1. Introduction: Etsy is one of the
most popular places to sell physical or digital
products online. But unless people are seeing your listings and
their searches, you aren't going to
be making many sales. Keywords are an important
tool to ensure that your great products are shown
to potential customers. But picking the
right keywords and using them effectively
can be a challenge. So in this course we
are going to look at the best practices
for researching, identifying, and implementing a keyword strategy
for your shop. This is an introductory course perfect for anyone
who is starting their very first Etsy
shop or who has won but has never learned how
to use the keyword and features efficiently. First, we're going to
look at exactly how Etsy lets you use keywords
in your listings. This will give us some
parameters to work with when creating our list of potential
keywords for your item. Next, we'll look at a few different places that you can do your keyword research to
make sure that you're picking effective
highly search terms. Finally, I'll demonstrate
setting up a listing using keywords I've identified
using these methods. So you can see exactly how
I recommend you do it. This is going to be a pretty quick and straightforward
course that will teach you an important skill to help your Etsy store flourish. My name is Rebecca and I'm your instructor
for this course, as well as the owner of multiple successful Etsy stores myself. If you're ready to
get a handle on keywords and let's get started.
2. Understanding Keywords: In case you're unfamiliar
with the term, a keyword is simply a word or short phrase that is used to describe are labeled something. They are used on Etsy to
identify product listings that match up with things that customers are already
searching for. There are two kinds of keywords, short tail and
long-tail keywords. A short tail keyword
is usually made up of one or maybe three words. This is going to be
something that is broad and generally
searched a lot. So t-shirt or a
summer dress or baby shower gift are all
short tail keywords because they are descriptive
but also very broad. There can be a lot
of subcategories within each of those terms. Long-tail keyword
is much more like a phrase and it's usually
longer than that three words. This is where you start to
get much more specific about what you're offering or what
a customer is searching for. Black t-shirt with
a white cat or pink gingival cottage
core summer dress or green themed baby
shower gift on a budget, are all long tail
keywords that get really specific about what kind
of item you're selling. A good keyword strategy
is going to be a mix of both long and
short tail keywords. That's because you have a high volume of people searching for the short tail keywords
and a smaller group of more specific buyers looking
for the long tail keywords. So how do we use these
kinds of keywords on Etsy? Well, let's head into the
next lesson and find out.
3. Keywords on Etsy: There are three
places in your Etsy listing that you
can use keywords. These are your listing title, your 13 keyword slots, and in your item description. Until recently, it was a
bit controversial as to whether keywords in the item description
actually mattered. But in May 2022, Etsy announced that
their search algorithm will now scan descriptions
for keywords. Prior to that, the
description only important for external
SEO like Google searches. So that's all to say that
now we definitely know that the item description is another important
space for keywords. There are certain
guidelines that you have to follow for putting keywords
in each of these spaces. So let's go over those quickly. Listing titles can be a
maximum of 140 characters. You can use all caps
words three times. For example, PDF or a USB. That's the encourages
its users to write really descriptive titles. But the best practice is to put your top keywords
in this section as a list with either commas or another punctuation
mark separating them. You'll want to put your most accurate and specific keywords at the beginning of the title. As this is what will show
up in search results first, put broader or
alternative keywords after that in the title. Every listing on Etsy comes with 13 keyword slots where you can enter birds that are
attached to your listing. Each keyword can be up
to 20 characters long, which means you're
mainly going to be entering short tail
keywords here. Your product description
is the largest space that you have to enter information
about your product. This is a good
place to integrate long-tail keywords
in particular, as they might not fit properly into either of the other spaces. When someone visits your Etsy listing only the first few lines of the description or visible until they click on Read more. For this reason, I don't
recommend cramming keywords into first few
lines of your description. Makes sure that this part of the text is compelling
sales copy. Instead, the best
method to put keywords into your product
description is to integrate it naturally
into the text. I don't recommend making a
list or a block of keywords. Instead, turn them into sentences that make sense
when you read them, your customers shouldn't realize that there are keywords
in there at all. For example, if the long-tail
keywords that you want to integrate is unicorn theme,
tenth birthday party. Then create a sentence
like if you're throwing a unicorn themed
tenth birthday party, that makes sure that
you're using these easy to edit invitations for
all your guests. So these are the
three areas of your product listing where you
can place your keywords. One question I do come
across sometimes is whether you can repeat keywords
in each of these spaces. In general, It's a
good idea to use as many distinct
keywords as possible. And using all of these
spaces should give you ample room for as many applicable keywords
as you can find. However, I have encountered
specific products in my stores where I have
come up short a few times. So I'm trying to fill
up my 13 keyword slots and have repeated some of
the keywords from the title. There isn't
particularly any harm in doing this other than losing out on the
opportunity for new keywords that you
haven't used yet. But I would say
it's better to use a keyword in both the title and the cube root slots than to leave a keyword slot unused. And of course make sure that you aren't repeating
the same key twice. Myriad of the listing at these filters should
flag if you do this. Now that we understand
what keywords are and how we can
use them on Etsy. Let's move on to the next
lesson and take a look at how we can find
keywords for our products.
