Neuromarketing: Applied Neuroscience to Grow your Business & Personal Brand | Diego Davila | Skillshare

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Neuromarketing: Applied Neuroscience to Grow your Business & Personal Brand

teacher avatar Diego Davila, Entrepreneur and Social Media Innovator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      2.1 What is Neuromarketing and why it is important for you


    • 2.

      2.2 What triggers an irresistible desire for your product in your customer’s mind


    • 3.

      2.3 CASE STUDY- What triggers an irresistible desire for your product on your customer’s mind


    • 4.

      3.1 Introduction to Neuromarketing strategies


    • 5.

      3.2 Irresistible Headlines


    • 6.

      3.3 Target emotional responses


    • 7.

      3.4 Manipulate Attention with Eye Gaze


    • 8.

      3.5 CASE STUDY- Manipulate Attention with Eye Gaze


    • 9.

      3.6 Give them a dopamine rush


    • 10.

      3.7 Use Color for evoking emotion


    • 11.

      3.8 CASE STUDY- Use Color for evoking emotion


    • 12.

      3.9 The more options you give, the less they buy


    • 13.

      3.10 How To Set The Right Price Every Time


    • 14.

      3.11 The Power of fonts to influence your readers


    • 15.

      3.12 CASE STUDY and TOOLS- Choosing the right font for your brand


    • 16.

      3.13 Gain Trust With Customers by Showing Trust


    • 17.

      3.14 A Smile Goes a Long Way


    • 18.

      4.1 Neuromarketing Hands-on Introduction


    • 19.

      4.2 Hands-on: Email marketing


    • 20.

      Hands-on: Website


    • 21.

      4.4 Hands-on: Ads


    • 22.

      4.5 Hands-on: Website Heatmaps


    • 23.

      Final class Project


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About This Class

Boost Your Digital Marketing Using Neuromarketing Strategies. Influence Your Customer to Purchase From You Over and Over.

Welcome to the Neuromarketing masterclass. Where you will learn how to use neuroscience to create an irresistible desire for your products in your customer's mind.

And we are here to teach you and help you implement 10 simple and powerful neuromarketing strategies that will take your business and your results to the next level.

By the end of the course, you will use the same neuromarketing strategies big companies use to reach millions of new customers every day.

This course will cover everything you need to know to start using Neuromarketing in your business right away.

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Diego Davila

Entrepreneur and Social Media Innovator


Hi, I'm Diego. welcome to my SkillShare profile! 

My Mission is to help entrepreneurs and small business owners to spread their message all over the world and make a huge impact in the life of their fans, friends, and clients.

My goal is to produce the absolute best material, best courses to help you to bring your life to the next level, next level on your health, finances, relationship, and to help you to conquer your goals so you can live a more fulfilled life.

I want to thank you for taking the time to improve your life and learn more and more, take a look at my courses. I created each one of them thinking about YOU.


