SketchUp 2D to 3D Spanish Modern Home Design | Thomas Soltren | Skillshare

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SketchUp 2D to 3D Spanish Modern Home Design

teacher avatar Thomas Soltren, SketchUp Architect Creator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      SketchUp 2D to 3D Spanish Modern Home design


    • 2.

      From Cad to SketchUp


    • 3.

      Creating a Slab & 1st Foor Walls


    • 4.

      Creating 2nd Floor Walls


    • 5.

      Hip Roof Build


    • 6.

      Building Parapet Roofs


    • 7.

      Adding Window & Door Openings


    • 8.

      Creating Windows


    • 9.

      Adding Architectural Detail


    • 10.

      Adding Site Landscaping


    • 11.

      Adding Roof Tiles, Gutters and Downspouts


    • 12.

      Adding a Porch Lantern


    • 13.

      Adding Textures in SketchUp


    • 14.

      Importing and Editing in Lumion 10


    • 15.

      Rendering with Lumion 10


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About This Class

In this class we will model a spanish style home from start to finish.  We will begin with a Cad file and model a front view of a spanish modern style home. Students will learn a workflow system that will allow you to quickly create a professional looking 3D Architectural model.  Once we have created our model we wil import into Lumion where we will create a stunning photorealistic rendering. Enroll today and lets get started

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Thomas Soltren

SketchUp Architect Creator


I have been working in the Architectural Field for over 20 years. I have designed Dog houses to multi-million dollar homes and commercial buildings. In the last few years I have focused almost entirely on 3D modeling of Architecture. I believe 3D modeling is the best way to show clients your projects. I love to continue learning and sharing the methods and tips that I have learned throughout my career. In the beginning and end it's all about creating architecture that effectively displays your design ideas and meets or exceeds the criteria of your client.

