1. Notion database promo: Welcome to the course on
Mastering Notion databases. I'm Fessel, and I'll be your instructor
throughout this course. Now, as a seasoned entrepreneur, tech professional, educator, and a notion user, I bring to you a wealth of information
through this course. In this fast paced
digital world, managing information
efficiently is more critical than ever. Now NoSN, with its
versatile database features stands out in helping organize, manage, and present
the data effectively. Now, whether you are managing tasks, personal information, projects, mastering
notion databases can transform the way
you handle information. So in this course, we will
begin by setting up notion, ensuring that even bigners don't have any problem
getting started. Then we will talk about what
notion database is, and how can you make use of it? Then we will talk about
properties and how properties can help you manage your information with
notion databases. We will even talk about
advanced database features, such as relations roll ups. We will even discover database views which
allow you to represent your data or information in different forms depending
on your requirements. By the end of the course, you will have a
thorough understanding of notion databases, and you will be able to utilize this feature
of notion effectively to create, utilize, and manage the information for
a variety of your needs. So this particular
course is designed for learners of all levels. So whether you are a student in a university, working
professional, entrepreneur, or if you are
someone who is just curious about notion as a tool, then you can happily
enroll in this course and learn about
notion databases. So are you ready to
harness the power of notion databases and take your notion skills
to the next level? I look forward to see you
inside the course. Thank you.
2. Overview of Notion and Getting Started: Everyone. Welcome
to this lecture, and it's time that we begin setting up
our Notion account. So here I am on Google, and on Google Search, I'll search for Notion. You're going to see
a lot of results, and you need to head over to this first result
called notion SO. So I'll click this first link. And this is the website
for Notion software. Now, keep in mind that this
particular landing page keeps on changing
every now and then. Okay? So if you scroll through, you will have an idea of
the different kinds of feature that this particular
tool has to offer you, okay? So you can see there are
powerful building blocks. You can see
customizing your info. It allows you to customizing your info that you are tracking. You can build any page,
communicate any idea, and you can even see
different kinds of use cases that different teams can have
with this particular tool. For example, engineering can organize their work this way. Product team can organize
their work this way and so on. Okay, so you can
do some reading on this and learn more about
this particular tool. And you can start by
clicking on try Notion free. Alternatively, you can
scroll up over here, and you can say G Notion free. Now, the moment
you click on this, you will be taken to
the sign up page. Now on the sign up page, you'll see an option to
enter your work e mail, and you will also have
a couple of patterns, which will allow you to create an account using
Google and the Apple. Okay. So depending
on your preference, you can choose to
create an account. If you already have an account, what I would request
is you should come to your home page and click
on Login. All right. Now, once you create
your account, you're going to see a dashboard that looks something like this. So here on the left hand side, you are going to see
the side bar, okay? And you can see
different options about different actions that
you can do with Notion. So here you are seeing this is your account, your name here, you'll have option to search, update, access settings,
and even create a new page. Have a few options over here
and some options down here. You have options to
view plan as well. So if you plan to upgrade, you can absolutely click
over here and do so. But for the course, you don't
need a premium version. You can do really well with
the free version as well. And on the right
hand side, you have some tips regarding
notion, okay? So this is about the
notion interface and setting up your account. Do take a look at these
settings also over here, okay, which allow you
to customize your page. So this is a default page
that is created in notion, and it has some information about how I can get
started with notion. And these are the settings
regarding the same. So that's about notion
and getting started.
3. What are Notion Databases?: Hey there, welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking
about databases. So here I am on my
notion workspace, and I have this
getting started page already created over here. Now what I'm going to do
is I'm going to click this button here to
the left hand side, which says, add a new page. I'll create a new page, and I'll call this
page as notion databases because
this is a page where we are going to talk
about databases. Now, here, I'll show you
how you can add a database. Before that, I'll show
you how to add a table. If you say forward slash over here on any of the notion page, you're going to see an option to add blocks into this page. Now every element in notion is added in
the form of blocks. So if I want to add a table, I can select table and a table is added. Now, what is a table? A table is a block that is used to represent data in
a table of format. Now, this is a
very simple table. Now I can add data like one. I'll add very simple
data like three. And then four, and then five, and then six, very
simple digits. Okay? It's a very simple data. Now, what you can do
with data, nothing. We have just represented
this in the tableul format. There's not much we can do. So if you want to represent
data in just tula format, you can make use of tables. But if you want to do much more, then comes the
concept of database. Now, How do we add a database. So you can simply
put forward slash, you can type in data, and you will see these couple of options over here
to add database. Now one is database inline, so I can select database inline, and database is added within
that particular page, which means it is embedded
within that page. So I can name this
database as inline. That's the title
that I'm editing. So this database
title is inline now. And here you can
add the data like you have added over
here in this table. So data will be added
in the table format. But the difference between
these two is with databases, you can do a lot more than just representing data
in the table format. You can do operations
like filtering, sorting. You can write formulas. There are a lot of things
that you can do in database. And database allows
you to do much more with your data that is there in the
structured format. Okay? If you just want to show the data in
the table format, just for representation
purpose, use tables. If you want to do much more, you can use databases. So this is an inline
table or sorry, inline database, I should say. Let me add an inline
or full page database. So this is a full page database. You can select this, and here I can say full page,
something like this. Okay. Now, this is
added as a full page, and you can see this is added under Notion databases page. So either I can click
over here or I can select the page from
the left hand side, and you'll be taken to the
page where we were earlier. Now if you scroll down,
here you will see this full page coming
in as a hyper link. There is a link. If you click
on this, you'll go there. To the full page database. Okay? So this is how you can add database in two ways
within a notion page, O is in line, and other
is using full page. Now, if you already have some data that is being represented in
the form of a table, you can absolutely convert this particular table
into database as well. So if you created a table, and then later on you
realize that, hey, I want to use this
as a database, you can absolutely do that. So let me show this to you. I'll just duplicate this by
clicking on the three dots. And now let's say this
duplicate version, I want to convert it
into a data base. I can again click
on this three dots, and I can say turn into the Database.
