Gardening For Beginners (New plants added regularly) | Mark Shorter | Skillshare

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Gardening For Beginners (New plants added regularly)

teacher avatar Mark Shorter, DIY expert!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Gardening for beginners - Introduction


    • 2.

      Gardening for beginners - Pansies and violas


    • 3.

      Gardening for beginners - Petunias


    • 4.

      Gardening for beginners - Calibrachoa


    • 5.

      Gardening for beginners - Marigolds


    • 6.

      Gardening for beginners - Begonias


    • 7.

      Gardening for beginners - Impatiens Busy Lizzies


    • 8.

      Gardening for beginners - Geraniums (aka Pelargoniums)


    • 9.

      Gardening for beginners - Lobelia


    • 10.

      Gardening for beginners - Cosmos


    • 11.

      Gardening for beginners - Osteospermum


    • 12.

      Gardening for beginners - Perennials / Lavender


    • 13.

      Gardening for beginners - Hebes


    • 14.

      Gardening for beginners - Lupins


    • 15.

      Gardening for beginners - Hellebores


    • 16.

      Gardening for beginners - Hostas


    • 17.

      Gardening for beginners - Bleeding Heart Plant


    • 18.

      Gardening for beginners - Alliums


    • 19.

      Gardening for beginners - Acer tree


    • 20.

      Gardening for beginners - Bay tree


    • 21.

      Gardening for beginners - Flamingo willow tree


    • 22.

      Gardening for beginners - Monkey puzzle tree


    • 23.

      Gardening for beginners - Conifer trees


    • 24.

      Gardening for beginners - Lawn Care


    • 25.

      Gardening for beginners - Spring bulbs


    • 26.

      Gardening for beginners - What to do throughout the year


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About This Class

I know when I started out doing my garden, I found the world of planting a labyrinth of one disaster after another. To start with, plants are not the cheapest things in the world, and if you don’t know what you’re doing with them, buying plants can become a large expense – especially if you end up killing them! Secondly, when you buy a plant it looks one way, but after a few weeks or months of growing, it can either grow completely out of control or, worse, it can die.

Over the years, after a lot of trial and error, I have learnt a lot about which plants to buy at which times of year, and how to care for them so that you end up with a beautiful floral display throughout the year.

This is a course to give you some ideas about simple, easy to care for plants and grass care that will make your garden into the envy of your neighbourhood and won’t require hours and hours of hard work.

You can access all my other courses using these links: How to spruce up your garden on a budget. Make your own brick border. How to decorate your bathroom on a budget. Make your own simple wooden planter. Make your own stackable vegetable planter. Make your own decorative planter.

Find more gardening and life style courses using these links:

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Mark Shorter

DIY expert!


Hello, I’m Mark and I love DIY!

For the past 15 years, I have been developing houses,  and in that time I have become an expert in everything DIY. I started out as complete beginner and found out that with a little bit of time and patience, nothing is impossible. If you scroll down through my profile, you’ll find plenty of courses that cover topics not only in DIY, but also in baking and gardening encompassing all my passions.


