Interior Room Design with SketchUp 2020 | Thomas Soltren | Skillshare

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Interior Room Design with SketchUp 2020

teacher avatar Thomas Soltren, SketchUp Architect Creator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to SketchUp Interior room design


    • 2.

      Step 1 Getting Started


    • 3.

      Step 2 Modeling the Room


    • 4.

      Step 3 Adding Trim Details


    • 5.

      Step 4 Importing Doors and Windows


    • 6.

      Step 5 Applying Materials


    • 7.

      Step 6 Importing Furniture & Decor


    • 8.

      Step 7 Ceiling and Beams


    • 9.

      Step 8 Lighitng


    • 10.

      Step 9 Setting Scenes


    • 11.

      Step10 Animation Sequence


    • 12.

      Step11 Saving Hi Res Images


    • 13.

      Step12 SketchUp to Lumion


    • 14.

      Step13 Rendering with Lumion


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About This Class

Create a 3D model of your room using SketchUp 2020 and Lumion 10. Learn Step by Step how to recreate a room, and create a stunning photo realistic rendering.  

Meet Your Teacher

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Thomas Soltren

SketchUp Architect Creator


I have been working in the Architectural Field for over 20 years. I have designed Dog houses to multi-million dollar homes and commercial buildings. In the last few years I have focused almost entirely on 3D modeling of Architecture. I believe 3D modeling is the best way to show clients your projects. I love to continue learning and sharing the methods and tips that I have learned throughout my career. In the beginning and end it's all about creating architecture that effectively displays your design ideas and meets or exceeds the criteria of your client.

