for dynamics here and you see that it has already checked the compressor. If it's not checked, I recommend to check it because that is the effect that I want to use at this moment right now and otherwise, you can also choose for other presets here. But this are preset. For example, the noise gate is a preset for eliminating noise in the background, and you have the heart limiting which will. Then he raised everything above off a certain trash hold. So my trash oldest right now at 18 decibel. But I'm now just at customs. So I prefer this one because it is more in general in the preset, and I can then have my own options. I have it at 18 decibel and you see here that's the lowest levels, or indeed at minus 18 decibel. So right now I will leave this as 18 possible and the make up. I can leave it at zero decibel as well, because I don't want it to go lower than that. And in the radio, I advise to choose from 2 to 4 and the higher it tastes, the more it will do it in a decibel because it will Dan multiply the possible with it. So in case the radio is only on one, it will do nothing. So have it on to tree or four, depending on how much you want to erase in the audio. The reason I don't recommend having the highest is because it can no warrior, although quality as well as I have explained in the previous video. That's when you eliminates too much off your audio. It's can change the audio quality. So right now I'm just going to apply it. And in case you're not certain, if it is right, you can always I like a certain area and loop it. Or you can play the whole Dio here in the preview option. Or you can also go to the elder panel here at the top and you can go to the show Prevue editor and you see how it will look like after the effects kicks in. So this is when the effects take place and you will see that it will indeed be the same level from the beginning until the end in the amplitude so when I applied, I Now you will see. Indeed, this one We'll look the seeing us at the bottom because that is how it looks like after I added the effect off the audio compression. In case you don't want to see the effects at the bottom anymore, you can just click on the preview at her again and you will be able to see the original dialogue.
29. Normalize (process): in this video, we are going to talk about how to normalize and audio in Adobe Audition. Here you see in the way, for there are definitely a few peaks where it is too high. You won't want it to be that high in the peat because it was an costs clipping or distortion. In that case, you can either turn down the Desi Bell a bit, or you can also normalize it. So here I am going to turn down the decibel first. So we're normalising the audio. Make sure to select everything. First, my pressing control A or commands eight. And then you can go to the FX tab at the top, and you can go to the amplitude and compression, and then you can normalize it, which the person touch or with a decibel in the person touch. I will recommend around 70 and in the decibel. It will depend on home how your amplitude is and how much you want to cut off. But I don't recommend cutting off too much, because otherwise it will cost clipping in the audio s well so some words will not be so clear and some letters as well, if you're not certain which decibel you want to normalize it to. You can check at the right side in the decibel numbers where the frequencies are. If you want to normalize it, tu minus nine. You see that it reduce most off its peaks, and then it will reduce most off the decibel. So here you type minus and then nine, and then you can apply it. You will see. Now it's higher. Speaks are at minus nine now, but it can change the quality a lot, so you have to play it to see if you like it in and zooming out. Option in the So now we are going to under it back, and I'm going to go to favorites. Two. Show you about else we can do so you can also go to the favorites, and then you can normalize it, too. Minus 01 decibel or normalized to minus three decibel. If you're Myers, it's to treat decibel. It deletes quite a lot off the picks as well. But then you can also go to the highest peak and mentally turn it down by going to the last sight. When you see the decibel in the amplitude, too, and it's the frequencies in the audio. So that's how you normalize their audio so that there will be almost the same level Africa time. And there is no prevue when you normalize it, so you should then be able to apply it first and then play it to see how it sounds like an . Otherwise you can then onto it and try again. You can always under it using the control Z or command Z.
30. S sound (sibilance): and this reader. I want to explain about the s sounds in an audio. So it happens a lot that when you are recording, you record the asked to lout because off a high for loom in the microphone that is set up. So in case you already recorded it and the SS sounds too high, like, for example, if I play it right now, so it's sassy. You see here, for example, When I say so, it almost reaches the rat part off the color. So it's sassy. A real word, though. So here you see, it doesn't reach the right color, but in case it does, by multiplying it or in case it does have a really harsh ass. So, like this, you see, right now the S sounds a lot harsher. So in that case, you can actually select its You can select everything here you can goto our fax. You can goto amplitude and compression and you can goto dynamics processing. So you're dynamics processing. You can go to the presets here at the top and choose for the the Asir heart, light or medium, depending on how hard it iss. So I will choose heart in this case, and then I will apply it. So right now when I play it, it was so different. So So you see that indeed, it sounds different than before. And in case this doesn't work, you can also say like everything. And you can go to amplitude and compression and you can choose for the Asir function instead. So the DSR function will then be like the one before, but it has its own options here. So the best option I advice is to choose the 4410 hertz until the 7000 hurts, because that is the one that picks most off the volume off the S sound. And in case you don't wander, you can also change it in the hurts here instead, off selecting the specific presets. And then you can go to the trash or here at the bottom and drag it to the right and left. The higher it is in the minus d B, the more it's will pick in the sound. So in case you're not certain, you can also preview it before applying it. So right now I'm going to preview it. So it's sassy, a real word, though. You see that right now this sounds a lot less harsh. If I go to a lower daisy bell, this is how it will sound. Like if I start from the beginning, you will hear the difference. So it's cess e. So you see that when it is higher, you were barely hear the S sounds, so it will then be more pleasant for the listener instead of having it in a lower taxable. So you can also play with it so that you can find the best option for your as sounds in Adobe audition, in case you want to know the difference between the effect and without effect, you can also click here in the toggle the power states, so that then you will hear it with the effect when it is green and without affect mint at this dark color, like right now and then when you're done, you can then apply it to your own. You
