1. Introduction: Good link is always my
favorite thing to do. I will show you how easy to do the very cute plant in a pot, step by step, so you
can follow it easily. We will draw lots of
cute pot plants drawn. You can use whatever drawing tools that
you have right now, such as a pencil or
pen or a marker. It's easy to start. With this drawing skill, you can draw your
own doodle anywhere. To decorate your notebook
or bullet journal or calendar and many things to make it more fun
and attractive. Now, let's find a paper and start the course.
It's doodle time.
2. Tools: Drawing tools. You can use whatever writing and drawing
tools that you have now. You can use just a pencil or a pen or a marker to
draw the outline. For the coloring, you can use color pencils
or what color pain. Remember, for what color pane, make sure your in from the pen or the marker
is what proof. That's it before you use it. For the paper, you can
use any paper you have. If you are using car
pain for the color, then it's best to
use caro paper. What I'll teach
you in this course can be applied to any
rowing tools you have.
3. How to Learn: These are the steps how to
learn this course effectively. First, prepare your tools, pencil or pen or marker. Don't forget the
coloring tools such as color pencils or watercolor pan. Make it ready. Before
you play the next video. Second, start the course video. I will show you how to do it and you can watch and
listen to its step. Try to miate what I'm
doing in the video. When you do, who's the post button on the video
player while you draw. Third taking notes to help you remember the important things
in your practice session. For always keeping your
drawing in a folder or a map. It's also good to add a date on each drawing
that you have made. You will have all the details
when you see your progress. Also, you can upload it
into social media like Instagram or Facebook to
as your digital gallery. You can as your friends
or family's opinion on your drawing and use their
opinion to improve your skill. All right? That's the steps. Let's start our journey.
4. Warming Up: Forming up. In decision, let's do some warming up to your hand before doing
the main course. We need decision to train and gain more control in our hand. There are four boxes here. I have four moves to do. You can download the DA file to do this practice or just make your own box with four
by four centimeter for it box on a paper. Let's do this. First, we need to draw marks as the
signs of area boundaries. Draw a mark here to difide
the box area into health. And another mark here and here. The short lines are the
mark of area boundaries. Let's start vertical
short lines on top area. Try not to pass the
area boundaries. To another short lines
under the first line. And continue till the
box full of short lines. For the second box, I will draw curve lines. First, row the marks. Okay. So the curve
line like this. Nice go lines again. But this time in the
opposite direction. D lines also in the
opposite direction. And the last lines. For the top box, I will draw wavy lines. Draw the marks, and draw the
first wave line like this. Continue to fill all the pox. Nice. Last box. I will draw spiral lines. Draw the x again. And this is the
first spiral line. Again to the right area. Fill all the box area
with the power lines. All right, it's nicely done. Do this decision regularly. Especially before
you start doodling. Tsion will help your
hand to be more relaxed and having more
control in doodling.
5. Cactus: For our first plan, let's draw a cactus. It's very easy to start with, and the result
will be very cute. Let's start with a
short line like this. The line is a bit to the
right to the bottom. This is the left
part of the pod. Let's draw the other
part on the right. Cross the top and
close the bottom. Nice. We can see the part now. Let's row the cactus. Dow the half part
first start from here, a curve line to the bottom. Let's row the other half part. Another curve line two. On top of the cactus, let's draw a set of four
curve lines like this. You can make it in three
or five perf lines. It's up to you. Now it's time to draw the spine. Draw short lines
around the cactus. S here on the edge
of the cactus. In the middle. On
the edge again. You can fill it as
much as you want. Just make sure that the distance between spines are
not too close. The line is done.