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Level: Beginner

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1. SketchUp 2D to 3D Spanish Modern Home design: I want to learn how to design a homing sketch up. Well, this course is for whether you have experienced or not. You can actually learn how to create a three D model in less than one hour. In this course, I'm going to show you have to create one of the most popular architectural styles in the world, and that is the Spanish or Mediterranean style home. Chances are, wherever you are in the world, you can drive or walk to a neighborhood that has tile roofs and arched openings. And a reason why this architectural style is so popular is because it really is a beautiful style. In this course, we will take a two D plan in Auto Cad, bringing into sketch up where we will create our three D model. And once our model is complete, we will bring into Lumi on where we will create a photo realistic rendering, and we will do all this in less than one hour. That's right. In the time it takes you to watch your favorite TV show or eat your favorite meal, you can actually learn a valuable new skill. So if you're ready to get started and learn how to build this model and rolling this course today and let's start sketching and I'll see you in Lesson one, Thanks. 2. From Cad to SketchUp: Okay, so the first thing we're going to do is in our cat file We're going to import are AutoCAD layers. So here we have our lot lines and we have a floor plan which is in red. This is our first floor, and then we have our second floor, which is in green, which, as you can see here, the plan is not totally complete. But even with just these few lines, we can go ahead and create our sooty or three D model. So let's go ahead and save this. And actually, before I do that, let's separate our first floor from our second floor to do that. When you go over here, I'm going to lock the first floor layer, which is one F. But I'm gonna just hit, move, and we're going to grab our second floor and just locking f eight to move that over and I'm gonna move it over 200 feet. So now my second floor is over here. My first floor is here. So now let's just go ahead and save this file, and then we will import it into sketch up as our base for our three d model. Okay? So let's go ahead and open up. Sketch up 2020 and now we will go ahead and import our cattle file. Now let's open up the architectural template here. Since we're doing this is in the US, we use the imperial system. So I'm going to open up this architectural template and then we are going to go to file import, and we will select, are drawing and make sure if you're drawing doesn't come up that you have this your D W G set and it should pop up since it's a cat file and then we just click import and we can just close this and there we go there we have our cat file in schedule and it's going and race this person here delete, and there we go. 3. Creating a Slab & 1st Foor Walls: Okay, so now we're going to go ahead and set the base or the slab of our floor plan here. So to do that, I'm going to go over to my workspace here and let's go ahead and create a tag and we'll call this our slab. It's not a slap a slab, and it's going to make that the current layer by clicking right here. Make sure that pencil icon is on it. And then let's go over here and let's just create a group first by using the rectangle soul , use a select DoubleClick and then right click Make group. And then DoubleClick's. He opened that up, and then now let's use the rectangle tool and let's start boxing out our slab. So I'm just going to start selecting the outer extents of our drawing here, and we're just gonna go ahead and start cutting spaces out of it. Yeah, let's go ahead and that's cut this out. Here, let me go to selected. You kind of see what we're doing. Give using that rectangle tool, and I just want to get the outer perimeter of this plan. So let's keep going around and here we have to the outer edge there. And let's go ahead And these lines here and let's see, we're pretty close. My fix that there. And I think we're OK. Now, let's use the eraser tool unless he raise some of these lines that we don't need. I need to add a division here. I actually think it was already there was going to delete that. All right, let's get going. Three's. That's okay. And C, we have something going on here again. Since this plan is not totally complete. And for this project, we're just gonna focus on the front of this just to get kind of get a look for this project . So let's let me turn off the one F layer. And there we see, we have just couple extra layers that we don't need. So is delete all those and get to know on if we want. Okay, so that's gonna be our slab. So now I'm going to do. And I just hate escaped to get out of that group, so I'm gonna grab this. I'm gonna drop it down six inches, so I'm using the move command. Just gonna grab an edge, then make sure I'm on that blue access he control to make a copy, and then I'm just gonna type six inches. Enter and then let's use a select tool. Don't click to select it. Selected once there. If we want just a scene where you have it selected this, use a push pull tool. Let's click here and just drag your mouse up and let's type six inches and there we have our six inch slab. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm just going to escape. Right click. I'm gonna hide my slab. So now what I want to do is I want to use this to create my walls. So first, let's move this to another tag that we will call Walls going to go ahead and create a tag. Let's call it walls. Enter. Make that the current layer and then now we're going to cut out our walls from this plan. So again I'm going to go back into the rectangle tool and let's go to outline or walls here . And since this plan, since most of it is, um, 90 degree angles, we don't have any weird angles on this project, so it makes it really easy to use this rectangle tool to cut out your spaces. So really a good time saver. So we're just gonna go around or entire house here, and let's just keep outlining. Spaces, this is our living room here. Here. We just have a little corridor here, Will kind of line that it was a private little closet or hallway here, and this is gonna be our garage. And we have a couple of rooms back here and again. We're not going to get into much detail to the back. This model is just going to be of the front. But it's still nice to do if later on you wanted to go back and, you know, add more detail to it and here will we'll just outlined a space here and do something like that. Okay, now let's erase some of these lines that we don't need. And to do this, we could also turn off that one. F You start seeing some of the extra lines that who don't need to be there, and there we go. All right, so let's make our walls use the push pull tool going to select the walls, and we're going to come up 10 feet. And here you see it in putting the distance Is here for you to see that we got again 10 feet. Answer. And there we've outlined the entire first floor of our walls. 4. Creating 2nd Floor Walls: Okay, so now let's move over to our second floor over here, and we're going to do a similar method which we're gonna go back to your rectangle tool and let's go ahead and outline our building here, and we're going to create ah floor system first. And then we will create our walls. So let's go ahead and let's first, let's make sure this is a group it make group and let's open that group. Use a rectangle tool. Let's cut out some of these edges and it looks good so far, just delete that. Believe that. And then here I just turn off to F. I could see So I got a pretty clean outlined there, and it looks about right. So what I'm gonna do now it's escape out of that. Want to grab this? And I'm going to create a floor system that is one foot six inches deep. So I'm gonna type one foot six, and then I'm going to select that group. Use the push pull, tool, Grab this, drag my mouth up and we're gonna type one foot six, and that's going to be my floor system. So now I'm going to click this and hide it I don't need at the moment. And then now that's outlined our walls just like we did for the first floor. So that's double click. Open that group and let's go to the rectangle tool. And now let's just start outlining some of these areas. And as you can see, obviously this this plan is very preliminary plan. It's not been totally complete, but as you will see, you know, we don't need the complete the completed plan to kind of come up with that first sketch of the design for this house. So we're, aren't you? Yeah, they're means like that. So I just kind of see the spaces that were cutting out. Okay, we're almost done. And voila! There we have it. So let's turn off two f unless look a the extra lines where you want to get rid of using the eraser tool. And there we go and out for this floor system on the second floor. We're on going to make it nine foot. So when you click select select here and there's I could hit control, and instead of being on that grey side, we could talk about it to be white. Something type nine feet. Answer. And there we have our second floor, and I missed the wall here. Um, let's see. Now, here's a quick way we could fix that. So I'm gonna do is use the push pull tool. And I'm gonna grab this here. I'm gonna hit control key to unlock that it's actually create another surface and not just move. It's that's just using control. And then I'm going to make it a line up with this point here, and then I want to you select and drag it. There we go. And then I could use the eraser tool to clean this up. Okay, there we go. So now we have our second floor and our 1st 4 but we want to stack these on top of each other. So to do that, I'm going to click unhygienic that last floor system that we have there and let's turn on our one f two f layers. And one more thing I want to do is let's go in and hide these. I'm a select, um, right click. Um, hide and let's make this into individual group the second floor. I'm gonna select all that right click make group and let's go to edit. Cut it out and they announced unharmed everything. And let's pace that back in place. So now I can select everything without selecting all that. So I want to select this. And as you recall in AutoCAD, we moved it over 200 feet. So I'm gonna use, move and just grab a point. It doesn't matter where I grab and drag it. Just have to make sure I'm on that red access and to walk that in me, I have a quick and to lock that in. I could go. I could put the arrow key and let's type 200 feet enter. And now we are right aligned with it, and now I'm going to go up to Let's see, we'll just drag it up and it's come back down. And then there. We haven't lined up to where it was on our on account file. Now there's still some things that are not lining up, but that's because that's how it was in the cat fall. But we will correct that as we go further long in this model. So then we have our first and second floor plans stacked up. Okay, so let's go ahead and make these floors lineup to do that. I'm just going to double click, use the push pull tool, and we're gonna drag it and make sure we're lined up with our wall below. And we're just going to make all these matchup, and I believe that's it for our floor system. And now let's do the same for our walls here. And we're just going to worry about the exterior wall here. We're just gonna drag it. Is that push, pull tool, and we're gonna make a lineup. And there we go. All right, so now all our walls are lining up. 5. Hip Roof Build: Okay, so now let's add a root system to do that. I'm going to be using the Valley Architects plugging instant roof. If you've seen any my courses, you know that I've used this plug in a lot of times. It's