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Blender Design Interior Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Intro to SketchUp Interior room design: I want to completely designed the interior of a room using sketch up. In this course, we will go through a step by step process where you can create a professional three D model of an interior of a broom. My name is Thomas Soul Trine and I've been in the architectural field now for over 20 years . And for the last several years, I've been using sketch up every day in this course, we will go over how to create three D models, how to apply materials and edit them how to import furniture and, of course, how to create a video sequence and how to export a high resolution image. And as a bonus, we would export our model into Lumi on 10 where we will create a stunning photo realistic renders now to follow along. In this course, you can simply recreate the model that we go over in the video. Or you can measure a room in your house and recreate that model and make it your own project. Three D modeling is quickly becoming essential in the architecture and interior design fields. Are you ready to master three D modeling in sketch up enrolling this course today carefully follow each step, and soon you'll be creating stunning three D models, ready to get started enrolled today and let's start sketching. 2. Step 1 Getting Started: Let's go ahead and open up, sketch up 2020. So once we open up, sketch up, we can see that we have a very similar looking screen. Two previous versions of Sketch up, and for this course I'm going to be using the architectural inches Temple it. If you're in a different part of the world, you may be using meters, but here in the US, we used imperial system, which is in feet and inches. So I'm gonna go ahead and click that and open up that template to start our interior design . Now, before we create this awesome design of this master bedroom, we are going to need some tools. So to do that, I'm going to go over here to the window icon and select default tray and go ahead and click on show Trey. And here it gives us a list of default trays that are most commonly used in sketch up. Now, another tool that I want Teoh make accessible. Here is our Lars toolbar, so let's go to view click tool bars and let's go to large tool set and go ahead and close that and let's go ahead and click and hold your mouse and drag it and weaken Doc that wherever we want and I'm going to go ahead and docket to the left portion of our screen. Now let's start laying out our room before I do that. Let's go ahead and remove this person here, and I'm just going to click once to highlight that person and just hit, delete and they're gone. So now I want to get into the command that allows us to draw some lines, which will ultimately be our walls. And that's over here in this line tool. So let's go ahead and click that once and now we can drag our mouse over here, too. Here is our origin point here, where this is where our X Y Z axis are and we can start our model here. But in reality, you really started anywhere you want on your model. Well, let's go. It is going to start it here, and I'm going to left. Click once and drag my mouse and let's move it along this red access line. And another thing about moving around in your model to move around or pan. You can use your sensor squirrel button by pressing it down and you can pan. I'm sorry that's orbiting. You can orbit. And if you hold down, shift and press your middle mouse button, you can pan in your model. Okay, so let's move our mouths in this direction of our red access, and I'm going to type 16 feet and you can see the increments. I'm punching in down here and let me do that again and notice down here. The numbers will change and I'm going to type 16 feet and enter. And there it's drawn a line 16 feet along the red access. Now let's move along our green access and let's type swell feet Intern, and let's go ahead and drag your mouse over here and here we can see that it's automatically snapping to that point, and I'm just going to go in and click and click again. And there we've created a rectangle surface. Now there are several different ways you can model in sketch up. Basically, there is a lot of ways to do the same thing. So what I'm going to show you now is a different way to create a rectangle surface. So I'm going to go to this rectangle tool and click once, and I want to click along this green access and then just drag my mouse. And what I want to do is I'm going to type in some numerical increments that will create our rectangle. So I'm going to do is I'm dragging my mouse and then I'm going to type 16 feet comma, 12 feet enter and there we've created a 16 by 12 foot rectangle, exactly the same as this one here. Okay, so back to our rectangle here. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to offset a line to create our exterior walls here of our room. So I'm going to do is go over here to the offset command and let's click to activate that and let's drag your mouse over the surface here, and you can see it's highlighting that this surface is selected and or that edge as well. So I'm going to click once and then drag my mouth's in the direction that I want the offset . So I want the offset to go out this way, and I'm going to go ahead and type 4.5 inches for afford 1/2 inch exterior wall. And there we've created that offset that will be our wall 3. Step 2 Modeling the Room: now to set up the heights of our walls. Where I'm going to use is the push pull tool. So over here I'm going to highlight and activate the push pull tool and going to drag my mouse over the surface of that wall offset we created. And I'm going to click once and drag my mouse in the direction I want to push pool and I'm once you make these walls, let's go with a 10 foot ceiling and I typed in 10 feet enter and there we have created our 10 foot walls. Now the next thing we want to do is add some door and window openings. So to do that, I want to use the line tool again and let's zoom in to our corner here and let's come off this wall three feet six inches, and now we can drag her mouth to see where it created that. But right now we can't really see that, So I'm going to change that so that we can notice when we've created another division. So I want to do is go to my style's and we're going to modify the style of our current drawings so that we can see endpoints. So here in the edit style tab here, I'm going to click endpoints and I don't need it to be seven. Let's change it, Teoh about four and let's click. Well, just minimize that and let's go back to our model. And there we can see a little node there where we created that. So just something that you can just better maneuver around your model and I'm going to go ahead and click line and let's go ahead and click here and let's drag or mouse in the vertical direction, which is that blue access and let's type seven feet. Answer. Let's come over here three feet and has come down three feet. And there we created our door outlined there, and I'm going to use the push pull tool now, and that's going to escape to get out of that selection, and I wanna push pull this all the way to the other end of the wall, and you can see when it highlights that it's touching another surface or the face there, and Aiken left click once, and it automatically cleans up that and gives us a nice clear opening. So now let's do the same for this wall. Let's add a door in this corner here. This will be a door to cause it and then we'll add some windows here. So let's go ahead and click our line tool again and we will click on his corner and let's come off 12 inches. Enter and let's come up seven feet. And for this door, I don't want it to be the same size I don't want. I don't need to be 36 inches, so I'm gonna take 30 Ensor and let's bring this down and let's use the push pull tool And yet there didn't it works. OK, so now let's go ahead and add some windows to this wall, and I'm gonna do the same thing. Use the line, the R line tool to come off the wall and will come off a foot again. And we're going to go ahead with the same header high of seven feet and we're gonna come over here 30 inches. Answer. And let's come down. This time I'm going to come down 60 inches and let's go ahead and connect those, and now it's used the push pull tool and push that to where creates that opening. Let's use the eraser tool and erase this not really raising a tool for those of you that don't know if he can hit control. C their several ways we can erase objects. We can click once, and it will just erase that control Z undo, and we can hold the left. Click down and just move your mouse around and it will begin to select objects or lines. Whatever it is, it intersects. And once you de select, it erases all those objects so very useful tool if you know how to use it correctly. One thing I like about it is you can erase objects on a single surface without erasing things beyond it. Um, which, if you do the line tool or the selectable and you select everything is going to erase everything that's on that surface and beyond. So just something that you might want to play around with the Racer tours a lot more useful than you may think. Okay, so let's add one more window to the other side. Use the line tool. We're gonna come over here 12 inches. Analysts come up seven feet now. Another quick