Spanish for Beginners. The complete Method. Level 1. | Peter Hanley | Skillshare

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Spanish for Beginners. The complete Method. Level 1.

teacher avatar Peter Hanley, The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to EL MÉTODO


    • 2.

      Course Guidelines


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Gracias, Posible, Es, Para mí


    • 5.

      Importante, Bueno, Malo, Muy


    • 6.

      Agua, Cerveza, Lo siento, Tengo


    • 7.

      Quiero, Necesito, Ahora, Así


    • 8.

      Buenos Días, ¿Cómo estás? ¿Tienes?


    • 9.

      Tú, ¿Quieres? ¿Por qué?, Saber


    • 10.

      ¿Sabes? Hacerlo


    • 11.

      Ordenador, Mi, Tu, Ver


    • 12.

      Puedo, Fácil, Difícil, Grande


    • 13.

      Teléfono, Sé, ¿Dónde?


    • 14.

      ¿Dónde Estás?, Hotel, Aquí


    • 15.

      Time Trial


    • 16.

      Ocupado, Hoy, Estoy, Cansado


    • 17.

      Esto, Eso, Tengo que, Salir, ¿Cuándo?


    • 18.

      Time Trial


    • 19.

      Cenar, Comer, Seguro


    • 20.

      Tener, Hago, Mesa, Silla


    • 21.

      Time Trial


    • 22.

      Él, Élla, Sabe, Hace.


    • 23.

      Salgo, Estar


    • 24.

      Time Trial


    • 25.

      Veo, Querer, Soy, Eres, Es


    • 26.

      Español, Americano, Me, Te, Decir


    • 27.

      Time Trial


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About This Class

The complete, non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course: Mastery of the basics for BEGINNERS - in a matter of hours, not years.

Level 2 of the complete, non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course: Mastery of the basics for BEGINNERS - in a matter of hours, not years.


Learn basic communicative Spanish with the easy to follow, carefully graded method for complete beginners.

The method allows you to:

► Talk non-stop from the very start.  

► Produce thousands of practical frases for daily use. 

► Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at  A1 level.  

â–º Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or "study" in the traditional sense.


"Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn ." (Benjamin Franklin)

EL MÉTODO will allow you to use and understand basic Spanish in a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through a carefully designed method that builds up the language in your mind, step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.

From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlessly absorbing structures without even realizing it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.

EL MÉTODO  does not teach you theory, it teaches you to speak Spanish and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.


In EL MÉTODO as in real life, learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The process continues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposure to new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquired for life.


EL MÉTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After every lesson there is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.

We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish. 

My goal with EL MÉTODO  is for you to become "hooked" on the method thereby mastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.

Best of luck! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Peter Hanley

The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course


Hello, I'm Peter.

After twenty years teaching languages in France, Spain and U.K it quite clear that the traditional methods used by the majority schools and language academies do not produce good results. Most of the students finish their courses with a very poor command of the language and this, at times,  after thousands of hours of study!

