The Perfect 100 Day Project: Your Guide to Explosive Creative Growth | Rich From TapTapKaboom | Skillshare

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The Perfect 100 Day Project: Your Guide to Explosive Creative Growth

teacher avatar Rich From TapTapKaboom, Multi-hyphenate Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      What is A 100 Day Project?


    • 3.

      Choose Your Project


    • 4.

      Hints + Tips


    • 5.

      Often Asked Questions


    • 6.

      Inspiration + Ideas


    • 7.

      Your Project


    • 8.



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About This Class

This class focuses on coming up with a 100 Day Project of your own. One that's perfect for you. One that boosts your creativity. One you wake up excited for. The class also helps you prepare for the 100 days.

If you're stuck, frustrated or not achieving the success and quality of work you're after, come see what a 100 day project is, and how it will fuel a creative renaissance in your life.

Choosing your project is where we'll spend most of our time, but the class will also cover often asked questions, some inspirational projects and ideas, and a bunch of hints and tips for starting and completing an awesome 100 day project.

The book I wrote in 2021 is out! 
It’s called The Perfect 100 Day Project (just like the name of this class) and it’s all about helping you choose and complete the perfect 100 Day Project for you. Get your copy now.

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Meet Your Teacher

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Rich From TapTapKaboom

Multi-hyphenate Artist

Top Teacher

Hey! I'm a multi-hyphenate artist who's authored books, spoken at conferences, and taught thousands of students online. I simply love creating--no mater if it's painting murals, illustrating NFTs on Adobe Live, coding websites, or designing merch.

My art is bold and colourful and draws inspiration from childhood fantasies. I have ADHD but am not defined by it, dance terribly, and can touch my nose with my tongue.

I'm pumped about helping creatives achieve creative success--whether that's levelling-up their creativity, learning new tools and techniques, or being productive and professional. I run a free community helping creative achieve success. I'd love you to join in.


