How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel | Gamica ☑️ | Skillshare

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How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel

teacher avatar Gamica ☑️, DON'T CHECK MY PROFILE!!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome To The Class!


    • 2.

      What To Make Videos About?


    • 3.

      Breaking The Ice


    • 4.

      Channel Creation


    • 5.

      Choose Your Fighter!


    • 6.

      The Viral Video Effect


    • 7.

      The Software/Equipment To Use!


    • 8.

      The #7-Steps Of Content Creation


    • 9.

      Coming Up With Ideas #1,2


    • 10.

      Forging A Clickable Thumbnail #3


    • 11.

      The Structure Of A Youtube Video


    • 12.

      Planning & Writing The Script #4


    • 13.

      Shooting A Youtube Video #5


    • 14.

      Editing An Engaging Video #6


    • 15.

      Uploading Your Video #7


    • 16.

      The Youtube Algorithm


    • 17.

      The X Path


    • 18.

      Analytics : Navigation


    • 19.

      Analytics : Studying Data


    • 20.

      The Psychology Behind Thumbnails


    • 21.

      Crafting A Clickable Thumbnail


    • 22.

      Search Or Suggested? Choose!


    • 23.



    • 24.

      Satisfaction Signals


    • 25.

      Burnout - The Successminator


    • 26.

      Overcoming Camera Awkwardness


    • 27.

      The 4-Questions To Ask


    • 28.

      The Perfect Video Duration


    • 29.

      Forging An Engaging Video


    • 30.

      Broad Appeal - The Path To Insanity!


    • 31.

      Storytelling Principles


    • 32.

      Crafting An Extended Session


    • 33.

      The Advice To My Younger Self!


    • 34.

      Seeking The Extra Mile


    • 35.

      Final Thoughts & Final Advice


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About This Class

Whether you got motivated to finally start your youtube journey, or you decided to try again and continue on your youtube journey, This Class Is Made for You!

My name is Gamica, I have been a youtube creator for 8 years, I made over 600 videos on 8 different youtube channels, in 8 different niches, and I get you...

I understand the struggle of growing a youtube channel, because I have been there...

I understand the fear of people around you making fun of your videos, because I have been there...

Content creation is a marathon, isn't a sprint, content creation is a long-journey that you need to go through, is a long-journey, that I will help you through...


This class is divided into 3-Levels

Level 1: Beginner (Lesson 1 - 15)

Level 2: Intermediate (Lesson 16-25)

Level 3: Expert(Lesson 26-36)

Throughout those 35 lessons, we are going to talk all things youtube, all the things content creation, all the mistakes I made, that you should avoid on your youtube journey...

Topics We Will Cover:

  • Creating Your First Youtube Video From Scratch
    • Film-Making principles & How to shoot a youtube video
    • Crafting an engaging video using editing
    • Crafting a clickable artwork to use as your thumbnail
  • Understanding How The Youtube Algorithm Works
  • The Metrics You Should Be on The Look out For in The Youtube Studio
  • The Mentality Behind Creative Content Creation to Improve Your Videos
  • Tips to Help You Create Better Engaging Content for Your Audience
  • and much much more...


Links Mentioned In Class:

  • The Class Summary :
  • Youtubers Discord Server :


  • Lesson 4 - Banner Photoshop Project :
  • Lesson 8 - Equipment & Gear List :
  • Lesson 12 - Video Planning Template :
  • Lesson 12 - Shooting Lesson Script :
  • Lesson 14 - Editing For Beginners Class :


  • Lesson 21 - Rule Of Thirds Diagram :
  • Lesson 23 - SEO Checklist :


  • Lesson 34 - Links: 
    • Transitions :
    • B-Roll :
    • J-Cuts/L-Cuts :
    • Storytelling :


We will cover the most crucial youtube metrics to your youtube success like click through rate (CTR), or average view duration (AVD), we will cover how to create an extended watch sessions

We all dreamed of becoming successful creators, like MrBeast, Mark Robber, MKBHD, Airrack, Ryan Trahan, and much much more, well today I will help you understand what it takes to achieve youtube success.

We will get you to understand your youtube growth, and how to read your youtube analytics in your youtube studio analytics, We will walk you through navigating the complicated youtube studio

We will get you to understand the basics of youtube editing, and how to create clickable youtube thumbnails.

Everyone on youtube seeks going viral, or youtube virality, I can't promise you that, but I can promise you that hard-work pays off, I can promise you that I can guide you throughout your journey on youtube, the same way I wished someone would with my own personal youtube journey.

We will go through youtube title formation and how to come up with youtube video ideas that viewers will highly appreciate.

We will cover how to overcome camera awkwardness and camera shyness, and create your first youtube video, and start your youtube journey, we will also cover youtube channel creation and discuss youtube video structure, and dive into youtube planning and how to script your youtube videos creating the perfect youtube video script.

We will discuss youtube storytelling, and how to tell a story throughout your youtube video, and how to apply storytelling principles to your content.

We will also, discuss youtube search engine optimization (SEO), we will discuss how to create youtube viewer satisfaction, and how to improve your thumbnails on youtube, while discussing youtube thumbnail designing principles.

Meet Your Teacher

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Gamica ☑️





I'm Gamica, a YouTuber, and an online teacher, and I also struggled with making youtube content, figuring out what I was doing wrong and how to fix it, and I made this skillshare account to share with you my faults, and how you can avoid falling into the same traps.

I started my YouTube journey in 2015, making making skit videos copying my favorite youtubers. I then went on to creating 8 different youtube channels and 600 videos all over YouTube.

