1. Introduction to drawing portraits: every day. We are solid canst family, strangers re Meetem street People will see you. Television, Internet, even, you know, mobile devices. And if we know someone, we can recognize that person in a crowd of thousands of people. Still right, it comes from drawing. We might have a hard time doing it. But why is that? And just really have to be the heart in this last tried to answer these two questions and give you a three step approach. One. How to start Drawing portrait Today. The main idea is to create a strong tradition for drink process and some deer make art that your friends, family or even potential clients would like to see. Rt. Tristen 1000. Same. Your brilliance illustrator and and the court think I would take from all these years working with joy. I loved doing it. I like what I just stroll brain and I love teaching others and helping other people start there All joined. So in this glass reports and you'll have basically production. Here's this less organized. Then you have three easy steps full drawing and finally growing them up. We're all used piece steps to create a sketch person And then there's more for this darkest and really likes digital tablets. I pray that I double the street discussed, talk about drawing maps, give you behind the scenes, look, drying process and finally talk about some tips on how to draw in fortune. So the world is glass. You also do recommended exercises is that by the end of it you'll have a much easier time reports. So if you're ready to start trying today right now because pencil take a schedule and joined class, I hope so. So how great they see you in the next year.
2. class materials and creativity: thanks for joining class. And let's start first thing, we're going to talk about these basically need for this last minute basic really? Meat course only building to meet with this life. You have vessels and something. Okay, maybe you need some races, but let's stay police basic things when I'm starting and we'll see that class. I like to start with hard pencils so they can easier race. You need it and then move on for shading, using the softer pencils. Course, if you feel raising prevented much because every trace that you live can help you in a way toe it better dry, so leave marks is much skin. We feel basic pencils after the hardest side eraser, or, in this case, a needed racer that can form and to use a different contrition when it comes to this. I like to use this most often when working with struggle, and you could see it says he still has that a texture and color that is like when I bought it, because I have been using it. Now it comes the paper you can use any kind of people like, but what I'm going to suggest you use issues some kind of a notebook here, I'll show you for no boots that I use This moment is this one traveling so I can easily put in insights, pockets or in my back. And I like a little difference mediums and draw whatever comes to my mind. Who passed the time next sketchbook. He's one I was using preparing for this less because I want to show you the best possible Christ and be four this left. So I took a challenge from a criminal jury designer who suggested So for all of us, creative toe try and make 100 heads on drugs that's intended. So that means stand joins a day. So you see, here I started with markers. Spotlight quickly went into basil. These are drawings that made for status, and we'll talk about the strikes later. And even I felt drawing some of these and you will see that in the glass later on. This is 30. No, And so while doing these kinds of troy be somewhere about seven minutes six minutes 15 minutes, 13 minutes. You grow and become accustomed line and how to use it. And how better drying? First time for more detail all these things later on, and we'll see progress through these. Find. You'll see a difference between the 1st 1 and that's a a lot of these that were made last. So remember it will be beneficial to use half a sketchbook or if you buy schedule, because that way all your joints that you made a project or learning will be in place so you can examine them in the future and see what's the mistake, what you do bad. Would you improve and how to go for? And of course, this is life. Let's get used. Previous glasses. I like anatomy drawings there with charcoal hands, my glasses about drunk hands. And here we have something that will also tackle later. On this close, it will be So we're gonna talk about structure and the main bones and how they affect head . That's basically it for this segment. So prepare pencils. You're obese people. In case I would recommend sketchbook A four, if you ask me and it was you in the next Do you
3. Step 01 - What is the Loomis method: in this class. We are going to use three basic shapes in order to get you to finish strength. So we're gonna use where circle and a triangle in some cases to make all the necessary shapes for you to throw him head. So it's always basic. It's always good to start simple and go from there. Like when we're painting, you're not going toe, draw every little single detail and go into some minor things. We're gonna broad and then move on Some leaders. It's the same process that we're going to use here. So don't worry at the beginning. Shape, off eye or nose wrinkles stuff again. See the entire had as a big shape that will be transported in the fuel. Smaller ships. That way it will be easier, and you'll feel less intimidated by the blank paper and deported Drop can connect these three shapes. So, Troy, we need a starting point. We need the methods and the method that miracle use. This class is method off. Andrew Loomis, famous American use trader, Our instructor and whose style in work was predominantly created for magazines, publications and stuff like that. In long after his death, his career and his work influenced many artists working today. And I also like to call upon him when I'm starting a class drawing and showing how we can use his methods, his approach for anyone, benefit and learn and grow and grow there. So it's that we're going. Is this method as a starting point, and we'll going from there expanding problems?
