Succulents for beginners and how to take care of them (New plants added regularly) | Mark Shorter | Skillshare

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Succulents for beginners and how to take care of them (New plants added regularly)

teacher avatar Mark Shorter, DIY expert!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Succulents for beginners Introduction


    • 2.

      Succulents for beginners Part 1 Aloe vera


    • 3.

      Succulents for beginners Part 2 Echeveria


    • 4.

      Succulents for beginners Part 3 Zebra Haworthia


    • 5.

      Succulents for beginners Part 4 Tiger Jaws


    • 6.

      Succulents for beginners Part 5 Burro’s tail


    • 7.

      Succulents for beginners Part 6 Crassula ovata aka the Jade plant


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About This Class

In recent years, houseplants have been gaining in popularity. Compared with just twenty years ago, the number of people of all ages becoming interested in bringing the outdoors in is enormous!

There is one collection of houseplants that are very easy to look after called succulents. Succulents are ideal for everybody especially if you don’t have a green thumb. So, if you want to get in on the houseplant craze but don’t think you could keep a peace lily alive for more than a few weeks, then turn your hand to these hardy little succulents.

Succulents are plants that store water in their leaves. The name “succulent” comes from the Latin word “sucus”, which means juice or sap. You’ll notice that their leaves are much thicker than other plants, and they are native to deserts and very dry areas.

Succulents are so varied that there is something for everybody no matter what your taste. Plus, studies have been done showing that not only are houseplants, including succulents, visually beautiful, but they’re also good for your health! We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, therefore freshening up our air and eliminating harmful toxins, but just by having a few plants around the house, we can also reduce our stress levels and boost our mood.

So, in this course, we’re going to look at some beautiful and easy-to-care for succulents that are perfect for the beginner who wants to get green fingered. This course is aimed at any age and any level of expertise, and its full of hints and tips on how to keep our green friends happy and healthy. Plus, I’ve made sure to include succulents that are easy to come by, meaning you shouldn’t have much trouble trying to track them down.

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Mark Shorter

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Hello, I’m Mark and I love DIY!

For the past 15 years, I have been developing houses,  and in that time I have become an expert in everything DIY. I started out as complete beginner and found out that with a little bit of time and patience, nothing is impossible. If you scroll down through my profile, you’ll find plenty of courses that cover topics not only in DIY, but also in baking and gardening encompassing all my passions.