See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Welcome To The Class!: Hi, my name is Gamica, and I'm not a certified YouTube employee. I started making YouTube videos when I was just 14 years old, and I have been in love with it ever since, experimenting in all sorts of ways with YouTube. Nerding out over the different factors that make a successful YouTube video. And in this class, I'm going to try my best running you through everything there is to know about YouTube. How to film your videos How to edit your videos, How the YouTube algorithm works Crafting a clickable thumbnail, studying videos analytics search engine optimization, camera awkwardness, the structure of a YouTube video, everything! This class was originally going to be 50 lessons, but we have filtered it down to 35 lessons of pure knowledge Me and my team have been working on this class for the past four months. And we made sure that those 35 lessons include everything a YouTuber needs to know about YouTube. A Youtuber needs to know about YouTube for him to have the perfect youtube start, while helping creators who have been making YouTube content for a while figure out what they're doing wrong. What is the invisible barrier that they have been bumping into? What is the factor they have been missing. Hopefully, you don't notice my accent too much, and hopefully you enjoy the class because it will be worthwhile. And I will see you in the next lesson. 2. What To Make Videos About?: What Should I Make YouTube Videos About? That is the questions that stops most new creators from taking a step into their YouTube career. Well, You already answered yourself, The answer lies in the S, In this specific S in the question, videos, plural... Most new youtubers, spend most of their energy and time Wondering about this question, wondering what to make YouTube videos about... when all they need to do is just sit down and think about what they should make their next video about... What Should I Make My First YouTube Video About? The answer am about to give you, is the answer I always give to myself, when I have been off YouTube for a while, or when I'm starting a new YouTube channel, that answer is Make the video,you are most excited about, when you starting a new venture in a new carrer There is going to be many variables that you need to get used to... Too many walls that you need to break through. The one thing you shouldn’t do, is add another wall to the list, like doing a video about what is trending or what is going to get the most views. Speaking to a piece of metal is weird, It needs getting used to, But if I have my friends around me, it becomes easier If I'm filming in my room instead of filming in the living room around my family, it becomes easier. Like If you were going to wear a t-shirt, Why not wear the one you are most comfortable with, whether that being filming a funny challenge with my friends. Or a comparably easy video to make like a try not to laugh why make it harder for yourself, when, it is already hard enough. well, here is where the snowball effect comes into play. Think of how comfortable you are with making videos, as this small snow ball on this hill Once you get moving, once you make your first video Introducing yourself and your channel that snowball will grow and grow, You will be more comfortable taking on more challenging videos. 3 videos in on YouTube, that snowball will become so large making videos will become so natural for you, then, and only then, you can take on the video with the greatest potential of going viral There are two types of youtubers, one that underestimates making content, that makes a video just in a rush just to get it out there. And one that makes YouTube, primarily, because he is having fun What To Make My First Video About? Don't get stuck in that question, wondering what is the perfect idea to start working on not pushing that snowball off the hill. Make The Video You Are Most Excited About. One of my friends was recently also worried about that question. I told him, why not make a new YouTube video about the bike you just bought, that you are excited about. Well, why not do the same? My main youtube channel... I started with making a montage of my best plays in my favorite games. My First ever YouTube channel. My first ever YouTube channel, I started with genuinely copying a video from my favorite youtubers at the time. Why not make a video vlogging of a day in your life, if that is what excites you. a video sharing your secret recipe to making a chocolate cake. a video with your friends while playing your favorite sport, a video that you are excited for If nothing still comes to mind, A few lessons down the line we are going to cover a few practical methods to coming up with ideas to help you come up with an idea, you are going to have the most fun making Don’t get hung up thinking about your first 100 videos on YouTube, Just think about your first video, and make sure, that first video of yours is the idea, You are most excited for. 3. Breaking The Ice: Okay here you go. What am I supposed to do with that? Film your ground zero video what you mean film, with this naaaaah this doesn't work like I need a professional camera. This has already a good enough camera for YouTube. and most YouTube viewers appreciate casual videos than professional ones, So, I see this as a complete win to be honest. what am I going to do about the audio quality? Here is a cheap $10 headphones, The average youtube viewer can’t tell the difference between a $10 headphone and a $1000 professional mic hmmm Will, I don't have a video idea. This is your ground zero video, you don't need an idea just, just start talking to the camera for 30 seconds, like maybe introduce yourself. Yeah, but like it won't get any views. Well, yeah that's the point That is a waste of my precious time, Like, I could be spending that time playing video games, Where is my Lamborghini and Bugatti? You need to get your foot in the door before you start wandering around... Like you need to learn how to walk before you start running. Talking to a piece of metal is weird, imagine adding over that the stress of making a good video, creating a YouTube thumbnail a good video idea FINE, FINE, you made your point, but like I'm not ready though. Bruh you have been thinking about making a YouTube channel for like three months now, This is your ice breaker, after you make that video You will be more comfortable making another one and another one And just like you said, it won't get any views. And I can guarantee that it won't get any views. Well, what should I say? Just think of it as an Instagram story Like, just say your name, your expectations for your channel, how you are feeling right now. Okay, fine. Hi, How are you doing........... Naaaaah, no no no Okay, How are guys....... How are you guys doing? And good da..... bruh I keep missing up Yeah, that's fine like most famous youtubers you know 00:01:49.880 --> 00:01:51.710 mess up like 20 times before recording the intro of their video. And most of them had actually a prettily uncomfortable experience with making their first video, most of your favorite hyper active confident youtubers that you see, would pretty awkward on camera when they first started out Hi, This is my first ever video on this new YouTube channel. I actually got forced by my friends to make this video But I have been thinking about becoming a YouTuber right now. And I think I can make pretty good videos. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel because I'm going to make more videos. Hopefully, hopefully I make more videos and leave me comments about what video ideas I should make next. Yeah, That is the worst video ever. But now you have a video. A video you can try to beat with your next one. Now you can get access to the YouTube studio analytics you can share your channel with your friends and family, and you finally tested the waters, you finally tried out that part of your life, that you always wanted to experience. I just keep refreshing and refreshing, Imagine like if it gets millions of views yeaaaaaaaaah, It wont IMAGINE IF IT DID well what should i do now? Well, you can now share it on your other social media accounts. Like it's not the best decision when it comes to business. Yeah, yeah I just shared it everywhere but it doesn't really matter what I say, you will share it anyways. You guys always do for some reason. well, Yeah I have to go now I have been wanting to become a YouTuber for a while now for months, ahhhh not again, I just kept delaying it because I didn’t have the perfect idea all I need to do is just jump right into it really. Yeah, But like till feels weird and uncomfortable though The more videos you make, the larger your snowball gets, the more you are comfortable with making videos in the future. And I already think that you might by now, have a few ideas of what you should making your first video about. yeah actually some came around while I was recording, like I can make a video reviewing the perfume, I just bought... Well and I can also make a gaming video playing Minecraft, Yeah, yeah, That will definitely get millions of views. I'm already talented enough. I deserve more. I already made a good enough video. why is YouTube so unfear to me, like where is my millions of views oh shi 4. Channel Creation: So, now that you have decided that you are going to start your youtube channel. In this lesson, I will show you how, we will cover how to create a new YouTube channel how to setup the best name and picture on your youtube channel. How to navigate the youtube Studio 00:00:12.330 --> 00:00:14.325 the most important youtube channel settings and how to customize your youtube channel. this is the main youtube homepage. I would assume that you already have a Google account that you watch youtube videos with from the top right corner, you will find your channel picture or your Google account picture after you click on it, you will find this button right here. Create, actually click on it. You will have an option to upload a picture to your youtube channel and select the name for youtube channel. I can write down something like my legal name Mohamed Gamal. Or I can write something like Gamica, which is my nickname. If I was a Minecraft YouTube channel, I can write something like,Gamica craft, this name is something that you can change later on. And I will show you how So, Don't worry if you don't pick the best name and don't worry, it will not a stick. just name it as you like for me, I'm going to write something like Gamaica tech or something like G-tech. Now it's turn for the picture of your youtube channel. It's better to choose a picture that relates to your type of content. Like if I was a cooking youtube channel, I would grab something like some food beside me while taking the picture. But if you are not sit yet, on what type of channel you are going to make, I will tell you how to pick from your own pictures. I will click on Upload picture. then I'm going to navigate into my pictures folders. For me, it is going to be something like here. I have six pictures over here. First of all, I'm going to get rid of all the friends and family pictures. So we're just going to delete those two, then I'm going to get rid of the pictures were my face, Doesn't have enough space on the sides or up something like this. It doesn't have enough enough spaces on both sides. So, I'm going to delete this. Then I'm going to delete the ones with lower quality or with colors in the backgrounds that can reveal with my channel picture. So, there is pink behind me, I'm going to delete this one and this one is filled with colors. So, I'm going to delete as well. Now, we are left with this one, And I think this is the best one we can use. Most people would sit there channel picture, something like this. But I like the channel pictures, to be more focused on the face. The reason for that is your channel picture on the phone of the viewer would be very tiny. wouldn't catch your face if you selected the entire of your picture. But if you just selected your face, he'll probably memorize it next time around he sees, one of your videos. So, I would just select the picture or something like this and I will click done and after i click done. I think I can do better and zoom more on the face. And I will click done. Some people might not agree with me, but I think that's pretty good. Now, we're going to create our channel. Now we have our youtube channel. You don't have any videos on it yet. And you don't even have your banner. We're going to click on our new profile picture. Then we're going to click on our youtube studio. The youtube studio is where the magic happen. The youtube studio is where you check the analytics of your videos, is where you edit your videos. The descriptions the titles is where you add the thumbnail, pictures to your videos, manage youtube channel settings, customize the description for your channel or change your channel name make a playlist it s the website you are going to spend the most of the time on in your youtube career. first of all, you can see, I have zero subscribers. I have zero videos uploaded. So if I clicked on analytics, I have no analytics. And that's why I'm going to switch to another channel of mine to tell you where everything is. Over here. You will find your latest video performance, how your latest videos perform. You will find many complicated analytics over here, but we will get to that in the next level of the class. You have your channel subscribers is how many views you got, how much time you have spent. It's been all around the world watching your video in the previous 28 days, you even have your comments over here. This is a dashboard this is, basically like a summary of your youtube studio. Then you have your content page over here. You will find your videos. You can click on any one of them and edit and manage them. You can sort by most views or by date or by date in reverse. Over here you have your playlist, like if you have a series of a Minecraft videos in your channel, you can just group them in one playlist. that the viewer can binge-watch all of their videos. You also have your analytics page, but we want to go in depth about it. until the next level of the class. But mostly you have your views you have the watch time you have gathered in th past 28 days. You had the subscribers gathered, in the past 28 days, then you have your comments page. You have the latest comments that have come to your youtube channel. You have your subtitles page where you can add custom subtitles to your videos, or an automated subtitle to a language you select on your youtube videos, you have your copyright page. But we want to go in depth about that until like, a few levels in this class, you also have your monetization depending on youtube channel, you will probably find the page like this. Where it's asking you to have 2-step verification 0 Active community Guidelines strikes and most importantly, 1,000 subscribers and 4000 hours accumulated in the past 300 and 65 days you have your customization page, which we'll return to in a second. And you have your audio library page over here. You can find free YouTube tracks that you can use in your own YouTube videos without worrying about any copyright. strikes or any something like that so. You can also find sound effects that you can download. And add to your videos that's all of the youtube studio. And now we're going to go into the most important youtube channel settings. 00:05:43.910 --> 00:05:46.790 The most important channel setting you need to click on after you make your youtube channel is to click on channel. Then click on Feature eligibility make sure both of those features are enabled. This one is always enabled if you don't have any community guidelines strikes, which you don't because you have just created the youtube channel and this one requires phone verifications. You will have to click here filling your number, get a message on your phone enter the code, then your youtube thumbnails would be enabled, which is a more important aspect of youtube basically. In general, you have the currency of your youtube channel. It won't matter at all in monetization. It will just show you how much you made in the currency you desire. Like it won't increase how much money you are making it that you have thought. then you have your upload defaults. There's basically a title like if, let's say you are a Minecraft youtube channel, that makes constant episodes of Minecraft. You can make #minecraft episode 5. You can also select your visibility public, which means the video will be automatically published after you upload it to youtube. private, which means that the video will be automatically become private and not get published after you upload it. Unlisted is the same as private, But you have a link is that you can share with your friends. tens of youtube channel, doesn't really matter what it comes to algorithm, but you can just type it like Minecraft, Let's play. Advanced setting. You don't have to mess with anything. You can select the category of your content, like if it was entertainment or education but as well. This doesn't a matter, at all when it comes to how much views, you will get on the youtube algorithms. Then you have permissions and community and agreements, you will only need those if you have other friends or employees that are helping you with your youtube channel, then you are going to click on Save. Now that we're back on our youtube channel, we can click on customization. You have your channel trailer and featured video returning subscribers, but you don't have any videos published yet. If you have just click on add and select the best video, you have that you are most proud of. You also have your feature sections which you can add like a playlist in your youtube channel. Homepage then add, maybe like channels that you are subscribe to. like for me over here on my main YouTube channel. I have my uploads, then my other YouTube channels on YouTube then we are going to click on basic info. Over here you have your channel name. I told you you can change it from here, like Mohamed Gamal then we click on Publish, then you have your description. You can write something like. I don't know what I'm going to move LOL, and that is basically how you feel when you're just starting youtube channel. Everyone's, like that, you can write who you are where you are from other social media links if you are promoting a product or something using youtube, just a description about yourself, I like to just copy paste my Instagram bio over here in my new YouTube channel. Then you have your channel URL. You can create a custom URL like instead of UC7, you can write something like G-Tech. but you need to be 30 days old on youtube. your youtube channel needs to be 30 days old. And you need to have 100 or more subscribers on your youtube channel. And here you have links. You can add links to other websites on your youtube channel. Links will be appear something like here like over here I have my Instagram. You can just click on it and go over to my Instagram. You can just click on add link. the title of it, like Instagram, then add over here the link of your Instagram. You have your contact info. this is the E-mail. Most brands were reach out you using so just make sure to place an email that you are very active on. I will just type my primary e-mail over here. Then we're going to move on to branding. You have your channel picture, your banner image, and your video watermark. I personally, never use Video watermark your watermark will look something like this. Over here in the corner, you can click on it to subscribe to the youtube channel. It's your choice. It doesn't matter at all when it comes to how much subscribers you get or the youtube algorithms. For your picture. We already settled on one, but you can come up with your own graphic design if you want to create a professional picture, I have my Skillshare class over here in my profile. You can just click on it and they learn how to create that image from that image. But it doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter when it comes to how many views you get, then for your banner image for your banner image, I will attach a Photoshop project linked to this class that you can edit. that has already the desired size for your banner. It's a bit of a hassle to create a banner image that actually fits. But here on the screen, there is the size of the banner image you should use, but it will end up looking something like this. The box in the middle is your youtube banner and the rest is just the size youtube desire, I would suggest that for youtube channel page is just grab from Google, like a landscape big sharp or just a solid color, like yellow solid color. Then just click on it Save Image As, save it wherever and use that image as your banner picture. And we're done. We just click on Publish and we have our youtube channel ready for our first youtube video. 5. Choose Your Fighter!: This is,,, yeah, This is very much The most important lesson of this entire class. If you truly desire success on YouTube in the shortest period possible then this lesson, will directly impact your mentality of how you should go about making YouTube videos, on your channel. There are two types of YouTubers. I'm personally more qualified to talk about them because I have been both of them for certain periods of time. Let's start with the type of youtuber I regret being the type of youtuber, that lost me the most amount of time, Mr. Shortcut... Mr. Shortcut, is actually a very reasonable man, is a man who cares about longevity. He avoids any extra effort to put in his videos by using two simple words, the two cursed words. Good Enough. This shot is already good enough, We don't need re-shoot it. The audio quality is good enough, We don't need to try and improve it. And he's right most of the time, most of the time, the video is actually more than good enough. But you see, Mr. Shortcut is getting this wrong way around. The question is not if it was good enough for the viewer. The question is, if it was good enough for you, Mr. Extra Mile knows better. Mr. Extra Mile is excited about making videos. He can’t wait to start his day just to get back working on the video he has planning for... for months... He seeks every opportunity he can, just to make his video 1% better. Mr. Extra Mile understands the point of, making YouTube videos The point of making YouTube videos is to see how far you can go as a YouTuber. How entertaining can you make your four-minute video? How much information can you offer to the viewer in the shortest period of time. Mr. Extra Mile would go out of his way setting up a greenscreen for 3 hours, just to get a 10 second funny shot, that will make the viewer’s day Mr. Extra Mile would go out of his way. editing his video for more than 3 days straight, just to make sure the video is as perfect as no one would have expected it to be. Mr. Extra Mile would tell his team, to buckle up, because they are going on a 10 hour journey across the country to make their video the best version of itself. All of that, while Mr. Shortcut's soul is getting sucked out by the pressures of the YouTube algorithm. He is waking up every day looking at the negative side, at what amount of views he didn't manage to get. Unlike him, Mr. Extra Mile appreciates the value of the numbers and he would love for them to go up. And if that YouTube channel of his would make him some money to be able to do it even part time, it would absolutely make his day. But the numbers don't tie him down because overall, Mr. Extra Mile is making the videos for himself... He's pushing himself beyond his limits to capture experiences that he know he would love to look back on. He is making content, that he is proud of first then, content that can get views as a second priority. Mr. Shortcut thinks is that he is the exception... I don't need to edit my videos. I don't have to put the extra effort in capturing an attractive YouTube thumbnail . I won't have to go through struggles like that other YouTuber did when he was first starting. And the saying I fear the most I don’t need to do as this stupid class tells me, my situation is different. If he says that 99% of creators struggle with something, then I am the 1% that doesn't struggle with that thing. I can make it on YouTube without following tips X and Y that this youtuber might mention, I can make it alone, on my own. I don't need any advice, I don't need to be helped... On the other side, Mr. Extra Mile understands that content creation is not a sprint, it's a marathon. It can last weeks or even months. He understand the fastest way up, is through the help of others. Mr. Shortcut, that cares about longevity actually ended up being the one with the worst upload schedule compared to Mr. Extra Mile, because Mr. Extra Mile doesn't make the videos for the numbers, He makes them for himself... When I was following the Mr. Extra Mile mentality I would spend an entire week every night sitting around on my desk, Shooting my video for 5 hours straight, just for me to get the best. footage possible for my five-minute video. A five minute video that would get highly appreciated by my own community, which led me into getting like 40,000 subscribers in a period of six months. But the most important benefit, it got me that I still love those videos till this day. I still go back and watch them againو and die from laughter, I am proud of those videos... and you also should be seeking being proud of your own videos, Seek any opportunity to go the extra mile in your videos so that you can look back at them being proud. As I'm looking at mine right now... The 3-points, you should get out of this lesson are Don't be arrogant. Don't underestimate making YouTube content. If anyone gives you any advice, take it, thank him for it, then you decide whether you should act upon it or not. We humans have a very bad habit of underestimating any task that is presented to us thinking that we are the exception that won't struggle like other people did. So please, throughout this class. Don't say something like naaah, I don't want that, I don't need that... Whenever you catch yourself doing so just drop your arrogance and focus up... Put the effort through this class and I promise you, I promise you, Your deepest desire, which is achieving the most YouTube success in the shortest period of time will come true, do the work, and I promise you it will come true, Choose Your Fighter... Never say that a video is a good enough video. Always seek any possible opportunity to make your video 1% better even it was like just 10 seconds, that will take you hours to make, it is worth the effort... and I will explain why in the viral video effect lesson four or five lessons ahead... Success on YouTube... I'm not going to lie to you, is hard. It takes dedication, takes effort, takes patience. So at least in any venture you are starting try to have fun in that venture so that even if you decide to quit a few months later on, well, at least you made some memories. At least, you had fun... 6. The Viral Video Effect: Who's your favorite creator? will, mine is Mr. Beast. I remember the first time I found one of his videos when scrolling through, youtube his thumbnail post very intriguing possibilities. And his titled pushed the intigue even further? i scrolled down If he did deliver on the promise, mading the title and thumbnail. So I decided that I will stick around properly seconds towards a bit. And if I didn't see enough science that convinced me to stay, I will just clicked one another video from the suggested tab. shockenely, is video hook me from the beginning, it was just full of action from the first few moments. It is Diego hooking from the first minute tells a lot. He was going the extra mile with every short film. He would put the extra effort minute was key for him to take the shortcut. the video ended i didn't even notice that 10 min has gone by. Then I said the magic words, where has content like this been in my life, I need to watch more. And so I did, I clicked on more and more of these videos. And every every single video, you would go the extra mile in videos later, and I'm already an dedicated fan to his youtube channel. The process we just went through is the only process that exists. Every single youtube tip I'm out to give you in this class. or you're going to get bigger in this class will eventually all end up benefiting the viral video effect making it more optimized, more tune. the process, we just went through is the process. A youtuber needs to forage to go viral. Let's break it down to 3-stages. First of all, the first stage. the thumbnail cut our eye and the idea. post intriguing possibilities and the title convinced us to click. Then we'll move on to the second stage, the creator delivered on the promise made inthe title and thumbnail throw the hardwork he put in the video, he convinces us to stay and watch more of his video. The video was action bagging . It wasn't too boring. And the Creator, went 00:01:57.860 --> 00:02:00.845 the extra mile with every second of the video he can, he showed us and prove to us that our time is worth while for him. Then we'll move on to the third stage. the video was so great. The creator could have just made a good enough video and gotten away with it and visit. But he pushed hardup. He showed us that he care. All of the seconds he put in the extra effort 00:02:19.130 --> 00:02:22.085 accumulated into the result of us watching more of his video the other videos followed the same formula, which eventually leads to something that looks something like this. All those videos in the cycle will below what together, but mainly the video that started. the cycle, is a viral video effects. The process I just showed you is the 100% process is going viral on youtube. You will not get it right and I, will not get it right neither. But maybe I will get like 10% of that effect, maybe like 30% of that effect, maybe like 15% of that effect. All we need to do. All we can do is seek any potential opportunity that can help us make our videos better, increasing that percentage that can help us perfect. The viral video effect I already showed you this effect on yourself with your favorite youtuber. First time you saw your favourite youtuber, you have probably also went through the viral video effect, where you ended up pinching 00:03:22.190 --> 00:03:25.205 multiple videos in a row from the same Creator. All of our efforts,all this class is going to do is make you refine those three stages. Whether it being making more attractive youtube thumbnails, or learning about the psychology of eye alignment or applying storytelling on your content, or seeking every possible opportunity to go the extra mile in your videos, it will all lead back to those 3-stages. The 3-stages of the viral video effect. 