1. INTRO & DESIGN STYLE: Hi there. My name's Brooklyn build and I'm a practicing interior designer. Welcome to the class you just any how to build a room from the ground up. The design is becoming more and more popular to the technological nature of the interior design world. And with that, his name for quick and easy sketches to convey ideas and drawings are becoming a thing of the past. The information I'm about to share of you today for by the necessary tools to create a rendering in under 30 minutes. But the use of Adobe Photoshopped, the Internet and Pinterest will create this dry within Photoshopped. We use approximately 5 to 10 tools to create the rendering. So let's get started. First Task designed selection. To begin this project, we need to select a design style. Perhaps you know what you like, but you don't know what that particular cells considered or called. Therefore, I created 10 design boards and Pinterest to help you hone in on what you like or design style you'd like to use for this project. First design style is rustic, and this is very properly right now in the modern farmhouse. Next is mid century matter next we have industrial. This works well in urban in downtown spaces contemporary, and this is one of the most popular design styles. Next we have eclectic, which this tends to be a mix of patterns and prints and colors. Next, we have classic traditional. This is considered glam, which tend to have a lot of gold animal prints and is inspired by fashion Transitional. This is a combination of classic, traditional in contemporary, and finally we have modern, just very clean and simple lines, so those are designed styles to select from Let's get Started on her project.
2. PAINT SELECTION: Now that we have narrowed down the design style of a room, we can select a pink color. My room is going to be contemporary with some eclectic pieces as well. So for my walls, I am going to choose a neutral gray tone, and I have pinned a color from Benjamin Moore. That's from Benjamin Moore's 2016 color trends. So if you don't have that pin, you can simply go to Benjamin moore dot com, its website, and then click X four color in Color Trends 2016 and then scroll down. And here's the color palette for that. So for my rendering, I am going to select this neutral gray tone called Grey Owl. O. C. 52 works really nicely for renderings. I'm going to right click, save image Ass and save it to my desktop
3. WALLS: and this next video lesson, we're going to lay out the walls within the space. So to do that, we need to start by creating a new blank file. And let's call it room rendering, and we're going to use a standard 11 by 17 canvas. Always make sure to make your resolution 150. Okay, so we have a blank canvas are ready to begin, so I typically start with the rectangular marquee tool, and I use this to draw my walls. I use this along with the polygon tool, which is down here. It's the polygon lasso tool, so use those two tools to create walls. So let's create a new layer to begin. Place our walls. Thanks. We need a layer that separate from the background layer so they don't link together, and we can edit our walls later if need be. So now that we have our layer, you're going to go over to the rectangular marquee tool, select it and just draw a generic rectangle in the space. It doesn't have to be perfect, doesn't have to be centered just to get going. Now we're going to go to one of our images. Let's first begin with their Benjamin Moore image. So we have that image saved. You're going to go to the color picker tool. We're going to select that we're going to select the middle of that Benjamin Moore paint image that then is going to put that color in the foreground. For us to be able to use it in a rendering, they go back to the room, rendering that pain color is still there, you see, so we can use that to draw our walls. So next we need to go the paint bucket tooled. Select that our paint colors already there in the forefront. We're going to fill the space with that color paint. So now we have our first wall, and if you go to the move tool, we can move this around to better center it in the space. If you need help visualizing what this room needs to look like or what a room looks like in perspective, it's nice to save a photo either to your desktop or to Pinterest to reference. So I have saved a photo in my Pinterest file that's a living room in perspective. Just so I have this to look at reference, I can see how the walls disappear, is there at an angle and then have back Walsh book as well. Let's go back to our drawing. And now we can start on the walls that need to be at an angle. So begin another new layer I'm going to layer new as we like to keep all the walls on a separate layer. This so in case we need to move them around or edit them, we can do that. So we're going to have these walls disappear off the page, and now we're going to need to go to our paint bucket to all use the color. And generally I like to do this wall a little bit lighter than the back wall just to give some dimension. And as you can see, the two balls have a little bit of variation in color. So now we've created this side wall. What we can do is duplicate this layer by going to lay your duplicate layer to copy. Okay, if you hold on your shift button and move this wall over and then go to image, rotate flip player horizontal and then move this over. Now you have your Wallace in perspective. So now that we have a room, drama can go back to our Pinterest image or, if you have it, saved your desktop and compare to make sure that we've drawn the walls correctly. To me, it seems like the back walls a little bit small. I am going to adjust that by selecting that layer and just dragging the corner and then hitting the green area, then dis moving in the space dragging. Okay, now that to me, that looks a little bit better. I'm also going to show you a trick for the paint color because before we used our Benjamin Moore color that we had saved. Now let's go to our image that we saved off the Internet. So if you go to your color picker too well and select it, you can see that if you click throughout this image, different colors will appear down here in the color backs. So if you know your color is supposed to be a light gray, you probably want to select this area because that's where the light is the brightest and then the color appears to match. You could also select the color within the bedspread or the would finish or the floor. It will pick up any color within this image. That's a good trick to know. To draw our ceiling, we're going to use the rectangular marquee tool. We're going to highlight the area in which the ceiling ISS and it doesn't have to be perfect. Then we're gonna go down to our color and adjust the color for a ceiling. So select a few shades lighter hit. Okay, we go toe layer new Phil layer. Radiant. Okay. And then adjust our angle to be 90 degrees going in the opposite direction. So the light is forecasting and coming off the back wall. Okay, Now you can see you can adjust this feeling so that it looks realistic.
