How To Make YouTube Shorts: Gain Subscribers & Grow Your Channel | Christopher Berry | Skillshare

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How To Make YouTube Shorts: Gain Subscribers & Grow Your Channel

teacher avatar Christopher Berry, Award-Winning Video Producer & Marketer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Basics


    • 3.

      Why Do They Work


    • 4.

      Things To Avoid


    • 5.

      Things To Do


    • 6.

      The Three Second Rule


    • 7.



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About This Class

This course will tell you everything you need to know about how to make YouTube Shorts.

You will learn all the basic requirements for your videos to be catergorised as a Shorts video. Alongside this you'll also learn why these are one of the most powerful ways to grow your YouTube channel and gain subscribers.

The most important part is looking at how to optimise your content for these video platforms in order to give you the best chance of going viral!

Do's and Don't's of Short Form Video Content

The tips I cover in the course will also be beneficial to other platforms too, such as:

  • TikTok
  • Instagram Reels
  • Spotlight

Who is this course for?

Whether you're a creator or a business, the benefits of learning how to utilise platforms like YouTube Shorts as well as how to create optimised content for them, will greatly benefit your organic growth. Everything I cover is based on creating the best content possible and putting it out onto YouTube Shorts. You'll need to know how to film yourself, edit videos and upload a video to YouTube.

