1. Course Introduction: Welcome to this class. I'm faisal and I'll be your
instructor for this course. I am an entrepreneur with
passion for teaching. In today's modern world, it's really important
that you stay organized and productive
with an array of Tasks, multiple responsibilities,
and different projects, It's really important
that you stay organized. This is where Notion, a comprehensive productive
tool comes into play. Throughout this course, we
will learn how you can make use of Notion to set
up your account, to understand the interface, and to set up a Personal
Productivity dashboard where you can manage all your
ongoing and upcoming tasks. By the end of this course, you are going to have
a complete clarity as to how you can make use of Notion to streamline
different projects and tasks that you have. This course is designed for
individuals of all levels, whether you are working
professional or a student, or someone who just wishes to manage your tasks more
effectively using Notion, this course can give you
all the practical skills that is needed to integrate
Notion into your daily life. Are you ready to master
Productivity using Notion? I'll see you inside the class. Thank you.
2. What Is Notion?: Now what Is Notion? So Notion is a highly versatile
Productivity application which you can use to manage
your tasks effectively. Not only Task, you can use it to create documents and do
a lot of other stuffs. In Notion. Notion is a place where you can create
different kinds of things. Like you can create your Tools, you can create databases, images, and so on. One of the best
features of Notion is the ability to
have multiple pages. You can even nest these
pages within each of them. And within pages, you can
have different blocks. Now these blocks can
be of different kinds. You can have a block
which represent an image. You can have a block
which represents a list, or you can even have a block
which showcases a database. Notion overall is a tool
that can be used to manage your projects effectively,
your data effectively. Or even it can be used as
a note-taking software. So Notion as a tool can be
used for different kinds of use cases like product
management to do Management and Personal
Productivity as well. So there are many use cases that fit with this
particular tool Notion. Now why use Notion for
Personal Productivity? Notion allows you to
create a databases and it allows you to create
different Views of this data. So what I mean by this is
you can have a database that represents all your tasks and
projects that are ongoing. And you could have a different representation
for this database. Throughout your
dashboard, you can create your dashboard which gives you different views
of your data. If this is something that seems overwhelming
to you, Don't worry. Throughout the course, we
will be taking a look at all of these features and
explore every bit of them. Notion, on the other hand, has powerful
customization features. Like it allows you to
create some dashboard, different Views, and everything can be customized as
per your requirement. Also, Notion is a
web application as well as it has
the mobile apps, which enables you to stay
on top of your tasks and ongoing project even if you are not on your
desktop and on the goal. Lastly, Notion is a free tool. Of course, Notion has its
paid version as well. Notion's free version
comes with no limitations. So you can create unlimited
number of blocks, like unlimited number
of pages and so on. So for managing your tasks, you don't need to have a paid version of this
particular software. That's Notion for you. Thank you.
3. Getting Started With Notion: Let us start setting
up our Notion account. So what we're going
to do is we're going to head over to Google. And I'm going to
search for Notion. Now once you search, you are going to see this first link which
says Notion dot. So you can click on this one. This is the official
website of Notion. Once this loads, you can read a bit if you
wish to about Notion. So this is what the UI
of Notion looks like. And you can see
Wall uses Notion. You can just go through
their landing page to learn a bit more about them. What I'm going to
do is I'm going to create Notion account. So I'm going to say login. And if you have an account, you can continue with Google, Apple, or you can
enter your email. Or if you don't
have their account, you can simply go over to the homepage and say
get Notion for free. And here you can enter
your email or you can choose the way you wish to sign up for this
particular service. So it's a free account
that we are going to use. So I would request you all to
choose any of this option. So you can either
continue with your email or you can continue using
Google or Apple account. So after you choose
your favorite method, you might be asked for some onboarding
questions like this. You can choose the answers
and you can go forward. Now, once you have
finished the onboarding, you are going to land on this screen where you will be shown some
tooltips like this. So here on the left-hand side, you have different options. On the right-hand side, you have some it takes to get started. On the left-hand side, you can see like you have
options like the search. You can search for
anything across Notion's. I'll just zoom in a bit here you have a way to get updates, updates for all peaches. You will be able
to see over here. You have a way to
check your settings, and here you have a way
to create a new page. Now, Notion comprises
of pages over here. So here on the left-hand side, these options that you
see like Getting Started, quick note, personal home, these are all pages and you have the ability to add
a page over here. I can add a page