Let's color it. I have two outlines here. I want to show you that we
can be more creative with the coloring process to have different cute even though
the outlines are the same. For the first c
are three colors. Green for the ct red for the flower and
yellow for the pot. Let's start with the green one. Color cctus with it. Nice. Set color for the flower. For the part, let's draw diagonal lines with
the yellow color. Make the lines. Pay attention
to decent between lines. Try to make it in
the same descent. Let's continue to
color the second ct. I'm using the same three
colors as the first. But this time, it's yellow for the flower and for the pop. Let's fill the tus
with the green color. Okay, the yellow color
is for the flower. For the pop, use the red color, and let's make a
wavy line like this. Make another wavy line
under the first one. And fill it. So we
have a tick wavy line. Great. The second
ectus is also done. See, we have different cts here. Just playing with the colors
and shape on the pup. You can use whatever color that you see fit
with your drawing. You can also make your
own shape for the pup. Eplate and have on with it.
6. Cactus 2: This time, I'm going to
draw another pectus. It's the idle time. Let's start with a short line like
this for the pot. Draw a long horizontal line
as the top of the pot. Don't draw it too long.
Another short line again. Cows it. Draw a vertical line toward to the right
to the bottom. Throw on the side and toward
to the line. Close it. Okay, we have a part here. Let's draw the cactus, a curve line like
this to the bottom. This is the health
part of the cactus. Let's draw the other part now. Nice. Draw a little cts here
as the branch, and here. Great. Now it's time to
fill the ct with spines. Pay attention to the
recent between each spine. Do not draw it too
close to each other. Portray. Okay, the
cactus is done. It's time to color it. I have two outlines here. For this cat, I only
use two colors. The plein one is for
the ct. Let's fill it. Nice. The second
color is for the pot. A strong personal line
like this on the pot. Fill it to the bottom. All right, for the second cactus, I have green and purple colors. The green one is for the
ct. Let's fill it again. Okay, for the pot, I'm going to make
a six sac line on the top area of the pot like this. Let's make it. All right, star. See with lines, we can make this kind
of variation too. Play with colors and
shapes of the lines on your drawing to make
more variation of it.
7. Long Leaves Green Plant: Okay, this time,
I'm going to draw a pan with long green
leaves. It's dole time. Let's draw the pot
first, vertical line. Another vertical line
on the right side. Draw a horizontal
line on the top part. Then the bottom part. The pot is done. Let's drow the first long leaf in the
middle part. Start here. To here. Draw another on the
right side to finish it. Nine. Let's row the second leaf on the left. Follow my step. The third leaf is
shorter like this. Okay? Let's throw the fourth
leaf on the right side here. And row the last leave shorter. Great, let's add some
details on the leaves. Sat with the line like this, and add more shorter lines to the top row the same thing
to the other leaves. Nice. Our plan is
ready to be colored. For the first plan, I'm
going to use two colors, green for the plan
and for the pop. That's color plan
with the green color. Okay. Let's use
the red color and draw a wavy line on
the pot like this. And draw dots under
the wavy line. Love it. For the second plan, there are three colors now. The green are for the plan and the red one is for the pot. Let's color the plan using the first green on this leaf and don't
color the second leaf. Because we are going to use the second green color for that. Continue to the third leaf. And the fifth leaf. Nice. Use the second green color for the rest of the leaves. The result is more interesting. Okay, for the pot, draw a straight horizontal line like this on top of the pot. And do another on the bottom. Wait, I love it. To make
your role more interesting. You can combine different colors for the same elements
in your drawing. The result always makes
your drawing more fun.
8. Plant in a Vase: Another beautiful thing in the world is a plan in a phase. This time, I'm going to draw a simple plan in a
phase. It's doodle time. Let's draw the phase. Start with a curve line. Draw another on the right side. Close the top part,
and the bottom part. Nice. We have our simple
phase. Let's draw the plan. Start with the stem.
