The Complete Spanish Method. Intermediate 1. EL MÉTODO. | Peter Hanley | Skillshare

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The Complete Spanish Method. Intermediate 1. EL MÉTODO.

teacher avatar Peter Hanley, The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Intermediate Spanish


    • 2.

      Escuchar, Perder, Algunos


    • 3.

      Aburrido, Lección


    • 4.

      Time Trial


    • 5.

      Abrir, Cerrar, Tienda, Como


    • 6.

      Antes, Después, Poco


    • 7.

      Time Trial


    • 8.

      Otra vez


    • 9.

      He hablado, Terminar


    • 10.

      Time Trial


    • 11.



    • 12.

      Practice and Extension


    • 13.

      Time Trial


    • 14.

      Se (Indirect Pronoun)


    • 15.

      Mejor, Creer


    • 16.

      Time Trial


    • 17.

      Me parece que, Me interesa, Me importa


    • 18.

      Curso, Trabajo


    • 19.

      Time Trial


    • 20.

      Verdad, Idea


    • 21.

      Nadie, Estudiar, Tanto como


    • 22.

      Time Trial


    • 23.



    • 24.



    • 25.

      Time Trial


    • 26.



    • 27.



    • 28.

      Time Trial


    • 29.

      Preguntarse, Tener ganas de, A veces


    • 30.

      Siempre, Prestar


    • 31.

      Time Trial


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About This Class



EL MÉTODO allows you to:

► Speak, non-stop, from the very start. (no note-taking required)
► Produce and assimilate thousands of practical phrases for daily use.
► Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at intermediate level.
► Make rapid progress, without the need to memorise or "study" in the traditional sense.


"Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn ." (Benjamin Franklin)

Right from the start, EL MÉTODO engages you in a non-stop spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. This beautifully simple resource allows you to use and understand Intermediate Spanish in a matter of hours, without the need for tiresome attempts at memorisation or lengthy, grammatical explanations. This is achieved through a expertly designed, world-class methodology that builds up and practices the language in your mind and mouth, step by step, until you are able to form increasingly complex sentences with ease.

From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlessly absorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through Intermediate Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.

Recent students put it this way: 
★★★★★"Outstanding from the very first lesson to the end. The Spanish is challenging and fast moving, and yet  constantly revisits vocabulary and structures so that it sinks into long term memory. Explanations are short and yet accommodate for all learning styles. The whole journey has been a world-class introduction into a language I’ve learned to love. ¡Gracias por todo!"

★★★★★"After completing level 1 and level 2 , I am here for level 3 and have already purchased level 4. Does it not  prove how good and well organised the courses are! It's Fantastic. Beyond expectation!"


In EL MÉTODO as in real life, learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The process continues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposure to new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquired for life.


EL MÉTODO INTERMEDIATE, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After every lesson there is a series of optional written exercises..

We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system to learn Spanish. 

My goal with EL MÉTODO  is for you to become "hooked" on the program, thereby mastering intermediate Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.

Best of luck! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Peter Hanley

The non-stop SPEAKING Spanish course


Hello, I'm Peter.

After twenty years teaching languages in France, Spain and U.K it quite clear that the traditional methods used by the majority schools and language academies do not produce good results. Most of the students finish their courses with a very poor command of the language and this, at times,  after thousands of hours of study!

