Spanish for Beginners. EL MÉTODO. Level 4 | Peter Hanley | Skillshare

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Spanish for Beginners. EL MÉTODO. Level 4

teacher avatar Peter Hanley, The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to level 4.


    • 2.

      Verb Review, -AR verbs


    • 3.

      Dejar, Nos, Os, Los/Las


    • 4.

      Time Trial.


    • 5.

      -ER verbs, Beber, Aprender


    • 6.

      Deber, -IR Verbs, Escribir


    • 7.

      Time Trial


    • 8.

      -AR Stem Changing Verbs


    • 9.

      -ER Stem Changing Verbs


    • 10.

      Time Trial.


    • 11.

      -IR Stem Changing Verbs


    • 12.

      Calor, Frío, Hambre, Sed


    • 13.

      Time Trial


    • 14.

      Coger, Gente


    • 15.

      Acabar de, Dejar de


    • 16.

      Time Trial


    • 17.

      Todavía, Hablaré (future), Tomar


    • 18.

      Ser, Será, Estaré


    • 19.

      Time Trial


    • 20.

      Iré, Tendré


    • 21.

      Haré, Diré, Copa, Vaso, Volver


    • 22.

      Time Trial.


    • 23.

      Sin, Family, Este es ...


    • 24.

      Mis, Tus


    • 25.

      Time Trial


    • 26.

      Possessives, Viejo, Joven


    • 27.

      Momento, Otro, Idioma, Mismo


    • 28.

      Time Trial.


    • 29.

      EL/Lo mismo que


    • 30.

      Fuerte, Simpático


    • 31.

      Time trial.


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The complete, non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course: Mastery of the basics for BEGINNERS - in a matter of hours, not years.

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Peter Hanley

The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course


Hello, I'm Peter.

After twenty years teaching languages in France, Spain and U.K it quite clear that the traditional methods used by the majority schools and language academies do not produce good results. Most of the students finish their courses with a very poor command of the language and this, at times,  after thousands of hours of study!