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Christopher Berry

Award-Winning Video Producer & Marketer

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: Without knowing how to make YouTube short, you're missing out on a massive potential for both views and exposure for your channel. This new platform is doing amazingly well right now. So by the end of this course, you'll know how to make YouTube short, but not only how to make it, how to optimize them, to give you the best chance of getting that video viral and bringing the lots of attention, exposure and subscribers to your YouTube channel. Youtube shorts and latest offering from the platform in an attempt to rival TikTok and Instagram Reels. All they are is a vertical video under 60 seconds in length, and they're posted using the hashtag shots. It's a platform, it's currently in Beta, but it's starting to roll out across the world as a filming this, the US has just got the platform yesterday, starting to roll out across the country. So why should you make him now? Well, currently the platform's not very saturated. Yes, you've got big creators like Mr. Beast who are kicking out lots of YouTube shorts on a special Eugene Schwartz channel that they've created. But there's room for new creators to get out there and make content while it's still new and in its infancy. Yuja is obviously going to want to rival Tik Tok. And that means they're going to push these YouTube shots quite hard. There's still gonna be times where you'll make a video and it won't perform, but there's a chance that it will perform. And it's a much higher chance than getting a video to hit the algorithm right through the normal U2 means of keywords, hashtags and that side of optimization, if you've ever used TikTok or Instagram Reels, then you'll understand the whole infinite scroll. People get there and they can just scroll through content. And that's the reason videos performed so well on these platforms is because people will take in so many videos in one session. It's not like YouTube where they'll set and what is only for 10 to 15 minutes if not longer. With this, there'll be going through swiping through videos, you know, 10, 15 videos in 20 thirty-seconds, the only stopping to what ones that really engage them. So in this course, I'll teach you exactly what you need to know about short, not just about the platform and how to use it, but how to best optimize content for these new short form quick swipe audiences where you need to engage critically and offer value so that you can hook someone's are stopped and swiping away. With that, we'll look at how that optimized content is then going to best benefit your channel to bring you subscribers views and capitalize off this while you can. 2. The Basics: So let's start with the basics. How do you get your shorts to enter their shots algorithm and go on to what YouTube call the shots shelf. It's quite simple. As long as you're making that video that's under 60 seconds in length and it is vertical, then it will enter the platform just flying YouTube, well, pick it up. At some point, they say, if you're using the hashtag shots and your title or description though, YouTube is set themselves, that it will make it more likely for your video to be picked up quicker to go onto the short shelf. So there's two ways you can make a short. The first way isn't fully accessible by everyone right now, at the point filming, I will update the course with additional videos as this changes and YouTube develops the platform. But if you are in a country that has access, such as parts of the US right now, you'll have a button for the create on your phone, and it will allow you to shoot the video on your phone. This platform works principally exactly like Tiktok dose. You can start and stop recordings, you can trim clips. Youtube has said they're going to be looking at adding in music. So it is going to have similar music to allow for trends and things like Tiktok to us. You can add that music in there. You can tag it, you can post it. It's as simple as that. I'm not going to go massively in depth into that platform because I don't think if you're a YouTube creator, that's the best way that you should be making your videos. If you edit them externally, you can post them like normal videos and still get them into the Shor's algorithm. So if you're re-purposing your content or using the vigilant you shot like this professionally. You're going to need to make sure that when you're editing, editing software and now this will work in Premiere, resolve whatever you choose. You want to be the addressing in a square format, which is a one-by-one ratio, I recommend 1080 by 1080. Or you're going to want to be using a nine by 16 format, which is obviously 1609 is the usual widescreen like you're seeing now. So we're just flipping that and making that 9 16. That's quite simply instead of 1920 by 1080, you're doing 1080 by 1920. Once you've got that sorted out, you're just gonna make sure that your video runs under a minute. Now this is a little bit tricky because sometimes depending on your frame rate, the software you've used and when you render videos and upload them to YouTube, you can make a video that says one minute bang on in your video editing software. Sometimes when it's uploaded to YouTube, YouTube will interpret that like a minute and a second. If it does, your video won't go into the system. It will see it as a minute at one video and it won't recognize it as potential shots. So you're going to want to knock that back to possibly something around 58 seconds or 59, just to give you the wiggle room to make sure your video's not going to be misinterpreted as a longer video. Once that's done, you're gonna do your titles and your descriptions and your tags, everything like you normally would. And