And you can see this. This is the table that is being transformed or converted
into a database, as you can see over here. Okay. So this is about
Notion database. Remember, notion databases are one of the powerful
tools for organizing, storing, and
visualizing information in a structured format. And they always combine
the functionality of the traditional databases with a lot of user friendly features. So this is an introduction
to not databases as to how you can add notion databases
into your notion pages.
4. Properties of Database: Hey, there, welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking about properties of the database. Now, whenever you are
working with database, it's crucial that you
understand and know what properties are and how
can you make use of it. So every database
has properties. Now, whenever you store
information in spreadsheets, you have columns, and columns represent what
data you are storing. Similarly in database as
well, you have columns. For example, in this database, I have name as one column, I have tags as one column, and these will be rows where
I'll be filling in the data. Now, this column is nothing but the property
of this database. So here you have one property and the second
property, which is tag. So this particular database has two properties
associated with it. Now, every property
that you have in the database also
has a property type. So if you click on this,
if I click on tag, you'll see different
options to edit, and you'll also see
different options over here, like sorting, hiding,
freezing, and so on. From here, you can change
the name of the property. But we'll click on Edit
property option here. And if you go inside, you're going to see an
option over here, which is known as type, right, which means you have type associated with every property that you have in the database. So here you can see the type
over here is multi select. Okay. So here, if I click on this property,
you have an option. So it says select an
option or create one. Okay? So if I say option test, so it will create test. And then if you go to the next, it will show that option. So I'm also creating
the tags over here, and I can also select the
pre created tags, right? And why is this happening? Because the type over here
is multi select, right? So if you click on this, you will see different
property types that exist. So you can see there is text. There is a number
that is select. Select is nothing but
like the options part. So if you hover on this, you
are seeing this tooltip, this black tooltip, which
is telling you that select one option from
the list of tags. So it'll show you the options and you have to
select one from them. You have multi select. You
have status date, person. Yes, that's right. You
have person as well. If you are working
on something like you want to assign
something to someone. If you have people in
your organization, and you have a list of tasks
in this particular database. Now if you want to assign
this task to someone, you can make use of the
person property over here. How I'll do that. I can
add a property over here. I can click on this plus icon. And it will show me this option, like, I can say
person over here. So I can like, person over here. And you can see person
has been added. Okay? Now I can add
people over here. So you can see, this is me in
this particular workspace, so it's coming FSL, and it's being added over here. So if you have multiple
people, you'll have the list come in over here. So person is also an
interesting type that allows you to work in project
management scenarios. So if you're a project manager
or someone who wants to assign and work with multiple
peoples in a database, you can absolutely make use
of this particular feature. You have option for
files, and using this, you can upload files and images easily over here, checkbox, URL, e mail, phone, your
formula as well, and you have these
options like created T, created by, and this will
automatically record. Okay okay? So if you hover
on this, like, created by, So you can see over here, this plaque tooltip
which says automatically records the person who
created this item. And this is auto generated
and not editable. You can see this, right? So this is a lot of housekeeping that databases
do for us, right? So if you want to record
de created time created y, you don't have to
enter this manually. This is like recorded
by default, right? So these types are
really powerful. And by looking at the types, you can basically
gauge that this is very different from the traditional database
that we have, like the data that
we represent in spreadsheets. So this
is very different. Like, you have a lot of
powerful features like you can upload files in a
database, imagine, right? And this is different from Excel and spreadsheets, all right? So this is about
property and its type. Now, you should use
properties effectively because choosing the
right property type is really important, right? So if you're storing some
data here in the database, then choosing the right
type is really important. Because if you want to add
deadlines into database, if there is a column
called deadlines. So for deadlines,
you might want to store them in the form of date, right, and not in
the form of text. So this is something that
you need to understand. You also need to customize the properties to match
your specific needs, ok. And properties also help you organize
the information. We saw how properties are distinct from
that of spreadsheet and traditional databases or traditional tables that we have in spreadsheets
and Excel, right? So you can imagine
how powerful this can be when you start using these properties
in the right way. So that's about
properties and how you can use them in databases.
