How To Use LINKEDIN ADS For Business (Beginner to Advanced) | Scott D Clary | Skillshare

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How To Use LINKEDIN ADS For Business (Beginner to Advanced)

teacher avatar Scott D Clary, Teaching sales, marketing & startups

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Introduction to LinkedIn Ads & Campaign Manager


    • 3.

      Creating the Actual LinkedIn Ad


    • 4.

      LinkedIn Ad Targeting & Budgets


    • 5.

      LinkedIn Ads Best Practices


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  • Advanced level
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About This Class


  • Desire to use LinkedIn ads to promote your business


Effective LinkedIn marketing & ads to get you more traffic, followers, likes, shares, sales and conversions so you can grow your business.

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media markets for job seekers and recruiters. LinkedIn has over 700 million members.

Over 20 million jobs are posted on LinkedIn. More than 30 million companies are on LinkedIn in some form or other. LinkedIn is a platform that should be leveraged by anyone who is actively or passively looking for a job. In today’s job market, careers are always shifting due to our ever-changing global environment to be ahead of the competition.

Leveraging LinkedIn is smart for businesses, trying to sell products, or job-seekers looking for employers. LinkedIn gives you access to the latest industry trends, allows you to market your brand globally, grow your professional network and to connect with decision makers and executives in any industry, globally.



I built this course for people like you. People who are frustrated with their LinkedIn ads, doing it themselves, and not seeing the results they want. It's not easy to learn how to use LinkedIn ads properly. I've been there myself. So let me help you get the business results you're looking for.

LinkedIn ads are a powerful marketing tool to grow your business. But learning how to use them effectively can be a challenge. That's why we created the course. With this course you’ll learn how to craft profitable campaigns, create ads that people notice, and distribute your message to the right audience with laser-like precision.



This course is for anyone who wants to set up LinkedIn ads for themselves or their clients. This course will teach you what aspects to focus on, how to write great ad copy, and how to optimize ads for maximum results.

After finishing the course, you'll be able to run highly successful campaigns for yourself, your clients and/or your business.



The course first gives you solid LinkedIn marketing / ads fundamentals. After that, the course walks you through the creation of ads, and discusses various targeting and budgeting options.

  • Introduction to LinkedIn Ads & Campaign Manager

  • Creating the actual LinkedIn Ad

  • LinkedIn Ad Targeting & Budgets



  • Set up a LinkedIn Ad, choose whatever campaign objective suits your desired business objectives.

  • Develop the creative for the account.

  • Target the proper demographics, with various targeting options.

  • Activate the campaign and let it run for 48 hours (it doesn't matter what the budget is).

  • Screenshot the ad, and upload a picture of the ad, along with some information about how the ad performed, so fellow students can learn from you.

  • Link your LinkedIn profile so that students can connect with you.

Goal: Set up your first ad campaign and execute and share the results. What was your CPC? What was your CPM? What was your ROAS?



As a career sales and marketing executive & leader, I've worked with a wide variety of organizations and peers, training thousands of individuals on both the hard and soft skills required to excel in their career.

On a professional level, I've worked within all size companies, and I've sold and marketed (as well as lead teams that have sold and marketed) to some of the most iconic F500 / F100 brands throughout my career.

I'm fortunate to have over 100+ of my thoughts and insights on sales, marketing, technology, business and entrepreneurship published in outlets such as Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Hackernoon, The Startup and others.

I'm the host of the Success Story Podcast (1m+ downloads), author of the ROI Overload Newsletter (with 30k subs and counting), founder of ROI Overload, a Sales & Marketing Community. (250k Followers) Newsletter, Publication & Startup Resource and a career Sales & Marketing exec.

I talk about sales, marketing, growth and startups on Twitter or LinkedIn @scottdclary

Meet Your Teacher

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Scott D Clary

Teaching sales, marketing & startups


Long story short, I'm the host of the Success Story Podcast (20m downloads), author of a weekly newsletter (with 310k subs and counting).

I talk about sales, marketing, growth and startups on Twitter or LinkedIn @scottdclary

The Long Version:

As a career sales and marketing executive & leader, I've worked with a wide variety of organizations and peers, training individuals on both the hard and soft skills required to excel in their career.