4. Tool 1: Etsy's Own Platform: There are two different
ways that you can use the actual Etsy
website itself to help you do keyword
research for your listings. The first method is going to
be by using the search bar, and the second method
is going to be by looking at competitors listings. So we'll look at those one by 1. First I've got Etsy
homepage up here, and I'm going to go
up to the search bar. Now when you type in
different keywords here, Etsy is going to auto-fill
and prompt you for some other things
that people have searched relevant
to what you put in. Now before we even
type anything in, one interesting
feature is you can just click on this box here. And it's going to
show you search terms that are
popular right now, especially in the country
that you're located. This doesn't really
help when you're trying to find keywords for
specific products. But if you were looking for
inspiration in the moment, there might be something
here that inspires you. For now, let's pretend
that we are trying to sell birthday party invitations or some sort of
invitation template. The word that I want to
type in here is invitation. We can see all these
other keywords pop up in relation
to invitation. Now these are all things that people are actually
searching for. Etsy recommends them
because they're common. Now you can click on
any of these to see the results that come up or
you can just continue typing. So let's try templates next. And even more keywords. And at this point
we're starting to get into long tail keywords
versus short tail. Now some of these could be relevant to the item
you're selling, or this could also be
a great way to get inspiration for
more products you could sell if you already
sell invitation templates, for example, but you
want to more ideas of examples of categories or
variations you could make. This method works for pretty
much any kind of item. As you see here, when I
type in the word dress, it gives me both dresses and
dressers and dressing gowns. So a lot of variations
on the word that aren't actually relevant
to what I'm looking for. But you can use this tool to help narrow down even
further keywords. So if I type in dress for, it gives me all
these examples of subcategories of type of person who may be
looking for a dress. And of course, these
suggestions are going to change with
the time of year, the trends that are
happening right now, and any other variables that make things come and
go through popularity. So that's pretty
straightforward, but that's a really
easy free way to find keywords that people are
actually searching for on Etsy. Now the second method for
using the website itself for keyword research is to look
at the competitors products. These five items are
popular right now. So let's just click
on one of them and see what kind of
keywords they're using. So first of all, you can
see here in the title, this is heavily using a
list of keywords you could borrow from some of
these if they are relevant to your product. As we scroll down, this is the description
of the product. Now you can see
here that they've actually included a list
of keywords which I don't really recommend because this
is just the section that we see without learning
more about this item. So I would actually
put this list a little bit further
down in the description. That's just a
personal preference, so it doesn't look as
computer-generated. But there are lots of phrases in this text that you can
borrow as keywords as well. If you scroll all the
way to the very bottom, there's some interesting
information right here. So first of all, we have
explored related searches. So these are some other keywords that are related to this item. These are definitely
great options for you to use as
keywords yourself. You can also take the words
that we see here and try typing them into the search bar and see what auto-generate, you may be able to get some
additional long-tail keywords just by starting with wooden
coasters, for example. Even though this
isn't about keywords, there's interesting information
with the categories here. If you are struggling
to figure out how to categorize your item, sometimes the more
abstract things, templates and digital products, especially it's hard to
know what category to put them in so you can
check out your competitors, find out what they're
doing down here. Back to the main page. I'm
just going to try searching that in wooden coaster. And you can see lots of
variations of terms that you could use to more specifically
labeled your products. You can use all of
these as keywords. If they are beyond the
20 character limit, then they can't fit into
the 13 Cambridge slots. But again, put
that in your title or in the description
of your text. Clearly, Etsy is really useful for doing your
own keyword research. It is free, it's really quick. The only thing that it
doesn't allow you to do is to see any analytics
about these keywords. It doesn't give you
the details about how many people are
searching for them or how many search
results are there. Although you can
click through and see the search results yourself, it's just not
automated in that way. And that's why some
people prefer to use a software like e rank. In the next lesson,
let's look at how to use that software if
you are interested in even further keyword
research tools.
