1. IntroVideo: welcome. Thanks came quick start. My name is Dan, and I'll be leading you through this course. I designed this course for people who learn best. By doing so, I encourage you to do just that. Follow along with me. Innings gave step by step. If I go too fast, pause or rewind the video so you can catch up. You can also take advantage of the video playback speed to tailor it just for you. I'm include a zip file with all the Finnish files for you to play with and a couple of resource is they're used in the course. So download this before starting. Some of the fonts that used in this course may not be available in your system. I just encourage you to choose one that you like that similar and be creative and create the logo anyway. And this course will create four logos, and as we go along, we'll get deeper and deeper into the tools of escape. In. The first logo will start with the basic tools of escape the select tool, the node edit tool used for note editing and shaping, zooming and panning, selecting and changing outline and fill colors scaling and nearing objects with the constraint keys, object ordering texts and fonts, making text. Follow paths. The node edit tool and combining objects in the second logo will dive a bit deeper, covering advanced note editing. Breaking up text to edit it. Shape using fonts from Google fonts. Special objects with special features and guidelines in the third logo will dive even deeper, covering how to trace bit maps, more advanced fit text a path, combining objects, creating a stamp effect. They don't show you how toe add this logo to a mock up in the last logo. We'll cover fountain fills and the interactive fill tool, adding a shine effect. Making three D looking objects rotating in skewing object, choosing colors from others, adding drop shadows and then we use this logo to create a business card.
2. Smoky Mountains Logo - Drawing Lines: okay, We're gonna start out by creating a logo for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. So not too long ago, I took a vacation with my wife and we got away for our anniversary. Went to the Smoky Mountains and I really liked it. So I decided I would create a logo to use in this course. So that's what we're gonna do. So let's get started. So when you open up escape, you automatically end up in new document. So right here we have a new document one and where we see a page here on the screen. So we're going to start with that and we're gonna leave it unsaved right now, and we'll just get started. So let's start off by talking about lines. So lines there's a couple of different line tools and escape are actually three different ones. If you count the calligraphy tool. The main one is this one here, which is to draw all freehand lines. And then we have straight lines and curves, and I say, the main one that's actually the one that has the have six key assigned to it. And this is the back side back end one but I think this one's actually a little bit more useful. I don't use Freehand lines very often, but we're gonna use him in this lesson, and I want to show you exactly how they work. So once you click FREEHAND line, you'll see you'll get some settings up here. Everything you select, you end up with some settings up their specific to that. So if you look up here, one of them is the smooth and on my screen, actually, says Smoot. But it actually says smooth, but it just, um, isn't fitting the age in here. But anyway, the smooth us really, how that works. So if if I just draw a free hand squarely line here, you can see if you zoom in here. I have the smooth set at 20 and if you zoom in here, which control and Middle Mouse Button Scroll allows you to zoom in and out upwards mmgn downwards, imj out. So we'll zoom in here and we'll see that it's kind of, um, squiggly. There's some extra little points and stuff in there. It's to another one with little even less move. Let's do it in eight, and I'll draw about that same shape, and you can see it is taking every little squiggle that my hand does and making it part of the line. And then if you bring this way up 89 here and I'll draw about the same shape, you will see it's smooth. Smooth it out totally. It has to points in that line. And if you go over here is called the Node tool. If you go in and select that, you can see actually how many nodes things have. As you can see, this one has a bunch of them because we didn't use early any smoothing at all. And this one has a little less but still has quite a few nodes in this one. It went all the way down to two, so we want to be in between there somewhere where it's a somewhat smoothed but not toe. Let's go right mid range. Just go right around 50. If you see as you get over sliders and escape, you get a little arrow, and if you click, it will move that right to where your arrow is. Sometimes it's hard because you get over top of text and all that you can actually double click on text and change too like 100 hit Enter now I'm in 100 a double click on that hit 50 and hit. Enter. You are at 50. So let's look and see what 50 does for us. So I draw about that same line here. It drew about what I was wanting, but not with a lot of extra extra node. So but look at this Now you can see it just has the nodes. I I kind of wanted enough to make that shape kind of workout. And, um, we'll get more into editing the nodes and stuff here in a second. So that's how the Freehand tool works. So let's, um, get rid of all this stuff I'm gonna control, zoom out with a scroll wheel and then had control a and select all Well, um, and note editing mode. But if I get this electoral control, a oranges are draw a box around all of it. I'll have everything and hit the delete key. All gone. OK, so now let's get into the curves and straight lines. So if you click on that and you just click and then you can see I have this pink line going , That's tell me where the line is going to go. And if I click again, I get a straight line. And if I click again, I get a straight line. Assumes I do. I click and drag on that last one. It starts making again into a curve, and now I am in curved mode so you can see I can really make this curve all over the place , and you're kind of stretching out those handles and giving it direction and and ample Fickett an amplitude or strength of that curve all of the same time. So if I double click in this, I will be out of the that line and it'll set it in there. So one day I wanted to show you is if If I start another line and click on a selected line end like if I click out here, it's going to start a whole new line. You see how it now I have this whole new line out here, But if this was selected, get the select tool and select that and then go back to my line. And if I select over the top of this where it turns red and click and then draw that out. I am part of this line now. So you see now it just extended that line. And if I was to select the end of one another end of one to close it up, it will automatically just close that up and numb in a new line, ready to create a new line. So that is how the line tools work. We'll talk about a little bit more about note editing and all that in the next module here .
3. Smoky Mountains Logo - Freehand Drawing the Mountain Range: Okay, here we are, back in our new document, and we're gonna get rid of everything here on the screen. There's just one object. So we're going to select it and hit delete. Okay, So I was going to use the page with here, and we're going to draw on our mountain rangers, have a mountain range and say the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. So, um, we're gonna start creating that by doing a set of mountain ranges. Have you ever been to this Milky mountains? You see all these Siris of of mountain ranges, and they're all covered by pine trees, so they are always green, and that's what we're gonna create. So let's start with the Freehand tool. Because for this mountain range is going to be nice. I've decided that 50 was about what I liked in the last video. So we're going to go with 50 and we're going to start with a a tall mountain range over here and then let it go down and up and down and kind of stop right there. OK, so that's our mountain range. And I'm not crazy about what happened here, but I will give us a good chance to fix it. And if you remember, I said, if you click on the end of ah line and then drag around, you're going to get a straight line. So we're gonna hold down the control key here, and that will get it out here further. I'll show you what's happening here. See how straight it is, even if I go over here until I get Teoh over 7/2 degrees or some, it goes to 15 degree increments. And so I am constraining that thing. So I just want a little straight line that goes about that far and then click. And then I want toe click again on that where it's Red control dragon all the way across. And the overshoot this because I want to show you something and I want to click there, click on that red note again and then click their toe. Close it up, okay, and there's are sort of our mountain range, and we're gonna we're going to clean this up a little bit. But you see how this is not a straight straight vertical line. Okay, we want to make it that so let's go into note editing. We're going to start doing some work and note editing here. And if you have, let's go ahead and control and scroll wheel in. Let me show you how this works. So if I was the scroll and control will over this this end, it zooms into this end and back out. If I do it over here, it's gonna zoom into that. And so it's a good way to get around and get into details of what you're looking at. And I'll show you some quickies here in a second to, um, that will help you do that also. So anyway, there's, ah line that we want to fix. So we have this note editing tool and you see, we have the different nodes here and stuff. We window these two here. It will allow us to use the alignment tools on these nodes. So these air up here in object and down here at the bottom Ah, line in distribute. So let's click on that, and it opens up one of these little docker windows over here. I'm not sure exactly what escape calls them, but it allows you toe a line and distribute thing. So now that we have those two selected. If I select off here, you can see it has some stuff changes over here a little bit. But we grab those two and we want to align the selected notes to a vertical line. So if we click on that, you can see they went vertical. So So now we have that. Now let's go back out. And if we look at zoom a little bit so if we go to view and zoom up here, you can see that you have several different quickies that you can use. And I love using quickies. So let's talk about those. Zoom in and zoom out the plus and minus. I never use those cause the control scroll wheel works so well. So I would just say, Get used to that and using that control squirrel will and then on the 12345 and six keys on the keyboard, it will allow you to do these different functions. So you zoom it 1 to 1122 is two different skills, so that is like actual size and then double are half size and then double size so you can see play with those that one doesn't actually have a quickie, so it's a selection will zoom in the selection drawing will zoom the whole drawing and I'll show you how those two work. And then you got page and page with which is self explained, where the whole page are just the page with. So let's go out here and say We want to do start with one and that's 1 to 1 That's 2 to 1 sees about half the size, and then three actually zooms the selection. And you can see if I if I have and soon way out here, let's go to the whole page, which is five. If I had another option object out here and I just had this selected and I did that three. It is just getting that selected item. Now. If I hit four, it's gonna get all the objects in the drawing, so it's two different things. You can use their if you want to see everything just hit for. If you want to see that, what you have selected say, I just want to work on this hit three. Okay, so there's four to see everything again, and then if you want to see the whole page. You can hit five and just the page with kind of where you're working. You should hit six. So there we go. So let's hit four to see everything and I hit delete to get rid of our little extra circle here and hit for again. Now we have our mountain range. Let's start working on that, and we'll get into this note editing and smoothing this out in the next module.