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1. Succulents for beginners Introduction: succulents, FIBA, Guinness and how to take care of them. In recent years, high stones have been gaining in popularity. Compared with just 20 years ago, the number of people of all ages becoming interested in bringing the outdoors in is enormous. There is one collection of high spines that are very easy to look after called succulence. Succulents are ideal for everybody, especially if you don't have a green thumb. So if you want to get into the house plant craze, but don't think you keep a pitzl early life for more than a few weeks, then turn your hand to these hardy little succulence, succulent plants that store water in their leaves. The name succulent comes from the Latin Word Super Us, which means juice or sap. You'll notice that their leaves are much thicker than other plans on their native to desserts or very dry areas. Siblings are so varied that there is something for everybody, no matter what your taste is plus, to deserve mention that not only our house plans, including succulents, really beautiful, but they're also good for your health. We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, therefore, freshening up our air and eliminating harmful toxins. But just by having a few plants around the house, we can also reduce our stress levels on boost our mood. So in this course, we're going to look at some beautiful and easy to care for succulents that are perfect for the beginner who wants to get green fingered. This course is aimed at any age and any level of expertise, and it's full of hints and tips on how to keep your green friends happy and healthy. Plus have made sure to include succulents that are easier is combine, meaning you shouldn't have much trouble trying to track them down. 2. Succulents for beginners Part 1 Aloe vera: Allah Vera. The first plans have chosen to include in these course is one that you might have heard off , if nothing else, than for its ability to sue somebody. But this tropical succulent can have an exotic twist to any room in your home. As I said, the sat from an Alavi Relief helps to suit some burn, but they're also very simple, too careful, so they're perfect for the complete beginner. There are actually lots of different types of Allah plants over 400 to be precise, so there is plenty of choice when it comes to picking the right Salo plant for you. There are olive era with smooth green leaves, or bump believes some of green in color was. Orders are red, and you'll find some varieties with stripes or even spots on their leaves. Generally speaking, however, most hello plans have a clump of tall, spiky leaves that shoot out from the ground. They are one of the largest succulent. They start off small, but they can't reach heights of up to three feet. The ideal soil for growing your elo plans is cactus potting soil. Or you could just use the Morton reporting soul mixed with a bit of building sand. The reason for these is that the eyes with drainage so water doesn't sit in the pot for too long. Allah Vera doesn't really like standing water at all. Some actual the potters. Plenty of drainage holes when choosing where to put your olive era planned. Keep in mind that they love plenty of broad light, so place them in a window that gets lots of sun. The botanical nave Rallo Vera is Alibaba Densities Miller on the really lovely plans to have in the home when it comes to watering Allah. Vera, you should only do so once the soil has gone dry. When you walk to your plans, you should thoroughly drenched the saw, but water it over sinks that any excess water can drain away. Then you don't have to worry about watering it again until the soil is going completely dry . One of the most common reasons that Allah Vera plants die is that they've been watered too much. Don't forget that as a succulent Alavi restores water in its leaves, so don't worry about it drying out because they used to life in the desert. After all, you don't need to fertilize Nahla Vera plans, unless you want it to grow a bit faster. If you do decide side fertilizer, you only need to do so once a year in the spring and only use half the recommended dose. Has your olivera grows? If it's happy, you might notice that it starts growing little baby plants. These little offsets a called Popes, and you can divide them from the parent plant and get a whole new plant. If you want to take books from the parent plant, you should do so between late winter and early spring as this is when the plant won't be grown much. If you separate them when they're pretty inactive, you won't cause harm to the plant. Oh yes, it do is take the whole plant out of its apart, brush away some of the soil from the roots and find where the put begins. Then take a sharp knife and could it away from the parent plant. In fact, sometimes is the poppies grown big enough. You might even just be able to pull it away from the parent plant. The pope should have its own small roots, but the area where you could see from the parent plan might produce a little sub. It's a good idea to put the pope in a warm, dim room for a couple of days before planting it. This gives the cook time to heal a sort of scab. Quarter callous will form over the court, and it would just stop the plan from rotting in the soil. Once you place the