31. Limit levels: in this video, I'm going to talk about how to treat high peaks in an audio. So here, you see that we have a real high pick here because when you hover the playback line over it , it will reach the red color in the levels. The red color means that it is quite loud, and it can cause distortion. In that case, you don't want that to happen because it is quite unpleasant for the listener. And but you can do. Then issue can go to the FX rack just below off the audio file, and then you can click on the first arrow that you will find. So here you find the first arrow, and when you click on that, you can then go toe amplitude and compression, and then you can go to dynamics processing or heart limiter. So here you can. Then choose for default in the dynamics processing and rack the line to the bottom. By creating these starts, anywhere you click on the line, there will be a God created, and then you can drag it more to the bottom. They look more like anchor points in case you are familiar with photo shop they are points that you can manipulate. So here you can then close it when you are gone and then you can apply the process. So when you apply it, it will process the entire file. You can definitely choose for selection on Lee as well. But the entire foul in this case is a better choice so that you don't have to select everything and process it. So here I am going to play it. And this is how it was some like and you see that it will still reach the red color in the levels. So in that case, I'm going to go to default again, and I'm going toe direct this a little bit more to the bottom like so and then I'm going to close it again. Apply yet you can also listen to the audio when it this toggles on in the effect and here I can then play it, and you will see that right now it sounds better because it's not as high as before. The levels did not reach the color rats. So in this case, it is better than the audio that I had before this. So here I am going to go to the amplitude and compression and I'm going to choose the heart limiter this time. So what I'm going to do right now, it's on to everything. And then I'm going to go to the dynamics processing and heart limiter. So in that case, I can also change its using the number two. But then the then I was processing will also be there. So you don't want both off the effects to be together since they have the same results and here in the limits, you can limit it to the decibel that you want. So you can either limit it heavy or light, or Rick eliminate toe a certain Hassiba like minor six minus three or minus one depends on how louse the audio is and how much you want it to change in the decibel. So here you can change the amplitude that it can go to, so the maximum empathy that you want it to reach so that in those Hominy it has toe delete , and then you can also close it and apply it. Or you can play it before so that you can preview it before applying it. Okay, so right now it has indeed the leaders a lot off their peaks. So it's looks a lot better right now and more at the scene level in the amplitude and in case you don't like it because it is clipping, you can also go the diagnostics to the D Clipper, and you can restore its toe the normal one, or tow Havel equipped in case it is quite heavily clipped. So here I can then scan it. But you see, that's what I am and restore normal and scan it. Nothing happens. So I have to go to a set things, and I have to drive everything to the maximum so that it's well choose everything that it will consider as a clipping. So the tolerance is to be high, and the minimum clip size has to also be hike. So 20 samples is the maximum there, and when I scan it, you will see that indeed it will dance can a lot more time zones because it has more clipping that it has the tact it while it this on maximum because you have to have its own maximum so that it's can detect every single clipping. And right now, you see all this clipping you can then repair all and then you can also clear repair in case you want to check if there are other clippings and you don't want to see all off them so that it will be too overwhelming. Welcome through this podcast. So here I am going to select this specific amplitude because I see that it is quite high. I'm going to drag it in the top toe, that specific highlighted area. And then I'm going to change the decibel, my dragging it to the laugh so that it will become lower. So I know I am done going to zoom it out. And then here you see that it was still a little bit high, so I can still select it and dragon more to the last site so that it will be almost the same exact level off amplitude like the rest off the audio. So right now, John it back out, and then you can hear the difference between the one before and the one that is right now. So this is how you can create the effect off clipping and few off the audio. And in case you clip too much. You can always use a D clipper to get the audio back so that it doesn't have the missing letters or missing works.
32. FFT Filter: and this video, I am going to talk about how to correct and all deal that has clipping sounds. So as you seen here, the audio is quite loud. So when I play it, you'll see that you'll hear are out off the distortion. This on the ISS. You can see that indeed, there is a lot of distortion because all off the all your levels will reach the rat color in the levels. So what you do issue can also go to the FX rack window, which is on the bottom off where the audio files names are, and you can go to the number one you click on the arrow here, and then you can go to filter and e que when you goto filter. And in Q you can then choose for FFT filter, and when you click on the FFT filter, you will see that there s a default, which is the precept that I recommend if you wants to the clip your audio. So if you want to fix the distortion, all the other effects are effects for specific videos. So, for example, if you have a view that is playing in a club or somewhere deep in the water. You can then choose these effects here. But otherwise, if it's for podcasts, I will recommend to the default option and then going changing the hurts yourself by going here. So here you can see that you have several anchor points, or otherwise you can create one yourself. You can then drank the heads down like soap. So when you drag this down, you will then hear the difference in the level off the amplitude. If I close it and then play it here before I apply it, you wouldn't hear the difference meat for the amplitude, this audio. So it is still quite high. So I need to go to Fft Fielder and drag it more down and let me look this specific area. So let's say I select this specific area and I loop it. This you is made for the amplitude, this audio it this audio is made for, So it's still really high. So let me practice to the bottom as well. It's so and then I playing again or the amply tools. This audio is made for the so that is quite okay. So here you have to experiment with the beginning and at the end, off the kerf, so that then you can create a lower voice or lower audio so that it wants distort amplitude . This audio ismea. So this is then how you can create the lower level off the amplitude so that it won't distort. Okay, so right now that I have closed it, I'm going through. Just click on apply. You don't have to select the Swiss ever area you wanted to apply to. It will apply everywhere. So here I condemn Play it again. This audio is made for the amplitude. So you see here that there will be no clipping inner, so the words are spoken clearly. So then this is all you can improved the distortion level and level off amplitude so that the older will be more pleasant to listen to.