As a result, I have created EL MÉTODO, a new and different approach to the teaching of Spanish for beginners that will provide one with a solid base and a practical usage of the language as quickly as is humanly possible, without the need for laborious memorisation or "study " associated with conventional Spanish courses.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction to level 4.: Welcome to this, the fourth level of elemental for beginners, thes courses, a continuation of the previous levels off the El Matador program. And, as before, we advise against jumping in at this point but would prefer students to start at the beginning at Level one. The courses are cumulative in nature, where success in each lesson depends on full mastery of all previous content. So this level four will start with a thorough review of all the verbs we've covered in all their various tricky forms. Master of these is crucial. In fact, it's often said that once the verbs have been mastered, the rest of Spanish is plain sailing. After this review will continue expanding your knowledge of key structures, as well as enriching a vocabulary to take you to a point where you'll be ready to tackle are intermediate courses. So, as always, we wish you a speedy progress with metal level four 2. Verb Review, -AR verbs: Welcome back in beneath hosted Weber. Welcome to Level four, the last level of the beginner's stage. If you feel you've made good progress and would like to extend your abilities with the language beyond this level, look out for the L metal or intermediate courses, which will pick up from where this level four for beginners leaves off. The main focus for the first half of this level is a complete review off their verb forms, regular and irregular off the present tense. Let's not pretend that these air easy indeed, the verb conjugation zehr the biggest obstacle The student of Spanish faces an obstacle that so many learned has never managed to overcome and, as a result, find themselves without the solid foundations required to progress to hire linguistic levels influencing. It's crucial, therefore, to acquire agility and spontaneity with these verbs. And then, as I often say, the rest of the Spanish language is plain sailing and falls into place relatively easily before diving. In a reminder of the important ground rules we set out at the start of the course, these guidelines a particularly relevant at this advanced stage as the language becomes increasingly complex, the gaps or spaces. We leave for you to give your answers merely serve as an indication of the speed you should be eventually aiming for after taking each lesson several times. But even then, you alone will decide when you feel sufficiently on top of the materials to progress. Seamus preamble Those without further ado empathy. Mohs, Let's begin level for Aziz. We've already established in previous classes, all Spanish verbs belonged to one of three classifications. Those whose infinitives in English, the form with took to buy to go. To understand those whose infinitives and in a are e. R. And I are and these endings air added to the stem of the verb. Three common verbs will be gone. Call made and DVD. Now then, if there's no change to this stem when conjugated the verb is known as regular. So the first category we're going to practice in this class is the regular A are verbs to say I'm buying it. We have two options in Spanish Louis story Comprendo similar to the English I am buying. This is the known as the present progressive form, or we can use the simple form look, Umbra with little change of meaning so we can see that local broken either mean I'm buying it or I buy it. As in, I buy it every day. No difference in Spanish for this verb review, although both versions of possible I'd like you to always answer with this short version of simple form as this will force you to use the verb conjugation for practice. Here's a list of the verbs in the regular A our category that we've seen so far in the course. And here all the regular congregations off the verb compared to buy. Please repeat each one off to me. Improve compress Cumbria. Come promise Come price Embrun. I noticed that the last syllable of the infinitive on is stressed. Comprende? Compliant In all the other cases, it's the penultimate second last syllable that stressed, apart from the votes across form, whose irregular stress pattern is indicated by the accent on price from price. No, we've got all that out of the way. Let's get back down to the business of speaking in forming our own phrases. So, using the verb Umbra, how do you say in the simple form I'm buying it Locum pro look calm bro. And what about you are buying it? Look umbrellas Look on breasts and trying to ask the question Are you buying it for me? Look on Prospera me Look on Prospera me now try the question Is she buying it for Miguel? Look coming up again Look on grappa Remedial And what about the statement? We are buying it tomorrow. Locum promotion Manana Look calm Brammertz Manana? No, Have a go it saying we're not buying it because it's too expensive. No locum promotion is the Macias Okaroh? No locum Promus. Pork is demasiado cargo. How would you ask the question? Are you you plural? You all. Are you buying the house on Bryce La casa? Com brays. LaGrassa. Then how about they are buying a new car on Saturday? Com Plan Corchia Nuevo el Sabbagh Company Coaching level Salvo. You know, now, as you already know, the third person singular he she it form. It's also used as you when addressing people in a formal manner. This may be because the person is considerably older than yourself, or that they're in a position of authority. So to say you buy it or you're buying it. It's state local umbra with no s or stayed low. Cambra Likewise addressing several people in a formal manner. The plural form uses the eight years that they form a year's phone and we get a boost. Ellis locum brand or step is locum brand. How would one, therefore say, addressing two or more people in a formal manner? How would you say you need a big car? Who status necesita on Portugal Sunday? Who stayed is never seat on? Go tell your family and how would you say addressing one person in a formal manner? You need to do it like that. Who still necesita acero a C or stead necesita affair. Rossi And now speaking to a friend, how would you say you don't need to do it three times known if the seaters are fairly low terrace with this? No, Neff. Visitors are fairly low trees. With this now, as you probably remember, the verb toe wait for toe, Wait for something or somebody is It's been hard. It's spit at. So how then would you say he's waiting for the bus? L s better Bush. L s Pitta elbows As you probably know, pronouns replace the names of things or people or concepts with little words like it. Me then i you we us. So in sentences such as I buy it, there are to pronounce I and it the I is known as the subject pronoun because it's that which performs the action. And it is known as the object pronoun. As this receives the action. If you've been following a metal diligently, these will not be new to you. So just as a reminder here they are in list form. So please do pause the video. If you'd like to remind yourself and have a closer look. So what then would be the Spanish for? He is waiting for you a day, Spitter in this bitter. And how would we say she doesn't want to wait for you? The young know Kerry is better. Are they? Nokia is spirituality not trying to say they need you a year or so? Yes, tinnitus it on then, if you see them And how would you say to two or more people in a formal manner? You need it. Stavis, Lana the city or Steve is lonely for sit down 3. Dejar, Nos, Os, Los/Las: The second class of our intensive verbal view. Let's add the pronouns, him and her, to those regular AR verbs. As I'm sure you remember to say him in Spanish it and to say, ha, it's law. And let me just remind you that the pronoun immediately precedes the verbs, unless it's an infinitive or a positive imperative, in which case it will hook onto the end with no spacer. So bearing that in mind, how does one say I need her? And what about you are going to need him? Bus NSSE data. Thus, addressing two ladies in a formal manner. How would you say you need him now? And how would you say this to a couple of friends? You need her because it's too difficult. Dice is, per case, the mosquito, the field. Speaking to a friend, how would you instruct him by it? But how about don't buy it. Nulla companies under the same friend, how would you say, Wait for me a spit on me, spin on me. And what about Don't wait for me. Know Myspace. And what about don't lift it up, don't raise it, don't lift it up. Slowly. Vanities. And what about don't get up 11 days. And how would you tell someone I'm going to lift you up loyally and lawyerly mentality. So then moving on. When we say to leave in the sense of to leave something behind. In other words, not to take something with you as opposed. To leave, to exit, to go away. To leave in this sense is the hat. So can you try to say, I'm going to leave it in the house? Boy, or the en la casa de la casa. And speaking to a friend, how would you say don't leave it on the table? Normally the case in our mesa in LA mesa. And how would you instruct the same friend? Leave me next to the hotel. The hotel. The object pronoun us in Spanish is, notice that being the case, how would we say, leave us here? And now would you say, wait for us behind the supermarket? A spinner. Spin and those knitr has been super Mercado. Now tried to say, don't wait for us if you want to leave soon. Nano. Pronto. Is Pluto. The object pronoun for you? You all addressing people in an informal manner in the plural is us. How then would we say, I need you today? And what about I'm waiting for you? And how would you tell a group of friends or children? I don't want to leave you here. Nokia. Nokia, the heterocycle, the object pronoun is or less. So can you try to say referring to a group of boys or men? I'm leaving