AutoCAD 2021 : The Ultimate Beginner Fast Track | Thomas Soltren | Skillshare

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AutoCAD 2021 : The Ultimate Beginner Fast Track

teacher avatar Thomas Soltren, SketchUp Architect Creator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Autocad for Beginners Intro


    • 2.

      History of Autocad


    • 3.

      Getting Started


    • 4.

      Menu Overview


    • 5.

      Setting Units


    • 6.

      Drawing Lines in Ortho Mode


    • 7.

      Panning and Setting Object Snap


    • 8.

      Offset Command


    • 9.

      Trim Fillet and Chamfer Commands


    • 10.

      Adding Dimensions and Editing Styles


    • 11.

      Plotting to Scale


    • 12.

      Plotting in Paper Space


    • 13.

      Adding Multiline Text


    • 14.



    • 15.

      Drawing a Door


    • 16.

      Creating Blocks


    • 17.

      Mirror Command and Saving Options


    • 18.

      Creating and Editing Polylines


    • 19.

      Creating and Editing Splines


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About This Class

This course is designed for the absolute beginner in Autocad. No experience is necessary. We will start with building a room design, dimensioning it, adding text, doors and printing to scale. Students should have access to Autocad LT, Pro or autocad online. This course will primarily go over the basics of Cad drafting of Architectural plans. More advanced lessons will be added so stay connected and please follow this course. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Thomas Soltren

SketchUp Architect Creator


I have been working in the Architectural Field for over 20 years. I have designed Dog houses to multi-million dollar homes and commercial buildings. In the last few years I have focused almost entirely on 3D modeling of Architecture. I believe 3D modeling is the best way to show clients your projects. I love to continue learning and sharing the methods and tips that I have learned throughout my career. In the beginning and end it's all about creating architecture that effectively displays your design ideas and meets or exceeds the criteria of your client.

