1. Introduction | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : way and welcome to introduction to how to draw hands, some quick tips and advice to get you started. I created this course as a request for other art students. They often struggle with drawing hands, and it's understandable. Ends are one of the most difficult things to draw in a figure, and I just can easily draw figures shape from head to toe. But when it comes down to their hands, they'll happily jewel the hands behind the back of the character or in pockets. But when it comes to join hands, seen as they are so many details to take into account from the tendons too fat to the many digits and a signals it is understandably of one of the most difficult features to draw on the human. In this course, I want to make sure that it is quick and easy to learn, because hands in itself is an intimidating subject. But once you get into it, do a bit of study and learning through this course. And, of course, some practice along the way. You can draw hands easily enough when it comes to a happier realism, as most art instructors will often teach is happily listen requires a lot of time and skill . But unfortunately with Tom and skill, you lose a lot of the human characteristics as well. A lot of artists just wish to create a hand to draw one from imagination or to draw from the reference they don't necessarily wanted to be happy, realistic. Some of them are going to be painting. Some are gonna be more impressionistic of the approach. So having a Harper realism as the foremost thing to be taught isn't the best thing. It could be even more intimidating and in fact make it a lot more difficult on the junior drawing. So I'm just going to show you, in this course how to draw a hand from simple shapes to some key details that not necessarily important, such as tendons. Being one of the important lessons I do discuss because it could be something that is quite visible on the right shadow, as you could see here. But in a direct lot, that's almost impossible to see without a month. It's not necessary to learn it. However, I'm gonna be showing you how to shake the hand at a joy and shadows to give it a more human aspect, but any further that is stretching into hoppy realism. And for majority of artists, happy realism is not the goal. So by the end of this course, I hope to have you at artist comfortably ready to start drawing hands. Now that I'm done discussing, of course, it's discussed the instructor behind it, me. This is the face that is behind the voice you'll be hearing. I prefer to do in our a more hands on approach for this course. I've done graphic design using software before, but I think with this one it is all about sketching. So with that in mind, I use casual pencil and paper, and you can follow along and watch my hands how they work. I do slow down and go to specific areas, but at the same time, I'm not gonna bore you and go from the very beginning to finish drawing. That is perfectly accurate. I'm gonna give you everything you need to know. And that is exactly what you're looking for. No doubt. What's that in mind? I am an artist myself as well as Arata. I'll show some of my work here on the screen now but specifically we're just gonna be focusing on hands. I just want to show you that I do know what I'm doing. And I have been doing this for years. And, having told many courses on it, have become proficient with art as well as teaching our students. So if you have any questions, be sure to join my community of artists. Any questions on this platform are appreciated. Artists gonna said Shippen and comment. But our Beashel trans any of the harder questions that some will not be so brave Johns. But that being said, my name is Matthew dearie, and welcome to Michael's on How Did Your hands I'll see you in the first video where we start straight away with the skeletal structure off the hand.
2. The Skeletal Structure of a Hand | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands: way. Hello, artists. And welcome to the first lesson how to draw all hands in this. Listen, I'm just gonna be showing you but a skeletal structure off their hand so you can get a better idea how to form one. I'll be using simple tools throughout this course something basic and that anyone could get simple a four paper as far as equipment. Girls, I do use pins now, then. And if you plan on using a pencil like I will be using throughout this course, I recommend anything from a full B or higher and the school so I'll just be using a full being in the six p depending on how Doc I want to make things. Not only was it looked better, but it also stand out clearly for you on camera so you can get a good idea of what is happening Now. Let us just jump straight into the skeletal structure of a hand. I have an right here so you can give it a good idea of how things work out. Distressed you to the different areas. The first part of that most artists will draw when working with a hand is the thump. The thumb is something different stands out clearly from that digits, and then we're going to the palm of the hand and then move on to the rest of the digits. But it is a great to start with. The thumb because of thumb is a great radio taste how you shape your fingers. So before you even begin, you have a good idea of way to go from way. We're gonna be starting with the skeletal structure off a hand. I have a picture I'll show for you on the screen, but it's a secure in front of me so you could follow along just to get a good idea of the parts of a hand. And we're beginning with with the thumb. The thumb has three segments. Unlike the other digits on the hand, most people will assume in the beginning stages of joint a hand that fingers only have three segments. When reality they have full, as you can see from the screen that I'll show you of an X ray of a hand with skeleton. In the burn of it, you'll see that it has four segments. These full of segments helped make up the palm of the hand as well as the fingers. Whereas the only finger that has three segments is the thumb. We'll stop by joining some segment. Now the first segment is the most clear. If you hold your fingers like so of a yet it's a side off your hand to the first nickel knob off the segment. From there, it moves on to the second knuckle, which is over a year and finally to the tip of a finger. So let us draw that segment now just to get this right, skeletal shape are just general could inwards. And this is gonna be the side of the hand. Notice that the smell seems to stick out a bit more ad segment India and folding woods A simple shape to work with. But that is the start of the palm of your hand. So, yeah, we got this part down. We now need to move on to that of the two segments. They get smaller towards the point similar structure, very small gap between it. If you plan on drawing a skeleton, this is exactly how you do it. I'm using a sketching method. Just allows a lot of mistakes So it's a grateful instruction and practice. And next you have the tip, which again is shorter, smaller and narrows towards the tip. So, yeah, that's at that. Yeah, and the tip of you. And then we have a thumb fairly simple and easy to work with. It is now that I'm gonna show you how to create the first initial shape when you're working of shapes. When join a hand now as well. No, the hand was four digits over here, not inclusive of the thumb starts with the middle finger being the longest traditionally, you then have these two fingers, the index finger, the ring finger, and then the pinking or connected was little women here. But let's talk about the segments now that make up the palm of the hand. All segments connect to an area of bone over yet that'll be the area bones of a year as well. All these bones in tow luck help the risk move before it gets to the actual wrist bone, a smaller bone of year and a much larger bone which may accept the forearm. Since we are gonna be focusing on the hand, I won't go too much depth into the arm. But this part is necessary to enough. It's the rest she is Revel section of bones. You had to draw on everything, but we're moving on now to the fingers to create the full segments. I'd like you to notice a pattern that most hand seemed to have the knuckles. Or should I say, the ends of the first base segments off a digit go from the lowest on the pinky side at one level up a little bit more for the middle finger down that evil, and then you can other draw V on l to get to the thumb segment over here. So from that alone, we know that this part over here is gonna be higher. Control our segment of the year a little higher for the middle finger, a little lower for the ring finger and much lower for the pinky. So we're just getting in a basic shape of how this all works. Together we can adjust where necessary, I think, make the pink a little bit higher. We have the segment come in with, and we'll end it somewhere here along this Mr Burns, So do the same with the other digits. No cutting, quite close and overlap of each other near the end. But when you reach the digits, they are separated. Just give you a vague idea of our skeletal structure, works that is down. And now we move on to creating a more realistic interpretation of the fingers Per fingers have now three segments onwards when it comes to looking at the shape. I think it's based to remember this pattern, as they will help you create the shapes when you're working for imagination as you draw here, we have a palm of the hand similar to this one. Over here we can an ad out some. We have a small triangle, and then we could use rectangles to get the fingers order sticking with the points. Other hand. Very simple step bust If process up, up, down and then in L. O V to get the next knuckles to get the next knuckle in the sequence, which would be there's some Now let's move on. Great. The segments for this one, they're not gonna be as long, certainly not as the initial segments, but they follow a similar pattern. Higher, higher, lower, lower the next segments again. Much shorter. The funnel joints. So we have one. Yeah, we have one. You know, we have one here we have on you and we just simply connect them, not connect the dots. Just a little bit more deaths to it than that. Now the skeletal structure will apply to every hand. I have, ah, weddings between the hands of the here have more meat attendance which we'll discuss in a later lesson. And a important thing to note about bone structure when working of fingers is that I am the segments, the shorter they are, they're not exactly 1/2 off what the other ones are somewhere actually longer. Some are shorter. All hands are unique in some way. Personally, I feel these fingers a bit longer, so I control them longer. We have a necessary. Was that a man? And there are some important things to note before I conclude this. Listen, one is the wrist bone, so skin and will be folded around that, as you notice from my India, have a very clear respond. Next you have the knuckles. The knuckles are more visible when the hand is gripping something. As you can see. It with curves. And so yeah, and finally, the most important thing with structuring the end as most hands will have a step up, step up step down and then an LV connecting to the next one. You follow this pattern, you can easily form a shape of a hand, and then by then you just have rectangles to shape your fingers, recover shaping a hand using shapes and another listen. But for now, you just need to understand these cool features when it comes to the skeletal structure off a hand. These are the knuckles that almost visible, and they are not part of these two segments here. Often, most people interpret this area as one segment, when in fact it is one segment connecting to another one. You need to understand that that the knuckles won't actually move. They stay in position of the wrist at all times. Perhaps they'll curve, and when you're gripping something, but they're more listing in the same position, so don't think them knuckles will move a lot. When the first segment off the hand starts moving, the Nike will stay in place. They just become more visible. You can have the finger move in any other direction as well. The knuckle will stay here. It's the joint here between the segment and this segment that is allowing it to move. But the base segments in the palm here will stay with them. So that's we can easily interpret the shape of a hand by follow in this process, a simple thing to remember about skill to structure, but vital if you want to shape them correctly, that helps for more realistic hands as you'll see in later videos. That being said, that is all you really need to know when it comes to working with the hand. The palm of the hand is much the same. Important thing to note, I suppose, is that the wrist bone will always be on the side of the hand off whichever and you're working with. So if you're working at the right hand, the response will be on the right. If you work in the left hand, the left side will have the response. Now leave this listen. Year in the next one will be going over. Some more details about the end more specifically will be going over the muscles in the hand of a year. And, yeah, the fat parts meaty parts of the end, the parts that controlled grip. And we want to be going over the attendants, which are important details when it comes to detail ing an older hand especially. But all hands seem to have clear tendons in certain positions, as you can see here, or that I would be enjoyed and I'll see you in the next video.
