1. Trailer: Welcome to this beginner's class for two point perspective. This class is a follow up to the one point class
in this series and is going to introduce to you the basic concepts associated
with two point perspective. Two point is a little trickier
to grasp than one point. We'll gradually
figure out how to overcome its challenges
as we go along. We'll start with a brief look at how perspective
works in one point. Figure out how to position
things correctly, and then do a series of casual and measured
exercises along the way. At the end of the
lesson, there will be an assignment for
you to complete. If you're looking to get started with two point perspective, then this is the class
for you. So let's begin.
2. 1 Point vs 2 Point: Before we do any drawing,
let's first understand the difference, 1-2
point perspective. Doing a little bit of a recap
from our one point class. The first thing that
we have to understand is that the environment within our imaginary window is being observed from a first
person point of view. You can think of
this as either being an actual person or a camera. Either way, you'll often
hear this referred to as the viewer
or the observer. What perspective our images in relates directly to how
our viewer is positioned For as long as the viewer is standing directly
upright and looking dead ahead towards the
horizon at a 90 degree angle. The shapes and forms in our
scene are only ever going to diminish towards
one single point called the vanishing point. As our objects move further
back into the picture, they become smaller
and more compressed, until eventually they
literally vanish. Upon meeting this point, our viewer's position is
not locked off entirely. However, it can still move both vertically
and horizontally. We can move our camera
up, down, left and right. As long as there's no rotational
tilt to its position, our scene is always going to keep this one point perspective. It also means our shapes and forms in this view are
always going to have one plane running flush along our imaginary picture
window running parallel. We'll also find that
any horizontal lines also run perfectly
parallel with our horizon. And any vertical lines run
perpendicular to this. True horizontals
and true verticals. However, the moment our viewer turns its gaze,
either left or right, or the moment we rotate an
object is the moment we break that one point
perspective and turn it into a two point
perspective scene, we end up with not one, but two vanishing points. Even the slightest of
rotational changes is enough for a second
vanishing point to appear. Objects will now
diminish to not one, but two points along
our horizon line. Our verticals will
remain true verticals, but we no longer have
any true horizontals. In simplest terms, one
point locks us into vertical and horizontal
positions and two point adds in
rotational movements. Now we are going to find that this rotational movement
is going to cause us a few obstacles that we don't have to contend
with in one point. So there's going to be a few
more steps involved with this additional vanishing point for creating perfect
squares and cubes. But before we do any drawing, let's first do a little bit of a recap for how we
need to set things up.
3. Perspective Set Up: Okay, let's just briefly run
over how to set things up. Again, if you haven't watched the one point perspective class, it's highly recommended
that you watch that class first to really get a grasp of what we're
going to cover here. But we're just going
to do a brief rundown of how to set things up. Again, we start with our
imaginary picture plane, which is where we're going to
be placing our environment. That picture plane runs off in both directions to infinity. In essence, the picture plane is a cropped off area of a
much larger environment. Across this picture plane, we have what's called
the horizon line, which is literally
the horizon in the distance in 1.2
point perspective, The horizon line overlaps with something called
the viewer's eye line. The viewer's eye line is how far from the ground the
viewer is standing. For instance, if the viewer
is six feet in height, its eye line will also
be equal to six feet. That horizon line
intersects with a vertical line called
the center of vision. If we imagine ourselves
as the viewer, this is a cross
section that follows us around for our entire life. Everywhere we look,
this intersection comes with us in one
point perspective. The center of vision is also
the default vanishing point. Now overlapping the center
of vision and moving down beyond the picture plane is what's called the station point. It's a little bit
of a tricky concept to understand at first, but becomes clearer
the more you practice. The station point
is a projection of what the viewer sees, as well as how far away from the picture plane the
viewer is standing. It allows us to create accurate depth from our
viewer's perspective. Its station point, which
sits right between its eyes, can calculate both vertical
and horizontal measurements, but has no way of
establishing accurate depth. That's because we have
no idea how far away our viewer is standing from the picture plane,
from this perspective. But if we take a look at
a view from the top down, we do get an understanding of
how far away the viewer is. The station point is still sitting between
our viewers eyes. We're just looking at it
from above in order to calculate the distance
individually. These viewpoints can
only calculate so much, but when we overlay
them together, it means we can get
accurate height, length, depth and angles. Instead of going back
and forth between these two diagrams
to help us out, we can use this one
combined station point to do the work for us. From there, we add in what's
called the Cone of Vision. The Cone of Vision is an
area of approximately 60, 30 degrees each side
of the station point. This circle represents the
approximate boundary line for where visual distortion
occurs in our images. We cannot actually
see this distortion, but we can illustrate it. The further outside the
cone we place an object, the more warp its shape
starts to become. We don't necessarily have to draw within the cone of vision, we just have to be aware of its presence and the effect
it has on the outside. Lastly is the
measuring line which intersects with the picture
plane and the ground plane, as the name suggests. This will be used for creating
accurate measurements. So that's the general set
up for perspective drawing.