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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Autocad for Beginners Intro: Welcome to autocad for beginners. If you have 0 experience and don't know where to start, then this is a great course for you. My name is Thomas Ultron, and I've been using AutoCad for 25 years. I started using AutoCad in 1996 when I got my architectural degree. I since I've been working in the architectural field, and I primarily use it to create architectural plans and 3D models. Auto CAD is used in industries worldwide by architects, project managers, engineers, graphic designers, city planners, and more. Autocad has become the standard when it comes to these industries and understanding how to use it can help you master other softwares as well. In this course, we will start with a practical example of drawing a room and go over the most commonly used tools along the way, we will go over dimensioning, adding texts and printing your plan to scale and more. The first two lessons, we'll go over these basics and as we move forward, I'll be adding more advanced lessons. So make sure to follow this course and stay connected. If you are looking for an official certification in AutoCad, this course, we'll go over several of the items covered on the exam as your instructor, I want you to succeed. If you have any questions, simply send me a message and I will answer as soon as possible. Are you ready to learn AutoCad? If so, I'll see you in the AutoCad for beginners, part one. 2. History of Autocad: Welcome again to AutoCad, 2021 for beginners. Before we get started, let's go over a brief little history of autocad. Autocad began its first release in 1982. Since then, every year on a cat comes out with one or more new versions. Now, don't worry about it because every version carries over functions and commands from the previous version, usually making your design process easier. I first started using AutoCad in 1996, and that was right when AutoCad swell 13 were available. And I really jumped in autocad 14 where it started getting into 3D capabilities. And every year since, it just keeps improving. Now, if you don't have autocad yet, just go over to and you can just go into products. And for this course we're going to be using AutoCad light. But if you have the AutoCad, the full version issued weren't just the same. And you just go here and they will allow you to download a free trial. Or if you're ready to purchase, you can select one of the options below. This is a US based page from Autodesk. So if you're in another country, your page may look a little different. So if you haven't already, go ahead and download your version of autocad. And I'll see you in the next lesson. 3. Getting Started: While using AutoCad, you're going to want to use a three button mouse with a left-click, right-click, and a scroll button. The scroll button is going to be used quite a bit. Now that you have downloaded autocad, let's go ahead and double-click to open it up. Once you have it open, you should see a screen similar to this. Let's go ahead and click over here on the Get Started button. Now that we see this screen, or you want to do is, let's zoom out a little bit by using our scroll button. Now, I want you to erase this. So to do that, I'm going to type II answer. And I'm going to use the left mouse button. Click once, drag my mouse, click the left button again, and then hit Enter. And it erased it. 4. Menu Overview: Now let's take a brief tour of our menu window here. Up here on top, we have our menus or Home Insert, and it's a parametric view managed output, collaborate. Underneath it we have our ribbon, or I believe this is called panels as well. And here we have some of the basic commands that autocad uses. And down here we have what is considered our model space. This is where we will be doing all of our drawing. Down here on the bottom, we have our command line. Now the command line you can click and you can left-click and drag your mouse and release it wherever you want. It could double-click or less. You bring it down, actually click in, lift, bring it down, and you can dock it. So it takes up the whole space. There. Doesn't really matter wherever you want to have the command line. This is where it will tell you all the functions that you are using. So if I'm using the erase command E and Xr, it will kind of prompt you as to what you should do next. So now I hate arrays is asking me to select the objects. So now I have to do what I did where I left-click and selected objects, but I don't have any objects. So I'm going to hit Escape to exit that command. And again escape again. And now I'm out of the erase function, and now the command line is waiting for me to give it a command. You can also just click on these buttons here and answer into a different command. 