Twinmotion -3d Architecture visualization: beginner to intermediate level | Krishan Pathirana | Skillshare

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Twinmotion -3d Architecture visualization: beginner to intermediate level

teacher avatar Krishan Pathirana, Civil Engineer, 3D Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to download


    • 3.

      Navigational panel


    • 4.

      Top menu


    • 5.

      Bottom docket


    • 6.

      Import and right side menu


    • 7.

      Left side menu Asset library part 1


    • 8.

      Left side menu Asset library part 2


    • 9.

      Left side menu Asset library part 3


    • 10.

      Left side menu Asset library part 4


    • 11.

      Material,Texture settings


    • 12.

      Vegetation settings


    • 13.

      Image rendering


    • 14.

      Video rendering and panaroma


    • 15.

      Pedastrian and vehicular path


    • 16.

      Phasing option


    • 17.

      Statistics, bim info and transform


    • 18.

      Twinmotion cloud and presenter


    • 19.

      Rendering tips


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  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
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About This Class


Twinmotion is one of the most powerful 3d software out in the market for architectural visualization, powered by unreal engine. This course covers version 2022.2 preview 1. There are slight variations with the current version if you have compared it with previous versions. 

My name is Krishan pathirana, i am a civil engineer and 3d designer, and I'm the founder of creation renders. I have done more than 65  architectural and structural projects, including expertise On Building information modelling,  virtual reality, 360 views etc.

By subscribing to this course, you will learn all the functions within twinmotion, and you will be able to advance your knowledge from beginner to intermediate level within this 2.5 hours of lesson time.

During this course time, You will be able to learn about twinmotion interface, navigation, all the menus and functions, path tracer function, sky domes, 3d assets, vegetation, lightings, quixcel megascans, image, video rendering, twinmotion cloud, presenter and image and video import functions.

For phase 2 of this tutorial session, I will do Twinmotion advance level tutorials where you can get help to generate more photorealistic rendering, advanced level animations, 3d asset importation and post-production using Photoshop your twinmotion output. So stay tuned.

