1. Vector Clothing Introduction: What's up, guys? Fred here on today, we're going to go this kind of project on. I call the director closing, but you can call it anything you want. It's actually pretty interesting project. It's not that difficult to create. So what we're going to do is first. Well, first, we're going to define areas where we want to put that kind of pattern. For example, here on the jacket on here as well. Then, for example, in this area for a pattern like this area, for example, then we're gonna add some lines. You can see the black lines here. So are we going to do something like this? And then and then we're going to make our image black and right. So the colors look really colorful and like the pop, also, you can create some other relations with other images. For example, something like this. You know, our slices, something like this. So it's all about experimenting with different patterns on also different images. Antique. What can you come up with? A real hope. You're going to enjoy this project onto during the next lesson by
2. Vector Clothing Part 1: Hello, guys. And welcome to the Western. So today we're going to create this project here. Ondas, You can see it looks actually very interesting on there. Also a few hours of variations. There was this project, for example, like this or like this. But we're going to create on this one and then you can try and create some other projects. You know you can download as images on birtherism. Anyway, let's get started. So first of all, we need to create a new project. So we just go and create new and then we should writing off the project on Let's call just rector closing I would say anything Which and height must be so It must be 1000 how it must be 12 50 on it must be pick so selected. So I make sure pixel selected orientation like this Our boat should not be selected. Results in 300 on legis Press crate on. Let's wait. I'll get perfect now. First of all, we have toe take the picture on put it inside for the shop on. We have to make sure there's no whitespace lived here, so we just hold shift. I start dragging the photo on them will be OK. Just press here. Okay. Perfect. Unless it is background layer because we don't actually need it. So first thing we need to do is me to import here as our patterns. As you can see here, you have to patterns first upon. The 1st 1 is for the jacket and other bodies for his T shirt. Okay, on. Let me see where the matters. You'll find them in their project files, by the way. Okay, So this is the first pattern on. I will just imported to further shop. Was it here? So we have to price it noted, but down just to make sure it fits the whole jacket on. Girls have toe scale it up a little bit, so we just hold shift and scaled up Has ever been rail? Kate, press enter or press. Okay. Here. Perfect. So now let's turn this off first. We need toe. Select this jacket here. So we go to selection toe, we go to a quick selection, talk on, make sure you have plus selected here on. Then you can start selecting. Okay? Perfect on here as well. That's actually good There. Anything going to the venue to remove this white space here because we don't need it. So let's just get closer toe this place so we can just press control control. Plus, and then we can hold space. You notice his hand to appear, and then we can press and jack on. So we need to take minus here. We need to make this smaller even smaller on then it was here could. So now, in order to get back to the full screen, you need toe press contra control or common minus if your mac like this. And now we just turned this own on creating mask. Okay, Perfect. Nothing we have to do is we need to make sure we chose the right connecting no connection mode. But, you know, like caramel. So, for example, if you press here is normal, if you press to darken, as you can see, starts changing, we can also change, for example, to multiply, and then we can see which one fits best. So if you want windows, you can just choose one of them. And then you can press up or down arrows on your keyboard on, you know, move between them. If you want, Mark? Unfortunately, we'll have toe press them one by one. So we'll just see which one fits better. No, no. Okay. It all depends. What kind off? Look here you want to do If you want to to be more realistic than of course, for 11 something like this would be perfect because it looks more realistic. But if you want to look like comics, then of course something that would look more like comics will be better like Okay, let's remember this one. Hard pledges, Cold, hard light. So I after I will remember it. And then we go and check other styles. Lighter color. Also, it's pretty good. Yeah, I'm going to choose lighter color this one because it blends in with the jacket as well. And it looks more like tartan too perfect. And now we have to do the second pattern, which is inside, located inside, secure so late. Just there's a second pattern. I press it, place it here, make let's make it the small. So we just hold shift and make it smaller. Drug it here on press. Ok, now we need to turn this off on me to make a selection quick selection. We just take a look selection to start making our selection again. Just make sure you have. You have plus selected. Good. And he want to change the size of your brush. You can always go here and change the size. Yes, in case you forgot so mass against here we don't need. All of this place is so I want to get close to this. And as a way to get closer to your project is actually toe hold control on space and then press on drag right? For example, on if you present drag right, you can get closer if you hold control and space. And then if you called Empress on drug left, you get why they're right for them. I would say if you drag right, you get cause the way. If you want Mark, you can just use the touch. The keyboard is a keyboard budget. Ha ha ha. Do you call this thing? I forgot. I forgot the name. Just your touch. Trained in orderto bring in order to bring the screen closer. Or why there with your fingers. Okay. So let's feel like minus here on. Make sure we're start Do you think this like a knife is going too far? Venuto take plus again on make this appear on. Yeah, it's going too far again. So let's take minors on prey Press yet. Well, we can adjust it later anyway, So let us go up. And we also need to remove his beard from our selection minus minus. But Wilson, you to add this place here it takes plus on. Yep. Perfect. Solo just turned his own on. We can create the mask. Okay. This is actually looks pretty nice. We should also change the blending mode. We can go to darken, and then we just press down and see what are the options? Nothing up. This one actually looks pretty good. It's called so color Dutch. I should remember that we can continue and see. What else do we have here? This one looks also pretty good. Uh, okay. I think I'm gonna choose this one. The right. I don't know why, but I really like it. And it's making this white, which I think is even better. Okay, let's continue. No. So anything we have to do is we need to make sure we have here. Is this lines on? We're going to do that in the next lesson.