4. Step 01 - drawing the head with Loomis method: welcome to the part of the class where you can actually start drawing. So follow these steps to get you on your way. First, draw a circle and remember better the circle, the better the drawing with or not. Make it so make it as good as you can. Next determined the brow line I come like you see me doing here. It will be an ellipse if we are talking about a three dimensional shape and you can even erase the backside off that line. And after that, you can draw should draw the center line that will also decide on the direction that head is facing. Next. Create a lips to separate the front plane and the side plane or the head. That way we have more perspective and see how that had looks like. And next, make a line that will go around the sphere in aimed to help you to think about this circle more like four and three D shapes. Next to make the site off the sphere, look flat, draw straight lines to create the cross that will also describe the tilt of the head in his way to find hairline needs to draw a 45 degree line through the center off side Cross. Now that we have the hairline, let's find the button or the nose. It is at equal distance from the brow line, as the brow line is from the hairline. With this, we can form an equal thirds off the face from hairline brow line from brow line, no sign and from Roseline toe button with the chin in order to find jaw, draw an arc from the back. With this, we're all the way to the chin line. Next, follow the center line with side plane from its center all the way down to complete the structure of the job. Ear fits in the lower back quadrant or side plane. I made a mistake by drawing it a bit too big. That stuff like that may happen, and what I could say about it is that I learned from my mistake and I suggest you do the same as they will make your future drawings only better. Finally, indicate the contours of the Brow Ridge Jing Bones mouth entry before rushing into features of the face and add to me lighting the staff of that stop for a minute commit drawing on the structure of the head and its proportions from memory. I invested into studying. Making these exercises had construction. Stuff like that will only be beneficial for your footwork. And every time you drop to show you what you can do with this simple exercise, let's take a look to demos that are sped up so you can save time using a Loomis head as the base for these drunks. I can mentioned earlier this method off. Finding the basic shapes of the head is there's just start and like you can see, I don't follow each step toe the letter. But knowing them is very help. I can't remember draw from big small shapes from Senator lines. The thicker using HB pencils start to York. Toby pencils at the end to finish off Dido's, and after finishing it first, is ammo. Let's take a look at the next to recap draw, a Lonely said, using the method provided in this video and the company pdf. Stay away from trying details detailing. Repeat the process until you can do it from your memory and remember only when you know the rules, you could break them toe fit a particular way that you're working
5. Step 01 - using different angles in your drawings: Now that we practiced drawing human head using the Loomis matter, it started to take the next step, and that is to use the knowledge from the previous video, and the drawer had head set of heads from different directions and tilt. When you start your drawing attention, toe the cross on front plane toe, accurately judge the directional head and also focus on the crossing side plane toe Judge, the tilted head that's made main basic things that you should watch out when you're drawing , had from different angles and just like you see in the video, the rest is remembering the proportions and step from previous videos and combined them with the fore shortenings off the shapes. So goes the Loomis method. The practice. During these shapes and proportions, Toe intern intimately understand the structure that had also, if you have or you can find on nine or art supply shops, use the models of human bust or human scoured a human head to practice in the gain more in the sending off construction of human head. One site that has great three sources besides books is, of course, through the total shop, where you can find male and female busts, human and figures and so on. You can check it out. If you can afford some of these products as they can be Great learning tool. It's always I'll provide link toe this online store in pdf so back to the joint. Like you see, we already finished the first head on. We are on the 2nd 1 This is from profile and, like old previous drawings there, no detailing, just marking mean landmarks off the face so they can have the dry. Right now I'm finishing the jawline and willing straight toe, drawing the year that is in the lower quadrant, toe side plane and creating other shapes almost done. Just adding a neck, not distant nexus. A little bit thinner than she should be, so I but made it of it. Why, there and then the third drawing, like she always circle, is necessary to start making the first lines that will determine the tilt direction of the head. So make this cross so I could know which direction it is facing, making the side planes to determine the tilt of the head and despite making that cross on side plane and then it's all over the same thing. Making brow line finding. Where is the nose? Where is the tip of the nose? The basic knows we truly want to say next. Goingto draw a line, connect them with the rest of the shapes connected circle, finishing the time so we can no way to draw here. Brow Ridge. We're going that simultaneously working on all the shapes together and not focus at one particular place at one time now. Yeah, they put the nose, it's done. And the neck. This is basically it for destroying unwto. Soon be over just adding some a few more details on the ear after that, maybe some indication off cheapo in that plane. Finally, the fourth drawing. Like you see, it's also important toe make good shape head. But that circle and then determine the brow line sent line So you know the direction off the face, and there's little crossed that will show you what this directional face and side plane we showed the the guilt on that. Here's that cross. That'll help you do that again. Hairline. No, nos enough that the chin take a buck for shortening. Like I said, we told, depends on the way that you draw the head, and that's basically it for this exercise. So we can. We're going to some final thoughts just to put this exercise in the context of a natural situation. When you can use this exercise, here's a sped up video off drawing where head is facing up. That's it for now. And see you in the next video. We'll talk more about drawing heads.
