How To Use CLUBHOUSE For Business (Beginner to Advanced) | Scott D Clary | Skillshare

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How To Use CLUBHOUSE For Business (Beginner to Advanced)

teacher avatar Scott D Clary, Teaching sales, marketing & startups

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Overview of Clubhouse


    • 3.

      Social Media Connections to Clubhouse - Part 1


    • 4.

      Social Media Connections To Clubhouse - Part 2


    • 5.

      Social Media Connections to Clubhouse - Part 3


    • 6.

      Invite to Clubhouse


    • 7.

      Inviting You As a Contact


    • 8.

      Finding an Invitation to Clubhouse


    • 9.

      Adding Someone To Clubhouse


    • 10.

      Profile Research


    • 11.

      Update Your Profile


    • 12.

      Update Your Bio


    • 13.

      Entering the Hallway


    • 14.

      Using The Keyword Search


    • 15.

      Events Menu and Tab


    • 16.

      Activity Bell


    • 17.

      Create An Event


    • 18.

      Settings In Your Profile


    • 19.

      Entering A Room


    • 20.

      Starting a Room


    • 21.

      Connecting with Others Online


    • 22.



    • 23.

      Advanced Discussion - What to Expect When Using Clubhouse


    • 24.

      Advanced Discussion - How to Grow a Following on Clubhouse


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About This Class


  • Desire to use Clubhouse and social media to promote your business


Effective Clubhouse marketing to get you more followers, meaningful conversations and sales so you can grow your business.

If you want to leverage your network… with only the sound of your voice and your expertise, you need to be on the new audio only social platform called clubhouse.

If you needed ANY evidence that you should be taking Clubhouse seriously, you’d find a number of influencers such as Elon Musk and the CEO of Robinhood, Vladimir Tenev having conversations on the platform.

Clubhouse allows you to sit in on, listen to and even be asked to participate in live audio sessions.

The organic reach is massive. The potential is limitless.



What Do You Get? 21 Over the Shoulder, Step By Step Instructional Video Course Tutorials

  • Overview of Clubhouse

  • Social Media Connections to Clubhouse

  • Invite to Clubhouse

  • Inviting You As a Contact

  • Finding an Invitation to Clubhouse

  • Integrating Your Social Media

  • Adding Someone to Clubhouse

  • Profile Research

  • Update Your Profile

  • Update Your Bio

  • Entering the Hallway

  • Using the Keyword Search

  • Events Menu and Tab

  • Activity Bell

  • Create and Event

  • Settings In Your Profile

  • Entering a Room

  • Starting a Room

  • Connecting with Others

  • Clubs



Now we’re ready to walk you through exactly how to get stared on clubhouse….

With a step by step over the shoulder video course instructional on-screen tutorial video course so that in 20 no fluff videos and 43 minutes tops… we’re going to have you ready to use the platform and build a Clubhouse following.

Setting up your account, getting invited, inviting people, starting rooms, starting clubs, starting events, and leveraging your network.

Everything needed to get started using the clubhouse platform without the fluff.

You will learn how the app works from A-Z and which functions will be most important to you.

From creating your own account to participating in any room , everything you need to will be covered.

Plus: You learn how to gain new followers quickly, with real strategies you will be able to use and implement for yourself.

This is the world's first clubhouse course!

This will give you everything you need to get started using the clubhouse platform and to build a network from scratch.



As a career sales and marketing executive & leader, I've worked with a wide variety of organizations and peers, training thousands of individuals on both the hard and soft skills required to excel in their career.

On a professional level, I've worked within all size companies, and I've sold and marketed (as well as lead teams that have sold and marketed) to some of the most iconic F500 / F100 brands throughout my career.

I'm fortunate to have over 100+ of my thoughts and insights on sales, marketing, technology, business and entrepreneurship published in outlets such as Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Hackernoon, The Startup and others.

I'm the host of the Success Story Podcast (1m+ downloads), author of the ROI Overload Newsletter (with 30k subs and counting), founder of ROI Overload, a Sales & Marketing Community. (250k Followers) Newsletter, Publication & Startup Resource and a career Sales & Marketing exec.

I talk about sales, marketing, growth and startups on Twitter or LinkedIn @scottdclary

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Scott D Clary

Teaching sales, marketing & startups


Long story short, I'm the host of the Success Story Podcast (20m downloads), author of a weekly newsletter (with 310k subs and counting).

I talk about sales, marketing, growth and startups on Twitter or LinkedIn @scottdclary

The Long Version:

As a career sales and marketing executive & leader, I've worked with a wide variety of organizations and peers, training individuals on both the hard and soft skills required to excel in their career.

On a professional level, I've worked within all size companies, and I've sold and marketed (as well as lead teams that have sold and marketed) to some of the most iconic F500 / F100 brands throughout my career.