5. Advanced Properties: Relations: Hey, there, welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking
about relations. Now relations is one of the advanced properties when it comes to notion databases. Here you can see I
have some sample data, and this data is representing
the projects and the tasks. Here at the top,
you have a table. Now, this is a
simple table that is representing the list of
projects that are ongoing. And here you have tasks. Now, these are the tasks that needs to be done
along with the due date, and they have the name of the person to whom they
have been assigned as well. Now, here, this is being represented in the
form of simple table. So I need to have a
database over here. Now one thing, we will be converting this particular
simple table into a database. I'll say click over here, and I'll try turning
this into a table. Now, the moment you
turn this into a table, you will observe something that the project name and
the description, which were the column headers
have come in as rows. And the rows is like
it's default one, this is title, and
this is column one. Okay? So this is not
something that you want it, so you might want the headers to remain intact and be
translated into the database. So I'll press control
said over here. And I'll go back to
the original form. So to have the column headers retained when you convert a
simple table into a database. What you have to do is you
have to make sure that you mark the column
headers as headers. So you have to go into
options over here, and you should say header row. So this tells notion that this particular tables
have header rows. So I'll do this for both, and I'll convert these
both into database. Now you can see project
name and description. What I'll do is I'll copy this and I'll have projects
database over here. I'll just call it projects, and then I'll convert this
one into a database as well, and I'll call this as tasks. So I have two databases. Now let us talk about relations. Now, relations in
notion databases are powerful features that allow you to connect
different databases. So here you have two
distinct databases, and you can create a
connection between them with the help of relations. And this functionality enhances the depth and the
utility of your data, and it allows you to establish
meaningful connections. Let me show you what
I mean over here. Here in the projects database, I want to link this to task, and in the Task database, I might want to link this
task to the various projects. What I can do is I
can come over here. I can say new. And here, when I start
adding the property, if I scroll down here, I have this field
here, relation. You can see connect databases
and mention database pages. Useful for connecting items
across your workspace. I'll select this
relation over here. And you can see it is
showing me the list of all the databases
that exist, right? And here, one of the
database is tasks. So now you can imagine like the importance of
naming your database. Here, this database does not have name, does not have name. You can see this has inline. So this is a name, but
this one has untitled, so this does not have name. So imagine you
have 34 databases, important ones
which are unnamed. So you will be confused as
to which one to connect to. So since we have
names over here, I'll select tasks, and
you can see over here, I'll say ad relation. Okay? And I'll close this. Now the moment I close this, if I come over here, you
can see tasks coming up. Now if I select, you'll be shown an option to select any of
the tasks, right? So if I want to
redesign a website, so I want to say
design a home page, k? I can select multiple over here, and you
can see over here. So there are two tasks that are added over here, but
you can see only one, because of the space
limitations over here, there might be scenarios
where you might want to show all the tasks. At some places, it's okay
if some tasks are head in. But if you want to
show all the tasks, what you can do is you can
click on tasks over here, go to edit property, and here you have this
option of wrap in view. So if you select this,
and if you come back, You'll see it's
being wrapped now, and you can see
everything that you add. So now if I add one more tasks, you can see the cell expands itself so that everything
is seen over here. Okay? So here we saw how you can add tasks or how you can
link projects to tasks. Now, there is a way wherein you can create a
two way linking. So you can create two way linking between
these two databases. Let me show you how. So
I'll go to tasks over here. I'll say edit property. Okay. And here you have
this option over here. Show on tasks. Okay? So if I enable
this over here, and if I say update, so it'll say related
property on tasks. But the default
name is projects. If you want to have
an alternate name, you can add that name, or I'll just say
update relation. And the moment you do this, and if you come over here, you can see projects is being added into
tasks automatically. So earlier it was not there, and the moment we
enable this option. So if I disable
this option here, you can see that column or
that property being removed. And if I add that over here, and I can give
whatever name I want, so I can say my projects over
here, just to demonstrate, I can say update relation and you can see how the
digram looks like now. It's previewing how the
tasks are linked to project, and project is linked to task. If I close this, you can see my projects
come up over here, and automatically, they are
like in sync over here. Okay. So we have added
these three tasks against this particular project. And you can see
these three tasks has these projects need. Okay. Now, if I add employee training against
one of the tasks over here. So let's say update
website content, I'll add employee training
over here. This last one. Okay. The moment I do this, you can see update website
content come in over here. You can see. It's
automatically updated. So it's two way sync, a? Or you can call it two way
linking as well, right? So you can see how
powerful this can get. If you have related data
in your notion database, you can absolutely make use
of this linking feature, and this saves you
from hours and hours of updating things across
your database, okay? Now, relations are really
useful, really useful. Like, you must have imagined
now how useful they are. Okay? So with relation, you can cross reference data. You can have better data
integrity, efficiency, and insight of the
data is also enhanced. All right. So this is about relations when it comes
to notion databases.
6. Advanced Properties: Rollups: Hello there. Welcome
to this class, and let us begin
talking about roll ups. Now, what are roll ups? Roll ups is an advanced
database feature that allows you to
display and calculate the aggregated data from one database within
the another database. This is based on the
relations between them. So let me explain this
with the help of a demo. So I have two databases. One is projects and tasks. I have a relation
created between them. So here you can see every
project is linked to a task, and here tasks are
linked to projects. Now here, what I will do is
I'll add a new property. And I'll scroll down, and I'll select
roll up over here. Now, the moment you hover
on roll up over here, you'll see this black ticker or this black toast over here, which talks about what it is. So it says view and
aggregate information about properties from
relation properties. And this is useful for summarizing the
interconnected data. So I'll select this and
it says type roll up. It's allowing me to select
the relation over here. I'll select the one relation that we have, which is tasks. And here you can see you have an option to select the
properties of tasks, okay? So you can select any
property that you wish to, and here you have
the calculate field. So based on which property
you have selected over here, it is going to calculate the information and
summarize it for you. That is what Rolls. So here you can see,
I've selected task name. So I can select whether
I want to count all. So it will count the total
number of like pages, including the blank page, count values, unique
values, count empty. So I can select
count all over here. And you can see over
here, the count number, it's saying 42. So this is like whether you
want to display it as number, whether you want to
display it as bar. You can see this
is being displayed as bar, this is number, this is being demonstrated
as ring over here, and you can even
choose the color and customize it to
the way you want. Green, purple. There are lots of options. And here you can see
divide by what number, you can show the number as well or you can hide
the number here. Okay. You can see how
customizable this becomes, depending on what you
want to do over here. You can show the number,
hide the number. Okay? So this is
essentially very dynamic. Now if I update anything, so if I remove like design
new page over here. So once again, let me press
this minus, unlink this page, and here you can see
this particular thing is also updated. Okay? So here we are not
displaying the number, but if you display
the number here, let me say show number, you'll see the
number is two now. So if I add one more, and you can see the
number is three now. Okay. So depending on how you
are changing this relation, like the linking between these two tables and how you are managing the
relations over here, this value gets updated. So if you remove any
tasks over here, the value is going to update it. If you add any task, it is going to be updated. So roll ups are very useful
when you want to have some information summarized from the relations that you
have between tables. Okay? Now, you can have multiple roll ups in a
single table as well. So I can add one more
roll up over here. I can select one
more roll up here. I can say relation tasks, and I can say task
name and here, I can say count MD. Okay? This is something
also I can do here. Okay. So depending
on your use case, you can add multiple roll
ups, you can add single one, but this is very useful tool or useful feature to have your relations summarized
between databases.