6. Step 02 - let's talk about the human skull: next have been grating, interesting and recognizable. Portrait used to become familiar with humans. Cup. It's defined, unlike structure, but it's also incredibly useful for understanding with spacey proportions. Although most of the human skull discovered muscle, there are still some key points that realization of the surface off the face. So these bones are your main concerns, or someone who paints and draws. Blowing the location of these born in Lambert's is important because they often create hard at shadows, which in turn helps us to make peace articles watery dimensional. Now, before we take a closer look, these balls, let's take full things in consideration. First, the difference between male creamers cups. There are just a few of them, but there will be very helpful for a drink. For example, with female stop, you'll usually find that weight size generally smaller than that of the male stop male scholarly square. And it's most evident when it comes out till the shape or eye sockets and the men that forms the lower part of this cop symbols such a slab. Euler here between the eyebrows and about, knows he's also more prominent on their skills in general bones of creamy skulls are thinner, lighter, and they're a bit then the mail stuff. Still, when it comes to construction both male and females calls can be divided into deserts. We bring us the second point. That's proportions. Examining the proportions of the cell helps us more easily place these bony landmarks we talked about earlier. These proportions and more like guidelines, guidelines rather than fixed dimensions is the shape of every skull and face the first person to person still, at the beginning, drawing. Knowing this proportional rules, it will make your life easier and you starting point. So let's not mention 2% lines while a top of the skull and the other one at the bottom of the Lord Drop or Bronco medical at the third result line in the centre, at equal distance between them. This line from the line with orbital cavities or eye sockets, more landmarks. Now we can divide the skull inserts 1st 3rd will be from the top of the skull, the brow second from the ground to basically most had the last one from basically knows what changed. After these standard measurements have been identified, it will be easier to block in the major shapes of skull and thus reduce the chance of making a drink war with uneven proportions. Also thinking about cranium, a collection of eight balls that's around the brain and remaining favorables, especially medical, as two separate aspects of hat that can be helpful in terms off simple, fine before, in most cases, simple circle will be enough for cranium and a square and the trail for the rest of the bulls. Now let's take a look at five most important boats off the human face and see how they can affect the drawing.