On a professional level, I've worked within all size companies, and I've sold and marketed (as well as lead teams that have sold and marketed) to some of the most iconic F500 / F100 brands throughout my career.

I'm fortunate to have over 100 of my thoughts and insights on sales, marketing, technology... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hey there, my name is Scott declared and welcome to my course on LinkedIn ads. I'm a career long sales and marketing executive and the host of the success story podcasts. And I'm a founder of the sales and marketing publication ROI overload. Over the course of my career, I've built out sales and marketing campaigns. I've hired and trained sales and marketing individuals. And I've sold and marketed to some of the largest organizations in the world. Me and my team of trainers have trained hundreds of individuals on various sales and marketing tools, technologies, and strategies. Today you're going to be learning about LinkedIn ads. It's a short course, roughly 15 minutes long. It's broken down into three modules. You are going to learn everything about LinkedIn ads, how to create them, how to target, and how to best use LinkedIn to achieve the desired results and get a positive return on ad spend or ROAS. To that, you can sell more, market more and connect more with your customers. In module 1, we're going to go over an introduction to LinkedIn ads as well as the LinkedIn Campaign Manager. In Module 2, we're going to actually be creating a LinkedIn ad. You're going to follow along as we actually create one from scratch. Then in Module 3, we'll actually go deeper into the targeting options, explain what every single one of them means, as well as speak about the various budgeting options that you have for creating LinkedIn ads. This class is mainly focused on B2B sales or marketing individuals, perhaps executives, but also founders, CEOs or other individuals that are in some business function where they need to use LinkedIn ads to reach their target customer. This is a beginner course in the sense that it will walk you through the basics of LinkedIn ads if you've never, ever used any sort of paid ads before, this course will give you one avenue that you can use paid ads, but it will not cover all the other paid ad options across other digital and social platforms. There's no specific skill sets required before taking this course, I would just suggest that you have a LinkedIn profile that you can use so that you can actually follow along, take notes, and try what we're going to be teaching you on your own LinkedIn account and LinkedIn ads platform. The value you're going to take away from this class is very simple. You're going to learn how to use LinkedIn ads, how to set them up, how target, the different types of ad options, the different types of audiences, how to do the creative, what best practices look like for the creative, and then how to execute so that you do again, get a positive return on ad spend or get the desired KPI or result that you're looking to achieve after this course is over. My ask of you. The project that you should take on will be to set up an ad and launch it so that it's actually running and targeting your desired customer profile so that you can gauge results, measure, iterate, and improve. I hope you enjoy the course that further ado, let's get. 2. Introduction to LinkedIn Ads & Campaign Manager: Alright, so let's get started creating our campaign manager account. First of all, what is Campaign Manager account in? Why would you want one? A campaign manager account gives you access to Lincoln's campaign manager. The campaign manager tool will then allow you to create ads like this. So you can advertise on LinkedIn. If you want to advertise on LinkedIn, you'll need a campaign manager account. You can think of it as an advertiser's account. Now, the cool thing about a campaign manager account is that it comes with a regular account. You don't need to create another account. You just need to login to your LinkedIn profile as it did here. This is just an ordinary LinkedIn account. To create your campaign manager account. Just quick them work. Then advertise. Since I am and you advertiser link in the exam for me and before it can create my campaign manager account. The first is the account name. To help you identify this account as you can create multiple ad accounts. The second one is occurrence that you will use to take note that this is permanent. You cannot change it once you said. So be careful. However, you can create a second ad account with a different currency if you plan to use multiple currencies. Finally, you can connect a LinkedIn page to your ad account, which is optional but highly recommended as it allows your ads to appear in the news feed as sponsored content like this one. But for now, I will not connect a page. Finish up by clicking on Create Account. So here's Lincoln's campaign manager. If you've never use a similar tool before, look overwhelming. So let's break it down a bit. There are three main tabs. The first is accounts. As you can have multiple ad accounts. A second is campaigns, which you cannot access it without selecting an Ad account. The third is ADS. If you want to create another ad account, just click here on Create Account. Existing AD accounts will appear here. If you have a lot of ad accounts, this list will be more populated. Currently, I only have one. By hovering your cursor over the account name. You can either edit it or view its performance. Clicking on it