I've studied multimedia design and grap... See full profile

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1. Class Introduction: Hey. Are you feeling stack, not good enough, frustrated, left behind, uncreative or bored of your work? Maybe you're not finding that success you are after, or maybe you're nowhere near finding that thing that gets you up in the morning. Maybe you don't have time or equipment. Maybe its circumstances. Maybe you're scared of making average stuff and oppression you put on yourself is far too great, or you need to do stuff that makes money, or maybe you're just a world-class procrastinator. I know how this feels. You feel like you want to master something or you want to be a kid again and create and have fun without the fear of messing up or being wrong, or to begin making work that brings you success and recognition and joy, or you want to find that something that makes your eyes light up, that makes you smile, that makes your imagination come alive. One way of addressing all these things I have mentioned is to start a 100-day projects. I love 100-day projects and in this class, I'm going to help you plan out your own awesome 100-day projects that will accelerate your creative growth. My name is Rich Armstrong, I design, animate, doodle, and code. In this class, I cover what a 100-day project is, what the benefits are, and how to choose a project that works for you. Choosing a project where we'll spend most of our time. But I'll also cover often asked questions, some inspirational projects and ideas, and a bunch of hints and tips for starting and completing your awesome 100-day projects. If you're keen for explosive creative growth and win a structured way of achieving it, come take this class. I'll see you in the next video. 2. What is A 100 Day Project?: You may have heard of the 100 day project or seen people doing a 100 day project. What it is in its simplest form is you picking a creative action and repeating it for 100 consecutive days. Each day you create and share. At the end of the project, you collect all the days together. The guy credited with starting the practice with his students is Michael Beirut, a partner at the renowned design firm Petagram. Then a lady by the name of Elle Luna took the practice online a few years back and she made it into a movement. It's now a thing with a whole bunch of people do it together each year. It has official dates and everything. You can participate in the official version and there's a good reason to. Or you can start your own 100 day project wherever and whenever you feel like it. Despite who started it and who's involved, it's a really personal journey over the course of 100 days. Some love it, others hate it, others love the idea of it but get stuck, abandon their journey, and give up for a bunch of different reasons. This is where I fit in and that's why I've made the class on the 100 day project. Let me tell you about my experience of 100 day projects. I've tried doing a 100 day project a few times in different forms. I've loved it and I've hated it. I've also failed epically at it, and I've done it successfully many times. I've also experimented with it and I feel like I've got a lot to share, stuff that will help you make the most of it. If you're on the fence about this whole 100 day thing, I understand. It's a long time. 100 days is almost a third of a year, but the benefits I've experienced are amazing. Here are a few reasons why I'd encourage you and anyone else to do a 100 day project. The first thing is that you get to learn new skills or better existing ones. You get better and quicker and what you are doing seems to get easier and easier. The process allows me to have fun. I basically give myself permission to go wild, to be a kid again, to get excited. A gummy creating instead of consuming, which is far more gratifying. It taught me discipline, focus, and most importantly, grit. It showed me that through consistency, I could do things I wanted to, master things, develop new styles, learn new coding languages. This has grounded me. I no longer try to get rich quickly or make it big really quickly. It's taught me to enjoy creating. It's the journey and it's equally important as the final outcome. Actually, maybe even more. My imagination catches a light when I'm doing 100 day projects. My brain kicks into creative mode or overdrive mode, and I love it. I now tend to care very little of what other people think of my creations. I don't define my worth by the quality of what I create any longer, which led me to being more confidence in the work I did. I realized that when you start using your creativity every day, it grows like a muscle. When it starts growing, it gains an appetite. All of a sudden, I had ideas and lots of them. The final thing is that I learned a lot about myself. What made me tick, what I thought of myself, the reason I created. Each time I do it, I found out more about myself and I changed because of it. I've learned a lot through 100 day projects in similar processes. It's how I'm able to code, design, doodle, animate, illustrates, and learn all kinds of new things. This is how I do my creative life. It's all on some form of a 100 day project. Next up is choosing what to do for 100 consecutive days. 3. Choose Your Project: This part of the class is where you come up with ideas for your 100 day project. Something you'll end up doing for 100 days, even if you think you know what you want to do, I suggest you do the exercise with me. They'll be super helpful and quite fun to. I want to open up your options. Creating something every day makes a profound difference in your life and doesn't have to be painting or drawing. I don't want you to feel boxed into doing the normal things. From the start, I want to make it clear that this project or planning is for you. You can adapt it to be any wanted to be. But I'm going to assume that you want to become more creative, have more fun, learn new skills, or further develop your existing ones. Grab a pen and a big piece of paper, as big as you can. Once you've got your pen and paper, make two rows with four columns and each