1. Skillshare blockchain course promo: Hi, Welcome to the
best course online, which will help you learn the fundamentals of
blockchain and Bitcoin. I am facile. I have created this course
to help people like you gain knowledge about blockchain and its most popular
implementation, Bitcoin. Why should you take this course? The goal of this course
is to make sure you learn the fundamentals of
blockchain the right way. And don't waste any time going through broken, incomplete
online tutorials. In this course, I have
simplified topics and made it easy to understand
with real world examples. I will make sure you not only learn this new technology
the right way, but also have fun learning it. This course is designed
keeping in mind, have made sure that each
and every concept is clearly explained in an
easy to understand manner. If you are a beginner,
don't worry, I'm 100% committed
to help you succeed. This course will give you a solid understanding of
blockchain and how it works. We will be learning about how transactions are verified on blockchain mining and we'll
discuss mining pools. After completing this course, you will understand blockchain, Bitcoin and how it works so that you can have
educated discussions around the same. So what are you waiting for? I will see you inside
the course. Thank you.
2. What is Blockchain: Hello guys, welcome back. So in this lecture
we are going to talk about what is blockchain. And by the end of this lecture, you are going to have a complete clarity on
what is blockchain and what our blocks and how is a blockchain
network maintained? So let's get started. So to begin with, we'll first discuss the
definition of blockchain. So what is Blockchain?
So a blockchain is a continuously growing list
of records called blocks, which are linked and
secured using cryptography. So this is how Wikipedia
defines a blockchain. So it's a continuously
growing list of records, which can also be termed
as an open ledger, which consists of blocks. So now a blockchain consist
of individual blocks. And these blocks
are linked to each other and secured
using cryptography. So the linking is done so
that it can form a chain, and hence it's
called a blockchain. It comprises of block chain. So if you have to
summarize this definition, and if you have to make
a note of some points, so blockchain has blocks
point number one. Point number two is, it is open, as you can see the definition. Point number three is it's
distributed and forth. It consists of blocks which are linked
using cryptography. So these are the four points, has blocks, it's open, distributed, and the blocks are linked and secured
using cryptography. So let's talk about an
individual block first. So every block has the following components that you are seeing on the screen. So it has a hash, and this hash is generated using the cryptography
algorithms. Then it also has the data. So this is the data that is stored on this particular block. And then you have the hash
of the previous block. So this is used for linking
blocks with each other. And whenever or
transaction takes place, the data is stored on the block and the
hash is generated. Now, if more transactions
takes place, one more block is generated
with a data stored on it. And now the hash of the previous block is stored
on to the next block. And they are linked
together forming a gene. And this process continues
for every block. And since it's changed, it's known as blockchain. So if I have to demonstrate this with the help of diagram, you can see Yo-Yo that you have a single block which has
a hash and some data. Now if more transaction
takes place, you will have one more block
created with some data. And also it will have the
hash of the previous block. Hash is nothing but the hash
of this particular block. And this is how they are
linked to each other. Alright? You can see
the linking year. And if more transactions
takes place, like more blocks are generated and they are
linked to each other, thus forming a chain. And hence this is
known as blockchain. Now this gene is also a
list of the transactions which have taken place in
this particular network. Now, I would want
to introduce you to the concept of genesis block. So if you notice on
the first block, does not have, does not
point to any previous block. So every block has a
previous block link, but this first block does not
link to a previous block, and hence, this block is
known as genesis block. Genesis block is nothing but the first block in a blockchain. We understood what if block
and what is a blockchain? Now, let's understand how
blockchain is distributed. Now, let's assume that
there are five computers or five people who want
to do transactions. And I'm referring
each computer over here in this particular
diagram as unnoticed. So this is computer
one or person one, or I'm just calling it node one. Then this is node to node three, node four, and node five. So these are five
nodes, Alright? Who wants to do transactions? And every node is connected in a P2P network,
in a blockchain. So what is a P2P network? Now? P2p network is a type
of network where every node is connected
to every other node. So a P2P network can look
something like this. So this is an example of a
P2P network wherein you can see like node two is
connected to node one, node four, node five,
and node three. And likewise, every other node is connected to each other. So this is nothing
but a P2P network. And now every node will maintain
a copy of entire ledger. Now, what do I mean by ledger? Ledger is nothing
but the chain of transactions which