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1. Gardening for beginners - Introduction: gardening for beginners, here is a quick guide for planting a low maintenance, beautiful garden. I know when I started out doing my garden, I found the world of planting a labyrinth of one disaster after another to start with plant sentence and not the cheapest things in the world. And if you don't know what you're doing with them by, implants can become a large expense, especially if you end up killing them. Secondly, when you buy a plant, he looks one way. But after a few weeks or months of growing, it can either grow completely out of control. Or worse, it can die. Over the years after a lot of trial and error, I have learned a lot about which plans to boy at which time of year on how to care for them so that they end up with a beautiful floor display throughout the year. This is just a short course to give you some idea about simple, easy to careful plants that will make your garden into the envy of your neighborhood and won't require hours and hours of hard work. We can speak garden plants into two basic groups. Annuals on perennials basically annuals of plants that will live for one year, and perennials are those that will live a lot longer. You'll often hear, hear people refer trying users, bedding plants. Where is there might refer to perennials as shrubs or Heggie's. Both groups bring different positives and negatives into the garden, and I like using a mixture of both types. We'll start with annuals, though, as I've said just one year and then die away. The good thing about annuals is that because they have such a short lifespan, they will grow fairly quickly, and they bring almost instant burst of color to the garden. Additionally, because they only live for one year, the whole aim of Ananias life is to make us many seeds as possible that will grow the following year. The way the plants produce seeds is through process called pollination on pollination requires insets to take pollen from one flower and take it to another flower so that seats can be produced. Plants have a very clever way of making insects dual this hard work, and that is through the means of growing flowers. Instances get attracted to bright things. Ceremonials tend to grow, beat bright flowers to attract insects to them. When the insects land on the flower, it gets a tasty treat of nectar. Andi also ends up getting covered in pollen. Then, when the insect flies to the next flower, some of the polymer rub off, allowing the planter mike seed. Annuals will grow flowers to attract insects, and then, once it has produced hundreds or even thousands of sees, it doesn't really need to grow any more flowers, so it'll die off. However, there is a little trick that we can do to make annuals produce flowers for most of the year once the flowers starts to die, if it is being pollinated in the process of creating seeds. If we stop the plan from making seeds, it will grow more flowers to try again. So with annual plans, as soon as we spot a flower begin to die. If we pull the flower off called dead heading, it will cause a plan to grow more flowers so it can try again to make more seeds. The more you debt had the flowers of annuals, the more flowers you will get. You can spot a dime flower either because it would look a little shriveled or the petrol begin to fall off by dead heading, you can use to get a beautiful display of flowers from early spring all the way through to light summer and even early autumn. Another good thing about annuals is that, compared to perennials, they are inexpensive because annuals air so quick and easy to grow. Garden centres console them in book relatively cheaply. You will often see offers where you can buy a pack of six or more annuals for just a few pounds, and generally you buy them small and within no time at all. They will grow into a much larger plant that will fully of garden throughout the year. Alternatively, if you have a little more time in space, annuals are very easy plants to grow from seeds. You can normally buy packets of hundreds of seeds for a couple of pounds. In this course, I'm going to go over the most common on Easy to care for annuals 2. Gardening for beginners - Pansies and violas: pans, ease on violas, thies to plants, and probably the most common annuals you'll see on. They are very easy to grow. Firstly, I should just point out that they are very often mixed up. Panties are actually a type of viola, so we can say that all pans is our viola's, but not all. There arose a Ponzi's, but the difference isn't really that important, since both pansies and violas require the same care. Pansies and violas come in virtually any color you can imagine, and they also come in many different varieties. You can easily find bonuses in most garden centres in yellows, golds, oranges, purples, violets, reds, whites and even black, which are actually very dark purple. And they can be one color, two colors and even three colors. They also come in lots of different priorities. Some have large flowers. Some have small flowers with us, have freely flowers, and some even have double flowers. No matter what situation you have, you can find a pansy or viola that will suit some pansy, stay small and swat perfectly little parts or the panties will grow into larger plants up to 25 centimeters tall. There are even some plans is there were trail over the age of pots or climb up through with the plants. The good thing about puns is, is that they're so cheap and faster growing that you can play about an experiment with different ways to arrange. Panzers could be used as plants in their own right, filling pots, hanging baskets, borders and planters. Or you can use them to fill gaps. You can mix colors was dicta one color, and you can mix large flowers with small ones or just it toe one size when you buy. When you're buying any plan from a garden center, there are some things to look out for to make sure you're getting a healthy plant. Pence's can be susceptible to disease, so it's best to make sure they're healthy before you take them home. Healthy leaves and stems. All the leaves and stems should be green and firm. If their lives, it could be a sign of rot waas checking the leaves and stems. You should also be looking out for insects such as I feeds white fly or spider mites. What's A few insects aren't impervious. Seamus Problem. You want to avoid introducing any pest into your garden. Strong Ruth. Checking the roots isn't the easiest of things to do in a garden center, but you can check if they're strong. Carefully grab the pansy by the centre stem and give it a little talk. If the plant feels like it's going to commit the soil, then the roots are too weak. If the whole plan comes out for the pot. So all in all, or if the roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot in the planted, most probably route band, which means it's quite an old plant. What you're looking for is something in between buds. When you're looking for Pan's ease, don't be tempted to buy the plants with the most flowers. What you want is to buy with lots of bulls. The boat will open up into new flowers within a few weeks of purchase meeting. You will get much longer display of flowers if you do. Boy plans is there already established with lots of flowers, then they are more likely to die sooner. You can buy Ponzi's at any time of the year to give you a guard in an instant boost of color However, if you buy them in the early spring or when the weather is just about to warm up, you'll get Ponzi's. There were last to read the spring, summer and early autumn. If you buy plans is in the winter, they will survive, but they won't grow much or produce many flowers. Springtime pounds is will grow quickly on pine trees, will grow quickly and produce lots of flowers. Just make sure that whenever you spot a flower die, pull it off a soon as possible to stop the plant from producing seeds. If the plant produces seeds, then it will stop growing new flowers. If you do stop the plan from producing seeds, then it will keep growing plenty of new flat in order to get good, healthy growth on your panties. The most important thing to do is to start with the soil before you plunge your new panties . Make sure you had fresh compost, which is full of nutrients to the whole. If you put plenty of fresh compost in the whole before planting your panties, you won't need to worry as much about feeding them throughout the year. Other than dead, heading there isn't a lot of maintenance required with panties. One little tip is to trim leggy growth back to produce bushy compact plants. This isn't necessary, but if you trim back any stems that are getting really so long, it will give the plant more energy to grow. New step or energy to grow New stems on new flowers As for watering, you don't want to over what panties In the cooler month. You don't really need to water them at all. Putting the someone's our water once every evening will keep them thriving. Always water when the air is cooler or mornings. If your panties ever start to look limp, you can give them a soak and they'll be okay. Plants in pots need more watering than plant in the ground, since the water in pots will drain away more quickly. If you have pans easing a hanging basket, they will need lots of watering. Lots of watering since hanging baskets tend to dry out really quickly. Finally, because panties are annuals once they've stopped flattering, usually dig them up to make more space for new plants. If you leave punches in the ground, they may continue to leave, but they will never thrive. Occasionally, if you if you live in a warmer climate, you may find that your pansy has become perennials, meaning they will come back for a following year. In the UK, however, you should treat them only as annuals. If your panties do turn to seed, you can collect the seeds quite easily and then you can grow them. I won't go into the details of groups, but you can easily find instructions on the back of seed packets or on the Internet. 3. Gardening for beginners - Petunias: petunias, just like pans ease. Petunias come in lots of different colors, and they come in even more varieties. You can get petunias in pinks, blues, purples, Redd's, Orantes, yellows, blacks and whites. And they can come in a mixture of all those colors in all sorts of patterns with stripes, fines and speckles. There are four main types of Virginia's grandiflora grandiflora petunias have large, blowsy flowers, which look spectacular. This type of opportunity do well in the spring, but the tend to get quite spindly and tired looking by midsummer, multi flora multi flora petunias are smaller plants with smaller flowers than grandiflora, but they do tend to produce more of them. This type of petunias also has stronger stems, so they're less delicate than grandiflora. This makes them go plants toe having hanging baskets as the wind won't break any of the stems. The multi floor of authorities also last a bit longer than the grandiflora on their blooms come in single on double varieties. Milly Flora. The middle floor opportunities are much more compact than other varieties, and they have lots of flowers, which are about an inch wide because they stay relatively compact and have abundant flowers . They are well suited for flower beds. Many flow opportunities are quite low. Mindset entrance on that don't require any dead heading, spreading. Spreading opportunities do exactly as they say on the teen. They spread, and they spread a lot. These opportunities are low growing, but a single plant can spread over an area off 3 to 4 feet in diameter. They are an ideal choice for hanging baskets and containers. If you wish for a trial in display, or you can use them as grown cover in borders and beds, as well as these four types of petunias, plant breeders have begun to mix the varieties, producing hybrids that have the characteristics of more than more than one variety. Petunias are generally quite delicate plants with delicate flowers. Ideally, you should wait until all frost has passed before planting them. As unlike Ponzi's, they won't cope with colder temperatures. Petunias needs we planted in full sun. If they are plans, they weren't flowers, prolifically, just like I said with panties, you should make sure that you put plenty of fresh, nutrient rich compost into the hole before planting your petunias. The better the com pass, the better the growth arm or abundantly, the flowers will bloom. Petunias need a lot of regular news. Need a lot of regular watering because they do best planted in full sun. It also means they will dry out quickly. Their roots don't grow deep, so they find it hard to find water. If you plan to plant your petunias in hanging baskets, you'll need to water than toys daily once in early morning in the evening. Once petunias drying out, it can be quite tricky to get them back on track. Unless you grow the Milly Flora variety, you will need to deadhead option years. It's not as critical to deadhead them as quickly as with pans. Ease, but you will need to. So, in order to stop, sees being produced as well as dead heading. If you get some leggy stems begin to grow. They won't produces many flowers, so you can prove those stems right back in orders. Encourage new growth with extra branching, which will ultimately encourage more flowers to grow. Just note that the foliage of petunias congenitally be a little sticky, so you may want to wear gloves for pruning or dead, heading 4. Gardening for beginners - Calibrachoa: Callie Bracha. Callie Bracco very often mistaken for petunias because they have a very similar appearance , but they are much easier to careful. Actually. In some places they're referred to the mini petunia, or 1,000,000 bell petunias, these flowers flowers that typically grown as annuals. However, they also can be grown as perennials in areas where the climate is warmer. Generally, Callie Bracco are grown is trialing or spitter plants, and it looks great in hanging baskets or a tall containers with his abundance of flowers spilling over the edge. Callie Bracco, a rainbow of colors and then coming Justus many varieties as petunias. You'll find some solid colors, two tones, stripes, patterns and even double blooms. And they come in blues, purples, reds, orange ease, whites, pinks, pinks and yellows, and you'll get flowers right through from early spring to late autumn. The good thing about calibrate koa is that they are considered a self cleaning plant. What this means is that it doesn't need to be dead headed in order to keep it blooming, however, just like petunias. If the stems start to get a little beetle was the end of summer, you can cut them back to encourage new growth and more flowers. Just like with most Daniels, Callie Bracco do best when they get a lot of sunlight, so try to keep them out of constant shade. You should keep them well hydrated, but your containers need plenty of drainage to avoid waterlogging. A good way to check whether you need a water container plants is to push your finger deep into the soil. If the sore feels dry to your fingertip water container until it drains out of the bottom of the pot, then don't water it again until the sword dries out in the middle of summer. When the heat is high, you'll need towards her more often than more often. Put in cooler months. You may not need to water it all because the comments which large varieties of color you can fit calibrate karate in with pretty much any display. A pot full of multicolored calibrate qua looks beautiful and is really easy to care for because they cascade over the age of you could plant them around the edges and fill the centers with larger plants to give more height to your display. There's one little thing to be aware off when growing color brecca. Because these plants grow so quickly and produced so many flowers, I need a good amount of food. If the leaves on your kind of Bracco, I start to turn a little yellow in color. Then you should give them some fertilizer to boost their nitrogen levels. Finally, there is a new plant harbored that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It's a hybrid between Petunia on Culebra Ochoa, and it's called the Petula. It is basically a color Bracha with petunias on flowers. So you get, Do you get the best of both worlds? Lots and lots of large flowers, and an additional bonus is that they don't have the sticky foliage of petunias. 5. Gardening for beginners - Marigolds: marigolds. No, I have to admit that for many years Mary goals were far from my favorite plant, however, a couple of years ago, ogre, a long line of miracles under some large hedges where nothing else will grow. And they gave such a spectacular view display that they have now become a firm favorite of mine. Once you understand how easy to grow, they are on how nice they look when they have lots group together. I'm sure you'll never be with their marigolds. There are four types of miracles that a common in gardening. These are French marigolds. African marry goes signet. Marigolds on pot marigolds. No, The 1st 3 are from the same family Targhee teeth, but the pop Murray gold is actually not related to you. Other three. It comes from the family calendula, so let's start with the first family. Tiny French, African and signage. Marigolds. French marigolds are the most common type of Mary God. You'll find. They range from 6 to 12 inches in height on 6 to 12 inches in with, and they grow flowers up to two inches across. French marigold flowers come in. Yellow was coming. Yellows, oranges and reds and are generally a mixture of all three. Sometimes you will also see white varieties. The flowers tend to be round a very thickly packed with petals. African marry goals are much bigger than their French cousins. They can grow up to four feet in height and spread up to two feet across. Their flowers can reach up to five inches across and looked like big palm palms. They're less common in the French marigolds, but they come in the same colors yellows, oranges, reds and whites. The sickening miracles are quite different parents. The French marigolds and African miracles are basically small and large versions of the same plant. But the sickening marigolds are much more delicate in appearance and have single small flowers. They come in reds, oranges and yellows, and the plant can grow into 12 inch tall Bush's. They have spent one inch across on this type of Mary. Gold is actually edible. Despite their slight differences, all three types of tgt marigolds are similar in their care requirements. I would say that miracles are probably the easiest of all gone plants to grow. If you make sure there is plenty of fresh compost or plan food in the sore before you plant them, let them. Then you can basically put them in the ground and just leave them. They will grow steadily and give you a beautiful display of flowers throughout the year. One thing you could do is to pinch the tops off the plants once they've established themselves. What this will do is increase Americans to grow bushier unless leggy, and it would also cause the plants to grow more food. You don't need to deadhead marigolds as the dead flowers will simply shrivel up and fall off. But if you do remove dying blossoms regularly, it will encourage the plan to continue. Blew me for longer. If you do see it blossom that started to go bad, All you have to do is pinches them back to the nearest set of leaves. As for watering, you don't have to worry as much is with petunias or pans. Ease. Make sure you water a little bit more in the heat, but you don't have to worry about the sword drying out. In fact, it can be beneficial to let the water dry out between watering. Anything to take care with. This is the large flowers because the petals are so densely packed. End of trapping water, especially the African marigolds on this thing, cause the flowers to rot. So as a safety measure, stick to watering at the base of the plants. You can plant marigolds as early as early spring, once a frost have stopped and there's light is midsummer. They were flower continuously right continuously, right through to mid autumn. Although marigolds are annuals, if you leave them in the ground, they might come back in the warmer climates for another year of flattering. The good thing about miracles is that they could be planted pretty much anywhere. They could be planted in full sun or partial shade. I think they look best in large clumps, so plant four or five miracles together to create a nice bush like display in containers. They look noise surrounded by other colorful annuals, so it would count a few in the center of a part with petunias all Amelia around the outside . If you choose to all of Reuters America gold, it's advisable to stake them for the heavy flowers don't cause the plan to topple over Hall , Mary goes, look noise in parts or in borders. But the sickening Mary goes look especially nice in a border as a single plan can grow into a nice bushy display on the bright orange flowers. Standout beautiful against other large shrubs. No, let's have a look of pot marigolds, goals or the calendula species. This type of Mary gold comes from the same family as daisies and chrysanthemums on their blooms. Do look more like daisies than you're the toast of marigolds, just like other marigold, they coming oranges and yellows. Although reds and pinks are also available, part marigolds grow between a foot and two feet in both height and with on their flowers were about two inches in diameter. The differences between pot marigolds on the French and African miracles are evident as soon as you look at them. The pot miracles have a clear center known as the pistol. Where is the French and African Miracle Pistols? He stills tend to be hidden by the dense nous of the type petals Pop Miracle pistols tend to be in a dark contrast in color, but not always the pot. Miracles can be distinguished from the sickening Mary goals, as I have many more petals on each flower. You can treat pot marigolds in the same way as to GT. Marigolds implanted the young plants in early spring, once the last frost had begun to die away. As they start to become established, you can pinch at the top stems to mow bushier. More compact growth, which will stop plants from becoming leggy again. Dead heading isn't necessary, but it will encourage the plants to re bloom throughout the whole year. Don't over water park mary goals on the ladder soil to dry out between watering as this will prevent root rot from killing the plant. Having