And draw the branch. Just a sharp line. On the eighth here, draw a leaf. Another leaf here, the third
leaf and the fourth leaf. The fifth leaf is here, the sixth and seventh. At the edge of the branch, draw another two leaves. Great. Now, we have a beautiful plan in a
face ready to be cold. For the first plan,
there are two colors. The green is for the leaves and the blue one
is for the face. Let's fill the leaves
with the green color. Continue with the
blue for the face. Just draw tick curve
line like this. Draw another under
the first line. Amazing. Let's continue
to the second plan. This time, I'm going to use
light blue for the face. But first, let's
color the leaves. For the phase, I'm going to draw three
way V lines like this. Draw another in the middle. And the last is near the
button part of the phase. Perfect. In this
video, as you can see, you can play with
symbol lines to make something beautiful
on your doodles. Okay.
9. Big Leaves Plant: Lesson, I'm going to draw a wider pod and an
with bigger leaves. The challenge is to make
it simple yet beautiful. It's a little time. As you
swoll start with the pot, Trow the left part
with a curve line. Trow another on the right part and leave space between
them like this. So we will have a
wider pod here across the top part, and
the bottom part. For the big leave,
let's start by drawing one leaf on the left
part. Like this. Don't draw it to big. Drow another leaf on the right side in the same
size as the first leave. Then continue to draw
the biggest leave now. It's in the middle like this. Nice. Now it's time to draw smaller leaves in between
of these tree leaves. S here, small leave. Here, here and here. I love it. To make it more interesting, let's draw some details
on the big leaves. This is a combination
of shotline and dots. Continue to the next leave. And the less big. Amazing. Looks different now. Our plan is ready to be colored. There are two colors here. The red one is for the leaves, and the green one
is for the pot. I'm going to do something
different for the leaves. So follow my step in
coloring the leaves. Las color a small one here. Continue to the biggest leaf. And the small leave
on the right. Nice. For the rest
of the leaves, I'm going to use the
same color but fill the leaves with horizontal
lines like this. Pedentin on the slope of lines in the same
direction of the leaves. This is great. You are
done with the last. Let's continue to the path. Use the green color and draw
a horizontal line here. Make the line take. And draw another
under the first one. Give some space between
these two lines. For the next step, let's fill some dots in between these
two lines like this. I love it. Continue to the second plan. There
are three colors. The first two reds
are for the leaves, and the blue color
is for the pod. Let's start. Use the
first red color and fill it into the
first three leaves like in the first plan. Nice. For the rest of the lease, use the second red color. Okay, for the pot, we are going to fill it with lines with vertical orientation. Shut in the middle of the pot with a straight
vertical line. Throw a second line on the left, but draw it a big
curve like this. Dow another line again here, and also in a curve shape. Do the same thing
for the right side. Pay attention on the
distance of its lines. Try to make it in
the same distance as the lines on the left part. I love it. We can
always play with colors for the same shapes like we
did for the leaves and lines. Combined with dots are also
a nice touch on our doodle.
10. Flowers on a Pot: It's time to make our
doodle more complex. So in this lesson, I will
draw flowers on the plant. It's doodle time.
Let's draw the pot, a curve line like this. Draw another around here. Go the top and the bottom. Now, let's continue
to draw the flowers. There are five flowers. The position of the first
flower is here in the middle. Remember our warming asson
with the spiral lines. Yes, we will draw the flowers in the same shape
like spiral line, but you will need to close it in the end of the line like this. Nice. Let's drop another
on the left part. Another on the right part. The fourth flower is on top
of the previous flowers Cher Draw the last flower here. Nice. Let's draw the leaves. It's a bunch of small leaves. So we'll draw it. Follow
my step. Start here. Great. It's ready
to be colored now. I'm going to use two colors, green for the leaves and red
for the flowers and the pup. Let's color the leaves. Okay. Continue to color
the flowers with clap. Nice. For the path, I'm going to draw some
hard shapes like this. Sf from the middle, just to make sure they are in a
nice symmetrical position. And drop a horse in the
line under the hard shapes. Green, the first plan is done. Continue to the second one. I'm still using the
same colors here. The green is for the leaves, and the red is for the
flower and the pup. Let's feiel the leaves first. The flowers, For the path, I'm still using the
same hardships, but in different position. Let's draw the first hard
in the middle of the path. Draw the second half here
on the top left part. The third is on the
right part here. For one is on the bottom left. And the last heart is
on the bottom right. See, playing with positions
on the element of your doodle can give you as result. I'm very happy with it. Simple tick on your doodle
can give you another cute Just create it
and have fun with it.