5. Setting Units: Now before we start drawing something, let's go ahead and set the units for our drawing. So let's do that. I'm going to type units, Enter, and this window pops up. So I'm going to make sure that I'm in the architectural type units and everything else. I'm going to leave the same decimal degrees precision 0 here. I can adjust the precision that I want to be drawing in. And 1 16th is fine and everything else, insertion scale inches. So if you're in another part of the world and you're using the metric system, you may want to change this to something else. But here I'm in, I am in the US, so we use the architectural units. So I'm going to go ahead and click, Okay. 6. Drawing Lines in Ortho Mode: So in this course, I want to be able to teach you by doing some examples of something you may actually do in the real-world. So let's draw a room, just a square or rectangle room. So to do that, I want to start with the line tool. So to do that, I'm going to go over here to line and click, left-click once. And here you can see the command line has been activated. It says line, that's the command I'm in. And it's saying to specify the first. So I'm gonna go ahead and just click anywhere in my screen here doesn't really matter where I'm going to left-click once. And then you can see that it is trying to draw a line. Now, as you can see here, it's there is it's going in every direction. But I wanted to go completely horizontal. In order for me to do that, I'm going to hit the function a key or F8, and it locks in what is called Ortho Mode. So Ortho mode keeps everything on 0 or 90 degrees or 180, 360, so keeps everything really straight. So I'm gonna go ahead and move my mouse in the direction that I want my line to go. So I'm going to go in this direction and I'm going to type in 10 feet. So to do that, I'm going to hit 1, 0. And apostrophe is for feats. And I'm going to answer. And then I have drawn a ten-foot line, but I'm going to hit escape to get out of this function. And why can I see it? Well, because I'm zoomed in too close. So it's a zoom out. I'm going to use a scroll button. And now I'm zoomed out so I can see that. 7. Panning and Setting Object Snap: Now another thing I can do is pan in my, in my model space. To do that, I'm going to press down the scroll button and then you see that it converted that icon in the middle of the cross hairs to a hand. So I'm going to walk, I'm holding the button down. I can drag my window wherever I want. So I'm going to click right there and then I can zoom in and out to that ten-foot line that I just drew. Okay, so now the next thing I wanna do is I want to draw a line continuing from this end point vertically 90 degrees. So to do that, I need to have my object snap settings set. So to set those, I'm going to go to oh, snap and click answer. And that's going to open up this drafting settings box. So I want to make sure that you may want to make sure that you have the same selections checked. So you want endpoint, midpoint sensor, geometric sensor of a circle. That's good nodes. Some of these you're not going to use initially, but they may come in useful later. So I'm going to go ahead and leave all these checked. Just make sure yours is matching and click. Okay? Now when I go back into the line function and I could do it two ways. I could click line here or I can simply type l for line answer. And now it's asking me to specify the first. But now I wanted to continue off of that end. So I'm going to drag my mouse until it snaps to that endpoint. And then I'm going to left-click once. And I'm going to drag my mouse vertically 90 degrees up. I'm still in that Ortho Mode. And you could toggle ortho mode honor off by pressing F8. So FA is on and are that's on, as off on. So just toggles on and off. Now I'm going to make sure my mouse is going in this direction and I'm going to type 12 feet in the apostrophes for the apostrophe is for feet and CR. And then I'm going to zoom out using my scroll recenter to that. And let's go back over here ten feet. And then I'm going to drag my mouse down. And there you can see it's going to snap to that end. I'm going to click. And then now I've closed in all my walls. 8. Offset Command: Congratulations, you have created your first shape in autocad or room. But before we actually go out and celebrate, let's add a little bit more detail to this drawing. Okay, so we have our line drawn out here, but in the architectural world, we have walls that have thickness to that. So to add some thickness to this, I'm going to type O for offset. Answer. And I'm going to offset this wall four inches. So I'm going to hit offset distance form. Answer. And then now it's asking me offset, select object to offset. So I'm going to select this line. I'm going to click once, left-click ones. I'm gonna drag my mouse in the direction that I want the offset. So I'm going to offset it to the inside of my room. And then since I'm still in this offset function, I can just click the next wall, drag my mouse in the direction I want it to go. Left click again. 9. Trim Fillet and Chamfer Commands: Now I want to clean up these wall corners so we have these lines that are crossing and I don't want them to cross. So I'm going to show you three different ways we can clean that up. So I'm going to zoom in to a corner here. And the first one I'm going to do is call trim. So I'm going to type in trim. Answer. Now it's asking me to select the objects that I want to trim. So I'm going to left-click once, drag my mouse where it intersects all of these lines, click again. And then I'm going to right-click once. So now it's going to ask me what do I want to cut out of the selection? So I'm going to select these lines that are extending beyond. And just like that, I've trimmed and cleaned up that corner. So that's one way of doing it using the trim command. Now I'm going to go over here and I'm going to show you another way so we can use the Fill it command or Philae villi, I'm