said that, however, you should freaking you water your plants until they become established. You can find a large variety of flower types of pot. Mary Coles. So keep an eye out in your garden center for unusual blooms as and when they become available. As with all the plants, you shouldn't buy miracles with too many flowers on them to start with, it's better to buy them when they're full of woods. Has this means there burst into flower once they're in your garden and give you a much longer floor display 6. Gardening for beginners - Begonias: begonias I only ever used to No one variety of begonia and I really didn't like it. Every year my neighbor would put up three begonias and a hanging basket, and every year the flowers will grow enormously large and fall off. I think called the tuberous begonias on the image of a week looking plant with joy. Enormous flowers for enough is what comes to mind. When I heard the name Begonia many years later on the trip to London, my mind was completely changed and I fell in love with begonias. The summer display of Pagonis, invents of many London parks, astounded May. There was so many types, some delicate, some blowsy, some tour and some short begonias have now become a firm favorites of mine, just like paella, goni, ums, begonias going many varieties. There are, in fact, over 1000 times of begonia, although only a fraction of them are commonly grown commonly grown, they also have beautiful foliage, circum regrown for their leaves as well as their flowers. We can split begonias up into three main categories. Tuberous begonias, the ones with the lowest placing flowers. Simple Florence begonia, the ones with waxy leaves on Bolivian sis begonia, also known as watering begonia, the ones that trial tuberous begonias. The's begonias are ideally suited to growing in containers and hanging baskets as their large, heavy flowers are often too big for the plant to hold up over. The stems and foliage of these begonias can be quite brutal, so take care with them, especially when watering. It's best to water the very base of the plant to avoid getting the blooms or the foliage wet, as this could cause them to rot and fall off. If the flowers drop off, it might be a sign that the compass is true. Drawing summation Troy So my shirt is always wet with regular watering. When grown begonias in hanging baskets, you will need to water daily to stop the flowers falling off. To get the best deal you begonias, you will need to use very fertile compost or add fertilizer regularly throughout the growing season for the best blooms and growth. The good thing about going is is that there will grow flowers even if planted in the shade . In fact, tuberous begonias prefer to have shade for most the day. While son weren't harmed, them too much it could scores the leaves, so when you're choosing a spot, ideally, it will be in indirect light. Andi, somewhat protected from the wind and is do best in parts, but you can grow them in beds, but you will then have to state them to support the heavy blooms. The flowers come in orange ease, pinks, roids, rates and yellows, and they can be single flowers, double flowers, plane, plane ruffled or tooth. The petals. Mortals have patterns on blotches of contrasting colors. If you want big flowers, you should deal at the chutes when they're about three inches tall. You can do these by pinching off any more than three stems for small plants, or six times per large. If you want a larger number of flowers, there won't be a big, but you can achieve it by not pinching out the extra stems. In fact, if you pinch the very tips of the stems in my, you'll get many mawr. Smaller flowers. Semper Florence begonias, the semper Florence begonia Florence begonias are sometimes called wax begonias on these plants are much more popular in beds and borders than the tuberous cousins. Simple Florence begonias are much more durable and will provide a sweeping display of colorful flowers to read the spring and summer. There are many more varieties of symptoms begonias than tuberous begonias. The lease of these begonias concluding greens or brown on the flowers from common reds, pink, white oranges and yellow, The simple Florence begonias like shade or partial shade. I'd prefer to grow in a sheltered area protected from the wind. Make sure the soil is well drained but water regularly to stop them from drying out. Just like with the tuberous variety, Try to water only the base of the plant so the leaves don't rot or grow mold. There is also a risk that these begonias might get fungal disease. If the leaves remain moist, main moist, they're relatively easy to care for, especially compared with tuberous begonias, and they won't need any pruning. However, you can't deadhead any spent flowers to encourage more blooms to grow. If you want more compact plants than you can pinch them back regularly as it will grow quite knowledge of the wise go Nia's. These are my favorite type of begonias, and they are the most recent addition to garden plants. They are actually a type of tuberous begonias, but their flowers are much smaller on the lease. A very exotic looking Bolivians. His begonias spread to about 25 inches across the leaves of the green and pointy, sometimes called angel wings on depends on a variety, their flowers coming. Reds, oranges, yellow voids on pink. These begonias tend to be groomed for the training qualities, and they can look very nice falling of the edge of pots with soil plants, perhaps center Florence McGarity, Karen years growing behind them, local the begonias. These plans like plenty of water, but dont like seizing it needs, so make sure you saw is well drained and lead the sword to dry out. In between watering, these plants are ideal for pots and hanging baskets in the shade, so they bring a bit of exotic, cooler toe any corners, the corners of your garden where the sun doesn't quite reach. However, these begonias can also put up with more son than their tuberous brethren, so you can plant them in false on. If you wish, all the begonia types can be over wintered. If you have a greenhouse or conservatory, you simply bring the whole pot inside before the first freeze and keep it in the dark. Don't water them at all, and they were going to a dormant phase. Then in the spring moved the pot into a warm, well lit area, and they will continue to grow. Most people, however, just keep them is annuals on Buy them fresh each year. 7. Gardening for beginners - Impatiens Busy Lizzies: impatiens, Impatiens Air, also known as busy Lizzies on they are a very pretty plant that will bring bright color to your borders and containers. The's annuals grow incredibly quickly and looked like well established perennial shrubs once they've reached their peak in the summer, I love adding these plans to my borders to fill in gaps and growing in a rain perennials, adding color to them long after shrubs have lost their blooms. Impatiens come in a huge variety of broad colors from reds, two pinks, whites, oranges and purples. Impatiens flowers tend to be passed ALS or very vibrant, and they can even have patterns on their petals. They tend to grow both a foot to three foot in height and width on blooms throughout the spring and summer and even in late autumn. I tend to plan my first lot of gentle early spring to give me flowers until early autumn, and there are plans a second group in late summer on to get flowers until midwinter, even when the temperatures fall. The reason for this is because in patients like to grow in the shade, so they will continue to grow even with that summer soon, you can plant in patients under other strokes and hedges, where order annuals wouldn't thrive. These plants need plenty of water with just like begonias. They don't like sitting in water, so make sure it's well drained. I tend to plant diseases in borders where you can plant them in pots and containers to which they were quickly filled with flowers. You can find some unusual pastel quarters within passions. There are a nice contrast with the flowers. A good tip, if you like, uniformity it to pit one color each year on plant there are in the garden. This then helps to bring the whole garden together. If you grow them in pots, you can put three or four different shades of pastel colors in one pot and get a beautiful , subtle rainbow. Effect these air probably one of the only annuals that would give a great floor display even when grown in full shade. Begonias were also flattering for shade, but nothing can be the bright blooms of busy Lizzies because they grow quickly and flower profusely. You should make sure that you saw has plenty of fertilizer. Either fill your beds or containers with fresh compost or feet regularly throughout the year. Every two or three weeks is enough. Another option is to ride slow release verse allies er at the beginning of spring and then again, midsummer. One issue with impatience is that they can eventually start to look leggy later in the summer. You can deal with this by trimming off the top third of their vegetation. It will improve the overall appearance that plants and promote the emergence of new blooms . You don't need to deadhead impatiens, but the depth flowers can look a little messy. I find that the petals fall off and been up sticking to the leaves and then turn brown, making the whole plant look a mess. So when I see a flower start to drop its petals, I just pinch the whole thing off. Before he gets chance to make a mess. You can easily wipe off any brand petals that money, sister to the leaves. And don't worry about pulling off too many flowers. There will always be more flowers ready to burst open on a busy Lizzie. They are born bloomers 8. Gardening for beginners - Geraniums (aka Pelargoniums): geraniums, i k. I tell Ogoni ums. Now let me start by saying there are two types of geraniums. One type of uranium is a perennial shrub. On near the top of dryness is an annual. In actual fact, the proper name for the annual isn't uranium at all. It's Patagonia, for some reason. Back in the 18th century, the two types of plans got confused on no. Even garden centres use the name geranium when they're actually referring to Pella Goni ums . The flow is a perennial geraniums on the flows. The annual polar growney ums are really quite different. Put the lid slightly similar, so this might be where the mix up occurred. If you look at the perennial geranium flower, you'll see it's a nice symmetrical flow with five petals all evenly spaced out. On the other hand, if you look at the Patagonian flowers, you'll see that they have to pedal sticking up on three pedals sticking down in this section of the course. On this section of the course, I'm talking about the annuals soap Allegany ums. I'll talk about the perennial shrub geraniums in the perennial section in this section. I'm going to use the name Patagonia, Um, but just keep in mind that you'll probably see them called geraniums in some garden centres . Pentagon, Liam's air from South Africa and if you live in a plea, grow them is perennials, but they are gently kept his annuals. Some people that do manage to overwinter there, pal Ogoni ums but growing them in pots on bringing them inside your in the winter months on . Keeping them is highest plants until the weather gets warmer. I've only ever kept in his annual, so so that's how I'll be explained them. Paella. Gilliam's have so many different varieties and come in so many different colors that it's hard to believe some of them are even the same type of plant. We can split them up into a few different varieties to make things easier. Zonal, paella, goni, ums, fancy leaf or variegated Patagonia, MMS Regal regal or Angel Pal. Ogoni ums trailing or ivy leaf Allegany ums. So let's start with zonal Pentagon. Liam's. These are the most common type of Patagonia ums on. They are the plant that most people refer to as geraniums. Zonal Patagonia was having flowers on the top. They come in whites, pinks, oranges and reds, and they come in single and double varieties. The double zone or Pellegrini ums have lots of flowers. All tightly come together on the end of a long stem. The single Zona Patagonia MSAR the same, just with just with fewer and less tightly combative flowers. I like to grow zonal Pentagon. Liam's in beds and borders along the edges. If you leave about 10 inches between plants in a line, they were spread across and fill the entire border. The double zone or Patagonia may look particularly nice as they shoot up there long stems and produce large blazy, clusters of flowers sticking out into the garden, fancy leaf or variegated pentagon Liam's. As the name suggests, this variety of Patagonian have very fancy leave with different colors. Their leaves range from yellows to gold, like green and dark green, with really nice hands and leaf shapes. Their flowers tend to be similar to the zonal. Pellegrini ums long stems with a clump of flowers on the top. The good thing about these types of Patagonia means is that their leaves are so stunning that they look noise. Even with that flowers I planted variegated Patagonia me early on in the year, and they given instant. They given instant lift to the garden with their striking foliage. Then, after a few weeks, you will get their beautiful flowers all through the summer and early autumn. And then I could the flowers once they die down. But leave the plant because the leaves will stay green until mid winter, they really do give a full year of beauty or angel. Patagonia, MMS Regal and angel paragraph idioms are quite different in appearance to the journal Peritoneum. Rather than the long stem with the trump of flowers on the top, they have flowers all over the plant on their flowers tend to have two coolers on them. These Patagonian are more shrub like in appearance parents, particularly in the regal Patagonia Mum's on. They grow more compact. The difference between the regal and the angel Patagonia ums are the size of flowers. The angel Patagonia's flowers are much smaller than the regal Pellegrini ums, the angel Patagonia MSAR, also slightly trailing when they grow, they were fill a pot or hate and grow over the edges. The's tops of Pentagon Liam's look nice as a single planting apart, spilling over the sides. Trialing Oroya Relief pal Ogoni ums The trialling Patagonia's have long stems of flowers that will flop to the ground. They are very well suited to growing in hanging baskets or rice planter's Patagonia MSAR stunning plants that would change throughout the year as they grow and develop. When the young plants their leaves and stems are green and succulent, and as they grow, their stems become thicker on woody. Their flowers and leaves come in so many shapes and colors that you could fill a whole bowl mix of different varieties. The Pellegrini, um, is such a strong stand, a plant that you can grow a single plant in a pot surrounded by a mixture of order annuals , and it will hold its own, with its large fat leaves and tall flowers tearing over everything else. Peleg onions don't need a lot of care because they originate from South Africa are adapted to harsh dry conditions so they only need minimal watering, especially in cooler weather. Watering every three or four days is enough in spring and early summer, which would allow the sword to dry out completely each time, and you can increase the watering slightly as the temperatures rise. If the lead starts to become slightly orange or yellow, Hello, that is a sign that you're watering them too much. You can dead head regularly to prolong flowers on because the leaves are so pretty, you don't have to worry about any gaps between removing the dead flowers on the plant, producing new boards. Just cut the stems at the base close to the leaves to remove any fighting flowers. 9. Gardening for beginners - Lobelia: lobelia. The beautiful little annual that is Liberia is one that will bring a tiny bit of George your garden instantly, and then that joy will grow and grow and continue to grow until you ever basketball saw his ball of joy. In many parts of the world, Labile ear is a herb used for distressing. It's a very easy to grow annual that will thrive pretty much anywhere, has an annual. It's only last a year, although there are a couple of varieties that will make it 22 years if the winter is mild. Most varieties of Liberia are compact, growing up to 8 12 inches. There are some little grow, much larger, even up to three feet. The most common lobelia color is a striking, violent blue, but they do come in like blues, pinks, whites and even rates. The way that they fill in the summer with hundreds of pretty little flowers makes them a perfect addition to borders, containers and hanging baskets. These little plants will fill any gaps, and then the flowers will even trickle over the edge of their boundaries. The's annuals could be found in the springtime in most garden centres as little plot plants , but they're, but they're also easy enough to grow from seed. You just read the tiny seeds over any dump soil, and then they'll pop up in about a week. I would so them in a warm area in your greenhouse or on your window sill. And then once they've grown, it'll separate the married and then put them outside. If your plant or your Baylor is in pots or containers, and they will need regular watering through the summer, especially in very warm weather, the fertilizer also go down well with them about once a month. I always give a slow release implant food when I first put them in the ground and you'll be guaranteed in an almost display. The good thing about Libya about Libya is that there are so many flowers anyway, that you don't need to do any dead heading. In order to encourage more, However, I still pick off any dead flowers just to make it look a little neater. Additionally, if you pinch back Vila Bela at any time, it will encourage them to produce bushier growth. Liberia was up until the first light autumn frosts. I really love lobelia and think they're a delight to having any garden as part of a floor display. They were pretty much look noise next to any plants you can plant liberally. Renew the full soon or partial shade, and just remember that if you put them in a hanky, put them in a hanging basket. They will need a good daily watering throughout the hottest part of the summer months. If you leave them to dry out too much, it can be difficult to save them. So try not to let the sore get to dry. Having said that, if you do have parts of the Liberia that do look like the dried out, don't pay too much, just 2/3 and it should regenerate new growth. You can also do these at the end of the summer. If the flower production seems to have slowed down a little, Just cut the whole plant back by half, and in a couple of weeks he will produce hundreds of flowers again. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of the different ways you can plant abilities in your own garden, 10. Gardening for beginners - Cosmos: Cosmos. Cosmos or an easiest grow annual that produces dicey log flowers shred the soma and into autumn, usually rise up to the first frost. There are really useful plant as a Phil I quickly, so you can use them to plug any gaps. You might have a new borders that do well in the ground, but they also do really well in containers or pots. And the Mike, a great quote, flour. People often a psi with Cosmos. The more you coat, the more you get. And the referring to the vast amounts of flowers you get with this annual. The flowers of cosmos plants come in every shade of pink you can imagine from dots alloys. But you'll also find whites and even yellows. He can get flowers that are just one color, or you'll find flowers that come in to coolers, usually a light pink with a dark pink edge. It's one of the largest annuals you can find and can reach up to two meters in height. That it usually stays between half a meter and a meter tall. If you're growing the wildlife garden, cosmos definitely want to have as electric bees, butterflies, and hover, Floyd's cosmos rule. So an easy plant to grow from seed. We can just go buy some boy young plants in light spring. Cosmos bopping isis is the Latin name for this plant. Or you might occasionally hear it called the mask and esta. Since a nice IV range is Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, I would say the cosmos are an essential addition to any summer garden. And there are so many varieties of them that you could fill an entire garden cosmos and need nothing else. The variety is coming different heights, textures and colors. And they're extremely easy to grow. Because there can reach TO heights. You might need to tie them back to a stalk such as a bamboo kind. If they simply falling over in the wind. They're really useful for covering up anyone solidly areas as they grow and spread fast. Growing from seed. As I said, cosmos are really easy plants to grow from seed. You can start them indoors before the last frost is disappeared. Or you can wait until the warmer weather appears. And then sprinkled sees that. So directly where you want them to grow that don't even need feed or fertilizer. In fact, they seem to grow better in poor soils. Sometimes with these plants, if you give them too much fertilizer, that we use the extra energy to grow vast domains of foliage. But then you will have to wait much longer for the flowers to arrive. I once drop some seeds into a crack between two pi1 slabs. And the cosmos that grew had more flowers and I'd ever seen before they were in such an awkward applies. But it looks so beautiful, so we're just left them there for the entire summer. If you're growing them, Hindus plant the seeds in a propagator at the beginning of March or even at the end of February. And then move the mind soil wants to, cold weather is passed. It usually takes about seven weeks from the moment you plan to Cosmos seed for you to get the first flowers. Wet supplant. Cosmos get very bushy. So it gives them a little room to spread out. I'll actually release 15 inches in between each plant. Cosmos also benefit from a technique called pinching, as this will increase the plants to branch out and give you even more flowers. To pinch out your cosmos. White insular, about eight inches tall, and then either pinch with your nails or use some prisoners and chop off the top three inches just above a set of leaves. What this 2s is causes several steps to the right of where you might the coat, resulting in more abundant flower production. A good tip is to so a batch of Cosmos indoors before the last frost. And then lighter plant the