1. Introduction: Party planning is big business, but not everybody can afford
to hire a party planner, catering, and rent
all kinds of decor. Most people planning parties are doing it with a DIY spirit. And this is why the business of printable party resources
has grown so huge. Whether you're
planning a birthday, a wedding, graduation, or retirement party, there
are tons of resources out there that make your event
more cohesive and festive. And this presents
a big opportunity to graphic designers who liked to create
printable products for platforms like Etsy. As a seller, this niche
gives you a lot of flexibility in terms
of your product range. Occasions you cater to the
styles that you create, it, designing the same thing
over and over again, it sounds a little
boring to you than party printables could
be a great option. In this course,
we're going to take a closer look at this
particular market on Etsy To learn what makes
it tick and to see the different
options for running a parti particular store. Then we'll build some products
together using Canva, which is a great free option for designing these kinds of items. Finally, I'll give you
some tips on listing these products to get your
store up and running. My name is Rebecca and I'll be your instructor
for this course. I'm a graphic designer and owner of multiple online stores, and I love teaching
creative people how to leverage their skills
for fun and profit. I'm excited to share this
course with you and to get into all the different
design challenges. So if you're ready,
let's head into the first lesson
together to get started.
2. Market Overview: Party printables
are a big business. The two largest
markets for these are birthday parties
and weddings. And as you can imagine, each of these types
of events comes with a huge range of products
that you can create. Birthdays can be subdivided
further by age or theme. And wedding products
are usually designed in thematic packages based around common trends or color palettes. This will require a little
bit of research to optimize. But before we get into the
details of the product, let's think about the
kind of person you are specifically
trying to sell to. The person who will
buy your products is the party planner. This could be someone
who's hired to do the job, but more likely it's
somebody planning their own or family members event
looking for DIY options, searching for DIY
printable products, we can assume that their
priorities are items that are easy to work with,
look professional, and are convenient to use in order to make sure our
products are easy to work with, we have to put ourselves in
the shoes of the customer. Many party printables are going to be simple
for them to use. Order, download the files
and then print them out. Maybe they need to cut
and glue afterwards. That'll depend on the design. For these kinds of
straightforward products. We need to just provide them
with easy instructions, either in the product
listing description or in a PDF deliverable along with the digital product
after they purchase. But other party
printables need to be customized either with a name, maybe event title, dates,
another information. In these cases, we need
to give the customer the file that they can edit
and then have printed. There are several options
for how you can do this, but we are prioritizing
being easy to work with. So I recommend using
either Canva to create a template or a site
like These sites will allow
you to provide a link to your customer after they
purchase that they can click on. It takes them to the template and they can edit themselves. They're, my preference is to use Canva as I use this for a
lot of my Etsy design work. So that's the
platform that we're focusing on for this course. However, there are other options out there if you want
to explore them. That's a lot of
technical information. Let's zoom out a little
bit and talk about how to organize your shop
and your listings. Some party printables
shops are general stores. That means that they
sell printables for all kinds of events. This approach could
work if you're unsure of a specialty
you want to focus on or if you plan on having a
really large inventory of products to cover a lot of subcategories in
different niches. Other shops may focus on
single type of product, e.g. a. Shop that only sells
printable party games, or one that only does
invitation templates. This is a good
approach if you have one specific type of product
that you really like designing and you want
to customize it over and over again for different
occasions or themes. Other shops will focus on a specific type of event
without getting too narrow. Examples of this
are wedding shops, bachelor or bachelorette
party shops, children's birthday party shops, or milestone birthday shops. You probably wouldn't
want to get to create. You probably wouldn't want
to get too narrow and only create 50th birthday
party items, e.g. that might be too narrow
of a market segment to generate the kind of traffic that you want to be successful. Catering to a specific
niche or product can be helpful for customers
navigating your store. As it becomes really easy
for them to identify what it is you sell
and how they can use. Etsy is category features in your store to filter
through your inventory. The way you organize
your store will depend on the type of
shop you're running. So if you were running a
birthday party store, e.g. you could organize your
inventory by product type, e.g. invitations, banners, games
on separate categories. Or you could sort it
by collection theme. So all your dinosaur
products in one category, unicorns and another, like that. As you build out your
product inventory, you'll also want to
think strategically about single products
and bundles. Bundling together
relevant products is a great way to
increase your sales, both in terms of average
current value and the number of transactions overall
as customers are definitely drawn
towards deals. E.g. if you had a range of dinosaur
themed birthday product, you could list them
all individually, then create an essentials bundle with two or
three of them combined. And then create a deluxe bundle with all possible
products included. These bundles should be your
most expensive listings, but should be less
than the cost of buying all of the
items individually. Customers really appreciate the savings in this
kind of product. And it's an incentive to
spend more at your shop. Now that we've got some
ideas about how to organize and navigate the kinds of products that we can sell. Let's go into the next
lesson and talk more about specific product ideas.
3. Product Types: As we've already discussed, there are a lot of different
kinds of events that people want to purchase
party printables for. Each of these categories have some unique elements that
you may want to tackle. In this lesson, we're
going to be looking at three types of party that
are popular for Printables. And then explore some of the unique products
within each of them. The three party types
we're going to be looking at our birthday parties, weddings, and
bachelorette parties. So let's start with
birthday parties first. There are a lot of
different ages that you can tackle for birthday
party printables. You have all of the
childhood years one through 18 typically. Then milestone birthdays,
the 21st birthday, and then every decade. This gives a ton of
options in terms of types of
collections to create. And each one is going to infer a different
kind of products. Bread, e.g. children's party is required, different things than
a 50th birthday party. But let's look at children's birthday parties in particular. The types of products
that you could have for this are invitations, banners and posters that
work as decor, games, worksheets, or even
coloring sheets, depending on the activities
that party plans. Table signs like party
favors, signs about this. Drinks. One saying where the gifts
go and things like that. Directional signs,
particularly to the bathroom. This works even in
the household setting for kids who aren't
familiar with the house. But if the birthday parties
happening in a venue, there could be other directional
signs needed as well. You can create
organizational sheets or party planning documents for the parent creating this party. And you can also create
custom packaging that you can use for
snacks or loop eggs. All of these can be designed
with a common motif. A small collection of clip
art or illustrations in the theme can be reused across the designs to make
it harmonious. Next, let's talk about weddings. These are obviously
very complex events with two different stages. We have invitations and
planning, rehearsals, the ceremony, the reception, and then there's a thank you card element in the aftermath. Obviously, this means
that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of
individual products to create for these events. So you can understand why some people choose
to run wedding printable only stores to
avoid getting overwhelmed, I would say start
small by focusing on one type or aspect of a product. So let's look at some
example products that are popular that you
might want to create. First, we have invitations
and save the date cards. There are seating charts
and menus that you can put at the rehearsal dinner
or during the reception. Table. Signs and named cards
are very popular. Directional signs
again, these are helpful for navigating
through a venue. You can create different
signs that go on tables or around
the venue itself. So a wedding book sign, a sign for a photo booth with
instructions on what to do. You can create tags
for wedding favors. And also thank you cards that
go out after the wedding. Because weddings
are a little bit unique in terms of
the event structure. There are plenty of
products that apply to some and not to others. This can be an opportunity to
create tiered bundles with some more simple
bundles and then others with the
bells and whistles. Another product
that I'll mention here that isn't printable, but it's a digital product is
wedding website templates. Pretty much all
weddings have websites. Now, though there are companies that specifically
catered to this, some people do
prefer to make their own on sites like Squarespace, show it, or WordPress. So if you do have any experience designing website templates, these can be high ticket items. They do sell for a couple of
hundred dollars, typically. This could be another
good offering if you have that skill set,
similar to weddings. Our third example is
bachelorette parties. These products are often
paired with weddings stores, so they could go together. But there is enough of a market here to merit
their own store, given the wide range of products and different
themes and cater to bachelorette parties really fall anywhere on the
spectrum from classy, elegant events to a little
raunchy and comedic. So you can decide whether
you are catering to one style or offering
something for everybody. No matter what the tone
of the party is though the products are generally
going to be the same. So we'll see again invitations, banners and decorations,
printable party games, which is a really big
one for this niche. If you are creative
coming up with game ideas that can be huge. You can create menu templates or drink templates if
there's going to be food or drink element. Table signs and decor
work here as well. Thank you. Cards can be relevant if
there are gifts given, maybe if it's more in line
with the wedding shower sometimes actually get combined. You can also create custom
packaging for food and drink. Think labels for
bottles in particular, and also social media
templates or filters. This will depend on the tone
and scale of the event. But sometimes for
really big events, people will create their
own little branding that is fun for people to post. It can be helpful
to mentally run through the type of event
that you're designing for. And to think about all the
different spaces you can encounter something that is custom-designed for the party. A good place to
get inspiration is blogs tailored for
party planners. These exist for
DIY party planners as well as professionals. And of course, you can
look on Pinterest, which is very inspiring and
good at finding trends. And there are also
accounts on social media, especially Instagram,
where you see a lot of party decor and trends. Now, obviously with so many
types of products that you can create and design
for so many niches, we can't really
run through design to Torres for all of
them in this class. But in the next
couple of lessons, we're going to create a few common product types
just to help you get started and to provide a jumping off point for
your own creativity. And if you have any ideas for products that I've
missed that you want to share or questions
about the lessons so far. Go ahead and leave a comment in the class discussion and we
can talk about it further. There.