33. Declicker: first off are you see that there are straight lines here, which means there isn't and then voice over at that specific area that this importance when recording your audio because it is easier to reduce the noise in the background that this matter as a sample and it allows you to not have breathing sounds in between sentences or worse corner more since the decibel will be lower in the background noise that will not diminish the audio quality. So I'm going to select a sample in this audio for my no example and then goto effects. And when I am an effect step, I'm going to go toe diagnostics and juice the clicker. You can find a diagnostics window on the bottom off the name titles, or you can go to a tap window and then you can take the diagnostics options so that you can find the leak liquor. Here. You see that in the process, I have my default light reduction and medium reduction. I had the high reduction asthma or the half a reduction, but I clicked on the recycle bin so that I can delete it and show you how I can bring it back. So here, right next to the Recycle bin, there is a but turn that you can click on. And here I can create a new preset name. So here, in the present name, I'm going to call it half a reduction. And in the half a reduction, I can set my own settings. So here I am going to scan everything and you see here that there are clicking sound sets will appear on all these time zones in case they don't up here. You can then go to settings and then change the trash. Holt, the Lord attraction, is the more clicking sounds it will be able to detect in the audio foul. And that is then better for eliminating clicking songs. If you have it, a lower trash. Oh, it will start attacking the clicking songs in a lower decibel, which will make it easier to find than when in this on a higher decibel. So if you want it to be effective, make the Cashel as low as possible in the gas a ball, and then it will be able to get the most off the clicking songs. So right now, the system, how you make sure that it gets almost all the clicking sounds. And when you have the something's changed, you can always scan it again because it will give you the notification as a warning that you have to scan it again for it, too. Scan every single clicking souls like right now if I go here, it says that some things have changed can again to update the results list. So you have to then click on skin in this case so that it will get the new clicking sounds . And then you can go to repair all to repair all the clicking sounds. And if it doesn't repair all, you go to clear repaired first at the right side, off the window at the top, and then you click on repair all again so that it will repair the ones that hasn't being repaired yet because sometimes it skips the one that hasn't repaired yet. And right now it has the picked, all clicking sound so I can play it and then play it and this video. So here you see that it will indeed reduce the clicking sounds, but in case you scan it and you will find that this is again here. You can scan it again, or you can just select the gassy bell in amplitude. And then you drag it to the left side so that it will then be reduced. So here you can drag a decibel to the left side, and then it will create the silence effect there so that you won't hear the clicking salt If you capture and noise praying. You have to make sure that it is long enough because it won't take anything that is too short. So that this also the reason that passes are very important in an audio. So right now, if I capture a noise print, I can also delete it this way by going to the noise reduction restoration and go to noise reduction process. So I can then apply this and it will then delete all the cooking sounds as well, since that it's my noise sample. So here you see that it will then select everything that is highlight that. So, in case you I want to sell everything you can click on control your comment A or you can select that specific nice prints on Lee on delete that make sure that you select a longer area, so you select this specific area and you can delete only this one s small in case you think that that is a better option than to choose everything again so that the quality off the audio doesn't change. So right now I'm just going to apply it in the hole audio. Let's move it to the other side first so that you can see it better. And you will see that indeed, this noise here will be more reduced in case you wanted to reduce completely or erase it for you can just drag the Dasa. Baltar laughs. I so that then it will delete the whole noise in the background. And then you can play. It's too. See how it sounds like from the beginning until the ends. If you want to check if there are any click ings left behind, we can go back to the dick licker effect and see if there is anything that you missed. So it is always nice 1/2 the dick licker effect here in the Adobe audition, because you can then eliminate a lot of clicking sounds and otherwise, if that doesn't work, you can also go back here and you can play it and this video to see how it sounds like originally. And if you want to add it from there, you can also redo the D clicker there so that you can changed the audio quality and then not to diminish it too much. In case you have changed the quality and you can get it doesn't sound rights Or it sounds to you litchi, where you play you. So I know that I play it. It sounds quite OK, so I will leave it like their stand. So if you want to under eight, press on control Z or commence see and you will be able tow under it to where it was before .
34. Equalizer: and this video, I'm going to show you how to use the equalizer. So first of all, we have tohave on audio That is quite high in the DB so that then it will make more sense to use the equalizer. The equalizer is to make an audio sound smoother. So in that case, I'm going to start with you. Sing it by going to my effects, tap on going to the filter and e q and then you go toe Parametric equaliser In case you don't want to go to the FX tap, you can also go to the FX rack here at the bottom, just below off the false name and then you can juice the first battle here, go to the filter and e Q and you can choose for Parametric equaliser In case you cannot find it, you can go to the window tap and then you can choose for affects rack or press all zero and then you will be able to find your effects rack where you can then go to the filter and e que and Sara matter Equalizer. So here you see that you have fun high pass and a low pass the high pass means that's and the songs that you hear that is below offer to hers will be erased. So in that case, if you want all the other noise and I a dialogue to be remove, you can then changes to 90 because a normal dialogue should be around 120 hertz. Okay, so right now we have the high pass filter right now and the gain I will use the 48 d deeper look tough for a better quality. And then you can also enable the low pass. And I will also change it to 48th Bassi Bell. Pero look tough. And then I am going to show you how it was on different when I select these numbers here and then change them from the position and drag them to the top and to the bottom. So here, you see that when I play it, it was on really loud because it will catch the rat color in the levels. How do you use the equaliser? So you see here in the touch the reds area and it even has a red area when it has stopped, which means that the gain is very high. So in that case, to make the gain lower to make the frequency lower, I am going to drag these to the bottom. So here you can start dragging them to the bottom. You don't have to write only one. You can wreck all off them. Or you can also go here and then dragged him like this. Or you can also go to number two here and then you change the hurts. If you go to the left side, the hearse will become lower. And if you go to the right so it will become higher, K. But we don't want to touch the hurts. We want to touch the decibel. So here, if you go to the left side so them go lower and the same pass the number three and number four. So here you see this all can go lower in the decibel, and number five s well, like so. Or we can just move it manually here with the anchor points that are at the bottle off the numbers and this mom s phone can distract them more to the right side. Like so. So this will make it actually sounds really low enough alone. So if I listen to it, it should be very low. How, though you used the equalize so you can see that it is indeed very low because it doesn't catch the rat area in the levels. And you can also see it here, by the way. So if I play it, you will see that the input it's actually that loud because that is the way I recorded it. And the output is actually ah, lot lower in the column. So here that is stand how you can change the volume off your audio. You can then also direct us to the top. In case you think that it is too low, you can drag it back to the top like so. How do you know it is still a little big? Hi. Here. So we can direct this on it. The more to the bottom, like so and then playing again. So that this when I recorded it, This is how loud it showed So normally and all code is how it sounds right now when I use the equalizer. So that s stand the their friends. When you drag him to a top and to the bottom. So this is the presets cost, um Which you can move yourself how you want it to sound like. And in case you don't want it to sound like this, you can also go to the presets and go to, for example, focal and answer, which will make your focus on a lot more clear, which means that you will be easier to listen to. So here, for example, if I go and pay it from the beginning by dragging the playback line to the start, I play it how, though you used the equalizer, you see that it will indeed sounds a lot better in the focus. But the salt is just too high. Okay, so right now I'm going to in evil the low pass as well here going to drag it more to the left side like so And then please again. Do you know the core? So you see that here It has changed the quality off the old you. So let me go here. And rectus are limited to the bottle king. So, like so user. How do you use so right now? It has indeed enhanced a focal, but you have to make sure that it's not too high because right now it is quite high. I'm going to make this sounds a bit lower. So then it won't cost any distortion. Ah, equalizer, How though you used the equaliser So this is actually aimed better all of you which the focus enhancer, Then when it is very high, you can also create a generic high pass or in a generic low past so that it will sounds while you're done. The indication here. So here you see in the last sight, it will then be 20 hertz and in the number one, it will then be 110 hertz. So this is genetic high pass and the systematic low pass. And you can also hear a difference if I play it. So this Isman you use a genetic low pass. How do? And then here's the genetic high pass used the equalizer How the usually genetic high pass is actually something better than any low pass. And you can also change it to an old time radio. Or you can make the love nous maximize er in a boat so that equals so that it will not make a claw other than normal. But if it's order the loved, I don't recommend that. So the best way is to use a full co enhancer much on Lee. If your focus or not that clear and otherwise you can make a default, and then you can drag it to the bottom here so that the audio it's more normalized in the column. And it's not really loved how, though you used you see here at the input and output has a lot off difference already. So that is quite goods. So after this, you have to actually apply it if you want it to add it, because otherwise it will. Not that it's the audio yet, so that the stand, how you applying the changes to it and how you use the equalizer.