seed and soil and then sprinkle some more seeds in the ground. This way you get early flowers from the first batch and then the second batch was hike over in the light soma and give her flowers well into the awesome ongoing care. To keep the flow is coming from many moons. You should get head and he spent flowers so they don't set seed. When you dead head cosmos, the trick is to cut the stem wrote back to the first leaf rather than just pulling the flower head off. Also, I really encourage you to harvest cosmos flowers, to use flowers that you can display in a vase in your home that really fill light a bouquet of flowers beautifully. That looks doing just by themselves. The more regularly you harvest, the more flowers you get on the plant. These plants are very drag tolerance, so you don't need to watch them too much. In fact, the less you water them, the more flowers you'll get. Cosmos really love a. Some criteria. Was the flowers are stopped coming up in mid to late autumn. You can either leave the plant itself seed or just pull them out and chop them into compost heap. 11. Gardening for beginners - Osteospermum: Ostia supermen. Ask your sperms or sometimes called African daisies, and I think they just lovely plants. They come in so many colors, some of which are absolutely stunning. You can get whites, pinks, purple hair pools, oranges, yellows, reds and blues. Well, it's mostly the flowers to a plug Oversized daisies. You can also get really fancy varieties whose flower petals twist or my beautiful shapes. An example of this is the spider austere supermen. Personally, I prefer the normal austere sperms and think that they make a beautiful addition to a container or border. If you could get flowers after the base of the stem, you'll get two or three months of blooms well into light summer. Because austere Superman's come from Africa, they are used to Sunni. Enjoy conditions, so you should make sure you mean full sun and well drained soil. In fact, if you're not the best of remembering to water plants, they're not steer sperm. It's might be a great choice for you, as they will survive longer than most other annuals in the joys of soils. I would say the austere Superman's are a great choice, even if you consider yourself a terrible Gardner. They can survive in dry stools without which watering, and they don't even need feeding. Most annuals need to be fed now and again in order to give you flowers. Busters. Berman's will bloom Even in the poorest of soil. They're definitely not fragile. Plans on the can withstand the wind to without any damage. Hostas Mm Zahra light blooming annual on what should get a few flowers early on in the year . Their best displays are in mid to late summer. They give a huge abundance of flowers I've bought. Tiny plants have gone to grow two or three feet wide and equally as high. The only trouble you might find with austere sperms is that in very high heat they were temporary. Stop blooming. However, Once the heat has passed, the flowers will return. So one tip is to plant these plants with other annuals that will pick up the slack of the austere sperm ums. Flowers disappear for a while. Another slide issue that people have lost their sperm EMS is that the flowers close up a nighttime or in overcome or in overcast weather. So if you want to enjoy the flowers in the evening, or night. Perhaps you should consider a different flower, I said earlier. That nasty experiment or African daisies can survive even a draft. But when water is low, that plant will survive. But it will stop producing flowers, so it's best to give them once or twice a week just to keep them in strong bloom. He even before flowers die, though, I quit dead heading and a good wardroom will give another big bloom for you to enjoy. The thing that I like about African daisies is that even when the flowers completely die off in the winter, the folded will remain looking vibrant. So attend to deadhead them completely the first signs of winter and shape the folded into a noise neat ball and then just leave them. The plant will be completely dormant on won't grow anymore, but it will stay looking noise and give you a little wintergreen. Then the following year, I dig them open, replacing with a new, younger plant, so it definitely encourage you to plant auspice. Mum's in your garden, beating Taub's or straight into the ground. They're very hardy on. We'll give you a beautiful array of flowers light into the colder months, so that's a few annuals for you to write to your garden. Now let's look of perennials 12. Gardening for beginners - Perennials / Lavender: perennials. We've looked at annuals, which are planted live for one year, and there are also plans called Biennial's, which are actually plants that live for two years. Although most people grow biennials as annuals rather than overwintering them perennials annuals are simply plants that leave for more than two years. The word perennial is made above per meaning for and annual meaning years. So, basically a plant at least four years. The way we treat perennials is different from how we should treat annuals. Perennials were return year after year, but sometimes they can take a bit longer to establish. There are two main types of perennials. The city is on Evergreen's. This idiot's plants will die back in the winter, whereas Evergreen State Green all year round. The good thing about perennials is that you don't have to keep buying. It will just keep growing and getting bigger and bigger. Perennial plants are so varied, spanning from grasses and tiny Alpine's two huge trees, so we impossible to cover even a tiny fraction of them. In this course, However, what I will do is go over some of the easier to care for perennials that will look beautiful in your beautiful in your garden. Whilst annuals would generally give you colorful flowers throughout the spring, summer and early autumn perennials are a bit more limited on when you'll get flowers. Most perennials have a much shorter blooming period, so a little more work is needed. In order to work out what you need to plant, it needs to plant in order to get some flowers in your garden. All year round, However, there is a little tip that you can use to make it easier. When I first started planting a to my new garden with perennials in order to have some thinking bloom the whole year, what I did was visited Garden Sensei once a month and each month our perennials that have flowers on them that way. I knew that the following year I would have something with flowers in January, something with flowers in February, then again in March and so on and so on, right through until December. Easy. Anyway, Let's have a look at how to care for some of these perennials. The first perennial. We're going to look at his Lavenda. Most people are familiar with this beautiful, sensitive plant with purple flowers in the south of France. There are fields everywhere with rows and rows of lavender plants filling the air with their aromatic fragrance. Black green shrub were locked, the varieties to choose from. Most Levin does bloom in mid to late summer, when they will attract butterflies and bees to your gardener in the size of France. The sermons have a lot of sun and heat and no lot of rain on these air conditions in which 11 to thrives. When planting your love in your lavender, you should pick out an area that gets full soon. 11 of plans also don't require a lot of water, and they don't do too well in wet, heavy soils. You notice. Keep your 11 a happy. You can prepare the soil before planting to make sure it's well draining. If you had Gretel gravel to the soil or in or in the bottom of a part, it will break it up and prevent too much waterlogging. There are three main groups of La Madonna tender, half hardy and hardy. Hard 11 ders are robust plants that can stay outside and survive the coldest months months . You can plant these lavenders out of pretty much any time of the year. Even in new autumn and winter, the half hardy and tender lavenders are a little less durable and might not survive the winter in cold a part of the world. What you should do, though, is keep tend 11 days in pots and containers the greenhouse or indoors in the winter. There are around 40 different tops of lavenders. Their flowers can coming. Purples, pinks, whites and blues on their Foley's varies greatly. Throughout the different species, there are two main shapes of love into flowers. There are the English lavender varieties, which have narrow flower spikes. And then there are the Spanish and French lavenders, which have petals on the end of the flower that sort of imply butterflies. The different types of lavenders can also come in many different sizes, so make sure that when you buy them you'd label to find house how big their will grow. The smaller or dwarf lavenders tend to be the tender and half hardy varieties, and these ones are perfect for growing in pots. Make sure the pots have drainage holes, and you can also gravel to the compost to break it up. you should water them regularly, but only a little 11 does a quite drug resistant. The large 11 does tend to be the hardy of authorities on these do best planted straight into the ground. 11 to roots grow quite vigorously. So what's the plants have established? You won't need to water them much at all. Pruning. Depending on the hardness of your lavender, you will need to take a different approach to pruning hard enough. It is. The hardy lavenders would generally only fire once, but if you prune them, you'll get a second flush of flowers. Although it won't be easy but won't be as impressive as the first set of flowers. As soon as the first set of flowers have been going to die down, don't be afraid of chopping, hardly lavenders right back. You can chop them back by about 1/3 and he will actually benefit the plant enormously. Not only does it do the plant good, but it keeps the plans looking neat and tidy. But the top third of the plant you notice that there will be some new shoots underneath, and by removing the top layer, it will lead the plan to focus more of its energy on growing stronger new shoots. There are a couple of species of lavender, usually called Dutch lavenders, that will flower well into the autumn. With Duchess lavenders, you should simply remove the flower stems as they die, and don't prune until early the following spring. Hardy loving is a pretty hard to kill. If you haven't been pruning, however, you might notice you're loving. It becomes very woody on old looking to revitalize these sorts of plants, and you can put the woody stems right back to just a few inches, and new shoes should start to grow halfheartedly and tender lavenders. These plans are more exotic, and they tend to flower almost continuously, so it can be hard to find the time to prove these plants generally deadhead throughout the year in the same way you would with annuals just to keep them looking toity. And then you can prove them towards the end of the year to help them stay in shape just whenever you prune your lavenders, no matter what sort only go as low than newest green shoots. If there are fresh air screen shoots, visit will be low where you dream, then the plan will be OK. If there are no new shoots, then he might not come back hard. Elevens can last up to 20 years, but half hardy and tender varieties might only last four or five years, so they will need replacing more often. 13. Gardening for beginners - Hebes: Hey, bees. If you want to have some college, your garden, then you should look no further than the beautiful he be. He was. The plants are very often overlooked by people in garden centres because a tend not to be in flour or they look a little understated. Her babies do flair in the summer, and there is such a wide variety of here ease that you could fit a whole garden with different varieties and have a rainbow of color flowers plus foliage in every shade of green. You can imagine Hey v Zahra, great all rounder that will give you glorious greens right the year on, then delicate but vivid flowers in the summer flowers in the summer. I'm afraid there's no way I can give you an example of a typical he be because it's such a large family of plants on each one looks so unique. However, there care is very similar. A well drained soil and a sunny spot is all you need because of the large varieties of here is available. You require a plan to fulfill. You'll probably find a suitable he bay you can use he Beezus, edging plants, plundering borders grow them in rock gardens or even containers. Once you hear is a well established that require minimal care, the only thing you could do is dead had to spent bloom's blooms when the plant is flattering to help promote additional blooms, Another thing you should do each year is to trim the heebie plants back about half by after . Flattering as this will encourage bushier growth. So which, hey, be should you get there will have 100 different species of he be on each with the last. Obviously, I can't go through each of the 100 species as even if I spoke about each one for just three minutes, it would take over five hours. Generally speaking, he was there a small to medium size rounded shrub that grow small but pretty flowers in the summer. The main attraction of Hebrew is the divers foliage foliage. They have strong leaves that will stay intact throughout the year, since all here is our evergreen plants, and they come in virtually every shade of green available as well as purple, yellow, dry, undock, right. There are also variegated varieties of heebie, which have green and white, green and white stripes along the leaves. He really is a strong compact, and they tend to be very small, almost spiky, such as the heebie elliptical or about the size of your thumb in size, such as the heebie meet some of beauty. So, as I said, I'm not going to be able to talk about every species of using the Are High Chest Garden Merit Award to help May. The RHS Award of Garden Merit is an award given to the plants by the Royal Horticultural Society. The plans to receive this award I consider good quality plants that are easy to grow and worthy of being in the garden. Now, even though the award married of being in the garden now, even though the award narrow things down a little, I still have a large part to choose from. The RHS is under 30 species of he be the award of God on marriage. Therefore, I think I'll stick to just six species that I think would look nice in any garden without causing too much trouble to the average Gardner. Hey beeping with Olia Peguy, the first top of heebie is known as the heebie Peguy. This he be the dwarf Phoebe, meaning it was relatively low growing, staying in about 30 centimeters in height and spreading around about 90 centimeters in width. The short spikey leaves the short spikey leaves a silvery green and you'll see little white flowers in late spring to early summer. This top of here he is considered a mat, forming he be meaning. The foliage looks solid on dense, almost long like this. Hey, B doesn't require a lot of pruning. You could just cook back when start after flattering. No, I'm already going to found my task of giving you just six species of habian this cause, despite having already chosen by six plans, more species air coming to mind that are very similar to this. First he be, so I think I'll group them together. So we'll call this group Group One, and we've just We've just seen he beeping with earlier. Poor guy. The second he be in this group is the heebie pewter dome. The pewter dome is very similar to the big guy he be, except rather than being a map for me, he be It's a slightly bushier plant. Again, though this Hebrews relative, low growing on will produce wife flowers in early summer, the last he being Group one. Is he be topi Aria. I think this he bees possibly my favorite Hebei, or at least in the top three, mainly because he reminds me of my cut when my cat died, who planted a he P topiary on top of his grave, and he grew into it, and he grew into a stunning plan that would always make me smile. This habeas, another low growing he be, which is sort of a mix between a bushy shrub on a mat forming shrub. It's also called a topia. Receive be because it's dense need growth of small green leaves. Kony Zebley clipped into different shapes. Little white flowers. On this he be. But like all the heroes in this group, the attraction is the structure the Foleys brings to the garden rather than the flowers. So that's Group one. He repair guy Hey, beep you to dough and he veto PR area. Although growing compact TV's with small Grey Green Group two, this group of heroes contains plants with a slightly larger unless compact and dense, and those feigning Group one the flowers that this group of heroes produces are also more spectacular. This group is the largest group, as I've chosen six plants to report, as I've chosen six plants to represent it. I know, he originally said I just picked six altogether, but I just couldn't do it. We'll start with he be sapphire. The heat we suffer is a bushy. He be with large green leaves. This hey beacon grow upto 1.5 meters in height and with in the summary produces beautiful purple flowers. The flowers on he bees classes. Racine's I. Racine is a botanical term that refers to the flower cluster where small separate flowers are attached to a short stalk. The flowers of the base of the store developed first on the flowers of the top develop blast. This gives the whole thing a sort of cone shape appearance. The next group to he be is that he be great Orme again. This is a much larger bushe, he bay, which again can reach up to 1.5 meters in height and diameter. The flowers of this he be a bright pink. At the top of the receive the regime. Fading to white is the move down the cone. Thirdly, we have he be Neil's choice. I'm not sure who nearly away choses he be is his namesake, but I'm glad he did. Another 1.5 meter sized plant that produces long, narrow ray seems a violent flat was in mid to late summer. So you do get your money's worth. Personally, I think that he Busan grew to have less striking Foley's than those in Group one, but they do have more storing flowers. I had to Neil's choice. He bees in one of my borders. I bought them is tired plants that are placed in the center of two small plant pots. But they soon outgrew the pot. No grew the pot on a place him in the border to fill a couple of gaps. Within a couple of years, they've grown so big that they were dwarfing all the of the plants. So I had to move them. I could them back to about half of their size, and I did fear that I may have been too heavy handed and thought that might die. However, I gave them plenty of water, and then however, I gave them plenty of water and they made it the following year. They grew vigorously and gave me an amazing display of flowers. They're absolutely covered in beautiful, violent race. Seems that year I had more butterflies and bees, my garland, than it had ever seen before. If you want something that gives you the beautiful flower, then look no further than he be. Mrs Wind. Er, obviously, Neil and Mrs Wanda had a similar tasting flowers but different size back gardens. The missus wander, he be is much smaller than the other. Here is in this group, reaching less than a meter in height and diameter, but it still gives plenty of pizza in height and diameter, but it still gives plenty of pink flowers. The good thing about Mrs Wanda, he be is that the leaves are green with a touch of red. So once the flowers die down, you're left with very pretty Foley's to admire another smaller group To he be is that he be blue cloud cloud. When it's in full bloom, the flowers are an unusual sky blue or sometimes like purple, and if cared for well, they go cover the entire plant, turning it into a cloud on the ground. The reason for this is that there are usually three or four race seems on each stem. So you get absolute abundance of flat seems on each stem so you can absolute abundance of flowers The blue clouds he be real reached base a meter in height and about a meter and 1/2 in wit. The last habian group too is that he be midsummer beauty. This baby is the last in the group, but it is certainly not the not the least as it can grow into an enormous plans. Off 2 2.