Inkscape master all the basics to create amazing projects | Nicolas Forgue | Skillshare

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Inkscape master all the basics to create amazing projects

teacher avatar Nicolas Forgue, Welcome awesome students !

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Manage dashboard


    • 3.

      Edit preferences


    • 4.

      Document properties


    • 5.

      Navigation on document


    • 6.

      Create and open document


    • 7.

      Save and export


    • 8.

      Create selections


    • 9.

      Create rectangles


    • 10.

      Create circles


    • 11.

      Create polygons


    • 12.

      Create spirals


    • 13.

      Create 3D boxes


    • 14.

      Draw bezier curves


    • 15.

      Edit nodes


    • 16.

      Draw calligraphic


    • 17.

      Draw freehand lines


    • 18.

      Erase paths


    • 19.

      Spray objects by sculpting or painting


    • 20.

      Tweak objects by sculpting or painting


    • 21.

      Duplicate objects


    • 22.

      Object associations


    • 23.

      Create rotations


    • 24.

      Create groups


    • 25.

      Add tansformations


    • 26.

      Element positions


    • 27.

      Object to path


    • 28.

      Stroke to path


    • 29.

      Path effects


    • 30.

      Edit colors


    • 31.

      Fill bounded areas


    • 32.

      Add gradients


    • 33.

      Add gradients on stroke


    • 34.

      Edit strokes


    • 35.

      Manage alignments


    • 36.

      Manage distribution


    • 37.

      Snap objects


    • 38.

      Add grid


    • 39.

      Add guides


    • 40.

      Create clones


    • 41.

      Tiled clones part 1


    • 42.

      Tiled clones part 2


    • 43.

      Add symbols


    • 44.

      Add text


    • 45.

      Text along path


    • 46.

      Text reflect effect


    • 47.

      Text winter effect


    • 48.

      Layers part 1


    • 49.

      Layers part 2


    • 50.

      Import image


    • 51.

      Image inside shape


    • 52.

      Image inside text


    • 53.

      Filter editor


    • 54.

      Filters bevels


    • 55.

      Filters blurs


    • 56.

      Filters bumps


    • 57.

      Filters color


    • 58.

      Filters distort


    • 59.

      Filters fill and transparency


    • 60.

      Filters image effects


    • 61.

      Filters image paint and draw


    • 62.

      Filters materials


    • 63.

      Filters morphology


    • 64.

      Filters non realistic 3D shaders


    • 65.

      Filters overlays


    • 66.

      Filters protusions


    • 67.

      Filters ridges


    • 68.

      Filters scatter


    • 69.

      Filters shadows and glows


    • 70.

      Filters textures


    • 71.

      Character part 1


    • 72.

      Character part 2


    • 73.

      Landscape drawing part 1


    • 74.

      Landscape drawing part 2


    • 75.

      Icons part 1


    • 76.

      Icons part 2


    • 77.

      Logo part 1


    • 78.

      Logo part 2


    • 79.

      Flyer part 1


    • 80.

      Flyer part 2


    • 81.

      Invitation card part 1


    • 82.

      Invitation card part 2


    • 83.

      Leaflet part 1


    • 84.

      Leaflet part 2


    • 85.

      Visit card part 1


    • 86.

      Visit card part 2


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About This Class


Inkscape is a professional-quality vector drawing software that runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU / Linux. Inkscape is used by professional designers and hobbyists to create a wide variety of graphics such as illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, maps and renderings for the web. Inkscape uses the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) standard as the starting format. Unlike other software where we work in pixels, under Inkscape we work with vectors. A vector image consists of coordinates, curves, and equations of all kinds. And the advantage of this format is that you can enlarge your creation or your image to infinity, it will be identical and will not lose any quality, because we are working on vector drawing.

Why do you have to use Inkscape?

- Because it is an open source software

- Because it offers impressive creative tools for open source software

- Because you can create many graphic creations

- Because we work on the vector format no loss of quality during enlargement

- Because it's a very ergonomic software

Training program

In this training I will teach you how to use Inkscape from scratch. You will be able to start from a completely new level without ever having used Inkscape, to reach a good intermediate level. Those who already have knowledge about Inkscape are also invited in this course that takes into account many points. At the end of the training you will be able to fully use Inkscape yourself.

Meet Your Teacher

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Nicolas Forgue

Welcome awesome students !