3. Vector Clothing Part 2: Hello, guys. Welcome to the continuation. I would say of this project so we can find the finish it so first in me to the direction we need to make sure you have. You have black stroke on the edge of our pattern. For example, if we go to this picture, this water as we can see here we have black stroke on sand and it applies the same. Okay, here. We don't have it, but we have it here on the jacket. So how can we do that? First of over two Jews are a jacket pattern. And then what you actually need to do? We went to press twice on the empty place on the space. I would say if you don't have interest, you can just press right here and go toe blending options on. Yeah, you have solar cells. Opens is actually what we need. So here we need stroke. Yes. Press it. Make sure it's elected. I make sure that the screen changed to this two stroke. Now what we can't go to after death you can see here we have not struck appeared. It may look different for you because your parameters are different minor. Different. So what do you mean to do here? First? Which change? Feel type, toe color. This. Move this. Make sure we have a blue collar right now as our stroke. But we don't need a blue collar. We don't need to be black serving as president color. We change it to black. As you can see, we also can't choose here, for example, radiant. We can choose, like, Oops. We can choose different grade ends here because will choose, like pattern essentials, different patterns here and so on. But we will need just the color. So black are perfect. Most of interplay else. A bit was the size on. I think it should be a little bit smaller. So, like five. Uh Yep. Flight five should be good. That's perfect. Because we can play with the position which helps us, for example, Toe, make the stroke go outside. Toby inside are in the middle center. We will make it outside like this now, as you know it as the inside. Yeah, I'm not just press OK, good. So if I get closer now, I can see the stroke here. Nothing we need to do is we need to add this manual brush strokes, as you can see here also, one thing you have to tell you here we have a different pattern. This time I used a different pattern, which actually also looks pretty interesting. So on. You know, I have a lot of factors that you can't so, Donald, oath of different patterns on. Try them in orderto have this kind of book must continue. By the way, if you want to change your pattern What you can actually let's say we don't like this pattern. That is one that happens This jacket what come back should do So First of all, we have to press right here, Not here, right here in General Dallaire And then we have here, replace contents, repress it. Now we have need to shoes as a picture. So I gotta go to my I said, as I could go to my patrons on here of different patterns, I think it was this one. Solo just chose this pattern here. I guess you can see my pattern changing up, but it looks kind of weird that it's not bringing guns like fully on the whole jacket. This is because of the size of this image. So what can we do? First of all, here you can see the link between the mask on for the we want to make the photo bigger. But if you make the for the bigger right now, the mass is going to be regards. Well, so like this, the mask over this jacket is going to change. For example, to make this big, I go to edit free transform. And if I hold ship that make this bigger as you can see, it doesn't look right. So just hold press cancel right now. First of all, we after on link the photons a mask press here town like them perfect. And I can change the size on the of the picture. For example, 95 press control or common, take your mark in order to change the size. And I can hold shift when I make it. Big as you can see, what happens is actually the mask stays the same. Only the size of the pattern is changing like this on November 1st. Okay, but if I'd since I did that, I also need to change the blending one, because it's blending model isn't really good look on this pattern. So, for example, I can look for different blending modes. Nothing up? Not. Let's see what we got here. This one. This one actually looks pretty interesting. Yeah, I will go with this one. Okay, let's continue. So I think we need to do a being to add this brushstrokes here. So how can we do them? How can we add them? We're going to his pencil for that. So we just take a repentant on before you start drawing. Make sure you go to pass on you Select trip. This will make sure every time we draw a new past is going to be a shape we select straight . Now, before we start drawing them, Lish chose the staff. So which was relaunched in the field. But we had struck with president stroke on. Then we press here on, we just take black color. So make sure feels this one on basically zero. No field. A stroke is just black on. Yeah, then is too much is the result of the stroke. Let's make it 5%. So now if we start drawing, let's create anywhere. I think we start drawing, for example, I can't strong this mental? Yeah, I press for that book. I continue pressing. As you can see, Black Land appears here. We're going to use this in orderto create kind of outlines off his hand. So hopes more Wait, wait with something is wrong. Okay, let's continue. Now let's create a new layer on Let's do some some other place, for example, this hand and then we just press press, you know, just try to imagine where would be the outline off his hand. Big. If you can't imagine, you can just turn off the shape. Honestly, I see here, for example, this outline of his hand, this outlet I went out of it off the line, but it's still a cave. We can actually continue like this, and then we can turn on the pattern. So it's creating Mueller every time we can you create in your life, we have to create anywhere