one. This can turn into a big, sprawling mess of a process, but that's okay. If you need more paper or want to split up your page, go for it. You can also use mind maps or spider diagrams. You can have the same ideas and words in different columns, and you can add words to the different columns as they come to you. You don't need to do it in any particular order. In the first column write down what you're good at designing, coding, making websites, teaching, keep on going. Being a parent's administration, sticking to rules and 100 days you can challenge and push yourself. You can push in, you can get better at these things. In the second column write down what you love doing, cooking and illustrating Pinteresting, walking a dog, baking cakes. What parts of these things do you specifically love doing more? In the third column write down what you want to do more of, what you want to learn more about. Is this something you want to do or something you feel you should do? You may grow to love it, or it might just be something you feel pressured to do. Code a website, bake gluten free vegan stuff, do graffiti in the neighborhood. The fourth write down what you dream of doing, singing, dancing, designing a house, building a cabin. In the fifth write down things you love, pizza, cats, Amsterdam, New York, smiles, sunglasses, ice creams, good food, holiday destinations, trains, trees, characters, Disney movies. In the sixth, right down random stuff that crosses your mind, googly eyes, uses of a lamp shade, mouth noises, plumes, sound effects, ways to brew coffee. In the seventh column, right down when you have free time, when you can make the time, 10 minutes before your husband wakes up, during your train ride while eating breakfast, waiting for the bus thing laterally here, while walking the dog, while cooking, sitting on the toilet. How long do you actually have to create in each one of these scenarios? In the final column, right down possible reasons for your project. Getting better at something, sparking your creativity, having fun, making a book, just to see, to find myself, to try new things. Once you've written this all down get a new piece of paper. It can be smaller and start saying, what if I for 100 days? Complete the sentence by combining things in your columns, mix and match, make multiple combinations, make them weird. Make them wacky, write them down, even if they sound ridiculous and then start tweaking them. Play around and start adding other words, details, options, how you're going to do it? How you're going to collate them? You're going to take photos of what? You're going to draw? Draw what? Try some words that ideas out. Maybe you want to take photos of scenery while on a run or draw fruits and vegetables left handed during lunch. Take photos of flowers with a pinhole camera while walking your dog, come up with some specifics and remember to add wherein when into the equation. At some point, you should have some options. What's standing out? What have you actually written down? What have you avoided writing down? Is there anything that excites you? If you start thinking, "I can possibly do that, could I?" You may be on the right path. It could do it just to see where it leads or to find what you love and may take some time to finally settle on one. But I recommend going from one that's fun and a bit challenging and slightly weird. Because then you will want to do it and it will be rewarding, and it will break up your regular day. If you're battling to choose one, ask yourself, which one could you not do? Which one is screaming to be done? Which one would you regret not doing and ask which one can only be done by you? There are still a bunch of things to consider. But what I want you to know is that it's your journey. Do what you can do, do what you want to do, what we've covered so further is a fantastic start. 4. Hints + Tips: See, you've got an idea for a project or maybe a few ideas. Before you commit wholeheartedly to it, I've got some things for you to think about. Hence, tips on ways of making this project easy, fun, completable, and successful. Let's get cracking. The first step is that you're allowed to make your project weird. It doesn't have to be what you do for a living. It doesn't have to further your career in a direct way. It can be, of course, but it can also be totally unrelated. It can be part of your life. It can be what you procrastinate with, or it could be a creative warm up like Mandelbrot intended it to be. The woman who made The 100 Day Project into an online thing, Elle Luna doesn't like the word should very much and I don't either. Do 100 Day Project because you want to, not because you feel like you should, not because everyone else is doing it. This is not a school project, it's for you and is to help you. If you feel like you should, but don't know why, maybe it's that you feel you must. This is different. Maybe you can't ignore it. Maybe you only understand why did it, when you get into it. You may have set yourself an ambitious projects, which is great. But if it's going to be a time-consuming act every day and will get harder and harder to do. You may miss a day, then two days, and then stop altogether. I'd rather you spend 100 days creating for five minutes a day rather than for only 10 days creating for 90 minutes. Consistency, not intensity, will lead to profound consequences. If you've only got 10 minutes and the train choose something that fits into this time on the train. You'll be surprised by what creating something for 5-10 minutes can do for you. It's bite-size and a great way to get into creative shape. Creating this micro habit of creating is powerful and it beats thumbing through a social app. Commit to creating at a certain place and at a certain time, on the train in the kitchen before your kids wake up, as you get into the office or as you get home, come rain or shine. You may have a gorgeous feed full of amazing artists, illustrators, painters, tape makers, potters, surrealists, architects, and who knows what else, so you'll be tempted to create at that level every day. It's not possible. Don't burn yourself