1. Introduction: Doodling is fun. It's fast and easy. With the guides. In this course, we will play with basic shapes and with them, we can create clones of tube drawing. You can use whatever growing tools that you have right now. It doesn't need a special growing tools. You can start with a pencil or pen. It's easy to start with. Don't overthink it. Once you've learned this course, you will have your own DO those everywhere. Do not Books, Calendar, greeting cards for. In this course, I will also share about how I make DIY stickers. Use our doodles. That those are very simple and easy to find. And the most important thing is you are having fun. So it's doodle time.
2. The Drawing Tools: Growing tools, the drawing tools that will be used in this course can be adjusted with what you have now. You can use just a pencil to draw, or you can combine it with a pen or a marker to make the outline. For coloring. You can use colored pencils or watercolor paper. Any clean paper will do for discourse. But for whatever pain, I suggest you use watercolor paper. Let's call this traditional tools. If you have digital tools such as personal computer or a laptop with drawing tablet, an iPad with Apple Pencil are central tablet with S span. Then you can use it to, for Windows or Mac. You can use Adobe Photoshop or other sketchbook as you're growing software or iPad with an Apple pencil, you can use procreate app. For Samsung with a span, you again use Autodesk gets put up. These are the aggregation that I often use for my digital drawing. What I'll teach you in this course can be applied to any During those you have.
3. The DIY Sticker Tools : Stickers, the IY tools to make a stickers ourselves from home. I adjusted those that are easy to find. You need to prepare one appeared tip, the big one like this. The width is around five centimeter. It can more or less the ban on the manufacturers. This keep in mind that you're growing must be less than four centimetre its size. So the purity cover all the areas of your droid to Caesar's. If you have use the small one, it's easier to use when you cut your sticklers. Tree. Parchment paper. This is a paper for making bread. You can find this paper in a shop for best three ingredients. Make sure you choose the non-sticky one. Alright, we only need this tree to make our own DIY diggers.
4. How to Learn: I'll share some tips to learn this course effectively. Burst, prepare your tools, digital drawing tools, or traditional during tools. Make it ready before you play the next video. Second, played a video. What's my Dorian process? And listen carefully about what to do for its step. Try to mimic what I'm doing in the video. When you do boost the pause button on the video player while you draw. Third, write down some notes to help you remember the important things in your practice session. Always bring history you will leak until you master of videos. The more often, the better for documented every artwork that you make to see your progress. You can upload it into social media like Instagram or Facebook to Azure friends or family's opinion on your drawing. You can use their opinion to improve your skill. Alright, that's it. Let's start our journey.
5. Warming Up: Okay, let's do some warming up through your hand before do the main course. The goal for this session is to have more confidence and more control in our hand. I have some holes for your hand to do. There are five moves. You can download the PDF file, Buddhist practice, or just make your own box with four by seven centimeter a box on a paper. Let's do this. Start with the first MOOC. Draw a straight line, try tattoo, overlap between lines. And just do it even though the lines are the three. That okay. And when you feel too much tension on your hand, just stuff and tech arise for awhile. You've your hand a breadth of catch here. It doesn't have to be a perfect straight lines. Having fun with it. Alright, nicely done. Let's continue that. A second MOOC drove zigzag lines like this. Note that note. Let's go some wave like this. Remember, we had on one pension on the hand. Like our eyes. If you have this tension. No fought most inspire off your head like this. The load is facing upward. The last move, it's like the four, but the load is facing downward bar by Buddhist station regularly as specimen before you start doodling.
6. Bird: Or our first doodle. I am going to draw a bird of very good work. It's doodle time. I'm going to use a very simple ship. Start by drawing a curve line like this. This is the health part of the work as dark matter, how far. But I also draw the tail at the right bottom part, like this. Great. And the top part around here. You're already ice. You can draw them bigger or smaller. It's up to you. Just make sure that you have a space in between for the week is an upside down small triangle. Okay? I want to draw two weeks. It just another cuffed lines start here to here. To data. We only sign. Nice though as short line for the lay. Another sharp line or the other leg. Right? Done. Let's continue to color it. I will color the bird into different style. So you will have more reference to color it. You can color the bird using whatever color you like. For this one, I'm going to use red and yellow color. Red color is for the weeks. Let's fill it now. Nice. The yellow color is for that to be. In the middle part of the book looks empty. I will fill it. U-shaped letter S. Paths are like this. Start from the centre. Draw neither on the left and the right side. And on the first line. And just one more at the bottom. Or write is done for the first one, the second word, I'm going to use the same color. Yellow. The red is still 14 weeks. And this time I want to color the Pig using breath or the body of the bird. I will fill it with short lines, patterns like this. Let's stop. Just short lines and little gaps between lines. Visited about some part of the bird. Nice. The second birth is that you can use whatever color that you see fit with your groin. It doesn't have to use the real original color that worked has in the real world. You can also make your own pets on for the birds. Just having fun with it.