7. Database Views: Hey, there, welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking
about database views. Now, database views is
all about how you want to view the information that you have within your database. For example, in this database, I have my tasks being
represented in the table format. And the reason for
this is because I have table view that is the
default view of the database. Now, to add a different view, I can click on this
plus pattern over here. And clicking on this Plus
pattern will create a new view, and it'll show you
different options like you can have table, which is Py default selected. You have board timeline, calendar, list, and calorie. So depending on your use case as to how you want
to view your data, you can select any of the views
and get that thing added. For example, if I want
to add a board view, I can select that, and this
will become a board view. And remember, the table
view is still there. So this is board view,
and there's table. So this view is
added in a new tab, and you can choose
to play around with the view or you can
even remove this view. You can delete it as well. So these are database views, and with the help
of database views, you can view your data in different format or different
form, I should say. So keep in mind when you're
working with databases, choosing the right
view is really important based on your needs. So select the view that best fits the kind of data
you're working with. All right? So that's
database views for you.
8. Database Views: Table View: There. So let us
begin talking about the table view and understand how you can
make best use of it. Now, table view is this view that you're
seeing here on the screen, and it's a classic
spreadsheet like format, which is ideal for a
detailed data entry and viewing a lot of
information at once. Right? Now, to add a
new row over here, you can just click
on New over here, and this will give
you a new row option. Okay? You can delete this new row by right clicking and saying Delete over here. Right? You can add a
new property from here, and properties are nothing but columns that we have
in spreadsheet. So every database have
properties with them, and this particular
database has four of them, and every property will
have their own type. Now, every row that exists in the database has its own page. So if you hover on this
first column over here, you will see this open button, and it'll say open inside peak. If you click on this, it will
open up a new notion page, which is automatically created. So you didn't create this. It's automatically created, and you'll see the
title over here, which is nothing
but the task name. You have three
properties over here, and you have an option
to add comment. So here, you can update the
properties if you wish to. So if you update this
to redesign website and you can add more
properties over here. So here now, this redesigned
website has opened. So I can click on design a
new home page here like this, and I can add more over here. So I can say employee training, I can add marketing
campaign as well. Okay. So from here itself, you can edit the properties, and you can change
anything you want. You can even reorder
the properties, so I can bring my
projects first. I can change. So it's up to me. All right. I can
add a new property. I can add comments over here. Now comments that I add will
show up as my comments, they'll be attributed to me, and I can even tag people by adding at
the rate over here. If I use at the rate, I can even tag people like this. Okay? So yeah, it's up to me as to what
I wish to do over here. So I'll just remove
this. Also, I have an option to
add the information. So this is the body of page, and here you can add more
information to record. Okay? So this is just
for record purpose. If you want to add more
information that you don't want to be a part
of the table view, but you want to
record it somewhere, then you can add it over here. So this is like a page that you have where
you can add stuff. Okay. You can even go
full screen with this. All right. So I'll come
back to tasks over here. Okay. So this is about the page that you get
with every notion record. Okay, or every record in the
notion table. All right. Now, with every table, you have properties, and you can edit the properties
over here. Okay? So you can go to edit property, and you have an option to edit. So you can see over here,
let's edit this one. You can see I can
hide it in view. Okay, I can show it in view. I can say don't wrap in view. So your wrapping is a property. If you have lots of information
that you're showcasing, you can choose not to wrap. Okay. You can change the type, and you have this AI
auto fill as well. So you can add a summary,
translate, key info. So depending on what you
want to do with this field, you can select this
option over here. All right. So this is
about D table properties. You can even
rearrange the column. So here if you come over here, you can rearrange the column. So I can bring my
projects first, k? I can bring due date to the end. So depending on what I
choose and how I choose, the order is set over here. Okay. I can add a new
property from here. I can choose to hide
all the properties. Now, when you come
out over here, you have different view options. You can do a lot
of stuff like you can filter this database. So I can say filter, you can access filter from
here as well at the top, and here also you have option. You can sort the data. You can group the data. Grouping is something
that we'll talk shortly, but there are lots of
options over here. Also, I want to talk about this calculate buttons over here. So every property has
this calculate pattern, and you can click on calculate, and you can say count all. So this will display the count
of information over here. Okay? It's totally up to us as to what we want to
show over here. It's percentage empty. I can add percentage
empty over here. So I can count over here. So if you don't have people, so let's say projects, so I can add percentage
empty over here. Okay? So you can
say empty is 20%. So 20% of the task are not assigned to any
projects. That is what it means. Okay? So if you have any such
information that you want to display as a percentage
as count or anything, you can make use of
this calculate options. Now, if you come over here, you have an option to
grouping that we saw. So let's go over here. Or let's click over here. So these are the three
patterns over here. If you click on
these three options, you'll see the option
two group over here. Okay? So what does
grouping mean? So selecting grouping,
you can group the data. So let's say if I group
the data by projects. So you'll see, employee training has like it's grouped by
employee training here. This does not have any projects. Marketing campaign is
grouped over here and so on. Okay? You can choose to sort
the data as well over here. You can choose to hide
the empty groups. I can choose to unhide as well. Okay? So depending
on your use case, you can change the
grouping over here. I can switch to due date. Okay. So if you want to group the data by due
date, can grope it. So you can see how powerful
and flexible this is, right? This is not like a traditional
spreadsheet table. This is very powerful, and you can use it in unimaginable ways. You
can sort the data. I can sort by task name. I can choose to sort
it in descending. I can add one more
sort order over here or I can delete
the sort as well. Okay? So it's totally up to
me how I want to use it. I can filter as well. I can filter by task name, and I can mention the task name, I can say right over here. You can see how dynamic this is. The moment I'm typing,
and as I'm typing, it is filtering
it, and I can say is not there are various
conditions as well, is empty. You can see, and I can
add a value over here. It's totally up to me. I
can delete the filter. You can access filter from here as well, Ft also from here. You can search for
things over here. You can click on these
three icons and you can access a lot of
information over here. Also here, you have an option to duplicate, lock the database. You can duplicate
the view as well. You can delete as well. Now, coming over here to rows. So if you hover on the row
at the left hand side, you'll see these
two options being enabled over here.