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Krishan Pathirana

Civil Engineer, 3D Designer


Hello, I'm Krishan



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Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: Greetings everyone. I welcome you here to this twin motion course. Twin motion is one of the most powerful 3D software out in the market for architectural visualization powered by Unreal Engine. This course covers version 2022.2 Preview one. My name is Chris on path or Ana. I'm a civil engineer in 3D designer and I'm the founder of creation renders. I have done more than 65 architectural and structural projects, including expertise on building information modelling, virtual reality, 360 views, etc. By subscribing to this course, you will learn all the functions within twin motion and you will be able to advance your knowledge from beginner to intermediate level within this 2.5 hours of lesson time. During this course time, you will be able to learn about twin motion interface, navigation, all the menus and functions, path tracer function, sky domes, 3D assets, vegetation, lightings, quick cell mega skins, image, video rendering to emotion cloud present or an image and video import functions. So I welcome you to this twin motion course. You will be amazed at how quickly you can learn from this course. I guarantee you will not disappointed at all. For phase two of this tutorial session, I will do twin motion advanced level tutorials where you can get help to generate more photorealistic rendering, advanced level animations, 3D asset importation and post-production using Photoshop your twin motion output. So stay tuned. I hope you will enjoy and learn from this course. 2. How to download : Hello everybody. We are going to start about our twin motion. Listen to emotion is one of the best architectural 3D rendering software. In current market. You will be able to find d Phi render. Lumiere won, and we re corona render likewise. But doing motion is a bit different because it's a part of Epic Games that belongs to Unreal Engine. So you will be getting these, the y buffer Unreal Engine because margin is getting their seat elites improving. Since 2019. Last quarter between motion is owned by Epic Games. So Epic Games has done a marvelous job. Until now. They are developing it as a highly powerful ray tracing software like Unreal Engine. So we'll just wait to have at this moment also. So they are having a superb quality renderings. So they are still improving your features like path tracing and all those stuff. So in this video, I'll just explain to you about how to download twin motion as well as Epic Games launcher. Because Epic Games launches a must need tool for twin motion because you are twin motion will be launched through Epic Games launches. So just type Epic Games launcher in whatever the browser you have. And in here, just click here. You'll be able to find these pop-up menu and just download these epic Games launcher. In order to having access or fewer Epic Games launcher, you need to have to sign-in for the Epic Games, just sign in through Google or whatever email you have. There are plenty of options like Facebook also have just sign in through Epic Games after you have sign-in. So you'll be able to find this epic Games launching new arm desktop menu as I can, just click it. And you will be having this kind of a menu, software menu. Here you'll be able to find this tool library and Unreal Engine. Just click Unreal Engine here. And here you'll be able to find clean motion in the corner. So by here you can install twin motion from like through Epic Games launcher or otherwise. You can downloaded through this Google just type twin motion 2022. Currently twin motion is having 20.2122 version or reason update. So you can just click here and you can download and try. You can go through, you go through this website does fail and what are the features available? They'll just unexplained you through these videos and all things. Otherwise, you will be having this download thin motion button here. Here you will be able to find them. All the lies in details. So currently there are three lies in versions. The first one needs like free version, free version, you cannot use it. Use it for commercial purposes, only for your personal use. Then there's another one lies, and that is called an education license. And in education lesson, you'll be able to use it in your campus or a college work. These the license versions or details about these license, just go through it. So again, you have to request it through your campus or college. And the third one is a commercial license. There is a 379 US dollars. And you can use unlimited number of twin motion materials, assets and those things. So just remember, these three license are currently exist on that when motion. So you can use either either of these slides and if you want to try, just use it tests with pretrial. If you are a student, you can use it as an education lies. And then if you are using for commercial purposes, like any architectural or 3D rendering works, just use commercial license. So these are the three lies and versions you are currently exist on twin motion. I hope you will understand about these allies and version and how to download it. So in Epic Games, launcher, once you have clicked this twin motion button, you will be having a Install button here. Whichever update you'll get through. Epic Games launcher, you will be having this Install button here instead of lunch. So just click Install and it will be automatically install it. And after that you will be having a launch button, just click Launch button and motion will automatically launch. This is 20.222. Version. One. 3. Navigational panel: Hello everyone. Welcome back to another twin motions lesson. Today we'll learn about these navigational panel as well as this some items in between motion. Top menu where you can use a camera speed, camera angles, flipping pains, time of the day likewise. So here, basically, you will get to know about these navigational, how to navigate through twin motion by this navigation panel, you can see if you want to obit, can use your left mouse button. And here you can use some n. That means I'm using pen and you can see the movements. Calendly, I'll add some three. Don't worry about these assets. In coming up videos, you will learn about these things. Now I just have some of these assets because I want to show how these navigational bar will perk. Here You can all be by left mouse button. And here you can use the pan. See, I'll pan works. Here you have a right mouse button. That means you can look around like this. And here you can use your keyboard. W is the same, like when you are gaming. And also you can use a queue and lifo the up and down. And you can change the speed of your camera movements by one. By clicking one you will getting on low speed and clicking six will getting you a higher speed. And here you can have some settings that you can use your presets, admin navigation, appraise it similar to if you're familiar with Unreal editor. If you're familiar with, if your family with SketchUp, Blender, 3D Max, any kind of thing. So twin motion can adopt these settings as well. Just remember that when you have a keyboard, pad or touch, that is up to you, you can choose. What is your availability on these items like right here, there's another function that is pushed to cloud that moves between motion Cloud, still in early access, but you can use most of them where you can send your model to a client. Will learn about a separate video about this push to cloud and some other options where you can have your model to view, walk through by a client. Okay, So walking around, Twin motion and just we'll move on to this one. You can have this I-bar me or you can have a chain. You can change the time of the day. Likewise, here you can have the speed of your camera angle. Currently I'm using Scotland cycle speed. If you want a higher speed, you can have this splice be number six, similar to this one to six. Just have this one, see the difference. And I'll just click this one. And what speed CVD primes up to you. Again, this is a screenshot button where you can have a screenshot on your viewport. And not only final render, only the viewport. Again here you will have the pedestrian mall if we just click here and go to Paris train, this is a pedestrian, that means a working height. And again, you can use VR headset, it using the yards and you just press this one and you can have VR headset walk through. And here you have a view that means similar to AutoCad. Sections like top menu, side menu, backside men, white men. Back here, the top panel, because I'm the perspective, we'll likewise here you have a clipping plane. If you have a model, you can have this clipping plane. Actually. Nothing to worry about these things. And here you have the navigation where you can hide these navigational panel or if you want to appear it again, just cool. Go to here and press this navigation. It's a short video about this navigation panel and some other settings. You can have your moments in in-between motion. 4. Top menu : In this video, we'll just talk about this file editor and help function that means its top bar in here. As a typical software, you will get file and here you will get new scene, open, open reason demo scene. And what is this demos actually twin motion team has provided you some demo scene. You can work out. You can move around and looking at what are the features are available, what are the materials? What are the objects having? For example, at the material rooms is a little bit or the new one is lake house retreat. If you just click Layer Comps, read it. I'll just say, No. We'll be having this our new scene. And you can go through this scene and find out what are the assets you will get. Basically what other materials, how the environment, how the sun, sunlight will be affected by us, seen those things you can understand, you can have an understanding about these things because that's why emotion team has provided you the scene. Just go through it in materials library and this lake house retreat. This is the scene for the lake. Refer to it. As you can see. This was provided by the motion team and as you can see, the older voters, all the decals, all the Quicksilver omega scan assets. Don't worry about these things. I will just explain to you in, in coming up videos. And so just have an idea about these sample things. Just go to a new scene. I'll just quit. Okay, we are back at the file. So the demo things we have discussed and the save, save as button. And if you want to import when motion file, this is the tab you want to highlight, and this is a merge file. That means you can combine one or more to emotion files. Here you have export all libraries. That means you can export the library from, from the previous versions and all things. And here you have the sign in as like for mine, this is my account. You can have your own account. And this is quite button. And again, we'll just talk about edit the typical functions, undo, redo, copy, paste, delete. The resource collective means that if you want to open these twin motion violinists in a separate computer, this resource collected means if you just click here, you just have to collect all the resources from my file and just put into one file. And if you just press compress file and it will be attached to a one file, so the other, the second computer can put open from this folder. That is the purpose of this resource collector. Again, if you're having a missing file, like if you are the second computer that wants to open and twin motion file, you just have to click missing files and find out the goats, the resources who have collected through the first computer. Likewise, these four things, you don't have to do anything because these are the preferences given by the twin motion team do not change anything. Here. This is a really important function that means preferences. They just click here. In Settings. You will be having this unit system. That means you the measurements centimeter, meters, inches or foot, whatever you like, and the timestamp at these 24 hours and 12 hours, that means you can change the way the time of your environment. That is the purpose of this one and the graphical hardware support that means directrix. And the path tracer. Just don't worry about path tracer. That means a ray tracing method in twin motion and Unreal Engine. Just look on this path, press a button and we will discuss more about these factors in coming up videos. And the probe resolution means reflection probes. So just keep it as it is. And here the sky dome or solution because currently to emotion has plenty of sky domes with the new updates and they have provided you a real life sky domes. So the quality of sky dome in you can change it to low, medium and high and the export quality also, I'll just put high and the viewport, I'll just put medium and the grounds fading. That means if you are having lots of grass or vegetations. So in order to optimize your graphic card and in order to reduce the heavy burden on your graphic card that when motion has provided these cross fading option, that means if you are moving towards graphy, the grass area, the grass will be API on your viewport. Otherwise, the grass will be theta j. That means you are graphic, graphic card moment there'll be a really less and then you can work on your or complex scene as well. Here you have custom path, that means where you use a library makers can library and the twin motion Cloud Library to be saved. That's up to you can choose wherever you want. And talking about angles snap, not much important. About this function. Basically what this means is if you're moving to a, rotating through her towards a 3D object and it means you are camera angle will be having a high degree of angle intervals. That is the meaning of this one. So you don't need to change this angle. Snap talking about the save function. Motion has provider autofill function. Either you can have this tick, tick off. Because otherwise, when motion will always trying to save your project, if you are modelling is too complex, that will be a really headache because that will be taking a longer time to save. So better to have this auto save function if you are working with us. Small scale, medium scale project. If you're working with a large scale fire, still unique. You need this and autosave well, because sometimes your client may do collapse or close due to some technical issues like GPU or when eating or something because this is a really good function and this is the part where you can have these backups that is up to you. You can change and you