I'm fortunate to have over 100 of my thoughts and insights on sales, marketing, technology... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hey there, my name is Scott declared and welcome to my course on Club hosts. A little bit about me. I'm a career sales and marketing executive. I have sold and marketed to some of the most iconic companies, as well as worked within early-stage startups. I've trained thousands of employees for thousands of hours on the latest and greatest in trends, technologies, ideas and insights that can help businesses from the ground up. I currently run the publication ROI overload, as well as host the success story podcasts where I unpack the playbooks of incredible business leaders. In this course, we are going to go through clubhouse, the latest and greatest social media platform from a to Z, you are going to learn everything from setting up a profile to optimizing your presence, engaging in meaningful conversations and building out a following and an audience. This course is meant for you. If you have an incredible thirst for knowledge, you want to understand what's new and out there in the world of social media. And you want to understand how to do it well, this course is for you. If you have a keen interest in clubhouse, you're trying to understand. It's all about and you want to basically get in on the ground floor, built up a following and leverage the platform successfully. By the end of this course, you will understand how to build a profile. Work with all components of clubhouse, engage in conversations. Grade your own rooms, join other individuals, rooms, build an audience. Invite individuals connected to your peers, and understand basically how to use the platform from start to finish. This is a short course, only about an hour long, really does give you a full 360 of the new social media platform. I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll see you inside the course. 2. Overview of Clubhouse: Hello and welcome. If you're now looking at the website, joint And what you'll notice when you come to this site from your desktop is that you won't be able to access the site using your personal computer. You'll notice here that you also have an area where you can download an app from the App Store using your iOS device. Now in order to take advantage of clubhouse, you are going to need to have an iPhone to do it. And so the starting point is going to be to get the app from the app store in order to be ready to take advantage of clubhouse. Now if we click this link, you'll get a detailed explanation of what clubhouse is. And the first two paragraphs you're gonna notice right at the beginning that clubhouse is based on your voice. And clubhouse is going to be a voice only application. That means that you're not going to need a camera and that the discussion is not going to be image-based. Now, as of the recording of this video, you are going to need to become part of clubhouse by being invited to it. Clubhouse is currently not an app. It's going to be open to the public. The only way that you can become part of the application is to be invited by a member that's already using it. Now if you are using your mobile device or if you're using your desktop, you are going to be able to see the community guidelines. Now what's going to be important to content creators is that you aren't going to be able to transcribe, record, or reproduce any information that you obtain a clubhouse without prior permission. And there are rules against spam. There are also rules against promoting any information that may harm another individual or harm minders in any way. And of course, you are not allowed to conduct any illegal activities on the platform. Once again, depending on when you are seeing this video, you are going to want to make sure that you understand the company's Terms of Service as they have stated them, the link on joint So once you've read the terms of service, you're going to want to come to the page in your mobile application. And you're then going to want to download the app from the App Store. Where we are then going to do is click the button. And we are going to start the process of downloading the application. Once we've done that, we're then going to click Open. When we're then going to do is we're going to get our user name. You're going to be required to enter your mobile number. You'll then get a text verification codes which you'll need to enter. You'll then click Next. You'll then pick a username. You'll then click Next, which you'll now need to do is you'll need to be invited by another member in order for your ID to become part of the application. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 3. Social Media Connections to Clubhouse - Part 1: Welcome back. Now there are going to be three applications that will make working with clubhouse easy when you get started. One of those applications is going to be Instagram. Now if you already have an Instagram account and you have an Instagram application, are going to be able to connect with more individuals easier. Because one of the connections that you're going to make tutor clubhouse account when you get started will be Twitter, Instagram accounts. And this will make it easier for individuals to find out more about you and what it is that you do. And so one thing you're going to want to make sure that you have is an updated profile that individuals are going to be able to use in order to access all of your other content. What that's likely to mean is that you're going to need to have an updated website for people to click on using their mobile device or iPhone from clubhouse. Now if you have more than one web presence that's important to you and you want individuals to be able to find it. You can use an application on Instagram like link tree. And if you go to your search within your mobile device and you type in link tree, you're then going to be able to find out how you can set it up evening tree account. We're going to click that link. And you already have a leak tree account. You can log into your account. Otherwise, you can sign up for link tree for free. As of the recording of this video, link tree does have a paid account, also has a free account. Just so that you'll note if you're thinking of using your Instagram accounts in order to login to link tree. This application feature is no longer available. We are going to type in a username and password. We are going to sign up for a free account. And what we'll do is we'll fill out the preliminary information to get started using link tree. We are going to continue with a free account. And what you can do is to start by adding links that you want to have in your profile. And once you have your website's logged into linked tree, what you can do is you can take the URL for link tree with the multiple URLs and use them in your social media profile. We're going to click the share button. We're then going to copy the link tree URL. We're then going to edit our profile in Instagram. We're then going to copy in the link tree URL. We're then going to click done. What you then have is you then have your multiple URLs available in your profile for Instagram so that when individuals start clicking over from clubhouse, they will then be able to find multiple URLs that are associated with your business or your brand. And you'll see here that by clicking on the link treat link were taken to the links that we have available. We're going to stop the video right here and we're going to come back and we're going to briefly discuss both Facebook and Twitter. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 4. Social Media Connections To Clubhouse - Part 2: Welcome back. Now another application that you're going to be able to attach to clubhouse is going to be your Twitter application. Now in terms of Twitter, people are going to be able to click over to your bio from clubhouse. And so you're going to want to make sure that your profile is up-to-date. In particular, you do want to make sure that you're going to have your banner updated, your bio, update it, as well as your website available and clickable go in order to develop George Twitter header. What you can do is you can come into the Free Application Canva, and you can go to type in Twitter. And you're going to see that there is a Twitter header, which is going to be 1500 pixels by 500 pixels. You're going to click to design a Twitter header. You can use one of the existing designs and then edit that design. Or you can create a design yourself and started from scratch. Now for the sake of this video, we're just going to take one of the existing designs and we're going to alter that design. But once you have altered the design, you can publish that design Street to Twitter through your application. Now you're going to want to be logged into your Twitter account if you're doing this from your desktop computer. And we're going to click publish to Twitter. And we're going to click Publish. Now. Once you publish your image, you can then click on the image from your mobile device. Once you have the post, you can then download that post to your mobile device. Once you have the post save, you can then go back to edit your profile. You can then upload your photo. You're going to click on the edit profile image. And you can then add in the image. You can click Apply, and then click Done. And then you're io would then be updated. For your website. You can then add in your link tree link. So come back to link tree, will then copy the link, will then click save. Your link will then be added to your Twitter account and your profile will then be updated. So now when an individual clicks over from clubhouse, they will be able to get more information on your brand as well as your business. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 5. Social Media Connections to Clubhouse - Part 3: Welcome back. Now before you access your a clubhouse application, one aspect of the process that will make you more findable is your connection to your Facebook account. This will make you visible to more of your connections and more of your connections will be able to find you in order to invite you to clubhouse. That means that inside of your Instagram accounts, you are going to want to make sure that you are connected to your Facebook account. And that means then that you'll want to go into your settings and you'll want to make sure that you are connected with your Facebook account here in this area. If you go to your accounts center, you're going to want to make sure that you are connected between Facebook and Instagram. As you know, Facebook owns Instagram. And so if you are connected with both accounts, you will then be findable by more individuals, even though you will not be directly connected to clubhouse via Facebook. So you do want to have the Facebook application on your mobile device. You can go to the App Store and look for the Facebook application. Or for the sake of this video, because book is already connected to this mobile device, however, you will want to make sure that the app is or hinder device. Once you've done that, you will take in major steps to be discoverable among friends using the mobile application and using Facebook. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 6. Invite to Clubhouse: Welcome back. Now if you are connected to individuals via your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account, and you are on your iOS device, that individual will then be able to find you among their contacts. And so what they'll then be able to do is to click the invite button in order to invite you to clubhouse. Now when that individual invites you, you'll then get noticed that you'll then be part of clubhouse and you'll be able to accept the invitation. So we're going to go through that process here. Now once that person and bites you, you will then get a text message where you can activate your account, which you're going to want to do. Click the link in that message in order to access clubhouse. Now when you first get the invitation, you're going to be able to set up your profile importing information from your Twitter account. Or you can enter the information manually. But we're going to do is we're going to click Import from Twitter. You're then going to authorize the app. What you'll then do is you'll write in your full name and then click Next. Now typically, you'll already have a username that you have in mind if you don't want to write one in. Now we already have a username that we started the process with. We're then going to click next. You will then have the opportunity to add a photo to your profile. And where you have a photo available, you're going to select that photo. You'll want to make sure that it lines up. You'll then click Choose. You'll then click Next. You can choose to allow clubhouse to access your contacts. That will then give you access to your network on Clubhouse. Or you can choose to start the process by not allowing your contacts to be accessed by clubhouse. Clubhouse will then give you the ability to select your interest on clubhouse. Once you do that, you can then click buying people and then clubhouse will then start to look for people that you can follow. Clubhouse will then make suggestions of people that you can follow. And when there is a blue checkmark, that means that those people are going to be followed by a default. You can then click follow if you want to leave these people check or you can click select individually. We are going to follow the default assessment that clubhouse makes. A clubhouse can send you notifications when individuals are going to be speaking or talking. If you're going to be active on the platform, it's a good idea to allow clubhouse to send you push notifications to let you know when the individuals that you're connected to will be having an event that you can join. We are going to click allow and your initial setup on clubhouse should then be ready. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 7. Inviting You As a Contact: Welcome back. Now it is possible that when an individual is looking for you as a contact, they will not be able to find you, even if you are connected to them on social media. If that is the case, you will need to request that they add you as a contact to their iOS device. What that individual will need to do, what that individual will need to do is to go into their contacts in their iOS device. They'll need to go to their contacts. What they'll then need to do is to add a contact. What that individual will need to do is to add your first name, your last name, and your mobile device number. And you'll need to confirm with them that you are attitude their contacts. And so what they'll need to do is to exit the application. Well, they'll then need to do is to re-open the application. What they'll then need to do is to go to there invite area. And what you'll see then is that the individual that has been added to their contacts, in this case, the third name down is the name that was added. You will then be visible to them and they can click the invite button in order to invite you to clubhouse. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 8. Finding an Invitation to Clubhouse: Welcome back. Now, one of the things you're going to need is an invitation to clubhouse in order to activate your account. And you'll need to be invited by a person that's already on the application. So what you'll want to do is you'll want to search among your social media connections to see who has an invitation. The easiest way to do this is to use your Facebook application to do a search. That's because the search will typically be based on people that you are already connected to. What you can do is to go to your search area and you can type in couldn't house invite. That will then showed you among your connections who has a clubhouse in byte warm invitation. And you can scroll through and you can see various individuals who may have clubhouse invitations available among two or connections. You can then contact those individuals privately using driven messenger application. In some cases, what you'll also see R groups that will be available for clubhouse networking. And you can certainly avail yourself to them in order to jumpstart door, clubhouse brand and presence. Now the process for looking for a way to be invited is not quite as robust using Twitter, although it does work in the same way. You're going to search for a clubhouse invitations or clubhouse invite. And in some cases, individuals among your connections will have clubhouse invitations available. In some cases, you can use a hashtag or the same searchString inside them, Instagram in order to find individuals among your connections that we'll be able to bring you into clubhouse. And again, you can use some of the groups that will be available to you in order to jumpstart door building of your brand on clubhouse. If you are a user of LinkedIn, you can also use the same search string, one LinkedIn, clubhouse invite in order to find individuals among your contacts that have clubhouse invites. If you're willing to search among the posts, you'll be able to find those individuals that you can connect with and then ask them to invite you to clubhouse. In some cases, it may be beneficial to ask individuals that are already operating on clubhouse, don't have to use the entire string clubhouse invite. You can contact the individual that's already operating on clubhouse and ask them to invite you. Okay. So with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 9. Adding Someone To Clubhouse: Welcome back. Now when you first enter the application, you will see that you will have at least one invitation available to you. You can click on that invitation or you can click on the envelope where you can use your invites. Notes here again, that you can allow clubhouse to access your contacts. This will then allow clubhouse to see which of the contacts that you have available in your mobile device. Don't yet have clubhouse and that can be invited via your profile. You want to use your invites for this default setting, you can just click the button that says invite to determine who to invite. Clubhouse is actually looking at your contacts. And so if you come across an individual that you want to invite to clubhouse and you're certain that that individual has an iOS or IPO in the base, then you're going to want to add that individual tutor contacts first so that you can invite them. So we're going to do here is we're going to add an individual to Eric contacts. So what we've done now is we've added an individual to our context. Perhaps this is an individual that requested that we add them as a contact on clubhouse. So we first need to do is we're going to add this individual to our contacts within our iOS device. It's we're now going to do is we're going to refresh our contacts. You're going to go into our profile. We're then going to then go back to the invitation screen. We're then going to click on invitations. And what you'll notice then is that we can now invite the individual that we have added to our contacts insight of clubhouse. And so the fastest way of adding an individual to your clubhouse Network is to edit individual as a contact. And once again, you do want to verify that the individual has an iOS device because as of the recording of this video, and that is the only way that they'll be able to participate. There are plans as a recording of this video for a clubhouse to be added to the Android system. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 10. Profile Research: Welcome back. Now one of the first things you can do is to customize your profile. And you can do that by going to your profile area. However, what we're going to do first is we are going to take a look at what some of the other profiles are going to be in our market or sub niche. And to do that, we can go to the search area. And you're going to see that clubhouse will allow you to search people and clubs which are going to want to do first is you're going to want to type in your keyword into the fine people and clubs search bar. And when you do that, you're going to see a number of clubs that are going to be available to you. What you're going to want to do is to find those clubs that are closest in your interest. What you'll then want to do is to take a look at some of the profiles inside of the actual club. You'll be able to click on the profile to determine what some of the other profiles in your market or sub niche hat. And by looking through some of the profiles, you'll be able to determine how you want to structure your profile to be attractive to other individuals in your market or your sub niche. You can also enter the relevant discussions on your dashboard to do the same process. And once you do that, what you can do is when you have looked at some of the profiles, you can leave quietly. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 11. Update Your Profile: Welcome back. Now once you've done your profile research, you can then work to customize your profile. You can then click on your profile. And what you'll then see is that you can first add Indoor Instagram account. And so to do that, which you're going to do is to click Add Instagram. Now you are going to need to have Instagram as an app on your iOS device. You'll then need to either log in with your username and password or because Facebook is connected to Instagram, and if your accounts are connected, you can continue with Facebook. So for the sake of this video, we are going to continue with. What you can then do is you can connect your Instagram profile. You'll then note that your profile will then be connected to your Instagram account. You can then refresh your profile. Your Instagram account will then be connected. Ok, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 12. Update Your Bio: What you can then do is to add in your bio, and you're going to click add a bio. What's important to note about this process is that you are allowed to add emojis to your bio. So if you want to add a visual to your bio, you can do that. And so in this case we're going to add this emoji. And in this case, we can go to the next line and we can add in another emoji. And once you have updated your bio, you can then click done. You'll then see that your bio is then visible. So that if you want to edit, update your bio, you can do that. And to do so, all you need to do is to click right on top of your bio. And it will then be available for you to edit. Andrew. Updated Bio will then be visible to others. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 13. Entering the Hallway: Welcome back to when you first enter the app, you will be in what is called the hallway. And generally, you are going to be able to see events that clubhouse thinks you are interested in or that your contacts are generally involved in. You'll see a schedule of key events. Typically, this is going to be a listing of events that are contacts are going to be involved in that you may have interest in. So what you can do is you can scroll through the events that door contacts are going to be associated with. And you can join in on any of those conversation. You're going to notice at the very bottom, it, you're going to see two numbers. You're going to see the number of people that are currently involved in the discussion. You are also going to see the number of moderators or speakers on the right-hand side of the slash mark. And once again, you can see that here in this room that you can go in. So let's assume that you are going to enter this room. In this particular room, you're going to see that there are two moderators and that there is one speaker at the current time. When you've completed your time in this room, you can click the leave quietly. But and so what you can do then is you can explore different rooms within your hallway. And these roots are going to change based on when you enter the hallway. But as long as they are available, you can enter them, participate, or listen to the discussion. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 14. Using The Keyword Search: Welcome back. Now on the top left hand side, you are going to see a magnifying glass and you'll be able to use this for keywords search. So if we were to tap on the magnifying glass, which you're going to see is that clubhouse will suggest people for you to follow. And so what you can do here is you can click this bottom menu and you can show more people to follow. And basically, if you begin to see people that will be connected to your market or niche, you can then follow those individuals. And we are going to click out of this exploration link by clicking the top left-hand carrots. And we will go back to search. We can also then type in our keyword in order to start looking for people that will have that keyword in their profile. And you can then begin to work with individuals that have the keyword in their profile. And when you find an individual that you are going to be interested in, you can then follow that individual in order to become one of their connections. You can also do the same kind of keyword search for specific clubs for you to join. And you can click on the appropriate club. You can then follow the club. Now in addition to keywords, you can write in specific names. So for example, let's assume that you wanted to find a specific name. You can search for individuals and you can check their profile to find out if they are who you are looking for so that you can connect with them on clubhouse. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 15. Events Menu and Tab: At the very top next to the invitation that you, you are going to see that there's going to be a calendar link. If you press on that calendar link, you are going to see events that clubhouse things are relevant to you and that you can attend. You are also going to be able to sort for specific events. And if you press the very top menu, you're going to be able to select all of the upcoming events, and that's everything in your universe. When you press all upcoming, you're going to see events that are in progress, as well as events that are going to be happening in the future. What you can do is you can press on those events to find out more about the actual event. You are going to notice controls on each of those events. For example, what we can do is we can share the event, and we can share that event using any of our iOS platforms. Now we have Twitter connected, so we can tweet this event. We can copy the link to that event into our clipboard so that we can send it by email or any of our platforms. And we can add it to our calendar that we have available to us on our iOS device. So for example, you see the available calendars that we have. And we can add the event to that calendar, which you will also see on the very top right, is you're going to see a bell. And what you can do is you can follow this specific kind of event. And basically you will get notification of these events when they're happening. And you can do the same if you press the top right-hand corner when you're looking at the entire group. You can click on my events if you've scheduled any event of your own. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 16. Activity Bell : Welcome back. Now, in the upper right-hand corner, in the menu bar, you are going to see that there's going to be a notification bell. And you can tap that notification bell. And you're going to see a number of activities that clubhouse thinks is relevant to you. Now these activities are going to be irrelevant because these are rooms that you have been invited into. These are also going to be rooms that have been started by your friends or connections. And these are going to be people who have either Father would you or become your friends, or people who have followed one of door clubs and you're going to get notification of these relevant activities here by the notification bell. And once you tap the notification bell and you tap it again, what you're going to notice is that the ones that you have seen in a previous trip to your activity center have been grayed out. That way you'll know which activities that you have taken note of and which ones are going to be new to your profile in clubhouse. But even if those activities are grayed out, you can still join the activity and tap on them to find more information about that. And you'll be able to see that here. Ok, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 17. Create An Event: Welcome back. Now if we take one step back on the menu bar, we can go back to the events calendar. And the reason that we want to do that is because we want to look to the upper right-hand corner so that we can click on the event creation tab. It's here where we can create our own event. And what you'll notice is that the first thing you're going to need to do is to give your event a name. Now you will be considered the host and what you can do, you can add in a co-host. And so you can tap on adding a co-host. Now in order to do this, you'll need to paying people that are already following you. And so if you don't have any yet, you'll need to start working to get people following you by engaging them in conversation. What you'll do then is you set the date for your event. You'll then set the time for your event. You'll then right and your description of the event. And once you've done that, you can then publish your event. Once you publish your event, you can click the share button. And you will be able to share your event on iOS related platforms. You can also tweet your event. And if you're, Twitter is connected to your clubhouse, your event will be pre-populated. You can copy your link to your clipboard so that you can use it in other applications in your iOS device. And then you can add it to your calendar so that you'll know when it's going to occur. And your event is now ready for you to begin networking in order to work with people to become part of it. Okay, so with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 