3. Tendons, Tissue and Other Details | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands: artists and welcome to early salon how to draw hands. This is the second listen and which will be covering where we will be putting the fact of our hands will place the tendon style simple folds of the skin work and so on in the previous lists and we'll integrate a simple bone structure. So I'm gonna do so now. Yeah, and we're gonna cover it it in while fat recovered in attendance on all those lost more details before we go into more intense details and then later Listen, however, these ones are essential, such as skin and meat, which is very important. The first section off the hand that you'll notice as the most padding is this one. This is where you find the most prevalent tear shaped piece of meat or muscle. Also such a over here, part of the some yah helps gripping. We find the 2nd 1 over here. You find a second piece over here between the thumb and the index finger. So you have long year money. Yeah, and one year these are the three most important animals noticeable when you join a hand next you noticed placement of tendons. Luckily, I have fairly skinny answer gives me caught key nexus to boy lovings and tendons on the first thing you notice where tendons shop of here in these three fingers, the pinky is not so noticeable unless it is crooked as this. But most of the time, Pinky's inwards on the veins folded in. Same would happen with these three things. If they pull it down, be impossible to find attendance. But the vein still stand out. Being placement is also another important thing will cover that now, but for now, let's to stick with thumbs tenders. The term stand ins are getting most noticeable as they create this more different. A small space between first brain and this one that comes over here right here. When Assad respond very noticeable, when the thumbs stuck up like this, less noticeable. When it's together, go down. They're higher or further part. It's very clear. Finally, the skin. The skin folds in through little webs over here between the fingers, you can notice it. It's stretched out of the year when the hand isn't fist in a bold shape. I have always together you see all the creases appear, most notably the creases with knuckles up the knuckles, as you can see here, greatly increases where the skin is pushed back falls into each other. So I have creases. Yeah, yeah, Here of a year of again bet when I bring my fingers together, increases are spread apart, less noticeable because they're being stretched. However, what we turn our and over, we notice a similar thing here, palm or hand. His creases. We're increases over here increases and our fingers as well, all stretched out, not so noticeable. But when a thing is contort becomes far more noticeable, as you could see that being pressed together affords the skin are coming together and that's the lines are appearing. You noticed it folds lead straight towards knuckles. Another important thing to remember when you join your hands small detail, but useful. Save me off the palm of the hand, the palm of the hand. As you can see, as many creases use many palm meaning if you want. But as you can see when I bring a pump together as if to grip something, these creases standard a lot more so. Luckily, I have a great reference first to draw from today with a lot of clear details in attendance . Now, this is a picture of the left hand in a horizontal position. So I try to draw too obvious to ability, but I'm really gonna be focusing around the tendons and skin. I'm not going for a great drawing, so I'm just gonna do some emplacement. You know, this this comes down. Yeah, and big bone placement we hear about, but this is more going down that way. Inwards. Great. There. Close that way. All right. This is where I just place my knuckles for now. We'll get onto that later. Let's just work on the most important parts about the Andrew out here for noticed obese of media. And they'll be some tendons to work with. Tendons run down. Yeah, and usually stop before the cholesterol bones that you'll find. Yet it discusses cluster so much, it doesn't need a lot of attention. You know, this is what we working If the left hands over the small knuckle bone. Yeah. So that's Drollet in previous. Listen, I did cover how we can just add skin, like so very simple by following the knuckles pattern. But now I want you to pay attention as we're gonna be drawing meat with the fat of the palm here. Now, the edge of the poem is an important piece, and this one stands up very clearly, allowing us to draw blood there. So first thing you'll notice is that it comes down and it curves like so towards you towards the bottom of the page and in curving upward towards the wrist like so and then has more details into it. You'll notice this part of a here sticking out in the light will have shadow and then we'll continue with more. Yes, This piece over here is the part we discussed. First meet a lot of thinking stands out quite clearly as you can see fold. It s so this is a much older hands of wrinkles, more prevalent and the metal could angle, but it could still quite clearly see it. So we make note of this, we include it. But we also nervous if we follow this structure here that this could and this occurred here in the picture as well from the nickel that would going back in towards respond, which is actually here today we go inwards and we've included the meat we'll discuss out of shape. That boy was finished. The structure of the drawing That's very spoke. Us now on the thumb. The time now has folds, as you can see here, the fold is clear and more from the palm side. But we're working on this side, so it is. Luckily, it's more sleep with only one slight deviation. Yeah, the index finger comes in, we noticed it stops around midway. Then it folds inwards towards the knuckle of here. Nickel standing out here and then it folds like so. The webbing between the fingers is fairly easy to work with. It's mostly hidden would fingers that close together, but when it's a part, it is still clearly seen. It is simply aligned, often curved or straight. But it's just a line between each finger, well angled, all fitting together quite nicely. Look at your own hands to see outfits together if you feed to have these kind of folds. Even search and feet have these guns at fault as well, but not as clear of it now. Fold year is not covered. Comes down sleep like so, and now let's dio knuckle placement once more. One finger that stands out the most year is the middle finger. We have the knuckle most clearly here, and then we have a knuckle clear over here. That's it. Just about ritual in line connecting the two. We notice a little bit of webbing between the fingers of again, and we noticed that comes down like an arc working hundreds towards the next knuckle over here. So we'll create this knuckle here, showing that in in nice, meaty hands to work with at the next fold between the two. And this one is more angled, more separated over. Guess that's going down with a bit. So let's add that, but follow the same mark. So being every can and then there shouldn't Woods like so Russians last meeting hands to work with so our flesh works in the better. But before we move on to the tips of the fingers, now let's discuss Ah, tendons and so on. Now there's some drastically attendance in this hand to work with. The first tender will notice. Most clearly is the one running from the ring finger. So let me just get some that could women in your just to get some shape down so the tendon comes towards the wrist as you'll see the others do as well. I think the most clear tendon is definitely the one from the ring finger. It's the longest one here. Run Estonia from the knuckle. I'm just gonna George a little clearly, so you can see it as well. Now start learning to work with. We'll focus on the veins later. No, this is a full hand as well, so it'll be so increases here. Dislikes skin veins, creates a crease accident. So well, puts increases. Oh yeah, great The tendon and we'll stop it around here. Same thing goes for the tendon appear. That's also add the shape and curve of the hand. As you noticed that goes more curved like this. Still from the middle of the nickel. And England's like that when it comes to shading with tendons, often simply to shade one side. And that's suitable enough. We know where the showers are from this picture. So I'm just gonna do toe crosshatch, yeah, saying to work with now your knuckles, your knuckles stick out. This one's a little bit more flat in this picture. Yeah, but when you're not, will stick out the shadow rounds to the point that gives shape to the knuckle. I'm sure if you've been working of shadows long enough, you will realize this. It's just you. But what dark Beckett stick with a cross sectional on. Do the side of the team. So we now move on to the next bit of their hands. You can decide whichever way to start works now because it's all about time to maintain proportions. We can easily create this one following the same pattern, but we're working at a strange angle. It seems like things curve like so thanks to this finger, the index finger going but more in words. So I'm just gonna do a little bit of shaking, had just finished with the wrist for a start. Mentally, prepare myself and prepare for knuckle placement. We've done the first segment. That's the important bit. Now this one is a smaller local, and it's gonna decide the position of all the hands. So we have another knuckle yet. This is just the knuckle below the fingernail. So keep that month part of the curve. One smaller Neco, slightly bigger knuckle for more prevalent finger. And then we have another over here to make this one. Actually, a little No. And now we dio the tip off the thumb, the thumb relieve curve. Yet for the meat on something here, you could see it coming easily. Curved. Not all things will have a curve. Depends on which side you're working within the subject. Dumb normally will have occurred black. So as you can see. Okay, so we do a little bit in words from the Neco. We got out some. Is he out of more meat? Just some. And at some stuff to this side as well. Well, stop yet. We'll go to this these fingers and stick with them. So a pinky here were so noticed. That is an awkward angle here to this want to work with? Don't be afraid of these awkward angles. They simply add more detail to the finger. So I think it's gonna be easy to make a mistake. The finger is finger recognizable. People know the shapes can be on good terms. So I think if you're going for realistic finger, don't worry too much about this part. All fingers have their own unique aspects to this one. And this one is quite unique, and it's quite a lot of fun. Two. Draw You can correct wherever necessary. It's not draw the side of this finger. Nice loam issue drawing Not much shadow here due to large team, and I understand a little touch thing and leave it for now. Now we've discussed the attendants discussed Meet with areas. Let's make sure everything is still they. No, there's some tendons over here we need to include This is the divot I have. Yet I mentioned these two lines coming here, creating a small divert every year. So it does get darker. Yeah, there was no tear shaped pattern Scientology, and it is clearly in the picture there as well. That's what made me in the side, and I share that in Really. That would give enough of an indication to the fewer. But we've got the essentials now of the hand all established, so it's a little about adding are small details to it. I'll be doing a lesson later in this course on with details on the hand that more specific to such a lot of work of fingernails that tenders and so on to get a more detailed picture shading is also an important thing about fingers hands. So especially this one is. You can see here there's plenty of wrinkles to include. I'm not gonna go too much into detail, but it's quite an enjoyable experience. Work in his hands, many folds and details which add to it so much character to it as well, and adding such details and everything is just fantastic. So I'm not gonna bore your name, although I'm gonna give you some homework when it comes to working with the hand, there are many details that you need to include. Our people are quite a few year this. Listen how to work the creases off Michael. Quite symbols like working with the tendons, although not as important. Attendants actually lend quite a lot of realism to a picture, so be sure to include tendons. If you're struggling to add such realism, your picture dominated finish. It's just a simple sketch for you to practice your attendance and so on. It's all about practice to get it, especially if you want to draw for imagination. And a lot of cartoonists wants to draw hands or imagination, and they tend to struggle with it. If you want to master than it is space to practice. Eventually, your mind starts getting a better idea of how hands work. You start making adjustments, as I see as you say I'm doing. Yeah, just to add to it a bit more. As you start to see artworks, you'll be able to create more hands for imagination that are more realistic. And thus it becomes a more enjoyable experience right now I'm missing it up it smudging as I'm joined from this angle. But I had fun Join this, and I am happy with the results so far. I could definitely see this being quite an interesting picture to draw from in fact it. So I will be leaving it as still near the end of this. Listen, in case you wanna pause the video and draw from it four if you want work from another one, you can. That being said, I'm putting the pencil down, leaving this picture for now before I ruin it to farm into the mood of drawing out. So I'm just gonna leave it here before anything else and are drawn it probably later. However, I wish you like up your homework and I'll see in the next video in the next video we discussing the 1 may through that people like to draw hands with. After that, we will discuss the second method. It depends on which one you want to work with. But if you're working from subject, somebody is one method. And if you're working for imagination, somebody is another method. However, I hope you enjoy this. Listen and I'll see you next. One bye for now.
