Autocad LT 2019 Beginner Fast Track | Thomas Soltren | Skillshare

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Autocad LT 2019 Beginner Fast Track

teacher avatar Thomas Soltren, SketchUp Architect Creator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Autocad fast track promo


    • 2.

      1 intro to autocad


    • 3.

      2 opening autocad


    • 4.

      3 model and paper space


    • 5.

      4 the command line


    • 6.

      5 overvie of tool pallete


    • 7.

      6 drawing units


    • 8.

      7 drawing lines


    • 9.

      8 drawing line at angles


    • 10.

      9 drawing polylines


    • 11.

      10 drawing circles


    • 12.

      11 drawing arcs


    • 13.

      12 Drawing Rectangles


    • 14.

      13 Drawing ellipses


    • 15.

      14 Setting object snap


    • 16.

      15 Spline tool


    • 17.

      16 Move tool


    • 18.

      17 Copy tool


    • 19.

      18 Stretch tool


    • 20.

      19 Rotate tool


    • 21.

      20 Mirror Tool


    • 22.

      21 Scale tool


    • 23.

      22 Trim and extend tool


    • 24.

      23 Fillet and Chamfer


    • 25.

      24 Array tool


    • 26.

      25 Offset tool


    • 27.

      26 Mult line text


    • 28.

      27 Single line text


    • 29.

      28 Setting default text


    • 30.

      29 Setting dimension style


    • 31.

      30 Quick dimension tool


    • 32.

      31 Linear Dimension tool


    • 33.

      32 Aligned dimension tool


    • 34.

      33 angular dimension tool


    • 35.

      34 Arc Radius and Diameter dimension tool


    • 36.

      35 Layers overview


    • 37.

      36 How to create new layers


    • 38.

      37 Inserting objects


    • 39.

      38 Match property tool


    • 40.

      39 Hot to print


    • 41.

      40 Custom plot styles


    • 42.

      40 Printing from paper space


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About This Class

Learn How to use Autocad LT 2019 ! This course is designed for anyone with or without experience to get to know the user interface of Autocad and how to use it main functions.  After taking this course students should understand how to draw and print scaled drawings.  

Meet Your Teacher

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Thomas Soltren

SketchUp Architect Creator


I have been working in the Architectural Field for over 20 years. I have designed Dog houses to multi-million dollar homes and commercial buildings. In the last few years I have focused almost entirely on 3D modeling of Architecture. I believe 3D modeling is the best way to show clients your projects. I love to continue learning and sharing the methods and tips that I have learned throughout my career. In the beginning and end it's all about creating architecture that effectively displays your design ideas and meets or exceeds the criteria of your client.