you're going to make sure that you do them as properly as you normally would. Because these videos will still go onto your YouTube page like a normal YouTube video. Except if somebody opens it on their phone, it'll take up a full vertical when it's full screened. Whereas if somebody is watching it on a web browser, on their computer or iPad, it will have like Bosnia slide because it's still a vertical video, says unfortunate, but I don't think it's that big of a problem, especially at a lot of users are using mobile specifically these days, and they will still appear if people are searching for things. So if you're loading a short video about how to make shots, you don't want to still get those keywords and everything in your description in your tanks because there's a chance your video can be found like a normal YouTube video as well. It's like a YouTube shot. Once that's done, you want to put hashtag shorts in your title and your description. I like to pop it in both, but YouTube said it only needs to be in one place. One extra thing to know for YouTube shots is that the watch time will not count towards your what hours for monetization. So if one of these videos gets a few 100 thousand views that watch ours won't convert into leading towards you getting monetized or getting your partnership. However, any subscribers that DO company YouTube shorts do counts. And obviously that's interim going to drive my views onto your other contents. At the time of making this video, there is no monetization options for the YouTube shots. You can still monetize the videos, but that will only count when they're watched normally and not through the short shelf. Youtuber said that they will want to look at this and they will offer ways in the future. But as of right now, YouTube shots views do not bring any ad revenue, and they do not count towards those watchtowers for monetization. If you're not a partner yet, but waits before you go running off to shoot your video. There's a few more things I really want to go over. When we look at videos on platforms like TikTok and reals, there's lots of variants as in what causes videos to go viral and perform well on those platforms. And the things that tend to perform well on those platforms isn't what you would find in a traditional YouTube video. 3. Why Do They Work : So before we get into the do's and don'ts and making YouTube shots, Let's have a little look at how they work and why they perform so well. When they do perform. The YouTube shorts platform, as I've said a few times now works like Tiktok. And the reason Tiktok works is because this infinite scroll, you're getting people onto a platform and you're encouraged to stay on by essentially never taking away the content for them. Yes, YouTube can offer you suggested videos and you can get playlist where a lot to play. Other videos that you think you might like. Sure, content creators like ourselves, we'll put on links at the end. Check out this video. I'll see you a video YouTube recommends for you. But they all involve an active conscious decision of clicking on a link. And going through to that video with the infinite scroll. You're not giving that person time to decide if they want to watch the video or not. They're watching it, they just start watching it. That's a very powerful tool from a psychological point of view. Because the person never has that moment to design. They just keep going. That's where YouTube short is now about. So offer. But the reason this is so powerful is because that same YouTube shots video if they like it and they subscribe to it, they're subscribing to your full YouTube channel. I know some creators have looked at making individual channels for less short, but most of the ones I've seen have all been already established. Large creators. You have the fanbase. They don't need the fan base, whereas people with a much smaller subscriber base, you need that. So from a personal perspective, I have a small ASMR channel. I tested a few short time, a few that performed with a few 100 views. And then I had one video overnight go to about 4.5 thousand views. And that video directly accounted for an increase in about 250 subscribers into that channel. That channel at the time only had around a thousand subscribers. So that was like a 20 percent increase on my subscriber count. Just from one short video. When other things that YouTube is often struggle with is titles and thumbnails. It's making sure you've well-researched something that's not only going to get searched for, not only going to rank on search, but then also be good enough looking just from a still frame and a title for somebody to click on it. You don't have to worry about that when your video is just appearing in the shorts to having your video thrust in front of someone. And that person isn't carrying whether you've got 5000 subscribers, five or 5 million, they're just getting a video put in front of them. And if they like it enough, We'll watch it. And the way the algorithm works on a very, very broad basic scale is that when you put a video out like that, it's going to show it to a few people that it thinks will like it. Let's say 10 people, five of those ten people, only three people watch it and seven swipe past. Then it's not going to show it to as many people the next time. It might show it to five more people and F1 person, what does it involve? Swipe off. It's then going to reduce the amount of people It's showing it to you because the way people are interacting with your content is saying, actually this isn't that great of a video. Now, on the other hand, if you have 10 people and seven watch it all the way through, then it might send it out to 20 people. And if those 20 and other 17 watch it all the way through, or keep putting that scale open up. And that's how videos