7. Fish: Is in the blue ocean swimming freely, truly coral reef. I'm going to draw a face. Let's use a very simple shape, like a triangle. Drove I'm diagonal line like this. In its bar. Girl, a sharp Gulf lie and another straight line. And the bottom Oedipal car, Joe and I just shoved go flying. Continue the draw a vertical line, go to middle part. And the bottom part. I'll shut GF line again and continue the vertical line that a middle power. As you can see, I'm leaving a small gap in between the vertical lines that's followed tail. This ship of the tail, just another triangle like its body, but much smaller. Okay, the money of the police is done. The next step is to NOD I, it's wrong here. Okay, endodermal here, near to the eye. Nice. Let's tell small detail for detail. Do a short course on the line here. And nano show Horizontal line up here. And I'm not under here. The F22 doll is done. Let's color in time. Photo force fees. I'm going to use yellow color and blue color. Nice fees S stripes on its body sold, the yellow color is for its striped. Let's draw it. The first stripe is not folded about them are off the money. The second stripe and the less tribe on its tail. Nice. For all areas of the muddy Intel debt are still not color. Let's feel it. Alright, this done. Blue and yellow colors aren't that good combination. Love it. For the second phi's, I am going to use three colors. Purple, agenda in blue. And the purple is for a striped. Let the sign I window the striped fall from the top to the bottom. Like this. With our strike. The second stripe. I'm going to leave them blank for now. Let's use the second color for the feast body. Okay, n lived a tail. Blaine again does I will fill it using the last color, blue. Busy weekend. Make these kinds of variations by using different colors for different area. They'll make our face looks for attractive colors on your row. It'll make more versions of it.
8. Ladybug: It's tiny, it's wrong. It can fly this ladybug. And it's good little time. Ladybug is fun to start with an oval like this. Draw a horizontal line and a vertical line in the middle of the eyes around here. And the internet here. And here. Maps. Let's start lakes to underwrite side. Another tree on the left side. Okay, the lady, what noodle is done. Let's color it. There are three colors for the First Lady. Well, Ron is part of a hat. Let's color it. The second color is black. It's farther dads under lady wives we a big one in the middle and boost small dots on it, cites less scholar is for the Winx, for the second lady bug, until you're seeing them Braun Color 40 hat. And I change direct one with yellow color. And also it's just a big data into a hardship growing health bar first the other house. And fill it again for its size. The less Hulu wings with yellow color. And it's done. Do make your ruler more interesting. You can combine it with something funny, like the hardship under lady bugs weeks.
9. Crab: Playing on the beach is one of the most fun things to do. Alec's on sales. And sometimes we meet these little buddy. Yep, it's a crack. And I am going to do though, a crab is Doodle time. Sampling them all fall. Broadly, how far off the all fall? Any other health? Go to shorter, takes 40 eyes, here. And here. Now I'm going to draw the hands for the bin, sir. Yes, I've got a line here. And here. Let's draw the insert where the ship, like this. Though, the Arab, the answer. Right? Now we only need to draw the lakes. The shuttle flights on the left and three on the right. It's done. Let's color crap. I want to use one color only. So you can see that we can have fun with this one color. It's red coloured had been sir. All of it. And for the body and going to draw stripes, it's a bit tick. And first call, let's do it. Start in the middle part of the body. Go to second, strike on the left. At Girls Matter under item we descend. This serves as the second stripe to the middle with again on the left part, while men then the distance to be the same with the previous ones. Let's try it on the right. Swipe again on the left. And the less tribe on the right. The game does a prevalence spot, right? Let's look another one. Are again, sir. Like in the middle of the crafts body, last fall our love icon and fill it with rap again. Then less DO lies with the ship of love icon toward the outside. Okay, now let's fill that gap. We've been lights with red color. Sound from gear. And fill it again here. Perfect. You get experimenting to grant not fun shifts or icons or your denote with just one color.