Related Skills

Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello everybody. It's Nicholas and welcome to z-scores, Inkscape, complete curves in scale. What is this? It is a professional Nan, vector drawing softwares that you can use for a different type of creation. You can make many different graphic document. And it is very interesting software. And because with Inkscape, we work with vectors. A vector image consists of quarantine, It's curves, and a question of alkynes enjoy advantage of this format is that you can, for example, resize your graphic document. Any sing to infinity and it will be Eden T cal l. We not lose any quality because we were on the vector drawing software. This is also open source software. So very amazing open-source software to work directly with a vector format. Why do you have to use Inkscape? Because it is an open source software? That is to say it is three. Because it offers impressive credit tools of free software. Because you can create mini crafty creation because we work on the vector format. No loss of quality during an attachment because it's a non-genomic software. What you will have in this training video, if for example, you are a beginner, you want to start mastering Inkscape z-scores is for you. If you want to, using Skype for personal purpose is kairos is for you. If you want to use Inkscape for professional proposed, these, kairos is for you. You are a graphic designer. You want to learn an odor software and one to discover Enscape z-scores is also for you. The training program. In this training video, I will teach you how to use Inkscape from the beginning, you will be able to stand from complete, completely new lever wizard. If I even use Inkscape to reach a great lever in Inkscape, you will be able to do everything that you want. At the end of the course. We will see, so Dashboard, we will see all the tools will be explained in details. You will see how to manage shapes, how we manage selection, how to did colors at crazy and manage, manage and edit strokes. How you can add text, edit text, how to import image, edit image, vectorized image, how to use the grid, how to use a guide, and also many graphic document training at the end of sucrose. So we can create different graphic document. And thanks to Zach, you will see what you can do really with Inkscape. So everything is 0s in this curious, in the complete kairos. 2. Manage dashboard: Let's first see, So dashboard. So when you start with Inkscape, you will have this type of dashboard. At the beginning. It's not exactly lazy, so it means me, I positions different windows on this side and you can do is the same scene. So first you have your document in the middle lysis, you will find two laws, horizontal rulers and vertcat rulers. Thanks to Zach, you can create guides. When you've gone to the top, you have some seeing bicycle FI credit documents have an expert. You can also edit some element. And after you have different things, view layer, object, pass, text, filters, extension, and at, just below you have different scenes, but it's one more time two, you can do this for example here, directly, you can save your document. You can create a new document is exactly if you go on file and create new share, you have undue last section, redo, last section. This can be interesting. You have also edit, undo redo or Control Shift Control Z. You can find these elements here. You have a pano view layers. You have also a ligament panels, but you can find this directly here. When you go on the left, you have also different tools. So each time you can select a tool like this and you will select tool options at this livers. So your selector tool and you can find your two options. Now, if I just continue just on this side, you have different colors. See just the color pallet, and you have also basic color. So it's interesting because you can craft a chef phrase on per legs is I can make some assessment and after I can edit with any basic color, just like this, here, you can walk with the opacity of your object. And at the same time you can also find on what layer you walk at this labors. When you go to tally on the right, you have all the snapping option, very interesting and very useful. So you need to walk just snapping options directly on the right. Now, if I walk on these different parameter, I positions these different window. But when you start, you cannot have this window. You can just remove a window, clicking on close tab here it's layers Felix truck and then distribute and transform. So now I remove artists Windows so I can position, for example, my document or walk just at the slivers. Don't forget totally on this side you can use the zoom and you can also create if you want a rotation but on your document of walk like this. So if you change and you tell me a document of work with any manipulation, you can enter 0 here and you will be able to come back. No, let's position. So window on the right. This is just my opinion, but I think it's great to have this window select Layer. And directly you can open the layer panel on the right. If I just remove that, you can also open her directly here and you have a few layers and it's going to be the same. So Gormley, yeah, you can achieve at layers like this. And I can start with this element because we use layers. Now just go on directly object and you have very interesting things. I made the choice to position directly fill and stroke. Very useful because you can edit the color. You can add some dreads zoned. And you can also edit style 18. Trucks and STI struck. So position, fill and stroke. Continue, object. Select directly. Directly. You can select the object and you can pause the shone directly, adding and distribute. And thanks to that, as you can see, it's useful layers, thin stroke and adding and distribute. Now as a next step is to directly apply transformation. So select filters directly. You can go on object and you can apply transform. And thanks to that, I have different panels. And it's a very useful because in Inkscape, you can use the layer. So you have your panels here. You can use fill and stroke. So you have your panels here. Adding and distributed very important. So you have your panels here and transformation panel. We use not every time, but I think it's useful to have this spanners. You don't need to position too much panels after it can be too much. But here, I think, I think it's great. And that's it. So when you start to walk, just keeps these different parameter, know where positions with different window. And that can really advise you to position layer, fill and stroke, and then distribute and transformation painter. 3. Edit preferences: We're going to see x2 preferences. So you have the possibility to add preferences to Edit Preferences. Just go directly on Edit. You can go here and apply preferences panels on this banner. So first UF trust interface, and he has this user language system default. If newValue need to change your language, you can transact exist. For example, you have different English language, so you can make some adjustment, but you will have almost the same interface after you can find Zoom correction. But here we don't use these to merge. You can have any man-like and size. When you pick your screen, you can increase or decrease the size. Not many things to do. I think you can keep this parameter after you have a tool options. Here it is the same. You don't need to change, really is a sings each time. For example, you use the pen tool. You have this tool on style. I don't have specific style. Show selection, yes. Pencils, scissors cell. So each time you can have option of tool by default, I think you can keep this parameter. It's okay. And if I just come back just with interface like this, and you click here, you can change the tempo. By default you have this stem like that. If you want to have in your doc time like for example, I contrast, you can apply KVL so dark Enscape, as you can see like this, depending on if you want to do, you can have a different type of template, exempt or injure curse. We use dressed system Taemin by 60 stem. But if you want, for example, to use a ductile, you can use this or so after you have high content. So this is the same. I can use these but same principle. You can change the icon color, lysis and exist like z's, are can come back. You can see the difference fall. So I can enjoy tools. You can come back with some basic current after you can also work with some corrals. So window saving, window geometry, size and position seven, Restore windows geometry for each document. You can final so-so here you can keep safe, save. I think it's great. You will have option for greed each time that you apply, agreed, you will find me now green line coulomb measuring green light color. By default, you will have this color at any moment. If you want to change the blue, you can eat it. So cool off your grid. And each time that you create a document, you can a desert. But in the document property after I will show you that for each document you can eat it. So agreed. So here finally, we preferred to as agreed in red on each document. You can change that. If you want to change my yellow green line, every you can change her. So Command Palette, Kimball's keyboard, It's interesting you can find all the shortcut. So take your glands each time you click here. And if you want to see also shortcut, you can directly go on keyboard. You have the behavior here. It just about each time that you use your selection tool, you can add some transformation. You have many things checked. And same principle you don't need to eat or just seems you can keep a different parameter. Everything will be okay, Something interesting, take your glands so, but go to save enabled, autosave with an interval of minutes. If for example, sometime you things that you can have problems. You, you walk on something and protons, you can change the Intel violin make for example, one minute or two minutes and sinks 2-SAT if never escape clause for different reasons, you can have autosave. And after you have some basic parameter system in the image here, rendering and spell check, it's okay. So this is a preferences. As I'll show you, you can make some Mino adjustment, but you don't need to change many things. 4. Document properties: I'm going to show you how to edit your document properties, because when we create a new document file, new directly, we will have by default this type of document. So we can change after the size. You just need to go and 5, you select Document Properties. And thanks to Zach, you have access to a new panels in the document properties panels. I'm going first to show you something as far as a PECC, how you can resize your pen. You have display unit here, I'm millimeter. You can change, you need if you want to walk on pixels like this, the horizontal ruler and vertical ruler will change to make some adjustments. Try walk on centimeters or rulers difference. So just, let's come back on a millimeter. You have the batch size, a fall. Here. You can find other type of templates that you can use, so you have the different size and you can use a template. Again, for example, Disney scalp, this. So you can choose any template. If I just come back to a photo, you can apply portrait or you can apply landscape. After you have wide and eight. For example, I'm going to apply landscape or change anything. I'm going to change something, apply for example, Z size. And after if you want, you can close your document properties if you want, you can also keep the panels at the slivers. Me I prefer to close and every time that I need and just go and file, select Document Properties. Now if you want to enter your own value, it's also possible you have wide eight. You need one more times. If for example, I want to create some scene. Same whites and 8, I can take 200 millimeter and wide. And on a 200 millimeters. And automatically you can find some adjustment in real-time. So 200 millimeter by 200 millimeter, if you want to change one more time, you can walk on pixel on what you want. Just like this, or you just change the display unit and fries on production change in pixels. Let's continue after you have skin. So it means you just scan lysis. You need so you can apply scale. After you can change any bedrooms you have a backroom Colossus is in wise. If you want, you can make any different background color. As you can see, like this. You will have also other possibility. So each time you create to guide you crowd to greed, you can eat it also into Document Properties. I will explain after how to use the grid, again, how to use superuser guides. So we will see in details how to use these properties. You have also snapping option, Snap to Object. Snap only went closer and Zan, You have a value by default, if you prefer to have IR value or lower, lower value, you can after you have all possibility of snapping option on the right wizard value but on the right forever source sourcing, scripting metadata any sense, but it relieves us things that we need to understand. You craft a document, you want to edit the size, you open your document properties, panels. And after you can make any size and you can change. So you need also. 5. Navigation on document: Let's see how to move our new document. How you can zoom in, how you can zoom, I would. And how you can move directly on your space of work. Let just use the rectangle tool. Select a color. Let's apply red color. Trust Crato rectangle, laziness. If I want to zoom on my document, first, things that you can do, but it's not the best I'm going to show you after us the best you have here. So zoom in and zoom out tour, you just click. You have different type of options. We zoom in, zoom out. So I just go left click and I can zoom in. I can click here and I can zoom out. Just hear me, newsmen are spinners. Our zoom in, zoom out. So yeah, Zoom in, Zoom. I will tell you can directly go at this livers and if you press shift, so here I can zoom in, I can press shift and zoom out at the same time is that left-click? It can be interesting because you can apply as a Zoom 11. So directly Lizzie's, you can apply the Zoom H1 flock to Zoom too far one laziness, or you can also feed selection in window. This can be interesting. If for example, you have a selection you can fit in window. I can click again on this tool like this. So I'll show you again. I say it's a rectangle. Click on this area and feeds the selection to window. After you have Joseph scenes and zoom to fit page in Windows is can be interesting. You fit exactly as a PECC 200 windows. So sometime can be interesting to use this. And now you can, if you just go on the spanners, you have zoomed in percentage and you can reduce the percentage here are increased the percentage just ICs. So this is also some things that you need to know. Now, other things you can directly use some moose wheel and control on the keyboard. If I use my Control and zoom lose-win, for example, I'm walking on this rectangle. I use my selection tool, any tool X-Y-Z, and I want to zoom in, I can press Control. I can click on my mouse wheel and I can zoom in, assumed I would like this. So just moves the mouse wheel. You can zoom in and zoom out with control. If you just use the mouse wheel, you can move in this direction. And if you press Shift M, Zoom, lose weight, you can use this direction. So most wheel here, vertically, shift and most we'll horizontally and control and mouse wheel, you can zoom in and just zoom out. So this is the best because you can use any tool and at the same time. And here I want to zoom in up, can press controls a moose wheel, and I can zoom in. Small convenience that phrase on paper to use this tool, even if you have the shortcut seed, it's more convenient to use some Muslim women. And so next things that I wanted to show you, you can create a rotation on your document laziness. So you can just turn with control. And so most whale, you can turn like this, your space of work, your document of work. And sometimes when you zoom in zoom mode, Bye. He. Buy any reason you can move and Crito rotation of your document because you click on Control. And so most women, so it's not really good. You don't know how to do, how to change and how to come back exactly like this. You just need to go on this panders and you have a rotation of your document and you can enter the value 0. So you can just enter 0, you press Enter and you can come back. This is something useful that you need to know. And at the same time, if you want to create in your rotation or no document, you can apply this here. Or you can just come back on 0. 