with that. Focus on your journey and what you can do in your day, focus on consistently producing your thing. As you do it, you'll get better and quicker at it. Then you can build on top of that. Make it LO-FI on a posted with a cheap ballpoint pen, take photos on your phone instead of a big fancy camera. Who cares if it's not perfect? It's for your creativity, not your ego. Don't try do more than a single 100 day project at the same time. Seriously, you may have a bunch of ideas that sound amazing, but 100 days is long and one project is hard enough. I've learned this the hard way. I once tried to write a book and create a crazy app in the same 100 day period. Trust me, it didn't work. They both died. Focus on one thing. Prepare your tools, put them in place, get them ready, set them out, ready for you to create and make. Or choose a project where you can use tools that are portable and accessible. Removing barriers and good preparation is half the battle one already. Ask yourself what you need to get before you start, equipment, software, hardware. If you have time and concrete, sharpen your ax. Like a sharp ax saves time energy when chopping wood, read about and around what you're doing and learning. Doing this will make it easier when you create, use all the time you have. Watch, read, listen, immerse yourself in your topic, use your time intentionally. One of the biggest hurdles is coming up with ideas for the thing you're doing. For my first 100 Day Project, I wanted to doodle more I love doodling, but seldom found time to do it. One of the things that hindered me was that, I didn't know what to doodle, so I doodled random words. You could do the same thing. I made an app for it. Visit this URL to get a bunch of random words. You could also use a dictionary, a board game with cards, Wikipedia's daily featured article, things suggested by colleagues, items found on your way to work, news articles. Other people call this generative contents and removes the pressure to come up with ideas every single day. You could also keep a list of content ideas you get, and reverted this list when you create. At the start of your project, make a big who heard about it on Instagram, on Facebook, announce it, shouted out from the roof. Then share each day's creation in the same way, this will keep you somewhat countable. You'll get encouragement and some friends who eagerly await what you create next. You'll also get over the fear of posting average work because I'm telling you, in the course of 100 days, you'll have times when your creations aren't that good. Yet other times they're amazing. When you're done, your 100 day project, collect your 100 days into something and share that. A blog post, a presentation, a video, a website, a book, it'll mean more than just 100 days in the past and remind you of what you've accomplished. When you post your work, what are you going to hashtag it with? What is your theme? Why is this unique to you? Will you find that five year from now? Write this down, 100 days of or 100. Tag your creations with a daily, search that hashtag for what is already there. Does something really cool about doing your project with the official gang during the official dates, you have the shared sense of purpose and community. But if you're like me, you may not like large groups of people or following the crowd. But community is important, even a community of two. To share your learnings with, to encourage each other. Do it together if you can, cheer each other on. If you do like crowds and being part of something bigger then, fantastic, it's a lot easier when you do this project with people. Sharing and places where people can see us such a good idea, you build a following and some community and you can also cheer others on with their journey. It'll help you and others may reciprocate the gesture. If you want to be seen, use 100 Day Project hashtag in addition to your own unique one and check out the official dates on Remember that this is your project and your journey with your skills, your personality, and your life. Comparison is a slippery slope. Enjoy what you're doing and how you're growing and be grateful for it. Be happy for people who are creating and making and doing well for themselves. You're bound to learn a lot. So keep a journal about what you learned, about higher feeling, what you're noticing and observing, about what's jumping out. You don't want to forget what you learn, and it's a good idea to keep track of things you don't know yet, things you want to learn about and any questions you may have. It's not just at the end of the project that you celebrate. You can celebrate every day if you want, but I'd suggest celebrating every nine days and makes for a nice nine image grid post, and on your 100th day, you can say all 100 of your creations. Set your own cadence of celebration and be sure to have some fun when you do celebrate. When you reach day 100, grow big with wine, with bear, with chocolate milk, that's my favorite. With the weekend away. It's a big deal, so make it a big deal. Do something special. You should be proud of yourself. Dance, wiggle your hips, maybe even lead are allowed. Yeah. 5. Often Asked Questions: You may be pumped and ready to start your project or you may be a little bit apprehensive. Maybe you've got some questions. Here are a few that commonly pop up. What if somebody has already done my project? Even if you do the same project as somebody else, yours is going to be different simply because you naturally infuse yourself into whatever you do. You'll have a different reason for doing it. Your process, your journey differently from anybody else. Go for it, make the project your own and don't care about copying, imitating, or not being original. You will make it original. What if I miss a day? It happens, life happens. Don't beat yourself up. Treat it like a rest day in the tour to France or, add a day on to the end. But be kind and gracious to yourself. But if it keeps happening, ask yourself why? Then make some adjustments. Remember rather create for five minutes every day than 19 minutes here and there. Can I stockpile my