and I can call this my to-do list tracker. Okay? And I can choose what I
want the speech to be. So it can be an empty page, or I can import something, or I can choose from
some of the templates. Or I want this page to be a table board timeline
calendar and so on. I'll just stick to the
empty page for now. So this way you can
create the page. Here on the left-hand
side, bottom, you're going to see some
more things like templates. Create a team space. You can import like word, markdown or a shaman. Here you have trash. So whatever you delete goes in. Here. This is Notion, and here's how you can set up
your Notion account
4. Overview of What We Will Build: Now when it comes to setting
up a Notion Templates, it's important that
the template is well structured and organized so that you can follow
it for long term. So I have different
sections that I follow. The number one section
is the daily section. This section talks about the tasks that I'm
supposed to do today, what is overdue, and the tasks that I'm supposed
to look after tomorrow. So there are two
divisions over here. On the left-hand
side, I talk about the today and right-hand
side gives me a hawk eye view of the overdue tasks and what am I supposed
to pick up tomorrow. Then I have a Weekly View. And this gives me a hawk
eye view of the week. And I have this week
as well as next week. So the Weekly View gives
me an overview of what my this week will look like
and also my next week. So grouping tasks by
daily and weekly, it is going to give you a good overview of
what things look like. And this also gives you an
overview of your capacity. And it helps you avoid the
worst scheduling of the tasks. So it will give you
a realistic view of what can be achieved in a
day and also in a week. Then I have a section
for Unscheduled Tasks. So on the left-hand side, you will have Task
with no due date. And these are the tasks
where you have not entered any deed and you have
just added them as a task. And on the right-hand side, you have a monthly calendar
view of all the tasks. So you know which Task is supposed to
be completed by when. And this section gives
you an opportunity to set due dates to the
Task which have no Views. So since you have a monthly
calendar view over here, you can take a look at
your capacity and you can set dues for the task that you have
on the left-hand side. This section really
helps you setting due dates for something that
you have not considered. And then in the end, we are going to have a
way to jot down notes, Task Inbox, and Tasks completed. The Notes section is just a space for you to
write anything you wish to. So this can be a reflection or any observations that
you want to jot down. Then you have Task Inbox. And this is a list of all
the tasks that you have. And basically you add all
your new Task over here. Of course, you can add Your
Task anywhere in the View. But Task Inbox is actually the place that is
meant to be for that. Then you have a section
for Tasks completed, and this will give you an
overview of what you have achieved so far and it
will keep you motivated. So seeing a list of all the Completed things
always keeps you motivated. Because it tells you that, hey, you are making
a progress there. So that is what this
is supposed to do. This is what our template
is going to look like. So we're going to go
through the process of creating and setting up
this template completely. And if you feel that
your work requires you to tweak this
template or better. So you can feel free to do that and you can customize
it to your own needs.
5. Setting Up the Task Inbox: So let us start creating
our to-do list striker. So what I'm going to do
is I'm going to just collapse this left-hand side. Here on this page
that we have created. I'm going to see slash. Forward slash will give you
a lot of options over here. With the help of this,
you can tell Notion, What do you want to add
to this particular page? So I'm going to need a database. I'm going to say I need
a database in line. Now what is the
database? So databases are one of the powerful features of Notion and they help you
store data within them. And with the help of databases, you can give your
different Views. You can sort, filter
and interact with them. Okay? So since we are working
with to-do list over here, I'm going to have a
database for to-do lists. I'm going to see
Inline database. Like so. You will see this view
appear over here. Now what I'll be doing is
I will be going over here. I'm going to rename this
particular database, and I'm going to call
this as Task List. So this is a word Task List. And we want to have this
in the form of table. And what all properties do you want this database to have? Are the stable to have? So I'm going to click over here. And you're going to see
to default properties like name and tax. And then you have
various options. Like you can filter data, we hear sort data, group. And you can do a lot
of things over here. Now this database over
here is our Task Inbox. And we're going to have
this as a Task Inbox. I'm going to say Heading one. So I can see over
here heading one, and I'm going to call
this as Task Inbox. Now over here, I have an option. So on this three button, I can hide the database title. So we can even give our
database our title. So I'll say, I'll call
this as Task List itself. Now, let us set some
properties over here. So first, I'm going to have nim. I'll need some tags over here. Okay? I'll need more properties
apart from these two. Now to add more properties, you can click on this
plus icon over here. The moment you click on this, you're going to see this
pop-up which asks you, what kind of property are
you trying to create? So I'm trying to create