can have like 30 minutes or you can have like ten minutes time also. So that's up to you. Then the Export button. Like what are the things that you need to when you are exporting? That means update reflections, warming up and the smoke, smoke and the haze quality we need actually talking about VC and this is a GPU related issue. So better not to activate because otherwise there will be some lagging and those events, so we'll keep it as it is. This point cloud is a really handy special feature in between motion. That means that you can use any application with lidar scanner. That means point cloud as a position on your smartphone that that can make an x, y, z, dou, E 57 fires times whichever file type you can have, you can import it to. For example, rocky can then you can combine them and you can import it to the twin motion. Likewise, you can import these extra present and the T7 file tabs. And so really handy function that we will do on some small example on that as well. This is the VR technology. That means a dominant hand. That means whatever the hand you need in your VR, right or left that up to you. But just click these things and I'll just go to the quality tab here. This is really important because in order to reduce the burden of your graphic card, you can have like shadows to ultra high medium. So if you are working with a complex scene, you just have to reduce your quality like in your viewpoint. Because otherwise you are computer or otherwise you are at when Motion software will be trying to lag. So in order to reduce those things, you have to address these things. That's up to you. And here also you can chain the VR option as well. Or you can choose this right side, left side menu. That means if you put medium, all the settings will be on medium. If you put out where all the the tabs will be on our trial, that means high-end 3D things. And here you have appearance, that means language. Whichever language, language you want, you can have it. And the color interface currently we haven't dark. This footstep means that if you are like twin motion per cent OVR section, if you are moving towards, you will be hearing some sound effects. Then then that sound effects, maybe you are working. You're walking on a carpet like a thing. That's why you can change like concrete surface, then the sound will be on your rocking on a concrete service like this. So that's not a big deal. I just don't consider these things as a high calling up. I options to understand. Just remember these settings and these things are good. And now we'll move on to our next video. Here also you have like website documentation for YouTube channel shortcuts and about twin motion and those things. So those things are you can click, if you just click here, you will be having a separate website, will be open like this. So don't worry about that. And also this help menu and you'll be having this site when motion website documentation for YouTube channel, this will redirect true to motion website as well. And here you have some shortcuts and about twin motion will be having some information about twin motion like this. It's up to you actually. I hope you'll get an idea about twin motion. This top menu, that means file edit and help. So we'll be coming up a new video with the right side menu and this left side menu and the right side going in, coming up. 5. Bottom docket: Okay, welcome back everyone. Now we'll just talk about this bottom dog here. Actually we have covered about these important functions are geometric and directly. You will have another two option that is polar landscape and the point cloud in landscape. We just click here. You can have the formats you can import to do in motion, especially height max, pooling max and the measures. Actually from the internet you can download free of charge some of the height maps. And if you want to make it in Photoshop and you can still make it in Photoshop for a specific landscape. So I hope you understand about this landscape by where you can have your own terrain. Or maybe if you want to have a rough terrain, you can import it from wherever you like. And here you have point cloud. That means that you can import lighter scan, 3D scan objects to two in motion and you can further enhance these are objects from green motion picture like me for example, you can have x, y, z, and e 57 file type as well as Lidar. Scan the file type to at-will motion. So we'll just move into this next step here in contexts that you can have part vegetation, vegetation strata, and urban. Here this function is like if you want to animate people, like walking or running or whatever position, you can have this character path. And here you can have, if you want to have like regular movements. So you can have this Vega men in both direction. We can have, you can have the term even have the slope as well. And here you have the same option like for the bicycles. Here you have the custom path. For the third party objects you will have imported. You can put it under this first and then you can animate them as well. Here you have the Settings tab. Do not worry about that one now because while we are doing at doing example. So we will be covering all the Render lighting location within the camera settings because Lighting window and the way the settings are really important. Here you have the media file. That means you can have these, for example, images. You can store your images and you can edit. Once you have done in viewport. And here you have the panorama and the PDO facing. Some time to come. Roma said, in final w have the Export button where you can have this image, our video, any other phasing objects stored under these media, you can import them. You can export them under this trial one. You just have to click from this one and mineral VPN. Then you can add those advisors to this one and you can start exporting. And do not worry about these three things will be covered under sample when we are doing it. Again, there will be another button doc options here you have another really important option, twin motion that is called path tracer. Actually part of the XR accelerated, basically accumulated professor rendering mode. It is also having Unreal Engine that can be enabled without requiring any additional health. So for example, I will just show you, I'll just add this three and I'll just zoom here. Now the viewport is quite realistic, but once you have clicked this one, you can see the realism will be uglier. So this bounce rates of function will be utilizing more GPU via just remember that once you have a neighborly, you will be your computer, your viewport will be running high on GPU power under CPU power. So I guess your number that you can have these portraits function in your image and the video as well. And just remember currently doing motion. This will support pathways on details, even though you have applied some of the details from the library to any of the surfaces. Once you click this part, press a button, the final output neuron, you will not have these details. Just remember that it's a quick tip. Just to have one and 6. Import and right side menu: And we'll learn about this important, but as well as its right side menu, this menu. In order to do that, I will just import one pile from gravy. So this is a sample rabbit pile driven by the rapid Autodesk team. So in order to import these two twin motion and you can hand the synchronization link between those two terms. You have to install this data's make tire from between motion, our website. And you can type data Smith auto plug-in, full, frame it. And you can download that file and you can install them. Once you have installed, you will be having this kind of a different tab in data Smith. And this is common for the Unreal Engine and between motion, both actually. So if we just open this on Reddit, so what you can do is just click this synchronization button. Once you have done that, you have to go back to the motion. And here you will be having important button. Just click this plus button. And here you have separate foldings, geometric, direct link, landscape and the point cloud. This geometry will be used like FBX or SketchUp files. So you can use this geometric filing, those tests as well. And also you can, once you have go to wherever you can, import this module to as FBX file Nashville. So once you have done that, you can import that FBX file as well from this geometry in here you have a different term that is called directly. Now, if you go to direct link, you will be having this arm RAC basic sample project. That means this project. This project. So the direct link has already linked up with the twin motion. Here you have two different categories, actually, three. Nice keep hierarchy collapse by material and collapse or so. To get an idea about these options, I'll just click this collapse by material here. And this is actually no need to think about material. You can have max uv position or neighbors substitutions. This, just click this Import button. And here you will be you as a model, they will be linked here. So as you can see, once you have imported this fire from the orbit, you will be having this right side menu. And here you have all the material touches objects in this right side. Here. If you just click here and you can, ah, produced the hierarchy by clicking this button. Once we click this one and you can have the middle pivot here, we can weigh subject because now it's in a little bit underground like this. So here to understand about these key hierarchy and collapse by material, if you just click here, you'll be having a center pivot like this. The old object. The pure point B will be here. If you want to move that, it will be a little bit difficult. So for example, just click another one here, this one as well. So the pivot point will be this middle pivot point. And they just go to here and just, just for you. So now we'll just again import same model. But here I will just keep hierarchy and I'll just import as well. Now again, that same model will be at the end. Just click here and just drag it to here. Are just click here. Just take this one. Like this. So if we just go to any object, it'll be having a separate pivot, 0.4, separate timing and specific object like this. So nothing to worry about this because if you want to have that kind of a pivot point, you can have the key hierarchy or collapse by Monday. I hope you understand about that. So again, to understand about this right side menu, here, you have plenty of firearm files. That means if you just go to here and just click this button and you'll be having a separate A drop-down menu here. And here you have a create sub container moved to a new container and set active container. That means if you want to have a new create, subcontract container, you'll be having this container. But once you have of important objects to this viewport, you are object will be under this container. This is actually similar to the layers. Okay, I hope you understand about that. Now, we'll go to the mall to new content. You can existing objects, you can move to the containers. And here you have another one called Set active container. Once you have clicked this one, once you have add objects to your viewport, automatically that you are selected. Active container will be the one who's having those objects. Okay? And again, you have a Cut Copy button and copy you have a different option. If you just click here and you can control C from your keyboard like this, and you can have controlled p. And here you have insulin, the copy, the difference between these two is just canceled it. And if you just click Shift and just click Control V by Shift, and just click this horizontal, vertical button. Again, it will be having a separate menu called instant. And then what you can do is you can increase the number of units and you can have the spacing, maybe like two meters. If we just click here. And you'll be having this kind of a copy in standard effect. That is the difference between coffee and insulin. You can buy copy, you can copy this chair and Control V, and you can have this button only one copy. By instant. You can have many more objects or pure have understand about that. Again, if you just go to here and here you have another one that is called break-ins, ten new instance groups and then select all instances. That means is, if you just click here and click this, not this furniture and we'll just go to, it will just go to this. So far. Here. Once you click this one, you can have break-ins. And what that means is I'll just go to materials and I will just apply these materials as you can see now, all the instance, all the objects that is having this texture will be applied same texture. But if you want to break that link, but you can do is you can just have the break-ins then once you have clicked that and you can apply separate texture into us, this kind of object. So it will break the link that is the meaning of this break instance or pure understand that one. And you can have the new instance group and this, for example, if you just click here, you can have select all the instance. So now you can get an idea about the older textures as same as this. Material will be highlighted like this. And again you will have rename, delete. And there's another button called isolate or not. That means if you just click the pan. So you are viewport only these plans, you are model which you have selected. Here. Again, if you just click this one, you are model will be happier. It is really good, beneficial for, for the loans once you can apply some grass effects. So all the corners, you can have a good quality corner and grass effects by using these isolate on-off. Here you have another button called zoom to selection. For example, if you just click this toddler or tree, and you can click here, and you can click this zoom to selection automatically. You are viewport, there'll be zoom into your object. And you can have, is it button. For example. If you want to have this one. And you can click the Send button on your keyboard. And automatically, I'm your object. There'll be, for example, this one. I'll just click Exit button, and now it's already zoomed. So for example, I'll just go in and I'll just click this one. I'll just click the zoom to selection or by that, and you can zoom that part as well. So here you have another option called and to use the libraries, you can have these objects into your user libraries. You have a User Library. Pro, currently I have a SketchUp model. So you can have all different kinds of folders and you can add these objects into these user library. So once again, you have using one, once you are using when motion in a different file. So you can use these, use a library files without you don't have to import from this button as well. Here you have another one that is called replace oblique objects. You can click this one and you can go to free and have this one, and just click here and transform on and start replacing automatically you are object, there'll be changed to the tree like this. So again, you have collapse hierarchy. That means that if you want to have more like here, let's click this one, the hierarchy will be collapsed like this. So again, you have unlinked, that means you are modelled will be isolated from the other model which you have imported or exported. And again, you have categorize sort by alphabetically, sorted by category like this. So I hope you understand this, right tegmental that scene graph. And you have here another button that, that is called all here. If you want to feel that you are objects. For example, if you want to fill the vehicles, you can just click vehicles. If we want to filter light, can have that as well. Here you can search the model and you can filter as well. Okay, I hope you understand about that. So don't worry about these statistics and these are some other information we'll talk in coming videos. 