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1. 2.1 What is Neuromarketing and why it is important for you: Welcome to our course. My name is Eliana, and we will start talking about the definition of their marketing and why it is important to you. Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience to marketing with the purpose of measuring and understanding consumer behavior. What is consumer behavior? This is how people make decisions about buy and consume, what someone wants, needs, and other motivations. Their combination of Nero and marketing in place the emerging of two fields of study, the neuroscience and marketing. By the end of the course, you will learn the top neuromarketing strategies. We'll see examples of how big companies are using them, real life examples, and we'll apply that on your business, on your digital marketing strategy. This can be applied not only to one area of your marketing, we can apply this anywhere to your email list, your website, to the offers you made, and much more. Now let's talk about how disease studies are performed. The most common methods are bringing scanning, like fMRI and EEG, which measures neuro activity, physiological tracking for neural activity like eye-tracking that can measure attention. Facial expression coding that reads the movements of muscles in the face to measure emotional responses, heart and respiration rates. All these techniques are non-invasive and therefore can be used safely for marketing research purposes. Determiner of marketing cannot be attributed to a particular individual as it started appearing somehow organically around 2002, only seems to be growing in popularity. In the early days, there was some controversy, especially because some people were worried that neuromarketing, it would give marketers and advertisers ultimately control over human minds and pocketbooks. But this negative connotation had virtually disappeared in the last decade. And it is very clear now that neuromarketing can improve marketing strategies and create more effective campaigns. Why this is important for you? Why this is important for your business? Because here we will learn how people make decisions. We will layer what motivates your client, your customers, anyone, your audience, anyone that is looking for your products, your services, what mode, what's the real motivation that they have? And we will learn how you can increase that motivation, how you can create that not only on your ads, also as I told you on your email list, on your website, imagine if you can send email campaigns that have two times or three times better performance, people opening your emails, clicking on your emails, on your links, going to your website, purchasing more of your products, your services, and having an irresistible desire for what you offer. By the end of the course, you'll be able to apply these, the same newer marketing strategies that bid companies are using on your website, on your offers, on your business. Let's continue with the course in the next video, See you there. 2. 2.2 What triggers an irresistible desire for your product in your customer’s mind: Hi, In this lesson, we will discuss what can trigger an irresistible desire for your product in your customer's mind. In today's world, we receive an average of 10 thousand messages per day. This volume of air is largely irrelevant unless it speaks directly to your customers brain. The brain is responsible for all our consumer behaviors. And to understand what's behind those behaviors, we need to talk about a chemical in our brain called dopamine. Some of you may already have some knowledge about the brain, but others probably would freak out the body would chemical. You don't need to worry. This is not a chemistry or in your science scores, but there are few things that I will explain to you in the next few minutes so you can understand what's going on in your customer's head and most importantly, how to apply this to marketing. There are two things that drive human actions. Necessities like food, sleep, avoidance of pain, and rewards. Anything an object in event or an activity can be a reward if it motivates us, causes to learn or induce pleasurable feelings. But how do our brains decide if a reward is worth to take, and how is that translated into action? Basically, there is a network of neurons in our brains that their job is to measure rewards and decide if it's worth repeating. These neurons have a crucial role in the decision-making process of humans during shopping, for example, the key element in these neurons is a molecule called dopamine. Dopamine gives us motivation to do things, to go after things goes, and is involved in helping us to feel pleasure. Also, dopamine is released in these neurons when your brain is expecting a reward. Sex shopping is Mellon cookies baking the oven. All these things can trigger dopamine release or a dopamine rush in your brain. When you come to associate a certain activity with pleasure, the mere anticipation may be enough to raise dopamine levels in your brain. When marketers triggered these reward system in the brain of a customer, they reinforce or the increase in existing behavior. Buying one of your products are watching our videos and ultimately creates positive associations with our brand. Or your product. 3. 2.3 CASE STUDY- What triggers an irresistible desire for your product on your customer’s mind: I wanted to describe to you one of the first neuromarketing brain imaging studies that results were mind-blowing. In this study, it was a group of people to drink, either Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Why are their brains very scanned in the nephron on my machine. So they were evaluated the neural activity of their brains. The funny thing is that in this exact moment, probably your brain is already telling you which brand you prefer. But let's go back to this study. So the scientists observed that different parts of the brain light up. They are more active if the person is aware of the brand they consume. If they knew that it was their preferred brand. But let's say that it was Coca-Cola, my preferred brand. The areas of my brain associated with emotions and memory show enhanced activity. If the person didn't know which brand, these areas of the brain were inactive. This demonstrated the knowledge of the brand change, how the brain bringing up these people perceive the beverage. How cool is that? And you're probably asking yourself, how can I boost my content, my branding, in a way that I could also trigger similar effect at the level of my customers brings. Stay with us. In this course, we are going to show you how you can adapt and boosts your marketing strategies in order to make your product website branding or adds super effect. Stick to your customers brain. 4. 3.1 Introduction to Neuromarketing strategies: Hey guys, Welcome to this new section and excited and happy to see you here because this is our favorite part of the course. Here we will talk about the real strategies that you can start implementing right now on your business, on your marketing. With, after this lesson, you will see that each lesson will have one specific strategy that you can learn and implement on your business. But people asked me, Diego, what's the best way to do this? How do I need to implement these? Do I need to work in 234 strategies at the same time or just one at a time. My suggestion is this, watch all these section right at right now, just watch it one after the other is not too long. And by the end of this section, you will know all the strategies and then you have all the tools to choose one of them. So that's our suggestion that you started with one. People usually said, Okay, I'll I'll try strategy 123 and try that on my business. But that's too complicated to do. The best way to implement is choose one of these strategies and do it right away. So my challenge for you is that you watch all these section right now, choose one strategy and start implementing right away on your business. Let's do that. Let's start with all these strategies in the next video. See you there. 5. 3.2 Irresistible Headlines: The first neuromarketing strategy that we will learn hidden the course is about the headlines that how you can create irresistible headlines that creates a desire for your product, your service, or any offer you have on your customer's mind. That's what we're learning here. And to start, let's define what's the goal of a headline here we have the goal of your headline is, one, is to capture the attention of your audience. So we use the headlines on your emails, on your website, in the articles you have on the sales pages, on opt-in pages, headlines are all over the place and the main goal, they have only one goal, which is to capture the attention of your hours. And we usually accomplish that by adding on the headline their main desire, the solution to their problem and what they are looking for. So if you have a product, that product probably solve one specific problem on your headline. You first we need to call the attention of your audience because we're adding then they're on the headline, what they desire the solution to their problems. So they are looking for a solution. They are looking for the solution that you bring with your product, your company. And we're adding that to the headline. That's the official definition. And now let's go to narrow marketing to learn how you can optimize your headlines even more. We have the hypo Campbell headlines and obey, why are they? The researchers thought that the University of London have found that when you slightly alter a phrase from something familiar and well-known, the hippocampus gets activated or attention is peak. So basically we have a phrase and I'll show you a real example so you know exactly what we are talking here. And I'll show you how you can implement these right away on your marketing. If we have a phrase that everyone knows, everyone notice well-known, and we alter some elements on this phrase. The hippocampus gets activated. That's what they shown on the study they did on the London, the University College of London. And our attention is pig, which is the main goal of your headline. Let's see some examples here. If we take the phrase, practice makes perfect, probably, you know, practice makes perfect is a well-known phrase and we change it to, for example, practice may petroleum, which is a brand of a tequila brand, which is fantastic by the way. You will be attracting the attention of your audience instantly. That's what the proof on this study. Let me show you a real example here. Here we have the forum of the ad bipolar neuron. We see here the bottle. And at the top we have a huge headline with three main words, practice, make, Patron, and the, when we read that or brain recognize this sequence and predicts what's coming next and compare with their reality. So when I'm reading these basically that's what they proven the study and reading, okay, pragmatics makes my brain automatically say perfect, because that's a phrase that we know we use. Practice makes perfect. But here Andre and practice make bathroom not perfect. So we are brain instantly compare this phrase with their reality, with the phrase that we know and, or attention gets big instantly. How can you use these on your marketing? You can use the same phrase that pattern uses, or you can use any of these phrases that I put here on the slide for you or any other phrases that you may know maybe on your language. If you are watching this, you're living in a country. Where do you speak another language? You can, you also have phrases that are well-known and you can use that on your headlines to take your conversion of your offer to the next level. So here we have some examples. For example, don't cry over spilled milk. Don't cry over spilled milk. You can replace the last word there, or barking up the room. Three, That's what we know, that's a phrase, but you can change that for another war. Or for example, money doesn't grow on trees right here. You can replace with your product name. Money doesn't grow on and you put your product name, for example, or the solution you bring to the problem, or the last one, don't count your chicken before they hatch. You can change here you have two words allele or the more complex. So here are just some examples. I'm not saying that you need to use these ones, but I, what I wanted to share with you is this study. And now you know that our altering a well-known phrase for something different where you add your products, your services. The advantage that you bring to these clients can help you to capture the client's attention instantly. Also, you can use these Beyond Ward we're showing here worked examples that you can use on your website. You can use on your email list In your headlines, but you can use also beyond words. If you have videos, for example, this is even more powerful. You can do the same technique on video, on audio, on images. That's all possible. Altering one phrase, one well-known image that we, that everybody, everywhere but knows, you will have the same effect on your customers brain, the same that date demonstrated this study. Also you can maybe thinking, Okay Diego, where do I use these headlines? Where do I use it? Only on my email, only on my website. Here we have nine places where you can use your website and there are even more, your headline and there are even more examples, more case studies that you can use for headlines. The first one is e-mail subject lines. If you use this technique on your email subject, subject lines, every time you send an email campaign, you will have a higher convert our high-end open rates. So more and more people will open your emails because you're using these techniques, capturing their attention instantly with the hippocampus, headlines. You can also use these on your content, on your search, search agent metadata. If you don't know what is this, this is basically an SEO technique. If you optimize your website, your blog, for Google, for the search engine, so they can rank higher on Google. You can use also in titles or tack lengths on your website on sales pages. This is the most powerful number five sales pages, because on the sales page you are selling something to your audience. So by doing that, by using these example, you are actually increasing, capturing the attention and you are increasing the desire that they have for your products and your services. And if I'm talking about sales pages here, we will continue learning greatest strategies here on this section about neuromarketing and how you can increase the desire for your product on your customer's mind. And so keep watching that bees handling is only one of them. Also, you can use headlines on email, opt-in on testimonials and own product names. This is the headline. Think about that. Think about how you can use that on your marketing. If this is one of your favorite, choose these and start using it immediately. See you in the next video and we'll continue learning more strategies for your business. See you there. 6. 3.3 Target emotional responses: Hey guys, In this lesson you will learn about another neuro marketing strategy, how to target the emotional responses in your customer brain. The brain uses emotions to respond to any event. These emotions affect what you say, how you say it, and how you behave. When you drink your first cup of coffee in the morning, your emotions are engaged. When you go to work. Emotions are engaged when you meet a friend after work, your emotions are also in play. Famous brands like Google, McDonald's and Airbnb or a big hit because of their emotional connection with their cones, consumer brands create emotional content that makes an impact and less in the consumer's memory. What can you do to also connect with your target audience? Well, the easiest way is by direct emotional association. Humans have six kind of basic emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust. You can think about what emotion, so it's more, or you and your products. Happiness tends to be the one that people strive for the most, but be careful there is not a plug applicable to all products. The use of a happy is myelin person creates a positive association with your product. Consumers will feel more attached and connected to you and your products. Another way is to make your costumer few involved, make your advertisement persona, if you can make your customer feel that he is somehow part of your campaign, chances are that your campaign will be extremely successful. One example of a very successful advertising campaign is from Coca-Cola. Again, you might remember there Share a Coke campaign from a few years ago. They replace it there logo with the most common names. They had over a thousand different names on their borders. This way, people could share coke with a person that matters most to them. This campaign was enormous success, making more than a $150 million. And the people went crazy sharing for us in social media. One more way to establish an emotional connection is to make your customers feel proud. In this case, you can be inspirational. When your customer few inspired, he or she feels a sense of pride. You can do that by association or associating our brand with a role model or by sharing certain goals with your customer, maybe goes that your customer can also reach. An example comes from Adidas, who created a campaign around the Olympic athletes. Seeing them as fit and determine winners, create feelings of inspiration and motivation. Remember that better than emotional content is, the more likely sales will increase. But it is important that the representation fuse authentic and honest. You will need to fully understand your customers and the brand's identity to choose the right strategy. 7. 3.4 Manipulate Attention with Eye Gaze: Hey guys, Welcome to this video and happy to see you here. Here we will talk about a new neuro marketing strategies that you can use right now on your ads, on your website, on your business and East call manipulate the attention with eye gaze. And I'll show you that exactly how you can use these on your business. And to learn that and understand that we will look at neuromarketing study performed by James briefs. And he conduct a study where he and analyze how people view baby ads. They have all ads with babies on it. And they use eye-tracking technology to monitor the subject i, where they are to things where they are looking the direction and the duration that they are looking to specific point on the ad. And you will understand that clearly here on the next slide. Here we have, this is the add. Here we see the ad. We have a baby here. We have the headline of the ad. We have some copy and we have the product which are baby diapers. And you'll see we have a scale here from green to red. Green is, you see the colors here all around the ad. This is where people are looking. Red means that most people are looking at that point. Yellow is the middle point and green is the lowest point. So you'll see that most people on this ad and this is what they are analyzing here guys, this is important for you. Most people are looking at the baby's face. When we have an atom, we talked about that in the course already. When you have an ad with a face on the app, it can be an adult, a baby doesn't matter. The people look first at the face. They see, you see here that most people are looking at the baby face and especially they are looking here at the center. This is where people spend more time during the study looking at also we have some people look in here, looking here at the diaper. We have also some people looking for little time to the headline and also to copy. Some people read the copy to the product here and they think, Okay, what's the goal of this ad is to actually, we want people to look at the baby, or we want people to read the headline or read the copy or look at the product. And their goal was to increase the people looking at the headline. So you see that most people were fixated on the face and less people, people who were paying less attention to the headline, but that was the most important part of the app. They think, Okay, what can we do to change that? They see, they said, Okay, let's try change these, changing baby's position. Let's move the face of the baby. And instead of looking ahead, the baby will look at the headline and see what happened. Look at this. This is amazing. They changed as you see here. Here we have another ad and you see that the baby, instead of looking straight to you or to the viewer, the baby is looking to the side. Where did the baby look into? The baby's looking to the headline, right? You see there. Look at the difference we have now we still have great lots of people looking at the baby phase, you see the red here. But now we see a significantly increase of people and duration. Looking at the headline and also the copy you see here we have red on the headlines. So people are reading the headline. We have red here on the copy. So people are reading the copy. That's outstanding with a simple thing. We saw people changing the direction so we can completely change the focus of your ad by changing, by changing where your face is pointing at. Let me show you another example here. Here we have another product. We have two pictures to add. We have version one and version two. Version one, the model is looking straight ahead. So you see here she's looking straight ahead. And let's look at the heat map for this one. You see here, some people are looking at the phase. Some people not many are looking at. I read in the headline, They change that they made the model. She didn't change the face position is exactly the same. In the same position. The only thing they changed on this ad is the eye, where the eye of this model is pointing. She was pointing straight. Now she's pointing to the products, is looking at the product. Look at these different, the heat map is showing here we have more people now looking at still, we have people looking at the face, but people looked at night and they immediately go here to see the product and go here to read the headlines. You see many people now with this new version, looking at the product and the headlight. What is the takeaway that we have from these studies of neuromarketing is saying that a face in your ad will attract attention. So we know that if you have a face in your app, it will attract attention, but be sure that the face on your app is looking at where you want your viewers to. What do you want your viewers to see? If you want your viewers to look at a headline or the product. Make sure that the phase that you have on your ad or on your website, and I'll show you a real case study on the next video. Make sure that these phase or the eyes are looking where you want your customers to look. That's the takeaway. This is really simple, but you see the heatmap. Heatmaps is powerful. In the next video, we will see real life examples of these working on big companies. And you will get inspire with watching that because you will get idea that you can use on your marketing, on your website, on your offers, on your ads. See you in the next video. 