4. Simply Sketching a Hand | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands: artists and welcome to another lesson on hearted your hands. I'd like to make these next to listen some of the shortest, as we're gonna be discussing the two methods and what you can draw hands. Now, of course, there are many methods to what you control anything. But I'm gonna be talking about two specifically in this course because these are the most important when it comes to join hands from reference or join hands from your imagination. Now, the 1st 1 I'm gonna be discussing is may 3rd 1 the most basic method that all artists seem to use until they start using more professional ways off creating a hand. This one is grateful. Joined from a reference. It's just simple sketching now is always I'm gonna be showing you the reference on the screen as well, so you can follow along if you wish, but you'll start to see why this method is so widely used. First, I'm gonna be starting off with the mean future which seems to stand out the most. Which is that thumb ah, Central terms screen will show, say, on the page here, just a simple skitch to get the shape in shape of the summer's. You know, this is fairly flat on top, unlike other fingers, which seemed to be more pointed, especially if you have nails to draw and then draw into one section of the fat. Yeah, what you could see in the picture, and it cuts down into attendance that connected over a year. So it has a pretty sharp turn, and thanks to the dramatic large team, it is fairly dark as well like, So I'm then going to draw a undecided you it just where the Nichols are joining the folds here just to give me a bit of Romania, because their space between the folds of the skin and this finger, great way about sketching like this is that it gives you a lot of room to make mistakes with proportion and then correct where necessary. Proportionate is very important in any part, off the human being. If you're drawing from realism here, but most artists will struggle was proportion, seeing how it probably fits all together. But that is absolutely fun. It is all part of the experience, and if you could draw perfectly, it's wonderful. If you can't, you can always correct or leave it as is brush it of the more That's the word abstract. So now we're gonna use but of skills here just to get abortions. Be right. We have one of the nickel sections here, just below the thumb nail great with us to get positioning off where it is is just to look at the reference photo. Another nail is somewhere here. And then we will destroy in on the Yeah, and then ahead of it by about this much will have the next nickel. Oh, yeah, as we will have one of the folds inwards. That's where we have one of the bumps like so And that's when we great the skin at a curve here where the meat off this finger is and then peaks capital upwards in a little shorter space as well. So it's about yeah, and again in school, we follow where the Kurds are. We fought over the straits are and you'll notice the faults, as I stated in a previous video, Go towards the knuckle. So we'll have a full careful. Yeah, Brandon, Just a delicate curve again. Perhaps make it a little longer. It's all the simplest kitsch, so free to make steaks. It's always going to happen. And they were correct. Yeah, Finger. I mean, like, so we started to get some shape to this hand. These lands for connective each other come down of it looking good. Next round finger, which is over here, we'll have a knuckle just above it. You can tell from the fold in the skin of again. So it'll be like So then we have with Bend is another knuckle. So it'll be over here just between these two, so we can add a bit more curve to it. Because as their hands fold, the curves get more profound, as you can see. Yet there's less curve of my pinky pit. As I folded, waffles appear. Curves appear, bring it in and just crossed. This line comes in words. Attention is amazingly drawn to fingertip now, so we just great and us fingertip. It's going but upwards when it comes to angles of the finger. It's really anything goes if you want to be more relaxed about it. But if you're being more realistic about it, fingers weren't being back so far. Someone will have a curve to them, as if Benny, like that somewhat Markman, Yell straight, some curved inwards. But you want to have extreme back, Uh, you don't have extreme arch to it. It's really, really depending on the position for finger to do that. As far as angles go, you just need to focus on what is killing me most of the attention. Which is gonna be the thumb in this picture, As you can tell and the first finger, the back parts are more in shadows, so we don't have to worry about too much everything. This is a great picture to draw from. There is plain to you to make shadow, which allows us to notice details A lot. Clearer contrast will definitely help with that, and we can go more specific with shape later. - That's a little about correcting, adding softness to it details. So let's get these folds in. That's an important feature, just simple lines. To Giovanni. Sketching gives you so much freedom this way makes it easier to draw from a reference ask correct the system a bit angle just right. Make it but larger as well. We'll profound stand out 1 15 with abortions as well. It's just do some basic shadow here. Nothing too serious. Just so you get an idea of what's happening. Not the lights and darks, the lands between here and this part of the finger, which is the middle finger Communion words. Ah, lot clearer because the lands contrasting with a lot hitting the middle finger and the sound of the index finger. When an ad shadows appear as well just to give more shape to this Some notice the Atlante around this time. This is the meat of the time we hear as you could see these increases from when we grow up , something skin folds controlled to each other and less creases a form same way. They are creases on your knuckles back here. So we have this time like this, and it's more outwards like that. But with dramatic lighting, these creases seemed but more darker If I put my hand Yeah, you could see that. So we're docking this area. Yeah. Make sure it's nice around because this is a fatty part of some bringing in straight good it in words. Good. This one more than that. Great. And India Greater. Good. Yeah. All these small little details that we could see if the contrast, and we just fit in swing here. The thumbnail is a very important will be discussing someone's and another lesson on smaller details that are important. But this will help with the angle off the thumb, not just the shadow of alone, shadow and shape of fantastic for shaping. Really thing is but us. A. Small details like this will give the viewer a better indication of what is happening. So it's dark up these areas increases. Yeah, Dr. Net stuck in this a lot. We talked in these areas clout as well. Everything starts to come together when you add the docks and lots. I mean, this is just a basic sketch, but we can still tell what is going on here. No at talks. Yeah, it's got a lot of docks yet in background, so we'll be sure to show that. Show the curves off just the way we do the knuckles as well discussed in a previous Lisa. Plenty of dark lists a lot hitting the side of these fingers, so we don't need to worry too much about them. I thought about going overboard with shadows like I'm doing here. It's all part, Uh, check and a small details like that, like fingernails. So this is just to help get the angle through to the viewer. Now, a lot of questions I get asked about the details of the finger we should go to likely or dark on them. It does depend on the picture, of course, but the majority of the time you don't have to stress so many details locked. It's a hand quite harshly, no matter which skin turn your working with as well. Because all of these details seem to get smothered in large or covered in darkness, some of them each. The middle point, as this point of thumb is quite clear in the picture as well. These small creases on the thumb side over here are more noticeable now because of the darks at rights, class unity with each other, these details stick out more. It's at some much shows just to add to the roundness off this. Yeah, one important thing to note about sketching is that it can easily go wrong if you don't have your proportions. Correct that sometimes villages to start over, however, was sketching you get a lot of leeway with it. You can add a lot of details. You can take away a lot of things and was still look pretty good, so you don't need to worry too much about it. But if you're gonna be working with are sick and mated, you'll see why it is better suited worth drawing from the imagination or this make it is better for joining From a reference, of course, it all depends on the artist at hand. If you're more comfortable with this method than the second method, feel free to stick with this one and continue drawing whether it be from imagination or from a river on flack above. However, if you want to be more accurate, just play around. Just makes with it. The sketching method allows a lot for experimentation, so you can figure out areas dark and Bolden things that you show about you can guarantee and things you're not sure about. You can leave lot and come back to later or remove or race with that. I'm gonna leave this. Listen here. We're going to do the sick and makes it in the next video, and we're gonna be drawing a simple hand from imagination using what we have learned to the techniques. I'll see you then and I hope you enjoyed this one by phone.