7. Left side menu Asset library part 1: Hello and welcome back to another twin motion lesson. Today we are going to learn about this debt side menu. That means the motion asset library. You might have seen materials, vegetation, object, lights, Dome, which told me that scans, characters, vehicles, tools, and use a liability. So this will be a couple of videos because this asset libraries, huge library which contains a realistic assets like Quicksort manga scans. There will be a separate video for this. Quick filming and scans. And vegetation will be another video and the light will be another video. And also sky dome and some other special effects like tools will be another video. So I'll just briefly explain to you about these materials here. If we just click materials here, it will be able to find glass, metal, concrete, wood, stone, break those kinds of material. In order to show I have just created some primitives. Don't worry about that. So we'll create primitives income in upcoming videos. So here, if you want to add this glass texture onto a surface, you need to just click here and just drag it into here. You can see it's a transparent banana. Once you have applied to the surface, it will be having these more time doc. Two settings for these textures like color opacity with the two sides. Don't worry about that. There'll be another video how to adjust these settings. Just now. These things like bytes class, here you have metal, different types of aluminium, bronze, kind of a metal by price. So here you have plenty of options. Concrete. I'll just apply some concrete surfaces. You can see you have some concrete settlers as well. So likewise, you will be having a lots of texture in these materials. Hyperlink just go through it. This transplant material, so important. So you can have some translucency and the brightness, you can adjust some looming in luminous colors type things twice. So I hope you'll go through this material assets. So we'll just go to now objects. There you have plenty of objects. For example, you have Home, City, Remedios decals, particle sport and sounds, and those just go to Home and you'll be fine. Some interior models, good quality models like this, this share, and we'll be able to find electronic equipment, lamps. Likewise, here you have kitchen items and you have plenty of options for your interior models. You can use them into your model. And here you have some city objects. That means you what a typical city, obviously we'll be finding a city like benches, bola, fountains, planters, trash cans, signs. Likewise. Here you have another option called primitives. That means, for example, think that you have important model from a Roboto SketchUp. Once you have imported or you can do live thing. But as a second option, if you want to have a fence or you want to have some object, you can have this box here and you can change accordingly if you want to have like background, just use this as a texture. Because in these primitive, you can apply some textures onto it, like by, so you can change the size of this perimeter here. Likewise, you want to make some payment. If you want to make some wall, if you want to make some pens, you can do it by your self from me or you can just turn them. Hi price. So it's better to have this primitive type of thing because either you have to go to a SketchUp or Revit or maybe you want to live sync or if you, if you are not using lives and you have to re-import it again. So it's better to have this primitive type of thing. Again, this is a decaf, What is a detail that means you can apply this decals on to a surface to get more realistic rendering into your final output sample. I'll just put here, put this one here. So you can see you can apply these things. Maybe if you want to apply this. Can change, applied that time. And again. Change the eyes of it. Don't worry about these things. We're going to apply this to any surface that you have imported. So here you have some particles. That means you have pyre, Pogue, waterfall, kind of effect. The scroll through it. Here you have water, that means bought a cube, you can adjust accordingly. I mean, if you want to add a small scale, we can address it as well. Here you have some sounds. Towns means. You can use these sound effects, which is provided about emotion library. So you can use it in your model. For example, if you are having a 3D model of street. So you can use these people's voice and vehicular moments. And people are shouting people voting sounds on this model. And you can import, once you have imported your videos or your sounds will be there. Just remember that. So you can have that kind of effect from motion engine. Just remember that. And here you have I'm dose, rotating glucose. Those are animated dose. If we just go nearby that dough, the dough will be automatically open. So these are like density and you are more camera. Or if we just move through your keyboard, this will be automatically open. So that is what it says enable don't worry about this again, I will explain to you in a couple of videos. Here. You can change the size of it. Everything, you have plenty of dose and objects. By class you will be scored through these objects. And finally, I'm gonna just kinda talk about this characters and vehicles. Here you have five different types of characters, animated humans, groups, policy, my cutouts and animals. Humans, you can have like this person and you can click this person and you can change his pose. What is, is he's going to stand up or walking those kind of thing. You can change accordingly. You can use plenty of objects and you can change this color of clauses as well. Again, here you have groups. Here you have paused humans, that means whichever the occasion now, shopping children wherever possible. And here you have some cutouts. That means 2D cutouts. If you are a camera, move this side, automatically case your camera, that is the main objective of this cutout. And here you have some animal object as well. Religious go through vehicles. Here you have 67 items of vehicle types, cars, buses, boats, aircraft, likewise, you can use them. And don't worry about now of animating these cars and humans. I will explain to you in coming up videos about these things. Just go through, we'll just go through these these assets first. Then we'll talk about emanating. There are some pretty good construction machines here. Likewise, I hope you understand about this asset liability we'll talk about in other assets in next videos. 8. Left side menu Asset library part 2: The vegetation and landscape. Here you have this vegetation and landscape tab. Just click here. Here you have seven number of tabs here, landscaped trees, bushes, grass and flowers, detailed browsers and rocks, as well as misc. Here, what is this landscape mean? It means a terrain build alike. Similar to Lumia. You can build your own terrain if you want to have a specific type of pattern here you have plat, just click here and click here and drag it to the viewport. Again. Now you can see the whole trading rules are built by this flat terrain. And here you have two options. That means calc, terrain and the terrain. If you just go to sculpturing, you will be having some menus here. The other small, the diameter of a circular thing with your, combined with your mouse, you can see as well here like this. So if you want to increase this diameter, let's increase it by here. And you can change the intensity. Intensity. Intensity means if you just apply these effects, these are some rays dig smooth, flattened noise and erode and the platinum options. So you can use these options to build your own terrain. For example, if you want like a sharp rise, just increase the intensity and do like this. If you want to decrease it a little bit down, and it will be C. Now, some really small and slow effect SLS here you can dig as well, you can smooth this as well. You can like noise. Some rough terrains can build from here. And as well as if you want to erode something like this. And you can flat like this, can do this as well. And you can chain these circular mouse to a different kind of things, smooth circle or box, those frames you can do as well. We just go to the painter and what that means is, um, you can have different type of ground covers with this paint option. For example, if you need this graphic ground, just click here. And here you'd be appear some pain symbol here. And you can change the diameter and change the scale of it. You can change the opacity of, you can again change the shape of it. For example, I'll just apply these things. So now you can see now our terrain services has been a change like this. We want to mossy rock. You can change this as well. So we'll just stick to these things because it's a really important thing. See some things. Don't worry about these things because these things are basically, this means pivot point, P1 point means a center of your model. If you have imported a model from any other software's automatically it will appear on your pivot point. That means a saint of your model. You can change this pivot point accordingly. Want to place this pivot point here. There are other models when you are importing from other soft tells you our model will be appear here. So you can apply any kind of paint from these assets library. To worry about that, just go through one by if you want to add some snow effect, you can add to those things as well. Now, I think we have covered with this landscape, one will go to the trees here you have plenty of options for a really good quality phrase provided by twin motion team. Just click here and put here. Just click here and it's pretty anything you can as well. Don't worry about painting all the colors. I mean, painting all the trees from the any surface. Just briefly understand about these assets will explain to you in next videos about how to do that. You'll have plenty of options here you have pushes as well. Here you have grass and flowers. You can apply these graphs. You can see it's really difficult to apply these graphs things because it will be API as singular objects. So there are couple of options provided by these twin motion team to apply this asset. You can just paint it through your surface and you can cover hold the terrain by one-click. Like with this graph is it's really a pansy n really quick options to model. And some models and some detailed graphs as well. And some rocks. And he has some misc objects like fallen trees, leaves, some hedges, some tree stamp likewise. So I hope you understand about this vegetation and landscape. Don't worry about these vegetation and landscape. Once you have clicked, there are plenty of options to change. These. The branch color, the tree color, and the growth, and the wind. But those things will be covered in coming videos. 9. Left side menu Asset library part 3: Okay, We'll talk about lights here. If you just click lines here, there'll be seeing a kind of a light. For example, only directional light, spotlight, neon light, area like and some other lights as well. There are plenty of light type. For example, I'll just put this omnidirectional light here. So you can see this only directional light means it's going everywhere in every direction by just increasing. And here you will be having another mineral. That means bottom menu for each and every light tab you will get similar kind of a thing. And as you can see, if we just increase the intensity, will be having seen like omni directional lights. If you put a wall here, you will be having that kind of a spotlight there. Here you have another line like that means spotlight. This is the spotlight. And here you have neon light intensity of it. And here you have area light. See the difference between neon light, an area light. I hope you understand what are the lights types here and here there are plenty of light types. You can use them in your model. But that is according to your preference away, according to you, our specification. Now what you need to enhance, you are just knock this one as well as this one to get a little bit darker here. So to Isabel, this type of light here, that's another type. Another type. I hope you can see the difference between each IES type. Once you click here, you'll be able to have the different settings here. Here it says that light on. That means if you go to mall, you have the IES type. Here, you have the intensity, that means the intensity of your light. If we just increase it, you will have more intensity like this. And he could go two more here. You'll be having dusk to dawn. That means if you are time period is between around six or seven, then that means that when motion engine light and dark, that means a nighttime and it will automatically enabled here. Now, the time is now is a 29. If you just go to in increase it, you will see automatically you are light will be turned off like this. And you can have the reflection of it. So I'll just put a little bit darker here. If you just go back here and you will be having some color, that means you can change the color of your light if you want to have red. We won't have a green color just having this kind of a light color. Go back. And here you have the angle of it. Just check the, how this angle will be changed. I hope you will understand this one. Then here you have at your nation. That means how much further you are likely to be go to your service. I mean the ground. If you are having a little bit higher elevation, so you better have more than ten or 20 meters here. I'll have like almost four meters. So that's why here you can enable your shadows as well. I hope you will learn to see the difference between these shadows. We go two more. You can have volumetric shadows as well. And here you have hazy effect. That means if I just turn a little bit more and which is cool to hear. Now, see the difference between now and then. C is means there's haze type of a wind effect. Not like this. The difference between is and this one. And you can chain the haze intensity like this. And you can change the speed and the tiling as well. I hope you understand about these slides effects, plenty of lights option. You can try it by yourself and identify what are the best for your case. If you want to have like a specific one for you or preference like you are choosing this one, just put this hot button. Then. Your lights where you live, wherever you use can have them easily in your library so you can use it really easily because you have identified them as your light band. That's why I hope you understand it. In next video, we're gonna talk about Quicksilver manga scans. I hope you will do examples. I mean, you do your work homework in order to understand about these light effects. 