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width at this size, it's more like a tree than a shrub. The flowers on this stunning he be our move. Fading toe white on the race seems can reach lengths of 15 centimeters in the summer and autumn. So that's group to the group with the large he bees. We beat purple flowers Group three for group three I found three much smaller He bees with a glossy deep green foliage. They are he be Verney cosa. Hey, be emerald, Jim. Hey, be emerald, Jim. Andi, he be rock I. Ince's the Verney Cosa heebie is also known as the varnish TB because it's leaders so glossy that they look like they're being varnished. The Verney Costa he be has very small white and blue flowers in they don't last too long, but they are very beautiful. Once the flowers die back, however, the main beauty is their leaves. The baby's in this group are similar to those in Group one, except their foliage is vivid green rather than silver green. The Verney Cosa heap of Ernie Costa, he be is a very short he be reaching heights of between just 10 centimeters and 50 centimeters, but it was spread to about one meter. In with next, we have he be emerald green. This is a dwarf shrub bridge in just 10 to 50 centimeters, imp tomatoes in both height and width as well. So it's a good one for small parts or along the front edge of the border. It won't take over everything and drown out its border mates, but it will provide you with a nice broad globe of tiny green leaves. Don't expect anything very spectacular with the flowers of this, he be they will hours will grow in the summer, but the work over the whole plant and if you blink, you'll probably miss them. This plant has grown more for its structure and its beautiful green foliage. The third musketeer in this group of he beat is the heavy rock. I insist this baby is the largest of the three. This baby is the largest of the three, reading about a meter in height and a meter and 1/2 in wit. However, Lockets friends it has brought green leaves. The heebie recommences looks quite compact despite his slightly larger size and forms. Breathtaking structures in the garden on this plant grow on spikes that grow outwards from the centre on mesh together to form a massive green. This gives it a slightly more unusual appearance when placed next to the other two. He reason this group it also grows is flowers on spike your seems in the summer you will see bright white flowers which do looks this which do look striking against the vivid green backdrop Group full Hey, be Margareth Group four contains just he be Margaret by herself. I chose this he be to be in a group myself because it is so unlike any other He bay here. We Margaret, is a little he be that will grow between 10 to 50 centimeters in width and height, and it looks much more delicate than any of the other. He bees its leaves growing along the stem and have a softer appearance, almost like Heather in early summer. This he be will grow pretty light, belittled woods. If he did had the flowers, then you'll get a second dissed by in early autumn. This pretty little baby will look nice in pots or at the front of Borders. Group five. This group contains two he bees whose leaves have a tinge of red or pink pink. The two Hebrews are very similar, and they're called Hey, be red edge and he be pink elephant. Both he bees are pretty small in size, reaching just 50 centimeters in height on with the very biggest. But they are very only catching. The heebie red edge is a dome type. He is a dome type PB, much like those in group born, it will grow into a nice rain shrub, and although you will get a noise power purple flowers in the summer theater. Traction For these he be is the rental purple corner that appears on the leaves, especially in the winter. Secondly, the pink elephant TB is class. The variegated plant. It has mainly green leaves, but new growth appears with pink and green stripes. In the early summer, the pink elephant he be will get short spikes of white flowers. Group six Finally, Group six. This group has just one he be. I've put this he be into a group of his own, although it could probably have fit into Group two. My group. To he bees. The Silver Queen has long race seems of purple flowers on its leaves, a bigger and thicker. The reason have put this he be into a group by itself, however, is that it's leaves of variegated that leaves a variegated. They're a creamy yellow and green. This is a relatively compact, TB growing look to a meter in height and diameter, but this he be looks like no other. The strop leaves and big purple flowers make it very striking on a great addition to any garden garden, so they have it six groups of Hebrews to choose from. But why not just get them all. They really are a great plant that's evergreen and very easy to careful Now we'll look at how to care for he be, even though there are so many of one Good thing about he beso is that once they're established, you don't have to do too much to them. When you first get your heebie, However, just make sure you pick an area. There is noise, and Sunni babies do well in full sun or partial shade. But they do need to see sunlight at least part of the day, the shade. But they do need to see sunlight at least part of the day. When a plant is a sun worshiper, it generally means that they also don't like sitting in puddles of water. On the same is true with the heebie, so just make sure that any water constrain away easily. If you travel in the bottom of the pot to lay water to drain away, or if you saw this full of CLI, you can break it open. Loosen it by digging is on gravel. As I said, Hey, B is a pretty self sufficient, but you can give them an extra boost but giving them some plant food now and again. The best time to feed your heebie is when it's flattering, which which is usually during the late summer and early autumn months. Giving them some plant food once every two weeks or so is enough. Once the flowers on your heebie start doing, you can remove them from the plant, and this will encourage it to produce even more flowers. This is useful for he bees with particularly beautiful flowers. He's with particularly beautiful flowers. Occasionally you might find your he becomes a bit leggy or as a little bit too much Woody Growth. To try and fix this, you could give you heebie a trim. Don't put too much off your he be and try to do during the growing period. So any time from spring to early autumn, you can open it. Gaps in the foliage on Make your baby look at its best again. He beat the January very hardy plans, but if you live in an area with a risk of frost, it might be wise to wrap them in a little protection fleece around the younger plant at night during the winter. This can also be good idea for larger he bees to protect them from snow damages to protect them from a snow damage. Sometimes if too much snow, since on top of a larger he be, you can push the branches down and damage them. My last suggestion is that if you're he bees in a pot rack, me some bubble wrap around the part itself will protect the roots from the very cold weather. 14. Gardening for beginners - Lupins: Lou pins, I think looping Zehr, one of my all time favorite perennials. They're a classic cottage garden favorite on dad. Height, color, andan. Interesting contrast the middle of a border in my in June, the blooms of blue pins are striking, and each individual flower is almost like a little sweet pea flour. No, only other flower is beautiful, but the Foleys used to It has soft green leaves with lots of blades arranged around a center point, making it seem almost like a flower in itself. There are almost 200 different types of Liukin's, but the most common, most common variety using horticulture is the loopiness Polly Phyllis, which literally means the Lupin with many leaves. Lipids are native to North America and has been a popular garden plan for almost 200 years because of its longevity in the horticultural world. Many hybrids have been developed, and you and you can now get Liukin's in almost any color. You can imagine even mixed corners, including red, pink, white, blue, yellow and purple living there quite hardy perennials and in fact, some countries consider them to be an invasive weed in New Zealand is covering vast areas of land where they're actually threatening indigenous plant species. That being said, as long as you keep them in your garden, we should be safe from global domination. No matter what the weather, you can guarantee a looping will survive. They have been known to survive frost and temperatures as low as minus 25 degrees 25 degrees. Ideally, you should plant your looping is in an area way. They will get plenty of sun or dappled shade, and they need a well drained soil. Because their flowers can grow so tall they will benefit from a position which is shelter from the wind. The flowers aren't delicate, but if they're constantly having to battle against the window against the wind, they will grow a little bit. Skew if the ideal place to plant Lukins is at the back or in the middle of a border. Most gardeners suggest that you avoid planting them in containers or parts, but I think they had a nice variety and hide two apart. I tend to find my new plants in a container on board of the following year. One issue that I find with growing Liukin's in a container or part is that they become an easy target for a feeds. There's only a spot and tackle the rifle problem. Early on, you'll be OK. I tend to use a simple green fly spray as soon as the spot them on the plant, and it seems to do the trick. The trick. Read the instructions on the bottle, but most of them just recommend that you spray the plant once every two or three weeks to keep on top of the problem. The Lupin is a very traditional, classic cottage garden plant, but they are so versed over there can be used in any garden, even modern gardens. If you stick to a single color color and plant them in a modern part or have them grow surrounded by ornamental grasses, they will look very sophisticated and chic. Lucchese will start growing each year after the last frost in mid spring, and then you should expect the first flush of flowers by late May or June. The first flowers of the year are always the most impressive, with very tall, bright flower heads and then subsequent flowers tend to be shorter and thinner. But I think the contrast in hives look very noise and given interesting structure to the plant. Despite their height, they are far from delicate and can support themselves easily, unlike or the talk plans like delphiniums, so you don't need to worry in my garden. I'll prefer clumping three or four plants together, each a different color, but that's just my preference. You could use any number of plants or any combination of colors. It's completely up to you in their first year. You may need to water your Liukin's whenever they look a little bit limp, but they do develop good root systems quite quickly. So once they've established, you won't need to do much watering afterwards. Anything you need to worry about his dead heading once the flowers starts to die, keeping on it. And as soon as 2/3 of the flower from the base have started to fade away, chop the whole flower off. Since they don't open all their flowers in one go one go. They won't die in one go, so you should have flowers to write the whole growing season. Additionally, if you keep on top of the dead heading, it will encourage a second floor east of flowers to grow towards the end of summer. This second floors will be smaller but still be beautiful. Nonetheless, After you've remove autumn, the foliage will start to turn brown and slowly die back. You don't really need to do anything except, perhaps clear some of the dead photos always keep it tidy. Abi's mostly pings lived for about 5 to 10 years, although I like to replace mine after about four years because as they got older, they produce fewer flowers and start to look a little bit. Would start to look a little bit woody. If you don't really want to replace them, you can't eagle five year old plants and then divide them and replant them again to produce smaller plants. This thing usually prolongs the flaring life of the plant. Luke has produced a huge amount of see pods, so you could try growing your own new plants. The following year, the plant used a lot of energy producing seeds, so this is another reason for dead heading earlier in the year. As this makes the plant produce more flowers, wait until later in the growing season and just let one flower spike fully develop into seats before collecting them, then store them in a cool, dry place, and in the next year you'll have a huge amount of sees inside the seed pods. 15. Gardening for beginners - Hellebores: Hello booze hellebores, also called Christmas Rosie's on this because their flowers bloom in the middle of winter, what's a lot of other plants is still sitting dormant, waiting for spring. There are many different types of Hala bores, and their flowers range from white to yellow, pink and purple, and even some with green flowers. Not only are there flowers instantly recognizable, but the green foliage of large, pointy leaves spread out in a fan are unique to hella bores. It's best to plant L. A Boys in the autumn, although any time until early spring is fine. I wouldn't recommend planting them in the driest summer months. It won't be harmful to the plant, but you'll have to wait until the following spring for you just start to grow anymore. Having said that, I want spotted a very bedraggled hello born garden center. I think it was about 50 p and nothing but a single lease of I were planted in the ground in about July the following spring, Though it grew into the most beautiful bushy plant with striking pink flowers, they really are hardly plants that will give you lots of joy if you give them just a little love and care. But where should you plant your hell? A ball? Well, they're great little plans. Friends from winter and early spring interest your borders. Most of them like to be in light shade with fulsome for part of the day. And make sure you have plenty of compass to the whole before you plunk your planting. It warded them really well when you first put them in. And if you do have to plant them in the dry months, keep this all very moist and done. Lee Dry it too much. Once it's in the ground, you can pretty much leave the hell aboard to its own devices. They are generally evergreen plants, so he should have year round greenery. I tend to prune back the league's if they get a little too unruly, or if any of the leaf start looking a bit worse for wear, just cut them off and that a new fresh one take its place. Helaba was also the American ideal companion who went to despite containers that could be really small and cute in their first couple of years. So they do look nice and apart growing amongst daffodils you can either re pop them every few years into a large pot. Is that grow or put them straight into the ground. Although there are some shorter live plants that will start to die off after about five years or so, most hello boys are longleaf plants. You can rejuvenate plants by dividing them in the autumn or spring. Once you've divided them, water them thoroughly to give them a good boost. And don't panic If they looked like they died when she moved him. I once had a really beautiful hell aboard that grew enormous. Next to my pond, I decided to move it across to the side of the garden, and the next day I went out and it looked like somebody had thrown a green mop on the floor . I was absolutely devastated. I tried watering lots and lots, but he just looked as dead. I could back all the big leads to try and tidied up, but it's sort of withered away and disappeared. But then the following spring, it birth date of the grain with new shoots and greet almost twice its former size in just a few months. They really are amazing plants as long as you make sure that they're kept water in the summer. Although this isn't important for well established plans, if you then feed them some smarter food. If the growth appears to be poor, they have no worries with available. Here are some nice, easy to grow species to get you going. Oriental Hybrid available They have pinkish white flowers, and this was actually my first ever. Halaib or type hellebores X Eric Smith This Harvard has a huge abundance of flowers, so it's definitely one for the flower over. Hello, Boris Noida. This is the classic Christmas rose variety with striking white flowers. It's actually not quite as easy to grow with your the varieties, but as long as you don't let it get waterlogged in the winter, it should be okay. Hello, Boris Pertain ISS. This Freud has more delicately shaped flowers. I was stick to grow in this right in a container because it really doesn't like being wet in the summer, which is much easier to accomplish if it's in a part rather than in the ground. But whichever hella bore you go for, you'll have a very unique and unusual plants that I'm sure bring you lots of joy as you what you grow 16. Gardening for beginners - Hostas: Hoster's Hoster's are, in my opinion, one of the best phone is plants fill in any gaps in your garden. There are so many different types that vary in size, color, unleash shape, so you could have an entire garden full of these striking plants on that would still be more varieties for you, too, boy. Currently, there are more than 5800 hasta varieties registered, but every year about 150 new types get added to the list. Despite there being such a massive number of types of plants, they all have very similar needs, and we can split them or roughly into two groups. Hoster's with yellow green leaves on hostage with bluey green leaves. Generally speaking, the Hillary Green hostels prefer to grow in the sun. Where is the blue green? Hoster's like more shady conditions. Most hostage also provides. Some sort of flowers, usually talk clumps of white or purple blooms. As I said, they're great plans for filling any gaps, but that's probably a little bit mean to say, as it makes them seem like they're just simply gap fillers. If you plan to hostile in a border, it will look impressive because they're not plans to hide away once they're established. Horses will come back year after year, and they pushed their way open out of anything that's in its way. I remember one year it was midwinter on. I forgot where had planted one of my Hoster's. Because in the winter, hostile leaves dies back completely and they go into a dormant overwintering face. I ended up planting some primroses and panties on top of the hasta, and in this spring, lots of green spear shaped leaves started to shoot out of the ground. Growing through the panties and prim Rosie's, the leaves opened up and completely took over the spice so you could see absolutely nothing put. The hasta they really do own their spacing the garden. So a little tip is to give the hospital space that they will inevitably take away. Don't plant anything too close if it isn't a strong or tour plant, or as the hostile would just grow over it and put its leaves above. You can plant tosses in a border or in containers, and you can even get dwarf varieties if spices limited. Once you've planted your hasta water them regularly throughout the spring and summer. If you want your hasta regularly and never let it dry out, your plant will grow large very quickly on we'll start looking healthy throughout the whole growing season. If you do let it dry out occasionally, you might notice the lack in leaf quality and even a little browning around the edges. Hoster's really duel of water, and when you water them, you'll even see how they leave the shape, almost like a funnel collecting water that hits them and it takes it straight down to the base of the plant. I've never tried to myself, but some people who live in areas with less rainfall suggest sprinkling some Epsom salts around the base of the Hoster's as it encourages them to retain water and staying looking at the best. The Epsom salts can also prevent the leaves from growing brown Andan added bonus is that this stops looks from eating the juicy leaves. If you do decide to try this idea, then please Please, please, please only use Epsom salts and not normal table salt. If you grow your hostages in the ground, you probably don't need to feed them unless the soil is Paul. As long as you put a nice thick layer of compost on the ground in the winter before the new hostile leaves come up, it will be enough to keep them healthy. A good layer of malt will also keep the moisture in the ground. If you grow your hostage in a container, then I recommend feeding you to bag once a month during the growing season. As I said, Hoster's have a talk lump of lavender or white flowers in early summer. You can leave the flowers even if they start to fade, and then just tidy them away in the autumn, when the leaves start to die back or if you prefer, you can't get the fate of flower stalks right off In the autumn, the hostiles were dieback on. The plant will go into a dormant phase throughout the entire winter. You can clear the dead leaves away and cover the whole area with a layer of mulch to keep away any pests and protect the sleeping plant from any frost. The plant will completely disappear in the winter, so be careful to remember where it is or you may end up planting on top of it like I did in nearly spring, you'll see little spears of green shooter pay to the ground, and it doesn't take long for them to grow into big, impressive leaves. If you notice that your hostel is getting a bit too big for his boots and it just started to spread a bit too wide, you can't control them by dividing the plant. Just lift the whole clump out of the ground and place it on a hard surface. Then you just sharp spade or knife and simply quit the clump into smaller pieces. Make sure that each piece has about two or three boards and quit away any Ruth look damaged . Then replant the pieces back in the ground, and you'll now have multiple plans from just one. They probably won't flower in the first year after being divided, but there were back to normal in the second year. Hoster's are pretty strong plants that won't give you much trouble. The worst thing about Hoster's is that they are slug and snail magnates. That leaves just must be so delicious that they just can't keep away. So any tricks you usually used to keeps looks away should be employed to keep your hostas safe. Different people at different tips. But you can either use look, please, or, if you want a non chemical control measure, there are a few other things you can do. Torchlight searches If you're not over room with slugs and snails, you can probably just go eight on um, all evening with a torch, especially when the weather is damp and collect any slugs or snails you find. If you do these over a few nights, you'll probably eradicate most of the scandals from your garden. Then do with them as you please. I personally couldn't ever kill a slugger us now. So I take them with me when I go for a walk with my dogs and then just released them into a hedgerow far from home. Encourage predators, frogs, toads, birds and hedgehogs or love 18 slugs. See if you can encourage them into your garden by choosing the right plants or riding a water feature. Then now do the dirty work for you traps. You can actually boys look and style traps that you can put in your garden, but you can also make your own homemade ones. If you get a job and fill it with beer and then sink that into the ground. You can catch loads of slugs barriers. There are lots of things you can use as a barrier to stop slugs and snails getting to your plants. Anything with a sharp texture, such as broken shells or even eggshells, would work well. Just Sprinkle them liberally around the plan you want to protect. Or you can use copper tape around the edges of planters as slugs and snails don't like crossing a copper barrier. But apart from slugs and snails, there isn't much that will cause your hostas any problems. They are disease resistant and very hard to kill here. A few of my favorite hasta varieties. Husted cracker crumbs. This is a miniature hasta with vibrant green leave with a tint of yellow, they only grow to about 20 centimeters tall and spread about 50 centimeters. Hasta sunshine Glory. This is a dramatic plant with large, heart shaped leaves that are green with a white border. This is a medium sized plant that gets about 50 centimeters tall and spreads about 60 centimeters. He just so happens that this is the plant I mentioned earlier the one leather planted a primrose on top off hasta blue Macias. This is a pretty and compact hasta. It gets to about 30 centimeters tall and spread around about 30 centimeters as well. I have one of these in a race planter and the love thing. It's new. Leave