drink I'm going to show you is I'm going to create that surface again and use this selectable. And I was used to move, Tool. And I'm going to select that endpoint and drag this, but I don't want to move in. I want to create a copy, so I'm gonna hit alternate. I'm sorry. I'm gonna take control. The control key will allow us to make a copy of that surface. Gonna drag it over here and there. We've created that that surface opening our outline unless use the push pool. And now let's erase our object here. Let's like this object here and hit, Delete. And there we have our window openings and our door openings for our room. 4. Step 3 Adding Trim Details: now to add some trim details to our model. There's a couple different ways we can go about that. First, I'm gonna show you a very simple, easy and fast way to do it. And let's start off by clicking our rectangle tool going to click on this corner to the other corner, and I'm going to do some offsets. So get in your offset command here and let's start off with our door openings and we're gonna come off this edge. Let's g o 3.5 inches, and we'll do the same for this door. Do you have? And let's go ahead and do the same to our windows here. And if we want to recreate that service, I'm just going to redraw line so that it creates another surface and we're gonna go ahead and offset 3.5, Officer three 0.5. And there we have some outlines for our trim. Let's go in hope. Delete those services, too. Open those doors, windows, and now all we have to do is just offset this. Let's go 0.75 inches and for our four system, what I'm going to do is click here and we're going todo one inch and let's go ahead and bring this up seven and 1/4 inch. And now we just need to do a little cleaning up by using our push pool tool. So a little bit of, ah, a little bit of work doing your push pool, so I'm going to show you a different way of doing this. But again, there's just December different ways of getting the same thing done. So you just want Teoh go through your model and see which way is going to work. Better for you and what's going on. We create that. Okay, let's leave these lines. All right? And once you've done this, we can work on the next step. Basically, you just want to clean your excess lines that you created candles going and make these even these out. Okay, Looks good. Let's get rid of this one. Okay, so there we have it. We added some trim to our windows and doors and didn't take too long at all. But there's another way we can do this where we can do a much more elaborate style of trim . So let's work on that next. All right, so in this method of creating trim in our model. What we're going to do is first create a profile for our trimmed. So let's go ahead and we'll start over here just in any corner. Or really, we can start this anywhere in our model, but I'm just going to start it here just to make it a little easier. And let's type 5.5 inches entered and let's come out 3/4 of an inch and create just a simple rectangle and we're going to do is just create a little notch in that trim. And let's go ahead and also create just a little notch in the edge here, and we'll go ahead and delete these two and that's it. That's all we're going to do for our trip. So what I'm gonna do now is going to double click to highlight everything we just created here, and I'm going to right click and make this into a group. Now let's activate that group by double clicking twice, and now I want to draw a line, which is I'm going to use the Follow me command for this trim to follow, so that's going to click on the end point and we're going to basically trace a path for this trim to follow in our room. So I'm gonna wrap around the doors, Just come around the base of our walls. Come over here. Come Teoh the outline of this door here and connected there. And it may have created a service year. I can't tell at the moment hopes. And one thing, If you ever zoom too far, you can always click previous zoom or zoom extents to zoom in your entire model. OK, so now what I want to do is I want to double click or triple click to select this connected group of lines that created my trim profile. And it also selected all the lines that I just created. But one thing I want to do is I want to hold down shift and de select that profile. So the only thing selected now is the line of the path. I want my trend to follow. Now, let me show that in a more, um, easier way. I'm going to go and click here. Let's triple click our whole room and make this into a group. I'm gonna click it and let's click hide and there we can see the path we want our trim to travel and let's go ahead and triple click and let's de select that profile. And now I want to use that follow me tool, which there's a couple of ways I could do that. I could just click here. Um, actually, where is it? Right here. Follow me or I can go to tools. Follow me. So either way, it will create the same results. So what I want to do is just click once and select the object. And since I have that whole path already selected, it went ahead and created that whole trim around my base and doors and windows. Another way. We can do that. Let's go hate control Z. Let's hit the Follow me tool and we can see it's asking us down here select face to extrude . So this is the face or the profile I want to extrude. I'm going to select it once and drag my mouse in a direction that I want to go and for some readers that you go this way. So we're gonna go in and go this way and let's just follow along the line of our base and doors, basically the path that we just created for it. And once we get back to where we started, it will automatically close that. Okay, there we go and let me go ahead and hit a new high, our last object that we hand, which is our walls. And there we have our base trim, so a little bit more detailed than just that simple, that simple offset we created the first time not for our Windows. We can use that same profile. I'm gonna go ahead and pace that profile that I copied to my clipboard and let's go ahead and I need to click somewhere here and let's make sure it's a group and let's go ahead and rotate that 180 degrees, so it's a rosy. I can click anywhere as a base point and then click again. And then let's type 1 80 And now we have it on our the side that we want it. And then let's go over to the center. Point here doesn't really have to be the Centre weaken select anywhere, and now I'm going to double click to activate that group, and I'm gonna use a rectangle tool to create the path of travel for my follow me and this. Delete that surface and let's triple click everything. And then we have to de select the profile edges of and the service of that, um, the profile right there. And let's go to the following me tool analysts like that surface and there. We've created our window trip and let's go ahead and drag this over here. And of course, you can create different trains for your windows and doors. I'm just showing you basically how it works. But you can obviously create amore elaborate trim and profiles as you want. So Okay, so there we have it. We have our base trim and our window trim. 5. Step 4 Importing Doors and Windows: three D Warehouse has a massive collection of three D models for sketch up. It really is the best place to find models that you can quickly put into your three D models. So what we're going to do is let's search for a barn door and let's find a style that we like for this model, and I like this one. So I'm going to go ahead and download this and I'm just gonna quick sketch up 2020. If you have an older version, you can click one of these and let's just click download and we can see it downloading. Here. We'll click on it, and what I'll do is I'll copy and paste this into my current model. So first, let's make sure that it's all one group and right here we see it's two groups, so I'm gonna select it all. Tell it to make it into one group and let's hit at it. Copy. And now let's go to our model and paste it in and let's go ahead and edit paste and let's just click anywhere in our model. Now let's rotate this where we want it and rotated 90 degrees. Let's go ahead and use the move command to place this where we want it. Hey, let's go ahead and attach it to where it hits the surface of this wall and let's go ahead and move it directly over this door. And I think that's good. The only thing I want to do is let's maybe mirror this so that the handles on this side. So to do that, I have the door highlighted, right? Click and hit, Flip along, read access and there we go. Now we flipped it. So if we wanted to move this door, we could move it in that direction and looks like I need to move that top piece a little bit more. Our little track. Let's move this over. So just makes sense if we're moving it, okay, that looks good to me. Now let's find another door to insert here for our closet. So here I found a file that has several interior door styles. I think I like this door right here, so I'm going to go ahead and download this model and extract that one from it. And here I have a fall here and here already have highlighted Let's go in copy. And let's go ahead and paste this into our model by hitting at it paste and it's good and place it where we want it, and then it doesn't quite fit because it's a different size. So I'm gonna show you a quick way we can fix that, and that is using the scale command. Pick