35. Speech leveler: in this video, I want to talk about the speech leveller, which is a function that were level the dasa bow or the amplitude off your How do you This is almost the same as normalising your audio. So that's all the peaks and the normal audio will match together. So you see here in the specific audio I have a lot off peaks. That means that it will actually make mine audio louder than how it is right now. Because off the peaks it shows match the majority off the audio and the majority is actually which the peaks on. If your audio is low in the majority, that means that it will lower your overall for room as well. So here I'm going to go to amplitude and compression and I'm going to go to speech for loom leveller Here you see that it is on costume but you can off course change it to careful medium soft and strong. The strong one will make it a lot louder and the soft one will make its only a little bit louder in the volume. As the name says it strong one means that it will make a lot off difference, and the soft one will make only a little bit off difference in the column. So if you want a boost, the low signal. You can also choose for this one, which will make the low sounds in the audio become a lot higher so that it will be easy to here as well. But you don't always want to accuse this, especially if you have some noise in the background and you didn't delete the noise yet, so it's not always a good option to choose this. And here in a target for loom level, the more you drag it to the left, the louder it will be if you drag it to the right side, it would then be calm lower in the volume, but it will also make it loud. In this case, since I have another speaks, it will make it still a little bit louder, but not as loud as mine. I have it on the left side, almost at the miners 20 decibels, so the levelling amount depends on how much you want to level it and make it louder. If it is at 100% it will be a lot stronger than if it ISS at 50%. And the target dynamic range has to do with the amplitude level off the audio. So all the EMP, it'll level that are around this decibel. Well, then change into this decibel here, and it's well, then affect all this that is under 60 possible. And in case he wants, it's to attack sooner or attack on lower decibels. You can then dragon more to the left so that it will then affect more off the all of you. Then if it is on the higher decibel, so you see at the strong, it will already attack at the 45 possible and at the self one, also at 45 the medium's also 45 the careful one will attack only when it this on 60 day possible so that this then the difference in the target dynamic range, the higher it is, the last it will at its It's in the audio Fallujah because it will down wait until it is a certain decibel for it to change the volume off that specific audio. So here, if I used a strong one, you will hear a lot of difference when it is not using the effect. This is how it sounds like. So this next step, I can then also highlight a specific area so that it will look that area only and not the whole deal. So this next step, I'm going to show you how the eyebrows work. So this next step, I'm going to show you how the eyebrows work. So there's next. So you see that indeed, with the affect all it will. So a lot longer. If you have it on careful, you will see that it will not changed a lot in the flume. So if I have it without the effect step, I am going to show you how the eyebrows and this is with the ethics. I'm going to show you how the eyebrows. So you see that indeed, with the careful one, it will not songs that law, and with the medium one, it will also sound work. So this next step I'm going a little bit higher only to show you how the eyebrows work. So this next step So you see, indeed, that's when it iss on strong it. There's the loudest off them all without the effect. This is how it sounds like. I'm going to show you how the Knicks, with the effect it sounds like this. I'm going to show you how the eyebrows so that the stand, how you can change the level off the volume in the whole audio. And in case you want to apply it everywhere you can then select it and apply it. So here, If I she was strong, I will apply it everywhere. And then you will see that indeed, most off the volume off the audio will be the same.
36. Single band compressor: in this video. I want to talk about the single band compressor. So the compressor is a type off normalize function in Adobe Audition, which means that it will smooth the level off the Falu over the whole audio. In this case, you can then go to the tap option FX, and you can go to amplitude and compression, and you can choose for single bands compressor. Or you can go toe FX rack, which is right on the bottom off where the title off your audio is, and you can then click on the first battle here. Click on the amplitude and compression and you can go to single bands compressor. When you go to a single bank compressor here, you will see that you have the option to choose from different presets, and the voice leveller is the one that will cut off all off the decibel that this higher than 10 decibels is the trash old is at 10 decibel. If you wanted to be at a lower decibel that this also possible, and otherwise you can choose for other presets like the forest over which will starts outing the audio at the minor 16 decibel the radio is Toe Times said. It will changed the basketball. So, for example, if it's eight times one, everyone decibel here it will then multiply it by eights. So in the attack, it will danced, are attacking a specific milliseconds. And the release is the one that it will then add it, which is at the 100 milliseconds and output gain. It's the game that it will put out. So this is the game that you will hear when you create this thresholds. So right now you can take this off by targeting the power state off and you will hear the original audio. And if you toggle it all, you were done. Hear how it sounds like with this effect on, Imagine you got a realized picture. Imagine you got a realized picture. So you see that when I have the affect on it will actually make the forest over louder, which in some cases is better. But in some cases it can be worst as well. So it depends on you what type off function you want to add to your audio. And if I have it as first leveler, for example, you will see that when I close this and apply it. It will indeed cut off all the decibels that are higher than Tanda Zebo. This is then how it will look like afterwards. And if you play it, you can. Then here, if there is any clipping sounds or distortions, which is all right. But I want to any meat only this guy here with his laptop. So that this then the difference between the different presets off the single bends compressor and in case you don't want this, you can always undo it. And if you go toe tap effects and go the impotent and compression and ah, single been compressor. You will see that. Then you have the preview button instead of here, where you have to apply first and and then see the effect instead of here, where you have to apply it separately instead off being able to listen to the preview upfront and applying it here. So it depends on you which one you think is easier to juice. And if, for example, you want is to be a focal booster which will indeed boost up your Fulham a lot. You have to be careful here that you're not speaking really loved because if you are or rather speaking about it can make your for it sounds like it is the starting a lot. So here you can also see that the radio is 11. That's eight, which is quite high because everyone decibel it will then multiply it by 11. So that is quite high. If I play it, you can then hear the difference. Imagine you got a realized picture. And if I play it without the effect, this is how it sounds like. Imagine you got its indeed makes it really high. If I apply it, you will see indeed that there is, ah, lot off clippings here because it will be higher than the way form itself. A lot of things here will be caught off. So that this, then how you can work with multiple presets in the single bands compressor