6. Create and open document: Let's see how to create a new document. So to create a new document, each time window you can go and find new. You can also click here you have crunched a new document from the default template. So I have the default templates. He sees an A4 document in format portrait. If I go and find new directly, you will have the same default document. If you go on fire, can use New from Template. And it's interesting because you have different possibility of template. Phrase on Purdue graciously verse you can find a way not business count and you will have different size said you can use. You can find for example, you have some seem in default in desktop, you have this different size. You can find seamless patterns. You can find topographies Canvas. So each time you have some elements that you can apply. I can, for example, use Disney's Caleb Size credit from template lysis. So autumn particularly I observe size. So it means as you can see, Z size by this ei, 85 by 55 directly. So when you want to create your commands, you can go and find you. And you can go and New from template. If you want to open it simple, you just need to click Open. You go on one of your fine on your computer. If you have Enscape file, you can directly click on open. But at the same time, if you have image file, JPEG, PNG, you can also up open directly on a new document. So we just need to go and file an upper. And you can also directly click on open an existing document. 7. Save and export: Let's see how to save and export your work. So first, you create your document, you finish your work. You can go directly, you have different options. You can find File Save. You can also export in image file. At the same time when you go at this level, you can find safe document and you have the possibility to also export this document as PNG image. So if I go on File, save As you just go on any document, for example, I can go and my escape in Skype folder. And you just change the name, filename. You just select what type of file you want to use, but it's encamped in Enscape. So you use S V, G file like this. If you want, you have also the option. Sometimes you can men there is team phrase on Perl. You can use EPS or if you want to use for a different software and I can be useful. You can also save directly on PDF file. So if you want to save your work as PDF, you don't have to export because you can't export in PDF. So you export, you save directly as a PDF file. So Inkscape file, SVG. And after if you want, you can save directly as EPS. If you want to use on another software. You can save as PDF. If you want to have a PDF for example. And you just click on Save. Now to export your walk, you're going fine. And you're supposed to be two experts in PNG image directly. You have a new Pandas. First you can January we expand the PECC. But if you want to just export to drawing a selection our custom, it's also perceiver. What does it mean? It means that you can create like frame of selection with a karate net here. Just like that. And thanks to that, you can export just a specific area. For example, you need to until the coordinate on 0, X1, and Y 0 when Y and you create like a frame of a selection with Kristen lysis. If not by default, you will have just a value on X1 and white. And when you go and pitch it correspond just on white and eight of your document. Here I created a new document. It was a post, and it was in pixel, 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels after in millimeter, for example, it corresponds to this value. You have, I have my image size. So size it correspond exactly on the export area. But as I said, it can be different. Image size can be different that area. But generally it's the same. After you just need to click on Export As. And thanks to that, you can go on your folder and you can change. You can go on your folder just directly silica here you have PNG. But when they say PNG, It's interesting because you can also export in JPEG. So just image file, JPEG or PNG, PNG or JPEG, just like that. And after you can just click on Export here you have just Advanced Options. It's just too bad to color. Generally, we don't use these too much. Sometimes eventually you can walk with o'clock and be interesting. But for the rest you just click on Export As to 60 folder. And after you can Zen spot. So just PNG or JPEG file, JPEG or PNG just image file. 8. Create selections: Let's see x2 selection. So how to manage the selection for this, we can use selections and transformation object tool. First takes a rectangle tool, selected color. We can apply the red color and just create a rectangle here. Cracked the rectangle phrase on per slivers. Let's apply why not two different color? Now, let's position this rectangle here and select or so, so Ellipse tool. With the ellipse tool, I can directly press Control to Crato perfect circle. Just apply some color and go at this leavers scrapped 10 docetaxel, and let's apply a different color. So now each time that you want to edit your object, you want to make some transformation to move. You need to use this tool. Click on the selection tool. You just go left-click and sinks 2-SAT. You will have different option. I will show you more things in details. After, for example, you can flip. You can create some rotation like this. You can also change the position first plane. Phone croon, bedrooms, also using this. After. If you just go one click, you can drag and move your shape. You can change the size on this direction and this direction. On this direction, wizard proportionality. You can also directly press cultural. If you press Control on your keyboard and left-click, you can keep the propulsion. Take a glance. I can go here, no proportion. I can press Control. I can keep the proportions. This is why it's interesting. Now if you double-click, you can have access to the transformation of Huo rectangle of your ship lysis. And for example, I can add guaranteed corner like this. I can take this sprint and change, and I can take this brand and change. So when clique, you move like this, double-click directly. You can have access to these options. Now if you just go one kid here, and when clique again, you have different transformation. You have possibility to crop rotation with the sprint to make some transformation like this also, and to change your transformation print. Going to come back, he told before, transformation print, it's important because you can, for example, positions is here. And if you create a rotation, as you can see, you turn around your transformation point. But if I position my transformation print here is going to be different as you can see. So it sees your transformation point. It's also useful when you position transformation print here. If you want to scare you, scan forms a transformation point. If you want to select different objects at the same time, you're sitting. So first object, press Shift, and you can select a second object. You stay shift on the keyboard. And I can, for example, select CS4 object. At the same time. If I want to select just to object, I can see it's a blue rectangle Shift and left-click on the green circle, translates this. You can also create just a rectangle of selection. If I go here, left-click and create a rectangle of selection, just laces. And then if I want, I can re-size everything at the same times, make some rotation also on ours, a different element. Now let just come back a little before. Just lazy is yes here. If for example, you have an object like this and you have a circle inside, interests go one left click Yes here, and applies a sucker also inside if I want to select just to see occur, but I don't want to blue rectangle. You can try to create a rectangle of section, but here I selected the swale event. So you need to be careful and to not tech also grew rectangle. And now I have just the two sacral, just laziness. You just select the first circle, press Shift and CD8. So second circle, it's going or so to walk. So this is why it's called select and transform of g because you can create a selection, you can drag and move. But if you click again, you can create some rotation, change the transformation point. And if you double-click, you can also edit your edit your shapes. For example, I double-click here, just click at this lever. I can indeed, again, my shape. 9. Create rectangles: Let's create a rectangle. How to craft rectangle? Let's apply directly create rectangle and square tools here. So first things to do, you can choose any color and saying you can create your rectangle. For this, you just go left-click and drag and move depending of the size that you want to have. After you have different options. First, on the options tool, laziness, you can enter a value, for example, you want to have a rectangle with exactly 150 wider. You can take 150. If he, I want to have exactly 80, I can take 80. So this is a first things to do after you have a horizontal reduce kroner and vertcat graduates comma sin principle. You can tell a value and take a glance. I have my ratty can reduce Lexis at any moment. You can just come back or increase. You can also tap. So values that you want to have address come back here. You can do the same thing with y, just laziness. You can also enter a value. For example, I can take ten on x and I can tell so ten on why it just like this. But for your knee I'm going to have the same influence. Interests come back 0 and it just come back 0. You can also walk directly on your rectangle. You have endl to chrono. And thanks to Zach, you can apply wounded kroner lysis just using this element. Here. I can just change the size like this and just change the size laces. What you can change where you need. But generally we walk on the document properties falls out. So that's it. This is autocrat rectangle. After each time you can use your sitting the transform tool and you can drag and move changes size, make a re-sync set you want. And if you double-click, you can just come back to your toolkit, rectangle and square and make some addition. No, let's create something basically, I would like to add a rectangle on the bedrooms or rectangle tool. You can activate directly toggle snapping to patch. Thanks to Zach, you can snap to this ender, Crato rectangle onto bagged runes and to PECC corner. And let's apply some color, fill and stroke. Let's apply some blue colo laziness. Know, this is my bathroom. I would like to create your rectangle fossil group sittings or rectangle again, I can enter to pitch Balder to here, but this is the same color. So I can just apply some green color. The exact, and that's it. I could continue Crato rectangle, hand Cretan, older rectangle like this. Let's apply some a knee or a red color and position at this lever. If I want to snap here, I can activate these different, an option like this. And as you can see, I can snap to the object just like that. And it's fast, it's convenient and you can make faster draw. I can also create another rectangle in y's. Translates, come back, de-select everything first district, every scene click outside, select against a rectangle. Let's apply white-collar. And I wanted to crack like small house. I can make some scene like this and just snap at the slivers and I could continue. Y note credits I'm seeing here. Why not? Correct. So I'm seeing here each time I can make some assessment, a phrase on paralyzes and recruits. Here, same principle. I can make some cine lenses snap and position this here. And as you can see just with basic rectangle, I can start to draw a simple or to create a simple drawing. 