As a result, I have created EL MÉTODO, a new and different approach to the teaching of Spanish for beginners that will provide one with a solid base and a practical usage of the language as quickly as is humanly possible, without the need for laborious memorisation or "study " associated with conventional Spanish courses.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction to Intermediate Spanish: Do you want to master Intermediate Spanish within the next few weeks where you can, but you will need the right method. Hi, I'm Peter, creator of L Metodo on. For 25 years, I've helped tens of thousands of language students using accelerated learning techniques. Now I'd like you to experience the same results. A proven message dramatically reduces the time it takes to get the basics down. By the end of the four levels of this course, in as little as eight weeks from now, you will have a full understanding on a practical usage of intermediate Spanish. But what makes an effective method on why, to most language programs fail so miserably? Most language courses actually applying no method at all they overload frustrating, demoralize you with long winded explanations, boring lists, tables and tests on Before too long, you'll have given up entirely. Those of you who studied a language for years and years at school with little or nothing to show for it will know what I mean. Now a strong method instantly gives you that thrilling sense of rapid progress. It's designed to take full responsibility for your learning, relieving you of all the pressure of trying to memorize it quickly and painlessly constructs a solid foundation using simple building blocks because they're constantly repeated on relentlessly recycled in new contexts and combinations. This way, Spanish doesn't just become easy for you to remember, but difficult to forget. With our metal on you immediately start forming and speaking your own phrases. Justus in Life Learning is a continuous cumulative process, not a series of random, unrelated topics. Are students report feeling energized, triumphant and driven forward by the rapid results. They experience their report, craving more and more as they sail through the lessons and levels, soaking up the language with ease with convenient audio lessons, It's easy to fit l metal or into your daily routine along with my native Spanish daughter Jessica. You can join us. Where have you like in a continuous spoken dialogue of thousands of perfectly constructed phrases? By the end of the four levels, you'll be raring to go ready to start exercising your new skills amongst the natives. So join us for the first lesson where L Metodo is waiting to get to work on you 2. Escuchar, Perder, Algunos: Welcome to you all. For those of you who've graduated from animated all beginner's courses, be a multi-dose denovo. Welcome back. If you're new to the program. Good. This first lesson, a try. And if you feel a little out of your depth, we recommend joining the program at one of the earliest elementary levels. Those of you who've successfully completed the four levels of the elementary courses. We picking up right where we left off. Are you ready? No, that's the first question. How would we ask in Spanish? Are you ready? It's thusly stone doesn't really stop. And how do you think we would state? We're going to start by Moshe embed data. And I'll try telling someone, if you're ready, we're going to start. Cs. Cs does list them. The verb to listen, or indeed to listen to is a scope chart. You can see here that a school char is just one word, even when meaning listen to. So in English we say, Listen to me, listen to the radio. But Spanish has no need for this too. And it goes directly to the object. So try saying, Listen to me. Oocha, Oocha me. And how about the question? Are you listening to me? May school jazz. Misko tests. You could also ask, maze tasks, could channel. This is the composed progressive form of the present tense in Spanish, and it carries exactly the same meaning. However, for the duration of this first intermediate course, we shouldn't be calling for any of these composed progressive forms. So if the question were, I'm doing it, your answer would be Logo, not the long version. Lo estoy haciendo, which is perfectly valid and usually means exactly the same thing. But in order to keep things simple for this course and just for the duration of this first course, we're going to be sticking to the simple forms. So once again, how would we say, are you listening to me? May school just misquoted AS now try saying, you're going to learn a lot if you listened to us. Most of us. That's happening. Likewise, the formal conjugations, who's dead and who status will be generally avoided in this first course unless specifically called for as soon as you start the second course, rest assured, we'll provide a tremendous amount of practice with these other forms. The way to say to lose in Spanish, the verb is better, data. Better. This is a very common stem changing ER verb. So just repeat please. Pyridine. Pyridine. Better day mosh. Now try saying something. I often say to Jessica, you're going to lose your phone. Marcia to telefono. Thus hat Beta data to telefono. And something I often say, I'm losing my English. English. Diego mean bless. The expression to waste time in Spanish is actually to lose time. El tiempo. Have a goat saying, we're not going to waste time. No, Obama know that Mozart, Beethoven in the NPO. And what about, I don't want to waste my money. No, ghetto bedded a mediator. Not yet obeyed anatomy, the nato. I'm sure you'll know the expression our styloid or see you later. Logo can mean later or indeed just simply then I did something and then I did something else. Tried to say, You mustn't, right. But you must listen and then speak. Chad. Would you instruct someone has a command as an imperative, speak now. Abdullah our ADA. And now try saying, don't speak. When I'm speaking. No ableist, cuando Joe Blow. Cuando Abdullah. Listen to me and then you'll understand a SKU jammy. Go in Dendera us, a school tammy. You don't know everything yet. No service, total, dollar. Know savage dot-dot-dot IVR. Another perhaps more common way of saying this in Spanish is to start with ta-da. Ta-da via no service. We have to learn a lot of new words. Then a mosquito, aprender, MOOCers, parabolas Nueva, then a Moscow prendre MOOCers, Pala brass Nueva. There are two ways to say sum or a few in Spanish. One of which unos una was introduced in Lesson 19 of level three. And just to mention at this point that you'll find a complete index of the Beginners Course in the resource section following this class, this will help you locate a word or a structure if you need to refresh your memory. So we've seen unos, meaning some or a few ion are still with us in La Mesa. The other word is unos. Unos. So how do you think we would say some words are difficult from the fetus? The fetus. Another way to say some and others is unos. And Rosh. Algos. Authors have a go at saying some words are difficult, but others are easy. Collaboration, the faithless trashcan patty less. I will ask the faithless bit older stone fatty lists. Some students are good and others are bad. Zoonosis to the aunties, Sean windows, sun malloc. I will notice to the handpiece Zoom windows II addressed some malice. And finally, in this first class, try saying some students waste their time. I'll do the aunties then suit the MPO. Alkalosis to the anthrosphere, then sue the employer. 