For every row. From here, you can add a new
row just below that block. I'll just to control C
because I don't want to add. Here you have an option to track and drop. You can
change the order. It's up to you. But if you
click on this over here, you'll see the options up here. So you have option to
delete, duplicate, open in new tab, open in side peak,
rename, and so on. There are lots of options over here that you
can play around with. You'll also see the edit history over here and who has edited it. Okay. You can also
select multiple rows here and perform any sort of bulk actions that
you wish to do. Right? So this is about bulk editing and
working with rows. So as you can imagine, like the stable
view that you have in the database is
really powerful, and there are tons of
things that you can do, and there are lots of
features that you can play around and use it depending
on your use cases.
9. Database Views: List View: There, welcome to this class, and let us begin talking about list views in Notion databases. So here, to add a list view, you will have to click on
this plus icon over here. And you'll see this
new view come up, and from the options over
here on the right hand side, you need to choose List. Now, the moment you choose list, you'll also see the
description over here. So it's a simplified page view, great for bookmarks and notes. And on the left hand side
here in the database, you can see how the data is now arranged
in the list format. Okay? So I'll just say done, and I'll get rid of
this like hover. And now here you can see
this is our list view. Now, list, like
the name suggests, everything looks like
a list over here. Here, you have an option
to add a new item. So you can say new over here. I can say test, like so. And you can press enter. Now, this is a new item
that has been added. And if you click
on this new item, you will see the page
opening up as a side bar, and you can see over here
different properties that you already have
in this database, like, for example, assigned to, due date, your
projects, and so on. And you can see this is a completely new page
that you can see. So here you have space for adding more information
that you want to. You can even add a new property
and a comment over here. So it's up to you as to
enter this information. Also, this opened
up in a new page, and every row over
here is a new page. If you click on this,
it's a new page. You can see here, you can modify the
properties from here. Unlike table view here, where you can modify
the property right from the first
view that you see. In list, that is not the
case because we're seeing all the information in
the form of a list. You have to go inside,
get it opened as a page and update the
information over here. Now, this is about the page. You have different options
over here like Filter Sort, as you can see at the top. So if you click on these three
dots over here, the Sycon, you'll see more options
like properties, you have option to filter sort, which we just saw the outside
as well here at the top. You have option to group. Now you can do grouping. So this view will be grouped depending on what you
choose over here. So for example, if I want to see data grouped Pi projects, I can select my
projects over here. And you can see, like employee training
has these two items. Okay? Marketing campaign
project has this one item. Redesign website has
these three items. So the entire view
is now grouped on the basis of projects because that is what
you have chosen. You can choose to
hide empty groups. I can play around with this, I can control the sorting
and a lot of information. I can change my
grouping as well. So depending on how I want
to have the grouping, I'm free to make use of it. Okay? And if you don't
want any sort of grouping, you can just remove it. Okay? So I can just go
over here, grouping. And within group by, I'll have to select
none over here. So the moment I say none, the grouping is set to none, and the grouping is disabled
as you can see over here. Like I said, you have options
to sort and search as well, so you can sort
data by due date. You can sort like
you can control how you want the sorting to
be ascending, descending. You can change the metric
to task name, and so on. So you can control the way
you want sorting to appear. Okay? You have an option to delete and remove the
sorting from here as well. So I'll come back. You
have option to filter. Filter is something that is also there in the default table view, and you can make use
of it here as well. Okay. So this is about the options over here
that we just saw. And sure, on the view. If you hover on the left
hand side of the item, you will see a couple
of more options, like an option to add a new record and an option to rearrange
the items in the list. Okay. So depending
on your use case, you can make use
of these options and work with list views.
10. Database Views: Board View: Hey, there. Welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking about the Board view in databases. So to make use of Board view, I'm going to click on
this plus icon over here, and I'm going to select
Board from here. Right? Now, if you hover
on this board over here, you will see a nice
message over here, which says, Kanban board, great for project planning
and Buck tracking. Okay? I'll just say over
here, and I'll close this. So now, this is the
board view where you are seeing everything organized
in the form of a board. And there are
various categories. Here, this is being categorized
as projects over here. Okay? So this is project one. This column is project two, project three, and project four. So if you go over
here in board layout, you will see group
by M projects. If you don't want the
grouping to be by projects, you can click on
this and you can change the grouping
by something else. So if you do the
grouping by task name, it'll be grouped by task name. But task name does
not make sense. So assigned to makes sense. Also, like the project
name makes sense. So what we can do is I'll
just select over here, and I'll say my
projects over here. And you have different options that you can play around with. These are all the
grouping options, you can control the sorting. You can control whether you want to hide empty groups or not, you can even have
colored columns. You can see over here,
a slight background is being added to columns
over here, if you notice. If I toggle this, you'll
notice. And you can go back. So depending on what
you want to do, and how you want to
represent the information, you can do the settings of here. You can wrap all the properties.