37. Time and Pitch: So in this video, I'm going to show you how to change the pitch off in audio. Let's say, for example, you want to create an audio that is for an animation on. You want it to sound like a little bit robotic. You can always go to the time, pitch here the time and pitch, and then you can go to pitch shifter. So let's say I select in the process entire file because I wanted to apply to the entire father and not to a specific area. Only I go to pitch shifter here by going to time and pitch, and then I can go to stretch to stretch it out. So, for example, if you want a dark voice, you can always direct the semi tones to a lower number than zero. You can listen to how it sounds like. So right now I have to effect on because here in the bottom is green in the power state so I can play it, and you will hear how it sounds like with the semi tone on minus nine on that information so it sounds quite dark, so if I drag it to the other side instead it will make it sounds a little bit lighter, but still it sounds robotic. Have the s s a letter and you see that so they understand the difference when you are using the pitch shifter and then you can go to zero as well to listen to the original songs so that this than how it sounds abnormally. And then you have other effects as well, like the angry global, the deathly number three and the Dark Lord. So, for example, if you want to sound like the dark Lord here, you can then play it in the review here by having a taco state on. And if you play it, you can listen to how it sounds like before applying the effect. So if you want to make an animation that IHS quite dark or sounds a little bit, certainly you can then use the Dark Lord souls. And then you can also use the angry global, so it will make it sound like a chipmunk. Almost so here you have also the death lead number three of us in between. Here you have the asked us a lot. So it is like the average between angry Garbo and the Dark Lord. So it is a song that is in between those two. But you have money, ways that you can stretch your pitch so that it will sounds different than the original voice off the audio. If you goto the time and pitch here in the effects tap, we can also use the other types off pitch. So, for example, if you go to stretch and pitch, you can have more options to make it some slow or make it sounds too high, like it's on helium. So when you apply it here, you see that it was so like when you have applied helium to your voice. But you have to under it first to delete all the other effects that you have had it on it. So let's go here and provide this first so that you can hear better and then you go toe the time and pitch and stretch pitch. So here we asked the helium song to it. How will have that half after all of that? So that the stand, how it was some like so it's actually it's a great idea, for when you are animating anything you can then ask that voice as an animation audio and you can done drug. It's to, for example, will be any meats or adobe aftereffects, which are used for creating character animations. So you have a lot off special pitches that you can create in the Adobe Audition software. So if you want, so use it for an admission or a blooper, you can definitely choose the time and pitch option.
38. Essential sound panel: in this video, I want to talk about the essential song panel. The essential some panel is usually on the right side, off your dialogue, and in case you don't see it, you can always go to the window Muneer. And then you can click on Essential Sons. If I click on Essential song right now, it will disappear because it was already checked. So if I click on it again, it will done appeared checks again. And that means that it will be shown in my workspace. If I am adding my own you, I want to add affects to it. I can also use the essential sound instead off the FX wreck. The difference between the FX wreck and the essential sound is the effect wreck were at the effects more actively on it. So it will be more for the audio itself and essential songs will at the effects in the background off the audio. So it will be like more passive outing than the effects wreck. Okay, so when I am right now at the moody track session, you see that I have to all those here. The Essential song panel is only available when you use the move track session and not when you used to all your wave view. So here you see that I have to audios. And what happens is that when I that's a new audio to the track here. So, for example, if I make this smaller and I ads, for example, the video quality track here, you'll see that I have done to separates dialogues in one track. So if I use the track effects and I select both off them by clicking on the great area twice, you see that I can then at the facts to both off them together, is in the track. FX and I can also do that by choosing the dialogue here. So, for example, if I want to start with default in dialogue, I can then start here by using the essential some panel. And then I can choose, for example, for the loudness and then also match the largeness off both off these dialogues in this one track. So this is then how you can add it, separate dialogues in one specific truck, and you can then also repair them. But if I don't have anything to repair, I rather not repair it. So in that case, I will. Just on jacket here you can reduce the noise, but I have already done that process, so I'm not going to do it again. You can reduce rumble the home you can just a de Esser which will then make the siblings go away. But I don't have any civilians in this audio, so I'm not going to choose that either. And you can also reduce river, which is some type of wacko. But it is not exactly the same because echo will happen a few seconds after the dialogue is playing, and not at the same time, because the referred will be created at the same time when the words are spoken so that the standard their friends between the echo and refer. And I can then uncheck this in case I don't want the effect to apply. I can close it by either clicking here or clicking on a new effect, and it will automatically close the latest affect for me on here. In the clarity, you will see that there will be dynamics added to it. So here, for example, you see that in the clip effect, there will be dynamics processing that will be added in the, uh, fax rack. And in case you direct the effects to the left site, you'll see that it will be more natural. And in case you're dragging mortar, I saw it will make it louder in the column. You can also see that in case you double click on the FX track in the dynamics processing, you double click here and you see that here the lines will be changing in case I dragged to the left side, which is more natural. It will then be a straight line, and you will also see the top here in the bottom that it will be neutral. That means that there is no difference. So if I drag it to the right side, it was done. Make it compress and expand, which will then make the flume a little bit more different compared to the beginning off the dialogue in case you drag it more to the right side. So here I can, then also on check it, in case I don't want the dynamics, and I want the EU que instead the A Q is for equalizer Cem. In case you want to have like a focal presence. You can then add that to it. And here you can also change the amount a higher amount in case you want the effect to be more clear. And in case you want, it's to be neutral. You can then dragon more to the left side. So this is then how you insert CQ in your dialogue so that it will then have almost the same for loom in the whole dialogue. And otherwise you can also enhance the speech. And when you do that, you will see that it will automatically create an effect that is called zero Fulco enhancer . So here you see that the focal and answer will be also shown when you use the special. So if you are especial, you can then also used the focus and answer in the clip effects. And in case you are a female, you can choose for this and in case it's a mill first, you can also choose for this one, but it will only enhance it so that it will sounds like it. This in a studio like a reefer. So imagine you called a realized so indeed right now it has enhanced it. But you see that when I play it, it will play both off my audios at the same time, which I don't want, because I want to focus on only one audio at a time. In case you have something on separate tracks, it will definitely play them both together unless you choose for the solo bottom, which is this bottle right here, which has to ask on it. So if I select it, it will become yellow and you see that only this one will be able to play because it is green, which is the color that is shown in the front asthma. If it is a great color, that means that it is not going to play when you play it. So here I can only listen to the one at the top. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like picks A B, which is a really nice upside where you can. So when I stop it, you will see indeed that it will only play this part. And in case you don't want to use this button, you can also click on it again and changed this for non instead off for master. So if this is at non, you will see that when I play it, it will play this track for me instead off the one at the top. Because I have this at non instead of master. I want all these letters to fall down one by one. So how you do that we select. So that s then how you can make sure that one is playing and the other one is silent. Okay, so right now we go back to the Essential Sounds panel. You see that at the bottom, you have also the options. So change the game in the volume. So, for example, if you want the film to be higher, you can drag it all right side so that the decibel will be added to it. And if you wanted to be lower in the follow mute relative laughs, I So that's the possible will be caught off instead. And you see here that when I do that, it will at the heart limiter at the effects rack, which means that the heart limiter is the one that makes the audio the same laugh in the beginning until the end. So but That means that if you cut off a certain decibel here. So, for example, if you want to cut off miners to decibel, it will then be the same in the whole audio, and not just in a few parts where the peaks are. It will definitely make it like a straight nine here in the audio, because it will make it the same decibel from beginning until the end. So that this then when you apply the heart limiter. Okay, so when I want to go back to the essential sounds options, I go to clear all your type, and then I can go back to the other options that I can add to my essential salt.