a great plug in. I highly recommend it if you could get it. There is a little bit of a price for it, but it is a great plug in. So that is instant roof from value architects. There you can see the website right there. And so let's go ahead and let me show you how that works. So if I go to rectangle Tool, I'm going to go ahead and highlight the the outline of our roof here and let's go ahead and square off these spaces here and let's go ahead and triple click and make a group out of all this. Don't click to activate that group and let's delete some of these lines that we don't need , and I believe that is it. Okay, so does that line there together is okay to check that I could hide my walls underneath and make sure there is nothing else showing there. Okay, so this control z undo that. All right, so now I want to select the surface of that wall for that roof that we're gonna dio. And then we go over here to our instant roof Plug in. That's right here and going to click Make roof. And there is some presets already in here, so I'm going to go ahead and click here and I want to select. The style is going to be similar to the Italian Renaissance style, which see if I can find it. It's somewhere here, soffit with corporals that will actually work. OK, so let's go and click on that. And then I want to adjust some of the parameters here. So first I wanted to be a 6 12 roof and the overhang I wanted to be. I don't want it to be 18 inches. Go a little smarter than that. Let's go at 16 inches. The IV that gable. I don't really believe I'm gonna have any Gables, but let's just put that 12 the facial height. Let's make that six inches and let's make this only two inch trim piece there, and plum cuts often did. That is what I want, so that's good and the coral style. Let's look at the Korbel styles, and here we have The width of them is six inches. That death is six inches. Approximate spacing is three foot. Let's change that to 24 inches, which is two foot the insect. That's fine. And let's go to our style here, and we're gonna go with something fairly simple. Um, let's try this one here. That might work. So it's going to close that, and I think we're ready. So now we just click, make roof and, well, I there we have our roots is, um, very nice. But there's one thing I remember I wanted to do. I wanted to add a cornice piece there, So let's undo that mean back up. And then let's click here again. Let's go back to your parameters and everything is saved. Saved all everything we had there. But I want to add a cornice. So and I wanted to be a very simple cornice. So right here it's saying Cove one, and that's actually fine. I don't want it to be very detailed, but I'm going to make it really think is really I wanted to look like a freeze board almost so. It's coming out one foot, which is way too much. So let's just say two inches and you say five inches down. So now let's put again to make roof and there we go. Now we have a little corners piece there, almost looking like the freeze board. So I wish they had a freeze board option, which would be nice, but I think that looks good. So very nice. We have our root system in place. 6. Building Parapet Roofs: Okay, so now let's create our parapet wall here for our entry. And to do this 1st 1 want to do is like that group, and let's go ahead and use the rectangle tool to divide that. Just want to make a break right there. Because what I'm going to do is I'm going to extend this up 12 inches and then I'm going to use a little trick here to create a nice little cap on top of this. So I'm going to use the rectangle tool again. And let's use a select list to make this into a group double put. There's like that service and let's go to make Roof and would go to parameters. And here I've already practiced with this. So I did is I left everything the same, but in the cornice area, I selected a cornice. That's a lot more detail, which is this crown to, And then we changed the width of it to come out six inches and the depth at one foot two inch. So now I'm just gonna click make roof, and there we have our roof system. But of course it's gonna be a parapet, so I'm going to delete all these other pieces and it leaves me with this. Corn is here, so I'm gonna select this. Use the move. Command. Just grab that edge and that's going to lock in our access to move up here and we'll place it right there and let's come down. Maybe a couple inches has come down six inches and there we go. So now we have a nice cornice on top of our parapet wall. All right, so now our root systems are looking good and I have one more roof system here I need to add , so to do that, let's go over here. Let's come back here. Hit, make group and let's see. Well, probably something like that. I'm selecting those two lines. Let's click. Parameters make, actually, just go back. We need to change our cornice back to what we had before, which was Cove One and offset waas two inches, five inches and let's click make group. And there we have our roof system right there. Okay, so we have our roof systems in place. Now let's move on to the next step. And if you want to add some of the routes to the back here. We can do that as well. Again. I'm not going to be focusing much on the back here, But if we get an angle where we see some of this, we may want Teoh. So some of that someone to do is, um I'm gonna click make group, and we're gonna use this roof plugging again and just click Big roof. Okay, so there would kind of see that covering that up. And then we'll do the same here in the back, and I'll just draw something like this. Make group. We'll delete that little piece there. I want to select this line here. So what I'm doing is let me hide Distinct, kind of see, selecting this end line and the surface. So basically, what I do that it tells this to make this a gable and not a ive. So we select those two and I say, make group and there we go. All right, so now it's going unhygienic. Last. There we go. So now we can kind of see what's going on beyond their If we kind of took a little angle. Look at it and we have ours there as well. Okay, so let's move on to the next step 7. Adding Window & Door Openings: Okay, so let's start creating some window and door openings. So to do that, let's first Haidar Slab. So it's right. Click hide. And then we're going to look underneath our house where we can see our floor plans. So now I want to do is I'm gonna double click to open this group of my first floor walls, and we're going to start cutting out some windows spaces. So we use a rectangle tool, and when it just click here, click here for this opening here front door. When do here and we'll go and do the side window and for our garages as well. Okay. And I guess we go and get this one as well. All right, so now all we want to do now is want to use the push pull tool, and we're going to start off at eight foot. It was gonna double click to repeat that spacing, so that's kind of a trick. You just double click, and it'll repeat your previous distance that you input it. Okay. And right here did not cut all the way through. So all I'm going to do is you push pool and come all the way out like that. And I believe it. Do the same thing here for our entry door. So we're selecting their coming all the way out endless going to leave this. So you kind of see what's going on. Okay. All right. So there we have our 1st 4 windows and door openings is going to push this out here. We still need to make a few modifications. So this one I'm just going to make to a six foot window. So I'm going to grab from this eight foot height, which is the header height hit control. To make that add a division, there have been six feet, and they're going to use the push pull command, and then you can see how is it creating that line? If I can't control it kind of stops that line, and it cleans it up almost automatically there. So works most of the time. Sometimes it doesn't work. You have to race it manually. But if you can get it to clean up automatically, that will save you a little bit of time. Right? So here again, we're gonna make this a six foot window. Hit that control six foot. He control again. They were gonna push this, too, until it reaches that face and quick, and then it just automatically cleans that up. See, here you didn't clean that up there for some reason, but you just erase that really quick. And then here we have a couple extra lines that we don't need. And this will be for our garage doors, and we're gonna delete some of these services. Well, and there we go. So now we have our openings for our first floor windows. And let's add a little bit more detail to that. Okay, So for this window here, let's make this into a elliptical style window. So to do that, I'm going to first, let's make this lineup, You see, if I could get that happened right? There we go. So just grab this and make it line up with that piece there, and then what we're going to do is let's clean up some of that first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to offset a line, let's say four inches and then we're going to create an arch. So I'm going to use a two point arc. And then when I click this here you see decides I want it to be pretty smooth. So I'm gonna increase the amount of sides to, let's say, 40. And then when the click, one edge to the other. And there we have a arch there. But I wanted to be elliptical. So So what I want to do now is I'm gonna click a point. Um, let's say about here. They want to drag it about where he hits that, that when it turns magenta color and let's click there and let's see if that looks. Katie, I mean, actually, I mean, I'm going to get more of arch on it, so let's undo that. Let's come back down a few more inches. Um, we came down for Let's try six inches, two inches, Mawr. Let's create that arch again. Okay, And then let's come down. Let's say another, um, 12 inches. Let's see how that works. Then we're gonna create our arch again and see if we get final point at my work. Okay, so now it's delete some of this to see what that looks like for far away looks a little better, and let's not delete all that yet. So what? I want to do now is I want a copy this and bring it over to the other end. So I want to do is click here. Use the move command, and it's going to just bring this over here real quick, and I'm going to flip it by right clicking. Flip along red direction and they're flips and they're gonna grab the bottom and just make it line up right there. And there we have, um, it's a symmetrical parts there. Elliptical arch, actually. And then with delete, clean some of that up and there we have elliptical arch for our window. Okay, so now let's do the same thing for our parapet entry here and remain good and open that up and let's come down first. Let's go 40 cheese. Since this is a smaller opening here, let's go for and then eight. So now is use the arts command to Point Hark, you will come up there and now let's go down here and actually let's go down a foot. I think it's, uh, too low there. So I went out four more inches and let's use this Ah, to point our tool and about their let's delete this and let's bring this over to the other side. So use the move command, and it's going to flip it. All right, Let's see. We could bring this right back there and there we go. All right, so now let's use the push pool and clean some of that up, Okay? Now we have our elliptical entry as well. Okay, so we're also gonna do this for our front door. So let's see if we can use those same Kremer's. We went down four inches and down a foot. Then let's use this arch command and just pick a point there, all right? And that's come across here. Let's flip it. And there we go. Says you used push pull to clean it up. Really? Some of these at your lines. And there we go. So now we have our opening