will open up the campaign groups tab. Campaign groups are just a way for you to organize your campaigns. It can prevent things from getting out of hand. A campaign group can have different campaigns under it. And it's up to you and how you want to structure your various campaigns. Here you can find the group name. The status. Active means you have enabled, but it's not running. It hasn't received the go signal from LinkedIn. Just hover your cursor in the small icon for more information. Here's the money you spent on advertising. Using the currency you selected, the impressions, or how many times the ad has been viewed? Clicks. How many times have people clicked on the ad? The average click-through rate, average cost per 11000 impressions, average CPC, and so on. I hope you will find controls are drilled on anything you want to find. So for example, I can just use data from the past 30 days or from a specific range. And I can also sort the data in descending or ascending manner. You can also export this data as a spreadsheet. For further analysis. Just click on Export. Select the data you want. An export. Think of these three tabs as zooming in, going from something generic to more specific. As previously mentioned, a campaign group will have one or more campaigns under it. A campaign will have one or more ads on the ribbon. Campaigns of the same controls as campaign groups. Again, you can sort by descending or ascending order. You can apply filters. You can select specific date ranges. And you can search by campaign name. And you can search by campaign name if you have a lot of campaigns. As our roles are pretty much the same, with more or less columns. Going up. You will find a website demographics. This is similar to Google Analytics. This is similar to Google Analytics. It basically reveal statistics about your website. And like Google Analytics, you have to install something first before it becomes available. In this case, they're calling it the insight tag. Beside the website demographics is the account assets. These are tools that are valuable to creating and managing ads on LinkedIn. And last but not least, the universal symbol for settings, the gear icon. Clicking on it will allow you to customize a few things relating to your account. Oh, and one final thing, you need a credit card to run ads on LinkedIn is that is how you will pay them. And thus are short tour an overview of Lincoln's campaign manager. In the next video, we'll be creating our first ad. So thank you for watching and see you in the next one. 3. Creating the Actual LinkedIn Ad: Let's start with creating an actual link in at. So from the campaign manager, click on Create Campaign here on the upper right. As everything starts with a campaign. Start by specifying where to group this campaign. Click on the pencil icon and choose where to put this under. And give your campaign a good name. You don't want it to be entitled campaign as it's not a descriptive title. All right, The first thing you need to decide is the objective. What do you want to accomplish with this campaign? Is that awareness. You want more people to know about your business. Where is it traffic hits? Or maybe you want more leads or website conversions. This is a very important step and I suggest you take some time if we're deciding as this will be the overall goal of your campaign, you're telling link in how you want your campaign to be handled? Well, let's say I have a new business and so currently no one knows about it and they want some exposure. So a trues brand awareness. This is LinkedIn telling you how it will handle your campaign. Your campaign will be shown to people most likely to view your ads. Ram makes sense as my objective is to get exposure for my new business. Next stop is audience. Who are the people I want to see my ad? So I click here in audiences. And I can select certain groups of people. So let's see, my new business helps companies to hire the right candidates for their job openings. Hr might be a good start. After I've selected my target audience, I have to choose a target location. This is not applied to all ads, but let's see, my new business will only cater to the Asian market. So I choose Asia. I also have the option to exclude certain locations if needed. So for example, I don't want my ad to be shown in Latin America. So make sure is excluded. My ad is an English, so I didn't have to change anything here. This is where you can be as detailed as you want. Who's your target audience? Who are the people you want to see your ad? Click on our origins further to target certain people. Hearing audience attributes. You can target people based on their company's demographics, like age or gender, education, job experience, our interests. So let's see. I want people working in HR to see my ad. So I click on job experience, and I click on job titles and type HR and HR manager. These are also good suggestions. So I'm going to add them. You can see how powerful this tool is. You can get as specific as you want. It's also a good idea to actually have your ideal audience in mind as you go through this. So for example, let's say I want clients who are from small to medium companies only. So I add another requirement. Aside from being in human resources, I also want people from small companies. So I click on narrower audience further again. And company, company size. Maybe we'll have in 250 and then 51 to 200 employees. Again, I can exclude certain people if required. Enable honest expansion means you want LinkedIn to