10. Create circles: Let's see how to create a circle. Let's zoom into the document. Select directly cred circle, ellipse and AKS. I can click here. I can activate a colonial, It's activates a red color. And you can crack first any AD FS if you just go left CLI, you can create any ellipse like this. After you have x radius. For example, I can take 80 presenter I have. So why reduce, for example, I can take 13, just laziness. If you want to create a perfect circle, you can enter, for example, the same value. So if I enter or so 80 on, so why I'm ready to use, I'm going to have a perfect circle. So you can check if you have a perfect circle here. So notice the best things to do. If you want to create a perfect circle, you click on the tool, you just press Control and sinks 2-SAT. With control, you can keep the proportionality suppress control and you can't keep the proportionality lysis. And the last seems to know if you press Control and Shift, you can keeps a proportionality and start from your center point. So it sees things to do when you craft a seeker. If I come back to my tool, now, you have staffed and what does it mean? It means that I have a point here. And I can also open my CFTR as you can see. And you can press, for example, control to start from the center or not. And press control exists and you can make phrase on sample something here and crap just alpha curve. It is a possibility because there is the possibility to create our soccer, but this is something interesting and at any moment you can just combine kennel. So if you want a credit some symbolizes, you can resort takes the sprint changes size. Takes this sprint, change the size. If I just come back and it'll be before you can find staffed and end. So it means I opened whizzes value. If I just step 40, press Enter. I'm going to have only this part. If I press 90 degrees, I'm going to have a craft of circle, just like this. 25 percent of a soccer, if I apply directly 180, I will have an alpha blocker. So you want to average the hacker just step 180 here, and that's enough. But after you ever saw the start and you can make some ADH, can start at 20. You want to have a alpha2 tip, 0 here and 180 here. After you ever saw other options like switch to OK. So you can craft to act like this. You have also switch to crowd closed shape and you have also makes your Sherpa while ellipse not up of segments. So you can just come back to the world ellipse like this. And now if I enter again a value, I'm going to have also the same seems. So let's, and let us come back. Let's make some signatory different. For example, laziness. If I apply a stroke, I can click here, feed and stroke, stroke pains. And you can activate stroke with flat color. Click here. By default I have two black color so you can change the color. Let's apply black and on stroke style. You can edit the white. I'm just going to keep two on white. Note-taker Glenn's. If I just come back, Double-click with my tool, I can have access to again, to my circle tool. If I click here, switch to ask is this is going to be open for this truck. But if I click switch to code, I'm going to have to close struck just laces after us. In principle, you can continue just like that depending of what you want to do. But each time you can just close with a stroke. Same principle. You use your selection tool one click. You can make any transformation double-click, you can create any rotation. And if you double-click like this, you can just go back with your Chapter 2. Let's crack a small exercise. Let's zoom out and uses your second tool, press control. A cursor here. I need to come back full circle laziness. I need to come back on Fill and Stroke struck paint. And yes, truck pain just removes the stroke. So this is going to be my first Shakira can press control and increase the size and position in Zoom, either adding and distribute relative to the page, center on vertical axis, center on original tell axes. Now I can cry to Nagasaki, I change the color. Let's apply blue. Press control like this. And go and pitch, center and center. Now let's continue. Click on an adult color cities, a shackle tool cry to know the soccer Like for example in yellow and relative to page center and center. And I could continue if I want, I can also duplicate. But just to show you the circle tool, Crato know dashed circle exist, apply some color and adding the distributor to page center and center. And you can continue lysate. I corrected this type of of shape here with just different circle. 11. Create polygons: Let's see how to create polygons. So to crowd polygons, you can find directly x2 polygon's tool squareds, task and polygons. I can click here directly. You can directly activate new regular polygons and you have some number of Kroner. So first, if you want to create a tree younger, you just reduce the number of corners on, sorry. After I can just go here, Let's apply some color and just go left-click laziness. If you want to have one of the Cornell to tell you on the top, you can press Control. And thanks to that, yes, you can position laziness directly. This corner, totally on the top. And I just created a rectangle. If I just come back to my tool, I can click here. You have the number of Cornell. So at any moment, you can change if you want, it's possible. And you can also apply rounded corner, so you can make some single X-Y-Z. It's interesting also on the ozone direction, take a glance. Just like that. I'm going to tap directly 0 and come back. You have also randomize and you can make some scene curly Third Space Shuttle, and you can apply randomize. You can click here to check parameters to default. And thanks to that, I'm going just to come back to a stop. So this is the first things to do. If you want, I can use my section tool removes that credit to know data type of polygon. I can click here silicon for example, eight corner. Just go left-click and I created my polygons just like that. With your selection tool, you can move, you can double-click and make any things that you want. Here. I'm going to duplicate this and just press Delete. Now let's continue. If you want to Crato style, you just click here. And I'm going to resist the parameter first. To create a perfect style, you apply five corners and you keep this ratio. Just go left-click. I can press Control to constraint and phrase sample position this corner on the top. After you have to print, if you click on this sprint, you can change directly spoke ratio. And if you click on this brand like this, you can also change and make some modification. For example, you can turn like this. So this is the things that you need to know. Now if I just come back to the beginning, you can also what we spoke ratio here, like this, as you can see. And also you can apply rule indeed, Kroner. So you just click on Run did, and you can create some seem lazy so you can decrease on zeros are direction also. So it sees a type of seeing that you can do some stuff, some scenes you can credit to start with. I use my section tool, press, Delete. I can use my star tool this time I can increase the number of car. Now let's apply, for example 20. And I can make some similarities with control, its little beak and then just resize with my selection tool and control position here. And same principle, if I come back to my tool, I have this handles and for example, I can use this. If you press Control, U keeps a proportionality and you don't move, so you just stay like this for example. And you can also click on this and you can press Control, increase, decrease, but it is the same. If you walk on the spoke ratio, you want to add little rounded corner. You can just click here. Just little bit here, H2 merch. Look at this view. You can create some single disease, but if you decrease, decrease, decrease you until small value, you have just little small canal. And that's it after I can use my shape, our lignin distribute center, center, and can be a good base for different type of work. 12. Create spirals: Let's see how to create spirals. So for this, we can use directly the spiracles tools. Let's click on this. Zoom on document and crafts disappearance. Here you have different parameter. You can residual parameter first here, just go left-click and you can try to spirit laziness after you can change the number of turns. So it means I can increase the exam. As you can see. I can decrease on 000 direction. And here I have just like your line. And take a glance, I can increase, increase like this here. After you have the divergence. So it means you won't have the same space between the, between the center like that and the part. So most outside. And you can walk also with the inner radius like this. So you can start to inner radius on a different position. Let's walk with little less divergence. And if I zoom in here, you can also work with the vendors. So you have this endurance. You can also directly walk quizzes if you want to change the position. And for example, I can position this here. And you can take the second ender and same principle. You can start on a different way. So each time you can work directly with on a sham at the end, whether you can work on these parameters waiter, you can walk with this point. If you want to edit that, you need to edit this truck. I can go directly on the right, select my fill and stroke panels. You can feel, but if you feel you will have some sync, little strange lysis. So normally we don't use this too much for fields sometimes, but not too much. Now I'm going to remove fill stroke paint. So here we have a color. You can change the color of any colors that you want, just like this, Let's apply, for example, red and to a D to a stroke you construct style. By default, I have this wide. I can increase my stroke wide. As you can see. I can also work with style. You can change dash, dashes and you can make print different types of prints that you can apply. So you have all these different possibility to see some things that you need to know. Ledgers come back with liner and dashes shaft or you can make some modification, but it's more when, for example, you apply some plant, you can turn a disease as you can see change. So stop print. Interests, come back and hear. And after you have just two, how you can finish. And with phrase on Pearl or wounded are just Butt Cap, cap on Squarecap, interests, laces. Sources that I've seen that you need to know after each time you can take your tool and make some seem like xhat, make some adjustment with different parameter. And you can, each time you're directly spiral. 13. Create 3D boxes: Let's see how to create 3D boxes. We can find this tool creates 3D boxes and testing if you want to create something in three-dimension, first, activate the tool. And here you have some parameter, but the first things to do it's to go left-click and you can create your books. So depending of where you move your mouse, you can create something different. So I can first, for example, stats here. And after I have different print, as you can see, I can drag and move this print. For example, you have these nodes and I can drag and move at the same time I have this node. I can also make some similar longer and follows a perspective print on the right. So here I can follow hits. Do this again. Here. If I just click at this lever, I can follow my perspective print. Here. If I take on this print, I can follow also my perspective print and at the same time I can drag and move. And you can make interesting things. And here can also drag and move on this direction. Here I can drag and move or so on this direction. So this is a type of things that you can do here. If you, you can also add another box just on the front if you want. When you click at this lever, each time you click on the element, just like this, you have a possibility to edit some parameter. Here I am Unger wide and you can price on Pearl make some adjustment. But generally we walk more lysis after the things that you need to understand when you craft your books is that if you click here, so you select your edit bass note tools, you just click. You can click on one on this side. And thanks to Zach, you can edit the color and you can make something great like for example, something darker here. And I can create my books just like this. If I just come back with my move tool, you can just select and change occurred up. Now, let just select everything, just press, Delete. And the things that you can do if I just come back to my box, it is to create some seeing phrase on PR. Let's work on this direction or this direction, just like this. If I go on Fill and Stroke, now I have a stroke, I'm going to remove the stroke. I keeps a different colors. And before I would like to create like different buildings, why not to apply some great color but not on everything? So click here, silicon, for example, this side and make some sink. Yes, just like that. And after I can select everything. And for example, you use your tools. You just go one click and you finish with silicon transform object. You can, as you can see, it takes a plane and drag and move. Lizzie's. Normally we don't use this really because we need to keep this on the front. But this is some things that you can do. So now's the next step is to duplicate this element. And to duplicate this element, just press Control D and just drag and move and position for example, this here. Just like this, you can increase the size and position like that. Then press Control D again. Just duplicate, re-size, make some singlet are smaller and y naught to position this here, press Control D again, duplicate position. Why not an order on this side? So first, you need to resize and position this here. And you can make something great. You can also, for example, press Control D, duplicate this element. Positions is here. And if you use your edit, tools, change the color. So I can use red color. Here, I can use darker red color and make something different and position, for example, if I select this any mantras here and go in the bedrooms, press Control D and duplicate again. Reduce the size and y naught to position this here. And you can make some concrete like sweet dimension, drawing shapes. You want to create some buildings. It's also very interesting and sees the type of things that you can do with this tool. 14. Draw bezier curves: Let's see. So Pen tool, this tool draw bezier curves and straight lines. So m is two. You can draw any curves in the line using S2. So first I'm going to zoom liter activate. So Toulon. And you have different modes that you can use and I'm going to use first, create a regular Bezier pass lysis. Now I can just go left-click and you can crab different point. And with this, with when you finish here, you can press enter on the keyboard and you can trace on paper or credit default line width, you can craft to ship soldier, just go left-click, you create different segment and you close a pass like this. When you close the path, you have the possibility to fill with any color. You have also a possibility to go on struck. So here I'm going to yes, go and fill and stroke. Stroke style for example. And if you want, you can increase the size of the stroke. You can also go and struck pain change color. I'm struck as you can see, everything that you want. So something very useful about this tool is to create graphs. So how to craft, craft? To craft care of? You can just go left-click. And when you arrive on this point, for example, you stay left-click, stay left-click, and you have two tangent. And you can go on a direction. And when you move the mouse, you can try to kill off like this. After you stop left-click and you can position a nodal point. For example, here, I stay left-click again, keep left-click, and I can create a new document off Lexis. And I can arrive, for example, I discover, press Enter. As you can see, I created this care of and some principle you can construct pain stroke style. And you can increase your style if you want. Increase the size of the stroke. Know you can also create ship. Let's take this tool again. Just go left-click and left-click. Stay, left-click. Left-click again, left-click again, left-click again. Each time you stay left-click and you pull on the direction. This is tool really you need to train. If you want to be created with this tool, you need to train, train, train, and train. And thanks to that they created this ship. I can after use Fill Color, activate to color and apply any color I can go on struck paint and removes the stroke. Just daisies. So it says why is this tool is useful after all, don't hesitate to applies agreed to help you. You go on View, you go on few years, huge C-shaped page creed. And you activate snap to grid. Just go and finer. Select Document Properties. You can idiots agreed, city grid options exist. And you can change measure grid line every, and I'm going to increase that to our, for example, like 40 and just remove document properties. Whizzes tool. It's great because I can, for example, play you point here, I want to create some waves and I can drag and move on these direction. Phrase on Pearl, go see I'm just move almost nothing. And credit to know Doug Carroll. So you can use your greed, laziness to create different type of seems plays out, for example. And I can