18. Settings In Your Profile: Welcome back. Now there are settings that you can look to and change in your clubhouse account. We're going to go to our profile. We go to the profile. We are going to click on the gear to the right-hand side, which you're going to notice is that you can customize your notifications. So if we click on the Notifications, your notifications aren't normal by default, you can have more frequent or more infrequent notifications by clicking on the one that you want. Now by default, clubhouse is showing you rooms that are trending in your hallway. We can turn off these trending rooms or we can turn their back on. We can also pause all notifications and we can determine how long we want them to be paused, or we can cancel and keep our notifications turned on. At the very beginning, we indicate it's a clubhouse, what our interests were. We can customize that list. We're going to go backwards, or we can come backwards and leave them the same. And then we have informational links. We have what's new with clubhouse. Frequently Asked Questions, community guidelines, Terms of Service, and privacy policy. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 19. Entering A Room : Welcome back. Now you may want to understand what things will look like when you actually enter a room. And so when you enter a room, you are going to see the individuals that are participating. Now when you enter a room, you're going to see a green star with the individuals that are considered to be moderators. You're also going to see individuals that are considered to be those who have the stage and who have a mike, and those who are going to be muted before they actually speak. You're also going to see some individuals that have a party emoji. And what that means is that they're new to the application. If you scroll up, you are then going to see individuals that are part of the audience. You'll see from time to time that the outline will change from individual to individual when they are speaking. What you can do is you can click on top of any of these individuals. And you will then be accessing their profile. Now, if you want to invite one of your contacts to the room, you can click the plus button and you can ping someone to enter the room. If you'd like to have access to the might to speak, you can click the raise hand button in the bottom right-hand corner. Now when someone else sees you as part of the room, you'll be visible to them if they are following you and if you're connected on clubhouse. And so what happens is that individual able to enter the room. They'll then see the same list of speakers that you will see. You will then be visible. If you are in the audience, someone can then tap on your profile. And your profile will then be visible to other individuals. And so by availing yourself to these tools, you will then be able to network with individuals, insight of individual rooms with your interests and in your niche. If you don't want to raise your hand to speak, and if you've completed your time, you can then leave quietly by clicking on the leave quietly link. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 20. Starting a Room: Welcome back. Now once you understand how rooms work, you can start your own room. And to do that, you're going to click the green button at the bottom. You will first want to add a specific topic. And you'll want to write in your topic. You'll then set your topic. You'll then need to determine the nature of your room. Now you will be adding this room to the calendar. And you can have an open room. And open room is going to be viewable, enjoyable by anyone. You can also open a closed room, and this is going to be private. It's only going to be available to those that you have invited. You can also start a social room. And these are going to be available to the individuals that are connected to the moderators. So that if you want a semi-private room, the more moderators that you have, the more individuals that they'll be able to bring to that room. So we're going to do is we're going to open a social room. And we're going to click, let's go. And when you do this, clubhouse is going to ask you to access your microphone. And this will allow you to speak insight of your room with the other individuals. And you will then be in your room and you will then be speaking. You can click the three dots to the right hand side in order to search the room for individuals within your room. And when you are ready to speak, what you can do is you can click the microphone in the bottom right hand corner. And you'll be able to see who has their hands raised and who's ready to speak by clicking on the button that says raised hand. And when you've completed, you can then click leave quietly. Now let's assume that you start a room. And this time we're going to choose a close room. And to do that, you're going to choose individuals. That once you've invited individuals to a close room, your r2 will be the same. And if you want to open this room up to individuals, once you have started as a closed room, you can click open that up. You can open it up to everyone, or you can open it up to a social room. Once again, once you have completed your time in the room, you can then click leave quietly. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video. 21. Connecting with Others Online: Welcome back. Now at the very bottom of the application, you're going to see a waffle. And if you click that waffle, you're going to see you all of the individuals that you follow that are currently online. Now when you first start, you may not see very many people here in this area because your activity has just begun. And you'll see a link there that clubhouse will give you in order to find people to follow. And what you'll then be able to do is to start the process of connecting with individuals that you have an association with. And within the visuals that you want to have association width. And you're going to want to keep track of your activity feed so you'll be able to tell who was following you back and who you can follow based on their connecting with you. Once you begin to see more individuals that are going to be online, what you'll see is that they're going to be available for you to start a private room in order to have a discussion on clubhouse. And of course, this is going to be an audible discussion. And when someone requests you to join a private room, you'll see it in your activity feed. Click on that room. And you can join the room by allowing clubhouse to access the microphone. And you'll be able to discuss with this individual. Okay. So with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 22. Clubs: Welcome back. As you get more advanced in your use of clubhouse, you're going to want to take advantage of the club aspect of clubhouse. And what you'll want to do is you'll want to look at some of the clubs that are available to you. And once you begin to see the clubs that are available, you can then click on those clubs. And what you'll be able to do is to choose one of the clubs. In order to take a closer look, you'll be able to see the individuals within that club. And you can choose to follow the club. And as you begin to pile of the clubs, you will get notification when the club is having a discussion that you can join. Now you can create your own club. To do that, you're going to go to the gear icon. You were then going to go to the Contact Us link. You're going to want to scroll to, how can I start a club? Now, as of the recording of this video, you'll note that there is only one club, her user. And the clubs are being set up manually and not instantaneously upon your request. What you'll do is you'll look to the link. You'll then click where it says here. Now in order to get a favorable answer to your request, as of the recording of this video, you'll be prioritized for club when you've hosted a weekly show at least three times. Once you've done that, you'll determine your club's name, your club's category, and then a description of your club, up to 150 characters. You're then going to write in the full name of the club creator. And then the club admin. You'll then need a title for your regular meeting, your email address. And then you'll want to add in any additional information that will help in order to get your application approved. Now you'll note that the Requests page says to clubs, while the FAQ says one club. So you'll want to be aware of the discrepancy as of the recording of this video. Okay. So with that, thanks, and I will see you in another video. 