automatically extend your targeted audience if it cannot find enough people. It is recommended to keep this check. As the more people you add reaches, the better. If you plan to use this audience again for a future campaign, click on Save as Template so you don't have to repeat this step again. Before we continue with creating our ad, we need to talk about the types of ads that appear on LinkedIn. First is the sponsored content. This is an example of a sponsored ad and it appears on the news feed. This is probably the most effective type of ad as a chance of someone seeing it and consuming the ad is quite high. Second, our text ads. These are ads in text form. Third, are sponsored InMail ads. These are ads that appear in your message Inbox. Another effective type of an ad, as it is very direct. However, be careful as we have been conditioned to ignore spam that appear in our inboxes, like email forth are dynamic ads or customized ads. These ads will vary with each person. They're usually used for job recruiting and are quite personal. Fifth, our display ads, they're adds an image form. Now that we know the various types of LinkedIn ads, we can continue making our ad ad format. This is where you choose what type of ad you want. It can be a single image ad. It can be a carousel, or a series of pictures, a video ad, or a video, a text ad, spotlight ad, or a follower at. These three types will show up in the newsfeed. While text ads are usually on the top or right of the website. So let's say I will create a single image at, as mentioned in a previous video, certain types of ads require a LinkedIn company page. This is where you put in the URL of that page. Other ads like texts ads, do not require a company pH. Do you know that depending on the ad format, there'll be features that are enabled or disabled, like in this case. So let's go back to a single image at we're almost done creating our ad. But let us take a break here, is that it's a lot of information to digest. So thanks for watching. In the next video, we will wrap things up and finish our LinkedIn ad. See you there. 4. LinkedIn Ad Targeting & Budgets: Let's pick up from where we left off last time and continue making our ad placement. Linkedin Audience Network. The LinkedIn honest network, are places outside the website where your ad can appear. Third party partners off LinkedIn. I would recommend leaving this check. As I said before, the more people who see your ad, the better budget and schedule. Budget. A daily budget is how much are you willing to spend daily? Well, that total budget is how much they want to spend. Overall, this is totally up to personal preference. As I am not aware of your financial constraints for advertising schedule, it is recommended to choose the first option. Run campaign continuously from start date. The second option is mostly used for promotions. We just start and end date, like a 3D sale, for example. Blood type. The recommended settings automatic bid, and let LinkedIn handle it. Conversion tracking. This is when you want to know how many conversions these ad god. How many people bought from your online store? How many people sign up for your newsletter? And so on. Then click on Next to go to the next page. And click Save again. Now that we're done creating a campaign, it's time to add, adds to this campaign. So click on create new ad. And this is where you upload the image of your ad. So click on Upload Image and choose your ad. Type in an eye-catching headline. One that will make someone stops scrolling and read, typing a corresponding description. Once you get their attention with a headline, follow it up, and tell them what you want them to do. The destination URL is where you want someone to go after reading or at least usually points your own website. On the right is the preview pane where you get to see what your ad will look like. Click on the little circles blue to see how your ad appears in other forms. Once you are happy with your ad, click on Create. If you want to create more ads, just click on Create new ad here in the upper right corner. That second ad will appear beneath this first ad. You can also make changes to existing ads by clicking on the three dots here. As well as duplicate an ad. In case you want to make a similar ad, we'd only few differences. On the right are the forecasted results. This is Lincoln's best guess in higher ed will perform from experience. This is about 90 percent accurate. So you can use this as a guide and what things to change in your ad for better results. When you're ready, click on Launch Campaign to publish your ad. And that is how you make a LinkedIn ad for your business. Again, thank you for watching, and I wish you success in advertising on LinkedIn. 