shoot up through the compost every spring. It stays nice and compact, but really makes us Nayman with its cooked bluish leaves. It also has the added benefit of being us. Look with this in variety, I think the leader just to think for them to eat hasta summon substance, understand with this monster variety of ah hasta, it grows around about 75 centimeters tall and can spread around about 1.2 meters across. The lease are absolutely massive, and they have a very subtle, sharp truth or golden tinge to them. This hostel looks very tropical on these a lot of spice in late July. It also produces large lavender flowers. So whichever hostile you choose, I just know your grow attached to it, and it will bring you lots of joy for many years to come. 17. Gardening for beginners - Bleeding Heart Plant: bleeding Heartland, the bleeding heart planned or more accurately, the Sentra Spec Tab Elise produces some of the most unique flowers in the plant world. You'll be amazed by how much the flowers like a row of hearts. The bleeding heart plant is one of the first to appear in the garden, shooting up in the early spring on producing flowers a few weeks later. Typically, the flowers are a vibrant pink with a white drop underneath, But quite a few different varieties have been bred over the years, producing different color flowers. For example, the door Centra Spectacular Alba produces white hart flowers instead of pink ones. The phone it of the plant is a deep green with a flat, almost four clock shaped leaf. On this, small shrubs shoots at arching stems on which the flowers grow. The bleeding heart plant prefers a shady or at least partly shaded area in the garden. On grows best. When given plenty of organic matter or compost in the soil, Try and keep the sore constantly more through. Regular watering on this beautiful planet will thrive if you're planting new plants, fill the hole with plenty of compost, working some in and around the whole to make sure that the plan gets plenty of nutrients. Put in some mulch or BART. Shipping on top of the sore can also help to keep the moisture in the ground. These plants just love moisture. This plant is a spring plant, and it will start to die. Bacca's the height of summer arrives. The plant will die right back to the ground. You can cut back the foliage as soon as it starts to go yellow. As long as the leaves are green. However, leave them be. Green news contain lots of previous nutrients on when they're turned yellow. It means the planters took everything it can out of the leaves on the stories in its roots , ready for the following year to cook back yellow or brand leaves. But leave green ones when you see the Foley start to emerge in early spring. If you had lots of extra compost on even some slow release plant food, you will encourage it to produce a myriad of flower stems, and your plant would be absolutely covered in strings of beautiful pink heart shaped flowers. I forgot to put any new compost or plant food on one of my daughters centuries, one year, and it just produced one stem of flowers. The following year. I don't get up, cleaned off its roots and then replanted it in pure compost. And he produced about 20 or so long stems, which were teeming with flowers. It looked absolutely stunning. So it just goes to show how compass come make a huge difference. This is actually an important tips. Remember for any plans. Try to replenish the store with lots of compost every year. I actually get quite paranoid about it and dig up most of my smaller plants, replaces saw with lots of fresh compost and then replant them most of the time. Lander with monster plants and if I ever forget, he just never looks anywhere near is impressive. The good thing about bleeding heart plans is a said the fact that they enjoyed growing in the shade so that bring a little bit of delicate beauty in the darker areas of your garden . They will get bigger Rechy as they spread, but if you want multiple plants, you can divide them every few years. Just dig up the entire club, use a sharp spade or knife to defy the rooms into three or four clubs and replant the clubs around the garden. You might see these pants for sale as bare root specimens in shops or garden centres. This usually means that you get a little bag with a dried up old fruit that doesn't know like you will do anything if you buy them in this form, or when you have to do is soaked them in a book you for about an hour or so. This will rehydrate the roots and encourage it to start growing. Don't leave it for any longer than an hour. Then dig a hole and bury the roots of the top of the tip of the route is just touching the surface of the soil. As I mentioned, there are quite a few different varieties of this bleeding heart plant. Each one is a different shade of pink. Read yellow or white flowers, and they can range in height from little six inch plants. Too much larger, three feet tall specimens the phone. It can also vary in color from the usual dark ring to a golden color. For example, the doors central Golden Heart. They don't last too far past the end of spring. It's best to plant these plants in a combination with the other plants that will fill the space once the bleeding heart to fight it away. 18. Gardening for beginners - Alliums: Alums. Alums are pretty much unlike any of the guard and peroneal medallions. It's all about the flower. The foliage is not an entity ordinary, but the flower is like nothing you've ever seen before. A large green stick with a palm, palm top flower on the end that towers over all the other bedding plants in the border is what alums is all about. Helium's, also known as the ornamental onion, are a great addition to the garden with their show a flower heads in shades of blue, purple, white, and pink. In the spring and early summer, they bring huge globes of color. They're ideal for any garden. Even the most creative borders will accommodate an allium because they take up hardly any space and terror over everything beneath. I think one of the best ways to use algorithms is to weave them through Sony borders or even to combine them with feathery grasses as he shows them off to their best. In fact, the aliens I'm talking about in this section are the ornamental alums, but onions, shallots, leaks, and garlic or all types of volumes two. In total, there are more than 700 different types of volumes in the world. But the ornamental variety that you'll see most gardens come from central Asia. Originally. The easiest way to grow alums in your garden is to start with some bulbs. Before we buy any alien bulbs, however, we should take a bit of time to consider which variety we would like to grow. As I said, they're available in different shades of blue, purple, pink, and white. And there are even a few yellow varieties. The flower has also come in different sizes, from just a few centimeters to huge 20 centimeter diameter blooms. Just take a look at the ballpark To see what sois and color the flowers of the plant will be. The tallest. Helium's can grow to over three feet in height. Adding a beautiful architectural quality to your garden. Planting this sort of allium in the middle of your borders where they can stand above shorter plants, gives them a stage to shine. There are also shorter Williams with smaller flowers that wouldn't noise in clumps at the front of your borders or even in Iraq, R3. Allianz tend to appear after the spring bulbs have just begun to die down. So they're a good way to add some consistent color between the early spring display and the huge summer blooms. They were generally flowery my, And one last a couple of months. Although some varieties will continue to bloom until early October. When and how to plant. You want to be planting your allium balls between early and Mid-Autumn for flowers the following year. These plants prefer a sheltered site. Their flowers are so tall that they don't want the wind blowing them over. They also prefer free draining soil with plenty of sunshine. If you plant allium balls in Saudis to waterlogged, they can ross. So if you have a clay soil, simply mix in a small amount of compost and gravel. Lucy, raw political and stop flooding issues. You can choose to plan your allium striking the ground. But they are also great choices for pots or containers. If you do choose to plant your alien bulbs directly in the ground, I recommend that you add a little marker to make sure you remember where they are. There's nothing worse than cultivating your saw and finding out you shove your space straight through in emerging bulb. As I mentioned with Allianz, it's all about the flower. The leaves are pretty average. But just be aware that the foliage also starts to died down and turn brain when the flowers emerge. C, You might want to consider these when you're deciding where to put the plants. I always like to surrender Liam's with other pretty shrubs or smaller annuals to mass, they're doin foliage when the striking flowers pop-up. However, you can simply remove the leaves once they've turn brown and the plant will be absolutely fine. Before you put Bob's in the ground, you need to prepare the soil. To do the start by removing any weeds and then dig the soil over. What you should avoid though, he's adding too much compost or manure. Allie was don't require many nutrients. You want to plant the bulbs at a depth of about four times the diameter of the bulb. So if you're always five centimeters wide, planted around about 20 centimeters down into the ground. The distance between smaller bulbs should be around about 7.5 to ten centimeters. But the tallest species need to renovate 20 centimeters between the bulbs. In containers, mixing some grease with your compost to aid with drainage. I prefer to use deeper pots with my albums, and then I surround them with small plants to hide the fighting foliage. Alums are fairly drought resistant, so you don't need to worry about watering the plants if there had been planted in the ground. You can water pot grown at Liam's. Who'll be careful that the boss doesn't become waterlogged. This is another reason why add extra plants or M Williams to soak up excess water. You also don't need to feed your Williams. But if you have a very poor soil, you can add a little fertilizer in the spring to help the flowers along. The good thing about Allianz Is it the spin flowers are not only attractive. You can leave the joy flower heads as there were, still looks striking in your borders. However, if you prefer, you can cut them off at the base. If you have volumes in the ground, there is nothing you need to do over the winter as they are fairly Hardy. Just cut back any dead leaves and flowers and leave the bulbs do their thing underground. In containers though, I suggest you move them to a more shelters spot to protect them from the rain, which could rot the bulbs. Finally, Azure Williams get older, they will start to form clumps. You can dig up bulbs every few years and divide the crumbs after the flowers have died down. This will give you even more plants for free. Problems. Allium shouldn't cause you to many problems. But because they are in the same family as unions, they will be susceptible to autoimmune fly. In borders. They are normally safe. But if your plants are anywhere near opinions, just be on the lookout. 19. Gardening for beginners - Acer tree: Isis or Japanese maples. Just like with by trees that Japanese maple or ice or as it's also known, is an easy tree to grow in a container or in the ground. Either way, they usually prefer a sheltered, shady spot. Ice is a generally small and slow growing with beautiful almost graceful foliage. There are great choice even for the smallest garden. Japanese maple trees come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, and leaf color. Depending on the species. Newly emerged leaves can be yellow, green, or even pink. But then in the autumn, the colors will normally change to orange or red. They can grow to 26 feet in height, but they're very slow-growing and take up to 50 years to get to that sort of size. If you're planting in a container, then pure compost with grids for drainage is fine. But if you're planting in the ground, you should prepare the soul well by adding plenty of organic matter or compost first. The best time of year to plant an ICER is in the autumn or winter. So anytime from October to March is fine. Make sure you plant them in a sheltered area so that the plant doesn't get damaged by the wind. You can plant in full sun or full shade, but it does depend on the ICO. Have. So always check the instructions. If you have red or purple leaf trees, you should put them in an area that receives some sort so that they're dark hues can fully develop. If you have a variegated leaf, meaning it has multiple colors on one leaf, you need partial shade. The sun doesn't scorch the foliage. Greenleaf data is can tolerate 4s1, but again, they prefer dapple shade since very bright song can scorch the leaves. When you plant the trees, keep in mind that they don't like their roots to be too deep. Supplant them with no more than about an inch of soil over the main routes. In the first year, you should watch for the newly planted tree, a lot to settle the store and get it through the dry summer. In a container, you should keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. And in the spring and summer at a slow-release fertilizer or liquid feed. If you are growing your Japanese maple in a container, you should think about reporting every two or three years. His best to report mid spring or just before the autumn. So April and September are perfect months for this. When you report, you should also trim the roots to do these place to plant on its side, remove the tree. And it's as simple as getting a saw or tremors and cutting about five centimeters off the bottom of the root ball. And then three or four slivers than the solid. Tease out the roots on the surface of the compost and then read pot with fresh compost. Put plenty of compost and grit on the bottom of the new container so that the trees planted no deeper than it was before. Just like with any tree growing in container, roots of Japanese maples of vulnerable to frost over the winter. Therefore, you should rapidly containers with a sheet of bubble wrap and you can hold it in place with some garden twine. As I said, in the first year, you should regularly water eraser to help establish in the ground twice a week is fine. But in containers when it's really hot once a day is probably unnecessary to stop the roots from drying out. Over the winter, you don't need to move eraser as they're generally fully Hardy. However, if you can lift the pot onto some pot feet or breaks, it will stop excess water from freezing or damaging the path. Pruning. The natural shape of a nicer is very elegant. So they usually require very little pruning rather than removing any winter die back at the end of the shoots. A young tree has produced a strong vertical shoot. You can prune this back to a solid branch in the light autumn. Pruning is best done when the plant is dormant. So November and December are ideal months. This is because ice is a prone to bleeding SAP if you prune it other times of the year and this can weaken the tree. I personally wouldn't bother pretty much at all though. As most gardeners said, that the most graceful shape coming from a tree that has been allied to develop naturally. Problems. If you plant them in the shade or in a shelter place. Than Japanese maples are generally easy to grow. However, they can be prone to lease scorch if they're in a windy or excessively Sunni position. If you have purple leaf trees, the column RB pile or the leaves might even turn green if they don't get enough sunlight. So just be aware of this. 20. Gardening for beginners - Bay tree: By trees. Trees are a very popular evergreen. They are often grown in containers, but they can just as easily be growing, straighten the ground, as well as looking beautiful, especially when kept neatly clipped. That leaves can also be used for cooking to add a fragrance flavour. The Latin name for by trees is low-risk. Know bullous, which tells us that they belong to the same family as laurels. As I said, you can grow by trees in containers or in the ground. They are a tree that really throws in containers, especially if they're watered regularly and positioned in a shelter spot. In the garden by trees can grow either as a large bushy shrubs or is a small tree, and they can reach a height of up to 23 feet. Either way, you should make sure you plant your battery in a well-drained soil and in a shelter Sunni or partly shade the position. You'll also see by trees commonly turned into topiary specimens. And they usually shaped into a pyramid or a bull. But you can also see very elaborate train specimens. If you're going to use a container for your tree, then a good tip is to have plenty of grit to the compost as this will help to improve the stability of the plant as well as the drainage of the soil. You should watch them regularly, but not too much water as this can cause root damage. During the spring and summer, batteries will thrive from having fertilizer's added to the water every few weeks or so. As the tree grows, you'll want to consider reporting it to allow the roots to expand. I would say two or three years is a good frequency to report a battery and to do so in the spring. If you don't feel like your tree is grown off to war and reporting, I would still recommend you change the compost. Over a few years. Compost can break down. So you really want to replace it with fresh soil to replace the compost, lift the plant out of the soil, and T's off about a third of the roots. Then throw away the old compost and add fresh stuff to the part, including plenty of great for drainage. Then place the plant back in the pot. You might need to scrape away the top layer of the compost if it is compacted and replace it with fresh compost too. By trees are quite hardy plants and they will happily with a standard low temperatures down to about minus five degrees Celsius. However, Frost and cold winter winds can damage the foliage. So I always like to pretend my plants with either fleece or burlap. Or if you can take them into a greenhouse or a cool room in your house. You don't want to put them into a warm room in the winter as it may kill the plant. So if the temperature gets below minus five Celsius, put the trees into a room where the temperature will stay below ten degrees, as well as the foliage. If you grow your base training Container, be aware that the roots are at risk of freezing through the path. So another thing that I like to do Placed bubble wrap around the outside of the part to protect the roots. Additionally, you can raise the pot off the ground while using some pop feet are just some breaks. It will lead to excess water drain away and stop frost from cracking the pot. If you grow in your bay tree in the ground, you might find that the new Foleys gets damaged from the cold or the wind. But I wouldn't worry too much as this can simply be pruned day the following spring. By trees can be male and female versions. It's hard sell agenda you have until the spring. Firstly, you'll get a small greenish yellow flower grow on the plant. And the female plants flowers will turn into little Blackberries. Pruning. Depending on how you decide to let you buy tree grow, you may or may not need to prune your battery. If you're trying to buy tree as a topiary plants, then you can trim it in the summer with secretaries to encourage a dense growth of leaves. Prune any new shoots down to a bud in the direction of the desired growth. If you're leaving your battery just to grow as a shrub, then you can lightly trim it to keep it looking neat and tidy. Just cut back to a lower leaf or a board in the spring or summer. Additionally, in the spring, you can remove any leaf tips that were damaged by the winter weather. I show by tree matures, it will be able to tolerate a harder pruning, but just be aware that they are very slow to recover and re-grow. So a good tip is to carry out a hard pruning over about a three-year period, tackling a section at a time in the late spring. Problems. If you spot any spots on the leaves of UPI tree, it is most probably an indication that the roots have been waterlogged. This can happen if you over water or if the weather conditions are particularly wet. Usually its container grown plants that are prone to this. And you can tackle it by replacing the compost with fresh, well-drained soil containing plenty of grid. As the leaves get older, they start to turn yellow and they will naturally shed. However, if you have a particularly high number of yellow leaves, it could mean that there is some sort of nutrient deficiency. This tends to happen in container plants. And you're going to help the plant by adding some fertilizer a few times a month. Alternatively, it could mean that the compost is waterlogged or it could even be due to cold weather damage. If the winter has been particularly harsh, you might start to notice that your battery develops cracking or peeling bark, especially on the lowest stems. The good news is that even though it might look alarming, it is rarely fatal and the plant will recover by the following summer. If the rest of the plant is growing normally, then you don't need to do anything. But if the growth above the damaged area is dead, you should remove the dead parts back to healthier would. If you cut the bark and you reveal a brown color, it means the area is dead. But if the wood is green, then it's healthy and alive underneath. 