close. And I created this shape. If outside, it's not a problem, it is outside of my document. If, for example, I remove Snap to Grid them. You can also just go on. Just go on your ruler. Draw bezier curves. You can also, for example, I want to create a fuzz band doodle. I can just crap like rectangle X-Y-Z. And you can see it's going to be very fast. So he, I can press Enter, I have my first shape. Let's apply a phrase amperes some red color. And at the same time go and fill and stroke. No stroke I've taught can go here, use my tool again and just make some single disease come back with just two square like xat and closer past, press Enter. I can also activate a colo and struck, struck paint. No struck. I can do the same scene here. It's fast and convenient. And just press Enter. Same principle. Activate this red color and go on. Struck paint and no struck. And here I can create like a small tree younger directly using this tool with sweet print, press Enter, I can make some red color liter bath gel. Shapes my struck pain. So no stroke, no fill activator color and mix them seeing little darker. And I can do the same thing here, just lazy so you can also duplicate. So element it's going to be the same, but as you can see, it's really fast. So can construct paint and no stroke, thin and recuperate the scholar. Activate to color. I have the same colloids. Nice. As you can see, I created a banner. It's fast. Now let just go on hue, remove page grid, select everything and press Delete. If I just use this tool again. If you create a curve like this, careful X-Y-Z, you have the possibility to continue with the segment. How to do this? When you stay left-click, you press Shift on the keyboard. And as you can see, you can move, drag and move this ender. And for example, I can continue in this direction. After you stop, left-click, you stop shift and you just need to position a point exactly here. And thanks to Zach, you can continue with segment. So I stay left-click Socratic shelf. I want to continue with the segment press Shift, and you can turn this NDR, for example here, just adopt point I, just semi vowels. And you can craft care of and segment. And so last things to do is you have different possibility. Generally we use this shell you have checked, but it's not really good. It just that you can create some single shape, but we don't use these too much. Some things that I wanted to show you really with this tool. It's a sham going to apply non it is. So crafts Piero pass, Bureau pass, you just go left-click. And when you position left-click automatically you have a nice curve. And just better if you want to create good care of, but you have less precision, but you can create nice scale using, cease, using these options. Hedge delete. You can also work with spin pass. So you just go left-click and when you arrive here, as you can see, you have anger and you can one more time craft a good shelf. So one more time each mode to work with quality of care off. But if you must also. So first options, you don't really need to use too much. This type of options, hatreds come back. You can create also a sequence of straight line segments, so you just apply segment like this. But finally, if you use the first mode, you can do the same thing. Just grabbed some segment like that. Let's remove that, and let's remove that also. And so next step is also, you can use Crato sequence of parallel axis line segment. So I can position your segment lysis. And it just that each time that you create a segment, as you can see here, it is parallel to this segment. So here I have something parallel, shy of something parallel. He sees something which can be interesting if you want to create some seeing with exactly parallel segment and just do something like that. Take a glance. I have z segment parallel to the segment, this segment by segment the segment parallel to see sediment, these two Zs, this can be useful in some type of work. So don't forget that you can use this also. So this is how you can use this pen tool. I can advise you really need to train trend by yourself. You can Applies agreed. You can at the same time, trend by yourself to crap nice corral each time you go left-click, left-click. Here, I need to come back. You go left-click and you correct your chair of Lexis. And you can crack, interesting. Don't forget, I'm going to show you just have to. Each time you can move ways to edit pass notes. And if you want to create some modification, it's totally possible with this tool. And I'm going to show you this just after. 15. Edit nodes: Let's see how to edit nodes. So two nodes, you can, we are going first to create a pass. So directly I can use the true picture of n straight lines like this. I can zoom, just go left-click. And first I'm going to create some symbolizes here. Here. And here. I can press Enter. So I have this line. At the same time I'm going to go at this livers and craft like shape just like this. So I get different kernels. And I can just closer pass. With this pass I can go on fill and stroke. Just remove, feel, apply stroke and stroke style and just increase a little bit. So stroke size like this. So if you want to edit, you go directly. It did pass by notes. Thanks to xhat. Each time that you click on surpass, you can have access to the different notes. Why it's interesting because you can take a node's left click and you can drag and move on any direction. You can also create a selection of different node. You just go left-click. And if I tried this rectangle, I have these two nodes selected. You don't see too much difference, but take a Glenn's he also notes is not selected. You just go left-click and so not this little yellow. It, it means it is selected. Same principle. If I click on the ship, just go left click at this livers. Because this is akin to again, move my care of and at the same time, I have to, Enders sings to descenders. I can change the direction of my curves. I can increase my care of decrease my curves depending of what I want to do. Just keep in mind each time that you take your, each time that you take your just ended and you exist, you will have some seeing more straight at the slivers, more like anger. Each time that you take your ender, you drag and move. You will have picked our curve. Just like this. After you have different options, take a glance or budget options, you want to insert a new nodes. Click here. And you can go left click and you can insert a new nodes. Just like this. If you want to remove a node, you have delete selected not. So click on any nodes, for example, this and just press Delete Selected not. And as you can see, it's deleted. You have the option. I'm not going to show you everything but the most important things, drain selected notes and brick pass at selected notes. First, if I breed past at selected node, I kick here. First, I need to seek to not let still exist, not apply, breed pass. And thanks to that, I have one nodes here and a node or nodes here. And I bring the past, as you can see. So this is why it's extremely useful. You can create a pass and you can open this. So now if I want to link trends anon, link nodes Just go left key ceilings are two nodes at the same time. Our presser first, shift, the second. And after to-dos list, you can click on trend selected notes. And now I link my two nodes. So it's very great because you can make many different things after you have mixed selected notes Kroner or mixing active nodes, smooth. If I select one more time, this nodes and I click here, I can create a condo just like this. And as you can see, I don't have no my twin daughters because this is a kroner. If I just come back, I can click on smooth. And now I have access to my two Enders. If heal you apply, for example, symmetric or it's going to be littles the same, just little difference but not too much. And after you can make some adjustment. And you ever saw makes elected nodes auto smooth. Why not? After you have seen returned specifying. So it means you have mixed selected segments line or mixed 18 segment job. So you can also select to segment. For example, you can see leak to two nodes like this. And you can make a segments. So you select the first node, the signal nodes, after you have a segment in some middle. And you can apply, for example, make selected segment lines or you can make the opposite, makes it a team segment care off. And now I have again my two Enders. I'm going to show you again if I click at this leavers and if I apply, care of nursing happen. Now if I select this note shift and this knob, I have this segment selected so I can craft a cure of mixed selected segment care off. I have now one under here. I can drag and move, one under here, and I can drag and move. I can do the same thing here. X2 first ender. So signal handles just apply mixed selected Saman care of. And I can try to travel source here and credit to Charles source here. At the same time, I can move on z direction and move in this direction. Some things that you need to know so you can take these notes and I can come back one more time. Make selected nodes smooth. And thanks to his epic trek, automatically occurrences direction and the chairman's misdirection and automatically I have no downloads, an NDR here and an odor. And there's here. One more time it sees like draw bezier curves you need to train to CSU. Different option to understand. If I just come back here, I can, at the beginning, I add breed pass at selected nodes. I can click on this and one more time. I can separate this area and separate this area. And now I just have a line here. If I want to train again sittings or two nodes and just apply, just applied directly at the slivers trend selected not. So you have many different options. It's great. And you can make really every things that you want with the notes. 16. Draw calligraphic: Let's see how to draw with true calligraphic brush truck tools. When I click here, I drew calligraphic brush strokes. I can click at this leavers and directly here, I have no preset, but you can change that. You need first two sittings a wide with a value. So here you see the egg. So why that can, for example, decrease first after you can find different option signing mass. And if you just go left click, you can, for example, create something like this. Now if I just come back, I can just create your line is at line X-Y-Z. And as you can see, you can also increase the wide. Just like that. It is something and there is the after when you go and fill a stroke, you have the stroke style stroke pain feel. Here. You can, for example, just fill in cider, just laziness. I tend to depend if I just come back to know precede. As you can see, I'm just going to have this type of render. So now you have different other options. Phrase on production, sittings or tool. Again, you can walk with MCA, for example. And you can make some symbolizes as you can see. And so seeing that you can do also is here you have the white so you can decrease. If you decrease at the maximum, you will actually turn like just to line like this. Let's increase little bit like that. And inside you will have a color and you have also a stroke like this. I'm sure you can increase liter signing, sinning and syncs to that. You can change just struck, struck size and you can increase, for example, I can increase laziness. And if I increase the X-Y-Z, I will have chose this type of render and you can start with Sprint. It's not a tool set. We use too much. You have different type of option. Let show you again. I can click again on this tool. You have also a marker. You can select the brush. And each time that you select something, you will have different option. And fries on PR, I can use my brush lazy. So again, and as you can see each time you have a kernel and I have a stroke, you can walk also with wiggly, lazy. So you have some strange it's trauma again, for example, decreases truck and obtains this result that can decrease again little bit more like this. Here. Some things that you need to know when you click on your AD's pass by Nevada. For example, I could get this sliver, I click Get this lever eats. You can each time work with the stroke just like this. So it means that you don't have notes directly inside. You have some notes on each part of the stroke. So it is really, so difference between phrase on PR. If you use Bezier curves for example, you just create some scene like this. And you just walk with a stroke. If you use your tools. As you can see, you have your notes, lenses and not slices. And it's a little different because when you click directly on this area, you have some nodes only on, struck, only on the stroke laziness. And you can indeed each part of the stroke. So it's a little different for that. After, for the rest we have one more times or the option. So it means I can remove that selector again, true calligraphic. After you have weekly, you can select spinach and hence is. And you can make something really, really strange. And here when you select poach, take a glance. If I click here automatic PIF 100. And the problem is, if I decrease it, I'm going to come back to no precedes. If I click on trespassing, I have also different options. And I can make some symbolizes. Dressing is something more bicycle. Take a glance. If I just select my edit past node tools, it is interesting because here you can change, for example. So size on each side of the stroke, on the right or again on the left. So it's a little different with the OCR tool to draw like this. Honestly, we don't use this too much. We use mantra, basic curves and straight lines. Draw free end lines also. I think we use lazy stores. 