39. Ambience Essential sound panel: there is another option in the essential some panel as well. Called the ambience. Immunise refers to the background noise off an audio or a dialogue so as can be anywhere recorded. But the ambulance will make sure that there is like a background sounds to it for example, a studio reform or somewhere in the woods, for example, so that you can listen to that specific sound and make it more prominent or making less prominent so that it will make them dialogue stand out or it can cover the dialogue as well . So here I have a songs that I have downloaded from the Internet. So here you see that you have the ambience option. So if I click on it, it will then ask the attack ambience for me in the specific audio. What I can do is I can change the style off the ambience. So, for example, if I want to make it sound like it is inside a room, I can then choose so room toll. And if I want to select from outside it, organ make it sound like it comes from the outside, off the house or anywhere in the nature you will see that it will sounds last loud. So it will. They make it sound like you have recorder in the room and the woods are far away from the place that you have recorded it. So indeed, when you play yet you'll see that the volume is really low compared to the beginning, because in the default option in the preset, you see that it is a lot louder because it's also just the yellow part in the levels instead of only the green parts. So here you can then change it to a room tone as well, which will also make it lower end of Fallujah. Like so. And in case you want to go back before he can also just change the law. Agnes here by auto matching the whole audio. So if you choose, also match, it will then delete 30 al you f s from the older, which will then make its as equal as possible. And if you don't want it, you can then reset it. Or you can also on jacket here so that it won't apply to it. And in the creative option, you can then select a river which is some type of eco. So the difference is that in the refurbished sounds more high tech in an echo, because echo will be available after a few seconds off, mentioning the worst in a dialogue and in a reverb it is different. So it will done just creates, like this space between the microphone and your room, which will make it sound sometimes especially for focal lists. But normally it will not match a podcast or an instructional video. I don't really recommend it. So here, if I at the river, you will hear the outside ambience presets in the audio. So it will indeed some night at this, having an echo in the all new, and you can also add like a wind effect. Oh, like a large room ambiance. So it will then create some type of echo, and you can also increase the amount or decrease it so that you have the louder disip a or a lower decibel in the amplitude. So this site, when you dragged her right side, it will make it louder. And if you drive it for a laugh site, it's well, make it lower in the volume. So here we also have to stay the way it the Syria, where it is. Basically when you drag it to the left side, it will make sure that it will only play on one side off your headphones and if you'd rather too right so it will play on both sides off the headphone. It will also make it louder, but it will definitely make a lot of difference for people who are listening through headphones. And if you want this to apply, you have to have your audio on stereo and not on Mona, because if you have it on mo no, this will still not apply to it because it will only apply when it is possible to listen to both sides, and not if the audio input and output ist at a morning type instead of a stereotype. And then here at the bottom, you can also make the clip Fulham higher in a decibel, A or lower and the decibel. If you want this specific part only to have a difference in the decibel, you can impress on the letter I on your keyboard, and then you drag the playback line to wherever you want. It's to stop and then you press on. Oh, it will Then erase the rest off the highlight. So it will only highlight the specific area. And then you can change the clip for long so that you can hear how it sounds like when it this on lower Harlem and when it is on hire for loom. So right now, this is how this sounds like you can barely listen to it. And the more I drive it to the right side, the more you can listen to it. So in these makes a difference. Here, just make sure that you highlight the specific area, and then you can, at the effect off the Fulham to it. Or you can also mute it in case you don't want the background noise at all. So this is how you work with the ambience in the Assad? Just all panel
40. Music effect sound panel: in this video, I am going to talk about the music. So here you see that I have my music's acted and I am going to take my music in this specific file because it is a music fall. So I'm going to drag it here, going to drag it to the front, off the track. And here I'm going to set the solo option so that I only hear this music. So I'm going to attack the music to it. And here you will see that I can then also match the loudness. Since you see that in the beginning, the intro is quite low. And then for the rest off the music, it is quite high. The level should be more the same, or at least equally in the decibel. So what I can do then is also match it with the loudness and you will hear that there will be almost no difference between the intro and the rest off the music. If I reset it, this is how it will sound like after the intro. So this is then the difference between half and also match and not having the auto match in the loudness after that you can also enable the duration. So you see that here in the top there is and I comfortable going global clip stretching. But it does is it makes the oh the old slower in case you stretch it out a lot. So right now, if I have started out a lot here, you hear that the base is quite various slow. And if I stretch it in so making it shorter, you see that it will be very fast. If you want, it's to go back to the original speed you can. Then do I get back to 100%. So here you can then see which person touch it ISS by dragging it and you'll see that right now it is at 100%. So this is the original duration off the audio. So here I can. Then there's Abel. This right now by clicking on it again. And you see that here in the a special sold panel, I have to stretch options. So if I drag it to the right side, it'll then stretch it out more. And if I drag it to the left side, it will then stretch it all. Blast so that it will make it faster. In case you don't want the speech to change in your music, you can also go to remix instead. And with the remixed us is, it doesn't make your although different in the speed. But what it does is it makes it not repeat and the parts. So if there is any reputation in your audio, it will then the leaders repetition and make it sound the same speed as the original one. So right now it has remixed. It's 2150 on Mother Does is here. When I submit in, you see that there is a green line that is curving. That means that it has actually deleted out a part off the reputation. So this is then how it will add That's your old us well, and if you don't want it, you can then click at the square right behind off the duration, so that then it will not affect your old you anymore. So here you see that I have this original track here and I can then go further with the docking. So here at the docking, you'll see that there is an option to doc against dialogue clips, which will then make it sounds higher. There is no one speaking in the dialogues, so when the dialogue is quiet, it will then go higher if the dialogue is playing, so if there are spoken words at that moment, it will then make it sounds lower for it. To be able to do that, you have tow, highlight the specific area as well, so you then have to enable the dialogue as well, together with music sounds. So that's then they can be mixed together so that it's then how you can also add it it in the docking. And after that you can also changed the possible and the clip filmdom in case you think that's the sound is too high. So, for example, here I can then select this specific area by pressing on I and then here I can't