21. Gardening for beginners - Flamingo willow tree: Flamingo willow. The flamingo willow is actually known by quite a few different names. You'll hear that called Willow has Corona shaky, or its Latin name, sale, it's integra. However, I think the Flamingo will always the nicest and most app name for this tree. Throughout the spring and summer, the Flamingo will or has eye-catching pink tips, more leaves that sit against the backdrop of model green and white variegated foliage. This little tree is also very popular because of its small size. The Flamingo will, it stays quiet, compact, and it will reach a maximum of about 2.5 meters tall in 20 years. The Flamingo will, it does get flowers, but they're not really the most striking feature of this tree. They produce little cat King flowers similar to those of other militaries. But it's the pretty leaves that are the biggest appeal of this tree. The flamingo with Alex and moist but well-drained soil in the Sunni position. For the best striking color. This will, in these plenty of sunlight, it will tolerate some shade, but you won't get as vibrant colors. Before you plant the tree. The whole about twice as wide as the PO2 is in and about the same depth as a pot. And also loosen some soil around the hole with a fork. Said the root of the tree in a bucket of water, and then loosen it slightly to increase the roots to grow it into the soil. When you place a tree in the hole, you want to make sure that the point where the roots meet the trunk is level with the surface of the soil. Once the trees in place, and you're happy with the positioning, we fill the hole with some soul and plenty of organic matter around the roots and fair way down to the tree remains upright. A layer of mulch around the base of the tree is also really handy for keeping the soil moist. This training is watering quite a lot to make sure the soul remains moist, especially in dry periods of the year. An ideal spot for these trees is by a river or water source. If you do want to grow the trees in a container though, you will need to water it very frequently. The good thing about this tree is that it's very easy to get cuttings and grow new plants. All you have to do is take some length of stems, about eight inches long in the spring before the leaves arrive, then fill up with some sore and place the stems in it. Routes will start to appear after about eight weeks. But the best thing to do is just wait until you see the roots coming out to the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. And then they're ready for planting in the garden. Pruning. If you leave this tree on pruned, it will start to form the recognizable but very attractive arching shape of a typical willow. However, if you want to take full advantage of the Troy colored leaves and red stems, you will need to print them several times per year. Luckily, they're not huge trees. So this isn't a mighty task that will take you all day. It will take half an hour or so just to keep the tree shape. The best thing to do is to prune heavily in the early spring while the trees still dormant. As this will give you the best leaf colors when they start to come out. Then you can prune again in the light spring a couple of times in the soma, and then once or twice more towards the end of August. To prune in the early spring, you should cut back about a third of the older branches and trim back the top growth. By doing this, you will stimulate new growth and mid-year pruning will encourage the tree to produce a second Fleurus of light pink leaves. As winter arrives, you'll notice that the stems of new growth turn red. Problems. This tree can get the same diseases that affect other willows, such as powdery mildew, leaf spots or scabs. They can also fall prey to aphids and scale Beatles. However, it is very uncommon. So you shouldn't be overly concerned with deploying any preventative measures. If they do become issues, you can find solutions to cure them in most garden centers. 22. Gardening for beginners - Monkey puzzle tree: Monkey puzzle tree. The monkey puzzle trees, one of the most recognizable garden trees with its long structural green arms, covenant thick, triangular scale-like leaves. Its Latin name is arrow. Korea are O'Connor, but its common name reportedly comes from the 19th century. Apparently a specimen was planted ceremoniously at a country estate in Cornwall. And when it gets touched the tree, they joked, climbing this tree will be a puzzle for any monkey. The monkey puzzle trees and evergreen tree that comes from South America, mainly Chile, which accounts for its other name, the Chilean poetry. It has long branches, completely covered in leaves. The leaves are thick and triangular in shape, and each leaf has a lifespan of about 24 years. These trees bring unmatched drama, height, and fun to a garden landscape with their bizarre tearing and arching stems. This tree is often described as a living fossil, since it has remained unchanged from when it first appeared over 200 million years ago. If you look at them, you can imagine them being at home amongst the dinosaurs. They can live for up to a thousand years and grow to 50 meters high with a trunk diameter of around about three meters. Even the seeds of this tree take two years to mature. Given the eventual height of this tree can get to just make sure you don't plant it's anywhere near any power lines. The monkey repository prefers an area of full sun with well-drained soil. It's quite a resilient tree, as you can tell, given that it's hardly changed in over 200 million years. So it can adapt to most Hobbes or soul, even Clay. Young plants just needs to be given plenty of water. Another good thing about growing and living fossil is that it appears that there are hardly any pests that can bother this tree. It almost seems that they have a natural pest resistance and they aren't even bother, bother boring insects that can kill many other trees. The monkey puzzle tree doesn't like to remove or transplanted. So choose your site carefully before planting it. Once you've planted it, it doesn't really require any other care, not even pruning. So they're pretty hassle-free trees. I said that can reach enormous heights. But it also said that they can live up to a thousand years. So they're very slow-growing trees. As I mentioned, you don't need to do anything to a Mongo repository, just let it grow. However you can prune certain branches if you want to shape it in a certain way. If you notice any new shoes that you think might cause congestion, or if you spot any branches that might be damaged, you can simply cut them off with some sectors. And the best time to do any pruning is in early spring. 23. Gardening for beginners - Conifer trees: Conifers. Conifers are one of the most diverse tree families, but they're all easily recognizable. They're mostly evergreen and quick growing, but there are varieties, as well as ground cover plants too. Unfortunately, they have a bit of a bad reputation, having been very widely planted in gardens as a way of blocking out neighbors and then becoming unruly towering hedges that can cause disputes. However, they're far from just being enormous hedges. You can find a conifer for every situation in many different colors and in many different textures. The secret is choosing the right conifer for the right setting. Conifers are evergreen and can provide a beautiful backbone of any garden that lasts all year round. The colors range from silvers and blues to gold, yellows and greens. Before you buy your conifer, you should think about what you want to achieve from it. You can have huge, towering conifers such as the huge redwood sequoia or swamp Cyprus. Then at the other end of the spectrum, you can have the tiny dwarf conifers, such as the white pygmy conifer that forms a little mound. And you can get every size in between when choosing your conifers, make sure you read the description of the pot to see how big it will grow. You'll also notice there's quite a variety of textures available. Some divers have long dangling needles and others have short, spiky leaves. Some is even have a feathery texture. Another way some people use conifers is as a topy. One of the best known conifers for topory is the U tree. You'll see them clipped into all hedges, mazes, and shaped like balls, spirals, or even intricate animal shapes. When you're selecting your conifer, you shouldn't pin all your hopes on the color. Conifer's leaf color do change throughout the year, often changing from lush green or golden yellow to reddish brown in the winter. When you get your conifer home, you may notice that it's root bound. This means all the roots have formed into a mass inside the pot. It isn't the worst thing in the world, but you'll need to loosen them up before you plant the tree. It's new home. There are two ways to buy connivvers. Either you buy conifers that have been grown in a container, or you can buy connivvers that were grown in a field. Whilst the container trees are often root bound, it's actually preferer to buy them like this rather than getting them from the field. Conifers don't really like to be moved. Digging them up in a field and then transplanting them into your garden could cause a lot of trauma and stress for the plant, which can then make it hard to get them settled again. Different conifers like different conditions. For example, if a conifer has dark green foliage, it usually means that they are from areas with plenty of sunlight. You want to plant them in the full sun. On the other hand, golden conifers usually do better in partial shade. Variegated conifers, those with multiple colors, prefer deep shade. The speed at which conifers grow also depends on the species. The dwarf conifers grow very slowly, just two or 3 centimeters a year. But there are some species such as Le Landi that can grow three feet in a year. Just like with any tree, you should make sure that when you plant them, you dig a hole that's about twice as wide as the root ball and as deep as the pot it was in. You can plant conifers in pots or in the ground. They tend to do well in either situation. Before you cover the roots with soil, make sure you add plenty of organic matter, especially if the soil is poor. I also like to add a handful of bone meal to give them a boost. Conifers like well drained sail. If you're worried the sail might become water logged, add some grit or gravel to the sail to improve drainage. Additionally, don't forget to loosen the roots when you take it out of the pot it has been growing in to encourage them to grow out into the soil. Finally, once you've covered the roots in saw and compacted it down, water it thoroughly and don't let the saw dry out. By watering the soil thoroughly, you help to push down the saw and remove any air pockets that might prevent the roots from getting to moisture. It's important to water a conner for a lot in its first year, even if it's been raining, because the foliage is so dense that it can act as a canopy that stops water from getting to the roots. After about 12 months, the tree and the root should be established enough that you don't have to worry so much about watering it. When you first plant the tree, it's a good idea to place a thick layer of mulch around the base to prevent water from evaporating too quickly after watering. Pruning. Pruning, a conifat is something that is rarely required, unless you're growing them into a hedge or some sort of topiary. If you do want to prune your conifers to maintain a certain shape, just be careful not to go too crazy. It can be hard for conifers to recover from a heart pruning, especially if you prune down into old wood. A lot of people use La Landoi when they want to grow a hedge, but Leylandoi is not great at being pruned, which is something that is required for hedge growing. A better conifer for hedge growing is theplcrta, which can be pruned heart and right down to the old wood, and it will still have new growth. Trimming outer growth, on the other hand, is fine problems. The most common problem that conifers suffer is from brown patches. These could be caused by a fits or a fungal disease, but the most common cause is adverse growing conditions. Water, logged soil or overly dry soil can cause the browning, as can prolonged periods of frost or cold winds. If you do spot a brown patch, don't cut it back to the old wood as it won't be able to regenerate new growth. Instead, just trim it lightly in April, June or August, and give it a couple of years. If it's just a small patch, you could try tying a healthy branch over it to cover the brown area. Alternatively, you could try growing a climbing plant through the brown areas in a hedge. However, it's usually best just to pull out the whole tree and replace it with a new specimen. It will take a few years to grow and fill the gap, but it's still faster than waiting for a conifer to regenerate the dead patch. 24. Gardening for beginners - Lawn Care: lawn care. The crowning glory of the garden for many people. Is the lawn a beautiful, lush green lawn? Come really finish off a garden? Unfortunately, if the loan doesn't look that good, it doesn't really matter how beautiful the rest of the guard knees you're. I will go straight to the biggest green carpets in the middle and see everything that's wrong with it, completely ignoring the beautiful flowers beyond. So what can we do to make sure I alone is always looking its best? Well, here are my tips Number one. Remove weeds, thatch and moss. No, only the weeds, thatch and moss make your lawn look a little bit on Kent, but they can actually cause damage to the grass by blocking air and nutrients from getting to the roots. Weeds, particularly Dundee lines, can appear anywhere, and they are brought into the garden in lots of different ways. Birds flying over can drop the seeds. If you have pets, they can get seats caught up in there for, and then bring them into the garden. They seize could cling to your own clothes or footwear or things like dandelion seeds can actually be blown in by the wind. The easiest way to deal with these is to pull the whole weed out to the ground, roots and all. You can do this by hand or using a special tool. But if there is particularly large amount of reason, your grass maybe control a special week. ILO, which is made for lawns Thatch, is a layer of organic matter that can build up between the grass and the soil. It's basically made up of dead leaves, dead grass and bits of drawer roots, the thatch creative blockage that stops water and nutrients from getting to the roots. It's easy to spot, such because the ground will feel spongy on the grass. In the area will look door or even dead due to the lack of nutrients. The best way to get rid of touching your grass is to use a Reich. The process is called scarification, basically just right. The grass on at least let the dead organic matter. There is a special tool called a long, scary fire that you can actually use, but a right works just as well. Finally, Moss is a non flowering plant that can cause the worst. Long problems must grows well in areas of excess moisture shade on poor quality turf. If you spot moss in your lawn, it's a sign that something is wrong. It could be one or more of the following things. The grand remains wet for long periods or the nutrient levels in the solar low or the soil is too compacted or the grass is being cooked too short. Or the area doesn't receive regular sunshine, probably due to being shaded by trees or shrubs to kill the mosque in your lawn. There are plenty of treatments you can use that will burn them off, which have killed a moss. You can just use a right to scare if I that I want to remove the dead moss. However, unless you fix the problem that causes the mosque in the first place, I'm afraid the mosque will return. Try not to rank ate the most before he's being killed because it was simply caused the sports to spread on. Make matters worse, it normally takes about a week on. The mosque will turn brown once he's dead. So once you've tackled the mosque, you can go by fixing the underlying issue. Some of the points that were easier to fix than others. The grand remains went for long periods. Improved drainage to the soul doesn't remain permanently wet. You can do this by poking holes in the lawn with a fork as deep as you can, or you can get some spy shoes that would also give you some bonus. Exercise the nutrient levels in the solar low. Regular feed your lawn staff. Grass can't grow very well, so give it supplementary energies that it can out compete the moss. You should give lawn feed once in the spring, once in the summer and then once in the autumn. The soil is compacted, regular air right you saw, and you are helped to relieve your compaction in the autumn or spring, you can take out plugs of sore with a hollow time tool, then put fresh soil into the holes. This helps to stop the grand from becoming compacted, and it can even encourage worms to come up through the holes further a writing the soil. The grass is being put to short. Check the cutting height of your mower. Never scalp the lawn too short as it will weaken the grass and leave the soul open Tomas invasion. The area doesn't receive regular sunshine, probably due to being shaded by trees or shrubs. If you can't get rid of the thing that's causing the shade, then there is an alternative course of action you can take received along with a shade tolerant, grassy Meeks has this graceful cope better in areas with limited sunlight, it should grow strong enough to fight off the most problems. Number to improve drainage. If you're long after, becomes waterlogged for hours or even days, then it's most likely down to poor drainage. The trouble with poor drainage is that it can end up killing your lawn. There are two main causes. Poor drainage on lawn store compaction or dips in your lawn. If the soil on Jolan has high levels of clay or thick areas of thatch, then the sore can become compacted on. This can prevent water from being absorbed. One way to improve sore permeability is today, right? The Lord, as we mentioned in the previous section, secondly, the shape of your God and ought to really drive water away from the house with a shallow slope. If you have any dips in your law, though, it can cause water to Paul in. One spot on this can cause damage to the grassroots. One solution is to fit gutters, which would drain excess rainwater away from the lawn. Additionally, you can have plants that thrive in water conditions as they will stop excess water from sitting around. Or if it's just a small area where the water pools, you can reshape the soil underneath the lawn and adjust the Grady in so that the water drains away more effectively. Number three a right. The loan raising the long regularly not only helps to ride with water drainage and aeration could be done by creating small holes in the salt that you can do with a garden fork. Or if you have a large lawn, though, you might find it an arduous and tiring job. See might look into getting a special air righting machine or even getting some air righting shoes. For most gardens, a writing once a year is more than an off, but you can't treat smaller patches more often if needs be. Number four over seeding over seeding is basically putting seeds over the grass that's already there by putting some extra seeds of the lawn. It can help to rejuvenate tire grass and fill out any damaged areas. Little rejuvenation helps to bring back its youthful via green color on. By giving your lawn a boost, it helps to stop weeds and moss from inviting. If there's no room for weeds to push through, it made it harder for them to thrive before you siege alone. You should scare if I it to get rid of any thoughts that might have accumulated. And you should also mo it on watery well mixes. See with some compost or fertilizer and spread it evenly over the ground. You can do this by hand, or, if it's a larger area, you can buy a seat spreading machine, which will make the job much easier. Once you spread the seed. You should keep the long most for about a week to give the sees a chance to germinate. You can also spread a top dressing of compost to give extra protection to the seed and provide that initial nourishment boost. I recommend you do this at least once a year as a preventative measure to stop any problems before they happen. Number five Mowing and edging mowing your lawn is basically a way of hacking down each individual grass plant. Imagine doing this to a rose bush or a tree. If you have a hedge, then you'll know that you don't quit it down to the base every time you trim it well. The same should be true for your loan. Too many people put their long way too short on this could actually damage it. You want trying to remove only the top third of each blade of grass. This might mean putting more regularly. And of course, it depends on the time of year of how quickly the grass is growing. But by putting it 1/3 it leaves enough of the plant in tax free to continue growing healthily and not get too stressed out in the cooler months. You won't need to cut the grass is often because it will. We grow much more slowly, however, in the summer, frequent moorings essential if you could eat little and often it's much better for the lawn than if you leave it to get too long before you. Murray wanted for a luscious looking lawn is to make sure you're more of like a really sharp. If you keep them sharp, it quits cleanly. If your mother grass with a blunt blade, it rips rather in courts on this and cause damage to the tips of each blade of grass. If the tip of the grass blade is damaged, then it's susceptible to disease. If you use a more with a roll on it, then alternate the direction that grasses rolled in each time. Otherwise, this, too, can cause marriage. One thing that can spoil even the nicest of Lawrence is an unkempt edge. If they just look Nathan trimmed, it can transform the whole loan. You should always take the time to tidy up the edges of you long after you're married. Simply use a pair of law energy shears to cut away any long grass that is beginning to encroach into the borders. If you have a lot of edges to court, you can't get a powered line treatment to help you wait. Additionally, Ah, half moon edging on can help you re. Could the edges into shape If they're starting to look a little bit raggedy, you might even want to consider installing a permanent physical lawn edge if you find that the grass continue. C grows into the borders, make it look a little untidy. I do have a cause that shows you how to install your own break border, and it's not a strict, as you might think, number six feeding and watering. Generally speaking, you should feed your lawn two or three times a year. Your long with definitely benefit from regular feeding because without nutrients, the grass will use all the food reserves in the store and start to turn pile and thin. If you feed your grass, it will be able to grow thick and also developed solid shoots, which will help to stop weed or must invasion. Irregular feeding will help keep your lawn looking thick and green. You really want to get a food that releases nitrogen over several weeks more specifically in the spring and summer. You might want a high nutrient fee to help the grass grow quickly and control any weeds. You can actually get some lawn feeds that contain weed and moss killer, which is ideal in the autumn. You want to feed that has less nachagyn because you don't want to encourage any light top growth, which might be killed by the first frost of winter. A special autumn feed will work to encourage root growth rather than leaf. Growth on this will help to give it a boost the following spring, as well as feeding, watering is absolutely essential. Unless you have regular rain, you definitely want to water your lawn. Grass that is underwater won't be a spring G on will stay flat if you walk appointees. If you were right, the lawn it helps the water to reach the roots. Also, watering in the early morning or in the evening stops water from evaporating in the sun before it can penetrate this all, I recommend using a sprinkler system to really ensure enough water is being given to the lawn whilst your watering. It's also an ideal time to feed the lawn because it helps the first voices get down into the roots. Number seven Top dressing. A top dressing is a layer of compost you out to the top of the lawn to improve the quality of the soil. You can also use top dressings to level eight any minor imperfections or hollow areas to create a smoother surface as well as calm past. You can add sand to your top dressing. If your lawn suffers from poor drainage or if you have the opposite issue and you suffer from drugs, you can use Pete instead of sand, as this helps along. To retain moisture ideally should top dress your lawn whenever you air right. Creating holes through the aeration allows style carbon dioxide after the sore, and let's fresh oxygen in. This stimulates and encourages root growth. If your product top dressing whenever you a right, it helps take the nutrients deeper damage to soil. I want to recommend that you could the grass just before adding a top Christie as it can make it easier for the top sort to get down to the sore that's already there. To apply the topsoil, work on a few square feet at a time and make sure that the sword is spread out evenly. Use both sides of the Reich. The point inside spreads at the store and helps to work it into the aeration holes and then the flat Seiken level. It at the top source will be no more than a couple of centimetres thick on top of the lawn , and you should be able to see the tips of the blades of grass poking through once you spread the tops all over the lawn, watering very well and spread some seeds to just to replenish any older areas. Water the lawn every day for the first few days and then on Day three, right the area again. Just a smooth, out any developed bombs or Hollows. If you stick to these tips, then you'll find you have a lost Greenlawn all year round. 