7. The Software/Equipment To Use!: Go easy on yourself and try and keep it professional. Is that going to be the main premise of this lesson with each professional equipment or software, I'm going to suggest. I will also suggest is a basic beginner friendly, comfortable option because took into a piece of metal is already uncomfortable enough, is it is going to be many softwares and the equipment dimension in this lesson. And that's why underneath the class, you will find a PDF file called software and equipment. It will be the F, it will have everything we're going to talk about in this lesson. All the links you might meet with access to blend in software. Blending your videos include all the seven steps we just mentioned in the previous. And personally, I like to use Notion. Notion is a very mobile and the community standard application. I use Notion to blend out all my videos and all my classes from start to finish. But you don't have to go through the learning curve of learning how to use Notion. You can just use the default notes taken app on your smartphone. Some news is the blending and the designing software to blend out your some nail. You can just draw when a piece of paper or a sketch of how you expect your some nail to go or maybe use the default debate, the software on your operating system. You can all use websites like some subdued TV. You can just go there and upload your thumbnail and see how it looks on the different YouTube homepage is to get a better idea. I'm Neil works for them or for design. And what are some nail beds or use Photoshop. But like right here of the eight years of content creation, I can tell you that you can easily make some nail that can go viral on your smartphone, which I will show you in the thumbnail, Mickey, Listen, but I want to give you a single line of advice that I want you to memorize throughout your YouTube. Jordan, I would rather you have in a wire or some new concept executed owns a default event ab, then you have a good enough huge gypsum Neil, executed on Photoshop. Video editing software does the same thing applies right here. You can use a professional software like Premiere, brood adventurous. Final Cut z will give you lots of options. It will improve on your own YouTube videos, but you can just go on your smartphone and you will have a pretty good enough results. I mean, it will be much harder and much more time consuming, but that's much better than go through zone Comfort. Obviously a huge learning curve you will have to go through with professional video editing softwares. You can also use beginner video editing software like iMovie if you are on Mac, or like femora if you are on Windows, e.g. keyword research and SEO, if you are planning on making searchable YouTube videos, I would absolutely recommend you get into your body with the lowest debate. Blend you body will give you access. Pretty much the only tool you can count on when making search targeted videos. I'll go through search optimization later on. But you body is the only tool I recommend. If you want to know if you're searchable video is going to perform or not. Before even making it. Youtube Analytics, I would recommend installing the default YouTube Studio application on your phone that will give you pretty much access to everything there is about your analytics. And for this top, there is nothing better than the default. Youtube is free to access your analytics. I would start getting used to it. Microphone, if you hold your smartphone or your camera, but pretty close up to you, then I will just go with the internal mic on Zach camera entirely because it's much easier, like not even to save money recorded in with the internal mic is much more convenient. Does unlike carrying 5 m of wire around do is you can use noise removal effects later on on your editing software to get a pretty good final product. But if you are in a situation like me, where your camera is sitting very far from you because then I will just go and buy myself, am I a plague road video? Or if you're looking for Samsung, Why are you can just go with Abuja BY M1. I basically use it in every recording session. Camera, virtually when it comes to the camera equipment dialect, use piece of metal in my bucket, which is called the my smartphone in each shot that you saw or we'll see in this cross, will always be shot on my smartphone. Zebrafish null option for me would be Sony, is that the VE eaten, but you don't need the rest of camera equipment to make a YouTube video. You can always just use the front-facing camera on your smartphone camera gear. Nationally, I would recommend getting a stand like the Amazon basics cameras ten, I have a standard dissimilar to that and they are pretty handy when it comes to filming. You can always invest in an octopus tribe or that will work well with your handheld shots or were shot with a camera stand would be too much of a hassle. Obviously, there's lots more equipment is that you are our bonds throughout your journey, but you don't make a good video. You do most of your favorite UT, what is emitted with very bad filming gear. And then when the channel is started blowing up, z actually got that for k camera, not before. Go easy on yourself. Don't make it harder on yourself. Who is that complicated softwares and year just to grab your phone and record this and get it done. 8. The #7-Steps Of Content Creation: Seven steps, seven steps, creating a professional youtube video from start to finish. every youtube video starts with one. An idea whether you are making a video following a trend or a video reviewing the new toy car you just bought. It's an idea, an idea that needs to a title. It's not enough to write my my toy car review as your title, you need intrigue, you need excitement. You need this car toy just changed my life that video can get lots of views, if it had three. a thumbnail is the little Image shown above the title of each video you see on youtube or thumbnail, a thumbnail is a store front of your shop. the better look It becomes the more customers you the more people end up watching the video. that you spent hours on 4-planning. planning is a process that can happen on a board like this one, on a desktop notepad or just in your head. planning is a script of your video, is the materials you need to film, is the shots you need to take, is the step most table escaped. You probably might be thinking about it as well as I mentioned right here. And I also did underestimate planning the video. I always want it to skip it. I always want it to turn on the camera and start five, shooting, shooting your main footage, shooting B-roll shots, which we will cover later. setting up your background, setting up your audio shooting is where the action happens before 6, editing your video, merge in your footage together cutting out the dull moments and crafting a masterpiece used in visual effects that hooks the attention of the viewer to create a final version that is ready for 7 publishing your video, editing descriptions, uploading, the thumbnail researching keywords throughout the next lessons in the class, we are going to cover each one of those steps, helping you complete the class project, creating your final video so that you can get my feedback on it in the class project section. Also, I am going to create a video with you from scratch through this class. We are going to create the shooting, lesson of this class. We are going to come up with a title for that lesson. We are going to come up with a thumbnaill for that lesson, we are going to learn how to shoot our video, during the shooting lesson of that class which is the video we are working on. And then I'm going to show you how to edit it and I'm going to post it right in front of you on youtube. Those are seven steps, the seven steps of creating a youtube video. Those are the 7 unnecessary steps because you can just pick up your phone right now, record with the front camera and start talking about the one time. You sneezed on your crush in primary school. And it can actually do pretty well just to make sure that you are having fun. 9. Coming Up With Ideas #1,2: I remember very vividly when I was a kid too, is also volume two is about and try and merge them together to create a new invention. This is saying is, I didn't know what to create according to come up with new ideas, like all the good ideas were already made. I was to be done to worry about your first 100 videos on YouTube. Only worry about your individual unit. And makes sure that that video is that when you are most excited for, is an idea that you are going to have the most upon me. But if you don't have an idea where this lesson comes into play, I will show you a few practical tips that you can use to help you come up with an idea for your finished YouTube video, how to come up with good ideas. But one was with your ideas. You need inspiration. Inspiration can be just some keywords in your study book. Can be just the sum objects lying around you can be an image of you and your friends that have a one story behind it that you can tell in a new video. Here are my five favorite methods of coming up with ideas for YouTubers. Won your YouTube notifications. Notifications already have a list with you if you are interested to ward off creators, you might look up to that. You might consider Coby and ideas like I did when I first started, just to scroll through YouTube notifications. What is a video that you would like to make? Maybe make a triangle plot video. You very much enjoy Zeus, maybe make a product review. You have that new viewers. It might be worth a shot to the question you get asked. The most. Industry dismissal is not for everyone. Like if you don't have a specific industry. But like let's say you are a student and you get constantly amazing grades. The other students probably you would like and already asked you a couple of times, how do you manage to be constantly amazing grades? Will you probably have answered this question like hundreds of times, making you an expert in that question, which is something you can take them off. The skill teachers are zones that hurts the same question millions of times through multiple iterations to accept. Answer is they came up with the Supreme answer is the best answer. Both civil and z can give it on a constant basis. You are a certified expert in I'm not kidding. When I tell you this, this is actually the one with the greatest potential for getting your fetus, the video to go viral on YouTube. Why not share your secret chocolate cake recipe is that your friends love eating. Gondolas asked you about how unique it, three objects used to use this all the time. Would I use making gaming videos back in the day? Just look at the objects around the new Android Tacoma boys with new ideas using those objects. So basically, I'm sitting at my own desk right now and I just wrote for inspiration, oh, I had maybe I can make a video for tonight, but I'm wearing a hat now. Not interesting enough. Some mint. Maybe I can combine it with a cook and the omega value title Fortnite. But every time I do, I placed into a cool, too long, too complicated. Maybe I can make a video titled, I want a game a fortnight with one boy. Yeah, this seems quite interesting, isn't the best idea, but it's a store for keywords. Keywords is my favorite missile coming up with new ideas, keywords can easily bicarb new ideas in your brain. A dictionary is Mr. miss this favorite method of coming up with ideas, just the flip through a dictionary and try to use deference towards your eyes. See in a video idea, tomb. Or it's been 50 h buried alive. Pizza is the world's largest, the pizza. Another way I would use this method is just this that I would go for a walk. I would write down every single I see three cheer binge drinking, or it's been 24 h grabbed a train station. A train station for seven days. When coming up with listens to what does this gloss, I would write down key words or everything I know about huge, huge matrix analytics gear. And then we'll go through those keywords, trying to come up with lessons for the class you are watching right now, five sheets. With this class, I attached a 100 video ideas you can use to get inspiration. It took me awhile to bring that list together. You can just scroll through it and you are very likely to catch on when a new idea is that you can make in your NIC is due to bending. I have a special trick that I use is that can easily get me to like, get like to win your ideas in a row in like half an hour, I shut off the Internet. I threw away my phone. I get rid of all the distractions. I turn off the lights and the focus up and think about YouTube ideas in complete darkness. Don't drag yourself down by saying like zero is no good ideas anymore. The question is not, they were good ideas for the YouTube algorithm. The question is, if they were good ideas for you, would you ideas that someday in the future, you will look back on them and they get to be proud that you actually spent the boy in making that video. I already gave you a few ways that you can use to come up with video ideas. But talking about coming up with ideas is not enough. You need to act upon it. You need to get rid of all the distractions around you for just a half an hour and just think about V-type is imagines a video you are going to create. Imagines as ROCC is that you are going to blast in the middle of David, you isolate yourself from the distractions and let me know what ideas you come up with. I come up with ideas. Urine notifications, your most Oscar question, objects around you. Key words of inspiration and the cheating was the 100 ideas list, hopefully using these methods, you have finally figured out what when you are making, because I already did, as we discussed earlier, Rousseau's view lessons, we are going to make a YouTube video from scratch that you do video is going to be shooting lesson of this class is the lesson where we're going to cover how to set up short, how to set up light in, how to get aerial shots, how to get B-roll shots and et cetera. So that's our idea, is that the step one gun, now it's time for us. Maybe we can just go with something simple, something that explains the idea very casually. Maybe something like how to set up shoot for your YouTube video. But this won't stand out compared to the computation. We need to package it. We need an attractive title for it. And interactive play skills that introduces more possibilities. Maybe you can title it something like filming as a solo YouTube are full walk through. The way I learned coming up with the Jupyter is just to consume in hundreds of titles of YouTube videos. Iwatch it throughout the years. I will just go on YouTube right now, screwed up through the videos, read the titles, and you maybe try and come up with a right tail, similar to the video I'm watching right now. Something like that mistake 99% of YouTubers make during filming. And you can also just run throughs, I want 100 ideas lest I already included down below. And then maybe a title format will catch you liking and maybe you can use it in your own video. That's our title. Done that step to Don and now it's your turn. What is your idea and do what is the right tail for him? 10. Forging A Clickable Thumbnail #3: The desire is to achieve the movie studios success in the shortest time. And the number one rule to make sure you are not wasting time on YouTube. Make some kneel before making the video. Lots of YouTubers have deeply regretted. This is the mistake of making your thumbnail in a few minutes in a rush before boosting your venue. Most new, you want to underestimate the importance of why YouTube thumbnail. More than I'm about to show you a few months ago, my mom looked me up at 06:00 A.M. so that I can go and buy a cake to present to our guests that are coming. Boy, at 6AM, I followed the address she gave me the cake shop she knew was the best thing down and lucky me, I didn't find the cake shop. I found three cake shops all side-by-side. I was all on my own. Now, I had to decide which cake shop is the one that sells the cake my mom wishes need to reverse the actual loop. The extremely proficient with very simplistic design, it will just immediately catch your eye. It was very obvious that the shop owner about attracting customers. The second one as well was very simplistic. It just wasn't that are grabbing compared to the first one, but it was good enough. Job was dusty and Missy zeros cobweb line in front of the door. It was obvious that the owner of neglected his poor front to Delhi. I decided that I would go with the fetus, the cake shop, the simplistic or grabbing one. And yes, it turns out the cake shop I bought from was the wrong one, and it wasn't the second one in Israel. It was the third one. Is that one's head cobweb on its front. I get YuJa mica or some Neil's or the store fronts of your video, you are telling me to make some Neil's some Neil is that our fill those cobweb. I'm telling you that the shop just the lost on a new customer, just lost when you put that mean, it is pointless for you too big. The most delicious cake in the area. If no one is even going to bother to go inside your shop to shake it out. If you don't carefully or some male viewers won't watch your video, even if your venue with debits to ever exist. How will they know without clicking on your video, coming up with some Neil is a very broad abstract, like is it a cooking video or our cout video, zeros lots that goes into coming up with a thumbnail for your video, and losses that goes into making a clickable some nil. So I will try to keep this lesson beginner friendly. And then the NIC is the board of the class. We will dive in depth about some near the water is your friend wins the game. This part, Weinberg water, water is your friend. Well, when it comes to YouTube, thumbnails, artistic shots are your friends. Artistic shots are beautiful, attractive shots that are straight out of the camera with slight alterations to make it look more attractive. As I told you, zeros lot that goes into making, or some new answer is lots more that goes into making a clickable thumbnail. For this lesson, we will just take cover. Artistic shots are distinct. Some news are the ones the most debugging or unseen into making. The ones they mostly do buttons lean into making. You can't go wrong with artistic shots. What you can easily go wrong with choosing that growing the color for Europe in your song name is choosing the wrong font. Before grabbing my camera and thickens the shot, I like to sketch show my son Neal is sketching here some nails first will help you picture how the subnet will eventually look like. And it will help you save time when you are going back, sit into that camera again because he didn't like how the some near-term and about I know are going to underestimate this process. But trust me, when I tell you, this process will help you not end up with about some nail that you worked very hard on. And it can easily make you scroll through multiverse, some new concepts. Seconds, like I'm about to show you, just Tobin paint on your desktop or on your phone at this doors kitchens or thumbnail. Okay. Now we're just going to throw and the sketch out a few some Neil concepts for our YouTube video. But first we need to type the title of the video on Z, been foil. I will just write it down over here. Men as a solo YouTube or walks through. And I will just extend it and make it something like this. Now we're just gonna run through a few, some new concepts. Maybe you can make a before and after eating a meal of miller, unlike right over here with bad lighting and me over here, a very short, bloating and amazing color correction. Showcase the results the viewer is going to achieve after he watches that video. Maybe we can make another concept like over here. Maybe we can just take a normal shot like this. My desk is this is me over here. And a light in Boynton at me. And I can try and make it as brief as possible. So it describes his idea was a video, but one that really stick out is just a regular one, is just like this over here. This is a tripod with my phone on it is my camera, and this is me over here, just to throw in to adjust this a camera for my YouTube video. As simplistic as areas can actually grab the eye of the viewer and convinced him to click ones that venue. So we'll probably just going to go with that one. A very simplistic, easy to make one. Now that you have got all our sketches, all you got to do is just to grab your phone or camera app on your phone, just try and get an accurate representation of the shots. You sketch it before Z and hold on the screen to focus and they take a couple of shots. Okay. So I just set my camera right here. As you can see, there is no any professional standards. Justin, my phone beside a few books and do the timer is set for 10 s. What I've got to do now is just angle my shot to get the short possible, like something like over here. And that will make sure is that I'm actually in frame and I will just destroy and take a picture of is that I think can work for my oil as a YouTube thumbnail, something like that. And maybe I will just look at the phone and maybe another one looking like this. And maybe another one but looking at the camera. Yeah, I think I like this one. Now, I'm going to edit the picture for my YouTube so many, you might be wondering what software I'm going to use, Photoshop or any other professional photo editing software. No. I'm actually going to use the default photo editing software on my phone. I will just adjust some settings. Maybe I'll adjust the exposure and the brightness. I will just to try and make it look good for my own noise because that is what my data is. And here it is, we have our YouTube thumbnail in less than 2 min. You can use a professional cameras tend to set up your camera or you can just get your phone out, grab your front the camera tilt your phone besides a few books, set a timer for like 10 s, and just take a shot. Don't make it harder on yourself than it needs to be. 11. The Structure Of A Youtube Video: Congratulations. You just finish the video. You have been working on for a month. I carry the rocket ship into space and just posted that video. 100 viewers around the world got intrigued by her some neat and decided to click and watch. But as it turns out, your video is click bait. You don't actually carry a rocket ship into space. 