As a result, I have created EL MÉTODO, a new and different approach to the teaching of Spanish for beginners that will provide one with a solid base and a practical usage of the language as quickly as is humanly possible, without the need for laborious memorisation or "study " associated with conventional Spanish courses.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction to EL MÉTODO: Do you want to master basic Spanish within the next few weeks? Well, you can, but you will need the right method. Hi, I'm Peter, creator of L Metodo. And for 25 years, I've helped tens of thousands of language students using accelerated learning techniques. Now, I'd like you to experience the same results. A proven method dramatically reduces the time it takes to get the basics down. By the end of the four levels of this course, in as little as eight weeks from now, you will have a full understanding on a practical usage of basic Spanish. But what makes an effective method on why, to most language programs fail so miserably? Most language courses actually applying no method at all they overload frustrating, demoralize you with long winded explanations, boring lists, tables and tests on before too long you have given up entirely. Those of you who started a language for years and years at school with little or nothing to show for it will know what I mean. Now, a strong method instantly gives you that thrilling sense of rapid progress. It's designed to take full responsibility for your learning, relieving you of all the pressure of trying to memorize it quickly, painlessly constructs a solid foundation using simple building blocks because they're constantly repeated on relentlessly recycled in new contexts and combinations. This way, Spanish doesn't just become easy for you to remember, but difficult to forget. With our metal on you immediately start forming and speaking your own phrases. Justus in Life Learning is a continuous cumulative process, not a series of random, unrelated topics. Are students report feeling energized, triumphant and driven forward by the rapid results. They experience their report, craving more and more as they sail through the lessons and levels, soaking up the language with ease with convenient audio lessons, It's easy to fit l metal or into your daily routine along with my native Spanish daughter Jessica. You can join us. Where have you like in a continuous spoken dialogue of thousands of perfectly constructed phrases? By the end of the four levels, you'll be raring to go ready to start exercising your new skills amongst the natives, So join us for the first lesson where El Matador is waiting to get to work on you 2. Course Guidelines: Welcome Moore's the Spanish say VM Benito. Welcome to L methadone. I'm Peter, your professor for the program and for the authentic native touch is my daughter Jessica. Before starting the method itself, there are a couple of guidelines for following the course I'd like to set out in this introduction. Firstly, it's vital to ensure that each lesson has been truly mastered before moving on to the next, the course is cumulative in nature. It's been carefully structured so that your success with each lesson, and ultimately the entire method relies on mastery of all previous lesson. Equally, those of you who may already know some Spanish should resist the temptation to skip ahead at any point, even if the first lessons seem a little too elementary at each stage or mental delays down the crucial foundations for future progress with the language. So for full effect is vital to proceed patiently and methodically, as the name of the program implies. You'll be constantly asked. Produce phrases in Spanish, which you will then check with. The same phrase is given by myself and Jessica. If you consider you've performed well, that's to say with 90 to a 100 percent accuracy. And ideally within the timed pauses we provide, then you're free to progress. If not, we do suggest repeating the lesson as many times as you need. In addition to this self-assessment, we strongly suggest following the lessons and the order set out here. This way, each lesson will be taken three times, and you'll advanced by one lesson a day. These three lessons, as well as the short written exercise that comes after each, should take about an hour. Make it a daily habit to get two or three lessons in more if you wish, and you'll be sailing through the levels in no time. Bear in mind that each level shouldn't take more than a month to complete if you're working methodically and with the intensity which is really required at this stage. So make yourself comfortable, relax, and allow the method to do its work. And you can now look forward to an exciting sense of constant and rapid progress with the Spanish language. 3. Hola.: Hello everyone. Welcome to the first lesson of El Matador. Jessica, and I wish you all the best for success on your journey into this splendid language. Very briefly, here's how the course works. We'll introduce a new word and you'll repeat it aloud. You'll be prompted to do so by the double speech bubbles. Now we asked you to formulate your own phrases prompted by the ESP bubble, ESP for espanol, Spanish. Think and then speak your Spanish phrase out loud, Hitting Pause if need be. Now I'll give the same phrase, which hopefully will be the same as yours. There's another space for you to repeat after me. And finally, I'll give the phrase again. Please repeat after me, imitating my Spanish pronunciation and also tried to say the phrase as fast as I do, best of luck. A good place to start is the greeting. Hello, which in Spanish is Paula. Please repeat that. Hola. Hola. You can hear that the initial H is silent. The next word is I. Jaw. Yeah. The y is pronounced similarly to English, but with just a hint of J jaw. Yeah. Now to say I am, it's just soy. However, it's more common to hear soy alone, since in Spanish, the pronouns I, you, he, she, we, they are not usually spoken. The verb forms alone identified the person. I am, your soil, or more commonly, soy. So how would you say in Spanish? Hello, I'm Peter. Hola, soy peta. Or giving my name is Spanish pronunciation, say p. So now I'd like you to introduce yourself. Hello, I'm filling in with your own name. Let's have a quick look at the Spanish vowels as in English, there are five, but luckily for the learner of Spanish, each file only has one possible sound, unlike English, where each file can be pronounced in various different ways, amounting to some 20 or so possible vowel sounds. It's far more straightforward in Spanish, with only five vowel sounds. Can you repeat after me? We'll be sure to pronounce only pure vowels just as you hear them, avoiding any diphthongs. That's to say sounds like a instead of a and 0 instead of a eo0. It may help to think of the R as the R in the sound of laughter. Hahaha, haha, I hesitate to give an actual English word as pronunciation varies with the different English accents. Or the a is the same as in the English egg, nice and short. The E is the short e of e. The next one is 0, as in the British English pronunciation of hot. Or perhaps again, the sound of laughter, this time that of Santa Claus, father Christmas hahaha. Or the 0 is the short 0 of flute, or perhaps the sound a monkey makes. So that's it. There's not a single example in the entire Spanish language of a vowel having two different sounds. If you pause and practice these five vowels, you're done to say, as in dog, a car, we say oo1. A coffee is own cafe. Own cafe. And we emphasize the a vowel on account of the accident, which indicates the stress, the strong syllable, cafe and not cafe. On cafe. Please is por favor. Been followed? Each of the final, ours is likely flipped, but the very tip of the tongue, just behind and above the front teeth. The very same tongue placement as an English D, but with the lightest and briefest of touches to produce the flipped por favor. Speakers of American English may like to think of the Spanish flipped R as the t sound in water or butter. Por favor. Been followed. So how would you say a coffee, please? When cafe, por favor? Own cafe. In Spanish, all objects, things, or concepts, what we call nouns, are considered to be either masculine or feminine. Cafe is masculine, so we use our own cafe. But a Coca-Cola for no particular reason happens to be feminine. So we say Coca-Cola. Coca-cola. Really tried to get those pure vowels as you practice before. All know, Coca-Cola. Coca-cola. So then how would you say hello or Coca-Cola, please. Now, Coca-Cola por favor. And how about hello, a coffee, please. Holler, own cafe, por favor. Cafe. The word for end is e, just like the Spanish e vowel we practiced before, ie. So now you can say a coffee under Coca-Cola. Own cafe unit, Coca Cola. Own cafe, Coca Cola. And I'll say hello or coffee and a Coca-Cola, please. Holla, own cafe unit, Coca Cola por favor. Own cafe UNA Coca Cola por favor. The word for to the number two is dose. The Spanish D is actually softer than an English, and it's produced with the tongue flat against the gum Ridge, against the top of the mouth. Not the tip of the tongue as an English, not dot, dot, dot. But a light though, though, with the tongue flat at the top of the mouth. Wash. Repeat please. Dose. Dose. Now