17. Draw freehand lines: Let's see how to draw lines with freehand. So draw three lines. So M is you can make everything that you want Eugen, just go left-click and you can correct any sings, any lines in the care off just with freehand. So first this is a mode credit, regular, busy pass, and you have Smoothing option. First I'm going to reduce smoothing option just to show you the difference and just go left click and I can make some symbolizes. I draw just this curve. And smooth is not really good. So if you want to have better curves, you can increase missing. For example, I can apply 40. And if I do liters, the same thing like this. As you can see, the curve is beta. And if I increase, so machismo phrase on PR, let's apply a value. And so maximum 100 basis. You will have this friend because it is too much. So he takes a different curves and he smooth like almost aligned because the value is too much, so I'm going to change and let's apply something like 80 and two liters. The same thing, just like this. One more time as you can see, it's too much. So I'm going to decrease and continue and show you with 60 is here. And yes, so really this is the type of things that you can do if you apply a value for smooth. So he wants to conserve details. I can advise you to turn may be around 30, 40 if you want to have nice care of with details to be careful about smoothing. So after what you can do with this, you can do many things because you can also a deed so line. Now I have struck so you can go and fill and stroke. You have struck pain or if you go and feel, you can feel, but it's not going to be anti-terrorist team because you will have some symbolizes. So normally we use only struck. So click on stroke, you can change. So color, as you can see, you can go and struct styles and you can increase stroke. You can change the style of your stroke. So this is just so basic sings fastest truck options, just like this. Let's just come back here. And so now I'm going to delete that and delete that. So it can be useful if you want, for example, to true. Some scenes can use my free end line. Produce mucin like Ron sati one I want to create a tree. Just make some symbolizes. Maybe I can increase the turbid here. Exact. And trust makes some like POSIX Yakel, I use the most. So it's not really convenient to draw like that, but you can create many different scenes like this. And I can, Next I'm seeing like that inside. You cannot. So why not walk with some perspective? So for this, you can really increase the smoothing. And for example, you can, it's interesting because you can create almost a line for line here or so. And then after you can create different scenes, dress like this, for example. Here also. And this is type of things that you can do. Don't forget if I just select every scene, press Delete. You ever so-so options directly credit Spiro pass. So this is the same thing but a spirit AS, so as you can see the smooth seeing his tonight. So I need to decrease decrease MOOCing like this. So we will have child-like spirit pass, exactly like when we use. So draw bezier curves. But this time it's with this tool free end. And you can also, with this tool applied directly crab B-spline. And yes, you need to do something like this and you will care of using the parameter be spleen pass like this. 18. Erase paths: Let's see how to arise. Pass for this, we're going to use the eraser tool. So when you click here, erase existing paths. First things to do, rhetoric, Tongan, silico color. I can see there's a red color and just create a rectangle like this. At the same time, I'm going to create a no direct angle here. And this time I can apply fill and stroke. Stroke paint directly a color and stroke style. I can increase like this. Maybe it's little too much truss here. And at the same time it can create your line. So far these just take draw bezier curves and straight lines and go left-click crowd to print. Hello dot print, and just press Enter. I can zoom, return, apply, more struck. And it's okay. Now let's see a raise. Well, first, when I click on this tool, like this, you have different mode. Delete objects, search by a riser, cut out from passing shape, and clip from object. First, if you have delete object touched by eraser, you just go left click and automatically. So object is a rise. So it simple, you just touch them, seeing just laziness and everything will be arise. Just lazy is you can also arise like that. So this is a first things to do. You can erase everything just like this. Now you ever saw other options, interesting options. So you can click here, cut out from Pass and shape. Like this. You need to select a wider first. And after you have different parameter, if I just go left-click like that, I'm going to erase here. When you click at this leavers. As you can see, I have this render because I need to change here. Tremor, it's not truly good. And if I create some similar disease, as you can see, I'm going to erase this part. Here. You have the cap. I can redo it, for example, like that. And yes, you can see the difference. I think singing is too much. I can decrease. And if I just apply this here, as you can see, I can erase. You have also mass. It's too much. So this is a reason for which it's long. If I remove mass, I can erase like this. You can also apply your eraser just here. And you can arise. If you want to erase and add tree mouse, you'll just enter a value here. And if, for example, like a rise, as you can see, I'm going to have these type of render exists. And if I just use this type of eraser first, trust come back on tremors and click here, Left-click. You will keep the stroke. So just lazy. As you can see, I keeps a stroke. I can increase my wide like that. And as you can see, I can keep the stroke. So now if I click here with the same scene, I'm going to erase heavy sink just because I have a new line. So now you ever saw the last modes he sees clip from object, clip from object. What does it mean? It means if I apply this here, nothing special wheel, we change. But if I apply this on the ship with a stroke, take a glance, I'm going to erase your stroke and also any sing inside, just laziness. So this is why it's interesting because if you just this, you cut out from past and shapes. So you keep your stroke and you open like this. But if you select clip from object, you will arise every sink. I can also use clip from object. If I go on this line. Or reduce the value like sati, can we do some mass at 0 and just erase like this, removes a mass, it will be so much faster to a rise. Just like that. For example, I can come back to this rectangle and as you can see, it's so much faster because I remove the mass to 0. I changed them as 200. Just like this. Here. If I compare a credit to know dome-shaped with OCR curl, select first, every scene with a rectangle of selection, Delete on the keyboard, and Crato shocker, apply some blue-collar and press Control and credits. I'm seeing laziness. And I can, for example, go on, struck removes this truck. I can then, for example, I want on something like a logo. I can use my eraser tool. Again. And I think if I first increase so wide, make some symbolizes, I have this render. As you can see, it's not really good because the curve is not really nice. I can increase the mass. Let supply for example, 40. And now let's grab some symbolizes ends or cure will be so much better because I apply mass. If I apply some, say ma, I can make some CICs here, come back and go up like this. So you can make very interesting scenes. Let's create also some care of just like that. So you can use the eraser tool for different reason. You can erase some area. You can craft a cut on the stroke. You can also walk on the ship and make some design using your eraser. 19. Spray objects by sculpting or painting: Let's see how to spray object by skirting painting. So you can find these here, spray object by excreting or baiting. And so m is to create an object, to take this object and after to spray. So if for example, I'm going to create an object thrust, select the staff tour, and here it's not really good. I'm going to resist that. And just apply some color so I can apply yellow color and just increase a little bit, just exits. So I can press Control and increase here. Now, the fact is if for example, I want to add on the bag runes many, many different styles I can first duplicate. So if I want to duplicate, I can press Control D to duplicate with Control D, Many times it can be really, really known and it's not very convenient. So because it's not really convenient, we can use this tool, spray object by skirting of painting. So first things to do, crud Jocasta, like this. And you just need to select the object first. And after to select Zurb cheat, you can click on the tool. You have a different option. We're going to walk with some mode spray copies of the initial selection. So this is my initial, initial selection I can take here. And you need to select a wide for this Jacobian. So let's increase like 60 first. And you need to select also an amount. And if I just go like this and apply left cake, I can repeat this task. Here. It's not really good because my initial status is too big, so I can decrease, decrease, decrease first. Let's decrease a little bit more and applies a tool again. Select amount. If for example, I reduce the amount like this and you just go left-click, you won't have too much stuff just like that. So you can go left click here. Now, if I increase the amount, let's apply, for example, 20, I just go left-click. And many, many stars. Created like this. You can also create some adjustment with rotation. You can also scan. Let's take another example. I can just click here and apply a scalar. It means that as you can see, the size of my stars are different. If you just apply 0, like this, size of this town will be every time the same. But if you just change the scale and you increase, for example, let's increase to 50. You will have different size for your STASS, just like this here. So each time that you want to duplicate, so I'm seeing, I can advise you to use this tool. You can also directly apply some rotation. And if you apply some rotation, each time, the stars will be, will have a different degrees. Now let's make a small exercise. Create a background first. So silica rectangle tool you can just activate on the right toggle, snapping to page Brando and a bedroom rectangle. So next step is to apply some color. Let's apply some blue-collar exist. And I would like to make mini circle inside. First ceilings, the circle tool. Let's apply for examples, a yellow color and press Control and crack your small circle. I want to duplicate a random mean different part. For this, I can use this tool spray object by scripting on painting. I walk with my torso. Let's increase to the wide AT. Depending if you zoom in or zoom out, you can change that. And I'm going to reduce the amount to just 6 first, no scan. So I can change for 0, no rotation also, and just go left-click. And I can duplicate this soccer in yellow. Just lazy. After. I would like to change the size. So I just same time I can apply the term scan and do the same thing again. And I'm going to have different size of shocker. Again. For example, crouton nada, circle with a different color. Let's apply. So red color, this red color and frost, it's not a problem. I can craft an ODR circle like this, and this circular can repair it. This is yellow color. I can select this sucker and do the same process. So one more time, Solexa tour and which has crashed different red circle is the circle will be by default on the foreground. And you can make this walk on everything that you want. So it means you can crack style, you can create rectangle, you can create in your object. And you can just duplicate Lizzie's like spray. And it's interesting when you want to make something onto bedrooms, for example, it can be useful if you click on Delete spray items from selection. You can go at this livers and you can delete using exactly. So some parameters. 20. Tweak objects by sculpting or painting: Let's see how to tweak object by security of painting. When I go at this level, you can find Twitter object by skeleton or painting first I'm going to try to pass like a shapes. So let just take this is tool draw bezier curves and straight lines. And just go left-click and credit to ship. Is 93 round care of. And I'm just going to closer pass after I can zoom in it, turn on this area. And I can go directly on Fill and Stroke, apply stroke style and increase return size. If you want to use these tools, the first things to do, you need to select X2 object because if you want to make any scene here and you don't see the object, nothing will append. So first, I select my object Zen. I can use this tool. You have first the wide of your cursor and you have also the fall. So let's increase the Towards a wide. And after you have different mode that you can apply, laziness, you have all this mud. So for example, I can use move object in any direction and as you can see, I can move my element on these directions, these directions, these directions, this direction, this direction. I can also move object to watch yourself. So this is the same, but this is just too wild. So crossover, just like this. You can also use move object in random selection. So you just go left-click and subject to will be move in any random direction. If I just continue, I can find shrink object with shift and nail. So it means that you can reduce the object just like this. If you click here, you have the possibility to create rotation. First, I'm going to come back and do scan, click on rotate object, and just go left-click. And you can create any rotation just like this. If you press Shift, you can go on the other direction. You can also apply duplicate object with Shift Delete. So he had some sync, liter, liter specific like this. You can just try to duplicate, but you need to increase the size just like this. And it's not something really good because you take your past and as you can see, you move surpass liter and you can see it turns a difference on the stroke, just like this. Let us come back. It'll be before delete tweak. Yes, I'm going to come back here. Yes, stressless that rotation. It's redo again. You can also, if you just continue to push part of pass in any direction, so it sees the same, but now you want directly on the pass. So it means like on the stroke in this example before it was on also object. Now it just unsurpassed. So you can, for example, go here. You can also increase. So first, let's apply frothy and make them seem more lenses. It's interesting if you want to like scripting your object. You can also shrink path of paths like Zant. So you can shrink your pass here. You can also, uh, truck parts of past too wild can also translate this here. And you can also routing path of paths. You can arrive here and you can retain your path. As you can see, the stroke will be different because I apply this value. If I just click here, apply some color so I can go and fill a stroke fill. And let's apply any color, for example, red. I can drag and move. You ever saw more options one mole times, like Paint, Tool color upon selected object. But here, this is different objects. You can change the color just like this. With a digital Sokoloff selected object. You can apply your so some blue. As you can see, I can just come back here. It's better to merge, but if you just go left click, you can apply just blew on your object like this. Just lets undo, sheds liter specific Pensacola upon selected object and you can walk with more capacity, are just lazy. Here. If I just create a text sittings or text tool, just click here, type text, increasingly turn sub-frame like that. And position this here. If, for example, I use this tool also, the cursor's little too big. I can decrease the wide and just go on this direction. I need to change the mode. Let's use this direction. As you can see, I can drag and move little later on any direction. Here I can apply depending of the cursor and just come back here. So this is something interesting. Each time you want to apply some texts, you want just to move liturgy later. You can move like this. I have too much force. Just come back to 10 and I can just move it with my cursor on just like this. Lazy Sweets I'm seeing interesting that you can do after if you apply some symbolizes. It's interesting also because you can make some modification on surpass. You don't need to go and text and do two Guan Pass and convert to pass because automatically this will work. You have different options and you can reduce your later or exist to pass on your letter. You can