not sure. I say it is just F. And then I'll get f Enter. And then it's going to ask before a radius or asking for several things, but I want to, uh, once you add the radius, so I'm going to hit R for radius, and then I'm going to set it to 0. It's actually already a 0, but I'm gonna go ahead and click 0 again. Answer, and that's it, right? So now it's asking Philae, fill it, select first object. So I'm going to select one line and then I want it to fill it to the next line are and because the radius is 0, is going to make that a 90 degree turn. So that's the second way of cleaning up the corner. And now I'm going to show you the third, which is chamfer. I'm going to see a CV, CHA, those chamfer. And you can also click here, and it'll enter into that command. And again, I'm going to change the angle. And I'm going to set the angle to 0 and I hit a four angle, then set to 0. Answer again. And then I'm going to click one line, click the other. And there we go, it use that command to clean the, clean up the corner. And then if I want to repeat my previous command, I can simply click Enter. And it'll jump into the previous command that I had, which was chamfer. So I'm going go ahead and click one line and click the other. And let's click escape to get out of all commands. And there we have all of our walls nicely cleaned up. 10. Adding Dimensions and Editing Styles: Okay, So let's add some dimensions to our walls. To do that, let's go over to the annotate menu and go over here to dimensions and where it says standard is going to left-click. And I want to, I want to create a new style. So let's go over to manage dimension styles. Left-click and I'm going to click on New here. And let's go ahead and call this new style and click Continue. And we're going to change a couple items on here. First, let's go through lines and everything here I think is fine. Later on we can go or changing colors and line types, but for now I'm going to leave it as is symbols and arrows. I'm going to go ahead and change this to architectural tick. And let's go to text. So here we can leave it on a standard tags or we can create our own texts. So I'm gonna go, go ahead over here. And I want to create a new one and we're going to hit, call this one dim style one. Okay? And make sure you have it selected. And here we can change the font name. So I'm going to click over here. And I'm going to go ahead and type a to get to Arial text. And there we have Arial font style. And to keep it regular, the font height, I'm going to go ahead and make this five inches. To do that. I'm just going to type five. And I think I can leave it like that and it'll go to automatically to inches. Or you can type five apostrophe or quotation marks and that's inches. So that looks good. I'm going to go ahead and click Apply and Close. And then textile, let's go ahead and select that new one that we just created, dim style one. And then let's go to the next item here which is fit. Let's go ahead and change this to 24. On the scale for dimension features is OUs or raw scale of 24. Let's go over primary units. And I'm going to go in and change this to architectural. Leave it at 1 16th and everything else. These alternate units tolerance is going to leave the same. And let's see if everything is looking good here. Let's see, Let's go ahead and click Okay. And we have that sets a new style tag and a close. And let's go ahead and draw dimensions. So to do that, I'm just going to click on this first dimension style here, Angular click on this corner to the next corner and just drag that mouse up. Left-click once and there we've created our dimension style. Now, one thing I want to change is I wanted to say ten-foot 0 inches. So to do that, let's go back to our dimension style. Let's go to Manage dimension styles. Let's go ahead and select that new one. Let's go to modify. And where it says Primary Units 0 suppression. I don't want it to suppress the 0, I want the 0 to show. So I'm going to go ahead and click Okay, and click Close. And now it says ten-foot 0 inches very clearly. Now let's add another dimension, and right now I'm in the linear dimension tool. So either one if you click is the same. So if I click here, It's gonna give me the same function. So I click on that endpoint, drag my mouse to the next endpoint, and bring it out. And is at 12 foot. Now one thing I don't like is I don't like that the text is not being aligned with the dimension style. So we can adjust that by going back to our dimension style, managed dimension styles. We're going to modify it. And let's go back to text. And here we'll see where it says text alignment, align with dimension line. And we go in and click OK. This 10 foot. 11. Plotting to Scale: Okay guys, so you have successfully created your first room in AutoCad dimension and everything. But we want to print this out, right? So there's a couple of different ways we can do that. We can print it out directly from our model space. So to do that, I could go to Home, I believe Let's see, There's a prince button. Or we can go right over here to this icon. Plots, same thing, print plot saying difference. And because I know everyone has different plot settings, wants to print as a PDF. So to do that, I'm going to click over here on the name of our printer. And let's go to DWG to PDF. And as a default, it's going to give us an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper. So