1. Introduction: Hello my friends and welcome. My name is Yana and I have another watercolor costs for you because I love flowers and fresh painting style,
loose painting style. I decided to pack it altogether and create the one class with all these
elements just for you. Painting organic shapes
like leaves and flowers is something that is very
relaxing and very easy. And I believe that
it is something that we all already have
somewhere inside us. So it doesn't matter
if you are a beginner or if you already
have some experience, you can join this class. I will show you how to paint
different kinds of flowers, different shapes of leaves, and how to put it
altogether and build a nice floral
painting like this. If you're ready to explore some simple but effective
techniques to paint flowers, I'm waiting for
you in the class.
2. Materials: There is nothing special
you need for this class, but let's see what I
have here on my desk. First, here's my
watercolor palette. I use this set all the time and it's full of
different colors. But don't worry, you
definitely do not need this big watercolor set. You are good to
go with basically any watercolors said
you have at hand. For the paintings, we will use limited color palette to keep
it simple and harmonious. Next I have here in
my watercolor paper. This is a Canson Heritage
cold press watercolor paper. It is a 100% cotton paper, which I can only recommend. This paper is not that expensive
as arches for example, but does a really good job. It holds the most
are long enough to give me the time to
work on my painting. It's press the pigment evenly. It's just a pleasure to use it. We will paint three
different paintings as our class project. For this, I have three
pieces of heritage paper, each 13 by 18 centimeters. For the practice, I have here, just a piece of less
expensive aquifer and paper. Now let's take a
look at my brushes. I have different sizes
of brushes here. I have a bigger brush, maybe a size eight, for the flower,
petals and leaves. And I also have some smaller, thinner brushes for
stems and details. I have here also
this glass dip pen. This is optional guys, no worries, you can
skip it altogether. The same details can
be created using a regular deepen or just a
woodwinds cure for example. Of course, you
will need a jar of water and some paper towel
to clean your brush. And let's say, if you
have everything ready, let's explore the
floral shapes together.
3. How to Paint Flowers: We are going to paint the different types of
flowers today to be more comfortable once putting altogether in the
final paintings, Let's break it down
first and try to paint all the floral
elements separately. Let's start with the Roses. Roses work so good for watercolor because they
are so gentle and soft. When I paint roses, I tried to use light color mixes for the bigger part
of the flower, and I go darker in the
center. Let's see. I have my carmine red
color and medium brush with a nice tip. I start from the
center of the flower. I put down something
like a messy spiral, few short around lines. And at this point the color
is quite a rich and dark. Now I clean my
brush in the water, and I use the clean
water also to water down the red I have in my
palette so that it's lighter. With this very light red color, I paint loose rose petals
circling around the center. As you move to the outer petals, you can use just the water. The petals are really light, but the pigment will spread there from the previous
layer of the petals, so they will get some color. The key is to leave
out these tiny dry, blank spots between
the layers of petals. Without them, the rows is
just a red blob of paint. While the rows is still wet, you can add more
pigment to the center. It will run nicely and give
you a flower or some depth. This may be takes some practice, at least from my experience. Let's try again. This time, I want to try two different
colors, red and yellow. In my country,
roses like this are called the zeros is not
sure if it's a thing. Also in English speaking
countries though. But I start again
with the center. I paint some spiral, some round lines
with carmine red. And then I'm using practically
just the red colored water in my water jar for
the petals and lead, the pigment ran from the Center. For the other leaves, I take a bit of yellow, very light mix and paint few messy loose petals
around the red ones. Somewhere. I let them bleed
into one another, but I make sure that there are still some white dries pause between the petals to give
my roles the actual texture. Now I would like to
show you how to paint a rose bud in the same style. I started again with the center. In this case, it would
actually be the top of the bed where you can see the petals