4. Smoky Mountains Logo - Line Shaping and Filling: Okay, here we are, back in our drawing. And let's save this before you go any further so we don't lose what we have. Let's go to file up here and go to safe and thought of my hunger toe save as because we have not saved it yet. And and I have mine here already in a directory that I wanted in. So we are going to union to surf around here and put it somewhere where you know where to come back and get it. But I haven't my logo structure that we're gonna be working in, and I'm gonna call this Smoky Mountain logo. Okay, so I like to use what I call Camel case, and that comes from some of my programming experience and camel cases where you just use capital letters just to see the different words that we have spaces to deal with. And sometimes spaces can get in trouble. So that's how I'm you can do an hour of you want. But I did smoky mountain logo so safe now, I just saved it out there on my drives. Now you see appears a smoky mountain logo, and we're we're safe on this thing. So all right, so let's start smoothing this out and getting it to look the way I want it. So, um, let's hit the note edit tool and this drops off a little more than I really wanted it to. So let's bring that up a little bit. I want that hill to be a little bit more more to it, and then I definitely don't want this to happen down here. And you can see what's going on here is this intersection that's control and scroll wheel in so we can see this thing. And what it actually did was start selecting things for me. So if you're over the top of a node, I think it starts during some selection for you. Yeah, see how it's selecting those nodes for me anyway, if you are off of the note in your scroll wheel and you can see how this is what they call a cusp node, so it is not smooth. So if I get over the top of one of the handles here, I move this around, you can see it can come to a sharp point, and we don't want that. We want this to be smooth out. So what you do is you go over here into Now that we have this node selected, you can look at the different settings we have up here. So that's the selected Notes corner, which I call it a cusp. And it comes from a different program. CorelDraw selected node smooth and this one's symmetrical, and I'll show you the difference between those and all those moves. So let's just go to Ah, smooth here and you see what it does it automatically smooth that thing. So now if I move one of these handles, you'll see the other side is gonna move with it, so it always stays smooth. But I can get make this one rial long and this one stays the same. If I was to make this symmetrical Now, any time I dragged this one, the other one's gonna have the same amount to it. So the same distance away. So I want to just go back to smooth so we can do things differently here and have have ah, a little bit of ah, more of a joint and stuff like that Whips Control Z. I always get you out of trouble and no, it zoom back out at four. So we see everything, and now you can see we don't have our little corner there anymore. But we did have some weird stuff going on here. Let's get back in here. A little closer on that one looks fine. And then, if we any time, if we click with the middle mouse wheel so our middle mouse button and drag around, you can move along online. And one thing about escape. There's some video issues with it. Occasionally and you could see were missing parts of our line here. And they'll, though, Phil, back in if I go over the top of them. But you gotta look out for that. Sometimes you just got to change. You completely hit at four and and you'll clean things up because it will redraw. So anyway, we are looking pretty good here. I think. I think that's a pretty good little mountain range there, So let's choose a color for it here. We'll talk about filling a little bit and then we will, um, creator next mountain range. So if you look down at the bottom, you have all these different colors and stuff so any of these I select on it will be selected. Item will become filled with that color and you can see I can choose any of these colors and they may fill now if I was to let's get this in something light so we can see Thinks he has a black outline here. If I was a shifting click, any of these you can see it will change the outline. See, now we have Ah, we have a green outline or a blue outline and might be hard to see there, but zooming on there, you can definitely see it. The yellow outline. So anyway, this little X down here is stands for none. So if we shift and select that we have no outlined now, that's it for now, zoom to our selection. Now we can work on the color here, so let's select that. And I want a green color. Um, so let's go over here and just click on that's watch right there. And that right there is not too bad. That is maybe a little bit dark. And let's let's try that right there. So that's our green color. We're going to with our first mountain range, and then in the next module we will create another back mountain range and do a little bit more note editing.
5. Smoky Mountains Logo - The Second Mountain Range: Okay, here we are, back in our logo, and I want to select our mountain range. We're gonna create another a copy of this for a mountain range behind it. So what I want to do is going to create a copy of it. And to do that, I want to duplicate it so you could just hit control C and Control V. If you're familiar with copying and pasting. But that moves. And as you can see it, put another copy of it over toe left there. So control Z and undo that selector Mountain range again. And if I had controlled D for duplicate, it just made another one. But it's exactly on top of the one I have. So let's first off, let's make it a different color so you can see it. And then now we have this red mountain range, and we are going to mirror it about its center. So if we go to flip it horizontally and you can see that h and that one is be so those are the quickies there. So if I was to click this, it would flip it over and see. Now we just made a copy of it. And if we had just h it's gonna flip it back and forth there, V. It's gonna flip it that way and back. All right, so there's some more quickies for you. But now we have this and we want it to be behind the other one. The concept Valenti's here is the order of the objects on the screen. So right now on top, we have the Red Mountain range on the back. We have the Green Mountain range, but we want the red one to be behind it. So if I just hit page down, it sent it to the back there. And just cause we have to object can't really tell what's going on there. But what it is, just took it back one level. So if we had another object in there and do that, I'll show you here. We have another object in here, and it's a circle right there and make it yellow so you can. We can see a difference here and we hit the select will move it over. There's just, for example, here, So if I hit page down now, you'll see what happens. It takes it down one level announced Mind the red one and in front of the green one if I page down again it goes behind the green one also. So if I had paid job it moves up and the news up again saying See how that works now home and end our all the way back and all the way front So if we had it, if we had end right now it goes all the way in the back for hit home goes all the way to the front So there's your quickies page up and page down is one layer at a time and home and end is all the way front and all the way back So let's get rid of that we don't need are yellow circle and we want to put this all the way to the back. Yes, it was hit end. Okay, so now let's change the color of this. So it looks like a further away mountain range. Maybe. And I think we were on this one here and we can we can We could select that Ah, to fill it. And you see, I just took that that color right there. And now we can just go darker from there. So, um, you just show you how to do that? So if you click on the fill tool over here, it will bring up your filled docker, and you can see that we have some more controls over here. So I want to just take this green and just make it a little bit darker here, see how that works. Now, that's what I'm gonna call my further away mountain in just a little bit darker back in the distance. And I want to make it not just a mirror that I don't wanna give us a different shape here. So let's grab this one will drag it down a little bit. I think that one out. Bring this guy maybe up here. So it's you can tell it's a different mountain range is not just a copy of the other one. It's not bad. I want to do that. Controls. He gets me out of trouble. Like I said before. So I grabbed this guy here and drag him up, and I think that's probably pretty good right there. Yeah, we have another cost here. We sure do. I didn't really see it down here. But it is starting to cause this a little bit of trouble here. Some of control Z and I'm going to go in here and select him and make him Smith. Here we go. Okay. At four. Get the whole drawing. And one thing one easy way to get back to your select A was just hit the space bar. Now, if you're moving around, it acts kind of funny because holding down the space bar allows you to pan around. But if you just click that without moving your mouse, it takes you back and forth. Between the last tour you used and the electoral, so say I needed to select something here. I'm going to select. This can get back to that note at it. I can do that. That's one wayto toggle back and forth manual handset four to get presume everything. There's our couple mountain ranges. I think I like those that's hit safe, so you need to go file and save or just hit control S. And I would suggest if there are quickies that I didn't talk about and you find out it's a function that use a tool you use or a command you use ah lot going here and hover over stuff like right there after hover over that you can see in parentheses. It says F six. That's the quickie for that tool. If I hit the file, you can see out here. Most Windows programs do this, but it has all the different quickies for all these different things. Save is control s just like I just did Control a shift control save is say that. So that's a little quick tip.
6. Smoky Mountains Logo - Adding Text: Okay, here we are, back in our logo, and we're going to put the tax down here now. So if we go over and hover over our text tool, you see F eight will start that. So we get f eight, we have our textile, and we're gonna type three things here. We're going to the great, and then we'll click again Type Smoky Mountains groups. I was on the pity in that smoky mountains, and then we'll put down at the bottom here in type National Park. All right, so there we go. And now I told you before, you can just hit that space bar and get back to the the selection tool. Well, when you're in text mode, of course, the space for ads, spaces. So you had to go up here and actually just selected. So now we have selection again. And now let's put these changes to the fonts we like. So I happen to have text and font window open already over here. But if it wasn't open, all you do is go to the text and then text and font, and you see it pops right up here for you. So I chose to fonts. And one of them is Condra. Arcandor. I'm not sure exactly how you say it, but if you go over here and select this font in the Texan found box and start typing the fault name C a n There we go, Condra. And then hit. Apply. You said just changed a little bit on going to the other one. Do the same thing. And once you use a font in a document, it will stay in the very top of your font list appearances, horizontal line, thes air ones. They're being used. And so we're gonna just use Condra and apply it. And this one, we wanted to use one called foot light. So I select over here and start typing foot. You see, I got foot light. It's like that and apply. You get a little preview, what's gonna look like? So center? Just select them. It gives you that preview so you can use that to help you out. And so now we have ah, different fonts we're going to use here. I'm gonna drag this down and put it, and here toward the bottom. Let's talk about scaling here a little bit. So a lot of different programs. They use the corner scaling handles as proportional, and the sides and the tops as stretch, stretch, vertical and stretch horizontally. Well, escape doesn't escape. No matter which one you grab. It's going to be an un proportional thing unless you hold down the control key. Soon as you hit that control key, it snaps it to a proportional. And I'll tell you, my biggest pet peeves is is when people grab things, especially photos, and they want to make him fit into a space. And so they just go squash their ego. That fits. Let's not do that. If we If you want to squash something on purpose because you want it to look squashed, go for it. But if you're just trying to make it fit into the space, let's leave it. The right proportions controls E. You get it back to the right proportions and do what we need to do to make it fit. Make it two lines or or if it's an image, crop it something like that. But anyway, that's just I'll get off my soapbox now, but so I'm going to grab this and start scaling it. Hold down control to make it proportional. Get about the length that I wanted here, kind of looking at the the length of the whole mountains. And I want to about there. That's not centered, but we'll work on that here in just seconds. And for now, we'll just put the national park down here. And but the great up here. Okay, so work with those here in just a second. So let's get that smoky mountains in the center of the mountain range. So if I select that and then if you want to select multiple items, you can hit, shift and select another item. So now I have two of those and you can see down here on the bottom. It says I have to object, selected of types, path and text. So there's a path and text, and it's always telling you stuff down there. So if I just select that I have a path with the 11 nodes on layer one, okay, so let's go back to get the text and shift and select that. And now I want to center this up so it's a line and distribute here. I can hit center boom that's in the center there. Okay, so now I'd like that to be white. So we're gonna select that and where it is going to select the white down here. There we go. And I want the great to be in here and say and be white. Also National park on the leave down there and leave it black. So that's our text. We're gonna do some more stuff with it. But for now, let's leave it like that and will spicing up here in a little bit.