could you say to Coca Cola's those Coca Cola's. Thus Coca Cola's, as you see, just as in English, and S is added to a plural nouns. But please take care to always pronounce the plural Spanish S, as, and not. With the voice as we do an English after vowels, we say Coca-Cola. Coca-cola has and coffees. In Spanish, it's Coca Cola's GFS. So how would you say to coffees? Those cafes? Does cafes. Two coffees and a Coca-Cola. Those cafes unit Coca Cola. Does cafes UNA Coca-Cola. A coffee. And to Coca-Cola is please own cafe. It does Coca Cola's por favor. Own cafe. He does Coca-Cola. This is probably one of the very first things we need to do in Spanish to order things such as drinks. And we can also do so by saying, I want such and such. This could sound rather blunt in English to say, I want something. We'd usually say, can I have or I like, but it works just fine in Spanish. So the way to say I want is Quito, usually simply key arrow. Key arrow. To order a coffee we can say T80. Own cafe por favor. Okay, How would you say I want a Coca-Cola, please. Now Coca-Cola por favor. Coca Cola. And how about hello, I want Can I have to Coca Cola's and a coffee, please. Hola kilo dose, Coca Cola's un cafe por favor. Does Coca-Cola. So now to really make these phrases stick, Let's practice them rhythmically. Just join in with us when you get the hang of it. And then go back repeating the chant as often as you can to really make it sink in. Now Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola, own cafe. Hey, Coca-Cola. Coca-cola's per kilogram dose. On caffeine. Caffeine does Coca Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola, does cafes, dusk base, unit, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola. Own cafe, own cafe, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola's per fiber. Those scrub backwards for fiber. Caffeine. Caffeine per fiber. Now, Coca Cola. Coca Cola. Does cafes? Yes. Got, you know, Coca-Cola por favor. 4. Gracias, Posible, Es, Para mí: Being vanitas didn't whoever. Welcome back to El Matador, Spanish course for beginners. Let's jump straight back in with annexed important word. Thank you. Which in Spanish is good, right? Yes. Yes. The sea of grass is pronounced as an English, th, as in thanks. The same word, graph, yes. Yes. However, in most Latin American countries, this soft see is pronounced as an S. So you'll hear grassy *** in Latin American countries, rather than get FeS that you'll hear in most of mainland Spain, gracias. To say, thank you very much. It's muchas gracias. Literally Many thanks much as graph, yes. Yes. So if we enter a bar or the like, the first thing we'd say is hello, which in Spanish is Allah. We then order something e.g. I want or can I have a coffee? And to Coca-Cola is please Good own cafe. He does Coca-Cola cafe. Those Coca Cola's. Then we'd say, thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Motels graph, yes. To say possible in Spanish, it's very easy, foreseeably. Possibly. The second syllable, the E, is accentuated, possibly. The final S sound, as always in Spanish, is a pure vowel, not a, don't say possibly, but possibly. Impossible, unsurprisingly is impossibly. Impossibly. Say it is, or it's, the Spanish only requires one word, s. S. How then move. We say, it's possible as possibly. Possibly. And how about It's impossible? Impossibly. Impulsively. Don't forget to stress this. See, impossibly. To say, for me, it's bad army. And to save for you. It's bad at D. Bad at D. As with the soft D for dose that we practiced in the last lesson, the Spanish t is also softer than in English and produced with a flat tongue against the gum Ridge against the top of the mouth. But at D, avoid saying bad at t. But D, can you practice that a few times? But I d by d. So now try saying it's for me. Is para mi spammy. And how about it's for you? Is parity. How would we say it's possible for me is possibly, but Army is possibly parameters. And how would we say it's impossible for you? Is impossibly parity. Is impossibly parity. Can you say a Coca-Cola for me? Coca-cola, but let me now say a coffee for me and a Coca-Cola for you. Own cafe para mi e. When a Coca Cola parity. Own cafe para mi Coca-Cola. The way to say it's not, or indeed it isn't, is simply not S noise. Noise. Then try saying it's not for you. No es para ti noise but at t. And how about It's not for me, it's for, you know, is, but AMI is para ti, noise parameter is parity. So we've seen that the article is either one or 0. 0 for masculine things, una, for feminine things. In the same way, the word, the changes according to the gender of the object or thing. L for a masculine thing and law for something feminine. El la, both meaning the el la. La. How would you say the Coca-Cola bearing in mind that Coca-Cola is feminine? Like Coca Cola. Lack Coca-Cola and coffee being masculine. How would you say the coffee? El Cafe. El Cafe. Unfortunately, we can't predict the gender of something unless it's obvious like a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl. What we can state though is that a word ending in an a, such as Coca-Cola is more likely to be feminine. There are plenty of common exceptions to this rule. But if you do need to guess, then go with feminine, una or lab for a word ending in an a. The Coca-Cola is for me. Like Coca Cola is para mi, lack Coca Cola. The coffee is for you. El Cafe is parity. Parity. The Coca Cola's for me and the coffee is for you. Like Coca Cola es para mi, EL cafe is para de la. Coca Cola's spammy yield cafes. But at the, the coffee is not for me. It's for you. El Cafe noise, but AMI is Pavarotti. Well, caffeine noise parameter is parody. It's not possible for me know as possibly, but Army noise possibly, but I mean, it's impossible for you. Seem possibly parity is impossibly. Now it's time for our rhythmic chant. Join in when you get the hang of it and repeat as many times as you can, this wonderful practice will really help speed up your learning in place the language firmly in your long-term memory. That Coca Cola is bad and be like Coca Cola is bad. For, Coca Cola is bad. Ear cafe is bad at D. That Coca Cola is bad at me. Like Coca Cola is bad at me. Like Coca-Cola is bad on me. Ear Cafe. It's bad at the cafe. Know, inspired me that Coca-Cola is para mi and caffeine, know it's bad on me. Start on the cafe. Know, inspired me that Coca Cola is bad. D, C B bar, C bar, B bar, C bar, B bar C. By me. Let's see. 5. Importante, Bueno, Malo, Muy: Welcome back to our metadata. Welcome to class number three for beginners, as we continue laying the solid foundations of your mastery of the basics of the Spanish language. As we learned in lesson two, the way to say it's for you, es para T, S beta t. If we wanted to form the question, is it for you, then there's no change, only the inflection of the words changes giving you took questioning tone is parity. Parity. So how do you think we would ask, is it possible? Possibly. Possibly. And how would we ask is the Coca-Cola for me remembering not to alter the statement yet simply to add a questioning inflection is the Coca-Cola for me? Like Coca-Cola is peritomy. Like Coca Cola's. Pardon me. How about is the coffee for you? El Cafe is parity, LCA phase, but at D, the word important again is very similar in Spanish. Important. Important. Can you say it's important? Es importante? Es importante. The question, is it important? It's important. Day is important. And I'll say it's not important. Noisy important, DAY. Noise important. And what about, is it important for you? As important, they parity is important. The parody. The word for good that you might already recognize is Bueno. Bueno. The word for bad is mallow. Mallow. So can you say it's good? Bueno. Bueno. It's bad. Mallow. Is Milo. Now ask, is it good? Boy? No. Bueno. It's not good. No es Bueno. Noise. Bueno. It's good for you. Is Bueno parity. Is Bueno parity. It's not good for me. Know as Bueno para mi. Noise Bueno para mi. The word for very is muy. Muy. How then would we say, it's very good? Muy Bueno. Bueno. And I'll say it's very bad for you. Is we mellow bad at D? Is Marie myelopathy. Now for the rhythmic chant, as usual, just join in when you get the hang of it. If we know, we will know by that is when we bring up is when nobody knows where, not bad, not bad. I mean, is it important? This is important. What is important for you? Because the placebo, a placebo for saying there was no, as we now know that we modeled by low band noise. No, no, no. 6. Agua, Cerveza, Lo siento, Tengo: Welcome again, welcome to lesson four of element. And let's get straight back down to work. To catch someone's attention with, excuse me. In Spanish, we say better, Dani. Just take some time to practice flipping that are better than me. It's not a trilled r is not better. Donate and definitely not an English are paired on it better Dani, a single touch with the tip of the tongue. Now you can say, excuse me, I want, or we'd say can I have, excuse me, I want a Coca-Cola, please. Let alone a theater owner, Coca Cola por favor. Coca Cola. A water, as in a glass of water, perhaps a bottle is Managua, Nicaragua. A beer is una theater of eta. Eta. This word is likely to require some practice to pronounce correctly. The difficulty lies