in these short platform, the short form content platforms, tend to go viral. For example, videos I put out on tiktok won't actually telling people to use YouTube shots went viral and it started off with around a couple of 100 views and the first upload. Then within the next day it progress to around six or 700. And then overnight it went to around 1015 thousand. And it continued to grow for about a week after that, before finally slowing down at around 450 thousand views. That kind of exposure on YouTube. It's phenomenon. But that kind of exposure and platform like Tiktok is kind of average if a video performs well, now don't get me wrong. It's still a struggle to get a video performing well, and that's what I want to go into with the do's and don'ts in the following modules. But the point is, is that it can grow quickly and it can grow well. And if you're only making under a minute long videos, It's much easier to produce content like this to try out than it is to produce a well-researched 10 to 15-minute piece and become disheartened if nobody watches this. So to summarize, the good part about these shorts is that they're flooded out to larger audiences very quickly. And that people don't have to find and click on your content. Your content is being put in front of them. And if you're producing good content and they like it, it will continue to exponentially grow. 4. Things To Avoid: So let's go over the things that you should avoid when creating content for YouTube shots. The first thing is don't go re-posting TikToks that have the Tik Tok watermark. If you've managed to record that content without getting the watermark on it before you've posted it. Great. I would say get straightened, gets stuck in and get re-posting. However, if you only have access to that content width of the tick tock watermark on it. I would say stop and refill that. There's a few reasons for this. The first one, if we were to look at Instagram Reels as an example, they have stopped and they have said themselves that they are stopping, pushing content that has watermarks on it from other platforms. Basically, they're saying if you're just re-posting your TikToks with the ticker watermark on it. Your video's not going to get seen. Youtube are very likely to do a similar thing. So screen record your Tik Tok before you post it. The second thing is because it's still in new and emerging platform and the ways in which it is monitored and regulated aren't quite in place yet. There's lots of people re-posting other people's TikToks. What that means is if your posting your own content, people might not realize that it is your content. And for YouTube shots and for developing a platform and an audience on YouTube itself. You don't want that. You want them to know that this issue, and you also want to make sure that they realized that your channel has so much more content like that. So that you get, subscribe the engagement and you make a lasting impression that this person by having them watch multiple videos of yours. The next thing to avoid is just taking widescreen videos like this and shrinking them. Know, like you will get people's growling pass very, very quickly. There's a couple of reasons. One, obviously you're not taking up the real estate of the screen. So they might just scroll past because of that too. Again, with the, what I was saying about people re-posting TikToks from other people. Lots of people tend to repost clips from movies and TV shows and things like that. And if they do, they tend to repost them badly, which generally seems to be in widescreen. What it's showing is that you're lazy creator and you're just posting up any old rubbish. So don't do that. You can reframe the content. It might require a bit of digital planning, but you can reframe the content and you'll do much better doing it that way. The exponent is avoiding content that requires a knowledge of you or other content that you've produced, whether it's on this platform or another one, you don't want to be there going, hey, as you'll remember from those Tiktok videos I did, or as you know, from my Minecraft series. Because these people may have never heard of you before at all. They're scrolling through this algorithm. They could be getting your videos in any order. When they're going through the YouTube short section. Youtube isn't going to prioritize your newest video over your oldest one. For example, on tiktok. Tiktoks lifespan of videos is apparently around 90 days, which means you could post a video and like three weeks later, all of a sudden it goes viral. So you never know what video your audience is going to see first. And lastly, we want to look at copyright music now this is a tricky one as they're still building the YouTube shorts platform. But as it stands, I would not upload a video directly with copyrighted music on it. It's copyright infringement. And as such, your videos likely to not get pushed. This class is for copyright content of any kind. If that's copyrighted video or copyrighted sound from a movie or a TV show, something like that. You want to avoid using anything copyright because it can limit how far your video gets used and pushed. Quite simply. Copyright infringement is again as law. Now that's not to say you can't use this audio. It's just a case of seeing how YouTube adapts and works with it like Tiktok, which the Tiktok has created this great platform. Or actually, if you musicians, it's probably a good thing if people are using your music on it because these trends can cause songs to go viral. You know, some songs that are years old have gone viral. And I do think YouTube will adapt. And they have said that they're working on a way for you to use sound from other people's videos and things like that. But for the meantime, play it safe, avoid the copyrighted content