4. Informal 2 Point Boxes: Let's get started with
some informal boxes. We're not going to worry about measurements or accuracy
until later on. We're doing two
point perspective, which means we'll be having two vanishing points
along our horizon line. And we'll label those
as vanishing point left and vanishing point
right respectively. Then what we're going
to do is we're going to choose somewhere
completely random on the page to start things off for ourselves. That'll do nicely. We following on from the
traditions that were discovered or maybe even rediscovered from
the Renaissance. A little bit of debate as to when we figured out
perspective drawing. Drawing up our first vertical, and this is going to be the
first corner for our box. I'd like to start with the
verticals first in two point. I just find it makes things
a little bit easier. Starting from our left vanishing
point and connecting to the bottom corner of our line. Our vertical being
our true vertical. This will create our
first line of depth going to the right hand side or the right vanishing point and
doing the same thing there. Just remembering that
any verticals in two point perspective will
remain true verticals. All the horizontals
that we learned in the one point class
no longer apply here. Everything by the verticals
is going to be diminishing to our two vanishing points connecting the top
and bottom corners. And trying to be as
accurate as we can as well. We can start to
see quite quickly that the planes to our box
are starting to take shape. Now we're just going to
choose a random depth here because it's not super
important that we get it super accurate right now, It's just a completely
arbitrary choice that we're making
for us right now. We don't care too
much whether or not this is a true cube or not. We can declare it to be a cube. Not many people are going
to know one way or another, that's our right plane done. And I'll get the depth for
the left hand side as well. And we can start to
build the rest of our box from here nicely. It's all coming together in a pretty timely fashion and it's not too
difficult at all. We just get that top plane done and the bottom plane as well. We're going to draw
transparently to just to make things nice and
clear as well for ourselves. And all of a sudden
we've got ourselves a completed box. There we go. We haven't actually done
the back corner as well. We're drawing transparently, we've got to draw
the back corner to our box is now
officially done. That's our first two point box. We'll do a couple
more and we'll change the colors as well just to
make it nice and clear. Now, it's going to be
super important as you take this perspective class, or any perspective
class for that matter, to put down a lot of
notes as you go along. There's going to be a lot of
information thrown at you, even though it's
intentionally presented in this class to be as easy
to digest as possible. When we move on to the
more measured aspects, using the station point
and the measuring line, things start to get a
lot more complicated. There's no point
in denying that, get into the habit of taking
notes as you go along, but for now we're
just going to be very informal with how we
draw these boxes. Starting a new one now and using a nice bright red pen
for this new box. And putting it above the
horizon line as well, just so we can get to see how the box looks
above and below, and making it a little bit larger as well for good measure. Once again, straight lines all the way back to
our vanishing point, diminishing all
the way back there a nice straight vertical, ensuring everything is
very upright there. And drawing another line all the way back to our
right vanishing point. It doesn't actually
take a long time, as mentioned, to construct
the boxes in two point, it's not all that more
difficult than drawing in one point perspective
cylinders do become a lot trickier
in two point, we're not going to
worry about anything rounded or elliptical
in this lesson. We'll dedicate an entire
lesson to ellipses later on, but it's just one thing to two squares and
cubes in depth. It's another thing
to do circles. A few more challenges
involved there. Back to our box, liking how
this is looking so far. Again, if I wish to declare
this is a cube, I can. It's not adhering to any proper measurements
at the moment. The only rules that
we really care about at this point in time is that these side planes are diminishing correctly to our left and right
vanishing point. Now the thing that often scares us about perspective
is that because there's a lot of measuring and guidelines we have to draw, we worry that it's going to rob us of our creative freedom, all of these more
mathematical equations as it were starting
to get in the way. But the truth is, perspective is more than capable
of working for us. If we allow the straight lines and the measurements
to dictate what we do, then it's never really
going to be any fun. What's important though is understanding what is
happening in perspective. If we know what's going on, then we can kind
of pick and choose when we want to get more
accurate and mathematical. Here we're doing
things in a very loose and informal way and it's still producing
pretty accurate results. We could craft a
composition using this very rough series of
guides and boxes here. But as we'll learn, if
we want to take things to the extra level and map
things out a lot more, be more mathematically
accurate so that our objects are in specific
angles and positions. Then we will have that
option available to us. We want perspective
to work in our favor. That's ultimately what we need. We want to weigh
out third box here. We're not just
going to construct accurate squares in
this lesson as well. We're going to do slightly larger, more rectangular shapes. We'll do a rough
rectangular box. Now this is going to be a
little bit more measuring involved in this lesson compared to the one point class. There's
no point in denying it. There's a little bit
of a learning curve associated with two
point perspective. There's probably going
to be some initial frustrations as you
take your notes. I promise you though,
that once you get to understanding
what's going on, it's going to free
you up creatively. Now, this lesson is really just a broad overview of the topic. There are many other aspects
like inclines and declines, and auxiliaries has
mentioned things like ellipses as well that we simply can't cover in this
lesson because it's just way too much information. This class is really
just a broad overview of the core basics of
two point perspective. But we will have enough
information by the end to start constructing some
rudimentary compositions. Our blue box is almost done. Just need to work out a
few more things here. So let's just reiterate
what we've done. We randomly chose
two vanishing points along our horizon line. We randomly picked the
spot on the ground. And from there we drew up a height line for the
corner of our box. We then connected the top
and bottom of that line to the left and right
vanishing points accordingly, which created the boxes
left and right planes. We then randomly chose landmarks for the depth
for both of those planes, and then aligned those planes to our vanishing points to finish
off constructing our box, that's our first lesson done, Let's move on to creating
a two point grid.
