1. Introduction: Hey there, my name is Scott de Clery and welcome to my course. Today you're going to be learning how to market and advertise on Twitter. I'm a career long sales and marketing executive. I've sold and marketed to some of the most iconic organizations in the world. I have run sales and marketing campaigns for the highest growth companies as well as some of the largest household names. And I've trained thousands of individuals, employees on how to use various social media tools, tactics, strategies, and best practices to achieve incredible results. Today's course is gonna be broken down into four modules, giving with 360 how to advertise and market and use Twitter to grow your business. In the first module, we're going to review the various campaign objectives, the different ways that you can run ads on Twitter. Then we're going to speak about ad groups and various targeting options. How do you get your message in front of people that actually care about what you're saying. Lastly, we are going to speak about creative, what goes into an ad, and how do you actually launch the ad and how do you do it effectively? Then last but certainly not least, we're going to speak about the best practices for businesses on Twitter. Everything from optimizing your profile, do AB testing content, do converting your following into paying customers. This course is for anybody that wants to learn how to market or build a business on Twitter, it could be a marketer, it could be an entrepreneur. You just have to have a love for growing a business using social media. By the end of this course, you will know exactly how to run ads that are effective, that target the right people that will grow your revenue, grow your business, and help you make more sales. And by the end of this class, your project will be to launch an add on Twitter, AB tested, optimize it, and have an actual running successful Twitter ad campaign. I hope you enjoy the course. I'll see you on the other side.
2. Campaign Objectives: So here we are on the Twitter dashboard radical up here to create campaign. Click start over. And let's talk about these Twitter campaign goals. Now campaign goals or objectives, so you'll notice are taking over advertizing platforms. Google AdWords, Facebook, and a bunch of other ones have chosen to create this step in their ad creation process, where you can choose Common campaign objectives. And then those guide you with hints and Taylorism patients throughout the ad creation process, we've already seen that with a few of the other big ones. Now we're seeing it with Twitter. And overall, I think it's definitely a good thing, certainly more user friendly if you've been doing some of these on your own sort of ad hoc in the past that you'll probably notice it's a little bit different now. So let's talk about app installs. First, app installs is pretty simple. If you have a mobile app, if that's your business and you wanna get more people to install it on their phone, literally click a link on Twitter. And then that takes them to the App Store for your respective OS and then install your app. This is what you're going for it, this is your campaign objective. The next one is followers. Now it says on and off Twitter here. But obviously what we're talking about is gauging your campaign's success by the number of people who end up following your profile on Twitter. And that's pretty, pretty powerful, especially if in addition to your advertising, you also do a lot of organic promotion or organic content on Twitter. And you want to increase the range of that organic reach. Increasing your followers with paid ads is a good way to do that and tweet engagement. So this is a good one to go after. If your primary concern is interaction with other Twitter users on Twitter, if you want people interacting with your brand when you tweet. So we're looking at retweets, we're looking at comments, likes, that sort of thing. Those will be what you're measuring the success of these campaigns. By. Over here we've got promoted video views and that's pretty self-explanatory video, although it's not thought of as the primary thing on Twitter, since there's length restrictions and stuff is still pretty powerful on Twitter. And video ads are a pretty significant and impactful way to get your message across website clicks or conversions. This is probably the most standard issue, meat and potatoes type of campaign goal. This cover sort of everything, especially things like lead generation, right? So you actually want people clicking away from Twitter and coming over to your web properties. Namely a landing page where you're collecting a lead. Or if you're doing content marketing, maybe to a content piece with a retargeting pixel. Or if you're selling something directly, you know, sales pages, e-commerce stores, product listings, that sort of stuff. All that is going to come here, and my guess is somewhere around 60, 70% of those of you who are watching this video are going to be relying on this one, someone heavily Apery engagements. So the app is already installed on their phone. And you want them to click on the Twitter ad that reminds them to log back in and use it. Ok, so if you're running some type of video game app. For iOS or Android. And this is a good way to get those people to log back into that app and playing that game with a, with a nice maybe a video ad or