your once and let's go ahead and select this CenterPoint of our model and let me go ahead and drag that out so you kind of see what's going on. So use the scale command and I want to grab the center because it will scale it down in proportion as opposed. If I grab the here, it kind of distorts it quite a bit. I don't want to distort that much, so let's go ahead and line this up. Zoom in there, slip that corner correctly. There we go. And one thing that changed with Lumi on 2020 as you can see when we selected object. We have these new grip points now, which is pretty cool, so you can actually select and place it to the extent of that object. So it kind of gives you some options for each of the four corners of that, so it makes it a little bit easier to maneuver some objects. So very cool feature that they added for sketch up 2020 now, one thing I'm going to do that. We go ahead and delete this little piece of the door so that I'll have a moral flush connection here and let me escape and let's go ahead and move. Let's grab this corner, make sure you grab the corner and we want to connect it to this corner here, drag it down. And now we're not connecting here, So it's going to use the scale command. Make sure you grab that center point and make it line up with this edge here and there. We have a nice, snug fit, but it's obviously it's going to swing this way, which I don't want, so let's go ahead and flip it. So when this select object, right click, use flip along, red actually might be green this time. Yet in green, access was going and push it in about an inch, and there we go. Now we have our interior closet door. The height seems right. We don't have to do any scaling there, and this door seems correct as well. So we have our doors in. Now let's move on to adding some windows now toe at our window, we can go back into three D warehouse and find a window to import, or we can create our own window. And because I want to teach you how to model, I'm gonna show you how to create this window from scratch. So let's go ahead and first use the rectangle tool, and we will go ahead and connect these two points that created surface. Now let's use a selectable and let's double click and let's right click and make this into a group. So now let's go ahead and click in this group to activate it. Let's use the offset command and let's offset this 1.5 inches and let's go ahead and use the push pull tool. Let's push this in two inches and let's come around the back side of it and let's pull this out four inches and there we have a window. Now we don't have blast, so I'm gonna show you how to add some glass to that and this. Go to ur paint bucket tool. It's gonna materials and it's click here and we're gonna go to glass and mirrors and it's gonna click this one right here. Translucent glass gray. And let's apply that to our windowpane and let's go ahead and hit Escape and let me go ahead and push this in one inch. Hopes this click and drag. We're gonna move it one inch into the wall and there we go. We have a clear window that could be a fixed window or possibly a case in window. But what I want to do is add a little bit more detail to that. So let's right click and I'm gonna click. Make components. Let's go ahead and we will go ahead and call this our casement window. And now let's drag and copy it over here. So I'm gonna use the move Command. We're going to grab a control point hit control to make a copy. Drag it over here and there. We have our window. Now. One thing I want to do is let's add some divisions into this window. So let's go ahead and double click, and I'm gonna go ahead and draw a line down the center and let's create some or divisions right through the middle there and should have created that there goes another point and the point here. Now that's use the offset command. And we're gonna select that service there, and we're going to go 0.5 inches. Answer now. Another trick I'm gonna show you here is when you move over to the next surface and we're still in that offset command. If we double click it automatically Off says offsets it to the previous dimension that you entered. So I could just double click on each one of these. And it will offset without me having to punch in half inch every time. So now let's use the erase command and it's erase some of these excess lines. And now I'm gonna go ahead and delete this service because we already have a glass behind it. Yeah, I'm gonna double click. Let's make this into a group. So we have a group within a group and let's extend this back to where it goes through our glass. Let's see if we can get that. Let's go. Actually, let's just go three inches and there we can see where it's going through a blast. We don't need it to go that much. Let's go in and just push it just a little bit beyond that glass pane. And let's push this over here. So it's just barely cutting through that glass and let's escape. And because we were working in a component, whatever we did to this window, it did to this one. So very useful feature is to make components when you have more than one of the same types of objects. Okay, so there we go. We have our windows and doors in our model. 6. Step 5 Applying Materials: now through the warehouse is not the only place you can find textures. You really confined them all over the Internet. One website is sketch up Texture Club Sketch up Texture Club is a website that has hundreds of textures that you can download for free. The one thing you have to do is create a user, and there is an option to purchase some higher resolution textures. But even the ones that are for free really are good quality, and they have a good variety of textures. So that is another option of a website you can go to to find the textures that you need, and one more option that you can do is also go directly to a Google search. And I usually like to look for a seamless texture for whatever it is I'm looking for, whether it's a stucco texture, a stone texture, I like to type in seamless and see what comes up, and you simply just click on it and you can just right click and download these to your library to use in your schedule model. So that is another way you confined just hundreds and not thousands of textures to use in your model, so I usually just again. I tried to add the word texture to whatever material I'm looking for and sometimes seamless to see if I can find something that will not look like a repetitive pattern. So a few tips on finding materials for your sketch of models. Now, once you have downloaded a texture that you want to apply to your model to bring in that texture, you need to create a custom texture. So what I want to do is just start off with a color. Just the random color doesn't really matter. And let's do one that we really notice in our model. So, wow, there we go pink walls. So I'm gonna hit, edit and let's go to our folder here, Brides for Material Image file. And I'm going to go to my personal library of material that I have downloaded and let's go to Wallcoverings. And here I have a stucco material image that downloaded and let's go ahead and click open, and there it automatically applied that to my walls so very quick and easy way to create a custom texture. Now I can also modify that I can change the scale. If I wanted Teoh change the color and one thing I like to do is hit reset color, and we can kind of I guess it's kind of using that original color that I first brought it in with. But here we can modify exactly how we want and exactly the color tone that we want for our model. So not bad. And the next thing I want to do is I want to add a white material to my trim. So I'm gonna go ahead and just click a white here and it's going to make This would make this a custom material, and we're going to call it white trim, Okay, and I'll just apply it to my trim and let's go and apply to our windows as well. And let's go in and see what mons here we have on this door. And to do that, I just click the eyedropper tool and click here and here. You see, it's set to default later. Now, one thing that I want Teoh recommend that you do in your model so that you don't have layers that are on default. You want to make sure for rendering purposes that everything has an applied material to it . So what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go back to my default layer, my white trim that I created on Let's edit it and let's make it really stand out. So there we can see easily. What has that white trim material applied to it and what doesn't. So let's try and click our door, and now we have it applying that white trim material and let's go ahead and lighten it up again. And there we go. Now let's also change the material on this wall over here. And to do that, I'm going to use my I dropped tool, and I'm going to select this wood texture. And then let's go ahead and activate that group and select that surface and hit material and click there. And now that's we applied that would texture to this wall as well. Okay, so looking good 7. Step 6 Importing Furniture & Decor: Now, before we add our ceiling to this model, I want to add some furniture to do that. Let's go to three D warehouse in three D Warehouse. We want to do searches for things like a queen bed. Now a tip for searching for some really high quality objects in three, where house is to adjust your file size. Here, we can increase the foul size to a minimum