10. Left side menu Asset library part 4: Now we'll talk about QuickSort omega scams. But it's quick filmmakers can, it was a third party company earlier, but Epic Games has acquired quicksort omega's gains now, they have integrate quicksort omega's can in-between motion. Actually, you can use these Quicksort omega scan in your Andrea library as well. So bringing books omega scan between motion is a huge leap forward. Compare it to other 3D platforms like Lumia now d Phi render or other platforms. Here you have 3D asset, 3D plants, surfaces, and decals. If you go to 3D assets, you will have plenty of options like building food, historical, industrial, likewise, interior models as well. We just call the buildings here. You will be having some, I'll just go to the combine here. You will be having lots of 3D scanned objects from real life. Because Quicksilver mega scan team, they have scanned using a Point Cloud or any other lighter software they're using it or get an accurate 3D LIDAR. Because objects like this, he just plays it is one of the goods. So omega scan and said Here it to have a combine more than three objects. You can use them into your own, a building or any kind of a structure. Because they have given us a humungous number of 3D assets from these quick seven mega scans. These are pretty high resolution 3D objects. You have plenty of objects here. You can use them in your model as well. And here you have plenty of things. For example, I'll just go to war as well. Here you have plenty of all types. Just put it here. Pretty high realistic 3D assets. So I'll just go back. And here you have plenty of other options as well. For example, I just go to nature here. Here you have like embankment, mushroom, seabed, trees, snow effects and those things I fell. And here you have interior model. For example, decorations, candles handler supports everything. That is in quicksand megawatts can end day by day. They are improving it. So every month, according to the In Motion team, they are updating this library as well. So you will get a new objects every month. And also with the new updates they are, they're going to bring lots of materials, lots of 3D objects to these quick. So omega scans, you have props, hooks, any kind of a thing. So if I just go back here, you have 3D plants. Here you have some garden plant, for example, bushes. If you have just downloaded these push-ups, just click here and you'll be having some variations here. If you just click this one, can have this here. The difference between these things. These are the variation of each plant. For example, just add this variation here. Here you have different types of variation. Likewise, you'll be having a lots of objects. And the plan's realistic. Plants. Really pretty good. Right? Okay. Now we will go back to quicksort omega scans. So here you have surfaces. Here you have surfaces. That means that that shares a hyper-realistic textures. I think, more quality than the BBR assets. For example, here you have metal, bare metal. We just click here, you can apply this metal to here. Likewise. I hope you might be able to see the quality of these textures can have some raster effect and the carotid type of effect. For example, if you just go to here you can have some corroded rusty metal. Just I'll just download it and I just applied to the surface The rarely good effects. And earlier in twin motion last year, actually they have not integrated that quick, so omega scan at that time. So we have to import downloaded quick. So omega scan website and we have to import it. Those textures and all the 3D assets by it's a really hard process, but now they have integrated it really easy. Now. There are plenty of things in like these surfaces. You can have wood, log, paraquat, can have these things. For example, just download this one. Now we'll just apply to the surface quality of textures. Okay? Now I'm going back and you can have plenty of textures here. And here you have decals as well. So what are these T accounts for? Mood board. You can have this one. See the decals. This one as well. We want to have decals. Decals will be available in both twin motion default Asset Library and quick filmmakers can library as well. So both really a hyper-realistic, so you can use either of them. Metal, everything you'll be there. So I hope you understand about these metrics and manga scans. So in next video we're gonna talk about these tools. Use a library and sky dome as well. 11. Material,Texture settings: We have already talk about our asset library. That means this left side menu. Then we'll talk about materials, Quicksilver, manga scans and all things. But we haven't talk about material and texture properties will settings. That means if you just go to here material and if you just apply this would type onto this surface. So there are in this motor Meno, there will be some settings appearing once you have applied to these textures. And we'll just talk about those things. First thing is you have an AT tab. Cool. That means if you just want to apply or if you just want to replace material, you have two objects here. Just put it under the Apply object. That means you can apply these surfaces. This replace material means whether you have like a same deposed material in two objects, but if you want to only add your texture to one object, so you need these replaced materials. So otherwise if you just have play automatically, if we just apply one texture to default material, all the default materials in your model will be corrected as these new materials. So in order to avoid that they will be this replacement area. Here. There's another function that means whenever objects you are applying, that means texture you are applying to a object. So there will be a tab cool here, that means a cubicle, UVs, cylindrical, UVs spherical. You eat from objective is so here, what this mean is, here, this is, this is a cube, cube one. So once you have applied this one, so as you can see, all the lines will be according to US cube. So there will be a special menu like Cubic, Cubic UVs. So once you have just click and just apply. So this has identified as a cube from between emotional engine. If you don't have, like if you are fin motion doesn't recognize this as a cube or sphere or cylinder type of thing you are. Uv mapping will be like unrealistic and messy. So in order to our dead, so you have an option, you can either click this cylindrical UV or spherical UV or problem object to be. So I'll just show you how to how this function is working. Don't worry about these things. This menu will be talking in upcoming videos. Now, as you can see here, you have a light here. Now I'm going to apply this texture to this my object. And I'm just playing as a cubic QB and see what will be happen. See, there will be a messy, messy UVs type of thing. I hope you can see this. So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go cylindrical UVs and I'll just apply this texture. Now. They're pretty realistic and textures is now circular. And once you go to the spherical UVs, you can see a smooth surface like this one as you go to the object two V's, that when motion engine identified your object as a spherical or cubic, it will automatically edges because now they have identified this as a cylinder, spherical one. So you can use that one as well. So I hope you understand that this tab, what this object UV. Uv tab this in your twin motion engine. And here you have a material per acre. That means if you want to have like put some like apply some textures on the surface, you just have to click this material picker or either T. Just click here and your mouth will be this kind of a paint brush thing. So I'm just going to click this one. Now where you can see you are, you are default material will be appearing here. You can have like click this one. You can drag this one as well. And if we want to change again, you can either click this one or just pick material picker p, this one. You will be having the stretcher. Likewise. Hope you understand those things. So we'll just move to this bottom dock. That means settings of these textures and materials. So here you have color. That means you can change your color according to your preference. Here you have automatically twin motion games us this color. So if you want to dock it. See, now the color is changing. When you are changing, want to have another different color can change like this if you want to store them, that color, just store them and once you have applied that one and stored it, you can use it in your future projects as well. Just canceling. Here. If we just go two more here, you'll be having another menu. That means texture opacity, mask, luminosity, grunge and the sounds. So what does this means is you can have a texture map, that means colormap. You can import it from manually. You have like Quicksilver mangoes can, as I said earlier, earlier, in earlier versions of twin motion, they didn't have any option to integrate twin motion directly, so we have to manually do it. So if you download some textures from the Quicksilver MUGA scan, so we have to import our colormap through here. Still there, this option is there so you can have your own color maps. So pleasantly mask is when you do have a mixing textures, any other textures you have, for example, if you are having some grass textures type of thing, so you can mix with these ground and those graphs of x. So finally, you can have some realistic views from In Twin motion. So if you want to have that money, you can either on or off. So here you have luminosity. That means if you just increase it, your color will be rising up like this. That is aluminum city. And here you have some grunge. That means if we just increase it, you'll be having some grunge effect on these surface. Here like this. And here this is not really important ones. You have important these two per cent or VR option. So if you just lay, if we just apply these textures onto a surface, when you're using VR, people, you will hear some noise when you're moving towards your texture. So it will get, it will have this mood. Do any other sound effect that's up to you that is not really important here. If you just go to a recollection here, reflection means whenever you are, light, rays will apply touchdown your surface. It will reflect how much? So we just increase the reflection. It will have smooth and pretty realistic view. So here also you have more button and you can import that reflection text as well. You have scale, that means you have a pattern here. And you can increase this scale by buying this. And also you have more. And here you have, if you want to rotate to a pattern like this, for example, you can just type it, just stop at 90 degrees. And here you can change the axis also. You can stretch it on x-axis, so you can stretch on y-axis. You can move your pattern like this, can have multiple things from this scale option. Here also speed. See how the speed will, because we don't need that one. We have we want steel. So that's up to you. So we'll just go back to here. And here you have with the option that means when you are applying some weather effects for example, and I'll just go to the other effect now just apply some small effect. So you will be having some snow on top of the surface. But if you just unable yet, if you just disable you, a better option on the surface. This texture snow will not apply on this thing. For example, like this. I hope you understand that and here you have settings button. So here you have another option that means bump. Bump means here. If you want to have, like before moving on, I'll just apply some bricklayers to get more idea about bump. So here you have some bumps. Effect automatically. Can see some 3D alleviated thing happened on these bricks. So if you want to have more kind of thing, actually bump is a 100%. You just decrease it. We will see some decreasing of these 3D effect. Better to have this bump. And here you have this parallax effect. That means same 3D effect. You have more, you can import these parallax map paths bill. Remember in bumpy, it's called normal map. Once you have downloaded, you will have colormap nope, normal displacement map. Sometimes these things, you have to import it through here from here. And you can import from here from open. And you have another option here, It's glow. If we just increase your glow to one person. So you'll see more maybe. Five per cent newsy, a white or lighter for effect. And you can go to more and you can import the texture as well. And you can have this luminance filter. That means you can have a green, any other color you want. And you can have the temperature as well, can change the temperature. And this does two down Don't means whether you are this glow option will be only unable once you have entered your weather effect to maybe nighttime. Hope you understand for the metal Let's effects. So I don't need this to be a metal type of a thing because I will just make it 0 because it's not a metal surface. Once you have metal surface or maybe this one, just click this one. You have metal on us. See the difference between middle and so Midlands off. You can import the texture as well here. So and here you have another option called two-sided. That means whether you have applied or not, there will be two surfaces on top surface and the bottom surface. If you just enable it, you will be having these textures on both direction. I'm in the top and the bottom. That is the meaning of this. Here you have another really