a property which is going to help me
store complete by. So I'm going to
have my Task Name. I'm going to have due date. I'm going to have time created. So when I created
this particular task, I'm going to have
priority, like so. I'm also going to have
status and this will tell me whether it's checked
or not checked. So this will keep track of whether my Task has
been done or not. Okay, and then I'm
going to have tags. So tags is going to tell me
what kind of Task doses. So it can be my personal, it can be my office
work and so on. So these are the properties
that we are going to have. I have named, I have
tags. I'm going to see. So here I'll scroll down. I'll say deed and
alcohol this as complete by by when do I need to complete
this particular task? And then I'll add one more. I'll say created. So this will be date
and created, like so. And then I'm going to
also have priority. I'll say priority. So this will be a selection and we're going to have
different priority levels. So I'm going to show you now, okay, so priority, like so. And over here, you
can add more options. So it's best to have
just three priorities. So I'll say low. And I'll say hi. And I'll say medium. And I'll click over here so we have bags priority and
then we need status. And this will be a checkbox. So here you can select
checkbox and I can see status. So we are done by
adding all the fields. And I'm just going
to align this a bit. So here if you hover, you have V to get everything
in a single view. Right now we have a
horizontal scroll bar and it's going
outside the screen. So you can let like this and bring it within
a single list. Okay? So I have everything
in a single View. Now. Now, I can start adding
some Task over here. Alright? Now you can
create a tasks this way. So you can say Task one here, and in tags, you can
have some options here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to edit this property. And I can have
options over here. So I can say personal, office or you can see
follow-ups and so on. So you can have
different tags that represent the kind of
work you're doing. And you can select
whatever you want to. So you can say
follow-ups, office. And those tags will
come up over here. Then you can have complete
by and here you can enter the date by when you intend to finish
this particular task. You can have create time. And if you click on this
and if you see Edit here, we want create it time
to be auto populated. So instead of type over here, type date, I'm going to select this as created time over here. Now this will be auto created. So you can see automatically the greeted time was populated as and when
these rules were created. Okay, if you want
to delete any row, you can click on this
and you can delete. If you want to delete
this, you can delete. Okay? Then you have the priority. You can set the priority
has high, low, and medium. You can even give custom
colors that you wish to. Let's say if I want
high to be in red, I can have read
assigned to high. For medium, you want yellow, so you can have
yellow over here. And for low if you
want something. So let's say I want blue. So you can have blue over there. You can Customize Colors, your high, and then you
have status over here. So this is done or not done. Alright? So this is our Task Inbox, and here's where we are going to keep adding all the tasks. So I will just clear this out and we have our Task Inbox ready
6. Templates in Notion: So whenever you add
a task over here, you have to add a lot of things. So you might want to add tasks in a particular
format, alright? And you might want
to store a lot of information about every
to do that you do. Now this is where templates
come into picture. So here, just beside new, you have this down arrow button. If you click on this,
you're going to see templates for Task List. Now, what you can do is you can see the
description it has. It says replicate page formats inside this database
with templates. So what you can
actually do is you can create a template over here, which becomes your templates
for every to-do list. And whatever information
you enter into that particular pH will be stored as every
record over here. Let me show that to you. I'm going to set up a
new template over here. So I'm going to
say new template. This will open up a
pop-up like this. And you can end over here. New task. You have an option to
add a cover on an icon. If you wish to add a cover, you can add something like this. So I've added an icon. You can change and customize
the icon the way you want. Okay? And then you have the
list of information that you are accepting
for every tasks. If you wish to reorganize the details over
here, you can do so. If you wish to have
the priorities first, you can just drag
them to the top. If you scroll down, you have an option to add more property. And here you can add more information to
this particular page. So what I typically
do is I see parts. So for every task I capture
any thoughts that I have. For example, if I'm, if I want to work on a course or if I want
to work on a video. So whatever idea I have
regarding that particular task, I'll just jot down everything that I have
in my mind over here. Now whenever I'm
working on that, I'll just open up this and I'll see what all things
I had in my mind. It really helps when you are working and trying to complete
that particular task. Now here below, I'll say forward slash and
I'll say calendar. So here you can have
a calendar view. So I'll add a
calendar view here. And you can have a calendar
view for Your Task database. So we have created
a Tasks database and you can add a
calendar view for that. So I can select the database. Here, does our database Task