pope in his own part, don't watery for about two weeks until the roots begin to grow a bit more. Then just place the pot in a warm, bright room. 3. Succulents for beginners Part 2 Echeveria: at Chevy area. The next succulent is a very recognisable plant. You might recognize the green rosettes that the leaves of the South American succulent produce. The good thing about the Atra, very, is that they hardly need any care at all. In fact, some people even said the plants thrive on neglect. They're a typical succulent in that they coped really well in droughts, so you don't need to water them much at all. A severe actually a family of plants rather than a specific succulent. There are endless varieties to choose from in a range of sizes and colors, although they are generally 5 to 15 centimeters in diameter under green, blue, green or occasionally read, they all require the same similar care as I said at severe AEA. Don't need much watering. If they're kept moist for too long, the leaves will quickly begin to rot. All you need to do is likely moisten the soil. If it's starting to feel a bit dry and then leave it until it feels dry again in the winter , when the plant isn't really growing, you probably won't need toward truth at all. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on the leaves. If they start to look a little wrinkly, it's time to give them some water, although it's not necessary. If you like. You can give plant feed to your interview area, but only really in his growing face from late spring to early autumn. If you choose to give feed, then only do so every two weeks and make sure it's diluted by about half. Echeverria's like the stone, but they can't cope with partial shade her. Don't try to put them in too much Doric sunlight Has this come produced sunburn on their delicate leaves. If you're extra very doesn't have enough sunlight, they may begin to stretch, which is where they grow tall and spindly. Echeverria's do also like a bit more space than other succulence, and ideal part is about 10% bigger than the size of the plant of the surface. So if you have a 10 centimeter wide part apart, that's 11 centimeters. Award will be ideal. If you have to report your interview area, make sure the soul is droid beforehand. Take the plant out of the part, knock off the old sore from the roots and then put the plant in a new pot with fresh soil in it. After reporting, you should wait about a week before watering it so the routes don't rot. Occasionally, you might get a deadly for two. Don't panic. This is normal. Just pick out the dead leaves that the plant doesn't start to rot. A nice think about it to VARIAS is that they do produce flowers. Usually it's at the end of summer on that produce very exotic looking blooms, sometimes even twice a year. You can just pick the flowers with their stems out of the main plant. Once it begins to die off. Just like with Allah Vera, you can easily take off leaves from the interview and produce more plants. He's an interesting nugget of information. The main plant is called the head on the small, easy produces wish you remove for growing are called chicks. The head will produce several store cheeks just beneath some of its leaves. The cheeks are simply just Many replicas of the hand on Etcheverry's produced many of these cheeks. If you remove the cheeks, not only will you get more plants, but it also helps to revitalize the hens since they won't have to produce food for the little offshoots anymore. Etcheverry chicks onto the fastest growing plants in the world, and they can take up to three years to mature into Nadal plant. The best time to take the chicks from the hens is in early spring, which will give the little roots time to establish before the winter dormancy period arrives. Make sure you could. This dog that attach is a chick to the him with a sharp knife or secretaries and tried to keep ALS the tiny roots intact. Then place them on the top soil, and it won't be too long before the roots begin to grow down. Keep the young chicks in bright light but not direct sunlight, and keep this all evenly moist until the roots have developed different. Etcheverry's have different ways of producing cheeks. Some of them keep their cheeks close to them. More stool does produce a long stem with a chick on the end. In addition to these, you'll also notice that a lot of the time the chicks don't look identical to their hands. There might be a different shape or even a different color. There is another way to propagate new achieve era from the hand. If you're a trivia hasn't produced any chicks yet, you can simply couldn't a nice, thick, healthy leaf off the main plant with a sharp knife and lay flat on a try until the quit age develops a callous be patient as it can take up to two weeks for colors to form, but once it does, you can put the leaf in a pot of soil. Eventually, the leaf will begin to wither, but you will find a tiny plants start to grow from the base. The reason you have to wait for the colors to form is because the freshly cooked leaf will simply rot if play straight into moist soil. There are lots of varieties of HIV area on. For that reason, you can put a lot of different species together into one pot, and it makes a beautiful, succulent display. There are about 150 species in total, so you can have a huge variety. But here are 10 of my favorites. Etcheverry, a criminal in ruffles at Siberia AG avoiders Petra Vieria, Lau Picture Veria L. A. Guns at Siberia, Leela Sina Het Siberia Pearl von Nurnberg. It's a very black night. It's a very black prince Etcheverry, a violet queen, and Echeverria harm Z Ruby slipper. 