5. LinkedIn Ads Best Practices: All right, So now that you've understood the different components of LinkedIn ads, I want to take a second and I want to highlight some of the best practices for the six different types of ads that you can create on LinkedIn. Now, a lot of these, a lot of these best practices you can actually find on a very useful LinkedIn webpage. So if you go to www dot business dot, you can find a lot of the stuff that I'm going to be discussing now. But because this is a LinkedIn ads course, it's important to go over this. After I go through best practices for each of the six add types, then I will be discussing just general AD best practices that you should consider that I've learned out over my career running ads across a variety of different platforms. And there's certainly applicable to LinkedIn. So let's get right into it. So the first type of ad that I want to give you some insight on is sponsored content. Just take a quick look at the screen so you can see exactly what kind of add on talking about. So for sponsored content ads, you have to remember that these are the ads that are going to be showing up in the main stream of text and post that people are gonna be watching on my density, you really have to make it stand out. Now a few best practices coming straight from LinkedIn to create the actual creative for these ads. So your headlines for these particular ad should be under a 150 characters and the description should be under 70 characters. Anything over a 100 characters in your description will be cut off. So that will force people to click, See More button, which isn't a great ad experience. You want to deliver your entire message the first time they scroll through it. Larger images, proof, and have been proven out, excuse me, I'd have a higher click-through rate. So if you use a large image, a large image versus a thumbnail, you're probably going to have a much better response to that ad. The ideal size is 1200 by 677 pixels. Linkedin actually drops a stat on their website that if you use larger images versus thumbnails, they've measured that you get about a 38% increase in click-through or conversions from that add on, all of these ads have a clear call to action. So tell people what you want them to do, don't make them guess. And lastly, like all ads, but I'll reiterate this. Be specific with your targeting, but don't be too specific. If you're too specific and you only have a sample size of a 100 individuals, for example, it's not going to be very useful. So it's okay to widen your sample size a little bit. And then you can look at the analytics and see which group is most responsive to your ad. And then you can create AB tests are iterations of that ad and targeted at small subsets of your targeting and try and get the most optimal results. Moving on, the next type of ad is sponsored messaging. So just so you can see, this is what an example of a sponsored message ad looks like. Here's another example of a sponsored ad that asking people to sign up for an event or to register for an event. So now let's talk about some best practices for sponsored messaging for the actual texts. Use bullet points versus large blocks of text. So be succinct, concise, and be very clear. Remember that call to action where you want people do. If you remember the example you just saw was very specific and obvious. They wanted you to, for example, register for that event. Linkedin on their page that I referenced earlier drops and more data points. If you have under 500 characters of text in these types of messaging ads, they've seen a 46 percent higher click-through rate. You are also able to include hyperlinks. So links to other websites, assets, social, whatever. If you use these in the ad, you're going to see roughly 20 plus percent increase in click-through rates on the ad as well. So take advantage of the fact that you can use hyperlinks in the text in these act, in these ads. Now in the sponsored messages, you can also have conversation ads, which really just act as if you're trying to start a conversation with somebody, but you're able to send it to people who you're not connected with. You're able to targeted at people who are not connected with. So that it feels a little bit more personal and less like it's coming from a corporate entity. So you can use some of LinkedIn's templates to get you started US as more of a conversational flow. So use multiple messages, buttons, links, so that it's not like one block of task. Because if you actually think about how any sort of conversation goes on in your phone or on LinkedIn or otherwise. Usually you'll send like a sentence or two and then you'll send another sentence. You never really sente paragraphs or tax. So make it look and feel like it's conversational because that's how it's going to be received. And obviously, for corporate speak, just write these messages like you speak, like you talk because that's really how they're going to be received. And of course, you can use photos, images to add to the message. But remember this is sent to the individual, like you're speaking to them. So however you speak to people on LinkedIn or other social platforms, that's how you're going to come across. And the last tip is to use a credible sender. So if you are, for example, running a campaign from your business, you would want a C-suite CXO, VP level director to be sending these ads. You don't want somebody with no profile picture, really no relation to a marketing or sales rule. Sending an ad for a product that you're trying to sell, make it make sense, make the sender seem more senior, more authoritative, somewhat of a leader in the organization. These are things that will help you get a more of a response back from the people that you're sending me sponsored messages to. And then lastly, if you're going to be sending it from somebody's profile, make sure they have a clear picture for their face, as well as the fact that their profile is set on public and not private. So that when somebody receives these messages are probably going to go check out the person who sent them. They should be able to see what that person is doing, who they worked for. Because again, it's a personal message. And then lastly, with email, if you've ever used merge tags where you have, for example, like firstName in