7. Smoky Mountains Logo - Working with the Text: Okay, so next we want to take our the great text and make it conform to this hell a little bit. So zoom in there. On my way to do that, it's hit the zoom tool and then draw a box around it. So that's what we'll see, all right, and we'll go back to our fleck tool. All right, So to make this form to the hill, we need to draw a line in and fit it to that line. So let's draw a that's click here, drag up to about there and we'll drag, click and drag toe. Start that and drag one down toe about there and dragged that little bit straight. And then we'll come down to here and double click the end. Okay, so there's our line. It's Choose the node edit tool, which is F too, by the way, if you ever wanna just jump to it and we'll start editing some of these nodes here. So let's bring that up. Sort of like that. We can change this once we even have this the great fit to it. So let's see what we get when we fit these two together. So if we Hey, cheers text. You can see we have put on path. So let's select the text in the path and say Text put on path. Okay, so you see what it did there. Now let's start working with this a little bit to make it a little more ideal. So we want to start editing that line. So let's get our note at it. Select the line and start dragging some of these around. You see what it does there and there's the tea. See whatever. It won't fit. It just drops off. That's kind of cool. And it's funny how how it does that. But anyway, we will get the great in there, and we'll scale this to be what we want. So there's that. Now let's get our selectable and we'll scale the whole thing. So let's we're down control, okay? It's like control and quite what I want, but we're getting close. Starting that up like so Looks pretty good. Let me show you. You take this line and you say shift. None on the outline. No, your line isn't visible anymore. All right, so it is still there. If you go to select that, you can see there's a box for it there so we can get it back. But I think that looks pretty good. Let's had four toe zoomed everything, and that's about what I wanted. So we'll leave that there. And let's why we're here. Messing with text. Let's give this an outline kind of closer to the bottom. Here. Hold down the control toe, constrain it to it's horizontal or vertical when you constrain. So I drag it toward the bottom here, and I like it toward the bottom. But I don't like how the why disappears down here, so we're gonna put some outline on this so we can see that. So let's give it a black outline by shifting, clicking black. And now, if we want to edit the outline of it. So if we double click on our stroke down here, see it says Fila's white and stroke is black. So if we double click that will bring up our fill and stroke box. And so there's the Phil, there's a stroke and there's a stroke style. So right now you can see we have different orders. We can put him in the different cap types we can use and the way the joints are going to be . So we'll go through some of these and just see how they look. So let's zoom in here. So we're going to control and use the scroll wheel. And now let's look at some different sizes. So as we get bigger, you see all this starts going away in here. We don't want that. We want this to be in the back of this thing, so it always grows proportionately on both sides of the line because it's a big stroke. It's not like it exterior stroke and just grows on both sides of line. So we need to change the order. So we look at the order here, will say, fill stroke markers. That's what we have. And that one is stroke Phil and then markers. I don't even know what markers are, but if we look at the stroke in the fill order, then you can see that is more we want now. The bigger we make this, it doesn't Messa Bar texted all. It's still perfectly readable, so let's zoom back out here by hitting F four groups F four, but hit four. But if you're inside of a box that won't work. So you gotta come out here and click and then hit for and thanks. You were getting a nice outline there and we can even make this really big now. And it's always perfectly readable because of the order of ah, objects. So I'm gonna go down to about I think that looks really nice there, and I'm gonna leave it there, click out in space there. So let's zoom back in here and look at some of the different corner types so you don't know what that was do. So if you look just this section right here, I'm gonna click on a couple of these The round corner you can see that actually just adds a radius toe. All these there's it's never never bumped that up. A couple you can see just stays round. This one puts a sham for on it, which is a little bit. We're looking on text, and this one just makes it square like it wa So that's where we were on a different end types. We won't see that on here because we don't have any end. They're all closed shapes. So let's go and I'll show you what the different end types do. So if you just have a line out here, that stroll just a regular line, and if you go down and zoom right in here, you can see it's just a square. At the end, there was a change. The stroke type two round it end. I get a big circle on there, and then that's the mummy had. And then there's another one that actually extends past the same amount. That radius Waas so they call it the Square cap are the but cap, so but cap is default, so we're gonna leave it there. But that's what those do. Let's hit for zoomed. Everything were hit delete to get rid of our line. I think we the great and the outline on the Smoky Mountains looks really good. So it's it controls save
8. Smoky Mountains Logo - Object Order and Finish the Logo: Okay. One problem we have with this logo is if you ever wanted to use this on a dark background or a T shirt, a green T shirt are or anything like that, we're gonna have trouble seeing it. And we're gonna have trouble seeing this National Park or foot. May say we made it into a sticker that we were going to stick on things. We would have trouble with that also. So let me show you how we'd fix that. Let me illustrate the problem. First, let me zoom out a little bit here, and I'm gonna put I just a box back here, and we're gonna make it. Just make it green. Make it Philip Green. And now we want to send it all the way the back, remember, end since it all the way to the back. And you can see if this was the shirt color that you used. It wouldn't look good at all. So we need do is when I call making it like a sticker. You know, stickers sometimes have those white borders around everything and some decals on T shirts do, too. So we're gonna put a white outline around this thing to make it stand out. So to do this, we're have to combine some objects. Actually, almost every object in this logo together to create this this outline, so that requires a knowledge of combining shapes and how those work. So let's let's take a little aside here and talk about combining shapes. Okay, so let's pan down here and get some open space here. And let's talk about some how combining in removing shapes actually works. I'm a draw big square here in a big circle, kind of halfway on top of it here and doesn't matter what color their or anything like that . So I just make him a couple different colors so you can see what's happening a little bit. And if you go into path, you can see all the different things that you have, and you have six different ones here that act totally differently in larger to combine. Things are subtract things in specific ways, so let's run down through them and I'll show you what they do to these two objects right here. So if you select both of these and you hit path union, you can see it just added these two together all right controls you to undo that. And now the select him again and hit path and difference. See it Cut the top one out of the back one and I'll show you what would. What would happen if we send this to the back by hitting end and select both of these objects and hit path difference again? You can see now It kept this part of it because it took the front away from the back. So let's controls the that and there's one of those graphics issues I was telling you about . So if we just hit four and change the view and I'm a zoom back in down here just to get our objects again, it causes it to refresh. So let's, um, get back to what We're doing this page just back up at home, but on top, select both of these. Now that's going down the list. Some more intersection. It just keeps the intersection of the two control Z and now going to select thes and hit three to bring these up and zoom out a little bit. Okay, so now we have these selected again and we want to hit path and let's look at the exclusion of the two. Okay, so that left this part out and is one big object still So, Control Z that and select thes two objects again path and we're going to the division. So the division it actually made two shapes here and they're divided troubles you that again select them again. If we do path and cut path. This one's kind of interesting. This one actually just chooses the path and cuts it at the same time. So you can see it's two different parts of the path, all right, and got rid of all the fill. So that's how all those work. So let's use those to make our logo like a sticker. So to show up on that but that background So select those and hit delete and they hit four . So we get back to our logo through an outline here and one thing and didn't notice while we were combining those things. It was using the original objects. So if we went right now and just combined all this stuff, we would lose all of our logo. All these objects would go away. Um, and I'll show you that. So if we just selected all this stuff like there, and we're gonna leave the national park out of the selection and then just hit Path and union. Now we have a big union with the why part down here and all that, like we were wanting, but we lost all of the other objects. So, Control Z, to get rid of that, we're gonna do that selection again and leave the national park out. I'll show you why here in a second Now, if we go control d to duplicate all those and it didn't like, we did anything because it put him in the exact same spot. And then go path and union. Now we have our objects there. But if we move these over, you can see all over stuff still back there. All right, so that's Charles. Easy to put that back. Now let's hit end to send this to the back. But now it's actually behind the back square to So let's page up once, and then I'll move it in front of this box right here. Okay, so now we have that. Let's give it a color that will see once we start doing something with this and I make it white. Now. We didn't see anything change. We did see a little bit around the outline because it's just a little bit bigger. Maybe, but I didn't see much of a change there. Now what we want to do is just make this make this grow around this. So the command we want to use is gonna go into path and use dynamic offset. The dynamic offset allows us to drag and offset these. Do it one pixel at a time. This is dynamic and allows us to drag it. So that's going Click that and you'll see you look for it. But there's a little bit, he noted, that pops up. It might be anywhere around, but this one put it right up here at the top. So if we control and scroll in toward that thing so we can see a little bit better and we get over the top of it, though, it changes the color and click and drag it. You'll see we're making that white piece we made bigger. All right, so I want to figure out what size of you wanted here. I think that will for I look pretty good. Drop it and hit are four and it might be a little bit big, so let's drag it a little bit smaller. That looks pretty good there. So now we have this object behind it that makes it stand out. But we need to fix the national park here because it is not standing out. So what we want to do here is let's go ahead and zoom in down here, control and scroll and let's go ahead and Middle mouse Button and put that out in the center there. All right, so let's draw another box here. Just choose the rectangle, and we get it at four. We wanted to, and we're going to start it about right there and just encompass this whole national park, all right? And we want to shift and select. No outline. Okay, so now we want to page down until we see the national park pop up. So that just took one. So now we can see the national park there, and we can combine this along with the white part of the sticker. We may, but