them here. And how would you say I need them this afternoon referring to a group of females. And how would you ask a friend? Do you need them tonight referring to a group of men and women. And how would you answer? No, I need them next week. No. It doesn't necessarily tell us the Malacca VMI. 4. Time Trial.: No. Yeah. 5. -ER verbs, Beber, Aprender: the theme next section of the systematic and thorough review of present tense verbs deals with the regular E ar verbs. Here are all the verbs in the regular e. R category that we've covered in the course, as a matter of fact that only three of them, which you're completely regular, bended comb it and comprehended. And here, Aled, the regular congregations off the verb. Been there to sell. Please repeat each one after me. Bendel, been this Benday Been name us. Been these Bend in. You'll notice once more justice with the A r verbs. The last syllable of the infinitive is accentuated. Been there, been there in all the other congregations. The second last syllable carries the stress. Except for the Volta transform, whose irregular stress is indicated with an accent. Been these been these? So now what do you think the Spanish for? I'm selling. It would be no window levendos. Not trying to ask. Why are you selling it? Por que lo In this for kill of in this she sells more than him a of in they must get and you have in the mask aid. And how would you say he sells less than her. And when the MiniDisc Asia and then Dimino scale No trying to say we're selling it next week low in the most last semana que viene e love in the most lesson, man Arcadian and I asked the question, Are you selling them next year? Los Been day Salon UK, Vienna, Lisbon, Basil and your unit. How would we say they don't sell telephones in the market? Norman then left in America? No venden the levelers in America, though. Are you selling the white one or the blue one? Been this El Blanco o l a fool when this El Blanco oil after all? And how would you ask someone in a formal manner? Can I see the house that you're selling put away like Asa came in? They for the Lakers have given their And how would you tell a couple of people in a formal manner I want to buy the car that you're selling Kero compatible Coach Kevin then did a competitive Kotecha venden another regular e r verb is baby baby which means to drink baby babe it How do you think we'd say they don't drink water? No, baby Inagua no baby Nawa And how about the only drink? Beer? Sure, baby in cerveza. Solo women Fed river. How would you warn somebody if you leave it on the table? She's going to drink it. Seal the Christina Misha a Yamba Baber Low Cee Lo Duca's in La Mesa A Yeah, Bobby Bello. Now try to say the woman drinks less than the man. La Mujer baby minnows Kayla Marie Lamo herbarium in our scale armory. And how do you tell someone? Don't drink it if you don't like it. No, No, babe. Us Si no te gusta. No! No, babe. Us. See? No, There was that as you'll remember, the verb to eat. Is Goemaere commit? How would you say I only eat what he leaves on the table Solo. Cuomo Locate. Define Messa Solo. Come on. And how would you say? Addressing a group of people in a formal manner. You only eat in the restaurant who status solo common in every store. And they who step is still of common and interest. Our Randi, the way to say to learn in Spanish is up in there. Another regular er verb up in there, apprehended. Try to say you learn quickly appear in this rapido. A brainless rapido. And how would you order someone? Don't learn Spanish. Learn English? No. Bring dash espanol Upper in the English. No. Bring us a spaniel. Upbringing, Inglis. 6. Deber, -IR Verbs, Escribir: One of the two ways to say to understand in Spanish is the completely irregular verb, comprendre. Complete myth. We don't understand. Not comprehend demos. How would you tell somebody in a formal manner? You understand that I have to leave. Tengo gave me. Another way to say must more ought to is the regular ER, verb. Debate. The bill. How would you inform someone? I must leave soon. Pronto. Pronto. And how about you must learn Spanish quickly? Davis happiness by libido. And how would you tell a group of people in a formal manner? You mustn't drink beer. No, Devin Mesa. Now the next category of verbs is the regular ir verbs. And a good place to start is the regular ir verb, BV. Bv. You'll notice that it's only the nosotros, the waveform BV most, and the vosotros, you plural form. Babies. The differ from the ER verbs. Repeat, please, be more. Me wish. Bb, BB, BB, BB. Then. How then would you say, I live in my Yorker before, in my Yorker vivo in my Georgia. And how would you ask the question? Do you live in palmar? Palmar empyema? Now tried to ask the question, does she live with Pedro? Pedro. Pedro. And how would you tell someone? We live near the big supermarket. Maybe much silica. They're super Mercado Grundy, almost vertical and super Mercado grandly. How would you ask a group or a couple of people in an informal manner? Do you live near here? Bv. Jackie, they don't live in polymer. They live in Barcelona. Know, even in Panama, BB&N, Barcelona. Not even him by law, even in Babylonia. And how would you ask a couple of people in a formal manner? Do you live with Carlos? Bbn concurrent or the vent on Carlos. Way to say to write in Spanish is another regular ir verb, a screen. What would be the Spanish for the right? It too small for me. Screaming dementia topic. Us given them a shadow pectineal by Ramy. How would you instruct somebody? Write your name here, please. Key por favor. A schema to non-reactive or followed. What about don't write it in red. Bus in Rocco. Leave us in. So far the verbs, we've seen, the AR verbs, the ER verbs and the ir verbs had been totally irregular in the stems of the verbs don't change at all. Now we're going to look at some AR verbs, some stem changing AR verbs, in which the stem changes from E to IE. An example of this would be the verb Benzer to think. Repeat please. Ben Czar. Bnc. Bnc has been some push pin size pn sun. You can see that there's no change to the stems and the nosotros and vosotros forms. How then would you say, I think that there are a few things in the car. And we think that it's easy. Case facile. And how would you ask a couple of people in an informal manner, what do you think of the Asia GIP incisor. And how would you ask what do they think of him? On the Libyans and nail? Now if you remember the verb to start is empathy atom. And this is also a verb whose stem changes from E to IE in the same way as the verb pen SAR. Now try to ask the question, at what time do we start at Guevara and pathos, emotion and Beta most. And what about when does it start them BFA. And how would you ask a group of people in a formal manner, why are you starting now? But again, it allows another verb which works in the same way. Changing the stem from a to E, from E to IE is to close, which in Spanish is Thera. Thera. So how would you instruct someone? Close it? Theory. Hello. We are closing the hotel next year. I'm closing the book. Theater and Libra. 8. -AR Stem Changing Verbs: way. The second category of a are stem changing verbs. Those which change the stem from oh or you to you e a common example of this is the verb to find which in Spanish is Incontrera in Kandahar. So just repeat the congregations off to me in Quintero, in Quintas in Quinta. In gone dramas, Incan tries in Quinton. How do you think we would say? I find it very easy Blowing Gwent room with facile linguine from my father Feel no se referring to a group of people in an informal manner. You find it very difficult. Lowenkron tries with the 50 long contrast. Mind if it feel and how would you say they find them too big? Losing Quinn Drawn Lemma cielo grand this looks and Wynton demasiado landless. The way to say interesting is very similar in dead. A certainty in the descent. How then do you think we would say we find it very interesting? Lowing Contra Moshe, Wintry Sunday Lincoln Demos. Momentary something and I'll say they write very interesting books. A screaming liberal, more interest on this sq and liberals Marine There is on this, and what about I think it's very interesting Pienso case. Momentary Sunday. Pienso que is moving there someday. The verb to play is who? God? Who had So the letter J in Spanish? The J of Hougaard sounds close to the English H sound, though in Spanish it makes a slightly harsh A sound almost like you're trying to spit something up. Who got who had? Repeat, Please wiggle. Who goes Wicca? Hogan. Moshe Who? Guys? Wigan Now Try to say I play with her. Quango Canadia, Quero Canadia! We don't play very well. No cougar Most might be in No Obama's. Maybe in. And how would you order someone? Play with them Quagga! Corneas? We're gonna Yes, the verb to remember is recordar Let it go to that. How do you think we would say? I don't remember your name? No required Go to number not required to normally. Do you remember? My name required last me number three. But I gotta That's me Nobody. We remember the first time record Almost pre med record The most primitive 9. -ER Stem Changing Verbs: Welcome again and welcome to the lesson six of the fourth level of elemental. Let's now move on to the irregular stem changing ER verbs and take a look firstly at common verbs. The change their stems from E to IE. For example, the other verb meaning to understand, intended in the middle. So as usual, just repeat the conjugations. Indian, indian this in D&D in the demo days in DNA. Now I'd like you to say, I don't understand why you are buying it. For gay Lacan brush. 