7. Step 02 - main bones of the skull: the Brazilian rich or the problem is located at the base of the frontal bone or before hit , and just about your cabinets. These landmark often stands out straight away, especially in yourselves. His life comes down from above. It forms heart at shadow over the orbital cavities. These shallow is called Kath Shot, and they have it if an object is broken light and in this case that's bravo, traceable or bridge is actually made up of two separate bones that form the upper part off the knows. What makes each knows unique is the section at the bottom off a bridge as you draw the attention. Tools like change planes is you go from upper part of the nose, protective but visible through the lower part. More about drawing noses you will see in the later part of this class state and dry zygomatic bone, or chibok is another bone that you can easily see on the surface of the face. It's the poor who supports the border over cavity understands along the lateral cycle. This cup double these born is perfect place for a highlight. Some people have a very prominent cheekbones, while others, not so much so putting them in the right position and the others making like missiles. Someone. Port Zygomatic Arch is a part of this enigmatic bone that extends along the side of the skull and connects to temporal. It's helpful to remember the shape of this one in order to establish a convincing shape of your head. Mandible forms the lower part of the sculpt. There's a lot to be said about this point, but how disconnected cranium. What muscles? A lot of moving and selling for now, when it comes to drawing. Most obvious thing to notice is that men it tends to be larger and much square than in women. I really each orbital cavity Easter treated between the nasal bone so similar rich and it is particularly risible as it creates a shadow in the upper in a region where it only baseball meets the super still rich, this one is most noticeable amount. Deal the population, so these are five most important noticeable bombs that can impact the look of your dry. They're hidden under the skin muscle fat, but knowing their shape and function adds another layer off availability to drink and remember all of the Children face is developed in symmetrical parts. Left, right, house. I know perfectly. Smith adding subtle differences between left and right side of face lead realism and L and authenticity to rejoin, like this example. Perfectly symmetrical face. They'll always look uncanny or even alien, So try to avoid perfect symmetry. Need Roy, especially in front of you. For your assignment. Make a few more drinks. Skull using the reference is provided in this class or the one that you can find on your own. Take care and seeing next part, we'll discuss the most important facial features.
8. Step 03 - main features of the face - nose and mouth: in this video, we'll talk about the main features of the face and see how we can simplify their forms. So let's start with the nose, and that's take a look at it from a profit. Help you think about the shape of the nose in terms of place. So we have here the part that's about the nose. It's called Caligula, and that connects to the bridge of the nose and its first part that covers the nasal bone. As you can see, there's a shift of planes. Nasal bone ends on the lateral cartilage begins. It depends from person person. But remember, some of these planes won't be visible, but knowing about them will be very, very useful in order to get as much likeness as you can. Next, we have the tip of the nose, and you can see and you can use ball or circle to find its shape. In this example, I skip this and just use the force on Joseph you straight lines instead and moved on the drawing. The wings of the nose are also those rings. Instead of circular, shapes are used straight lines so you can see that you can always try and adjust the way that you draw, depending on stuff that you're drawing. Finally, we have here the side planes of the nose and that also can be divided into more parts. But from the profile usually seaters one plane. Next, let's look at the nose from different view. And here you see me draw guidelines that will help me find all the parts and all the planes from the profile. Start with the plane that some top of the nasal and moved on to the plane. That's top off the lateral cartilage. I could do it here, and you can draw a little V shape, debt will and this part of the nose. And next we have the tip of the nose from tissue and convict, divided into more parts, usually divides into two. We have the upper part that I'm trying right now, and you can see that it has that on 2345 sides and the one that's upper on the cartilage. And then we have lower part of the nose that some kind of a triangle shape, and we have another plane that will beware, will place the openings off the nose openings off the nose can be marked with half circle or ellipses and the wings that surround them. Remember also, those rings go old way around the opening, and even they can have a more than one plane is like You see me draw here. Oh, so from this you we can also see how the side planes off the nose can be again, depending on person to person basis, divided into more few sub planes can have here one, and still, when it comes to the mouth, and when they explain how to draw them, you'll see me start within the lips shape. That's just about above the mouth. And to start drawing the mouth below, I'll draw our heart shape that will be for the middle off the upright and then make toe triangular shape one on the right side of the mouth or a project and then the other one on the left side. On the other hand, you can draw a lower lip, or you conform its shape by using toe elliptical shapes to squished ellipsis. While you draw the month, think also about the space around it. There are many muscles that make possible the movement of the most. Take them into consideration. Observe, look and study the faces that you draw in all of its shape in order to get best result. I'm really after we've done OK, the mouth frontal. It's the cloak from the profile, and it's a different. We'll start the upper lip with half circle and then make one smaller triangular shape. And if the debt is done, well, one toe lower lip in the straight line, the finished stuff again. Like I said earlier, he's addressed measurements and drawings that basic and depending on person to person. It may very, very much, But knowing about the shapes and these simple ways you can construct the face I think will be very useful and helpful, any kind of faith drawing a portrait or faces. So see in the next video talk about other facial features.