5. Tool 2: eRank: A popular method for doing
keyword research for Etsy is to use a third-party
tool or piece of software. The one that I'm
showing you here on the screen is called E rank. The website is e, j and It is one of the options that are out there
that I prefer to use. Another example is marmalade, that is very popular as well. The reason I choose e
rank over marmalade is that there is actually
a free version of it. So you can do a
certain number of free searches per day
for a lot of people that is actually going to
be enough because you're not always doing keyword
research all the time. Maybe you're just
doing it a couple of times just to get
your store started. So I can't show you
everything it does, but I do want to just show
you what kind of results and analytics it gives you
for actual keywords. I'm just going to go
to the search bar here and search for wooden coasters because we
were already looking at that. So here's the results
it gives you. The default Marketplace
it looks at is the US, and that's just because of how much buying power is there. I think it's fairly
representative of other markets as well, but that is the
base that they use. So it shows you right here
for the term wooden coasters, we have 228 searches per month, on average, a 186 clicks, that's an 82%
click-through rate. And basically you want a really high click-through rate
and His people who are searching for it are
actually engaging with it. They're not searching
and scrolling away. The other important number
is Etsy competition. So that's how many
listings there are for this search term,
which is 10,572. Now they use colors to indicate what's good
and what's bad here, you want a really low
competition number and a really high search volume. So this isn't bad, but it is
a very competitive market. Obviously. This is information that just searching on Etsy
will not give you. So we're looking through the Etsy search bar or
scrolling on eliciting, we don't actually know
any of these numbers were just guessing that
because they show up, they are in use at all. But that doesn't
mean that it's not a very competitive
keyboard or maybe there's not a lot of people
using it in general. So that's why some people
will prefer to use a software like this to get
a bit more information. If I scroll down, we see other keywords that are
related to this one. Now this is actually
a very shortlist. Normally there's dozens
and dozens that show up. But I think because this is a two-word keyword, it
didn't give me a lot. But again, this is the
kind of information you can access this page
with a free account. It may just limit the number of searches per day you can do so. Make sure you use them wisely. In terms of what data is
along here that is useful. First of all, we
have search trends. So if there's a seasonal peak, you can see that that's
really interesting to know, especially if you're basing your whole store around one
kind of product or concept, if you realize that
this product only seems to sell in January
for some reason, then maybe you want
to expect that. Next is the character count.
This is really important. As I mentioned, you can only
fit at 20 character word in the 13 keyword slots on
your product listing. This one, for example, would be too long to fit there, but you could put
that in your title, but more likely in your
product description. Next, we have the
same data as above, but across a couple of
different listings. So average searches per month, average clicks per month, the click-through rate, which
is about this number here. And then the ETC. Competition up above here. This data was just for
the two-word phrase, wooden coasters, which we see
as the third listed here. But just the word coasters
and just the word wooden. You wouldn't want to make
an item-based just around those concepts because there's
far too much competition. We also have data here on Google searches,
which is interesting. But if you're just
focusing on Etsy for now, we're just getting started and I wouldn't worry about those. This is an indicator
as to whether the keyword is a
long-tail keyword, which it is good to know. Just to ensure that you have
a diversity of keywords. And these last four are
long-tail keywords, but as you notice, they are the ones with the
fewer searches. So as you get the longer phrase, the narrower the funnel gets a number of people
looking for it. Now if I was trying
to make a list of keywords to put
on my listing, this would be a place that
I start to pull them from. However, we don't have
a lot of options here. So let's look at a different
kind of keyword to see something that has a
lot of variations. Now, I've searched for
the word planner here, which is a very common
basic keyboard. There's gonna be a ton of
results and as you can see, there's almost a million
search results or products rather than 35 thousand people
a month searching for it. So very popular, very saturated. You would want to get