the next thing I want to do is what's a plot? So I'm going to click here. And I want a window around what I want it to plot. So I'm going to click, left-click, and I'm going to left-click and left-click around that whole area. Now, right now is fitting to the paper. There is no scale. So if I hit preview, Let's see what it looks like. And there we go. So we have a we have our walls printed out dimensions. So I can print this out by right-clicking, hit plot. And I would just be able to print to wherever I want. So my desktop so I can print it out, save it. And there we go. We have our first drawing, prints it out. Now, if I want this printed out to scale, what I would have to do is I could go to plot again, or I can simply type plot answer, and it will bring up my plot window. Now what I want to change here is instead of fits a paper, I want to specify a scale. So I'm gonna go to here to scale. And let's try quarter-inch scale. And it's scaled in this little preview as to what it would look like or the area that's going to take up in our plot window. So if I go to here, Let's go back to DWG to PDF. And we are at a quarter-inch scale. Let's preview the annotation scales not equal to the Laplacian. We want to continue, yes. And there we go. So we have our drawing printed out two scale. So you can actually plot this on 8.5 sheet of paper and use a quarter inch ruler and it would be swell by ten. That would be correct. And we can pick whatever other scale dimensions you want. So you can go to as long as it fits in the paper or doesn't he hasn't been the papers. It'll just be cut off the screen. Well, you can see what would better work for your situation. So that would allow you to print it out to an actual correct scale. And then once you have your settings and let's say you want to save the setting, just hit applied to layout and you can cancel. And then whenever you go back to plot, it'll bring up that same, that last setting that you had. So I can hit Preview and it'll show that all the time. So that's how you print it out to scale. 12. Plotting in Paper Space: Now the next thing I want to show you is this is in model space, but what if I want to work in what they call a paper space or wants to create a nice little border around it or something like that. So I can go over here to the architectural title block. And there's nothing on there at the moment. But let's pretend that there was a border on here. And what I wanna do is, let's go ahead and right-click here. And let's go to page setup manager. Okay, So what this is doing is this is setting up a paper space and that's exactly what it means. It's like this is the representation of the size paper you have. So currently this is showing a plot size of 24 by 36 inches. I can modify that to a different size paper. So let's go to modify and that spawn. Let's go ahead and we're going to set up a DWG to PDF because that's going to be act as our, our plotter. And I'm going to change the paper size to ansi, 8.5 by 11. So 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper. And then I'm going to say I want it to print the the layouts. Yes. And we can go ahead and preview and it's Diaz going to show us that whole page there. And okay. Everything's good so far this is just setting up the page. I'm going to click, Okay, and we're going to enclose this. So now this should be represented, representing a half by 11 sheet of paper. But where's our drawing? We want our Zhuangzi be in there. So I need to create a viewport or a multi-view. So I'm going to hit M V for M view answer. And then it's going to ask for a shape. So I'm going to click, left click once and drag my mouse. Left-click again. And there it basically creates a window into my model space. So if I double-click, it activates that window. And I can zoom in and out. And I can pan around to work to wherever I want that to zoom into. So let's now let me double-click out of it. And I'm going to select it by clicking once. Now, let's say I want this to be a certain scale. So I can go down here. And I could click this once and now allows me to kind of set some preset scales. So it's going to quarter inch and it's going to automatically zoom in to a quarter-inch it relative to that 8.5 sheet of paper. So now let's go plot. And everything is set up for that sheet of paper. It's on landscape. That's why the papers kind of silty that way. So I hit preview and there we go. We have our drawing, our walls printed out on 8.5 sheet of paper. And whenever I'm ready, I just hit plot, save it wherever I want, and that's it. And let's see, There it goes. There you have it. You have successfully prints it out your room that you drew in AutoCad. 