we spoke about. And it's distributed across
the network in this week. Okay, Now, whenever
transaction takes place, the block inflammation is
broadcasted across the network. So whenever a
transaction takes place, a new block is created. And this transaction information or this block inflammation
is broadcasted across the network and every node is responsible for updating the
local copy of the ledger. Would this new
block inflammation? For example, if there are three transaction
or three blocks, which you can see in
the diagram, okay? So you can see your three
transactions or three blocks that have happened in this
particular Bitcoin network. So you can see that there
are three transaction here. And for every node. And which means that
there are three blocks or three transactions that have
taken place in this network. Now, your full transaction
is supposed to take place, then the full transaction would be broadcasted over the network. And every node would receive
the information using which every node can update
the local copies and they will add the
full transaction locally. So this is how blockchain
is distributed. So as you can see, every node or every computer is connected to each
other in a P2P network. And every node maintains a copy of the ledger or the
list of transaction, or you can say the
blockchain itself. So this is how blockchain
is distributed. Now let's talk about some of the properties of Blockchain. So the number one property
is blockchain is secure. So since every node in the network owns a
copy of transactions, it's impossible for a hacker to tamper any information
in the network. If a hacker wants to hack
or modifying information, he will have to modify
the information on all the nodes
across the network, which is not possible, and hence, it can
never be hacked. And it's secure. If a hacker changes
information on one node, then the network can do
a comparison and point out that the information is incorrect on that
particular node. This would help make system more robust and
prevent data tampering. So this is how
blockchain is secure, because every node that is participating in the network
owns a copy of blockchain. If a single computer
it's hacked, the internetwork is not impacted because it
is just that one, nor would have a
different information. And that particular
node can update itself. And it can be pointed
out that this has the wrong information
about security. Now, the next
property that we can discuss is blockchain
is distributed, which means every node
in the network owns a copy of the ledger to be
the part of the network. And this distributed
nature makes blockchain much more
secure and robust. The next property would
be it's decentralized. Blockchain does not have any single entity
controlling itself. Okay? For example, a network
of bank might go down. You might see that
bank website is done not working, et cetera. That's because there is a
single point of failure since the website is owned
by a single entity, that is a bank itself. In blockchain, there
are many nodes, and if one node is down, the other one is up. And hence the blockchain
network is 24-seven up, and that is no owner. So these are some of the
properties of blockchain, how it works and
what our blocks. Let's summarize. So
in this lecture, we understood what
is blockchain. We understood how does a blockchain works?
What are nodes? And we also understood the
properties of a single block. And in the end, we discuss some of the
properties of Blockchain. So I hope you guys enjoyed this class and found
this class valuable. I shall see you guys
soon. Thank you.
3. What is Bitcoin: Hello guys, welcome back. So in this lecture we are
going to talk about Bitcoin. And by the end of this lecture, you are going to have a
complete clarity on what is Bitcoin and how
does Bitcoin work. So let's get started. So what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is nothing but
our digital currency that is implemented
using blockchain. Now, Bitcoin was created and implemented by
Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knows who
Satoshi Nakamoto is. But it's said that he is a
person but a group of people. Now these are all speculations
and nothing concrete yet. But his idea was to
produce a mechanism of exchange between two
parties that was immutable. So the mechanism of exchange
should be immutable. Now by immutable, I mean that something that
cannot be changed. So now once a transaction
has taken place, it cannot be tampered
or reversed. So this is what
this mechanism of exchange would have if
you have transacted once. It cannot be reversed
or modified in any way. The next property
that he wanted to have is it should be verifiable. So it should be easy to verify
transaction and trace it. The third property was it
should be transparent, which means that everyone
involved in doing the transaction should have complete transparency
of what's happening. The fourth property that
you wish to have is secure. So he wanted to have security. And the mechanism using which the transaction is
done should be very, very secure and it should not
be hacked by any hackers. So Satoshi Nakamoto
wanted to build a mechanism exchange
that was immutable, verifiable, transparent,
and secure. So we understood
what are the galium. Now, let's just see what
the problem exists today. So today, if you want
to do a payment, let's say there are two parties, person a and person B. Person a wants to send
some money to person B. Person a, for sending money, has to go to a
trusted institution, which can be a bank or
a service like PayPal. Now, this trusted institution would facilitate