4. FLOORS: and this next video, we're going to draw the floors. I have saved an image to my Pinterest sport, and it's nice to have just Google or look up in Pinterest wood floor texture because then you'll get a flat image like such, and you can use this well in your rendering. So if you right click and to save image as we'll save it to her desktop before we do that, let's save our work because we haven't saved in a while and it's nice to keeper file, so save it right, then go to file open. Let's open the image that we just saved her desktop. We're then going to use the select rectangular more, keep a and and highlight wood floor, groped at it a copy and then go back to our room, rendering at it. Taste. This automatically will generate a new layer so you don't need to create a new layer before placing the wood floors. Now you can see that it's pretty flat and we need to adjust it to be in perspective. So if we go up to image transform perspective and then you quick on the lower right hand corner of this box and search a dragon. You'll see that it starts to form perspective. You want to align the angles, the wall with the angle before so that it looks correct in perspective. Okay, now we have our floor, but unfortunately is not big enough. So we need to drag other side of her image until it covers before. And don't I like to click this top, but in an adjusted a little bit too, so that it looks like a realistic floor. So there we have it. There's therefore
5. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS: and this next video lesson, we're going to place the architectural elements, and those things would be windows, doors, crown molding, base molding anything that's an architectural element within your home. So to do that, I've saved some images again to my Pinterest board. The first image I want to use is the window spoken to Scougall windows. Um, and I'm using a black window frame, so modern farmhouse look, but you can use any style window that you'd like to use, given the space that you're going to create. So if you just right click and save this image toward desktop, we condemn, bring it into Photoshopped, they're going to open so you can see that this image has a few things that are obstructing it from working well in our view. So I am only going to select the two windows that do not have the plant in front of them. Dis elected with the rectangular marquee tool go up to edit copy, and then we're gonna paste in our room, and again it creates a new layer, but unfortunately, at layers hidden behind our walls. I need to drag it up for the top said. It comes in the forefront. I'm just gonna drag the right corner to make it a little bit bigger. Okay, so now we need to get rid of this white wall that was found in the image. So if we go to the magic wine too well, select that white. And then to sit delete, they get rid of that ball. So now we have two windows. We center that window to the left. We can also Cappie the window to the right by using the rectangular mark you tool highlighting it. Making sure Ron, layer four. Because that's what we want. A copy. If you were to stand later, one would copy that walks we want to be in there for. And it copy and it paste, and then go back to your select shift and move it over that at lines. So now we have three windows that appeared to be the right scale within her drawing. I'm going to show you a trick. If your windows did not come with a background outdoor seeing that make it look more realistic, I'm gonna go back to my layer five, which is the single window. I'm gonna use the magic one tool. I'm going to delete the scene within most windows. I'm gonna go back to my Pinterest board. I have saved an outdoor scene which, if you just go go scenery outdoors trees, you'll find an image similar to this. And again, we're going to save this tour desktop. We're gonna bring that image in. We're using the select rectangular marquee tool. We're just going to highlight a portion of this that we want to go behind your window. Then edit copy. Go back to our room rendering, had it paste. Now we have a Artur scene, so this image needs to go underneath our layer five so that it's hidden behind the millions . And then we're just going to drag it and click. OK, you can see it's slightly big for this windows. I deceived. Adjust the size a little bit, and then it seems like it's a little stark, like it's a little The background is a little too prominent within the room, so we are going to adjust that layer. You go up to capacity, just reduced the opacity of that layer, get a more subtle outdoor scene. So there you have how you can adjust the windows and the window seat. Our next architectural element is the base building and crown molding. So I'm going to go to my Pinterest board and bring up the base balding image that I saved just right click save ass, Save it to her desktop, going to bring that image into photo shop. I'm going to select with the rectangular marquee tool area of the baseball, but I want a copy and a copy pasted into her drawing, and then I need to move it up so that it's on the top layer, which it is. And then I'm going to address the size of it and the length of it, so that it fits our back wall. That looks about right, but I do need to adjust the color. So I gulped it. Enhance, adjust, lighting, brightness and contrast. I'm going to brighten up this morning a little bit. You can adjust. The contrast is to touch, so that looks like a pretty high