4. Design Tutorial: Party Invitation: In this lesson,
we're going to be creating an invitation as a sample that you could create to sell on
Etsy using Canva. Now I have a Canvas
page open here. I have created a five inch
by seven inch document. This is a pretty typical
size for an invitation, as most invitations
these days are single-sided rectangles,
not folding cards. That's going to be
the most common style that you see even on Etsy. So that is what I
have created here. Now, if you look
over on the left, you see all the
templates that come up. These are really
great if you are creating these as a consumer, but you can't use these templates to
create products to sell. So I would recommend definitely
use them for inspiration. Look for ideas here, but don't copy the
designs exactly. They are going to be
not eligible for sale. And that is particularly
because we are creating a template
for someone to edit. So they're going to be
opening this file up in Canva and editing the date and names and things themselves. For templates that
you sell on Etsy, you can't use pre-made
templates from Canva. But that's okay
because I have created a sample down here
that we can use. So as you see here, this is a pretty basic
wedding invitation. And it does follow the
typical convention that we see in a lot
of these templates. But this one is when I
just created from scratch. Let's go through
step-by-step and recreate this template to
show you how to do it. First I'm going to go and
change the background color. I'm just going to
click on the document, open the color here and
pick the background. Now I like to generally
pick and neutral color, something either warm
or cool, like a tan, a beige, or a gray as a background for
invitations like this. Now that's specific
for wedding templates. Of course, if you were doing a kid's birthday party
invitation, something different, you might want a
different color palette, but we're gonna go with this
light yellow right here. Next we're going to add
some accent graphics. So I think the thing that
we want to go for is a bit of a gold or tan color. And some florals, as we see, florals are really popular
on wedding invitations. Let's go over into
Canvas Elements tab and see what we can find. Now keep in mind that any
elements that you include in a template that you're going to sell need to be free elements. You can't include pro elements in a template that you sell. So the way you identify that is the little crown icon on any
graphic will mean it's pro. Don't select anything like that. We can filter through
that when we do a search. So first I'm gonna look for the watercolor flower elements. So we'll just type in
watercolor flowers. And we want to go into graphics. And I'll go to these sliders right here at the end
of the search bar. Click on that and
Goto free only. And that will make
sure that you aren't including any graphics. You can't use it as a
template on this document. So there's lots of
great options here. These kind of bouquet
style watercolor flowers are very popular
for invitations. And there's a few
ways that you could lay these out in your document. One like this, e.g. you could do top
and bottom corners. This rotate that one. So that's a kind of
common stylistic design. We are just going to do the one central picture at the top. And this is the flower
design I like right here. For now, we'll just make
it a little smaller and put it in the
top of our design. Next, we want to add that little divider icon that we had. So the search terms that
you could use for this are basically
divider decoration. You might want to
add a color in. I'm going to type in
Gold Vintage curation and go to graphics and see if
we can find one that suits. And right here is the
one that I've identified as what I'd like to
use for this design, I'm going to click on it here. But if you wanted to find
this exact collection, as you can see, there's a lot of really nice dividers here
that are free to use. I'm just going to click
on the eye for info here. So it's by Venera and these are the
keywords that you can use to find these products. So you can take a
screenshot of this if you want to find this
particular collection. So put this icon
down here for now. And the last
decorative element was a border around this invitation. To do that, I'm just going
to hit R on my keyboard, which brings up a rectangle. And we'll just use
this rectangle tool to create the border. First, I'm going to change
that a box to clear no color. And I will click on this
box to change the border. I'm going to add a solid line and maybe a border
weight of two. I don't want to be very thick
border and I'm going to round the corners just a bit. Maybe we'll do bordered by one just so it's really elegant. And we'll do the 20
corner rounding. Right here is a box of
change, the line color. So notice that we
have the color for the fill and the border
color for the design. I'm going to pick this
lighter brown color. That is going to be
a nice contrast. And I'm actually going to change this decoration to be that
same color by clicking on it. Changing the color
there. I find that this brown color resonates more with the browns in this
watercolor drawing. So I think it all looks
a little bit more harmonious. To arrange these. I'm just going to put
this rectangle frame roughly in a 90 degree
angle in the corner. And then I will make
it right length. I'm just trying to
keep a little bit of a border on the edge so that this doesn't touch
the printing margin. And reposition did here to be in the center
of the document. Also going to click on this
and send it to the back just because it probably
will get in the way if it's in the front when
moving these elements, these decorative parts look good time to add
some sample text. So when you're recruiting
sample texts for a template, you want to make
it pretty generic. And you want to make sure
that somebody can envision their own words or
information on this document. So I'm going to put in, first of all, a name
for our couple. So I'm going to hit T on
my keyboard for text box. And we will try
just generic names. We'll do Susan and Michael. I think I'll change the
and to an ampersand. This doesn't look too
wedding inspired yet, so let's just do a
few adjustments. The font that I'm
using here is Radley. This is a nice Sarah font
and it is free to use. So I'm going to use that
for our whole design. And to make this text a
little bit more interesting first we're going to
change it to uppercase. And let's make the font a
little bit smaller there. And I'm going to use
these spacing tool and space with the
letters a little bit. There we go. It's just a little bit more designed looking, which can work well. Sometimes you want to
put a script font here. I find that with a busy design with decorative
elements like this, a script font can kind of
look a little overwhelming. But you know that your customer can also
change that very easily. Make it a little more narrow. So the next thing we
want to do is add some text to tell them what
this invitation is about. I will hit T on my
keyboard again. You can put any kind of
generic message here, because this is a
wedding invitation. It could be like please join
us on our special day or we would love to have you
as part of our budding or, you know, any kind
of phrase like that. You can look for
examples on places like Pinterest or the templates
that we saw already. If the wording alludes
you a little bit, I'm going to add some text here. We would love for
you to be part of our special day that'll do. Then we need to add in
a location and date. So we will do another
textbox here. And I'm just gonna make up
some generic information. I've added a date
and the time here, make sure you add in the
time that is easy to forget. We have a fake address as well. I'm going to make
this declaration just a little bit smaller. And the last thing
we have to add is a note about how to RSVP. So RSVP nowadays
is typically done online when people
have a wedding website where you wanna go in. And then it's a lot easier
than everyone mailing back a little card that can be
hard to decipher, get lost. So most people do
the online RSVP, even if they are doing a
traditional mail that printed invitation options to
say here are pleased or SVP by a parole, 30th. Maybe it's just out of date by visiting Other options here could be include RSVP by texting
a phone number, mailing a card
that goes with it. You can also design an RSVP mail out card
to go with this. That is complimentary
to the design. That could be a little bonus you throw in with your template just to incentivize people to purchase your
listing over others. But in this case, we'll just
go with the wedding website. I am going to put this in italics just so it looks
a little bit different. It just comes down
to playing around with the elements of
the design a little bit to try and get it
looking the way you like. There we go. So this is a pretty basic
wedding invitation. Obviously, you can play around
with motifs and styles. If you do your own artwork, you can add in your
illustrations. Now, later in this class
I am going to show you how to create a
deliverable PDF that includes a link to templates so that when you're selling
a template on Canvas, you know how to deliver
it to the customer. Because basically you
need to give them a URL. But to show you how
to find that URL, all you're going
to do is go up to share when you're done
with your design. And click on template
link, which is right here. You want to copy this link. So basically when you give them link to somebody,
they click on it, it opens up Canva in
their browser and says, Rebecca has a template
to share with you. Click here to open it. And when they click
the link to open it, it creates a copy of this
design in their Canva account. So they aren't editing
your original file, they're just getting
a copy of it. So that's basically how to
deliver a template in Canada. Now let's wrap up this project and move on to the next lesson.