1900 per kilo compass. A problem in Spanish is one problem. On problem. Unlike most nouns in Spanish ending in an a problem is in fact, masculine. Don't be tempted to say una, problem, a problem. How do you think we would say addressing two or more people in an informal manner? If you don't understand me, it's not my problem. Cinema in 10 days. Notice me. See no maintenance. Nice mi problema. How would you say they don't understand Spanish? A judge, no Indian, Danish manure. And just 19 minutes binary. The verb to want, as I'm sure you will remember, is get it. Get it. These are the conjugations of Gatorade. Repeat please. T80. Curious. She case. I want to play with her, but she doesn't want to play with me. Good. Hogarth cornea, better Asia, Nokia, Hogarth, Camilo di dt, who are gonna yeah, better, yeah, not good. We don't want to eat in that restaurant. No, Karima NSA reached out and not getting must commit. And this is the verb to have, as you'll remember, is done. Then it must go through the conjugations. Once again, pingo DNS, DNA, DNA. Dna's DNN. How would you say I don't have a problem with her. No tengo program our cornea. Nothing on problem. Our cornea. Now tried to say she has a lot of problems. And yet DNA muchos problem as yet in a Motors problem as perhaps you made the mistake of saying mood chess problem as. But remember, problema is masculine. Muchos program has now tried to say, we have it today because they have it tomorrow. Hey, Josh lot, DNN Manila or a percutaneous NOT IN and manana. The next category of irregular stem changing ER verbs are those where the stem changes from o to u, e. And a good example of this is the verb, to be able bodied. Repeat please. Boy, oh boy, this point, a Podemos for this point then tries to say, you can't leave it here. Now put this the Harlow, a key point is the hard lucky. How would you tell a group of people in an informal manner? You can learn Spanish very quickly. Respond, you're moving rapidly. But asap in net Espanol millipede 0. Now, do you remember the verb to come back? Repeat please. Wellbore. Well wish will be more way mosh. More base. Well, when I'm coming back in a few minutes or in 10 minutes well, we know knows me. Notice. How would you ask a gentleman in a formal manner? Are you coming back today? Will be only way Valley. In an informal manner. How would you tell a group of people? I don't understand why you want coming back today. No Indian know Bork in novel ways. Nintendo perky novel, basically. 10. Time Trial.: Hi. Hi. Hello everyone. 11. -IR Stem Changing Verbs: next, we're going to look at the category of er verbs, but they're only a regular in the iPhone that your form, that's to say, the first person singular. So if you look at the verb to do I fed, you'll see that it's quite normal. Apart from our goal, the iPhone Giago. So as usual, repeat each congregation after me. Argo. Baathists I see a famous a face us in trying to say I'm doing it tomorrow. Luego manana, you Ravalomanana our next verb In this category of irregular first person, singular is to put born Ed Fungal bonus pony born Amos police born in. How do you think we would say I'm putting it here? Lubango Hockey Labone lucky. Another of these first person singular, irregular verbs is to know subete see service sub sabemos sybase seven Trying to say I don't know if he remembers my name. No sissy record. Amino Marie, No! Soc Require them You normally finally, we have the verb to see Bad male. This they famous base Ben, I only see what I want to see shall avail. Locate Caro bed solo veil. Look Eight year of it. We're nearing the end of our verb review And the final category is that of the stem changing ir verbs. And let's stop with the verbs which change their stems from e toe I e. As you'll remember to come is they need bingo b iness Be any Ben emotion minis Beinin How do you think we would say I'm coming later? Mingo McStarley, Dingell, Mass Saturday Now how would you ask a group of people in a formal manner? Why don't you come with them? Porteno Bien incarnate Perkin of urine continuous. And now say if he doesn't come today, we can't do it. I see. No, be any Oy No Polly! Moshe Thurlow. See Novi Annoy No problem was a fellow The verb to feel in Spanish is it's indeed Cindy Simple CNN dish CNT senti Moshe Send thes CNN and I'm sure you'll remember The same verb is used to say I'm sorry. So how do you say I'm sorry? Or indeed I feel it haciendo you love siendo the next category of stem changing ir verbs are the ones which changed from e toe I to ask for in Spanish is babied I believe Beatle be this be they baby Moshe babies. Be then not try to say she's asking for three things. Be the dressed process. Be the frisco sis. We're not asking for more. No. Perry, Most Mass nobody, Most mass. The verb to repeat in Spanish is rep a t the repeated Reppetto. Repeat this repeated RePet. Imo's repetitious repeating How do you think we would say? Can you repeat, please, for this? Repetitively, por favor. Point is the deputy report for board repeated three times Rep Italo tress with fish Repeat a lot. This business on the final group of ir stem changing verbs are those which changed from O to ue e to sleep in Spanish is Dora Mead Door meat Dwimoh And where Miss Duaner me Door memos Door Miss the weatherman. How would you tell someone addressing them formally? You sleep a lot the way women macho dweller Mimoto. And how would you say she doesn't sleep with me? No, the weather make, amigo. No, we're making new. And finally how would you say we don't sleep in that room? No door me, Moshe Habitat No door me, Moshe in its habitat 12. Calor, Frío, Hambre, Sed: Now that we've completed our intensive verb review, let's crack on with lots more new language. The way to say feet in Spanish, heat is a galore. You, how do you think we would say, I don't like the heat? Erica, who's telling the way to say the cold is L3. Video. Try to ask the question. Do you like the cold? Pygostyle 30? They will still fly. Another way to say, I'm hot. For example, on a hot day, you might say, I am hot in Spanish. We need to say, I have here. The way to say this is tengo calories. They look a lot. How do you think we would say, I'm cold? Dangle 30. 30. I don't understand why you are hot, but I'm cold. Knowing the Endo pork to TNS calorie, better your Tango of 30. Then the end uppercut to DNS color better yachting of Rio. Now the way to say it's hot, referring to the outside temperature or room temperature. We need to say it makes heat. Which in Spanish would be ethical or unethical, or how do you think we would say it's cold? The way the Spanish referred to London is laundress. Laundress. So how do you think we would say it's cold in London, but it's hot in Madrid. I say free or laundress alone in madrasa. This, but I think I loaded in memory. And once again, how do you say I'm hot? Tengo calories. Calories. Now in a similar way to say, I'm hungry, we need to say, I have hunger. And the word for hunger is Umbrella. Umbrella. So how do you think we would say, I'm hungry? Hello, I'm Mary. I have to eat something because I'm hungry. Then go algo que tengo Emily. I'll put getting one. In a similar way to say, I'm thirsty in Spanish, we need to say, I have first, which is. Tengo safe. Think OSEP. What would be the Spanish for? I have to drink something because I'm thirsty. Then we'll get Bibirevo, forget tengo. Same thing. Okay, We made I love or getting us it. How would you ask someone, are you thirsty? Dns, safe? The NSSet. Very useful word is money, which in Spanish is the narrow. The nato. Now tried to say, I have a lot of money in the bank. Then we'll mucho de narrow and L been gone. Then we'll move to the neonatal Banco. Why do you say I'm very hungry? Then go mood. Or more timely? You'll notice moonshine is feminine with the eye on the end. This is because hunger is in fact a feminine word. Then we'll move. The word for thirst. Safe is also feminine. How would we say, I'm very Thursday? Then go Murcia safe. Now tried to say it's very late. Is moving that way. It's very late. I'm very tired and I'm very hungry. E Tango is weight. That way. We can setup a dog in Spanish is unlike the word for, but better. Make sure you roll that WR of dog or a cat is on Gatto. All that though. Make sure that T is nice and light. A flat tongue against the gum Ridge. When Gatto, avoid saying Gatto, not, not an explosive t with the tip of the tongue. The tongue flat against the top of the mouth, against the gum Ridge. When Gatto, all that though. Now say, the dog wants water because it's thirsty. El perro, clearly Agua, forget the NSF. A better kilowatt per get the intercept. The cat doesn't want to eat because it's not hungry. Working not DNA, Umbria. In Latin, not yet a command per cannot deny me. It's hot in Spain. I say calorie in Hispania, Africa lot in Hispania. 14. Coger, Gente: Welcome back. Welcome to listen. Nine Describe the temperature of objects. Something hot to the touch. For example, a coffee or a pan or a piece of toast. The adjective in Spanish is galleon. D Kalyan d. How do you think we would say the coffee is hot? Coffee, Mr Kalyan. T in cafes Tackle UMD now to say an object is cold. We use free or Justus before Frio for deal. How would we say? My beer is very cold, Mr Theresa. Extremely fria meted with ice Storm Moy Fria. Now the verb to take in the sense of to grab something with the hand to pick it up or to get something in the same sense is go feel how, then, when we give the order, take it. Oh, hello. Oh, hello. Don't take it. No Lo caucus. No logo has Don't take it because it's very hot. No Locusts! Borquez. Stanwick. Allende. No local hospital system. Winkle Yandy. How would you say Don't go out because it's very cold. No Salonga sparking off a mooch off Rio. No salus. Poor Catherine Motor Frio. How do you instruct someone? Take the dog and put him in the car. Okay. Alberro upon Luminal coaching Cohill Berry Born Leonel Cota How do you think we would say, referring to the weather? It's too cold, I said. The Marciano Frio. I feel in my Cielo for you now trying to say Don't do it today If it's too hot newlog a soy Cioffi demasiado galore no other So I see a famous yellow color What with the Spanish Be for the red ones Hot but the blue ones Cold Rojo Star Kalyan Motorola Sul is tough Rio El Dorado is talented perilla foolish stuff for you to express the word people in Spanish. Unlike English, we actually use a singular term lacking d like candy. So always take care with the word thing T take care not to plural eyes, the verbs or the adjectives that go with la gente. How do you think we would say the people? Ah, here, Look into stocky la and esta aqui To say a lot or a lot off is Muka Muka, Moto Mota. How do you think we would say a lot of people move back in day motor? There are a lot of people here. I'm much akin Jackie. I'm OTA. Him Jackie. There are a lot of people on the bus. I'm Mujahedin Day and L Bush I'm motor handle Bruce. What about there? Aren't a lot of people on the train? No, I'm mujahedin in a trend Ni muta handle Children Try to say there are important people here . I hunt importante aqui. I felt important, Ducky, There are a lot of good people in Spain. I'm attacking the Buena in Espana. I'm motor Hint the one under spaniel. The next phrase to translate is I like beer. May Busta last cerveza megastar Lefevre! I don't like men. No, me gustan los hombres. No, maybe Loustalot summaries. I don't like people. No me gusta no more Stella. 