5. Using Shapes to Draw a Hand | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands: artists. And welcome to listen. In this video, we're gonna be discussing a mason which most artists will use with joined hands from imagination. This method is simply working with shapes. It is the professional method that is often taught in schools well in universities, depending on your education. This is a method that is fantastic for joining hands for imagination. Of course, that always helps to have a reference to work with. However, if you don't have a reference or have the opportunity to find one or use one such as your own hands, well, this is another way you can do it when it comes to working with shapes with joined hands. I'm just going to use the small section. You have a fraudulent big hand. We follow the same methods as we've learned with shapes withdrawal a palm of a hand like so using the step method, one step to step down step and then we use a V shape. Great. Another V shape over here triangle. We get a thumbs and I want it comes to drawing these. We simply use rectangles to better shape where you go. Cattle occurs to them when you want the fingers holding. But sticking with where you placed your knuckles and these curves is a great way to get a better idea of, Well, everything go, Let's get another one. Yeah. As for the thumb, Mr that some next I'm just as to use is like, so simple shapes in an ad beat attendance, everything, chicken making details of what this hand is. So we know it's a lift, and we're gonna have you respond over. Yeah, yeah, yeah, having listened And we can simply place our knuckles same way we did before tips Flexo all the details quickly and necessarily all necessary details, adding and quickly corrections were necessary if we work into some proportion. Yet everything is the same as if you were drawing a hand from ray friends. You have your potions to keep among the shapes. You can adjust where necessary, but the shapes help play up the hand. Now I will be joined for imagination so you don't need to worry too much about drawing from a reference said This is amazing. That's grateful working reference. However, I'm gonna stick with shapes and individual a right and here, like so Martha Mats. This way fingers out, like so, using only reference using no reference. It's just started a fresh sheet paper. I think of destroyed a lot of room here, so that Yeah, that race. All right. Now I'm gonna be joined a hand like this digital hand like so we add in our reference here , and we know what the shape is gonna be a lot already from this, but let's pretend that we don't. When I think is there were no thumb is going to be here. We know it's gonna go inwards. Now. We're so no, that is gonna be meat here, But we'll get to that later. Let's just get the shape Kenya like, so narrowing out towards the wrist following the shapes. And then we have rectangles to work with rectangle. Yeah, since I'm working on a larger scale, I could get myself some more rectangles to work with. So it's a rectangle. My things same. You have a rectangle rectangle. It's gonna be in middle fingers, so it's gonna be the longest finger, not a rectangle we have directing. It's starting to look a bit like the picture from the previously stand actually upside down , But, uh, all the same way of thinking. Yeah, front finger like so it'll be a middle finger, so it's at the back of everything. You don't worry about it. Let's stick with shape, though the problem is coming down yet with three dimensional figure. Also clear. I have rectangle, yeah, directing Greenwood's and finally a small one, which would be the pinky, the little finger. It's much smaller as well, because isn't distance You were correct where necessary, but we got the layout of the land. Yet I have a rectangle finally to finish up with some ease, just basic shapes to work with, and I would add details and realism to it all. And that is simply like sketching. You work with the knuckles first. You can have a reference, of course, if you want to have a reminder of how things fit, but necessarily it doesn't have to be of the same position. It curves inwards, where folds towards the knuckles and his fingers at the forefront. So we have to have wedding that leads to it, I said webinar slinging fold year between fingers called willing because that is kind of what it is, working with you webs between fingers and where sent this to work with. So do that to the folds here. Let's do the thumb now because they know the thumb. His big knock again. So it's add that Michael Yeah, and I do the meat 32 sure comes in yet time to work with as a knuckle of this is gonna be a fact from So we're gonna narrow it out just a little bit just to get that pushing, right, Macy. But it works. Just look for lost method, as always, Signet, uh, fingernails. Just to give angles of how fingers positioned. Make sure we have all the folds in was because this is a hand. It's kind of being, like, so personal. Not for like that looking, you know, we have probably another year for the middle finger That's so big, because this fingers more straight to not, But we know where the knuckles are. Just make sure we have some indication of them being the and a line heading towards the knuckle. As always, details start to come in, things start to flesh out literally. And we have the structure. Yeah, sleeping toe this knuckle. Oh, very simple. We started to get a hand already, just like the one here. Move on, Create the fingers like So I like this myth that as well we're working from imagination. I prefer sketching myself. I found it out simply, in my perspective, this just talking about that with some shadow gotta have falls in his room and make sure it's around. This is a Pinkett spending quite a bit Cosa angle fingernails, but to make sure it fits very quick. Very simple. We don't even have to work with the wrist burn because working at the right hand, it's just at our skin turns. We can add slight attendance if we want to. The vein that comes into here fairly simple to work with. Important thing to note about fingers. Yeah, what we're working with the tips is this little sidetrack. Listen, you fingers come down in words back, so we'll have nails, but it comes down in words and then leads up towards the sick and neck, which is why it curves outwards like So now we have the second segment. Er, you could see it, but better goes outwards straight, the curving straight. If it's bent like it goes up here, If It's more straight as if the knuckles higher. We have it over here. But if it's not, it's done here. It's been in a bit more mobile on it's what falls. There's another Mekele more clear. No folds. Well, coming in towards the palm of the hand. Simple segments, simple spaces, the nails just day to give you an indication of what angle this finger is. But then the Benz, you know, the Cubs. That is what gives the shape. So you do a curve like so you come in down a bit. Move at towards the knuckle over here. Okay, uh, come down without Towards the knuckle, any kind of art was and it could in towards the knuckle. And you've got an easy fingertip. Simple as that. You had your fingernail, which goes up sometimes a little bit. But mainly it's just to give shape. Fairly simple. You notice it works of your fingers. Mina's Well, ghost on something is more than I like. My middle finger. Yes, seems to have a mortar curve upwards and then cooked down with Yeah, that is pretty child works. Unless you're working with a straight finger. This is more bent. One straight fingers of the more strict as you know, because a more flat or leading down towards the party this little sidetracked. Listen what we hear any details to our finger With curves? We have manacles since more straight as stated before, don't be afraid of using, uh, some more details here and they little adds to the effect of the hand. The shadows aside, help shape. As I stated at shadows. Yeah, shadows. Yeah. Go think of with a lot to sitting from this morning books with a lot of money from sophomore from above. So a lot. Yeah, but they'll Bassem show here. If you don't have any opportunity, work from a reference or your hand is too difficult to work with, then you can simply just work with shapes and you'll get a reasonably good hand to a great end. The old Masters is to use this method as well, so don't be afraid to use it yourself. It's fantastic. Method was shot, and when it comes to working with the imagination, it is truly the base. Makes it to use. Even I can admit that even though first catching myself but shapes fantastic, missing that being said. That concludes this lesson. Working with sick and method for join hands in the next listen will be talking about the details of shadows, even though we've covered quite a bit of it here shadows, the fault of the skin of fingernails, the importance and so on, when to draw them and how to draw them. That's the important listen, really, as always, can help it fiddle with the hand off to its OS. Dabbling a certain toe are the room. It'll make it perfect most of the time. Ruin it if I'm not working properly with it and from a strange angle, pencils down in this lesson. Yeah, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoy this brief tutorial, opulent, a little bit about working shapes and was, well, working the tip of the fingers. And we can move on to our next lesson, which is add enough details that will be our last theoretical listen will be moving on to more practical lessons after that, such as drawing a basic hand reference. We'll do another practice of that. We'll learn how to draw fist, and we'll learn how to draw hand gripping onto something with kind of like a post like this , gripping onto something plenty of folds, creases to work with many details, depending on the angle you control from even from the palm up from the back of the hand up , that looks fantastic. It's a lot more fun to draw than simple hands makers. Details more clearer. So it gives us some testing tools, working with shadow and fingernails and so on. That being said, there was all the listens to Come on, I'll see you in the next video.