4. Succulents for beginners Part 3 Zebra Haworthia: zipper Horwath AEA. The zipper Horta, also known as there's every plant, is a very striking plant with its thick, dark green leaves on Dwight horizontal stripes. You might think that the zebra or through is quite similar to the Ala Vera plant that we looked at earlier, And that's because they're actually both members of the same plant family. However, once the olive aeroplane can grow quite large, separate plants are typically a small to medium size succulent that grows about five inches tall and agencies wide. They're also very, very slow growing plants, so it would take quite a while for them to reach anywhere near that size. Like most succulence, separate war through are pretty maintenance free and don't need a lot of force. As long as you put your zipper plant in an area of the house that doesn't get too cold and it's not in direct sunlight, it will be just fine. It only needs the occasional drink, and it's best to treated as you would other house plants and leave the salt to dry out completely in between watering separate water aren't the only type of a water your plants how water plants are a huge family of succulence, and they all tend to resemble mini yellow plants. Most of warriors don't have stripes, so the zipper horse through are simply those that do have stripes on their leaves. There are a few varieties of zebra waters, so just discuss a few of them so you can select your favorite. How wealthy A Limb Ophelia is a chunkier plant with much more triangular leaves in the other separate plants. It is also slightly ridged, as well as having the characteristic boy lines. Horthy a a 10 You Arte Onda war thier fast IATA Other, more typical zipper plants. I personally preferred the war thier fast de Arte over the Horthy, a tin you Arte but they're both very similar. The horse here fast IATA just tends have slightly nicer leaves. In my opinion, a war thier margarita Fairer is a beautiful little zipper plant, and it's actually often called a per plant. That's because the little white cubicles that normally formed the stripes of his every plant are slightly more spaced at on resemble dots rather than lines. This gives the leaf a slowly pull top appearance. A war thier test salata is quite different in appearance to the others. Emperor plants the two vehicles, which are usually white arm or transparent, on this plant on their arranged in little rectangles rather than just lines. Hence, his name is her war theater salata, which means Tess elated, and that means a shape that is repeated over and over. Another name for these separate plants is the star window plant. Seeing is the rectangles look like little windows. No matter which is ever water you choose, you will have a fairly easy to care for plant. These succulents do produce flowers, usually mid to late summer, but they're not the most exciting flowers. No me, a long stems shoots out of the middle of the plant, and a few tiny white or light pink flowers form on the tip. The bonus of a Flowering Zebra Award Via is that it shows your plant is healthy and happy and actually alive, which can sometimes be hard to tell with this very slow growing plant. Because they're so slow growing, you don't have to worry about growing. It's part, so you can be a bit more creative. Some people grow them in interesting containers, which is a teacup. Whatever you choose to grow teen, just my short has adequate drainage because on the nurse circumstances whatsoever should your zebra war Theus sitting water as he will begin to rot away. Another good tip would be to put a layer of gravel in the pot so that excess water contract out of the soul and sit away from the plant. As I said, you can put your plant in any area with bright light but not direct sunlight. If the leaves of your zebra awards here start to look a little white or even yellow, then it's an indication that it's getting to more soon. So moving to somewhere out of direct sunlight. On the other hand, if the least start to look a little fight ID, the new plant isn't getting enough soon. Since this plant is so slow growing, you should avoid watering it in the winter as it won't need it. You should also avoid letting any water collecting thought the rosette. You can feed the plant if you wish during the summer, and this will encourage slightly faster growth. But it isn't necessary, but most succulence separate. Horthy will produce little baby plants, but these plant tends to grow them in clusters so you'll see three or four baby plants growing around the outside of their mother. You can leave these plants until they start to get to beat if it's in the pot and then you can cut them off with a sharp knife and give them their own plant part, trying to keep us many of the route as possible to give them the best chance of survival. Just like with the olive era, the Baby Zebra plants are also called pops. 5. Succulents for beginners Part 4 Tiger Jaws: Tiger Joerres. The Target Joe Prints is a very unique looking plant. It has thick flesh