for our parapet, and then we have our door. OK, so this one will keep the same and these as well. So now let's move on to the upstairs windows. Okay, so now let's add some windows upstairs. So to do that and use the pencil line and we're going, Teoh, basically come off the center point of this window here, which should be the center point over a wall. But I just wanted you do like this just to make sure. And let's make sure we are in the upstairs walk group and we're gonna click here, and we're gonna come up this lock that access, come up seven feet and basically make these free foot by five foot windows, locking them access five foot and come across there. And we're gonna make this a double window. So I'm going to use the move. Command, grab that corner. Use control to make a copy and come right there. All right, so now what I'm going to do is let's draw some center lines here. So this is going to come off the sensor of this door. You're gonna have a window directly above that, and we'll have a window directly above here. And there will also have some windows directly above our garage Is are drugs doors. Okay, so what I'm gonna do now is it looks like both of these services use the move. Command, grab that point. Use control your copy and lining up there, and let's make sure we got this selected in the correct spot, which I think I selected a wrong one there. So let's back up. So I need to make sure I'm selecting the same height right there, and it should be along this line here. Right there is the intersection that I want. Okay. Now, these are gonna be a little different over the garage. They're just gonna be single windows, so let's get the center point. It's gonna be right there, so we're gonna grab it. Use the move, Command. We're gonna select that kind of the base point. Use control to make a copy. Come right there. Compress. There we go. Okay. So now it's used the push pull tool to cut out or windows. So I'm gonna push pull two hits on face and just double click. And here at the push, these. There we go. All right. That's the league. Excuse me. Was leaked some of these extra lines. I want to keep your drawing as clean as possible. The more lines, the more complex and messy you're drawing, could get. So try to make that a habit to always clean up your lines. Okay, so there we go. Now we have our openings for windows and doors for the front of our house. 8. Creating Windows: All right, so let's create some windows. So first we'll start with this elliptical window here. So to do that, let's open this group and use the pencil tool to create a surface out of this opening. And now this used the select double click to make a group and let's right Click Make Group . And then let's cut it out of this group that were in to do that. Just gonna get a cut and I'm gonna is escaped out of everything and hit paste in place. So now our group is by itself. So it's double click Now we're in that window and let's offset and we're gonna come off the edge here and come off 1.25 inches. Answer. And then let's create some divisions. So I'm gonna go straight down the midpoint here to the center and then in a sensor here, center across there, center there, and then we're gonna do another division across the center of that half asses. Well, let's make sure we break through there. He's a race tool. Race that little extra piece and then let's just bring these lines across and come off here , okay, so now the next thing I want to do is use, um, the offset command again to create some depth to these divisions. So we're seem to click inside and we're gonna come in 0.5 inches and just double click to repeat that dimension. Keep going. Okay. Now use the eraser tool. We're gonna erase some of these lines in between that we don't need anymore. Okay, So now let's use the push pull to create some depth to this and let's go four inches, and then we will go two inches. Let's see if I did that right back up four inches and then has come out two inches and then will come 1.5 for a windowpane and just double click to repeat that on all of these. Okay, now that's going to look at the back of this, and then we're going to come out two inches. Actually, that's too much. Let's go back, line it up with that face, and that will come out 0.5 inches. And I think that's good. Okay. Now, the only other thing I want to do now is I want to add some window glass material to these , so we're gonna go to our material window here and let's select glass. And I'm just going to use this translucent glass gray and I'm gonna select each windowpane . And there we go. All right, so this escape out of it, select it. Use the move. Command, select a corner. Let's line it up with the edge, and then we're gonna push it in. Make sure you're locked into that green access five inches. So it's kind of set inside that that window opening. All right, so there we have created our, uh, elliptical window. Okay, so now let's create our elliptical door. Gonna use pretty much the same method. We're going to get into that group, and they were going to select certain the line there. We're gonna make a line and create that surface. So it's, uh, right. Click or double click. And we're going to make this into a group, and then we're going to edit, cut it out of that wall group escape, and then we're gonna hit paste in place. And there we have our window or door by itself. So let's go ahead and double click there and again, we're gonna do the same thing. We're gonna offset 1.25 inches. And then we're gonna create some divisions here and just going Teoh, make sure it goes all the way through. And when it looks dark like that, that's when you could tell. It may have not gone all the way through. And let's see, well, something is not right. Let's try this again. So we're gonna select a set midpoint. There we go. Okay, And then we're going to create some divisions. And this will just have four divisions similar to the window here. And this is basically going to be kind of a steel frame, window and door. Look on this house, something a little bit more modern and offset, and it's easy. Race command. Let's he raised these extra lines, and now it's used to push pool. So let's come out. Will come out, will do the same thing four inches for two inches in that 1.5. Just double click to repeat that, and it's going to look around the back of it and use a control, the toggle toggle that control to come to the edge and then let's come out again. Another 0.5 inches. And then let's use the materials to add glass material to all of our openings here. And one other thing I want to do here because this is the door we need a space for to handle. So I'm going to come off this area here and type four inches, and we'll do that on the back side, too. Four inches. So we can add the handle there later if we want. Okay, so there we have our steel door opening, and that was good. So now this move on to our other windows. Okay. Now, the rest of these windows, since they're not ellipticals or arches, are going to be a little bit easier to do. So let's go ahead and use the rectangle tool can. It's great square off area here. Let's go ahead, double click and make this into a group. Open that group up and they're gonna divide it into two. And I'm gonna delete all this exercise. I just didn't want to do one side, so I could just copy these over and let's go ahead and offset 1.25 inches. And then I'm going to use a rectangle tool. Um, to make those divisions okay, allows offset 0.5 inches. All right issues the eraser tool to erase those lines in between. And let's do the same thing. Will come out four inches, two inches and will say 15 Come around back here, do the same thing. Come to the edge, come out half an inch. Then let's add that glass material escape out of that and let's go ahead and move it back into place. And another thing I want to do here is I'm going to make this into a component. So Allied ism, right clicking make component. And we'll call this our 30 no. And now I want to do is make a copy of it. Something used. Move, command scrap here to corner. Hey, Control to make a copy. And there we go. So now if I ever want to change this is going to change both at the same time because they are components. So now let's move on to upstairs and we're basically repeat very similar process. So use the rectangle tool here to the end, make a group double click, and let's offset 1.25 inches. Now for this, we're only gonna have three divisions. So I want to do here is gonna select this line right click divide into three parts, and I want to see those points. So I'm gonna do is go to styles and it and here was as endpoints. Let's change this value to, let's say, four and then we'll just get out of that click over here and now we can see where we made those lines. So let's use the line tool. We'll divide that and this used offset here 2.5 and it's going race some of this again. We use the same values that we did before we go four inches, two inches and 1.5 and then we'll come around the back here There are five inches and use the materials as a glass. He's all right. So now let's move this back into place. Move toe. Let's pick that corner and he will come back here and let's come back in five inches and I'm gonna also make this one into a component right click make component, and we'll call this our 3050 window create and let's make a copy. And there we have our window there, so Now it's good. And copy some of these and we'll bring them over here, and I'm just gonna grab one of them to a control room in copy and bring me to this area. We'll just push these in two inches. Um, and grab that corner. There we go. OK, now we got our upstairs windows. I'm just gonna do a different window here instead of to several windows. We're gonna make this one into one hole window. So we're gonna do is click here. That's a double click. Make group offsets 1.25 and that's going to make some divisions. And we're gonna do the same thing. Going to go divide by three and then let's just keep going. IHS Offset 0.5 Eraser tool and they will do the same thing. Kind of went out four inches. Two inches on 15 Still quick to repeat. Come around the back here, line it up and come back out. 0.5 inches. Backed up and materials. Okay, Now let's put it into place. Use the move tool. Grab the corner stops and grab it. Pushed in five inches and there we have our window above our entry so basically what it is that these end up being casement windows. You could possibly open up, and this is would be a fixed window. And we can remove our style where we have those end points. You want to look cleaner. There we go. All right, so now we have our windows and doors in place. 