6. A Closer Look at Detailing Hands | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands: artists and in this listen, we're gonna be looking at the details off a hand Now. I've covered quite a few details when it comes to working with their hands, but there are still some which does that requires some more attention. I'll be looking at some of the old pictures of drawn so far in this course, but also I'll be showing you reference photos with highlighted areas so you could see how it better draw them. The first detailed wanna discuss and it's often a detail that is ignored is the webbing between the hands. This adds so much character to a hand these full the help offered the fingers in together, and it makes an excellent detail on adds realism to a picture. But the folds are so often ignored this over, Yeah, show you part of my hand here is a full between the thumb on the palm of the hand, but to fold, that's up from just drawn, simple like that. And this is what separates an amateur from an apprentice artist. Is this swimming? You're not just if you feel your own hand, you have a look from reference. You can see it is ah, hardness to a thumb. But there is a webbing between this part of the thumb and the palm of the hand, and it's the women. It's often ignored. So if we have ah, hardness of a thumb, But yeah, we're a poem on meat over here. We're gonna connect it. We can't simply use these things. We're constantly Julie's rounds apart, but we can't just simply connected to each other like this. In a simple video shape. It's where the waving comes in handy. It helps at character to it. It's mainly women that leads from just below the knuckle. You notice that, but you don't need to really focus too much on position as long as it's still present at We've been here, we've been here. It's all folds an inch in together coding. Together, it's dark. And because it's a dip, however, that has so much more detail in so much more character to the problem of the end. So when you ask, start joined into some like so I'm using opinion just for quick sketches that stands out a lot more recordings so you could see it a lot better. What we're seeing is someone, however, This is the section I want you to Almost attention to is the wedding. Look at the waving of hands. Be sure to include it, especially between the fingers, if necessary. It's a contested details well, that is often ignored. Us emphasizes the tendons and space between the fingers, small details sometimes not even noticeable in your picture. For example, our man from the side you conceive of living so it's not really necessary. Early women. You need to focus on this. Yeah, but even in that curve is simplified. If I watch my hand like us, and it's just a simple could, however, if you have your hand folded into each other, the skin folds, decreases become more noticeable, and thus women becomes far more important. So that is the skin, the folds of the webbing of it. But now the next detail is a fund Ito, and when I truly enjoy and it's the tendons off the hand, the tendons off the hand had so much character. Too often a hand is the most human part of the body. You'll know just the delicacy of the door. These are many moving parts and both and skins folding and contorting to shape the hand, and the tendons are one of the most noticeable details. Aside from the obvious, tendons had so much more character as well as we know. Just in a previous picture, I worked with an older man's hand. You'll see that the details of the veins and I'm all present skin is more thin. It starts sagging, but more and thus the tendons veins are so very clear. That's why it is so important to include such details. It gave so much character to the person. If you have a look at the joint I created off that one being making sure to stay away from it, do not add anything more to it. But I still couldn't help it at the small veins. Thes small tendons make so much, uh, it makes ah better difference than just leaving this blank and just including simple knuckles and so on. That alone will had some shape to the hand, but of one at character and the veins standing out so clearly at age to it, which is a great hint of realism. If you plan on working with it. So that is veins in attendance. They don't need much shading there seem to flow into each other near the wrist. So you wanted to follow these lines as you go along. Depending on the Lattin, you probably don't even have to do much shading. But it is a great detail to take it off. What we have look at next is the nails off a hand. Fingernails give a great indication off what angle the finger is that? So it just straight away is I'm starting to draw this basic simple. Now we know what side we were looking at Were looking at this site. The nail gives us that indication. If we don't feel like so we already know before I even start trying Finger. What angle is that? The same time it could be at a mole dynamic angle approaching it from a diagonal. So I control the finger. We're not entirely sure where it is at the moment. I jeweled finger nail. Then we have a good idea. What's happening? You, before I even finish join this finger. This is starting to look like thumbs. Quite a large finger. We're getting a great indication of what it is and its position. It's more like that position. Fingernails can be longer. They can have their own character. To them, they could be clotted with dirt. They can be clean. They could be a well manicured that could be long. It can be short, but, as always will help us figure out the angle off. And so it makes it easier to draw the shape and give the great and patient off what angle the hand is at, especially with working with the fingers. There's all very small details to take note off. But as you noted from a previous picture, I think it was the last. Listen, you can see the angle, these fingers, thanks to the nails. This is a hand drawn from imagination simply by creating the fingernails you give. A great indication off with this hand is how it has shaped. The folds add to the tendons into it. But the angles, such as the angle off this thumb, especially, were only ever get to see how it is turned from the name when it comes to the details of the cents. Sometimes the detail is best left softened or out, and completely as you could see, I have nails you in the shutter, but I leave them out, destroy the finger. It is a necessary. It also isn't so easy to see. And we have a great and picked out that by not adding to the picture, forcing that in will just take away from it, ruin the perspective of it all. So let's just stick with what is standing out, which would be this thumb finger and palm and us of the middle finger. Begin fingernails. Often you don't see the bottom of the fingernail, which, as you can see it, yes, I'm joining one. Isn't that dunk? The darkest part is around the top in the curve of the fingernail, soften artists or just ignored completely and just draw the top of the fingernail. This is perfectly fine and is perfectly accurate. Sometimes it isn't so clear where the nail ends and the finger begins. Way that we do know it has stopped before reaches increases of the finger. So somewhere in here that is, within aliens. When it comes to working with the tendons, attendance can be Lata and younger, hands and darker, more clear and older hands. As I've said, the skin gets thinner, sir, Veins and tendons stand out a lot more. If you're planning on drawing in older hand, make sure these tendons are more visible. Decreases are more visible, the veins of more visible everything to give an indication that this isn't older hand. Also, the fresh will sag, but more so. The wedding being so so the skin folds and well being, will be so much more clearer and detailed. Kind of an younger hands. Things arm or tight veins are more hidden tins of love, so things don't stand out as much when joined from imagination. It's important to remember these details enjoined from reference. You can see them right in front of you. You're able to see what stands out. However, that's just a brief overlook on the details of a hand. You found this lesson informative, but also help you with drawing any characters for imagination or hands from imagination. Keep these details in mind, and you should be able to draw a more realistic hand no matter what age of skin turn that you're working with. That being said, that concludes this. Listen and we're ready to move on to our practice lessons. Our practice lessons are going to be a practical as the name suggests we're gonna be joining. And our first listener basically can't a simple hand want to give you a reference to liquid ? Same with the second lesson that comes after will be joining Fist. Another reference I'll give you and the 3rd 1 hand gripping something on once more you will have a reference to work with if you want to follow along. For now, that concludes is listen, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one back for now.
7. Practical 1: A Simple Hand | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : artists and welcome to another lesson. How to draw hands in this video. You drawing me on a windy day where I'll be joined a basic hand for you. This Listen, you can follow along as I how you recommend you do. I'll be using a six piece and sale of dark turns in this picture. And as for whichever method I'll be using, I'll be dabbling. But between sketching at first, I'm not going to shapes. It's very shapely, this hand, very easy to shape the areas. However, I think I'll just do a simple sketching for you. I have this picture on the screen at all times as well, in case you wish to follow, and you can see the result in any. But I'll be following all the rules that have short you so far. And like most things with practice comes skill. So let's practice. The first thing that we're gonna talk about here is the thumb. Come is at center stage. I'm gonna be drawing a little bit of an angle. Yeah, let's have a thumb, like so then have a little large Tonia because there are lots here. The problem of the end for you the knuckle as over here about Just so the next one is about appear so occurs upwards cause around it. Two fairly long tip to thumb as well says down and we're coming with, like so if we can always add more shadow. So I'm linking part there no part of the hand as well, leaving us a lot community like so now, important feature to note here is the fingernail. Well, someday I should say just so prevalent. But I'm not control on the side just yet. We're not gonna focus a bit on with shadows Us shadows come around here and this Michael curve around here just joined vague Lance to work with. For now, I'll come back to it when I did shadows. The next finger that helped shape in is the index finger. I'm gonna be joined a fold of skin. Yeah, as a great thing. It works closely with the knack over Yes. So it's easy to get proportion just right. It comes up around half way, so I drove around here, so perhaps we'll outward in wood and I draw this, but more like so next, we'll just add a bit of shape to it because this is where knuckle area is going to be essential but outward and then in would to follow in that shape, not come straight up from the mm. Not much higher than that of thumb. And then comes Lie it, Lee. Only in England's I'm just gonna draw the folds in. Yeah, but space between the two is a bit closer, so I'm gonna actually just cut the seen it all. I could feel this potting shed off. Perhaps he was a bit of a razor, but it's all about just getting that shaping. So we're out of a shape. Yeah. Yeah, and a large communing like So enough. Let's just get palm of the hand coming down into the wrist down into the form. Rather Missy drawing so far. But that's fun. It's all about getting the shape. Now we could refine its a little bit. Late towns were added in like what we're doing in the shadows. This comes up with you a little curve that more level well appear with the now for a fingertip. I remember holding comes towards the knuckle, but his town will be another in Aqaba and yeah, as you could tell from the fold folds inwards like So. So let's just get a little that information down. Yeah, now we're getting the shape dumb. We can make our corrections were necessary before we move straight into shadows. This is a more flat top. Make this a bit more flat as well. In other words, for more emotional these lines now. So we can dark in certain areas, especially where there's gonna be shut up part of the curve off the meat of this hand You comes in actually caught steep, very much like you as well. Curvy, finally a little bit of shadow. But he was thinking, Now what's that done? We just adding way we feel isn't so much shut again, which actually kind of luck. It adds more dips to this picture. I have in a touch of a lot, every stunning follow the knuckle and some curves and edges here any it's not perfectly straight, besides more human nature to it. So now we talk in some areas here, mainly a lot darker than others. So this is at that I was skipping into this gets too boring. We're quite fortunate as well that there's only very small details that need remarking you . If we were working with the backside of the end and it was well, Letta's well would have to include special tendons, lands black. So but it isn't so. We just need to worry about shading. It's quite some dark areas are quite a few lot areas as well, as long as we keep some areas but darker that follow the shape off certain ears of hand. I will convey that shape to the viewer, - however , that so I think I'll leave it for now for this video. If you've been following along, I hope you've got just about the right shape of the hand. They are some minor details, which you don't really need to worry about the ring as well, but really focusing on the andya. I hope you enjoy this. Listen. So far, it's just a quick practice to work with with the basic and shape get two lengths down, get portions or correct. And as far shading goes, I hope that wasn't too much of his struggle. Add a bit of moments here myself. Some areas I wish I used a much doc pencil, but hey, this is all part of practice and I finished artworks we can spend as much time as we like working on them. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy this practice. And I hope you enjoy this video. I'll see you in the next one will be practicing the shape of a fist, helping get the idea that works. Probably get an astronomic picture to work with many details. Not sure which angle to work with were found experience. But I'm sure we'll enjoy it all the same. That being said, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you then, Bath Luna.