something, you actually see a lot of people doing this, a lot of companies doing this. What's that one Clash of Clans is doing that type of thing with ads all the time. In stream video views pre-roll. This sounds a lot like YouTube's in streaming video, and that's basically what it is. You're taking other people's content, you're taking existing content, and you're sticking your little video ad at the very beginning of it. It's going to be pretty short, but you get some pretty cool placement there that you wouldn't otherwise get awareness. This, you don't really care about the retweets. You don't really care about clicks to your website. You don't even really care about followers. Well, you want is your brand identity literally your name, your logo, your identity in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Okay, so this is based on impressions, even if people are just swiping by and not really super conscious of the fact that they've just seen your brand. You're sort of building that subconscious top-of-mind awareness. You know, and this is a good campaign for building that. So now let's go ahead and click on followers. Let's say that we're trying to build a follower campaigns so that we can increase our organic reach without having to pay for ads on Twitter. All right, and how it works, this little explanation of how things work, you're going to promote your accountability, an engaged audience. You're only paying for the followers you gain. So it doesn't matter what type of engagement you get on this post. We could get, you know, a 100 retweets and likes and comments and all that good stuff clicks to our website, pretty much anything. And we're not being billed for any of that. So that's all just extra, you know, that's all just grotty. What we're paying for is just people who click and follow our profile on Twitter. So this is pretty sweet if that's your primary goal. And you've got all the basic stuff here. He vet your campaign name. You've got a start date, you've got an optional end date. So let's talk about some reasons you might have an end date. Let's say you've got a sales quota coming up. And end date might be useful. In fact, an end date in conjunction with accelerated delivery, which will spend your budget faster and try to get your ad in front of more eyeballs in a more frequent and quick way. Those two things could work together quite well. If you've got a live event coming up, an actual physical live event that's happening on a specific day. Well, obviously, that's going to end at some point, preferably a few days before the event. So that would be a good time to utilize an end, an end date for your campaign, as well as accelerated delivery. A product launch, where you've literally just got a seven day window. That would make sense to have a start and an end date and maybe even an accelerated delivery. Okay? But most people are probably just going to let ads run evergreen most brands on Twitter because it's a part of their actual day-to-day life, their day-to-day advertising. Then we've got, let's see, daily budget. And then we've got total budget which is optional. So if we want to spend, let's say, $25 per day and sort of indefinitely. However, we want this particular campaign to run out after, let's say, $2 thousand. Configure it in this manner. So after however many days, this will eventually grind to a halt when we hit our total budget. And then we can sort of stop and breathe and look back at the campaign to see how it performed and whether or not we want to change things up a little bit, start a new campaign, use different approach. So that's pretty much it for campaign details. I'll set this back to standards. We're going to hit Next up here. And that's going to bring us to the ad groups page. And that's what we'll discuss in the next lesson.
3. Ad Groups & Targeting: Here we are on the ad group page. Now the first thing you'll notice is that some of these variables seem to conflict with the variables on the campaign creation page. However, this is overlap, ok, this is sort of compartmentalization. The idea is you can have multiple ad groups. And so why not compartmentalize and have one ad group with one angle that ends on a certain day and then have the other one with a different angle take over on a certain day all within the same campaign. Same thing goes for budget here you can sort of narrowed down and sub allocate budget to a specific ad group within a campaign if you only want to spend X amount on one marketing angle or one specific type of targeting or something along those lines, but still keep it within one overall sort of umbrella campaign. The next thing here is bid type. Now, by default, it's actually set to automatic bit. If you've done your homework. If you have a pretty solid understanding of the market value of bids for the various types of engagements or clicks or objectives that you are going for. If you've done your homework, target cost can be something that you can incorporate into your campaign. However, if you haven't and you're new to Twitter ads, it's best if you just let Twitter in their algorithms handle this for you and we're gonna hit next. This will bring us to our audience page. This is where the magic happens. So our audience page, the first option that you have is if you already have existing audiences, saved audiences. For example, let's say you forgot got retargeting