95 of those viewers will now leave your video and only firewall is t and wash more, probably just the subsidiary roles that ain't got a job to get back to. But most of your viewers already left your video. New run, say introduction. The first of the three. This video is an introduction. This film is about possibilities of you are expected and convinced them to stick around to watch more if you fail to do so, no one is going to continue watching, acceptable to the mindless infant. Congratulations, you've just finished the video. You have been working on for months reviewing the best, what should be a review? I bought. And you just watched exactly 100 viewers around the world, got intrigued, D-Wave something new and save it to click and watch. Your video is not linked and you do a good enough job. In the introduction, you will only lose the viewer's eye or two of those 100 viewers. This is not the best, but we can run with it. Interviewers have successfully while she did an introduction and moved on to the medial border of Europe, is the middle part of your video is where the action happens. This is what is a viewer, the dreams come true and this worry you deliver on Petitions is a view or expected. Sadly, you fail to achieve three important to goals with your middle bottles every new mistake, number one, you are a selfish, arrogant two-to-one. You started talking about. It's a funny situation that happened due to the way you are cleaning your bathroom or he started talking about your experience with other 1000-dollar be a few new. Have you started talking about anything but Zackie value is a viewer expected you to talk about what shapes the review for the budget bear. You just bought, you didn't get right into Zackie value. And now we just lost 20 more viewers. Mistake number two, Your energy is low. It's clear that you are not interested in filming. It's like you are being forced it to fail and you don't even better up with good editing or some special salts gives the viewer a gauge. Your video is not engaging them off. And now we use certainly more viewers. You only have to win the viewers enough. Mistake number three, you made a good enough video. You didn't. It goes the extra mile to surprise and shock them you or you didn't see a work unit is to go the extra mile. You didn't put the extra effort in getting cinematic shots of the product or budgets, travel distance for a week to figure out its features and the biggest reasons the customer should in the void, you didn't want the extra effort and reception where they can get the product or service. Deborah is good enough job. So when it came time for the bottom of your video, L2, your video, most of you are is left before you get to your other content. You didn't seek opportunities to go the extra mile. Now, you just lost 16 more viewers. You only have four viewer's left. City of them we already discussed woozy or, and the final viewer is a very few experts whose entire database three is about beer, fuel, and these just be found, someone that understands has to be refueled. That is the only dedicated fan you got from your entire 100 viewers, which is a very low percentage. So when it came time for the hour to, you fail to achieve the goal of getting the viewer going on and extended washing station watching movie reviews, which is a crucial effect, is that you need to go viral the duration of the video. Keyboards, the introduction is a middle board and the output z introduction Berbers, is to confirm the possibilities of viewer expects of your video. Nieces is not their answers on nail. And to convince or you work to stay and watch more, whether that be in jumping straight into the action or some high efforts cinematic shots that you spent this entire afternoon shooting is the middle bar squared is to one, deliver on Zackie value the viewer desires without getting into routine, what should you be yourself or your review of the budget birth due to extremely engaging with or that you be in hybrid, excited about shooting in Boston energy, or you bought in the extra effort in z naught is a venue or even blend Judeans as a set of screens so that that doesn't get bored. Yeah, that is the reason those types of TikToks exist. Our attention as many stone that you need to videos bleeding at the same time to stay engaged. And yes, it's actually pretty small. Three, seeking every opportunity to go the extra mile. Epic cinematic shot, your assertions or five crucial flaws of the product. You given him a link to a discount on the product. Bones extra mile will give the viewer reasons to watch more of your videos, to stick around throughout your video, to watch his out. The rewards Berbers. The one thing not to watch the video and subscribe to ask him to like not to ask for any benefits, but getting him to watch more of your menus, there is nothing that will help your career more than not asking him to subscribe at the end of your video, I know that when you are just starting out, I know is that you are a very tempted to Oscar for his extra like or Zack, is there a subscriber to finally reach then subscribers? But as we discussed before, is the most important. The work of going viral is a viewer liking your videos too much. You convince him, watch more of your videos. Outros job is precious time right here. Keep in mind is that most of us will be very tempted to leave when you just to say, thanks for watching, the more you talk in your outdoor about other stuff, then watch a relative video. Zehmer viewer is, you will lose zealous like you all to go YR, I blasted you with lots of inflammation in the past few lessons. I will recap everything right now, have you ever find zero video, throws a title and the sum name. After he clicks, he goes on to the first part of the structure, weight you video wishes introduction. Then he moves on to the middle part of your video. Then he moves on to the third video, which is our tool. Then from that, our true it goes on an extended wash station watching more of your videos. Each one of those five births has a special job. Each one of those bars job is to convince the viewer to move on. Because any case this, have you ever sees your title comes up with possibilities and decides to watch your introduction. The introduction confirms those possibilities through the viewer, decides to watch more of your videos. Your video is one extremely engaging to deliver it to the k value, sorry, u goes acre stroma. And in every single part of your video, which convinces the viewer to watch your video. You through a small angle with one goal. Command, a similar video for the viewer to wash Nick is, the viewer gets convinced since the video recommended to him, and the cycle starts over again from the beginning of him watching more of your videos grow in those steps again and again. If we can learn one thing from the structural weight your video is that you can achieve the YouTube algorithm is ethic dogs of you are getting convinced. Watch your entire video and watch more of your being used. Assumptions that you can scams If you are through, you need to put the effort in your content. You need to go the extra mile in your content. You need to give every second you are taking frogs have USB. You need to care. 12. Planning & Writing The Script #4: Now we're just gonna jump right into the blend in green, as you can see right here. This is a video blending template that I made, especially for the students of this class. Just look at the description of this class. You will find this link right over here and click on duplicate of the reopens a template, then you will just have to sign up to new Shannon z naught editing applications that I use to finally get access to that Timberlake is that it's not a promotion or innocent, or not making anything out of z. I just use Notion with everything I make. This is still not approve motion after you do so and apply a dark mood to your notion. You will find the notion template that looks something like this. I won't have edu idea come up with a clickable title sketch if you sum their concepts, it's basically a to-do lists of the blending process of creating a YouTube video. Now, you might be having a few salts, like, why do you use it? Is that because the problem youtube or suffer from is procrastination. Procrastination is delaying your work is an AKS day. There's any case to week, one of the biggest causes of procrastination of delay in filming your video is your venue being filled to so many unsolved problems? How am I going to shoot my video? How I'm going to set up the lighting, how I'm gonna, what I'm gonna do for the introduction, what I'm gonna do it for us, our true, what I'm gonna do for that, especially at the middle of my video, so many unsolved problems. And that's why I like to use any template that breaks down my video into a symbol, smallest steps. So that's the sort of started a new video doesn't feel too overwhelming that I end up making two videos every month. I do need to go through this process if you are having that. So when you are absolutely right, you don't have to go through this process. You can just pick up your phone right now and the start deforming your video and the tool turned out pretty good actually, you're absolutely right. You should start off wiser ways that is most comfortable for you. If that means that you will just be grabbed an ordinary nude bed and distort the piping and they blend in your video. Absolutely go for it. That means that you will memorize what parts of the script you are going to talk about without writing them down. Payment, a YouTube video is already uncomfortable enough. Took into a piece of metal socials to Troy and go easy on yourself. Each Shabbat of your content creation process, whether that be in Feldman, go with the easy route film in which your front camera and instead of the back, whatever you do, just to get the snowball rolling and Xin, you can start to perfect your videos and use video blend and templates. I already told you my reasons are breaking down the steps of making a video and a template and writing everything down, just sort of making it your video to look less overwhelming. And for my peace of mind and to save time and to save resources. Now, I hope that you are on board and I hope that I convinced you for you to actually start writing Darwin's a blend in both of your video, I'll don't make any money. The first task we have to go through is decided upon average UID for our YouTube video. If you can't come up with a video idea, you can just click over here on hence, and you'll find a few ideas for you to come up with a YouTube video idea. Swipes through your video ideas less oil-based, only half my video ideas list. This is another breach or notions that is scaled to use YouTube video ideas like I can show you right now. All of those video ideas I can just scroll through. I maybe I studied 100 Mr. Mr. Videos. Here's what I found. Maybe that's a good video ideas that I'm excited about, that I can start the meeting in this video, maybe you can swipe through 100 ideas lists that I already talked to you about and just click over here and you will be directed into that 100 ideas less than justice, right through it and come up with another idea, maybe this one surrounding objects and keywords, like over here I have blessed, be a perfume. Node, bad, maybe something like **** to blend with your video, maybe something like z. And you can always just studies a competition. Look at your YouTube notifications, look at what your favorite Gator is, just the boosted and maybe try and copy them. But we already decided that whenever a new idea early on in this class, which is a venue tutorial explaining to you were held. Shoot a YouTube. Okay. And does every step of the blend and process done? Now we move on to the next step, which is come up with a clickable title for the video and do already came up for as a title for our YouTube video, which is filming as a solo, huge reward for walks. Now we move on to sketch it out in a few, some near concepts, which we already did in a previous lesson. I will just drag them and drop them right over here. Now the next step is to list that one topic ideas for their new topic ideas that we can talk about, the urine, our YouTube video, if you are struggling to come up with what you are going to talk about inside your video. Maybe you just click on hence, you will find that you can start as a computation. You can YouTube searches the title of the video, so we can just copy it right here. Copies that idea from right here. Just go on YouTube search and you will find a couple of videos. Maybe you can watch some of them and just do this though in some bullet points over here, OVS, ideas you should talk about inside your video. If your video is educational, maybe you should remember is the common questions you ask about the topic. Like when making this gloss is a common questions or YouTube or always ask is like what to make YouTube videos about. And that's why you will find it like it's a faith store is a force in this clause. If your content is entertainment, maybe come up with obstacles during your weight, you similar. My favorite UT bottles maybe like Mr. B's to Iraq, watch a couple of zero videos and maybe we'll come up with ideas for your own video. But for this I think you are creating right now is a video, is filming as a solo huge waterfall walks through a video about how to fill my YouTube video on your own. I will cover something like maybe they're lighting setup, lighting setup, maybe the bag ground setup, maybe the camera setup setup. And maybe you can also cover B-roll shots. If you don't know what B-roll shots, basically, the shot on the screen right now of me talking directly to the camera is an aerial shot. That shot of me just waking up, of me sitting on my desk and working. That is called the Abbey Road shot for us to cover everything about shoot an AQ. We should also include the mean B-roll shots. And we are done. We already have five topics that we can talk about during our video. Now we move on to blend in our crypto european. Here is another hint. You don't need a bit pixelated. You can always fix it in the editing process. You'll do need to have a 100 BJ's wards of words that is employed. If you took from, you can just do like I just played with that YouTube video by just the head, like that template to help me navigate through that lesson. And that's about it. I can just define them for like 2 h and I can always fix it in sales in process. Move bits from the video from here to over here, and from here to over here. If we click on the script word for and then through the middle bar ands out of our video, let's start to Zoetrope because that is a very simple board of any YouTube video. We will adjust the directors have you or to another similar YouTube video. So we can put it, maybe something like that. And if you are going to create your naked eye, you should check out this YouTube video that goes in depth about how to blend your, you'd scratch I just directly at the viewer to another video similar to the topic of someone who's watching right now that he needs to watch for him to successfully complete the tips just learned in the video is just watch and that's it. We just finish this out. Reward of our videos. We move on now to the integral of our big for the intro, you can just add some bits and pieces from the middle of your video and stick them out in the front of your video testings that node has ever tested before, like planning a Lamborghini with a hydraulic press, climbing a building with Spider-Man to the world's largest open experiment filling 1 billion or more. If you were an entertainment channel, but if you were an educational channel, you can't possibly get away with z was an educational channel you should try and hooks that you are and also let him know what is coming up in the video. So maybe you can type something like filming a YouTube is struggling to set up. Your lighting, is struggling to choose the right background before your video. And always in the knob hairpin, a bad quality that you have through our exist. I will walk you through X, Y, and Z, do a short lives are five things. You are the five topics we're covering. And I will just dimensions into him real quick. Now move on to the middle part of european. What I like to do is just the Jacobians, the topic ideas, and just the base them right here in the middle board, as you can see right now, it is, the NIC is today I have finished writing down the empire is scraped off the entire video we are going to film, as you can see right here, I have used the color codes, like the blue is year-old, the green is the schist. Again, just to make understanding the script much Assembly for it for you and the much easier for me to recap visit when I'm editing revenue. First of all, I will walk you through because the color codes, the faulty tickets is the aerial shot of me just talking straight directly to you. The yellow tickets, which is on the screen elements like this picture right here. What is a screen over the arrow shot is the blue, is the mural shot is a shot of me feeling zed is a shot of me watching a YouTube video of me just waking up. Shot is a shot of me doing whatever I'm doing, like right from here with the phone attached to myself while I'm doing that same, the catechist is basically tickets dependent on the screen. Now I will just quickly walk you through the screen. I will include the script as a BBA foil with this gloss is that if you want to review with imbibe in depths sentence, script, but all of you are going to watch in the next lesson, I want to go through reading each sentence in that script, various theories in, through filament as a salute you were filling the screen is in some B-roll of Mr. Gelin to set up a camera and background on lighting and Z in some aerial shot of mixing, blending whatsoever you will cover. Then we move on to the middle. But it is, as you can see, every single board who are covering energetics. The inside it is the footage. We are going to shoot, some error chores in some B-roll shots and some images on the screen for us to cover in the editing lesson everything about anything, Xin some footage, opportunistic em, and that's about it renewed. But basically, that is how we kept to look like. This is a very short video, like maybe 4 min for maybe something like 30 min, whatever that when you extremely short, we'll do is information is better than having a 20-minute video with some pieces of information here and z, z you have three more checklist which is filming, editing your YouTube video and boosting your YouTube video that you can go through. Okay, so let's recap a bit. You blend in process or purity of video real quick, what is the goal you have to decide I wanna idea, you can just study the computation, swipe through your ideas list or look at the surrounding objects around you. After Columbus idea, you have to come up with a clickable political for it. You can just go on YouTube and see what everybody else is doing. And maybe we'll come up with a formula for your own YouTube videos and you will have to sketch it out in a few, some new concepts for your own video just to draw them on a sketch and firms him later. Then we're gonna move on to less than Darwin's atomic ideas for your YouTube video, you can just study is a computation by YouTube searching title of your video and watching a couple of other competitions videos. And you might come up with a few ideas for your own video. And then you can move on to the script right down the center of your video and Zell transients, that's about all you gotta do now is just to put them in your video, editing it, and then Boston it on YouTube. Now, I'm going to go on filming the YouTube video, and I will see you in the next lesson. 13. Shooting A Youtube Video #5: Min as a solo YouTube, the struggle of setting up your lighting, the hassle of setting up your camera, setting up your background. Throughout this video, I will walk you through how to set up your background, your light in your camera, your microphone, and how to professionally take the role shots to massively improve the quality of your venue. You're right, instead of you're recording location, if you have professional light stands, you can easily fill them all around your house. But if you don't, you can always use natural light just to make sure you are facing the window and the camera is pointed towards you and you are pretty much done. We have a bagel shop that has not sure, pretty light color around it. For the background setup, you can always go with something complicated like you can see I have over here my dismantle debated as background with Moodle around. Maybe you can go for something like a bookshelf or like a blend board behind you. But you can just always go with a solid wall, just the bush a table towards await rule and sit behind this and you're pretty much done. You have a good enough looking back ground. And that's so much better than your old dusty closet. Now, for a second, you can always get a throwable like this while I move Amazon or even a camera stand like this one, just the place it in front of the table and believes the phone just above the table, that will give you a more assertive low camera is looking up q, which gives the viewer a feeling that you are zebrafish. And when it comes to the topic in discussion, just a little bit in front of the chest and then Gillings the camera Abbott job. If you don't have a professional cameras ten, well, you can just always use your hand and the film yourself or maybe bless your phone, besides a few books. Use your forefront the camera on your smartphone. Remember to always make it easy on yourself when filming a YouTube video. But does it make sense if you're holding the phone in your hand? Well, you can just easily go with the internal mic that full. But if your camera is for acoustic room, you, you can just take it achieved in dollar mic flag, this one which is called the buoy or BY M1. But you will have to struggle a bit with the wire. B-roll shots. Error is the heart of me talking directly to you or me directly talk into the camera and shot is a shot of me waking up, is a shot of me working on my desk, is a shot of my broken bed, is a shot of my closet, is the shot of the triangle. Those are all B-roll shots. The main purpose of using B-roll shots is to showcase to the viewer that you care, that you care about. The viewer's time is that you care for your own videos. Just grab your phone. You'll need for a tripod and just to get on with it, filming thoughts, everything you are talking about in your videos. It will take you like an extra safety minutes to work, but it will double the quality of your YouTube videos. That's it for this lesson. And now it's time for the editing of your video. And for which I would highly recommend watching that video, which showcases how to edit your video. 14. Editing An Engaging Video #6: For this lesson, I wouldn't count on it as an editing tutorial that will get you from a beginner to an expert level in editing. But as I already mentioned in previous lessons, you don't need the best editing software. You can just easily edit your video using any editing software on your smartphone. And they make sure to turn on captions for this specific Skillshare lesson because that will make it easier for you to keep up with me during the editing process. And we're just going to dive into the editing, the video. You just watch. I have to edit it now. I will edit it in front of you. As you can see right here. I have all the shots are shot for the shooting, listen. You watch. I will just drag them and drop them right here in my editing software and talking about aids and softwares, which is software you should use that is totally up to you. You should always go with the comfortable option because making a few video is already uncomfortable enough. I am currently using Adobe Premiere Pro. You might be using the Vinci Resolve, you might be using Fillmore, I might be using iMovie, don't worry, the editor and we're going to do is break the basic two can follow up in your editing software of choice. I will just go through some pictures right here on the screen. You can see that most editing software is look-alike. It is pretty basic, like you just cut out the mistakes and you add some tickets, some visual effects and you're done. I mean, it's more complicated and z, but there is a very basic version. Now we're gonna move on to three-minute with our video to remove in suburbs. We don't talk in your video or the dull moments in your video. Like as you can see here, legs is six right here. And just use your front your front, the camera on your phone or camera on your restaurant? Yeah. I just to keep it a bit in zip mistake until I finally get it right. So my job my first job, your first job is just to remove them mistakes. Your entire footage, just go throughout your video, removing those mistakes, removing the empty here, and then we'll move on to the next step. Okay, now I have finished. It remains in prior videos that we just filmed every single mistake. And the every second zone here is there is useless because the viewer to walk. Now it's time for our organization. As you have seen in my script, you'll find that there is many different colors, many different types of edits in this script. As you can see in the color codes, you have an arrow shot on one screen elements, a beautiful short, short onscreen texts. Now, if I were to go to my editing software, you will find they have already added at the renamed the tracks in my timeline, like over here, that's a whole trek B-roll track on screen elements. Let's given tickets to just camp and now it's level organization. I will just walk through my entire timeline at them just like I notice it is. And only screen tickets. I know those are like B-roll shots, so I will move them that will make it so much easier for me later on to edit the video without messing up. If you didn't read through this table, you can easily skip it. Like it's the only organization renaming your foils, like you don't have to do it, is not going to break your edit. You can just easily skip through all pledges and aerial footage. What is that? Improve that lighting setups that's on the screen tickets. Like I have a script on the other monitor. So that's how I know that's an on-screen tickets, sets and a role that savvy role, B-roll, B-roll, and so on and so forth. Those are fine line. And I have just finished the organizing my entire timeline. And they even made everything different colors. So it's easy for us which type of where it is at one. Now, I will just add a new threat over those threats and that will cause its legs. The materials, everything we're going to place over the edit, we are going to just simply zoom right over here. Now, what's special about this is that we don't need any of the odd you with any of the voltage I shot with any absorb your shorts. We do need the audio for anything. So we just can select them and click on it, right-click and then click on link. The video. Software. That step will be different for dating software you are using just the will of how to unlink audio from your video with your editing software like Premiere Pro. Now, all I'm going to do is just to get the Bureau shots from here and below, z over z replaced enzymes or timeline like e.g. this short, I know is the shot right here when I'm setting up my loyalty and in the light instead of bonds. So I will just grab it and get it. As you can see, the B-roll footage on Settings, I can stand right over here. Then I clap my hands at over here. And do I finish globin? It should switch to natural light for me to showcase the difference between allied stem ends, the natural light from your window. So we'll just came out with the board. I think there was a mistake over here. Yeah, over here and just emit out dancers eclipse. So I will just remove it and groups them together. When you can always use natural light just to make sure you are pretty good. This short over here of me showcasing how it looks with my natural light from the window. So we'll just grab it and place it over there. And I will try to add it over here, make sure it's above that and we're pretty much good setting center short with the B-roll footage. And that's pretty much it when it comes to setting up and organizing your shot. Now, I've got to do is just to grab all of the B-roll footage and depleted in z location in the edit. So I will see you in 10 min or 15 min, maybe. Like 10 min. I have finished all of the views in all places. Now all I've gotta do is just add tickets. Is Ed, any only screen elements like any images on the screen? And then we can add music to survey. I will first start with images because there is only one screen element that I have to do. So I will just move on here and here, what is happening over there? Listen, maybe you can go for something like a bookshelf or like a blackboard behind. Yeah. I have to get an image of a bookshelf and Benezet left over here and an image of a blend the ball and place it over here. So I will just go on Google right now. I will click on images and Detrick you should be aware of, is clicking on Tools, color transparent. And you will find the bookshelf is that you can download zip, won't have that overly white color in your image so you don't have to remove it, like I will just don't lose those two. Same way. Colors are transparent and I will just drag them both right over here. We have the bookshelf right from over here ends up land. Like maybe something about overhear. Just the read any residuals