9. Adding Architectural Detail: Okay, so let's add a little bit of architectural detail to this model. So first, let's start with a silk piece for our windows. So I'm going to use the pencil tool and let's draw a line down five inches and this has come out one inch and it's a square. This offer now, and we're gonna create a still piece with a little bit of character to it. So we're going Teoh, I had a little bit of a curve to it, and we'll come down, see? Maybe about there. Okay. All right. Okay. So now what I want to do is make sure this is a group, and then let's draw a line here and to their So now I'm gonna use is the follow me tool Go tools. Follow me and just click here on the surface and just drag it along the line here and around the corner there. And then let's do the same Here, click here. Gonna drag it along and there and it lead that service there. That's okay. We just draw a line here, and it recreates that we have the same issue on this side. Just add another line and we could delete this piece in the middle. We like to, and that's going to reverse that surface. And there we go. So now we have are still detail there. Let's go ahead and make this into component, and we'll call this our still and let's go and copy this to our other windows. So just grab that corner control to make your copy and this dragons to each one of the areas here and we'll drag here now what we wanted to hear because I made this is component . Let's go click, make unique, and we'll drag this, See what? You grab that point, and I think that's about right. Let's make a copy. Just grab a mid mid point here to midpoint, and there we go. So now we have our upstairs sills in place. So now let's create some more detail around our arts opening down here. So for this, we're gonna go with a little bit of a larger detail. Let's go try eight inches. Let's just try that again. Eight inches and let's come out two inches. Go ahead and create our group double. Click that and let's go out and make some divisions here. Um, I was just going Teoh visually do this will just create offset here and come in a little further with it. And let's go ahead and make some curves to it. Let's see if we can do this here. Okay, Let's see what that looks like if we bring this around our model. So I'm gonna critic rectangle. Actually, another way we can do this is let's, um, slick these lines in the group, so we need to make sure that it goes all the way through. So there's a little bit tricky here. Make sure it grabs all the lines and we're gonna edit copy. They were to come back into this group and it it paste in place. And now, while they're all selected, I'm going to hit tools, follow me and just click Once here and there it went all the way around there. Okay, so let's double click that and it's gonna soft in edges. Make that not so soft. Maybe see some of those divisions little better. Um, okay, so I got a little bit of detail there. Actually, I think is a little too smooth. So let's add a little bit more character to that. So it's back up and let's go here and, you know, good and create another division here, and that's good and create, Arch. There we go. And again, it's all gonna depend on the type of actual material are trim pieces that you get, but this is a good start. Okay, so it's double click, and I'm going to de select everything here, and they're now going to go to tools. Follow me and let's see. There it goes. Okay. Yeah, it's a little better. A little bit more character to it. All right, So let's use that same profile for our entry here. So we're gonna do is double click. And I'm gonna grab this and go to move, and we're gonna copy over here. And because this is our entry opening, I'm gonna add this. I'm gonna make this piece. Let's go two inches. Yeah, that might be fun. Let's just leave it two inches larger and let's go ahead and select our lives here, and we're going Teoh at a copy and go here, and that's great. And edit paste in place. And then we're gonna use tools, follow me. And then because they were already selected. I just need to click once. And it didn't work with John again. Let's go use the track command, and I believe I missed a spot there. That's why it's not connecting. So let's go in and add that connection, okay? And actually, let's back up. Let's go to Let's get in that group and this backup. If you had created that, all right, well, maybe we will have to draw. So let's draw lit from one point to the other. And let's see if we get its connect. Now, let's use follow me. Grab that, scratch that surface. All right, Now it's doing it. Just follow along that line and again I missed. Missed that one there. Let's go in and draw that before we continue. Okay, so now I actually could do this. I could select all my lines and this might work. Let's just go. Your tools follow me. There we go. OK, so now it's delete that connection there. And there we go. When we get smoothing this out so we don't see so many lines. Just click over here in your soft and edges tool, and we can reverse this face as well. If you want just for visual purposes? All right, so looking good. We're probably gonna worry about the one inside there from now, But let's keep moving forward. I want to create a trim piece above this door here. So this is gonna be a crown piece. We can actually probably use um, one here. We wanted Teoh, and, uh, let's see. So So that were consistent. Let's use that. So I'm gonna do is when they open up in here so that we are in that group and I'm going to draw a box here because I'm gonna actually with with you like this, it's gonna hear drawn line. Come down, make sure we're going down. Okay, so now I want to select all these and click intersection with faces, and we believe that. Okay, so now I'm going to select that. And now I got my profile. All right. The only thing is, I don't need to be this large, so I'm gonna cut off about half of it there, that bottom piece. So let's Italy all of that. Okay, then let's go ahead and make this into its own group. It made group and let's cut it out of that. This group here and was going to paste in place. Okay. All right. So now we want to do is this draw line was? Come out one inch. Come all the way to the edge. This line it up here their corner, and we use the block, the block access to get there and come back down. Okay, So now issues follow me, and we can draw that in. And there we go. Now we have a nice cornice are crown piece above our door, and we can make this smoother, so we don't see so many lines. There we go. Okay, so now we just need to add a couple more above our garage area for that will use this profile again. So is good. And grab that scribe the edge, and let's come over here to our garage. Let's go ahead and cut it out from our other windows. So let's make it into its own group. Hit, paste up. Make sure out of on groups pace in place and this right click make group. And then let's draw some lines here. So basically the creative path for it to follow and we'll go ahead and select called these three lines tools follow me. And there we dio and let's see, smoothing it out. And now we can just copy this on the other side here, and they are overlapping a bit here, So we can possibly, uh what we could do to fix this is less Click both of these hit make group double click, and let's explode him. And then we'll just make this into one big peace. Ah, just draw a line here to remake that. Well, it's not wanting me to delete that, but that's okay. We could leave that piece there, and there is all connecting and looking. Okay. All right, There we go. So now we've added a little bit more detail and lost much room there already. Added that I'm not sure what happened there. There we go. Okay, Now we have our architectural trim in place. Okay, so let's also add a crown trim here. So I'm gonna do is draw profile, Justin drawn line up here five inches and let's come out three inches going to square this off and going to come down and in. And that an inch in won't do the same thing here. will come an inch inch actually coming two inches and let's go ahead and make are actually come about here, uh, about there, and let's go ahead and we'll make a little bit of, Ah, a curve there and let's see what this looks like. It's our profile, and actually, I want to create a little more detail than that. So let's go back. Let's go create a little bit more offsets here. Okay? So let's see if we did something that's good right there and then we'll create a little bump out here, actually. Come about there. There we go. All right, all right. A little more interesting. And let's see what happens now. 40. Let's make this into a group, and then I will destroy line from the edge to the other edge. And let's use the Follow me tool and basically fall a lot of the line there, and we'll do the same on this end. There we go. Okay. It's gonna delete this right there. Clean that up. Okay, there we go. We have, ah, crown molding on top of there. So let's go and copy this to the other areas over here, and we'll reduce it down over here. Just make a copy to there and there we go. All right, so now we have some crown pieces above or windows as well. 10. Adding Site Landscaping: Okay, so now let's work on our landscaping a little bit. So that's a no hide. Our slab it was going to make that active are active group and is going to draw a line around the perimeter of our lot pretty large lot. Okay, so there we have it going down that's going to bring it down quite a bit. Go down. Six Cops are six feet not inches, six feet and should be connecting to here, and it is Okay, So a couple things you want to do is you want to add a driveway into here, So I'm going to draw a line from the edge over here and come kind of straight out with it, and we'll do the same on this end, and it's actually going to have to stop at a certain point. So we'll come out to line up with our wall here, and I'm using the arrow keys to lock in the access, make it line up there and will come compare little to this line and just throw line No one there. And that will be our driveway coming into here. And let's add a last great wall here and there's a window there that I need to ask. I'll do that as well. Um, actually, you know what? Let's go ahead and get rid of this window for now. Do the same. One decide. Since we're not gonna be focusing on the sides right now. Okay, so now this is double click here, and we're going to make a Lasky wall before you actually just come down two inches. I think just one inch one is down for our ground. And then now let's work on a landscape wall. Bring this all the way up to connects. Here, picture we get that right. Okay. And then will come out eight inches, right to the end point. There you go. Okay. So for this landscape wall, first let's come up for feet. And then let's break it in half and would come up another two feet. All right, so what I want to do here that wants you created on Arch. Welcome about center. Actually, let's go a little further than next. I wanted to kind of look a little smooth coming up here, and we'll add a little curve right there as well. Okay, so let's go include or erase that and push this through. Put this on through there. All right, so there we have a little bit nice detail and actually, I'm gonna make it a little lower. Looks a little tall, so let's go back down. One more foot. Who's click? Uh, Corner. Let's try this. Get don't click. Select all that used the move Command, Grab a corner And then it's locked in our hero and our access. And let's go down 12 inches. Okay, that looks a little bit better proportion wise, and we'll also continue this wall around this side. So first, let's make this into a group. So if I select here and I think I messed something up here, let's back up. Yeah, so you gotta be careful when you're when you're stretching things. First, let's make this into a group before I modify it. That's why groups are so important. Let's say it make group and then let's go in and cut it out. And then let's go to paste in place. Now that's double click. So now we're only affecting things inside this group, so used to move command We'll grab the edge from about 12 inches and then let's use the push pull tool. Let's come all the way across our driveway here, lines up there and then has come out another, uh, go four feet and then let's push pool and get rid of the spot in between there. Let's make sure it's going all the way down. Okay, All right, There we go. So now we have our landscape walls there. The only thing I want to add is I want to add a little bit of a cap on this as well. So let's go ahead and the straw, a little cap to grab around. And to do that, make sure we're in there. Okay, so we're gonna go around here. Let's go three inches and, uh, out of inch. Let's go ahead and make a rectangle out of that. Then there's going to be pretty simple. Cap seem to come around here. Let's go there. Two point arc. There we go. There's something simple like