See full profile

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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Autocad fast track promo: if you want to learn Allah cad, but don't know where to start or think it's just too hard that this course is for you. In the AutoCAD fast track beginner's course, we will go over how to get started in how to use the essential tools necessary for you to draw. I'm Thomas Soul Trine and I've been drawing in AutoCAD now for over 20 years, and it just keeps getting better and easier to use. Article is used in design firms around the world, and it has many other uses. So if you're ready to learn and master this software in world today and remember, there is always a money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied, do you have any questions? Feel free to contact me. I love for you to be part of this. Let's start drawn 2. 1 intro to autocad: Uh, hello, everyone. And welcome to the auto cattle for beginners Course. In this course, I'm gonna show you how you can get started using AutoCAD whether you have experienced or not and how to use some of the basic functions. So some of the first things were gonna want to do before we get started is you're gonna want to have a three button mouse with you want the scroll button the right and left click . That's really all you need. Toe maneuver Well, in auto cad. And if you do not already have auto cad, you can visit autodesk dot com, go to all products, and I'm going to be teaching off of the auto cat light version, which we go here. We can see that you can purchase it for $400 a year subscription, or we can go to a free trial, which I recommend if you're just brand new into this, want to see if it works for you and just go ahead and click? Download your free trial. Okay, so let's go ahead and get started. I'm going to go ahead and double click on the cab life 2019 3. 2 opening autocad: uh So once you opened up on a cad, you should see a screen similar to this one. And just a couple things about this open. This opening screen here is that we can simply click here to get started on a drawing, or we can open up a file that if we want to search for a file and open it, and we can also select a recent foul that we have worked on. And one more thing is, if I click here on templates, I can pick a some pre selected settings for drawing. So, for instance, here on sheet sets, we have one set Teoh the Imperial measuring system and want to the metric measuring system . So depending on what part of the world you work in, that you may use metric If you're in the US, it's imperial. So what I'm going to do, though, I'm going to go ahead and start from scratch and I'll show you how you can change this while you're already in the drawing. So let's go ahead and click. Start 4. 3 model and paper space: uh, So when you first open up AutoCAD, you'll see a screen similar to this one. Now on a cat. It's a very versatile program, So there's a lot of stuff you can do a lot of complex things you could do and a lot of very simple things you can do. So I'm going to keep it very simple for this. And you can see you can see how easy it is to use and how useful this program is and why it's used throughout the world. And, um, so right now we are in the paper space setting, So basically, this is supposed to mimic what you would actually print out. So right now this is where we see our paper space in our model space, and the paper space is set to the art D paper size, which is 24 by 36. And I could modify this if I wanted to you by right clicking, and I could hit page set up and change that, but I'm going to get into that later. But for now, just know that you are in a paper space verse model space, and that's really the two major settings So, um, let's go ahead and switch over to model space and I'm going to left click once and now I'm in model space, so model space is where you would draw your drawing. Let's say if you're doing a floor plan, if you're doing whatever you're designing, you most likely do it in model space, and then you switch over to your paper space to set up how you want it to print on that page. So that's the difference between the model and papers. 5. 4 the command line: Uh, okay, so now, to give you a quick tour of our our display here for Arctic had So we have write down here what is called the command line. So the command line basically list the history of everything that you do a naughty cat. So, for instance, if I wanted to draw a line Aiken type l and let me click here in the command line, I just left click toe, activate that command line, and then I typed l And here it gives me some shortcut keys are some shortcuts to what I can do with, um, you know, when I type of Ellis's basically trying to guess what? Ah, command. I'm going to input by default. L is just gonna go toe line, but I can go ahead and click any of these other commands. But if I just leave it on l mean backspace there and he enter now I'm in the line command. So now one thing that you should keep in mind. If you ever have confusion about your next step, what am I supposed to do? What is it asking me to do? Just look at your command line and will usually tell you, what are you guys asking for? So right now we're in the line command and it's saying, Specify first point so I can put left wing once and now it's asking me to specify the next point. So I could left click again and I could keep drawn lines as you could see that continuation or I could escape. And they're now I'm no longer in the line command. But here I can see the list. If I click here, it will show me what I just did. So here it says, I did command l for line. I entered the line command. I specify the first point. I specify the next morning. I hate canceled, so basically gives me a history of everything I just did. So that's the command line. And I can also Dr Command line down all right. 6. 5 overvie of tool pallete: Uh, okay, so now let's go over our tool palettes over here on the top of our screen. And, um, basically, these tabs right here will toggle between the selection of the types of tool pounds that polecat has. And in addition to these tool powers, there's a lot of other commands and shortcuts weaken do by just typing. So there's basically two ways to enter into a function or command, and AutoCAD one is going to be from finding the icons here in your tool palettes or typing in the command. So, for instance, uh, I showed you earlier we could just type l and get into our line command right? Escape. What? I can do the same thing here if I just click a slick line here. And then I left click again, and it's the same thing. So it's the same exact command, two different ways of doing it. So, basically, with auto cad, almost every command you have here there's a tool. There's a shortcut key for that. So, and that's something. You know, I've been using Arctic Cat for over 20 years now, and I used the commands a lot. Sometimes it's easier than finding the latest location of the tools. A lot of times that newer versions of auto cad they're moving them around. So it's always very useful. Teoh memorize the command because those usually don't change. So OK, so let's move on. So here we just see different tool palettes. Insert. This is when you're inserting drawings, image files, things like that. Pdf files lots of different options there. Annotation. This tool palette is basically for dimension ing labeling things of that sort the para metrics. Really, I don't use this one too much again. Ali Cat has a lot of functions. Doesn't mean you have to use all of them. It could be a simple, as or as complex as you want or need it to be. Here we have the view. So here we can set up some different settings with our views. So one thing about article light is on a candlelight is basically a two D drafting software , so basically has an X and A Y access. Now, if you have the full version of auto cad, it would have a Z access, which would act more like sketch up where you're drawing in three d. So now you could use the full version, obviously, for two D almost completely. But it does have the capability of doing three D so but on a candlelight not so much. It's usually primarily a two D drawing program. So there it is, the X and Y access. And here it is. That's called our UCS, the universal coordinate systems. So that's the X, Y and Z. If there was a Z so and here just gives us a couple different options, just things we could do with our views. Um, here's some managing tools. You, I guess, customize some of our user interfaces and tool palettes. So here's another useful thing to know is in auto cad. You can customize your whole basically your whole display. So, for instance, I right here we can actually save our workspace. So let's say you deleted some of these or moved around some of your icons. You can go here and click save uh, savior workspace, a current workspace as whatever you want to name it. And you could basically create your own workspace so that you're using your only viewing the main tools that you use. For instance, I started on a cad way back. So I'm used to the classic version of AutoCAD. So when I'm working, I usually like using the article classic style. So in reality, I don't use this set up that much, but because you're probably opening up a newer version, I want to show you how you can find stuff in the newer version. But you can also get the old classic verses installed as well. So, um, just something about the workspace settings and here we go toe output. So this is going to refer to when you want to print and plot things. You can go to your output tab here, and it gives you a couple options you can plot. Batch plot is actually very useful. So when you let's say we have right now in our paper space, we have one page. This basically signifies one page of a drawing. So what if I wanted a multiple pages? So if I've right clicked here and said, I want to create a copy of this page and let's say create copy and as good as they move it to the end Hit. Okay, so now I have two pages looking pretty much the same. Let me just is your minutes. You could tell the difference. So there's 12 And if I wanted to print both of these pages, I can click here, hold down, shift left click again. And now I have both of them selected and let's hit batch plot. And now there's some different sayings that I have to give it a file location and that somewhere I wanted to send it to. But basically I can create a pdf of both pages combined. So very useful when you're printing out multiple pages of drawings, um, somewhere going to cancel out of that an ISI collaborate. So again, some of this stuff I don't hard to use. But there's some different options you could do there and lay out. So we have some other options in the layout. So let me go back to our model space, Okay, so let's go back to your home here, so that's basically a quick run through of the tool palette displays. Now I'm going to get into, um, using some of these tools. Now you have to use some of these 7. 