13. Adding Multiline Text: How to add some text to this room. So to do that, let's go ahead and click here. And I'm going to type in m, t for multi-line text enter. And I'm going to draw a window. So I'm going to left-click and left-click again. It's a kind of create a window box and then I can type in whatever I want for my, for my text. So let's call this the first room or my first CAD room. And just left-click out of that somewhere. And we can, now we can add some options to this. I'm going to left-click once. And it allows me to kind of adjust the window box. And what I wanna do is it lets double-click. And it gives us some options. Now up here, a bunch of offices just popped up. So I can change the style of font that I want to make sure you have all your letters selected and you can start changing whatever font you want. And I'm going to leave it on that Arial. Let's go back to the Ariel. We're whence Ariel. And let's underline it. So this Click here for underline. And let's see if we can get it to center justified right there. And it's going to click out. And I can, I can make it snap to each side so that way I know it is exactly in the center of the room. And I can hit M for move and left-click once, right-click it once. And now it's asking me for a base point. So it's for me to drag. So I click, left-click once and I can drag it wherever I want. If I click F8, it removes it from the ortho, click bait locks it into the ortho. And I could just kinda centered it in that room. Let's hit Escape. Now. Let's go back to our paper space. And there we have our room again. Let's go ahead and plot. Let's go ahead and type plot. Enter. Let's go ahead and click preview. And there we go. Now we have our room dimensions and labeled. So just like that, you have created your first room in autocad. You're on your way to becoming a pro with on again. 14. Layers: Okay guys, So let's talk about layers. Here. We have our layer options box here. And so far we've been drawing in the 0 layer. So all of these lines that we have are in that 0 layer. Let me escape and just select those for no reason. Okay, So let's create some different layers. So I'm going to go ahead and click Left click here to open our layer properties box, hopefully. And it's way over here, my other screen. There we go. So we only have two different layers in our window at the moment. We have our 0 layer, which is kind of the default layer. You don't really wants a drawing 0 layer, but in this case we did. And then here we have Def points. Def points will never print out. It's just something that you could draw, things that you don't want to come out when you print. So you can put that on deaf points layer. So let's create a new layer. To do that, I'm going to click here on his checkmark for a new layer. Actually, that's a great, that's the current. Here we go, new layer. And let's call this our wall layer. Enter. And let's change the color. So I'm going to, I'm going to click and drag these windows here, kinda see a little bit more what these are saying. Okay, so, alright, so now we want our wall layer, we wanted to plot out, so make sure that is selected. And if I double-click, it makes that the active layer. And let's go ahead and click on Color and we can change the color of it. So I'm gonna go ahead and select our index color three, which is the screen. Click OK. And let's go ahead and close out of this. Now, let's say I want to move all my wall layers to that are all my layers I did here. I want to move into the wall layer. So I'm going to left-click and select all of these, click and drag. So I'm Clicking all of those. And right now says they're selected. It's showing that they're on the 0 layer, so it's easy to move them. All I have to do is click here, moved to walls, left-click again, escape. And I already moved them to the correct layer. So what about dimensions? Let's create a layer for dimensions. So I'm going to left-click here. Let's go ahead and create another layer. And I call this dimensions enter that we want it to be green. Let's not do green. Let's do this. Index color nine. Click. Okay. And let's create another one for our text. And I'll just type text, enter. And we'll go in and click here and it's going to make this yellow. And okay. All right, so let's go ahead and close out of our Layer box here. And to move it to that layer, I'm going to go ahead and click here. Click here, move it suits texts. Escape. Let's select our dimensions and move those two dimension layer. So now everything is on a separate layer. Now if I want to turn off the layer, I could go here. And I can say, You know what, I don't want to see my text. So I can click off. And let's see, didn't do it because why did not do it? I think is because the active layer I'm not sure about that was back out. Oh, yeah. Okay. Did it turn it off? And then same thing I could do with dimensions. Let's, I don't want to see my dimensions. And there we go. So we turn off our dimensions and our texts. So however you want, you can turn these on and off. You can also freeze them, which is kinda the same as turning off and on. But sometimes if things are in groups, you may want to freeze it rather than turn on or off, gets a little complicated, but just know that they work the same. And the reason why I didn't hurt. All right, now is because it is the active layer. Autocad does not, does not like turning off the active layer. So let's go ahead and move this to 0 layer, since nothing is on there. And I can go here and let's go in and freeze our wall air. And there we go. We don't have we can't see that. Another thing we can do is we can lock our layers. So let me click out of here. Let's go to click on this lock. And what it does it kinda like kinda adult dolls that layer in your view. And if I wanted to erase everything, so I want to hit E for erase. Answer. Let's ask select everything within this box and right-click. It. Deleted everything except for my walls because they're locked. So locking a layer prevents you from deleting it. And I just say Control Z to undo command. So definitely you want to write that one down or remember that Control Z undo. So, so that's a brief overview of layers. That's really how most people use layers. You just want to keep things on different groups, different layers. And I drew everything on 0. You never really want to do that. So really you should set up your layers first and move to the current layer. Let's say if I wanted to draw walls, just make sure that is the layer that I'm, that is active in this window here. Or I could type in LA. And it'll bring up that layer window. And you just double-click CMake, whatever layer you want, the active layer. So I'm going to go ahead and exit out of all that. And there we go. So now we have some different layers in our drawing. 