first, I'd like to radius thes lower parts and actually get this centered up real well. So first off, let's center it up. Select tool, and we'll get both of these selected. Still, it's shift in select National Park, and now we can do this a line and distribute down here and click center. All right, now that's nice and centered. And so let's select off of it and select just the rectangle. There's some nodes on this thing. If you slept, note at it. You can see we have some different notes here, and this is just allowing you to to change the size of it. But if you look up in this corner, there's around one this round one. If you click and drag it, you'll see it actually allows you to you see at the bottom here you can see your rounding these corners. So we're going around these out toe kind of match this one up here and let it go. All right, so there we go. Now we want to go back to our select tool, and we'll get this part and this part, this white background that we created and we're gonna make those one piece. So once again, Ringo Path and Union that may 1 big piece out of that. Let's go back hit for you see it all and select off of things so we can see it. And now you can see everything pops out no matter what. So it's like a It's like a sticker like a sticker background. And before we call this logo done, I want to do one more thing. And I've seen this couple times here, and it's been bugging me. And yours probably didn't come out like this is just a Sometimes when you're drawing, you don't notice it until later. But things line up that's not supposed to line up. And this t and dot on the I hear it looks a little weird cause it's lined up with that front mountain range, and it kind of takes away from the mountain range. So let's go fix that. Gonna hit note at it, select the mountain Range and Control and was scroll wheel in there and just just bring this part of the mountain range up a little bit there and there. All right, there. Now let's four and the selection and select out in space so we don't have anything. I think that looks a lot better there. Okay, so there we have our finished Smoky Mountains logo and it has a nice white background. Now, if you get rid of this, you won't be able to see the white background even though it's still there. And you wouldn't want toe not know it's there and lose it. And when you go to use this somewhere else, you want this to be one unit. So what we want to do is draw big rectangle around this and then group this together. So in group, you can go upto object here and you see have group and un grip. And that's control G and shift control G. So I hit control G a lot because I can remember that cause it stands for groups, so is selected. And now we have you see, down here we have a group of seven objects, so that tells us that we're all grouped up there now. Anything we do with this, it will always stay together. All right, since you control s to save it. And that is the finished Smoky Mountains National Park logo
9. PlayAway - Using Fonts from the Web: So let's get started on our next logo. This logo is a corporate logo for a company I totally made up. It's called Play Away, and we're going to use a special font that we're going to get off the Internet and, um, created a little logo out of it. So let's start out by going out and grabbing that font, and we're going to go to Google fonts so you can find this just by googling Google fonts, and I'll take your right to that and click on that. And this is a great repository of fonts it. I don't know how often they updated and all that, but there's a lot of good phones on here. 900 fonts out here, so and they're all free to use, and you can use them on websites. But you can also download a museum on your computer, which some people don't know, So we're going to use one called lobster, so let's go appear in the search box up there in the corner and type lobster. And there it is, um, other than going directly to it, you can see there's, um, different criteria you can set to search for a font. You can do serif and sans serif, which just means with feet on without feet, um, and display fonts and handwriting, fonts, mono spaced fonts and different other characteristics. And you can narrow it down toe, get a decent font for any scenario. So is the one I picked, which is lobster. There's a lobster to hear also, but we're using the lobster, so I'm just going to click the little plus here and you see his pop up down the bottom of the screen. It says one family selected. So we're just going to get the one. You can keep adding to this box but and download a bunch of them, but or should do the one. So I'm a open that and then just hit the download button there and the windows takes over and says, Are the browser takes over and says, Do you wanna say that are open it. We're going to say Open it with the default and windows will take over and open the zip file, and then it shows you what's inside that zip file lobster regular true type fonts. So we're just double click on that and Windows knows what to do with it. It will say Open it and show it to you. And then there's a installed button right here. So we're gonna hit install right there. And now it's installed so we can close that down. Now, this is installed on my system and I can get rid of the browser here. One thing you do want to do, though, is going close out your escape and open it back up so the farm will show up. It doesn't automatically update that box. So we're gonna go back to escape. Run that again. Okay, so now escape is open here, and let's go ahead and put our text out here. So we click on the text and we're in a tight play away all one word. But when a capital a click on the select button and will make it the right size remember, we hold down the control toe, constrain that too proper proportions. Now, over here in the font. And if you don't have that one up, you get shift control T, and it'll pop right up there. And now we're gonna go to the lobster font here. So I just select here type l O B Thanks. You went right down the lobster and you see, that's the right phone we have here. I have another lobster installed but doesn't look anything like what we want. So that's it right there. And now we're hit. Apply Megan. See? It changed our text of the lobster. Let's make this a little bigger. Hold down control. So that's how you get in. Install and use Google Font in one your logos.
10. PlayAway - Creating the Icon: Okay, so now we want to put a little icon in front of our play away. We wanted to be the same. Sizes are full text here, so let's zoom in here. So I'm going to click on the magnifying glass and start over here to left a little bit in this draw a box around it. So now we got a good look at it here, and I want to add some guides here so we can make it. The exact same size is the high, the vortex. So let's click on the selectable. And if you get inside of ah ruler and click and drag out, you can pull some guides out. So let's just set that right on top of the A here. Tow line that up, drag another one out here and we'll get it right close to the bottom of the Why here? I don't think we're snap into these, but I'm not really all that worried about it. I just want to get it close visually close to the same size, some control in middle mouse button pan over. So now we're over to the side here and now we want to draw a box right here. Let's grab a rectangle. And if you start on the line here and you click and drag down to the right, you can see we can make it whatever aspect ratio we want height, the with we hold down control will constrain it to a square, and that's what we want to do. And now we hit this other guy down here and let go. So now it's just the right size So no one dragged that over. Get close there. That's about what you want. And I got lucky here, and I already had some radius is on here. That's about what I want, But let me show you how to change that if you go to the node edit tool. So F two and years probably looked like this and you notice it has these squares on each side, and you can use that to change the height thing with of it. But control Z and undo that cause we're gonna keep it square. But up here in the upper right, it has a little circle One no, Cesaire squares that one circle. If you click and drag on that one, it starts adding a radius to the corners. So that's what you want to do. And I just drug this out to where I thought it looked good and drop it about right there. Okay, so we go back to this electoral. So now we have our radius is and I want to make this a blue color. So how I like to do this is I always start with something down here and you can always just grab like a blue here. So we're going to start with that notice that that blue looks awfully purple. The reason is is down here are opacity is set to 69 or 67.9. So we're in drag that all the way up. And it just remembers what you did last time. So are we Double click here and hit 100 but where is gonna drag that all the way after 100 ? And now we have a perfectly blue. So if you're not getting the college you think you are, and even if you are, if you're think you're right, you might want to check the opacity over here in the Phil and stroke. One way to get that to come up is just double click on it right here. So if I didn't have that open and close it and show you here by double click on this Phil Pops right up here for me and the opacity is right there. So now we have a blue box and the way I like toe change these sometime is huge saturation and lightness. The 2nd 1 here, if you have a color, you can start just changing the saturation on it here and see it turns grey or and I just accidentally went toe read by selecting and getting up there and do that. But you see, it's getting bluer and less blue, so you can back that off a little bit, and then you can make it darker by going here. And you can change the color totally by selecting this one up here. So we're going Teoh, get that about where we want it by tweaking on the so that's close to the color I wanted there. And if you if you're used to dealing with hex colors like on the Web, you can just put those in right there. It's filling that in for you right now, so That's the color I want. I want a little triangle here in the middle of it. So to do that easily, we could draw a triangle. But really easily. You have this stars and polygons. So if we select that and if you notice you have polygons and stars here, let's talk about the way this works. So let's say we have five corners selected here. If I have it like that, it's a polygon. If I select there, it's gonna make it into a star. If I change them at corners, you can see what happens there and change it back to a polygon. You can see what happened there, and you can around the corners off if you want Teoh even negative around them, where they'll flip backwards on themselves and do some really need stuffing, randomize and all kinds of stuff. But we're just going to stick to a a triangle here, So you want that to be three possess three sides you see there and now we have We don't know if it was a star, and a polygon looks the same in a triangle because no such thing is that the re sided star so now that we have that, we're going to just draw it and constrain it. So if we go that way and we hold down the control, it does the 15 degree increments. So let's get that backside of it vertical and the point straight out to the right and let go there. Okay, now go back to your select tool and change the fill a list of white. So let's go down Hearing click on white And that was dragged over on top of our square. So now that we have it, there were going to align it and stuff. So let's shift in. Select the square and we'll go to a line and distribute two in line a line and distribute weaken. Go who want to center it on the horizontal axis and center it on the vertical axis. The thing about this is to my eyes, just such thing is centered and visually centered. And this, to my eyes, is not visually centered. So when I just nudge this by selecting it, hitting the right arrow over to the right a little bit and that looks a little better center to me, so we're gonna leave it like that. Let's get rid of our pieces up here. Selecting toe hit the delete key. Select and hit the delete key. And now let's hit four so we can see everything. So this point, let's go ahead and save it. Probably should in this before this point. But hit control S and I have it already in the directory that I wanted in some was gonna call this play away just like we taped it before and hit Enter and it'll save it right there.