List. So I'll select this. And you can see you can
copy an existing view, but I don't want to make
a new View over here. And I said this is calendar, and I'll say calendar. You can also select the
different view types over here. So you can see there
are quite a few View types like table, board, timeline,
List, and gallery. So I'll go ahead with calendar. And you can set some properties over
here so you can see shortly to be subtitles. So I don't want to see
the database title. I can just do a vivid this. We will see this
database Title VII. And how do you want to
organize the calendar? So this calendar will
show me the list of all tasks that I'm
doing or I have to finish. And it will show me by
complete by feeded. This is the due date
for every tasks. So depending on what you
did you have selected, you will see all Your Task
appear in the calendar view. Now you can say show calendar as month or week does is
just a preference. I prefer month and
open pages in St. a. Peak. You can also
open side week. So this means if you
try to open any pages, it will open as a popup. Or you can open in the site. So it will open from
the right-hand side. This is just to View,
and I'll say done. This calendar view is added. And this particular view
gives you a Hawkeye view of what's happening with your
tasks in a particular month. So when you are creating a new tasks or when you're adding something
to your tasks, you have an idea of what your
month typically looks like. So you can see over here. Okay. So if I'm setting due dates, I know this is all
there on my plate. So this really helps. You
can even customize this. Or if you don't want, you can just get rid of this. So for some people, this might feel overwhelming, or I have a huge calendar year. But what I believe is this
is going to really help. We are done setting
up the template. If you go back over here
and if you see New here, you have a new tasks template. And then you have an empty
template, which is default. So if you want new
tasks template to be the default for every
task you create, you can like set it as
default for all Views. So you can say, I want it for all of you or for
this particular view. So I'll select for all Views. Now if I create a
new task over here, if I say new, alright, and if I press Enter
and if I click on Open, you will see a side peak
View open up from here. You have a complete
blank template to fill in everything regarding the tasks that you're creating. So it will open a side view wherein you
will have the list of all the fields
that you should be filling in for the new
task that you're creating. Here you can see
you have Task one. So this Task one has a
due date of July 19. And you can see that in the
calendar view. Alright. So I know. Okay, I have one dance do
on this particular date. If you fill in all
your tasks over here, there will see your
calendar automatically thinking because it's
linked to the database. And you are going to see a hawk eye view of what
your month look like. And while adding the Task, you will have a clarity as to what your
current capacity is. Now, what I like
to do typically is I like to set
multiple templates. Okay, I'll just close this. Now here. I like to set
multiple templates, so one template for
our new normal Tasks, then I can have a new template
created for my courses. So if I have a nucleus
idea that I want to do, I can set up a template
for that and I can see unintuitive chapters. So whenever I have a course idea and if I add that as a task, and if I have some clarity
on the tentative chapters, I'll just jot them
down over here. I can even add any
references that I've found online or any link to
the student feedback. And say link, there is a
possibility that I might be making some changes
to existing content, are working on something depending on the
student feedback. If I can either
link it over you or I can just paste the
feedback over here. So that is something you can do. And here I have, I can call this as
new course, like so. Okay? And you can have an icon here, which can be anything. Alright? So I'll just keep
this as the icon. Here you will see two templates. Now, what do you can actually do is you can even remove
this as default. So you can see have
empty as the default. Okay? Now let us add our Task. I'll see tasks do. I will say Enter, and I'll
open this inside beak. Now the moment you
open this inside peak, it will tell you which template you want
to continue with. They're just showing you
the list of templates because Mt was selected. So if it's a new task, if I click this, this template will be revised to
whatever is there. If I select new course, this template will be revised to whatever I had entered there. So this really helps. So if you don't want to set anything as a starting
point or a default, you can just keep
empty as the default. And when you add a new task, you can select from here depending on what
the task it is. So this is totally
up to you as to what kind of tasks
you are adding. So I typically don't add a default or I
don't set a default. And I like to select
the default from here. And if nothing matches
my requirement, and if it's a completely
new kinds of tasks or a category that I feel
will reoccur in future. I just set it up as
a template as well. I create a new template. So it's up to you. So if I select a
new task over here, it will just populate everything that this task is needed, like to start, needs to do. And I can set complete
date over here, like 20th. And if you scroll down, you'll see 20th ASD complete
date for this task. And you can just collapses View. So there is no Save
button in Notion. It just automatically
saves everything. This is about templates and
how you can make use of it.