pixels out there. And you've got Twitter. Maintaining a list of people who are interacting with your content on the web. You could actually incorporate these right here. We're not gonna do that. Demographics, ideally before you want any ad campaign, you should have done some market research or you should already know who your ideal customer avatar is. Based on all sorts of information. You would take that avatar and then you would use these variables here to match that as much as possible. So age, gender, and where they're located, what type of technology they use. And generally speaking, if you haven't done that research, you should try to leave it a little bit broad. Ok, so unless you know that your product is going to be more marketable to females either because of common sense, you know, if it's a female related product or you've got market research specifically that were you actually did, did the study and you hit the books and you found out that males are more likely to buy product X and females. Unless you've done that kind of stuff, you should leave this more or less broad down here, you've got an odd collection of different things that you can specify. Locations that's obviously pretty common. You can choose countries. You can narrow down to states, regions, and that sort of thing, even zip codes. However, the rest of these are little bit unused. Operating system version is something that you can target by if you only want people using this for that operating system. Same thing for a device models. That's pretty specific platforms that they're using. Languages that's not super-special. We, we see that type of thing all the time. And even carriers, they're mobile carriers. So depending on what your marketing exactly those might be relevant to you. Most people probably won't end up using these are narrowing down by these ones right here though, just language in location could come in handy for most of you. The next thing here is going to be the audience feature. This is where you get into sort of that Facebook style narrowing down of people buy their interests by their past behavior, that sort of thing. So we could, let's say just for grins were a piano company. We want to narrow down by people who might be interested in, in learning to play the piano. And so we're gonna go into interests and we're going to click on music and radio. And we're going to find Classical down here, for example. And hit Add. And boom, there you go. We just had approximately what's it say? Music and radio. It'll give you an estimate. On the right-hand side, three hundred and eighty one hundred, ten hundred people who Twitter has positively identified as having shown evidence of being interested in classical music at some point in the vast, Okay, so that's a pretty powerful way to target people. And as you can see, we've got a target summary or an audience summary right here on the right-hand side that changes as you shape and narrow your audience. Now recommendations is an interesting one. Basically, Twitter will figure out what the most popular hashtags and usernames are based on the audience that you've selected. And then they will incorporate those usernames and hashtags into your marketing for even further targeting. Now, the problem with that for us is we set all of our demographics to super broad. So because we're so broad, I don't know that having Twitter's algorithms go out and find popular hashtags and usernames associated with this demographic is going to be of any use to us at all. So I'm gonna leave that turned off, but it definitely sounds like something worth exploring, depending on how narrow your audience becomes and how narrow your demographics get. Now, another new feature here is retargeting people who saw or engage with past tweets. That is a huge, very, very powerful way to sort of spend your ad dollar on specifically people who are already familiar with your brand. So you're not getting as much in the way of cold looks, but you're getting some warm audience as well. Once we've got our audience all set up and selected, we're going to hit Next. And that's going to bring us to the actual ad creative, which is what we'll cover in the next lesson.
4. Creating The Ad & Launching The Campaign: So here we are on the actual ad creative page. Now, an ad in Twitter is a tweet that's important to understand. And what you can do is reach back into past existing tweets and turn those into promotional tweets. Or you could just create one from scratch. Now in our case, we've got one right here. And you can shuffle by the way, by organic tweets that you've done in the past. Scheduled tweets and promoting only tweets right now we have a scheduled tweet that happens to exist. We can utilize this as our Twitter ad. And you really want to match your ad copy to what your campaign goals are. So obviously, if your campaign goals had been website clicks and conversions, well then you would want some type of a call to action that leads to people clicking and leaving Twitter to go to your site. In our case, we chose followers. So we want more and more followers. And that basically means we want people to look at our ad for a little while and we wanted to speak to them and we want them to answer a question. Because if they engage with our ad, for example, by leaving a comment, there'll probably be more likely to hit the Follow button as well and follow us on