You can choose to do so. And there are similar options
over here that we just saw, like color columns and all. Okay? And open
pages in side peak. What this means is,
if you click on this, it says open pages in side peak, center peak or full page. Which means when
you click on this, this is opening as a side peak. If you select center view, it will just open as
center view in the center. And if you select full page, it will just open as full page. So depending on your choice
and how you want to use it, you can customize this. Now here, this is like a
typical project planning board. Here you have different
projects here, and you can move things around, so you can create e mail
campaigns to this project, design a new home page, to this project, and so on. So this view is linked and derived from the
underlying data over here. And any changes you make in this view is being reflected
in the data as well. For example, if you move anything from here to
employee training, you're going to see that update happen in the data as well. Okay? So this is about the board view and how
you can make use of it. You can play around and experiment this for
your own projects. So board view is
really helpful if you are creating a database like Notion database
for project planning. And here you can have
different statuses. So here you can have project
things that are in planning. Here you can have things
that are in ideation, things that are in execution, things that are in QA, and things that are done. So likewise, you can have these sort of columns
of information, and which means that you
will create a board that is grouped by status or the
project stage, right? And the stage is where the stage of the project
is being recorded, and you can move the
projects around that way. Okay. So this is
about the board. And like any other view, you can also do
filtering, sorting, and you can go over here
and explore more options that we already have for
other views as well. Okay? You can even
choose to duplicate, copy the link to the view, and so on, right? So this is about the board view. And like I said, it's
really useful for project planning and
setting up a Kanban board.
11. Database Views: Calendar View: Hey, there. Welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking about calendar
views in databases. So to experience
the calendar view, I'm going to click on
this plus icon over here, and a new view will be added, and I'll select calendar here
from the right hand side. The moment I select calendar, I see at the bottom, the
calendar specific options. And on the left hand side, I can see a calendar
being added. Now, here these options
are show calendar by, and if you click on this, you have a Date field. Then you have show
calendar as month. So you can choose to toggle, if you want a weekly calendar, you can select week, and if you want a
monthly calendar, you can select month over here. Open pages in center peak, I'll select side peak over here. Now, let us take a look at Show calendar by date over here. Now, what is happening over here is we are not seeing
any of our tasks. And if you take a look at the top right
over here, no date, you'll see none of our tasks have date. Now
what does this mean? So if you head over
to table over here, There is a date
column that is added, and the calendar is looking
for this date over here. But I don't want
to use this date. I want to use tb date, and I want to populate my
calendar based on tub dates. So this is my task list, and I want to have a
calendar that shows the tasks depending on the tub date in the
calendar format. That is what I
want to do. But if you go over here in
the calendar view, and if you go to the
options and lay out. And if you say show calendar by, you're only seeing
date over here, which is this field
over here, this field. So you're not seeing
this due date. Why so. So take a look
at this icon here. So this icon represents
the type of the property. So here this is text. My project is a relation
assigned to is also something, so it's a person,
Due date is a text. So these two text, you can see, these lines indicate text, and date is a date
field over here. So this is a text, and that is why it is not
coming in in the calendar view. So if you go to the
calendar view here, and if you select layout, you won't see due
date over here. You will only see date because due date is marked
as text over here. So you have to go you have
to click on this property. You have to select Et property, and here you can see
the type is text. I need to click on this, and I need to select date over here. The moment I select date, you'll see this icon
change to date, and the field values also take a different
form. So I'll close this. I'll switch over to
calendar view again, and I'll go over here, and I'll say layout. And here, I'll say
show calendar by. And now you can see due date
apere over here because our due date is also being
fetched as a date field. And the moment I
select due date, you can see close over here. And you should see now
all the tasks go away. So there is only one task now
without a due date, right? And we are not seeing them
over here. Let us see why. So the reason we are not
seeing them over here because the due date of
this task is July, August, September,
and July again. So I'll change the due date to, let's say, I'll switch
it to Jan over here. Okay. And I'll go back
to the calendar view, and you can see over here
on this calendar view, you are seeing this
particular task. And if you click on it,
you'll see the details of the task along with like
the properties, its values. You can change the values here. You can add a new
property comment, and you can add some
notes for housekeeping. Right? So I'll just close this. You can even go to like so I can go to June
and July over here. So in July, there is one task update website
content, which is due. I can go next. August,
there is one task. There are two tasks in
September, and so on. So depending on like how the date is being
populated for different tasks. You're going to see
all these tasks being mapped into a calendar
view here, right? Now, in this particular
calendar view, this is really powerful, okay? And here you can imagine
you have plus Paton. So you can click on
this plus button and you can add any task. Okay? So here for
thirst December 2023, I've added a new task. Due date is automatically
set to 31st, December 2023. Why is this automatically set? Because I clicked on plus icon in this particular
grade over here. Okay? So let me, collapses, and let
me remove this. So I'll just delete this task. I'll click on Jan first, 2024. I'll say add an item. And you'll see the due date being populated automatically. Okay? And you can now fill in
the details and you can add a task into this
particular database right from this calendar view. Isn't this amazing
and it's so powerful? You can use this in
unimaginable ways. Like if you have a
project running, you can add different
views in the database, like in the form
of Kanban board, and then you can convert the same data into calendar view. And view the tasks or the
projects by D two dates. And this gives a very
comprehensive overview of how your work or your
company is doing, right? Now, you can explore
more options. L here, you can see all the
tasks that do not have date, so you can take a
look at this task and you can set a date. So if you select it, it will be added to the today's
date over here. Okay? You can see over here. You can do filtering, sorting. You can click on
these three dots, and you can take a look at more options that this
particular view has to offer. But typically, if you're
working with calendar view, you will mostly use
these options over here that you're seeing. So you'll make sure you
customize the calendar view, how many dates you
want to see over here. Do you want to see the
entire month or week? That is something you
might want to control, and by which field or
by which property, you want to render
the calendar by. So I've chosen due date. Right? So yeah, this is about calendar view
and how it works. I hope this was useful.