8. 3.5 CASE STUDY- Manipulate Attention with Eye Gaze: In this case study, we will analyze these technique, which is getting the attention of your customers with eye gaze. I'll show you real examples of how big companies are using these on their business. We will see some examples that can be improved. And together you and I, we will analyze that heat on this video and we will see how we can improve that based on these neuro marketing strategy. The goal here is that you watch this video to the end, because here we will have examples for, of ideas for you. So my goal with this video is to inspire you and fill your mind with these examples so you can get creative and you can get inspired with these examples to use these exact technique on your marketing. First, let me show you a video, a really cool video of an ad that we have here on model CMS block. This is a blog where they have the 16 powerful neuromarketing examples. Let me show you here. Here we have the manipulate attention with eye gaze. This is the one that we are working right now. I will play this. This is a commercial. And you will see here on the main screen, we see the commercial, this is from The Wall Street Journal, is a commercial from them. And you see the animal here, you will see a guy interacting with the animal. And here on the right you see the emotions that they are measuring on their customers while watching the ad. You see here they are. Delight, surprise, neutral, sceptical, sad, fear. So all the feelings that they are filling while watching this and also on the main screen here you see where people are looking at with the heat map. You see red. So most people are looking here right now. Some people are looking at the face. You will analyze that here on this video. So stay with me. I will play this right now. Friends together. Together, the French help you when you're in danger of friends or people who are not strangers. Friends, Friends. Friends, fall in love with the outside. Mormon. You saw how people are looking at different things on the app. That's gray because you see that most people are looking at the face and also where the main character is looking at. That's what we are starting here on these neuromarketing study on this section, the next sample I will show you is from the Business Insider block, the website. This is here, we will analyze a few. This is not a video or just images with the heatmap, same thing that we're doing so far. You will see a specific, adds an, an images and where people are looking at. So by the end of this example, you will understand exactly how the mind works and how you can adapt that to your ad, to your images on your website, on your e-mail list. Doesn't matter where you can always apply this strategy and you see that it's very powerful because with one simple thing, you can change completely the results that you are having with your marketing. Let's take a look here. This is the first example. We see a website. This is a website where they asked a baby boomers and also Millennials. Baby boomers, millennials, to look at the website and they discover that baby boomers look at the ads on the side of the websites, a Millennials do not. When we have a website, if your audience are millennials, younger people. If you have ads on the sidebar, it won't work because they prove here and with this study that people that millennials are not looking at the ads in the other side of you. You may audience is our baby boomers. That works. They are actually looking at the next example we have here, an ad by, I think this is Toyota is a previews. I think they have the product here and they have the actor, an actor here, which is, his name is James Franco, looks like in this ad, This is a substance that they paid to do. They paid to create the ad. They probably paid the actor. And they said, Okay, let's invest on these. Let's put money into these to promote it. We have results, we can sell more cars. And we see that most people almost a 100%, they are actually looking at the actor here, not at the product. So probably we cannot see here, but probably these actors looking straight and speaking to the audience. Instead of looking at the car or maybe speaking a little bit and later looking at the car, at the product because we want here, I think they want people to look the product unless they have another world we don't know. But you'll see here that on the study, the next one, this is a good one. Look, this is something that we can also improve. Everyone looks at the beginning model instead of looking at the ad, instead of looking at the products. So you see here we have beginning model and they have a product on their hands. And you see that most people are looking here at the beginning at the lady instead of looking at the products, so she's facing stray. One thing that they can do and try and do an AB testing is to ask her, instead of looking stray, look at the products so she can hold up same thing. She can be at the picture as she is right now. And instead of looking stray, she can hold a product and look at the product that could make a huge difference because we saw that on these examples. Let's go here. This is one slide I study. In the last video, we see the model looking straight. Here's the heatmap. And when they try the same at just asking her to look in to look at the product not changing even the face, just the eye, wherever the eye is pointing, you see that we have a huge increase of people looking on the other direction. Let's see another example here. Here we have our rebook shoes at. You see a reboot nails it on getting people to look at this login and the brand name you see here, we have this work really well because where are people looking at on this ad? They are looking to the shoes where what is actually the goal of the product that they want to sell? A 100% of the people, almost a 100% are looking here to the shoes and they see rebook the brand here, and they are also reading the slogan through everything. So you see that this guy is running on a muddy trail with the shoes and is through every single thought. These shoes are going through everything. He's running fine. The shoes are there. People are looking to the shoes. Perfect. This is amazing and UC that they proved that with these neuro marketing strategy, this is another one that they did right? Rebook again made strong brand impression with these ads. So let's take a look on that. Here we have another good thing that we talked in the past. This will work for another example, not just for the Eyegaze study that we are talking here, but also for the headline examples taking with me, look at this, they are combining two neuromarketing strides is here. They have here the actor in this position. So this is calling the attention of their customers. This is capturing the attention. And they people are looking at the athlete here because she's doing it in a different position that saying, Hey, what's going on here? And also they are immediately going into the headline. What is this important? Because they look, read the little handling pain is temporary, rebook is forever. So remember that we talked about the hippocampus headlines, where you can use well-known phrases and you can change it a little bit to capture their attention and to increase the desire of your customers for your product. We activate, activate the hippocampus. With this hippocampus. Headlines, we talked about that in prior videos. Let me show you here an example. We talked about the patron video. Here we go. This is saying or brain recognize sequence. It predicts what is coming next and compares that prediction to their reality. Reality is what we are showing them here on the headline and we have the electronic sample here you see, practice makes perfect. That's the phrase that everyone knows, but they changed to practice makes bathroom. And we have the tequila here. And the hippocampus is activated with this phrase. The same happened with the example that we have with the rebook add as you see here, pain is temporary. We know that phrase, but also we read here free boot, rebook East forever. Wow, amazing. They are combined. They are not changing the phrase with the hippocampal headlines, but they are complementing that with another phrase which is wonderful for the product because they want this login of their products is through everything that they last forever. Pain is temporary rebook is forever. Fantastic example, here is another curiosity that maybe you cannot, you want to use for your ad, but it's interesting to know. You remember that probably you saw this Sophie from LANs on the Oscar. They are saying that women look at the female celebrities first. Interesting, while, while men look first at the main, the male celebrities, here we have the women view. This is the, the hit man, the heat map from the women. And they are looking straight here to LN until the women celebrities as you see, let's take a look at the man's view. Here we have, this is the man's view. We see that they are looking first at the mail. Most of the male actors, I'm sorry, of them to the female. This one is really interested in looking at this Tropicana re-branding a few years ago fail with sales dropping 20% in one month. And they saw that people mistook the product, the new product for a generic oranges instead of Tropicana, which is a well-known brand with eye tracking technology. They figure out that people were not look at other brands. Look at this, this is the old packing. This is the one that everyone's know. And you see Tropicana brand here. I buy this brand and I always remember that I look first, I just look at the brand. I don't I don't read anything else here on the package. Usually when I'm going to buy this is the new packet. Look at this a 100% orange juice, pure, unnaturally saying here, and all the people are looking here. Almost 100% of the people are looking here to 100% orange juice. Nobody is looking at the brand. The brand is here, Tropicana and they changed also the font. You see the font that they are using here is different than the one that they are using here. So people that are used to buy the regular Tropicana juice, they came to the supermarket and they said, Hey, this is different, this is not my Tropicana. Tropicana has a 20% drop on the sales after they did that. This one is another of my favorites. Look at these. Jennifer Aniston is here and she's looking straight at the camera, is treated at the viewer. They have the product here. They have this login and they have the headline, the brand here. You see, look at this. This is something that can really be improved by neuromarketing and they did that. So that's wonderful weekend. See where people are looking to the specific ad. You see that most people are reading. They are looking at two places. First, the headline, which is great people, we want people to read the headline. And they are also looking to Jennifer Aniston phase. So she's looking straight to you. You read the head. You first look at here. Okay, That's great. And now you read the headline, wonderful, and you move forward. Why? Because they want to look at the goal of Sephora, which is this company. They want people to look at their brand and also are the products that what's the, what they want. Most people are not looking at their brand. They are just looking at the model and the actress in this case, and also to the headline, but nobody's looking at the product. We want people to read the headline, but we also want people to move forward with the ad and look at your problem. You are paying money here y to sell more products. So you want people to look at that, to be familiar with that and look at your brand. And this is not happening here. So how can we fix this? Based on what we learned so far, we can fix this by asking Jennifer Aniston, instead of looking straight to you to look at the product or even to look and point, or maybe hold the product and look at the product is myelin, that will be the perfect combination. Hopefully they did that and we don't have the case study here to show you the other way, but hopefully they saw that because he does a study and they see, hey, we need to change something. Let's let's add Jennifer Aniston to look at the product and hold the product so people can the redirect their attention to that. This is a great example. Let's go to the next one. Here we have, this is what we are talking here. We like looking at things that other people are looking at. So here we have the real example that we are talking here, the lady looking at the other model. And so people instead of look in here, they mainly look here where the other girl is looking at. The sign is for babies and these were also for babies. Did we have one baby here looking at the other baby. So everyone's attention is on these main baby. I hope you get inspired with that. And let me show you one last thing. This is my personal that I wanted to share with you. You also see how we can improve. Here we have developed website. This is my website. What is the problem here? I mean, not a problem, but how can we improve this page based on what we learned? Yes. If you answer, make sure Diego, this guy here, instead of looking ahead to you, is looking where is looking at the headline? Or it may be looking at the headline and pointing at the hairline. That's even more powerful. Why? Because people will come here where people look, when they come here, they look at my face and hopefully they read the headline here. So one improvement that I can do right away with this, and I'm showing you this because to show you that I'm not also not perfect, that we need to improve or marketing. So go right now to your website, go to your email list, go to your sales pages, go to your ads, to your Facebook page, anywhere, anything that you have online, and make sure all your images are optimized. For the eye tracking technology to capture the attention of your customers with these neuro marketing strategy that we just learned. I hope you do that and I see you in the next video. 9. 3.6 Give them a dopamine rush: In this lesson, we will discuss how you could give your customers a dopamine rush. As we discussed in the previous module, dopamine is a key element in the brain's reward system. Remember that dopamine makers repeat behavior is marketed. You can trigger this reward system to reinforce behavior and create positive associations for your customer. There are a lot of options to add dopamine to your ads and promotions. The first one, you can create a contest where people can win a price. This can be a raffle or the quests for the next best product name. Maybe someone could even suggest a creative name for you. We need a price, activates the brain's reward system and releases dopamine without adopt. Another option would be to make sure your customer is the first to know about an important development product or some news about your company. People want to be updated all the time. In many people have a general fear of missing out. That's why our social media platform send notifications, sometimes even being nice if any activity happens. Dopamine likes this and makes us curious. The dopamine kicker can also be generated using one of the hot trends in marketing, the gamification. Maybe big brands can invest in sophisticated game designs, but the smaller scale marketers like Earth and even non-profits can still employ dopamine generating strategies. Some ideas for you. You can create an ad that makes consumers solve a simple puzzle. For example. I also, you can create badges or similar virtual worlds. They can have the same effect on you if you're marketing involves any kind of process involving several steps, try to reward customers as they make progress. You can also create a point scoring system where customers can register to, if they call it, collect a certain amount of points, they get a discount on a product. So this fun way of shopping motivates our brain and dopamine to get involved and get their discount. So these are just examples, are just an introduction to how you can anticipate your customers dopamine release. There are a lot more tools, but we hope we made you understand the underlying idea of how it works. 10. 