of three or four megabytes. This will allow you to eliminate the morals that just are a bit too simple. And the problem with inserting something that's too simple is it just makes your model look unrealistic. Now the problem with inserting something too big is it can really weigh down your file. So be careful with selecting objects that are too complex or too large and objects that are too small. You want to find something about in between that will look good in your model. So let's try this one. Let's see how this one works, and I'm gonna insert it directly into our model, and there you can see how long it's kind of taking. There's the polygon size, and it's a 23 megabyte file. But has quite a bit of good, nice detail in it. And once it's placed in our model, we can go ahead and move it to the desire location that we want. And we're going more here. Let's use the roads a tool to rotate it and let's go ahead and move it against this wall. And there is as it hits the face of the group and we to center this wall. Here's another trick that I'll show you is here. We have selected the center, and I can use the arrow keys to lock the access the movement along a certain access. So here I'm lining it up with that midpoint, and there are placed it exactly in the center of that wall. So keep going to three D warehouse and finding some more models to place into our room here . And when you're done, let's jump back in the course and move on to creating our ceiling. Now, this is a fast ford of me selecting objects to import into this model. And of course, you can select your own models based on your style, your preferences and also, if you're re creating your own room, select pictures and furniture pieces that you want to see in that room. And when you're done, jump into the next lesson, you know? 8. Step 7 Ceiling and Beams: Okay, so now that we have our room furnished, as you can see I have done here and just to give you a little idea, I've added some night stands, some pictures, some blinds on the windows. Here's a little mirror and just the support pictures, some shelving a desk with a chair and a laptop. So basically you could decorate the room how you want. But these are things that just really make the room come to life. But now let's work on the ceiling. So for the ceiling, what I want to do is I want to create a vaulted ceiling. So first, let's open up our group for the walls, and I'm going to create a pitch the roof at 12 and let's go up six inches and let's make sure we are on that blue access. So we're going to six inches and let's go and extend that out and we're gonna do the same on this and we're gonna go 12 and six, and it's going to connect those and will connect this here and let's go ahead and do a little cleaning up with the eraser tool. And let's go ahead and delete this line and I'm going to go ahead and copy by using the move tool. Gonna grab this end point, gonna hit control and let's go ahead and move this all the way over here and now we can actually delete that line ups. Let's delete this and let's delete this line as well. And there we kind of have our pitch coming together. But one thing I also want to do is I want to add some beams to this room. So I'm going to draw a line here and let's come down six inches and six inches. Here, let's connect. Hey, let's connect this here and let's do the same thing over here. We're gonna come down six inches. Let's connect that. And I think we are good. Now it's double click, double click and let's right click and make this into a group. So now I'm going to double click to open that group and let's extend this out six inches and we're gonna extend this without six inches and let's right click. Let's make this into a component, and we'll call this our vaulted bean, and now I'm going to use the move tool and grab this across the other side of the room. And now I'm going to use the backslash command and you can see what I'm doing down here. And I'm going to say three, So I want to divide it by three hopes. Try that more time. So what I want to do is I want to make some equal spacing. So let's go grab this. Make sure you grab it in the right spot. We're coming all the way to the end, and I'm telling you to divide that by three. And there we go. Now we have some beams evenly spaced in our room, and we're this. You're missing a service there, so I'm just gonna draw a line. And there we done that. Now let's apply a wood texture to our beams. So to do that, I'm gonna first open up our group and let's start with a regular color, and that's going to create a new material. And actually, I'm going Teoh. Let's pick something. It's already kind of in the brown category. Let's go ahead and it create material, and I was going to just make that somewhat of a brown and let's go to materials would and This is just a library that I've created on my own. So these are just things I've downloaded from time someone from the Internet somewhere from Sketch of Texture Club. So let's try this dark, fine wood texture, seamless Tennessee Open and let's go ahead and apply it to our being. And the only thing I need to change the direction of the wood grain. So let's go to position and let's just rotate that so that it goes along are being line. And I could hold down control to make it rotate a little bit mawr freely, and let's go in position that about their and let's go to apply it to the other side. And again, I have to rotate this being being texture. So if it's if you feel like it's snapping, that just had that control and it kind of gives you more of a fluid motion and let's go ahead and just apply it to the rest of visible areas are being and was going toe hit, the paint bucket tool can apply it there, and let's go ahead and make sure we get it right on this backside as well. And that looks correct. tried on this one. That looks correct as well. Okay, so looking good. And we missed a little point here. Even though it's not visible, we'll go ahead and apply. Some Wouldn't 02 is well, so one more thing. Let's put a beam in the center. So to do that, let's just start with they. Since we are doing a six inch Penis, go six and let's go 12 inches down and this go six and will close it. Let's go ahead and make this into a group and we'll go ahead and let's go ahead and extreme or use the push. Pull all the way to the end well, company and there. And let's go in the center of this right there. And now let's apply a wood material to it and we'll start with this, uh, material, the same one that we applied here. We just need to rotate it correctly, go to texture position, and we're gonna rooty Yeah, let's make sure we get it the wood grain in the right direction and let's go and apply it on the other surfaces and there we go. Now we could drop this down a little bit lower if we wanted Teoh. I don't wanna go too low with it, and that might even be too low. So let's do this. Let's go ahead and push this back of, uh, let's try two inches. Let's go to more. Doesn't need to be that large. Okay? All right. So now I actually need my ceiling some wanting What I'm going to do is gonna click on my wall and let's go ahead and pick a point in our rectangle tool and we're gonna go all the way to, is there? Let's try again. And if it's not doing it quite right, we can just select any point there and just kind of piece it together. And there's all came together very nice. Okay, so the reason why I did that for the as one of the last things is because it makes viewing our model a little bit more difficult. But I will show you how to set up some views in a minute. But before we do that, let's add some can lights to our ceiling 9. Step 8 Lighitng: not to create our can lights. Where I'm going to do is first find a center point and I'm just going to draw a line from points. A point here and let's use the circle tool. Select that center. And as you can see, it is, um, parallel with that surface. So let's go ahead and let's go two inches and let's go ahead and erase that and I'm gonna go ahead and double click here and let's go ahead and open that. We made it into a group. I'm going to go and offset it. I'll just go Khalfan inch. And now let's go ahead and view this from the other side, and I'm just going to make it. Use the push pull tool just to come out just barely 1/4 of an inch, and here we'll just go 0.1 inch just to get it off the surface. And let's go ahead and apply material to it, and we'll start with a color here. We'll just go with a this yellow and I'm going to give it a name. We'll call it can light, Yeah, just review like that and will apply it to the center and We're going to give it a dark trim around it, so we'll just go ahead and apply that all around. And there we go and I'm gonna go ahead and make this into a component. We'll call it our light. And now let's go ahead and apply this to the center of these other areas. And 11 thing I could do is, um, I can go to the corner here. Let's see if you will let me grab it. Actually, let's just draw a line to find the center of each of these, and I'll just drag. So OK is clicked that let's crab here. And if we hover over the edge of the circle, it should give me the center point and there goes. That gives me the center of the circle and let's hit control to make a copy and will snap to the center and we'll repeat that, and we just made some copies there and let's see if we can do the same here. Now. The problem