5. Design Tutorial: Letter Banner: In this lesson, we are
going to be making a sample letter banner that someone can print out attached together and hang
up at an event. To get started, I have opened
up a Canva document that is the size of a standard
printer piece of paper. This is 8.5 " wide
and 11 " high. Now this is a product that is
pretty interesting to make. There's a lot of creativity
that can go into it. And you have a lot of
options right here in Canva. Because unlike other
products in most cases, this is not going
to be a template. You're just sending a PDF
product to your customer. That means that you don't
have to worry so much about making sure
things are editable. And it also means you can use Canva pro elements if
you have a Pro account. Now I've created a couple
of sample designs here and I just want to
talk about them first before we start
recreating them. I'm going to click down
here to see all of our pages and then GridView
just to give us an overview, these are three common shapes that you're going to
find for banners. This is a rectangle with
a point at the bottom, a triangle, and then a flag
with a notch and the bottom. Now there are a
few ways that you can create these shapes. Sometimes Canvas has the
shapes in their library, and other times you need to
create them yourself by using white shapes like squares to block off the shape that
you want to be in white. Another design feature,
if I look at this one, I have added text
around the outside of the design that is
going to be cut off. Your customer is
going to be cutting along the lines here
to cut it there shape. I've also added
some white dots to indicate where they
can punch holes. And the text at the top here, I can zoom in a little bit. Reads with some
instructions on how to manufacture this
product once they have it, so cut it along the
flag punch the holes. Use a string or ribbon to
tie the banner together. Tie knots between the flags
to keep them lined up. And if you want to make
the banner more durable, you can laminate them or put clear contact paper
on each side. And you are welcome
to take this text and just use it on your
design if you like. Just take a screenshot
if necessary. And if we scroll
down a little bit, the other text I've added right here is just a labeled
with your branding. So designed by a cool
design shop on Etsy. This is just so that
if they are out using your product and
forget where they got it. Want to buy more, want to
recommend it to someone. You do have your branding
on the product itself. So let's first talk about making the banner shapes
before we think about adding some content to
them upon this clear page, we can start by going
over to the Elements tab, clicking on this and lines
and shapes is going to come up as a popular category. But good to see all
going into shapes. You can see lots of these could potentially be banner designs. We have this shape here and also along beside it with
both make good banners. Even this circular one
could be good if we rotated it upside down.
You can see it there. And of course we
have a triangle to. Now all of these shapes, because these are shapes in
Canvas, really basic library. You can stretch
them a little bit. So if we were making this
triangle just to make it a different size for
contrast, our colors. If we were going to
make this bigger, you can make it
wider and then make it the length necessary
for your design. Just keep in mind staying within the margins of this page. Because printing at home
commercial printers, they typically can't
do right to the edge. So I just try and
keep it mainly within these red lines that
show up as the margins. You can basically use
the same tool to reshape any of these to fit
into the full page. Let's work with
this one for now. We're going to make
it the width of fat margin box and we'll
make it a bit longer. Now let's make it a fun color. Just pick the teal. And the next step is to add the little circles to indicate
where to punch the hole. So I'm just going to
tap C on my keyboard. It brings up a circle. I'll change the color of that to white and just make
it very small. I'm going to make it 0.2 by 0.2. And we'll just drag it
roughly into the corners, not too close to the edge B, so it wouldn't tear up
when it's punched out. And we'll make that one about
the same distance apart. So there we have
our banner shape or two holes, the
color background. And I'm just going
to select this text, but you can create
your own text boxes. And I will duplicate
these and move them up. And it will set her
everything on the page. So at this point you can
start to decorate your flag. Now, the flag design is really
going to depend on you, your niche and your creativity. A lot of banners just have one letter per
flag or a picture. Sometimes the pictures
go in-between words on a flag to
divide them up. Occasionally you'll
see a flag that has a full phrase or a full word on it that
is a little less common. But if you're going to do that, you could definitely just
use a text box and pick a cool font and change the
colors and do it that way. Another option if you
don't want to use. Straight-up text boxes is to go into the library
and look for letters. So here we're just
looking for the letter a and go to graphics. There are a lot of letter
is that you can use. The nice thing is that
when you click on one, typically you will see
the full catalog of letters from his
collection that all match. So when I clicked on that magic recommendation shows me this. And we have the whole alphabet and numbers it looks
like in this font. Just remember that this
is a graphic so you can always change the colors
in this particular design. You can write up here, you
can change the colors, but it is a picture,
not the actual text. You can place it like that. And then all you
need to do to create your full banner page,
change the letter. There you go. When you're doing this,
just use the grid tool down here at the bottom to
see all of your letters. And you can see your banner
kind of preview to make sure you have all
the right letters, the spacing, and anything
you want to include. If you were doing a
generic banner pack, you could just do one
of every letter on these Banner flags
and sell that. People could assemble
their own based on that. But just make sure
that you are creating something a little
bit more unique. This design I've done here with just the picture of the
letter on a background. I don't think that's
particularly outstanding. I would want something a bit more maybe
patterned background. Let's look at how to create
a pattern background Next. This is our example of
a pattern background. I've actually used a photo here. And in order to crop the
photo to the right shape, I've just added a hexagon to the bottom to kind
of cut into it. Let's open a new document
and look at how to do this. Now when working with
photos on Canva, you can definitely use frames. So if you look for
frame here and just go over in the search bar
to the frame category. You see all of these
different shapes that you can drag and drop pictures into. This is really convenient if you are using a lot of patterns, but there aren't
necessarily going to be shapes that were
well as banners. E.g. this one here
is the right shape, but It's gonna be upside
down first of all. So if your pattern
is directional, that's not going to
be very helpful. But also you can't change
the size of the width or the height independently
only moves as one shape. So that might be too
skinny of a banner to fit any real design onto. One option is that you can
use these from this category. Another option is to
just use the photo and put some white stuff over
top to block it off. So let's look for a
pattern background. We're looking photos. And there's lots
of options here. If you are going to pick
a very busy background, you probably want to
pick a solid color for your letter on top. But if you're doing something
a little bit more muted, you could do colorful letters, filter through
these and pick out the free ones just for
the sake of simplicity. So you can replicate this if you only have a free account. And scrolling down, I see
this heart pattern here. This could work really well
for a Valentine's Day banner. So let's work with this one. Now this pattern
isn't directional, so if I rotate it,
it still looks good. There's still some
hearts facing up, so it doesn't really matter
which direction it's going. Now the first thing
is, I'm going to create this into a rectangle, roughly the size of the design for the banner that we want. So I'll pull this up
and this one down. This does zoom in
on the pattern a little bit, but that is okay. Next I want to add
a shape to cut out the bottom so that
it is white here. So we're gonna go back
to that shape library. And I see this hexagon here has a nice top that would cut into
that rectangle very well. So we'll grab that. I'm going to color it white. Bring it down to the bottom and just try and line this up. I think I wanted
to put that high. Maybe we can make it
that wide and just line up so it cuts
off the bottom of the design and make sure
the corners are tidy. So that looks pretty good. So now we have a banner shape. I'm going to add the circles in the corner because this
design has a lot of white. I'm just going to
make them black and just make sure
they're really small so that then if that shows through when
they cut the holes out. You can also optionally
leave these dots off. If it was a design
like this where the black circle by kind of show up and be a little
bit more invisible. That's your choice
as a designer. Next is just a matter of
adding your letter here. We can go back to
the letter library. Let's look for the letter
for Valentine's Day. See all. There are
a lot of choices, but we want to think
about high contrast. So this little
pixel V is kind of cute if we were doing
a pixel banner. Because then I will show you, you can just duplicate this. Drag in the a race, the V. A little bit too big. There we go. So it can be acute
Valentine's pixel banner. As you can see, this product