and you can always add it on afterwards with the YouTube platform itself. Once it has fully developed a little bit more. 5. Things To Do: Okay, so to the good stuff, the things you should be doing, the very first one. And now this counts for YouTube videos in general, not just shots, but you should be captioning your videos. There are apps that will allow you to do this if you're filming on a phone, if you're using editing software like Premiere Pro, the new beta version of Premiere Pro does actually have auto transcription built in all the old fashion way. You can just do it by hand. Now for YouTube, I would obviously recommend that you do the captions within YouTube and you add them as captures that can be turned on or off. However, for YouTube shots, like with TikToks, I would say you need to be embedding them into the video. Statistics show that most people are using their phones without sound turned on. This is why videos on platforms like Facebook and TikTok are already making use of having captions turned on, especially if it's like this and it's just your face talking, there's a good chance that they might swipe off if you don't have the caption, it's very important nowadays to ensure that your content is accessible by all. So not only are you helping yourself with your chances of being seen in grading on the algorithm, the auto align more people to enjoy your consent. The other thing I would suggest is filming directly for YouTube shots itself and not just re-purposing old content. Now if you look at somebody like Gary Vee, he's got some amazing, wider content out there. Big Talks, podcasts, shows, things like that that he can actually cut little snippets out that work very well on their own. But I think in a lot of cases, a lot of you Jews might struggle to have that content. So when you're looking at making, say, a latest review of the new coffee you want to do for YouTube and you've planned out your coffee review video at the same time, I think it is worth you planning out how you can get just as much valuable information into under 10 minutes. So you film your big full fancy coffee review. You've already got lots of great footage, but then you just stop and you film an additional things. So instead of going in depth about the coffee's origins and how it compares and contrasts two flavors that will the coffee that you enjoy. You would have another shorter video that is quite simply, this is the so and so new coffee. I think it's great. The taste is amazing. It's got slight flavors at this, and the rumor is fantastic. I've got a full review on my YouTube and follow me for more coffee tips. What you've done there is provide incredible value to the audience. You've not just gone. I've reviewed this coffee on my YouTube channel, go check it out. What you've done is give them something that's interesting and engaging, gave them fairly. Just in that YouTube short and itself. There's nothing wrong with pushing people to your other content. But you need to be giving them something first that interested in and engages them. I realized that this is partly a don't within the dues, but don't just be making trailers for you are the content. Nobody wants to watch a thing where you go, Hey, look, I do. Let's plays on Minecraft. Can watch me play. No. Take clip. Your Minecraft, let's play. That was great. That was hilarious. That was funny. Trim that down, put that on so that someone can watch that laugh. I think it's great and then want to check you out themselves. It works like organic marketing does in the real-world for businesses. You don't want to be selling to people. You want people to think, Wow, this is great. And I'm going to check this out because I want to not because I've been asked or told to make sure that each video you produce adds value in some way, whether it's entertaining, educating, inspiring, whatever. Just make sure that you're giving the audience something in your shorts. And you're not just trying to use as a trailer for other content that they then might never see. The next part again leading on from that, when you are shooting them. Think about how you're going to be editing them. So if you're shooting for vertical or for square videos, you can either turn your cameras so that you get the full quality of your sensor, which personally I don't think is necessarily needed. But you want to consider things like your set design. So for example, next to me I have a lamp and a plant. That's great, but if I crop this video, you're going to lose them. So when I actually shoot my own TikToks and YouTube shots, I bring the lumping and I bring the plants in so that when I do the crop, you keep them in frame. I'm framing with the intention of going vertical. What that means is that when your audience is watching your videos, they're gonna see a much higher quality video. Because the video has been planned and intentionally made, it's going to come across better than seeing an arm randomly disappear from frame. The next thing we want to look at it, length and the list case, the shorter the better the algorithm. We don't entirely know how it works, but what we do know is that it values watch time. So if you've got a 20-second videos, they're only 15 seconds of really good content. You're losing five seconds of watch time if people are scrolling away after that 15 seconds. Whereas if you've got, say, a 20 second video where the whole 20 seconds of it is very interesting and you're getting people to watch the entire way through. Great, better yet, if you've got a 20, 25 second video, where are you? Maybe give people five tips on how to design a better looking websites. And then you finish the video with an example of five tips and five websites that they should go check out. What you're going to find is that people will watch through the tips