3. Aburrido, Lección: Our first sentence in lesson two is, some students waste my time because they don't listen. A 10 shifts to the anticipated when mid-tempo. For KINOMEscan. Unos is to the anthrosphere then medium pop or kinescope. The way to say boring, the adjective boring in Spanish is AB or read or, or if describing a feminine noun or person. It's Apple reader. I'm only though, I've already really tried to roll that double our radar. Nanak, the only these two Cs in Lectio and reached pronounced differently. The first is a hard C or a K sound, lick, lick. The second is a soft th sound, or simply an S in Latin American Spanish. Xian. How do you think we would say a boring lesson? Riba? Have a go at saying some lessons are boring, but others are interesting. Like the honest so Nabonidus truss shown in crescentus. I will spit out tests running Teddy Santi's. The imperative command forms in Spanish, well covered and practiced fairly extensively in levels 34 of our beginners course. If you're new to the method or need a reminder of how the imperative forms work. Pause the video and have a good look at this explanation. As I mentioned before, we'll be sticking to the informal forms for the duration of this first course. But if you'd like to feel free to play around with the formal who stayed versions as well. So can you now give the instruction? Speak as an order. Abdullah. Abdullah. Now try don't speak. No. No IBS. And I'll say speak Spanish. Espanol. Don't speak English. English. No, I blessing lists. And now a command you'll probably find useful. Speak more slowly, please. Despite your por favor. Abdullah, match this patio per fiber. Now the way we said to stop doing something to stop is the Theta algorithm. So how do you think we would say stop speaking? The bladder? And let's see if you can say, stop wasting my time. And what would the Spanish be for? Don't stop listening. Not the fist, the Scoop Jackson Hotel. And how would we say, Listen to me a score. Jermaine is called Tammy. And what about stop calling me. They had the Yamato me. And can you now tell someone, listen, Don't call me during the night. Yom is polar Noachian. Know me, yam is butler naughty. And they'll give the instruction. Sell it quickly or rapidly. Mendelow rapidly. Don't sell it if you like it. Normally. Does. Usta know lovingness. Gustaf. Write your name here. Describe it to a key. Don't write it in red, nitrogen black. Normally scribble, scribble or a Negro. Negro. And have a go at saying, Don't eat it if you don't want it. Normal commerce. Senior rockier is Nala. Nala DNS. Some wines are expensive, but others are very expensive. Unos Minos Sean Carlos, Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. You can drink this wine, but don't drink the expensive one. British behaviorist, the vino Cairo. Cairo. To say white wine, as you might expect it to be non-blank gone. Red wine is similar to the English word tinted. So the Spanish don't say rubber. Me know, Blanco, Dino Blanco. So if I'm in this lesson, could you say drink the red wine but don't drink the white one. Baby Tinto. Better. No baby Blanco. There will be no teamed up. Better now we have I seen Blanco. 5. Abrir, Cerrar, Tienda, Como: Welcome back, Welcome to Lesson 3. To open them up to open in Spanish. Try to get the command. Open the book. Now say open the book, then do the first lesson. Logo I remember like Fiona, amide, leave it up. Legal IV epidemiologic theory. Open the book on the first page and write your name in a liberal Veena? Yes. Give it to non-media. Close is how do you think we would say I'm closing the book? Edinburgh? Don't close it yet. No theater address to a via? No, no theater is two labia. A shop in Spanish is p and n at the end now. So can you say the shop's closed late in Spain? Hispania. Let's some shops close. Very light. Skin does. What time do they close? Now to say on in Spanish, we can use en en La Mesa on the table or so, but in soberly, La Mesa means on the table means the same thing. So nobody cell body. This would solve it. It can also mean at about the time, at about six o'clock. Soberly, last SASE tried to say it's on the table. Instance sobre la Mesa. Is that somebody La Mesa. And what about the clothes at around eight o'clock here? Again? The added uncertainty, lesser Turkey. Some shops close at around nine. And we'll nest. And now ask. And when do they open in the morning or lamina? Lamina. They open at around 10 o'clock. Adding sodium has the if. The common little words like When meaning as or similar to in Spanish is Como. What would the Spanish before? I wanted to be like you? Yes, I've said a comma two. I would like to speak Spanish like Jessica, megastar, hablar espanol como Jessica. And they will study, I'm glad espanol como Jessica. And now give the command, do as I say. In other words, do like I say, do as I say, I've gone. And now have a go at saying this shop is not like the other one. Is that the noise? Is that the Illinois Como la a horse in Spanish is on gaba. Now in Spanish, the expression, he works like a dog. They say he works like a horse, which is actually perhaps more logical as dogs don't tend to do much work. So how would you say he works? Like a horse? And they'll say, It's like you say, it's comedy fish, Eskimo the face. And how would we say, My phone is like a computer. Is Como. Telefono is common word in either. The word for nobody is Navi. Navi. We'll be introducing and practicing this word more extensively later on in the course. But for the moment, tried to say, nobody does it like Jessica. Nobody low ethic Como Jessica. Jessica. And lastly, for lots of extra points, how would you say nobody writes lessons like Peter? Peter. Peter. 6. Antes, Después, Poco: To say before and after, its until this point. And this point. Now when we added anything to before and after, in order to say before or after something, we need to use day. We're saying before of, after of so until today, this poison day and this day displays day. So how would you tell someone, don't call me before six o'clock? Nami Yannis, and this della SASE. Now omega ms. Enters the law says and what about telling someone, call me after four o'clock? Yammer made this point de las cuatro. Cuatro. How would you want someone don't call me before nine o'clock because I won't be at home. Nami Yannis, I'm distillation wavy book in noise carrying Casa de la casa. And can you say nobody gets up before nine o'clock. Now the acylium ion into the acylium ion, Dante's the legendary. And what about nobody has lunch after two o'clock? Now the Commedia dell'Arte dose. Some restaurants don't open before nine o'clock. Hour 10 stress guarantees. No Aberdeen. And this the last noise. I will not be stout and there's no Aberdeen. And take the legendary to say before or after with a verb. That's to say before doing something before arriving, et cetera, the Spanish is equivalent to saying before to do something as the infinitive verb form is used, rather than the I-N-G form. So you say before to arrive. And this DJ gar and this Niigata. How do you think we would say you have to do it before arriving? Dna. And this DJ GAR, the Nescafe law and now instruct someone close it before leaving. And this lead theater. And there's the salad. Call me before selling it. Jamie. And this debit, gamma may antigens. And now tell someone you mustn't drink before eating something. No Dipesh baby. I'm dish towel gone. Until now have good saying, I've just opened it are cobbled day. I've just listened to a boring lesson. A gamble the school jar. I like the on radar. The Spanish for a little you're probably already know is how they afford you think we would say a little more. Mass taco math. I want a little more, please. Get on Boko mass, but you don't book on the fabric. Now some good advice for you all. Say it a little more like Jessica, please. The law most common Jessica, por favor. Jessica. And I'll say Don't say it like him because he's not Spanish. Fork in noise. Hispaniola noise is binary. I will speak to them a little later. 