important function that means x-ray function. But does that means is, for example, I'll just use this as my extra material. I just make it turn on. So as you can see, this extra material means once you have applied to these extra material on the surface, you can see through any, anywhere from any direction. So it's like an X-ray machine and x-ray version. So you will be having to see these things inside. So for example, like MEP works, so plumping or any other work. So you can use these x-ray function really well so you don't have to go move your camera to the MEP all plumbing work so you can just make them as extra material. Here you have another More button there. You can have the opacity, decrease it or increase it, or you have the falloff like this, you can change the color as well. So in order to show your project to a client that will be really useful, I hope you can understand about these settings. I have covered all of the settings and here you have another one that means if we just apply a texture, the texture will be appearing like this. Here you have another three dots, that means material menu. Just click it here. You can rename it or you can delete it, or you get add to use a library, that means my private own user library. We have discuss it. So we can add these textures as well. And here you have another one that means that they just click here, these are the materials I have used in this model, so you can choose from it and you can apply to any surface like this. One's. Just click back again. Now your material will be there. I hope you understand about these materials settings. It's a really good handy one. So okay, we'll meet on the next video. That means that we are talking about vegetation settings. Until then, have a nice day. 12. Vegetation settings: Now we will talk about this vegetation and landscapes settings as well. We have talked about materials settings. Now. We are talking about vegetation and landscape settings. If you just go inside and now just apply some trees here. For example, if I just click this tree, you'll be having a separate bottom dock here. It says age, Hide, row, live streams and those things. So what this means is basically the twin motion team has provided you some leaf all trees. You can change these trees size without affecting the scale of your tree. Not like in other 3D rendering softwares. We have an H button here. So this H button will do is increase it according to their original default. Age, according to accordingly, it will change the size and the type of leaves and all the bark and those things. That is a really realistic so I hope you understand about this. So here you have a growth button, one leaves this button disease if you just turn it on. So you can have some videos from like 80 to age, maybe a 100, how the tree will be changed. For example, I will just show you how to do that. Here. Just go to the video. Don't think about now about these creative video, those things, those will be addressing coming up videos. At the moment. I'll just, I just want to show you how this growth martin works. So here I just create a meal. One again, here I'll add another clip here. So here I'll just go to more and better and the growth will be 0. Maybe you'll like this. And now just go to here. And I'll just put my goal passes. So if we just play you a video, now you can see how this growth pattern works. It will grow in the tree while you are moving your cameras. So it's really good function. I'll just go quick mode. So here you have, like if you want to chain the leaves paint. So let's, you can change any color you want. If you want to change the bark of tint, here, you can change it as well. Here you have another option that means season. If you want to have like autumn, winter, that's up to you. And you can chain these things by similitude did in video. You can change the seasons so you are trivial, change according to your season. So here main button means now if you just move closer, you will see some leaves moment that, that's because of when, if we just turn off, we will be having a still leaves. So likewise, so these are the vegetation settings, but in order to address hold the vegetation setting, so we have to talk about some other settings as well in here contexts Menu in Bhutan doc, it'll be having another two option. That means vegetation paint and the vegetation scatter. What this vegetation paint means if you just go here, if there will be drop down menu here, so you can add some models and you can use this paint option and you can paint all over your surface like this. For example, I'll just add some trees here. Just drag and drop here. This just click with the Control button on your keyboard and you will be selecting all the things. You can change the density. Where before we are doing that, I'll just go this process vegetation pain button. And you will be having this diameter, spherical thing so can increase the diameter. So likewise, you can paint accordingly like this. So it's really easy. Once you have done that, you can just press it and you can increase the density. Again, like this. You can go to settings and you can chain the age of the trees, trees. And again, same thing you can change as previous. So I hope you understand about this vegetation pencil. Really good punch in. And here you have eraser. So once you click it, you can erase them as well. Erase them as well. So I hope you understand about these vegetation pain. So I'll just go back and there's another function that is called vegetation scatter. That means if you want to add some trees or plants or bushes, all these graphs types. So you can apply these graphs tied to a specific surface by clicking this scatter ed there, for example, I'll just add this tree, these squares here, long grass. Now just press my Control button in keyboard, and I just press this Plus button scatter ed. And I will just go to a specific service. I will just go inside this thing here. Now you can see on there I have click this surface or is it will automatically add your vegetation scatter. Just press more if you want to add more grass things. Again, you can add some others as well. Like this. So again, if you want to delete it, just erase it like this. Or if you want to be crazy with this, press Undo button. If you want to be crazy, you can press a DNN. You can have like minimize, minimize vegetation scatter as well. And again, if you just click here, you can go to settings and you can change the sizes of these graphs type like this. And you can chain the dryness stripes and again window and window of, okay, So you can add any kind of these things in vegetation and landscape 3D models by this. Now I hope you understand about these vegetations cat and these settings. So in communist periods, we'll be talking more about some other effects like animators and those things. Stay tuned. 13. Image rendering: Now we'll get an idea about some of the functions we have not talked about. For example, like these settings, these media and they export important model and do an example. While we're doing that, you will get to understand about these functions really well. For this, I have downloaded a model from the 3D warehouse. It's a free training Modular Analysis of free options. So you can download much as you can. I'll just import my model from SketchUp. This is a diamond Kevin. Now I'm just going to import them. Once you have your model will be appear on the pivot point. That means zero-zero point. Now my model is positive. This is the model I have imported from the 3D warehouse. But as you can see, it's quite underground with my current art when motion 00 level. So what you can do is just this one and this is the pivot point. Just raise it up. So this is a model I have imported. So initially what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to have a proper camera angle. By one or two will be enough. Now, I'll prefer this. And so you'll have to go to media image and just click this gray intimate partner. This is the first image. And for the second image, I'll just go a little bit closer, and I will just click another image as well. Okay? Now if you want to go back to your previous camera angle, Let's look here. Maybe just click. Okay. Now here you have another mode. This is a media mode. Actually, while you are doing everything on media mode, it will only appear on your camera and your specific camera angle. Let's quit it. And now if you are doing any settings, ONE, I'm applying texture, so I playing some models. And it will be respectively, it will be again both these options like camera angles plus remember that? Okay, Now this is the camera angle rate. So initially what you will have to do it, you have to apply some textures to your module. See this is the ground cover from the SketchUp model. Now what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go too big. So manga scans and just go to Services where you might be able to find some ground area. Biologists have not the ground area in August go to grass. Maybe a loan. Yeah. I'll just apply to this one. As you can see, it's quite a good picture. I'll just increase the scale of this. Surely you can go to Settings and go to more and the parallax effect, no pain, some more 3D effect. And I'll just go to mow and I guess increase the intensity as well. Again, I'll just go to here, follow. Increase the scale to have more realism to mortgage. Here. This go to your module. Just quoting load. I am now pretend this one. Because I played two. That's better. Surface finish. That'll be due. Just increase the scale of the change the color as well. But Tyler need to change the color. Changes some frames as well. Okay, the next thing we're gonna do is add some vegetations. That means trees, grass and everything went on. Some vegetation. From vx, please. Your speed will invest. Or do you want? This is really slow. When vegetation, what you can do is go here and reputation paint. And I just have transformed education's here. Literally spinning patients often. I'll have some athletes in the house because the reflection of the window will pop up once we have done some win-win. So it's better to have some face in front of the model last year. You have done it. Just click this green and can increase the density. Will have plenty of foods. Again, if you want to add some more twist gesture. I have had that. I'll I'll add some grass. Grass, on the other hand, some lawn grass. And a little bit as well. And boom, now I have some Inspire glass as well. Some of us do this. I just click this surface. I guess isolate them because it's really easy. Back to lineages. Now you might not be able to since I'm on the right grass because you know, you have activated the distance pain because it will be less utilizing your graphical. Otherwise you will be having my head HR records value or having these kind of across that big because it's a heavy vegetation. So as you can see, how our chest, who just believes the density of this 2% will be Elizabeth. Time to reduce the cost because you are, bradycardia is utilizing heavily. And again, some grasses, those who ate personal tastes that you might not be able to see. This one says, please wait, working has been progress here. You can change the settings, the size of the glass as well. I won't read some amnesic effect to splint here. Just focus on this plane. Now, pretty good. So now let's Shinzen spider arms. You have Lemkin sky domes. Let me just go. Yeah. By this one, you'll just have to drag and drop your module. And here once you haven't tried, can drop, will be getting the sky dome. Here. Here, you can change the intensity. That means we can change the high-intensity, not the environment. Just remember that. That pretty good if you have a low intensity because it will be highlighting, you can lower your intensity. If you just increase your intensity like this, it will be like there are not realistic at all. It's better to have around three. And here you have another option at Sun. So it's bare. Your twin motion time. We'll be unable to our sky dome here, which will just rotate here. Just click this button and once I have that, we will just talk about the backspace options as well. Now when you might be able to see a little bit darker on my model, don't worry about that. It'll just just just do some settings and we'll just make things right. Now. Here you have three options call low, medium and high. In here. Squid medium mode. Just go to Window. Here you have the choice of button on and off. Here you have brown elimination better, UM, because it's really eliminate and it will have in hands you are rendering. This is the effect on who can see the difference between them. And you can have the shadow around here. Because otherwise your camera angle, camera shadow will be appearing. So here if we just click on Path, press on, it'll be having some settings here. It's called samples per pixel. That means your quality of your eraser, where you have low quality, that means sample of samples per pixel is less. If you go too high, it will be having 256. Here you have a maximum bounces. That means a maximum amount of bounces to use path Fraser. If you just increase, it, will be having a heavy paths tracer option and you are G2 will be heavy, but the technical term to ten. This and here you have a denoising. If you just turn off that module, we will be having some are de-noise effect. You answer chances and dogs will be appearing later to have denoise it on. Here. You have a pilot flying brightness. That means it had to have the firefly brightness because as you can see, the color in those area will be less, a little bit darker. See I will have maximum is five Cloud rightness. And here you have Amnesty on. That means it will just tremendous disabled. Just apply some textures onto these surfaces. You have materials. I'll just go through neon, just apply to this one. So now we just press Refresh button. Because of the MSU on button, you'll be having this kind of effect. You just turn it off. It will be having no global illumination on the surface. It will be very dull. So this is a really hyper-realistic one. License row. So not like if you just increase it, you will be having a blurry effect that you know, the ones you have. This says there's a lysine boundaries or higher values makes the results, but blurry lower the values makes it sharper. I'll just keep it. You might be able to see the image correctly because it will be getting a little bit on the tree, like the default settings. So I think that's all for the passphrase a button. Let's go to Settings. I'm going to disable the pathways. This go to image. This one for settings of the image by saying you have to do to change the format. Usually I'm going with the