12. Database Views: Gallery View: Hey, there, welcome
to this class, and let us begin talking about the gallery view in
Notion database. So here, what I have is
I have this database. What I'm going to
do is, I'm going to immediately add a
new view over here. And I'm going to select
glari from here. So the description that you
see over here immediately, it says grid of cards, and it's used for mood boards, index cards, and recipes. So these are a few
examples in which you can make use of this view over here. And here you have
different options. And on the left
hand side, you can see this new view
that is being added, and this is the Clirie view. Okay? Now, here, there is this card area which is
previewing something, and here is the option to
control this preview area. So here right now,
it's rendering this preview area on the basis of peach content over here. Okay? Now, in order to have
some images over here. So dally image should
appear over here. So we are just seeing a
white patch over here. And the reason is we don't
have any image in the data. So how this gal
review works is it renders this tablear
information, the database that we
have into a gall review. And to have something over here, we need to have images. So what I will do is I'll
add a new property here, and I'll scroll down and I'll have files and media
type over here. Okay I'll select this, and I'll see images over here. Okay. I need to rename this, so I'll say images,
something like this. Okay. And here, I'll
add a few images. So I already have few images like downloaded
onto my system, like these are
some stock photos. So what I'll do is I'll
click on this cell. I'll say choose file. Now over here, I have
three images downloaded, so I'll select the first one. I'll say open. So it'll
begin the progress, it's showing you the progress, and you'll see the image
appear over here in the cell. You can add multiple images in the same cell if you wish to, but I'll just stick
to one image per row. I'll just upload all of these, one on each row, I'll make sure all my cards
should have the images. If you add images
to all the records, you will have images
appear on all the cards. I'll just leave this one or I'll just add it.
Let's not leave it. I'll just say one dot PE, and you'll see this image
also being uploaded. All right, now, it's
great that you can see the preview of the image as to which image you have
uploaded over here. And I'll switch to gal review. Now after switching,
you'll still notice that the preview has
not come in. Why? It's just because you need to
do some configuration work. I'll go to I'll click on this three dots over
here. I'll go to layout. And under the layout
settings here, I'm going to click on
this card preview. Right now, it's previewing
card basis page content, and now we have a new field
appear called Images. And this is the
same image field or same image property that
we have just created, and we have added one image
He. So I'll just select this. And the moment I select this, you will see images appear
all over our cards, right? You can even control
the size from here. I can say large, I can change this to small. So depending on your preference, you can choose the
size over here. I'll stick to small over here. You can even say fit image. So if you say fit image, it will just fit the image into this entire box, but I
don't want to do that. I want to have a center
fit kind of thing. So you can see how
it's zooming in. Wrap properties is
also one option, and open pages in center peak. So this behavior of when you
click on any of the items, it opens up the page
is still there. So right now it's opening
in the center peak. You can even have side peak view where this page
opens from the side. That is also possible. Okay.
Now, you can even move, you can even reorder
this if you wish to. Like you have some option, you can click on reposition, and it allows you to
reposition the image. If you wish to
reposition the image, you can do that,
save the position. You can reposition
this one. You can see. So it allows you to change
the position and there are few customizations that
it offers you to do. If you wish to add a new card, you have an option to
add that from here. You can say new and a
new card will be added. You have an option to upload
the image also over here. So I can just select image, I'll say two JP and I'll
say test over here. Okay. So I can enter
any name that I want. You can see like behind
this view over here, you have test
already created now. If I remove the image, there won't be any preview, so just keep that in mind. Okay. So yeah, this is done, and you have an option
to group also over here. You can control the grouping. So I can say group i, let's say my projects. So you can see everything
is now grouped and displayed to you with the
help of projects over here. You can see you can collapse
them as well, right? And if you want to add
a particular thing or a particular item under
a particular project, you can click on plus over
here just beside the project. And if you do so,
the project field would be auto populated. The reason is because
we are adding things along with that project
or within that project. Okay? You can see this
thing, what added, and I can just choose
to delete as well. So this is about
the gallery view. You can play around with
this gallery view and experiment for your
own use case as well. This is really
helpful if you want to have a gallery
of things being displayed with your data being stored in the
Notion database. So this is gallery view for
13. Database Views: Timeline View: Hey there. Let's talk about timeline view
with Notion databases. Here I'll straightway
add a new view, and I'll select
timeline over here. Now, timeline, as
the name suggests, it is used to display
the information in the timeline format. And you can see
over here how I'm seeing this entire information
being represented. Here you have an
option to control how your data is being
displayed on the timeline. So you can see show timeline
by D date. All right. Now, here, you have more options like you can have separate start
and end dates. So why do we have this option so that you can have a timeline
for a particular task. So if you want if you have, like start and end date, so I'll just enable this. So you can have start
date and end date. So end date can be due date, and you can even store
start date in your project. So let me head over here. And here I have date,
which is the tu date. So I can rename
this to start date. I can say this is
the start date, like so, and I can
reposition this a bit here. Okay. So this ends on tenth, January 2024, so I can have
this from second January. This can begin from ninth. This can begin from 25th, this can begin from 30. So I'm just adding some
dates over here so that we get the information in
the timeline format. So now we have two
properties here, start date and due date. Right? If you head
over to timeline, you'll see that still
the information is not shown as the
way it should be. And the reason is we need to do some additional
configuration. So we need to say start
date is start date, and end date is due date. And now if you check
the timeline over here, if I just close this, you'll see how the information
is being represented. You can see. Arrows. There is one more
task over here, which is Jan 30 to like
Jan 32,024 to July 20, which is not being shown
in the view right now, but if you say arrow, you'll see that particular task. Right? If you click on them, you'll see the detail
of the task over here, or detail of the information. And here you'll see more. You can update, depending
on your requirements, you can edit, right? You have an option to view
the timeline like by month, by quarter, You can view it by E. You can have an
early timeline as well. Okay? So you can see here. You have the list
of tasks, right? So you can play around
with the options. These options enable you to control how your information is being displayed right now. So if you want to
add a new task, you can just click over here, and you can just
say the task name. So the task name is,
let's say test task. Let me say random task, okay? Mike. Okay. The task is added. I can choose to change the date. So as I'm dragging this, it's changing the date. You can see it's also
displaying the date July 13, July 14, and so on, right? And if I want to take
this to some other date, I can just drag it
this way. You can see? And if I click on
this, you'll see those dates that I have
tracked it to have been set. And you can then update the necessary information over here depending on your needs. So this is timeline
view for you. You can play around with
this a pit, and I would say, you can go and navigate using these
arrow buttons too, right? And you'll see over here a
button, which says no date. This indicates that there is
one task without any date, so you can go to
this particular task and set dates for it. Right? And you can filter the
information, sort the information. You can do the same
thing right from here as well under these
options, okay? And you can even customize the timeline depending
on your requirements of. So if you say separate
start and end dates, like I have enabled, I have separate properties for
start and end dates. That is what I mean.