8. Practical 2: A Fist | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : l A artists, and you join me at the second practice. Listen, in the course in this listen, we're gonna be drawing a fist a different position this time. Still gonna be the left hand. It's gonna be from this angle, more or less holding some area of the knuckles you should see on the screen. Now, it is a fantastic subject to droll, clear details, lights and dark store growth folds in the skin. Very fantastic for working of shape as well and a speculator shape. Then we're gonna actually work with shape method. Might as well. If we're gonna use the shape method in this course, we have to mention it as well. In a practice, if we're gonna create a listener around the Mason reminds will use it in practice as well. So let's create a shape of fist and joint and first interest. I'm gonna get a lot to pencil to work with basic shape just to get a good idea. That's draws shape like so just dynamic simple shape is where it ends. Our fingers will be, comes in words, but like that, just be on that line. Folds like so and then we follow sleeve. Call it. What is that? I think you're drastic, and I always start piecing together some parts of it. First things first. We'll just add a bold yet well, the finger and lifted up to shape that knuckle. The knuckle eyes. You could see some roundish shape that digs into it, stands out quite clearly, comes down a little bit and then it slopes down towards the sleeve very dramatic. Then do some curves to the tip of a finger. I'm Stan words into en via I'm working off like 1/4 system yet so have court is divided, uh, to better shape, way everything is going to go. I think you guess I'm gonna give that smallest one matters will be the pinky since we get following the slam fingers here in here that surrounded into Paula and because I think he's digging into the palm Basic shapes to work with is all we really need. Just ask, wait to work with. We could put a curve line yet to do the points of the knuckles if we wish, but we'll get to that later. I want to see how long these fingers will be. Melania stops just around the middle point of this knuckle. It's always looked here, something to give you a good idea perspective where everything is going. In this case, it would be the top knuckle could measure everything from the top. Knuckle you. There's a shape top Michael, but better give cool power to this punch here. Riveting, like so the main lecture. It's always flattered the top, but really, and Michael was gonna do look a bit of a side track here, really, in micro could sometimes full of black and diverting words. I think that actually notices, but better and you can notice is better in the first knuckle, you'll notice this is like here. It's a knuckle seem to have that little point to that little Dorrit. But Lord, however, that's just a skin dipping into a bit of the burden. They not so much detail name, it's merely flat around. Don't worry about that too much great way to see as they come see it's curves outwards just to touch because in a little bit goes out of it. It's very small, barely noticeable. How do you tell to keep Amanda if you want to do some more process shading moving on with giving that in words really have to. Could this one not this one? It's very clear. You can see it comes down to personal with and then comes down on that. And then we can adjust the pinkie actually suit that a bit more. We have a fist in the progress. Now we just need add another finger that stands out here. This will be the family, of course, rounded out. Bring it down, bring it out straight, reeling and in curving inwards and it kind of goes inwards behind the middle finger. Look at that, the first that's already started to develop. From this basic shape we begin with, we can just draw sleeve. Personal, faulty. It's It's an important right now refer casino hand. So we got some folds here as well. Just add well around in ages. Curve it inwards their bit. Who notices it must curve. Lonnie markers comes inwards towards you. Now the fantastic thing about these pictures that I'm showing you that there's a tons of light and dark which definitely emphasizes the details off these hands. One of the first details we're going to have a look at is the lands between the fingers, how they are curved and so on the pinkie on your the little finger seems to curve inwards. Just a touch here with the lot. But the line comes in strict. And then because that's pointing just past the neck against covet right there, that's very good. Comes in just above this ring finger over Yeah, or anything. It just does something much, uh, similar to it as well. Very similar. You're any good at pointing towards the knuckle similar way Just getting all these folds in clearly. And now we follow the next one. The next one I kind of started with already follows. The full of finger muscle comes in more because this anger coming it stands out a bit more . But really, it is, As you could see, it falls in just a little bit. Oppose one fantastic folds and details to work with human Smaller. Here's Yeah, we're not gonna go too much into his. Is there something that is often barely noticeable pictures? And sometimes it's best not to include them at all. That focus small on shed of this some? Yeah, Just for now. You did a lot of shattering. Yeah, And, uh can it as it comes in with and then we just believe in the town touch. Just a touch just to give those highlights of a more pop too. Especially around yet Top Keep that part as clean as possible. But the love definitely definitely is shattered. No, we do the same here. I noticed another thing. This finger is that the knuckles Wattana Not if you're working of color, I'm fairly pale so you won't actually see it with me. But definitely in this picture tips of the knuckles are taught the skin is taught over than so it's gonna be latter Knuckles. It's called Bernie Shane Very important. Uh, that's a stick without shadows right now on Ron things out of it. Shadow seems to follow along the finger and doesn't stop follows on towards the knuckle kind of curves of the tendon like so do the same. Yeah, Mr. All along yet indicate shadow. So you can see it. Martinez fairly brought you. But I hope you can still see everything quite clearly. What? I'm joined where shadows will go. Just gonna light it up. But you actually cause the tips. It seems a bit lighter. It isn't. Of course, Sadako, the install do the same here again. This is a lot of shadow You that this one I like quite a lot gets into the folds of the skin. Could see the fold of this party it coming around. Yeah. Yeah, because curves inwards towards between those knuckles occurs at so much character to it shows the folds and the flesh of the skin and everything. It is absolutely perfect when it comes to detail in hands. I mean, come on, There we go. We've now starting to shape the hand. We just need added a bit of shadows and we're basically sorted. We need to do some dark ages around, ah, points where the fingers meat. And then it's kind of Latin's. After get to this point, you know, we can just dark and out areas, but notice it's a vein. It's more detail, but it's a wonderful detail to include, so we're just talking around these areas. But this part, you are just gonna be a little bit lighter, definitely to a line around it, possibly together. But more attention is a talk in this area. Darken it around you even more because I don't want that line to be so noticeable but noticeable enough. Follow the shapes and patterns that you see in the head. It's many quite holes here. People. Often these are pause where there is come out creases, wrinkles. Absolutely fantastic. So there's no um, including just faint thank lands, even vague. We're not, too. They helps blend it in, but it also helps to shape it. So it's balancing act here. That's accentuate this. Not for just a bit, but I think it needs the tire. And a bit more proved one there most steep brushes. Rangers now just get shaped, decided. But so it stands a bit more. But you'd leave it a love live turkeys and the pictures. You could see it. It's a lot, but gonna make sure shows clearly on the picture, please. So I can get a good idea of the shape. Keep your large areas lot, you darken areas dog. But this is just so to stand out a bit more for you on camera. Gonna make sure this focus is getting shape just right. But there we have a fist. No, going into too much details right now. shading. It's great to work with the details that are small pockmarks. I could be here for hours showing you how to do those cross matches of the palm. It's a very complex to go into, but it's not really necessary. But we need to capture in this picture more than anything, is the darks, and that's and that helps to shape the hand. But I said to this, we've shaped a lot of the fingers. That's what's important here. Fingers that palm the meat of those problems Fantastic is over. I kind of want to adjust it, but I can't help keep working on these Anyway, I'll leave this yet for now, I say is I keep working on, I'll leave. The pictures were at the end of this video, so you can check it out. It is fantastic. Want to work with a bit of large comedian yah, I hope you enjoy this. Listen, will be working on our final practice in the next video when we're gonna be working with the hand gripping something when groups something. They're more tendon showing and as well we're also gonna get the proportions fingers. We have to include muscle. There's a lot of details that need to be looked at, but that's that's what makes for fantastic practice definitely was going over being said that concludes this lesson and I'll see in the next one for now.