9. Step 03 - main features of the face - eyes and ears: but it comes to drawing eyes, or at least in front of you, at least started making three lines for the upper island like you see me here and two lines for the lower one. Remember that in most cases we don't see the entire Irish I, and the upper part is partially covered by the upper lead. So you can see that in the example once when you're done with these basic shapes, show the creases over the skin about D. I like I'm doing right here, drying it from the profile, although you don't have to do it. Always imagine the whole libel and think about where to place the full of the skin just above the upper palate. I could see. So I'm making the circle that is the entire rival, and I'm doing that crease. That might be a good place. Toe start drawing the eye from there. Draw the upper I lead, followed by the Irish and the people. This is just one example of how you can do it. But like you see, all you're doing is creating geometrical shapes that will make the entire work work to the end. So doing lower lid and the part of the nose that can be seen from the profile. Also, as the sun is shining from above, think about the reflection of its rays and the fact how much of them will bounce back off off the lower eyelid compared to the upper late or at least the plane that is closest to the Clara. So, for example, if this is Son was mentally in, sun rays will see that little bounced off. That area will be lighter. Think about that is one of the reasons that the area around eyelashes on the upper plate is darker than some areas on the lower lead. The other reason is that Elish is on the upper lead are more dense than the ones on the law . Like you see me draw here, we'll be going to hear. Think about drawing toe ellipses at an angle with one being larger than the other one. Follow the outer outline to get the shape off here and then move on to drawing the inner shapes. Sometimes people get lazy when drawing years, and my first tip about drawing them is to take a good look at them, since they can very a great deal from person to person. Second is about its size, and remember that it is about size on the nose. Still, when it comes toe shapes that are inside the here, observe what you're seeing and go from there. This drawing is generalised look off near and is it depends on person to person, but it shows the main shapes. So be careful when drawing near off natural person, as it can really add to a character that in the which I know that we have that shapes and showing those two that we started. First, let's see some examples of years going at the front of you. I Look, I'm sorry, your look, the shape upper and the lower part and all other shapes that are insight as your assignment for this part of the class through about a dozen of noses and mouths. Same his eyes and at least three sets of years trying to get as many English is can, since the goal of this part of the class is that, after all, this drawing will have a better understanding off what you're seeing in what these shapes represent. I'll provide references, but you can find and use doing your own. It doesn't matter what you use as long as you do the work. So that's it for now. And see you in the next video.
10. 010 Drawing demo: Finally, after all the exercises, it is time to see how to use all those exercises in a natural drink. Here, you'll see me draw quickstudy overhead. Using reference I found on technical. Dorie spent three sport to dedicate drawing portrait. And if you would like to fall along, help Raj with link that you confined in pdf document attached to this class. If you remember, I mentioned this resource literally in the class, so look for it if you're interested, or use your own references, which Elway works better for you. The goal here is just drop ported but also improve on our drawing skills. Learn from each other and expand from there just the way we simplified head used measurements, proportions, shapes and lines to create the portrait. We can use all of those good practices to draw anything else from life. Better still life, human figure animal. Always think how you can simplify shape, how to divide it into smaller chunks, which manage more measure and look at the proportions in front of you and find the shapes that can help you to gradually build to drawing. Think of it as a foundation for your every future drunk. No, let's take a look at the drawing. He was hard principle that Stinnett Early's I constructed basic shapes had going from bigger shapes to a smaller one. And now moving into details, this part of the video is sped up three times to make it shorter. But nothing is cut from the process so that you can see it from the beginning 20 regardless off level you're drawing. You're right now. I hope you'll find it beneficial. Remember, you all get most of this class, not by just by watching the materials that I prepared, but also but doing all the exercises we talked in creating your own work. And finally send me your work after you finished. Finished it so we can continue the conversation and be better in the love. And that is drawing. Enjoy the rest of video and see in the next one Will we go over the entire class and over here the entire work. Okay. - I think
11. Class overview and student projects: thank you for watching the place. I really hope you enjoy it in college. Now, to get the most out of this class, I suggest you make this four exercises that I talked previous, entering the class pressed to make a single head drawing using the flu mist method to familiarize yourself. If you haven't known about this method, then make another set of drawings using this method, but in different views so you can see it sides profile and a frontal. Next, make a few drinks and a human scalp so you can familiarize itself bones that we talked about earlier and see how they're impactful for your finished drawing and finally make a drawing of a human head off your friend family or using the resource is found in this class . And finally, as a bonus feature, we have another video that will be about digital artists and in which out talk about drawing a human head inside a computer, using software such as photo shop and harbor like Malcolm tablets. So if your digital artist, and want to know more about that joined me in the next few, so once again, thank you for watching the class And if you like to learn more about drawing, you can visit my broke up here skills, sure and see enterprises, but drying hands perspective, using simple shapes and drink, human figure shading and much more So thanks for a time and have a good day.