Twitter. So that's how we sort of structured this ad here. Now, let's go ahead and select. It. Will hit next. Oh, and I should mention users timelines is the default setting because that's what Twitter is. It's like 90% of Twitter is the timeline. Okay, but you can also choose to sneak your ads into profile pages and tweet detail pages, which will leave selected to increase our reach. Next, all right, so here we are. We can review the details of our campaign and ad group and our audience targeting. One final time, we've got our date, we've got our budget, we've got our pacing, we've got our ad group, we've got our audience right here. We've got our placement that we chose. And right here is our actual add. Okay, so a compelling image that sort of pops out, plus a question or a favorite song played on the piano lessons was such and such. What was yours? Alright, so hopefully we'll actually get some comments, some answers, and people choosing to follow us on Twitter so we can increase our organic reach. And that is pretty much the only reason that we're running this ad. That's our campaign goal. Who'd hit launch campaign? And there you go. Now once your campaign is published, you're gonna want to regularly monitor these stats right here. Okay? You want to keep an eye, particularly on impressions. So your overall ad spend your results, which in our case, once again, we're looking for follows. Your results rate, which is gonna be a combination of impressions and results. Your cost per ad result, which is very important. That's sort of your main metric. That's going to be a combination of your overall spend and the results and how that's matching up against your daily budget. And of course, keep an eye on how much money you have left as well. But you're going to want to adjust your ad groups and your angles and so on and so forth. If you're noticing that the performance that you're getting here is not quite up to par and you're not getting your best bang for your buck out of the budget that you're putting into your ads. So make sure you come back here, monitor your campaigns, compare them with each other, can pair them with past data and keep on top of this so that you are actually getting the results that are best for you, for every single cent that you put into Twitter's pockets. But that is it guys. We have successfully gone through the entire process now of planning out, setting up, and launching our first add on.
5. Advanced Discussion - Best Practices For Using Twitter: Okay, now we've spoken about some of the specifics of creating Twitter marketing campaigns, of advertising on Twitter, on setting up different campaigns with different settings, targeting different audiences. Now, let's speak about some general best practices for Twitter. This is definitely geared for businesses, however, these best practices are also for individuals that are trying to perhaps build out their own personal profile. So first we have to optimize our Twitter account. That's the number one thing that we have to pay attention to optimizing our Twitter account. What are the components that we can optimize? We can optimize the header image, we can optimize the profile picture, and we can optimize little bit of text that we see at the top of our profile. So remember, when somebody comes to your Twitter campaign, your Twitter page, excuse me, There has to be an objective. You want them to accomplish something. What is that thing? Well, it could be to follow you. It could be to click a link. It could be to learn more about who you are and what you do. But there should be some sort of objective if the brand is probably to go to your brand website to go purchase your product. But there should be some objective and that should be clear, and that should be what your entire profile is asking the viewer or the audience member that comes onto your profile that finds your profile. That's, should be clear what you're asking them to do. That can be, for example, your call to action, your CTA. If you're not, if you're not familiar with that marketing term, it's really just what are you asking the person who is viewing your Twitter profile to do? So, what does that actually mean? Well, that means that when you set up your header profile, when you set up your copy in the little amount of text that you have at the top, your Twitter profile, it should be clearly highlighting the representation of your brand or your yourself that you want to, you want to relate to the person who stopping on your profile. So header image, there's a variety of different things you can put in your header image. If it's a brand, it probably should be something simple that in one header image describes or shows what your brand is best known for. If you are an individual trying to build it your personal profile, I would suggest that you also have a header image that reflects what you want to be known for. So if you are a brand that sells cookies, I would suggest having a nice simple header that showcases a cookie. You don't need a lot of texts in your head or you can have some, but remember, a too much texts can be distracting. So if you do have texts in your header, makes sure that it is going to align with your call to action or the desired action. They, you want somebody to take when they land on your Twitter profile. If you don't have a desired call to action, I would just suggest finding an