farmhouse style base molding. Now, to create the base molding that goes on her angled walls were going to copy the base molding on her back wall by selecting it duplicate. There, it okay and then move it over to the wall, which we want a place to that. Then we're gonna go to image, transform and use the skew tool to start to pull this base mauling into perspective. And this does take some maneuvering and some playing around to get it to look correct. Go to the image transformed, distort and use this spot in this well. And sometimes you have to zoom out to be able to get that at the right angle. Reason back in appears to be a little highs when I just overall height. Okay, so it appears to be the right height, but it's still often angle a little bit. So I'm gonna go back up to image transform, skew. I need to zoom out again. Pull this corner down, a touch beckon, and that looks about right. So now we should be able to simply copy this layer on your ship to move it over and then go to image rotate flute player horizontal. And now it's your work on the other wall. Just have to move it into position to insert the crown molding. We use the same techniques that we use for the base molding I've saved an image to my Pinterest board. Save it to my desktop like I did before. Gonna bring the image into photo shop. I'm going to copy the area in which I like to use a copy. Put a paste. I'm gonna move it. The position in which I would like to use it at the ceiling and then it just the size overall, Inc. That appears to be right. I can adjust the to make sure I'm on the correct layer layer aids. It can adjust the lighting of this again. So did breaking it up a little bit. So there's some contrast with the wall. I'm going to duplicate this layer to use it for the side ankle balls as well. Move over. I'm going to use the transform skew button again. And Mr to move it into perspective again, I may need assume out to get the right angle. Remember, this is in perspective. Someone it's disappearing towards you. End of that molding should be a little bit larger than the corner. Okay, so that looks about right. So we're gonna duplicate that layer well down are shipped and move it over. Good image. Rotate foot player, horizontal. It works on the other side as well. We've finished other architectural elements
6. FURNITURE: and this next video lesson, we placed the furniture pieces. This is the part of the project where the room begins to come to life. So I go on my Pinterest sport. I have saved his sofa because along with my contemporary eclectic look, I'm going to save it to my desktop and bring it into photo shop. And I'm going to use my magic wand tool to select the white area surrounding the sofa. And then I'm going to hold down my shift button. Select those areas that did not select in the first try. Okay, so now I'm going to go up to select in verse. That's just simply going to select the sofa. And now we're not selecting that white background cause we do not want to bring them into our rendering. Regrouped, edit, copy. Go back to our room and it paste. And now we have this self over, then a room. We simply need to adjust. The size and scale of it sort of fits within our perspective. Nice sofas gonna cover for Windows. Just fight in the interest in saving time and because I use the same tools to place these other elements within the space. I have placed the chairs in the side tables. But now I'm going to show you how to bring in a rug place in perspective. So I've saved the rug to my desktop from Pinterest. I'm going to select the area in which I would like to copy. I'm gonna place it within my room. No, I need to adjust the size of it by dragging the corner. And then I need to grow up to image rotate, rotate layer 90 degrees to the left, then start to align it with the sofa. Now we need to go up to image transform perspective. We need to place this rug in perspective. So if you click the lower right hand corner and drag it tried to align it with those walls on the outside, just it so that it looks correct within the space. Also, we need to put this layer underneath the sofa and chairs so that the legs of this affinity ears and on top of the rock to make it look more realistic. Now that we have a rug drawn, we can begin to layer elements on top of it. I'm gonna show you how to place a difficult coffee table. So for this, if I try to use my man to Kwan Tool, it's going to select off the glass because unfortunately, there isn't enough contrast between the table and the background. So instead I'm going to use my probably gun lasso tool, and I'm going to have to select the areas around the table. This method could be a little time consuming, but unfortunately, it's the only method we can use when we're working with a translucent peace such as this. So I'm simply going to continue to select the areas around the table, and it doesn't have to be perfect. But the closer you get, it's gonna look better in your rendering, and I'm gonna go to edit copy. I'm going to place this in my drive. You can see it comes in quite bright, so I'm going to just the coloring of this right off the bat by going to my brightness contrast tool. So we want to make it a little bit darker so we can see the contrast between the sofa rug on the table. You just have to play around with it to get to a comfortable setting. That you think it looks OK? I'm just gonna hit, Okay? And then I'm gonna use the select rectangular marquee tool to delete