the transaction. Now, there are some problems
with this approach. So this approach
takes a lot of time. So if the persons who
are involved in doing the transaction are residing
in different countries, then this would take at
least two to three days, two to three business days. And after two to
three business days to transform might happen. It depends from case to case. Like some banks may
have two to three days. Some services might be quick, but this is not instant and it is a little time-consuming
is what I mean to say. It takes a lot of time. Second is it's costly. So this approach is
costly since there will be a transfer fees
which is involved. So person a might have to pay a transfer fee division
which he has approached. Also the exchange rates
that you might get in doing this are not the
best to be honest. The next problem is,
this particular approach has a central authority. So there is a central
authority which is nothing but the trusted institution who is responsible for doing
the transaction. Now, let me show you how
does it work with Bitcoin. So let's say you have
a network of nodes which are connected to each
other in a P2P network. And let's say No one wants
to send $5 to node two. And node two wants to send $3. Now, each of these transactions are recorded in a
block and stool. So as you can see
in the diagram, the node one has
a balance of $10. Node two has $0 and n3, we're not displaying
the balance sheet. It might be having
$0, for example. So let's say this, no one wants to send
some money to note. So it does the transaction. The transaction happens and
it is recorded in a block. So you can see here, it's recorded in a block. Now if another
transaction takes place. So you can see here, the
balance of node one is reduced and node two has $5. Now. Now, if not two wants to do
a transaction to node three. So it will transfer some money. And this transaction will
also be recorded in a block. And this block will be linked to the previous block
using hashing. And this will result in forming
a chain of transactions. So you can see the money
has been transferred from node one to node two
and node to node three. And this transaction has
been recorded in block. And every block is
linked to each other, forming a team which is
nothing but a blockchain. Now the problem here is the transaction or the chain of transactions are centralized. It can easily be hacked
or tampered with. Now what are the solution here? So these block of transaction are
distributed in a network. Like you can see, every node
will have a copy of the, all the transactions which
are linked to each other. So essentially, every node will have a copy of the
entire blockchain, and every node stores this
copy locally on their system. Now whenever a
transaction takes place, this transaction is broadcasted
over the network and every node is responsible for updating its local
copy of blockchain. So centralized storing, it is not done in this
particular case. So whatever
transactions are done, they are recorded in
a distributed manner. So there are multiple
benefits of doing this. So the number one
benefit is it's secure. Distribution of ledger is what makes this particular thing are in that process secure
because it's hack proof. So if a hacker wants to hack it, he has to hack the
entire network. So network means there
might be millions of nodes. For the sake of example, I'm just showing five nodes. But if there's a
real-world scenario and if a hacker wants to hack, it, has to hack the entire
network next to impossible. So if a signal has been hacked, it's very easy to point it
out because everyone will have a different information and this node will have
something different in it. So it can be easily pointed out that this particular
node has been hacked. So this is how security is implemented using
distributed system. And the second benefit of
doing this is transparency. So let's say if no one wants to transport $10 to node five, node one is one who
transfer tend to notify. Everyone in network knows that node one has
a balance of $5, only can transfer 10-dollar. This is tried, the
transaction would be invalidated and it
won't take place. So this is nothing but
the transparent feature of this particular network. So the two benefits
that we discussed is it's secure and
it's transparent. Now let's talk about some of
the properties of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is immutable, verifiable, transparent,
and secure. Now, I would also want
to discuss some of the misconceptions around
blockchain and Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not blockchain. So you might heal at multiple places that Bitcoin
is locked in, but it's not. So Bitcoin is nothing but an implementation of blockchain. And these are two
different concepts. So blockchain is the technology and Bitcoin is its
implementation. Now, let's talk
about the difference between a traditional
currency versus the Bitcoin. So the number one difference is traditionally currency
has unlimited supply, but Bitcoin supply
is limited and it has a total estimator
supply of 21 million. Also, the smallest
divisible unit of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is represented
using the symbol BTC. So the smallest divisible
unit of Bitcoin is Satoshi, which is nothing but one VDC is equal to these
many Satoshi's. So let's summarize. In this lecture, we
understood what is Bitcoin, how it works, and what are some of the
properties of Bitcoin. So I hope you guys
enjoyed this class and found this class valuable. I shall see you guys soon. Thank you.