and then with for example, I can also do this one Mueller you'll air. Um I should also probably say as well nuclear becomes What does this little things here actually can see, for example, or actually they think here. So let me get quarter on. I can just press. So every time you press there's line Sorry in your line. And we can also do the same for these things. Here, for example, like this new line things is, you know, we just need to make a few of them you don't need to make, like, all of them. Yep. Like this. And if return on the party right now, as you can see here you have now a bunch off lines like this. It looks pretty good. So now we want to make sure all of them are group. So it's not like it's not too many layers on our layer panels. So refers first, the 1st 1 and then we hold shift. I'm pressed on the last strip shape, and then we present a group I can. And like, this is our group, so we can turn them off on on any time we want toe. Right. Right. So now what I want to do, actually is I want to make them a little bit ticker. As you can see, they're not as sick as I would like them to be. So what we can do? A opens the group we have to select all of the shapes. So it was like the 1st 1 we hold, chief and select the last one. Now we can just go here unchanged, for example. Toe, make sure you have pencil selected as much you want. You won't see this panel on changes toe eight. Press enter? Yep, that's much better. We can close this on. Just press somewhere else. So good. What else we have to do? We need to add just this mask here because I can see it's going onto his beard. We don't need it. So we just have to change, Should it chair on, then we can take our brush to make the smaller make sure we have black selected. And if you start drawing, I could go to hardness. Make it a little bit harder, like 70% perfect. So it's not that soft, but they take watch, Corrigan, and I need to make sure this is perfect. Good. Now what else after this, we need to make sure that picture behind is actually like invites. So which is the picture we go here? Eso like? Like I'm wide eyed casting now it's black and white. What else can we do to make this look better. We can play was called. As you can see, here have total different cars in order to change the course. What can you do? So first you have to select patterns that you want to change the course off you go here and you select few saturation saturation. When you have dances you can place with you. For example, when you change the recipe and see the hue of this pattern is changing. You can also bring the saturation up like this. So nights really saturated just j shows something that you like And is this some? For example, Now we go to the other pattern which so is a pattern. We go here on select hue saturation on again, but not this time. When I start doing yes, you can see it changes not on is a hue saturation off this layer but also of this layer we wanted to change only is a huge situation over this layer on it. So how can we do that? We go to layers. So we called repress right button on here. Repressed, create leaping must When we do that Now, this adjustment layer is connected on into this layer like this when we change this effect , the changes on live on this layer So I guess I can change. And also I can makes a saturation go up. Yeah, when I make it up as circuses, Green points out there is actually look pretty nice. So it may look different for you. It all depends on what kind of pattern I using as you. So I changed my pattern in the middle of the video. But you don't have to do you can just use any pattern, or you can use your own pattern. So Oops, Sorry. Okay, So now is the most important thing is for you is to choose the right pattern and the right for talk. Because you want to understand how this works on. Actually, as you can see, this is pretty easy to create. The only thing is that you just have to choose the right pictures. For example, if I can see the next one here, we have only one pattern on. We have a lot off like strokes on different colors. And here is the same. Have to patterns actually hear this one. And this one on also, I changed the cars and brought out to Africans is the strokes. You can't create them man away. This one by responsible I I actually don't like this partner like I don't like it, like, really? So let's change it. So I go here. I pressed, right, And I hope so. I go to this lab for a strike on Die Presse here, a place content after another pattern on, Let's choose, for example, this one. I'm not sure if it's going to be okay, but not too much. Probably. This is kind of too much, I would say Right click again. Replace contents, but registers The first was that God was actually this one. Yeah, this looks actually nice. So you also have the same patrons in your project file, so you can play with them and choose the pattern that you like the most. Now I just have to change the color on to make sure it looks good. Yeah, this actually is pretty nice. This is like one of the things that I would post to instagram. So I hope that I hope you like this tutorial. Unless I said before you can go and find your own patents your own images. For example. If you go toe on splash here, you can just write pattern. Andi, I can find a lot of different patterns that you can use in your images. Or you can also right here. Texture. Yeah. And then you Can you also this kind of texture? You can also even like like gravity. Because in a graft is also almost like a pattern. It looks kind of beautiful. So this is the one that three years, you can use other stuff. Oh, you can also try pain, brush something like like this for his apple. So that's so for our Listen, I hope like that. If you have any questions, just message me. I will be happy to help you. So you guys still the next lesson?