5. Informal 2 Point Grid: Okay, so an informal grid or a casual grid,
whichever you prefer. What does that mean exactly? Well, first, it's similar to what we just did
with our boxes. So again, we want two
random vanishing points along our horizon line. And again, labeling them as
left and right accordingly. But what is an informal grid? Well, it simply
means the squares on the ground plane aren't
actually squares, they're just an
estimated square. So we're just going
to arbitrarily call them squares
though, for the moment. And we're going to
use something called a 45 degree reference point to help build out the
rest of our grid. Once again, we are going to find a random spot on the ground
plane to begin with. And just like that,
drawing it all the way up to our two vanishing points, you could label
that as point A or 0.1 or any other name that
you like, really if you want. Then again, criss crossing
things over like so. And that's going to give
us the foundational corner for our first square. Once again, we are going to just estimate the depth
of this square, similar to what we
did with our box, just a random place along
the right that we can then align to our
left vanishing point. Now as mentioned, this
is an informal grid. These squares are just
an educated guess, which means it's great
if we're not too concerned with doing
things 100% accurately, maybe we're just doing a
quick concept sketch or just taking some notes down
to put down a quick idea. So we've got the depth for one side and we've got
the depth for the other, and we're going to
declare this as a square. Where to from here? Well, as mentioned,
we need to create a 45 degree reference point. If we split a square diagonally, we get two triangles
with a 45 degree angle. What we'll find in
two point perspective is that all the diagonals to our squares will converge to the same point along
the horizon line. So let's first draw a guide
here from our first square, splitting it in half, going all the way down the
middle corner to corner diagonally until we
meet the horizon line. And that's going to give us the reference point for constructing the
rest of our grid. So I'll label that as our
45 degree reference point. Now how do we construct
the rest of our grid? Well, we went diagonally
from corner to corner, so it makes sense that we
need to do something similar. Again, we need another corner
to create another diagonal. And sure enough, we
have two corners to choose from here on the
left and the right. And I'll just make that a
little bit more obvious here. If we align our ruler to one
of these outside corners, to our 45 degree measuring
point and draw up, and we'll do the
other side as well. So we'll go over here and
do the exact same thing. Suddenly we have created
for ourselves another diagonal to make
things nice and clear. We're using a nice
bright red marker. In this instance, what
you're going to find is that these new intersections
that are taking place, well, they're going to be
the landmarks for what we need to start creating
the rest of our grid. Our 45 is crossing over with our initial diminishment lines at the back and the front here. With these new landmarks, you might be one step
ahead of me already about what exactly we
can do with these now. But let's just make things
100% clear and I'll change the opacity down and use a bright blue color
in this instance. These new landmarks we can now align to our
vanishing points. I'll just draw that
in. Just align that right and put that
all the way back there. And come all the way
to the front as well. And do the exact same thing. We'll go over the original
lines as well in blue. Just so we make things
nice and clear, we can start to see the grid
is slowly coming together. Now as mentioned again, these
are not actual squares, But because we've
used that first tile as a means to find our 45
degree reference point, it means that these tiles on the ground are going to be the
exact same size and shape, only diminishing off
into the distance. That's our left hand side done. Let's move over to
the right hand side now and start doing
the exact same thing. Again, aligning up to
our new landmarks, to our right vanishing point. And we'll strike a line all the way through this
back landmark, just like so. And then we'll rotate things to this front landmark as well and strike all the way through that. And then all of a
sudden we've got for ourselves a nice nine
paddle grid on the floor. Just to reiterate, we created a random square on the ground. We use that square to find a 45 degree reference point
via its diagonal corners. And then use that reference
point to intersect with our original
diminishment lines to find new landmarks to
construct our grid. But can we make this
a little bit bigger? Well, of course we can.