is pretty easy to create. It's not super-complicated. A lot of the value comes from your creativity in terms of
the concept of the design, the words that are
being created, and the pairings of the
colors with the fonts. So it's a lot with the
visual impact rather than the style of
the actual product. The last thing I
want to show you in this lesson is one more option in terms of how your customer
can cut out this banner. So let's open up this one. I'm going to select
everything and just bring it down a tiny bit. And we're going to add a flap up here that they could cut out, fooled and then glue and run the strength
through a channel. So that's another fairly
popular design style. I would say that
the holes is a bit easier typically because
There's a hole puncher, but it's really up to you what seems easiest
for your customer. So to add in that flap, we're just going to
add in a dotted line. Basically, I'm going to
hit R for rectangle. Want to make that
box transparent on the inside and a line. And we're gonna go for maybe
this bigger dashed line. And I'm going to change
the color of it to a light gray just so
it's not too visible. Drag it up here. I'm going to make it That's the 1 " 1 " banner would
work well or 1 " flat brush. I'm just gonna make it
a little longer so it just the bottom half disappears behind the design
position. Welcome back. There we go. So now we have this dashed line here with the fold is indicated. And you can even write
instructions along here like glue this down or a fold this back or
something like that. If you did that, you'd want to delete the little dots there. So that's basically how
to create this product. You can make as
many Banner flags in each design as you like. I think Canva has a
maximum of 300 pages, so that is a lot to work with. When you are done, you
can just click on Share, go down to download. And I would recommend picking
PDF Standard or PDF print. This is a bit of a bigger file. So if Etsy is size restrictions,
there could be problems. You may want to just
stick with PDF Standard. I like to flatten the PDF. This is really helpful
just to make sure that your elements
are not separate. This can also be
good for cannabis licensing purposes when
you're selling designs, especially if they
include pro acids. Just flatten the PDF
and you can export at the individual pages
or all of them together. And when you export as a PDF, it will create one
single document with every page within
that same document. If for some reason you wanted
each flag independently, you would have to
download each page separately, put them in a file. But generally people
are going to be happy with a single PDF file. So that's how to design
the sample letter banner. And let's move on to
the next lesson to see our next sample project.
6. Design Tutorial: Party Game: In this lesson, we're
going to go over the basics of how to create a principal party
game that you could sell. Now party games can cover
a huge range of events. These could be for
bachelorette parties, which is very common, but
also for kids parties. I think those are
the two big ones. But of course, this can be modified for
basically any niche. I photo camera here. And I've created
a blank document that is the size of
a sheet of paper, so 8.5 " by 11 ". Again, we're going to create
a principal party game here. Now there's two ways
that you could do this. You could create one
that is static and applicable to all
types of parties. Or you can create one and
sell it as a template. So the two real differences
is whether you're going to be delivering a PDF
finished product or delivering a template link. So that is more relevant to how you are uploading
your listing to Etsy. And that will also
draw a line in the sand as to whether you can use pro or only free elements. And as I mentioned before, you can use the pro elements in products that are
static and finished, so not able to be edited. But you can use free elements for everything at, in general, I always lean towards using just the free elements because I feel like it's a lot safer and there's never any questions. Free Canva elements
are our friend. Now in terms of what kind of actual product we
are going to design, There's so many options
out there for games. There are like fill
in the blank games. There are some that
are more complicated, interactive, other that are
more simple and childlike. I've even seen some that are
just like word scrambles. I guess there's a
party for everybody, every kind of
bachelorette out there. But in our case,
we're going to be making a bingo card template. We're going to
start by going into elements and looking for a grid. And we're looking for something
that is five-by-five. I'm gonna go to
graphics, See All. And right here we have a grid. So this should be
pretty easy to find. A five-by-five grid
showing up as white. So we're just going to
change the color to black. Now I'm going to do a
black and white design just to keep things
really simple. But by all means, do it
festive if you feel like it? Think bachelor parties have
pretty common color themes, which are black,
white, and often pink. But it sometimes is very accustomed to the
person themselves. I've moved his period
to the lower half. We're going to put
some texts on the top. And I'm going to start by decorating this
page a little bit. You could decorate it with
any kind of motif you want. But I usually go for an
organic or botanicals. So just going ultra leaves. And right here at the
top we have a couple of black and white
leaf graphics that will do just fine
for our purposes. So I'm just going to decorate
the edges a little bit. I'm not putting these too
far to the edge because the printer that people are using at home could cut
it off just like a, you know, usually a quarter of an inch or so some
heads gets cut off. Maybe we'll add one more at the bottom just
for good measure. Just to round it out. Great. So now we're going
to add a title here. I'm just going to write
bachelorette bingo. So let's start by hitting
T to create a textbox. And my third bachelorette. And I want to do this in a script font just to
make it different. It's going to say bingo, right? For most ones that go. Thicker. Script fonts are very popular
in the wedding scene. That's cursive or calligraphy,
anything like that. So if you look for calligraphy, we see a lot of
really good options. Again, keep in mind the crown means you have to
have a Pro account. There's lots of
options that are free, so it's always safer
just to go with those. Any of these could really work. You could also take in script. And that will bring
up even different but similar cursive like items. I'm going to use distillery
script right here. Font just couldn't make it a lot bigger and put it
right in the middle. I picked this font in
case you wanted to do some insight into my
design process because the line weight of it
is very similar to the line weight in these
illustrations and the grid. So they don't look, it doesn't stand out disproportionately
to the rest of the design. When I do a script font, I often like to pick
a sans-serif font. That means it doesn't
have the little, little wings are lines at
the edges of the letters. It's basically a symbol
font is what it means. And I find that script
fonts are so busy, that is simple font looks best. With this one. I'm going to put
it in uppercase. And let's space those letters. Sorry, it's hard to see,
we'll just space it out. 500. I think that looks like
a pretty good framework. At this point, we can add
in some Bingo elements. Now if you are selling this as a template through
the covenant edit, I would still recommend
putting in place holder text not only to give people
ideas of what they could do, but also because it gives them a better impression of what the finished product
will look like. Some people will
want to put really costume bachelorette
bingo items in there. Like inside jokes
are things that are relevant to where the
bachelor arts being held. But in other cases, you could just do
something pretty generic. So the middle space is always
a free-space in Bingo. So let's put an icon in there. Let's put a ring. It's a wedding type thing. I'm going to use this one, which is kind of a fun
hand-drawn element that's already in
black, so that suits. Now the way that bingo is
traditionally played is INGOs. There's a lot of
variations on how you could be playing this game and it is good to think
through this with all of your party
game worksheets. How are people going to
actually be using it? This can help you encounter
design problems that you may not see just from
making it initially. So e.g. if we have,
what is this? Five-by-five, 25
minus one squares. If every single person at
the bachelor party has this bingo sheet and
they're going through their night and they're stamping things office. They happen. If everybody has the
identical spread than they're going to all be winning or
losing at the same time. So it could be a good
idea to scramble the different texts pieces
throughout the design. And that way people would
win at different points if they are all participating together because they're
looking to make lines. So either horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal. If you're making this product just be printed in used with generic options inside
and not customizable. Then makes sure that
you are creating several variations of the sheet with the text options
all scrambled up. If you are going to be
selling this as a template, that doesn't matter as much
when you are making it, but you may want to
include instructions, PDF or something to provide information for the person
who is editing this, to let them know, Hey, this game is gonna be a lot more fun if you scramble it up. This just pertains to the
Bachelor of Bingo concept. But again, if you are
doing Bingo for kids, for kids, often will have
pictures instead of words, or it'll be like an object. Maybe things you'd
find in the backyard, anything like that and
they can go locate it. But yeah, just keep that in
mind as you're designing, you may want to make variations. Would add some text in just