that. And then next thing you do is use the Follow me tool click here. It just dragged along. There we go, and we could probably draw some lines here, or we could just use the push pull to connect that. And there we go. So we have a nice cap around it. Um, let me go in and grab this to bring it across to the other side. Here, do the same thing. Then we will go around here and what we do here is going. It's tools. Follow me and let's see if we can, uh, let's make this into a group that's cut it paste in place. All right, let's delete the surface, select everything, then de select the actual profile that we want use. Follow me and just select the surface. There we go. Okay, Very nice. Now we have our landscape wall there as well. Okay, so let's keep on adding details. Who are lot here. So I'm gonna grab this, and it's going to push this out a little bit further. Let's go Go. 50 feet might be too much. Let's go 25 feet. And what we do is create this division here where the street begins. We use the Arch Command and just, uh, matched that line there and we're going to leave groups. Uh, don't do that. And, uh, we'll draw this line. The reason why is doing that is because this is offset a foot. So let's draw a line here and was gonna break that Riggio. And then I believe we can erase it. There we go, all right, and we can offset. This is well, but first, let's go and extend us out because it is going to be the street connection. So go out just a little bit further. Just Alleluia context, and we'll offset six inches. Give it a little bit of a curb, and I like to do is just come down on inch another INGE, another age. Kind of like it's coming down. Just show that's not completely flushed with Street. And then now let's add some some steps, some concrete steps coming up to this. So what I want to do is a strong line, and I'm gonna shut off the lot layers and all these layers. So I'm not getting those confused. So first, I mean, uh, escape out here. Okay, let's click there. Let's make this match up. Actually, let's go out to here and let's go out, um, four foot six inches and we'll race that and has come back in for foot and we'll go ahead and erase that little connection. There have these be floating steps or papers. It's going to copy another one, and then I'm gonna shrink him down to line up with this opening. So we don't have so much concrete. Okay, it's about there. Then let's go ahead and let's see. Actually, I want a little too small for has come out a little bit more. Maybe a foot on each side. That's better. And now this. Copy these over using the control of your copy, and then I can I can hit x six, and it just made six extra copies. Someone believe these extra ones and I will leave that like that. And there we go. Now we have our papers coming up to our house, have a driveway and our luck. So that looks good. So far, I think I could leave the wrist as it is there. I think we could work around some of that. So looking good. One thing I want to dress is you can see how there's a flickering going on because we have some surfaces overlapping. So what I'm gonna do is let's go ahead and click some of this and hide it and I'm going to click into my war group. And I'm just going to offset my floor system just by, like, 0.1 inch so that they're not directly on top of each other. So now you can see it's not flickering. Okay, so that is much better. And let's see, I think I have something going on here and want to leave that one there. Okay? I think we're good. All right. So let's move on to the next part that's going on. Hide our windows that we hid. There we go. All right, so now we don't have that flickering. Very good. 11. Adding Roof Tiles, Gutters and Downspouts: Okay, so now let's add a tile roof to this house. To do that, I'm going to use the instant roof plugging again. But before I do that, I'm going to add a texture to here. So let's go ahead and use the paint bucket tool, and I'm going to just select any color. Doesn't really matter what color are. Start with. I'm going to create a custom material someone go to edit and then go to hear this folder and select a tile roof that I have. And here I have one here, and if you're looking for textures, you can also visit the texture club or just Google textures or roof tile textures, and you could find lots of different styles that you can possibly use. So here I have this and I have it set to 12 foot by 12 foot, which is a good size for my house model here. So that's going to rename. This will call this, uh, our play style, and then let's go to our roof over here to select all those layers. There basically all the services of the roof. Let's go to roof details, and here we are in the mission style s, I believe right there. Okay, that's it. And then we go to parameters. So we want to make sure our materials are selected and we go to play tile roof. And then here we see the parameters. We have a number of lines. 12 um, the roofing and illegal that it's set to mission tile. That's good. Gutters. I selected this half round gutter and its five by five inches, so that's good. And we're gonna go ahead and click. Add details. Just give it a second. Calculating up over there. And there we go. So we have our tile roof. Um, the only thing I need to change is my gutters here. So I'm gonna give this a different color and just give it whatever color is I'm gonna modify it, edit and maybe give it a little bit of brown. Look to it a little bit more earthy tone. Uh, score up there. Maybe maybe talking it up slightly. Okay, so there we have our clay tile roof. Very nice. And let's also add our clay tile roof to this one here, so I'm just gonna triple click to get all that selected. Go to roof. Details add details. And there we go. Match the gutter color. Here. Let's go around years. That's we might see some of these. We're going to add the roof detailed to that as well around here. All right. Okay. Very good. So we have our tile roof in our model. Okay, so let's go on and add a little bit more details to our drawing here. Once add these lanterns to the back side over here. So I click this and we got it to our garage over here. Yeah. And think about the center will pop this over here on this side, too. And now that we have our gutters, we can actually add some down spouse. Now, for the downspouts, you could go to three warehouse again. And if we type in down spouts, you can find downspout similar to the one that I'm gonna put in this model that has a catch box in it. That kind of matches more with this style. So But what I'm gonna do is I'm already created and modified some on my own, so I'm going to use some of those toe have here and here I have one that I've selected already, So I'm going to go in and copy this and it's going and paste it into our drawing. And I want to make sure that this strap here is connecting to my wall. And then when she kind of a line it up, let's go ahead and grab. This is kind of a line it a little bit off the wall there. Now you see, it's not connecting to the gutter. So what I want to do is I'm going to just use this scale command to stretch it to where it gets under the actual gutter. So that's about right there, and I'm just going to use this move to kind of get in there, and I think that works so without distorting it too much. I think it's pretty safe to do that, especially when you're just trying to get that front image. You're not gonna notice something that's maybe just stretched slightly, so just a quick way to get your renderings out very fast. Okay, so let's go in and copy these US. Add these in our drawing. Maybe put one on this other edge. I'm going to grab it, click on the edge then drag it back in place over here. Grab that edge as well, and I don't know if I want to put it there. I'm not sure if it'll work. It won't work because I my my lantern there may be, Let's see if I could fit him in somehow. I guess it probably fitted right next to it. I'll be a little tight. I may change my mind on that, but I'll leave it there for now. Can let's add one more on this side over here and let's see if we have kind of making about the same distance away from the edge each. So let's see what we have here. Use the measure tool to measure here to the edge. So we have about one foot 1 17 7 16 and one foot. Yeah, so pretty, pretty close. Well, we wanted to get accurate. I could just go click here. Let's get lined up right on it, and then we'll come over 12 inches that we're pretty much right on it. And if I want to match the color of the gutter, could use that same color that I've been in and just select each one of those. And there we go. So just adds a little bit more character to our model 12. Adding a Porch Lantern: Okay, so now let's add a lantern to our entry here. Now, to do this, you can go to three D warehouse and do a search for lanterns. And you can see they have a large variety that you can choose from actually created one, which I'm going to use for this, which I will give you access to as well. And the resource is for this course. So I'm gonna open that up now, which I have right here this hanging lantern. And I'm just gonna edit copy and paste this into my drawing and hit paste. Just pop it anywhere, and let's rotate it. Just click anywhere to rotate and doesn't really matter where you go. Just hit 90 degrees. Use the move. Command, grab the edge and that's going and center this up in this space right here. So to do that, let's get under here. Get right there to the midpoint and right up there. I think that's right. And let's come up. Let's try 70 six inches. Their, um Let's come back down 12 inches. That looks better. Okay, so now is copy this to your side. There we go. All right. And the reason why it has that, um, that orange or yellow little light there is because I'm going. Teoh, modify that when I get see, rendering it. So I want that to be there. Okay. All right. So looking good. I'm gonna add a little bit more detail. Want to ask the gutters with downspouts, But before I do that, let's create part tile roof. 13. Adding Textures in SketchUp: Okay, so now let's add some materials to this model. Let's start over here with our garage, the words. So I'm gonna add a wood texture to this. I'm just gonna start over here and materials just with a generic color to see, um, this ad right here. But it is plus button to create our own material. And we are going to go ahead and say We'll call this our would once a garage. I would and then was goods and materials here, and I'll go to you. This is my own material library here. And let's go to wood, and we'll pick one of these woods. We'll try this one of your dark wood, and this guy didn't make it quite a bit larger. Um, actually, not that large. Let's go six foot. And that's going to modify this because that scale is not quite right. So I'm going to go in and unlock the, um, the increments here, and I'm gonna hit nine foot for the length of it. And what changes the say three foot? Um, let's go to make it a little smaller. Looks a bit. See small. I have to foot six. Okay, so Let's go to a movie into positions. I'm gonna right click position, and I can just click and drag it and just get it about right on. And I could stretch it out here. I could change the scale here is well, by clicking and dragging so quick there. And I think that works. It's going to change the color just slightly. Make sure have it selected. There it goes. Okay, it will go and apply that same material here. Use that. I dropped tool to the selected and apply the material on this next one there. Okay, so there we have our garage door textures. Okay, So now let's work on our walls. So again, we're going to start with the generic texture. Here. Let's go to, um, our own materials. And if you need to find I'm his hero, you can always visit the Sketch Up Texture club, which