in the consonants. Both the initial C and the z or the z are pronounced as English teachers. They're away with the tip of the tongue actually visible between the top and bottom rows of teeth, as in thank you. Una Theravada or not the elevator. And the v is a very light B, in fact produced with the upper and lower lips making contact. No teeth involved. The upper and the lower lips come together extremely likely to create this typically Spanish very light. Be sound. There with nothing. Do pause the video and practice until you're comfortable pronouncing this very useful word. For those of you who will be using Latin American Spanish, both the initial C and the z, or z are pronounced as Ss. So we get a set of ESA. Set of ESA. So then how would you say, I want, Can I have a water, please? Cato will now go up por favor. And how about I want a beer, please? T80 owner theatre away for five or you don't have it. Now can you say, Excuse me, I want a water and a beer, please. Don't be a hero now, Gua unit theta with por favor. Beethoven it. Now why? And how about, excuse me? The coffee is not for me. Better Dani. Cafe knowest, spammy. Better than a noise. But AMI, do you remember how to say, I am Joe soy. Yo soy. More usually simply soy. Soy. So how would one say, I'm bad? Mallow. So in mallow, now a girl or a woman doesn't say. So a mellow, but similar as the adjective is feminine and takes a final a instead of the oh, sorry, MLA. And likewise, how do you think a woman would say, I'm good? Bueno. Bueno. And how would a man say, I'm good? Sorry, Bueno. Bueno. And how then would a man say, I'm very good. So Bueno. Bueno. And how would a woman say, I'm very bad. Saw him. We malloc. Malloc. The way to say, I'm sorry in Spanish is Lucien. Lot means it. Lost. Shinto literally means I feel it lossy and I'll see you in the word for but is better. Panel. Again here we have a light single flipped. Our better, be careful not to roll the better as this means a dog. So tried to say, I'm sorry, but it's very important. Hello, siento muy importante de. More importantly, what about, I'm sorry, but it's not possible. Loss, noise, possibly possibly. The way to say I'm not unsurprisingly is no soy. No, sorry. No. So how would we therefore say, I'm sorry, but I'm not Carlos. I'm Peter. Lucien TO know soy Carlos. Carlos, soy be dead. Now say, I'm not very important. Not showing muy importante. No, sorry. More importantly, the way to say I have is bingo. Bingo. Resist the temptation to pronounce it. Tango with a light T and a pure, or we get tango. Tango. The all entangled refers to the first-person I. So therefore, it's not always necessary to say jaw, tango. The verb alone identifies the first-person. I think the way to say, I don't have is not Tango. Tango. How did we say, I'm sorry? Meaning I feel it in Spanish. I'm sorry. Shinto. Lossy Endo. So if lossy Endo means I feel it, how do you think we would say, I have it? Low? Tango, tango. Good. So we see that the pronoun, it, unlike an English, goes before the verb. How then do you think we would say, I don't have it? No, tengo. No, tengo. Try saying, I have a beer. Tango. Tango. No, say I don't have a coffee. Not Tango. Own cafe. Nothing on Cafe. And can you say, I don't have it? I don't have it. No, La Tengo. Normal thing. A car in Spanish is cocci. Cocci. In Latin American countries, the word for car is generally on Cairo. Cairo. Whenever we have a double r in Spanish, it's rolled or trilled. God, whom bedroom, meaning a dog as we saw before. I don't have a car. No tengo cocci. Nothing goes wrong. Gotcha. Or in Latin America? No tengo in Cairo. Now try, I'm sorry, but I don't have a car. Lucien, TO better know, Tango and co-chair. Cn, don't know, soy Carlos lost the Enter button Nostoi Carlos Law Center. There are no stoic Carlos. Repeat that. Those CNT though. There are no sorry Maria, Yellow Sea and dock. There are no sorry Maddie, I lost the Enter button Nostoi Maria. So he, Jesse. Shinto. Better, not showing malleolus yet though federal law, soil mellow loss, Shinto, better, not showing malloc. So he went on NaCN, don't know, swaying manner loss yet. I don't know. So imbalance loss, better, Nostoi malloc. So he went on those Shinto metal noise by that de la Gente or better noise. But at the low CNT or better known as parody is bad army lost dog. Notice we're not bad at the Law Center as we malloc, but I don't know is when are parody? Nacn door. 7. Quiero, Necesito, Ahora, Así: Hello and welcome. Class Number five of elemental. Class number five, meaning that you're no longer a complete beginner, but beginning to move forward in your mastery of the basics of the Spanish language. So we said last class that a car in Spanish is co-chair in Spain and in Latin America. And how did we say, I don't have a car? Not Tango in God, Jay. And how about I'm sorry, but I don't have a car. Lausanne TO better. Nothing. Go on. Gotcha. Gotcha. Now, can you say the car is very good? Coachee is Marie Bueno. L coaches Bueno. Another way to say, I want, as we saw before is your key arrow. But as usual, the jaw is not always required and we can just say T80. How then would we say, I want it, I want it look yellow. Lot T80. And how about I don't want it. No loci arrow. No longer. Can you say I want a Coca Cola? Coca Cola. Coca Cola. How would you say, I don't want a coffee, I want a beer. Nokia own cafe. Owner theta beta. Not yet on cafe. Yet. Nothing better to say. I need in Spanish, it's Nephthys Sito. Again here be sure to pronounce the sea as an English, th, nephews Sito, methods CDO. Because we saw before speakers of Latin American Spanish will simply use an S necessity. So now say, I need it. Learn it. Acetyl. Sito. I don't need it. No net EC2. No. I need a car. Nick, they settle in coaching. What about I need a bare necessity owner theta beta. The word now is our Hs and not pronounced in Spanish. We go straight from the a to the 0, our ADA. So how would you say I want it? Now? Look Yaro, our ADA. I want it, but I don't need it now. Look yellow. Nominated Sito our Beta, Nolan FAC to outta, to say like that. Or in other words, that way it's a. See, this word has an irregular stress pattern. The final vowel, the E is stressed, requiring a written accent over it. See, I see. Now say it's like that. Sassy. Sassy. What about It's not like that. Noise. I see. Noise sassy. I needed like that. I see. And how would you say I don't want it like that? I see. I see. I'm not like that. No. So you see? No. So yeah, I see. I'm sorry. But it's not possible like that. Lucien, TO better know as possibly see noise, possibly I see. The last word in this class appropriately is goodbye, which you probably know anyway, id of ideas. Goodbye and thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Images good at, Yes. Practice these rhythmic chance until they're easy and just roll off the tongue. More. Just yes. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. No. It's proceed. Assay. Assay. No. No. No. No. No. Don't don't. 8. Buenos Días, ¿Cómo estás? ¿Tienes?: When asking, how are you in Spanish? Are you? There are two possibilities, depending on the degree of formality being used. If the person is much older than you are in a position of authority, one would say, Como Esta. My staff. For all other cases, friends, family, people of a similar age for children. And S is added to give the informal common with Gomez tests. So the verb ending changes according to the degree of formality that you use. At this stage of the course, we shall stick to the informal form, introducing the formal forms a little later on. Would you agree to a friend with hello, how are you? Hola Como estas lack common status. Now the way to say, good morning in Spanish, as you might already know, is when are the truly good day or other good days? For some reason it's pluralized in Spanish. Repeat please. We're not ds minus ds. So now how would you agree to a friend with good morning. How are you? When us Diaz commerce does when does the S go my status to reply. Very well. Thanks. Bn. Bn meaning well, we'd be in grad yes. Mehrabian graph. Yes. So once more just to practice that exchange, how would we say, good morning, how are you when those Diaz Como status? When does the Es ist das. Very well. Thank you. We'd be in grad. Yes. Good FeS. Now, what was the Spanish for? I want it now. Look here at our ADA. And how about I don't have it but I need it. No, tengo Barolo Neta Sito. No. I'm sorry, but I need it now. Nacn, Barolo net acetyl hour. I'm sorry, but it's not very good like that. Lucien. Better. No, es muy Bueno. I see. I see. I'm sorry, but it's very bad for you like that. Lotion dog, bear with me, mallow, parody. I see. How did we say I have tango? Tango. So how would we say I have it locked? Ngo. And now I don't have it. No, tengo. Tengo. The word for you in Spanish, when it comes before a verb, e.g. you have you do, you want is to do so to say you have two DNS. Dns. I have you have your thing go to DNS, Bengal DNAs. And to ask the question, do you have, It's easy as again, nothing changes, only the inflection, DNS. Dns. So how would we ask someone? Do you have a car? Dns zone called J? Dns zone. Now ask, Do you have it locked DNS, DNS. Now the statement, you have it, lot DNS. Hello, DNS. The very