here is it may not rotate it. We'll try it. Let's go to grab it. And that's what I was afraid of. It doesn't rotate correctly, so let's see if we can get it so rosy to be at the right angle. Go ahead and come over here and let's see if it'll allow its and it looks a little different. So what I'm gonna do is we'll go ahead and recreate that for this portion and it only took a second. So let's go two inches and was offset are actually this leak to leave these lines. And we're gonna make that into a group, making it to a component as well and come out quarter of an inch 0.1. I am going to fly that, see the hole, and then let's find our can light color. There we go. And now I can just copy over here, and it should be right, the same positions and there we go. 10. Step 9 Setting Scenes: to start setting up our views. Lets first get inside our model here. And as you can see, we can't really see a whole lot of our model. It's since it's kind of a small, enclosed space. Um, we just can't get a good view of everything going on or you keep running in and outside of walls like I'm doing now, so let's see how we can fix that. So I created a quick little view here. But now let's get to modifying our camera. So let's go ahead and click camera, and the first thing I want to do is change my field of view. So right now you can see there's a setting right here for the feel of you. I can type in a increment here. Let's say if I hit a 45 degree or let's try a 70 and it just starts giving us a different perspective to where we're reviewing our camera, move this off screen for actually want to close it out and let's zoom out. Now, one thing, instead of zooming or scrolling back and forth, wants you right click, and since I'm in my camera function, I'm going to click walk, and this allows me to walk back. And usually they should not let me go through walls that usually should. It will stop when I hit a wall, and I think those blinds air messing up a little bit. But usually it will stop right there when it hits a wall. Now that's actually not a bad view. Are bad perspective angle now going to right? Click and click. Look around and there I can get a more of, ah, vertical perspective here, and that's actually not too bad of you. And let's see if we can just just a camera a little bit more. And another thing we can do is we can go camera to two point perspectives, and this will make all of our verticals straight. So let me go ahead and update this view here and now. Let's create another scene and let's zoom in to our computer table over here and we'll do about a view. So around there, you know, we're gonna go ahead and click, add, and we'll go ahead and renamed the scene your table and let's keep on going with at another scene. We're just going to pan the camera around whereabouts. There may be and kind of accent there highlight that would wall that we did that accent wall one at that. And we'll rename this one accent ball and let's use our camera and look around. Yeah, let's actually get a little higher. So we kind of take a look at that ceiling fan and our vaulted ceiling. It will add that and let's rename it ceiling and we'll do one more. We just kind of come around here too much. Let's just go back to our view. Yeah, let's go ahead and move our camera and we'll end it right there. Let me go ahead and let it save and it's going right. Click at another scene and we'll rename that, um, just our final scene. And there we go. So what we can do with these views now is we can actually just export a two D image of this , or we can actually create an animation. So let's move on to creating a animation video for this room. 11. Step10 Animation Sequence: Now, before we set up the video animation for this model, let's go ahead and check our settings. So we're gonna go to view animation settings, and here we have a scene transition. So this basically means the amount of time the camera spends in each scene. So from going to this scenes and the next thing, it would take two seconds. So that's pretty fast. So I'm gonna slow that down, too. Let's actually go to, let's say, um, it's doubly. Let's go to 55 seconds and seen DeLay is when it goes from one scene to another, it will actually pause your scene and then move to the next thing. I don't want to do that. I wanted to be a fluid motion, so I'm going to leave that at zero, and let's go ahead and close that and let's go to file Export the animation. And there's still some more options that we could do by clicking down here. So it's click options, and here we can change the resolution to 7 24 80 or a custom resolution, and I'm gonna go down to 7 20 cause I want this to render pretty quickly and here we can change the frames per second, and right now it's that set to the maximum ages 30 and we don't want it to Luke to the starting scene when it's done and everything else is OK, so I'm going to go ahead and click, OK, and actually, there's one more thing I want to do before I actually export this and let's cancel out of this. I want to change the style because right now we have a lot of those end points being viewed . So I don't want that to show. So let's go to our tray and let's go to show Trey. There it is. And let's go to our styles and let's get rid of the profiles and let's get rid of our endpoints and let's go ahead and hit update scene. And actually, I may have to do this for each one. So another way I can do that is, let's go to show trade in and let me back up to the style that we have here and let's go ahead and see if we can create that as a new style. We're basically creating a new visual style here called architecture designed south to and actually, I do want some edges. I just don't want them to be at that size. So let's reduce it down to one, okay, much better. And let's go to this update our style and let's go to this next scene and here we can see the style changed. But I want to select another style. So we're gonna go to that architecture style, too. Let's see if it changes. There it goes. And this update the scene. Let's go to this one, and we're going to select this other style and it's going up to the scene and basically repeat this for all the ones that we just did and go to that final scene. And there's one more thing that we can do is well that we have not talked about, and that is setting our son. So let's go and let's go to shadows and let's enable the sun and let's see if we can get the sun to come out of one of the windows and it may or may not work. Let's see if we can get it. See the right angle. Yeah, it looks like it's barely coming through there. Let's see if we can get an angle where it might work, and it may not work too well because I have those blinds over the windows. There goes actually. OK, let's see if we can get a view where we can see. That was really nicely there, Riggio. Let's lighten it up a bit. Okay, that's kind of nice. So let's go ahead and update that scene. Okay, So now that we've set up our scenes in our sun angles in our style, let's go ahead and create a animation, and I'm gonna go ahead and go to file export animation, and we'll check our options one more time. All right, we have a 30 frames, 7 20 p. Let's go ahead and click, OK, and let's go ahead and export. And here it would give you an estimated time and start counting down the frames that you are rendering. So there's going to 602 frames, so we'll check back when this is done. So now that our video is done, let's take a look at how it came out. And as you can see, the sun is moving because I'm changing the position of the sun in each scene. Now this to me is still moving a bit fast. So to do that, I would just go back into those animation settings and change the amount of time in each scene transitions. So I believe this was that four seconds. So to adjust that I would need to change it to a different amount, So I would just go to view animation settings, and here I would just increase this amount so that it would move a little slower in between scenes and just have a smoother, um, fluid motion. And also, I can change the frame rate. Teoh. Just make it a bit mawr. Um, just a smoother overall. So you really notice the difference when you increase things like that? But I think it's still a pretty nice looking video. So now let's move on to actually saving just individual still images of our scenes 12. Step11 Saving Hi Res Images: have to save an individual image or a J peg of are seen here. All we have to do is go to file export to D graphic. And here we can indicate the type of two D file and we can do a J peg, a pdf, E, P, S, P and G fall. And we can even export in D w G or D XF formats. So let's go ahead and put it on Jay Peg. And one other important thing I want to share is going to options over here. And we want to increase the image size pretty significantly so that you get a high quality image. If you leave it on a default, it's just gonna your lives are gonna look a little little bit blurry or just just very little quality. So let's set this to 4000. And actually, let's set this one too. 3000. Bringing that on a 5000 so quite a bit. And let's go ahead and click, OK, and we'll just say that on our desktop, and that's good is say export and there's doing a little bit of thinking and we'll go ahead and check our image in a second, so that's going to minimize that. And I think that's an older image. Let's go to that. Here it is. And there we have