23. Advanced Discussion - What to Expect When Using Clubhouse: Okay, now that you've covered the basics and you understand how to actually set up a clubhouse account. I want to go into a few more nuances of the platform. So a couple things that I want to discuss, what to expect when you're on clubhouse. So the things that the things that you're going to have to get used to, as well as some of the best ways to build a following on the platform. The first thing that you should know about clubhouse is that everybody is there. You'd give an immense amount of value, which is a nice change because when you're there and you're speaking, it's very hard to hide behind essentially shitty content which you can't really do. You know if you go on Twitter or you go on Instagram? There's anonymous accounts. There's accounts that post a lot of fluff. There's accounts that post things that aren't and necessarily valuable for many of us, especially if you're watching this, you're probably, you have some understanding of the power of social media. You're an early adopter. You understand how you can mark it on these platforms. And you're somebody that wants value out of social media, especially if you're an early adopter, you can appreciate the clubhouse offers an incredible amount of value, and the people on cloud bows offer an incredible amount of value. Not only are you going to get people, when they have an opportunity to actually speak in a room, giving you in a very succinct, concise way what they think to be the most valuable bit of information they can offer to contribute to the conversation. You're also going to get some very known individual, some celebrities in a variety of different fields. It could be business, it could not be business, but you're gonna get celebrities also contributing to the conversation. And a lot of these individuals, especially entrepreneurs, business, business leaders, venture capitalists, These are incredibly smart people. So you're going to get the best of everyone when they're on cloud palace and when they're participating. And this is because you're on display, you're, you're speaking live in real time. And you also don't have a lot of time to mess around you. There's really no value in you not contributing to the conversation when you get a chance or an opportunity to speak. It's also an incredibly personal social media platform. There is no wall, there is no posting, there is no liking, There is no damning your voice, your personality is on display all the time. So when you're communicating with individuals, you are putting yourself out there, but you're building trust in a much greater way than you can behind the screen of any other social media platform. Think about if you're on a zoom call or video call or a phone call with some of the most brilliant minds in the world. That's what club houses like. And because you're able to give that value, I'll, nothing is lost in text with your voice inflections, the way you communicate, the tone, the verbiage, the words you use. All of that is put on display. It's, it's front and center and people immediately understand what you're trying to discuss and the point you're trying to make, which makes communication, trust and the ability to build authentic relations with all these incredible people that much quicker and that much easier. We also spoke briefly about how to use clubhouse to integrate with your other social media apps and to leverage, for example, Twitter and Instagram to give a little bit more information about who you are if you're on clubhouse. So clubhouse links to both of those platforms. So if you're using club house and you're using it effectively, you will start to notice an increase follower count on your other social media platforms as well. Because when somebody goes to check out your club house profile, you're a one-click link away from your other social media platforms. Another thing that you should be aware of with clubhouses, that it is still early days, it's still a new platform, which means that there are less creators then consumers, a lot of people aren't consuming. So you have an opportunity to leverage the massive organic reach that clubhouse has meaning that if you do join and you get over your fear of joining and you speak, you'll notice increases in your follower count quite quickly compared to some other older platforms like Instagram or Twitter, where it takes a lot of content over a significant period of time to really build momentum, especially if you're starting from scratch. And lastly, one more really important point. If you don't feel comfortable speaking right away, that's fine. If you do join a room, nobody's going to pressure you into speaking. If you do want to speak, you can quote unquote, raise your hand on the app. Or if you don't want to speak, you can just sit and listen and understand how the flow of the conversation goes. Understand what it's like to actually participate. And if you want to leave the room, you can just leave the room and nobody will even be the wiser. So it's nothing that you should be concerned about are scared of. I know causes a lot of people apprehension to cause to me apprehension When I was first joining because it's so new. It's something that we've never done before. At the end of the day, club houses really the expedited launching pad for relationships that allows you to quickly succinctly make connections with incredibly valuable people in, at a rate that really you can't see on any other social media platform. So that's what the benefit of clubhouse and some of the things that you should expect if you're using the platform. 