We simply need to follow on from what we started
with, that initial tile. And the first thing
we need to do is find a new corner for us. So we've got a couple of
corners here on the left and the right that we can use from this nine panel grid
that we've just done. And we can just simply follow on from exactly what we've done, taking another diagonal from
our reference point here, and then striking it
down to this corner. And then doing the
exact same thing on the other side as well. Now we've got a
whole new bunch of intersections that
are taking place. Two additional
diagonal lines has produced for us a whole
series of new points. We've got one there on the one there on
the left hand side, we've got a bunch more on
the other side as well. More landmarks that
we can continue with and build out
an even larger grid. And we're not going
to be limited to just moving backwards
into space as well. We could drag our
45 degree lines out further and create more squares that are coming
towards the viewer. So we've got two directions
where we can take our grid. So let's start to crisscross
things over once again with this new set of landmarks
going further back this time. Now there's going to be a lot of software applications out there that have perspective
tools built into them. But you do want to learn how to do this type of grid manually. Because if you're
out and about and all you have with
you as a sketch pad, then those digital tools aren't exactly going
to come in handy. So even if you're
working digitally in Photoshop or Clip
Studio or art rage, whatever it is,
get into the habit of drawing perspective manually. It will end up making you a more valuable artist
in the long term, It's a valuable skill to have. Now we can see already here, there's already a new
set of intersections that are taking place
on the left hand side. I'll just finish the
right side first. We'll see if we need
to keep going with that further back into space. In practice, you
could actually take this type of
diminishment all the way back to the horizon line. You'd probably need a pretty sharp pencil to do it though. We'll continue on with this
new set of intersections. We can see here now we've got all these new intersections that are taking place
along the back here. A couple more on the left,
a bunch more on the right. So let's continue on with this. You probably wouldn't need to put that much grid in anyway. The closer you get
to the horizon line, the more compressed
and cumbersome the grid becomes to draw. You'll probably find
is that eventually you won't end up needing that much information on your ground plane to
start your illustration. The more you draw perspective, the more intuitive it become, and the less grid
you're likely to need. Many perspective artists
don't even put in full grids. They just throw in a couple of really rough
diminishment guides. And that's all they'll
need to create the scenes. We only need a couple
of landmarks here and there to start putting
together a composition. Our grid is pretty
much done here. We could, of course, keep going
back further and further, or we could bring
it forward as well, just finding new
corners that we can align to our 45 degree
reference point and keep going from there. But we'll leave this
here for now and we'll move on to doing
something a bit more measured.
6. Vanishing Points at 90 Degrees: So let's talk about how we use the Station Point to create accurate two point measurement. Again, the station point is a combination of two viewpoints. A top down view representing the distance the viewer is standing from the picture plane, overlaid with what the viewer's
first person perspective is or what the viewer
is looking at. This means that a
measurement in one viewpoint directly relates to a
measurement in another. How do we use this to create perfect flat squares
on the ground? Well, we know that
a square has to be made up of 90 degree corners. And we know that we have to
have two vanishing points, which means we need to create guides that are 90
degrees from each other. We can't get that
specific calculation from our viewers first
person station point, but we can get it from our
top down station point. If we draw two lines, 90 degrees from each other
out from this station point, they are going to end up at two specific places
along the horizon. Because these landmarks are truly 90 degrees
from each other, it means that it's
going to give us the ability to build
true squares and cubes. Now, the beauty of this is
that as long as we keep those guides at a true 90
degrees from each other, it means that we can rotate
them to any area that we want and still produce
perfect squares and cubes. We're not limited to
this one position. Our station point suddenly starts to double as a
bit of a pivot point. If our guides go beyond
or before the 90 degrees, then our vanishing points
are going to be off, and we will never have
true squares and cubes. The key to creating
squares and cubes in two point perspective is to lock our vanishing points to be
90 degrees from each other.
7. Formal 2 Point Cube: All right, measured cubes. And we've got our
formal set up here. We've got our horizon line, we've got our A vision
which is spreading out 60 degrees either side
of our station point. Which of course is the two
dimensional representation of how far away our viewer is standing from the picture plane. Measured cubes means
we are creating vanishing points
that are exactly 90 degrees from each other. But first, we need to find a random spot to begin with here. And that's going to be
the corner of our cube, and we'll readily choose a place for vanishing
point left. These are both random
choices at this stage, but because we know the location
of vanishing point left, it means that if we want that true 90 degree corner in
our two point perspective, vanishing point right has to be a very specific location and we get to that location
via the station point. A true 90 degree corner from the view of
our station point. That top down perspective
of our viewer is equal to a 90 degree from the
viewer's perspective. So I'll line the ruler up here
to be exactly 90 degrees, nice and flush up against. Then all of a sudden we've got the exact location of where vanishing point
right needs to be. So we are 100% committed. The moment we choose the
position of vanishing point left means we are committed to this position for
vanishing point, right, because of that true 90 degree corner through
the station point. So where to from here then. Well, in order for us to
make things accurate, we first have to put
down a measuring line. And that's going to
help us ensure that our cube is nice and
even all the way around. So I'll just go back to our
original spot here and I'll measure out two units of
measurement either side. And we'll just say
one a half inches. Either side here should be fine. And this horizontal measurement
is going to represent the length of our right and
left planes for our box. And of course, if this is
the length of our cube, it also means that our height needs to be the exact
same measurement as well. Because a cube is equal
all the way around, what we're going to
do is lift that up 90 degrees and get the
exact same measurement. Then that's going to
give us the exact height that we need for our cube. I'll just draw
that up right now. This height measurement
is also going to double as the first
corner to our cube, similar to what we did
with our casual set up. We've got our height and
we've got our length here. What we can start to do then, and we're going to
use different colors just to make things
nice and clear, is that we'll criss
cross things over. So this is the
bottom of our cube. And we'll use a nice blue
color for this side, for our left hand side. And we'll change it