15. Drawing a Door: Okay, now let's add a door to our room. To do that, I'm going to use the line tool and go ahead and click over here to line. I'm in the wall layer and I'm going to snap to the midpoint of this wall and drag my mouse this way. And I'm actually going to zoom in, drag it to the midpoint of that other. And so it's just 90 degree line, just hit Escape and won't say hits O for offset. And I'm going to offset three feet. So three apostrophe Enter, and that gives me a three-foot offsets. I'm going to click once here, drag my mouse in the direction. I want the offset. Left-click once and there I've offset alignment three feet. Now I'm going to trim this out by typing trim. Answer, trim, answer. When a left-click once, highlight all those walls, left-click again, and I can hit Enter. And now it's going to ask what lines I want to trim out. So I'm going to left-click once, left-click again. And there I've clicked, I bomb cut out that opening for them, my door. Okay, So now I want to draw door. So what I'm gonna do is let's create another layer for doors is go to Layers. Let's go ahead and create a, another one is called a door and CR. And I'm going to give us a different color. Let's give it magenta. Click Okay, escape out of that. And I draw a line L Enter. Am going to snap to that corner. Oops, I'm not in that layer. I forgot to go to the layer. Let's go to the door and escape it l for line. I'm gonna draw this three foot out. And let's go. Let's do any off-sites. Go to war over offset, lips O for offset. Let's type in 1.5 inches. Answer. And I'm going to click an offset this direction, 1.5 L for line L answer, am just basically going to connect these ends over here. L, a repeat line. So what I did there is I right-clicked, sorry, I was a habit to explain things when I do it. So if you right-click, it kind of gives you the option of selecting some recent commands. So I'm going to say repeat the line command, do left-click. And, and basically it puts me in that command again. So I can select the endpoint to endpoint escape. And there I have a door. So I want to create an arch now. So I'm going to use a circle command. I'm going to type in C for circle answer. And by default it's going to ask me for the midpoint of the center of the circle. So I'm going to click once, left-click once here. And I'm going to drag the mouse out to his that other side there, left-click again. And now I want to trim this out. So I'm going to hit Trim. Want to select this line and this line. He answer. And then I want to cut out that piece and escape out of that. And there you go. I've created my three-foot door. 16. Creating Blocks: Now, a three-foot door is a pretty common thing that I'm going to want to use again. So I want to create this into a block or a template that I can insert a time and time again in my drawing. So to do that, I'm going to create a blog. So I'm going to type in block answer. And it brings up a box here. And it's got asked me for the name of my block. So I'm going to say, you know, this is a 30 by 6 8 door. I'm going to click well, actually before I click OKs asked me go things. I can ask it can, I can specify the base point of this. So I have to select the objects and it gives me some of the options for annotative stuff like that. I'm going to leave these alone. These are only two I want to mess with base point, want to make sure that's checked. And I want to select the objects. I'm going to go ahead and click here. And let's see, converts a blog. Yes, everything else, inches, everything else is okay. So click Okay and specify the base point. So I'm going to select the right here. And then it says select the object. So I'm going to select all of these lines that I drew for my door and click Enter. And I believe that's it, is that it found five. And I believe it created our block and we click there, we can see that this is now a block. 17. Mirror Command and Saving Options: Now what I wanna do is instead of this single door, I want it to be a double door. So I'm going to hit Offset. Enter Type 3 Feet. Answer, click this line, offset it to the left, click again. And let's go to hit Trim. Answer. Select this line. Right-click, trim out those pieces. And let's go ahead and erase this middle piece as well. Okay. Now, I want to insert that door that I just did. So I'm going to hit I for insert. And let's see what happened. That did not work. So let's go to Insert, Insert block. Actually, I guess like they right there. So that's really convenient. Let's go ahead and drag it over here. So it's asking me for the point where I want to insert, I want to click here and that spine, okay, so it's already in there but it's facing the wrong way. So I want to mirror this the