6 drawing units: Uh, okay, So before we draw a line again in AutoCAD, I'm gonna show you how you can change the units of measurements in your drawing. So go ahead and click on your command line and let's type units and he ends it. So here opens up what are arctic ad units are set to, and here we can see that we have it set to architectural. And here we can change it to decimal engineering, fractional or scientific. So for each of these, we can also change the precision of the units that we want to enter. So for now, I'm going to leave it. Where is that? At one succeeds. And here I can also adjust the insertion scale. This is whenever I'm inserting something into my drawing from a different file. I could also change the scale that it is inserting things from. So here we have all our options there. Same thing with the angles we can change if you wanted to be in decimal degrees, degrees, minutes and seconds and so on. So lots of different options there. I'm gonna go ahead and leave it as it is because I want to work in architectural and click OK. 8. 7 drawing lines: Uh, okay, so it's a drawn line. There's a couple different ways we can do that again. We can use the command line and just type l for line and select that. Or I can go over here and click this icon here. So I'm going to get in that line, command that I'm gonna left click once and drag my mouth's. And right now I'm in the Ortho graphic mode, which that locks in my angles at 0 90 1 80 and to 70 so I can adjust that by clicking F eight. And now I can move freely at whatever angle I want, and I can draw a line in whatever direction I want. So for now, I'm gonna leave it in that fourth a graphic mode, and I'm going to draw a line at 20 feet. So I'm gonna type in 20 feet apostrophe, and there's my line, and I'm going to go ahead and drive my mouse upwards. Type in 20 feet. Answer. Can there? I've drawn another line, so let's go ahead and continue it and make a complete square. So we're gonna go ahead and 20 feet again. And now since I've been in that this one continuous function, I could just type C. As you can see down here to close this, uh, this set of locks, so see, enter and there it just closed the lines. So that's one way we can create lines, you know? 9. 8 drawing line at angles: Uh, okay, So how do we draw a line? A specific angle? Well, let's get back into our line command and I'm going to left click once on my screen and here you can see that it's show me the dimension while I'm dragging my mouse. Now that function can be tarred with on and off with F the function F 12 key. So if I click that on her off that will talk of that that function. Okay, so how do we draw the line at a different angle? So I'm going to type in the act command or shift at, and I want to type 20 feet up, back up Mr Again at 20 feet and shift Arrow Key 45. Now I've just drawn line at 45 degrees, so let's do that one more time, so L for line. Pick a point. Drag your mouse. You you don't even have to drag your mouse a certain direction because your angle is going to tell it what direction but you have to do. Shift at that lets them know you're entering a little bit more information when you're drawing a line. So it's type in 20 apostrophe for feet at an angle of which is the shift Arrow key analysts type in 30 degrees this time, and there was drawn a 20 foot line. 10. 9 drawing polylines: Uh, okay, so let's move into some of the other tools in our tool palette. So the next one is called Polly Line. So how What is a part line? So part line is basically a set of lines that function as a group. So once you select one, all the lines get selected together. When we drew our 20 by 20 box here, I just select one line in one line and they're all separate. They don't They're not really, uh, connected like a group. Now let's draw the same thing using our party line command, I'm gonna left click to activate that and hear the shortcut key is P line to enter that. If we just wanted to type in our toolbar and let's go ahead and draw a line, I'm gonna f eight toe lock in our Ortho mode. It's like 20 feet. Answer. Go up 20 feet. Answer 20 feet. Answer and see for close Now, once I hover over it, you can see it's already acting as one whole group. So that's a set of part lines. And here is just seven. So that's basically what a party line 11. 10 drawing circles: Uh, okay, So let's move on to you the next tool in our tool palette. And that's the Circle Command. So there's a couple different ways we can do circles. I'm going to click on this button here, and it gives us a couple of different ways. They're a few different ways we can draw a circle, the ones that I primarily use our center radius or censor diameter. So let's go to censor radius and left click. And now I'm going to pick a point on my drawing where I want to start my circle and here we can see it's asking for the center point for the circle. So I'm gonna pick right here, drag my mouse, and here is gonna ask me for the radius. So now I can change that. I want to say no. I want to give you a diameter and said I could type D, and it will give me that option to enter a diameter instead of a radius. But I want to leave that radius, so I'm gonna type five feet. Answer. And there it gives me a circle with a five foot radius, which would be a 10 foot diameter Now it's verify that I'm going to type D I for distance, and here's snapping to the quadrant of the circle to this other quadrant. And there you can see it's 10 feet. So, um so that's one way we can do a circle. We could do it again through Diet diameter again. So if I typed, see again up, let's try see enter for a circle. And here's this. Better specify the center point. Click there and now, actually, it's still sets a radius. Uh, let's type D for diameter and let's say, Yeah, we want a 10 foot diameter circle. Enter and there you see, we have an identical circle drawn at a 10 foot diameter five. 12. 11 drawing arcs: Uh, okay, So how do we draw on art? Well, again, we have several different options. This is the three point arc, and I could click here and see all the other different ways we can input arc. But again, let's try to keep it simple. I'm going to left click that one once, and here it's a specify start point of arc so I can click on a line here. I'm just picking the nearest points of line and toggle f eight off and I'm gonna take another point and there's asking for an end point. So there I just drew a arc. No specific length or anything. But now let's do one this sing link that we did here. So let's hit E for erase and I'm going to select that and right click. So I just erased that. Another way we can erase is Well, I'm going. I'm gonna hit control Z to undo what I did and undo is one of your favorite. Your best commands and all they can. And all you have to do is that controls the undue on. You could usually under quite a bit. But another way I can select an array something it Just selecting it once and hit. Delete the delete button. So a couple different ways, we could believe something. All right, so let's draw a line l for a line and going to snap to that midpoint. Drag my mouse. I mean it. Lock it at the, uh, Ortho mode at to 70 degrees, and I'm in the top five feet and it escaped. So there we've drawn a line at five feet. Um, let's draw another line. The answer was, you couldn't draw this over this other line. I'm gonna type five feet. Answer can again in the draw, one of this other side of five feet. Answer or escape. So now let's draw an arc. So I'm gonna click here three point arc. So now is going to snap to that point. And then here's asking for a second point. It could be the center or the end. Uh, actually, it's gonna be the centre, and I'm gonna go here to where my other end point is and snapped that And there we've created that same radius. Uh, eyes are serval there. So we just created another arc similar to what we just did. And I could also select this. And I could modify it by grabbing these great points. And I could adjust that arts. So anyway, I want to You okay? 13. 12 Drawing Rectangles: Uh, okay, So the next tool is the rectangle tool Click over here. So basically, we can create a rectangle again. There's many different ways to do the same thing in AutoCAD. So I'm gonna going left, click once, and let's go ahead. And here we can see what is asking us to dio Red Single, specify first corner point. So let's pick a corner point. And now I can pick the other corner point and left once and there we've drawn a rectangle square what? Whatever we wanted to do. But another way, if you want to be more exact when you do that, let's click left. Click again. Pick a point. Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna type 20 feet comma, 20 feet. Answer. And there were John, uh, let me get a racist theories. This one there. We've drawn the same 20 foot box and we've created before, and you can see there is created. It's created it as a Pauline. And again, we can verify that by hitting distance And let's pick a point, drag our mouths to your other point. And there we see, we've created a 20 by 20 foot box or rectangle 14. 