7. Setting Up Your Daily View in Notion: So let us set up our Daily View. So I'm going to press Enter a couple of times over
here to make some room. And I'm going to enter a
heading over here called Daily. And here I'm going to
create a database View. So I'm going to say data. And you'll get this option
linked view of a database. It will ask you to select which database you're
creating View for. I'll create, I'll
select my database. Now, you will see all your tasks appear
on the left-hand side. So I'm going to
go to the layout. We're going to keep
the table layout. And here I'm going to go to group and I'm going to
select the priority. So I'm grouping all
the tasks by priority. And what I'm also
going to do is go to the properties and I'm going to disable all the properties. Want to see a lot of
properties out here. And I'm going to
have View added. So as you can see, I have a Daily View and I'll
hide this database title. So I have a Daily View
which has my task list. Here I can see all the
Task with high-priority, low priority, medium
priority, and no polarity. So this is the
Daily View created. Now what I want to do is I
want to filter this to today. So I'll click on Filter. I'll see complete pie. And here I'll see ended is
select from here today. This will give me all the tasks that I'm supposed
to complete today. Also, I need to get the
list of unchecked tasks. I'm going to add one
more filter here. And I'm going to see status. This will give me all
the tasks that have been added by me that
are supposed to be done today and they
have been unchecked and it'll be categorized
as per priority. Okay, So this gives me a
really nice Hawkeye view of what's going to happen today and what am I
supposed to focus on? So I'm supposed to pick up the
high-priority items first. What I'm going to do is
let me add a new tasks. So let's see this
particular new task I have, I'll say complete by today. And as add the tag as office. And I'll set the
priority as medium. The moment I do this, if you go to medium, you will see new Task up here. And you can click
on this to see what this task is and you can
start working on this one. Now, in my Daily View, I want to have one more section
on the right-hand side, which is going to show me
the list of tasks that are overdue and the tasks that are that I'm supposed
to pick up tomorrow. What I will do is I'll
go to Daily here. I'll press Enter and I'll
add a two column Views. I'll say to you, you will see two columns. I'll add that with this. You will have two columns
being added here. One is this column, the column one, and then you
have the second column here. Now what I'll do is I'll select this table and add this
into the View one. Okay? Now I have column two over here. Now in this particular column, I'll add a collapsible list. And this collapsible list
is called as toggle list. I'll add this an alcohol
this as overdue. Okay. I'll expand this and heal. Within the toggle. I'll see Database. I'll add a link to
view of the database. I'll select the Task
List database over here. And here, I'm going to add
this in the form of List. So I don't want this
in the form of table, but in the form of List, I'll hide the database title. And I'll go back. And here. In terms of properties, I will hide everything, okay, so I will just have
the Task Name up here. If you want to add
more properties, you can add like the
priority status and so on. But I want to so I'll be like
this and yeah, we are done. So you are seeing all
the tasks over here. Now these are, this should
be the overdue tasks. So what I'm going
to do is I'm going to add a filter over here. I'm going to say the
filter complete by, and I'll say Start Date. Instead of started, I'll
select the end date is before. And here I'll say today. So if the end date
is before today, show the tools over here. Now you don't see any to-dos
here because there are no such to-dos that had
ND before today. But you can change a deed of
this particular tasks to 14. Let's say, if you scroll up, you're going to see
Task one over here. If you click on this,
you're going to see all the details
of this task. Now I have the toggle
View appear over here. Now I can copy this and
paste it just below this. And I can call this as to model. This particular toggle will
have the Task for tomorrow. Here also, I'll add
a database view. I'll see you to be View like so. We'll select the database. And here I'm going to
show this as List again. Hide the title. I'll go back. If you
want to show the title, whether you're free to show
that, that's perfectly fine. In terms of filter. I'll have complete by start date is as
they start date is, and I'll select model over here. Okay? So, yeah, so I'll see the list of all the tasks that I have
to do tomato over here. Okay, So this gives me a fantastic daily overview of What am supposed
to do right now. So this is my today. If I collapses, you can
see everything today. This tells me what
I'm supposed to work on tomorrow and what is
overdue and pending from me. Now, if you want to hide D groups over here that
do not have any item, you can go to this three
dots and you can see group. And here you will have an
option To hide empty groups. So this will hide all
the empty groups. You can see you have
only medium level tasks today that you need to finish. And there are three hidden
groups which are not visible right now because they don't have any Tasks in them. So this is about the Daily