parentheses, or you can use other merge tags for other different modifiable components of text. Linkedin allows you to do that as well. Don't go too heavy on it because people can usually sniff if it's faith and automated. But if you want to use, for example, a first-name merge tag in LinkedIn. These are actually called LinkedIn macros, which means that you're just putting in, for example, Hey, in parentheses firstName, and then when you send that message out to 50 people or whatever, it will replace that firstname macro with the actual individual's first-name. And then again, another data point from LinkedIn. You want to keep these messages and these campaigns running. But for personalized messages, they've seen that Tuesday is actually the highest engagement rate, open rate. And of course, between the working hours for whatever time zone you're targeting. So, you know, I'm in Eastern's would be nine to five. Eastern on Tuesday would be my best open rate or response. Right. But I'm still running these. All we next, moving on to tech stats. Just to take a quick look, these are the ads that show to the right of your screen. So they're not in your news feed. They're not above at the top of your screen just to the right. And they're small little text ads with a link and an image. So for the text ads that creative, that little icon, you really have to make it stand out. That's going to draw attention. If you have an icon with boring colors or blend design, people are going to completely pass right over it to actually be setup in a variety of different formats. So you have square, horizontal or long lines of text and you really have to reinforce that CTA. So the register, the sign up-to-date, book, a demo, make it super clear. Another tactic could be to address the buyer specifically, so say attention directors of marketing, or are you an HR professional, or do you sell SaaS tools, something that is hyper targeted so that it's speaking directly to the person that could glance at it. Remember, you really have to draw their attention away from the main parts of LinkedIn. So the more in your face, the more disruptive this ad is, the better You need people to look away from what they're actually focused on for it to actually work. And then again, you want to link to form, capture a form that can capture information you want to link to, perhaps your company website or a specific landing page that's going to bring them into the top of a sales funnel or whatever, but you're going to link somewhere. So always have a link in mind because you're not going to start a conversation with these Azure, not going to get them to fill out a lead form on App, on LinkedIn. You're going to have to take them somewhere else. So just have that link in mind. Next up is video ads. Video ads are exactly like they sound. Video ads are video. So all best practices for video, we'll apply here. You're still going to make sure that you target properly. You're still going to make sure that you figure out which campaign you want to run and what the results are going to be and have those objectives in mind. But because there's video, there's visual elements involved, right? So if you're going to use video, you're going to tell your brand story. You're going to tell your origin story. You're going to speak about customer success stories. It's going to be a short explainer video. So these are obviously the different types of videos and there's a variety of other ones that you can use, but have some sort of video in mind. It's going to tell a story that's going to be visual but still short to the point, says sync, delivering a very specific message to achieve that desired outcome or result. So LinkedIn recommends you keep videos under thirty-seconds. And if you keep videos under 30 seconds, There's a better chance of somebody will watch it to the end. And that actually gives you over to a 100 percent of an increase in click-through rates or conversions. This is the best for brand awareness or brand consideration goals. If you have something like a demand generation campaign where you actually want to generate leads, you have to sell them with a slightly longer video. So this could range from 30 to 45 seconds, but don't go too much longer than that. If you need to say a little bit more, it's fine. But again, the goal is to get people to watch the full video. And of course, your AB testing dislike anything else. So right now your AB testing that creative. So AB test, different videos, different lengths, different messages. Again, this is no different. You're already going to be AB testing. I'll talk about that in a second. Different, for example, campaigns, audiences, targeting objectives, but you also always have to AB tests of creative. And that's actually the same with any of the as I just discussed. But for video, don't forget that a lot of people, because video is a lot of work to create the create one video. And then they start AB testing the other components and they forget that they can actually A B tests are creative, put in a little bit extra effort, make a noticeable difference. Notable difference between video a in video B, so that you can really understand what's driving results. So make one video 45 seconds, make one video, 20 seconds, for example, so that you understand what resonates with your audience and how that aligns with your desired business of non now, carousel ads. So this is very similar to sponsored content, but as you can see, now you have the option for multiple images. So you can give more in