move up just randomly, you can shrink, also one liter you can reduce if you want. Just like this. So it says some options that you can do with a text or so. 21. Duplicate objects: Let's see how to duplicate object. So first I'm going to create a rectangle. Let's apply a color. And if I want to duplicate this object, you just need to press Control D on your keyboard job. And thanks to that, you have created a new object. Then if you want, you can press Control to stay on the same axes. You can also use directly he did. And you will find duplicate Control D. Just like this. Let's show you another example. I can take this chapter and press control like this. And I can use Control D and duplicate. Control D, duplicate again. Control D duplicate again, like z is Control D to duplicate and Control D. Duplicate. If I want to have the same space semi ligament, I can select every sink position, my first term sheet tons or left or right, align and distribute relative to I can apply page for example, and center on horizontal axis. And I can apply my horizontal gaps between cheats, equipment. And thanks to Zach. Yeah, So same space, just like that. Let's take a concrete example. Just applies to create. So directly, you can go on a few select page grid. If you don't have the size of square, you go and find Document Properties. Select grid, and here you can change some national grid line every, and you can edit that. So here in my example I'm going to apply 40 and just come back. Crap like a building in front view in 2D seems a rectangle first. And let's apply some red color and just crowd. So I'm seeing Lexis with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 square wide. Like that. Maybe I can just change literal, so position and drag and move on this direction. So the next step is to create a small y's rectangle on this area. It's more square. And let's apply the white-collar. Then I want to duplicate this. So press Control D on the keyboard and duplicate here. And Zen Control G on the keyboard and duplicate. If you want to duplicate again, I can advise you to you can create a selection of the Sui rectangle and press Control D on the keyboard again and duplicate. Then you can create a selection of the six y's rectangle and Control D again. And you can, for example, duplicate here. And if you want, if you want, you can continue. You can create some simple X-Y Sadie slivers for example here. Here, like that. So now if I want to duplicate all of these elements, so best thing is to critique group. Chen, select everything, Right-click, make groups. And I can press Control D enzyme duplicate. Why not to position this here? Then? Control D duplicate and why not position and odor on here? Yes, it's okay. Just mix I'm seeing. Yes, it is. Okay. Can just come back control D. Yes. It's going to be bid talk to position this here I think. And maybe positions is at the slivers y naught to decrease liter. So size, dress legacies, and just remove quite a few guides you earn if you page greed. And you can remove patch grade. If you just ungroup, Zuni meant right-click Ungroup here, right-click Ungroup here, right-click Ungroup. I can, for example, change the color of this element far away, not blue. Why not check out for Cray for example, just lazy sack and general. So, so disposition if I want. So you just, just a basic example but how you can duplicate element. 22. Object associations: Let's see how to create object Association. And for this, each time you're set to go and pass, you can sit exist different options. So I'm going to show you a union difference and dissection, exclusion division and cut pass. So the first things to do, It's to Crato, wrecked hunger and disease. This rectangle, I can apply some color. Let's just apply some blue collar example. And let's create a circle. So six was shackle tool. Let's apply the red color and press Control and positions a shocker here, you can decrease little bit darker with control also, and positions are circled here. So I would like to create some adjustment. First I can press Shift, Shift and go on adding and distributed relative to biggest, biggest object and just apply a finger can apply Center on horizontal axis. So first things to do, you need to see the egg so to object to create association ceiling. So first, press Shift, sittings a signal. And after when you go directly pass, you can see the options union. It ceased to link the two objects at the same time, encourage just when object exists. So as you can see, I just start one object. I can drag and move. I can change the color if I want. It just come back. And each time you use your applies the object on the foreground to the background. Select again to object. Pass difference. So you subtract the object on the first plane on the phone Broun is adsorbed cheat on. So bedrooms, so difference I'm going to create, I'm going to remove the circle from the rectangle. Difference like that. Now let's just come back. See leaked. So to object and select Pass intersection, I'm going to keep so intersection on the two objects. So it means this alpha cure intersection, like this. Nitrous comeback ceilings are two object. Pass exclusion. It is the opposite. So you exclude so part at the intersection of the two object. So we'll keep, I will remove this alpha curl, exclusion, just lazy. And after interest that one entity you can change the color, make everything that you want. Let's do this again, select Pass. And I can find Division D V region. So thanks to that, we can cut an AV suite, different object deletion or two different objects, sorry. So I have this part, lysis and I have this path like that. So I created a cut and I have now OZ subject and the subject. And the last thing that I'm going to show you, it is if I just come back, it is pass and cut pass. If I just stay like this, you're not going to see difference because this is useful when you have a stroke. So I'm just going to come back. Ceilings, rectangle, go on, Fill and Stroke and just apply some struck and just go and struck Stein finger can keep my value set dyad, and I can click on the circle, select stroke paint, activate and stroke style. Think it's increase little bit, but it's okay. Now I can select to object, select, Pass, cut, pass. And thanks to that I have just this, you have the feeling nothing special happened but you have created a cut on the intersection of the circle and the rectangle. Click here. And as you can see, you have your cat just like this. So this is why it's interesting also to use that. Now let's see just concrete example. Each time if you want, for example, to create like a moon, you can just create a circle just like this. Let's go on. Struck paint again, nose truck. And you can create two sig and Shakira with a different color. And press Control position for example, the circular just here. And ceilings or to shackle pass difference seems to data you have just this element and Y note to apply yellow color. Now let's just delete this element. If you want to craft a grid-based for a logo, for example. You can also do this work with first I'm going to show you something different you want to create like a small house. Let's apply gray color. All you want to create just our credit. So I'm seeing like that, then you can take directly so Triangle Tool, so silica polygon, number of Cornell trust three and just Crafts, I'm seeing disease. It's not really good because I have wounded kroner now, let just receipt come back and polygon and just sweep. Yes, I think I have a stroke. This is a reason for which it's not really good. Seed extra paint, strokes time, feel, and it's liters strange if I double-click at this, leavers, say everyone did one more time. So I can just come back and tell us a value of 0. I can just positions is true. Younger disease. Let's increase the size. I can press Shift, Shift, go on, adding, then distribute. I can sit exist first three young girls is for this rectangle and less selected. I can just go and a ligament and for example, try again, move this, pressing comb, pressing, Shift, pressing Control, sorry to constraint on the same axes. And then just see links to elements and just apply pass Union. You have just draw our row and after you can make a wrist things that you want, change any color. It's also interesting if for example, you want to crack like her logo and other Greek base seedlings or shackle tool, press, Shift, Control. Proud to first circle. Like this. You can zoom neater, press Control D and you can duplicate. Like this. Change liters the transparency. Like for example 70 and activate a coulomb. No press Control D, duplicate again and position an order on this area. And you can, for example, credit to guide, position a guide here. And just like CSI, squeeze little bit more precision. And thanks to Zach, you can make some a ligament to the shackle mitre. It's just like that. And after to do this work, change the color I can seek, for example, green. And I would like to have some shape on CAN test section of the three different shocker. So I can just select all just circle. You can do this type of walk with small, sad too, with most and to object, pass, select intersection and things to that AFC shape. And it can be, for example, agreed base for a logo just like that. Let's take these guys and go outside. I can go into and distribute on my page center, center. And that's it. You can put coulombs that you want on this new object. 23. Create rotations: And it sees a rotation. How to create rotation on object? So let's first craft, rectangle it to meter can apply some color like red like this, and just drag and move this rectangle. So the first thing's first things to do, It's too, you can create rotation like this. Rotate selection 90 degrees clockwise. Our rotate selection 90 degrees counterclockwise. Each time when you have an object you need to double-click and you can see, so transformation print, the transformation parentheses is in the middle, so it means I turned around these transformation print. You can also press Control to add constraint every 15 degrees. What does it mean? It means if I change my transformation, print two position, for example, just at the sliver, I'm going to turn around here. So take a glance. I have my transformation print. I position in this anger. And I credit to rotation around z is transformation print, but you can also positions is print totally outside. So if I put 0 like this, as you can see, I turned around these transformation print. Okay, So next step. Now I can create a rectangle, translate this. And you can also go under transformation panels. You have rotate. And if you want to enter into your anger, it's also possible you have one more time. Here. You can entail value if I want to have 45 degrees address step 45 degrees, just daisies. And you can change the direction. And interests come back here and hit just Correct 45 degrees and zeros on direction. So you can change, rotate in a counterclockwise direction, are rotated in a clockwise direction. And so next example is to activate the greed. Go directly on a few page grid like this. And you can go and find document properties, change directly your grade with a different value grid color like this. And you have measure on grid line every and when to decrease to sati. Let's create a shocker. Ceilings are shackle tool it supply use a red color and Crato slacker phrase on PR like this, two square. Now I would like to duplicate the sucker around percent of print. Click on the circle first, double-click and change or transformation print and position this transformation print just at this leavers just here. You need to zoom to have more precision. I've talked to do this work. You can press Control D and you duplicate, as you can see, I duplicated this element, address comeback and cred just a rotation. And you can position this element just like this. Press Control D again, create rotation and you can make an odor saccharide here. Control D, cred, an odor rotation and position just shocker here. If you own, for example. So you can do something like that. You can also, if you want to have good precision, you can click on this circle, go directly on the transformation panels, and you can enter, for example, the value. If I have 45 directly, I arrive here. So I can tap 90 degrees. So first I press Control D. I duplicate and 90 degrees and press Enter. I can again click on Control D, 90 degrees. Press Enter. Control D, go 90 degrees, press Enter. And if I go a Control D again, to show you, you can position this phrase on-prem into the center of our elements. So it's great because she I showed you is 90 degrees, but you can duplicate mini-mental around a center point, for example, with this process. So let's select every sink. Just go and view, removes a PECC. Great. 24. Create groups: Let's see. So groups, groups are useful for different reason. You can move different element at the same times. It's also used foods for a ligament. So I'm going to show you every scene. So first things to do, you just need crappy rectangle, Lizzie's and Crato and rectangles here when rectangle here, one rectangle here. Ceilings are shackle tool. For us deciliter resting seedlings. The circle tool apply a different color like red and credit once yeah, Kern to see occur. Sushi occur. If you want to create a group first, you just need with shift, you ceilings are default object or you can create a rectangle of selection. And you can just go right-click and you can find directly croup, right-click, and you can group object. After to do this work, It's interesting because if I just go left-click, I can move my group. I can, for example, resize my croup, just laziness. I can also add some rotation, make everything that you want. And if I change the cola, it's going to be apply on also group. So everything will be applied to alter element. Can also select sushi yeah, curves and just go right-click. Make groups just like that. If you want to ungrouped, you just go right-click and you can find ungroup. It's easy. If for example, you double-click on an element, you break. So group like this. And now, as you can see, I can just select any soccer because I ungroup trust with Double-click. Now why it can be also a useful, Let's take a small concrete example. It's like a building. First, go on few silly directly page grade. Go on File, Document Properties, select greed, increase. So measure grid line, every, Let's apply something like Yes, I think for t can be nice. And just go out, select so rectangle tool and just create a rectangle with, for example, the red color. And I can go here, make, for example, 121234567 with seven square on this direction and make just some single disease. After, I'm going to, would like to create like a building in 2D in front view. Select the rectangle tool applies a white-collar and chromatophores rectangle like this. You can just snap to grid after I can duplicate Control D and duplicate here, Control D, duplicate here. Now if I want to duplicate this way demands your best things to do. You can create a group, for example, you see it exists. We're rectangle, right-click, make groups. And after you can make Control D of these group