are still bundled together. I use darker mix of
carmine red for this. And then you can use
a very light mix for the actual body of the bat, which is just a
simple All shape. Don't forget about those
very important blank spaces. I want to make it
more interesting. So I add a bit of yellow
again. One more rows. This one is depicted
a bit in an angle. You can play around with this. You can paint roses, as you would see them from different sides,
different angles. You can change the colors, see what works for you. Another very popular flower
is definitely a daisy. This is come in so
many colors and types and they are
very easy to paint. I will show you a yellow
daisy with an orange center, similar as we the
rows I start in the center with a
rich orange color. I paint several small dots
giving me a round shape. And I make sure to leave
some wide between them. Now I'm mixed myself a
light mix of yellow ocher. I don't want this
color to be too dark. Then I use this color to
paint the daisy petals. This petal slightly
touch the orange center, which is still wet. And as the arch pigment
runs into the yellow petal, I will get a nice
gradient effect for my flower that I paint the petals far from
each other at this point. I don't want them to touch just yet while they
are still wet. While we wait for
the petals to dry, Let's try another daisy this time a different point of view. I paint the center orange again, but I don't make around shape, but the other half circle, tilted to one side a little. Now using the same light
yellow I paint the petals that I would see if I was looking
at the flower from the side. I let it dry again. And in the meantime, I come back to the first day
is the end, add more petals. The vessels can now be
overlapping and layering. Just make sure your
yellow is not too dark. Keep it light and transparent. If you managed to leave out tiny white spaces
between the petals, the daisy bit more
textured and fresh. I do the same with
the second Daisy. You can leave it as it is now, or you can add some more petals that are on the other side. They would appear shorter than those that
are closer to you. One more way to paint a
very simple daisy is again, Ben, few dots for the center. And then using a rich mix of
yellow color, being simple, narrow petals, basically just one or two
brushstrokes for one petal. These petals are more pointing. The flower reminds me more
of an astro kind of flower, but it is a very easy and
nice-looking floral element for your paintings. Painting floral shapes
that can be very relaxing because you do not need to follow a specific
reference photo. You can make up the flowers. Use your imagination, like in this case
where I'm painting simple flower causes thing
of just three blue petals. I will add a bit of red here
on the bottom of each petal. The pigment is still wet
and using my tiny brush, I paint thin lines connecting
the pieces together. Now while the petals
are still wet, I'm going to add a little veins. I take my glass pen and I draw the lines from the
red part to the blue, spreading the red pigment to the blue wash and
creating the veins. You can skip this step
or use wooden skewer. If you don't have a dip
pen, It's up to you. It just use a bit of green for a stem and very simple leaves. You can see that the shapes of the leaves and petals
are very similar. You can do a lot with them. Just adjust the length, color, how pointy around they are. And you really can create countless amount of
different floral elements. Here you can see that I use the same a drop shape to
paint another floral piece. This can be a flower
if it's red or yellow, or a stem with leaves. If it's green, you can choose. Painting loose
flowers is sometimes really only about
few brushstrokes. Here I use orange color and
my tiny brush and I paint few tiny dashes in a V-shape represent a bunch
of little orange flowers. Now, all you need to do is
to connect them together. Paint elegans, thin stems. I use paints gray for this. You don't even need to wait
for the flowers to dry. Don't worry if there
is some bleeding and pigment granting
tiny flowers like these come handy when
you want to fill up the spaces between
the main elements. Like big roses are daisies. They are very subtle
and easy to paint. One more example of such
a bunch of flowers. This one is again
something I just made up. I paint small circles. I add a bit of red
color for the texture. Now I just connect them
all to a one main stem. Don't limit yourself
the stems and leaves to not need
to be always green. You can make them
purple or blue or pink. It's more about the
overall aesthetics of the painting and what feeling
you want your art to evoke, rather than the realistic
depiction of the flowers.