and we'll just stick with vision it likes over here. And we'll go for the bland bot and also musicians that one as well. And we will place it right here. And just all the images, a bookshelf or like a blackboard behind you. Now we'll move on to take filming as a solo huge Barbara. I have to either decreased right here C, and then I will pick a phone to my choice. I ever choose like Burbank, make convinced you might have font. You might not just select another font from that list. Then our mess around with it sitting, so sittings will decor, given NOW that software I will end maybe add like stroke around the tickets, maybe something like this and increase the soil is cheaper and maybe I will change the board. I don't think it looks professional enough. Yeah. Yeah. I think I will stick with that one and that's it. Now all I've got to do is just pick is over each tickets and the obliques, the thickest ones. That's why we're just they do write one over here in front of you. Then we will move on. Here. I'm going to say lighting setups, zip up, and now we'll just do the tickets for every single one of those elements that need. And now I have finished everything. When it comes to the visual boards surveyed use a TK's is the images that B-roll shots I have finished. Everything is, every new is now ready, but we need some music, west things up. So I will just go on YouTube right now. I will click on my YouTube channel. I really need you to do is I will go down to ODU library and I will just try and listen to some music. Maybe I'll see something that I like. Now I think because that one is too much too much to be useful to obese. Funny. Yeah, yeah. I think I like it. This one. Yeah. Is that is that is that will fit pretty well with the tutorial we have. I will just download it and drag it and drop it in. Premier Pro. Just edit like right over here. Then we're going to copy it and paste it again for it to fail Zai employer YouTube video. And now we will just adjust these as sound level of Zach music. Solo you tomorrow. Yeah, it's much higher than my voice, so I will have to lower it, EBIT, right-click on it, or you gain and adjust again boy, and reduce it like -26. Filming as a solo YouTube. What is the struggle of setting up your lighting, the hassle of setting up your camera, setting up your background. Yeah. Yeah. That's a pretty good enough edit. Like I usually have more touches and more in deep sense, visually fixed since 3D animations with it. But like I can run with z a day of the week. That's it for our edit. Now, it's time to render it out for us to publish it. I will press Control M on my keyboard. Then I will adjust it. Like H.264. I will adjust this allocation of the output file to like maybe my desktop Save. And I will just click on Export. And we're done. We have our video ready after the edit. 15. Uploading Your Video #7: Now we are at the final step. Now we are going to boost our EQ been using who have been working on light as opposed to 60 lessons. I have a value right here. I will just drag it and drop it to the root tool. And now we'll just change the title to something like filming as you walk through that description, I'm not planning on writing anything. You can draw it if you are targeting search key words at you or might search to reach for YouTube video. Maybe you can write something like In this video. We'll walk you through how to build a YouTube video and so on and so forth about what I'm covering individual observes the word searches for any of the keywords I'm typing, you will find my video and hopefully click on it to become a subscriber. Then now I'm going to upload the thumbnail. I will just define it like over here, and here is our thumbnail. I will just upload it. And now playlists are not adding any blazes. Is it made for kids or not? Basically separates the option. Risk directs your video to only kids. And the second option shows your video to everyone including kids. To just go with the second option, then you can click on Show More to see more settings available. Motion. It doesn't include bit where emotional at Microsoft, That's fine. You can add tags. It doesn't matter that much, but you can go ahead and add Zim for this of mine Zach category. What is the category of your content for now is like editorial or education. So we'll just go for education. You can go ahead with all of you, those savings, but there's only, I won't bother with them. Like eventually it all ends up to pure research and available for months. Just forget about everything and we are learning that beach we take on next screen, we can add an end screen direction to another video of mine, but only this YouTube channel. I don't have another video, so we'll just not bother with z. Score changes course, don't add course. The Arabs, You can use this chicken if you're counting the has incentives that doesn't follow the cumulative volume lines or YouTube soul just the reds are thrown and click on Next bribe. It is not true in a venue to anyone on listed as shown in the video, to only the people with the link to the video public is everyone can see your video. I will just click on schedule. Schedule my ability to view boasted on a later date, like maybe on that when desserts maybe at five became more something, you can say that as Premier, but I wouldn't recommend that option on lists like you have a very big event is that you have been hoping for and schedule. And we are done. We just the boosted our new video and our video is good to go. That's it. You posted your first ever YouTube video that you created and blend from scratch. You are officially a YouTube or I know you already. To go through the NIC is delivered of this clause, which is Intermediate. My advice to you before going into that next level is finished the class. I'm not saying so because I will benefit from you finish in the cluster in which I will, I'm saying so because I will dive into many topics in depth in the next few lessons, and I might lose you here and zero, you might miss a table, or you might even skip Alison or two that you might feel uncomfortable. Who do is a tape. So I tell you in jail specifically soon and that's fine. It's fine to muscle fiber due to schemaless one or two, What is not following is not delivering on the promise you made to yourself, is the promise you made yourself to fully go through the YouTube game. You are going to miss some information here and zeros throughout this class. So don't blame yourself and do whatever happens. Make sure you finish the class, even if you are going to skip every level and just the zombies right into the final lesson of the class. Don't add another clause to the list of unfinished. The clauses is that you try to pursue, that you have barometer yourself to pursue that you just ended up drowning them with your daily life. Finished the class. That is only action. I asked you from you in the next few lessons. That's it. And I will see you in the next one. 16. The Youtube Algorithm : Your favorite YouTuber. The first time we found them is some nail oils. The idea is that I can convince you to click the EEG water delivered on its promise right away and keep the giving and giving going the extra mile with every possible shot, the videos and engaging that you didn't do this 10 min bus in boy, the video is over. You will already urgent for me to watch. You ventured his entire YouTube channel in one setting, the viral video effects three stages. The first stage is the vital endosome Neil and the idea, the second stage is engaging with you, worthy each bar goes and his trauma eventually can. Stage is when you've finished this video, urging for more and more of these videos, all of the three stages has its own metric that YouTube uses to determine which even use are better as n, which their own metrics that YouTube uses in their video ranking system. The higher it gets those metrics. Youtube ranks you compare to the computation pi till some nail. And the idea is the more clickable rosy or the higher your click-through rate gets, or CT or your video is, the more engaged in it is, the more reward is the way it is, the higher your audience retention curve it gets longer as eyewash station you created, the model library of videos are optimized before the viewer to bench your content, the higher your average view is, better view or number of gates, a VDV, click-through rate or CTR, audience retention curve and the average use the reviewer or ABVD. But be worried, analytics or a black hole of very limited benefit, do they get lost in it thickens as visual number, as long as every action you take leads to better optimizing the viral video with thick, as long as your views will increase in accordance. In the next few lessons, I will show you how to grow fish and they use analytics to better improve your content and data achieves a viral video thick. But for this lesson, I will just explain in depth what each of those metrics are and where to find them in the YouTube studio, your click-through rate or CTR. Thumbnail j is your title, and this is your idea, is MOZ or in June, the higher your click-through rate gets, your click-through rate is a percentage of how many people clicked out over 100 when your video is shown to them. If 100 viewer sees you some Neil in the YouTube homepage or elsewhere, that is 100 invitations, 100 people that soil some nail. If ten of them decided to click on your video, we'll that's like ten views. Views. Well, congratulations. Like probably the most abused you've ever gotten a video. Yeah, I'm sorry, ten views divided by 100 impressions. Is that there's like 10% exactly your city or it's ten per cent out of every X amount of impressions you get, you get. Sin. Is that an outdoor views known to where to find your click-through rate or CTR. But it's the word. You will click on your content to see your own videos. Now, select the video you want. Or four, I will just select this one. After this niche opens, you are going to click on analytic Xin over here on the right, you will find this step reach of that acrylic on it. You will find you embrace and over here you will be used over here. And most importantly, you ambitions eclipse jewelry, but most of the time you'll just indicating about that number over here, your click-through rate is your views divided by invitations, audience's attention. Your audience retention is a curve in your YouTube is still due. That tells you how many vivo sneaks through out your venues. This can easily tell you how engaging your videos are and how successful they are in Hawkins attention of the viewer, they remember is the graph I drew earlier intermediate structure. Viewers elected urine you intrude with the viewer is in left, is insert is insisting viewers the left and only one of the six remaining went on to watch another one of your videos. Well, if you were to go to your analytics, you will find that graph that will look like this. This is your ten minute video. Is the more you go in this direction, the more times have you. What is this bending? Watching your video? The more you go in this direction, the more the viewer is, is bending. Watching your video, this direction is the percentage of WR is still watching as the first, the minute you lost about 30 viewers, Xin, your graph would look something like this. A huge drop-off in the beginning of the video. Then later on, 20 viewers, your attention good oversight board. Then you lost about 20 viewers. Then you are lost also about like four keen viewers and only 62 of your viewers made it to the end of your video and do only one percentage of Zim decided to go more on a watch cycle, watching more of your YouTube videos through this graph, you can detect the button where viewers into live in Europe they use and what part of your video does a viewer's absolutely enjoy watching. With audience retention comes three important metrics. Your average view duration, or AVD. Your average percentage viewed, or EVB. And the one you might be familiar with, which is watch time, watch for him is the entire time across the world. It's been watching your video combined together, if we divide the total wash time, why is the amount to be words at watching your video? You will get your average view duration. This is how much time, on average, a viewer, It's been watching your YouTube video. Now you have your average reader variation. Let's assume your video duration is like about 10 min and your average view duration is like 3 min. If we'd avoid the average view duration by the duration of the actual video, we will get your average percentage, which in this specific situation is something like 30% 3/10. That is how much time, on average, a viewer would watch your videos. 70%. 70% depends on how long your video is and how engaging and hook in your video is. Let's recap real quick. The audience retention curve gives you a box of your videos. Your viewers enjoy watching. And daughters of all moments of your venue, watch time is the entirety of time spent across the globe from vivo watching your video. Average iteration is how much time on average and ordinary view, what would its been watching your video? Average percentage viewed. What percentage of your video would a normal viewer? It's been watching your videos. Now on to where to find your watch time, your audience's retention curve, you ravaging duration, you average percentage beam. First of all, you are going to click on Content to find your own videos. Select this event you desire to find the z score. Then you are going to click on Analytics. Then you are going to click over here on indigeneity. Over here, you will find your watch time, which is how much time we will approach the world watching your video two. And over here we'll find the average duration, which is how much time on average, a single view or spins watching your videos. And if you go down here, you will find the place where they are going to spend the most time, which is your audience's attention. Here you will find a board that has gone up and it's about as they're going down to learning more about the performance of your video and what to improve on next time, you will find over here you every iteration again and your average percentage view. You can just click on something like this. They overhear, watches a video in that board and try to figure out what caused these are viewer to leaves the video at the board and not do it again in the future. And then we're going to move on to average views, review one or more extended watch session. Session is a few unique viewers watching your video, some leaves throughout your video, some sticklers Z, but Z extended watch station is a unique viewers watching your video leave some stickiness n, But since it can equal another one of your videos, then after they finished the colliculi, another one, then another one, and it keeps going and going. In a very long sequence of videos that affect tooth extremely increase the average gooseberry viewer. You see over here, a single unit viewer only watching one of your videos, but over a year, a single unique viewer watch it like 60 videos of yours is at least two like a sexy average views Bellevue or number. The higher this number, the more likely it is for your channel to start getting massive traction. This video is getting 10 min wash time per-click. And these other competitors video is getting 100 min of watch time for the same click, YouTube will boost the two limits you never saw before. Let me quickly show you where to find your unique viewers and your average views per viewer. Once you go to your channel analytics from this tab right here, go to your audience. Here you will find your unique viewers. This is our unique viewers who stumbled upon your channel on z d? Well, my channel, there are four people who stumbled upon my channel, not force every time. Z is just the stumbled upon it is those four unique viewers. If they watch it like 20 videos of mine, it doesn't matter because you are still only four unique viewers. And now let's see. Unique view are number one, watch it forever. My videos unit viewer, number to watch it. Ten of my videos unit view or number three, watch it 15 of my videos is that will lead to an average views be Reviewer, which is about ten views bear viewer. Now let me show you where to find your average VSB reviewer click will advance and mood on your YouTube channel. Then click on that little plus icon over here and deselect average views better viewer right beside it, you will find lots of metrics. But if I zoomed in a bit more, this number here is the number you're looking for, not the individual number on each video. Average number of over your entire channel is the higher you get this number, the more likely it is for you to start promoting your continent. Now we get to Zach wish and I get 100%, those are fine. Zack, wish for everyone's mind is Z question. When it comes to YouTube analytics, what is EHR, Go number? What is the threshold I should cross to get millions of views? What is a good city or what is a good average views, bit of view or number? What is a good audience retention curve number, what is ago the average spirits industry view. What is our video duration event? Here's the thing is that this is a wrong question to ask Roomba Berbers of your analytics. As I told you, analytics or a black hole. And that question is the beginning of you losing your mind is thinking about the click-through rate number to get the perfect average views. But if you were to get all of those numbers are relative, they can easily change depending on what season you are in. The pi system, I mean, summer or winter. What niche are you in? Technology or cooking? Let's say it was technology, Android, or Apple devices. The answer is totally different for both of those niches, analytics or a black hole, Let's stick city or e.g. to help me answer your questions. Art is very relative educational niches. Getaway university or Zan entertainment niches, because most of you are coming on YouTube to be entertained, not to be educated. Well, what if you were a reaction type of entertainment YouTube channel? Well, what if you were logged? Still different threshold, who's your audience? Are they alike? Young kids who are more likely to click on any video presented to them. Or RSA like grandparents who draws or do anything to watch one more YouTube video. The question you ask is why I told you analytics or a black hole, there is no number. Once you reach, views will just start dropping from the sky. As long as you are refining the viral video, you are on the right best. I know that you would love for me to tell you. Wins, successes coming. But all I certainly can tell you is to trust the process. Trust is a viral video effects that you have been through multiple times with your water is boiling place for you to try and seek a certain number. Exhibit can hire views. The only thing you can do with those analytics is seeking feedback is going through the x-bars. 17. The X Path : This lesson contains the only answer you want from this entire class, how to make it on YouTube in the fastest time possible. You want to make it on YouTube tomorrow, if not, even today. And you want to make it on YouTube in one month when every other creator took like one year to make it. Well, if so, then this last one is the most influential to set a specific goal. Focus up, drop your head, drop your ego. Because I'm about to show you how to make it on YouTube in the fastest possible zeros to boast success when it comes to any career that ever existed. There is a slow bus comfortable, both wishing every day to finally make it boss, that any year is succeed boss is the 100 videos to improve one beer sin the boss, the boss, most of your favorite OG create a resume is a platform to talk simply because they didn't know another bus existed. Another bus like the X bar. X bar is the fastest the boss to success in any carried in existence is ex boss requires the seeking discomfort or the wire is dropping your bride and seeking advice. Boss is the boss for successful entrepreneurs every single day. This is the feedback loop. When it comes to you. The first thing you obviously wanna do is that you will probably do is experimentation. Based on experimentation, you may get a basic feedback. Notice that I have seen me. And basic, basic feedback is maybe like an increase in views, maybe a random comment every 100 videos that has some horseshoe, true Senate, some creators of the black form. And that's based on like a better student experience. Wine are too busy experimenting, too busy making videos that Z forget to even look. It's that basic MBO which leads to them making the same quantity, the McKinsey same video every single day without improving any one single bit, is that be secrets, bonds that you may get. Something very important, which is the conclusion, the conclusion of what a successful business looks like. What does successful relationship looks like of what a successful YouTube video looks like your experiment, you may get a basic list bonds if you are looking for it, which will alter your conclusion. What does successfully to video is you make a more colorful thumbnail. You get a random commentary news that he couldn't resist the clicking on just some nail from how a grabbing it was, you reach the conclusion that a successful video has a color for some nil after three years of boosting and so on and so forth. That's a very slow boss to count on as an entrepreneur or as a business owner compared to the x boss. Is that big X right there? Well, it changes every sentence that x is a variable. It could be one thing, it could be multiple things. E.g. x could be your YouTube analytics, like your audience's attention, e.g. you study and your audience retention graphs and the coming into conclusions on what parts of your video viewer is absolutely hate. It could be a characteristic graph by swipe insomnia is you might notice a surgeon views that can alter your conclusion. That is the main reason YouTube Analytics city or AVD, ABB or any metric exists. There is a main reason data exists to give you information that can help you know how to create a better product, Nicholas time. And it gives you like thousands of metrics everywhere. So if I were you, I would start studying it. That x could be Skillshare clauses. Legs are when you are watching right now. It could also be YouTube, Education books. It could be filming, making cams. It could be gross tutorials, it could be studying the competition, is that x could be a mentor judging your videos. Is that x could be your mom or a few of your friends. Rrose neural video is that x could be surveys that you boost the new YouTube channel community. That x would be asking for some nail tips in a random discord server, there could be X amount of things that can alter your conclusion directly. Besides that basic risk bonds that you may get. This advice works in any career. And if you follow that advice, I promise you mind doing it constitute tube will develop faster than you ever thought it would be. Let's take me e.g. I do know anything about fashion and I think my style is pretty rubbish when it comes to begin my own outfit. But let's say if I were to experiment binds at head of Amazon, well, then I can take a look at how I look with it on and maybe you will get a basic wrist bones grow my own educated mind when it comes to vision, if I think it looks alright or not, like maybe it's too vague. Overhead heads are sticking up entirely my forehead, then I would reach a conclusion that I don't look good with a hat on. I can go through that slow boss is the boss who buy an Amazon close. Throwing them out in the mirror or one-by-one to reach a better conclusion on what clues to me or not. Or I can go through the ex boss. I could grab a few of my friends. I could go to the nearest igloos job and try out every single visual clues over there. And I will get live feedback from my friends were all of the clothes I tried out. I'm taking their opinion on suits, on heads, on shoes, on toys, on rings, on everything in less than a day, I would have a pretty good amount of knowledge on what clues look good on me and what doesn't. That is enough for a lifetime to be honest with you, if someone were to actually go through that experiment, he would probably have a real shot at actually becoming a proper fashion designer. Like think about the amount of feedback that you would get, the light, you would be more educated than 99% of the world's population when it comes to fashion. Just because of that little experiment, because of the x-bars, secure, secure x is even make a Groupon whilst Saab and add your friends in a group that is the sole purpose for it is your friend zeros in your own videos, go over to your mom. Hair for hair opinion on this on nail that you spend today's perfecting, send an email over to a favorite YouTuber or viewers asking for advice on your YouTube channel, he probably will not reply, but you won't have Droid. You draw it. You would that effort here, and you put that effort is there. It's much better for you to take pride in being the one who asking everyone for elders and new taken in beans, the one who didn't, how to seek feedback with your YouTube carrier X could be anything as we already established. But I will walk you through some common x's in the YouTube community, one analytics with every venue you boast your audience's attention, whereas the Debs in your audience's attention, you will get your audience attention. You can detect the patterns, like if there is a huge drop-off over here, you can watch that video and try and reach a conclusion on what went wrong. Like maybe you are talking about. So if I use nice dune your foods in eight, which is very grooves that might have caused a huge drop-off zone. You should alter your strategy in the future to not talk anymore about gross topics. Like if there is us by going up over here, then the light over your video, you made a funny skit, e.g. Russia took you hours in the making award, truly went to the extra mile. Maybe you should do more of what you did in the future. Also, maybe Troy AB tests then some nails, ginger thumbnail from some a to some nail. Look at your click-through rate and your views, then they increase once you swapped out the sum FZ did the new reaches the conclusions that are successful? You do video has qualities of some Neil, be that you made like maybe you try this thumbnail out like a gets ten per cent city or is a new Troy's this one out? It gets it when keyboard synthesise your us assume that like maybe more crowded, some near as good list city or just some news with minimalistic detail, you change your strategy. Maybe in the future you make a new video with a new song Neil, and you get another collect story, then sell other products through rape either confirms your strategy or do you come to a new conclusion? Most creators consider having thousands of metrics in the YouTube Studio as overwhelming. But when I look at it, I'll look at it as a goal the treasurer for even enjoy looking at my friend's YouTube analytics. Maybe there is something out of the ordinary. Over zero is if I can leave enough room that can alter my own exclusion of other successful YouTube video is do education when you are doing it right now, watching that a Skillshare class, like you can even search for YouTube Skillshare, and you will find many more Skillshare classes about how to grow on YouTube. If you click on my own profile, you will find like tin, other Skillshare classes dedicated for you to grow. You can also go on YouTube to find YouTube, education grows content like e.g. there is a few channels. I can mention