directly, can make Control D again on this group if you want. And Control D of this group. Just laziness or Control D of this group again, exact. And I could continue Control D if I want here, it's great because I have one square here, so it's nice. And I can select every single again, right-click Group. And thanks to that I have, I have this building and Control D. I can duplicate and notoriety slivers my note and Control D duplicate to know derives his cleaver and that's it. If for example, I removes agreed, so view remove page creed. I can resize if I want. Pressing control can resize my droop, just ICs and lasting terrorists to create group. If for example, I walk on the logo and apply credit a shocker. So I can press Control. Lizzie's apply some color or increase little bit size. And position sees circular RNA. I think. So. Why then AT is not exactly the same. Let's do this again. Press Control. Yes, he had to look nice and just go on to adding men panels. So let's move to page center and center. I want to add some text so I can click on the Text tool, make for example, just logo lysis and applies a white-collar. So the next step is to increase, he told beat. So size of the text positions is here. And center, center also. And I would like to apply some some stars on this area. So I can click and credit coastal seas resit parameter and cred the small stuff. Yes, dress here. Position at the sliver and press Control D, and position at the slivers like that. I can select so sweet object that just same time we shift and then distribute. And I can phrase on Pearl, go and center on the horizontal axis. And I have the same distribution with Nick horizontal gaps between object equator. It's okay. Now I'm going to show you something. If for example, I see leagues, sweet element, positions is positions is, and I'm just on this direction. If I decide to center every sink into reminder, if I just press Shift and ceilings, the sweet element. Again, I go on relative to package or I could make walk with a circle, but to read two pages enough. And I click on Center on vertical axis, everything will be in the central exact, so it is not good. This is a reason for which each time that you have this type of situation, you see like in this example to S3 object, you just first credit to group and ICs. And now I can trust, apply my drop into my HTML page center on vertical axis. But you need to create a group of elements of the swing object first to be in the right talent met. If you don't cry to group, you just press Shift and ceilings are swayed him and at the same time, it's not going to be good. So this is why you need to cry to group. And here I can also go perfectly in the center, exact. 25. Add tansformations: Let's see. So transformation, you have the possibility to threaten apply transformation with z spanners. So first just create a rectangle like this. Led some lead turn and change of position. Open directory is a transformation banner. First things that you can do is to move. So it means you can craft so on. You can just create to movement horizontal or vertical. If for example, you want to change the unit I walking millimeter, I want to move from 20 millimeter. My object again, tip 20. If you stay on 20, you reply 20 again, you will add 20 from the beginning, so it will be like to apply 14. You can restore, move on for Attica. But if you move on vertical and you don't want to move horizontally, you need to enter again 0 on original tan and for example on vertice, Kayla can tap 20 disease. You can also go and Joseph direction and just tip mean is 20, you can come back again ten minutes, 20 come back again and set it. So this is a type of things that you can do. You can remove relative move, but if you remove our active move, you will have just a karate net like this with location. But so most of the time, yes, we prefer to use relative move. Now let just come back so he, I can apply 0 and here can apply directly 0 again, like this. And as you can see, you have different Qur'an Jeanette. And for example, you drag and move here. You can press just enter and you move with the location. Here it's 75. You can see 75 on the ruler. And directly you can change the position we are currently net on the ruler. Now you can scatter so wide eight. If you apply scale proportionally, I can apply, for example, on two element of value, I would like to scale 120. I can take 120, press Enter, and you scale proportionally 18. You can also remove that. And from this I can scale again, but this time on a tack and apply only 60. And if I press Enter, I'm going to have this type of render. So this is a percentage, but you can scatter so in millimeter with value. But normally for scale, it's better to use percentage. And national interests. Come back on. Yes, as you can see, if you play 000 us something nice that it's not really good. I'm just going to come back. Who is my painters and come back with yes, my rectangle ACE's. You can also create rotation. So he had simple. You have January, we use de grace and the direction. And here you apply an anger. If I want to turn 45 degrees, I can just step 45 degrees. Press. Yes, I forgot to select objects, so sit exam sheet press 45 and you can turn nexus and 45 again, it will be like to arrive at 90 degrees. So he had just some basic rotation. Don't forget that. If you change your transformation point, I position this here and apply again 45. I move this from my transformation print each time. Okay? And you can turn on Joseph direction or so and click here just laziness and isis. And so next thing is that you can do, it's XHR skew. You ever saw metrics? Metrics is glitter specific. I'm not going to show you just skew. And you can enter a value first, horizontal, you walk in degrees, degrees, normally it's paid to press Enter and you walk places. After you ever saw transformation print. It means again, pretty soon that transformation point here. Press 40, just like that. And the fact is you can work pretty well. So interests come back first. Just come back here. And let's apply horizontal 0. And Ratti can know I'm going to test, for example, 20 press Enter. If you just come back on 0, laziness, you won't come back to the beginning you were, you will just apply like something new at 0, so it means nothing. So we'd have to use your historic panders basis. 26. Element positions: Let's see the position of elements from prune bedrooms. So the things that I can do first, you can walk on two layers or you can walk on subject. If you walk on two layers, for example, I can just go on to write toggle snapping to patch folder, create a rectangle. And so by groom like this, apply your color like blue. And if I, maybe I can apply this blue color. And this is my layer number 1. After I can create a new layer, number 2 directly above and create another rectangle with, for example, red. And create a rectangle just like this. Now let's apply circle, for example, create a new layer above. And credit to Saturn. Just apply some yellow color and make some symbolizes here. After Let's apply some text. Peek at this level, just text. And let's increase. So size and directly apply some wise color. So now as you can see, you have different element first and go an idiot. Kids are texts applies with takes on a different page, click Plus layer 4 and x0, I can go and edit and password text. Yes, just lazy is. So first you can walk on full-grown back grown with your layer. So it means mainly your number one, I can drag and move. Just for example, you can drag and move here. And you can change the position of Surely you again position in the foreground. And thanks to Zach, as you can see, I can either. So there are layers because my blue rectangle is on the foreground. You can also use these arrows. And for example, you can, I can come back from one step and I can see my text layer 10 doorstep, and I can see my yellow layer, my yellow circle. And another step, I can see my red shocker. And some principle you can also directly apply here, go totally on the top and totally absorbed back just like that. If for example, I select my layer with red right Tanga and adjust position on the front. Like this. Yes. Just just like that as you can see, I'm not going to see all my heroes shocker. So this is the first thing is that you can do. Now let's just remove this layer, remove this layer, and remove CSF layer. Let's do the same process, but on the same layer I can create a rectangle again. And so backroom and civic some different color. I can then apply a different color. And another rectangle translates is the subnet. Light color silicates are circular again and make some simple exist. And again, select the Text tool. You can tape text. Let's increase a little bit. So size yes, translates that. It's okay. And apply some color. So now I want directly on the assembly. Yeah. If you want to change the position for groomed by croon, you can directly go on this area and you have raced selection to top rest selection one step lower selection, one step lower selection to Bhutan. If you just go right-click here, you're not going to have different options. So I can advise you to keep these panels. Select the blue rectangle and goods directly on the top to top. So now I can see any on my Odell object. Here can come back to bottom, top button. Now you can move from just one step. One step, one step, one step. And yeah, can come back one step. I can see the text come back one step. I can see the circle. One step, so red rectangle and I can come back to touch on. So bike routes. If I select this yellow circle and I drag and move on to the back room for one step. Next is, I'm going to not see all my circle. One step again. I don't see my circle because it is totally onto backgrounds. So each time you can really use this, or if you want to make some modification. Positions of cheat, tons of bedrooms and positions object on Zoom, forgiven. 27. Object to path: Let's see how to convert object to pass. So to convert object to pass first, I'm going to show you why it is useful. So sittings or rectangle tool crud first, rectangle like this. And Crato Sig on rectangle with a different color. If I just use my tool here and convert to use edit paths by nodes. As you can see, you can just work like that and add rounded corners. You can take this print and just drag and move. You can take this print and drag and move, but it's not possible in this example with the rectangle to make some modification with the different notes. So if you want to change the n sharp points, it is not possible. No, I'm going to just select this element and just go on pass, object to pass. And you are going to see the difference. So now if I use my edit passed by nodes, I click here. I can have access to my notes because I created a pass. And for example, I can take this and drag and move. I can take this and drag and move. If I want, for example, to add a Madonna, I can go double-click and Crato notes here. Double-click Crato, no dot here, and use a different parameter set we have at this levels. For example, I can smooth the nodes. I can click on this note and smooth also ends at it. So if you have your basic shape places, it is not possible to edit the nodes. You can't do any sink. If you've gone pass and directly apply object to pass, you can then make some address met. It is also working with text. Use the text tool. Go at this level, I can tip text. Let's just increase liter size. I can zoom. And next step, if for example, I use this tool. As you can see, I have just one sings here and one seems here. And finally, I can do anything on my liters. So no acidic. So Object, go on, pass, object to pass again. And now it's different. Why? Because if I use my edit passed by node, I can select on these later or six liters this later as this later. And for example, if I want to have different color, It's possible I can click here. I can click here. Also. I can click here and apply different color at the same time, I can click on any later. And for example, make some modification if I want and drag and move laziness. I can also add any transformation print found to Hadoop point here. It's also possible, as you can see, so you can make after everything that you want using so different notes. Just like that. If I just use my selection tool and you click here, double-click, you can also move or later, one more time you can change the color. So you just click here. And you can drag and move. Drag and move, and drag and move. 28. Stroke to path: Let's see how to convert stroke to pass. I'm going to show you why it is interesting. So first, use the rectangle tool and create a first rectangle exist. Just increases size, go on, Fill and Stroke. And you can apply stroke paint, stroke style. And let's increase the size of the stroke. Then let's craft an order or a rectangle like this slivers. Let's apply a different color and blue. And keep Z size of stroke. If I sit exists rectangle. Just apply Oedipus by node for example, like we, like we have seen just previously, you can just move laziness or add wounded Kronos normal. If for example, I select this object and gone pass, stroke to pass. So now if I just click on my edit pass by nodes, I can click here on the stroke. Not, I'm not on the rectangle here. You can move inside, for example, what you have just like this because if you convert stroke to pass, you convert at the same time directly as a rectangle. But if you are directly click on the stroke, you can add differ on point. And you can have, you can edit the wide of the stroke. For example, I can take this print and drag and move like this. Can take this sprint and make some modification just like that. So we can make many modification one more time you have access to. So differently, men, for example, I can double-click and add a nodal point here. Can double-click and Y note, add a new doc point at the slivers. Walk with my Enders also. And you can indeed your stroke just like this and after if you want, you can also take the shape inside and move the benzine of what you want to do. Just like that. One more time you can use a different node. So if you want, you can convert nodes with the different parameters. Now let's see another example. If for example, I just cried to line, select, draw bezier curves and straight lines. Just go, left-click and Crato line. Press Enter, I'll X-Y-Z. I can, if I want, just increase the turn. So struck. And if I use directly my edit pies by nodes, as you can see, I can zoom and I can change. This area, can make some care of, but nothing more. If now I, for example, I convert, so I select this element pass and struck to pass. I'm going to have different nodes on the wide of my stroke. Thanks to data can make some modification. For example, X-Y-Z here, can make some modification. Here it's not pretty good. Just take this node and make a modification next add. If I want, I can go at the end and add. Why not to not here, I know not here. You can click plus double-click at the slivers, double-click at this livers. And I want to change to end, can drag and move in this direction. Drag and move on this direction. And I can phrase it as you can see. So end of this line, because I conve