4. How to Paint Leaves: The leaves are very important filling element in
the floral painting. I like to paint them simple. One or two brushstrokes to
paint a narrow point to leave. Just start with the tip of your brush and then
start pressing the belly of the brush against the paper while still
moving and drawing a line. Then again gradually
released the pressure and finish the leaf with
just a tip of the brush. You can try this with
different brushes. They will provide you
with different results. The next type of leaf
is again very common. I will just leave out the center vein for
additional detail. This kind of leaves is
one of my favorites because of its nice
textured edge. I create each little point with one brush stroke and fill all the left half of
the leaf this way. I move to the other
side and do the same. I start at the top of the
leaf and move downwards. Let's add a bit of indigo
color just to add some color. And maybe few details with a dependent leaves like this create nice contrast with
smooth flower petals. Now we can try several smaller
leaves on one common stem. The shape of the
leaves is again, something you can play with. The leaves can be
narrow and remind of a fern around and white. Actually, when I
paint around leaves, I always started with circles. And then I add 1
to their bottom. That is the place the stem
connects to the leaves. Very easy way to draw
along leaves are grasses is just to load your
brush with watery color mix. Similarly to the first type of leaves we explored together, started with the
tip of your brush and then press
against the paper to use the whole capacity of the brush belly and
at the same time, move the belly of the
brush across the paper. Just remember to use
NFV paint and water to make the long leaves
without running out. Arrows is here, look like they could use some leaves
to contrast with them. I'm using very light mix
of indigo color and paint, a Lewis pointy leaf. In painting like this, do not outline anything first to fill it
with color lighter. It couldn't give you
a weird marks as the outline could dry
sooner than the feeling. Try to engage the
belly of the brush, not just a tip to
spread the paint and create the shape
from within seated, I'm leaving tiny spaces blank. Again, it is a good
practice in watercolor. It is not only the texture, but also the highlight who
are creating this way. Guys, you can spend more time practicing the roses,
leaves and daisies. You don't need to hurry. Most you already, we can
proceed to the first out of three paintings we are
going to bring to life today.
5. Class Project #1 - Roses: The first painting, the first
project we will work on today will be a simple
composition of three roses. For this painting, I will
be using three colors. Reach earthy red color called
Clarett to pastel colors, dunes, which is kind
of beige color, and mint, which is a
very fresh light blue. These three colors
may seem strange at the first side for
painting of roses. But I really encourage you
to experiment and choose different colors and just green
for the leaves and stems. You will be surprised how
this will help you to work with colors
and come up with new ideas and combinations. I'm starting with the roses. I want this painting to
contain three roses. That will be the main element. I have my medium brush and
Clara thread color and I'm painting this messy spiral that would be the
middle of the rows. This point, the color is quite rich and I'm using just
the tip of the brush. Now as I'm moving to
the outer petals, I am mixing more water into
the red to make it lighter. And I'm engaging the
whole belly of the brush to analyze the area and
covering with color. I'm adding more color
into the center of the rose to make
it more contrasting. Do not forget to leave out small spaces between the petals. So we do not want arrows to
be just a blob of red color. Let's paint the second row. The third one. I am again darkening
the middle of the Roses and let the
pigment flow freely. Ester cirrhosis are still wet. Now let's make a light mix
of the pastel beige color. I won't send a very simple
leaves to add to my roses. I'm intentionally causing
the steel web threat and the base pigments to run
into one another because I liked the gradient
of the colors and the feeling of flow this
would give to my painting. Not forget that this is a
loose painting technique. We do not need to worry
about tiny details and we can afford
accidents like this. Actually. Actually
this accidents are what makes these paintings
look fresh and effortless. I think I have enough of
these leaves for now, so let me clean my
brush and move to the third color that I will
be using for this painting, and that is the mean blue. For starters, I want to take the advantage of the
beige leaves being still wet and I'm just
dropping bits of the main pigment here and
there and let it spread. I also want to add some
mint leaves, again, touching the beige leaves and
make the pigments mixed and flow is up to you how many leaves and how many rows
as you want to have. I just want to stress that
for paintings like this, it is very important not
to use too dark colors. And I vote too many
small details. We don't want to overdo it. My painting dry before I add
few more floral elements. But let me now show you
this nice bleeding here. As the leaf is
touching the rows. I really love it. I'm now using my liner brush and
painting few veinous, not on every leaf, just some of them. With the same brush. I
suggest a few stems, just very short because they are hidden behind the
flowers and leaves. The final thing here, let me take my thin brush andro, few tweaks for
additional texture. On these tweaks, there
are some red berries. They would look nice. I'm using the same
read as for the roses. Few tiny leaves. And that's it. I didn't want to
add more details. I think this has just enough. This was the first one out of the three projects I
have for you today. Please take a break
if you are tired and make sure to come back
for the remaining two.