channels like with IQ, Think Media, and the film boost. I don't have any book recommendations for YouTube grows. But if I were you, I would consider that as a possible x. You can learn from three feedback. You can join Discord server is exactly x true grew discord server. I will leave a link for it in the class description down below. But basically zero, you can boost your own some nail, and another YouTuber will probably come by highlighting its flaws, its flaws that you can fix and minimize with your new updated YouTube conclusion, you can also DMF few of your friends and sends them over your video. And z might give you a few horse ****. Who's that can help you improve. You can also see contact with YouTube or is it just might make content similar to yours. They might have pretty good conclusions. What does successful YouTube video you can get in exchange for your own conclusion. You can also look at your own comments. Maybe you'll find some viewers that is talking about how ugly your camera quality is. You might find some x's down here for buttons. If you boost the tin videos and mine of them downward formed, but only one of them got over 100,000 views. Then over here is there is a button that have been broken. Trend arrive at conclusions for wiser this specific video format exception. And you will like maybe it's like movies or some Neil yes. Rubber isn't something that maybe there's something over here is that you can use more often if you'd like to work in a closed shop, e.g. selling clothes, all people from all backgrounds in all shapes and sizes, looking at zinc, drawing out all different types of clues and have zero who is among you? Will they take so many veterans, you will have a great shot at becoming a Bravar fashion design or five competition. Watch YouTube videos similar to the one you are blending to make from other creators. How is he going the extra mile in zero videos? What audience's attention tricks use as big as they are using, that you can use your own unwanted one does there are some near zero, like you might notice, a few by that is in there some nails that you can experiment with. Unique is the venue in creator who is going through the snow burst on YouTube. Just never heard of another bus before. And now we do. You can ask your principal feedback on your dataset, the video. You can study the competitions even use. You can look for patterns in your videos, analytics. You can ask for help because it's better for you to be proud of you being the creator who actually made it will ask the every one for help. Who struggled for you to be the creator, put ROI to make it without the handout, without asking for help. 18. Analytics : Navigation: We'll get to that evil stuff. Now we are going to go through the analytics of your YouTube videos and YouTube channel. First of all, views, which is the number of views your videos have gotten. Watch time, which is basically how many toy all the viewers have. It's been watching your videos, subscribers, which is basically how many subscribers you have gotten through that entire period or single video you have chosen your estimated revenue, which is basically how much money you have made through that and durability or venue you are clicking on. You'll also find Rich Richie is basically going to tell you how many times your video has been shown, how many times people have clicked on your video? It has been shown to them. Now we move on to the next, the board of reach. You can find here your traffic sources. And this board is basically a summary of how many iterations you have gotten and how many views from Zeus in British and you have gotten, and how much watch coin you have gotten from those used, from those inflation. And then the rest of the base you will for in-depth breakdown of the traffic sources. Basically, if I select any one of my videos, analytics, then I clicked on reach, then I clicked on traffic source type and the breast don't see Morgan. They get overwhelmed by this beige. I will explain everything. If I scroll down, I will see many traffic sources. What's interesting about traffic sources is that each one of those sources has its own click-through rate and its own average view duration. Let's go through them one-by-one. External. External is basically, if you share the link of your video outside of the YouTube system on WhatsApp, on Instagram, on Facebook, that views we'll count to external director unknown is basically the same thing. Channel basis is basically B will go into your YouTube channel. They click on your venue from your YouTube channel, which is basically something like this may go into my YouTube channel, isn't clicking on the video, knows that counts as a view from channel basis in this screen is basically B will finish in my YouTube video, zinc silicon on the screen at the end of your video, YouTube searches basically we will go in on YouTube and desertion for my YouTube video. And after they find it and click on it, that counts as a view from YouTube search. Those features is basically we will scrolling through the YouTube homepage and define the neuro venue by random chance. Suggested videos is basically people clicking on any YouTube video and define the neural video. Besides that one. Suggested section, crumbly lists. Like if I were to search for mass playlist. If I click on this playlist, any views to our display list is going to Cal YouTube playlist. This views like if I sorted by category, you will find is that my videos score the higher on channel beiges and theorems of city or by the score of the lower browse feature, you will find that my average view duration in channel basis is higher than my average view duration in browse feature. So basically, if I outsource it my videos and disbanded in Facebook groups and then WhatsApp groups under my venue got a lot to views. But most of them collect the beginning, observing you and didn't watch the video till the end. That means that my average view duration for external sources will be extremely low. But it won't affect my video from getting suggested order showing up in the browse feature. Every traffic source is both of its own. Each one has its own average view duration and its own connects to rate. Now go to the next page, which is basically engagement. You will find your watch time and your average view duration. You will find your tone videos ranking by how many hours HE video has gotten your top playlist, YouTube videos and all of that stuff. Now it's all humans lesion. You will find all the data that YouTube has your audience. If you scroll down, you can find when your audience is active, I find that most of my viewers are active at about ten VM. So I'm going to post my videos on Fridays at 10:00 P.M. that way I will get the most views in the first 24 h of videos publishing. But overall, the time of boosting your video doesn't really matter in the long run. If you posted it right here or right here is a video deserves to get views in the long run. It will give views either way. I haven't uploaded for a while on this YouTube channel is there are not enough April audience data to show this reward, but basically other channels that your audience watches is going to show you a YouTube channel, upload content similar to your content. This tile is a really good chance for you to make collaborations with Zeus YouTuber. Because if there is a fan of voice, your YouTube channel, YouTube channel, and show you both together in a video xD average view duration will be extremely high and the click-through rate will be extremely high. So try and the colab was other channels that your audience watches. You will also find the other videos that your audience watches. This is a really good source for you to come up with new ideas that has a really good chance of your viewers, like in z, you will also find both geographies, which is basically where is most of the view is dual-channel coming from. You will find Deutsch climb from subscribers. If you find that you're not subscribed is for more than you subscribe zone. I will work on on mentioning my view what is subscribe to my YouTube channel. But if I found that my subscribed is far more than my lawn subscribe, I will work on on improving my videos, increasing my average view duration, increasing my text to read, because YouTube isn't the recommending my venues as much to new viewer. And you will also find the age and gender of your YouTube viewers. You'll also find subscriber bill notifications, which is basically how many viewers of your channel activated the small bell icon besides the subscribe button. And how many of them are actually getting into void of your videos, which is basically your subscriber account and this live updating. You can also from the top right corner, click once mood. I know it's gonna be overwhelming, but you don't need to come here breaking much, but we'll go through that one's mood really quickly. You can find the traffic sources of how many views are getting from each resource. You can click on Geography and understand where most of your views are coming from. The a is agender is at eight and the froms a job right corner, you can collect certain period of time. You want your analytics to show up at Louise's my views for the BBS 28 days. I can just deselect it and select the last 90 days. It will show me my video's performance for the last 90 days, the responsive matrix here, and you can filter your values by many metrics like wash time immigrations embraces the click-through rate and the cons, the modal matrix. But that's about how much I will cover in this video about the ones in mood. They are metric is that won't help you grow, but it's going to feed into your curiosity. Basically, I want to go in depth about the YouTube studio advanced mood, and all of those same metrics you will find then each one of your uploads. Like if I click on this video basically and go to Analytics, I will find those same exact matrix, my reach, my engagement, my audience, and that's it for this lesson. I will see you in the next one. 19. Analytics : Studying Data: Okay, Now we're gonna move on on how to use the YouTube studio to optimize your videos for the YouTube algorithm, I'm going to show you what metrics I look at and what metrics I choose to ignore because they won't actually hear me my YouTube career out for is the wall in the YouTube dashboard. You will find the Rankin out of loss it in videos. I personally don't care about this metric. I mean, if you want the success for only the neck is too weak, you can look at this metric but if you want, but I'm not success is Applause this for years, this metric isn't zone for you, isn't it shows you how over four with two cells that didn't videos, but I want to see your monthly performance. How's this monster? But for metals and then monsters before it, like I found that they do algorithm effects in pretty easily by is a sort of view More buys a topic you are reacting to in the video, like this number can easily fluctuate. It is not a metric that you can use to measure your success. Basically, I don't care about anything in this page. If we go to Analytics, the first thing I look at is my views in the last 48 h. And which videos are awesome because it gives me an estimate if zeta is a videos on my YouTube channel that are delivering the basic views to my YouTube channel to help it grow. If zeta is like a video here that is off topic for my current UT views, I will definitely go and mix that video where I await because if Z is currently off topic for my current the content, it will derive views that don't decay or about my current the content. After I look at, I go to my audience, doesn't think I look at is other channels that your audience watches and other videos that your audience watches from other videos, I can get inspired of video ideas that can get really good traffic to my channel. And this other channels or channel is zeta you might have a chance to collab with, but if I am going to play who's another creator, it will be for my personal benefit to extend my network of connections, not necessarily to grow my YouTube channel. Now the thing that I look at is comparing my videos to each other. If I go to Advanced it mood, I click on compare to choose the formants interest to 24 h. I can sort by impressions, click-through rate. Basically, I will find that this video has higher click-through rate. Why there is, this video has higher click-through rate is because I basically a colab with another vocabulary at you. But in my community, That's a really good point. I should write it down. Okay, why is this video has higher click-through rate? Oh, I see. This video has a really intriguing title and intriguing thumbnail. Oh, interrogate titles and some Neil drive, lots more traffic. I should write this down. This is how we study the screen to basically learn the new things and improve on your content, maybe I should sort by average view duration obviously is very has higher the average view duration. Why? Oh, I know why. This video has like 20 different Eclipse. It's basically like a combination of Metroid and TikTok tricks, so it's very fast, the beast 0. So first step is the content earns more average view duration. Oh, I should write this down. I feel like we are starting to get me, basically you come here and they look for better understanding you can write to apply to or videos in the future. Why does that video has higher click-through rate? Why does that video as your average duration? Sometimes you will find some buttons that you can know that wins, that will really help you grow and improve on your content. Another thing you can do is study the traffic sources of your video. So basically if I go and reach, then I click on, See More to see my traffic sources and performance. I will find that that video of mine performing pretty well. I've got like 20,000 views for my channel. That's pretty good. But if we look closely, we find that most of those views from the brow is features from the channel basis or in the screens. But the suggested videos has only like 500 views. So that means that this video is really well-made for my personal viewers. But maybe it is not that broadly appealing for new view, or maybe it's a video is that my audience enjoys, but it's made for only my hardcore fans. So I should work on the next time. Maybe in the start of the video, I should introduce myself. Maybe I should symbol for is activity I am doing in this video. And if we sort by average view duration, we'll find is that notifications, it has the highest average view duration because they are my hardcore fans will for insertions list it has the lowest average view duration to zipCode firms my series at my videos oriented, broadly appealing to new viewers, fly should work on z. I should simplify my videos more. And if we sorted by impressions click-through rate, we will find the same thing. That means that my title and some nails are only made for my community, is that people will understand me. They will understand what the video is about after seeds that ITIL. I'm Neil, but new viewers might not necessarily know what the video is actually about. So I see is that this video not being rude the abelian Ghana is what caused this video. Do not get new viewers to my channel. And you should always do that after boosting a new video, you should go and look at your sources and know what cause this video to get tons of views and what causes it to flop. Three things I look at when I'm trying to raise their attention curves basically is the attention grabber is going to exist since suddenly drops, goes here and try to find out what's wrong and they learn from it. So over here is that attention is at 16%. It drops down to over 63%, goes here, down, what went wrong? Another thing that I move residential graph is as ending moves a venue and try to find out how many people actually take the 2s and the nose of this video is 8 min. And the average view percentage is at 20 per cent, which is not ideal at all. It should be about 40% or 50% from z. I know that I should put more effort into making my videos. Okay, and then last thing I look at this, this is the second zones and through, and I tried to find how many people's lives. It is like 70% to 80 Wilson, if after 70 s or Z value zero, 70% to 80% is in my interests, are hooking enough for me. Those are the three things I look at. Read my retention graphs, how to use click-through rate. I would only use city or to AB test some nails. Ab testing some niche is basically having more than one subnet concept of what a value. Muslims the venue with some Neil given us some times in switching to a different thumbnail concept and seeing how that one performs better than the other one is in settling down with the one that has a higher CTR. Okay, now have to AB distance some nice, Let's see, boost in this video, Let's say you are using this thumbnail concept and you decided to change it to this thumbnail concept. You will aim at 08:00 A.M. you are over 15. Big synthesis in your city or increased by changing the thumbnail, you should stick with some new users. The changes would say at 09:00 A.M. you decided to make another switch and you found that useful or should the change back to some near you would originally owns it, cause it to get to 16%. I find that most YouTube metrics are basically to feed your curiosity, to teach you how your channel is performing. Button doesn't necessarily help you improve on your content. The ones I showed you in this little ones is that really can actually make a significant difference in your YouTube career. 20. The Psychology Behind Thumbnails: What I'm about to show you is the most accurate explanation of the psychology behind the earnings that liquids are viewer. This explanation fits to all YouTube videos, whether you are a cookie and channel two is reviewed channel anything. So let's get started. First of all, let me ask you a question. What do you want from this video? I will have a welding. Is that what you want from this video is to understand how to earn as a click of a viewer. Okay, now that we have established is that what can you change or Arthur, to control this outcome? What are the tools you have? Let's actually find out right now. Here is a standard YouTube video template. I mean, we can control the channel name and he said Channel big sharp, but I don't think you are going to change this with every each new upload you boast, so we're just going to forget about them. You can also control the duration of the video, but this is the relative changes depending on the nature of your content. Like if you were to make any storytelling videos, viewers would prefer if the video is longer, if you were making funny skits, viewers would prefer if revenues were shorter. So that's an aspect that is totally up to you to decide on which, depending on your niche, we can see now is that the only inputs we control, or as a title, The SUM Neal of your video. Those two are the only equipment you use this to change as a symbol outcome. The two T's, that ideologues Avenue and there's some Nero's a video. Before you earn this I click of the viewer zeros and important things that needs to happen. First of all, you need to catch the eye of the viewer. I will just dive into how to catch us the viewer really quick before going through how to earn exactly equal to the viewer, will you see the YouTube homepage on desktop has a different YouTube videos. That is a lot of competition. Chances are your video might not even get to catch the water for you to even start to go through the process of earning cyclic offers a reward. So real quick, to get this out of the way, to get you the values, the viewer that is doing stuff like McKinsey or some nail more attractive, making it more color for better car contrast, better composition. Basically the artistic board of designing or some nearly Susan he catches your eye, will live another video at the end of this one, which covers 12 with some Neil tapes to design better some nails. I just wanted to get this but out of the way. So we are free to discuss the big topic of this video, which is held to earn as a click of the viewer how to create genes have you or the brain that urges of just mixing need to click on your video so badly, when we have established that the tools you have, the tools you control, or x2 t is the title of your video. Both of them play a key role in doing something really important. In fact, it's the most important about those is that until and some Neil form an image in the viewer is the brain of a zero potential, possibilities of how they can turn about. Let me say this one more time. The tail end of your video format image in the viewer is the brain of subroutines shall possibilities of how you can turn about. Let me give you a couple of examples. If I were to show you this combination at the some need or it became a firefighter for 24 h. Just see what you see in the title and the sum. Neil, you automatically will come up with an image of how you exhibit is a video to go for me. I envisioned in my brain, Zachary eight or maybe he will weigh reserve firefighters costume. Maybe he will derive a fire truck. Maybe he will rush into a building and the extinguish fires juicer is the image's format in my brain from just the scenes satiety. And so some new loops or venue possibilities I came up with for this video, I actually climbed the whole like Spiderman, just the way you will see in the title and also some near your brain will, again, automatically loaded up with possibilities. How's that mean? You can go for me. I envisions a creator to maybe start declining at all building. Maybe he will use some special equipment on his end that make him step towards. Those are the possibilities I came up with for this video. Have you watch it? The Avengers movie War Dr. Strange, who says that he saw 1 million possibilities of how the future will go. The same thing happens in your brain. This is more process we went through is a process that you have been unconsciously doing with every YouTube video, ever watch it in your entire life, most of us creators have been trying to figure out different series on what makes a good Some meal or title. This. And this idea is not just about creating content on YouTube. If I were to grab a random news article and if I would let you just stare at it for 5 s, you will go through this same process on your own and decide whether you would normally click on this article or not. If you actually understand this concept, you will never look at a YouTube video the same way again, let's recap real quick. The final outcome you desire is earnings a click of the viewer, the only tool you have and the control or the two T's, the title of your video that I turn something over here when you form an image in the potential viewer is the brain. A potential possibilities of how is revenue will go. You all those possibilities using the right tail ends are some Neil, you earn a cyclic observe your possibilities need to be, to sing. They need to be intriguing possibilities. And z, you need to be broadly appealing possibilities. Then trigging board is how intriguing and exciting is about civility is coming out of your title and some kneel or imagining a video titled, I spent 50 h underneath my bed, converted to a video titled I spent 50 h buried alive because of possibilities that you envisioned from the first one is that the creator, we'll just talk to the camera for 50 h while is underneath his bed. Z are not yet intriguing compared to the second one, what is actually a rule? It's been 50 h inside of a coffin that is buried under layers of dirt. How will the breeze down z, whatever the coffin collapses, why these inside of it? I can do one over z for more intriguing possibilities compared to the first one is the more you alter and change the title and the sub need to form a more intriguing possibilities. The more it's likely for you to earn a click of the viewer. A broadly appealing birth is how many different audiences envision intriguing possibilities about your video. Imagine a video titled, I became a grandmaster inches in 30 days. Where do to a video title? I became a firefighter for 24 h, becoming a grandmaster inches and 70 days does over intriguing possibilities. But only for audiences who are interested in. She's Not everyone, only people who are currently interested in chess, but being a firefighter over the intriguing possibilities for four more audiences, it is more broadly appealing, whether you are in the US or in Africa, wizard who are five years old or 60 years old and in the life of a firefighter is a topic that forum is intriguing possibilities in your head. What if he was stuck in a fire? What if we had to save someone from a fire? What if, what if intriguing and prove the possibilities, the more you alter your title and some need to be more broadly, meaning, the more collects your video will earn. Now a quick disclaimer, I have to mention those two aspects are not billers of a successful video. They increase your chances of having a successful venue depending on what success means to you. Like if you were making YouTube education content, like me can be universally, broadly appealing because they are only made for people who are interested in becoming successful YouTuber. It's not for everyone, but I should still try my best to still make my videos as broadly appealing as they can get in my niche of a choice. So Jamaica is that it, Is that how to earn as a clip of view or from scratch? Well, I actually left these are most important, the board to the end, which is that you must deliver. You must deliver on those possibilities. Be aware of clickbait. Don't to form images in the viewers the brain uses are some nil and satiety, knowing that you can and will not deliver on Zoom. Clickbait is in Tennessee, longer-term and dual most likely only be accepted by your subscribers. A good chunk of the new viewers who might be interested in clinical venue of yours will not tolerate clickbait, will barely getting any new subscribers from clickbait. So make sure you deliver on those possibilities. Now we might ask, how do I apply this information to my venues? Will, after you finish coming up with a title and some near for your video, and look at them as a regular viewer. What would the possibilities a regular viewer would come up with for this video? Are they intriguing enough? Or they broadly appealing enough? And most importantly, will only be able to deliver exhaust possibility, like you'd expect is as the creator would zombie into a building, fire or stuff like that. But I don't think is that what happens in the video because it's YouTube. You can just upload your own flames and deceiving someone. You can do it when you feel those questions really quickly. I stayed in a dumpster for 24 h. What is the worst that can happen? It might be a bit uncomfortable. It might smell bad. But it is not intriguing enough for me to click non WC a Rubik's Cube cue list. If you were a big Rubik's Cubes fan, you would have ingredient possibilities about this video. But the casual viewer, like me, who doesn't understand what WC a means. So it does over intriguing possibilities. But z naught broadly appealing. Title would be something like rankings, the wall leads or this, the Rubik's Cubes ever. Now it over, It's intriguing expectations for the casual viewer. Now it's more broadly at another one we can do is i means a Batman signal in real life. I mean, this is definitely intriguing and the most liberal exoplanet know who Batman is. And there's a famous Batman signal that is a really good idea. But can I deliver on ensue when I can? And if I did, it won't be as realistic as what their view, what was promised in his brain by zodiacal and some Neil, guess we're not making this one a practice for life that you can do to make this info realistic in your brain. Just watch YouTube videos normally as you always would. But just the Google click on a video. Think about how the title and some nail is working possibilities in your brain about the video. For a recap, for you to earn a cyclical is a viewer. You will have to mess with the tools you have, which are the title ends are some nail. By making some nail, more eye grabbing, you are more likely to catch the eye of the viewer. And once you do that, an image will be formed. The interviewer is a brain of Boudin sharp possibilities of how is the video will go. Is the more intriguing those possibilities or the most likely for the viewer to click, the More broadly appealing dizzy, or the more clicks you will end up getting. 