12. Digital drawing part 01: like you see here I start my drawing further shop the same way I would start it on paper, but let's start with the set up on the left. You can see my reference for that. It's open in an app that is called pure F. It's a great piece of software, and for the past year, so I've been using Constant. It's very simple to use and have your image into scream like sticking out. It's free to use, and you can dalit from their site, which all pride link. Still, you satisfied it. You can even donate it as much as you want to developers, since they did a great job. I first heard it from Adam Duff on his YouTube channel. Most pixel and I also provide you with that video as well so you can find out about that. That is, if you don't know about it. All right, so we get out the way. It's more one. When I started drawing their story for us, think that, like to do is to make a great background and do drawing on a new layer above this one. That way I have those toting separate, which will always come handy, let alone doing the work, saying the same way that I will do it on paper, I started simple forms, measurements, big shape that drove that. I drove early on, not wearing too much detail. And next what I'll do after I finish that basic stuff on face that I would move down, toe, neck and the shoulders from there. What I like to do is to flip the image in pure if to do that fit the image you can hold shift old button on your keyboard and left mouse button dragged the most of the left, and image will slip. Next, flip the drawing as well they're using for the ship court shortcut control, coma or goto image in vegetation, flip canvas horizontally. I, however, made a shortcut. Former welcome tablet. So the process is short. I like to flip McInnis as it gives me a fresh look at drawing, and I can spot. Mistakes are easier. For that reason, I like the flip chemist every once in a while and continued to draw. But now adding more detail as though cannot ease, I like to have a reference image at the same size, drawing in that so mean, too much or even it all. If you're not working on welcome Santic with the big screen, it helps to have a big monitor on which the work work on. I know it is recording this video I used Vaca mentis are tablet, medium size with a monitor off 10 7 inches. So had a pretty good book space toe start. From, of course, after the perimeter drawing is done, I make a new layer to add more precise lines. But as you can see, they're still fairly rough. This entire demo is done in just little more than now, so there was no time to work too much and eaters. The goal for me was to show you a quick process and get likeness as much as I could in that amount of time. What I forgot to mention is that lower lower is this primitive drawing is a transparency of 50% so that I can use it just as a guide. Mind works is still visible, but it does not interrupt with new drink. If you make a mistake, don't worry, there's the drawing is very forgiving, and by using a few tools such as, like last week, the image to your liking. Next on, flip the canvas once again and did the same with reference. Reference continued to add more lines on the mouth, nose and little do eyebrows if needed to change the size of you if you need to change the side drawing using used movoto. But that depends entirely on to you for shading and highlights. I used two methods in order to show you as much as I could in this amount of time, So please tell me she would like to see more in depth videos. But for now, let's start with the first approach. I used a few darker grays and added them roughly where noticed them on the reference I started from light of grace and slowly added more dark ones. It helps to squint the eyes, squint your eyes while looking at reference, so the details are less. Not so, since you don't need to see them all in this state. Here is next, with even darker, great going toe almost black, and that will be for now for highlights. You can pick up background gray and pull it up a little on your color picker. To get the light gray or a second minted east, use the address nuclear at the bottom of the layer. Tap goto adjustment layers and pick you, said Trish. A new layer will appear on top of the previous one that we were working on. Move the lightness slider to the right to get the lighter version. If you're drunk. Next, click on the White Square on the Hugh Situation led to select. Make sure that the foreground color on your color picker yeah, in your tool menu is black. If not, press deal Cuba to turn the phone call to Black and Bracken color toe white if needed. You can toggle between for going back and colors by expressing the X on your keyboard. Now you should have the foreground color black and selected the White Square on who situation layer. The square is actually the mask for that later, and everything that is white can be seen, and everything that is black is hidden, so feel you feel it black to hide it. You can whose pain bucket talk for the from the tools menu by pressing it and clicking on the image by going toe edit and then feel. Or you can finally press the shortcut. Shift a five anyway. This will hide highly effect on the adjustment layer, since you don't need well needed all over the image you want to just in a few places where the salad should be. To do that, it's like the brush oppression be and made for grim color. White repressing X The white square that was a layer mask for Hugh Situation is now black and is selected no paint wherever you think that light is shining on the face. Good thing about this is that you can easily change the brightness by clicking the icon left off the layer. Mask Eichel on the huge situation layer and moving the lightness lighter further right to add more shadows quickly adjustment. Layer on the layer. Stop and select your situation again. New layer will appear on top of your their stack, but this time pushed the lightness slider to the left. The rest would process is the same