If I disable this, this will only show the
timeline by start date. Okay? I don't want to do that, so I'll just have separate
things for start and end date. If you want to show
table, you can just say show table over
here and table is displayed like this.
But I don't want to. I just want to have timeline. And yeah, this is about
opening pages in side peak, center peak, or full page. So this is the timeline view. It's a very interesting
view that converts your information that
you're storing in the database table
into a timeline view. And remember, like,
whatever you are changing over here.
This is just a view. Whatever changes you're
making over here in this timeline view are being made to the underlying
data as well, right? So this is something that
you need to keep in mind. So that's timeline view
in notion databases.
14. Database Automations: Hey, there, let us talk about one of the
powerful features of Notion database that is
known as automations. If you click over here,
you can see the icon, the thunderbolt or
the lightning icon over here at the top right. If you click over here,
this is the icon to access automations that have been set on this
current database. Now what are automations? Automations like
the name suggest, it is used to automate certain things or certain
aspects of your database. Now how they work is,
there are two parts. One is the trigger, and
other one is the action. You can see this particular
description over here. It automatically sets
status, assignees, or changes property values
and more with automation. You can click on this new
automation button over here. You can name your
automation over here, and here you have an option like you're setting
a new automation for what? You're setting a
new automation for pages and tasks or
any sort of view. You can set the automation at the database level
like at the task, or you can set the
automation for any view. You can go view level as well. And then, like I said, there are two parts. One is the trigger.
Trigger means when any of these occur. You can see this
heading over here. Trigger is something that triggers this
particular automation. And what happens or
what you want to do on this trigger is
something that you decide or define in the action. If you click over
here, add a trigger, you need to set up a
trigger over here, which means that
you need to tell notion as to what is your trigger point to
trigger this automation. So here, you can set
trigger like page added. So if a page is added in
this particular table, this automation
will be triggered. And what do you want to do
when the page is added, so you can click over
here and set that up. Now there are more
options for this, but you'll need p account. But if you don't have a P
account or a paid account, you can only send
notifications to Slack. So if you have a Slack account, you can click on this and set
up your slack account and select the channels where
you want to get notified. So let's say if you are
working on a project, and you are managing that
project into an OSA database. Now, whenever any
of your teammates adds a new task into that
particular database, you want to get notified. So that is something
that you can set up using this automation. So you can get
notified into Slack, and you'll get a notification that a new page has been added. Okay? Now, you can even
change this trigger, so I can update the trigger to something like any
properties edited. So anything is edited, any changes made to this
particular database, you'll get a notification. You can even set a trigger two, task name is updated, Assigned two is updated, due date is changed. My projects is changed, start date is changed and so on. So you can set any
trigger points, and on the basis of that, you can define an action. That is what database
automation is. You can name the automation, whatever you want to, Okay? Whatever you wish to
name, you can do that. And you can set a user
friendly name for yourself to refer
later on. All right. So this is about
database automations and how you can set it up
in your motion database.
15. Course Conclusion: And now we have reached
the end of our journey. So throughout this course, we have delved into the different aspects
of notion databases and understood how they are a life changer and how they can help us manage the
information effectively. So we began by setting
up our notion account. We learned how we can add
notion databases to our pages. We saw different aspects of notion databases like relations,
properties, roll ups. We even saw different views, and views are amazing, like they help you
showcase the information in different ways depending
on your use case. So, for example, if you're using Notion database for
project management, you can make use
of the board view, and you can manage
your project workflow. If you are a designer, and if you want to
showcase your portfolio, you can make use of gallery, and you can have a
database created with all your
projects and images. So Notion database is amazing, and it fits in various use
cases that you might have. But remember, this is
just the beginning. Like, I would encourage you to make use of Notion
databases and incorporate them into your personal
and professional needs and see how they fit in
different use cases. And like I said, Notion
databases can serve as a powerful tool for different use cases like
project management, personal task organization or setting up your
creative portfolio. You can make use of notion databases for a
variety of use cases. Also, the skills you
have acquired in this particular course will
serve you as a foundation, and they will help you to make use of notion
databases effectively. Thank you for being such
an engaged learner. I'm so excited to see
how you will make use of notion in your personal
and professional workflow. Now, with this course, you have a class project, which I encourage you to complete and share it
with the entire class. That's all from my side. Thank you and happy learning.