15. Acabar de, Dejar de: To say that you have just done something, or perhaps in American English, I just did something. There's a simple formula in Spanish. Aka bar D plus the infinitive are K-bar is a regular AR verb, which literally means to finish. So to say, I've just done it or I just did it. It would be acarbose. Acarbose. How do you think we would say She's just done it? Gaba. Gaba. Now tried to say, I've just had dinner. Are cowboy, the thinner? Definite. What would be the Spanish for? They've just arrived. A carbon. A carbon. And how do you think we'd say she's not here? Because she's just left. Noise. Tikki Aqaba. Nice Tikki burger Aqaba, the EDC. I've just left it on the table. A gobbledy. They have no en La Mesa. I covered in the heartland La Mesa. And how might you inform someone? I've just learned a new word. A gobble, the aprender, sobre Nueva. A gobble, the aprender, Libre Nueva. Now tried to say, We've just bought a new house in my yoga. Aqaba much decompress, carcinoma in my Yorker. A cabal, much decompress on occassion, whoever in my Yorker. Now ask the question, have you just take an Maria's phone? A garbage, the coherent telefono Demeria. A garbage decoherence telefono Demeria. To stop doing something, or indeed to give up doing something, to quit doing something. We use the verb. The hard way to stop doing something. How would you tell someone stopped doing that? Please. Stop calling me Pete. My name's Peter. Dear Pete. Pete Miyamoto. Peter. Now tried to say, I want to stop drinking. Now have a go at saying she's just stopped working on gaba. How might you tell someone, stop asking me for money? Or maybe nato. And now about stop playing with that cat. Rc gave out of c. How would you say I'm staying a few days. Ds. Ds will sting for two weeks. Yes. I'm not staying in Barcelona. I'm leaving tomorrow. No. Megiddo in Barcelona. Manana. Not making them by fellow. Now, how do you answer the question? How long you going to stay? Bossa nova saccade, RT. 16. Time Trial: Hello, hi. And so on. 17. Todavía, Hablaré (future), Tomar: The last sentence from Lesson 10 was contact temp Obaseki Quanto tempo. How do we ask the same question in a formal manner? How long are you going to stay? Quanto tempo? KRC Quanta Temple back in Arsi. How would you reply? I don't know how long we're going to stay. No se quinto tempo Bama's arcade. Arnault's No Cinquanta Temple Hamasaki their nose. The way to say yet in Spanish is Olivia. No idea. So now trying to say? I don't know yet. No shame at all. Yeah. No se the labia. Next. I'd like you to say I don't know yet how long I'm going to stay. No se to Libya. Quanto tempo boy Arcade Army No said toe via Quantum Temple Bullock in me. What about? I don't have it yet. No lo tengo toe diarrhea. I know nothing about Olivia. And how would you ask? Can you tell me why they don't have it yet? For this test serum e por que? No hotel in Bolivia. What is the theme park in a Lieutenant? Olivia, in order to express the future will I will do something. There's a conjugated verb tense, which is fairly simple to grasp. So let's take the verb. Glad to speak a blood is the infinitive on? All we have to do is add the following endings to this infinitive. Just repeat after me a bloody about us. How about uh, Pablo Ramos? I'm not a space of that un. So these endings rounded toe all the verbs whether they be a are verbs, ir verbs or er verbs. So let's firstly focus on the I form our bloody I will speak a bloody yeah bloody I will eat later Co Mary Masterly Gomory must study. I will buy it. Locum Braddy local bloody. I won't sell it. No All of India no love in very I will eat it look or Mary local. Maybe Now let's look at the first person plural form the We will form off the verb. Abla Abla, Emotion a blurry Moshe How do you think we would say we will eat it? Look on the Ramos local made emos. I will wait a speed early. It's big Daddy. And what about We will wait A spirit of remorse a spare Are emus now trying to say I will wait for you. They spit out a this big Daddy. And how would we say I will call you tomorrow. Dayem A Ramayana, the Yemeni manana. And what about we will speak tomorrow. A blurry Mossman Yana of Larry Mossman Yana. We've already seen the verb tohave Dennett. However, when we use have in the sense of have something to eat or drink the Spanish use the verb Dhamar no matter American also mean to take. But let's focus here on the eating and drinking sense that have version off the verb. So how do you ask What are you having referring to food or drink? Get Thomas get Domus. And how did you ask the question? Do you want to have a beer Cherished? Omar una cerveza. Get this tomorrow. Nothing. Avesta, How would you suggest we can have a coffee if you want? For the most ah maroon cafe. See? Caress. But the most modern Got Guinness. Now try to say I'll have a water. I will have a water. I'll have a water Taamari Managua No matter what. Not like you just say we will have a water if we are thirsty. Taameri Masunaga, sit anymore. Schiff. Tom animals who now Wasit animo sit to say a sandwich in Spanish, referring to the long baguette. The stick variety we say Limbo. Collegial on the regular flat sandwiches. When sandwich. But let's focus here on one Boca the your more cover you. How do you ask a couple of people? Do you want to have a sandwich Here, Get a storm. Are Boccaccio aqui today? Still model Book of the yucky Don't try to say I will have. I'll have a sandwich and a beer, please. Jo Marie Burt Cardio unit with a por favor you tomorrow. Mocha video. You not for the vegetable followed. I'm not hungry because I've just eaten a sandwich. Nothing wondering Pork A acabo, the comic book Adagio Nothing. Mom, report a calorie Camaro book A video. How do you think we would say? I will speak to you tomorrow? Addressing someone in a formal manner. I bloody Golden State Montana. I'm glad I got no state manana. And how would you say I will stay here this evening? Make it Ariake Esta today. Make it Ariake Esta Authority. She will buy it. Asia Locum brother 18. Ser, Será, Estaré: it's now practice that he or she form of the future tense. The third person L Oh, yeah, our bladder. Our bladder. How do you think we would say she will buy it? Look calm, Prada. And what about Carlos? Will have a sandwich. Carlos. Tamara in Bokhari. Joe Carlos, Tom around Boca Video. The vein form the third person. Plural of a blood is a blood on. Ah, blood on now Try to ask, When will they call me? Cuando me a moron. Cuando media meron, when will they call you speaking to a lady in a formal manner. When will they call you Cuando llegue Moran gondola Dameron and have a goat saying, when will they stop talking? Cuando days are on their blood Cuando days around the block. Now we're gonna focus on the four different ways of saying you will. The informal singular form to a Lara. The formal singular form will step a bladder. The informal plural votes atrocious over sutras, Abla, raise and the formal plural form boost Ellis Avalon. So how would you tell a friend you will buy it? Look on progress. Local bread, us. And how would you tell a gentleman the same thing in a formal manner. You will buy it. Look calm. Prada Local umbrella. What about a group of friends? How would you tell them? You will buy it? Look hombres local bread days. And how would you say the same thing to a group of people in a formal manner? Look calm. Peron. Local blood now have a goat saying they will buy it if they have the money. Look on Pradhan City in an el dinero look on Baron Sittinin Molinaro and try to say they won't buy it because it's too expensive. Nolo Com Peron Porky's Demasiado Caro Nolo Comprende? Ann Perkins Demasiado cargo Now the verb to be is a start when we're talking about physical location or temporary situations. A study. It's not us. Its data a study mush, a studies. It's done. How do you think we would say I will be here? Esta aqui History are key. And what about I will be here at one oclock est Ariake Alona est Ariake Alona We will be here tomorrow A starry Musha Cay Man Yana A study was a key manana. He will be here at eight Oclock estar aqui and a short. Sure. Estar Oculus Soto It will be ready for you tomorrow. Esta listo Battle State Manella Is that really stupid? Ousted manana? And how would one say they will be here soon? Estan aqui pronto estan aqui pronto. And how about they are going to be here soon? Banai Starkey, Pronto. When I started keep Paronto as we've already touched on in previous levels. Spanish has two ways of expressing the verb to be said on the star. We stated that a star not always but for the sake of simplification is used for temporary situations and physical location. The verb said on the other hand, is used to talk about permanent or lasting attributes. Anyway, the purpose of this section is not to contrast the two verbs but simply to practise the verb said soy. It is IHS so much soy ice, son. So how do you think we would say I'm sorry, but I'm not Carlos Lo siento better. No sorry Carlos Lo siento better. No showy Carlos. We're Spanish. But you are British. So much espanol is better Choice Britannic off! So most Espanola Spader. So it's Britannica's. They're good, But you are bad. Sun Wen us better to address mono some winners better to it is Mullah. And how would you tell a group of people in a formal manner? You but teachers Sean profess orris son Profit Saurus. And how do you contrast this? Telling a single person in a formal manner. But you are a student. Federal State s. It's to the end, Bedol stiff. This is to the anti the way to say rich in Spanish is Rico Orica, Rico Rika. So then how do we say I want to be rich? Caro said. Rico Getter said Rekha. Now the verb said, despite being an extremely irregular verb, you'll be pleased to know that in the future it's completely irregular, Sadie set us, said. I said, Ramos said, Race sit on. By far the most frequently used of these forms is the third person form set up, and this is most often used in the sense of it. It'll be. So how do you think we would say it will be possible set up or she blame? Set up a simile now, trying to say it won't be possible for her today. No, Sarah, possibly Parada no set up or similar, but I yellow and how about it won't be necessary. No, Sarah necesario no said on If it's on you 19. Time Trial: Ok. Okay. Right. 