13 Drawing ellipses: Uh, okay, so the next tool is ellipses. So the drawing lips I'm gonna go ahead and click this icon here and again. We can see the different ways on elliptical arch can be drawn again. I'm just going to go ahead and click on it and enter that command. And it's going, Teoh Specify asked me for the center point of the lips. So I'm gonna pick here, and that is going to ask me for the endpoint. And there we've seen. And then I just drag my mouse to whatever size. And I want my lives to be organ type in a size, let's say five feet and there were drawn. All right, you lives there. And we could modify this by clicking here and grabbing one of these great points. And we can drag our mouse however we want. So the lips tool is something that is pretty useful. If you're doing drawing something like a bathtub or something that he lives, tool can help you to create those shapes. Okay, let's move onto the next one 15. 14 Setting object snap: Uh, okay, So before we get into a few more of these tools here, in case you've been drawing and your your lines when let's say when you draw a line and you're not snapping to the correct, let's say if you don't have it set to end points and you're tanned, your quadrants and mid points and stuff, how do you set that? So I'm gonna escape, and I'm going to type in a command called Oh Snap, which means objects snapped and hit. Answer. So here he opens up our dialogue box for our objects snap settings. So here we can toggle on and off what we want our lines to snap to when we hover over them . So here we see endpoints, midpoint, center nodes, quadrants, intersection of lines, extension points. I don't use that one too much, but we could have that in searching points of objects. The line is perpendicular, so it's tangent points, so lots of different options for our objects snap settings, so just select the ones you want. Here, you can select them all if you want, and clear all you might not want to do all select all because it may snap to the wrong thing. So just try toe use the ones you you find are most useful to, however, your drawing and just go ahead and click, OK? 16. 15 Spline tool: Uh, okay, So one more command in our drawl section of tools that I'm gonna go over is, uh let's go to this pull down menu here, and it's called the slime command. So spline is kind of like the poly line where it's a series of connected lines, but it works a little differently. So I'm going to go ahead and left, click that once and let's get into that commands. And now we're in the spline command. So I'm gonna select the point and I'm going to drag my mouse. But I don't want on Ortho mode. So I'm gonna click that off and it's gonna ask me for another point. I'm gonna click there and there we see it's drawn. Ah, line. That's a lot more flexible. A lot more curbs do it. So let's go ahead and select another point left, and I'm just going to keep going around and left, Click left, click. And now I'm gonna go ahead and type C to close. And there I've drawn a spine. So, um, there you see all the great points and we could modify this and all sorts of ways. This blind command is when you're is a great tool to use when you're drawing things such as contour lines for landscaping or just whatever you need drawn. That's a little bit mawr. It's a little bit more natural instead of just e straight hard lines. So spine command very useful, very good tool. 17. 16 Move tool: Uh, okay, so the next set of tools we're gonna go over is the modifying tools. So in this modify section, this is where we will do a lot of the editing on and manipulation of our lines that we've drawn. So let's move on to this 1st 1 which is called the Move Tool Middle who had left click on that. And here we are in the move selection. So now I could select an object. So they say, If I zoom in here and I right click, I'm sorry, Left click once and now it's actually this right click. So right click again is the equivalent of hint of hitting Enter on your keypad. So now it's asking me for a base point for the displacement so I could select anywhere I want in the screen. I could select Ah, a specific point or just a random point. So I'm just gonna pick a point right here and let's say I want to move it 10 feet down in this direction when it's like 10 feet. Answer. And they removed its and feet now hit control Z and undo that. And now I can Let's try it again I could do em is a short cut key for move, answer. So let's left, click Right Click and let's pick our point of this placement, which I'm gonna pick a base point of right here in the center. And now, Now I won't have to type of exactly mentioned I can hit f eight and unlocked that Ortho mode and just place it wherever I want. Or I could keep it on that 90 that 270 degree angle or or whatever Ortho graphic, um, displacement that I want. So I'm going to go ahead and let's just type 15 feet again. Answer. Now, I'm gonna show you a different way to move as well. So I'm gonna hit move again, just like that point. And I'm going to pick this center point and let's say I want to move it from this end point . I want to move it over to the right of that uh, say five feet. So to do that while I'm in this move command, I'm going to type from answer. And I was asking me the base point of the point you want to go from, so I'm going to select here and now it's saying, Okay, now we're moving it from this point where? So I'm going to say, Let's move it three feet to the right of that enter. So now it's moved over three feet from the center of that Now to verify that, let's go ahead and type D I for distance, and I select that endpoint and let's see if I could find the center. There is this mid the center point, and there you see that it's three feet, exactly where we told it to go. So again, a couple different ways to move objects we could control Z and undo that. Move it back to where we had originally. And there we go, so a couple different ways to move. 18. 17 Copy tool: Uh, okay, so the next tool is the copy command. I'm gonna go ahead and select that. So here we are in a copy mode. So I'm gonna left, like, once, right Click slip the endpoint or a base point for my displacement as asking for the second point where I want to copy it to. I can move it around wherever. Let's hit at eight so you can see where I'm moving it, and I'm going to snap to that point. And there I could keep making more copies or I could just hit, escape and get out of the command altogether. So that's one way we can use the copy command another way, and I'm gonna hit CEO to enter the same function. This is just a short cut key for it. Enter and let's select. Let's select the line. Let's do just the line here, and I'm going to slip select the base point right here and is asking for the displacement. So let's say I just wanted to be right about there, But before I wanted that, let's say I'm drawing a set of lines, kind of like railing like handrail pickets. So I want array So this is a for array and now is ING Intern. Number of items. Well, let's say I want swell. Type 12. Enter now is asking me for the second point of this placement so I can type in a number like, let's say, if I want him to be two feet apart or if it's hand railing, let's say I just wanted four inches apart. I can type four, and it would offset these all 12 lines at four inches apart. So this type four enter and there we go. Now let's verify this by D I. Speaker Point there, there, four inches. So there we've arrayed or copy. We used a copy of Command to array our lines at four inches apart so that that could work with objects as well. Not just lines, but just another function of another facet to the 19. 18 Stretch tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool is our stretch command, which is a command that's very useful for a lot of things. Um, let's go ahead and get into that function. So now I'm in the stretch command, so saying stretch selected objects. So when using a stretch command, it usually needs to be want more than one object, or that you need to be selecting the endpoint of an object. So let's say I want toe select this endpoint here, So I'm gonna do is I'm gonna left Click once dragged my mouse over the lines that I want to stretch. So it's basically it's gonna select all the lines when it's looking green like that. When I'm going from rights left, it's going to select everything that the line is touching. If I go right to left, it's only going to select the lines that are completely include completely within the square. So that's why it's only selecting the circle because the circle is the only thing that is completely in the square. There, you concede selected that line, but not the other line. So if I go this way, everything that touches get stressed, so let's go that way, and I'm going to left click once and right click for Enter. And now it's going to ask me for a base point in which Teoh, you know, stretch my lines here. So I'm gonna pick this line here, there, this endpoint left once dragged my mouse, and now I can either just pick a random distance by left clicking. Or I can specify a specific distance, which I'm gonna do. I'm gonna say 12 feet, 12 apostrophe for feet. And if I want to do six inches, in addition to that, I could type 12 the apostrophe six quotations for inches and answer. And there I just stretched those items at 12 feet six inches. So again, listen, these that stretch command again Hey, uh, left click and let's let these lines here and let's right click once it's like that end point. And now I can drag all that as well. So it doesn't quite work the same way of dealing with the lips. You know, just a little bit of a different type of object there, But basically, you know, you can stretch anything. Almost anything. Just got selected lines. Right. Click. Select the base point, and you could just move it around. So the stretch command is something that I use a lot and you find very helpful when you're editing and modifying. 20. 