9. Practice 3: Grip | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : artists and welcome to another Listen on, how to draw hands. This is the final practical Listen in this course in which we're gonna be doing that hand gripping something which graves more attention to the hand. It shows off the tendons and details. Now, Originally, I was planning on getting a hand that is gripping from Assad so we can get the folds here. The patty and fat meat off the fingers as they Kurt as they grip something. As you could see, the lands become more visible. The folds are visible, the curves of the tissue are more present as well, which makes for a great drawing ever. I decided to do the top few. I've got a nice picture here that we can work with, which gives a great feel. Tendons, great, great views from veins. It's very close up. It's very HD for you. Toasted roll with me. We'll be drawing in the hand that is most present, not the one behind it. But you can if you wish. I just find that the details are too dark for us to work with. So it really is in great practice just to draw shadow more than the details of the first hand, which is he could see, is clearly in that you should see it on the screen right about now as always, all I have the picture at the end of the video for five seconds so you can pause and practice in case you want to practice it further. But I hope you are drawing along with me. Now. This hand is a kind of clipped out of this picture. So we're gonna have to use our imagination if you want to draw the whole thing. So let's just get the shape down and we'll work on that part. When it comes to work with shape, we're gonna follow the same pattern. It's at a different angle, but we should still be able to see it. So let's draw a knuckle over here. That will be the index finger lower or higher, I should say would be the middle finger just about next to it over here and a little up yet is a little finger. Now, where could inwards with shape? Yeah, we have most likely the knuckle full of comes over here. So this ad on our sketching and details here curve at the skin. Coming? Yeah, just before the knuckle. As for the little finger, so you can just see a little bit of, uh, meet over here. The 10. You can just make out the tissue over here on this side. So we're gonna do a mask of yeah, inwards. Let's follow this knuckle. Yeah, but getting was going to get this. Much of the handing is possible. We've got those details just about right, but it kind of narrows here towards the wrist. Asil, hands do cricket. Imagine this is Take my right hand, for example. We're joined a lift. Tampa's right. Now let's take it up with the lift and the left hander. Stony Alexa, we have a little finger out like so. So you could see his little Indian Tia on a little bit of tissue. Stick out like so fitting narrows. This is gripping down in a row. Zia at the knuckle. It narrows over here at from the thumbs Nico Vega inwards towards the wrist. Meteor goes a little bit round, but it comes back in towards the response. Yeah, So since we are working with the lift hand yet, the respond will be somewhere the yet. That's just beyond our point of view. Let's focus yet with our fingers. Now. Now, my fingers are at an angle here. What we could get from this angle is the direction so that stores to land on the middle, a zip it with a finger. There's a little knuckle just over here that's folding and it comes down just a little bit right. And we have our tip of a finger here. Probably no knuckle. Yeah, tip of the finger. Now, the little finger we just noticed here that before, and some sides here coming into the wedding off, Uh, when we come into the webbing between the ring finger on the little finger, the little thing is gonna be the most obscure one and difficult to draw because it is gonna be in a different angle to the other fingers which are coming out. It's kind of like so this one comes but more towards us. And Marco is just above and below that. So it's about you that falls downwards like so and I were just gonna imagine it where it is because it is blocked by I have a little finger on the different and it's just average variety. Esta was coming in at mass anger over here. Very difficult to work with. But as long as you have the folds in the right place, such as you, can you have this in here and now you use the nail. Now it kind of stands out to move it to you because a finger in words like so well, I can't imagination. So it's impossible to be corrected would come up straight like that coming directly after have to remember three segments. One of them will be here. Yes, that one. And the other one forwards appointed him those in mind. It's easy to remember that's a private intimate this full of you. This is the folds in towards that the directions of the folds are very helpful against. Now we have a hand scripting something. Ah, we have a hand in its shape. Let's give an hinted some tendons. Yeah, just fantastically dog often use the black and white ones for practice back on. What joins show the contrast between Latin Doc perfectly. So that should make it easier to draw. - So certainly don't be afraid to use, uh, any subject with any subject. Don't be afraid to use details. All right, we've got some shadows in. I'm just going to use simple hash, too. Uh, probably sexual use of full be this one because I can dock and then with 60 wave unnecessary before I think to note as well, when you're drawing with your hand on top of 100 If you're gonna leave a day like often do it, just leave it still and do your joints If you're gonna move your palm Oh, and it's better to lift it and in place it somewhere else. If you don't do this, you might smudge, you'll get pains and, you know and on it will definitely take away from the joint as well as making unpleasant experience. You can shade it in. You could blend it using, uh, great blending to A, By the way, why we're discussing blending little paper roles such as this. You can get these and destroy the very cheap. It's just paper. You can cut it away with scissors. I just lending. Yet it's better than using your finger to blame these things outwards. Realism artists highly recommend using it have the dark areas in this filleting take you, you complained it afterwards, always planed outwards and the important role to remember that context up these areas as well. Whatever's left just trying to care. Gray like Marina, let's carry out of just adding in some hash. Shut up and there we have it. I leave this year before get carried away, one small between trying to get the idea. This is a great tool to use. Be sure to use their if you're interested in any more softer areas. Make shading a bit simpler if you prefer a different style to shading, I recommend a stick in a few pencil. Ed works just as well to now when it comes to the grip. When I noticed that more details of prison, such as attendance the folds off the creases in the knuckles here I'm will present when things are flatter, as you can see yet, but you could still have some indications off them, being in day holding and straight that you could still see some documents are included. Them here, but effortless, much flatter. These were beers dark as attendance, said Amanda's well. The folds of between the skin here is very important. The folds between fingers here are very important. So I kept that a month to keep your docks in mind. But mainly it's all about the softness of some shadows and the darker shadows. Here's a darker pencil, perhaps pin to talk in certain areas, just to give more dips to the shadow like so that's another lesson entirely of shading. What's important is you understand how the shape of these hands work. I'm gonna now ruin the drawing. Do point out some things before in this. Listen how the bone structure works. You have your segments. And because we knew that there's a segment here, we could connect it and imagine it, even though in the picture it cuts off around you and still looks realistic. Let's keep that angle. This with the knuckles, are another important thing to note. If the proportions is that as long as you remember our rule off the step up, step up and step down. We can get these four digits position perfectly, and I super from looking a picture. We got a note to the directions in which the fingers go with that area Thing comes into play along with the folds between the skin, the meat on the side of the poem that we could now easily see things to just a touch of LaTavia. So we have to include that as well, adding to the curve of the side of the hand. All in all, it is a great subject to drawn. As I said, I live picture. You know this video If you want a practice it a bit more perhaps trying again. I myself enjoy this kind of pose. It is Ah, very dramatic. Politics is Tom and patients, and you'll be able to get a hand just right. If it be a small hand that you're working with from distance, you can work of just simple shapes and you don't need to go and express certain details. But I do recommend that you practice hands for more positions with fingers in different positions to give you a better idea how hand works. All it takes is some practice to develop. Some idea off how things work and he control an interesting hand easily. However, that concludes this last practical lesson in this course and our see you in the next video . But for now,
10. Some Answers to Questions | Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : hello and welcome to a frequently asked questions video. I've decided to include this video because there are some questions that are raised, which kind of hard to answer in practice. These are just questions that I'll help you with some minor corrections, perhaps proportions and shadows so on, as I've noted from some of the questions of right abstruse in 10 which are quite common but very necessary to author, and I'm sure a lot of you might be stopping of the same problems. So we'll start with the first question yet, uh, window, almost a hands. When it comes to how long it takes to monster hands, it all comes down to a sense off, building up good habits, and I could take anything from a year to a couple weeks, perhaps a few days if you already dedicated. But when it comes to my Austrian hands, it depends what level you're aiming for. If you want to master them in the sense of going for happier realism, it could take quite a fair amount of time because you got to focus on so many details that make up a hand. Dramatic Latina helps with this and locating details. If you might have missed studying anatomy, you have a lot of ways to approach how to draw a hand when it comes to monster it. It all depends on what level of Austria are you looking for? If you want to draw a hand, just a simple hand to work with. Not everyone is aiming for happy realism. It could take probably a good few weeks for you to get a great idea what is going on. But if you want to go for happier realism and have a hand that look so super realistic to show off your skills, if you're working populism, then it can take a while. But Olympics in is practice and study, and that, to me, is grateful to looking to. And I think that will answer one of the next questions. Which is, should I study? Anatomy is studying in that to be necessary, Um, and activities a hard subject for studying and a lot of artists have gone through it, especially in university. Once you start tackling Morvan subjects and after me helps a lot when working with the body , every single part of the body becomes the subject on its own as they contain so many parts . But the bone structure's important. The tissues that muscles, skin folds. Everything that comes into play on that meat does help was shaping once you got a great idea in my head, However, what I think with all these university students when they master anatomy is because they're practicing so many parts. They're getting a good idea of where everything is and how it all fits together. What happens when surgeon muscles contract and what happens to the skin? What happens to the bones in a basement, one of Ireland's so studying and that, to me, is a great way to go if you're going towards the more academic path and loony, if you just want to tackle drawing hands, I recommend you do just that stock hands studying and that to me, especially when it comes stands can take a long time, and you're only bug yourself down with the names off certain muscles and holly work. Some details Armenia and want to be a even if you're working in Hopper realism. So I recommend that, and that, to me, is something that you can consider when it depends on your time frame How you want to spend your tongue? I recommend this jumping into joining hands that I help any artist Ardley. He was interested. Uh, next question is, how should I practice when it comes to his practicing his subjects, I recommend joy in your own hand. The money reference pictures. Uh, practicing is all about getting those good habits down. I remember when I was studying in school, any subject really could be mathematics. And often I used to draw hours, as the common trait of artists is to draw us, doodle them, perhaps do that more realistically, practice of as are given the nickname the of inspiration. Because our just slacking in the inspiration or subject. But the strong are and it was something I did is both commonly in school and Andrew ours hundreds through in text books and note pads on any straight piece of paper with any material could get my hand on. And as such, I didn't do a lot of practice when it comes to join us. But I still like so many details. You see, when it comes to practice, so many people consider practice just being joined something repeatedly. What does include this practice. Enjoy something also requires study, and this can be in that to me. But it goes to just be looking at how the hardest work, seeing the details that they include that you don't so you might want to add them to join, to make more realistic. That's really what practices practice is study. Combined with