getting the T button and put a couple of sample
bingo options in here. I will say this took some
serious brainstorming to come up with ideas. I would spend some time on this. If this is a product
you're gonna be making, it's not my
particular specialty, so I won't pretend
that I'm an expert in the content of
bachelorette bingo games. But common sort of funny
things that might happen. Maybe someone starts crying. We can re-size this, make it a little bit bigger, smaller so it fits in the box. Let's can use the arrow
keys to adjust the box. There we go. I'll duplicate that. Put it in the next one. We'll just do that
a couple of times. I'll just fill in this top
row just as an example. Unsolicited advice to classic. Someone else for white
group selfie gone wrong, danced with a stranger. There are a lot of directions
you can go with this, have some fun with
it, especially if you have experienced event, Generally any kind of event
product you're making, there's gonna be a little
bit easier if you've been to this type of event or have
a special interest in them. But these party games are a fun opportunity to
really get creative, especially if you're
inclined more towards writing over designing, because there is definitely a writing component with these. And as I mentioned in
the other products, when you're done with
this, you can share it. If you're gonna be
giving it as a template, you get the template
link right here. And if you're gonna be giving
it as a finished product, you download it as a PDF. And again, I always recommend to flatten it when you were
making a product to sell. That's the basics of creating
a printable party game. And we'll hop on over to
the next design lesson.
7. Design Tutorial: Menu: This design video,
we are going to be creating a menu template. Now the first thing
I've done here is create a new document in Canvas. And this size is
three-and-a-half inches wide by 8 " high. The reason that I
chose this size is because you can put two of these on a standard
piece of printer paper. So if someone's
printing them at home, you can get them both on one
page and save some space. It also creates a pretty
nice size in the hand. And most menus are
going to be pretty small because these are
typically four sit down events. So they're just gonna
be sitting on top of a plate or on a place setting. Really big menus don't
always make sense. Now I have our sample one
down here that we're going to be creating just
to have a look at it. It's not a terribly
complicated design, but we wanna make
it pretty and do kind of a coordinated theme with it so that when
someone buys this, they can come in, change the
foods and you're good to go. So let's go through
step-by-step how to create this up in
the blank document. I'm going with a white
background because most menus are white and the background it kind
of is a classy look. You can always
change it to a color if you like, of course. But for background decoration, all we're gonna do is a border. So much like I did in
the invitation tutorial, I'm going to hit
R for rectangle. Get rid of the fill color. We're going to go
up to border style, change this to a line
and we're going to just do Border weight one
for one pixel wide. I'm not gonna do any
corner rounding this time, but we could if you wanted to. And for the color,
I'm going to use this sandy color right here. I recommend picking a color
that coordinates with your graphic elements
that we're going to add in because I picked
mine ahead of time. What I'm going to use. But you can go in
and change this part after if you'd like. Let's put it up
in the top corner and make this the
size of the design, not too close to the edge, but right about there and I will just grab it and center it. Perfect. So now we have a nice outline. Next, let's add in
some graphic elements, much like the
wedding invitation. The typical trend
here is to do like a watercolor floral
that's really popular. So let's go with that idea. I'm actually going to
go with watercolor. Leaves just to be a
little bit different. And we'll go into graphics. Again. I'm going to put on the free
filter just because it makes everything a little
bit easier for us in terms of being competent, that we are using things
and assets that are good for us to use for
any commercial purposes. There's lots of
beautiful options here. Don't be afraid to go simple, like just a simple leaf. Elegant thing like that can
be very impactful because menu is typically aren't over-designed for,
usually fairly simple. Now right here is the element
that I'm going to use. And if you see it, it's actually a top and a bottom
in one graphic. So all I'm gonna do to use this, and you might find others
that follow the same formula. So I'm going to grab
it and tuck it up. Sure, it's centered, duplicate it and took it at the bottom. So that way we have a
harmonious look to our design. In general. I think that the
composition is probably, most likely going to be
a top and bottom design. Something in one of
the four corners, diagonal corners,
or just the top. Those are the most common compositions for this
type of product. Next, we have to
add in the text. So the way that I've
designed this lower one here we see we have
menu in a big font. The name of each section of the meal in a same
font but smaller, and then a different font
for the text of the food. That's because we want
the most legible font to be the most
important information. And the decorative font
can be more like headings. So let's go up here. I'm going to hit T for text box. And then we will write menu. You get a little bit bigger. In terms of font selection, the font that you use
for the headings here is really going to be indicative
of the kind of invented it. So you can pick a playful font
that is a bit more casual. You can pick a really
elegant script that shows this is a
very high-end event. The graphics that we have
here are a little bit BCCI. These almost look like seashells even
though their leaves. So it does kind of give that more casual BCCI
but elegant vibe. It's a bit abstract, but that's kinda what
I'm looking for. If I go into fonts, you
can start searching for terms that are
relevant to your theme. You can try descriptors like
elegant or classy or funky. Funky is a weird word, but it often brings up a
really fun creative fonts. In this case, I'm going
to be using something that I found under
the script search, which is Miss truly is
the name of this font. It's a script, but it's
not overly elegant. It's just a nice middle ground,
which is why I like it. So I'm going to put
that one there. And I will add in text boxes
for the different sections of the menu appetizers. I selected that and I'll just
put that in that same font. I'll leave that size 12. I'm just going to duplicate it. Entree, which has an accent. So I'm just on my keyboard and just hold letter and it pops up. Entree. You'll put an S phase of these. There are options on my
thick menu, deserts. And finally, I'm also
adding drinks in here, which is definitely optional. Drink options. Sometimes you will have a
separate menu for drinks, but you may want to
include it here as well. Because this is a template, people can just delete the sections that are
relevant to them. Let's see. This one probably would be there and this one, hold it up here. I'm just going to select
all of these and use the Position Tool right here. And tidy, spaced evenly
Emily or vertically. They're going to space
them out evenly there. Now we can add in our fake menu, which is a little bit of fun. You can come up with foods
that you want to put in. For the pairing font. I'm using ova, which is
a free font as well. And I just think it's
a nice serif font that has a bit of a
bookish look to it. Typically, I put a sans-serif
font with a script, but because this script font is a little bit more
casual feeling, I like the bookish font with it. So I'm just going to
take a second and pre-populate this with
all my menu options. I have added in my fake menu and it sounds delicious to me. I've also space these out
evenly between all of the options that are
menus basically done. Now as I mentioned,
if you wanted to bulk up this
product a little bit, you could duplicate
this page and add in a drink menu separately, and then maybe put
it with the name of the shrank and then
the ingredients below. This is tailored
specifically for an event. But if you were creating a menu to be used at a restaurant, or maybe you were doing a non unopened bar and you
want to include prices, then you would want
to just add that in here to your menu and
typically want to put it either after
if the prices are individually
or at the bottom, or near the top, if everything is the
same in each category. Also consider whether you
want to add space for any personalization in
here as a template, you can't really predict that, but maybe you want to put fee and Ryan's
wedding or the date or something somewhere
on this just to make it a little bit
more branded for the event. This is just an extra step,
obviously not necessary, but be creative about what
you could include here and stand out from the
competition a little bit by thinking
about your add-ons, special features
that might have, or creating a bit of package with other products that
all match these designs. When you do use elements
in Canvas like this one. So it has magic recommendations
come up and it's going to show you more
products in the same family. When you click on that, you
can see here there's lots of other graphics that
match this one, which can be helpful if you are creating a suite of products. But do watch out. In this example here, some of these products are free
and others are pro. So you just want to be aware of that depending on what
it is you're making. Like the other designs
when you're done this and you want to prepare
it for selling, you wanna go to share and click on template link and
then put that in a document, we will get to a
tutorial on how to create the deliverables
very shortly. But that's the
last of our design tutorials for these projects. Now let's head into a lesson
about listing tips for Etsy.