full fledged. You are ultra high definition. That means for K. For this one I use UHD, that means for K resolution. Here you have lighting because we have already talked about we're in Rome. In lighting. This is the function that you can chain the atmosphere like the old viewpoint, colors, things and all things. You have to change this from here, can change the exposure. By this. Now you are getting a little bit. And really good look because of these expos I have already changed. Here you have another option that is stridor. We have already talked about it. Sky dome and other environmental atmosphere settings will be goals similarly simultaneously, then change the white balance as well. We'll see I'll have this kind of effect bit. And you can change the sun intensity. I'll just click one and see what happen. See pretty realistic and we chain the moon intensity. You have no options as well. You can control the sound reflections on size as well. Same as a moon intensity and you can change the ambient. This. So I'll just go with this kind of benefit because it is really realistic. Rather than changing the sky dome intensity, you have to chain the ambient and the exposure by these effects, you can change the image quality really well. Okay, I hope you understand, just practice it from your model. So we'll just go back to light in here location. The time of the day will not recognize by between motion because we have already used sky dome effect. If you're not using sky don't fit this bill this month. And the north of all the backgrounds can be applied. Here. You have background. That means in here, you might be able to use some of the backgrounds from clean motion default. Viewport can change that from here. Nothing here. So again, just go to weather. Again. You or whether we will not affect much because we have already use Python function. Here you have option, that means the growth. The growth means the three score. And see the effect really well. Here you have another effect. That means mean speed, direction, smoke, the ocean, things you can control. I'll have wind speed a little bit more because now we're just rendering animated. But if you're using a video rendering, this effect will be really useful. Just go back to here, and here you'd have some other effects. This is the FOB, that means the angle. You know, how much I prefer, 90 again. Again here, depth of field, we want to focus on one object. You can use this as well. For example, I just click this one and just click more. And I'll just point this one to here. And I'll just focus it and I'll have it. I'm done. A few too few. Fungi don't need TO depth of field DOF. So I will just make it turn it off. Can have like a specific objects to focus on. Here you have parallelism, that means 90 degree angle. It's better to have that kind of a bit. And here you have igniting their names. Who are edges will be a little bit darker, similar to like a photograph. See lens flare. Player effects on the lens, and some visual effects as well. Then change the color gradient of the darker. This one, saturation. And the fetal tests, you can have plenty of filters, but I don't usually use that term. Re-render and the reflection because we're currently we are using five trading, so the reflection will not draw. Again since it means that finally, we'll talk about that one because it's kind of a building information modelling that you can have. This seems straight from here as well, variable that we'll talk about it. So once you have done on your image, refresh it. And what you can do is you just have to go to Export where you have image. Just click here and the two images you have already taken, just click here. If we want to import or export this image to specific folder and you can do it Just press Start export. Your image will be exported to a specific folder. I hope you understand that both these in Edge rendering. In the next video, we will have some video rendering. There's nothing much more to learn about. Urinate only the settings. Again, how to make a video sequence. So don't worry about that. Then the next lesson. 14. Video rendering and panaroma: This is the image we have already rendered. And actually having Lanza little bit about this, I have added some characters and I have increased the reflection by reflection probe. I will teach you how to do that. Because in previous video we have not done that, but yeah, just delete it. The reflection probe into sexually in your default twin motion library and tools, I just go to a flexion Pro. And here you might be able to find a sphere and the box Reflection, usually using a spear reflection probe. Yeah, once you have applied that finance, you can see a little bit of flexion over they appear. So you can increase the brightness of the reflection probe and we can increase the size of it. Just increased the size of it. And I'll just click Update and I'll just go to the image. Who as you can see now the reflection is really realistic. So you can render your image. So it's not about the reflection per we're going to talk about in this video. We'll just go to media. We'll just do some video rendering. Here. You just click this video and here will be again plus a video button. Just click this one and you are first frame will be appearing in your sequence. So what you have to do is just move your model using your keyboard. Do any other moments and navigational power. Just click here and here again, what you can do is just click plus button. And now you are already made. So here you have the play button. Just have a look how the video will be. In final mode is just a video. It's actually a 10-second here you can show in the duration if you want to have more, if you have less, maybe I'll have seven seconds. Now your video do a little bit faster. So again, you can change the video settings so if you want to have a pathway, so onto these video, just click here and just click this button. Already automatically added that one. If you do not need just click here, then you apart first will be gone from your video. And here you have another option that is called settings. Just go to settings. The similar settings we have done in earlier image rendering, you can change the video settings in here as well. Again, if you just go to media and video where you have more and this is output, you're gonna get it. This is actually for k. And here, currently we don't have any phasing groups. So just keep it as none. If you do not need any other resolution, just change it from here. You can have it as here. I'll just again click here and here also, you can rename, delete or duplicate this click here. And from here. From end of this video, I'll have another sequence like this. From here you can click this new video part, and I'll just click this one. And I just assume it always will be from this video and just have it. So now the two video sequence is, they are just click anywhere middle part of this and just click this collapsing span parts. So now my two videos is collapsed by their sequence. So what I can do is you can change the sequence. Going to have first things. First day is like moving around like this. So if you want to have like this one, you're going to have this video on. Second part of can change accordingly. Okay, I hope you understand about these video settings. So nothing to worry, oh, nothing new. Rather than using mutual anyway. So after that you have done all these things you can have explored. Here you have another option called video. In video, you'd have no other options, like go to more. And here you might be able to find some other settings as well. Because here you can have the format mp4, ENG, whatever you need, and some motion blur effects. That means if you have like regular movements, so we can have motion blur, motion blur automatically. So there's nothing any other like these pods. We can connect these parts as well, but I don't need that one format. Okay, We're solution is already set. And the refinement also at the max lighting and have it on is it will be a nurse you are rendering but not significantly. Again, what you can do is just click this one and start exporting when you are empty for will be readying. Mean it's okay. I hope you understand about this video and write. Same as the panorama. So you can have here, go to panel Romer. Here. I already added the panorama. So here you can have any panorama like this. And you can render, you can export it. Now, you have already talk about image and aroma and the video, the three settings will be almost similar. Like in video only you can capture videos, but these tools or these two are really similar. So by next video, we'll talk about phasing tools and the presentation tool. And some states as well. I hope you enjoy this video and image rendering. 15. Pedastrian and vehicular path: We will learn about some animation options. That means if you go to this context, you might be having this path tab here. In this part, what you can do is you can animate character path, path, bicycle path, and the custom part in character path. If we just go inside here, you might be having this character path pen. Just click here. And it will be having this yellow color sphere around your viewport. Just click 1 and click another point. And a little bit from here. And again, I'm clicking here. So these are the character animations. So you can choose from different types of options here. Well, I'm multi type. You can fill the African, asian, and any other ways. That is having a twin motion. Here you have the clothing type of beach type, or maybe office time. Here you have the, you can chain with picked off the animation part and the density of the animation path. And here you can have the reverse. That means both of the people are going in different directions. And here you can have work or you can have steel that still going on that people are looking around here. So these are the character functions, animations. So just remember that if you just press portrays your moment, there'll be stove. That is because currently motion is on the development of these paths. Razor we are, we can use these animations, especially like character and the vehicle. And animations currently doesn't have any particular option to walking and vehicle movement animation to use Partridge. So similarly, they also another one that is called vehicle part. Here you can draw down your path. I'll just drop from here to here. And from this one you can have lane count, can have the two lanes, you can have the density. I'll just increase the density. So we can have some molecular movements. Again, if we just press, your image will be stopped. So here you can have the traffic rule where you can have right hand side, click here. This vesicle and you can have the speed of the vehicle, the density reverse on-off. Likewise. So just remember if you want to edit this character and the week you will apart, just click here. Or either you can find it under this context menu here, and just click here and the character palette here. You can undo or you can delete as well. So I hope you understand about these regular path. And similarly, bicycle path will be similar to the vertical part. Here. In custom path, you can add some objects at that party objects we have. You can move from here to here or any other place. Just remember that using this character and the vehicle animations doesn't work with the motion medial pathways option because currently they are under development. I hope you understand about these custom path and the vehicle, the path and the radius shrink part. 16. Phasing option: Hello guys. In order to understand about beam, that means building information modeling for the technology. We can use this technology don't wave motion in 2022. Like we can use all the technology that norms are three-dimensional and plus. So we will do some small example to get an idea about the sound, the M phase into h, We have a motion 2022. So I have created a small sample and read it. So we've just synchronize it with that emotion. Just click this button here. You will be seeing your projects and I will just click Import. Now, young model will be viewport long piece. So just click this button. Here. It'll be seen different objects, for example, roof frame, Daniel, Glass, and the torso. So here you will be having some online information. Here you will be mentioned about seeing students. We just go to here, you just click this one. You will be seeing some bland skills here. So lots you can do is you can adjust these elements and just press Shift on your keyboard and you just click now this n. You can unhide all of this. I'll just hide except this. So here you will be having the ceilings to it. Just understand that you need to add these scenes states to regenerate some teasing team related vdu and as the output of your file. So here you have a plus button. That means you can add this scene state, just adhere. And for example, this first state, you will be having this. But I will add some options as well. For example, we can use construction. I'll add sign. More months of this. Or like this. That means initial stage of your house. Some of us will be working on this. So just click, you will just update this one. So as a first step, you'll be having these empty surface, that means the ground surface on the cytoskeleton. The next state, I will just click here. And I will be adding some concrete in place here and some glue. Some Transflo swept down as well. And again, I will be just unhide. This was created because at the time of this concretely, us calorimeter will be go Oh, yeah, I will be at some. That goes. I'll just press this one and refresh it like this. As opposed to shape will be having we have to unhide because I have added these truckload afterwards. So you have to just unhide, just refresh it. As a first step, you will be having this S character. The second state, you will be having this backhoe loader. You are ground level as well. Or the third state. I just want to add. I'm just going to hide this fact loader. Like some default boy like this. It just press this module. First state, second state, and the third story, unfolded. State. That means both state rules. Likewise, you can do all these things like victorian, what you need, just press this button. Finally state. The class Di Salvo States we have defined initial one plus 1. Fourth, 1, fifth, 1. Other model is currently complete it. So after you have added this penicillin state, you have to go to. And you have to go to phasing group here. And we have to just press this state for initial state and then create facing group. You are initial phase will be automatically generated like this. So here you can see on the timeline according to our requirement, one year to year for at least six years old, maybe you don't go with the days as well. Just means this case one. Or the second stage, just click straight one or two here. On again, press Create fails and you are second phase will be added like this. Tried to have this second case on a track to produce some time. So likewise, you can add all the state, or this state, just the base is three. Likewise, you can continue all these into your requirement. So I'll just quickly add these states here. So now I have added this over online and just pulling the timeline like this. Straight on. Let's say the constructions you can slowing this. After you have added these are Bayesian groups. We can go back to New. We're going to go to the plus sign here, plus button. Again, this is angle. You can have your ceiling state that you have to go through. We want to go to camera. And here you have seen states, just press whatever the coelom initially created. Here we have created these numbers straight here. Just add this one. Again, go back to use a different angle if you want. I mean, when you see me and let this one go to here, seems to run too soon. Now I want to change the camera angle will be what one mole wants to. Go back to. Just played. This. Note, names are getting information modelling tool worked it. You are in motion. So here from this example you can now understandable we said sample and two more properly, because I had some vegetations is vegetation is plenty have done like the growth option you can use. And some girls who came from 3D realistically fits into lipid effects. You can use any type of these scenes, but we need to understand about these states just through an example. So we'll be getting an idea about. 