20. Iré, Tendré: now you'll be very familiar with the subject. Pronounce. That's to say, Joe, to a loya, etcetera in Spanish. There's another category of pronounce known as Proposition all pronouns that come after propositions, little words like powder. Luckily, these are exactly the same as thesis object pronouns with the exceptions of me and D. So we say Bahrami on Paraty. So we don't say Marajo, But para Mi Likewise, we don't say, but are too, but deep. So bearing all that in mind, How would we say a beer for me on a sandwich for you? Well said, If it's a part of me, um, Boca, the euro parity uh, una cerveza para me in Boca, the your party. Not trying to say it won't be easy for us. No said are facile, no set of Fattal Bereano soldiers. It'll be too difficult for them, said on the musty other. The fifth feel, about a year said at the muscularly free field. But I use and how would we say, addressing a group of people in a formal manner. It's too fast for you is demasiado rapido, but I'll stay. This is the muscular Rapido. But if there is and How would you tell the gentleman? It won't be easy for you to stop drinking. No, Set off a theory, but I will stay there. No set of faithful but I stayed. The heart is everywhere. The verb eed to go is usually highly irregular. But as we can see here, the future forms are perfectly straightforward. How do you think we would say? I will go and see it with her? It a a very low in Asia. Yeah, very low. Canadia, When will you go and do it? Cuando eras are there alot quandary Drosophila low. We will go and have a beer with them Enamel shot Omar Enough, Aretha in Asia in a most tomorrow not said with tornadoes now the verbs that in the present tense take a G in the first person Singular. For example 10 Air Bonnaire and Salad A slightly irregular in the future and change their stems to include a D Denree boundary salary. So how would we say I will have Henry then today? What about We will have then Ramos, then the day moss. How about he will have Or indeed you will have in a formal manner. Kendra in the And how about they will have or you will have in a plural and formal manner Then run, then run. So using the verb sallied How would you tell a friend you will have to leave then Russki sallied in this case a lead. I will leave with you Salvatore Conte. Go Sal American Eagle Now try to say we will leave with her if she's ready. So they re most Cornelia. C'est Calista Selena! Mosconi! Assist! Calista, How would you tell a group of friends you will leave on Wednesday? Sounds raise a miracle. Lists sell, Resell. Miracle is And how would you tell a friend you will leave on Friday? Something that I said of Uranus. Sal Russell Weirdness. Now how do we say I put present tense? I put bungle. Bungle! And how then will we say I will put Andrea one day? We will put it there. Lope on Remesy. Well, upon the Messiah, I will put it behind the table. Lope! Andre! They trust the law, Mr. I will put it behind you. Lope! Andre! They trust the d lope Andre. They trust the D. They will put it here for us. LeBron run a key paranoia. LeBron gonna keep our under soldiers 21. Haré, Diré, Copa, Vaso, Volver: they're two verbs affair to do and death here to say which while they do take G's in the first person I form of the present tense in the future they dropped the go ending and taken our So we get Georgia to our US Alaya era. And with the they feel we get Jody Day. So the dress Asia Well, Deirdre, How then would we say we will do it? Laura Ramos. Lord Amos, The way to say in the morning in Spanish is Barlow. Manana por la manana in the afternoon or evening is bored electorally put a lot on TV and at night or during the night. Is borland naci for Leonard por la manana por la Poland? How, then would we say we will do it in the morning, Laurie, Most por la manana lagrimas por la manana. She'll do it with me in the afternoon. Laura amigo. Laura Conmigo por Let RV. How about they'll do it during the night. Loren. Portland. No change. Lord Cumberland. How do you think one would say? I will tell you later, David. A mustardy. They really must started a Now say we will tell you. We'll tell you in the morning. Steadily, Moshe, Mullah Manana. The name of sport manana. And how do you ask a gentleman? When will you tell me, sir? Cuando Madeira, Senor one. The Medina Sr. A glass of wine is when a copper Davino una copa Davino and a bottle of wine is una Botta Davino una bota Ottavino. And a glass of water is when bustle the agua en masse. So the Iowa so Spanish distinguishes between a wine glass with its long stem and base, which is in a copper and the regular glass shaped for water or soft drinks and the like in Bastar. Now, try to say, I want a bottle of wine and a glass of water. Girona about a a baby? No, um, bash or the agua General Novotel. Yeah, Vivino, you marshal the hour. How would you say I've just had three glasses of wine? Kabul. The tomar risk Opus dei vino. A couple of tomorrow dressed copas Davino. And now have a goat saying a bottle of wine for us on a bottle of water for them, please. About a a Davino paranoia una bota de agua para your sport about the amino Padano sutras una botella Ever your superpower? The way to say red wine in Spanish is not, in fact, been or rock or but be no window. Be no window in English. This means tinted is in dark, Colored says. We're saying dark colored wine. Be no window. White wine is the same as in English. Be no Blanco. Be noting toe Beano Blanco, Vino Tinto, Beano Blanco How, then would you say Take in the sense of to grab two bottles of red wine and I'll get a bottle of white? Does he know Tingo joke? Okay, Mateo Blanco, How would you say? I don't know yet if they want red wine or white wine, No settle area secure and vino Tinto Oh vino Blanco No Settle a via secure and vino Tinto Vino Blanco How would you tell someone? Have a sandwich if you're hungry. Tom A in Boca Radio City and some very Tomoka Video City. Anis Amri Have a glass of water if you're thirsty. Doman Bashfully Agassi. Dennis said don't Mombasa. Where was he? Dennis? It the way to say toe order. Something in Spanish is the same as to ask for babied. So how would you say I'm going to order a glass of wine boy up in here. A Copa Davino, Bordaberry una Copa Davino. And how would you say I'm going to order a glass of water boy A buried number. Show the Agua. And how would you warn someone if you drink more wine, you'll have a problem in the morning. She bearish Mazzarino 10 Restroom problema problema, Nana. See? Very Esma Savino. 10 dozen problema problema, Nana. Now in Spanish The way to say to do something again we use the verb ball Bert, which you'll remember means to return. So it's almost like saying to return to do something to do something again. So we have Boulder Arthur Argo to do something again by Albert I said Argo ball red affair algo Try to say I want to do it again T. Rowe Warbird Acero Do you know of all made a fairly low I want to do it again. But this time with you curable there are several. Pero esta contigo curable with a fellow binary stars contigo 22. Time Trial.: Ok. Okay. Right. 23. Sin, Family, Este es ... : Welcome back. Welcome to lessen 15 level four level metal. As I'm sure you'll remember. The way to say with is gone. But when we say with me and with you both of these forms are irregular. Instead of going me and Conte, we get conmigo Contigo. The other forms air as you'd expect, Kaneria Cornea and so on Now to say without the word is seen seen. But unlike gone, there are no irregular joint up forms. So that in mind How would you say I'm leaving without you? Melvoy? Cindy my boy Sinti. And how do you think we would say I want to do it again? But this time without you curable Vera Thurlow, barista with Cindy Terrible their affair low Better start with Cindy. Not trying to say I'm going to read the book again. Boy. A ball barrel Air a liberal, valuable, very, very liberal. What would be the Spanish for? You will return or you will come back. Bullet us Bull Read us Now, starting with this word Barbara's How do you think we would say you'll be hungry again later? Madrassa 10 Lmbrie must are they Well, that's it then. It I'm very much battery and once again starting with the appropriate form of bull bed. How would you say, Take the blue one again? Well, they are cohere. L a fool. Well, they are very little now. Try to say Don't say that again. No. Well, bazaar. The theory issue no Well of us have a field day. So I need the car again. Well, go on, SS Italian coach. Well, one, If it's it'll coaching now let's see how to say the members of a family in Spanish. Mother is moderate model father Body. By the way, the word for parents is batteries above this brother