practical work, you're not gonna get any way with practice. If you just do that and don't learn anything from it. You find your skills like a graph. It starts to go up, but then levels out and studying will keep that graph going up as long as you practice what you learn. Another question is which hand positions are the most difficult. I assume this is to help of practicing when it comes to hand positions. Most difficult wants to work with other ones with the least amount of features. Suppose you were to draw the back of the hand in a very live situation like over here, for example, there's very little to work with when you have so few details, and you only have to rely on shape then may seem a bit unrealistic. That's meaningful. Having so few details doesn't make things a little more difficult. I was found that having Beatles makes things more interesting and makes them more realistic . So, yeah, I have some more shadow yet toe work, with more details to draw. I have my fingers that we control that get proportion stuff, and it's much easier to create a realistic can. But if I just drew the back of a problem, I in a movie just to make sure this little features as possible that is gonna be the most difficult position to draw. Drawing a hand from the position is also a kind of boring, and it could come off as a very organic subject. So I recommend that you practice in any position you want, as long as it's something to draw the but the most difficult are the ones with less details or features, and they'll come off more two dimensional in a highlight environment. So I recommend working some dramatic Lati doesn't have to be intense, like the practice Asians we've done before, but having some lighting to cost some shadows will definitely help. The next question is how do oppose hands posing with hands? It depends on the subjects context. Most people aren't gonna be painting or drawing a hand on its own, so I haven't in some sort of position. I assume that's where you going with this question, It comes to the sitter's well, how they see it has to be how they're sitting has to be comfortable. Suit subject so you can have their hands resting on her shoulder. You get in the hands resting on me because the hands on clasped together, that's gonna make fun. Interesting, complicated subject. Guys, a lot of focus with a lot of dramatic hand positions are so position on faith. Holy chin, perhaps, uh, covering the mouth off Oz. It depends on how old the positions that fit along around the surgeon subjects and they could be quite interested to work with. If you're working to pose hand dramatically to make it a more present part of the subject, I suppose we all working a portrait child would have a hand included some way to add to it . If you're working with something, perhaps around the legs, if you will give something around the torso, I have them in some position that is common, but off often overlook. Having addressed in flat on your knees isn't gonna be so dramatic. Bed having arms folded of the hand close just here but beyond that's a great way to That's a great position to have a hand to work with. Oh, if you're working female subjects, often female subjects or have a hand on the shoulder looking dramatically in the distance, its appearance on whatever you're working with. But if you want your hands to stand out baseball posing casual positions or classical positions airbase to work with, don't put discomfort on sitter off your working from reference a funding reference picture . Find one with hands in a casual position. More realistic position. I should say having them in strange positions adds, Hey, it's more specific posing suited for different subjects. So I recommend doing that. That's what you want to practice. But if you're going for a more classical to stick approach, then having them a more casual positions probably be based. Next question our hands the most difficult, simple question to ask. But yes, it is some of the most difficult common subjects in the context. Off a person, hands can be the most difficult. Commonly, they are. Most students will struggle with hands up and join hands in pockets of behind backs cropped out of the picture entirely, focusing more on arms, legs, torso, the face itself. But hands often are left out. That they're very difficult subject to get to the first time can be very intimidating. After all, it's there's a lot of details that go into the hands. Everything else is pretty big and bold, and you can George a lot more easily than joining a hand. However, adding a hand that's realistic or puts the picture and realistic senses makes pictures so much more in depth. So I hope by this point in the course that you have figured out how vigils some basic hands of shapes so they had to your picture. But yes, there has almost difficult. So it's only uphill from here. If you've completed this course and are happy with your hands. Uh, next question, this one, it is from someone I'm working with that comes to join. Has I discussed to methods which are shapes and sketching. Sketching is the basic method that all are just work with a sketch ahead sketch face any proportion things by adding lands here and a and a raising land you don't lack. However, shapes are a great way to help get a better idea where everything is often combined. The mace it's drawing with knuckles are with hands. The joints are very important. It shows the roundness, and it also helps a proportion. But when it comes to join from imagination having the shapes to work with, such as more square rectangle shape triangle to get the muscles in, these do help. So I find that if you want to work with shapes, it's best to work with some or imaginative poses and positions. But if you're working for reference, uh, it depends on how happy realistic you wanna be. If you're working of Hopper realism, you're gonna be working, sketching more than shapes, shapes of formal, casual pictures for more motion added to the picture. So if you're drawing from your own personal style, I recommend working of shapes first. As I've said throughout this course, it comes down to you and which make did you find most comfortable working with? Some people enjoy shape, so not move on. We used them out is enjoy sketching a few notes on this, though I do believe that helping with proportions it's better to use shapes. Sketching requires a lot mawr proportion ing relative to something else. So you have to draw something perfectly and then position everything around that. But, of course, if you're like me, you can use both methods and see how, exactly next question is dramatic Lattin necessary at that's kind of answer. This really an earlier question. But dramatic lighting helps of search and details. You're not gonna have dramatic Lattin to have heart contrasting shadows against the lots of the harlots. That means on Williams subject is what the background is. This also took blood sources. Perhaps it's gonna be a lot more difficult, so no, it really doesn't come down to Latino on this really working with black. And what if you're working of paint and other colors? It all comes down to shaping everything those colors and which case they simple Lattin will do just fine. So dramatic black work fantastically for black and watch like I used a pencil pain throughout the schools. So if you're working with painting simple like it will be just fine. That will be a lot more difficult if you're working of just a pencil. Pain lights and darks definitely help those kinds of mediums, uh, question on how to correct bold lands. I assume these are bored lines when you working shapes are sketching out stewardesses Well supposed. But old lines are placed in dark areas. You have a bold line in darker shadow very easily. But if you have a bold line in a lot of areas that stand out but detract from the drawing to correct bold lands, it simply taken a razor to them. Often, artists will get scared of the sub here because what if the line is to lot then it feels like it's a two dimensional. But you misunderestimate this. The fact that you have a lot of land only emphasizes how last theory is. For example, I will have more bold lines. Yeah, on the side of the hand, like a lot. Yeah, because the light source this kind from this direction. So when you come to working with bold lines, just taking a reason to them, especially if they're has wherever you want shadows in the tendons, especially these are some softer and more human parts of her hand. So having latter lands here to almost no lines at all, everything blending into each other that will add so much character to ahead. So if you want to be more realistic with your hands, avoid bold glands as much as possible. But being on the largely, of course, a silhouette will have nothing before lines. But if you work into some Lattin, the lack of borderlands and more blending will make for more realistic hand. More softer hand as well as the skin, starts to show the better in soft a lot, then bowled lands. And the final question. What to do when fingers are out of proportion. Proportions on abortion, part of joint hand You may have fingers that are too long a palm too deformed. Perhaps the fingers curve or they don't have enough. Or perhaps they seem to softer, not summered. Uh, proportions definitely come into play, but it comes to apportions. I recommend working shapes also compared basic stuff to your hands. I guess it for shaping my hand is often to look at the steps where it's like a step but a step up step down and an L B. To get to the thumb that helps definitely shaped with the hand. I said to look at the shape of the hand. You can get proportions a lot better. So often draw a triangle here because there's a triangle between weaves. Yeah, very clears. Well, you could see almost lands here. Our triangle, and it's more of a square rectangle here to end of the palm. But it comes to fingers. The fingers will very, really be longer than the pollen. And as you could tell from mine, yeah, a fairly large bomb that my longest thing, that middle finger is not as long about pomp. That's why I can't hold it down to a great tree. To get the proportions right for your finger is to use the thumb. The thumb has a great way to relatively design your fingers. If you working for imagination, look at your son. If you can get the palm down and you can get the thumb down, the top fingers should be no problem. You'll may struggle, but for the step pattern, make sure each segment that is higher a shorter than base one. For example, the segments here that the new Palm had make up fingers longer than the next signal. And in the next one, the next one, it comes down to practice with that one, I'm afraid, if you still struggling, but as long as you like to compare to, you can always make corrections where necessary, and you'll eventually get it where it needs to be, and they will have the last question answered. I'm gonna conclude this video. Yeah, you found this one helpful as well as the course. If you have any more questions you can ask me on the service, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to answer your on time. But if I don't there are many students involved, so they got help tripping. If you wanna get opinion. So perhaps criticism on the artwork. Don't be afraid, as an artist will often receive criticism, so present them to groups here on the services well, and you can see what other people think and perhaps get a lot of greater Boston. It's all about building a strong community here with this cause and how many students trust me. There are plenty of watching videos so they can help you if you're looking for someone to work with that being said this course on answers country need our conclude to what you have learned in the next video. But for now, good luck with your drawing. And I hope that answered some of the questions that are so bugging I see in the next video .
11. Conclusion to Simple, Effective Pencil Drawing Methods for Hands : artists and congratulations, you have finished the course. This isn't a short course to give you an introduction into hands to help me on the right path into drawing them. After all, it is being one of the most difficult subjects. It's based to get us much advice on it as soon as possible. If you plan on tackling artistic career, you have many stages to go through before you can draw a complete, perfect human figure. And I hope this course helped you on one of the most difficult stages. The hands hands are full of so many difficulties, and I hope I addressed all of them that you're struggling with. If you still hitting some walls, withdrawing hands, be sure to pitching or some questions with the platform. Many artists are watching. I have many students who joined me on these courses, and I'll be happy to answer any more questions as well as any other artists who would happily help as well. But that being said, I do recommend that's practice is still required. As of most things when it comes to drawing, you're gonna have to draw many, many times to get the lessons. It's probably sticking in your mind. That being said, any further education that you're interested in, I do recommend going into anatomy. Although anatomy is a great way to further your study into the hand, don't get bogged down with the jargon on the naming off all sorts of parts of the hand, or what happens when you do certain things to them. That being said, this is the end of the course. So I plan to give you just a few more projects before I in this video, I will be in in this video with two or three reference pictures burrito work from Of course , you can use your own or joy own hands, perhaps, but these reference pictures I found our great jewel from If you're interested in any of my other lessons, I do lessons on portraiture as well, so be sure to check out my profile and have a look at those courses. What's that? A month? Thank you for joining me, and I hope you enjoy the schools. I wish you luck in all your future drawings and studies. So with that good day. Good not and bar for now,