over to a green here, I think, for our
right hand side. And we're not going to worry about doing
the top just yet, because we need to figure
out a way to swing these horizontal measurements
that we've just drawn in. So they strike these
left and right planes in the exact position
that we need. Because we can't guess here if we want that even
cube all the way around. These need to be in very
specific positions. So we're not just going to
randomly guess this time. So how do we go about getting the exact depth measurements? Well, luckily it's
not too difficult. All we need to do is
take the length between our vanishing point and
our station point and swing it up till it
meets the horizon line. Alternatively, we
can use a ruler and get the exact
measurement distance here. In this instance, it's about 21.5 centimeters
according to this rule. I'll just jot that down, 21.5 and we'll
take that distance and mark it across from
our left vanishing point, like so 21.5 And that's going to
give us the first landmark we'll need
to get our depth. And we're going to be calling
this our measurement point. So I'll label this as
measurement point left. And I'll also change
this to blue as well just to make
things nice and clear. So just jot this
down as well as left plane as well just to make things a little
bit clear as well. So we've got measurement point
left that we've created. It's the exact same distance between our vanishing point
and our station point. What we've essentially
done here, and it's a little
bit of a tricky concept to wrap our head around. We've taken this distance here, and we've taken it from a
flattened two D space and essentially swung it up into
a three dimensional space. So we've done it for
our left hand side, but we also need to do this for our right hand side as well. So switching to green again, and I'll just write that
down as right plane just so we're 100% clear
about what's going on. Again, the distance between our right vanishing point
and our station point. And swing that up,
I'll just grab the distance here just
to align that up. It's about 19. A nice easy number to remember. Again, I'll align that up to
our right vanishing points. If I could just get
the ruler to work, I'm measuring that up to be 19 centimeters across from
our right vanishing point. And that's our second
measuring point. And that's going to be
measuring point, right? And that's going to relate
to vanishing point, right? Which again, just to
make things 100% clear, is this length between
our station point and our vanishing point being swung up into three dimensional
space right here. These landmarks, these measuring
points are going to be used to construct our
true depth for our cubes. We're going to do that by connecting them to
our measurement line, our horizontal
measurement line here. Normally, what we
think we have to do here in this
situation is that we connect our vanishing points to the measuring line to
get our correct depth. That's never going to
give us true depth. Instead we want to connect these new measuring
point landmarks to our measuring line
on the ground here. If we strike all the
way through here, that's going to give
us the actual depth. So let's get our ruler out
and align things up again. Perfectly again, like so. And just criss cross
things over again. Connecting measuring point left to our measuring line
on the ground plane. That intersection
that we now have that we've created here
on our left plane. That is the true
depth of our cube. We've previously
just done a bunch of random guessing about
the depth for our cubes. But now, because we've done
all these measurements, we know for certain here that we've essentially
swung back this measurement line back
into three dimensional space. So if we do a little bit of a top down view of what this
actually kind of looks like, that's our left plane, that's our measurement line. And essentially we're swinging at the door shut as it were. We know 100% with
certainty that because we align that measuring point
to that measuring line, this is the exact
depth for our cube. And we can do the
exact same thing to the other side as well. If we take our right
point and we align that up to our measuring line on
the right hand side here. Twist that round,
get that aligned up, and try to get that
all the way right. It seems better if we strike
that all the way through, we're going to get
the exact depth for the right plane of our cube. We've taken measuring point
left and connected to our measuring line and got
the depth for our left plane. We also did the same thing for the right hand side as well. These are the foundations
that we can start to use to actually build up the
rest of our cube. Knowing that for
certain that because we've done all
these measurements, that this is actually
a genuine cube in two point perspective. What we can then do is
take this new landmark, take it up to our
right vanishing point, Strike that all the way across. If we get the alignment right, strike that across and do the exact same thing
for the other side. Going back to the
left vanishing point, align it to that
brand new landmark, that depth landmark, just like we'll strike that
all the way through, That gives us a perfect
square tile in depth. Now it has to be pointed
out that this intersection here is where we start to build from for the rest of our box, rest of our cube rather, and not the intersection where our measuring
points cross over. We just want to do
those very lightly, those measuring
point guidelines. From there, you might be one
step ahead of me already. Here we can start to build
the rest of our cube, aligning to our left
vanishing points, going all the way across there. Getting that correct, then what we can do is take things over to the other side as well. Just making that clear, that's going off
in that direction. Now moving over to the
right vanishing point. Do the exact same thing
that we just did here. Strike it all the way through. Striking it through just like. So once again we'll be
drawing transparently to, just to make things
abundantly clear. We've got the top and
bottom of our box done now, because we've got the
exact depth that we need, we can flip things
vertically and start to put in our corners. This is looking good so far. So let's start to
get the verticals in now to our true cube. Get that in like line that up nice and straight,
just like that. True verticals as mentioned, go to the other side as well. Get that in. All of a
sudden our cube is coming together and you
can see how we can start to put things
together pretty quickly. Just to reiterate
what we've done, we started with a random choice for the position of our cube. We randomly chose a location
for vanishing point left, which subsequently committed us to the position of
vanishing point. Right? We located
vanishing point right, by creating a 90 degree corner from our station point
to the horizon line. We then created a measuring
line on the ground to establish the length
and height of our cube. We then had to work out
the true depth of our cube by taking the distance between each vanishing point
and the station point, and creating measurement points along the horizon
line for both sides. We then connected both of these measurement points
to our measuring line, which created landmarks to establish the true
depth for our cube. And then finally, we
used those landmarks to construct the rest of our cube into two point perspective. There's a lot going on there. And I really
encourage you to take these concepts and go over them several times to really try
to memorize it for yourself. Because there's a
lot of information that's just been
thrown at you here. Just take it at your own
pace and take it one step at a time and construct the
cubes as best you can. All right, let's move
on to the next video.