a mono. It is mono sister ID manner. Ramana Sun is equal. Equal daughter is her ika and collectively your Children, our host equals There are two ways to say husband especial on married Oh disposal Marivaux . And again there are two ways to say wife s Portia or more head. So to say, my wife, it's often expressed, is my woman in Spanish. It's Portia Morehead Esposa movie. Now let's try to commit these words to memory point out or touch the appropriate person or people, as I say the words bearing in mind that each person can be defined in a couple of ways, and certain words will require you to point it. Two people at once Let's go Lamari batteries. It had a month in a manner. The whole glossy horse really special marries life's Portia a little man. Life's Portia it by the day and in my diesel lost batteries I am on that and exposure Lightem Ana Life's Portia. Here's my reason the whole like, huh seahorse. No batteries. Any home? Nice. Portia marries Lamasery Ellis Portia Glossy horse Los Padres Alemanno Life's Portia Portia We hope Alemanno Lamasery l pottery and my diesel Ramana Low seahorse lie. Ramana lost batteries and married. Oh, and especially lamasery lice. Portia Rijo. Liar, Manner Los Padres huh? Now, thinking back a couple of levels. We learned that this as in, for example, this book is este liberal. Este este liberal book is masculine. So the adjective is estate with any referring to something feminine such as, you know, Mr we use esta within a este liberal esta misa. And likewise, this man is the only and this woman a stomach one of the common ways to present or introduce someone to another person is to use the phrase s there s and then the name of the person. And in the case of a woman s dais and then the name of the woman will go. So how do you think we would say this is Jessica esta Is Jessica esta is Jessica? And what about this is me? Go! Este es Miguel Este s Miguel now trying to say this is my wife. Esta is Mia Sposa. It stays in your sport. This is my son. It's day. It's me home. If there's me who this is my father and this is my mother. Esta is me Battery Esta ismea Modry! Excuse me. Bothered A Yes, There's me, my body. This is my daughter. And this is my sister. Esta Is Mekka Esta s Mira manner? Estas Mita? Yesterday's mere manner. This is my brother. And this is my husband. Este es Mi Romano? Yes, they s memory, though. Esta is mere man. Oh, yes, There's memory, though. How do you think we would ask where a Miguel's parents today Don This Stan Los Padres De Miguel Don. This Stan Los Padres de Miguel Oy. And how about I like your mother. Maybe you start to matter. May will start to my very I don't like your father. No me gusta to battery? No, my worst auto body. Now try to say this isn't my wife. It's my daughter. It's done noise. Mia! Sposa s me, huh? It's done. Knowest me. ESP? OSHA s me, huh? 24. Mis, Tus: but the beer is perfectly regular in the future tense. How would we say I will see? Oh Jovita Davidi, you'll remember, are in Spanish means to boy a Madrid means I'm going to Madrid. Another use of our is the personal. This hour often seems superfluous to English speakers, but it's very important in Spanish. The personal are is the proposition used when the direct object of a sentence is a person his little sentenced to clarify this I see Maria in Spanish is bail Maria Maria, A person is the direct object of the verb. And so we need to insert the are the person in this sentence is referred to by name Maria. But any description of people, for example Friend, brother, parents, Doctor, These will require this additional personal. So then how do you think we would say? I will see your brother today, baby at two a. Romano Oy Very out with a man. Oy! And now say I won't see your father today. No, Very bad, Roy. No, very Ato pottery. Now say I'll call your wife in the morning. Yeah, Marie at two a. Sposa Parliament, Nana de Maria, to expose a por la manana. I'm going to need your brother tomorrow. Boy on ethics itar Ato Romano, Manana boy. I notice it are a twitter mono manana. Now trying to say I'm going to have a beer with your sister boy a tomar Torretta Contrary manner Balletto, Madonna said of ethical Nduwimana. Your wife ought to stop drinking to move David Dehar Deb a bed to move ahead of them in the heart of the baby. My husband's very hungry memory Doten a mooch Embry Me Mario Tanimoto memory. My sister will be rich if she can sell the house. Me Ramana said America Seaport They've been there like Asa Mere Mana. Sorry, Cassie. Point of in their la casa. Now let's look at the complete list of possessive adjectives you'll see for plural. Noun is for example, my sisters. We just add an s to the possessive Miss Bermanis We're now going to take each of these possessive is in turn and practice them one by one. How do we say my parents miss batteries Me? Spivey's My parents live in Salamanca. Miss Batteries be been in Salamanca, Miss Father ISR Even in Salamanca, my brothers are coming in the morning Mr Manos Bienen. Parliament Yana, Mr Mallows Vien in Berlin. Manana. And how do you think we would say my Children don't learn very quickly, Missy. Horsed Noah Brendan We rapido me see holds an open And we're happy, though. And how would one say I've just spoken to my Children. Acabo the black economy seahorse a Kabul There are a lot of Comey seekers Now try to say I'll call my sisters in the morning. Jamari Emissary Manish Parliament Nana Jamari Emissary Manish Parliament Nana So the Spanish for your with plural mounds is juice. What will be the sponge for? Your parents are coming without the car to Sparta ESPN and seen l coaching two spotters being in single Kota Your sisters want to do it again to sermonize Karen Boulder Carrillo to say Ramana Skilling will read a fellow and now say I will speak to your Children this afternoon. Abla, taken to Seahorse is structurally I've let it come to see horses that out of it not like you just say I don't understand your brothers No Indian Dough Atoosa Amano's no indie Endo Atoosa Amano's I can bring your sister if you want Without prior to Ramana Securities with a try. It had to. Amanda Securities. Don't lift your brother up like that. No leaven dish. Tora mano a c No. Levante's a Toraman, USC. 25. Time Trial: Ok. Okay. Right. 26. Possessives, Viejo, Joven: the next possessive adjective on our list is sue or sushi for plural noun. And as you can see, this could mean either his or her or indeed, your when addressing someone as well stay with in the formal manner. It can also be used to express the possessive there or indeed your when referring to two or more people in a polite, formal manner. So sushi so source. What would the Spanish be for? I'm not her husband. I'm her brother. No. Soy su married. Oh, so I swear. Manner? No. So Sumardi, though. So I swear, man, she's not his sister. She's his wife. No, I swear. Manner is so It's Portia. No, I swear. Manner is Swiss pasta. How would you inform someone in a formal manner? I want to speak to your sister Cara. Black Consulate manner. General Arkansas Romana. And what about I would like to speak to your father. Mabel Storia. A bladder control battery. May will study Alarcon soup aladi and again in a formal manner. How would you inform someone? Your telephone is very expensive. So telefono asthma. Caro So telefono is Morgado. And how about your Children only speak Spanish again in a formal manner. SOC HOST SOLO Avlon Espanol Soucy, whose solo abalone spaniel How would you say you have to find your things? The Enneking contra Costa Daeniken gondolas is cause us Your things won't be here next year , of course, as noise Taranaki game, Cisco's has nursed Unlucky Elena gave me in a and I'll see her parents are having a beer since Paris Istanbul Mando filled with such batteries. Istante, Amando address its masculine. So the article is lost batteries. If you're wondering why a mother and a father should be considered masculine, all I can say is that the masculine is the default gender and is used to refer to mixed groups of males and females even when the males or a single male are in the minority. It was any consolation. Ladies, the word for a person is feminine regardless of whom it refers to. Now let's move on to the next possessive adjective similar to the world, for we know so atrocious. No extra on Western means. Our nice throw no extra no maestro, no extra trying to say our parents don't speak Spanish. Nuestros batteries Noah, banish manure! Mr Spider is Nora Blinis spaniel. Our mother eats less than our father. No extra moderate coma. Minnow skin withdrew battery Nice to my mother. Didn't go Maimane or skin was throw battery. Our daughter has just called our son Nuestra Gover the yammer unless truly hope. And I hope in this case you remember the personal Ja'Mar No esta rico. Most like a cover your modern with Rico. Our rooms are very small. No extra Sabetta finish Sean Weapon Kenya's nice to be the pianist. Soon we picking? Yes, the way to say old in Spanish, Old old in the sense of something that's been around for a long time Not in the sense of former or something you've replaced, but something that's just simply old is vehicle vehicle in the world for young Is Hovan Colvin trying to say Our parents are very old Nuestros Padres Sean maybe a coach Misters bothers only viejos. Our Children are not very young. Mister Seahorse Knowshon We hope Penis Mr Secrets notes on weak or Venice. The next possesses on the list is Bush, Trow or Westra, which means your when addressing two or more people in a familiar informal way West row Westra voice through voiced. Your parents are very good. Westeros Parish shown we buenos Westerners bothers from we winners. How would you tell siblings? I will do it for your brother, Lord it. But I was throwing Romano Roddy, part of Western mono. And try to say we'll do it without your sisters. Laurie. Most seen West. Russ. Hermanus, you are a Mohsen was trusted him on us to say new. The word is no able, no able. How then we say our computers a new no, it's true. Sword in a