3.7 Use Color for evoking emotion: Hey guys, Welcome to this video here we will talk about another neuro marketing strategy that you can use on your brand, on your reasons on your website. This is fantastic because we will talk about colors and how they can evoke emotions on your customers. And this is important because when we are offering something to your customers, we want to create certain emotions when they need to buy something to increase the desire for your product, your brand, on your customers heart, if we want to make your brand attractive in certain way to these customers. And we will learn all about that here on this video. How you can use the power of colors combined with neuromarketing to take your brand and your sales and your business to the next level. Study colors right now here with me in the next video, we have a case study where we will go deep in real life example, you see exactly how these work in the real world and you can implement also on your business. Let's start. Let me show you what images here. Look at this image and let me know if you recognize what brand is this. Probably you do, but most people who will not, what most people will say. Okay, do we have two people doing like this on this, on this ad? Looks good, but I am not sure with image is. Now, if we add color to this, probably you will know which brand we are talking about here. 123, go, here we go. Now, maybe, you know, which brand is this? What do we add? What changed? Just the color? For most people that are watching here with me, maybe you, they only recognize the brand right now that I added the color. Why? Because this brand that we are talking about, they use this color. This is their color. Everyone knows when they watch. These are the supermarket on the street on an ad. They immediately know that this red is, Coca-Cola is red. Here we have, what do they add on the ad? Is this, this bottom part of the branding? We have the name Coca-Cola and we have these like, let's say, let's call it like a wave here. They add that with the hands. We are showing diversity. We are so in humans, this is a human brand they are showing. And you see the red color is identify the brands. So this is really powerful. You see that if you recognize these brands and we will learn how you can choose the colors, what each color means, and how each color affects your customer brain, how, how they are helping, and how they are changing the perception that people have on your brand, on your products and your services. And we will talk also about a color that will help you to sell more and convert more of your products. So let's start with that. What we'd colors, What's the goal with neuromarketing weekend? Apply this strategy when creating ads and other content by using color except strategically to boost engagement and conversion rates. So we will use these colors not only to help people to perceive, to see your brand with a different eyes depending on what your goal is, but also to help you sell more. As I talked to you, how colors can influence your costumers. We have three main points here. The colors can influence how your customers feel, what's the feeling they are having right now when they go to your website, when they see your ads. Number one, the feeling, how do they feel? Number two, they can influence purchase decision. So if they are not sure if they will purchase or not, if they are not convinced, 100% colors can help them decide and go for your products and your services. And number three, studies show, shows consistently a link between colors and emotions that we will talk here right now. And let me show you each color right now. What do they mean? I'm so you'll know which color to use. Each color conveys a definite meaning. Marketing. We know that each color that you have different meanings when we talked about marketing. And also this is Neil, each color is influenced. It can influence your mind, your customer's mind, in different ways. So let's explore that right now. In this lesson. Let's talk about the colors now we have black first and you need to is saying here that black color is the color of power, elegance and luxury. So what is this for you? Why? When you need to use black or any of the colors that we will talk here. If your customer is looking for something special when they go to you and they are because they are looking for what you have to offer. Maybe you offer health, maybe you offer power, maybe you offer luxury. Maybe you offer simplicity. Uniqueness, doesn't matter what you offer. There is a color that combines with what you offer and what your customers desire. So that's the key point that you need to think about here. So you can use black on your branding, on your power and your ads. If your, if your customer is looking for power elegance and look to review and selling power, elegance and luxury. This is a great color. The next one is white, conveys purity, Innocence, and stamps in good if they are looking for these characteristics you can use also, white, blue is the color of security, trust, and tranquility. It also makes people relax and count. However, this is important. Having too much blue may bring a negative effect. It will bring a feeling of depression is studies show we have red, this is the Coca-Cola scholar look at this brings a sense of power, energy and attention. Maybe I'm not sure if he is, but maybe they are looking for these characteristics. Maybe who is people that are drinking Coca-Cola and the ads that they are creating, they are looking for power, energy and attention. This color looks very attractive to women, they're saying, moreover, red brings a sense of urgency as it increase the heart rate for some time. Green is the color of health, nature, and wealth. If your customers are looking for these characteristics, disagree color to use. It brings a clearer vision to things and makes your rid of the feelings of anxiety. Really good color depending on the promotion you are using. Orange is the color or the color of stimulation, alertness, and attraction. This is a key color guys. If you are selling online, if you are selling something online or you have a bottom where people have to click Buy Now or Enroll Now. Or you have an opt-in page where they can let left their lip, their name and e-mail and click on the button. That button should be orange or yellow. I mean, if you use these colors is best for your marketing, for your conversions, try that on your next promotion and let me know how it goes. Pink is the color of romance and femininity. We have purple. This is one of my favorite is the color of royalty and wisdom. It comes, it's come on. Powerful color that brings authority. If you want to show authority of your brand, desegregate color to fill in of wealth and elegance. Remember, we talked about the black. Let's go back to the black. Black is the color of power, elegance and luxury. Let's go to the purple. Purple is also the color of elegance. If you want, if you are selling elegance, if your customers look for elegance when they go to your brand, your products, your services, you can combine maybe two colors, black and purple and see how it goes. Also, purple makes things unique. The last color we have is yellow brings optimism. It is a color of brightness and excitement. So these are the colors. Think about this. Think about how you can use this on your brand. And in the next video, we will have a case study showing you how to use, how companies are using these on their businesses, and how you can do it too. See you in the next video. 11. 3.8 CASE STUDY- Use Color for evoking emotion: Welcome to this case study here would soak our rule. See real-life examples of how companies are using these colors that we defined in the last neuro marketing strategy and under business and how you can use it to. So my goal here in this case study is to show you real life examples. So you get inspired and you decide what to do and how to say how to use this in your business or your marketing. First of all, I'll show you some websites where people are using different colors, will look at the color, the meaning, and the website. After that, I'll show you a tool that you can use to define the colors of your brand. Let's say, you said, Okay, I like purple Diego for my brand because it's a symbol of uniqueness and luxury. Like purple. And what are the complimentary colors that I can have? I'll show you a tool here on this video that you can use this free to define the brand colors, colors that combine with each other based on neuromarketing. And at the end of this case study, I'll show you a video ad which is fantastic. What they are using full colors to show their products and to call the attention of their customers. Let's start with the article here we have an article for motto, CMS. I'll add these on the Resources area of this lecture so you can come here and read, we have some color combinations here that they recommend based on neuromarketing. I'll show you that later. What I wanted to show you here are the colors and how they are using. We have read, what is red? Let's go back to this slide here. Red means a sense of power, energy, and attention. Let's go back here. We see that we have gravity test. They are using red on their website. The main call to action here, the main area of their website is red compressive shipping solutions. So they are a shipping company, will have another company here, grill party. They are using read the perfect place to enjoy. We have another one leading knew your agency model. You have, they are not, they don't have a lot of red, but they have main key red elements like the contact us button and the main cover here on the model's hair. Clothes, looks like very professional. Also the menu is also on red when you put the mouse on it. That's right. Let's go to blue. What is blue? Let's go back to blue. Blue is assigned a color of security, trust and tranquility. It makes people relax and come home. However, having too much blue can have a negative effect. So let's see how they are using. This is a take care of your health. These are health company. So what is red, the color of tranquility, of calmness people want to become. This is perfect for healthcare company because we were blue. They are showing to their audience more tranquility, more calm, more security with this blue. Next we have another company lead, gen gray ways to show your services. They don't have a lot of blues like the prior example, but they have some blues, looks fantastic. The next one is gravida is the way to success, is always under control construction. Wonderful. Let's go now to yellow and orange, which are the two most powerful buttons. If you will have a call to action like a Buy Now button for example. Let's see yellow and orange. We have orange color of stimulation, alertness and attraction. Where we have the coffee house, the house of coffee. This is stimulation coffee. People remember coffee. They wanted to be stimulated. They want to drink some coffee. So perfect color for that. Orange. We have yellow here. The valid your mind skills. What is yellow? Let's go to yellow. Yellow is bring optimism, is the color of brightness, brightness and excitement. So we want people to be bright, to be excited, mind skills, perfect color for this company. The next one is skyline, the best model CMS templates and are accepted and let's go to green right now. Green is the color of health, nature and wealth. So here we have cooking score, health, nature and wealth. Perfect. We have a nutrition, health. We have an or organic scene, looks like our organic company. We have again, health and wealth. We have color combination. So these are some examples, of course, this is, these are just a few examples. You can watch more examples online. Now we are going to the second part of this case study where I will show you how you can choose a color and to a tool that will help you to choose colors that combine with that one. Stay with me to the end because at the end I'll show you a video commercial. Use color in a beautiful way to get to your customer's mind. If you go to Colors dot CEO is C-O-L-O-R dot CEO. I'll add the link also through the resources area of this lesson. You see that here we have a super fast color palettes generator. So all you need to do is click on Start the generator here. You can see. If you press the spacebar on your keyboard, you'll see that it changed automatically all the colors that I'm having here. Let's go to my lease and let's say that for my business, I want blue, for example, which is the color of security, trust, and tranquility. I want to use that. That's the thing that my customers look when they looked at my product. They are looking for security, they are looking for trust, for example, they are looking for tranquility. The best color I can use on this example is blue on this case. Let's say that that's the case. And I can go here two colors. I have blue here. I can just lock. You'll see the log here. Here we have the lock in this area. I click on the Log. Now I just lock the scholar and I can press the spacebar to replace all the other four quarters. So you see that we have five colors here. So I can go random until I find the other colors that I like. Why random? Because these tools will combine colors that are similar in design wave, colors that, that combine with each other. So I like this color to its shadow blue. So I will lock this one too. I will continue checking here. Black is another color that I like. Why I like black? Because maybe my customers are looking for elegance. Wonderful. I look blue, the shadow blue and the black. And let's continue finding another one here. I like the orange. Let's continue here. I like these mango color. Let's say these are the colors for my brand. Wonderful. So all you need to do now is copy these codes. These codes that you see at the bottom, they are actually the aches, the extra decimal codes that you can use in any designer software in Photoshop, Illustrator, or any of the software. If you have these colors for your brand, you can just send that to your developer or you yourself can create these on or any website that use designers to create products for your brand. So this is how you can use colors, CO, to generate the course for your brand based on what we learned so far in the last lesson. Now it's time to show you the ad. This ad is by Dr. Beats Studio is the headphones at UCI. We are here again on the model block. Let me play that for you. I call these the perfect ad because they are using almost all the corners to respire different emotions on their client. They are using blue for people that are looking for probability trust. They are using red, they are used in green, they are using the orange, they are using pink, they are using purple, they are using yellow. They are using several colors that can inspire customers that have different, different desires. So if I'm looking for it from quality and you are looking for power and an elegant see or luxury. We have that cover on the ad which is 46 seconds. This is amazing, is a good example. And I hope now you use all these examples that I showed you to choose the colors for your brand. Use the colors C0 palette generator to generate the colors if you want, if you already have your colors, now you know what the meaning of their art, where the motion that they are creating on your customers brain. See you in the next video. 12. 3.9 The more options you give, the less they buy: Hi guys. Now we will learn about a famous study from Columbia University that will help us understand the customer's behavior when we offer too many choices compared with fewer choices. In the experiment, they offer different gems for tasting. In one corner of the supermarket, they had 24 different flavors. And in the other current, they had only six papers. Every one that tasted any of the gems receive a $1 coupon. As expected, more people were attracted to the large variety, but only 1% of them and ended up purchasing. The other hand, 30% of the people that they see this most decided to buy at least one jar. This study showed them that the more options you give, the less they buy. How can you use these newer marketing when writing your emails, your promotions, creating ads, or even on your website, remember to offer fewer options, may be concentrated on your most valuable offer. So it will be easier for your customers to decide what to buy from you. 13. 3.10 How To Set The Right Price Every Time: If you are selling products or services online or offline, there is a point when you need to decide the price that you will charge for your products or for your service. And now we have some neuromarketing studies that shows what is the best way to price your product and your service every time, how you price your products, right? What is the best way to price? Should I go for a round number? So that goes really well for our friend, odd number. What is the way they are? Two different studies that show different results. And I'll share with you here the two different options you have and at the end of this video, so stay here with me, this is great. You will learn how you can decide based on your situation. What is the strategy that you need, that you need to use? Let's go right now to computer here we are on the neuromarketing website from newer science by Roger Dolly is a great source if you want to learn more about neuromarketing. So I recommended, and here we have an article about how to set the right price. Every single time. I remember I told you about the two different strategies that they have. The first one is the power of precision. They said, they are saying that multiple studies show that precise prices are more believable. So instead of having like a $100 for your product, you can set the price for 909997, for example. Following this idea, a digital camera, for example, that is sell for $598.37 and you see here will appear more valuable than a similar unit cell as $600 dollar, even being a little bit less. Why? Because it's at an exact price is the power of precision in conflict with these research shows that prices that looks simple, that are visually simpler since lower to the customer. Here we have an example, for example, 10000199, $0.00 reduced only to 1199, which is the same price. But look simple, look at this. This one looks lower than this. If you look at right away without thinking about it. This is another thing that we need to think about. In the other side, we are talking about odd prices, about exact and precise prices. The other side we have the rounded prices. And I'll show you the difference in how you can choose between these in a second. We are having an study here by the Singapore research is Monica what men and cow dung. And the researchers found that was that the way, the way when you have like a rounded price, it creates a sensation of field, right? So it looks like the price is right when he's around that number. If you match the way customers we're thinking about the purchase. Rounded prices like a $100 for example, match purchasing decisions that were driving by emotion. So also with rounded prices, we create a sensation of field, right? The price fields right then and is linked to an emotion when they purchase a product. Now we have all these. How do you choose omega del, how do you choose between an odd numbers and precise pricing unrounded numbers? Should I price my product at $97 with $0.97 or $0.99, or should I go for a $100? How do I decide? Let me show you here, continuing. We have a Twitter post here which describes these perfectly and I'll show you examples in a minute, is saying pricing psychology use round prices for emotional decisions and precise prices for rationale decisions. If you have something that you are offering and it will be an emotional decision for them to buy. You can use round prices. If you are selling something that they will purchase by irrational decision. If they need to rationalize, they need to think about it. They need to compare, they need to analyze. Precise pricing works better. Here we have an example in your marketing. Here we are your marketing. We have the option to use rounded prices or precise prices. When do you use round prices? When people do an emotional decision for your products? When you use him an imaginary, when it's sexy and fan, if you have a product or an offer that match these, you should go with rounded prices. Studies show, studies also show that you can go for precise pricing if you have fitters, if you say, okay, these are all the features from a product rationalized limb. Remember, you need, you have benefited. These are all the benefits from a product. You will be these, these and these you have comparison. Your customers will compare your product with other products. Analyze which one is better, and the price should be on that case precise. So think about that. And the main thing guys, if you are still on doubting this is the main theme. Use prices. You use round prices when the decision is emotional and use precise when it's rationale. I hope this helps you to decide how to price your products. And I see you in the next video. 14. 3.11 The Power of fonts to influence your readers: Okay guys, let's jump to the next neuromarketing study. This is a gray one and this is super simple, but it's also powerful. We are talking here about using fonts to influence your readers or your outlets. Neuromarketing is showing us two ways to use here, depending on the goal you have. If your goal is to encourage action, if you want your customers, your readers, the visitor of your website, to take action on an offer on something that you are asking them to do, you should use simple fonts. So here we are reading. If you need to convince your audience to perform a task, you should describe that task in a simple, easy to weight font. The more complicated something needs to do, the more friction it creates and less likely people to take action. So remember that if you want to encourage action, simple font is the best way to do it. In the other way if we want to make your audience remember, remember you remember your product, remember what you offer. Remember the experience that they're having with you, with your company during using your products, you should use complex fonts. Let's read this memory recall is boost by a complex fonts. Use these tactics for important information throughout your web copy only. So don't use these on your logo in any other headliners. I'm sorry that you can use these during the copy view. Want people to remember specific things on your website or on your copy on your e-mail marketing, for example, a complex font will not only be more memorable, but it will grab the attention visually. So here we have the two ways, complex fonts, if you want people to remember things that you are sharing with them, and simple fonts to encourage action. In the next video, we have a tool section and an, a case study. What I will show you two gray websites where you can get unlimited for fonts for free, for your website, for your marketing, you can, you can have like thousands and thousands of fonts, simple fonts and complex fonts that you can use for your website and your email marketing. See you there. 