important question, what is k? K. So can you ask, what do you have? Dns. Get the n is. Now try asking, what do you have for me now? What do you have for me now? Get DNAs but AMI our DNS, but I'm Yoda. Once again, how did we say I have it? Low Tango. Tango. And I don't have it. No tengo. Tengo. How about you don't have it? No-load DNS. And bearing in mind that the question form doesn't change from the statement. How do you think we would ask the negative question? Don't you have it? Normal DNS. Dns. Don't you have the car? Not the initial co-chair. Not the initial cocci Buenos. He has his best way Vn winners, the Eskimo as we VM way nausea graph, yes. Labia, wavy and Windows B as we've been going up, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Getaway. Not DNS. Dns, not Guinness. Guinness self-coaching. Coaching, tennis. Dns, DNS. Dns. Dns coaching. Not Guinness. Guinness and coaching. You're not careful. Getaway. Gotcha. Gotcha. I see. I see Law Center located. Oh, I see. I see. I see. I see. I see. Is I see. I see. I see. I see. I see. It says see normal kid. Oh, I see. Look. I've seen yet the SSE SSE kiddo FC. I see I see. 9. Tú, ¿Quieres? ¿Por qué?, Saber: Welcome once again, as we continue to make huge strides towards becoming members of the worldwide community of Spanish speakers. To say, good morning, you'll remember is buenos Dias. Good afternoon is when I started this. You'll notice that when S is with an a as opposed to Windows. So Windows ds, when I started this, when I started this, the greeting also applies to good evening as their covers both afternoon and evening. So how would we say good afternoon. How are you? When I started this Commodus, does where does that go? My status. And how did we say? Very well, Thank you. Egn graph, yes. Maybe and grad, yes. You'll remember that the word you is. So how would we asked you to IDO putting it all together? How would we say? Very well, thank you. And do muy Bien graph Yes. E2. Way being good at Yes, you do. The way to say, I want, as we've already seen is key arrow. To ask the question, do you want, It's a slight change to TLS. Tls. Yeah, it is. So you can now ask, what do you want? Click here. This yet is I want a beer. Theravada. Try saying, I'm sorry, but it's not very good. Lossy Endo. No es muy Bueno. Bueno. Do you have it? Look DNS. Dns. You don't have it. No load DNS. Dns. Now the negative question, don't you have it? Not DNS. Dns. Don't you have it for me now? No, not DNS per hour. I'm Jada. The question was, why in Spanish is two words for k, literally meaning for what Bohr tried to say. Why don't you have it? Okay. No TNS. Danilo DNAs. Now try. Why do you want it to look here is why do you want it that way or like that? Four kilocalories. I see. I see. Why do you want it now? Kayla, here is our outta the word for because in Spanish is the same as Y or K except it's one word. But again. Okay. So how would you say, I don't have it? Because I don't need it. No tango poor can nominate as Sito. No, no. No. Ask why do you want it? Kilocalories per kilo? I want it because it's important. Look, yellow per K is important. Day. Look. I don't want it because it's very bad. No loci arrow is more similar. Do you want it? Because I don't need it. Look. Yes. But can nominate a Sito. Lucky it is for k. Nolan FAC. Now if we give extra emphasis to the pronouns, you and I as if to say, do you want it? Because I don't need it. In this case, we can add the pronouns and Spanish to look here is for your knowledge with a CDO. The verb to know the verb itself without mention of a person, I, you, he, she, etc, in its infinitive form, that's to say the name of the verb to know is savvy. Savvy. Therefore, how would we say, I want to know? What about, I don't want to know Nokia. Nokia or Chabad. I don't want to know because it's not important for me. Nokia or Chabad. But again, no es importante para mi. Nombre. Es importante para mi. And how about the question, do you want to know creators subhead? I want to know why you don't have it for me now. Good or poor get no-load DNS, para mi, our DNS, but I'm Jada. The expression See you later is as Galloway, Go. See you later. Bye. Adios. Cdo got DNS, DNS bad, and the law never settle for DNS. Dns bad. But DNS is bad. Book yet or not? Not DNS, DNS para mi Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala, Nala. Dns. Dns, DNS part. I mean, good or bad, good or bad, good or bad or good or sub n log n is para mi. No tengo pattern D he package or no, no, no, no, no, no. Think are bad at the nano tangled bed at the book age-old on if they see dog. 10. ¿Sabes? Hacerlo: Benito sinewave or hello, Welcome back. Welcome to lesson eight of elemental though. How would we ask in Spanish, why do you want to know Chabad? And how would we say I want to know because it's important. Geared or sub k, s, important day. In Spanish verbs in the infinitive form, that's to say in English verbs preceded by two to want to know, to have to ask. In Spanish, these verbs are just one word and always end in ER, AR, or IR. This ending is always stressed, who is emphasized? So the common little verb to do in Spanish is a fair giving extra weight to the last syllable, stressing the air and being careful not to pronounce the H. All ages and Spanish being silent, I fair. As we've already seen, the letter C is actually pronounced as an English, th, when it's followed by an E. There, at least in mainland Spain. That is, however, this is not the case in Latin American countries, as well as the Canary Islands with a C is pronounced as an S sound. Sad. To say, to do it the pronoun, it actually goes after the verb. It hooks onto the end of the infinitive form, a fare la. I felt alone. So as a rule, these little words like it, him, her, them known to linguists as object pronouns, but don't worry about that. These little word hook onto the end of the infinitive verb. In all other cases, as we've seen before, the pronouns precede the verb. But do remember that they hook onto the end of the infinitive forms. This is a very important concept to grasp as we move forward. So to do it is at their low with no written space between the verb and law or federal law. How would we say to know it? Savvy at low? Savvier law? What about, I want to know it yet, or Chabad law? Yet of cyber law. And how about I want to do it. A third law? Now if we wanted to give extra emphasis to I emphasizing that I want to do it, not you, he, she, they, or whoever else I want to do it. Then we could add the pronoun, job, jokey, hero Othello, repeat, please. Jockey at OFF law. Why do you want to do it? For k queries at their low? Kcat is a law. So remember, pronouns like law always hook onto the end of the infinitive verbs. Now, what about if we wanted to ask, do you have it which is no longer an infinitive? Lot, DNS. Dns. The question, do you know in Spanish is just like all other informal uniforms in that it ends in an S, savviness. Do you know? Surveys? Surveys. How therefore do you think we would ask, do you know it? Lost subbase? Loss abbeys. Now say it's important to know it is important, the cyber law is important. It's not important to do it. Now. No less important. There are a lot our noise important. Louder. I need to do it because it's very important for me. Nicholas, he thought, fare la es muy importante para mi. Our third lowercase muy importante para mi. I don't need to know it because it's not important. No necessity or severe low or no es importante. Known as importantly. What do you want to do now? Kick here is our outta outta. How about why do you want it that way or like that? But Caleb, here is C, four kilocalories. I see. Why don't you want to do it that way? Bulky Nokia receptor low C. And how would you say, I don't want to do it because it's very bad like that. Nokia row at their law, but is more similar. I see. I see. I don't have it. No, tengo. Tengo. Now you don't have it? No DNS. Dns. Now ask, why don't you have the car? But not DNS co-chair? I don't have it because I don't want it and I don't need it. No-load tango. But again, no loci arrow in Nala Nala thing. And how did we say, see you later? Bye. I started Lego Ideas. See here where I said Look. I said see. I said I said low parity. Saturday or Sunday or Saturday and Sunday through Saturday and Sunday. Yeah, there's a lot of selling selling your local DNS, DNS or get normal DNS. Dns matter. I mean, good or service cannot get on the Sabbath, can always get this DNS. Dns. Dns service can look it up. He sent me his game. 11. Ordenador, Mi, Tu, Ver: Okay, welcome back. Now that you've got quite a few lessons under your belt, I'd like to offer a quick reminder of the guidelines we set out in the course introduction before you started the program. Firstly, it's really important to fully master the material from each lesson before moving on, aim for 90 to 100% accuracy with all the questions. The course is cumulative in nature. So ultimately, success with the program depends on success with each lesson in each language point. And a reminder not to skip lessons at any stage and to repeat them as many times as necessary until you're responding competently, rapidly and accurately. A common complaint among students is that there's sometimes isn't enough time to think out each