the same physical space as a sponsored, as sponsored content. So I'm not going to go over all the same things that I just mentioned for sponsored content. But with carousel ads, you can play around with how many pieces of creative you can use. So you can do short, three to five cards, or you can do long, which would be over five cards. If you're gonna do short, it makes sense to keep it as a theme so that all the cards somewhat just reinforce the main theme of the post or the ad. If you're going to do a longer carousel. And you can tell a story, you can truly, for example, walkthrough, progressive message that keeps adding on. And then after the customer has gotten through all of the pictures or slides or whatever you want to call them. Then there's a little bit of an emotional feeling at the end. I would not, for example, if you're selling a product, if you're selling, I'll give you an if you're selling a sweater or a shirt, I would not put six pictures of a shirt. But if I was trying to sell somebody on an event and to sell somebody on an event or to get them to register and on and on for an event, I would perhaps give them six ways to engage their customers by leveraging virtual events. Let's just say I sell virtual events solutions. I could give them a strong main image to capture their interests. I would give them six carousel slides after that to each give them a data point so to provide some knowledge or some insight. And then the final piece would be the call to action to actually get people to jump on a demo so they can see my virtual event technology for example. So I would build up and then end with a CTA. I wouldn't put, for example, six customer case studies. It just seems like you're going a little bit above and beyond what you really have to do to get the point across. Use a longer Carousel ad for a specific purpose. Because you're trying to build up something over the course of those six plus slides. And remember, the first picture and a carousel will be fully visible for your audience, and the second picture will be partly visible. So what you wanna do with the first picture is to let the audience know if they scroll through that carousel, what they're going to be seeing, what the parasol is all about. And then also the second picture, use it as a teaser. Make it so that they can only see a part of something that they would really want to see the full thing. It could be information, it could be a little bit of text. It could be a teaser picture, whatever, but know that you should try and make it so that second picture in that carousel will reinforce what the first picture said. But then get them to want to look more, to want, to get them to want to investigate certainly not least, our dynamic ad. So dynamic ads also show just to the right of the news feed. They'll pop up. And this is another instance where you want to make the creative disruptive so that it pulls the reader's attention away from that main news feed that has all the information that they think they're going to LinkedIn and the information that they probably want to be seeing. And it pulls your attention away into that side panel. And just know that in the dynamic ads family, it's mainly tailored for four main things. It can be for followers, it can be for jobs. It can be a spotlight of an event or a person. Or it can be a content ad which prompts and asks the audience or the viewer to download an e-book or a white paper or something like that. The thing about dynamic ads is they actually pull in the viewer, the audience members and viewers, whatever they pull in their profile picture into the ad. So it draws attention away naturally, but you want to reinforce that with the text or the copy or the call to action. So all the other add rules apply. But what you're seeing now is an example of a dynamic ad is, as you can see, it pulls in the user profile picture or even their name. So it's very personal and it does a good job of drawing attention away. But obviously you wanna do your part as well and makes sure that the call to the call to action or CTA is relevant. And when somebody does shift their focus towards the ad, they're incentivized or they're motivated to click further to investigate or explore further. So those are the six add types in some of the best practices for the six types. And now, just to finish off, I'm going to give you some ideas to take away as you start to create your own ad campaigns. So just in terms of the creative, you can always use industry news, trends. You can go research things that are happening and present that as part of your ad. So a type irrelevant to whoever you're trying to target. You can also include links, YouTube videos, vimeo videos as content in your ads as well. And this is just general best practices for ad. So you can find different ways to find content for the ads. You can re-purpose old content that you've posted on your social media. Go look for content that you've posted on your other social media accounts, for example. And then you pull it in and maybe rejig it a little bit so it can make a great ad. There's so many different ways to create content for these ads. So even if you don't have a full in-house team, be creative, do research, go back and look at what you've posted and you will find content that will resonate and will ultimately convert. One thing that I always like to do is if I'm running ads on any platform, I try and find my highest performing posts organically and then use those as add content. Obviously, it depends on what the