creations? You mean create four days in one and then not create for three days? Yes. You can. No one's going to check on you. But if you see this as cheating, you are the only one you're cheating. From my perspective though, the benefits of consistently creating everyday far outweigh the intense creation and then lack of creation that happens by stockpiling. If you do create a lot in one day, post it all or post the best of it, but then pinch up the next day. Each day is a new day. If on Sunday you don't have internet or can't share for some other reason, then yes, post them all when you can. What if I get bored or stuck? This is quite probable. It's okay. You will learn a lot by sticking through the boredom if you can. But if you can't, then know what part of it made it boring and then adjust. Have fun creating every day rather than following the rules and quitting because you're bored, bend the rules. Can I change course? Like installing a whole new project? Yes. As in changing the focus slightly? Yes. This is your project, but always ask yourself why you want to change the course and what benefits you lose out on, and what benefits you gain. Will it get you creating more, having more fun, learning more? Then I'd say, go for it. If you're just doing it to tick a box each day, then you may have to re-examine why you're doing this in the first place. You may have to dig deep and push through. But sometimes things going wrong can start something special. When are the official dates? If you want to do the official 100-day project, find out when the dates are. Visit the What do I do when I'm done? You're done, you've collated it all and shown it to the world, you've celebrated, but now what? What does this mean going forward? Do you carried on? Day 101, day 102, into a year-long project, into a life-long one? Or do you morph it into a daily practice, where you create or do something every day? Or are you going to stop, take a break and think about what's next? What you do is really up to you, but I'd suggest exploring, experimenting, and seeing what you want to go next. Don't feel pressured into creating past 100 days. Take a look in your journal and read over the changes you've observed. What has creating for 100 days done for you? Now that you know all about the 100-day project, you can use what you've learned during this class and during your a 100-day project to inform future creative decisions, perhaps try a 10-day project or a 365-day project. Extract what you've loved about the project, change the rules, make your own up, and experiment with a few other things. Pursue growth, pursue fun, pursue adventure. Keep on being creative. Have a look at that big piece of paper you wrote on, see if anything else is capturing your attention. 6. Inspiration + Ideas: The things people do for 100-day projects range from very personal endeavors like writing letters to give their kids on their 18th birthdays, to huge skill enhancing projects like, learning to build iOS apps to super fun projects like putting Googly eyes on everything. What follows are a few project ideas, cool 100-day projects, and some people who've had a lot of fun doing their 100-day projects. [inaudible] came up with 100 uses of a falling chair. You could come up with uses for lampshades, slippers, your iPhone, or your pet rabbits. Stephanie Pfizer Coleman drew birds for 100 days. You could draw 100 cats, 100 dogs, 100 sunsets, or even 100 subspecies of unicorn. [inaudible] filmed himself doing a different dance every day. You could record yourself singing, reciting poetry, giving motivational speeches, or playing different instruments. Rachel [inaudible] responded in writing to a paint colors, she picked out a bag each day. You can do the same by picking random words, reading the newspaper every day or getting your dog to choose words that stick to the ground. Lucy [inaudible] illustrated 100 things s fictional demon in her head told her. You could write things at your cat says what great things your grandmother said, what your four-year-old says or illustrate a crazy idea you have each day. Zach [inaudible] created a poster in one minute from words or phrases he collected. You could create posters, stickers, doodles, stick figure drawings, pieces of abstract art or little poems. There have been 100 felt ampersands, 100 felt faces and 100 felt pockets. You don't have to make your 100 things super intricate or complex. Make them fun and simple and to do with what you love. You could doodle on a business card and leave it somewhere each day or write a letter or make a postcard or do some chalk drawing on the road or walls in your neighborhood, or make splodges and give them faces. You could stick up posters with messages of love or take 100 photos of people kissing or make 100 different breakfasts. You could find out 100 ways of saying hello or film your cat doing awesome moves for 100 days. If you still don't have an idea of what you want to do for 100 days, do some research, see what others have done and remember that you can copy, modified, borrow, and steal. Creating every day is the goal. Not being original. 7. Your Project: Your project for this class is to share with us what you're going to do for your 100 day projects, or at least some of the options. If you haven't already, create a project here, on Skillshare and tell us what you're thinking of doing, for your 100 day projects. You can also post some of your 100 day creations in your Skillshare gallery. Of course, have a look at each other's projects and leave some feedback. If you want to share your creations with me on social media, mention me, I'm @TAPTAPKABOOM or use the TAPTAPKABOOM student hashtag. This is the end of the class. I hope you've learned a lot and had some fun. Please leave a review, it means a lot to me and be sure to follow me and sign up for updates on Okay, That's it for me. Bye for now. 8. Bloopers: Develop and exist. [inaudible] What? [inaudible] Burping on camera is not good. Okay. I see what I'm saying. My days talking forever. Let's go. Let's go. Wow. Who wrote all this? Silly lad. You, you. Is that a problem? [inaudible] Okay.