15. 3.12 CASE STUDY and TOOLS- Choosing the right font for your brand: Now that we know why fonts are important, how you can use it to increase your marketing, to improve your marketing with neuromarketing. I'll show you here in this case study two websites to tools that you can use to choose the best fonts for your brand, for your promotion, for your website. This is more about branding. If you already have your fonts for your website, if you already have one specific fonts that you use on your promotions or your sales pages. You can jump to the next video if you don't review one to explore new fonts that are free, most of them I'll show you here. Stay here with me because I'll share with you right now in this video Chu website should different tools that you can use to access thousands and thousands of fonts, and most of them are free for use. Let's jump me right now. The first tool is called, the first website is called Font squire. You see here, here we are in the website. This is the logo that they have in here. This is the main thing you can read here at the top. A 100% free commercial use. So all the fonts that they have here on fonts cry Esquire, they are all a 100% free and you can use it even for commercial purposes. If you, the license allow you to use that in any ways that you weren't even for it to make money on your company. That's fantastic. That's what we want. We want to use these to grow your business and earn more money for you and for your brand. So here we have, this is really simple to use UC here at the top we have the hot least the recent added. The top form deals the generator identifier. So if you have a phone and you want to know which phone is exactly that, you can use the font identifier. And you have a blog. The best way to find your font here is you can go to the heart to see which ones are the most used and most download right now. And here you have it. You see Montserrat Open Sans popping. So all the fonts that are very popular at this moment, you'll find it here. Also, you can come and search for fonts here on the top search bar. And until you find the one that you like. Another thing to download the this is really easy to download. You can just click on the Font when you find it. You see here a sample of how it looks like. You see the font on different styles that they have bought, a italic, all these alternative, This looks really good. And to download these, all you need to do is click on Download OTF. And here we go, it's downloading. And now I have a zip file that I can just open on my computer, on your Windows PC, on a Mac. And you can install this on your computer or on the software that you use for the sign on your Photoshop or anything that you use. That's one to the second tool is called that font. Some of the fonts here are pay and they have some free. But what I love about this, this is great to discover new fonts. You can find here, let's say, and you can test using your brands. So let's say I like this one, the blue, yellow for example. I click on this and I have a preview option here. So you see custom preview. I can type attacks here, and I can see how it looks like with this specific fonts. So let's do here, Diego the for example. Let's see, let's submit. Now we see how it looks like with the specific phone. This is how it look like. If I like these, all I need to do is click on Download here. Some of them, this is a little more. This dove is a little bit different than fonts choir, because enforced quiet, you just download the font installed on the computer. That's it. Here are some fonts you need to pay for it. Some of them you need to donate to the author. So you see here this one, for example, is asking you to donate in order to download. So after you donate, you will be, you will have the Download button. These are the two tools I wanted to share with you. Come here, explore all the fonts, come to that fund Test the font with your brand and just write your name, your company name, your product name. Remember that we need to think about what's the impression this will cows on your customers. Remember what we talked about in the last lesson about neuromarketing and fonts to choose the best font for your business. Do that and see you in the next video. 16. 3.13 Gain Trust With Customers by Showing Trust: The next study is about trust. And this is something that we are teaching 40 years on the digital marketing courses that we teach. Now, we have neuroscience and neuromarketing studies showing these and proving this point about trust. And this is one of the main basis and the key for to establish an online business that is successful to create trust or between your company and your customers. In this video, we'll talk about that. I'm also, I'll show, I'll share with you some actual steps that you can do to increase the relationship that you have with your customers, with your outers. Gain trust, showing trust. That's what neuromarketing set to us on this specific case. It's saying that trust is a very important when it comes to getting referrals, clients, and building a credible, credible business, especially if you want to build these online or if you have an offline business and you want to start creating an online business also. So bringing this offline business online, or in any case, this is very important. If you want your customers to really trust you, they have to feel trusted as well. That's what they are saying here. Basically what we are talking about here, guys, it's not rocket science, this is basic online marketing and interpersonal relationship. We need to develop a trustful relationship with your audience, with your customers. Why is that? Because the only way that they will open their wallet, grab their credit card, and buy your products, your services ease if they trust you, if they trust that you provide the solution for the problem. If they trust, if they believe that your product is the best product to help them to move from point a to point B. So we need to develop that. That's one of the biggest mistakes people make when creating ads. For example, people say, I'm creating facebook ads and YouTube ads and Google ads and Instagram ads, and not having conversion is not working. What's going on? The problem is this, we are asking people to buy your products, your services on these ads, or maybe on your promotion. Without developing trust. It's really difficult unless you have like a revolutionary products that solve their problem is unique and they really decided that they will buy right away. But it's difficult to convert. Somebody that is called col means somebody that doesn't know, never heard about you, your company, your services, your products, and they see your ad, for example, they're receive your e-mail. You are right away without adding value first, you are asking for a sale. You say, Hey, buy my product. The guy is on Instagram and they see your ad and you're saying, hey, this is the Prague for you. By it, I mean, could work World War for some, but it's not the best strategy because the conversions are really low on this case. First, we need to develop trust, and I will show you some ideas that you can use to develop that right now. Here are a few ideas. There are millions of things that you can do. These are the ones that I recommend and all of these can, we can pack it in one package that I will give you at the end of this slide. You see here the first one is to offer a free trial of your product or services. So you have an ad. Instead of saying, hey, buy my product here for a $100, you're saying, Hey, I have this product B, solve a problem for you. Here is a free trial. You are developing trust. You are showing them that you trust them by offering these free trial first. So you are saying, Hey, I trust you and I trust on my product because I know you will solve your problem. I'm giving you, I given you this for free. Get it. This is for you. Get these products. Try it. Free trial, no credit card required nor rigs for you. Just try it and see how it will help you and if you like it, come back and buy the product because I'm sure you will love it. You are showing them that you trust them first. That's what the study is showing here on neuromarketing that you need to show that you trust them, so they will trust you back. That's the idea here. Also, another strategy here on this slide is to use powerful lead madness. What I lead magnetics, lead magnet, something that you offer for free, something of high value that you offer for free in exchange for their name and email. Why is that important? Because you are given that for free. Of course they give you a name and email. But they are seen in this free content that you produce that can be a PDF, it can be a video series. Any content. They are saying that you, you, your company, your brand across all brand at cross-fold company because looks like you have the solution for the program. You are adding high value here on these free lead magnet, so they will start creating that relationship with you. The third is similar to the second, offer, free content, sharing high-value basically on your website, on your podcasts, on your social media posts. Free content offering high value to the customer. What is high-value? High-value is something that they really need to solve their products. So they are looking for a solution for a problem they have that you offer, your company offer, and these free content needs to be full of these actionable steps for these clients. So they will start, like in your company desire in your product and creating trust. Also, it's important to have a strong, this is optional, but it's, I think is really important to have a strong presence on social media, especially YouTube. So if your company, this doesn't apply for all the companies, all of you guys. But for most people, imagine you could create a YouTube channel for your company, your brand, and create videos helping people on what you have, on what you do. For example, I have a course about how to walk the coming of the Santiago de Compostela. That's a pilgrimage on Spain that people walk for 3234 days. Stray. They walked from France to the, through the Spanish, the Spanish territory up to the Atlantic Ocean for 37 days. This is crazy, they need to prepare for that. I have a YouTube channel, I have a product also, a course, but I'm not asking them to buy right away. I have a YouTube channel where I have lots and lots of videos adding value to them, full of value. They can consume that without me interacting with them live. I interact with them through the video on YouTube. And they create these relationships with me, which is very powerful at the end. They end up buying my course, for example, I put in capital letters here, your e-mail list. This is the last one and it's the most important if you said Diego was the one that I need to choose if I wanted to if I can choose only one. This is the one your email is. Why? Because the e-mail is the best way for you to establish a relationship with these clients. You will email them once a week, maybe twice a week, maybe three times a week, maybe two times a month, doesn't matter. The thing is that with the email list, you are not just asking, Hey, buy my product, Hey buy my course by these, by my service. This is all about me. No, you need to make it about them. That's the key thing on the e-mail list. The e-mail list needs to be a constant flow of positive, an actionable, and high-value information. So write down something that they really desire, something that move them, something that helped them to move from point a to point B. And that single thing, the best strategy if you want to try one, that's a one, will help your clients to trust you. So at the end of the day, they will be ready to buy your products and services. And not only to develop this relationship with you, but also guys. And this is important. It will create an irresistible desire for your products and your services on your customers heart white, because on this e-mail is you are adding value and they are saying, Hey, if Diego's e-mail list, he sharing all this wonderful information that is so valuable for me. Imagine what he sharing on his course on the paper products they have. So let's check the products I want more. So once you develop that relationship with your customers, they will be ready to buy your product or services easily. You don't need to fight with them. You don't need to try to sell them. They will be ready with a credit card enhance. This is trust. I hope you think about that. Think about the strategies that you want to use and let's continue with the course in the SV in the next video. 17. 3.14 A Smile Goes a Long Way: Another neuromarketing studies talking about smiles and how we can influence your customers, your audience, to spend more on your website. Studies are showing that a mode boosting image can affect the willingness of customers to spend on you, your website, your company. Knowing that we need to start using images that will create that emotion on your customer's mind. And the best image we can use. Following this study, our smile. So people smiling is the best way to create that willingness to spend on your products, your services. And you said, yeah, well that's fine. And I will just grab an image on pixels if you don't know, let's go to Pexels here. Pixels is a website where you can download unlimited, royalty-free images that are professional and good-looking. I can come here and find images, I can search for smile. You see that we have thousands and thousands of beautiful images that you can use, even for commercial use. So you can come here and grab images for your products, your website, your landing pages of people's myelin that will work following this study. But the best recipe and the pro tip I can give you here is to use an image of you, an image of your team, of the people, of the real people that are working on your company, the behind the scenes, the team did. The workers. Take a picture of them? Hire a photographer, grab your iPhone, your Android, take a picture, use that on your marketing because that's real. Remember we talked about trust, building trust with your audience and showing the behind the scenes of your life. If you are a one man company or of your team, if you have a team, is the best way to create that relationship, to create a trust. And if we put combine the two studies and we add the second one with a smile, adding mood boosting images to your website, your promotions. You can, you can smile on the picture or you can ask your team to smile and use that on your marketing. Let me show you one example on my website here we are. We have my website here and you see I took this picture in Smoky Mountain, Time is Smoky Mountain National Park. This picture takes any means a lot to me. This picture shows what I love most. So here I am smiling, look into my audience, looking to you that are visiting my website with what I love behind the hands of the arms open to receive you received my clients or my membership and showing what I love, which is nature. I love hiking, I love nature and all that involve nature and hiking and half. In this picture, I and sharing what I am with you, with my customers, with my company, with my outers. Think about that. Think how you can use images and boost mood, boosting images for especially from yields from your team, from u itself, from the owner of the company. And put that on your website, put that on your email list, on your promotions. Show yourself to your clients to establish trust and to increase the willingness to spend on you your products and your services with these neuromarketing study. Think about that. This is important, look simple, but it's powerful. Implement these after thinking and after that we move forward in the cars. 18. 4.1 Neuromarketing Hands-on Introduction: Welcome to this session here we are ready to go and do the hands-on for all the strategies we learned so far. And this is important because we believe that it's not enough just to learn the strategies and get excited and plan. The most important thing is to apply what you learn on your business so you have real results. Because of that. Here in a hands-on section we will do, we will apply these strategies. Let's review them really quick and irresistible headline, targeted emotional responses. Manipulate the attention with Eyegaze, dopamine, dopamine to your content, the colors to evoke emotion. The more options you give the, the last day by setting the right price, the power of fonts, that trust that you need to get in from your customers as mile go a long way. All these studies are never marketing. We will be applying in the different areas of your online business. First, we will do that on your website, hands-on on your website. So we are going to my website. I'll use my website to demonstrate that. We will analyze what's going on, what we can improve based on all these strategies. Also, we will go on an e-mail marketing. We will write an email campaign with these specific strategies to make sure it's super optimized to get straight to your customers brain when they receive your email. We will do also an add a sample at that we will create using some of these strategies. And at the end we are doing a heat maps on your website. This is fantastic and unsure. You will love this. This is basically, you will have a heat map of your website scene where your clients are clicking, what are the opening, how are they using your website? And you will understand even better what your customer behavior and how to improve your website with these tools. These hands on is fantastic. Stay here with me. We are doing one-by-one applying these strategies. And we're doing this because we feel that these will benefit you and your business because it's the best way to implement what we learned so far. Let's start with that in the next video. 19. 