8. Tips for Etsy Listings: After you've created an
interesting collection of products for your shop, it's time to start listing
those online for sale. So since we're focusing on Etsy, we're going to discuss
best practices for that particular platform. But a lot of this
does carry over to other online
marketplaces as well. Selling digital products
on Etsy is pretty easy as you can upload the files directly to your
product listing, meaning you don't have to
manually send the products to your customers whenever
they make a purchase. At C will let you attach five
digital files to eliciting, which is fine for
single products. But if you are selling a
bundle or a larger collection, you will want to
put your files in a zip folder on your desktop first and then upload that compressed file
to your listing. In terms of setting prices, you will want to hop
onto Etsy itself and do some research about the
common price points that your competitors are using. I recommend staying in
the same price range that you see other
sellers using. Sometimes it can be really
tempting to try and undercut the price to make your product
look like a better deal. But that isn't actually
the best strategy here. The best plan for pricing is to set your items at market value and then run sales on your store offering a
certain percentage off. That way. Not only are your items a slightly better
price than average, but customers feel the urgency to take advantage
of the sale price. Well, it's available. It's up to you how frequently you run a sale in your store. But perhaps consider trying one week a month to see
whether it generates any traction for you while you have a sale
running on your shop, this is a good time to
try running Etsy ads. If you are going to
experiment with that tool. That's the ads are pretty
straightforward in that you can only really set your budget and pick the advertised products. Unlike other ad
platforms out there, you don't get to
customize a lot more. But it can still
take some trial and error to see success
with Etsy ads. And I'll tell you my
two top strategies that I personally use
here for success. Number one, I only
run ads on bundles or items with the $25
or higher price tag. That way there isn't
a foot profit margin to justify spending
the ad budget. And if days go by where
you spend Ad money, but don't make any sales, you can recoup that cost
on days you do make sales. My second tip is to only run ads on products
that are on sale. Even 10% off sale will help. It's all about catching
your customers. I when browsing and the little indicator on your
listing that says it's on sale is an additional
boost when your product is being advertised at the
top of the search page, back to your product
listings for a moment. An important aspect of your listing is the
product photos. And this can be a little bit
more of a challenge to come up with when you're selling a digital or printable product. The key to making a
good impression here is to use mockups to
make your product stand out and to
give your customer a clear idea of what it is
they're going to purchase. In the next lesson, we're
going to hop back into Canva, and I'll show you some
easy solutions to designing mockups for
our sample products.
9. Mockup Image Tutorial: In this lesson, we're going
to look at how to create some mockups in Canva for the products that
we already created. And these can be used
as your listing photos on Etsy when you go to
create your listing, I have opened up Canvas and
I've created a document that is the size of an
Etsy listing photo. So it is 2,700 pixels
wide right along here, and it is 2025 pixels
high right here. This will make a good
size for an Etsy listing. Just take a screenshot of this or write it down if you'd like. Then let's start designing
some of our mock-ups. I'm just gonna do a couple
of examples to show you how you can do this with
each type of product. But I would encourage
you to make a couple of different images for each
listing just to change it up. There's some different
examples of it in use. As you can see here on the left, I've imported our products from a couple of
different versions. So let's start with
our invitation. I'm just going to click on here. This is our party
invitation that we created. Now this product is a static rectangle and it
has a colored background. And that is important to note
for our mockup purposes, there's two main ways that you can create
a mockup for this. The first is to
use a drop shadow and adding elements to
make it look decorative. And the second is to
use a photograph and then insert this to try and make it look like
it's in the photo. I'll show you how to do
both of those options. First, we're going to
try with a drop shadow. So I've clicked on this item. I'm going to click on edit
image in the top left, go-to shadows, and then we have some options for
different shadow shapes. My personal preference is to use two shadows and you do
that by applying one, hitting Accept and then waiting for it to finish loading and then you apply second one. The first one I'm going
to apply is glow. What this does is puts a glow around all the edges
of your design. I like using this one because I think it helps define
all the edges. Whereas if you only
use the drop shadow, which is the second one
we're going to use. It would only show
the two edges. And for a lighter design, this will help us stand out on a darker background or
rather a lighter background. So I've clicked on glow, it has shown up, I'm
going to hit Apply. I'm going to wait. It says saving paused appear in the top. I find that this poll edit
image with shadows and also with the smart mockups is a little glitchy if you don't wait for it
to finish saving. And there we go. It just
finished right now. We are good to add
our second shadow and I'll go back and add
the drop shadow. And you can see it
kept our original glow around it and just add a
little drop shadow there. Now if you want to
modify this drop shadow, make it bigger, smaller, softer, or whatever you like. Just click on the gears
with sliders right here. And you can change
it up a little bit, but I'm just gonna leave
it as is hit apply. And again, just wait for
the saving to finish. Now it is finished and we have our 3D looking version
of our invitation. Now, all you have to do
is decorate your page. So typically that's going to be a few neutral elements and maybe some texts to
indicate what it is. Because this is a invitation. I'm going to go to elements
and look for an envelope. I'm going to go under. I get a realistic looking one. A lot of these are pro elements. I'm just going to filter that out and look only for free ones. You're welcome to
use the pro ones. Of course, if you
have that account just because these
are listing photos, this isn't a product,
so don't worry about that in with the pro elements. But the best one is generally
this very first one. It is not necessarily a color that looks great
with our invitation. So I'm just going to go to
Edit Image and go to adjust. And we get all the sliders
to change up the colors. So I'm going to
increase the brightness about their saturation. I will make it a little higher, so it's a bit warmer looking. And let's play with
the contrast a little bit and then bring
it down just a touch. So that's the settings
I'm going to use. And then I will push this behind our card and maybe
rotate it slightly. Just to indicate that this
is something you mail. Here we go. So I want the focus to
be on the invitation, but this envelope is kind of a nice indication
of what the product is, especially if you're listening. This is a digital
product on Etsy and we'll say digital products, so people generally
are not confused. The price point will also
be an indicator that they're getting a digital
thing and not a physical one, even if you include an indicative element,
like an envelope. Next, we're gonna do
a background here, and I like to use
photos for this. Typically, I'm gonna go for
something really neutral. So that's gonna be
either a wood grain or a marble texture. You could also do a solid color, but I think it adds a little
bit more and have one of those textural elements. So let's look for wood grain. There's a bunch you
can choose from here. I'm not gonna go for
something really busy. I could do that, but I think it does look nice like I think
there's a vibe here, but it is a little
bit dark, right? Purposes. So we could try that one, which I think looks
actually quite good, but I would edit
it and lighten it. Maybe. Duration a little to make
it warmer, brighter. So that could be a good option. I really liked that backdrop. You can also do marble. And keep in mind, I
have the free filter on here so you could
use any of these. And there's a lot of options
when you search for marble. Some of them are quite busy. Just the third one here
is nice and subtle. When you drag and drop, it does continue the effects that
you did on the image prior. So I'm just gonna
go back to Edit image, adjust and reset. There we go. So the
marble is a classy look. It's very all-purpose,
in my opinion, I've used marble backgrounds for a ton of digital products. Another option is
to look for shadow. And you get all these cool
backdrops with a shadow. These have a Boko vibe. You can use this, drag it in and it's got that
nice palm leaf shadow, which is very aesthetic. Do this warmer one. You can also look for
shadows that go over top. You'd be there. Yeah,
The hearing Graphics. See this like plant one and
this is again a free one. You can put that over
top if you want it. It's not really the
style I would go for, but just more options
if you wanted to do. I'm just the transparency.