they have lots of different textures. Here. You could go toe architectural under textures, and you could download a lot of these materials for free. And they even have some premium materials. Somehow higher resolution ones that you can get. You just have Teoh become a member. You do have to pay for that. But they do have a lot of free resource is available, and you can always go to Google and just type in, uh, texture, a seamless texture. And you can get a large variety of textures. So lots of ways to get nice textures for your models, and it really does make a big difference. So let's go over here. Let's go to wallcoverings. And I believe I have a sticker right here so quick on this one. And, uh, make it two foot and I'm just gonna apply it, see my model. And even though I'm not really selling that color, I could adjust it here, kind of lightening up a bit, not make it so yellow right there. I don't really kind of want it off white color. So that's that might be OK for now and then for my windows. I'm gonna go with the dark color so I'll just go to colors and we'll go with a We'll start with a brown and we'll make that almost into a bronze look. So someone around there it's actually not too bad, making a little darker. All right, so it's going. Apply this to all of our windows and doors. Okay, Now let's apply a concrete finished to our trend pieces. So again, this is gonna be a custom material. So it doesn't matter what color I select. Does he create material and let's go Here, let me go to materials concrete. And here I have one right here. I like to use and let's go ahead and make it quite larger. There's a pretty big material, if I recall. Yeah, it was good and click here and I can adjust the color so somewhere, maybe around there, we'll start with there for now. Well, just apply this to all of our trim pieces and I don't want the whole thing. I just want this top piece to be. We need to make this into a group. I would do the same thing here and missed a couple pieces, okay? And we're going and are our freeze more than we had appear. We'll go ahead and still going on and that this color to their and actually will do this to our face of board as well. Just this kind of color. And I think for the these pieces I want to go with a lighter brown. So let's go with a color and we'll just start with just a random color in the beginning. And then we'll just modify it where we want. Maybe some around there. We don't want it. Teoh Stick out too much, Okay? And I don't know if I like this piece being that color. So let's maybe go with the stucco color, See how that comes out all right, we'll leave it like that from now and so not looking Too bad. All right, so let's add a couple more details. I want to add some curtains to my windows here, so let's do that next. And to do that, going to go to file import. And again, this is, ah, some currents that I have you just in the past. So go here and just insert a schedule model into my drawing that was gonna click here to these drapes, Click Import, and I'll just pick a point in my model. They are just going to drag it out, and I'm going to size him up her window. So just used the scale command and just kind of come over around about there. Make sure I kind of have it about centered into the room. Just make sure it kind of visually looks right. Where is that? And let's go ahead and add these to these other windows and doors. It's probably around there. I need to push it in. All right, just grab control point here. And these are gonna be a little different because these air smaller windows, let's bring it out again and resize it with our scale command. And I'm grabbing the sensor of these because it really doesn't matter which one of these great points you grab here. It kind of moves the in proportion horizontally. Same thing with the middle one vertically. It's it's kind of keeps it all, you know, in proportion here. It'll just scale it up and down. And then if you grab these and just kind of stretch is kind of weird, and so I always usually grab the center Great points here, and that looks like it might work. Let's just push it inside. And there we go. So now we have some, um, drapes and our windows get a little death, you know, a little bit more of a realistic look. They need apply to stucco texture to these walls and me to live the same materials to these . And Okay, there we go. Um, for my lanterns, I'm also going to use the same material as the windows. All right. And what's going to set this door inside? I think we forgot to do that. You may have done it. I forgot it, though. I'm sorry about that. Let's go all the way back five inches. And one thing I'm also gonna do isn't going to change of interior of this to match the color of my trim instead of just a stucker color. Kind of makes it look like a big cast own piece. And let's change the color of it. Looks a little bit Teoh. Too dark. Well, there, try that. Okay, so it's looking good. Um, need to add some concrete to our floor over here, So let's go to concrete, and we'll just go with a polished concrete, then on here added to our curb as well. And actually just gonna add it to the rest of mine detectives there, and then I'm going to change this here to a road texture. So I'm gonna go to colors just create a new texture over here, Go to roads and here's an asphalt road. Have again these most of these I've gotten from Schedule Texture Club and that looks good to me. I'll just going to leave it like that. You're not gonna be seen too much of that. When I do the render view, we're going to kind of get up close to it, so you may not even see some of that. Okay, so that looks pretty good. At this point, we can bring it into our rendering software, which is I'm going to be using Lumi on. One more thing I'm gonna do is at four. System are four material. So this hardness and going to click here and we're going to create our own floors for material and I go back to would would textures and we'll just select a wood tile or wood flooring. Um, I want to do something like this for now and changed the size of it quite a bit. Okay, that looks good. That color's find to I think that's good. One more thing I need to change is my ceilings. Just because when I get the rendering, I know it's gonna be an issue. Something going to hide my roof. And here you can see I don't have any ceilings on these. So I'm gonna select that group, and I'm gonna draw some lines to just create some roofs and drawing over here as well. And because if I leave this on, is going to intersect with the roof from the instant roof program. So I would like to do is, like the offset it down a couple inches. And there we go. OK, so those are the only groups I'm going to see from inside my model here. So it's going on hide. There we go. All right. So I think we are ready to bring it into a rendering program. So I'm good. Let's save it and get ready to import into Let me on 14. Importing and Editing in Lumion 10 : Let's open up, loony on 10. Now, we will start with a new file, and I'm just going to start with a plane template. Okay, so let's insert our cat file to do that. We're going Teoh in fort and we will go to where our file is and see if we could get in quick access. There it is open, and I'll just put it under my models category. Click. OK, okay. So I'm just gonna put it anywhere and let's go ahead, and I'm gonna use the move or the select command, and we're going to raise it up a bit, so it's not right on the existing ground. Our model is slightly above there. Okay, so there we have our model. Now we want to add some landscaping around it because I'm gonna go over here to nature and let's see, give it a second or two place nature, and I'm gonna go to clusters first because we never want to see an empty horizon like that . That's just not realistic. Um, so we'll go to this one broadleaf Plus, they're just gonna place it around our model. You don't want to get too close. Yeah, Well, kind of put off some of the the home there, the property, another home. But I kind of get a little further back with it, in case you want to get, um, a view from further of our home. I don't want to run into trees with my camera view, so all right now it's looking closer and that already looks better. It looks more realistic, a little bit more personal, so let's go ahead and we'll add a real sky effect to it. Just go to is clear, and that's going to change the direction of our son. Yeah, we'll leave it about there for now. And let's go ahead and change our glass material. And here is, well, make it a clear glass and then here when you select here. If you go here to landscape, it'll turn it into the same as your landscape of your gloomy on. And another thing we can do is going to click. OK is go to landscape click here, make sure your grass is turned on, so it kind of makes it look more realistic. Gonna grow it all right. I don't want to look too wild, but I want to look nice, all right. And here we can go to our lights here, and I don't want to make these actually have some brightness Still, so it's good to select material standard. Go to the missive on that looks pretty good. Okay, let's go inside her house and justice these currents. Good indoor. Curren's cereals there already. All right, so let's have some or landscaping to this. Let's go to our treaty category. And a plant that I like to use quite a bit in my models is over here. That's even find it. Um, here we go. This juniper hedgerow so I like to do with this is really shrink it down quite a bit, just depending on where it's going. But it's a really good filler. Um, I think the main thing you want to do you want to kind of hide the edge corners of your model so that you're not really looking at anything completely when you're looking at something kind of coming up right there is usually not realistic. It doesn't look too realistic. In my opinion, you don't really see that too much. In real life, there's usually some kind of hedge or plants coming up to a wall. So, um, good to add some plants around something like that. All right, let's go over here. Let's go to grass to see what kind of grasses we can add. Um, this even at this See how this one looks in our drawing? Change the scale of it. You actually change the hue. So you zoom in there about there, Okay? It's pretty good. Let's go to moving around. Gonna add it on our corners. And I am not a landscape architect. So if everything doesn't look exactly where it needs to be, uh, well, you know, just trying to make it look realistic. All right, That looks pretty good. Let me see if I could put a vase or plant here on this large entry here. Something to go to some of my objects that I have. Uh it's good to hear. Main of leave 1/2 some. Let's see if that might work. It seems you can try this. That's pretty big. So this should shrink it down a bit. Maybe about there. That looks pretty good, all right. And they probably has a plant in there, so let's go to your nature again. And let's find some plans that we can place in there. You probably could go back to this grass one and play something. See how this sports and let's just move it up and probably a little larger. I feel that space in it looks a little bit too green compared to some of our other landscaping. So So we're gonna just that. All right, That's nice. There we go. All right. Looking better already. So let's put in some trees closer to ours, and, um, we have try some of the EEC how they look. It's kind of come around mall here, and we actually increase the size of these closer to the house. It's getting a little more character, all right? And I'm going to bring these a little bit closer in just that we don't have so much empty space there. That would do the same on this side. All right, that was pretty good. And maybe put some smaller trees inside the yard. Here. Let's