11. PlayAway - Edit the Font: Okay, so now I want to edit this font a little bit to make it look the way I wanted to look, it was close, but I want to modify it a little bit to make it special for this logo. So to do that, if you click on it, you notice it is text lobster on layer one. So we want to break that up. So it's no longer tax. So let's go up to path up here and select object to path. Now take this object of text and turn it into just a path. So select that. And now you notice is has a group of eight objects on their one down here. Now we're one step closer. We have a group of objects. So now I want to ungroomed it by saying object UN group. I always use the control shift. G there Control G is group and control ship Jeison Group. But now we have eight object selected and you can see there. Each letter is its own object. And now we have these wise that we can change. So I'm gonna change one of them, copy it and then change it. That one a little bit too. So zoom in on this. Why here? And we'll get started on it. So I want to select the magnifying glass and distraught square around this. Let's get the no tool and we see what we're dealing with here and select the why you can see all the nodes we have. The problem is, this wraps around, it connects back to itself. So it's all one closed path. And I want this why they continue and go that way. So we gotta break this apart and get rid of this loop the loop. So I like the whole radius isn't all that so I'm gonna leave those. I just want to get rid of the loop de So let's go to draw a line So we'll go to the lines and curves. Zoom in here a little bit more, though from a control and then middle mouse wheel. And I want to draw a line here that encompasses the part that I don't want. Okay, so I must start by clicking there, drawing down to here took again hair down to here, cook again straight across by holding down the control toe, constrain the 15 degree increments click again. How is going to go up and then shoot through this gap here and connect it? All right, So if you ended up overlapping, you can always put in a note here and pull this down. I don't think is really touching because of the outline, but I'll just show you how to do that. If you click on the note at it, double click on this line here, you add a note, and then you can just drag it down. So you know that works. Okay, so now you have encompassed what we don't want, and we're gonna have this electoral and then shift and select the why. And now let's go to path we're gonna use when these commands we learned earlier. So let's use the difference. So this takes the difference of the top object from the bottom object. So select that, and you can see the object we just drew in a way. And it took away everything that was inside of it. So we're really close to only one here. I don't like this little step we got here, so we're gonna clean that up, and then we're gonna add to the why they're so let's go appear and select the node Edit tool going. Get rid of some of this control and middle mouse wheel in and you can see where we're a little bit cut in here. So I think we want to get rid of this one here. So let's select it and hit the delete key. And then we can select this one and hit the delete key. You don't need it either. Now it's just click on the line so that selected. And then we want to click the line, make selected segments lines you saw that just straightened up right there. Okay, so go back to the selectable on. We're gonna control and zoom out a little bit the middleman by the mouse wheel and then click that middle mouse wheel and drag it up to painted around. Okay, it's now when I extend this, why out this way? So let's just draw some more lines here and make this happen. So when I choose the lines and curves and we're going to snap to the end of that right there, they were gonna control and go out to the left click again. Straight down, hold down control. So we go straight down, and when you get over, top that line Click. Now, snap to that line. We go all the way back over to here, get it pretty lined up with the bottom of that click again. And now we want to go straight back over and connect the line. Okay, so now we have ah, box. Don't worry about this sticking out all that once we actually combine all this stuff, it's gonna do exactly what I wanted to do that is just outlined showing here. So choose the selectable shifts like the why Now, we got both of those selected, and now we're going to use one of our commands up here again, and we're gonna go towpath and union of the two. And you see how that just added that right to the why. Okay, so now we want to take that and drag it all the way across to a Hits are square that we created. So that's pan over there was zoom out a little bit Pants amore seem a little bit more so we can see that. Okay, there it is. That's choose note at it. Select these two nodes by drawing a box around them just like that and grab him to start dragging in this way will snap for that line or weaken control, which I would rather do hit control, hold down control and drag it all the way over to the close to that square that we created . All right, now zoom in over there by control and using the wheel. I want, uh, dragon paying it over to now. I keep the same distance here and make this curve around like that. So let's just select one of these controlled dragon more to the left and try to get about that same distance there and drop it. See, we got about the same distance here is We do there now click on the line and hit to Curve. And now we can click on the line again and drag this down. Okay, so we're just making a nice looker there if you drag it and undo that. So I'm sure you if you drag it from appear, you're gonna have a little bit of trouble. See how it's I have a hold of it in the wrong spot and I can't get the right look that I want, no matter what I dio control Z that and if I grab it right in the center, I'm just pulling that center nice and proportionally down. I don't get about what I want that go. And now let's hit four so we can see the whole thing and click off in space there so we can see what we got there. And I really like that. That's exactly what I wanted. Now I want the same thing for this other y. But instead of going through all that trouble, let's just copy this one over and drop it right on top of their. So select the select tool up here, click on the Why and I want to hit controlled the to duplicate. Let's just grab this up here right by the corner and click and start dragging. See, we have another one now and we grabbed about the corner. It'll snap right up to this corner. Just let it go. So we have a ride on top of their and the way we can tell the difference between the two. Of course, this one has the curly accused. Let's like that curlicue. Now we have that back why and just hit, delete and it's gone. Okay, now we have to do is bring that over there and maybe clean up this arc if it's not the right park. So let's read the magnifying glass and just drag a box around there back to the node tool. Select that. Draw a box around it, grab one of your nodes and control and start dragging to the left. Look that it fits just perfect foregin and get the select tool and select off in space. I think that's almost what we want. But if you notice here, we have a little more space here than we do there. And I think I like that bigger space because if we get started zooming out, let's zoom out a little bit. Control and drag. You can see this one starts disappearing. This one looks nice. So let's control and zoom in here. So you see both of these and we'll make try to make him about the same. So I want to note at it, select their grab these two nodes by wind going around him. Now I have those. I can use my arrow keys to just nudge it to the right and see how that looks. I think that did it at me Space bar to get rid of the note at it and click angry. Got Ford zoom objects. I think we got it. So So now we got our logo done. Let's go ahead and get rid of our guidelines by dragging them right back from whence they came. Drying them right back into the ruler and drop them. They all go away. So now never finished. Logo hit. Control s to save.