impress on all so that it will select only this specific part off the music, and then I can then make the level lower here in the decibel so that it will make a hard limit on the music foul or music audio. So this is then how I can then make the music higher and lower in case you want the music to be lower so that you can then also hear the dialogue. You can change as well here in the clip Followem, If I also want to hear the rest, I can then also stop it right now and then delete this specific area because I have to selected and then I can play the audio together with the music. So here I am not going to play it. So imagine you got a realized picture from somewhere like I can then directed a little bit more to the left site like so and then play it something. We just a really nice upside where you can get pictures here. I copied this picture. So if you don't want both of them to be affected, you can also choose this specific fall. And that's a dialogue to in so that it will know that this is a dialogue and this is the music. So here I'm going to do right now is I'm going to select the specific clip so that I can go back to my music audio and here in the music audio. I'm then going to make this sound lower is that so that it won't affect the dialogue stage . Okay, so I know you'll see that the image is all right. But I want to animate only this guy here with his left top. So what I want to do is is any meat. It's with Mel's loved. The background is the several me because you see here that I don't need this system, the bass music for this specific dialogue so that it will not affect the person. Listen to the dialogue, to be distracted or to not understand what it is saying. So that is then how you can also change your for loom in the music file so that it will not affect the dialogue. Make sure that you're tagging those specific audio to A to a type off audio, so that's the software can see the difference. So here, if I go back to this dialogue here, you see that I can change it here. And if I go back to where I have deleted that. So let's say here, if I go here back, you see that I can take them again. So here, for example, this is already a music. Hold your type. So I can then also released this one instead. And here I can then make this the dialogue instead. So what it does is when I am at the music type here, I can then go to the clip following on that. Make this lower when I play it. Okay, so right now I want all these letters to fall down one by one. So how you do that? We select these words, for example and we change its in the so that then how you can make the level off the volume lower in the music without it affecting the dialogue in Adobe Audition.
41. SFX Essential Sound Panel: and this video. I'm going to talk about the South effects in the multi track sessions in Adobe Audition. So here you can see that I have two tracks. The 1st 1 is my sound, and the 2nd 1 is the dialogue. So this one will be considered the sound and you can see here that I can then at some presets to it. So I can, for example, make a distance so that the sounds will be last noticeable. Okay, so But I know I want all these matters to fall down one by one. So how you do that, it is still too loud. So in that case, you can make a default back and then just change the loneliness by matching it. Because when you match it and automatically match with the intro and the intro is lower in the flume. Okay, so but I know I want all the effort to fall down one by one. So since this is still a little bit too doubts I can then go here and these elected loudness and the creative I am not going to add any refer because in this case, the river doesn't match what I want to explain because this sound is the sound that comes from the outside and not inside off a specific room. So it won't make sense if there's any reverb in the environments that is supposed to be in the nature. So here I can then also change the pan. But I am not going to do anything with a pen and then we have to clip for Loom. So this one is actually useful. If I just the whole track here, just like I did in the previous video, I can press on I and then I contract the playback line to the end off the salt. And I process also that i d select arrests that is behind off the playback line. I can Dan select my clip level here and then change the decibel inside of faith to a lower decibel. But first you see that here. I don't have any tax on it yet, So for that to happen, I have to actually take this first. So I'm going to take this as my dialogue so that the other be audition software can see that this is considered the dialogue and this is the salt so I'm going to go back to my son by clicking on the icon here off the sound effects. And then I am going to go to my clip volume here and going to make it lower in the decibel . So here I can then make a lower and we can listen to how it will sounds like Okay, so But I know I'm one all new slackers to fall down one by one. So the more I drag it to the right side, the louder the back on Saul will be. So if I drag it a laugh, it will be actually better. So here I moved the key friend to here, make sure that you also move the motion to in with it. So here you have to make sure that you have the arrow that is. Sometimes it is better to completely eliminate the background noise because in most cases, the backer noise is not even worth it, especially in a podcast or instructional video. So in this case, the 35 decibel is quite enough, or I can even directed more to the left so that it will be completely the leaders so that this one way to also use the sound effects in other be audition so that then you can eliminates the background song together with the in case off the dialogue being difficult to listen to. So this is then how you can do it and another way to also be able to do this. When I clear the audio type, I can also go here, actually, So let's say I clear only type here. Esmael. I can sex this specific track here and I can also use the basketball here in the multi track session and I can get more to the left. So the more attested laugh, the lower it will be in the volume. So here I can implant. And you were here almost nothing. Okay, so right now I want all these letters to fall down one by one. So how you do that we tell thes words, for example, starts off the layer so the key frame has to be moved to the back a little bit. So here, So that this, then how you can also change the possible in the flume when you drag it to the left and to the right, so that then you can delete a specific noise in the background in case they are on different tracks in Adobe Audition
42. Mixer panel: the mixer panel is not much different than the multi track session panel. The difference between the multi track session and the mixer is that in the mixer it will the all added together in a smaller space while in the movie truck session you have all the options here at the last sites, and then you see here that you have the effects in a fax rack and you also have essential song panel. But in the mixer panel, you have all the same options. But the only difference is that it will be going from the left to the rights. And in the other panel where the mostly track is, it will go from the top to the bottom. So here you see that you have the same options. So you have two input and output said things. You have the effect setting, so you can then trouble the power state on so that you will hear the effect. And here you can also at the effects. So if you add some effort that will then become green, there s well, just like the FX wreck. You have all these options and here you can also select for the FX, the pre fader and post feeder, which will, at these effects off the volume to it in case it is pre fader. It will add it while you are adding your audio, and if not, it will add it after you added to your older, which is the post fader, and then you also have the pre Orender track. So if you choose the prayer on their track, you will be able to Brender it every time you make changes to the track. So every time that you are here and you make any changes to it, it will done already. Render it for you without you having to safe it or do anything else with the track in the multi track session. So here you also have to decibel, so if you want