24. Advanced Discussion - How to Grow a Following on Clubhouse: Alright, now that we've covered some of the things that you should expect when you're on the platform. Let's speak about what I'm sure some of you are trying to figure out, how do I use it to build an audience. Of course is a lot of benefits. The clubhouse that aren't just racking up a follower count. But like any social media platform, you have the opportunity to build an audience. When you have that opportunity to build an audience, you can get your message out to more individual. So how do you build an audience on clubhouse? What are some of the best practices? Number one, focus on community building, but the house is a large community. That's the core principle of the product. Now what do I mean by focusing on community building, well-built rooms, and create rooms that basically are focused on topics that you're passionate about. This is not rocket science on any other social media platform. If you're creating good content and you want to attract the right tribe, you need to focus on speaking about things that you're passionate about and that you actually care about. I'm incentive is famous for saying, how did he get so good at public speaking while he says, well, I cheated a little bit, I just spoke about things that I'm passionate about. And he goes on to say, there's a difference between passion and energy. You can always jump around on stage and you can always drink too much coffee and, and speak at a higher rate, but that's not true passion. That's just energy. You know what you live and breathe for. If you are going to go out into the world and ask, What is one thing that describes me? Think about that answer. That's who you are and that's what you want to, that's what you want to discuss. That's what you want to create rooms about, things that you are truly passionate about. Because what that will do is it will bring people in who are also passionate about those things. That's your tribe, that to you actually want to communicate with. But also it'll be easier for you. It'll be more comfortable because these are things that you know inside and out. These are things that you've researched in your downtime. These are things that, that you just love to discuss and to learn about. So focused on building a community, focus on creating rooms about things that you're passionate about and that will make everything easier. It'll help you build your following because people will recognize you as a subject matter expert or an authority in that area. And you will be able to build a tribe much easier because people, like-minded individuals who are also passionate about those things. We'll find these rooms, EML want to communicate, engage, and follow you number to be relevant. Understand what's going on in your business or industry. Understand the Gosset the latest and greatest. It doesn't really matter what industry or what job function or what you are, what you're discussing. But you should be up to date because clubhouse is a truly social platform right now. It's hot, it's relevant yet Elon Musk on it just a little bit ago. Evil don't want information on clubhouse because again, everybody has a short period of time to chat, to actually speak. And also it's a, it's a very time consuming platform for the people who are listening. So make sure that when you do speak or when you do bring something up, it's relevant, it's impactful. It's something that is new, is groundbreaking, is disruptive, is not just going to be something that people cared about ten years ago. What again, any business, any industry you want to be relevant. So if you're going to prep for club house, this is a good exercise in just being an interesting, educated individual in your field. Do a little bit of research, understand what's topical, what's trending, and prepare a little bit. Have some content that you want to discuss. That's going to get a conversation going, and that's going to get people interested because the more interesting you are on cloud house and on any social platform, but definitely on clubhouse. It, the more it's gonna resonate with people, and the more of those people are going to want to follow you again about building your following. Though, be interesting. Remember three, we've already spoken about this in the, in the walk-through of the platform, but optimize your profile. Remember, when you search for somebody's, when you search for certain topic on clubhouse, the search is optimized by keyword. So if you want to be known as a marketer or in social media, or as a dog rumor, or as a venture capitalist. Or as doesn't really matter, if you want to be known as something, make sure the keywords that are associated with that thing or that job are populate your profile so that when some, especially your username, so that when somebody looks up marketing, they'll see your name. If your name is, for example, Scott de Clery, marketing or otherwise, right? So put those keywords in your profile and then also explain who you are and your profile. So you always want to fill that out. That's probably one of the most important ways to build a following is to give people a little bit more information as to who you are. Because if nobody's heard of it, if people haven't heard of you before and they go to your profile, you wanna make sure that when you're on, when they're on your profile, they see, they see interesting information. They'll convert into a follower. So you have to make sure the optimizer profile for the keywords that you want to have associated with you and your brand. And then also make sure that there's information there so that people will want to follow you, will understand what you do and they'll find you interesting. Number four, invite influencers onto the platform. It's going to be a little bit hard, but remember, if you invite somebody onto the platform with your invite links, your name will be on their profile forever. So it'll show underneath their main copy on their profile, this individual was invited by you. If you invited them, though, try and use your invites, you get the most influential people you can onto the platform, bring them in. And that's a little bit of an incentive for you to actually invite more people. On. Number five, it seems a little bit obvious, but host panels, attend rooms, raise your hand and speak. The easiest growth hack for an early social media platform is just to use it. If you just use it right now, you are going to experience insane growth on the platform. So my biggest growth App, even though it's coming in at number five, I probably should have put it at number one is to just use the platform and get over any sort of apprehension you have of raising your hand and raising your voice. If you have to set some time aside for it, I'd recommend setting some time aside, either one day a week or perhaps to kick your morning off one hour in the morning because it can get super addictive and very, very time-consuming. So set some time aside but actually engage and participate. Number six, you can actually issue announcements via clubhouse. So you're going to have to build a little bit of a following to gain some critical mass. But once you build a following, you can keep that ball rolling. You can issue announcements, you can create news alerts. You can invite more people into your room so that your rooms have a higher chance of being a popular and having a conversation and numb. So once you have the following, use the announcements to communicate with everybody who's following you. And last but not least, number seven is to apply for a club. Now the rules on how to create your own club, which is really just like an interest based group that you moderate and you control and you can communicate with. The rules are not clear. There is a link that you can, you can go to and you can apply to have the ability to create a club and right now clubhouse AND approve or not approve you. That's their prerogative. But I would suggest that if you are active on the platform, you take the opportunity and you apply to create a club so that you can build your own, not just following, but your own community within the platform. So those are my seven tips, best practices on how to build a following, how to build an audience, and how to be impactful and use the platform so that it can actually benefit you.