8. Formal Grid Part 1: Okay, we're going to do a
formal set up for a grid now, which is going to
be very similar to what we just did with our cube. So that's our center of
vision line in place. The station points
down below there. We've got our horizon
line as well. And we also need to
establish the cone division, which is 30 degrees either side of our station 0.60
degrees in total. There's going to be a
lot of similarities to what we just did with the cube, with the measuring point
and the measurement line. But this is going to be a
few additional steps here. So we're going to
break this part of the lesson up into a couple of videos just to make sure
things are abundantly clear. Because there's
going to be a lot of line work that we're going
to have to put down. And it's going to take
a little bit more work and it can get a little bit
more confusing as well. So we'll just take it
one step at a time. So that's the code
division in place now. We've got our random choice
for vanishing point left. And because we have
a random choice, we know precisely now where vanishing point
right has to go. And that's 90 degrees
from this station point. So I'll just line this up here, try to get as
perfect as possible. Nice. And 90 flush
against the line there. And measure that up. And
that's going to give us vanishing point, right? And it is also going to
mean we're going to get a true 90 degree corner when we start to
construct our grid. If we're repeating things
a couple of times here, it's entirely by design
because these are some difficult
concepts to understand Sometimes the more
repetition we do here, the easier it starts to
become for us long term. So I'll start to criss
cross this over. Now we've got our random
vanishing point left here, which is created our committed vanishing point on the right. So I'll crisscross that over. That's going to be the
starting point for our grid, a nice 90 degree corner
in two point perspective. Let's just do a recap. We've chosen a random
spot for the start of our grid that's 100% random. And then we've gone to
choose a random spot for our first vanishing
point, vanishing point left. And because we made
that decision, we automatically
committed ourselves to a specific place for
vanishing point. Right? We got that position by creating that 90 degree
corner via the station point. We are 100% committed to
that second vanishing point, the moment we chose
the first one. That's the breakdown for
the first part of our grid. Let's move on to
the second part.
9. Formal Grid Part 2: All right, we're continuing
on from part one, where we're going to be doing something very similar
to what we did with our cube and draw
out our measurement line. But this time we're going to
extend it out with our cube. We needed only one unit of
measurement either side of our starting point to help calculate its true depth
and two point perspective. But our grid has got many
tiles on the ground. So we need to
increase the number of increments in our
measurement line. First things first,
let's put down some units of measurement here. And I'm going to be using just
1 " increments this time. And we're going to put
down as many as we can here across the page
of our starting point, all the way to the
right, and of course all the way to the left as well. Our goal here is just
like the cube to swing these 1 " increments back into this three dimensional
space that we are creating. I'll make a couple of
those landmarks I think, just a little bit clearer, A little bit bolder, so we can see exactly what
we're connecting to. I'll mark this down, as well as our measuring line,
just to be clear. We just want to reiterate from earlier in the video
as well that this is also overlapping with
the ground line which is the intersection between the picture plane and
the ground plane. So there's a lot of
intersecting and overlaying going on
with perspective. Again, I'll just make sure that these initial
diminishment lines are labeled as left and
right accordingly. All right, our measurement
line is done and our goal is to apply these increments to our left and right planes, accurately getting
their position in depth correct. What's
the next step? Well, we need to figure out our measurement points again.
What do we need to do? Well, we need to take
the distance line between our vanishing points
and our station points, and then swing them up
to our horizon line. Again, we're starting with
vanishing point left. We're going all the way down
here to the station point. We're going to swing that
measurement all the way up until it meets
our horizon line. Or alternatively,
as I prefer to do, I'd like to just get
the distance here, which if I align this ruler
correctly, looks to be, I'd say that's about 19.1
centimeters to my eye. I'll just say that's the
measurement in this case. And I'll jot that down
and then I'll take that same distance from
our vanishing point left along the horizon line to get the position of our
left measuring point. So I'll mark that down
as left measuring point, or measuring point left,
whichever you'd prefer. Just to reiterate again and
forgive the repetition. In essence, we are taking
this distance from our flat two
dimensional perspective and we're translating it into a three dimensional
first person perspective by swinging it up to
the horizon line. And of course, we need to do the exact same thing for our
right hand side as well. So getting our right
measuring point, which in this case is
about 22.6 centimeters. Again, just measuring across here to get that
exact same length. As I said, forgive me for
repeating things a few times. There's a lot of concepts that we're going to have
to remember here, and sometimes just having a little bit of repetition
is going to help us out. Again, we've got these
measuring points which are linking over to their
respective vanishing points. You might be one step ahead of me here, but
we'll go over it. Just to be clear with our cube, we created a guideline between our measurement line and
our measurement point left. And the intersection with
our left plane created the depth landmark
for that unit. We're swinging that unit of measurement back onto
that left plane. But now we've got
multiple units of measurement along the left
and right measuring line. Because we're trying
to create a grid here. And we have to find
landmarks that run along the left and right
planes respectively. So how do we do that? Well, luckily we
just have to move our measurement point
over to the next unit. Let's first draw in the
landmark for unit one. And we'll just strike a line
straight through there. And that's going to be our first intersection on our left plane. Then move over to unit two
and do the exact same thing. We don't have to draw
lines all the way back just where the intersection
is taking place. Unit three done
over to unit four, over to unit five, and
so on and so forth. We can keep going along, ensuring that we are creating landmarks all
along our left plane. We're just about to
run out of units here. This will be our last one. Just like that, we've
created our first set of grid landmarks along
our left plane. So for as long as these
units of measurement along our measurement line
are diminishing off and to our left
measurement point here, we're going to get
their correct position relative to each other in
two point perspective. But we can also bring this out towards the viewer as well. We've got a bunch of
landmarks that we can do here because not only is our left plane
extending out well beyond where we put our initial
center point down here, but our measurement line is also extending out here and
giving us new increments that we can strike through
Just going through unit one on the right hand
side of our starting point. And we're striking it
through to our left plane, which is extending quite
a long way out here. Now we'll start to see
that things are going well outside the cone of
vision right now. Our vision is where
we have a bit of a boundary line before
things get distorted and things are getting
really distorted out here. Now those are our landmarks
for our left plane, and these are all
equal to each other. What we need to do next is the exact same thing
for our right plane. We are aligning our
right measuring point up and we're just
aligning it with the corner first and moving over to unit one on the right hand side and striking
through the right plane. Unit two, unit three, and then again, so
on and so forth. Going all the way back probably about five or
six units on this side. That's our landmarks.