other way. So it's a mirror, I'm just going inside being mirror or MI it for short. Answer. Select the object. Right-click once, hit the midpoint, I'm going to drag the mouse in the direction that I want that some mirror for that mirror line, I'm going to left-click once. And then it's asking me, do you want to erase the object? So it'll give me the option to create to create a new one or just flip the existing one. So do I want to erase source object? Yes, I do. Some hit Enter. And there we go. Now I have my double 30 door in my room. And to save your file, will you have to do is go over here to the AutoCad light logo. Click here and you can hit Save or Save As. And we just want to save it as a DWG file. And just find a location wherever you want to save it. And we'll just name it my first CAD drawing. And here you can change the version of autocad, you want to save it to. So if you're, if you're transferring and sending it to other people, you may want to go to a lower version. If not, you may want to keep it at the latest version available here, which is 2018, even though we are in autocad 2020, one is still saves it down so that other versions can open it up. So I'm just going to leave it down in 2010 and click Save. 18. Creating and Editing Polylines: Okay guys, So let's talk about creating and editing polylines. First off, a polyline is different from your regular line, which we have drawn here, is basically from 1 to the next. And it is not connected to anything else. And it doesn't really allow us to edit a normal line. Much polyline gives us a few more options. So let's get into the command. And to do that, I'm going to type polyline Enter. And there's already asked me for a first. And before I start that, let me escape once. And for short, you can just type in P line and it'll bring it into the same command. So it's asking us to select a point. Let's go ahead and left-click once. And we drag our mouse. And it's asking us for some information over here, it says specify the next point or can we have some options? You can say Arc have with length, undo or width. So we can add some different options to our polyline. We can give it a width so I could type W Enter. And now it's saying what do you want your starting width to be? And I'm going to, I'm going to say four edges. And now it's asking for the ending width. And I want it to be the same, I want it to be the same thickness throughout. So I'm going to say for as well and just say answer. So now it changed the thickness of that line to four inches. So now I'm gonna go ahead and specify a distance that I'm going to type 10 feet. Answer. And then it just continues the line and it says it's asking the same information. You'll specify the next point. I'm going to type 12 feet. And then I'm going to come this way. Ten feet, enter. And then it gives me, I can close this, the set of lines by pressing C Enter, and then it just closes the whole thing. Now, when I select it, it highlights each one of these. It highlights all the polylines as one unit as opposed to in this scenario, it does not. Now, I can still edit my polyline by typing P E for polyline edit, answer. And it says select polyline or multiple. I'm just going to select, I'm just going to select this one. And then now gives me even more options to change, to edit it. So you don't want I'm gonna do, I'm going to change the width again. Are going to hit W, answer for the width. And then it says specify new width for all segments. You don't want, I want it to be 0. Hey 0, answer. And now my polyline is all set to 0 width. Now, another useful thing I could do here is, you know what? I want to offset this polyline 4 inches. So I'm going to hit O for offset. And I want to offset for, it's already set up for, so I'm just going to hit Enter. I'm going to click once and I wanted to be on the inside. So I'm going to make sure my mouse is in the direction inside and left-click. And now I've offset that polyline. So that's a quick way to create polylines and edit them. 19. Creating and Editing Splines: Now let's talk about creating a spline. So to do that, I'm going to type in the command spline, SP line. And we're going to go ahead and select a point on our screen. Now this is more of a, it's like a polyline, but it's more free forms. So let's say if I wanted to create a pool, that's just the kind of a maybe a kidney style shape. So I can use the spline to do that. So I'm gonna go ahead and click a point. And then I could drag my mouse and I'm going to remove it from Ortho mode by pressing F8. So it's, it's more free flowing. And I'm going to click left again. And then it's just going to follow my mouse wherever I kind of bring it. So I'm just clicking, I'm just kinda given a control points. Or I can edit this polyline or spline is what I call it. What are they? Close. And there we've created our spline. Now, I can edit these by all those points that I clicked. I can actually click and drag my mouse. And I can edit this shape how I want it. Now this is very useful when you're doing stuff like electrical plans. You know, when you're drawing the switches and the lines for that, it actually comes in very handy as polyline command. And there you go. We have a nice spline and I can offset it. I can hit O for offset. Let's go a foot. Let's say if we wanted to give it our pool, nice little coping around it. There you go. So that is the spline command.