the gain off the audio to go lower or to go higher for how you're you can get, you can drag it to the right side. And for lower gain, you can run it through a last sight. And here it will also tell you if it is a post reader or pre feeder, because with it is pre fader, it's well done. Apply the changes before the adding and before the saving off the farm and in the post fader it will apply the everything in the Fulham off the audio after you added everything and safe the fall. So here you'll see that you have also a pencil here which will then help you with the equaliser. So it will go to your Parametric equaliser and when you click on agency that it will indeed show you the low pass and the high pass just like I explained in the video off the para Matter Equalizer where the high pass will make sure that the gain is not higher than a certain hurts. And in the low pass it will make sure the gain s not lower than a certain hurts. So everything that this higher answer the hurts will then be deleted So that this then the Parametric equaliser And indeed, when you applied effects to it you will see that it's a party. It's too the lying here. You see that the line will also change with yet and in case you don't want that you can always change it back to the faults in the presets and then you can close it and here you concern effect on and turn it off. So here you see that you also have the levels here, so you can then turn the gas about down, or you can turn it up so that you can change the gang in your for loom s file in the audio . And if you only want to listen to this, you can also click on solo here and otherwise you can also mute it or you can record any audio s well. So if you click on this record bottle, it will then show you the level that you are recording at the moment so that it's not too high or it's not in the virtue off becoming too high, because otherwise it will cost distortion. So those are all the options that you will get in the mixture panel when she can then also apply to your movie track session, in case you want to wash them both together. You can also track the mixer to another area so that then you can see the effects that you select for a specific tracked. So here, for example, if you select only the solo here, you can also see that it will apply to track one. And here you see that I have the selected. There's so here in the third boss, It should also be without the solo effect and hear anything that I adds to the gain or not like in the track to hear. It will also apply it to track number two here. But you see that I have only this parcel actor, So I have to make sure I have the part where the track two is selected or otherwise. I have to also these able this solo option otherwise and we won't apply the effect here in the track number two. So what you need to do here is then selected and then you see that it will also select truck to here. Then you can direct the game to the bottom, for example, and also dragged up. So everything that you do here in the buses off the mixer panel will also be applied there in the editor panel. So here, if I want to drag it back, I'll just racketeer and make sure that this is on the right side again. Off the under panel
43. Saving file: so imagine that you have already edited your foul in other be audition. But you're not sure if that is the correct foul or you should save it or still edit it later on. So if you are thinking to edit it later on, but you want to save it for now, you can always go to the foul here at the top, and then you can click on safe ass instead off safe, because when you click on safe, it will save it on the same foul if you safe it on the same farm. That means that when you open that file back, you will get the same foul that you have out. That's the last time so it won't have a another foul. That is the same. Asked this existing farm and when you open a new window off audition all the changes you meet before the saving will be deleted. So there's no way that you can and it is back to how it waas in the beginning. So that means that it is better to use the option safe s. You can also press on control shift ass or command shift s so when you say, But here you can then inserted the number one at the back or number two. So that's you will know that this iss how it sounds like when you have AL, it's it's so that when you go back and you don't like the one that you add it, you can then go back to the beginning. So it's like a backup fall for when something goes wrong. After you have added and safe, it's so in that case, you can then create another foul. You click on safe ass instead of safe so that then you can give it another name, and then it will have another file name. So in that case, you can then safe this separately from the other file, and you can then use the other far again. If you want to work with it again or if you want to add it. It from the beginning
44. Export your file: When you are done recording your audio fall, you have two options. You can export it as way for exported as amba tree. If you go too far here, you can then go to export and you can click on far, and you will see here that there is an option to export it as format way for and ba tree. If you have it on wave, you can change the sample rate to the highest one with just a 192 killer words, which will give the audio a better quality. And here in the channels you can off course change it to mono stereo or six channels were just a 5.1. I recommend we fit exterior because with the Mona lit will be hard for people who are using handfuls. They were only listen to the audio on one side off the headphones, and here in the bit dept. I will leave it as being a source because otherwise it will change it for me and I click OK , and then I can export it. So here it saves. That's the audio fall where it just called. All you already exists will direct overwrite it. So in case you don't want to overwrite it, you can go to where you're all your fall is. So I have to go to other follow that is called Olio. Here. I can then rename this one. So let me just rename it to all you add it, for example And then here I go back to other be audition. I click on no and then click OK again and it will then create a new far for me instead of overriding the existing fall. And if you want to export it as a MP tree fall, you can go to export on dfars again, which is the control shift key on command shift key as shortcuts And then when you go here , you can their name it all you again. Or you can just change the name here instead of changing the name in the although far which is owner deceived. So here, for example, you can change it to add it to and then you can change the form to an empty tree audio and here you will see that there will be a caution sign and then it will say the audio format does not support the current sample type and we're across the former change toe 48,000 hertz, which is 48 killed. Words. So if you go here and change and you will see that it will jump automatically to 48 skill words and the channels, you can leave it the same as before, and the bit that you can leave, it seems a source, so it will automatically adapt it for you. And here you don't have to change anything in the four months settings. That is okay, like so. So you live it at Constant and 320 kilo. Its power second, which is the $48,000. It will also give you them between the brackets, which will help you determine which one is better and the higher it is the batter quality. So I'll just click OK here, and I click OK, and it will tell you that it will be safe to a compressed format. You may want to keep a backup off the original file to preserve for all the infidelity so it can change a little bit in the quality if, in case you want to see if it's as a separate format. First, you can then click No, and then you can change it to a another four months here and then save it first. But otherwise it will then just safe it if you click on yes, because I switched the 192 killers to 48 killer. So that's where may get a lossy formats, which will have a lower quality in the audio, but that it's the risk that you have to take in case you want to convert into and between, because it will not allow you to go higher than 48 killer. So you click on Yes, Dan, and you say, for us, I am Petri fall.