Moving towards the horizon line there as well. Again, we've taken
measuring point, right? And we are aligning with
the units of measurement along our measurement
line, crossing it over, striking it over until it hits our right plane to get us
the landmarks that we need. Now, if all of this is feeling
a little bit overwhelming, just try to take it
a step at a time. And I know there's a lot of
lines on the page right now. There's a lot of
landmarks as well. And you're probably
saying to yourself, well, this is getting a bit too
much for me and all that, but I really recommend
just going slowly through these concepts and going over them again and again, and to take notes
as you go along. I promise As convoluted as
this looks at this stage, it does become a lot easier. Eventually you'll
eventually get it and you won't think twice about
how to set these up. You'll be able to do it
in a matter of minutes. So just to reiterate, we've done something very similar
that we did with our cube. We aligned our
measuring points to our measuring line and we
figured out how to craft these units of measurement
along our measurement line into their correct depth along
their respective planes. So let's finish this off here
and we'll move on to now, constructing the actual grid.
10. Formal Grid Part 3: Okay, we're finally onto
the home stretch now where we finally get to
put our grid together. So, we just want to be a little bit careful here
because it's actually very easy to start putting down lines and connecting them
to the wrong marking. So we just want to be a little bit cautious
as we do this out. So we'll use a nice
thick black marker here to make things
nice and clear. And we'll just go over our first original
diminishment lines, our left and right
planes that we originally put down and
criss cross those over. And we'll start to
criss cross things over to our landmarks in a second. As soon as I get this lined
up and it looks about right, again, criss crossing that over our original markings there. And that once again gives us
that nice 90 degree corner. What we're going to be doing now is that we're going
to be going from our vanishing points to these landmarks along our
left and right plane, our right vanishing point
to the left plane landmark. Let's do this one at a time and align that up
just like this. And move over to unit one. Strike that all the way through, we'll go pretty
long here as well. Go to unit two, strike that
all the way through as well. And just keep going
backwards until we've hit all of
those landmarks. Make this nice and clear again, I just want to take your
time a little bit here because there's a lot of
markings on the ground, even though we've done things pretty lightly for
the most part. And it's only now that we're really making things
nice and dark and clear, it's very easy to still
hit the wrong mark. I know I've done it more
than once in my life. That's our first side done. Let's move over to our
left vanishing point now and we'll do the
exact same thing. We'll align that up, go to our right plane and strike
to our next landmark. That's going to be
going all the way back here. All these landmarks. And now aligning to
vanishing point left. And we'll strike that
all the way through. Go to the next one.