phrase within the time given, especially now that some of the phrases are increasing in complexity. Do feel free to keep a finger on the pause button to give yourself plenty of time. If all goes well, your delivery will accelerate it as each lesson is repeated. A computer in Spanish is moon, or the NAD, or NADH, or the another word for computer in most Latin American countries is owner can put that order. So how would we ask the question? Do you have a computer? Dns northern ad or the initial Northern other? Dns zone. I can put algebra. Now to say the possessive, My, it simply Mi, Mi. So how would you say I want my computer key arrow me or than adore? And I'll try to say, I need my computer, but I don't have it. Nephrostomy or than other paranormal Tango. Now to say the possessive your, it's to do. How would you say, Do you have your computer? Dns to order another DNS stored? And how would you ask why do you want my computer? Cake here is me or than other? Because your computer is very good. But my computer is very bad. Get to ordinal data is better than adored as mallow. Is Marie Bueno. Bet on me or than other, is moving mallow. The verb to see is bed. As usual, the V is pronounced as a very light, be mad. Man. Can you give the Spanish for I want to see your car. Get over to co-chair. Get over to Cairo. Now the negative question, don't you want to see my computer? Nokia is where more than an order. Nokia does Vermeer than other to say yes in Spanish as you probably know, his Si si no. Is not. Know. How would you say no? I don't want to see it now. No. Nokia where low hour? No, not yet aware. Louder. Now try. Yes, I want to see it. Please. See ghetto very low port, if ever. See. Now try the question. Do you want to do it? Hello? Hello. Yes, I want to do it. C key arrow at their low C data third law. And how would you ask, why do you want to see it? Okay. Good is better law. No. I don't want to see it. Thank you. Nokia, where low growth? Yes. Not yet. Okay. Yes. Do you want a coffee? Cafe? Get it from Cafe. Yes, please. See por favor. C. What about D? You want a beer? Get issue in a theater with that? This will not fade away far. No, thank you. No, good at Yes. No. Yes. Nokia is very low. No. Nokia is metal or no. Nokia. Nokia. Nokia is very low. No. Good as a table or no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no *****, our, no. Tennis, our unknown Latinas, our kinesis out. I look in Isadora, know Nokia. Nokia this little or no. Nokia is whether or not gear is metal or Nokia is metal or no. Good stuff. Federal law, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. No. Look, Guinness Book Guinness old I know the Guinness guinness out. I don't know. 12. Puedo, Fácil, Difícil, Grande: The very useful form I can, I can in Spanish is whether way though, boy though, you can, is where this boy, this. So then how would we say, I can do it way though at federal law? And how would we say you can see it? Better law, where there's very low? And how about the question? Can you see it bearing in mind that there's no change in Spanish for the interrogative. Can you see it? With this bear low, where there's very low. Good. So then how would we ask, can you do it with this Othello? And how would you ask someone, can you see my car? With this bear me Cauchy. This vetted me. Gotcha. You won't be surprised to learn that the negative of puedo I can is no puedo. I can't. No puedo. No puedo. So you can say No, I can't see it. No, no, no, no puedo, very low. Now try to say, what can you see? Where this bed? Good boy, there's weird. And how would you say, I can't do it? No puedo at their low. No puedo I fed law. The word for difficult is very similar. Defeat the layer with the accent or the stress on the middle syllable. On the middle, I defeat. Defeat. The letter C in Spanish, as you know, is softened by an e after it. It's also softened by the letter I, as we can see in the word di Fe304. However, in Latin American countries, the soft c is always pronounced as an S. So we get difficile instead of the faithful. In Spain. The way to say easy is path. Or in Latin America, fossil. So tried to say, it's not very difficult. No es muy defeated noise movie. It's easy for you, but it's difficult for me. As fatty, para ti Pero is defeated. But army field, but at the PEDOT is the field, but I can't do it because it's very difficult. No puedo at their low es muy defeating. Nope way that they're lowercase. And how would we say it's very difficult to know? We defeat, surveyed is more severe. And how about it's not very easy to do it like that. No, es muy fat the Othello assay noise. And how would you tell someone? It's difficult, but it's not impossible. Better noise in foreseeably. Is the better noise impossibly big in Spanish is Grundy. Good, Andy? Small or little is big gain. You're taking the wavy line known as the Virgo Leah on top of the n terms the sound into a near as an onion or a span. Yeah. No. Begin your so can you say My computer is very big meal than other es muy Grundy me. Are they an adult is more going on there. Your computer is very small. As we begin describing words, what we call adjectives in English go before the word they describe. E.g. a. Large coffee. In Spanish, it's the other way round. They usually go after the noun. So a large coffee is coffee, given day. A coffee large cafe. Au cafe Grundy. How then would you say a small coffee? Cafe? Begin you. The word for or in Spanish as in one thing or another, is simply 0. 0. So now you can ask, do you want a big coffee or a small coffee? Getting soon Cafe Grundy, own cafe, pay, gain your own cafe picking you. I want a large beer and a small coffee, please. Theater owner with a grand day, you cafe Pick any por favor. Girona, Theravada Grundy, un cafe pay Kenya port for voter. No. No, no. No. No. No. No, no, no. No. No. Genuine thinking you know, not DNS. No, no. No. No, no. No. No. No. No. No. No, no. No. No. No, no, no. No. No, no DNS. Traffic Ghana and Kenya. Kenya. None. None. 13. Teléfono, Sé, ¿Dónde?: Welcome back to El Matador, where we've reached class number 11, meaning we're at the halfway point of the first level to say the big one as opposed to the small one. The big one, we say a grand day or lag run day, if referring to something feminine? Grand day. Lag Randy. Randy lagging. And so how would we say, can I see the big one, please? With over L Grundy por favor. How would you ask do you have the big one or the small one? The initial Grundy. Well, begging you. The big one is easy, but the small one is difficult. Grundy is fatty. Better, we'll pick nr is defeated. And how about you can't do it because it's very small. No puedes or third law for K is weep again, you know, I telephone or a phone in Spanish is telefono. Own telefono. Do you remember how to say the verb? To know? Sad? To say, you know, we change the ending and we get sadness. Sadness. Notice that the stress, the accent here is on the first syllable. Savviest. How would we ask the question? Do you know? Service? Service. What about do you know why savage? Savage? Do you know why I don't have it. Serviced pork in nano Tango. Savage. Say, I know it's Joe, say, or simply say C. To say, I know that as in I know that it's difficult. I know that it's here. It's the same word is what? That and what is the same word? Say? K. Tried to say I know that I can do it. See whether what theatre law second law. And try saying I know that it's not very big. Second no es muy Grundy. Sick and noise more grandly. I know that it's not very easy, but you can do it. Sick and no es muy faculty bed or British or federal law. Second noise. My point is I felt alone. The question, where is it in Spanish? Is done. Their staff done this that you may have expected? It is or is it to be S as we saw before. But in fact, there are two ways in Spanish to say it is S or S dot. And these forms come from two separate verbs. Both meaning to be. The choice of one verb or the other is sometimes a little complicated. But for the time being, whenever we refer to physical location situation, we're going to use a star. S will be used in all other contexts. So how did we say where is it done this, I've done this. Now ask, where is my telephone done, this dummy telefono. Done this dummy telefono. And they'll try. Where is the car? None they start cocci. Don't know where it is. Sit on this time. Saved on this. Do you know where it is? Sub S on this data? Savage done this. In the next sentence. Don't be influenced by the English. Don't separate the two words down there. And this time, don't they? And they start to stick together. I don't know where your phone is, but I know where your computer is. No **** done. They start to telefono. Don't they start toward the door? No, sit on this tattoo telefono dataset. On this data. 14. ¿Dónde Estás?, Hotel, Aquí: Welcome back. Vm Benito, Delaware. Welcome to lesson 12 of elemental. So then remembering not to separate Don Day from a star, how do you think we would ask, do you know where the big one is? Sabbath day savage done this Talia Randy, to say you are when we refer to a physical location, we say you are. What would the question, where are you be? Done their stash done their status. And how do you think we would say, I know where you are? Sit on