11. Watering Can Flower Pot: Let's do something
more interesting here. Instead of a pot, I will draw a watering can as the part of the flowers.
It's doodle time. Let's draw the watering can. St with a curve line here. To another on the right side, but don't finish it to
the bottom. Hm drawing. Draw another line here, tilted to the top
and give some space, then continue to draw the
curve line at the bottom. Just a short line like this. Draw an tilted line here, and row short lines with these shapes to close the
tip of the watering can. Close the top and
close the bottom. Nice. Let's draw the flowers. Stop from the left part. Draw a small curve line and close it with
smaller curve lines. Dow another flowers
to the right side. Let's throw the second line of flowers on the top of the
first line of flowers. Stop here. Continue to dry. Trow another flowers again
on top of these flowers. Grey. The stems for the flowers. Okay, now let's throw a
handle for the watering can. Just a curved line
here in the middle. Okay. And drop
another on the right. Let's throw some dots
here to add some details. Very nice. Our beautiful flower with watering tan is
ready to be colored. There are three colors here. Purple and yellow are for the flowers and blue
is for the tan. Start with the purple
and color flowers. P. Okay. Let's color the rest of
the flowers with yellow. Love it. For the can, let's row a thick
horizontal blue line. S from the middle of the can. Prow another on the
top of the first line. Another tick line at the bottom. And another thick line near to the tip of the
watering can here. Simple yet beautiful. For the second flowers, I'm going to use and light blue and in color for the t.
Ms out with the flowers. Okay. Use the second color
for the rest of the flowers. Very good. For a can, I will draw circle. Follow my steps. Start here. Okay. And for this part, let's fill it all
with pink color. Great. It's always fun to play with colors combination
like we did for the flowers. You can do this too with different combination of
colors for your doodle. No.
12. Plant in a Jar: I have another nice
idea for this lesson. I will use the jar as
the part of our flowers. It's little time. Let's draw
the top part of the jar. Just a small short
curve line here. Another on the right. Close the top. For
the button part, close it with a combination
of short lines. Draw a short vertical line
for the neck of the jar. Both sides. Draw a long
curved line like this. And another on dry. What's the bottom part. Dow
a horizontal line as a yarn, and a to shot line again. At a dot here. Nice. Let's throw a level
for the jar square. To add some details, throw
shot lines around the square. Okay. Row a hardship icon in the middle of the label. Nice. Let's row the
flowers like this. And row a circle in the
middle of the flower. Row flowers. You don't have to draw it in the same position as mine.
You can play with it. The stems. Let's make it more interesting by
adding some leaves as the background of the
flowers like this. Pp. Very good. Let's color it now. For the first clan,
I'm using for colors. Green is for the leaves. Pink is for the
flowers and the icon. The blue is for the jars glass. Brown is for the edge of the. Use the first color
for the leaves. The second color
for the flowers. Lift the flowers of cold white. Color jar. Pol my stuff. We are not going to
color all the jar. Just make some areas like this. This will give the fact that the jar is made out of glass. Is the bronze for the
edge of the label. And pink again for
the hard icon. Love it. For the second plan, I'm adding a light green color. And it's for the leaves. I'm going to combine
two colors here for the leaves like we did
in the previous plan. Let's start with the first
color. Follow my start. Use the second color for
the rest of the leaf. Pink is for the flower. But this time, let's use the color only for the
circle part of its flower. Looks nice, right. For the jar, do the same thing like the first one blue of the label. Hard icon. And it's done. Very simple. Yes.