This is unit two. Now onto unit three
as well, and so on. Or actually this one is
not looking too good. Let's try that again. Go
all the way back there. Want to double check your
measurements and make sure everything is nice and aligned in that you
haven't accidentally missed a marking somewhere
along the line as well. It's good to double check
your stuff all the time. Again, going all
the way back here. As you can start
to see, our grid is finally starting to form. Now after a lot of work
and a lot of measurement, we're starting to get our
actual grid in space. So all of these
tiles in the ground here, they are actual squares. Now we'll just bring
this forward too, coming towards the viewer now and going well outside
the cone of vision as well. Things are getting very
stretched and more extreme outside the
cone of vision. These squares are actually
going to look like rectangles. And it's going to
be super tempting for us to actually
try to fix that. But we know, because we've
done all these measurements, that our vanishing points are exactly 90 degrees from each other through
the station point. These are actual squares. Avoid the temptation to try
to fix these. As it were. Our grid still coming
together nicely. We'll just bring these
diminishment lines out the front. Now strike that all
the way back again, making sure we hit
the right landmarks and not accidentally hitting
our measurement line, which is quite easy to do. Again, striking that
all the way back there. Do a couple more
here. We've just got enough room for
one more, I think. Just strike that all
the way back there. All of a sudden, this is our measured grid in
two point perspective. I'll just turn off
all these other lines for a second and
take a look at it. This is looking
pretty good to me. We've done a lot of work here
to try to get this right. Actually, I think there's one that's missing at
the back there. I think I've accidentally
missed one. There you go. It pays to double
check your work then. Yes, I've definitely missed a landmark along
that left plane. Let's fix that up, shall we? We'll align that up there and strike it all the way through. That's officially our grid done. That's everything that is now measured and we know
for certain now because we've adhered to all of those measurements
that we've done. This is actually a grid with
true squares on the ground. But we could expand
upon this as well because we ran out of room for our measurement line and we've
got a whole lot of space out the back here that hasn't
got any actual grid to it. What we can do is
what we did with our casual grid is that if we
connect our diagonals here, in theory, all of these
diagonals should connect and go all the way corner
to corner to find our 45 degree reference point. What we can do then,
the same thing that we did with
our casual grid, is then find ourselves a corner, which I'll use on the
left hand side here. Strike a guideline through
that, just like so. All of a sudden that's going
to give us a new set of landmarks to continue
our grid on from. I'll just align up to our
vanishing point here and I'll just start to strike these through and that's
a little bit thick, we might choose a slightly thinner pen going
backwards here because it's going to be a little bit too convoluted trying
to use that thickness. So yeah, we can just continue on with this all the way
back to the horizon. So that's how we
do a measured grid in two point perspective. There's a little bit of
work involved, no doubt. But if you do a little
bit of practice with it, eventually it starts to
become second nature. And it means then that you can pick and choose
when you want to do something more mathematical and accurate in your illustrations.
11. Measured Rectangular Box: All right, so onto
our last video. Now, we're not going
to bother setting things up from scratch now. We're just going to overlay from what we've done previously. We've got our cube here, but we're going to
expand upon this. And I mean that quite literally, we're going to turn our cube
into a rectangular box. So we look at this from
the top down view. Obviously that's the
top of our cube and we want to make
something now that is a little bit more rectangular. Like luckily this is just another extension from
what we've just gone over. So we've got our
measuring line here, of course, on the ground. And I'll just label
that there as such. Now instead of doing what
we did with our grid and marking each
individual increment along our respective planes, we're going to count across
to a specific unit of measurement now and draw
our box in that way. So this is our corner, of course, for our box. And we're going to make
things a little bit easier for our measurement
line in a moment by actually numbering each of these so that it's a
lot clearer for us. But like the other times that we've already
gone through this, we're going to go from
our measuring points to our measuring line left and
right here accordingly. Instead of counting
to the next unit, we're going to go
to a specific unit. Let's start to write
our numbers in. So this is obviously
0.0 We've got 1,234.5 along the
right hand side. We've also got
12,345.6 on the left. We've got extra space on the left hand side there.
We probably won't use it. Now We need to figure
out what is going to be the size of our rectangular box. Let's just try something
not too difficult. Let's try, actually
you know what? Let's make it a
little bit longer. Let's go crazy and make
it three, shall we? So three on one side, on our left hand side, and our right plane is going
to be four units in length. Let's grab our ruler
and align it to measuring point right
first this time. And we'll count 1234. We're going, of course,
along our right plane there, making sure that we
are intersecting that plane and no other
lines here. 1234. And there is our unit of
measurement now in depth, we'll label that as four, it's four units deep for
the start of our box. And we're going to
measuring point left now, and we're counting across
our third unit over here. 123 of course. Going across to our
left plane here, making sure the intersection
is taking place. There. Just getting the ruler
in right here. There we go. There's our landmark for three units going
towards the left plane. That's the start for our box. That's the depth that we
need for both sides here. Let's once again align things
up to our vanishing points. Start to criss,
cross things over. And I'll just build on
top of our original cube here and a nice
bright pink color to make it obvious to see, taking that vertical
all the way up. And that is the depth for our
box and it's right plane, so it's four units deep
in that direction. Now we want to go over
to the other side now, aligning up to vanishing
point left here and taking this across to our three unit
length on the right. Take it from the
top here as well, so it's looking pretty good. Align our vertical here,
straight up from there. So we've got our three units deep on the left
hand plane here. We're three units on
the left hand side, four units on the right. Let's finish this box off
this rectangular box again, over to our right
vanishing point, criss crossing that over
for the top of our box. There we are. We've
got a little bit of a loose end here, we
might erase that out. I think just to make it
look a little bit better. Again, we've
measured across from our measuring points to a specific location along
our measuring line. Now we'll just
finish off the box. Again, we're working
transparently here. I'll just do a
little bit more of a lighter color for the
back side of our box here, just so we finish
it off properly. That's pretty much going to
do it for this lesson here. It's been a lot of
information, no doubt. Take your time when
learning this stuff because it's going to take a little
while it to really sync in. If you want to play around with more complex shapes and start creating your own little more complex
compositions from this, then by all means give
it a real good go. But just take it one
step at a time here, because it has been a
lot of information. It really does take
a little while to master this stuff out. We'll consider this done and we'll move on to the assignment.