much more granular and focused in terms of designing a product around this keyword. If I scroll down just vaguely, you'll see there's tons and tons of search results that are different keywords
that relate to the word planner but are quite
different from each other. And you can use these
different filters to sort by what
you're looking for. So if you wanted something
with not a lot of competition, we could click on just the
competition to resort. And I'm going to
search it that way. So if we scroll up here, we see there's very little competition for these keywords. One search result
that stands out here is garage sale planner. That doesn't have a
lot of competition, but it does have a lot of
people looking for it. And you can see that
it's 19 characters, so that would fit in the
keyword slots on your listing. So what I'd like to do
is do these kinds of searches through
here and write down a list just on some paper or on my computer of all the
keywords they want to use. And then I'll go back through and evaluate them afterwards. This is obviously a much more technical way to get keywords, and it does provide you
with a lot of data, but it does take longer. So it's not necessarily
something you need to do for your very first door
or your first listings. But over time, if you find that certain products aren't performing the way
you want them to, or you're not seeing a
lot of views or sales, you might want to look at
the keywords on that item, maybe run them
through a software like this and then reassess. So this is a tool that's not just great when
you're starting out, but also great to
continually check in and improve your
store over time.
6. Tool 3: Etsy Ads: Another place where you can identify and verify
the effectiveness of keywords on your listings is through the
ETC. Ads platform. This is a method that
I don't recommend you use as a first-line of research, but rather something that
you might want to consider trying after you've built
up your store a little bit. Also as this will require
you to be using Etsy ads, there is some cost involved. The amount is up to you, but the minimum etsy requires is a budget of one US dollar a day. And it needs to have
at least seven days of data to provide you
with keyword insights. Now I won't give
you a whole rundown of how to use Etsy
ads because it's actually pretty simple and their guide will
provide you with all you need to get started. But if you are running
an ad with them and you want to see the
keywords showing up for. This is how you find
that information. On your Etsy dashboard. You're going to
follow this sequence. Click on marketing in the
sidebar and then on Etsy adds. Near the top of
the Ads dashboard, There's a link called
managed advertised listings. You can then click on
search terms for any of the items that your advertising and you'll see what
the keywords are, the ETC is using to get viewers
looking at your products. Just here I've blanked
out the data from my ads, but this is what the listing dashboard
looks like in general. Here you can see an excerpt
from one of my products. The product is a book template
and I've been running a promotion on it for about seven days now just
to get some data on it. One of the interesting
here is that one keyword was flagged as
having a high click rate. That means that this keyword is really effective for my product. It's not actually a keyword combination that
I used anywhere, so this will help me update
my listing in the future. Something else interesting
to note is that even though these addView
numbers are relatively low, I did actually make
a couple of sales of this product in
this timeframe, which just goes to show how highly targeted keywords can be really, really effective. You'll see there's also a
toggle for relevant keyword. This you can use
to flag keywords that are not actually
relevant to your product. Sometimes the
algorithm can mess up, especially if your
search Trump has a lot of similarities
to another. Remember the dress and dresser. So you can use this
to avoid spending your ad budget on
irrelevant words. Exploring the ETC. Ads feature is not
only a great way to see where your
products are showing up, but also a way to understand which keywords on your
listing our high-value. Maybe you have other
products that would fit the seed keywords that you can add to their listening as well. You can also take those
keywords and search for them on Etsy to see who your
direct competition is. The people showing up for
those exact same keywords. Check out their listings using the methods that
we talked about in lesson three for additional keywords that
you might have missed. Sometimes we don't discover
our true competitors on Etsy until we have our listings up and can see them side-by-side. Now that we've looked at
three different ways, you can find and evaluate
keywords for our Etsy listings. Let's move on to our
last lesson to see an example of all
of this in action.