12. PlayAway - Add a Drop Shadow: okay for the lead. Okay, For the very last step of this, I would like to show you how to drop a shadow from this. Now Escape has a drop shadow that's built in, but I find it to be pretty unreliable. It does some weird stuff, So I'm gonna show you how to create a drop shadow from scratch, which is really easy. It's not. That's hard as that sounds. So let's zoom out. Just a hair. So first off, just like when we did our outline for the sticker that we created of the Smoky Mountain logo, we need to have a copy of all of these combined. So that's two steps here. Select everything here. We want to hit control DE to duplicate right in the same spot. And then now that we have the new copy of things selected, we want to go path. I want to hit union. That makes one big copy of everything. All one big blob. And now we can I take it the direction we want to take our our shadow and I'm gonna go down to the right nudged down one to over a couple. Now you can see I have that other copy there. So now hit end to put it to the back. Okay, a few steps. But now we have that copy. That looks like a dark black shadow now, which is not what we want. So now we want to go to the Phil and stroke. So if you don't have that up, you just always click on the field down here. And now you have the filling stroke. You can change it to whatever color you want, only use black. And I want to change the opacity here, and we're going to just drop it down to about 60 ish. And now let's give it just a little bit of blur. It's a little too much. You wanna play with these values? So I'm gonna Now that I have some blur, I want to make it a little bit more of a dark. A little bit of a dark, not less opaque, more opaque. I guess so. A mixture of those two and you can get about whatever you want. Let me driving this often. I'll show you what you got here. That's what you ended up with. A blurry edge, opaque image controls. He put that back there. It does a good job of looking like a drop shadow, and you can drive. You can nudge us around as far away as you want, so it looks like a It's a ways off of the canvas. You can bring it up the top so it looks like it's showing from the bottom and you always play with the opacity. Morsi's because you're seeing more of it. It seems like it's further away to play with that and make whatever type of shadow you want . I am going to go ahead and move mine back down to lower, right. We get clean looking logo with a drop shadow on it, and one last thing. I would suggest that you do if you go to use this in something else, you don't want to be a whole bunch of pieces that you can that gets disjointed control Z could get back to normal, so just go ahead and select the whole thing and hit control G and you end up with a group. And now, no matter what you have that long ago that states together. Flint's control s to save and we have are finished play away corporate logo
13. Inkscape QS - Adding the Text and Tracing a Bitmap: Okay. This next level we're gonna create is the logo for this course. So let's get started. Start out by getting the text that we need on the screen escape, we're going to put quick start and tutorial. I think that one all over case, though. Okay? There's our text that we have, and we'll get some fonts going here in just seconds. I don't want to grab a logo off the internet, so but go to our browser here. I don't. I go, Teoh go to escape. No. Go. Okay, we'll go to images. I was grabbed that right click on a copy image. Minimize it and then we'll just paste it into their Okay. So to do what we want to do with this, this has to be vectors, which we talked about the beginning, Of course not. Raster, which this is an image file. So it's just a raster is just a bunch of dots. And if we get any real close, you'll see it's just a bunch of dots making that up. So I want to do is we'll trace this to make it in the vector. So let's go to path Trace bit map reminding to play around with this a little bit, but we're going to hit live preview so we can see what we got. And it looks like we're getting a good trace. There is just a black and white image, so it's pretty easy for it. So just hit. Okay. You see what it did there? That looks pretty good. So it's going close, that drying that away. So that's our trace. This is the bit map and squinting. Delete the bit map. No, you couldn't get some of these parts here, so So it comes in is one path. So let's for the path we're going to break apart. You see that some things disappear because they are. They were a combined portion of that image. So let's go ahead and just take the part we want. Actually, just get rid of the part we don't want. So we're gonna go down here and draw a box around that hit delete. Okay. And now straw box around this and you can see the other parts are still there. They're just all sitting on top of each other. So now let's go path and combine. And that will make this a transparent thing. If I said this on top, there, you can see You can see through that because it combined that path together. Okay, so if we would have used the union there, it would have just made it been one big blob like we've been doing before that. But we used combine because they don't take anything inside there and actually cut it out. So now we have the escape logo make a little bit smaller, so let's control and scale it proportionally. Now let's take escape and give it a font, and I chose sin tar. So let's go over here and go see in there. ISS sent our select that hit apply and this do the same thing for tutorial. Let's do that center again. It's right there. Apply now. Quick start. I used another fought off a Google fonts, so if you don't have this on your system, which more than likely you don't go to Google fonts and get it like we did before? If you need help with that, you can go back to the play away logo and see how he did that. But this is called permanent marker so and their permanent marker apply. All right, so there's our text the way we want it. Okay, so we've got all that regard that are fun set. Right? So in the next lesson, we will arrange all this and finish this local up.
14. InkscapeQS - Creating the Outlines and Arranging: Okay, so let's arrange all this stuff and the first thing I'm gonna do it. Just put everything on the same saline. So let's select all this stuff here, go to a line and distribute and click the center on a vertical axis. So everything's all centered up and we're gonna work from that. I'm gonna create a couple of ellipses that are going to encompass all of this. So let's when click up here and start dragging downward. I'm gonna hold it out, Control, because that will set this to a specific sizes. And I get the one that looks about like that, right? There may be a little bit. Yeah, about that right there. So it's one just off of the circle and set that right there. So for now, let's give it a no Phil and shift. Select the black. Given an outline. Don't worry about the outline thinking this right now and it's good to select tool and select everything. I'm we'll put it on the center access again. Click and control. Drag this up to the top control drag escape up to about there and let's control and start scaling this and he notices going the one direction like it always has. If I hold down shift, though, it will keep it about the center. So now I'm going to make this nice and big here in the middle. Escape well, but quick start control. Drag it up underneath here, make it a little bit bigger. So control and shift end scale. And then we'll set tutorial down here for now and make it a little bit bigger. Control, shift in scale and control. Drag it up. So we're still Everything is nice and centered up here because we're keeping those control keys held down. All right, so that's mess with this and we'll put another one out here and make it a double line. So let's so let's control de duplicate that first and then control shift and scale that and will make a line just outside of that one. Okay, so hit four. Now I'll get everything zoomed end on our screen. Now let's mess with the thicknesses of these, So let's go to Phil and stroke down here. You always get to that by double clicking on these boxes down here. The filler, the stroke box and it's a stroke payment, stroke style and I want to start messing with ease. So we get until we get him to a we want. I want this outside one to be nice and thick. I want this inside one to be not ever seem really thin. Yeah, I think that's it. I don't want this outside one to be a little bit bigger. Let's control and scroll well down. And then we will control, shift and scale this up. Just a hair. Here we go. So we're starting to get here with this. I want to make this escape even bigger. So it's controlled. Dragged this down and control shift Scale that up We control drag it down a little bit more . Okay, we're getting there. Let's go ahead and say this TRO s now I want to give it a name. We'll call it Escape qs for quick start and hit. Enter. Okay, now we have that saved. That's but tutorial here on this path. So it's on an arc here, so let's go ahead and control and scroll. We'll zoom in, draw a line using the line and curve tool about the with of the tutorial here we know we're in the center. So we'll just use that as our guide Click once control dragged that out, constrained Teoh horizontal line and then double click over here we have a line. Could a note editing And it would just grab the center of this like we did before and just drag this down to it kind of matches the bottom of our it lips there. Now go to back to the slick, too. Shift selectorial and got to text put on path. Here we go. And like we did before, we can select that line and just shift. Select nothing. Are the X over here? And we have now that gets rid of the line there. Had the four key zoomed to fit all. I think we're getting really close here. And we want to make this into a stamp looking shape and we'll do that in the next lesson so it control s and we'll move on
15. InkscapeQS - Stamp Effect and Converting Objects: okay. To make this thing into a stamped type shape, we need to cut out a bunch of random pieces to it and will do that by using a splatter pattern that I've provided for you in the in. The resource is to this course, but first we need to convert all these objects to paths. So far, we have three pieces of text. That's text. That's text, and I'm looking down the bottom here to see that's text. That's a path. So that's OK. This is a lips which is not a path, and this is any lips, which is not a path. So what we want to do is convert thes two, and Escape has a really nice feature that just allows you to convert this to a filled object instead of having to draw this and combine it all together. So if you go to path and stroke to path, it will use that stroke thickness. And now, instead of this being, you look down here and see it that it went to no stroke and filled black. It was, if you look at this, one will do this one now. It has a black stroke and No, Phil. So once I go path. Well, I'm sure you something before I do that right now. If I was to give it a fill, it would fill in all that controls. E do that. And if I go path stroke to path. Now, if I hit that red, this is the filled part of it because it converted the thickness into a Philip will object into a path. Okay, so now let's grab all the rest of this stuff here, so I'm just gonna hit control A So I have everything I know. This is a way that I can achieve this without worrying about all the different types and go to path object to path. Now it just took all the things that were objects in that pass and turned them into paths. But you look, it does say there's a group involved, so let's go control shift, g toe ungroomed. And now we just have 30 objects here. So you want to get to the point where you're pretty much done before you do this? Because now none of our text is edible anymore. And our ellipses aren't if you change the size on them, the thickness is going to get weird on us, and so things aren't actual objects. Now they're actually just a bunch of path, so but that allows us to do is cut all the sections out of over one. So let's scroll down there, and I'm going to put all this in one big path. So let's to path and union. I still have my line down here. You see that down there? So that group things up, let's undo that. Let's get rid of that line down here. Well, I need to draw window around it here. I don't want the O, though. Shift. That's a good way to show you that. So when you're dealing with selections and choose this tutorial here for a tutorial, so as you can see here, there's a box around here. So that's that line that we made have no outline color. So also, I have all the letters here also selected If I shift and select something that selected, it removes it from this election. If I shifts like something that's not selected, it will add it to the selection. So you know my selections way up here, cause has that s in it. I remove it and I can go back and remove all these other things that are selected. And now I just have that path selected. I can see it by shift, clicking on something there. And now I can see that That's that line that we had. I just want to delete that. OK, now let's get back to what we were doing. So let's hit four zoom and then control screw out a little bit. So let's and control A to select everything and go to Path Union. All right, now we have one big object coming Hit Phil and see what we got. All right, So whatever color I feel that we end up with, uh, it's going to go with this darker kind of reddish color. Does that look kind of makes me think of Ah, stamp. And now it's going to save Control s now we're gonna bring in that splatter pattern that I I told you about. So I have mine here. I'm gonna import it from my files here. It's called splatter SPG open. Okay, so you can see that is just ah path of 7000 almost 8000 nodes. So it has a whole bunch of little splatter pieces in, so I'm going to just scale this up. It was a circle. I'm gonna keep it roughly a circle, but not be too worried about constraining and all that, because just a bunch of splatter. Okay, so it's kind of hard to tell what you're going to get here, but I'll show you a trick. If you just fill this with the color of the background, it starts looking like what we're gonna want. So I'm going to just select white here and you see, now you see all these little pieces of these voids and stuff. So what we want to do is get a hold of one of these and just start dragging this around a little bit and you can see what you're going to end up with and make sure you don't get off of it. But you don't want your I don't have too much in certain spots. You some of these bigger pieces can go away or be out of it. I think that's looking pretty good there. You know what? Your text to be eaten up too much because then you won't be over read it. I think that's pretty good. You could even use your arrow keys toe a just a little bit too. I think that's looking pretty good about right there. Okay, so why wouldn't we leave it just like this? I mean, it looks it looks great. If I click off of here, it looks great. Just like the logo. How I wanted it. But the problem is, is if you export this, you're gonna get this great big. I select all you get this great, big off centered logo here. And then if you put it on something with ah, if you use a transparent background and then you're gonna have all these extra splatters out here. So where you want to just now that we have those two objects selected, we want to goto path. I want to go to difference, and that will take the top image. I'll take the top object and remove it from the back image like we did before. So that's the difference. Now we have one path and has all those pieces removed from its it four. So we can zoom in there and there's are finished logo who control us to save it.