see what you find. A nice small one. Yeah, maybe something. Something like that might work, but one on each side. Okay. Okay. So now, um, we want toe. Add let's add a little bit more effects in our materials. So go really You want to go through almost armaments heroes to add some realistic nous through some reflection everything. Everything really has a bit of reflection, even a little bit of weathering to it all. So you see there how you can affect the weathering. Um, I just want to go through all your materials about there. Don't want to make him look too weathered, but that's enough. And it was your tile roof is well, And here if I add this, uh, this bit bump map, you see what it actually does it create some kind of the illusion of death to it and give and give us some protection. I'm actually going to polarize this a little bit so that it's a little bit more monotone and not some colored. So you can kind of override your colors in blue neon. You kind of see what it's doing. So maybe something around there, All right, that might work. All right. Going here tomorrow, garage door again. We're gonna add some reflection, some bumps, and you see what bump really does here on these kind of makes a pretty big difference. Um, all right, that here in our broad are concrete will make some little a little bit of reflection to this, and I probably darken it up a bit. So let's go over here to cull, arise and just bring this tone down. Maybe give it off, Brown. Look to it. Here we go. Looks pretty good. All right, It's coming along. So the next thing we want to do is we're gonna add some lighting to this. 15. Rendering with Lumion 10: Okay, So to add lighting, what I'm gonna do is let's go to a darker seen, So go to an evening seeing here. There we go. And now let's go to objects and going to go to lights, and we're gonna start with a placement of, uh, go over here to our Omni Light and we'll go ahead and place that here. Actually, what I'm gonna do is well, is gonna click here, and I'm gonna move this to a different layers. So let's put this on layer to so all our light is gonna be on layer to and here I believe I can make that active layer by clicking here as well. Okay, so what I want to do is want ad brightness to it And let's add a bit of ah, orange, yellow, his tone to it. And when good and please thes on the front of each of these and I'm going to move him. So this is not where they're gonna stay. Just where I'm gonna get started. Keep going around. Okay, so now I'm gonna hold control and select all of these. We're gonna kind of move around here, my model, and then I'm going to hold shift and push these into mine model. So now we look now it's looking like they're inside and not outside. And I could change the fall off amount so that they're not so that there don't. The color doesn't spread too far. That's not a bad color. I can adjust the color more if I wanted to, but that doesn't look too bad to me. You're just a brightness. So not too bad. And so right here, I'm gonna have to add one a little bit further. This was the select this click here. Zoom in and I'm going to make a copy of this to do that. It's already selected, so I'm going to hits. I'm sorry. It's alternate to make a copy, and it's just bringing it down. And I need to move it up because I think I dropped it yet. Connected service there. And there we go. Slow, zoom back out. So now it looks better. Looks a little bit more of a uniform brightness inside that here, I need to move these differently. So let's over here. I'm gonna hold down shift, make sure mean this Move free hold down shift and we're going to move around here. Model update. So I'm interrupting this loom eon lesson because during this project, I had to go back to the original sketch of model and redesigned some things. So, as happens in the real life, when you're working on a real project, you're going to make changes. So I'm going to really quickly go over some of those changes, and then we're going to come back to Lumi on and finish our rendering. So let's go back to sketch up real quick, update our model and bring it back into Lumi on. So the first change I did here was to get rid of the elliptical and replace it with a regular three by a window, which is actually a door that you can open up to a courtyard that we're going to add as well. And here I added a per gila that I actually grabbed from another project of mine, and we're going to put it in front of our doors that we have now that are coming out of what's going to be the study into a courtyard. And here we are, creating some courtyard walls that will kind of enclose the space in front of our study, where we will also be able to put some furniture in as well. And I also added a crown piece are a little cap on this courtyard wall as well. And I just grabbed that from our other landscape wall that we have on the right of the house. So I just grabbed that profile and I'm bringing it onto the the new landscape war, the courtyard wall. And I'm gonna use the follow me tool to go ahead and wrap this profile around this wall. And another change we are making here is we are adding a bump out on the second floor window. So I'm just drawing a line, offset a foot on each side. And then I'm pushing out this whole window area one foot, and we're also gonna put some core bulls under it as well. So now I'm creating another division in our windows and doors. So I'm just creating a group and adding a vertical element to our grid. And because some of these are components, once I change, it's one is going to change it to several of the other ones. So just of one of the advantages of creating components. And the last update I'm going to do is replace the traditional lantern that we had in our front entry with a more modern looking one. And I'm just gonna grab that from a father I have and place that in our model. Okay, let's update this model with our new updated design. Okay, so now that we have our updated design, we're going Teoh continue to edit some of the materials and add in some furniture to make it look a bit more realistic. So here we have our modern lights here. So let's go ahead and and make some glass out of this and that work, then No gonna think. All right, so we're going Teoh, make this an a missive object. So go over here to missive. Kind of give it a really yellow orange hue to it. Okay, Now, one thing we're going to do is well, first got to move some of these. Ah, add some up lights to this, but first, let's let's move from this vegetation out of the weighing, uh, objects nature, and we'll move some of these out here. Don't just delete those, and we actually move some of these hedges out to the outside over here. Actually. Put some right there, too. All right, All right. So, uh, was that some effects? This would as well a little bit of weathering to it. There would. All right. And make sure we have everything. They're selected. Okay, here we have some vegetation. So that I could do here is I can go Teoh outdoor, believe or or is it? That's, uh, leaves. Here we go. So we can actually make this into a riel. Um, leave texture, change the leaves size make him quite a bit smaller. And I actually selected a wrong thing. I think it's like all my things with this. Cancel that. Alright, let's try this again. There were Gil and we're going to various will. Try leaves. Let's try it again. All right, We change the size of it. I think I'm pretty small. All right, That might work, but Okay, so let's continue adding lights. So I'm going to go to this omni light, and I'm gonna add some lights to our lanterns here, and we're going to select it already. Make this fall off quite a bit on the so We don't want to spread out too much, Maybe change the brightness of it. Don't need them to be too overpowering. And we have some over here. Now. Let's go ahead and copies over there, and we need some vegetation out here, too. So let's grab some of these and we'll add this little hedgerow, all right. It was going to wrap this around the corner. Okay, so now I want to add some applied to it. Just add a little bit more of a dramatic effect to the house. So let's go through spotlights and we will try. Let's try it with this one, and we'll start over here. So on this side rotated upwards. Go ahead and place it closer. Teoh House and something there is blocking it. It's kind of strange. Not sure what that is. Let's see if we brighten it up. Yeah, some things acting a bit weird there, so we have to put it out there, all right, so we can change the tone of it. The amount of brightness on it cone angle. So, actually, I'm not really liking this one, so let's try something a little bit more narrow that shoots more vertical. Let's try this one to go ahead, rotate it upwards. It's the kind of causing that same issue. There's I'm not sure what's going on. Place it up here about there. We don't want it to be too bright. So that is a strange phenomenon that's happening there. I'm not sure why it's happening. I don't know if I like that one there. Let's go around here. Okay, let's add a light above here. Right, T Now, in this next part which I'm going to speed up for you, I'm going to be inserting furniture into our visible rooms that you're going to see from the windows just to give the house a little bit more depth. And the majority of these models, they're not from Loom Eons library, which loony on does have some. But the majority of these models are from sketch up files that I have inserted into Lumi on . So these are all scheduled models that you can bring in Lou me on. So I'm gonna put in pictures and tables and just furniture. Just give it a little bit more depth in our rendering. So now let's prepare our render seen. So I'm gonna go over here to this camera, uh, icona and go to our render settings. And the first thing I'm going to start messing with is the camera lens angle to get the view that I want. Next thing I'm going to do is to start adding effects. So the first effect I'm going to add is the real sky effect. And I'm going to go over here to the Clear Sky Options and going to select this one and then I'm going Teoh, adjust the heading of the sun to get kind of the shadow of you that I want. I can also adjust the brightness of the sky and the overall brightness to also get the desire to look. And I'm not liking it so far. So I'm going to go and try another real sky, and I'm gonna go to some of the cloudy looks and see how that works. And I think that works better. So I'm just going to just some of the brightness and overall brightness settings. Maybe move this sun heading a little bit and then I'm going to mess around this positioning of the camera and once I like it, I'm just going to click this camera icon here to save that specific view. Now I'm gonna add several other effects that I think will enhance this render seen. The 1st 1 I'm going to select is the sharp in effect and then also the color correction. And then in the advanced category, I'm going to add the shadows effect and also the reflection, effect and the reflection effect. I'm going to apply that effect to the sidewalk and the driveway. And another fact I'm going to add is the global illumination effect that will just brighten up some of the shadows in the scene. Now I'm gonna open up the shadow effect and adjust some of the levels. The next thing I'm going to adjust is the global illumination levels. And now let's adjust some of the color correction levels. And now, once we have our colors in all our levels, how we want them, let's go ahead and save our rendered scene. And this is what our final rendering looks like And that completes this course. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learn something. If you can please leave a review and let me know what you thought. And I will see you in the next lesson. Thanks