Elise with teeth or spines all the way along. That leaves a triangular in shape on the spines are actually not for defense at all. In fact, the teaser spines helped collect water, which is then directed down towards the inner part of the plant and taken down into the roots. Each plan tends to grow around 10 leaves, which grow in a rosette on their a clustering plant, just like the separate plant, so you'll often see two or three grown together. This is another small succulent that will grow to a maximum of right inches. Across on. The leaves can get to about six inches in length. The unusual thing about these succulent is that it produces a pretty yellow or white flour in the order the flower resembles a tenderloin on opens up in the center of the plant. The flowers will only open if there's plenty of sun, so in late afternoon you'll probably close up again. The tongue of plans. Latin name is for Carrier Thai greener on. It's a plan that absolutely love son. It needs a little most on the most succulents in order for it to produce a flower, so make sure you places somewhere you can get at least three hours of bright light every day. As for watering, it's the same as other succulence. Give it a water and then leave the salt to dry out to the touch before watering it again in the winter. You don't need to. Water is often, since it won't be growing. And just like with the zebra plant, you should never let these plants sit in water or we will begin to rot away. If you want to feed your target Joyce plant, you can do so, but it isn't necessary. Onda would recommend only using a very weak feet that you have diluted the time draws Plant only has a very shallow root system, so you don't need a deep hot. They used to growing inside of cliffs or inside rock crevices, so they're pretty low demand plants. All you need to make sure off is that the potters plenty of drainage holes so any excess water doesn't build up in the part, Just like with the Olive era and the Zebra Award via target Jaws plants produced Little Offsets Corp hopes you can always leave the pope's to grow next to their mother and former cluster, but you can also cook them off. If you leave the pope's to grow next to the parent plant for long enough, they will start to produce their own little root system so you can simply could them away and give them their own pot. If there are no roots when you do, could the pop off? However, you simply need to leave the pop for a few days, so a callous conform over the course, then put it into moist source or a root system could start to develop. Keep the pope's away from direct sunlight, and they should be fine. As with all succulents, they're pretty hardy and easy to careful. But problems can occur occasionally. If you notice the leaves become pale or look like they're wilting slightly, it could mean that you're over watering the plant. If you have a lethal look brown, then you should put it off a sick leave his prompted disease so safe to quit it off in order to protect the rest of the plant. This next big goes for all succulence. If you haven't been a good plant owner on your plant, leaves have become mushy. Then you've definitely water too much or the soul isn't very good for drainage, so one should stop panicking. Could away as much of the affected leaders you can and then take the plant ahead of its pot and brush away this soil. Put the plant into a well drained soil, mix it with gravel if needs be, and then wait for the root system to dry out completely before offering any more water. If you see new growth, then that's a good sign and you can water the plant again. 6. Succulents for beginners Part 5 Burro’s tail: rose tile, the bureau's tail or see them more. Ghani Anna is very different in appearance. Three other siblings we've covered in this course the bureau's tail plant, has long stems that hang over the edge of the part. All along. The stems are short cylindrical leaves that are bluey green in color. This plant is a bit more delicate than other succulents. Its leaves a more fragile and they will fall off, if not handle with care. However, if you don't move your plant once you've chosen a noise place for it, you don't need to worry. The good thing, though, is that a leaves a do fall off will take root quickly if you put them on some soil and you'll get extra plants. The Brewers tail is also called the Donkey tail plant, and there are actually three types. The regular plants them can get to about four feet in length after a few years, and then the joy of bureaus tile gets to buy the same length, but the stems are much thicker and less fragile. Finally, there's a smaller version called the Baby Donkey tail or seed Um burrito, which is only about half the size of the regular plant bureaus. Tell plants, enjoy sunny areas and, if you can, make sure you put them somewhere, that they can get least four hours of sunlight per day. Some people who grow brewers tell plans say that they enjoy direct sunlight. But I found that if you leave them, enforce some for too long, the leaves can start to look a little yellow. You can water them in the same way as most of the succulence. I don't have a water them. As they begin to Roth, simply water them when the soil feels dry to the touch, and then don't water them again until the soil dries out again. One thing I will say, though, is