6. Class Project #2 - Daisies: This paintings
composition is going to be a little more
orderly because what I want to do is create irregular
oval shape out of flowers. So I will start with light
sketch of this oval shape. I'm using my
mechanical pencil and this helping schedule will be erased once the
painting is finished. This is just to give me the
borders for my composition. If you want, you can
try different shapes like a circle or a heart event. That would also be very nice. Now what I want to do is
to fill this oval shape, this space with floral elements. And I want the dominant
flowers to be daisies. Let's start. I have
my medium brush and I want to have three big
daisies in this painting. I'm now painting the
centers of these flowers. I use orange color, just like in the
exercise chapter. I paint all three
flowers at once. Just several orange
dots creating a circle. I'm leaving out some blank
spots in the middle. I will paint the petals
using gill color. And I slightly touched the still wet center
of the flower. That will make the orange
pigment around into the petals. I have the first
batch of petals dry. Now, I will continue
with the second one. Make sure your color
is light enough. Your petals can overlap and create a nice
transparent layers. At this point, the orange
center is already dry, so if you think your daisies wouldn't need a
bit of a contrast, you can add more orange color. My daisies are done now and I can move to the
rest of the oval. I have some big blank
spots I wanted to fill, but I want the daisies
to be dominant so the rest of florals shouldn't
be saddled and light. You can choose from the elements we tried before together, or you can just paint with me. I decided for tiny red flowers with gray stems and leaves. The red is actually
the same orange that I used for the daisies
mixed with carmine red. Now I take my liner brush
and I paint the stems. I'm using light mix of paints gray for the leaves. I'm using my medium
brush and I'm engaging the full
belly of the brush, just make sure you are not
using too dark colors. We don't want the
leaves to be the 10th on ice off the daisies
and red flowers. I'm holding onto the
borders of the oval. I wanted my tiny flowers and
leaves emphasize the shape. Now, I think I'm done
with these red flowers. There are still some empty
spaces that need feeling. I feel like few
green leaves would bring a nice accents
to this composition. So I choose this pointy, jagged leaf and subtle
earthy green color and I paint several leaves, two contrasts with the daisies. There can still be Santana is
posted code for something. So I will paint the tiny stems, tiny details using the same
green color for the leaves. That's it. I'm very
happy with this. The last thing to do is to
erase the helping lines.
7. Class Project #3 - Free Composition: In the previous painting, we had to stay within
some lines or borders, but the final composition
will be wild and free. I'm going to use the
whole paper and I want to utilize many of the
elements we learned today. Let's see. Let's have one rose. I'm using very light
mix of carmine red, of course, darker in the
middle of the flower. Now for example, let's
have two daisies. Let's make them blue this time, but I still want them
to be very light. So I use Prussian
blue for the center. And then I water the paint down significantly and
paint the petals. You can see that the mix
is almost clean water. But as I touched the center, the pigment from the center is spreading and given
my petals more color. Now let's add some of these simple three petal
florals I showed you before. To make the painting harmonic. I make the violet color for these flowers mixing the carmine red I used for the rows and depression
blue from the daisies. While still wet, I add a bit of carmine rights to the petals. With my glass depend. I draw something vase. So far only two colors used. So let's add one more. This is a regular
green color mixed with a bit of Prussian
blue, still very light. I paint some ropes leaves to contrast with the
lucid rose petals. The same green, blue
mix is now used for the stems of the violet flowers, daisies, and few simple leaves. With my liner brush, I am now drawing
thin lines, stems. They can overlap the
existing flowers and make our floral piece
we'll look at later, especially if we add
some more small leaves. Now, the last thing
to do is to add some texture to
the green leaves. There are few lanes. The final painting,
the third project is done. Let me know, guys. So which one of these
paintings did you try to do like the most? I hope that you
liked all of them. I already think we
managed to paint some lovely floral
pieces together.
8. Thank You!: Friends, thank you very much for being here with me today. I had a wonderful time. As always. Please tell your
projects and in case you have any questions or
comments, let me know. I will be happy to assist if you want to take out
Also my other classes. Thank you again. Stay safe
and see you next time.