Oh, there it is. Just to make it look
a little bit more, less like a digital product and more like something
you could hold. But let's just
leave it like this. I think this is pretty nice. So at this point you
can add some text. You can either fit
your texts in, in the blank areas were out of shape and put the
text into that. That's kinda my preference, but it's just a personal style. I'm going to try
doing a rectangle, just hitting R on the keyboard. Let's do this in white. You could do a rectangle
along the bottom of your design and just
put some text in there. Let's try tempo texts. So digital template for Canva. And we'll pick a nice font. Garrett is one of
my favorite fonts, so we'll do that in bold. I get down, you get a lot bigger and make sure
it's in the center. So that's one option. You can do just a
white box like that. You can move the products up a little bit just so
they're not as cut off. Another option is
to do a circle. I'm just hitting C. I'll
make that white as well. You can do any color. I just think quite
contrasts well with this particular design. Delete that one. Use the same textbox
to shrink it down a little bit and
put it in the circle. That kind of indicates
what this product is. You could also add
in a Canva logo. You can just type 14 elements. Canva. I founded the Canva
logo is under photos. So you can click
that and you can add that to your listing as well. You can put it in
an opposite corner, put it right above,
line them up, maybe make them the same size, and put those down
in the corner. So that's another option. This is a pretty easy
way to create a mockup. And then afterwards, it should
be centered To afterwards, if you create multiple templates
or multiple invitations, in this case, all you need
to do is just drag and drop your new photo in. You may have to reset the
glow and the drop shadow. But other than that, you
can reuse this over and over again as you create more
products that are similar. That's one option for
creating a mock-up with digital assets and
this would work for the other products, be creative as well, the
game sheet or the menu. But another option is
to use a mockup photo. So in this case, this
is an invitation. So we're going to look
for a card mockup. I'm just again looking
at free items. So when I open this
up in the photos tab, there are lot of different
cards that pop up. So we just need to
look for something in the right orientation. This one is in the
right orientation. Just as an example,
let's use it. It's not exactly
the right colors, but I think we can
probably adjust. Just take note of the different
elements in your design. So we have this fabric, which is the next texture, the wood and these
little cotton buds here. All of this could be a
bit of a wedding vibe. We have textures and materials, so it's not terribly off theme, but I wouldn't put a Christmas tree and background and a wedding invitation one. So just be aware of the context of the mock-up you choose. Let's turn the brightness
up a little bit. In the saturation. It's also a warmth
tab down here too. I'm going to crank a little bit. Perfect. Now we can go and add in our object here,
sorry, invitation. So what I'm gonna do this to make it transparent
just for now, I'm going to try and line
it up with this rectangle. This is a pretty
manual way to do this. It's going to take
some adjusting. The transparency is just
going to help you make sure that you are
going edge to edge. It was located go very slightly over the edge of this design, especially if you see here, this card is not
perfectly the same size as my invitation. There's a little
bit of space here. So I'm just gonna go over to make sure that
there's no gap. Showing the photo, I think that looks mostly
covered, so that's pretty good. You can always
zoom in and check. So I'll remove the transparency. And now it's somewhat looks
like it's in this photo. And that's because we're
reusing the shadow and the effect of the actual card
that was in the photograph. So it looks a little bit more
involved in the setting. If you find this looks a little
too copied and pasted on, one trick I like to do is
to go into Edit image. You can reduce the contrast a little bit, just a little bit. You'll want to make the
design look washed out. And then you can also go
back to transparency and knock it down just a tiny bit, maybe ten to 90. And just be sure
you aren't showing any edges by doing that, but that looks pretty okay. So it just reduces the
vibrancy of it a little bit. So it doesn't look like
it's sitting on top of the image or that it's involved. Remember when people are
seeing this on Etsy, it's going to be quite small, especially because most people
use Etsy on their phone. So you can click on
Grid View and just take a look and see how that
looks from a distance. So both these images depends on the scale at which
you're watching this video, of course, but looking
at them on my screen, these are legible
from this small size, but they're also, they look really natural and
they don't look like, oh, that's just
the digital thing. It looks like all I can picture what it's like
when it's printed. And that's kind of our goal. For our last mock-up, Let's
look at our banner options. Now I have all of our
banner pieces right here, just say happy
birthday on the side. And I haven't duplicated any letters so I can reuse
them more than once. I've gotten an export
at all of these as transparent PNGs
without the background. So it's easy to make
them into little flags. But if you don't have Canva pro, the way that you can get around this is just by going into your design where you
have created these flags, copying all the elements and
then pasting them into here. The downside to
this is that it may be a little bit
slower because if you have a multilayer flag for every image which you
may want to group. By the way, it's
just going to slow down the process of moving
these items a little bit, but it's certainly doable. There's no reason
you can't do that. The only instance in which that might be
difficult is if you've used white blocks to
create a particular shape. But if you've used a
standard shape like this, then it shouldn't be too much of an issue to move it in here. Now I'm just going to spell
out happy birthday and fit it all in here
and then we'll play around with
it a little bit. Okay, so here we have
happy birthday all spelled out as
individual pictures. One option is to just use a
very basically like this, add some texts,
explain what it is. But you can also
play around with it. You could add a background photo ends and you might want
to look for a wall. You could do something
that is in brick, but I think this tends to
look a little bit cheesy. You know, you might
want to go for something a bit neutral. Then you can start rotating these to create a banner
shape if you like. This is very fiddly
and it's going to take a bit of time to create, but you can make them all
to say happy birthday in a more realistic way to show how the product would
look when it's in use. You could also use the line
tool which just hit L4, creates a small
line and use that to connect the
different banners. Like that to show what they look like
when they're all strung together as well. Because birthday is really long. You could actually just do
just like this with one on, one curved and one naught. I think the impression
gets us across. You can also have
make these have a bit of a glow as well. If you want to click on
them and use the shadows, you may want to try some
different shadow shapes here. I think curved actually looks quite nice because it makes it look like the object
is maybe hanging. So I'm gonna go and put the curved shadow on
all of these flags. Because of the nature of a
banner being long and wide, you have quite a lot
of space at the top and bottom of this design, which is where you could put
in some boxes with text. Usually I'll pick a design color that is complimentary
to the design. So we could use the one
from the banner background. You can small and
actually let's duplicate it and put it at the top
of the design as well. Then you could add in some key information at the
top and bottom. This line describes what it is and I'll put at
the top a little bit more on technical
specifications about what they are getting. Something like that
indicating how many pages your PDF is that
you're giving them. Now that I'm looking
at this, I think the teal is actually
a little too overwhelming and
maybe putting it into pink will look better. I think that does look
a little bit better. Now you want to do
some variations of this particular banner style. Trust with different
backgrounds. You can drag and drop
in different ones on multiple pages to
show different ideas. You can also try reorienting it. Maybe zoom this out
a little bit and do one long happy
birthday all in a row. If you're giving them this
as an editable template, you're giving them
the Canada link. Then I would recommend do including a screenshot
of the document in Canva to kinda give
them an idea of how we're going to edit it
so it seems really easy. You can also add another
little elements if you like. E.g. I. Just typed in
balloons and we have some realistic looking
balloons that we could put in the background. Just tuck them in the
corner very subtly, just to add to the
birthday vibes to help our customer
visualize it. This is a little bit
of a trickier product to demonstrate because
it doesn't have a very clear mock-up available
or a clear template. But once you have all
of these elements here in this Canva document, then you can really
play around with them and see what kind of shapes and designs you can make to make it a little
bit more appealing.