10. Frog : It lives in a poem. Dom hide, its a frog and it's doodles hug. Let's note ahead, it's a solid gold. Doesn't have to be a boyfriend drama. Though the eyes, it's smaller, so-called 1D laugh. And underwrite rho dots in the middle of the small circles. Great relative dots here as it's most. Offline SD model. Nice. Ahead be v. Let's start a body like a Gulf line like this. Efd health bar of the frog been grown under under Ike. Grade three short lines here as the toes. And another tools here. Stick here, or the hand. And shock lines again for the fingers. Draw another stickier and shut lens and gain. Some. The frog is ready to color. I'm going to use two colors this time. It's green and yellow. I love these two colors as a combination. Let's feel the head with green color and Florida body. Let's adopt a curved line like this and fill the green color on this side. Lennox, Let's use yellow. Florida Valley. Love it. Florida second frog. Let's play a B using the green color on the head. Florida body. Grow horizontal stripes like this. Let's do that again with yellow color. Oh, I love it. We can always play with shapes and lines, combine it with colors on our brooder. Just having fun with it and enjoyed a result.
11. Rabbit: Wherever it is, one of my favorite animal. So I must draw it in this course. It's the delta drawn all fall former hat sat with this curved line. And another on the right. I'll write the heaviest done Gaudi ears a long years in the ship. Well, you gotta adjust the line a wide through just with your tastes. Another long year here. Let's start a body, a curved line like this for its spec. Nor to make lacked the belly. Nor reform lay. And closing night draw another bond lay here and a back leg here. Know the iconic run itself. Nice. Let's draw the eyes. Anther symbol ws or SQL. Love it. Let's color the red or the first rabbit. We'll color it with just one color again. And this time, I will make it very simple. Let's call her the inner part of the ears, like this. The other ear. Nice relative dots on the cheek. And it's done. So this is an example of how you can still have fun and get a nice result even though the colors are very limited. And scholar and a second rabbit that colors are red and start with the ears again, is the same as before. Nice. Use the blue color only gears to go off Gulf line under Boniface and Bill in the site. Another coastline on the belly. And fill it again. I am very happy with very Salt symbol do those can makes us happy to sort of a thing. Just create m tab fun.
12. Cat: We are going to draw a cat if the delta ROA sub-goal as the head. Or another triangle here, four here, and here. Very eyes. Corner nodes. Let's draw a small fee. Later. Wrote a mouth suddenly a day later. And finish it with a small graph line here. Fare you it as four Luis goes. It's just two short lines for its side. On a chip. This had doodle is q already. But let's continue. The dalda body knocked offline like this for the bank. That straight line here. And continue to draw the formulae. A straight horizontal line or the belly. The back late gallbladder formulate here. At another back late here. Last nor the tail. Long-term. Alright, its spin is, let's color the catalogue using brown and light brown and awful here. And fill a small rounded triangle for the year. And right to draw a house circle on the back. It latter half circle, hotel. Fill it again. It's great. Here's the second color and fill it on the ears and the half formed a body. Let's draw horizontal lines on lakes like this. Feel the color on all the buddy entail. I always love to see a cat, white dots like this. Let us call the installer second kept. I'm using growth and orange. I wanted to have stripes on a hat. And buddy, let's start on headfirst and thrive. In the middle. They'll F1. And the right Gallery in our part of the ears lies. Let's start a strives on its back on itself. Right? Now it's time to use the second color. Start with the gears. Grow up graph line on the face. And clearly it on this side. Golf short horizontal lines again, I want to scatter to have white socks again before. They're older body intel with orange color. Perfect. It's always fun to add some, ANY most real features in the real war in our doodle. In this case, if the White Sox heavy. So it's an idea and for you to create a more fun doodle.
13. Dog: Some people says that humans best front and it's very loyal, but is also QC. It's unknown. N, it's the little time. Draw a horizontal line and draw a long ship like this. It's for me even dealing with black color. Draw a line for glossing, have further laws. The other smoker flying here and fill it to dot, dot, dot for the I, N, a curved line here for the mouth. No, no GAS lines like this. For the back. Under the head? No. A bit tilted line. Don't draw it too long. Grow to form lately. But GF line for the Bally, a meg link here. And close it. Nice. Go to formulate again. And a big leg here. Then draw tell, and fill it with lead color. Very good. Let's color the dope. No, I'm using one color only. Brom girl, a curved line here. And fill it with color. Another GF line here. Fill it again. Grow some volunteer. And it's done fairly simple, yet it looks good. Let's do another. But with a lighter abroad. Grow oak or flying. It's long from here to here. Girls sharp lines here. And here. The grit wide salts underdog. Let's feel the color on the head. For the body. Let's do something different again. I want to draw a star icon here. Now, let's feel the color again. And it's done. Nice. Always pay with the shapes and colors to grip differing results on your doodles. You will find something new and it's always fun.