this dash. Save on this test. What about the question, can I know where you are now? Done? The stars our y, those are better than this. That's our ADA. And tried to say, Where's my beer? None this dummy therapist that done this time. Where's your water done? They start to Agua done this, that wah-wah. You remember the Bourbon Spanish to sea bed. So tried to say, I can't see where you are. No puedo done their status. And how about I can't see where it is. Not wet aware. Don't know. Boy. How would you ask the question? Can you see where my telephone is? With this bed? Done this to me telefono. When there's no do you know where the big computer is? Gone? They start Grundy surveys done. A hotel in Spanish is who knows? A house is not GSA. Gsa. Gsa. How would we ask someone, was your hotel done? They start to tell him what about where's your house? Don't they start to cancer? Done this tattoo, kasa. The hotel is very small. L0 dell is more again, you might be picking. Your house is very big. Tu casa es muy Grundy. To cache is Mugendi to say here, as in here or there. It's a key. A key. And there is IHI. The pronunciation of the double L in Spanish is very similar to a, Y, G, e. And so how would we say it's here, bearing in mind that we're referring to some things. Physical location. It's here. Starkey. A stocky. It's not there. Noise Di Jie. Nice daddy. And how would we say it's very big here? Bearing in mind that it's refers to a size, not to a physical location. It's very big here. We go run their key. We get on the AKI. And I've tried to say it's very small there. It's very small there. We pick nr is and we begin you. It's not possible here. Noise, possibly gay. Nice, possibly AKI. It's bad here. Malarkey. Is malarkey. It's very good. They're Bueno AGI is my window ID. 15. Time Trial: 16. Ocupado, Hoy, Estoy, Cansado: How did we say you are when referring to one's physical location? This does. Is this what about it? Is star? Star? To say I am again, referring to one location. It's a toy. Toy. So how would we say I'm here, but you are there. Joe is Toya key, Pedro, two stars. Jackie Jackie beta2. Did we say I know. Say say what? I don't know where I am. Now said on the story. Not saved on this story. Now try the question. Do you know where you are? Sub S done this does savage boom, they stash. Your hotel, is there toward del star to Adele, is that you know that I'm here for you. Service gear store, Yogi Berra the savage gets diarrhea, as well as being used when expressing physical location. One situation is DOI is dashed and stuff can be used also for temporary states or situations. The word busy is OK, Pardo. Occupied. If you're a woman or a girl or referring to any female. It's oh, cool. So bearing in mind that busy is a temporary state. How would we say I'm busy if you're a girl? Toy or Guba. And how would you tell a man, you are very busy. Does we'll go paddle? And how would you ask a girl, are you busy now? Thus are Coupa our ADA. And how would a man say, I'm sorry, but I'm very busy now. Lawsuit Santobello estoy Miyako, paddle our outta. The word for today. Today in Spanish is a boy. As you can here, as usual, the H is silent. Boy. Oh boy. How would we say I'm not very busy today? Noise doing, we'll go paddle. Boy. Noise. The way to say tired is gun saddle or can Sather? Can saddle. Can say that. How would a female speaker say, I'm tired today? Stoic and Saga Troy, they can sell. And how would a man say, I don't want to do it because I'm very tired. Nokia to a third of all uppercase toy, weekend saddle. Not yet a third weekend saddle. And how would you say I need a coffee because I'm tired. Knit they see Dawn Cafe. But a stoic can saddle. I want to know why you can't do it for me today. For somewhere. Nope. Where this I've heard a lot, but Army boy. And how would you say I can't do it for you today because I'm tired. No puedo Othello, parity per K stoic and saddle. No point that they can solder. I don't know why you can't do it like that. No. Say port cannot play this. Our third law I see. No say. I don't want to do it like that because it's very difficult. Nokia TO at their lowest see Borges moody feel, knock it off. Then lastly, per case with repeating. 17. Esto, Eso, Tengo que, Salir, ¿Cuándo?: Now we're going to learn to say this and that this is SDO, that is S1, S2, S0, S2 is. So. So now try to ask the question, what is this? What's this case s2. You may have been tempted to use a star in this question. But remember here, we're not talking about a temporary state or relocation. We're simply identifying something. So KS. And how would we ask what's that case? S0. And how would we say, I want to see this? Good or bad? Esto, esto. I want to do that. Good or bad. So now try saying, I can't do this today. No puedo FADH2 or not. Whether theta story how would we ask the question, Is this a computer or a telephone? Sooner than adore own telefono. Own telefono. We could also say ss, then adore. On the left corner. Repeat please. Ssstore. Who Northern adsorb own telefono. Is that a beer or a Coca-Cola? Sos will have theta with that owner Coca Cola essay. So NFL owner Coca Cola. How did we say, I have tango? And what was you have DNS. Dns. Another way to say, I have to the obligation, I have to do something, I have to tango key thing, okay? So try to say I have to do it. Then go care. Third law thing. Now the verb to leave or to go out. In Spanish, it's the same verb to leave and to go out is salad. Salad. So how would we say I have to leave thing? Okay, Sally. Sally. How about the question? Do you have to leave now? In this case, salad outta the unesco salad outta. A common word that most people already know in Spanish is tomorrow. My Nana. My nana. So how would you ask the question? Why don't you want to leave tomorrow? Again, Nokia is sullied Manana. Piano. Tonight is es Dann noch J, literally, this night is theta naught J. J is the Nazi. Try to ask, do you want to leave tonight or tomorrow? Get a Salyut epsilon naught J or manana. Get a cellular stenotic or manana question, when is cuando? Cuando. So ask the question, when do you have to leave cuando DNS cache lead? Now ask, when do you want to see it? Cuando care is better law. Why do I have to do it tomorrow? Forgetting okay, at their low Manana piano. I want to do it tonight because I'm busy now. A third lowest are not cheap or case toy Cooper though. Now, try the question. When do you have to do it? When the tennis gear Third Law law. I have to do it tonight. Then go Qia third law is not J thing. Stenotic. 18. Time Trial: 19. Cenar, Comer, Seguro: Welcome back, Welcome to Lesson 15 of L metal, though, as we've come quite a way, here's a reminder of all the important guidelines that we covered in the introduction to the course. In Spanish to have dinner is just one word. Then think of the single word in English to dine, then add. Center. Tried to say, do you want to have dinner? No. Good is thin at our spina bifida. Where do you want to have dinner? Done the good is then add. Now to have lunch or so just one word in Spanish, and to eat is the same word. So how would you say, what do you want to eat? Cake here is committed. And identically, how would you say, what do you want to have for lunch? Kick it is ComEd. Now ask, what do you want to have for dinner? Kid is then add a now ask, where do you want to have lunch tomorrow? Don't they care is ComEd manana? Don't they get is coming. When do you want to have dinner? Cuando curious, thinner. You want to leave now, or do you want to have lunch here? Katie sullied hour. Okay. It is Kameda key. I can't have dinner because I'm very busy. No puedo, thinner uppercase doing Mu Qu Pardo. And I'll try to ask, are you busy? That's so cool. Paddle. Sure. In Spanish is say Google or say Buddha. Buddha, Buddha. So how would you ask the question? Are you sure? Sudo su older? Now to say sure that the word that in Spanish is K. K. How would we ask, are you sure that it's possible that say Google Gears, possibly. Possibly. Now try saying, I'm sure that it's good. Segue OTO case Bueno. Bueno. I'm sure that the big one is easy. Estoy, say Gouraud kilogram, this far-field. Say, are you sure that the hotel is here? Kalos stocky. Stocky. How would we say I'm sure that the house is not their story. Say hurrah, Kyla kasa, noise, noise, day. 20. Tener, Hago, Mesa, Silla: The way to say the full verb or the infinitive form, to have his denatured. They need how would you say I want to have it? Tried to say I have to have it. Dangle Kintanar law. Law. And how did we say I have tango thing? Well, I don't have nothing. Nothing. How did we say you have DNS? Dns. What about the question? Do you have DNS? Dns. Now say you don't have no DNS, not DNAs. Do you remember how to say the full verb to do? To say I do, or indeed I am doing. These can both be expressed with the same form in Spanish. I do, or I'm doing our goal. Our goal. So how would we say I do it today or I'm doing it today? Logo. Logo. And how about I'm not doing it because I'm tired. No. Logo, stoic and saddle. No, no. I don't do it here because it's very small. Nala Largo, a good podcast. Me pick a new none of our keeper case. We pick Kenya. The way to say you do, or indeed you are doing is at this, at this. Now say you do it like