10. Creating a Deliverable for Templates: The last thing we
need to create is a deliverable for any
templates that were selling. When you put a listing on Etsy, particularly for a
digital product, it's going to ask
you to upload a file that the customer can
download upon purchase. A canva template is
accessed via a link. So we can't just give them
a length through Etsy. Unfortunately. However, we can turn this
into a good thing by making a deliverable that does a couple of different
jobs for us. I've opened up a
document in Canvas. This is an eight-and-a-half
by 11 regular sheet of paper, which we're going
to create as a PDF. Eventually, you
could do this with a smaller document size
because it's just something people are going to be opening
up on their computers. But I like to make it
paper size just because it can fit a lot of information in there at a reasonable size. I also like to decorate this page to be a
little bit branded. If you have a logo or
colors for your store, this is a good opportunity
to make your product look really cohesive with
your store branding. Now let's decorate this a
little bit first and then start to add our
important aspects. I'm going to go into elements
and look for a pattern. I'm going to do like
a cute store theme, but you can do whatever
suits your brand. Look for polka dots
and just make this the full size of the
document. There we go. Okay, Now I'm going to add
a white rectangle with R. And then we're
going to just turn this pink area into a
bit more of a border. Make that the size of merchants
that pop up. There we go. Now, if I have a logo, I want to put it up here. I'm just doing a demo, so let's just find a,
excuse me, have a look. We can use. Let's just use the shape.
Pretend that's our store logo. Make it pink. Okay, now we can add in
some text and I hit t. So the first thing I was put is thank you for your purchase. And we'll do go back to Garrett, since I like that font so much. And I'll make it
bold right there. Now, you can use the space
to include instructions. Any tips on how to
use this design. You could also do a multi-page
PDF if you want to have frequently asked questions or what should I do about this? You can also include links to other stuff in this document, which is a rare
opportunity on Etsy. You can't normally linked like a newsletter sign-up
or things like that. But here you can put sign up for a free extra template by joining my newsletter
and provide a link. If you had that sort
of funnel in place. You can also link your
social media and all kinds of things because you can create links right here in Canada. But let's keep this
simple just to start, to access your
invitation template. You will need a
free Canva account. Then click the button below
to access your template. Let's pick that. I like to go in and add an
actual button looking image. You can either find a picture in this if you search for like click button or
something like that, or you can just add a
rectangle and rounded corners, which is what I will do here. Since we have the
corners rounded, I'm just going to reshape it
to more of a button size. It's kinda oversized, but I
like to be really obvious. And put that in the center. We're going to add
texts separate. These boxes, do prompt
you to put text in them, but just create a
separate text-box here. And I'm just going
to right-click to access template selected. I'm gonna make it
all caps and bold. And put it on the background. Put it on the button,
click on the text, click on the three dots
that pop up and go to Link. And it's going to give
you options here. It can link you to
a recent designs, but I would recommend that you
just get the template link to make sure you're
not just linking someone to edit your original. Once you have that
template link, like I showed you in
the design tutorials, which for refresher is found under share template
link right here, will give us this URL copy. But obviously you can
do that for the design, not just your deliverable link
and you paste that there. Hit Enter, it's underlined. Now you can see
that it turned into a link. And there you go. Now I usually will
just duplicate this text and add
something below about if you have any issues
with this product, please, to me via Etsy and
I will be happy to help. Then. Rebecca shop name on Etsy. You can also make this a link and then add your social
media down below. So this is a basic deliverable, covers all the bases, really obvious how to get to that template which is key
for people to get confused. Then when I'm done, I'm
just going to download this as a PDF Standard
and download it. Then you upload this PDF to your Etsy listing and
you're good to go.
11. Growing Beyond: If you enjoy this niche and are finding enough
success that you start thinking about growing beyond your digital
product store, there are plenty of
opportunities and transferable skills
that you can rely on. One option is to create
physical products, to go along with your
digital products. Once you figure out what items sell the best in
your collection, you may want to consider
offering a preprinted version. This can either be
something that you manufacture and ship
out yourself or you can partner with a print
on demand company who can do the production
and shipping work for you. There are lots of
print on-demand companies that
integrate with Etsy. So if this is something you're interested in doing
and you can check out the available partners and the products
that they offer. Another option is
to go bigger in the world of
customized products. Instead of offering templates for customers to
fill out themselves, charge a little bit more
and do the work for them. This could mean e.g.
putting custom info on a party game template or doing the design work
on an invitation. Then you can either provide the finished files
to your customer or offer them the
physical printed products for an even bigger price. Because of the existence
of party supplies stores, There's also the potential to grow your business to
the point where you manufacturer physical products and connect with wholesalers. Products like banners, fill-in-the-blank party
invitations, thank you. Cards and more can all be
translated into physical goods. This is obviously a step towards growing a much larger business. But if down the road you
realize that you have a really big Etsy store with a lot of products
that sell well, you may want to consider
taking it to the next level. Of course, there
are also lots of other digital product
niches that you may want to step into
after this one, since you'll have the
skill set to create and deliver digital
products already, there are lots of
complimentary product niches such as printable wall
art or greeting cards, that could be the basis for a second Etsy store if you have an appetite to
grow in this way. Now with all that being said, we have reached the
end of our course, I would love to see the skills
that you've learned here and action for our
class assignment, try making one of
the four products that we covered
in the tutorials. It could be a party invitation, a letter banner, a
party game printable, or a menu for dining event. When you're all done,
upload a screenshot of your work to the class
for everyone to see. If you'd like feedback. I'd be happy to
provide it and I'd be so excited to see
what you've created. If you have any questions
after taking this class, head down to the
discussion to share your thoughts and we can
continue the learning there. And if you enjoy
learning from me, I teach a lot of
other classes on design, business,
and e-commerce. You might find another course
that sparks your interest. And finally, if you
enjoyed this class, please do consider
leaving a review. I read all of them and
I really appreciate it. With all that being said, I wish you the best of luck in your new party
principal business. Happy creating.