19 Rotate tool: Uh, okay, so let's move on to the next tool, which is rotate. So let's select that. And here's this road's eight selected objects. So let's select all these objects here and left, click and left click again right foot to enter that selection and say, What is the base point of the rotation? So whatever point you pick is going to be kind of the access the sensor access of the rotation that you're doing. So I'm gonna go ahead, pick a point out here, and now it's gonna ask me for my going to do a reference angle, or am I gonna enter the angle of rotation or just use the Ortho mode, which is what I'm in two dio 90 degrees? And if I talk about fate, you can see I could just move it, however I want. Now another, another useful tool within this rotation is copy. So if I hadn't see for copy, that Means is going to create a copy and not just rotate my current object. So let's go ahead and lock it in by F eight by President F eight locking into those 90 degree coordinates, and I'm going to lift once and there I've created a copy. So let's try that again. I'm sorry, R o is our shortcut Command from Rosie Select our objects left. Click once lifting again. Right Click, Pick the base point of rotation and let's hit Copy. And now I'm not. They're gonna do is hate em for multiple copies. Uh, let's see if that works. Nope. Did not work. Let's try that again. Chelsea Rooty Oro Left Click to left, Click Let's let the base point elicit copy and I was trying to be multiple copies, but not quite. Let me do that so you may have to use an array function for that. But there you go, so we can either rotate artists object without copying, which I did not show that let me show you how to do that is just without hitting the copy command. Just pick a center point of the rotation and I could just move rotate that, however I want. I don't want to do a North oh rotation. I could do that. Just movie wherever I want, or I felt one a specific dimension. I can hit 45 degrees. Just type in 45 intern and it moved, it rotated the object 45 degrees or whatever angle that I specified. So that's a quick, um, display of the rotate. So one more thing, I'm going to show you that I use a lot when I wrote say objects. So let's hit, rotate and I'm gonna select these items again and right click. And I picked the base point. And instead of just saying, Hey, I want you to move 45 degrees where I'm going to say is a reference. Pull something. Our enter and specify the reference angle. So the reference angle that I want to start from is this angle from here from this end point to this end point? No. If I want this the line up straight on that, that 1 80 look kind of like that zero. That Ortho mode there. I'm gonna lock in f eight and there it will snap to that zero degrees and there we go. So that's a very useful tool. When you're rotating objects in the reference reference of taste, that is something I do. You 21. 20 Mirror Tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool I'm going to go over is the mirror tool, and let's go ahead and enter into that function. So Izmir selected objects so I'm gonna do is left click once and left again, Right click. And now it's asking me for the mirror line. So what is the sensor line that you're going to mere everything from? So let's say, if I selected this endpoint and then I dragged my mouth down and left click once. Now here's asking me something important to says. Do you want to erase the source objects yesterday? Now? So the source object would be the two lines, and I started from, um, I just trying to mirror it Or am I trying to copy and mere that? So let's say no. I do not want to erase the source objects and enter, and there we go. So now we've mirrored those lines that we created so very useful tools. Well, the miracle just m I is a short cut key, so let's click it again and going to select all these lines and I'm going to pick our right click once or enter and the sea. Specify the first point of the mayor line I could select here or doesn't have to be on a point. I could just pick a random spot and click here and left wing again. Erase source objects of yesterday. No, let's say yes this time and they're just mirrored it. It looks like a copy. It is pretty much the same thing, but it didn't so that's the 22. 21 Scale tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool that we're going to discuss is the scale tool. Also a very useful tool. So let's say I want to reduce the size of this object here by half. So I'm gonna do is I'm going to get into the scale tool, which I did. I just clicked here and let's left click. It's a left like and right click or or answer and let's see, asking for a base point. Where do you want to scale from? And let's say right here, put once and see if I drag my mouse, we can kind of see what it's doing. Let me if I'm sorry, uh, F three, let's see, trying to get it so that we can see the scale of it. Let's try this again. Scale It is typed it in Answer. So once you select my objects, right click hit the endpoint and all right, so here is gonna ask me for the reference specified a scale factor. So let's say I want to do have to do half minutes a 0.5 enter and there it scale it down. 2.5. Now let's hit that again. Repeat scale and to repeat your command. All I did was I right? Clicked on my mouse, right click. And it kind of gives me my lit my last function or here we g o recent input. And it shows all the commands that we've recently used but the latest, the last commanded here Repeat scale going to click that. You know, it's like my objects select the endpoint and this home and say I want a copy and we're going to say times two or two So we're gonna double our scale. So I'm heading to enter. And there it doubled the size of original scale, which our current scale, which basically made it the same scale that was previously so. And let's news one more time scale. Select your objects and you can drag and do this wherever whatever size you want. But obviously, if you want to be more exact, just typing the scale factor, you There we go. That's the skill 23. 22 Trim and extend tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool is the trim command. Let's get into that one. And it says select objects or select off. So I'm gonna select the opposite. I want a trend. So I'm going to select all these objects and I'm going to right click. And now it says a trim. So what areas do you want to train? So basically whatever lines their intersecting is going to divide him. So here I could trip out that, and I get from out this piece endlessly. I don't do that sure about this and said So it's a couple different options there. Get also trim. Let's save want it like that. Those two pieces, right? Click and trim that out. So, um, lots of different ways where you can trim. But that's a very useful tool as well. Trim command fairly simple, straightforward to use and also extend is another aspect of it. Kind of a ndez what you just did. So let's say we're extent right? So I want to click here, and I'm going to right click, and it will extend that line back. So, um and, uh, let's try toe lead this again and trim and still like these lines. Delete that. And now let's extend, which, if i e x is a short cut for extend. Enter, let's let our circle right click and what line we want. Extend. So we want, like that one left click on it and there were extended his back. That is a trend. 24. 23 Fillet and Chamfer: Uh, okay, so the next command is the Philip Command, and I'm gonna go ahead and select that, and it's going to ask me for the first object and or line. So I'm gonna select this one line here and before I select my second line, I'm going to specify the radius or the the radius of the curve that I want. And I'm going to say I wanted to be two feet and I'm gonna go, Go ahead. It's like the second line There, you see, it created that two foot radius connecting these two lines. And if I want to get into that function again, I could right click and select it here, or I could hit enter, and it just immediately jumps into it. So that could be a time saving technique there of your entering. If you're using the command in several times back to back, just enter, and it will jump you right back into that function. So here we select our first line here, and it's going to use the previous radius that I entered before Two feet. Yes. Click again doing that to foot radius. And there we go. So it's going to control z undo that. So that's how we use the Philip Command. Another one is the champ for So it's for this one. Uh, we use it kind of the same way. It's like the first line and before I hit. The second line is a couple different ways. I could do that and I could hit distance. And it's going to say the distance for the first chance, for Let's leave that two feet and a 2nd 12 feet. So now when I connect my lines, it creates that 45 degrees enter jump right back into the command and there were created that champ for, um, another thing we can do here. Let's jump back into this command. And this is another way we can trim and extend. Let's say we want to do this again. Actually, it's going to the Philip Command, and I must like my first line, and I'm gonna hit my radio woman raised to be zero. So now when I select my lines, it just connects. It connects the lines without without doing any radius on them. And then I just have that to delete these lines, just e erase, enter and then select your lines. That's how we used to feel it 25. 24 Array tool: Uh, okay, So the next command here is the Gray Command. Go ahead and get into that function and let's select our objects and let's right click and boom. We get a lot of stuff going on here. So what is it doing? Well, basically, it's creating multiple copies based on columns and rows. So here we have columns and rows. So here we can actually tell it how many of these we want now? Go ahead and click on that instead of just hitting CEO. So here we have four calm. So it's doing 1234 comes so I can change that. Let's say I wanted 12 columns. So now did 12 columns and they're saying the distance between the columns. What do you want? Do you want a different distance? Eso It's a Yeah, I wanted to be, uh, let's see. Wanted 20 feet apart. Answer Now they're 20 foot apart now. It can also manipulate the rows. So we have We have the columns and we have the rows. So we have three rows now, So let's do we want five rooms. Okay, so now we have five rows and 10 columns. No. 12 columns that we did. Okay. And just answer. And there we go. And one thing that it kind of keeps this in a group. So they're all grouped together. Just kind of useful. Just so you didn't just didn't create a bunch of separate ones. Um ah, way to undo that is also by hitting explode if you want him to be different. So if I hit, explode or typing explode, enter, select these objects. Right click. And now they're all individual. So just depends on you know what it is you want or what's makes sense for what you're doing . So that's how we use the 26. 