13. Digital drawing part 02: here. We're going to continue toe. Add darker parts to this drying, using the huge adjustment players that we made darker and like you see here I'm putting the darks over the place, not working on Lee on one, but trying to distribute black shapes, black areas drawing all over the porch and after debt. I like toe at backgrounds. Beneath all that layered, it's lower. And when all that is done, like toe, merge everything by command, its control shift old E that will put everything that's below on a new layer on top so you can work like that, like in traditional media all on one layer. And here I'm using mixer brush into the regular brush just to blend all these shapes together and have them in light. So after that, I'm going toe, go back and use regular brush, and that's why add a little bit of depths. Detroit. So there's there are better ways to go about drawing painting digitally and gives you a lot of creative freedom where you can do it, and there's no basically right or wrong way. They're just your way in a way that you, over time learned toe use this medium because, like any medium like oil paint watercolors, it has its benefits and drawbacks. But you learn what you can do and find the best way that suits your so again this way. Working more traditionally in digital sphere and working on the on one layer. That is good for this exercise in this way for some personal project. But when you're working, maybe on some project for clients, it's always better to have it all on many layers. So if a client want to change, you can do it fast again. Here you see me flip the canvas once again and continued to draw you nothing. Regular brushes, adding more lines, brushes dead amusing here if you won't be 12 brushes that basic that came with with foreshock, and you can use the last little If you see a mistake move around stuff like that, that's something that you wouldn't do. I wouldn't be able to do in traditional media. Maybe you could, but it would take a much more time. Here. You can just lie so it using the moto just put it in the right position, and again I'm back toe basic brushes on making oldest strokes all over again. Working, adding highlights ending dark so we can have that natural look. Maybe some mid ground. Adding texture, too. The cloth that's over his shoulder and continue to add a little bit of texture. No way to have tax trees, use some four graphs and stuff like that person overlay or some other blending mode, and that we get texture. But in this case, I want to do on Lee Brush shows that I created with my pencil like Beckham. So right now I'm finishing up the lips and adding some of the highlights. And you see that distance stopping with use off color picker and most of the color picking . I'll go directly from the Troy that comes some with me most of the time in the later part, off trying. And like I said, there is only once that I decided to zoom in and made those details ice and again, flipping the canvas or even vertically so that I'm no, no, I'm not anymore. Seeing that portrait image in a way that I usedto on that gives me a fresh look at the painting so I can disconnect them. Well, what my our Presumptions about that. Also, I have a new look, so that always is helpful. Well, this were for me when I'm doing digitally, so I like to do it from time to time. When I remember. Sometimes I forget and this is coming to an end. There's only one thing that I like to do before I finish in. That is to make a noise layer that will be on top of everything. And to do that, I make another layer. Fill it with neutral gray color. Then you'll see me that do it. Admit on fill it with neutral gray. Apply filters that will be noise filters at noise. A look See? I'm just doing it right away. So it's important to have that feeling off. Traditional mediums I feel. Then go toe that noise Was that noise? Okay, then go toe filters again. Calorie and use filter cold. Specter. I don't probably change much what is already there. Photo. Enlarge it a bit and and that is done change. Blending more to do a soft light and really lower the past it to some 15 to 20% or something like that. Still, you know that there is many a little dots, and in order to soften that, I used filter, blur girls and blur and just a little bit so I can change it and make it a little bit softer or less noticeable. So this is very subtle effect, but it helps have that natural more look less so. That's basically it for this class. I really hope you enjoyed and learnt something and inspired toe. Go on and make drawings and thank you for a time from listening toe all the stock, and I really hope you enjoy it and just so have a great day and happy drawing and painting .