View and how you can set it up
8. Setting Up Your Weekly View in Notion: So let us start setting
up the Weekly View. So for Weekly View, I'm going to create some
room here just after Dealy. I'm going to add a heading
one and call it Weekly. I can select this and give this thing a background
color over here. Now here I'm going to have
to Views that will give me a hawk eye view of what's
happening with my weeks. So here I'm going
to see database and I create a link to
view of the database. So this will be my
Task List database. And here I'm going to say, I need this in the
form of table. This, This View should
have some grouping. And the grouping will be
on the basis of priority. Okay? So you have this over here. I'll go back here and I'll
hide the database title here. I'm going to call this
view as Weekly View. Or I can say this week
The seems better. So this particular
view is going to give me an overview of this week. So I'll say filter. And here I'll say complete by, and you can see it has picked up and it is shown
the week selected. So this particular view
is going to show me a hawk eye view of all the tasks that I'm supposed to
complete this week. And here you're seeing there
is lot of information, okay, I'm showing
everything on my tasks. So I'm going to
customize this a bit. I'm going to say edit View. And here I'm going to see
hide old properties. Okay? And I'll close this. So you're not going to
see all the properties. You're just going
to see the name of the properties and the priority. And this will be
categorized by week. You can additionally do
one more customization wherein you can go to group. You can see Hide Empty groups. So this is going to hide
all the empty groups that do not have any Tasks. So this is just going
to make your mic, this particular thing
look a bit more cleaner. Now what I'm going to
do is I am going to add a two columns, two column View. Here I have one column, and here I have
the second column. I'm going to drag
this column here. Okay? Now, this right side
of the column gives me an overview of what's
happening this week. Now. I would also want
to have an overview of What do I plan
to do next week. Okay, so I'm going to
copy this database here. Copy link to the View, and
I'll paste it over here. So you can do that
in paste over here. And you can see created
linked view of the database. And you can get the
View also over here. So I will see this
week is what I want. Metallic customize
this week a bit. So I will see next
week, like so. And so to add a filter, you can click on Add
Filter complete by. And you can see next week. Okay? So it will
select the next week and you should see the
Task up here over here. Okay, this gives me
a nice Hawkeye View. Now I don't want this to
be in the table format, so I'll just edit the View here. And instead of table, I'm
going to have a simple list. And I won't even group this. So let us remove the
grouping as well. I'll say grouping as none. And I'll get rid of this. So you can see like
it's a simple view that gives me a list of
what's happening next week. But this week I have everything segregated by the priorities. So you are done setting up
the View for weeks, okay? So this is how you can set up the Weekly Views for your tasks.
9. Different Views for Your Task: Now I wanted to show you
that you can resize this a bit so you can expand
this to your screen size. And the sulfate in
the entire screen. Now you have some more room. Here. You have a plus button. Beside this week, you
have a plus button. You can add a new tab over here. You can select the data
source as Tasks less. And you can select on
any view you want. And here you can add another layout in which
you want your tasks. So you can see, I want
this to View as a board. Let's say this will give you an overview of your tasks
in the form of bolts. Here you can see high, low, and then if you scroll,
you have medium, you have no priority. And since this particular
view is grouped by priority, so here if you go, we
have groupby priority. So if you want some other fields to come up over here
instead of high, low, you can definitely
change that. So this is like a
Kanban style View. So I'll just rename
this to board view. Like so. So this gives you a really nice View in
the board format, okay? And you can have a different view at Your
Task all your week. So you can add more
Views if you want to. So you can edit on
this and you can see the different layouts
that are available. So you have table, you have
timeline view as well. You have to gallery view. You can take a look
at different Views and play around with this. So this is where things go
really powerful with Notion. Veteran, you have
a single database, like we have Task
Inbox over here, which we created initially. And now you have different Views of that
same data over here. Okay? So let me also expand
this a bit as well. Okay? But this is where
things start to become more powerful
with Notion. Alright? So one database can be
reused and it can give you multiple views of
data across your pH
10. Managing Unscheduled Tasks in Notion: So let us set up a way to get the view of Unscheduled
Tasks in our task lists. So I'm going to add a
two column View here. I'm going to see two columns. So we have two
columns added here. And I'm going to add
or database View here. I'm going to select all
the relevant properties. And then I'm going
to come over here. And instead of layout table, I'm going to have