21. Crafting A Clickable Thumbnail : Youtube thumbnails, I'm going to cover about 12 some males, the mistakes that you can upload your some Neil started with the first one. Use easy to read font. If you have decided that you are going to add tickets to your some nearby worlds, there are lots of very artistic and creative fonts you can bake. Why don't you pick any of them? Don't give the viewer a chance to misunderstand what the text in your thumbnails is, just use assembled white-collar the static font that is easy to read to you or does it have any hardships trying to understand your son Neal, upon this and I usually use is Burbank big condensing. But you can just scroll through the phones list in the software you are using to endure some nails and you'll find lots of easy to read fonts is that can work quite well. Use only these rewards, but some, Neil, I'm begging you, please don't add seven lines of text. Are some nails. Like it just hurts my eyes whenever I see that, like most of you are building video, a slight nudge us like look less than 1 s to try and understand what your video is about. No one of them is going to spend the time trying to understand your seven lines of tickets. So just to make sure to stick to two or three words with some Neil, don't add any more than that. Use dramatic is what I like to call dramatic case is basically tickets that adds to the story of your some name. Like if you're making are some nail where you are holding a diamond ring, don't add tickets. This etsy is diamond ring light. Yes, we can see we have all these tickets that causes some drama. This boy is this things up? Maybe add like 10,000 dollar ring, fake diamonds. Most expensive ring at any tickets that will add to the story of your thumbnail. Do digital state facts. The biggest the board of your thumbnail trends by the top, phase equals emotion. If you are making a thumbnail where you are going to add a mixture of yours due to just add a regular picture of viewers through and add a picture of yours is at cuny veins and emotion and emotion that the viewer is likely to feel while watching your video. Shocked, entertained trends by stop at the reaction fees that conveys an emotion limit to three objects. Don't do JMU, some males who was lots of tickets everywhere and the emojis and the arrow is just debit you some Neil to only three objects to build. Some Neil is about ground, an object of interest. Some tickets, reaction fees, thickest background. That way is a viewer can easily claims over and understand what your video is about from Paris to cite a YouTube timestamp. Timestamp is always going to be in the bottom-right corner of your thumbnails and the thymus them, they can ruin your thumbnails if you have bleeds, the important takeaways, tour arrows or anything in the place words the timestamp is eventually going to be just gives a timestamp in mind when editing of some nails like sinkholes, the bottom right corner of your thumbnails as directed zone where you can publish any objects or anything, rule of sorts. This is a rule commonly used in photography. Basically divide your thumbnail similar to annex or game, like two lines if radically two lines horizontally and you will find Zeus for focus points in the middle. Those four focus boards are the place where the viewer's eyes is likely to look when he blames is over here some Neal. Here's an example of an image from photography with the rule of thirds tabloid. And here is an example of the same image without applying the rule of thirds, this rule will help increase your chances of your some Neil becoming more likable to the viewers. But you don't have to forcibly apply it. Like some situations might not fit for you to apply the rule of thirds. If you've got the chance to apply it, of course go for it. Just try and draw lines the objects in your thumbnail in those four focus buoyant, you can just Google the rule of thirds and you will find the images of grid lines. You can stick over here some Neil and just to try and resize and Didi scale everything to fit well with the rule of thirds, you do dark mood. 92% of all food users use dorky mood. So if you're some Neil has a dark background. It might just blend the end with the YouTube system, ends of you or might not even notice it. So always try and capture well lit photos, Fourier's some nails trying to change the color of the background. If you haven't used darker colors and change it to brighter colors, that way you some Neil wholistic out amongst the UC system, artificial quality. Once you have settled down with some nail concept, you can artificially increase the quality of your thumbnail. Artificially increases the quality of your thumbnail is settings like saturation, exposure, sharpness, ceilings are going to be different depending on wishes of two where you are using to edit your thumbnails, just Google inquiries, image quality, and your software of choice, and you will find how to do it. But for Photoshop, the way I like to do it is to go up to Filter, camera Raw Filter. Then I will miss around with the settings in the basics and the retail categories. Maybe you can increase the sharpness and the Reduce Noise and so some nail to make it more digestible, you can increase exposure and the mezzo is the lighting and saturation to make our image brighter and dimmer. I grabbing, you don't have to copy my settings or anything just to adjust the colors of your thumbnail to writing to become much better than the one you started with. Zoom out. You should make that muscle memory for you to always zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in while you are editing your thumbnail. You might ask, why will the viewer does it they get to see or some kneel on at 27 inch monitor like you are doing right now, use something that is probably going to be very small when its own as phone. So we need to make sure your name is optimized for very small sizes. That's why you should do mount use some Neil's. Always zoom out your thumbnails and see if every object in here, some Neil fits and gives the viewer can easily still understand it when it is small. Because most of the time it will be small. So just to always do my zoom in, zoom out, zoom in while you are editing your some nails zone. Second rule, after you have finished making your thumbnail. Given on second look, just 1 s look without readings that I tell without any prior knowledge in mind of what the video is actually about, just to give it our second loop. Can you tell what the video is about in just 1 s? Just by staring at this and if you can, When you probably need to go back and refer niche your thumbnail to make it more digestible. N symbol for the viewer removed some objects, probability scale some objects because you need to remember that the viewer as well as probably also going to give your video less than 1 s. To understand your son Neal, some nails are just one of three. Your videos click-through rate depends on three factors. Your name, your title, and your videos idea. So don't automatically blebs are some Neal. If you found that you have pretty low click-through rate, maybe just as small percentage of your viewers are interested in the topic of this video. Maybe it's a titer of that video, doesn't if it really well. So some narrows, the video doesn't always have to be the thumbnails fault. Like you have heard this or some males feeling don't overthink it. Don't go, make sure that every small detail is perfect, that everything is perfectly aligned, that every part of your video is perfectly optimized for the YouTube algorithm. Youtube. Youtube is not a sprint, is there is no rush. Your Nicky's video does not need to blow up. Your, the video needs to teach you one using about YouTube. 22. Search Or Suggested? Choose!: You open up the YouTube app on your phone for one of two reasons. Reason one, seeking information, problem and issue in your bathroom and you're stuck wondering what to do to solve it. So you open up YouTube, you go into the search bar to type down in the plumbing issue you are facing. And sophisticated YouTube search algorithm gives you a YouTube video provided the information you're looking for, the reason to seeking entertainment, you're bored. So he decided to open up YouTube and sophisticated YouTube recommendation algorithm recommends to you and entertaining video that you didn't know you were looking for, for you as a creator, Zeus, two types of content are totally different. They are seeking information. Content is the content you find through YouTube search sharable content. Searchable content is helped to solve the differential equations. Like there is a video that you are not searching like on a Friday morning for entertainment. Like most of the volume is they're seeking entertainment content is the suggested content. The content do you find through your YouTube homepage or suggested tabs and notifications board is a Subscriptions feed. These are the videos you watch to best time to enjoy your life. Those are videos that you are not searching for. Like you are not searching for someone getting buried alive for 50 h. I hope you are not searchable. Content is only a YouTube search traffic source, but as I suggested, content is a YouTube suggested feed is ADP homepage is the notifications bar, is in screens, is the playlist. You can make a video tutorial that is entertaining and you can make an entertainment the video that is very informative, but it's very difficult to create a video that gets traffic from bools, a YouTube search, and the YouTube suggests the tab booth at the same time. Why can I target both search and search? The're is much more different than a video in the YouTube homepage or something in the YouTube search is much more informative given the feeling of yes, is that what you're looking for? Wireless only something YouTube homepage is much more, you will miss out if you don't watch me. I was experimenting with different strategies awhile ago. And those are the, some of the reasons that I tell is the same video one soon I was targeting search and the ones that I was targeting suggested search is much more direct descendants the benefit with keywords to help with rank in search and the one for suggested is much more eye grabbing, begins a curiosity or the viewer to rank in search, you need to be extreme care to keywords, questions or viewer might ask. How will you will type Shell in the YouTube search bar and you type in that same exact equation is the title of your own video, which will lead to a result like blooming author British are uneven. How to fix it lightly like z? How will you earn exactly equal to the viewer in the YouTube homepage of you are looking to be entertained. Let's say I was making a video about blooming, e.g. there are two ways I can package that video. How to fix your bed water pressure, that is a fighter for certain enzymes take 99% of homeowners don't know they are making two different titles for the same video, solving the same issue, both of them targeting different traffic sources. Yeah, you might get the gym sometimes avid use at work is for both to YouTube. But why begins the same way? Make it harder on yourself trying to make successful content for search at suggested, when it's already hard enough making successful content that for one of them, it's very hard to reach a middle ground. It comes to search and suggested, and that's why it's better for you to optimize for only one traffic source is a new overdoing it and optimizing for none of them, you have to choose which type of content is better. That is the wrong question. The question is, which one of them is a moral right to you or you into making funny skits, wells. And most likely, you will be leaning into suggested content. Are you going to, mathematics? Will most likely you will be lean in and to make an education content. Are you just starting out on YouTube, too many? Youtube for awhile and excited to create more. If you're just starting out on YouTube, I would recommend going with the content you feel like making. But personally, I would recommend searchable content because you will begin interaction much more faster pursuing their boss, which might convince you to stick around the foot long or on YouTube. Just travel content is a low risk, low reward. This tuition home-built suggested content, it's relatively easy to start again, interaction with your first-ever searchable video, which I will show you how to do in the upcoming lesson. But if you have been on YouTube for awhile and you are extremely motivated to start owning a variety making content for like six months. I would recommend the making suggested content. It's much harder to get views following the type of content, but it's so much more beneficial financially in terms of numbers and in terms of your skills as a YouTuber, suggested content will push you to limits you never knew before, such as the content is a high risk, high reward is tuition is very hard to reach YouTube success making suggested content. But if you did it, if you crack this award between new and going viral on YouTube, you're basically set for life. You will have all the benefits of virtual might desire in their entire life whom bear to searchable contents. Suggested content is high risk, high, but delayed reward and searchable content is low, risk low, but in instant reward, both ways you are winning. We can still travel content you are winning, making suggestive content you are winning. The only way you are losing is if you stop losing time, trying to make a decision is if you restock not making YouTube videos. Started creating. 23. SEO: Okay, now we're gonna jump right into search optimization. First of all, we'll go to search something. You gotta search for our YouTube video idea. Let's say we were a cooking YouTube channel. Maybe we'll search for something like a chocolate cake. Those are all very well executed when you ideas. But how do I know that my video, we're rank compared to them, will get his body comes into play. Body basically is like a YouTube extension in your Chrome or whatever browser you're using, there is lots of features that come with your body was the only ones that matter is, is video is. If you are serious about search optimisation alike, there is no other option I would live in. You recommend that you get you body like sheep is the blend. You can see that I have two body installed on my browser. I have right here a keyword, the score for how my video will be reform if I were to make a YouTube video about z, subject to z, you have a basic written right here. If you click the onClick here for waiting, you will get into more advanced iterating. You have two tabs. Over here is our unweighted rating and the weighted rating, the unweighted written doesn't take your channels were four months duration, but the width is great in Dixie your channel performance into consideration, which basically mean if I would like to go for a keyword like chocolate cake recipe 2022, e.g. you can see right here in the unweighted section, I have like, excellent and 90 out of 100, which means that I should probably seek making that idea. But if I click dawn weighted, which it takes to my shadows and performance into consideration, it will give me z real estate. You will find that if I made a YouTube video about the title, my video won't rank anywhere near the beach. In the YouTube search, there is because the unweighted doesn't know how much a subs you have, how much abuse you normally get. How much would you have an authority on that topic? But the widget section, which you need to have at least is a brew blend to get the executioner into consideration and gives you a pretty accurate number is actually like for awhile back I was making search targeted videos and the like. If it's Seade excellent right here. And I were to make the video, I would rank first insert like on lizard video was garbage and those like 40 min over, no information with a really bad song Neil, on this, it was like that is the only scenario. Where is that tool? I want to give you an accurate explanation. Let's go for something more related to my code and let's go for something like YouTube analytics. Well, as I can see right here, I can make a video about z, maybe 2022. It gives me a good score, but I don't go with that. I don't risk both in like a week of time into just aggregate score. I should go for more. I like to go with more lake at 80 out of 100 hour or 90 or above z. Over here you will find the related searches like we can go for understanding YouTube analytics student 22, and that's a very good score you will find over here is the search volume rating, the competition rating, the optimization raking personally, I don't care for those optimization rating. So just forget about it when you're just starting out. If you don't have any subs or any views, the competition, the rating is the only one you should be extreme care tool. You need that competition region to be like over here in the solid green is the condition. The rating is basically how many other creators are competing with you. For Zeus, same keywords. Just search volume rating is how many people are searching for that keyword. But with you being a very small YouTube channel, like did views is already pretty good for you. Like if I were a small YouTube channel and I have Zach computation over here in the solid green, and I have the solution volume live over in red over here. I would still probably go for is that keyword, because I would be 100% sure that I would rank first in that keyword. Let's go back and look for another keyword, how to read YouTube Analytics 2022, the search volume is excellent. Then what's the competition is sphere. So I'm definitely not ranking for that keyword. Let's go back again. Youtube new update 2022, YouTube analytics research tool. Well, as you can see right here, is a competition score, is very high, is excellent. I personally expect the volume to be much lower than z, and I suspect it will be much lower than that. But when it comes to the competition, if I will just copy those keywords and just the basics in my title. David was talking about that topic. Well, my video ranked first before anyone that searches those keywords. When it comes to search, basically, your body is like a cheat good, and I'm not promoting it or anything like it is just these are only tools that can do that like and it's only like $2 a month. So I would definitely invest in it. Okay, so now let's say that I was going for understanding YouTube Analytics Wednesday tuned to keyword. There are a few things that I need to do and make sure I do in my YouTube video, I will have this checklist for you to download in the class materials section of this class. First of all, we have to guess at key phrases. We already have our first, which is understanding YouTube Analytics 2022. So just copy it over here. Maybe grab like two more. So maybe we'll go for like YouTube Studio. Pretty bad score. You walk school is still a British war. Maybe something like YouTube Studio Analytics walk-throughs with, yeah, that's a pretty good reason. I don't like the competition on it, but we just need some key phrases to fill the gap. You can take your time and searching for more key phrases, but we'll just go with that one for this time. You should spend like two hour session for the key phrase for your YouTube search video. But for now, we'll just pick this one and we will just be imagined. The computation for it is like excellent or something. We were just to copy it and paste it right over here. We have two energizing because it's already good enough, but you should go for like three or four more. We need to use Zeus give raises and trying to come up with a clickable using them. So maybe we'll just copy that one would exclude you Analytics walks through and do we'll just add brackets over here. Understanding YouTube and Alex 2022 will make sure that it's also capitalize NICU because that's a pretty good title. It will definitely not get any traffic from the suggested tab, but it's birthing for the sale she bought. So that's why I told you like, you can make a video for both suggested. Then we need to write a description will do is the keywords over here. So we'll just open up a new description, bullet points. And maybe we will write something like In this video, I will walk you through YouTube Analytics, which is like this key phrase right here. And the hill. You in the process of understanding YouTube Analytics, which is this key right here. Then I will add another short description. Then I will add another light bar graph. And then I'll add another one and another one and another one. I will just like have like maybe 15 lines off in my description that are all filled. Do is those key phrases or talking about the same topic like maybe something like helix to read. Average view duration. Something is at the viewer might be looking for like click-through rate will be interested in watching YouTube Studio Analytics works. But I won't pipe like film-making, e.g. because someone who is searching for filmmaking want to click on YouTube's to do analytics. He might be interested in it, but an average viewer will not click on it, but makes sure that the description makes sense. Or youth you might play your video as a description is, we'll do spam light just to copy it. Over here and over here and over here and over here, is that justice, BAM, in your video, if you do so, you want to pay any attention to your description at all. So we will just have wasted your time writing a description. After we do that, I make sure I mentioned the keywords in my venues to basically understand YouTube Analytics 2022, I will make sure to add that as a bit of conversation during the video or during the intro. Because YouTube, when optimized for search, looks at z-scores you see during your video to make sure leg is the YouTube studio analytics walkthrough is not just a random chocolate cake video like it can be. It has the same title and still has the same optimization in the description. But during COVID, you never said YouTube Studio analytics walk-through or understanding YouTube Analytics 2022 ends in. Youtube knows that something is up, is that my video doesn't match or wound to probably match the desires of the viewer and don't recommend them my videos, even though I got like an excellent rating over here and over here. So you need to say those words some way during YouTube video in Bordeaux conversation through that W or doesn't think you are an NBC and just leaves the video early on life for data cubes podium walks through. In this video, we will be covering lead. Youtube is to do analytics, walks through and will help you in that process of understanding YouTube analytics tool just add over here because Nixon's of Ross is understanding the YouTube Analytics in 2020 to make sure that I see him like two or three times. And that's about it. Then we'll move on to the final most important work, which she has a clickable some Neil and I will organize the slash edited video. Let's say there are ten videos, have all of those checklists to check that with all optimizing subtitle in that description is all zeros. Well, if zero, like ten videos on YouTube looks at your click-through rate and the average percentage viewed just like any other YouTube video when you do this inside, in whichever you to recommend to each of you what? So make sure you're somebody who's very clickable and make sure your video delivers on Zackie values as a viewer desire, it's like if he wants a walk-through of the YouTube studio analytics, don't go talking about your story or why you didn't upload for like two weeks, just to jump right into it, walking through the YouTube studio every single bar to make sure it's simple and concise, also, add timestamps in the description to make it easier for the viewer so that you increase as a faction signal that's coming from your video. Make sure there is. Suppose at your venue is not Buddha ends up you are might leave early on and make sure you're some Neil is also pretty clickable for some of you are. Just like add some names that you made 1 min before uploading the videos that has like 2010 fonts, e.g. and that's it. As I told you, making searchable content is low risk, low, but instant reward, just after you boost that video, you will start getting interaction really like from my personal experience, if you actually deliver on those five checklists, your video, we'll start to get interaction every single day. I tried it like multiple times and it always works because it should watch. Your video is well organized. Your video is pretty good for the viewer. You have a clickable some near you or we'll click on. You have the keywords as a viewer search it for and your description, a firm's those keywords and your videos covering those topics it goes you exceed Zeus wars multiple times. And if you just decide to spams, have you worked when he would leave Britney LED on and your videos retention will be ruined and it's no longer I will organize the video. So basically, you can achieve a two algorithm. You just need to make sure you have optimized your venue for search is That's it. You will find that less than one ends. The material is blue, and I will see you in the next lesson. 24. Satisfaction Signals: I mean, I don't need to go the extra mile in it in that 1 s delay, black, revenue is already good enough and it's still much better than those videos on the trending tab getting millions of views. And besides the matrix in my YouTube analytics moon Canada, France, when they don't go the extra mile, exact 1 s board. No, no, no. And no one's watching. God is watching you. And also the YouTube satisfaction signals. Imagine, I think minute YouTube video in which you are high, been upset. 