25 Offset tool: Uh, okay, So for this next set of tools, first we're going to draw a rectangle, something going Select our rectangle to once more and this picket line and let's do 40 feet comma, 20 feet Answer. And there we created the rectangle. So we've already been using this first tool, which is the race tool. So basically, just just like that, select your objects on, right Click. Don't believe it. Control Z undo. Um, a couple different other ways. You can do that as well, by just selecting it once and typing, hitting, delete in your keypad, going to do that. And, um, that's yeah, it's pretty much the main different main two ways you would erase an object. And so here this other tool here is the explode command. So here we have a line. That's a group of settle lines here that we did. It's a poly line, but we wanted to be in visual line so I could just select it and click here and there. It exploded them into individual lines. Okay, so that's how another a shortcut key for explodes. E x p l just type it in and there pops up and there we go. So, um, we can use that as well. It's already exploded, So you only exploding down to individual lines. So now let's undo that control. Z undo. Get it back, Teoh Pie line. So that's the next command. Here is the offset command. So right now offset is set to four inches, but I can type in whatever I want. So that's that wanted to set to 12 inches. Answer. Now it's gonna ask me to select object. So let's select online here. And then it's going to say, specify what side do you want it to offset? You don't want it to offset in or out, so let's go in so I offset that line in one inch. Let's get back into that command again. Hey Oh, for offset and let's do four inches. Enter. Let's like this line. It's like that once, and let's go outside and there we've offset a line for inches, so that's a very useful tool. When you're creating walls is the offset command. So let's go ahead and escape out of that one more way we can offset type, offset, answer. Um, let's instead of going typing in a dimension, I'm going to say through So let's hit t So now it's going to ask for the object we want to offset. So let's go ahead and select are outside line here and now. I could basically kind of dynamically select where I'm offsetting too, so I can just click and drag my mouse or again, I could probably type in the dimension as well. Let's say I want to go five feet and there we go. So coverage of your ways of using offset committee. 27. 26 Mult line text: Uh, okay, So our next set of commands is our annotation. So here we're going Teoh input, text and dimensions into our drawings. So we go to text here. There's a couple different ways we could do that. We do a multi line text or a single line text. Let's click multi line. So multi line of what it does is it allows you to do things such as write paragraphs and works more like a word processor rather than just in putting simple text. So I'm going to select one point and drag it basically select like a text box. And here is asking for What do you want to saying here. So here I want to type sidewalk and here, depending on what your default was, said, it may have been 1/2 inch, but you can type in the dimension you want. Let's see if I had highlighted and you can make it smaller or larger right there, and you can also change your dimension style here so we can go to something like Ariel and we can change the color of our text. So let's say we want it to be yellow. Change that there. Um right there and then let's see you want underlying eight. We can underline it. So just a couple different options there now, since it it We are in multi line. I can create another sentence going under it and I can hit. Let's typing concrete now. As you can see, it is, it's all aligned to the left. I can change my justification here so I can go to a center alignment or right alignment based on the box that I created here. So let's go to center Lime a way we've created are multi line. 28. 27 Single line text: Uh, okay, So the other way we can input text is through the single line method and was going and click on that. And let's pick a point to start. And right now it's asking me for the text. Height says eight inches. I'm gonna answer to accept that. And here we see the rotation angle of zero, which is fine when he entered to accept that. And now I'm going to type my text types I'd want and I'm gonna hit, enter and put concrete Little and let's click out of that. So there we go. We have our lines. But now you can see once I select the lines, they're not connected. So they're all considered a single lines were here. It's all connected and also gives me more options. Like if I wanted to adjust this, I could double click here and here I have all these options where I could change it here. It only allows me Just change the text, but nothing else. So if you want to do or you think you may be more modifications to your text, you definitely want to use multi line Tex. If you're just maybe annotating one single item, this'll way to go with a single line 29. 28 Setting default text: Uh, okay, as you see here are text is not the same fought. And that's because our default text setting is set to whatever this is here. So to just that we can go to our annotation Ah, little pullout menu here and slick textile. And here we see what our current textiles air said. So here we have the Roman style and these were just the titles, the titles of the styles. So even though this says Roman, you can set it to whatever fought you'd like. So let's say if you want it to be this a city blueprint, Um, let's see if we could find that that is quite a list of different fonts here. And a standard one here says You want to save your changes share. So let's go to Standard. And let's just change this to Ariel and we're not going Teoh Well, here I can change the default height for it, so let's go ahead And Gene, that's eight inches and is going to say set current, and yet we want to change it and hit OK and close. So now let's try and do that ticks again. Use a single line text and I'm going to click here, Uh, except the angle. And I'm gonna type sidewalk and there we see it. Sidewalk. So now it's using the default text that I inputted there. Let's go and delete those. So there we go. That's how we basically used text. And again, you can create as many styles as you want for whatever parts of your drawing. So let's say if you're doing something that you know you're gonna print out on a smaller scale, you may want to create a new one, and you just sit here to create new, and you could change the height of that to be either larger or smaller. So here says new style. What do you want to call that? Let's just say something like detail, text, and then we can just set whatever we want. We get set the font style that we want the farm name, the style. You can have it. Bold, bold, italic regular Andi change the size and here, even though with factor so give you quite a bit of options for modifying your text. So go ahead and close out of that, and that's volunteers in next part of 30. 29 Setting dimension style: Uh, okay, so now let's move into creating dimensions. So before I go ahead and click on any of this, I'm going to set the standards for my dimension by going into this annotation pull down menu and selecting dimension style. And let's go to modify. So we have one style here. I'm gonna hit you, modify that current style. So here it gives us a lot more options and some of them. One of the main things I want to make sure I do is change the primary units. I don't want it to be decimal. Let's change it to architectural and let's click here. And a precision. I just wanted down Teoh. Zero inches don't need a fraction is right now. Now, if you're doing the actual project, you may want to get a little bit more precise, but I wouldn't get down unless you're doing really tiny objects. You may want to get down to some of the smaller fractions, but for most construction, you know, most products more building products are not going to get down more than 1/16 of an inch or an eighth of an inch. Even so, for now, for our are drawing to keep it clean. I'm going to keep it down to just the zero inches, no fractions and for angles. That's fine. I wanted to be decimals and let's go back to our lines. So offsets up from origin. So this is basically what when you select a point to another point, I don't want it to be that close. So let's say three inches off their kid creates a little gap there. Um, let's see what else we can change extend beyond dimension lines. Uh, let's do another three inches. It kind of gives a little bit of Ah, um, a little bit of an extension there. Let's see if there's anything else we can change here. I think that looks good so far. Let's go to symbols and arrows so that again, the aero size is just way too small. Let's do that at three inches as well. And there we see our arrows, and here we can change the arrow style weaken do. Ah, close filled, her clothes blank. You could do dots. Um, architectural ticks is a very common one, so let's leave on the architectural click for leaders, which is the leader right here. when you're pointing to an object, let's change that to closed blank. So that looks good. Let's see center marks a fine and let's move on to the text. So text here, we can select from the styles that we currently have in our drawing. So I'm gonna leave it on the standard. And, um, now, here's something we can see how it's lining up. I can change that. So instead of, um, uh, looking like this one, it's going horizontal like that. I'm sorry. Vertical. We can say a line with Dimension Line, and nothing we could do is. And if we wanted to the text to be above the line, we can say school above there we go above and we can offset that. We wanted to be right on that for a little bit. Offset. Let's offset it two inches and see what that looks like. Okay, now that's looking better. And let's see the fits. So here we can change in overall scale, which will basically just kind of just scales everything up or down, depending on what we use is gonna leave that alone for now, and everything else I think, is fine. Let's go ahead and click OK. Analysts said that current and it's clues, so now is a draw 31. 