4.2 Hands-on: Email marketing: Hey guys, Welcome to this video here we will talk about how you can optimize your email marketing with neuromarketing. So basically here we are doing the hands-on. You are watching over my shoulder while we go and optimize email campaign using all the ten neuro marketing strategies Wheeler in this course. Before we go and start writing your e-mail campaigns, optimize it. I invite you to plan this. So I invite you to follow the steps we are doing here because we will plan how we will use each one of these neuro marketing strategies on your email campaign. That's the goal here on this video, we will do that and we will write the email after that using what we plan. So I invite you now to wrap up a piece of paper or open up a blank document on your computer. If you see my screen here we have, We have here the ten neuro marketing strategies that we learned in the course. Here they are. This is a hands on an e-mail marketing and the goal of this campaign, the goal that we have here is to launch a new course about how to create a website. This is an example, and using you have different goals. Maybe you want to promote a product, maybe you want to create a new promotion. Maybe you want just to connect with your audience. Doesn't matter like all you have, just write down the goal here. That's what your campaign is about with neuromarketing. So I'll write here, we are going to launch a new course, knew how to create website. Course. I have a new course teaching people how to create a website. And I will write an e-mail inviting my audience to join to these new material, new training. I can just go on my mailer like this is what we use for a e-mails mailer light. I can just go here to my email campaign manager and write down the campaigns. I can write on the email and just send an email. Hey guys, here we have a new course, blah-blah-blah, just join. Here is the link. You can join and start watching. Or we can use, we can optimize these by using Neuromarketing, and this is what we are doing here. We will try to use each one of these 1010 stride is here on this, on this campaign. Now in the planning process, which is what we are doing now, we are going to each one of them and we will think on how can we use this strategy on these e-mail. So let's start first with irresistible headlines. Irresistible headlines. We talked about the hippocampus headlines and the headline. Remember that is something that you need to use to call the attention of your customers in the headline, you need to have the main promise you have for these products. What are you promising to your audience? What is the main thing that they will get from this thing that you are offered. So that's what you need to put here. The point, you are helping people to move from point a to point B. What is the point B? What is the dream place where they want to go? What is the solution that they want for the product? So that needs to be in the headlines. So I will write down here something like built. Instead of just how to create a website or lair, how to create a website, I can write something like build a website in 30 minutes. Why I'm doing this? Because people want to create a website, but they want to create a website that looks good, a professional website and attractive website for their business. They want to do that, but they don't know how to program, they don't know how to code. They can create this website without coding or programming, and they don't have time. They think that website will take hours and hours, days and days, maybe weeks to create. Here we're adding, create the website in 30 minutes because it's something fast and quick that they can do. And it's also a pro website. And I can also add here if I want, create, built a pro website in 30 minutes without programming. For example. In this case, and adding one more thing to the headline in a super irresistible because now they will know that they will be a pro website that they want. It won't take weeks or month. It will take about 30 minutes. And they don't know, they don't need to know programming. So you need to know coding or anything like that. With a few clicks, they will build the website. Let's say that this is or irresistible headline. If you want more information about how you can create a headline, irresistible headline for you, for your business, or how you can use neuromarketing to use hippocampal headlines that we learned in the course. You can go back to the irresistible headlines lesson here on the course and watch that video. So you will get inspired with more ideas. Let's say that this is the final version we will use here, or email campaign. Where are we using this headline when we are talking about e-mail we are using this is different than creating an ad or creating creating a sales page. Because here we are sending an e-mail so the headline could be your I think it needs to be. Your subject lines. So when you are creating a new email, the subject, the subject line eats the headline. Of course, you need to have it optimize or you can use as your subject line. Because the subject line is what will help people to decide if they were open your email or not. You can use a shortened version of your headline. For example, build a pro website in 30 minutes. I can use inside my copy another headline with the complete word in which is copy three minutes. Without programming, you get the idea. So next, target emotional responses. How are we doing that? We need to read content that will create emotions on your customers. What do they want, What do they desire? Why either are the joining here? Your course? What are they joining your product, your progress, what are they getting? With that? So you can write content at copy that creates an emotional response on your customer's mind. In your customer's mind. In this case, I can talk about all the benefits of my product. I can talk about what, how will they feel after they get the solution, let's say. Or after day on Dyson disease, how do they, will they feel after they create their website? How will they compare with their competitors and stuff like that? So you can add content here that creates an emotion on your customers. Next, we have to manipulate the eye gaze. This is a great study on neuromarketing. Remember we talked about the baby for all. Let me show you here. We talked about that when you have a picture on an image on your ad or on your website or on your email in this case, and we will have an image. We can have a face ID, the ID if the phase is looking straight, people will look at the phase. You see here the heat map. Most people are looking at the Center on the face, and not many people are looking here to the headline and the copy, which is the most important thing here on this ad. And they changed the baby's position. They said, Okay, let's try making the baby look at the headlines. So baby looking at the headline now we see that a lot of people still looking at the face, but we have an amazing activity now of in the headlines. So people are looking at the headline and reading the copy. Fantastic, just by changing where you are looking on this image. So in this case, what we can do, we will have an image here on or on our e-mail. I can add the headline and I can add a photo of myself doing something like this. Looking at the headline and pointing at it. I can have an image of me or of a model or any one of your on your team looking at the headline or products. So if you have a product, let's say this is my product. I can just be looking at the product while you take the picture. Well, while we create the image. Another thing that is related with this strategy, number ten, I smile goes a long way. We talked about that. How are we adding these? We can smile while we are doing this image. So half an image of somebody is myelin on your e-mail marketing. So let's say smile while taking the photo. Looking at, Let's put dot-dot-dot, look at the headline, at the product. Are aware looking at where you want your customers to look. That's the most important thing. We are combining these two. Let me show you an example. This is what I already created one, this is the one that we're using here. Look at this. Here we have an image. Let me reopen this 1 second. Here we go. Here we have an image of myself on this case, I just took this picture. You see I have the same clothes and just pointing at my product or my head on and pointing and looking at where I people, where I want people to look. I want people to look here to this area. On this case, we are pointing to the product created a website. Let me remove this. Pointing on here and below a pro website in 30 minutes that the headline we have. Wonderful. I can use this image right away on my marketing. Next, we have number four at dopamine to your content. What is dopamine we talked about that also needs to be a motivation. What is the motivation they have to create these? So, motivation for taking action. What is the motivation they have to take action? On your specific offer. So I can say for example, Hey, if you don't create a website, your competitors are having, they have website and they are getting clients, they are still in your client or something like that. I mean, it can be a positive motivation or some kind of fear that you can put on your audience, and that will add dopamine. I recommended to use positive motivation on this case. Next, we have use color for evoking emotions. We talked about that in details also in the course, the colors we choose our blue on this case, and also we choose the color purple. If we go back here for these two colors, we see that blue is a corefer of security, trust and tranquility. We want to show that in our brand. And also we use purple, which is the color of royalty and wisdom. And also purple makes thinks unique. So we want to make sure or products are unique. So that's why we choose these two colors. So put the colors there that you will use. These colors, of course, you can use where you can use on your image, on the image that you will have. Or if you are not using image, you can use icons. If you go to a page like this, let me show you here. This is emoji where you can just copy emojis to use on your email marketing. I can look for circle here. You see purple circle. I can use purple or blue. And this circle, I can use four bullet points inside my email, for example, and we will do that later here. So stay with me because this is a great thing. I just paste this so you can see number six, the more options you give, the less they buy. Yeah, I will offer just one simple thing the most if I'm if I'm, if I write an email where I, and offering several products, you will have less conversion and more confusion. Studies shows that it's better if you offer just fewer things. So in this case, I recommended to just offer once, which is what we are doing. Offer only one product. Next. How to set the price, right? Every time. We talked about these in details, this is, doesn't apply here for email marketing on this case, but it's good to set the price for your products and your services. There are two strategies, and two of them, the chest rise are good, they are valid, but you can choose each one of them independent of your situation. And we talked about that in details in the how to set the right price every time chapter earlier here in the course. Next, we have the power of fonts to influence your reader. Remember that it's important to have a clear, clear fonts. If I use a faults are difficult to read and complex forms, people will have a harder time consuming your content. So I'll show you examples of these while we're writing the email in a minute here. Use easy to read fonts. Excellent. Next, we have gained the trust of your customers by showing trust. You can do that on your copy or you can do that also by offering something for free first. So I can maybe offers this training for free. My customer see, consume what I have, they see what I offer. I showed them that I trust Dan first because I'm giving these for free or it's a free trial or something like that. They will show trust later because they will end up buying my products. That's what neuromarketing is pro into S. These are all the strategies. So let's go now. Here we have the plan. It looks fantastic. Let's go now and start creating these e-mails. So I just go to my email. I use Miller Lite. If you want to sign for Miller Lite, you can just go right now to Miller Sign for that. Let's write a new campaign. I go to campaign, create new campaign. This is, this will change depending on your e-mail provider. So you can maybe you are using Mailchimp or any other. That's totally fine. This is not important for us on neuromarketing. The most important thing is the planning that we did and we are doing now what we are doing now with a copy, the campaign name, this is a campaign just for me. Tests, neuro marketing course. The subject line, what is the subject line? Let's go to the planning again. The subject line is these number one irresistible headline. This is the headline that we're using on this case. I will use bill your Pro website without programming in 30 minutes. Copy these. Let's go here we have everything plants, so it's easy now, I will paste and I can add emoji. You see here we have some emojis. I can add that. Remember that we talked about the color here. Starting number five, you use colors for evoking emotions. We have purple and blue. I will use blue for these. So I can use, because I already have an image in blue, which we saw this one. So I will use these bullet points. From the emoji in blue, I am going here, circle, blue circle. I will just copy this. Go back here. And here at the beginning of the headline, I will add this. Built a website in 30 minutes. Instead of just having plain texts on their subject line, I add something to call their attention something that will capture them because it will show up on a list of e-mails. They will see what is going on with these red with these blue circle. These emojis that we have. This is fantastic. Hearing the headline. We're already using two strategies. The headline, the irresistible headlines, and the colors for evoking emotions. Fantastic. Next we have who is this front? You add your name, your e-mail, the language you are sent, cell sending in. And I go next here to actually go and write down the copy. I'll do something simple. Of course, I won't write the whole email here because you can, it will take time and you can just think about how you can create that irresistible e-mail for your audience. So let's start with a blank template. Create new. Excellent. And here we have the e-mail that we're sending to the audience. We have the headline that we created and you see here, hey, I hope you're doing great. Do you want to attract thousands of new customers and boost your sales? To do that, you have a unit that good-looking website and showing them here in this copy and showing them all the benefits that they will have by having a website. So we are working with this. We use the headlines and adding emotional responses. So the benefits of the product and adding their own the copy. How will they feel after they have the solution? So you will have a website responsive, super professional. You will get new clients, blah, blah, blah. That's good. We also have this ADD dopamine emptier counter because we add motivation for taking action. Let me show you what is that here we have it. This course will help you to create a Pro website for your business, increase. Website engagement, build your brand and influence, grow your business and get more customers. So all the benefits and motivation, this will motivate them and we'll add the dopamine to my readers when they are reading this e-mail. So they will want to join these training. What else? We are using the colors here, in this case the blue color you see here. But there are two things. We're offering just one product, which is the more options you give, the less they buy. Remember that study. But there is one thing that we still need to improve. We have the smile. The smile goes a long way. So here we have this mile honest myelin on this picture. Fantastic. But remember this, let me show you something. Remember the study of the baby, that people will have a phase. People are just looking at the face and nobody's looking at the headline. Remember that when they changed the phase, when they say, hey, let's make the baby, look at the headline, make, make, make, let's make the baby look at where we want people to look. They say, Okay, baby will look at the headline here we have, people are looking now at the headline. We can optimize that. You see we have my face here. People will look at the face, but most people won't even read what is going on here. So we need to change the image. Let's do that right now. I'll add another image, will delete this. I will add a new image, which is here, where I have still the blue color that we're using. You see, we have myself, me looking at the adware I want you to look. So and also looking and pointing, smiling, pointing and looking. Three things, very powerful things for neuromarketing are at where I want you to look. So people see this image, they will see my face, hey, what is going on with Diego? He's looking at these images. So they will look at this image bill app or website in 30 minutes. Fantastic, That's what we want. I will just click on Select. Let's see, it's uploading. And here we have it. Wonderful. There is one more thing that we can optimize, and this is the last thing. Stay here with me. Here we have the powers of fonts to influence, influence your readers and use easy to read fonts. I think the fonts that we are using here are easy to read. The font here is, let me check which of these settings here we have it. We see that is L Vertica is an easy to read font. I like it, but it's not black. So if I send a test e-mail, let me share here. Let us do a send a test e-mail. Excellent. Let me open that for you. I got the e-mail here. Let me it's an opening right now. I got it. And let me show you here the e-mail. Here we have. So it's easy to read, but you see that the task is on gray is not black, so it's a little bit small in smaller size and the color is not the best. I can change this to black and maybe increase a little bit the size of the fonts. So let's do that test and see how it looks like. I will select this block. Let me go here. Content, excellent. And I will change this to black. Let's see, black. Excellent. Now I will change this to black to the last section. Black. Wonderful. So here we have it. I can also increase maybe the size of the size of the task. Let's go to let's see, 1416, 16, looks good. At least the first portion, the first block. I can do it with C. What is going on with the colors here? Okay, here we go. Perfect. This looks good. Let's send another test and see how it looks like right now when we compare with the other one. So let's open this one. Here is the first one. I'll put it side-by-side and we will decide which one is easier to read. Let's open the next one. I got it here, opening. Let's put it on the screen so you see that is easier. I think it's easier to read the black one, but you can test, decide for yourself. This is how you optimize your email marketing campaigns. I invite you to do this, to do exactly what we did. Just list all the neuro marketing strategies that we learned here in the course and see how can you, how you can improve, how you can add every single one of them or most of them possible. I mean, if you can add two or three is already good or better than nothing. So this is try these to your email, use them to optimize, think about them, and add that to your email. You will see a huge jump on the opening rate, click-through rate, and you will have better and better results with your email marketing. I hope you do that and I see you in the next video. 20. Hands-on: Website: Hey guys, Welcome to these hands-on here we will talk about how you can optimize your website width neuromarketing. This is fantastic, easily, longer video, but stay with me because here you and I, we will apply, we will try to apply here on one website all the studies that we learned about neuromarketing, every singular strategy, we will go to the website, analyze if we, how can we improve based on what we learned here in the course? By the end of this video, we'll have the website super optimized or at least plan. We will plan you and I will plan here how we can optimize these specific website. And the website we are working here is my website that we will use as a test for these specific hands on. So it'd be able to If you come here, probably you will see a different, a different interface that you are seeing right now because we will be goal of this is to optimize these website right now with the neural marketing strategies. And why we're doing this way. Because they are my students, you probably, most of my students, they have different niches. So some of you are in the personal development area, some of you are in the health areas, or some of you are in the lawyers or independent professionals. So we have people in all the niches that you can imagine here. We cannot create one specific hands-on for website, for one needs the best way to do it, to plan using my website. And I'll show you here on this video. You will see me do that. We'll do these together. We will think together. We will open each one of these strategies we learn. And we will say, Well, how can we apply these on these website? How can we optimize this? Will be fun. This will be very high value to you because every single thing that we will optimize here, you saw in the last videos that these strategies can take your business to the next level. If you optimize your website with neuromarketing, you can have more sales, more clients, more leads. Everything will grow with these strategies if we apply these in the right way. I hope you liked that if you like, just say yes now, let's go. Yes, Yes. Okay. Let's start right now. And how are we doing this here we have the ten neuro marketing strategy. This is the slide we use in the course and we will work here. On each one of these. We have ten studies that we learn. We will cry. I mean, it won't be possible. I think, let's see. I think will be difficult to apply all the strategies because these depends on your needs. But I will will do all we can to apply every single strategy here on the website. Let's start with irresistible headlines. But before that, let's take a look on the website. So what do we have here? Here? We have the logo is positioned in the top left side. We have the menu here on the right, we have the main area of the website, which is where we have the main offer. We have a big tour here with nature, smiling, everything looks good. We have the headline of the main offer. We have the copy and a button where they can click and claim their offer, their free trial in this case. So we have some social proof here, the channels where we are, we have an opt-in page. We have more social proof here with this. Many students, we have the courses, we have the reviews and how many countries we have students on. Here, We got three more offers. We have another value content here, build your website in 30 minutes. And we have more information about different marketing courses here on the back. And another one that is on, that is fitter on the course. And that's why we have on the website. And I right away just watching this right now, I see that we have lots of things to improve. We, I think we can apply, if not all, most of these strategies here on the website. Let's start first with irresistible headlines. If you don't know what the studies are about, let's say, okay, we are working on target emotional responses. If you don't remember that, please go back to the lesson where we were we teach that is not all these studies are short lessons that you can watch in less than ten minutes. So you can refresh your memory and came back here so we can do it. Let's start with irresistible headlines. What was that? We talk here about the hippocampus headlines, headlines that call that tangent of your customers. And that's the main goal of a, a headline on your website or on anywhere in a sales page anywhere, headlines have the single goal to call the attention of your customers and to show them how you can solve the problem. They have a main problem that they are looking to solve. And you, your company, your products, your services, you offer the solution. The headline needs to be concise and needs to have something. That cold attention, something that shows their desire, something that that solve their problem. So how can we improve there? Where do we have a handling? Yes, we have a headline here, unlimited courses, That's the headline. You can think, Diego, maybe we can optimize these even more on, yeah, that's true, but this is also powerful and I'll tell you why. My students, that the people that come to my website, they are usually already students of mine. So they roll in a course, they already purchased a course. And they come here to see the resources of the course or to learn more about other courses we have or anything like that. So when they land here, they are already liked the course. That's why they are coming to my website. If they didn't like the course, they are probably not keyed on the website because they just stop watching the course and they are doing another thing. They like my course. They get, they're getting value from the course. They are coming here to my website to see what do they find if they have a promotion or other courses or something like that? When they see here, they see me. Why I add a picture of me here because on the face of my brand, if you are my student, you remember that Diego to realize these guy here that is the main screen of the website. This is me. When they land here, they see me right away under brain say yes, I know this guy, I feel familiar with this, this phase is the phase Ran Hou unseen for hours on my courses. It's not the best, the most beautiful face, but there he is, right? They come here and they see unlimited courses. They are coming here for more, for more content. And right away and telling them, Hey, you are here and you can have access to unlimited courses. Wow, that's great. We have a copy saying get unlimited access to our course library. Learn how to revolutionize your business and rich people all over the world, which is my main goal with all my courses that may go is to help you help my students to use all the power of digital marketing, neuromarketing, to revolutionize their business and reach more people all over the world. I think this is well optimize. I could even, I can change this even more. I can optimize even more, especially using the hippocampus. Let me open here for you. The hippocampus headlines, and this is a hands-on, so this is something that you can see here. So remember the hippocampus headlines. The researchers discovered that when we slightly alter a phrase from something familiar and well-known, the hippocampus get activated, activated, and our attention is pig. And here is their real example. This is the tequila. And remember the phrase, but practice, make, practice, make ISI. The phrase that they changed is that phrase and they change to practice may spectrum, you see it here. And add backticks, make patron. So you can change that and I share with you in this lesson a few examples. For example, don't cry over spilled milk. Barking up the, barking up the wrong tree. Money doesn't go on threes. So you can use these phrases or any other phrases if you have on your own language that you can use to create hippocampus headlines. So this is one thing that could be optimize and you can think about that. This is the main, the main headline. We have other sub headlines that we can also optimize. I recommend to that on your website. So take a look on all the headlines you have. This one, for example, learn amazing strategies. I can change that using the hippocampal headlines, even using the ironic symbol, I can come here and say, practice makes growth, for example. Or practice makes, I don't know, I can change to anything. We need to think about it. You need to adapt to your business. Here we have another headline from free content we have, we should optimize all these headlines. This is step number one. So let's go back to the list of studies. We already completed this one. Let's go to the next one, target emotional responses. This is another one. Let's work in the third one, which is the easy one for us here, because this is obvious on my website. Manipulate the attention of Eyegaze. Remember this is a great study and if you don't remember, I recommend it to go back and watch the video. This is basically when you have images, an image of a face on your website or on anywhere in all the marketing you do. The attention of the viewer goes always to the face. They look at the face and we saw lots of cases studies with lots of examples from rebook from Coca-Cola that are amazing on the case study lesson. If we go, one thing that is key here, this is really important guys, is that we prove that when they, when you just have a phase that is looking straight, the attention of your viewer is looking to the face. When we saw the heat map. But when these phase, which is on your image, is looking someplace, the attention of the viewer is to where the phases look into. If we go to the website, river, the baby, the baby photo. Let me show you here. This one. Most of people are looking here. And when the baby is looking to the headline, we have great activity here on the headline and the copying. And before that we just have activity. Most people were looking at the face and not at the headline, which is not good. So that's why we want to optimize. And this is clear. You see here, we might face here. And people, if we do this, this study here on my website, probably we will see most people look in here at this face. Less people looking at the headline and the copy on the bottom. So how can we improve this? This is powerful and I recommend you to analyze these and this is super fun and you will see a huge jump on your website. If you do this, I can change this picture. I can take a new picture of me smiling and I'll show you why in a minute and pointing. And I'm looking to the headlines so I can do something like this. Looking to where I want you to look. Instead of looking straight, I can look in this direction to the headline. And also another place that I can do is I can point to the headline or even better, I can point to the button. So I can look the headline and point the bottom. In this case, I'm using this study that neuroscience show us that is super important, the eye gaze. And I can use that to influence my viewers the future of my page. To actually not just look at my face, but I am saying, Hey guys, this is where we, where we should love the headline. And I'm pointing IN, pointing out also at the bottom and so on. This is where you need to click. This is something that we could optimize really, really easily here. And also you can check the other ones and the tens. The number ten is as mile goes along way, we talked about that. I study that shows that also on neuromarketing. So instead of being in this phase looking straight, I can look to the headline and I can also smile. I'm combining two studies here to have better results or maybe says on my marketing here. Next, let's use color for a walk in emotion. We talked about colors. Remember, here we have all the colors I showed you the example of Coca Cola. Do you recognize this image? Is not color, they use the color red, so most people recognize the image now when they see the red color, here we have the official logo. We also talked about the meaning of all the colors, black, power, elegance, see white, blue. Remember, we saw all these colors here on this lesson. So how can we prove my website? In this case, we have something here, we have, we are using the blue and purple colors here on my logo. Well, let's take a look on purple and blue. So blue is the color of security, trust and tranquility. Fantastic. I lie that we are using purple, which is the color of royalty and wisdom, and also makes things unique and elegance and wealth. So I like that. How can I improve even more? And also using here on all my buttons and using yellow, which is good for bottom for taking action. Remember we talked about orange and yellow. They are the best colors for your Buy Now button. So if you have a bottom, say Hey by now on the rollout or something like that. Yellow and orange are the best colors for that based on neuromarketing. But on this case we are not selling anything here. We are just informing people and offering content. You see that? I think that the yellow doesn't match very well with my blue and white colors that I choose from a brand. You see we have orange here and yellow. Maybe I can change that to another column. I can, maybe I can keep using blue and purple. So I can come here and say, Okay, blue and purple, I like the meaning. What is another? This is the key. Pain is not what do you like? Which color do you like is what? This is really important, guys, we've talked about these in the study about the colors evoking emotion heating the last section, you need to think about what your customers are looking for. What is their problem, what they are looking for on your brand, for example. You see here black is the color of power, elegance and luxury. If I'm selling, I don't know, Mercedes Benz for example, or a luxury car. Maybe black is a good color. Why? Because this is not just used for luxury and power is the people, this is important. The people that the customer that is looking for your product, they are look, what do they want? They want luxury. So I want to use black or no, they looked at this, they want health. So maybe I can use green. Green is a color of **** or may, or they are looking for security and trust. Okay, let's go with blue. Or they are looking for romance. Pink is a good option. So you get the idea. You need to ask yourself what my customer is looking for and choose the color that match that based on neuromarketing. So in that case, since my customers are looking for trust and they are looking for to learn something. I can go, maybe I can keep my brand colors and use blue or purple. In this case, I could change the color of these buttons. It will match better with my brand. I think I can test it, see how it goes. I can also send a survey to my students, to my clients. And you can do that to saying, Hey guys, we have two versions of the website. Take a look at this version and then this way you can, you can take a screenshot I'll afford or create a PDF of your website and share that with your audience and ask them which version they prefer. That's a good option, too. Wonderful. Let's continue here with the list. I hope you are taking notes and I hope you are thinking about your business, about your website here. What else? How to set the right price? Every time we talk about these two, this is a great study and we have two ways and there is no right way here we have the rounded numbers for price. And they are studies that show why this is good. And we have another way, which is the exact, precise pricing. So it's like 1999 instead of $20, for example. Another way to do so, how do you choose? We talked about that in the last section when we studied this, when we analyze this study, my case, this is not we don't need to optimize that. Do I have my free trial here? My membership is, for example, in this case, $9. You see it's a rounded number and given them a discount in this case, so they can enroll for free. But the main thing here is that the price is right because you have to choose between the two. And we have a, the step-by-step to help you choose that in that section. This case, we don't need to optimize. Looks good. Let's go back and go to the next one, but analyze these for your specific case. The fonts to influence your reader. We also talked about that in the last section. The fonts that we use here is perfect for our viewers for what they are looking for. You need to think about that and remember, we have two tools to, tools that you can use to find fonts to compare. One is Font squire. The other one is that font. And all the links are on the Resources area of these are of that lecture on the last section. So this is the fonts. Next, we have gained trust with customers by showing trust. We talked about this, I gave you examples. I'm basically this is giving something for free to increase the relationship between you and your customers. And also using e-mail marketing, which is fantastic, is the best way increase that relationship. How do I increase the trust here, the studies shows that people will trust you more when you trust them first. That's what neuromarketing is shown to us on these examples, this study, how do we show them that we trust them? This is obvious for me because I'm given here a free month trial for my membership. So they have nothing to lose and saying, Hey, I trust you, I will give you access to all my courses, to my complete library of courses. You can watch it for 30 days. No credit card required. Just sign up. And I trust you, that's one an offering. These are actually credit card is required. I just see that, but you don't need to pay. You can cancel anytime. I'm showing my customers that I trust them because an opening my doors for free for them to come. So they see that I trust them. They will trust me later also, they will trust me because they will consume my courses which are adding value to them. So think about that on your website, on your business, how you can implement that also. This is another one which we need to optimize for short, the more options you give, the less they buy. We are giving them here too many options, too many options. Look at this. We have here unlimited courses. We have here, Hey. Access a course for free. Just leave your name and email. We have here, hey, Laura made amazing strides is option one or more premium courses option to unlimited access to a membership or option three, all my free courses option for we have here a course that will help you to build your website in 30 minutes. Option five, we have all these Facebook, YouTube marketing, digital marketing, WordPress. I want this, I want this, I want this. Another option here, facebook cars. So basically here, the whole paid, the whole homepage is full of options for them. And having too many offers on the page. And based on neuromarketing, they will come here and they will say, okay, maybe most people will click here because it's the main area that people see. But if they started exploring my homepage, they will say, Oh my God, we have three options here. What is the different? How should I choose these too many options? Okay, here is another one. Facebook. What is the difference between these and all these too many options? We need to clean this up. Just have one offer here, maybe the most important one, that could be unlimited courses. The membership I can have here, an option to view all the courses. So if they want, they can click a button and go to my library and see all the courses and they can purchase individual courses or do the membership. So this is something that, yes, we need to optimize because we saw that in the neuromarketing study that this makes a huge difference when people need to decide between buying are not too many options here on my website. Check your website to see how many options do you have there? Dopamine to your content on these case heat on the page. We don't have any articles right now. These could be one that we have with dopamine. You see built up bro website in 30 minutes, the easiest and fastest way to create a professional website for you or your business. No experience or coding necessary rule for free. So this could be a good option. And if they click here, they go to another landing page where there is a video showing how we do that and showing the website and they can enroll for free. Here. These could be a content that have where we add dopamine or we can add dopamine, but it's more for your blocks. If you have a website and you have articles on your website, make sure you have these. You use this study. Target emotional responses. We are creating emotions here with colors, with the headline and with the copy that we use. Here we are saying, hey, people come here, they are ready students. They like what they see, what they saw. That's why they are here. They want more. So I'm saying, hey, get unlimited access to the course library and revolutionize your business. So emotion there. We also have a machine here, the ECS and fastest way to create a professional website for you. So always show a creating emotion on your customer mind with what they decided and how you put that in the copy on. Also really important guys, the colors we talked about that the study shows that creating, evoking emotions with color. We complete all the ten studies here on neuromarketing. This is how you should analyze your website. This is my suggestion. So now I want to invite you to print out this list. You have access to this PDF. So this is the download results that you have in the beating of the cards. You can download this and you print out this slide here or just write down all the studies and do what we did here. Just select each one of them and start going through your website, looking at each one of them if you don't remember, for example, okay, What was the irresistible headlines? You can just come back here on the PDF and check exactly what is that? How you can apply that on your business. Do that, that will help your website to grow. And don't, don't procrastinate on these. This is, this is fun and it's something that you need to do. Sometimes we say, okay, this is maybe too complicated. It will take me a long time. I will just wait and do it later. I recommended to do it right now. Or if you are not if you don't have time right now, just open your calendar and schedule an appointment for you. And our appointment. You don't even need an hour. How long are we hearing this recording? Let's see. We are for 20 minutes, 25 minutes. So we spent 25 minutes going through my website and just writing some points that we can improve. That's all you need to. You need to apply the improvement right now, I just want to do the first step. We have two steps. The first step, which is going to your website and do what we did here. Open a notepad, just write down on your computer, on your, on your notebook. All the improvement that we will do based on these studies. After that, create another appointment on your calendar saying, Hey, this is where you will actually apply that on my website. This is when I will go and change my website and improve it or sent to a developer if you have a developer. Okay guys, thank you for being here at the end of the video. If you are watching up to here, you are a winner because you are here with me for over 25 minutes and I loved that you are committed and you will get the results that you want. Okay, see you in the next video. 21. 