Doris nuevos Mr Sort of another son Rebels. Their computers are very bad. So sore than at orange Sun wind Melo's so sordid another Listen, we Miles, how would we say? I like to learn new things. Maybe you stop when they're cautious and wave us. They will stop it in there of course, has none of us. And to finish How do we tell someone? We don't want old things in our house? No carry most cautious because in Wistrich Cassa no carry most cosas BFs in Nuestra casa 27. Momento, Otro, Idioma, Mismo: welcome once again to a little welcome to the 18th lesson of level four. You may already know how to say a moment in Spanish momento. How do you instruct a friend? Wait a moment. A spirit momento. It's been a moment ago Now say we'll do it in a moment. Lower the most en un momento. Ron Imus in Mo Mental and I'll say our parents are coming in a moment. Noise strokes, Padres beginning in a momento, Mr Spotters been in a new momentum. I'll be there in a moment. A study RG and momento a study in normal mental. Now tell a group of friends you'll need it in a moment. Lo necesita, raise and momento learn. If you see there is no momento. How would you inform someone? I'm going to have a glass of wine in a moment, boy A Tomorrow in a Copa del vino en un momento, Buy a tomato knock open every no no momento way to say another in Spanish is ultra or if the noun is feminine. Otra otra, otra otra otra. An extremely common mistake made by non natives and learners of Spanish is the use of the indefinite articles moon or una before or throw Ultra and care must be taken not to fall into this trap to say, for example, you know Rhodia or run our trucks. Loretta is wrong and is the equivalent of saying on another day or beer. The use of the definite article L Ola is however perfectly correct. The other day is l autre Leah. But another day is Petrolia. So bearing this in mind, how would we say I'm going to have another glass of wine? Boycott Amar otra Copa Davino, Buy a tomato Taco Palomino They want to stay here another day. Kidding, kid RC yucky otra idea gin in Qatar Sachio Rodia, Can you get another bottle of water? Boy, This cohere Travolta de Agua by this Coqueiro troubled the Iowa. The word for a language in Spanish is only the Oma. Only the Oma Be careful with the gender. It's masculine. One of those words like problem one problema, despite ending within a is masculine. Why do you want to learn another language? Forget Paris happening there or throw idioma particular suffering Middle three Huma. Now ask a friend how many languages do you speak? Cuantos the humus Ah, bless Cuantos idioma. Fabulous. And how would you ask someone? How many rooms are there in the hotel? Qantas. Evita. Finish I in a hotel. Want to sabotage now Inform someone in a polite, formal manner. I'm sorry, but we don't understand your language. Los siendo Better knowing 10 demos through the oma lo siento betterment and Neymar sweet aroma. And now ask someone in a friendly, informal manner. Can you speak another language, please, for the problem or throw idioma por favor by this, have a lot of trillium up or forward. The little word law can be used as a direct object pronoun, as we've seen countless times before. For example, Caro compatible. It could also be used in another way as an article like El, The masculine article L or the feminine article lack meaning. The however lawyers used before adjectives to great what's known as an abstract noun. For example, lo importante means the important thing. Lo Bueno means the good thing. How do you think we would say the difficult thing? Yes, that's it. Laurie Fissile, Laurie Fissile. How then would we say I want the same thing? Carolla misma Cosa, Jeremy's Makuza or alternatively, Gero Low Misma Jerome is more and now using law. How do we say it's not the same noise? Lo mismo noise low misma How do you say it won't be the same? No Se lo mismo No said Alam is more. And how would we say the same day? And mismo dia l'm is Maria. You have to do it the same day. Minusca several o l Miss Medea Dennis Capital Miss Madia now in former friend If you work a lot, you can do it all the same Day Citra Because macho for this affair alot Toto and Miss Maria Citra has moved. So what is a federal total? Miss Medea? It's too big to bring it'll the same day It's demasiado Grandi. But try Arlotto and missed. Maria is the Messiah program the para tried low total misma Leah and finally held we say I've just seen the same woman a couple They had that I miss my move ahead. A couple of the very enemies Mom 28. Time Trial.: Ok. Okay. Right. 29. EL/Lo mismo que: Start Listener 19 of level 4, I'd like you to say, we have lunch in the same restaurant every day. Ms. Morris tower, antique Columbia. They are not going to arrive at the same time. Nirvana. Nirvana. Now just to review the difference between lo mismo and enemies, smoke alarm, MSBA, to say the same in Spanish when we speak specifically about a particular object, person or thing, we use mismo as an adjective. For example, the same day, the same time, the same car, its enemies more or law mismatch, followed by the noun. So we get enemies. Medea, Lummus, my aura, enemies, more Cauchy. Now, whenever we want to say something in Spanish, like it's the same thing. We use, lo mismo. So how do we say, I want the same thing? T80 lo mismo que. And how would you say I want the same computer? Say the same as is L mismo que la mismatch? Or how do you think we would say, I want the same as you get older? And now tried to say, Why do you want the same as me? Lo mismo que yo get yet Islamism, okay? Yeah. And how would we say, I speak the same language as you? Blow a miss? Now have a good saying. We don't speak the same language because them and they'll say they're coming at the same time as us. Be an NLI. Mismo que nosotros. Mismo que nosotros. How do you think we would say, I don't want these things? No, Kyoto is cost-conscious. And I've tried to say, I don't want the same things as you. Nokia wrote last mismatch, cautious K2 mosquitoes, mosquito. We don't start at the same time as them. Gauge your thermo Salamis, Marla gauges. And now addressing someone in a formal manner, how would we say you don't drink the same beer at? A mismatch, will step down. In a formal manner of speaking to various people. They don't know the same things as you know, mishmash courses, queue status. And there's no salmon Les Mis Moscow Saskia studies. We don't work the same days as his parents. Not true. Bahamas, ds, tissues, Paris, Notre cases panelists. I didn't read the same books as your teacher. No, Leo Libra. Get to Professor Nicholas, get to Professor. You're not going to buy the same car is made. More cocci Nevada comparing mismo code, take a year. Let's now have a close look at the verb said to be. Repeat after me please. Said Shamash. Sun. Pause the video and go over these conjugations a few times, then cover the Spanish column and test yourself. So now how would you say the house is big? The law is Grundy. Gsa. Is it going to the big houses or white? Grandes? Sean blank gosh. Yes. Because we are British. Chemosh Britannica. Some Britannica. My parents are Spanish, but I'm American. Mis padres son is by knowledge. Better your show you Americano. By the Sony spinalis better Josiah Americana. How would you tell a group of children? I'm old, but you are young. Bit over short-term CBSA hominis. And now try to say the cars are very old. Shawn movie. Let's cut this sum will be a host. 30. Fuerte, Simpático: welcome to the last class of level for indeed, the last class with the entire beginner's stage of El Matador. Which means that the next class should you decide to continue making progress with us, will be on a metal or intermediate course. But first things first on with less in 20 way finished the last glass, practicing the various congregations of the said to be in the present tense. How do we say their students? But she is a teacher. Soreness to the antis. Very eyes profess order. Souness Too young. This better. Yes, Professor, the swimming pool isn't very big. Like Christina Noyce's movie Grandi, Le Piston annoys me. The way to say nice, as in a nice person is simpatico, simpatico. This doesn't usually refer to things and objects, but Milito people simpatico, simpatico. So how would we say they are very nice, Sean. We simpatico so on my simpatico now trying to say I'm sorry, but that woman is not very nice. Lo siento heroism who hear noise more simpatico, lo siento better. Some of his most simpatico, the adjective strong in Spanish is for today for today as the adjective 40 into the knee, not a no or in a the e doesn't change when describing masculine or feminine noun. Try to say I'm stronger than you show him. Must forte k two. So you must for the ghetto I'm stronger than her show. I must 40 Galia. So you must for the gay. Yeah, we're stronger than them. So much must forth this cage off. Someone must work this gators. And how would you say these cars are older than those cars? Esto scorches, son Must be a horse Cases coaches Esther Scotus So much Vallejos case or Scotus Not trying to say our daughter learns faster than our sun. No stray happen. They must Rapido Kinross Truicko. Nice try covering the mas rapido chemistry ho. My husband is nicer than your husband. Memory dough is must simpatico cattle married. Oh, me. Marino is must simpatico. Okay to marry though my son speaks less Spanish than my daughter. Me? Who problem? Minnows Espanol. Give me Nico Abla, Minister spaniel Jameika. I'm sure you'll remember how to give the command. Do it, Athlone. After you. And now say Don't do it. No Lo Argus. No others. I'll do it tomorrow. Laurie! Manana. Laurie Manana will you do it for her? Laura's bar area? Laura's Bharatiya I've just done it. Acabo the affair alot acabo de fellow. I've just seen her acabo de Vera a couple of Ebola And now say I'll see you tomorrow. David E. Man Yana David in Montana. So, yes, we hope to see you tomorrow for lesson one of El Matador intermediate level. 31. Time trial.: Sometimes. Hi, hi.