image that's clean, high-definition, and it's just emblematic of what you do as a business. Same if you're a person. And for example, if you're a public speaker, I would show a picture of you talking on stage. If you are a programmer or developer, I would show you perhaps sitting in front of a computer like some sounds corny, but you really want to drive home a point of who you are and what you do. You want to be known for a thing. This is very important. And especially if you're an individual and you're trying to build out your own personal brand or your own personal profile, your header photo should be symbolic of who you are as individual, very much like the header photo for a business should be symbolic of what the businesses. Now, after you've done your header photo, then you can go to your profile photos of your profile photo. Would be where if it's a personal profile or a personal Twitter account, that's a picture of somebody's head. If it's a brand, Twitter account, just a picture of the logo. Very clean, simple. You don't want to jam a ton of stuff in here. Brand, logo for sure, personal profile ahead. You want it. You want it. Nice, simple. You don't need to make it too fancy. You wanna clear. So you want the face well-lit up. You probably just want to include the face as a profile picture. You don't need to put a full body shot. Even getting too much of the chest or the torso can be a little bit distracting because remember that's a small picture. And if somebody seeing that on a cell phone for example, because not everybody sees Twitter on desktop. In fact, that probably most of the traffic will be coming from mobile. You want to make sure that they can see who you are. So very simple, clean, well-lit face shot for personal logo for bread. Now we have to optimize your bio, or your bio is a short bit of text that you can include at the top of your profile. Again, this is telling the world what you do. You can put some of your accolades. If you're a brand, you definitely just want to focus on what you do. So, for example, if you're again and go back to the cooking analogy, if you're creating cookies, you wanna say something along the lines of, you know, this off the top my head. Homemade homemade delicious cookies, better than what your grandma can make or something along those lines, it isn't perfect, but you get the point. You're just trying to describe in a sentence or two exactly what you do as a brand. You can also, for example, if you're a brand, it solves problems. So you are delivering a solution that solve somebody's problem. Perhaps you're, for example, a company, a software company that does, that helps you with copywriting for outbound email. You can say something along the lines of helping sales reps seem more authentic with every single email they send to their customers. Or perhaps something on the lines of making sales human. Again, creating human sounding emails that connects sales reps with prospects. Something along the lines, very, very simple, short, succinct, sweet to the point. And it, in one sentence you'll describe exactly what your brand does. If you're a person. For example, you should also make it very short succinct, you can include a couple accolades. You know, you can sort of, you can be proud of what you do, but the best titles are the best, the best bios that I've seen. Literally just describe what the person does. If this is a big, this is a little bit more important if you're selling something or if you are a representative of an organization. For example, if your financial, financial advisor, you may say something like helping you navigate a complicated financial world. Something very simple to the point, and it clearly articulates exactly what you do. And then you can brag a little bit too, published in Forbes, helped over a 1000 individuals retire. Something that really just solidifies who you are as a professional and as an individual. I don't be afraid to add a little bit of humor into it. Be light with it. Definitely, yes, like I mentioned, brag a little bit. If you have accolades, throw those in there. And if you have other accounts are associated with, if you're a brand and you're associated with an other brand, makes sure that you can tag them. If you. A personal profile and you're trying to build your brand and you work for an incredible company, you can tag them. If you are a founder or you're a side hustle, like you're aside hustler, you're an entrepreneur and you're associated with a brand mixture, you tag them. So you just want to make sure that that bio clearly articulates exactly what you do. So then when somebody hits your profile, they know exactly why they should follow you. And now that you've optimized your profile, let's just speak about just best practices for actually tweeting. And this is not advertising, this is not paid tweets. This is just regular best practices. So makes sure, like all social platforms makes sure that you actually tweet and during optimal hours for your time zone. And there's a lot of websites. If you Google, best times for tweeting, it's usually, you know, it's going to be between, say, ten AM and 04:00 PM local time zone. If that's where the majority of your, of your audiences just pay attention to those and look for the best days that will give you the best amount of organic reach, also makes sure that you include, if you can, other types of