4. What is bitcoin mining: Hello guys, welcome back. So in this lecture
we are going to talk about Bitcoin mining. And by the end of this lecture, you are going to have a
complete clarity on what is Bitcoin mining and
how does mining work. We will also be discussing
who are these minus and why would they do mining
in the Bitcoin network? So let's get started. So Bitcoin is a digital currency that is implemented
using blockchain, where transactions are
validated in our network. Now the question is, who validates these
transactions? This is where minus gambling. So minus our special
nodes on the network who facilitate and
validate the transactions. So if you have a blockchain network and if two parties want
to do a transaction, then this transaction is facilitated and
validated by minus. So minus are nothing but
the nodes, or I should say, special nodes who facilitate
and validate transactions. Now, hearing the
concept of minors, you will have two questions. So the first question will
be how our transactions. The second question would be, why would miners
validate or transaction? So how are transactions
validated? So these transactions
are validated by minors, by solving some math problem. And after solving
the math problem, we will solve the
math problem first is the one to validate that
particular transaction. Now, why would miners
validate the transaction? I mean, what they're
getting out of it. So miners validate
the transaction in the net work for
a financial reward. So in Bitcoin network, if two parties want to
do a transaction and if there is a minor who is
facilitating this transaction, then on successful validation of this particular transaction, that minor would be rewarded
with a financial reward. For example, if someone
wants to transfer money, all miners compete
to facilitate it. And salt deposit. Now, we will solve the first. It will broadcast
the information to all the nodes of the network. Now, once the broadcast is
received by all the nodes, they will stop mining and update the information of the new
block on their local ledger. And the miner who facilitated transaction would be rewarded
financially for his work. So if I have to give
you an example, let's assume that this
is a blockchain network, and this is what you're
seeing in the diagram. Now let's assume node wants to transform to
dollar to node three. So node two has a balance of $3 and it wants to send
$2 per node three. Now, this transaction is created and is marked
in green tint. It's not validated yet. Now. It has to be verified
in the network. Now let's assume that node phi n nor for our special nodes, and these are minors in
this particular network. And they will work words validating this
particular transaction. Now how does this
validation process work? Anyone in the network
can become a minor. To become a minor,
you just need to have some computational
power which can be used to solve complex
maths problems. Minus have to verify the transaction by guessing
random numbers at their end. And once the transaction
is validated, it is broadcasted
across the network. For example, if node for
validating the transaction, nor for web broadcast, that particular information
across the network. And every node will receive the information
of the verified block. And the respective nodes
are responsible for updating the local copy of
the ledger that they have. This information about. The verified blog is also
shared with node five. Now once the information
is received by notify, who is also miner, and he's also competing to solve this particular problem and
validate this transaction. So the moment notify
receives this information, nor five stops mining. This is because it
does not make sense to validate and
already verified law. Notify will stop mining. And North pole will receive
a financial reward, which would be in
terms of of bitcoin. Since this is a Bitcoin network, once this transaction
is validated, you can see it's
marked in orange now. And the balance of
node two is reduced and the money is
transferred to node three. Node four will receive a financial reward for the
work that he has done. And notify will stop mining
because it has received a broadcast that this
particular transaction is now validated in the cabinet. How mining process works. Now, what mining there is a
concept of difficulty number. Now what is the
difficulty number? So a difficulty level of mining Bitcoin is determined by Bitcoin mining
difficulty number. Now, this difficulty
number increases with time as more and more bitcoins
are mined in the network. And because of this increase, miners have to upgrade
the hardware every time, as d will be able to mine
lesser and lesser of rewards. So earlier in 20082009, it was possible to mind of
Bitcoin on a normal computer. The Bitcoin difficulty
number was low. However bit time that
difficulty number increased and Bitcoin mining was not possible using a
personal computer. So either difficulty
number more, the computational power that is required to mind a Bitcoin. So to see the Bitcoin
difficulty number, we will be going to will
be switching over to a browser and we'll be going to this website called Now, this is a website
that is going to give us these statistics on
the difficulty number. So we're going to tap on
this Explorer tab over here. And you'll be taken to
the Bitcoin Explorer. Just make sure you
have bitcoin Explorer. We'll now we'll scroll down. And instead of scrolling down, we'll just click on
View All Charts. And here you can see all
the charts around Bitcoin. Okay, So you are seeing these
many transactions per day. This is a market price, average block size,
everything, right? And if you scroll down a bit, you have the mining information. And you can see the network
difficulty graph over here. If you tap on this,
we will be showcased the difficulty level
in the graph format. This is how the difficulty level has increased or decreased, or this is a trend
in last one year. So you can see the last one
year is selected over here. You can also select all time. And you can see like when
the Bitcoin was very new, like this concept of
Bitcoin will very new. So early days it was
very easy to mine and difficulty number was very low even see one is the
difficulty number. Then it started
increasing, increasing, and here it started
going up higher. As you can see, it's
increasing with time as and when more and
more bitcoins are mine. So this is how you can check the difficulty
number of Bitcoin. Okay? You can go over to this network and check it out yourself. This is just for
informational purposes. This is about difficulty
number of Bitcoin mining. So let's summarize. In this lecture, we understood
what is Bitcoin mining or minus Y2 minus walk to
validate the transaction. And how do they validate it? We also discussed what is a
difficulty number and how difficulty number has increased or past use o past few years. So I hope you guys enjoyed this class and found
this class valuable. I shall see you guys soon. Thank you.