7. Time Trial : Hi. Sorry. Hi. 8. Otra vez: The first phrase in this, the fifth class of level 1 is, I will speak to them after speaking to your system. Displace the hablar con to her mother. Displace the hablar con to determine when the word poco a little is followed by a noun. That's to say a little, something, a little time and little water that all Spanish, we need to add the little word day. So we say poco de tried to say, I understand a little Spanish. Poco de spaniel. Un poco a Spaniard. How about I understand a little Spanish, but I don't speak much. In DMD on poco. They expand your better know hablo mucho. In the notebook on Espanol Peter nabla motor. Can you now say speak a little more slowly, please? Boko much despite the o por favor. This patio. Don't speak English because they don't understand it. No, I blessing bliss, working no law in DNA then. I be seeing less per canola Indian name. Drink a little red wine if you want. Baby on poco, they be not dim. V naught intos. Certain irregular verbs are known as the go verbs as they take the ending goal in the first-person singular that I form of the present. So the verb Panera to put becomes job bongo. And you'll see here that the negative command form replaces the O with an with us. So from palm oil, I put, we get nope longus. Don't put the next column. The positive command removes the ending altogether. Pon, Pon. I'd like you to repeat all these after me. Then pause the video and cover all but the first column with the infinitive verbs. And test yourself. On air. Bomb will nope, longus, bone, sullied, Salvo. Know sarin, gas. San Benito, bingo. Knowing us. Then they feed the eagle nor the gas. D. There are no Augustus. Then we'll note then Gus. So now I'd like you to give the instruction. Put it on the table. Bonollo sobre la mesa been lost. But how about put some of the things that are una de las Casas, IE. Fun. And how would you say the negative command? Don't put them here. How would we come on someone get out or go out? Don't go out before doing the lesson. They come a little sooner if you can. And now say, don't come. If you don't want to see Nokia address. Dns. For now, try saying, Say it. Delong below. Say it a little more quickly. Don't say it like that. And how about do it? As long as one of the ways to say again, in Spanish, which literally means another time. So how do you think we would say do it again? And now tell someone, don't do it again. And have a go at saying, Don't do it again if it's too boring. No longer. Csd my shadow. And finally in this lesson, I'd like you to say, I don't want to lose it again. 9. He hablado, Terminar: At this point, we're going to look at a new verb tense. Let's use to express I have done something. As an English, this tense uses two parts. The half part of this structure uses the verb, which is seldom used as a standalone verb, but usually in this auxiliary manner. The conjugations of our air are the following. Joy to us, LAR, or stay with us. And for the moment will only be focusing on the first three conjugations that I, you, and he, she forms. The second part of this structure uses a form of the main verb known as the past participle. In English, that's done. Part of I have done eaten, I have eaten. Said, I have said. To form the participle is easy. You just remove the AIR from the infinitive of AR verbs and add other. Abdullah. Abdullah, I have spoken a Blotto. And for ER and IR verbs. The ending is either a kilometer, a comedian, I have eaten a comedian, a BBDO. I have lived a BBDO. So then what was the Spanish? But I have spoken a a Blotto. Blotto. Now try saying I have spoken to Maria and Maria. Maria. And how do you think we would make a negative sentence? I haven't spoken with him. No, yeah, Blotto. Blotto Cornell. To finish in Spanish is it may help to think of determinate. So to finish by saying, I have finished MI nano. So just to remind you, the u form of the verb is us. Us. How would we therefore ask the question? Have you finished as Jeremy novel? As tell me now. Oh, no, I haven't started yet. No, no. No. The labia. How would we say I have listened? Java is called tabu. I have listened to three lessons today. Today's lecture, Yani, Sorry. I'm going to listen to this lesson again. Boys school Jarrod. Voice quartet is delicate piano. Travis. And can you say, I have finished some lessons but not all better? Not DoorDash has not told us. And how would we say I have had two beers with us. Dos database as I have had a little red wine. It tomato. Tomato. And how would we ask someone? Have you had a coffee? Cafe? The cafe. Now have a goat saying, I'm going to have a little white wine before having dinner tomorrow. No, Blanco. Blanco. Now to say I have had it, it's a tomato. So we see that the pronoun law goes before everything. I tried to say, I have finished it. And I say I have finished them. I finished them. And how about I haven't finished them yet. Now try asking. Have you listened to her? And what about have you listened to him? And now ask as he started? She has started again. I am. And how would you ask the question? Have you close the shop? Have you had dinner? I spin. Spin either. Then finally, in this lesson, has she bought the car? 10. Time Trial : Hi. Sorry. Hi. 11. Mandar: Welcome back to palmetto. Welcome to lesson 7 of the first level of var intermediate course, where we'll continue to make tremendous progress with the perfect. I have done something. How do you think we would ask her she given you the money? They are already narrow. She has given me a little She's given me a little mad poco. So far we've been practicing the perfect tense with AR verbs. So bear in mind that the ER and IR verbs, BBB, bare, been daring, etc. Take the Edo ending rather than the other ending of the AR verbs. As he sold the car. I've indeed well, co-chair. And how about Has she sold her she sold it. Ddo. Now try saying I have eaten it. And how would you ask, have you drunk them? Referring to bears. Have you drunk them? Last sass, Baby Doe has maybe the a. Now I'd like you to say, I've learnt 10 words today. A a blend legal, DFA, the FBI Laboratory. And now ask, how many have you learned? When does it happen in Needham? The way to say the verb to send in Spanish is magnetic. And a message, as you probably remember, is, be sure to pronounce that n before the S Min. So how would we say remembering to use the simple formula of the long progressive form of the present tense. How would you say she's sending a message? Hey, Amanda. And what about she's sending it? She's sending it. Amanda. Amanda. I would say that the second most crucial aspect of learning the structure of a language just behind the verbs is mastery of the pronouns. So when asked to take a minute to explain the use of the object pronouns in Spanish. In the English sentence, Jessica is sending the book to Peter. The book is the direct object of the verb as it receives the action directly. Jessica resending the book to Peter. Now Peter, and this example is known as the indirect object, As he's only the thing or person to whom or for whom the action is done. In the next sentence, imagine we're already clear who or what has been talked about. So we didn't mention things by name anymore. We can use pronouns instead. Jessica is sending it to him and you can see that is known as the direct object pronoun and him, the indirect object pronoun. So let's look at this a little closer. As we've seen, a pronoun is a word that replaces the names of people or things. Me eight, you, them, et cetera. As we said, they can be direct or indirect. Now let's look at the example memoranda and leave it on. She's sending me the book. What English we can also say she's sending the book to me. A Libra is the direct object as it receives the action of the verb directly. Me is the indirect object pronoun, as it indicates to whom, for whom the action is done. In the next example, Melo Amanda, she's sending it to me. A Libra has been replaced by the direct object pronoun law. Both pronouns you'll see go before the verb and the indirect pronoun always comes first. Here they all are in list form. You'll see that the only two forms that are different between the direct and the indirect object pronouns are the ones in light orange. There. Don't worry about the exact meanings and memorizing for the moment as we'll be taking you gradually yet very thoroughly through the whole lot as the course progresses. So as we've just seen to me, is how did we say She sending it to me and how they move? We say she's sending it to me. Again. How would you