16. Inkscape QS Mockup: Okay, Now we're going to create a mock up with our escape. Quick start logo. So to start this out, let's go to our resource. Is that you downloaded with course. And there's a mock up BNP. This is click and drag that into the workspace, and we want to do just let the DP I be set from the file and this leave the in the rendering moto None and anyone to be embedded. This is all the default, but, um, embedded Means is actually gonna put the image in the file, and then link is actually gonna link to it. So if you deleted that file off your disc removed, it would lose contact with it. So if you cannot like that, embed him so it okay and just click out in the middle of the page and that will bring that in. There it is. So it's control and scroll. Take that in view control and not shift at the same time. And we're gonna skill that about the center. Just put that about about the size of the page. Years control. All right there. Hit four. Now we are zoomed in there, so let's go grab our logo logo. I have it saved in my logo's directory. Here. There's the escape. Quick start that we saved there. I'm just gonna drag it in. Also, it is not. Click back over here. Let's hit four again sewing. See everything. It's dragged that down in the middle of the picture control and make it and shift and make it a little bit smaller. Don't leave it a little bit bigger than the page. Okay, so now, to make it fit in this picture, it has to have some perspective added to it. So if you go to path and you go to path effects and open this little box up up here that says path effects and with that selected, you hit the ad and then down here in the list, Mom was already there. But you're probably way up here and you scroll down to perspective. Envelope, Click on that and hit ad. So now its added. But nothing really changed. So what, you have to duty to edit this thing is going to know dat it note. So click the note editing. Now we have this box that has four dots on the corners. So we need to drag these around to change the perspective of this. And what we're gonna do is try to line it up with the edges of this paper because the paper is in the view and it already has the perspective of the view so you can look at the things in the image to find the perspective of the image. Sometimes it's as easy as lying up to the edge of the page, sometimes a little tougher than that. But we're gonna remind these up to the edges of the page. So just get over the top of these things and I'll turn red. You got there a little bit tougher get over the top of. But once you get over the top of it turns red click and drag, and I missed it. And that's good, because I wanted to show you what happens there. It looks like everything disappeared. Well, it really didn't. It's just not a stuck in between a redraw. So if you scroll your mouse we a little bit, it'll redraw it and then you got to start all over. So let's click on that thing again, and we want to just like the selectable. It's a little bit slow, because this thing has a whole bunch of nodes in it because of the all the cut outs that we have. All right, so now that we have that selected again, we're gonna hit note at it, and you see, we got the perspective envelope. Just be real careful, Toby. Get over the top of these things. It's a little slow moving to someone put down the edge of the page. Drag this up, but this on the edge of the page. And then you want the space to be getting a little bit bigger as it comes toward you. So as it goes downward, you want the space at the bottom to be a little big on the top. All right. And, well, this is something gotta play with. It's not super easy to Neil on the first try. Actually, I don't think those do turn red. I thought that one Did you know that one turned red? This one turns blue for some reason, but works just the same. All right. It's starting to look good already, so I think that spacing less good. It looks like this is getting too fat. as it comes down here. I'm gonna move this one over, find that out better. I think that's pretty good. So it matters the proportions that you use. So like, if I had these things that were, if I was to put these way out here on the edges and even though I use the right perspective , as you can see now, all this thing all of a sudden looks really long instead of the size that it was meant to be. So it's my controls you that two times. I think that's pretty close to what we had. Actually, now that I look at it, I think it might be a little bit squished this way. So I'm gonna drag these out just a little bit more, All right? I think that's a little bit better. I still need this one just a little bit. I could said, You gotta play with this a little bit to get it all right to get to look like it's part of the image. And now I think this is a little bit fat coming down here. Who, that out a little bit. Okay, I think we got it there. So now we want to just select the select tool and we're going to control and shift and drag this so it stays proportional and about the center. Get it right out in the middle of the page there. Okay, so you see how that looks like it's sitting on the page now. So now, and to me it looks like it's just a little bit bright sitting there. Even if I un selected there, it looks a little bit brighter than it should sitting on that page. So what I want to do is give that little transparency. But the trick is, is right now you can see it, says Fillon, Stroke or on set. Well, you can see that has read. But when problems were inside of a group So when we do it's control and select that now you can see that it has a red fill. Double click on that, and we have our Fillon stroke over here, and we just want to change the the transparency. But I can't even see it down here to get to that. I'm gonna close this path effects, and I can see it down here, and I'm gonna is you're gonna drag this over to the left a little bit, You know, you can play around with it to get to where you think it looks right. But I think around the eighties there it looks like it's a little bit more part of the page . And now and just select off of it. Now, let's save this onto our hard drive. So let's call this and escape. Cute s mock up, okay? And we'll put it in our logos. Save it. So there's our escape. Quick start logo mock up.
17. Wally's - Create a 3D Looking Base: Okay, so we're gonna make another logo here, and we're in a new document. I'm gonna hit five to get a full page there. And this logo's for another thing. I made up called Wally's Garage. It's gonna have a little bit of a three D effect to it. So we got some fun stuff to do here. So we're going to start off with a ellipse. So have your circle any lip still and click up here and go down into the right and something about like that that will work for us. So with select tool. Okay, so now we want to choose or color we want to use in here. I'm gonna start with this, um, navy here. And that's way too blue for me. So we're going Teoh and dull that up a little bit. Let's double click on the Phil Kayson now. We wanted to go up here, and we're on the hue, saturation and lightness. And I'm just going to de saturate that little bit. Still a little purple e for me and scope more to blue. Yeah, I think we're getting in there now. All right. A little bit more to the blue Okay, let's call that are mid color here now. I would upgrade Ian in here, so we're going to select the Grady into over here. Just click in the middle and dragged downward. And that's just a linear Grady int. So up here we have some settings. We have linear Grady int and a radio radiant. So it's It's like that, and we'll try this again here. Now you can see it's working with a circle, and we need to change these colors. Obviously, it's starting with that color that we chose, and let's turn this one into that, too. And then we can work from there. So to grab a color off of the screen, you can you can use a little drop or to a hair. Just get on the screen somewhere where the color you want is my zoom in here and grab it. Boom. Okay, so now it's a little bit lighter in the middle. I'm going to be a lot lighter in the middle, so let's un select that dropper tool and select the middle there, and we will lighten this thing up. I was dragging this lightness over to, you know, we're getting there Now I can see already that we're gonna want to drag this way out that way. So it fills up the whole thing. And now this bottom color. We want to be a lot darker. If you can see what's starting to happen, though, it's starting to look a little bit three dish. So you have this nice dark underneath down here, and then you have the light highlight from the top. Okay, so that's what we want There. Now, that's grab the selection tool, make a duplicate of this or had control de what? Selected. Now we have the new one. We're going to send it to the back by hitting end, and then we're gonna flip it vertically and then make a little bit bigger by control shift and make it bigger. And you can see now, Now that's flipped. It's lighter on bottom and darker on top. Okay? And we're going to all those steps one more time. Okay, so now that we have that selected, we will control de end, descended to the back, flip it vertically, and then make a little bit bigger. Okay? We have a rim around it. Three D now. So we're made a nice little three D shield kind of thing. So save that Control s and we're gonna put it in our logos directory, and we're gonna call it Wally's logo. Okay? It's safe.
18. Wally's - Adding a Shine Effect: Okay, so let's make this thing shine. So I want to add a nice three d shine to this thing. So I'm gonna select this. I'm going to control de the duplicated and just shift control and make it just a little bit smaller. A little bit. Trouble seeing that Because it's the same color. Just make it white. Phil. You can see now we have just a little bit smaller. I'm going to take another a lips and just make a really thin one all the way across here. Make that red so we can see it. And I do want to cover up the rest of this. So I'm gonna go and make another one just to cover that up. So now want to select toe, get both of those selected. Let's combine them together. Path combined. Okay, Now we have one there and now want to shifts like the white one. I'm going to remove that from these. Still, it's got a path and go to difference. So that will get rid of what we had in red there. Okay, so now we have our shine portion of it. Let's give it a Grady int here. Let's just drag and see what we're gonna get here. I think I kind of nailed it there on the first try. Well, let's make it a radio radiant. Try that again. Here we go. OK, so I want to do here is just make it about the right size where it fades out over there on the left, but is pretty line over here on the right, about like that. And now let's I don't want that to be quite so arc. So let's go to note at it, I'm a drag this note down a little bit, and then it's like that. Select off into space. I think it looks pretty good. That's our shine right there. Four to fit that to screen and then control s to save it. Quick shine for your logo background.