our saved image. So very nice, very clean, very crisp image. So and you could even go here if you wanted Teoh and do a little bit more editing. Um, this is just the Windows editor. I'm sure you could do mawr through photo shop or another means, um, but definitely a very good quality image just from sketch up. And what I can do is also is let's go back to sketch up. And we can also play with different model styles and under your styles category here. So, basically, we can just, um, go through the assorted styles, and you could just play with this and see what kind of style you might want to present your , uh, your model in. There's just a lot of them, and you can also edit these as well, by going to the edit category here or tab, and here gives you just lots of options that you can add to your image. So your style, so each one of these is a slightly different and you can explore these. I mean, there's really there's, there's a lot of them, So just go through and see what you might want to use. Now, another way you can view your model is through sections, and here I have the sections time right here. So let's say if you wanted to view this wall just straight on in more of architectural format, So let's go ahead and click this section pain and I can select the wall that I want to be perpendicular to in my section, and we'll just call this our accent wall section and just like Okay, what I wanna do is grab this section and use the move tool to move this out so I can see that bed and let's see before we could move. Let's go to about there. Actually, yeah, we'll stop right there and let's see what this looks like when we go into this view here and I want to turn off the actual section because it puts like a little bit of a feels her , and we don't want that so we can actually view the mall in a way like like this, or, if you want something really straight on that we can actually use as a scale drawing. I can go to parallel projection view, and what I want to do is I want to align my view to that back wall. So now I am straight on completely with that view. So there I have just this really straight on view, not get ad, and I could add that we could hit. We could rename this or accent wall elevation, and we can go ahead and do that for each one of these. So to deactivate that, just click that right there and let's go ahead and create another section and we'll click here and we'll call this our desk elevation, and we'll go ahead and use a move command to get that where we want. And I'm just gonna leave it there, and we want to get rid of that right there. It's just kind of feeling in the cut, and I don't want to do that. So we're gonna leave that out. Let's turn off that section so we don't see that filter, and then I'm going to highlight this wall and make my view perpendicular to that. So a line. My view with that, and I believe I'm still in that parallel projection view. And there we go. We have a very straight on view there, and I could go ahead in the ad, create scene and will rename that and we'll call this leave desk elevation and so on and so forth. We could go and do that to every one of these walls here to create that section that we can use. And that's something that we actually import into layout and use as an architectural drawn . So there you have it. We built that model completely in sketch up. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm going to do one last thing as a bonus lecture. I'm going to show you how we can now take this model into a software like, gloomy on and create a awesome rendering. That's photo realistic. So let's be want to that next lecture now 13. Step12 SketchUp to Lumion: Okay, so let's go ahead and open up. Gloomy on 10. Okay, so we're going to start with just a standard seen in blue Neon. So I'm gonna go to New and we use this force environment for actually let's try this tropical environment. Let's do that. And we will place our model in that tropical environment. Okay, let's place our model just anywhere in this scene. And I'm not too concerned about the exterior just for the areas that we're gonna be looking out the window and what's going to lift it a little bit above the ground. Just we don't have any grass coming through and let's zoom in here to our scene. And there we have our beautiful room. So now we just need to apply some materials and some effects to the scene. So first, let's add some lighting effects. So let's go over here to lights and we'll go to place and let's go ahead and select. Some can lights and we'll go ahead and play some in the area of where can lights actually are? And I'm going to go ahead and let's go ahead and move this to the correct layer. I'm gonna move these two layer to and I guess it's already giving something layer name. Since this is a file, that's a template file. Okay, so let's going to give it a little bit of orange or yellowish hue, but not not too bad. So that's actually not too bad there. All right. And I'm gonna go ahead and copy this. Select it, make sure mean that Move, command and hold down Ault to make a copy. It was going to copy that over there, and it's going to keep on going through the rest of our model. You were just planning that can light effect. OK, so now let's go to materials and want to select the actual can light material, and we're going to make it a missive object. And I'm going to go over here to settings and we're going to add some submissiveness to it . Not sure if that's how you say you miss iveness Okay, Let's, uh, seems about and that was about right. I would say Yeah, maybe just the color a little bit more. Okay, that'll work for now. And let's also ASM lights to our lamps here and for our Shays here we can do a couple things. We can make it a little bit transparent. And we go right here, actually right here to transparency. Click on this transparency icon here and just make him a little bit transparent. Not too much. And let's go ahead and add some. We're going Teoh actually back up and change that. I want to just basically make this. He misses as well, and we'll go ahead and make this, uh, give it a little bit of a color. There we go. Just kind of give it a warmer feel to it, even though you might barely see that. But let's keep moving forward here, and that does the same thing to these two. So let's apply some effects to this. Would someone you're going to select it and we're going to use the standard. It seems well here. Here we can create a map out of it, and there you see what it does. It just kind of changes that, and it's a little bit too glossy, and we just wanted to be reflective, but not too much. And we also changed the amounts of relief or that bump so again we don't want it to be too exaggerated there, and we can also add a bit of weathering to it. And here we are now in the wood weathering category and you see how much you can actually make it weather. We just wanted to be a little bit weather, and there we go looks very nice. So at this point, what we want to do is just keep applying different material effects to all of the materials in our model. So this is a very repetitive process, and you can just basically see what I'm doing here really quick, basically just adding a little bit of reflection, a little bit of gloss and a little bit of weathering to each object. So go ahead and go throughout your model and apply a little bit of those properties to each material. 14. Step13 Rendering with Lumion: Now let's change up the lights just a little bit. I'm going to go. Teoh, My life's over here. I'm going. Teoh, click here and hold out control to select all these lights. Let me do that again, and I'm gonna reduce the brightness just a little bit. And I'm going to add a different type of light. So go to placement and let's go to Omni Light and we're gonna go to a light fill so we don't want that shadow in that roof over there. So I'm gonna go and just click here and kind of fill in some of these areas here and let's see if that's enough and that may work. I may reduce them so that they're not that bright. Let's go ahead and maybe changed a little bit of the fall off and you just keep him right about there. Let's try that. Okay, so looks good. So now let's get into our photo rendering window here and let's see how else we can modify this scene. Okay, so from the get go, there are some already default settings for our scenes here, which I don't really want to show it like this. It's just a, um, a little bit too orange for me. So I'm gonna go ahead and delete these presets here, and we're gonna create our own style and look for our model. So first, let's go ahead and pick a view and let's go ahead and try from here and here we have a similar thing that we have a schedule where we can change the focal length of our view. So that's actually not too bad there. So we're going to start off over here, and it's going to get a little closer now. We'll go ahead and just click this camera icon to take that scene picture. Okay, so let's add some effects. Go ahead and click F X over here and let's add the sun, uh dot raise. We can try that volumetric sunlight and let's keep going. We'll go to sky sky and clouds and let's keep going. What else do we want? Let's go. Teoh are objects. That's good camera. We want to possibly just our exposure two point perspective that the feel this fine on a major artistic. Let's see what else we can add to our scene and in our