say she's not sending it to me today. But she's sending it to me tomorrow. Now can you say I'm buying the book? And now I'm buying it. I'm buying it. And what about I have bought it. I bought it. Indirect object pronoun you or for you, is, I'm buying you a liberal. Liberal. And how about your buying me the book may compress a liberal. The indirect object pronoun for him or for him or her, for her is. Now say, I'm buying him or her the book. And the indirect object pronoun for us or for us, is now dry. He's buying us the book. And Libra. Or for them is less. I'm buying them. The book. 12. Practice and Extension: Welcome back. Today's progress and Nubian day two classes, they span your control. I hope you're progressing well and enjoying a Spanish classes with us. So for this eighth class of metadata intermediate, we need to keep bashing out these all important pronouns, which along with the verbs, really formed the backbone of the language. So it's crucial to get on top of them, to master them as soon as possible. I'll first sentence in this class is she's selling me her computer. Maybe. Now I'd like you to replace computer with it, so she's selling it to me. Here's an important and common verb that was introduced in the beginner's course when we'll actually practice very much. This means to bring, this is one of the so-called go verbs, along with many affair, etc, that take an irregular G in the iPhone. So just repeat after me. Please. Try, go, try. Try, try. Try and try. She's bringing him the car. Dry l cocci. Cocci. And what about she's bringing us the car. She's bringing it to us. Not a lot dry, nose, dry. Now have a go at saying she gives him a lot of things courses. She gives me some things courses. And how would we say I give them a little money? Now tried to say I'm leaving them a message. He's not sending it to me today. He's sending it to us tomorrow. I'm sending it I'm sending you something. I'm sending you a little money. But now try. I'm sending it to you. I'm sending it to you. Now let's try with them instead of them, I'm sending them to you. And now the future tense, I will send them to you. I'll send them to you. And now I'm sure someone I will send them to you before leaving. And what would the Spanish before? She is sending me the message. She's sending you the message. The Amanda she's sending him or her the message. She's sending us the message. Okay. 14. Se (Indirect Pronoun): Plural, you form the vosotros form for the indirect object pronoun is Bosch. So how would you say she is sending you, you will, the message. It might help you to think this sentence slightly differently. That's to say, instead of she is sending you the message, she is sending the message to you with the two you or for you at the end, as you'll know that this is the bit to start with in Spanish. So let's try again. She is sending the message to you, Osmond elements. Okay. Now try she's sending it to you. She's sending it to, you know, try sending them the message or indeed she's sending the message to them. He is sending him the message or he's sending the message to him. And men soccer? She's sending it to me. And how would you tell a single person she's sending it to you? There is actually a forbidden combination of pronouns in Spanish. At some point in history, it was decided that the combination of two L's was undesirable and pleasing to the Spanish. So they came up with C. So for example, if you wanted to say hello, the indirect pronoun changes to ClO. I'm sending it to him, thus becomes cell Armando as yellow. Yellow is forbidden. Likewise, all these other possible combinations will require, say, you may wonder how on earth you'll ever know if Sarah, first to him, them, or even the form of new forms. But allow me to explain that a little further down the line. So bearing all that in mind, how do you say she is sending it to him? And now try she's sending it to them. Just the same as the last one. Sailor man. And how would you say she's sending it to us? Know Sloman. Now using the plural you how would you say I'm sending it to you? I'm sending it to you all. I'm sending it to her. I'm sending it to you. Then please use the singular form and have a great saying. I will send it to you. I'll send it to you. I'll send it to her cinema. I will send it to them again. And how do you think we would say you will send it to us in the morning? I will send it to him. I will send it tobacco. I will send it to Lola a little later. Loyola. He will send it to him. We will send it to her. How did we say the verb to give in Spanish? So what would the Spanish before? I'm giving it to you? I'm giving it to her. I'm giving it to Lola. Lola. And finally in this lesson, we are giving it to them. 15. Mejor, Creer: So then our first sentence in less than 10, remembering to start your Spanish phrase with the indirect object pronoun. How do we say, I will give it to you tomorrow? And I'd like you to say, I will give you some things tomorrow and some on Wednesday. Crunch say they will give it to us. Nauseous law, Darren. And how would you tell a single person they will give it to us. Then I will give it to, you know, slow Daron logo. I'll sell it to you if you want. Securities. Securities. They won't sell it to him if he doesn't have the money this week. C naught, D and L, D narrow. O'sullivan didn't see not the same manner. The word for better is mahara. Tried to say it's better. And how about it's a little better here. Now try saying it's much better in Spain. Hispania. Is motor Maclaurin expansion. One of the ways to say, to think in Spanish is great. We've seen pins are also to think. And these verbs are often interchangeable. But Claire suggests more of a belief and intuition, whereas been savage suggests a more logical objective, a belief that's been thought through to a greater extent. So perhaps a belief with extra certainty. But don't worry because the difference is often very subtle. And as I said, they're usually interchangeable. However, when we're actually thinking as in using your brain, thinking about something, in this case, we must use Spencer, What do you doing? I'm thinking, the action of thinking is pen sad, not career. So for the next section, we'll be practicing grade. So how do you think we would say, I think that it's better there. I think it's better there. I think that he's going to be there. I think that she's finished. I think she's finished. And how about I think it's better to finish it today. I think that you are wasting time. Why do you think that? Because you're going too fast or rapid. All you have to do the lessons three times. Good advice, by the way. It's better to do the difficult lessons four or five times. Is my quatro, or think of it, this thing called a thesis. It's much better if you work like that. 16. Time Trial : Hi. Sorry. Hi. 17. Me parece que, Me interesa, Me importa: Very similar in meaning to gray, okay, is the expression K. This comes from the verb pattern there to seem an MIP arithmetic means it seems to me that, in other words, I think that rethinking how they move, we say using this structure. I think that it's on the table. It seems to me that it's on the table. La Mesa sobre la mesa. I think that there are some on the chair. Unos. Unos in LA, see, yeah. I think I've had four beers. Gay tomato. Tomato database. And how would you say, I think that the red wine is better than the white? May be not. Tinto. Gail Blanco is mythical Blanco. I think, or It seems to me that Spanish is more difficult than English. Mayberry thick l is by your base, must defeat the Kaling glass panel as much defeated, telling less. I think that it's the same case, lo mismo. Islamism. I think it's better to finish the easy one before starting the difficult May 1 parity case. My heart, I'm testing paper, defeated. Mineral, fatty lambdas empathetic defeated. And how would you say this lesson isn't interesting? Noisy, noisy datacenter. I think that it's very interesting. Case until Sunday. Sunday. And what about, I find it very boring? Like windrow went through Maurya Barilla to say that something interests you. We can say main Theresa May in the RESA, it interests me, main dresser, main Teresa. 