14. Seagull: You can find it in the sheepdog flying for really a buffer to see. And it's Riot. I'm going to make a seagull. It's little time. Let's draw a curved line like this. It's father hath. This is the Health Bar of it. Let's draw the other health par. Okay? It looks like a lowercase and later, right? Draw a straight horizontal line far enough back toward the tail like this. And let's close the bottom part by drawing a big bowl shape. Draw the Health Bot force and data. How far? Light? Beak, here's two or three I's and those kind of things. We don't oscillator here. And three small crow flies box here like this. Go to the left side and close this, see let that are here. Growth area for the tail and leg area for a wing at the tip of the curve lines before. Lovely photo legs. Just throw the flip outlet or ship. Draw. Normally. We have a nice eagles UDL here. It's time to color it. There are to do those, and we will color it in different variations like before. For the first digital, I'm going to use two colors. The first color is for the beak, and the second color is far to we. We, we lift the hands and body parts. Wife. Let's start coloring the B. All right, gathered a week using the second color. Nice. No, First Eagle is tough. Let's call up the second Siegel. I'm going to use the central colors from the First Eagle. First color is for the beak, and this time, the second color is for the body and weight. Let's go over to peak force. Okay, for the body and we will do something different. Let's draw a tree horizontal stripes stopped from the tail. Goes straight for the nape area. Go to second stripe into middle part of the body. The last type is add the bottom part of the body. Very nice. This ego is done and it looks more fun. Experimenting colors on our drawing is always amazing. You can make your own color patterns for the seagull. Have fun.
15. Whale: Let's draw a well-known, an amazing creature in the sea. So I did a big curved line here. Another curved
line, but shorter. Gardner bottom part as
true the second per flying small cutoff line here. Detail about them. Felt a lump of land, again. Smiling Now, some compliance at the bottom. Like this. It's done. Well, It's
good. Let's color it. In the next session. Let's color this whales. Whale. I will use this blue color. It's very simple. Just spend the top lid
this glute and lift the bottom 1 second. Well, I'll use these light blue. I'm going to draw
a stamp cuff lines along the top part
of the wealth. Nice. Let's build aligns with our light blue silver. You can experiment
with colors and shifts to fill the top
part of the whale. Also, you can make
funny parts like this one by adding
some texts on it. And even to your
loved one. Have fun.
16. Dolphin: So beans are extraordinarily
intelligent animals. Also, dolphins have a reputation for being friendly for the day. We are going to do though
is fantastic anymore. With the offline tier. Dorsal fin on the back. Continue to draw the
curved line to the bottom. Go to math here. Let's draw the position is around here and
draw it like this. Docker flying to close
the button parts. Flip. Let's talk about a line from here to here. That's fine. Nobody. Happy. Alright, it's time to
color our plasmid open. The Buddhist nun,
the first Tolkien. I'm going to use light color. I want to make the stripes on it often to make it more fun. Nice. I like it. On the second line, blue, light pink color. The rest of this part
with light blue. I think with Guardiola pica. What had been a barrier.
First job, things, stripes. I really loved it.
You can play with colors on the dolphins to create more fun
and cute to those. The time to you on
the next doodle.
17. Jellyfish: We have drawn a face and now
it's time to draw jellyfish. It's fun and colorful. Top part. The other side. And close using a web
form, like in devotion. The tentacle here in the middle. And the last one here. Cody eyes, just two small dots. And the month in
the middle here. It's done. Let's color it. All. The first derivative. There are two colors,
purple and pink. Jelly fish had
with light purple. That calls using pink color. Those types like this. This kid. Under secondary phase, there
are pink and light blue. This pink color for the head. Draw a straight line here and fill the top area. Under tentacles. Drought another stripes
filled about them. Areas. Nice. Use light blue
color for the rest. Areas. Love it. You can color eugenic faced with any colors that you like. And don't forget to
share it with me. In this platform. It's always nice to see your
drawings here. Have fun.
18. DIY Sticker: It sounds will make our stickers and burial tours. And you're drawing this size up, the emails for your drawing must be less than four centimetre. If you are working on a medieval tools and draw your art, then you need to print it first. So I have my door spreading and my drawing. Step one, repair are growing. Lets come to the image like this with the outline if you've got it too close. Step two, free barrier and paper. And here It's got to go build tape around five centimeter. It must cover all your image and base it on parchment paper like this. Nice. Put our growling unclear tape and gotten there and lifted her on five centimeter and getting on top of our drawing. Okay. Step both. Let's cut the image once again. And make sure you let the bit of space around the heads are to take this area will keep the full sticker layers of beds till it's under Saddam. Cut it too close to the edge of paper. Yes. Step five. When you want to use this because just fill out the parchment paper and use it on your February's stuff. You can give it to your family and friends and go, yeah. Rti Weiss details.