There are lots of possibilities to create
more interesting doodles just by playing with
shapes and colors. Exp or your own doodle
to create something new. Let's start your own adventure.
13. Sunflower: Sunflower is a very beautiful flower, withdrawn flower hats in combination with the Legalists that look like a glowing sun. Let's draw it this time. It's the little tiny start with a circle. But joy it in dotted lines formed. And that's okay if the shape is not imperfect wrong. Now the interesting part. Petals soften the first petal here. Right at the top. The second petal is at the bottom here. The top petal on the right side. The fourth petal is on the left side. So the four of them are forming a plus sign. Now let's draw the fifth petal here in the top right side diagonally. This is mirroring the fifth petal here. Let's talk on this at the bottom left here. Eight is on the bottom right side here. Off the petals. Just fill in any gaps. When petals, like this seems to be nice. We have a group of beautiful petals here. Note upon popped here using dotted lines again diagonally. All right. Notice stack, just like cut line. This. In order to live. There are often used to grow some details in it. The last part is the first horizontal line. No decides. If we dotted lines. The bottom part hosted. The sun follower is ready to be colleagues. They're out those sunflowers here. And I use three colors. Yellow is part of particles. Bond is fought upon and the public is far less, less how our petals, the 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. Nice USDA brown color or photopolymer. For the list. Fonda pop. Let's draw two horizontal lines. First, sod here. And I'll address with Brian. For the first sunflower is done. Let's start with the second flower. There are to centric polished. And each color is also used for the same area. Asked the first flower. But we'll do something different. Yeah. Let's talk color petals upon, with brown color and fertilize. Instead we color it just due to verticalize for each layer. And let's draw two horizontal lines, like in the first part. But this time and space in-between. So lives looks different, right? Even just a small tweak with the same colors, we get Subaru something different. So if you have limited colors, you can try this technique. Alright, see you in another video.
14. Little Flowers: In this lesson, I am going
to draw two flowers, simple but beautiful as
a doodle on your paper. Let's start. Dot here. And daughter flowers
petal in the ship. Another petal here, here. And here. It's done. Let's draw the second flower. If we repeat the
same way as before. Nice. Let's add petals
between the existing pedals. Great. Let's color
these flowers. Have four flowers here, and I'm going to
color it one-by-one. Suddenly the first
flower use pink color. Color it only on the tip
of each petal, like this. Lovely wonder second flower, I will use this color. Color. It's petal like this. Very easy but beautiful. Quote a third follower. Let's use this blue
and pink colors with the blue dots on this
petal like this. That's again here. Here. Here. To fill in the remaining petals. Love it. Blessed flowers. I will use the same
pink and blue again. Start with thing, but lift the
tips of the petals, white. For the remaining petals, fill them with blue
stripes like this. Looks beautiful. Colors in your followers will bring you more clarity in your flowers, even if they are the same shape. Let's have fun with
your creativity.
15. Christmas Tree: Christmas will be more festive
with a Christmas tree, less than L star, an iconic symbol that we often
find on a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree
shape is formed by three triangles that are
ready to talk about them. So we start from the top. The first triangle. The base is like an ocean wave. Do the same for the
second row, but wider. Florida Tech, it is also wider. Notice three trial with
just a simple box shape. Who does done? Let's
color it is always, I'll be coloring this tree is indifferent coloring styles. So you have a reference
for playing with color. From the green or less. A line from top to bottom. The area with lines. Same for the second, and draw a star with yellow to try and fill the
area with solid bronze. For the second three, I'm using the same colors.
Start from the leaves. Again. This time, don't align the button
area off the leaves. All the areas on the trees. Star with yellow. Trial, vertical
lines with brown. Alright, it's done to
make it more attractive. Let's add drop balls around
the trace. Like this. It's up to you whether you want to use the
red balls or not. I like the red balls on a trace. Lot more fun. Well, hope you
enjoyed the doodles is time. And see you in the next doodle.