this. Like this. What are you doing? This? And how do you ask, when do you do it? Gondola this. Now, try you don't do it. Nala Nala office. I don't do it because it's very difficult. No algo muy in a table in Spanish is meso. Oh, no Mesa. And to say on, is n. N. Now say the computer is on the table. Estar en la Mesa is time. Let me know. Ask is the telephone on the table? Telefono estar en la mesa telephone, or we could also say style telefono in La Mesa. A chair is owner C. Yeah, remember that the double L is pronounced very similarly to an English y, c, you will not see Xia. Nasty. Yeah. Now say, I need a jar. Nevertheless, he thought una seizure. Now ask, do you know what my chair is? Sub-issues done this dummy seizure? Savage, mommy's tummy. See, yeah. 21. Time Trial: 22. Él, Élla, Sabe, Hace.: The preposition in, in Spanish is also n. Therefore, how would you say Carlos is in the house? Got a loss estar en la casa. But what about the computer? Is in the car lower than other Lakota? Laura, stat, NL Cauchy. Now, do you remember how to say the verb to do? How would we say therefore, I want to do it here. Keto or third law again. And what was the verb to know? Sub aid. So then how would you say, I want to know T80 Chabad. I know your C. C. I know where the chair is. Said on this dollar Sega. Save on this tele, see, yeah. What about, you know, to service? Service? Now try the question. Do you know that I do it today or indeed, do you know that I'm doing it today? These would be the same in Spanish. Service kilowatt boy. Service kilowatt boy. Do you know when you have to leave? Service cuando Dennis case salad service, cuando Dennis gasoline. Now then the way to say he in Spanish is L. L. The way to say she is a yeah. Yeah. The Spanish double L is pronounced very similarly to an English. Why? With just a hint of J? Asia? The way to conjugate the third person singular for all verbs, that's to say that he or she form is by simply removing the S from the second person. You form. So in the case of sub n, We have I know Josh, you know, to service he or she knows l or a savvy without the S. So to say she knows it's a savvy. Savvy. And similarly, the way to say he knows is savvy. Savvy. How would we therefore say he knows why? He knows y sub h bar k for k. So following the same pattern as the verb sub n, this time with a verb or third, what would the he and she form of therapy? L. A yeah. Now try to say he does it. L. Laura. How did we say the verb to eat? Come in. There are two types of urban spanish, regular verbs and irregular verbs. Regular verbs all follow the same pattern. Irregular verbs and kind of do their own thing. Most of the verbs we've seen so far. When irregular, but this verb here to eat is perfectly regular and therefore easy, easy to conjugate. Here we have the first three regular standard forms of the verb ComEd, Giacomo to commerce, Elijah, coma. So how did we say I eat coma? Coma. You eat Gomez? Columnist? The question, are you eating? Gomez. Gomez. Now try saying she eats on a chair. Yeah. Comey, seizure, coma. And what was the Spanish verb? To have dinner? Thinner and thinner. Then add is also a regular verb as all its forms follower standard regular pattern. Then add is known as a regular AR verb and commerce is irregular, ER verb. So here are the standard forms for all regular AR verbs. Your Theano to thinners, L or a dinner. So these endings or us are never change. For regular AR verbs. I want to have dinner, they're geared or thinner. Ie. The way to say you have dinner, as you'd expect being a regular AR verb is thinner. Finesse. So try to ask the question, when do you have dinner? Cuando Venus? Cuando thinners. What about he has dinner or indeed, he's having dinner. Thinner. Thinner. And how would we ask where does he have dinner? They thinner. Thinner. 23. Salgo, Estar: Now, then, what was the verb in Spanish to leave in the infinitive form to leave? Sal Sal. So how would you say, can I leave now? Puedo Pu. To say I leave, the word is Salgo. Salgo. So how would we say I leave tomorrow? Salgo Salgo. And how about I don't leave today or indeed, I'm not leaving today. No salgo. No salgo. To say, leave, it's Sals. As always, the second person singular, the U form ends in an S Sals Salus. So how would you ask why are you leaving now? Por? To say she leaves, as usual, we remove the S from the second person singular which gives us a sale. Sally. So how would we say he leaves? Sal Sally. And what about she leaves tonight? Sal tc. Sally Est. How did we say the verb to have? D. D. I have a beer. Do Do aa. And how would you ask, do you have a water? Dianis agua. Dianis agua. Now, try saying he has a car. I. And how about he doesn't have a computer? The way to say to B, that's to say, the infinitive form, the verb to B, when we're talking about physical location or temporary states is star. Make sure you emphasize the second syllable, the A R, the last syllable. Star star How then would we say, I don't want to be here? It. I am busy. Estoy. Esto. Are you busy? Stasocupada Estaso Copado. She's very busy. Esto cada Esta. And now ask, is he tired? Estado Estado? The verb to need in the infinitive form to need is Net. Net. How then would we say I need? No Neh Cit. I tried to say, you need. Nethas Nee And how about the third person she or he needs to do it. Nita A. Nita 24. Time Trial: 25. Veo, Querer, Soy, Eres, Es: Now, then, do you remember how to say to see in Spanish? B. B. So how would we say, I want to see it today. I. You've probably noticed that the form of the verb, the first person singular, usually, but not always ends in an. So bearing this in mind, how would we say IC? Be Addressing a woman, how would you say I see that you're busy. Bello. I see that you want it. Be Bell You see, as you may have guessed, is Bs. Is. Do you see B. B. And now ask, do you see that it's not possible? Skin Possible Besosb She or he sees following the usual pattern for the third person is l a B. B. She sees that it's impossible for me. I'm sure you remember how to say I can. So now say I can do it. He sees that I can't do it. Can you see my car? Puedo how about she can leave. P. We've seen the verb want before, but not yet the infinitive form to guerre. U. How did we say, I want a coca cola? Io Una Cocaco iroaccac And how about do you want to have dinner now? Is Tina is Tina. Does he want to know i. She can leave when she wants. As we've already mentioned, there are two ways in Spanish to express the English verb to be star and S. The distinction between the two is sometimes tricky to grasp. Tough for the moment, we need to be aware of is that star is used for temporary states and physical location. Whereas the verb is used to identify things or people in a permanent manner. Do you remember from the very beginning of the course, how to say I am Maria? Maria? So Maria. Now, again, using the verb as a means to identify someone or something, the way to say you are is. So how would you ask you, Jessica, It is Jessica. It is Jessica. The way to say he or she is is. So how do we say he is David? David. Is David. And now try asking, is she Carolina Carolina. Is Carolina. 26. Español, Americano, Me, Te, Decir: Okay. Welcome back. It's the last class of the first level, the end of the beginning, for which I salute and congratulate you for coming. This farmers, many of those who started will have fallen by the wayside. In fact, the fast majority won't have made it to this point. That's the nature of these language courses. So Philippine Alice to you. And I do hope you'll take the decision to keep following the course. Come what may into level four where you will achieve a full understanding on practical usage of basic Spanish. So let's crack on with Unit 20. Nationality or language. Spanish is a spaniel or Espanola spaniel Espanola. British is Britannica. Oh, Britannica, Britannica, Britannica And American is Americano or I'm Eddie gonna americano Americana. So how would we say I am British showing buddy Danica. Sorry, buddy. Dynamical. And what about are you Spanish? It is a spaniel, Harris Espanola. It is a spaniel. How would we say he is American? L A somebody. Goneau ls Americano. What about the question? Is she Spanish? It's Espanola. It's Espanola! And how would we ask? Is David American David s Americano that he doesn't? Maybe Kano is Carolina. Spanish Carolina is Espanola. God only knows Espanola. Earlier in the course we learned the word for me in the expression about a me for me when me is used together with a verb as the object of the verb For example See me, Tell me, Help me then The word is May May Same spelling as an English different pronunciation May Mitt, how would we say? Can you see me for this better May boy, This vitamin you is they day? So how would we say I can see you? By the way today portability to say or to tell in Spanish is day seed they feed How would we say? I want to say it. Caro Daisy Lowe Jealousy. And how would we say? I want to tell you Chiaro day, third day Get on the city She wants to tell me. Yeah, kids see too May Yeah, actually receded May How would you ask? Can you tell me? But this deceived May for this defeated me and the question Why can't you tell me now? But can no produced a sentiment our for came up with Is the serum Oda 27. Time Trial: