1. Create Online Forms and Quizzes Now!: Hi, Welcome to Microsoft Forms, great online forums and quizzes. So are you starting out
in Microsoft Forms them? This is perfect for you. Here's what you will
learn from this course. Great online forums
with no coding, ideas from your team. Online quizzes, surveys,
and a whole lot more. So what are you waiting for? Master Microsoft Forms
now and see you inside.
2. What is Microsoft Forms: Hi, This is Bryan Hall and let's talk about Microsoft Forms. So Microsoft Forms is used to analyze results of
surveys and quizzes. And it also gives you
the capability to export your results into Excel if
you need further analysis. So you might be wondering, okay, what can we do with
Microsoft Forms? So to show you the
capabilities of forms, what I'll do is I
will show you right now and the end result or the goal that we are after
when it comes to creating our own
formed from scratch. And you can see
over here, right, there are multiple
questions that we have different ways of
answering for our users, okay, if you could see different types of
inputs over here. And this is what we will
be creating insight forms. And another one is we will also be creating a quiz as well. So that we can also explore on the different types of forms that you can create over here. Okay, so I hope you're
excited and we will be creating this from
scratch step-by-step.
3. Where to get Microsoft Forms: Where can you get
Microsoft Forms? So the best part of this one is that it's
very easy to get forms and it is free as long as you have
a Microsoft account. But if you don't have
one, don't worry, you can quickly sign up
for a Microsoft account. So once you have that ready, just head over to And over here with the
different apps you have forms shown over here, you can quickly select
that and be able to start working in Microsoft
Forms right away. So what I've done is I've already opened
Microsoft Forms over here and we can now start
creating our forums.
4. Forms Home Page: Right now we're inside
the forms homepage. And a question
right now is okay, what can we do inside? So pretty much we have new
form over here, right? And then new quiz. And the different templates
that we can use to give us a head start when it comes to working with
Michael to forms. But don't worry, I'll be
walking like in detail with you on the differences between the new form over here. And with the new quiz, there are some distinctions, but more or less
there are a lot of similarities between
the two of them. Now, let's explore the different templates
that we have over here so that we
could just have a quick like starting
point over here. So e.g. for our
standard templates, you can see customer
feedback survey, event registration, employee
satisfaction survey, right? There's a nomination survey, parents satisfaction
survey, etc. Okay. So the good thing
over here is okay, if there's specific template that's really close
to what you need, then we can just simply
start from here. Or if you want like
fully customizable, then you just start with a new form or a new quiz
depending on your needs. So what I'll do is let's
just try a template. Let's say I just want to explore the event registration
over here. Let's see what we have if
we select this template. Okay, So now we have
our event registration. So you can see there's a
background and there's already multiple questions that
are set up for you. So as you can see, there's a quick
way for you to get inspiration when it comes
to working with templates. If you're unsure on how to
start with Microsoft Forms.
5. New Form: Now let's create our first
formed from scratch. So I'm back to the forms
homepage and I'll select new form so that we can create
our forms from scratch. So the goal over here is to create a feedback form
for our Excel books. So let's say we have the
one-on-one Excel book series. And we want to get like a survey or feedback
from our users are readers on what our
next book title would be and how
our books doing. What's your favorite
XL topic, e.g. then we can ask all of these questions inside
Microsoft Forms. So we have untitled
form right now. So let's just add a title
to this form right now. I'll just type in Excel looks
feedback over here, right? Pretty straightforward.
It's just double-clicking and typing over here. And let's say four
to form description. Let's say, let us
know what you think. Okay? And over here, right, nothing fancy, just a title. And what I can do as well
while editing this one is you can also insert
media over here. So let's just search
for an image, let's say related to excel. This one looks
good. So I'll just select this and I'll click Add. And you would see it now shows up as an additional
image over here. Okay, now let's start adding
our questions over here. So let's go for, let's say, a choice. But if you notice as well, there are quite a number of different types that you can use over here. Insight forms. You have choice. We have texts, rating, date, ranking, likert, not sure
how this is pronounced, but you will see
how this is used in a short while Net Promoter
Score and section, but we will be going
through this one by one. So what I'll do
right now is I'll use the different options
one by one, right? When it comes to filling
up our feedback form, as you can see how this shows
up inside Microsoft Forms. So let's select choice first. Okay, so nothing fancy over here is just a choice questions. So let's say which one-to-one
X0 book is the best. Okay, and then now we can start adding the options and let's say macros and that we have option to four
formulas over here. So it's very easy to
add choices as well. You can add option, just
click on over here. You can also add other
option as well, right? So that the user can
just fill it up. I can delete this as well. You can see the trash
icon over here, so it's very easy
to just modify, like your choices
for the question. Okay? We also have the option
for multiple answers. So e.g. if they can select
more than one answer, so you can just enable this. And if this is a
required question, then you can also
enable this as well. So the good thing with
shuffled options is that if you don't
want the order to be static and you're okay with shuffling the different
options over here, right? Then you just enable
this so that every time a new person comes
in and opens the form, then the order of your
choices would be randomized. Now we have drop-down
as well, right? So if you want a drop-down menu, show up, you can see this
drop-down over here. Then you can change
that as well. And then they also
have the subtitle. If you want to add additional information
regarding your question, you can do that as well. Okay. And then branching, we'll be discussing that in a separate topic because we
want to show you that you can also add like conditional logic when it comes to the branching
off your questions. So stay tuned for that. Okay, So that's pretty much
for our first question. Now, let's add another question. Let's say, let's go for texts. Okay, Let's go
forward to next time. So let's say that's
asked the reader know, let us know what should
be our next Excel topic. So right now, you just
want the reader or whoever the user is
to start typing in their ideas or their
preferences for to Excel topic. Now you can also select
Long answer if you think that it's going to be a lot of characters
of texts, right? Same thing required,
and it pretty much restrictions as well over here. So e.g. restrictions, if you
want a numerical answer, then you can have that selected. You have greater than,
equal, not equal between. You can have those
restrictions as well. So you could see
right over here, it's also shown that the
value must be a number. But in our case, we
don't need that. You just want the person
to just answer and give us ideas on what our next
Excel book should be. Now, if you notice as well, there's the insert
media option over here. We can also insert
image or insert video. So let's just go
for insert image. I'll just type in question similar to what we
had from a while ago. So let's just select this.
This one looks good. I'll click Add over here. And we have that image as well, right next to the question. Okay? If you notice over here, right, you have copied question. If you want to simply duplicate the question quickly,
you can use this. You can delete the
question altogether, and you can also sort or move the ordering of your questions up or down if you
need to change this. Now let's go for Add
New, have rating. Let's try it out. Now. Let's say for the
rating, that's a, how would you rate
our formulas book? Okay, now we have
our number of stars, it's 5-stars at the moment, you can change this to
any number that you wish. Let's say I want
ten stars, okay? It can also change. The symbol. Starts, look good. I like this better, right? And then pretty much
the same options that we have over here. Now, let's go to
Add New and let's try out date for the date. Let's say when did you
first hear about books? Okay, and then what the user
can simply do is they can add or insert the date asked
their answer over here. Okay, let's go for add new. What else do we have? We have ranking. Okay, so this one's
really cool because let's say our question.
Let me just click on this. And let's say our
question would be, which Excel topic do
you like the most? Please arrange it from
the most to list, okay. So it's like highest to lowest. So it just depends
on your wording. Though. Let's say our topics
would be formulas, okay, and then we have macros. And then let's see, PivotTables. So the cool thing
with this option is the user can simply drag and drop the different
options to show their preference from the highest to the lowest over here. So when it comes to ordering, you're just asking the user, here are the answers, right? And then just order it in
whatever manner that you wish, okay, depending on the question. So that's a really cool thing. You can simply add more
options right over here, or I can also delete
them as well. Now, let's jump over to the
next type which is Likert. Let's just see how
it looks like. So over here for Likert, I'm not sure if I'm
pronouncing it well, but it's a really handy
way to be able to gauge, Let's see opinions or what the user thinks about themselves or their stand
on a specific topic. So e.g. let's say how confident are you in this Excel topics? Okay? So let's say for the
topics that I want them to evaluate
themselves, right? Somehow I click
extremely confident. So you've got added over here. But the cool thing is with the different options
over here, right? What forms has done right
now for me is they have also suggested if I want to add
this options over here. So let's just click very
confident, somewhat confident, somewhat not confident,
extremely not confident, right? I'll just click
add all over here. And we have immediately the
different options as well. Extremely confident,
very, somewhat, somewhat not, extremely not. So you can see right, from very, very confident to not
confident at all, but you can simply
change this option. That's the nice
thing about here. But what forms has done
for me is maybe this, are they useful setup options, so they have already suggested, and it's just a single
click for me to add everything in a single click. But e.g. let's say
you don't need this, you can simply delete
this and you can add more options as well
as you see fit. Okay, so that's the really
nice thing about it. Now, over here for
the statement, you can also change this
to say formulas, right? And then we have macros
as well over here. And then you can add
another statement to write if you need more
options over here. Let me just delete that.
I'm happy with this. And pretty much for the
confidence for the Likert. This is pretty
much what we have. Last but not least, let's go for Add New and let's try
Net Promoter Score. So Net Promoter
Score is like you have the default
statement over here. How likely are you to recommend us to a
friend or colleague? And it's just a scoring
system, 0-10 aswell. So really cool. Okay, so nothing
fancy over here. And for the last one is, you can also add new
sections if you had like different sections for your survey or feedback for it. If it's a pretty long form, then you can simply add a new section and then add
more questions underneath. But the cool thing is
you could just simply delete the section or
remove it altogether. Okay, So this is
pretty much our form. And we have gone over the
different question types. And I hope you're
excited once you start testing this
feedback form.
6. Branching: Let's talk about
branching because branching is a really cool way. If e.g. you want
specific events to happen depending on
the user's answer. So e.g. let's say for
our form, right now, we want to ask permission from the user if they're happy
with answering the form. Okay. Yes or no question, right? Very simple. And if they answered yes, then we simply go through our questions for
them to answer. But if it's no, then
we simply jumped to the end of the form. So pretty
straightforward, but it's really cool when you see
how branching works. So what I'll do right now
is let me just click here. I'll insert a new question
and let's just type in. Do you comply to answering
this survey? Okay. Now the cool thing is Microsoft Forms is
able to suggest as well the different choices for you if you're tired
of typing, right? And if the choices forums has
offered to you makes sense, then you can simply
click on them. I'll click on Yes,
I'll click on No. And you could see our
options are now populated. There's even maybe, but we
don't need that over here. Now. Once we have this, we can make this
required, right? And now I'll select this. We can add branching to
this specific question. Now if you notice,
we have our yes, we have are no over
here we have Goto. So if the user has selected yes. What do you want to happen? Do you want to jump to
a specific question? Because we have all of our
questions setup over here. Or you can just simply go next, which means it will jump
to the next question. But if the user has selected no, I don't want to answer
this form, this survey. So you can simply redirect the user to the end of the form. Okay, you don't want to answer. No problem. We simply add the survey. So that's the really cool thing. So you have that
capability to jump to different questions as
well with branching. So if you need additional logic that you need to add
throughout the form, then you can simply
add branching to the other questions as well. Once you're happy with the
setup of branching options, we just simply click back and
you're back to your form.
7. Themes: Now let's talk about Teams. So Teams are a lot of fun
inside forms because they just add some life to your font because this is
pretty boring at the moment. All we have is just this
single color backgrounds. So I'll select Teams right now. And there's quite a
number of teamID is, and there's also like different options
that I can select. Just make this more lively
for the user to fill out. Now let's just select
this option over here. Let's have a quick look as well. It looks good, right? You could just change the teams, just go over here, right? And then just keep on changing
them or even add images, customize it even more
depending on your needs.
8. Form Settings: So now let's go over
the form settings. So over here on the
upper right corner, right, you have the three dots. You can simply select that. You can duplicate this form. We have the different settings. You can also print it. Now, let's go over to settings
and have a quick look. So you have accept
responses over here. So once you have
this tick, right, then for the people that
are accessing your forms, they can submit responses. If I untick this right now,
then you could see, right, recipients aren't able to fill
out and submit this form, then you can simply
place a message shared, sorry, it has closed or
registration has closed, e.g. and show this message
to your users. Now, if you accept
responses and can also add a start date
and an end date as well. Which is really cool, right? So that you can have some
level of control on when people can fill in their
responses to your forearms. Now we have shuffled
questions as well. You have show progress bar. If you have a look
over here, right? It's only available for a
multi-page surveys forms, or quizzes for the progress bar. Now, also e-mail notification. So if you want an email
notification, right? If somebody submits your form, you can also get notified
of this and you can also customize the
message because once you complete the form
and submit it over here, right The reached the
end of the form. Whoops. Let me just reopen this. And you can simply
change the thank you message as well to the user. Okay, so this is pretty
much for deforms settings.
9. Previewing and Testing the Form: Now for the fun part, Let's talk about previewing
and testing the form. So we want to see the
questions now in action. So let's go over
the preview option over here because it's very
easy to do that inside forms. I'll select that. And now you have
our form in action. So over here we have computer. Like if it's shown
over a web browser, you can also test it like
inside a mobile phone. So let's try it
out for computer. Okay. So do you comply to
answering the survey? Remember that we have branching. So let's say if we select No
and go for submit, right? And we're done. Okay, thanks. Your response was submitted. So we're simply done
because of the branching. But let's say let's submit another response and
let's go for it. Yes, if I select Yes, Okay, it now jumps to
the next question. Okay, so that's the
really cool thing because Microsoft Forms has this branching functionality
which we have used, and we're able to
utilize this to change the outcome depending on the
first question to answer. Now, let's jump over which one-on-one Excel
book is the best, right? Let's say formulas. Let's say for the
next e-book topic or next book topic, right? I don't have any answer because
everything is optional. I can just leave
some of them black. So radar formulas book
ten stars, make it nine. We did a first here. I'll just put a random
date over here, right? And then which Excel topic
do you like the most? Please arrange from
most to least. So we can just drag and drop
the ordering of the topics. Let's say I like
PivotTables the most, so I'm placing them
as number one. How confident are you
in this XL topics? I say I'm very confident
and macros, not really. So I'll just place
extremely not confident. So how likely are you
to recommend us ten? I'll give it a score of ten,
extremely likely, right? And click submit and
you're done with the form. So it's very easy to use
S and end-user, e.g. when it comes to filling up the forums as you
have seen over here. So what I'll do right now, Let's jump over to mobile and then let's
see what it looks like. Same thing, right? You comply and I say Yes. Okay, Which Excel Macros. Next book topic. You can see the image
as well over here, let's say I wanted to
be PivotTables, right? Okay. How many stars? Ten stars, right, and then ready
the first year. It can also select the dates, same thing as well over here. Which XL topic do
you like the most? So I can just drag and drop
or I can use the arrows or swell to organize the
different topics. Now how confident are you
in this Excel topics? So you can see that you can
collapse as well, right? The different topics
over here, right? This am very confident if macros somewhat confident for
formulas over here, then how likely are
you to recommend that, say a score of eight over
here and I'll click Submit. We're done over here. And once we're done testing, we can simply go back
and we're back to edit mode for our
Microsoft Forms.
10. View Results and Export to Excel: Now if you notice
a while ago when we previewed and
tested the form, we submitted three responses. And the cool thing
is, it's immediately shown over here as well
on the responses tab. So we can click on
this and then have an idea on how our
users are doing. I did this three times so you can see
through your sponsors. And it took 50 s on average
to complete the form. Okay. So now you have a summary
of the results over here. Okay. Two people answered yes and then one answered
no, which we did. Right. And you can also click on More
details if you need that. You have the names as well and the responses over
here in detail. But over here is just
a quick way for you to have a summary of the responses. Next Excel book topic,
we have PivotTables, one responds and
then the rating, we have our average
rating over here. And responses for
the dates as well. Alright, two responses,
and then the arranging of the top choice
and the lowest choice, right? You have the
breakdown over here. That's really cool for
the different topics. Okay, Then how
confident are you in? And you can also see right, on how confident are people with the different topics
over here, okay, and then for how likely are you to recommend to a
friend or colleague, you have your score like, okay, where is the gauge
pointing at when it comes to the recommendations? Are they promoters? Passives are our day detractors. Okay, so that's the really
cool thing with this one because it gives
you in real-time, It's pretty much immediate
when somebody submits a form. And then the results
are aggregated in like shown in a
summary over here. So another thing is you can
also open in Excel over here and can also delete
all the responses, print the summary, or even
share a summary link. But what I'll do is let's
opening this in Excel. So now I've clicked on open in Excel and it's
simply downloaded. Summary, pretty much
all of the results actually inside an
Excel spreadsheets. So e.g. if I have further
processing to do like e.g. a. Park query or
maybe creating charts that I need to cost
them IS over here. Then pretty much this
is a really nice way to get all of the results
in one-click, right? So you can see our questions
over here on the top. And then the response is pretty much like tabulated over here. So you can just
simply use this and perform further analysis
inside Excel if needed, straight from Microsoft Forms.
11. Sending the Form Link: So let's say we're
happy with the form and we're ready to go
live by sending this form link to our readers or users for
them to start filling up. So to be able to do
that, it's very easy. You just click on Send
over here, right? So you can see you sent
and collect responses. Anyone can respond, and
this is pretty much the link that we can
use to send out. You can also click on
shortened URL, right? And it's a shortened URL, just click on Copy and then we have the Forms link over here. Another way is to simply
send it via email or you can even generate
a QR code. So e.g. if you want to
print this out and have people scan it
with their phones, then you can simply use
this QR code over here. There's even the embedding
as well over here. You can paste it
on a webpage or in Microsoft Sway as well, so that you can simply
have people click on it and then fill out
your forms right away. Okay, So that's the
really cool thing because it's just
a link that you can generate quickly
inside Microsoft Forms. And he can start asking people to use your form right away. So let's just try it out quickly for this link and see
how it looks like. I'll click Copy
over here, right? And then let's just
paste the link over here and then let's see what it looks like for our forums. So pretty much what
we have right now is the form that we have
created and it's now ready for use and
answering by our readers.
12. New Quiz: Now let's work with creating a new quiz inside
Microsoft Forms. So you might be thinking, okay, what's the difference between
the query and a form? Actually, a quiz is
very similar to a form. And the main differences
would be that there are right or wrong
answers with a quiz, because we are grading
somebody based on their knowledge and
there'll be right or wrong. And we can also add
feedback based on the user's answer to
help the person when it comes to their learning
if they make a mistake or reinforce the correct answer
that okay, Great job. It can add that as well. We can also assign points
for each correct answer. So we have the grading
system inside a quiz, but pretty much otherwise, the question types that
you'll be seeing, right? It's going to be
very familiar to you because they are similar
with Microsoft Forms, the new form that we
did from a while ago. Okay, so I'll select
nucleus right now and then let's see what
we can work with. So let's say e.g. over here, what we want to create is, let's say we want to
create a quiz based on your knowledge
of Microsoft Forms. Okay, So I'm just making
this up right now. And let's add a new image, very similar as well. If you notice the
options that we have, okay, Let's say we
just want to add the Microsoft Forms
logo over here. I'll click add as well. Okay, So we have Microsoft
Forms course quiz, okay, now we have our questions, so it's add a new
question over here. And pretty much the same
options will pop up. Choice texts, rating date, pretty much the
same ones that we have been using for
Microsoft Forms. Okay. So which is why they're very
similar in a way, right? And you will feel at home straight away when it comes
to working with quizzes. So e.g. let's work on choice. And let's say, are you
enjoying this course? So you need to give the
right answer over here. Alright, I'll make
this required. Okay, and then let's say
I'm happy with yes and no, or even maybe the
difference over here, you can mark the specific
choice as the correct answer. E.g. I. Can select this
as CS over here, right? And then let's say you
can also select this one. It's like feedback
for the user message for those who choose this. Okay, so let's say
Great job. Okay? And then for no, try again. And then maybe he can
respond like what? Okay, So you can add this responses back to your user
depending on the choice. So you can see, right, you have our correct answer over here. Let's go back over here and
you can also assign points. Let's say this is
worth 20 points. Okay? He can see
right over here 20 points to the specific question. And pretty much for the options, we have shuffled Options. Drop-down map, which I will be going
over in a short while, subtitle and then
branching as well. So pretty much the same concepts apply as what you have
seen with our new form. It's just that you can
add the correct answer. You can add feedback, and you can add the points
system for each question. So let's add a
couple more just to see how this looks like. So e.g. let's say I want to use the ranking question
type over here, and let's add a basic question. Arrange the numbers
from highest to lowest, okay, and just having
fun over here. Okay, let's say four
numbers, it's 100, then we have 60, and then we have 20 over here. So what I have right now, right, lists the options
in the correct order. Okay, so this is our
correct answer already. Which Microsoft Forms we'll be matching based on the
user's answer, okay, so makes sure to have the
correct answer because if I have this in this
specific order right now, then Microsoft Forms will be expecting the answer
to be hundred, and then 20.60, which is
definitely not the right answer. So you can add more options and you can also
delete them as well. Marketing demonstrate card,
then 20 points as well. Okay, and then let's
add another question. So let's add the choice again
and then see what we can work with when it comes
to the mat options. So let's say which
equation makes sense. Okay, Let's see. I'm adding a math
question over here, so I'll select Mat. So now if you notice right, we have our options right now
in a mathematical format, we can add mathematical
equations or formulas over here. So e.g. let's say, let me just change this. Let's see x squared. I'm just making this up. And then let's say
55 over here, right? Z to the fifth power. And I'll go for okay, now we can just type in over
here, which is really cool. So let's say one. I'm just making this
up over here and I'll just mark this SD,
correct answer. Same thing, 20 points. And then this is a
required question as well, okay, that the students
would need to answer. So pretty much I think
we're happy with the quiz. And it gives you an
overview that there are a lot of similarities
with the forms, right? But you just need to be aware of the specific differences
when it comes to working with quiz questions
inside Microsoft Forms.
13. Quiz Settings: So if you want to
customize your quiz, you can simply go
over to team and then select the teams
available over here. And I'll just select a
random one over here, city park and K. And then once we're happy, we can just simply go
over to the settings as well over here for
further customization. So we have showing up for salts. Responders will see the
results and correct answers immediately after
submitting the quiz so you can enable this. And then we have the
different options. When do you want to
accept responses for the start date and end date? Or if you want to close
the quiz as well, we can simply take this as well. Now we have shuffled
of questions. We have email notification. If somebody response or
submits a quiz like resolved, you want to get notified. And then you can also customize the task queue message as well once the user has finished submitting or
answering your quiz. Okay, So pretty much a lot of options that you
can also change. And pretty much similar as
well to D form settings.
14. Previewing and Testing the Quiz: Now that we have our
quiz all set up, now let's try to
preview and test out our quiz and see
how it looks like. So now there's going to
be scoring involved. I've clicked on preview and the same options
would show up. We have computer over here. And how does it look
in marble as well? So it's trial computer. Now, are you joining
this course? Definitely, yes. Okay. And then arrange the numbers from
highest to lowest. Let's say, I got this
wrong over here. Which equation makes sense? I'm just selecting what? And I'll click Submit. Now, your answers
have been submitted successfully and I
can view the results. So you can see over here, right? We have correct
20 points, right? And you see the feedback being
shown as well over here. Because this is what I've set
up in our quiz awhile ago. Now we have incorrect as well for the numbers from
highest to lowest, and we have the correct
answers being shown. Then which equation makes sense? And I've selected incorrectly, so which is why I only have 20 out of 60 points over here. Now, let's go back
to the thank-you page and submit
another response. I'm just randomly selecting
answers over here. I'll click Submit. This question is required. I'll click Submit over here and I can view my results again. And now I only have 20 points. Okay. Now, let's go
back to the thank-you page and let's see how it
looks like for mobile. Now, let me select
that and submit another response
joined the course. Let's aim for a perfect score. Okay, and then let's just erase this from highest to lowest. And I'll select the
mathematical equation. Even though it doesn't
really make sense. I'll click Submit and
view the results. And now I have 60/60. Everything's correct
over here, right? And now let's go back after
we have done our preview. And now we can check
the responses as well. We have submitted three
responses and they are now shown
immediately over here.
15. View Results and Export to Excel: Now let's have a quick look
on the different responses that we have gotten
with our quiz results. So you can see the average
score, right, 33.3. And the quiz is
still active, right? You have the answers
from the students. Yes, There's 21.0 maybe. Okay. So he can
also see which one is the correct answer as
shown over here, right? And there's a statistic like, okay, how many got it right? And how many got it wrong, okay, And then same thing as well over here we have the breakdown of correct and
incorrect answers. And then for this one as well, we have similar eye chart
on how many got it right, and how many got it wrong. So it doesn't really way so
that you can quickly assess. If you have your
students or users, you can simply see on which
area are they struggling in. You can review the
answers over here, right? You can just see them like in detail over here we have
respondent number one, can jump over to respondent
number two, right? And you can just jump
from one to the next. And you can also post the
scores. Same thing as well. You can open it in Excel. Okay, So we can also select
open in Excel if you want all of our results in
a spreadsheet format. And we can delete the responses, share summary link if
you want to share this, and also print the summary out.
16. Sending the Quiz Link: So once we're done with our
Quiz Setup and testing, then we can simply
start sending this out to our students or users. And it's very easy to do so it's the same steps when it
comes to sending out forms, which is true, the
send button over here. Now, let's click on
send and you can simply shorten the URL again. And this is pretty
much the URL that we will be sending
out to our users. Now you can also
email them over here, or it can also generate a QR
code that people can just scan and start filling up
or answering your quizzes. And if I select this one
that's selected shortened URL, and I'll click Copy. And let's just paste
this over here to see how our form will look like. Now, we have our quiz
over here, right? You can start answering. Yes. Okay? I'm just randomly
doing this right now, but this is pretty much the
same as what we have seen when we started previewing our quiz, which is really cool. This is live, pretty much live. And you can start sharing
this to all your users. And they can start
answering your quizzes and checking their knowledge
against the results.