4.4 Hands-on: Ads: Hey guys, Welcome to these hands-on. He will talk about ads, how you can implement all these neuro marketing strategies on your ads, on the ads that you are creating on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, doesn't matter which ad are you doing or even if you are doing at offline like in a newspaper or an ad on your local store, these worlds for every single case. And in this video, I will demonstrate for you really quick how you can optimize your Facebook ads. And again, you can use the idea for any ads. With neuromarketing. We will use the same, the exact same tool that we use in the last video when we did the, the e-mail marketing hands-on, you'll remember, we just grab a piece of paper and we add all the ten strategies that we learned in the course. Irresistible headlines or emotional response, Eye Gaze, dopamine colors and all that. The list is here. We also have the same comments prepopulated here and just reusing because you can do that if you have the same product and you are e-mailing somebody, your email, your, our audience about these and you already optimized, you can reuse that. You will need to start from scratch. You can reuse that for your ads or for any other assets that you have. And that's what we are doing here. You see all is already here pre-populated. We will change some things for the ads because it's specific for them. But before that, I'll show you how you can spy your competitors with Facebook ads. So we go to Google and we search for Facebook Live ads library, Facebook ads library. And here you see, here we have opened that. And here you can search for the company name or the page name on Facebook. So you select the country, the category. Let me go here to, let's see at category, let's see all ads. Let's go, let's search for human die. For example. Let's check this one. You can search for any company, any brands, and you will see all the ads they have active on Facebook. This is fantastic because you could get, you can inspire for from these big companies. And also you can see if your competitors are also creating ads and how they are performing. So here we have here and you see that what I want to show you here is one thing. We have a main structure for Facebook ads on these case. Here we have one. You'll see that we have the headline is not a headline. We have the main call to action. In here. We have some copy here saying, for example, now, now it's the best time to get away with our best deals getaway sales event. We have a video. They have in here below here they have something that they call the headline on Facebook. The headline is not at the top. The handling is here. At the bottom. You see here below the image on this case and below the video this case, we have the headline here. We have the website URL. Where are you going when you click on the ad? And we have a sub super headline that you can use. This is what we have to. This is, these are the elements we have for creating an ad on Facebook, right? We have an image or a video. We have some copy that we're using here at the top. We have the head length, the sub headline, the call to action here on the right shop now get the offer for example, and we have other call to actions. What do we need to optimize? We already have the sheet here with the war we did with the e-mail marketing. You see here for irresistible headland, we created build a pro website in 30 minutes without programming. So basically we can reuse that on Facebook ads. So we come here and instead of human diet getaway the event, we will add this. But build a website in three minutes without programming, we will add here the image. In this case, we are adding the image that we already have. If you see, which is this one. Remember, we created these one on the last video, this we use for email marketing. You can resize the image, you can change, you can do anything that you want. And here we are using to three very powerful neuromarketing techniques. We are using these. Let me show you here. The first thing we are using. Just remind, remembering what we talked in the last video is we have the headline here, the powerful headline, wonderful. We have a face on the image which is really important and the phase is not looking ahead. The face is looking where you want your audience to look at. My face is looking to the headline and to the product here on the left side of your screen. And also it's not only looking at is also pointing, which is even more powerful. And we have the other strategy which is smiles go, goes a long way. So and also as myelin here, which is another combination and we have the blue color, which is the color for evoking emotions. You probably already have your colors for your brand, for your ads. You can use those colors here to have consistency and to create these emotions on your customers. We are using lots and lots of strategies, neuromarketing strategies here on this simple image, for example. Okay. What else? Here we have the image. We got that we have the, the, the main headline and sub-headline. We got that. We have that the copy. Now, the copy is really important because this is the sort of thing, the first thing they will read when they come to your ad, when they see your ad. Probably people usually, there is a divide, dividing opinion about that because some people said that first people read this. Some people said the first people watch, look at the image. I think people look at the image first, but you have the copy here at the top. So remember to create a copy where you talk about the big advantages of your product, the Beta advantage of your ad is the main thing that they will get from this ad. What is the main advantage? Remember, we talked about, let me show you here about these. Adding dopamine to your content. So the motivation that they need to take action. And also you can target emotional responses by showing the benefits of your products and how they will feel after they get the solution. You can add these two things, these two strategies here on the copy on the top of your ad. So on also at the end we have the offer. Here, we have the, not the author, we have the call to action. Very important. I straight to the point call to action saying Hey, get the offer or shop now, straight to the point. That's how we do how we optimize your ads for better performance with neuromarketing. I hope you'll think about that. I show you really quick and simple way I want you to stop the video now. Grab this sheet that we created together, this one here with neuro marketing strategies and do a brainstorm put here on the paper all the ideas that you have, how you can optimize, how you can take your ad to the next level using these neuromarketing techniques. Do that and I'll see you in the next video. 22. 4.5 Hands-on: Website Heatmaps: Hey guys, Welcome to these hands on about heatmaps for website. This is a great tool and I think you will love it because this will help you to understand where your audience is clicking when they go to your website, what they are looking for a new website, what is exactly calling the attention of your customers? How many people are moving around your page? Which titles with buttons, which pictures of your website are being the most popular? Everything about that we will understand here with heatmaps and here we have an example. This is my website and I'm using for testing and for demonstration purposes here on the, on the course. So you see this is my website and you see where people are clicking here, you see the heat map. We see max on this case, if you see it here on the left, you see Maxi is red and minimum is green or blue even. You see that most people on these tests, I just installed these to demonstrate. You see that two people one-click with two clicks we have here on the top, on the top menu, we have three clicks here on the headline. Most people are clicking on the sea for some reason. A lot of people are clicking on, on this cloud close to my left hand for some weird reason that I don't know. We have two clicks here on the bottom, which is great. Also, we have some options, as you can see here, we have an opt-in form here on the website and one or two people actually click here, enter name and e-mail and click on Send to get the free lead magnet that we are offering. This is what you will have on your website. Imagine if you can have these on your website and you can see exactly where people are clicking, where they are going, what they are looking for on your website. This is fantastic. This will help you to understand way better you're out is and how your customers brain works. And let me show you one more thing here on the tool. If I can sort these also for tablet, you see here on the right we have a menu. I can click here for tablets. So people that are visiting my website with tablets or with fonts. And also this is great. I can check how people move around my website. So if I go to move here, you see the movement of the mouse pointer here around my website. And I can scroll down and see all the information also behind, not not just on the top of the page, but also it's calling down. You see, this is the movement. Most people are leaving the mouse here on the C. Maybe I can even add. And just thinking of how to improve here, maybe I can add here and hyperlink. When they click here, they go to the bottom. So instead of, instead of just clicking on the button, they can also click on the headline, for example. Also people are leaving the mouse here and here we see people moving around the form. So this is great. And let me show you one more thing which is the scroll recording. So if I go to scroll, you see that we have read heat at the top. So a 100%, you read here, 100% of the users read reach this point because this is actually the main page. And when they go to my website, they see this whole area. If I go and scroll down, we see that only 75% of users reach the specific point. And if I go down with my mouse, you'll see that this is changing to even lower. 50% of our users goes to the blue area here. And 0%, since I install this plugin to test for you, 0% reach this area here below. So what are we going to use this specifically, we can use these because if we have something that we really want to promote your audience, if you have something that is important for you, a new promotion and new product, or something that you want your customers to get and to see. Of course, we can see it here. We can replace that here on the main area where people, what a 100% of the users that visited our website see. For example, I have these, let me show you here. I have these headline here and I have the form below here. So maybe I'm not sure, I'm not sure if everybody sees this aria because some screens are smaller than, than a computer, for example, maybe somebody that is coming from a phone. They actually seen these. And yes, I can confirm that heat on the heatmap that a 100% of my users, of my users, they reach these points. So if I wanted to share something with them is important, I will place it here. Also, 75% of people reach these points. So this is not a bad RAM, almost a 100%, I mean, seventy-five percent are written these points. I can also use these area really well. If I go back to the clicks here we have a now I'll show you right now, stay with me how you can create an account here in Hot Jar and how you can have these for your website for free right now. So to start, let's go right now to diego, the slash tools, slash tools. Here we are, here we have all the tools that we use heat on the course. So anytime you want to remember a link or a tool that we use, you come here and you will find everything. If we scroll down, you'll see that we have the heat maps for website and we have hot chart, which is the tool that we're using right now. Let's click on see more. Now we're going straight to the hot giardia homepage where we can see more about the tool. Understand how users behave on your website, what they need, and how they feel fast. No credit card require. And so basically you can just create an account and start using it right away. Here's a video that you can watch if you want. I will just click on try for free. Let's go. Of course, I can sign up with my Google account or with email if I prefer. I already have an account, so I'm not going through the account creation process. Here is a straightforward process that you can do right away. So let me login. After you created your account, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail, you confirm the email here. You will be at the home at the overview. I already have as sessions here, I have a setup my website already and I'll show you how you can set up your website really easy in a few steps. On the left, we have the left menu. You see here overview, highlight heatmaps recording incoming and survey. Here at the top, I have the option to add a new organization or add a new website so you can create a new organization if you want. When you have that, you see the option here, the plus sign at your website. I'll click on that. You will add here your website on this case, I'll add another website have for testing I can select the type of website on these case is an educational website and site owner. You can choose. You can create a new organization. This is just an organizing process. Don't worry about it. It won't change anything about your heat map. I will just place it under the same that I already have. Now I click on Add Site button. Let's see. Here we go. Here we have the website already added. And you see that I have two websites right now. I have my own website. They will and this is that I have for tests and we are doing together here to make sure we understand the process. You see that the tracking on this case is not installed. We need to install the tracking code. The other website that I have is already collecting data, which is great. That's what we want. We are in the basic plan, which is a 100% free forever. The next step now is to install the tracking code. So you see that I put the mouse on top of that and I see the installed tracking code URL, so I click on that. And here we have the options to install the code manually, to install on your platform like WordPress. And also we can share the code with a developer if you want. If you have a developer, you can just click on Share code, enter their email, and they will receive all the instructions for the installation. If that's your case, that's all you need to do, but let's continue in case you want to install manually. If we want to start with the platforms, I can go to View platforms and click on the platform you use. On this case, we have WordPress. Excellent. We need to add the plugin to install that we need uploading. So you see here we have all the steps. Get plugin is opening here, this is the plug-in. So right now we are going to the WordPress website and we will install these right away. Let's open that right now. Play dot Diego This is just a test website. So don't worry about the content you will see because it's random content that I use on my courses just for demonstration purposes. I just login. We go to plug-ins. Now, remember if you don't have a WordPress, please check with your developer how you can install this disease for WordPress users. That is, most of our students, 90% of our students are using WordPress. I hope you are. I come into oncoming to plugins and I go to add new to add a new plugin here. And now we can search for the plug-in name on this case hot yard. Let me remove the T here. Yard here we have the plugin. This is the one you see that it's the same company by your DR, we have the logo hill here. I'll click on Install now to install these right away. Is installing, now is installed. We click on Activate. Excellent. Now we go to Settings here on the left and we look for hot jar. Here we have it. Excellent. If you don't see it here, you can look around in the other menus. And he's asking now for the hot year ID. Which one is the ID? We go back to the installation on the Hot website that we just click on Install short code, right? Remember that? And here we have step number one to install the plug-in with that. Step number two to enter the site ID. This is my site ID. We will come back here to verify installation. So let's go back to the website now. Here we have, we paste the ID and save changes. Let's see, is thinking about it. Excellent settings save. And now we go back here to the installation page on hijack. The last step is to click on Verify installation. These sums sometimes take longer. So let me see if he's already active. If not, we need to wait ten minutes, sometimes over an hour. Let's click on verifying installation. You see here they're gonna play the has not report any data in the past 24 hours. So let's click on Verify here. Excellent. Thinking about it. These may take 60 seconds. Yes, pages verify. For some reason he's saying not found here, but we'll receive the confirmation. That is all good. And you see that it's now added to or hot your account. Now I can see that here very easily. So if I go to Overview, we see the tracking, we see all the information about this. Let's visit the page right now to make sure we, now we style the heat map, we start install the code. What will happen now, every time somebody comes to your website on this case,, in your case, your website, we will see people clicking on things and let me show my screen right now here we have Home. Let me click on these. Let's click on episodes. Let's go back to home. Let's click on the image here on harm is thinking about it is loading. Let's click on Follow me on Pinterest. And now we are having, we are creating activity here on this page. So heatmaps, Hadi or east capturing all the movement we are doing right now with the mouse. Some reason it's not showing here. So let's go back here to the page and see if we can see activity. Sometimes these we just install, we just visit the website. My clients will start visiting right now over and over and over. Once that happened, it may take up to 24 hours for you to see data here. What happened when you have data? You can here to heat maps. And we will find heatmaps where we will create new heatmaps. So single-page we will enter here play the year website, right? In my case, these tests website is played out delta I will click on View heatmaps. And he's saying that we have no data yet and that's normal because we just installed this and we have just one visit. I just visit there to create a data. Let me visit one more time here and see if they can generate it. I really wanted to show you the examples here. Now going back here to hot yard, we go to heat maps. Of course, we go to single-page and we typed your homepage on this case. Probably we won't have any data because this takes a little bit for, for hot year to collect data from your website. So these can take 24 hours or even more sometimes so be patient, but it's worth it every minute you wait. Okay. Let's check. Yeah, for sure. It's still not available. Right now. You know exactly how you can install hot. They are on your website for free and start watching your customers and behavior where they click, what do they do? And all these information. I hope you do this right now. This is really great and it will help you to understand your clients better. And I'll see you in the next video. 23. Final class Project: Hey guys, welcome to the final project here on Skillshare class and excited to see you here we, if you are hearing, you are watching the course in order probably you are already applying some of these strategies on your business and an excited about it because we believe that this is triages can literally change your business and make it grow. To finish the class, we need to create a final project. And I'll show you here in this video how you can do that. And this is important because by providing your final project you brought that you've finished the class and you are sharing your actions, your goals with the community we have here on Skillshare. So this is really important for you to do it. So what do you need to do is just scroll down and you see here we have a Projects and Resources RL. So you can just create a new project. Clicking on this button here, you can read here about the project. For the final project, what you need to do is really simple. You need to choose one of the strategies that we learned in the class. Choose one of them. Of course, you can apply more than one, but just one here for the final project, the one that is your favorite. Share with the create a new project so you can hear a click or a new project and share number one, what is the neuro marketing strategy you will use? Which one you choose from the ten strategies we shared with you in the class. That's number one and also shared here. How are you going to implement that on your business? For example, if unused, if I choose, for example, the irresistible headlines option I can put okay, Number one, I choose the irresistible headline. Number two, I will implement these are my business by updating all the headlines on my website or my sales pages, or maybe using better subject lines when I'm sending e-mail. Any examples that you can have you can use here. So please create your final projects should meet that. By doing that, you are sharing that with me and with the community. And I hope to see you in the next class, but before that, I will look for your final project here. I hope to see that here. I see you in the next video.