18. Curso, Trabajo: A course, a course of study such as this one is corso. How would you ask someone, haven't you finished the course? Nice. Nice, steady. And how would you ask, Doesn't this course interest? You're not the Indonesia is nothing that is ice. And how would you reply? Not much because I find it too easy. No mucho syndrome. She thinks it's too difficult. Lip at ethic is the machine that gives me my shadow, the feet. And I tried to say, he thinks it's too boring. He thinks that the other course is better. How would you state languages don't interest them? Normalise integration, lossy Diomedes. The word for people which you're probably already familiar with is law. You'll notice that the singular words, the word people in English, is plural. So on no account, pluralize the verb when you're talking about La Quinta in Spanish. People are not important to me. Nami Bodhidharma, Hindi. And now try what people think isn't important to me. Remember to turn the phrase round to start with the important part. What people think isn't important to me. No main burrata lockup, P&Z law, Hindi. I'm sorry, but your problems don't interest us. Bed or nano syntaxin two's problem as managing data centers problems. By now you'll be familiar with Gustaf, which you might think means to like, but actually technically it means to please. So if you wanted to say, I like this course, you actually have to say this course. Pleases me. We've already practiced this type of structure many times with main border and main dresser using the indirect object pronouns made their way north or less. So whenever you see a phrase to translate with like, reset your mind into Spanish mode and think, please. The thing in question pleases me. And don't forget that the thing that pleases the subject goes after the verb. So with all that said, How would you say, I like this course? I like that book or that book pleases me. Usta essay. Leave it on. Unlike beer. A job as in a paid position of regular employment or just a piece of work that one has to do is try to ask, do you like your job? They will start to tobacco. And how about Does she like her job? Do they like the house? In other words, does the house please them? Hasta la casa. They say that the other house is better. The thin casa de think aloud the cosine. Do you like red wine style? We know Dean, don't tell me no Tinto. We don't like white wine. Usta, LV know Blanco. Blanco. And how would you say they don't like Coca-Cola law? Coca Cola. Coca-cola. Tried to say, I like books. And what about Unlike to go out? I like going out. I like to work. I like working, but I don't like working on Sundays. Los Domingos ego cetera. Domingos. 19. Time Trial : Hi. Sorry. Hi. 20. Verdad, Idea: Okay. Welcome to a new class, class number 13, law classy numero tres de. Then they say that they say 13 brings bad luck better North Korea, I don't believe it. Neurocranium, cloak and noise burlap there. That means true, the word it'll becoming up during the course of today, this lesson. So then how would we say it's better to work in the morning than in the evening. It may hold, true. Baha'u'llah Yana. K por la Today is May quarter of a hard problem, anionic IPO laterally. Now tried to say, I don't like talking about my problems. No megastar hablar, this problem has no Macros tablet. The nice problem as well. Now I tried to say she likes cats, remembering that the verb Gustaf has to agree with cats because we're effectively saying Cats, please. Her. She likes cats. Lego, Stan, loss cut-off. It goes ten years ghettos. And he likes dogs but he doesn't like cats. Legal status, Penrose, better knowledge than loss, galactose. Those barriers bit analogous ghettos. In this sentence we have two similar words, better Ross dogs and better, but be shorter role that WAR of Penrose, but only give a single flip to the word, better meaning but better rose petal. No legal standards. Ghettos. As promised, the word for true is better than, it's true as better than is made of that. And the way to say the truth is the truth la metadata. Take care pronouncing these two Ds of better that keep the tongue flat and it exactly the same position as in the English words. That and bade. So we get better than if you look in the mirror as you say the word that you'll see that the tip of the tongue is actually visible and should be so in Spanish as well, better than that. Try to ask, is it true that you don't like going to the beach S better that cannot they go stay? Rolap lion estimated that cannot, they will stay. Now say, the truth is that we don't like the teacher. Can no-nos. Cuscuta, a law professor? Yeah, Well, that is a law professor and the truth is that we're not interested in his problems. Or we might say, his problems don't interest us. Labyrinth, that is a no-no shin Teresa shush problem as a skin numbers interest-sensitive problem as though say it's true that I don't like this job. Is burlap can know USTA is de trabajo, is bed back in and I was tested bravado. And adding on to that last phrase, can you say it's true that I don't like this job, but everybody has to work. Is the trabajo is better back and tested. What would the Spanish before? I'm going to tell you the truth. Maurya, the third De Moivre's theorem. Now ask, is it true that he's going to give her the money is submitted, have K bar a data lake, LD, nato. It's made of that give. And how would we say, it's not true that this course is expensive? Noise, better Lab case, the crucial escargot. I just made that guest there cool. Also escargot. An idea in Spanish very similar to the English. An idea is, again, make sure the tip of your tongue is visible in the mirror. As you say, e there, the de Una. Do you like my idea? Big O star me there. Then it will STEMI there. Yes, I think your idea is very good. See me Barrett the gateway via the winner. We could also say, see gray, okay, to E there is more boiler. See why. Now, in previous lessons, you learned that the adjective in Spanish follows the noun. Now you'll see a couple of adjectives which tend to precede the noun they modify. So a good idea is Una, e there. Oh, now when a there. And a bad idea is MLA II there. Via tried to say it's not a bad idea. Noise tsunami. Nice. It seems to me that it's not a bad idea. May Barry thick? Sooner? Sooner. The truth is that it's a very good idea. Una e there. You have made that escapes when a, when a there. Now both Bueno and Milan drop the o before a masculine singular noun. So how do you think we would say? It isn't a bad cause. Noise. Noise. Tried to say, I would like to have a good job when tobacco. Now we'll study at the needle winter law. Today is a bad day. Oh, yes. And how about her brother is a good student. Mano, to say to have an idea as you might expect, it denied their own idea. How do you think we would say, I have had an idea? The needle there. I've had a good idea. The needle at the needle now going a there. I've had a very interesting idea. It they need on a VM. 21. Nadie, Estudiar, Tanto como: Welcome back, Welcome to Lesson 14, where the first sentences, your ideas don't interest me. Know me in Grayson. Grayson. Some of our ideas, very good. Oh goodness. The nuestra CDS has been wasted. See there some way when as another way to say nobody is VA, Naveen. Now you already know how to say nothing or anything. And by placing not before a verb and neither after it. For example, knowing the unknown other. I don't understand anything. Repeat please. Non D and ANOVA. That's it. We also learned that neither sometimes comes before the verb, in which case, there's no need for the unknown. For example, now that Bobby and nothing is going well, repeat please. None of our bn. Now the same thing applies to navigate, meaning nobody. Now the abline less sucky. Nobody speaks English here. Repeat please. Now the abline glass icky. No hablar con Nadia. I don't speak to anybody. No