a list over here. I'm going to hide
database title. And here I'm going
to filter this. So I'm going to filter
this As I'm going to tell, complete by the filter, should be ended, is
empty. That is it. Okay? So this will be the filter
and this will give me all the tasks
without a due date. So if I add a task, let's say No, Do you like so? So I'll see this Task
appear over here. Now this task is
without due date because I have not added
any two over here. Also, we need to add
one more filter here. I'll add a filter and I'll
see status is unchecked. We need to add status and
checked over here as well. So I need to see
status and checked. And here also In filter, I need to say
status and checked. And in this view as well. So I'll add status and
I'll say unchecked. Okay, so here we have a list of tasks that
do not have any do. So I'm going to just expand this a bit
to fill the screen. And if you want to hide these filters like
the conditions, you can click on this blue
filter icon and it'll go away. Now on the right-hand
side, I'm going to have a calendar view. So I'm going to create this
calendar database View. I'm going to link
it to the database. Here. I'm going to see the
layout should be calendar. And I'll say show
calendar by complete by this is a property on the basis of which I'm creating
the calendar. And this particular calendar is going to be a
monthly calendar. You can change this to Weekly
or as per your preference. But we have monthly
right now over here. And I'm going to
add a filter which will see status is unchecked. So this will give
us a hawk eye view of what's happening
with this month. And now, if I want to add a due date for
this particular task, I can literally drag it over
here and I can add it to 21. Okay? Now if you open this Task, this tasks will have
the due date of 21. Okay? So you can simply drag
drop the tasks from this particular list over here to the list on
the right-hand side, or to the calendar on
the right-hand side. So it's that helpful. So what I have found is having a calendar on the
right-hand side gives you a complete overview of the capacity for
the current one. And on the basis of that, you can schedule the tasks from this list for which you
have not set any deed yet. Alright, so this
is how you can set Views to manage your
Unscheduled Tasks. You can also add some
title over here. I'll say heading one, and I'll say Unscheduled. And I'll add this, add some styling
over you, like so. Alright, so this is
about Unscheduled Tasks
11. Setting Up Inbox, Notes and Completed Tasks View: So let us now Set-Up
of view for Task Inbox are Notes and getting a view of tasks that
we have completed. If I have Inbox over here, I'll scroll down and I'll
see two columns here. And here, I'm going to
add a database view. So I'll say database. And this is going to be a
database view for Tasks Lists. And I'm going to have a list of all the tasks that
we have Completed. So I don't want to
see any properties, so I'll hide all the properties. I just want a list of tasks
that we have checked in. So I will see their
status is checked. So this gives us the list of tasks that we have completed. Now if I check this one, you will see this Task
appear over here. If I uncheck, this will
be removed from here. Okay? So you can add more filters. So I can say filter over here. And I can add a filter
to get the tasks that have been
completed this month. I can say this month, like so. So it gives you an overview of how things have
been this month. And I can keep this filter
here and I can close. So you can see Bu
filters have been added. And on the right-hand side, I'm going to have
some place over here to write any
notes that I have. So I will just add some
title here. I'll say Notes. And here we can add any sorts of nodes
that we want to, okay? Now, anything, any sort of
reflection or any tips, suggestions, or anything
that you want to jot down. You can have display Sadat. So this is about setting up the last part of our template. I'm going to just expand
this view and change this name to Completed Tasks. Like so. Alright?
12. Conclusion: All right, so we have reached
the end of this course. And I would also like
to mention we here right now is when it
comes to Productivity, there is no one size fit all. So different people have different working styles
and different preferences. They might be working on
different set of projects. And this is why it is really important that whatever you
have built in this course, you should customize
it for yourselves. So what I would want to see is I will want you all to customize the template that you have created to work for your needs. Now, I use this template to manage all my daily
tasks and projects. So I am a content creator. I teach online and I have different projects
that are work on at a particular period in time. So I use similar
template to work on my projects and I use Notion to make sure that
I'm well organized. Now, the benefit
of using Notion is that it offers you a
mobile app as well. So it helps me stay on top of my tasks even when I'm
traveling or on-the-go. Also, I would like to thank
you for being an engaged, amazing, and
enthusiastic learner. I hope this course has
helped you to improve Your Task Management
and Productivity with the help of Notion
with this class, you will find a class project which you can complete
and share it. So that's from my side, Happy learning and all the best