30 Quick dimension tool: Uh, okay. So to draw Dimension, I can select my icon right here for Dimension. And let's go ahead and activate that. And now if I hover over a line, it goes into this select function, and there you can see it's showing me a dimension, and I could click and drag my dimension line wherever I want it. And there we go. And another way I could do that is let's get back into that command. And I could select the end point to the next endpoint and drag my mouse. And I could just keep going, drawing Mawr items, more dimension. Lines like that. Let's go ahead and and I'm being entered to enter and back into the Dimension Command. So there we go. We have several dimension lines drawn Now. There's a couple different ways we can draw the mention lines. That's just one way. So I'm gonna erase all these 32. 31 Linear Dimension tool: uh so there are several different types of methods to dimension ing. So if I click on the arrow here to pull down menu, you'll see that we have several different types. So the 1st 1 is called Linear. Now, before I get into that, I'm going to draw a line at an angle. So I'm gonna draw a line stretching down here. You can do the same. Doesn't really matter. Um, where your dimension ing Teoh Just where you're drawing just the random line. So now this click are linear dimension tool. So I'm going to click here and they want to snap to this point, drag my mouse up and left click once, and then I'm created Linear dimension. Let's go ahead and click again from endpoints. Endpoint Dragon snapped there. Create another one. Now the answer. To write, jump right back into that linear dimension. So it's click here here. Now you can see it's going. Allow me to do two things, either, uh, the horizontal or vertical dimension. So that's basically the only dimensions you can do when you're doing linear dimensions so it can be very useful. But sometimes there's occasions where you need the dimension of this line like, How long is that line? So for that we have to get to the next dimensions. 33. 32 Aligned dimension tool: Uh, okay, so two dimension this line here, we need to do what is called a aligned dimension. So let's click on this and let's make sure we're in that command. And now I'm going to go from endpoint to endpoint, and it's going to give me the dimension that is aligned per parallel to that line. So that is the aligned Dimension tool again. You can't do what? The linear with, ah, linear dimension with that. So this is only for dimension that you want to be aligned with whatever it is you're trying T o. 34. 33 angular dimension tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool for dimension ing is the angular tool. So for the angle, literal tool, what I have to do is select two different lines that are at a different angle. So here is as select the arts circle line or specify. So I'm gonna select one line here, and then it's going to ask for the second line, which could be anything I could go over down here or here. So I'm gonna do this on first and there I could drag my mouse and it gives me that that 130 degree angle. Or if I go on this side, it gives me that angle or this angle. So wherever I want to dimension, I could add that angular dimension and let's try it again, selecting some lines or further apart. So I select these two there goes, gives me that angle angle dimension as well. Just click that that there we go. So that's the angle dimension to Earl. Regular 35. 34 Arc Radius and Diameter dimension tool: Uh, okay, So the next tool is the of the heart length radius and diameter dimension tools. So to demonstrate those where I'm gonna do is I created a circle here, just elected a center point and offset five feet. So so now? Well, I want to do is let's go in a select the Radius. First, let's do that. And if I selected here, there, you can see it's giving me that five foot radius. Now, if I jump over here to diameter, let's click on it and there gives me a 10 foot diameter of the circle. Now, how do we get an arc? Well, to get the art, we're going to have to break our circle. So to do that when you use the trim, command type trim and I'm going to like this line and our circle and, uh, it's like right there. So now we have arc and not a circle. So now let's go to our length, and I'm gonna just like the Ark and drag my mouse out. And there you go. It gives me, uh, the length of the ark, which is 13 feet, so just a couple of different ways we can use our dimension tools. Now, some of these other ones I don't really use and are not that common. So I'm not going to go from in this beginner section, but these that would go over are really the ones using those. 36. 35 Layers overview: uh, So the next section we're going to go over is the layer section. The layers in auto cad is something that really allows you to do some great drawing some very complex drawings by turning layers on and off makes your whole project a lot easier to work with. So let's go ahead and open up our layer property. Ah, box here. So here we can see basically all the layers that are in our current drawing and just some tools for those layers. So here we can turn our layers on or off s so that you can view them or not view them here you can freeze them, which is pretty much the same as turning them off and on. But it actually sometimes when you turn them on or off, there's still some items that you may be able to see. So it's sometimes better to freeze it rather than turning offer on here we can lock the layers, and when when you lock him, you'll still see them but not be able to erase them or modify my anyway. So that's ah, useful tools. Well, here's a plot. So we click these honor off. Um this will allow us Teoh, when you plot, you will not see that layer. So that layer one that will not plot If you do that here in the color section, we can change the color display on our screen of that layer. And, um, on here in our line site, we can change our default line type for that layer. Now, here you don't see any other line size. But if I goto load now, you can see all these other lines times that I could insert into my drawing. So let's say let me highlight a few. Um um Well, here it is. Just do something like this, like a highlight. Although if I want it, okay. And OK, so now if I go to line type now, we see all our line types available there. Okay. Ah, One more thing is the line. Wait, weaken. Change that as well. So we can change. Our line waits as it will view in our drawing. And as we print him out, we can have a default line way set. Okay, so those are really the main functions of the layers that you will be using. And now let's go into how we create and modify 37. 36 How to create new layers: Uh, okay, So to create a new layer, all we have to do is go over here and click new layer, and here it automatically prompts us to give it a name. So let's call this walls. Answer. No, I don't want to rename it. I just double click in there and I could rename if I want. So now I could set some properties to this. I can change the color. Let's go in and change the color. Teoh, Let's do read. I will just do our index color. Ren and line type will keep the line. Type the sane Let's do our Let's change our default line. Wait, Teoh, Let's do 0.4 okay? And let's create another layer. Let's call it text. We're actually call it annotation, and we'll change this color to green and we don't want that. Wanted to be that heavy. So that's just changing Teoh 25 line week and okay, let's close out of that. Actually, lets minimize this window. It's gonna try. Get over here. Analysts move This hopes didn't want to go there. But here you can see that you can't duck. You're drawing on a side you can draw doc, your layer tools here, Um, and don't really want there. Yeah, Let's just keep it right about there. Okay, So now how do I now that I've created these layers, how can I move something to layer? Well, let's select all these lines here and let's say I want to move this to my wall layer. So all I have to do is go over here and let's move to my walls and click escape. And there we go. We've moved that to or walls layer. And let's say this. We want to move to our annotation layer. Let's go over here and is good Teoh imitation. And now it's on that layer. Now you may notice it did not change color. And that's that's why because the reason why you're gonna let's say we select this we have overridden here by our selection within this. Now, if I wanted to be according to the layer, have to select by layer. So now it will reference the color according to that, whatever layer that it's on. So there you go. So that's how you create layers. And that's how you move objects to different layers and also what we have here is basically the same thing as we have in our Layer Properties menu here. So here we get turned on or off, and here's a short cuts. It turned later on off. Isolate layer a nicely. So if I isolate, let's click on that. Let's select our layer and this right click answer. And they're locked these other layers so that the only one I could modify is this one. So let's say if I selected all these layers and I had delete, even though I selected, this did not delete because it's locked. Um, so is it. Undo now if I want a nice A late, they're just on. I isolated my layer because I had this one, isolated said. Now just one isolated. So here has the freeze the layers. So if I hit here and it probably won't freeze it if it's the current layer, so if you're in the layer, it will not freeze it. So if I move out and now it's freeze, this one there it freeze it and basically turned offer on. So just a couple different options is basically the same things that we talked about here pretty much the same functions we'll find there 38. 