7. Example Product Listing: Now that we've gone over several methods to gather keywords, let's look at an example product and the kind of keywords I would pull for it
for our sample item, let's say that we were
selling this child's dress. My objective is to find 20 keywords that will
work for this listing, which will give me 13
for the keyword slots, a handful for the title, and then anything extra I can put in the
product description. Let's consider this item
and its attributes. This will give us a starting
point for keyword research. Consider the style,
colors, occasion, age, range, aesthetic, and any unique qualities
the item might have. Using all the methods we've
discussed in this course, I pulled together this
list of keywords. Now most of these
keywords are somewhere between a short tail
and a long tail, as they are mostly
three-word keywords. But there are a couple
of longer ones. And you'll see that
the word dress is repeated in almost
every listing. And that's because it is
the most essential keyword to describing what this item is. Now that I have all
of these keywords, I'll start by selecting the
best ones for the title. Keyword that I
consider to be the most descriptive and most accurate is girls tiered floral dress down
here at the end. So I will use this as the first keyword in
the listing title. I've pulled up a
new listing on Etsy to show you where we can
put those keywords in. At the top we have our
photos and videos, but if you scroll down
to the listing details, the title is right here. For our example of
the girl's dress, I'm going to start with the keyword that
I liked the most, which was girls
tiered floral dress. There are lots of ways
you could divide it. You could just do a comma, you could do a space
and a line like that. Or you could do a semicolon. I think the comma is
probably most common, but some people prefer other
ways for aesthetic purposes. As you can see here, I
have 113 characters left, so I'm just going to add in some other keywords just
to fill in this box. Oh, there we go. I was able to fit six
keywords in the title. You can see I have
five characters left. You can try and come up with five extra characters,
but I'm not going to. An important thing to
remember here is that the keywords are going to
work in multiple ways. So when I put in girls
tiered floral dress, that will show up
as one keyword. But so well, girls tiered floral or tiered floral
dress without the rig girls, and also just floral
dress because all of those keyword combinations
are in this phrase. So therefore, you don't
need to put floral dress. Again here at the
end is if I put summer dress because
that combination wasn't somewhere else here. So now we have the title filled out. I'm going to scroll down. Here's the description box
will cope over that last, I'm going to just scroll
down to tags right here. Tags and keywords
are the same thing. So in this case I'm
just going to start adding keywords from my list. You can put commas
between them or just hit Enter in between. And we can see that one
went through just fine. But if I try a longer keyword, that one's more
than 20 characters, so I can't actually use it in this space. So that's a keyword. Then I'm going to save to
put up in the description. I won't bother
typing in everything else from the list that I made, but this is how you enter
keywords into the tag section. And finally, we go to
the description here. And this is where
you're going to write your beautiful informative
description of your product. As I mentioned before, I
would use the first couple of sentences for a bit more copy. That was a bit more salesy, not so much keyword filled. But just for the
example, I'll show you, I'll integrate that keyword
that didn't fit below sustainable handmade
dress into a sentence. So again, here's
an example of how you could fit that
long-tail keyword in. The keyword is right here,
sustainable handmade dress. And I turned it into looking for a sustainable handmade
dress for someone special, this hand stitch
garment was made with love right here in
Nova Scotia, Canada. Just as an example, you
can see I could fit, these could be other
keywords as well. Hand stitch garment
can be a keyword. Even the place name
could be a keyword if someone was looking to support a business from this location. So those are the
places you can add your keywords on your listing. Other than that,
you want to fill in all the other
information as usual. And you can always go back
and edit these pages. You don't have to keep your item listing the same forever. And the keywords
sections like the title, description and the tags slots here are very easy to
modify going forward. If you do a bunch of
keywords the first time, decide that they're
not working so well. Maybe you've already
done that actually. Then you can come
back and edit them and publish, republish
your listing. Then you just leave it
for a little while, see how those keywords perform
and reevaluate if needed. It is a little bit of a
job to keep on top of your keywords to make sure that your listings are performing. But that's just part of
the maintenance that you do and running
an online store, especially in Etsy store, which has so much organic
traffic out there. There are millions of
people searching to byproducts at any minute
on this platform, you just need to make
sure that your products are showing up in front of them. And keywords are gonna be the
way that you can do that. Now we've reached the end of the course and I hope you feel more confident approaching
SEs keyword system. If you enjoyed this course, please do consider
leaving me a review. I read all of them myself
and I really appreciate it. I also offer a wide range of other courses on Etsy,
e-commerce and design. So if you like learning with me, I hope to see you in another
class, happy creating.