25. Gardening for beginners - Spring bulbs: spring bulbs. Perennial balls will come back year after year. Usually, however, there will only give you really beautiful blooms for about five years before they start to diminish. There are a few perennial bulls that you could definitely plant to get some guarantee. Crocuses, daffodils, Tulips on musk ari are for easy to grow bulbs. These bulbs are the true harbinger of the spring. You'll see their flowers, probably February, and some of them will last until the end of April. Lost a lot of bull pockets so that you can plant the end of winter. I personally have founded that it's best to plant the bulbs in early autumn. This gives the bulls a chance to produce some routes before the wind kicks in. This is true for daffodils, crocuses and miscarry bulbs. The animal was a will tolerate being planted in early winter or tulips, but I wouldn't even reach that. Wouldn't even risk that with Scurry. You're probably familiar with crocuses, daffodils and cheer leaps, but you might be slightly less familiar with my scarry. These bulbs are actually a type of hyacinth, and you might see them called great persons. The great places is a spring flaring bulb that has mainly purple blue flowers but do come in a few of the colors, including white, pink, purple on pale blue, and they looked like a little mini bunch of grapes. The flowers grow to about 20 centimeters tall on each individual plant will spread eight centimeters void. Because each plant is quite small, it's probably best to fund a few together on place these nearer to the front of the border or in a part so that you can admire them in full glory. These girls are perhaps the most Mannesmann's free and easy to grow. They need no special care, and once you planted them and she had planted them, the only thing you might need to do is divide them every few years, as they do spread freely. For this reason, a lot of people grow miss curry and containers to prevent them from spreading too far. As with all the bulbs, you should plan to scurry around about September, and you'll get flowers from late March to meet my to plant the bulbs. Simply loosen up the soul in the area where they want them to grow on. Put in a good amount of compost. The bulls need to be put into holes around about 5 to 10 centimetres deep, and then you can cover them with soul on water. The mean it's a good idea to plant boxing clubs rather in life, then lines. That way we'll get a nice thick display. I would say 10 or so boards per clump is sufficient from a scarry, and as I said before, they do spread Miss guaranteed watering more than most bulbs. But they don't like to be water locked. Little and often is best. So if it's been running ranking, don't bother water again that day. As for fertilizer, you should add some just before the flowering period, once the plant has finished flaring at some more fertilizer or fresh compost to this all. So the Balkan taking in and store the nutrients ready for the following year's blue was the flowers start to fade. You can cut them off, but leave the leaves until they have started to turn yellow Android. Once they're dry, you can cut them off of the base and then leave the bulb in the ground. If your club has begun to spread, they might want to divide this by digging up some of the bulbs and moving them elsewhere in the garden. You should only do this in a round about June or July. There are a few different types in the scurry on the flowers range from blue to purple, pink and white, but they all need similar care. Crow Cassie's Crocuses Air one of the first flowers to bloom in your garden, and you may even see the little green leaves pushing through the snow, ready to open up their flowers and bring some color to the new year. Crow caws is coming white, pink, red, orange, purple, yellow and blue. There are only 2 to 4 inches tall, but they are very beautiful, beautiful, just like my scurry. Crocuses will multiply and spread through your garden and come back with a bigger display year after year. Here's a little fun fact. Did you know that the spice saffron actually comes from the crocus flower? It comes specifically from the suffering. Crocus, which is a bright purple flower on the spies, is actually the bright red stigma in the center of the flower around September. Time is the perfect months to plan your crocus bulbs. You can plant them in borders or parts, but one of the most impressive ways to grow crocuses is directly in your lawn if you plant them in the lawn after a few years and former carpet of color, people tend to like to plant them around trees or is part of a wildflower meadow. You should plant. You croak, sports around about 10 centimetres deep into the ground, and there we one of the first bulbs to come up the following year. There are even some crow Cassie's. There are flower in the autumn, so if you get so if you get it right, you could have half a year of crackers flowers in your garden. When you plant your bulbs, make sure the pointy end is sticking up. To plant a lawn, just lift the turf, gently plant the bulbs and place the turf back on top Tapper turf gently when you place it back down, so that comes in contact. Red on large clumps will form after just a few years. If you want, you can t go per clump after the flowers and laser dieback, pull the trump apart and then replant them a little bit more spiced act or elsewhere in your garden. Obviously, one dance I'd planting crocuses in your lawn is that you can't actually quit your grass until the flowers of boys and then leaves turned yellow. If you put them too early, you risk the books not having enough time to store nutrients for the following year. Tulips troops are one of the best known bulbs on the varieties run into the thousands. It would be hard to find a corner that troops don't come in color, that troops don't call me on the flowers themselves, coming all sorts of shapes and sizes. You can plant Julie boards in mid to late autumn and plant them around three times as deep as the bulls hope themselves. Phillips answers my incense freres other bulbs, and there are several writers that will only flower wounds. If you send ground, they will grow back the following you, but you'll probably just get loads of leaves and no flowers. The reason for this is because tubes in the world are from Central Asia, where they enjoy hot summers and cold winters. They don't do so well. I sort of these climate. There are a few things you can do to get. There are a few things you can do to get your troops to come back year after year. You can cook them up for the flowers. Have finished. Blooming was the petals of started to fall away. Put off the dying head to help the bulb Conserve energy. Don't want them too much. Tulips don't like sitting in more soil, so if you mix in a bit of grief or but it helps the water drain away, feed them In the autumn. Your Children will benefit from a yearly feared in the autumn to give the bulbs enough energy to make flowers the following year. If all this seems a lot of effort, you probably be wise to develop your old boards each year and replace them with new bulbs. You can also try lifting and drawing your chili Popes each year to do these deadhead the flowers once it starts to die and then wait for the leaves to turn yellow. This is normally about six weeks after flowering. You can take the bulbs, wants the still have leaves on if you want, just leave the whole thing and wait for the leaves to go yellow before putting them off. This will get the mayor to the way so you can go ahead and plant your yearly bedding plants . When she took the bulbs up, clean off the soul, and if any of the bulb took, damaged or moldy, took those ones away. Leave the bulbs out in the open until they're completely dry and then store them a bark, well ventilated place. Try and keep them around 20 degrees Celsius. So in the greenhouses ideal, you can then replant the bulbs in the autumn around about October time. De Fidel's daffodils, or Narcisse, is one of us, one of the most common but popular Bob's. You'll see with yellow white orange flowers that grow tall and proud, as have long, slender leaves. The flowers have six petals that surround a central trumpet Is your plant your bulbs in September, either in the ground core in parts. Definable rules come in many different sizes, but just make sure that you plan them about three times as deep as the bulbs hight. With any bulb, you should put plenty of fertilizer or compost when you plant them, so the bulb has a good chance of storing the nutrients. When you buy your daffodil bulbs, bigger is better, is better and try not to get any that have dried out after you plant the bulbs. Water the mean. But after that you shouldn't need to water them again if you planted them in the ground. Bulls planted in containers, however, do need plenty of water. Once they started to grow, most daffodils will come back year after year after year with that too much trouble. But it is good. Practice the Deadhead fatty blooms to help the ball put its energy storage ready for the next year, her every few planting your daffodils in the Lord or in a meadow. Then you might want to leave the flower heads to go to seed as they were, then spread and multiply as the years go by death. It was a long live bulbs, unlike a lot of other springboards, and they will also spread. However, if you notice the congestion clubs started fall, you might want to dig them up after the growing season on divide them. You can then replant them in a new location to spread the matter beat. If you plant daffodils and get doesn't containers. I always find they look nice the first year, but then the following year, they never quite lookers noise, so grow deficits and containers the first year, then plant them in the ground, ready for the second year on. Buy new books to fill your containers. As with troops, you should. Could the faded flowers and then white about signem white, about six weeks for the leaves. Turn yellow before putting them down. If you move that leaves too early. You won't get us many flowers the following year, so that's some tips for planting bulbs for unearthly spring display. You can try different varieties of bulbs each year, so you've always got something new. You can also have a go different displays mixing daffodils, tulips, crocuses on high, since together in the same pot to get a beautiful rainbow of colors. Finally, here is a handy chart for you to have a look at. That gives you a guide on how deep to plant your bulbs 26. Gardening for beginners - What to do throughout the year: extra tips. Here are some hints and tips for you to keep your garden looking at its best. What to do in the spring spring is probably one of the busiest times for gardens, so there are lots of jobs to get doing. Ready for the number one Clear Borders embeds. Most plants in the garden will have died back in the winter, and now is the time to clear anything away, ready for them to burst back into life. Make sure you pull up anyways. That might have started to grow, and you can all aside a thick layer of compost to provide fresh food for the compost to provide fresh food for the new growing season. This is also the time of year that I like to add a layer of bar champions as it makes everything look fresh and tidy, and it also helps keep the weeds down. Number two devoid the perennials. Sometimes perennials can get a little bit too big for their boots. The perfect time of year. Detain them a little before they get into their big growing season. You can use a garden fork to lift the whole plant up out of the ground and divided them into chunks. Then you can replant each chunk around the garden and water them well. You'll get three or four smaller plants out of one on by doing these chickens elongate the life span of older plants and encourage them to start flaring again if they become less productive over the years. Number three sorts out the bulbs. Mid spring is when your bulbs daffodils, tulips, crocuses. This extra will start to die off as the flower head. You can remove them, but leave the foliage. Then you can just leave the leaves to die back. You can either leave the bulbs in the grown ready for the following year or lift them out to store them in a cool, dry place. Number four. Mow the lawn. Spring is a time when you should give your lawn. It's first quarter to give your lawn. It's first quit of the year. You can also give it a feed and some lawn fertilizer to give you a boost. Number five get planting. Late spring is when the garden centres are full of plants ready to burst into bloom, so now is the time to get planting to fill any gaps, which is Just make sure you look at the label to see how big the plants will grow and then bear that in mind when you put them in the ground. If you put plans to close together, they will start to look a bit of a mess by the time summer comes as a tangled up with each other and start growing out over smaller plants when you remove new plants from their pots , just sure you're careful. If the younger put plants, they can easily break, So a good typist it gently squeeze the size of the pot. First, turn it upside down and tap the plant out into your hand. If you have a shrub ready to plans, make sure you soak the roots before putting it in the ground. This encourages the ruble spread out and gives it the best chance of finding moisturize. The summer arrives what to do in this summer summaries when the garden is at his most colorful, and although it might not need as much heavy work as in the spring, it does need a lot of daily attention. Number one could. You should really avoid quitting your hedges until late July. Since this is when birds will be making their nests and raising their family, however, you can start quitting them again in August to keep them looking neat and tidy and to encourage dense and even growth. The same goes for box woods and any topiary you might have in your might have in your garden. You can trim them in light summer to help them keep their shape. Know what to proving your love. India. When lavender is fees flaring, you can put it back by about 1/3. Sometimes this can enquiries 11 to 2 flowers. Second time later in the year. It's during the year, but if nothing else, the trim will make sure it comes back the following year with a very strong bloom. Number. Three. Deadhead Deadhead, Deadhead You're annuals. When the constant dead heading throughout the summer, try and get a daily deadhead. Check into your routine to make me think. Dead heading helps the plan to concentrate on growing new flowers. It elongates of flooring season by stopping the flow from growing seeds. Not only that, but couldn't off. Dead flowers, especially big flowers like daily, is construct pests and mold from growing number four water, water, water. If you have lots of bedding, plants or containers, then keep an eye on the soil. Try not to let the sore dry out in the summer and get into the habit of watering very early in the morning or in early evening. The reason for this is because it gives the plants a chance to actually take the wardrobing to their roots. Water and when the sun is out, means most of the water was simply evaporate before it has a chance to penetrate the soil. You don't need to worry so much about established plans, but annuals will need a daily watering particular if they're in a hanging baskets, since these can dry it extremely quickly. What to do in the autumn? Autumn is a time when the last of the flowers were blooming and everything was slowly becoming to a stop. There are a few jobs you can get doing in the garden before the winter arrives. Number one collect seeds. Your summer annuals will probably be on their last legs. Now the flowers that are left you don't need to deadhead and you can leave them to turn into seed, So collect any seed heads and let them dry out completely before storing them in a paper bag in a cool, dark area. Number two prepare winter borders the animals that provided cooler over the summer when they were going back. So dig them all up and replace them with plants that will give you some flowers over the winter. Things like winter pans ease wallflowers, Heather and hello boys will give you some color through the colder months. The plans and war flowers won't grow as quickly as there were questions, but they will require a lot less care over the winter. English primroses are also a good addition for some very vibrant winter colors. Number three so tired alone. The grass will still be growing in the order, but he will be much slower than it was in the summer, slower than it was in the summer because of these weeds and mosque, and sometimes take over a little so you could spread a muscular over in early autumn, then use a right through movies and took it onto the compost heap. If you have one, you can also prepare the norm for the winter, but give any one last feed and adding a bit of sun. If you have a particular thatch problem, you can improve the drainage of the lawn because it can get a big boggy over the winter. So use a garden full to make some holes in the lawn, helping any excess water to drain away later in the year. The autumn is also a great time to lay new turf because it will give you plenty of time to become established before the night. The next summer. Number four right up the leaves as the least four off the trees and shrubs. You should write them open. Put them in a righty container as the least dry out and become crumbly. Break them up with a rake and then spread them over the borders as mulch. Plant evergreens. What's your The sidious plants will be losing their leaves and looking a little sorry for themselves. At this time of year, you can have some greenery by planting some lovely evergreens. If you visit a garden centre, anything that still has brought green leaves at this time of year who likely be evergreen on was being lost. Everything else. Toys number six lift tender plants. There are some plans that don't do well in frost on will often die completely over the winter and then never come back again. Things like begonias and daily is, for instance, can be lifted out of the grain. Instance can be lifted out of the grain and stored somewhere droid over the winter, protecting them from the frost. Just cook about the stems and store the tubers, waiting until the following spring to replant them. What to do in the winter. By winter, most of the garden has gone into hibernation, and you care a few months. There are still a few things that need to be done, though number one. Protect young trees. If you have planted any trees in the year, they may need a little help to get through the winter. You can defend them from any frostbite. Adding fleece straw or hess into the base held in place was, If you have a particularly young tree, you could wrap some clear policy in around the whole thing to stop it from rotting away in the wet weather. Number two. Check on your bulbs any bulb that you put into storage in the spring should be checked on to make sure they haven't gone mouldy if all day. If there any bulbs that look a little worse for wear, take them away from the rest of the bulbs, so they don't cause any damage to the others. Then make sure you plan the rest of the balls before the first hard frost begin to arrive. Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, Jai Singh's artillery wolves can orbit planets on from October to December. Number three. Feed the birds if you don't already feed the wall birds. Winter is especially a good time to start. We sometimes forget about our feathered friends, but they need a helping hand to get through the winter, too. Additionally, if you start to increase rushes into your garden in the winter, they'll probably stay the following year on. These are very handy birds, tohave hopping around the garden as they will eat any slugs and snails that try to munch on your plant in spring and summer.