5. What is cloud mining: Hello guys, welcome back. So in this lecture we are
going to discuss cloud mining. And by the end of this lecture, you are going to have a
complete clarity on what is cloud mining and why is
this concept introduced? We will also be
comparing cloud mining with traditional mining by
the end of this lecture. So let's get started. So in mining, you
have to buy hardware, lag it at your home
office, and start mining. And mining is a process
wherein you, as a minor, work in the
blockchain network to validate transactions and
on financial rewards. For doing this work. You need a hardware plugged
in at your home or office. But there are lots of hazards
when it comes to mining. So let's talk about some of the hazards of mining at home. So the number one has L is you have to do the entire setup. So you as a minor, has to make sure that entire
setup is done at your place, whether it's home or office, and you take the entire
responsibility of the scene. The other half would be that your machine
would get heated up. So since mining requires a lot
of computation to be done, there would be lots
of heat that is generated causing your room
temperature to rise up. This is the hazard number to the third has is the
electricity costs. So if you are living
in a country or a place where electricity costs are higher than in that case, you will make lesser
profits because mining would require a higher amount
of electricity to be used. So these are some of the
hazards of mining at your home. Now, here is where the concept of cloud
mining comes into picture. So what is cloud mining? So cloud mining is setting
up of mining hardware in a cloud and selling it to people who are wanting to become minus. Now, anyone can
become a minor and start mining after
purchasing these hardwares. And these hardwares coming
with a computational power. Now, these machines
are sold on the basis of power that is required
to mine Bitcoins. So this is the concept
of cloud mining. So in traditional mining, you have to purchase
the machine, the hardware, and set
it up at your home. However, in cloud mining, someone else has
done that setup for you and all the Cloud
or over the internet, you purchase some
computational power and you pay that person. Does it how cloud mining books? Now let's talk about
some of the differences between cloud mining and the
traditional way of mining. So in cloud mining, you pay only for the contract. However, in traditional mining when you have to set
up your own hardware, you pay for the entire hardware. And what does the contract mean? So with cloud mining, you have to purchase
mining contracts. With the company's mining
contract is nothing but you can purchase of computational power with
a specific validity. So let's say for example, you purchase or specific
computation power, and the contract
is for one year. So you will own that
much computational power over the Cloud with that
particular company. And this is nothing
but the contract. You have to pay only for
that specific contract or that specific period and that specific
computation power only. Alright, so this is one benefit. Benefit is you have to
pay the maintenance fee. So big cloud mining, you have to pay the maintenance fee because you are not maintaining
the hardware. There is someone who
is doing that for you. However, when you purchase
your own hardware, you get to keep the
entire profits and you don't have to be anyone,
any commissions. The next difference
would be you don't have any hardware and hence
there is no heating problems. So this is one of the benefits of cloud mining when you don't have the
hardware with you, and hence, you don't have
any heating problems. However, with purchasing
your own hardware, you have to deal with
hardware heating problems because a good amount
of heat is generated, because that is a lot of
processing that is done. Now, this is the last point and the last difference
between these two. Wherein in cloud mining, there might be some problems
with there might be issues whether you
are able to trust a particular company with
the mining hardware or not. However, if you're purchasing
your own hardware, you own everything and you
want a master of everything. So these are some of
the differences in cloud mining and purchasing
your own hardware. I would like to mention
a couple of points here. What cloud mining,
you have to pay a commission for every
reward your own. And this is different from this setup you
would do at home. Since they, you would own the hardware and you have set it up at your own home and you are at a 100%
control of the same. And since you are
in a 100% control, you only a 100% of the earnings that you
get from the mining, since you don't have
a middleman or you don't have to pay any
commissions to anyone out there. So this is 1 that I want to mention
about paying commissions. Then another point
is you have to purchase mining power with
the cloud mining companies. And this power is measured
in terms of hash rate. So higher the hash rate, the more powerful
your machine is. These are the two points. Now, let's summarize. In this lecture, we understood what is the concept
of cloud mining? How's it different from
the traditional mining V2? So I hope you guys enjoyed this class and found
this class valuable. I shall see you guys
soon. Thank you.