hablar con Nadia. So try to say nobody speaks English here, bearing in mind that Nadia comes at the beginning. So there's no need for nonnegative, not nobody speaks English here. Now the abline glyphs AKI, navi, abline less hacky. Nobody has good ideas here. Now the a t and a boy now see the lady at the end, a win-loss area psyche. And now try. Nobody tells the truth here. Now the 80, Jackie, Jackie, nobody knows where the shop is. Now the a survey done this dialogue on the style at the end. Now, what about the very true statement that nobody speaks a language before understanding it? Daddy or Blau need the AMA and disdain Dendera along. Now the abalone via mantles, they'll tell their law. Now asked the question, Is it true that nobody understands extubated have k Now the MD&A x-ray that Canadian DNA. If you want to just say there's nobody here, nobody, nobody in this case comes after the verb. So we need to start with NADH and we get no I 99 Navy AKI. So try. There's nobody in the shop. No NADH in Latin. Nine naggy. And at the end now, there's nobody behind the house. Knowing now via the Kruskal at Casa de la casa, we speak to nobody. In other words, we don't speak to anybody. Know. I see nobody or indeed I don't see anybody know. Nobody works on Sunday. Hi Domingo. And now say, nobody does it better than me. Now the lower K, your nebula. The verb to study is very similar to the word first student is to the n, t, s to the ad. So try to say nobody studies like me. Now Vh to the Acoma, your Navy, Estonia, Komodo. And how would you say? I have studied four lessons this morning. The onus is damage to the yellow quadrant. Stamina. Comparison. As much as, as much as I tried to say, nobody studies as much as me. Now the a's to the COCOMO, your labia majora. Nobody has studied as much as me today. To the other. Or you may be asked to the other. Nobody has studied as much as them this week. Now the ash to the adult done Tacoma your sister Savannah, tentacle mitosis the same manner. And find me in this class. Nobody has learned more than us this year. Navi, aprendi dot get nosotros if they are new. Leader my scanner, so transistor. 22. Time Trial : Hi. Sorry. Hi. 23. Alguien: Welcome back, Welcome to Lesson 15, which starts with the new word, somebody or anybody, which is algae. And be sure to stress, to accentuate the word on the first syllable. I'll get sick and you tried to say, somebody hail, or indeed, is there anybody here? Know there's nobody. No, no NADH. How would we ask does somebody know? Sammy? Does anybody know if it's a good cause? Again, Sabi CS1 when crucial, when coarser. And now can you ask does somebody know if she's finished? Again, survey I guess the last three conjugations of the perfect tenants. I have done something. We're presented in lesson six, but not really practiced. So let's take a moment to focus on these. So the waveform nosotros with the verb hablar to speak is Blotto. We have spoken the bush atrocity. The you plural form is our base, our bladder. You have spoken. I have a sub Lambda and the a or a yes. And instead this form is and nabla. They have spoken. And nabla. So just repeat after me, please. Moshe bla, bla. Bla, bla, bla. And comida. A most BBDO, abase, BBDO. And BBDO. We have finished. Tell me narrow. It seems to me or I think that they haven't finished. Now tried to say we have left or indeed we have gone out emotionally. Now the question, does anybody know if they've left? Nobody knows if you've been able to do it. And here please use the vosotros, the plural form of view. Nobody knows if you've been able to do it. Now the survey CIA spot. Hello. Have you repeated the words three times? Again, use the vosotros form. Repeated or dress with this brush. How many hours they studied today? And is two the other? Two the other way. How many years have you lived in Spain? And here let's use the form. As BBDO in Espana. Not as many as you know. Have you sent the message? I haven't sent it yet. I will send it to him tomorrow. Have you given it to him? See you as data? I haven't given it to him yet. No salary dot, dot, dot. But I will give it to him this evening. That is. Have you left him the message? I haven't left it for him yet, but I will leave it for him tonight. Now say we haven't sold it to him yet. We haven't sold it to him because he's not sure if he wants to buy it. Benito. Nice to say. 24. Nunca: The way to say never is non-cash. And this negative word works in the same way as in that it can go either before the verb, nunca, Bible Cafe or after the verb by adding know at the beginning. Nor baby, Tonga, caffeine. I just say He never tells the truth. Well, we could say I will never speak Spanish. Espanol. Espanol. I never eat after having dinner. Nunca Como displace the thinner. Long COCOMO displays the thinner. Now tried to say, you will speak a little Spanish after this course, but not as much as Jessica. Whom poco, the spinal disc, the Corso, but are not done tokamak Jessica, I will add as a Spaniard, less place the stickers paid or not done Tacoma, Jessica. And how about I will study it again. 2d array. The array. I will see you in the morning. David. David a port lamina. It'll be easy. I like that. Sarah. Sarah mosfet, the lessee. And how about I'll go and see it. I'll go to see it. I'll never go and see it. Nunca nunca law. I'll have lunch later. Must commit a mastectomy. Now the verbs that in the present tense taken g in the first-person singular. For example, Dan, Boneh, and salad, slightly irregular in the future and change their stems to include a, D, a 100. We say I have, I will have 10. How about we will have we will never have Nanga dendrimers. She nunca dendrimers. We will never have a lot of money. Nanga dendrimers much Jody narrow, non-GAAP dendrimers coordinator. And how did we say he will have a now say you'll have a good teacher for this course. The crucial when Professor we will have to leave before eight o'clock. Then dreamers, casa lead, and then they must casa lead Altis, the lasso tool. How did we say I put bongo? I will put funding. I'll put it here. And try saying, I'll never put it back. I'll put it on the table for ClO pondering sobre la mesa. Cell upon the sobre la mesa will put it here for you. Hello. Been Ramos hockey. And now say they'll put it there for her. Shallow pond. 25. Time Trial : Hi. Okay. Go for that. 26. Nunca: Welcome back, Welcome to Lesson 17. Tried to say, she'll be thirsty. And now Dr. he'll be hungry later. If he doesn't eat combi, then I'll put it in the room next to the chair. Andre. I love the law CIA. Now how did we say I leave? So go and how therefore when we say I will leave or indeed I will go out. So dreary. Saturday. A friend which seems to be a well-known Spanish word, is ego or Amiga, referring to a female who now omega 0. Now, how would we say I will go out with my friends? Amigos. Amigos. Nobody will leave the house before finishing the job. Now the sound that are on the La Casa, untested determiner, noun, la casa. Untested terminology. There are two verbs, are there, to do and death, to say, which while they do take Gs in the first-person I form of the present tense in the future, they dropped the GSC ending and take an R. So we get joy to harass LRA yeah, Iraq. And with the verb they feel we get to the RAS or L D. Now if we wanted to say, I will tell you what we really need to say as I will tell it to you. So it's Dilaudid, Dilaudid a. So we must include this direct object pronoun that it Dilaudid. It's not usually enough to say they did a Dilaudid, a tailor the day. Now, bearing in mind that lead law is non-acceptable combination in Spanish, How do you think we would say, I'll tell her seller the seller the day. Now if we wanted to say, I will tell your friend. In other words, I will tell it to your friend. You might think that it would be law the ray to amigo. However, Spanish requires the inclusion of the indirect object pronoun the same to him, to her, say. So even though this says redundant, It's still required to amigo. This combination