format of the content was, but there's usually a way to either find texture or video or image content that you can repurpose as your ads, but look for the highest performing piece because you already know that it's resonating with, with the audience that technically you should be building on your social platform. And then this is also just a really great point and something to think about. Always AB test whenever you're running an ad campaign. And what does that mean? Well, when your AB testing, that means you're not just running one ad. You're running to add simultaneously. So you're running add one or add a and add B, which is a slight variant of add a. And when your AB testing, this is standard practice when you're running ads on any platform, you are comparing the results of the two ads running simultaneously. So you could be, for example, changing the creative, the copy, the image that targeting the, perhaps even the objective of the ad. You just change one thing, AB test, pick the one that works better and then use that going forward and then AB test against that one. And how ads are most successful is when you're constantly AB testing, improving, AB testing improving, and you just go through this cycle again and again and again, and it truly never stopped. So you are doing this to keep achieving a better click-through rate, a better impressions, a better return on ad spend, whatever your metric is, the more you AB test, the more you optimize, the more your ads will perform, the cheaper it will be to get that desired business results are objective and to actually put this in place like It's very simple, right? If you have this ad budget, you're splitting this ad budget in half and you're just applying half of that ad budget to add a and half of the ad budget to add b. And you're running it for a week, you have to give it some time, but then you just take the one isn't performing, you kill it. And you, and you now AB tests against that one that is performing and you take that ad budget from the one that wasn't working, now apply it to a new AB test against the ad that was performing better. Another important note on LinkedIn, they have something that's very similar to a Facebook pixel. It's called a LinkedIn insight tag. You can install this on your website and you can measure the results. So if you are not using a campaign or for LinkedIn objective that allows you to convert directly on LinkedIn. Of course some of them do. For example, like the lead gen forms or signing up for webinars or downloading any. But all of these things can be done directly on LinkedIn depending on what type of ad type you choose or campaign objective you choose. But if you choose to bring customers or prospects off of LinkedIn, then you can use this tracking pixel or what they call the LinkedIn insight tag to measure how well that conversion event or that ad is doing. It will tell you because it will know if somebody clicks the ad goes to your website, download something, somebody clicks the ad goes to your website, signs up, it will know, and then we'll be able to tell you how that adds doing. So use that, install it because data is your friend here and if you aren't using this, you're kinda blinded in the dark. Another note, always have a desired business objective for running an ad campaign. Too many people just run ad campaigns probably to get leads and they get leads and these leads are not qualified. For example, marketing capacities leads over to sales. Sales is wasting their time calling, doing demos with people that aren't qualified. Leads are they weren't qualified properly. So make sure you have business objectives that tie into the ad campaign you're running so that you can measure against business results and business outcomes. Because if you don't have that setup and you don't know what that desired business objective or result is, chances are you're going to be running ads. You're not going to be getting proper feedback because the marketers are going to be optimizing for leads. But if there is no convergent on those leads, even if you are getting an amazing return on ad spend or you're getting tons of leads, sign up and the demos, your sales team realizes these demos are no good. They're not communicating that. Or if you already haven't set up process or structure in place to allow both marketing and for example, sales to understand that after these leads are passed over, we have to report back on how many meetings booked, how many follow-up calls, how many demos, how many close ones, for example. And if you don't have that second half of it, then you're going to be wasting a lot of money. And it seems like common sense, but a lot of companies rush into ads and they don't think about, well, after we pass it over from marketing to sales, which is a traditional way, you would pass over a lead, for example. Are we tracking whether or not these convert whether these turn into actual revenue or money in the bank. So that's pretty much it. I hope you got some value out of that. I hope you now understand completely how to set up these ads, the different components, I think in a different objectives as well as I hope you've got some value out of the best practices for the different campaign objectives and just add in general, if you enjoyed this course, please leave a, leave some feedback. I always love knowing what you saw and you can also reach out to me directly and give me feedback. And it's always well appreciated in well-received. Have a great day and we'll talk again soon.