contents. So pure texts tweets do well, but if you can't every once in awhile include images, include some humor and your content. I include some video in your content. Makes sure that you just have a wide range of shareable content. Because remember, the average lifespan of a tweet is very short. It's a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes at most. So you have to find content that gets people to stop scrolling and makes them want to share. So even if a lot of your content is textContent, if you have a really interesting video or if you have a picture or something, put it out there, see how it does. And as always, every type of content you want to AB test. If you're wondering about what type of content they put out. Like any social media platform. That's again, it's, this rule is universal. The content you should put out on any social media platform, and Twitter is no different, is content. That is answering questions of the target audience that you want to communicate with. If you do a Google keyword search and you find out the most commonly asked questions. We'll take it back to the financial advisor example before that we discussed, if you Google keyword search, common questions or search queries that a financial advisor or somebody looking for a financial advisor would look up, answer those questions, and that's your content. It's the same type of content when you're trying to create content for a website and you're trying to drive more traffic to your website, what do you do? All you have to do is you just have to answer the questions of the people that you want to tap into. If you're answering their questions, your content will resonate with them and those people will follow you. Now again, this is in a business context. So I'm, I'm telling you this because there's probably some sort of business end goal or business objective that you're trying to achieve by using Twitter. If you have a personal brand, it's no different. You still have a target audience that you want to tap into. You still have a story you want to tell to the world. You have experience, you have a certain niche, you have a certain expertise that would resonate with a certain group over another group. So always answered questions. You think? And perhaps after a little bit of research like I mentioned, Google keyword searches, there's a few others that you can use, but always answer questions that you think people who you want to connect with will want the answer to. And when you do that, when you, when that's your core content strategy answering questions, it seems simple, but it really is that content will already be better than most B2B content out there. And it will attract the right audience and they'll be looking at you. And also, I guess my last point for properly using Twitter, again in a B2B context, or just for a personal brand, is it has social media platform. It's social. You're not supposed to just be somebody who is shouting things out into the world, only tweeting and never interacting. So the best strategy for Twitter, or of course, you have a content strategy. You've optimized your profile, your AB testing, different types of posts. You're including some different types of media. You have images, you have video, you're doing pure text posts, but also you're interacting with people who are in that industry, who are the type of audience that you want to do business with. You can be interacting with people who are following your competitors. You can be interacting with people who, you know are stakeholders or decision-makers in a certain industry that you operate in. And by interacting, I mean, providing, you can be re-tweeting their tweets. You can be liking their tweets, but most importantly, you're providing value all the time. And how does that actually manifest when you're interacting with other individuals? Well, you're commenting on your tweets and you're providing value based on what they're tweeting out so that they see that it's not just you putting stuff into the world and expecting them to come to you. You're also providing value for their account and that's going to really, really sit well with them. It's going to resonate with them. And that's if you start doing this. If you start putting out great content, and then you also start interacting with peers in your industry. You're going to have a very, very strong Twitter presence. And you're also going to bring some of those peers that you're interacting with on their profile. They're going to look at your profile and they're gonna start following you and you're going to be building your audience that way as well. And conclusion, Twitter is not very complicated, but very simple platform. But most people don't get it right. Most people just don't understand the concept of Twitter. The rules that we spoke about that are best practices for Twitter are just best practices for social media, for B to B for business social media, but they're also best practices for personal social media. So follow these best practices to optimize your profile. Optimizer content. Ab test, be irrelevant. Answer questions, engage, and you'll already be ahead of most business Twitter brands and also most personal Twitter brands. You combine this plus the ability to run effective campaigns on Twitter. And Twitter can be an absolute powerhouse for bringing in qualified, constant, predictable traffic.