that these plants do grow a little more quickly than other succulents, so make sure you keep a regular check on the sore on. When you do water them do so thoroughly in the winter, you can cook back on watering, but if you notice the leaves start to shrivel, it means the plant is thirsty. Once you've given them a drink, the lethal soon plump up again. You don't need to feed them, but you can give them diluted feed once a month, but only in the spring and summer mons. Another thing you can do is change the sore. Once in a while, just scrapes on the top soil if the pot and replace it with some fresh stuff. Once a year is fine. The sort of soy you can use for these on all succulence is a character soil. You can usually find tattersall in most gardening shops, but if you can't find any, any indoor potting soil is fine. But you will need to have been a griddle fine gravel to ride with the drainage. I would suggest choosing the slightly larger pot for this plant because you won't want strawberry potting get. If that grows its home. It's very difficult to report a borough style with that, losing a lot of leaves. If you do end up knocking leads off, though, don't worry. More legal growth take their place. Propagating brewers tile is very easy. Leaves that fall off will simply grow roots and become a new plant. Don't if you plant doesn't drop Neely's boy itself, just pick off a few fat healthy ones and put them onto some soil. Keep this or slightly moist. Using a spray bottle on new routes will grow from the base of the leaf. Once the little plant is about half in each big, you can plant it in his own pot. If you want a larger plan to propagate, you can cut off an entire stem. I will cut off the stem and whatever length you want, but then pluck the bottom third of the leaves off and then give it a few weeks to heal the courts. Then, once callouses have formed over the areas where the leaves were, you can push the best stem into a part of soil. You might need to use them sticks to hold it down into the pot if the stem is quite long because the weight of the top half of the stem might pull it out. But once is rooted, it'll be fine. The good thing about Burrows Town is that they are fire normal part, but you can also hang them up in hanging baskets on the stems will look beautiful, hanging over the edge 7. Succulents for beginners Part 6 Crassula ovata aka the Jade plant: Chris Ula Bovada OK, the J planned Chris Ula is actually a diverse group of succulence, with about 350 species in total. The best known of these is the Chris Solo Varta, which is commonly known as the J Plant, or even the money plant. The Chris Sutera Varta is attended evergreen, succulent with round, fleshy, glossy J green leaves. In high light levels, you may see the lease developer red tinge around the edge. The new stems of the J plant also green and glossy. But as they mature, they become Brandon Woody. When growing Ajay plant, you want to position it in a brightly lit area, and if you live in a warmer climate, you can even move it outside in the summer months. They also need a well drained soil, so I recommend you have extra great to the compass before parting the plant. Or you could use a compass that specifically made for a cactus. Because of the well drained soil, you should also have some gravel or decorative pebbles to the top of the pot to reduce the amount of evaporation taking place. The crystal Arrgh Varta is in his growth period between April and September, said, You're in this time you should water a little more regularly. Even so, the best advice is toe water, and then let the sore go dry slightly before watering it again during the growing season. If you want to boost growth, I recommend you give you plant a liquid feed once every month or month and 1/2 when the plant is Dorman's, and not in the growing period you can cut down on the watering once or twice a month will be more than enough. It's always better to underwater a succulent than toe over water one, because it is easier to save a dehydrated plant but once have been over watered. It's a tricky process to get them back on, track the counselor of Arctic and grow into quite a large plant, reaching a height and spread of a renovate three feet or more. Depending on the variety, it can take a while for them to reach this size, though around 10 to 15 years, it's quite like a bonzai tree in the way that it grows into a miniature tree with the thick brain, trunk and branches. Very rarely, you might get a plan that will produce flowers in the summer. If you are looking off, you'll get some lovely little white or pink flowers, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, though. Most people have a J plant for years and years without ever seeing a single flower has your J plant gets bigger, you can re pop them. I would suggest a good, solid and heavy pot because these plans are top heavy on the light part might tip over easily. If you want to propagate this plant, all you have to do is take one of the leaves or even a stem, quitting and place it into some Saul makes. Before you do that, though, it's a good idea to place the coatings on a window sill to dry out for a few days before putting them in the soil. This just stops the sap from seeping out. After a few weeks, the could he should grow some roots, and you can then report them