6. What are mining pools: Hello guys, welcome back. In this lecture we are going
to talk about mining pools. And by the end of this lecture, you will have a complete clarity on what our mining pools. And we will also be
taking a look at different mining pools that we have over the
blockchain network. So let's get started. So what are mining pools? We are already aware of
this concept wherein you need computational
power to mine Bitcoins. That is a concept of
difficulty number, which determines how difficult
it is to mine Bitcoin. So computation power
and difficulty number. These are the two concepts
which you need to understand before you
start a mining Bitcoin. Now, difficulty level of mining Bitcoin is determined by Bitcoin
difficulty level number. Now, Bitcoin difficulty
number keeps on increasing with time as more and
more bitcoins are mined. And because of this increase, miners have to operate
their hardware. They won't be able to mine
much of financial reward. And because they
have less power, they would be able to mine less, and hence, they would
own a lesser reward. Now because of this, with
increasing difficulty, it's difficult for
a single hardware to mine Bitcoins, right? And this is where the concept of mining pools
come into picture. So with increasing difficulty, it would be very tough for me
as a miner to mine a lot of bitcoins because I won't have that much
computational power. And this is where the concept of mining pools
come into picture. So this is a need
of mining pools. Now let's discuss what
our mining pools. Mining pools is
nothing but sharing of resources or hashpower over the network to
form a larger one. And then mine Bitcoins. Now, multiple miners
come together and form a pool wherein they share the resources or the
hashpower over the network. And this increases the
computation power and give the group the ability to mind
more and more Bitcoin's. Mining pool is nothing
but pooling or sharing of resources
to form a larger one. Now, the question is, if a mining pool is
doing the mining, how our rewards in the
mining pool distributed. Because if I'm a solo minor and if I am
mining of Bitcoin, it's very clear that
if I validate a block, I'll get some financial reward. But in case of a mining pool, how our rewards distributed. So rewards to mind are
distributed as per the amount of work that is done by every miner in that
particular pool. Now, your work done means
the amount of a mining done and the amount of power that is contributed to that
particular mining pool. And you work done proportional to the amount of
computing power that, that particular miner has
in that particular pool. One minor has more
computational power in that particular mining pool. Work done by him would be
higher than others, and hence, he would be eligible
to get a higher share of rewards that is
distributed in the pool. So this is about how
mining pools work and the concept of mining pool and the
reward distribution. Now, let's hop onto our
browser and let's check out some of the mining pools
in the Bitcoin network. You're, I'm on this website
called I'm going to tap on
explorer or were you? And if you tap on explorer, you'll be taken to this, uh, bitcoin Explorer
or will you? And we will be clicking
on view all charts we go. So the moment we click
on View all charts, we are presented with
different chart information. We have to click on
mining information. So once you click there, you will be taken to the
different charts here to here, you can see hashrate
distribution chart, which is nothing but
an estimation of hatchery distribution amongst
the largest mining pools. So hash rate is nothing but
the computational power and discharge demonstrate distribution amongst
different mining pools. If you click on this, you can see different charts over here. So you have the largest
Bulawayo, which is unknown. You have F2 pool, which has this much of power. You have, and Bool, Boolean, why are we dizzy? So these are all
mining pools names. These are names of
mining pools which exist across this
particular network. You can also change
the timeline. So I can choose to 24 hours, 48 hours, four days,
last for days. This much of computational
power was dead in F2 pool. So this is a chart
which you can view for your information purposes. Alright, we'll switch over to our presentation.
Now let's summarize. In this lecture, we understood what our mining pools and
why mining boom exist. And we also saw some of the mining pools in
the Bitcoin network. So I hope you guys enjoyed this class and found
the class valuable. I shall see you guys soon. Thank you.