of seller is so common in Spanish. And so we need to get used to it as soon as possible. So please repeat this phrase all day for a week, starting with ten times right now. Clo, ClO diarrhea to amigo. Andrea to amigo siloed area to amigo Cnidaria to amigo siloed area to amigo Cnidaria to amigo siloed area to amigo Cnidaria to amigo siloed area to amigo cynobacteria to amigo is just as important to get used to the sounds of these, these ultra common combinations as it is to understand them intellectually. Please pause the video and repeat this sentence many, many times. Seller delay at two amigo. Now to guide you with the next questions, the majority of them will indeed include this key combination, seller, the redundant repetition of the indirect object pronoun. How did we say, I will tell your friend to amigo ClO the data to amu. I will tell Jessica. Jessica. Jessica. When will you tell her? When does a loaded us? When will you tell my friend Sam? Yeah, Mika. When will you tell your teacher? Has had to profess soda? When will you tell the man? Us along the way? The way to say everyone or everybody is literally meaning all the world. Dodona mondo. Everybody knows the truth. Moon does have elevated that. It seems to me, or in other words, I think it seems to me that nobody knows the truth. La, la la, la. And how did we say? I will tell him. I'll tell him I'll tell everybody. Hello, The red dots, mondo. Notice here that the same is actually redundant, but still required in Spanish. Sailor the day our total mondo. I will send everybody a message. Lemon Mario mean Sathya, total moon. Here you may have been tempted to use Ceylon Ambari, but law is not required as there is no It involved. Say that's reverts to lead and it is included, though technically redundant, lemon diary, a toggle on law. And now try, I will send it to everybody. I'll send it to everybody. Salamander, a total Mondo. I have sent it to everybody. 27. Preguntar: The verb to ask is, could you say, I would like to ask you something? We'll study. I will ask you later, bearing in mind that to ask works like the verb to say the theater in that we usually need to add it. So we're actually saying, I will ask you it later. The low mass mass statically. I will ask you again. I'll tell you again, tailor the Delta with I'll tell her again. I'll send it to her again. Now, as you already know, if we have an infinitive verb, the verb with the basic ER, AR, ir ending as in to do something. The pronoun hooks on to the end. So to say, I want to send it, it's ghetto Mandela. If we wanted to use two pronouns, for example, I want to send it to you, I want to send it to you. Both pronouns who come to the end of the infinitive forming one long word. You'll see that this long word now requires an accent to indicate the irregular stress pattern. Mandarin. Mandarin. Repeat please several times. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Gentleman, dark yellow. As I've said before, the more you get used to the sounds, the easier it gets. Caramel, yellow. That's it. So trying to say I'm going to send it to her. I'm going to send it to her. Boy, I'm andar say low volume, um, and that's hello. I'm going to send it to him again. I'm going to send it to him again. Volume and Darcy law. I'm going to ask you again. Boyer. I'm going to tell you I'm not going to tell you twice. No boys. Can you send it to me? By this man anatomy long? Can you send it to him? Hello. Now, tried to say it. I would like to tell him I would like to tell him the truth. I wanted to give it to him. Darcy law. I would like to give it to you. The de net will study at that. Now remembering that the indirect object pronoun for to them is the same as to him or to her. Say, how would we say, I don't want to give it to them? Nokia or Darcy law. And now try he doesn't want to give it to us. No. No, no. She doesn't want to sell it to us. And finally, in this 18th class, how would you say you have to send it to us? Dnas. 28. Time Trial : Hi. Okay. Hi. I'm Dr. Mike. 29. Preguntarse, Tener ganas de, A veces: In the last class, we practice looking to pronouns onto the end of an infinitive verb. When we're dealing with commands, imperatives, the same principle applies. So for example, to say, send it to me, it's Monday. And notice here the accent is taken yet another step backwards. Tried to say, ask me. Now say send them to me. To me. Dominos. Give them to her. Does say loss. Bestsellers. Give it to her. Give it to everybody. Give it to Jessica. Hello, I'm Jessica. Jessica. Send it to your friend. Man da Silva to Amina. Leave it for me. And how about leave it for him on the table? In La Mesa? Low in La Mesa. One another use of this, but it wouldn't dad is the reflexive form. Which means to ask oneself, in other words, to wonder that same. So try to say, I wonder if she will call me soon. See me Yamaha prompt. Oh, I wonder if tes studying as much as me. I wonder if they're telling the truth. Now a very common useful expression is then they're Ghana's meaning to feel like doing something. Then they're gonna to have a go at saying, I feel like returning to Spain, Hispania. Then we'll manage the spanner. Do you feel like going out tonight? Dns Ghana's DNAs again as this holiday standard. I feel like staying here. Tengo Ghana's decay. Then the canal Mackey. I don't feel like studying. Not this to the other. Nothing more runners this to the egg. The way to say sometimes is at times this. Sometimes I don't feel like working. Not tengo Ghana's the IMF is nothing. Millennium. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time. I make this better, don't meet the AMPA. And finally, in this lesson, sometimes they don't open in the morning. No Aberdeen pour lemon yellow. I'm it says no evident but lamina 30. Siempre, Prestar: Welcome to lesson 20, the last lesson of this first course, the intermediate stage. And by the way, many congratulations for reaching this farm. Always in Spanish is CM. Cm. Words like always, such as sometimes, never, usually tend to come at the beginning of the phrase in Spanish. So how would we say she always calls me in the morning. Cmp. Cmp me yammer per lamina. P always asks me the same thing. Cm, CMP. They always want a little more time on the umbo. Simply caninum polka, nice, the MPO. I always eat a sandwich before working. Cme, pretty common Book IV. Can play common bokeh. We sometimes have a lunch there under Tools, good. Fiscal memos. Ecm plays Bono. Maasai. Ecm plays Bono. I don't feel like having dinner tonight. Not then go Gunners the thinner a standard chair. Not then go Gunners the thinner, a standard chair. Now to say until it's us that Asda, you'll notice as usual, the initial H is silent. Asda. As we've seen before the expression see you tomorrow actually means until tomorrow in Spanish. So how would we say See you tomorrow? As stamina and stamina. I'm staying until tomorrow. May make either stamina. And what about their staying until Friday? Say K1 style weirdness. Second and style weirdness. My parents will be here until Sunday. Mis padres. Style Domingo. Domingo. I sometimes study until very late with this studio. I made. This is today's time with daddy. She has asked me if I can give her the money today. She's asked me if I can give her the money today. May I see puedo data? Ld narrow? May see puedo data lake LD narrow. Sometimes they don't close until ten o'clock at night. I may phase not the LMS. A common and useful verb is to lend, to lend in Spanish, It's press release that tried to say, I'm lending it to you. Oh, presto. Taylor. Can you lend me your phone with this scar me to telefono. Y this place that made two telefono. I'm not going to lend you my car. No, boy, yeah. Please start the coachee Novaya place that Amy. Can you lend her your computer until Thursday as well? This piece that lead to tell our lend it to you until tomorrow. The Laplace steady as stamina. And finally our last sentence, our last instruction is, don't lend him the money in the network. 31. Time Trial : Hi. Okay. Go for that.