the space that we copied so it can show through to the sofa. So I'm doing two of these small coffee tables within my space. I'm just going to duplicate this layer. Well done. My shift place one next to the other. So now I have my two coffee tables within the room. I'm going to add an overhead light. So I go to my image. I'm simply going to use the magic blind tool to select the white area. I'm going to go up to select in verse. When a copy this replace it with in my room, you can see that there's still some of the white background that came through with the image. So if I use my magic wand tool and select those areas and hit delete, it'll then show through to the wall, make it with more realistic. Sometimes it could be a little finicky, too, to just have to play around with it. Okay, Now I want to just the lights that it looks realistic within the space. I'm not gonna place two lamps in the room on my end tables. I'm gonna show you a trick point. Your image does not want to cooperate with you. So if I go to the magic wine tool and select the background, you can see that it did not get all of the lamp shade. So if you're working on a Mac and you hold down the open and you'll see this little minus, it will come up. You're then going to click the space you like it to select. And now we have everything on the background selective. So we go back up to select in verse and it copy. Now we'll have early up with Liam Shade and I'm gonna places and tap of my in tables and just just scale of them again. So they fit the space that I'm going to duplicate this layer well down my shift button and place the other one on the other end table
7. ACCESSORIES & FINAL RENDERING: and this final video, I'm going to show you how to accessorize your room and how to upload this rendering as a J peg image to Pinterest so you can save it to a secret board or your future Home board. Why have you So that's get started. I have saved some accessory images in my photo shop. I'm just going to scroll through them. I'm first going to start out with the pillows. So I go to this pillow image and I use the magic Blind tool. I'm going to select the background, got to select inverse and then edit copy. And then, since we have so many things open right now photo shop I need to use this arrow key to go to my room rendering and then paste these pillows. I need to just the size and scale of them. They moved them on my sofa. Then I'm going to duplicate this layer. I'm gonna place two pillows, hold down the shift button and moved to pull over. Now we have a pillow set, so we go back to this image. Let's close it out. So we have more space. I'm next going to place these faxes within the room. So we go again to her magic wand tool. It's like the background. Expect in verse that a copy you can use the arrows, go back to room rendering and paste them within the room. Me to adjust the size. I'm gonna place them. Um, this right hand coffee table. You're still a little bit thick. So now we're done with the backs. Is let's close those apt Also going to place a tray within the space. So again, I use the magic bond tool selected in verse. I added copy, Go to my room, rendering paste it gonna place on this left hand coffee table And I need to just the size and scale use my magic Oneto disliked the layer layer 19 my magic wand toe Just like that little white part and delete it You can see through to the sofa. Let's get rid of that layer Now I'm gonna place a plant inside of this trick. So again, I use my magic line tool to select the plant. An inverse that a copy. And now we're gonna paste it within a room inside the tray, and I'm gonna just the size of it No. We have a plant with inner space which helps to make the room look more riel and have that homey feel smell. Let's close out that image and go to our last image, which is pillows for the side chairs. Again. I'm going to use the magic one tool, reflect inverse and copy it pasted in the room. I'm gonna move this over to the left hand chair and adjust the size and scale. And then I'm going to duplicate this layer well down my shift button and move it to the other chair. And now we've accessorized our space, and a room is complete. The last detail saving this is an image and on a photo shop file and uploading the Pinterest. So they go up to the top tip file, save as go down here towards this format and select J. Peg. Gonna save it to your desktop and the quality 10. It works just fine for this. So hit. Okay, now we've saved this image to our desktop. Now let's go to our Pinterest board, and I've created one called sculpture, um, where I've pinned all the other things that we've used in our lesson today. If we scroll down to the bottom right hand corner, there's a plus side. We're gonna hit that button. It's like a photo pin. Choose image. We're going to select that room, rendering J Peg image from her desktop. Make sure to select that in at the photo shop file. It's like Choose, upload your pin. I'm going to place it in my skill share folder. And while uh, there's a pin, you can add comments to it. You can label it you can place it in a different board if you'd like, But now that image is out there in the Pinterest swirled. Thank you for watching the sartorial une design room renderings encourage you all to upload your images to the Web site to share your work. I think he is quick and easy. Renderings look amazing. And I was up to see what you have accomplished with my lesson. Thank you again