advance. We definitely want to click on this shadow and reflection and possibly global illumination . So OK, so now let's see how we can modify the so First, let's some of them off from the beginning and I'll show you how these work and let's start with our sun angle. So I want some sunlight coming in from these windows. So let's go ahead and adjust the heading of our son. And actually, I need Teoh. Turn off my riel sky effect. Let's go to our build mode here in our sunsetting. Let's turn off real skies. And now let's go back to our model. And there we have some God rays coming in. Let's change some of that and let's see how we can change our son. Okay, so there we are, starting to see the sun popping in there to see if we can change the angle. Now I believe we have some trees around. OK, there we go. That's that's a nice angle. You change the brightness of the sun, Okay, We'll try that for now. And let's see if we can get out a different view about there. Hell, etc. We'll go back to our original view and just move it slightly. Okay, let's try that and we'll go ahead and click this. Okay, so let's move on to another effect. Let's go to Shadow. We definitely want our shadows and turn on Omni Shadow. And here we can change the brightness of our shadows and darkness of it. So you just kind of play with that. And one thing we could do is when you press F eight, it kind of horribles to show you the actual shadows that your lights are casting so you can see what how that's affecting your model and let's see what else we can do. Let's check. Our two point perspective is fully activated so that we are have those verticals reflection that's going to be for this mirror here. But we're not really seeing that in this scene, so I'm not too concerned about that for the exposure. We could make this a little bit less or more exposed, so that's actually not too bad. There will leave that and let's see what else we could dio and let's see what our God raise can if they're coming in. If we can change any of that. So this is not really if we're not really able to use it. So I'm gonna go and remove that, But the volumetric sunlight is being seen, so I'm going to click on this and see if there's something that we can do to effect that change it. And here we can change the brightness of it and actually doesn't look too bad. I may see how that, um, plays out in our model if it's worth keeping it in there. Not maybe change Change is just slightly. Okay, We'll leave it right there. Okay? So not looking too bad. And let me try global illumination, and we can see what that does. That kind of really just kind of illuminates everything. Um, maybe a little bit wouldn't hurt. Okay, Very good. All right, So now the next thing I want to do is I'm actually going to Assam Cam lights to this area here, So let's go back to our build mode and let's add some lighting to that. Go back. Teoh are objects. We are in the light mode and let's go to placement. Let's go back to our spotlights here, So let's try. Um we're going to use this lamp again and I say you have. We can modify this. Click here and let's go ahead and use. Rotate and we're gonna rotate this up so there's kind of really bright light, but we can reduce that quite a bit and maybe even let's make you a lot more orange. And let's go ahead and copy this beneath it as well. Let's undo that. Let's move down and I'm going to use all to make a copy. And let's go and rotate this looking downwards here, and this is gonna be a little tricky. So let's grab this. We're going to change some of the brightness of that. Okay. Kind of trying to center it. All right, Right. Let's go in and see if we can copy of this same effect to this other lamp. Okay, there we go. And it seems like we need Teoh. Move this like ourselves here, and we'll keep you right there. I think that's fine. Okay. Very good. So now let's go back to our scene and see what that looks like. You going to turn this slightly? Yeah, it's going to save that. So now let's set up some different scenes and I'm going to go ahead and remove some trees from our window view here so we can get a little more sunlight coming through. It's gonna go ahead and move to this nature category here, use the selectable and let's see if we can find some of these trees to move. And I'm going to take control and just grab several. I'm here. It's going to just move out the way a bit and maybe some of these bigger ones. There we go. I'm to see how that affects our view Here, Come back, Ever go. We're getting a little more sunlight in, and here we can change the brightness of the sun if we want get a little bit more effects coming through and also just our exposure bit. And I think that's very nice going to save that. Then let's go save another angle and let's get this one a little bit more straight on. And let's increase our focal length. Some You see if we could get a nice for you there and let's go ahead and copy the effects that we have from our other seen here. Someone doing Click over here, go to edit copy effects, move over to this scene and he at it. Haste, effects. And there we go. Unless you were gonna just our son height and get, like, a little bit of a more, uh, have a sunset field to this. Let's see if we can do anything with global illumination and affecting it too much. And I think that will work. We change the darkness slightly, and we're going to see that scene as well. And let's go ahead and do another scene and trying to get the that's gonna view looking this way actually come out around over here, which we have this view. But let's go the opposite, actually. All right, Okay, that's good. And was copy these effects and paste it into this scene. Let's see if we can move our son around. That's pretty nice effect, and we'll go ahead and get it. Some, like coming all the way through The rooms were highlighting some of that computer area and we could change the height of the sun, but it was actually pretty nice. Where was that? And it might be doing a little a bit of some funny things because of our global illumination, but I think that's very nice and we'll go ahead and click. Store that scene and we'll give it a try. Maybe one or two more scenes. Let's see if we get something a little more artistic coming from our ceiling fans. Yeah, maybe something about there that's going to pace those effects and I'm gonna add an effect to this. Let's go to our camera and let's go to the depth of field effect. We're going to go ahead and let's see if we can make sharp area and kind of just our focal distance and see if that does anything interesting and actually want to focus on the one further and we'll cheesy a mouth. We don't want it to be too drastic about there, and we'll go ahead and save that. But there's one more thing I want to do. We need to change the reflection. I need to add it, Teoh that, and we also need to change our two point perspective since we're up this high. Really, I don't need so much of that forced perspective and there we go. Okay, so some very nice shots and now let's go ahead and export these and saving so to do that We're just going to render photos and we're going to the photo set and we're gonna make it this print quality here, and we will go ahead and just say here was just call it our your, um, design bedroom. And we'll save those scenes and really, depending on your computer is going to really determine how long it will take to save. Seems like this. But generally would be on 10 if you have a computer that runs it. Well, saving the scenes won't take that long. And, of course, it also depends on how maney effects you have. Effects like reflection and shadow will really slow down a bit more. But for the most part, let me on is a fairly fast rendering software. All right, so let's revisit these when they're all complete. Okay, so here are our final rendering photos, and I think they look awesome. Will be on 10 does a fantastic job and was just scroll through some of these Think it looks really good. I think I forgot to do my reflection on here, but everything else looks really good. Really realistic. Um, I think we me on just does a fantastic job. And one thing that I like to do sometimes is go ahead and TV's and this is just the Windows photo viewer. You may have photoshopped some other things I have for myself as well, but you can just do some quick edits that can even enhance your model a little bit. Mawr on just things like this. Just adding a little bit of clear T to It could help if you just want to saturate the colors a little bit. Mawr your lighting effects. You know some of these can help your model some, or if you just want to leave it as it is, that's completely fine as well. Lumi on does a good job just out of just out of out of Lumi on the photos come out really good. So but if you want a tinker with him a little bit, you could do in a photo editing software, and I'm just gonna leave it as it was. I thought it was pretty good without doing any changes. Very nice, and that's going to wrap it up for this course. Thank you so much for enrolling. I would love to hear back from you about what you thought While you're taking this course, you had some comments. You reviews are very important to me. So take a moment, leave a review, leave a thumbs up and let me know if there's something you like me to cover in a future course. And I will see you next time and remember to keep sketching. Thanks.