and not 25 seconds. Great. You've kept them engaged. But if you really engage them and they found it particularly interesting, they made them watch that video again and again, especially if you're putting links in there or you put in tips in there that they may want to take note of. So what you're getting instead of 162nd video, that around the watch in 20 seconds off, you've got a fantastic 2025 seconds that someone's going to re-watch multiple times. And that's what you want. That's what the algorithm likes to see is that people are enjoying videos enough. Just watch them, but possibly watch them through as well as an engaging with them. And on the top of engaging with them, comes the next point. Give them a reason to engage. Think of it like Instagram posts. When we used to put up Instagram posts and you'd think of a witty capture that maybe entice people to comment alongside that. Watch time, YouTube, it's going to love videos that get engagement. Because not only does commenting and generating comments, keep people there and keep on your video, but there's chances that those people could come back if your comments in back to them. So once they've put up a video, say you're putting go up, here's my top five tips for growing on YouTube and New. Then finish with. If you've got any great tips that have worked for you, drop them in the comments. That's going to entice people to comments. And then you can also comment back and begin conversations because that's going to help build an audience and a brand. One example that I did for content on tiktok is I put out an a video that plainly said, Look, if you want some video marketing advice, comments. And I will answer every single comment on this video. And I think in the end, that video has a short lifespan and had about 3400 comments with me responding back to people and they brought people back a few times and it was repeatedly brought people back to see the advice that I left on that video for the people. It's a way to encourage engagement and also make connections. Next, you want to also think about your calls to actions on the end of the videos. So when a video finishes, you don't really want it to just finish just with the content you want to give your viewer and instruction. So for me on my consent, when I finished, I say far from home, I can set or subscribe for more marketing tips because that's what I'm saying to them. I'm saying that essentially this video isn't a one-off. Actually, I do loads of content like this. So you should stick around and check out more. And again, that varies if you're enticing them to comment on things, it might be, drop a comment with your favorite baba, blah, and so on and so forth. Give them a reason to do something in stroke to them. Don't get them loads. Don't say subscribed for this and drop me a comment and like and check out my videos and hit me up on Spotify. No, no, no, no, no. Just keep it short and simple and to the point with one instruction. And I do think that subscribe I'll follow is generally the best and measured directly trying to encourage engagement. On the video. On the flip side of that, we want to look at starting a video. And the way you start your video is probably one of the most important factors, which we're going to look at it in the next module. 6. The Three Second Rule: All right, almost there. You're almost ready to get out there and start making your YouTube shorts and hopefully going viral on YouTube. But I want to talk about probably the most important thing about making short form content on any social media platform. And that is the 3 second rule. Principally, you've generally got around three seconds to captivate an audience before they'll swipe away. This varies a little bit depending on the platform, obviously longer-form videos and YouTube, you've already kind of hooked them by giving them a title and thumbnail. And they've probably found you by searching for something they want to watch. But now on social media with the platforms like TikTok and reals. And there's still generally kind of applied to instagram as a thing. Generally to begin with, The whole point is to stop people scrolling. And this is more prominent than ever now with the way that tiktok and YouTube shots and Instagram Reels and things like that work whereas you're so easy to flick away and move on. So there's a few ways we can look at doing that. The first ways, obviously getting your point across in the start of your content. I think a good example that you can look at for how this is used both solve professionally and commercially. That is, in film trailers that are specifically grown as pre-roll adverts that escapable on YouTube. What you tend to find now is that the trailers will actually have a trailer at the start of the trailer. They're hooking you, they're giving you a reason to stay and watch. And that's where you need to do with your audience. How are you gonna do that is going to drastically depend on the type of content you create and your niche. For someone like myself who makes educational content, it's just quite simply a case of getting straight to the point of what you will gain from watching my video. So most of my videos we'll start with, you need to know this about making this, or do you need this? I'm establishing a reason for them to watch. Obviously, I will talk slightly faster than that when I'm doing my TikToks, I'm more engaging and lively because I'm not trying to inform them so much as I'm trying to. Do. You need to know this, you want to know this. You've gotta be lively and engaging because it's so easy to just swipe away. So how does that work then, if you're not creating educational content, going back to the Instagram analogy, we are principally looking to grab them as soon as possible. You want to start with your best looking