19. Wally's - Add and Style Text: Okay, here we are, back in our logo and let's add some text here. So, like I said, this is called Wally's. So let's just click out here and type of W A l l Y apostrophe s and then we'll type click down here in time. Garage G A r A G. Okay, let's start with working with this. Wally's here and already have the fonts picked out for this. So the only reason I do that cause I don't think it's very good television for me to watch me obsess over fonts. So I do that beforehand and you can use whatever fonts you like and whatever works in the logos for you. You can go to Google fonts downloaded from there. Go to other font sources. Download of them there. You might not even have the same funds I have on my systems. You might have to choose something different, but on this one, I chose opine. Heavy click here and type O. P. And there it is. Apply. Let's give it a white Phil click on white. Make it nice and big. So control and dragon, I want this toe. Hang off both sides, so control and scroll. Get down here, control and get bigger. Kind of hard to see what is doing because it's wide out here, so we're gonna give it an outline. Let's given outline of this dark color down here to the way you do that is, Well, grab that color from our picker and hold down shift and then click right there. Okay, there's or outline. You might want to make that a little bit thicker here in a second, but let's first let's get Wally's, too, the way I wanted here. So a couple things about thes handles on around the objects. They all have them, and we've been using them to just scale things, whether it be squishing them or stretching them or scaling the proportionally. But if you click on the object again, you'll see they change. These ones on the outside changed to be rotation handles. So once I click on those you can see I can rotate this image. So I want this going uphill here and then the's on the top and bottom and the sides are skew handles, so it allows us Cue the object. So if you if I click on that, you'll see start skewing this thing. I can really skew it out of proportion, but I just want this to be leaning forward just a little bit. I got it hanging over each side about the man I want. Now let's work on that outline. So let's go down here and double click on the stroke and go to stroke style. It's making a little bit bigger, clicking up a little bit and starting to look really weird in here. And that is because of the order here. So we're on the order here, where we have the where the stroke is showing on top of the things. Let's click on that, and now it's behind it. So the text looks a lot cleaner. You're seeing the text, not the outline, mainly, so let's make it even bigger now. There we go. Get started to look the way I want it. Let's work on garage down here. So first off, let's put it in the center. So select that and select the lips in the background and we'll go to a line and distribute and just make it centered, okay? And I want to change when I want to be black So let's pick a color from up in here somewhere. And so we'll get the picker and go to maybe right inside here because it's a nice light blue. It's not too bad. Okay? I wanted to be a little bit more subdued than that. Will not that subdued? Let's go back up here and we'll work on it once we get it over the way we want it. So this font that I chose waas foot light, I think we use this in another logo, so f Oh, there it iSuppli it Let me skillet up, holding down control and I will shift. It's like the background and we're going to a line in the center. Okay, I control drag that down a little bit and still needs to be a little bit bigger. So control shift and a little bit bigger and maybe up a little bit starting like that, I still think it's a little bit not quite the color I want, so let's go ahead and get in here on it for so it'll fill the screen and let's work on the color of this a little bit. So double click on that. No, I think It's just a little bit too bluish show. I'm gonna give a little bit more gray, but just dragging that it down there we go see how it's changing. I think that's better. I had control as to save it, and we'll finish it up in the next lesson.
20. Wally's - Adding Shine Effect to Text: okay, a couple finishing touches on this and we'll be done. So now I wanna put a shine on Wally. Since we have a shine on the background, I think we need a shine on that, too. So let's back up a little bit so we can get into this thing. And first thing I wanted to do is just freehand draw a squiggly line right across the center of this thing and wrap it back around to encompass the whole top of it. So let's start over here and just do a squiggly kind of line as we go across here like that , wrap it all the way back around, and then we'll click on these two to close it up. Okay, so now that we have that, I want to duplicate Wally's controlled D. That put it in the front there, and it still has a outline on it. So let's get rid of that. So shift and click none. So now we just have this white Wally's right. If I drag it off, you can see it sitting right on top of their Let's click our new item there, and we'll hit home to bring it all the way to the top shift in select Wall e's. And now I want to go towpath and difference. Okay, so what we ended up with, I'm just gonna select this. That you can see it is Let's make that blue half of Wally's being blue there. So let's fill. This was something that belongs in this image a little better. And I want to go with Ah, lighter color there. Okay, That'll work. Go down a little bit. Right there. There we go. So I want to start there and make a little lighter. Little grey? Er, I think so. Give it a Grady. It carrying dragged down. That's the way it looks. Pretty good Tryto line it up there. So it's across the bottom of it. That's pretty good. Get a little bit of opacity here at the top. Yeah, that looks pretty good. I think right about there. Started look pretty good. And now, the very last step here, I want to go to path. It's going to select the selection tool, and we go to path and we want to do that dynamic. Offset. Okay. If you remember right now, when you just look for a little dot and there it is, civil click. And this time we're gonna drag it toward the inside, said kind of gives a little bit of an offset to the inside. Let that go and select our selection tool and just click off in space control as to save that. Now we have a really nice sheen going on the bottom of this Wally's to the very last step. I just want to add a drop shadow to this like we did on some of our other ones. So the method of doing that, if you remember, is select everything control de to duplicate. So we have a new copy of everything and then go to path and you mean okay, now have a new big blob that covers everything that's going to make that black, and we'll send it all the way to the back hitting end When I go down, just a hair over just a hair and makeup, just a hair bigger. Who control and shift forgot to hold my control down control and shift, and right there now let's give a little bit of blur a bit more. Ledge it down a little bit more. It's looking pretty good lips. I'm nudging the blur down instead. So now click out here, grab that shadow again and nudge shadow down there we go unnoted to the right a little bit . Get a little bit of transfer capacity. Bring the opacity down just a little bit. I think that looks pretty good control as to save Hit four. Bring it full screen and we have our finished Wally's logo.
21. Wally's Business Card: Okay, We're gonna create a business card out of the wall ings logo. So let's start off by changing this paper size so we'll go to file and document properties . I don't want to look at some of the page sizes we have up here, and right now it's on a metric and we have legal on letter and all that. But if you get a little bit down here toward the bottom, you actually have business cards. So we're gonna use to US business card to buy 3.5 and then close that box up. Now we'll hit 52 Zoom to full page. Start working on this. Let's start off by bringing in the logo. And that was Wall E's logo here would drop it. It's very, very big here because we created it on a full page. So that's it for to get everything on the screen, and then we'll control, shift and scale this thing down door about right on the page here, going to get that in the center of the page. I'm gonna go toe a line and distribute and changes relative to two page and just say centered. All right, so now that's in the center of the page toward the top. There a little bit. Now let's put some text on this thing. So hit five to get the whole page. It starts to put some text out here. I want to do www dot ah guys, all his garage dot com. That is way too big. Do that. Five. Let's bring that around in here. Okay, Now Guy's name is Wally Wilkerson. And copy this down here, duplicating. Drag him down here we we have the right size and all that. So let's go Wally Wilkerson and he is head mechanic. Okay, copy and paste that copy paste, and we will make the phone number. Patrol A to select all and go phone P E colon 555 by five groups five Dash 555-555 Very original phone number there. Copy and paste in under the email control a disliked all e mail Ouali at Well, it's while his garage dot com. Let's give him a address over here, so keep on doing what we're doing here. Copy and paste and drag that over there. Federal A. And now we'll call it 800 Molly way. Copy and paste that way up there for some reason. A to select all and will make him Chicago, Illinois 6 to 554 I don't know. I just made that up. Okay, so now we got all the stuff on the card I just selected on. We're gonna change the fonts, They're gonna text and font. And I chose engravers Gothic for that. So Ian engravers Gothic apply. That's what we got there. Now we just gotta do some line enough. And just like all this stuff here and go a line and distribute to last selected, and we could do page even and just bump it over to that side. Grab these two, bump it over the side. And we want toe like that, your page here and make that center. That's already centered. So now that we got all that aligned, make Wally Wilkerson bigger and he is the head mechanic. Control dragged that up. Shifts like that. Control drag. Both of those. I've been putting up a little bit higher. Make both of these smaller a shift, select and then control and drag that down. Okay, so let's get these off the edge of the page here and draw window around him. Select him on. That was just drag him up off the edge of the page a little bit. We're gonna do the same thing with these a little bit smaller. And I want to actually align this in this with the last selected and the bottom. Oops. Shifts like that and go to you know, it's like that and lot. Select that one and then go to the bottom. There we go. It's like that shift and select that and then go to the bottom there. All right, so that's good. Get this off the edge of the page and all this is gonna be too big. I'm gonna already tell. Get that off the edge of the page and notes control and make that a little smaller. And control make that little smaller. Here we go. Now, we got some space there, and I need to bring all his garage up under the logo. Control s to save it, and we're gonna put it in the logo's and call it all these card. Save it. So there you go. There's a Finnish business card all laid out and aligned with all the information on it, in the logo on it, and I think that would work good for somebody.