17. Statistics, bim info and transform: Hello guys, welcome back to another twin motionless. So we have learned about these scenes stage. That means our right side, bottom menu here. And there's a couple of other things you need to know about these things. Here. The first thing is inflammation. If you have used CAD model and those Advocate Model, if you are a model, for example, if you are present as special family in your information will be available. Here. They are the manufacturer. Who is the manufacturer? What type of material it has used. Those kind of detail API on here. It will just press on a particular object, okay? And here you have another button that is called transform. If you just go to there. This model represent where you can have your navigation of objects, an object navigational panel. That means you can use what date you can scale down or up those settings. You can change it from here. This is the current position open here. You can see in the XYZ do then rotate the object. But sample I'll have ten major already rotated. And you can have the scale up or down, and it can change the size as well. Okay? So the final one is statistics. That means the frames per second. That means we are, you can, you are computer is using this much of power for twin motion. It will be shown here. For example. Now currently my GPA is using a 100%, almost 99 to seven, as well as CPU is only using 9%. So if you have a complex model, then your GPU as well as CPU and the file loading time will be more. Just remember that once your model is complex and your brain rate will be increased and these terms are, will be going down as a thumbs down. I hope you understand about these, are these small things because these are small things really required. If you are permanently learning designers. 18. Twinmotion cloud and presenter: Let's talk about some other building information modelling. That means beam aspects in between motion. One of the key aspect is this push to cloud and this presentation that means placenta. The similarity between these emotional cloud and the presentation, that means per cent of pilots. Or you can give you a model to review by your client. That means client can go through, the client, can walk through your yeast model and find out what are the areas and what are the good things about your model. And you can ask more reviews or you can accept your model as it is. So that is the basic similarity between these two emotion cloud-like the presentation. So it's been motion Cloud. Currently. Still they are doing that Beta stage. That means at really early stages, but you can go through your model and almost all the function of t is currently available for this push to cloud, that means doing motion Cloud and the presentation. You can have a separate file and in your hard disk, and you can give those presenter file to a client and the client can view and walk through a model without having to emotion in his computer. So just remember the importance of these two functions. So initially we'll go through this push to cloud in new and navigational panel. You might be having this push to cloud button or otherwise you will have to go. And you have to go navigation and show navigation. And just once a navigation has appeared on, you'll be told just this. Just click this push to cloud like this. And it will be saying that token to serve and the transferring all the data. And once they have completed all the transitory. So you can now export was successful. So after that you can click this open to emotional cloud. Currently I have opened these twin motion project, and this is a project that I have created through big motion. Now, these almost viewable to treat motion Cloud. It is said that this is early access, so you can send this link. You can copy and save the link to a client when, if you don't want to have some privacy. So if we want to add some prizes, you can generate a password and save them. Once you have. Flip this link or just click this one, I have already opened this twin motion cloud. Here, the file I have created. So you can see you can walk through from your mouse and all. Other than your mouse, you can use your keyboard as well. To walk through your model. You just remember that if your model is like a big complex textures and the models out there, there might be a certain length for your model. Here you have the network connection now that means my connection and then presentation full screen and the open preferences like time, you can change these as well, the speed of your camera movement and the rendering mode. Metal plaster, for example, I will just click this one and see what happened. Click to default, and you can have the resolution now, I have ten ADP and rendering quality. Likewise, those things are here as well as now this one. You can play like this. So I don't have currently any video mode, just only this image I have imported through Cloud. So I hope you understand about these two in motion Cloud real handy function. Because in recent times they will, I mean that when motion team will develop this as a fully developed online AR or VR system. Then the client can we read through the VRIO, use theses, use these models to review their models well. So we'll just go back to the 3D motion. I think you understand about these two in motion cloud. Here you have a presentation that I'll just click here. And here you can add some Create presentation. Just click here. While you add in that ear, you might be having clicky Add Media button, just click here. Those are the images I have already added to image in this media. And as well as I have created a video in same media. So you can add those images, panorama or maybe images to use for sample file. Here. I'll just drop here. Again, I'll just scroll through here. And I'll add some images I have already created. Once I have already created. So you can chain the, whether they are perhaps tray, so not by going into media and the image settings. And once you have created your presenter file, you have to go to Export. And here you might be seeing this presentation. Just click here and add this one and start exporting. Actually, I have already created the file. This is my personal file. Usually you will get a file like this. It will be contained lots of data. So that's why it's almost two GB without having a complex two textures or any vegetation. So any 3D models, you just have to go inside and here you will be having these different type motion I can, so you can double-click that one. So here it says 3D motion presenter file. So just remember that if you just give this file to a person or client, that person doesn't need any twin motion and software to run this one. So here you have Play button, just click Play button. Accordingly, we have created in-between motion. This whole presentation will go like that because I have ordered initially I have added the video file, then I have added these images. So as you can see, it's like a placenta file, it will be gone like this. And just remember, in motion, there is option for the presentation file. You have a camera movement to free, ride or lock. That means you can change the weather from here. I have already created a free, that means while I'm having my presentation, so you can walk through your model like this. But here it will just locked here. Or if you just click right here, the scenarios will be different. If you locked here, you might not be able to. I mean, the client will not be able to walk around the site, only the videos and the images the client can view. And you can have a media framing on our C, this is media framing. So it's up to you and you can design it. So I hope you understand about this presenter, phi lambda emotion cloud. Just remember that these will be developed in near future. So once they have fully developed, clean motion will be a really powerful. 19. Rendering tips: Now this video lesson will be a little bit different than the previous transfer equals. Now, I'm going to bring about some realistic when growing tips. In order to get photo-realistic librarians. I just have this slideshow and byline to end this slideshow, I will show some tips and tricks. You can use them in your model to get photo-realistic. So moving on the key features, the first stimulus explore the concept. The second one we said keep certain materials which are 3D assets, using our sky dome and the parts razor as well as image settings. So moving on. So disease, which we have done very recently, using a path for us and a different kind of sky domes. So why I'm saying about it's plough the scene. Let me know. If you are entering an image. Don't make your image so dull. I mean, use most of the, I said use some vegetations. If you're using classic fits, some other plants as well on top of that grass like this, you might be able to see these sunflowers. I have news and some deep breaths I have used. Using these things will enhance your image quality as well as it will reduce the dominance of your image overall. And again, you just to name a few, your background. Just put or just add some trees, vegetation in order to cover some other areas because the disease to emotion default. You will interface. So I have used my 3D model and I have covered from some vegetations, but no one can see what's behind. So just always remember that as well. Okay, moving on. And the material lab, that is a really important concept because very recently, when motion has either these Quicksilver MUGA scan material library too. Motion earlier we can import this works omega scans by manually, but now the ability to use fixed Omega scan through in motion libraries are very useful than the rendering quality enhancement. Nice, highly appreciation, appreciate Rebel. So here you can see the default material library where I have used this fluorine as between motion library material type. And here I have used split zone of that scanner material because you can find plenty of materials. And those materials not photo-realistic. These strange is a corroded effects are really photorealistic. Better use, good sermon that Stan material library in order to enhance your photos. Okay, moving on. And the next one is we've sell 3D assets. So you can see here I have used some 3D assets from the Quicksilver library, these plants, these are some of the deep breaths I have used. Again, you can find some Bill Lyn like a column beam. Some artifacts are those things we can find on blood cell methods can 3D assets and so better use them, because those are hyper photorealistic assets. So high-quality assets. So use them wisely when you're using this to get ten photo realism, realistic rendering. And just remember that if you're using no, and that might be a burden to you or GPU. And just remember that as well. Okay. The next one is using the sky dome. Actually, you can see the difference between I'll just go to the skip to the next slide. So these are two sky domes. You can see the difference between them. These are a low sun, that means sunset, almost answered. Here you can have different lighting settings. And here you will have a different lighting settings and the background is really colorful and really cherish because I have used the sky domes better than your sky domes where you can enhance your niche. And the next one is IP packet tracer, that this image is taken from the pulse tracer on function, we talk about the path tracing settings as well. Here. Just, I just want to highlight the tracer on and off to France as you can moving on, this is the path triazole, so you can see the quality difference between the pathways. So it's a really compare to raise over factors only hyper-realistic. So all the major saw really quality images you will get and the more reality will be enhanced from the population. Okay, so that's all I want to share about this motion, realistic to Android gifts. I hope you understand just practicing by yourself every time pathways are on and off. Using a sky domes and we're using good soil textures and 3D assets. Yes, remember, all those things. Do not do. Double images like this. I have told you earlier, use some characters or maybe the hackers in order to get more fullness to UNH, okay, but always to have a higher format. Currently I'm using outrageously and you can customize your resolution. Here. You might be able to find a vendor. That means these pups resorption and the lighting and where you can have settings in sky domes as well as your overall view port. Again, location and bidder will not happen because we are using passphrase and the sky domes and go to camera and you might be having these settings as well. We have talked about these scenes states and the visual we have talked about, or almost everything about these settings. Just remember, just practice it. You are self to get more. Practice. Practice on twin motion to emotion is a good software that you can use in almost like Unreal Engine in a couple of months almost it will be look like Unreal Engine goes up the updates. So stay tuned.