clips. If this is a dance video, I don't want to see you warming up and preparing to dance, jump straight in, start. And at the point of that, something great is happening. If you've got a 30 minute down speeds on YouTube. But you can pick how the best bet and make that into a 30-second stunning clip that works on its own. Then draw your audience over to your main video. Anyway, The same goes for anything. If it's inspiring scenic photography or stunning. Seeing videos. If you're a filmmaker, whatever you're doing, just make sure you're gripping people straight off the bat. Now obviously there's going to become 10. That's a lot harder to do this with. For example, if you're a comedian, you're making short sketches. It's going to be tough because people aren't potentially going to know who you are at the start. So you're not going to have that initial backing of people going, Oh, that's the funny guy who makes jokes about this. Or, Oh, she's amazing. She makes hilarious stuff about this. So the best way I would recommend if that's the kind of content that you do is making sure that the first few pieces you put out or give a mixed release of content is that you do some 10-second gray, straight the punchline, funny little clips and you lace that. Maybe throughout the week, you release a 10-second quick snappy great joke that's hopefully going to catch the attention of people that don't know who you are yet. And then maybe you've got some 20 seconds and 30 seconds up to the minute long pieces. So you've got that variety. So not every content is going to be the video that potentially could go viral. But you've got a nice varied content that people can see longer form stuff from you. But you're still trying to hit the algorithm with the shorter optimized stuff. Even if you do everything right, there's a chance that it still won't work. And I do think that's something that needs to be reinforced here, is that the volatility of these kind of short form platformed. Sometimes they just want to happen. Just make sure that every piece of content you create it as high-quality as your other ones. So therefore is the one that goes viral. You've made sure you've got a call-to-action on the end of it, because you've got to call fact on the end of every videos, as long as you're following the kind of basics throughout, just means that when it does finally happen, it will happen in the best way possible, as opposed to you just posting loads of random videos on with call to actions, some without the 3 second rule, things like that. You're ruining your own look. It still comes down to look. But you make your own luck by creating each piece as best as you can. 7. Conclusion: So there we have it. That's an overview of how to use the YouTube shots as well as look at what the best ways to optimize your content so that it gets seen, it gets engagement, it gets lots of use and brings you in lots of great subscribers and viewers to your longer-form content on YouTube. Now principally, don't overlook and don't forget the fact that the idea of the short form content is to have fun with it. You can make videos in this style that maybe you wouldn't normally want to make on your main channel. It's possibly a way that you don't have to look at every video as a perfectly polished masterpiece because people on this platform and perfectly open to seeing videos you've shot on your phone. It's possibly a very good way to get to know your subscribers just as much as it is to try and find the new ones by joining in with the viral trends that are obviously going to happen. They're going to take off and that they're going to be prominent on this platform. So I think as much as it is something that you should work towards optimizing for and having a lot of well-designed content to, you know, take advantage of what the platform has to offer. I do think that not quite everything needs to be a pristine, incredible piece because like I said, sometimes you'll just find that it's the random video that you never expected to do. Well, turns out to be the one to cause viral and goes crazy. How this platform might change going forward. It's anybody's guess. I do think that tiktok and short form content is here to stay. It's very popular in the generations. And even why would classes longer content from a commercial and professional point of view is like two to three minutes. Now. There's still obviously, yeah, plenty of potential for 15, 20, 30-minute, hour-long content. But right now people are absolutely loving this short form content. And I think whether you're a business or whether you're a sole creator, you need to take advantage of it. If you're especially targeting younger audiences, such as the younger millennials and Gen Z. They are existing on platforms like TikTok and they are indulging in this short form content. So have fun with it. Enjoy. I will try and add new modules to keep up today as this platform leaves beta. But I just wanted to put together this overview of important tips and tricks right now. So you can capitalize on this before it gets too saturated. So if you've got any questions, please do get in my way and I will do my very best to answer everything that I can for you. So thanks for joining me. I'm currently working on some more courses based around magazine and video creators. I think there's a lot of potential for businesses to take advantage of platforms like YouTube. And there's also lots of potential for content creators to start thinking of themselves as more like a business and thus looking at organic growth and how they can spread their content outwards to hit more people and also possibly bringing more revenue. So if that kind of stuff might interest you, then do stick around and check out more courses. But I hope that helps you and I'll see you next time. Thank you.