37 Inserting objects: Uh, okay, So the next section here is the block section. Or here's where you can insert objects injured drawing. So here you just click here to insert. And here we have some default things. You concert against their title blocks to some random stuff Here. I want to go to more options. I can actually select the file that I want to insert. So I say, Let me click on this template of I have just beds solicited open and here I could specified insurgent point rotation. Just a couple different options there. Just click. OK, and there's asking me for the point. I want to place it in and I'm just getting hit Enter again and there we go inserted all these into my drawing. As you see it inserts it as a group or as a block. So if I don't want that, I can simply type explode, select my objects right click. And now they're all in the individual groups and I explode this again. If I wanted Teoh explode and you and one other great thing is even if I don't spell it right, a lot of times he knows what you're trying to do and, uh, it will help you out there if you're fat fingered like me. So let's click on this object right click, and now it's broken down to individual lives. So there we go. That's how you insert objects. And you can also insert lots of other things, such as pdf files. J pegs are kind of stuff. You could also copy and paste them just using control V or just, you know, a copy and paste into your drawings as well. So different ways of certain off next into your drunk. 39. 38 Match property tool: Uh, okay, here's another tool that I like to use is the Match Properties tool. So this was very simple to use. Just selected. And here he says, slept your source object. So which is the object that I want to copy my materials from my properties from? So I'm gonna select this one, and I'm gonna right click. Um, sorry. Thinking do that. Ron was try to get match properties. So, um, I selected object. And now I just left the object that I wanted to I want to match. And there it is. Just enter. So there it goes. So now this is on the same layered same color as this one waas match Properties on this will also work with line type. So let's say I have ah, line here. And here's another way I can change the properties of my objects here. So here, I want to change the line type of that selection. So let's change this to ah, dashed line. And, um, there we're going to see that's a dashed and I'm gonna hit match properties. Click here and then let's move over to here. Zoom in there real good. And there we go We've created a dashed line there as well. So another thing I'm gonna point out, because why is that so tiny? Because of our line type scale. So if I had lt s, it brings us to our short cut for line timescale. So right now our factor is set to one. So let's change this to 48. And there you see, it changed our line type scale a lot larger. So So you can see those that line type that you added there. So that's something you can play with your not seeing your drawings. You can change that as well. And there you go. There's a different types of lines. So if I wanted to match that again, another shortcut is m a match. Click here. Click there. And it matched that line type there as well. All right, that's the match properties 40. 39 Hot to print: Uh, okay, so once you're drawing is done, you're gonna want to print it out. So to do that, we can simply type plot, and it will open up this dialogue box or we can go to output and select plot here, and I'll take us through the same thing. So we want to do is tell it where we're printing too. And what we want to select for this drawing is D w g two pdf. So, basically, he's just gonna plot out a pdf. And here we can select our paper size gives us lots of different options since we're parenting out to a pdf. But I'm just gonna leave that 8.5 by 11 here, ask us what we want to plot. We can. We can cheese display extents limits window. I'm going to leave it on window and now asking me, what do you want? What is the window that we want to print? I'm gonna like this. And here it asks us the plot offset so I could go into center that in the paper here is another very important thing. Do we want it to beat the scale, or do we just wanted to fit Teoh Just a paper. So we're not worried about scale that we can just say fits of paper. If we wanted to be to a certain scale, you have to uncheck this. And either we can enter our own scale or select from some defaults here. So for this one, I'm going to see if a 3 16 so fit and it looks like it just might I had previewed to verify , and that's okay. Is it okay to that? So, yeah, it kind of fits in there. Um, the cold things missing. So let's actually go to Ah, 1/8 scale and that fits. It's going in preview. There we go. We see our entire drawing there and let's escape. And now a couple different things here wants a note is our pen settings here are plus thou . So auto cad has lots of modifications or customization that you could do to your printing. But for now, I'm just going to show you some of the defaults that it comes with. And one is the gray scale. So just yes is okay, so they're freaking out a grayscale. Another one is the monochrome on there? We see monochrome settings. And here we can change that. If we don't want the object line waits to print out, we can click there and preview, and they're just prints out really thin lines. Okay, so once you're ready, we just click, OK? And just select a location. Let me just put it on the desktop for now and we'll just call this our test prints given a second. And there it goes. So that's our printed out drawing, and this is printed to scale. This is printed on a 1/8 scale. So you have ah scale of 1/8. You can actually measure this, and you should get these exact dimensions of 50 feet inches, 30 feet, eight inches. So real easy, Teoh print You can and probably should get into in the more advanced drawing. You should get into creating your own pen settings, and I'll get into that as well. But that is a quick and easy way that you can find out your drawings 41. 40 Custom plot styles: uh, now, one more thing about plotting is if we go to our plot menu here. If we want to create a custom plot style, what I would do is click new, and I'm just gonna hit start from scratch and we'll just give this a, uh, we'll call it our new plot test test pin, and I'm just going Teoh next and let's go ahead and let's hit plot style table editor. So this is basically where we can modify all of our colors and settings for our pen. So here we have color one, which that's what we use for our walls So we can say use object color or just black. So let's go ahead and say Black. Now we can change the line weight of that. Let's change that to let's go pretty thick. Let's go to six and let's change our green, which is what we use for our text will say again. We're going to use a black, um, color for that. And here we have changed the line. Wait, it won't go pretty thin with that will say 25. So now it's hit Seve and it's finished, and now we have that set is our new plot, uh, pay our new plot test spin. And now we have. It's like the year, a plot with the plot styles that we just created, and let's go ahead and preview. Okay, so can't really tell too much about the green. But those lines are reflecting our new pen settings so you can create many different variations as you want. So well, you do is go to that pen and hit Click here and here you can modify all the settings. So let's let's do a test here. So if I go here and I say I want to select the color, I want to do a true color. So I want to make it pretty light. Just drag that up, Okay, Saving close, apply and let's preview. There you go. So we changed that pen setting to be very thin. Um, it looks still kind of think so that change it down. Let's go to 25 saving close preview. And there he goes, and now lives air a lot thinner. So custom plot styles, very important part of drawing an auto can, making very nice looking drawings. So definitely you want to create your own plot styles and depending on the page, you can set. So we have two different paper spaces here. I can have this one set to print on this pen, and I could move over to this one. Hopes the scout of that. We're here and hit plot and have this one set to another plane. So let's say I have this one sets of grey scales they apply to this layout. Okay, cancel that. So now if I go this one plot, it said to the new pin, this other one plot sets a grayscale. So if I have, for instance, wanted to print out both of these in a batch plot, which I would hit publish selected layouts is that pretty much that's what Batch pointing is. So it would print out each one of these on the individual pen setting that I set for that page. Okay, so that's how 42. 40 Printing from paper space: uh, now to print out in our paper space settings. What we will do is click over to here to our paper space. And remember, this was a 24 by 36 was That's what our D stands for and we want to print out, are drawing but obviously are drawing is not in here right now. So let's go to our home tool palette here, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to type M V for multi view, and what I want to do is create a window where my drawing will be. So now I'm going to double click to activate this window I just created, and I can zoom in and out and basically a presuming my drawing into this. So I'm going to kind of center it in there and let me click outside of that. And once you click this and if I go down here, it will show me a scale that I can print this out or it will set that view port scale. So if I hit, let's say 3 16 That will scale my drawing three sixteens relative to a 24 by 36 page now That's pretty small. Let's go, Teoh. Quarter inch. Uh, still little small. Let's go a little large. Let's go 3/8. Okay, that looks good there. And one thing I want to change again is remember that we changed our line type scale, type LTs. So it it was set to 48. But now I want to reduce that down to one. And there I could see my line times showing up again. So when you go from paper space to model space, your line type scale is going to change. So you want to be conscious of that whenever you're doing a drawing. So So now what I want to do is I want to plot this out. So I'm going to go, I get it right click here and hit plot. And here he goes, has some of our same settings already saved the paper. Here is at 24 by 36. It's a scale once a one, which is fine. That's pretty much just the true scale. So now it's hit. Uh, actually only only changes. I want to go. D W g two PdF and this preview. There we go. Looks good. Let's see it plot and we'll do a test. Savor our test print. Yes. And there we go. We printed out 24 by 36 uh, scale drawing scale. That was 38 way Have