1 s the moment at the end where you are going to give you or your secret chocolate cake recipe and your brand and worked and those of you who are watching your videos all the way till the end. And then you just say you were trolling and just edit their videos. I would give it names the recipe. I mean, he clicked on your video. He watched it till the end. By all means your video should be going viral, but it won't because of the YouTube satisfaction signals. What are the YouTube satisfaction signaling? Satisfaction signals are basically is a great filter with YouTube, satisfaction signals are their dislikes is a viewer leaves on your video. Unsubscribes is click and not interested on your YouTube video is, I bet surveys or viewer will fill out on your own YouTube videos. Our recommendation system narrows down the best set of videos to offer to your audience by paying attention to what the watch or you don't watch, how much time they spend watching it, likes and dislikes not interested feedback and satisfaction surveys, mostly creators ignores inspection signals and z only focus about like 2-norm but as a click-through rate and the average view percentage. But what I'm trying to tell you in this lesson is that YouTube knows when the viewer has one-click do neuro video to watch it all the way till the end. But is it still unsatisfied? And if you are not being satisfied with your video, would lead to a very hormonal effect of your video is not getting recommended to more viewers. It doesn't have a huge impact, but it definitely exists is the oldest effect to add on top of Z is at the viewer wound to watch more of your videos, which you establish the already is a crucial aspect of your video going viral. Esophagitis, the hormones that scenario will have on your video is basically the viewer will say something like, Well, your venue was good enough but like, but that's enough of your content for the week maybe like in a few months I might come back and watch one more of your empty videos, but not now, that scenario is exactly the same, like if you're selling chocolate cakes down the street. They look very attractive and delicious and tasty delicious. But at the end of the day, anyone who eats them ends up with food poisoning. Is the client found your cakes attractive and delicious, but he's in the hospital now. He in coming back to get any more of your cake, she has the same effect will happen with your own YouTube videos. How can I work satisfaction signals? They're good enough. Answer, I can give. The only answer you need from this video is that YouTube knows, you knows whether you have goods, a tiny extra effort and your videos or not, you can take the shortcut on YouTube because YouTube well-known Nazi gains extra mile in your videos or just the making a good enough video. Well, it might not have a big impact on your audience's attention, but you will still know by making a video that, you know is always to observe your story him by making a video that you know is not the best version of itself. By making a video, you are not proud of. You are hormones that video and preventing it from reaching its full potential. So trying to have fun making videos by having fun in your videos, then you can experiment goes like new camera angles with a fun escape to explain to the viewer your boy in by telling an embarrassing story from your childhood has been fun, can get you towards the stroma is in your videos, unconditionally. 25. Burnout - The Successminator: I want to ask you a couple of questions. Does this sort of started a new venue feel too overwhelming? Because every time you start working on a new video, you just end up broke estimating gada, avoiding the video. When does the YouTube algorithm feel unfair? You feel that YouTube, I don't know, has your name in a black list of channels, blog from getting more views, you felt that the days are just as limit boy, and you aren't going anywhere in your YouTube career, even though you're booting the effort multiple times, even do have watched hours of YouTube tutorials, stayed up late nights editing and they're losing sleep per unit, you will, if you answered yes to any of the previous questions, that you are lacking motivation to start working on your next event. This is your lucky day because I have been there multiple times. November 9th was my first time just because it started to come off since Tuesday tube algorithm studying YouTube data and analytics make it 20 versions of the same, some Neil and to convince their performance, thinking about YouTube all day long, every day. And don't they? I had a video idea that was truly excited to fail. I spent two days over the descriptive word by word. I spent hours over hours, one video, so that it is as optimized everyday to algorithms as it can get. A few hours later, after I boosted it, I would check out with forming. And you get this magnets, they usually slap in the face and billboards or down arrows. Why should I get out of my way to deal with a stupid algorithm? I mean, I can just be like everybody else having fun in my free time, watching movies, scrolling through TikTok all day long. We're actually now is that you mentioned it has been 15 days to watching movies all day long, scrolling through Tik Tok for our region at online video games. But something was off. The more time I wasted without making YouTube videos, the more depressed I felt. Bird versus I fell. And one day while I was procrastinating, I found a really old video I posted of me and one of my friends. It was so bad that what you wanted you stretch that we're using to optimize the algorithm at all. And it finally hit me. I got lost daptomycin videos optimizing some needs to go to the YouTube algorithm spending hours after hours optimizing my videos, watching YouTube tutorials all day long, but to better improve my content, having fun in my videos was a priority to me. And I somehow forgot that having fun just somehow stop the becoming a deciding factor on me choose in which idea to work on next. I tried to deny it. I mean, fun. Who cares about fun? Does the YouTube algorithm track how much fun you're having one single video? Fun doesn't count toward your views. Youtube is not a sprint. It's a marathon. You do is a process that can take months. Youtube is a process that goes beyond your neck. It's the same guild videos performance. If I get to draw into perfect every single aspect my videos, I will just end up procrastinating wisdom volume of blood in one video every month, just end up depressed. But if having fun was the deciding factor on which I, they should work on next Xin, it doesn't really matter if my next video blew up or not. In fact, it shouldn't. Unique is the video doesn't need to blow up. Your neck is David, you needs to teach you one new thing about YouTube. You have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing because it's so hard that if you don't, any rational person would give up, it's really hard and you have to do it over a sustained period of time. So if you don't love it, if you're not having fun doing it, you don't really love it, you're gonna give up. The ones that are successful, loved what they did so they could persevere when it got really tough. And the ones that didn't love it quit because they're saying, right, who would want to put up with this stuff if you don't love it, fun might not matter when it comes to a single video's performance, but it will definitely matter if you are here for the long game. If you want to have the life, we read your idols. If you want to have a huge dream life. Because the energy and excitement that comes with making a video that you are truly having fun with, is going to lead you to a really good thing called making mistakes. The more fun you are having, the more you are likely to experiment with new camera angles. Experiment to storytelling goose bonus gets experiment do is new fixed and sound design with a small Easter eggs and debit of improvisation. And the most important thing in your YouTube career is to make mistakes and deleted from Zim. But if you spend all your time perfecting one single video, you probably want to make enough mistakes to actually make it. So if you have been losing motivation for YouTube, do like I just did it, like I just did it. Making this video for the best demands. I have been procrastinating guy app been avoiding working on YouTube. I have been depressed and I decided to make this video idea. This video idea doesn't have the most optimized YouTube thumbnail. It is not about the most broadly appealing topic ever, but this is the one I was most excited to work on. This, the one that I just put in to get out of my head for the past few weeks. If you have been all beautiful oil, start by making the video, you are most excited for the ones that is likely to get more views. 26. Overcoming Camera Awkwardness: Youtube might feel unfair when you are just starting out. I mean, both you annoy someone else making YouTube videos and we were like, he makes money from making these videos. I mean, he's just told in his camera and filming is the real-life and getting paid millions for it. I can do that. Why not? And then you just to get smacked in the face with tons of video editing that comes through, is it optimizing? You use some males descriptions and probably every single second do your video. And some small YouTubers get all of those aspects, right. All of them, they wake up with a really exciting, bright idea is you come up with an attractive thumbnail for it these days if filming, editing In the video and he boasted, they check to see how the video is performing. And w is barely getting any views. If you had a similar situation where you have put in the effort, but your videos field to get any sort of attraction. Fielded, hooks the viewer through the video. When z because of a scale all new to you, but it's always more YouTubers are yet to learn and apply to their venues. And that's why I printed out two versions of the same escaped. The same. Scripts are gonna be read in sequence by my two friends. Steven. Steven is a beginner redo bar was only one year of YouTube experience. The mark is an expertise you bought was five years of experience community to try and figure out the differences between both of the presentations. While keeping in mind, as you're reading the script of the same exactly video that has the same optimized YouTube, some meal that has the same optimized title, that has the same optimized the video editing. Just to keep that in mind when you try to guess which one of your videos might go viral it. Okay. So you want me to read this? Okay. Yeah, I will give it a shot. Okay. Youtube thumbnails, you can be more important than your video. Youtube some nails can be more important than your video. I mean, think of yourself as the shop front of a store. I mean, sake of you reach up some Niels as the front of your shop. If it's messy and dusty, no one is going to bother to go inside your shop to know if you're sharp actually over the value or not. No one's going to bother to go inside of your shop to shake out with the huge value you might be providing. Okay, Can I get 1 million views? Now, I think you have noticed a major difference between both clips. Marcus presentations feel much, much more energetic, much, much more enjoyable to listen to, much, much more confident on camera, much more active on camera, much more engaging on camera. It's like it's using 100%. It's communication power. Wireless Steven, on the other hand, feels the more soy and debit awkward. What I'm trying to highlight is that omega z are offering Zazi in value to the viewer the same information that you want to get to the viewer. But only one of them is going viral because of the skills you developed to be engaging wound camera. That's because Mark understand the mathematics. If I were to show you this graph, that graph will tell you is that the verbal part of communication which use your script is that you have spent hours working on is only 75% of communication is, 65% is non-verbal communication is used in your hand, just started using your facial expressions, is adjusting the rate and volume of your voice. If you look back at your days in school, you realize that you enjoyed the closest from the active teacher, from the funny teacher, and did the same thing with YouTube content. Why would the viewer that has very limited time, it's been desert amount of time watching your video while there is a perfectly engage in video, one swipe away that he can just go and watch. Let's establish one thing. No one is born. Camera active, monarch, Mr. Beast, beauty boy, outdoor, empty VHD and all your favorite YouTubers, me included, we're not born like z will not warn the camera active. We're not born speaking with their hands, having ponds, official exhibitions. They developed it and you can develop it to, we're going to talk specifically about four as v6, when using your full capabilities of communication, your voice, your hand gestures, your facial expressions, and analyzing creators, or you have to do, is just the force, those four aspects into your daily life. It might feel a bit force it at first, but trust me, a few weeks later, and it will become you you will unconsciously do it. I don't do it like I don't like I don't do breathing like breathing just happens. Phil, tricky at first. But eventually you will get the hang of it. Your voice. First of all, try and change the rate of the words coming out of your mouth every now and then. Don't adjust the jam out. All of the words you want to say, don't adjust the GML would pull up the words you want to say no to the chins is the rate at which words come out of your mouth. And the chin, the rate at which words come out of your mouse strain the chins or volume of your voice. Every now and then. Don't just say every word you want to say on the same volume. Don't just say if reward, they want to stay on the same volume. No, try and raise your voice every now and then. While you are speaking. Try and raise your voice every now and then while you are speaking For your hand gestures. Trust me, when I see this, whatever you are gonna do is your hands. Why this beacon is going to be much, much, much better than z is just the sitting beside you. There is no right or wrong when it comes to this, just to make sure whatever you do, don't leave your hand still beside you. Try and D moves him while you are speaking and you'll eventually find the hang of it. They said one is your facial expressions. I want you to think of your face as a display monitor, shows every feeding you are feeling right now in the current moment, just to show you what you feel with every word you are seeing. And also make sure to make use of your eyes exhibition you are trying to make, it will definitely help a lot is the first one is analyzing creators. Who are your favorite creators, who are your favorite actors while watching them try and analyze their facial expressions. Hand gestures. The more you analyze, the more it's likely for you to pick up unconsciously skills and implement them in your content is there is no catalog for how to become more active. But trust me, after this video, you will start the bikini top in every video or movie you watch from now on and in the future, you will thank yourself. 27. The 4-Questions To Ask : Mark Microsoft, they came up with a new idea and the E fields as this video will go viral and it's going to boil lots of views. But Mark remembers his previous video. He also see the same thing about that one and it absolutely flop. Steven. Steven has over 100 video ideas in his list, but he struggles to pick which one issue to start working on next. Eaten Justin Bieber for 24 h. I mean, it feels like every user can go viral. But how would you know? How do you know if your video can go viral? How do you know which idea you should start working on? Next, I will show you a three-step process you can go through to make sure your video can go viral. I spent a few hours going through famous YouTuber is the most viral videos like Mr. Beast, more crowbar, era of lines as three-step process to their videos. And it worked every single time. But to be honest with you, it only failed the ones on this video from Mr. Beast, but it work. You don't it's mostly ****** are certified videos on the internet who's an average of 141 million views per video? I assume that's a pretty good sign. So let's get started. Expectations. Expectations is Awards that is going to come up a lot in the three-step process, expectations. When you see us some nail over video, when you read the title, your brain automatically comes up with expectations on what happens during the video. If you control the expectations, you literally controls the views of a video. If I show you this video, it's been there 24 h as a fire meant your brand imagines a creator as a fire men, hadn't gone off of a building, gets at some fire, your brain comes up with expectations. And when I show you this video, I millionaire goes to homeless to groove, anyone can make it your brain imagines a millionaire go and homeless. And the somehow using his experience, poverty in a few days and is already making money. Expectations is something we're going to talk about a lot in this video. So can you capture the expectations in an oil grabbing some nail? This the first step of the three-step process, and this literally is the easiest. Boost an eye grabbing some Neil for your video idea, delete your video idea is 3 min. If you have a sharp zip look something like this, no one is going to buzzer to go inside of the shop to find if your products are actually worthwhile. So you need to make sure you use some needs. Are I grabbing get enough explains why there was a video in a simple way to set your guarantees that he clicks on your video. When I showed you this thumbnail, what are the expectations you come up with for the venue? Most likely, if you have more than three brain cells, like most likely you came up with the expectations that I want to stay in a dumpster for 24 h. But if I show you is this some Neil is going to be extremely hard for you to guess what the video is about is in Zen is probably not about some nice if you're asking what's the videos actually about? Well, after reading that, I tell I still don't have an idea. What's the videos about the zero expectations? Use some nice alternate my brain useless. That's your fault. Yeah, yeah. What about this one? Do you come up with expectations? Do when you see some nail. Okay, but what about this one? Does in expectations come to your mind? Probably nothing that actually takes place during the video. This was before it bets on Neil from Mr. Beast. I mean, it's like six years old. There are still limitations. Intriguing Chernoff, I stayed underneath my bed for 24 h. I couldn't care less 10 min of your token to the camera with no expectations of risk or anything exciting happening at all. Expectations coming from your title and some nil or not intriguing enough, I stayed on dumpster for 24 h. I mean, let's try and scripts is a video together. Dumpster for 24 h. I will keep talking to my camera about random stuff and then exhibit you longer for that sweet watch time and average view duration. Well, here's the thing. The viewer a script, this is a video as well. When he sees your title and some Neil, he comes up with the expectations for your video. He assumes that you will stay on dumpster for 24 h, not doing anything, doing random stuff too, by the time it is not entering enough. I mean, it might be intriguing. Get enough if you are like five-years old. But we will get into that in the NIC is the stable visa process. Half-a-million dollars. Mr. Beast, this code games, eventually, your brain just fills up with expectations. If he actually they created every game and they made 450, 60 be bolt goes through them. Did he actually recreate the craziest quick game? There are too many extremely intriguing expectations for me not to click. Both. Are the expectations broadly appealing gain off. Now we're starting to get a bit challenging. You might have a video that have intriguing expectations, but z are not broadly appealing enough. Let me try and explain. A common mistake I see is the making videos about themselves. I like this guy here. It's such a weird guy, like making a three-minute video about himself. Yes. This video gives intriguing exhibit patients, but only to Mr. Beast defense. Let's consider a video titled I decided to drop out of college. This video will give intriguing expectations, but only to your followers and college students who are thinking of dropping out. It doesn't give broadly Abby intriguing expectations. After I understood this concept, I never wrote or see the world the same way. Again, every sentence that comes out of my mouth, I try and make it as broadly appealing as both non WC a Rubik's Cube get less. Do you know what non WE CAN mean? You might do, but I don't. You can switch to something like ranking is already heard this through Mexico cubes ever. Now it's more broadly appealing. I don't know if it's the only meaning get enough zone. The only people who would have an interest in Rubik's cubes. And I have a live unboxing red dragon K phi of 58 keyboard. Only people who will be interested to click on this video are people who are familiar with the keyboard. This is my keyboard. It is not the best, but it does the job. It's basically a budget option. Maybe you contact us if you do something like best the budget keyboard to boy, under $50, now knows every view is more broadly appealing. And now let's get to the most important equation. Which idea should you start working on? I can tell you that you need to capture your ideas expectations. I grabbing some Neil, those expectations, they need to be as intriguing as Z. You can get. Those expectations. You need to be as broadly appealing gas they can get bought from my personal experience is the best idea to start working on. Is that ideas that you have been thinking about all the time. That idea is that you can do just to get it out of your head for the best if few days, it is a secret. Every video on my current channel was never the best choice over video for me to start working on the two other super optimized. David Hughes was optimized the losers, the ones I felt like making. And that's the better that it's been density days they broadcast in eating gone. Which idea to start working on? The best way to do that is to stop wasting time and start working on that idea. You have been thinking about pulls the time for the best. 28. The Perfect Video Duration: Last Saturday and new movie just came out, a movie that me and my friend have been excited about four months, my friend come over to my house with a few snacks for us to eat together. And I made a huge popcorn bucket for us to eat while watching the movie. Sadly enough, my mom had other blends for me. I excuse my friend Zach. I will go away for 10 min and I will be right back. And I warned him not to eat forums about corn. We prepare it for the movie in order. And I left them alone, was about poor. I mean, I can just take one. Wouldn't really matters that much. And zeros, no way that you will notice that one but poor that have gone missing. I will just take one. What is this bottom corner is so delicious or maybe maybe I will just take one more. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe you even one more. One more here and maybe another. Shorter videos. By shorter, I don't mean short the form of radical content. I need short this three or four minute videos. The videos are just like popcorn. You can always execute your overview work. Just watch a quick three minute video. If those videos over double the value of viewer would normally receive z will be as tasty, as addictive as Bob portal. It's a viewer, will just keep executing himself to watch in one more minute video. And the Amazon one city minute video and also another one till he ends up being shaken up to like 20 or key of your videos in a row, which will lead to IVDU long watches sequence that accumulates large animals wash time alone, wash sequence that will eventually lead to you going viral, YouTube, noble and have a strategy. I won't tell you if the strategy that I've used in the past that have worked because it did, I won't tell you that this strategy is that most viral YouTube, but it's used because they do. I will tell you, this is a strategy that I'm planning to use. My name is YouTube channel. Strategy is the most effective strategy to inform when making YouTube videos. And have a strategy is reducing the price of your video to the half, which is the duration of your bed amount of time. A viewer is bins of his day watching your video while doubling is a value that you provide in your video. Mathematically, that means that your video is four times more attractive to the viewer than any other video competing with you in the same niche, the more videos of yours the viewer watches, the larger as a snowball becomes, the more he becomes the value of pyruvate use, the more likely it is to watch your video, is, the more likely he is to click on your videos and it gets time he sees one likely as to why you are merged, all of that, because of the novel and half strategy making your content w is a value and have the bias will totally outperform longer videos if you have overdue work, e.g. is that you need to do, well with 20 minute videos. You are making a rational decision to harm yourself consuming online content instead of focusing on your own. But with three-minute videos, you can easily execute yourself to take a three-minute break watching this extremely short video. I mean, it's just the 3 min out of that 24 h in the day. It doesn't really matter if those three minute videos are extremely engaging if you put the effort in, but victims, a start to finish working on your sound design, working on your visual effects, taking multiple takes to make sure you got the best shot going the extra mile, making them, making sure you are proud of them, making sure that you spend the time watching them will, if you do so, then the viral video effect will kick in sooner than you would ever expect any viewer who bosses by one of your videos, we'll execute himself to take a three-minute break, watch in one of your videos, and you will end up bench in your entire YouTube library of videos, leading to all videos in that sequence, blowing up together silicic shops, The first one, really good cakes for $100. Pretty expensive. It's just like a cake shop. Cells below average cakes for the brace or $50. But Zazi on the cake shop sells the amazing, very delicious cakes for reasonable price of only $25. In that example. Will, in that example, you would question what Zeus to antibiotics are made off and if it sells you or not. But in any other situation, you would 100% $25 in mixing cakes any point, any day of the week. That was the strategy that you desire. The strategies that will help you to get the most due to the success, shortest amount of time. But we will suppose that you are arrogant, like I was when I first started, we will suppose that you underestimate how much it takes to make a good video like I used to. We will suppose that right now you think of yourself as the exception is the one big sent to wash this clause. That actually makes a good longer-form videos exactly like I used to when I was researching that same topic a few years ago. What is the beta effect? Video duration. Duration changes depending on each of your content on the label will use your mic. And the Muslim world changes depending on who you are. It is the duration is a viewer can find the extremely attractive the possibilities you are in your song nail. It is the duration that gives the viewer a keystream engaged throughout your video while you are delivering on the key value, it is the duration that you can afford the perfecting. The viewer gets addicted to your venue is, is a benefit. The video duration is the duration you find the most comfortable to make content that you are a route for some creators and some niches. That is like 15 min for some creators and other niches, that duration is 3 min. I know what you mean behind the Hoskins that question you want me to tell you a number you should aim for is that has the most the chance to view going viral, making YouTube videos or to make it harder your self, by forcing yourself to reach an eight-minute launch, YouTube, you will find the videos from all shapes and colors from all kinds of YouTubers. Study your competition. What would you do? Ration, do z M4, challenge yourself to w z value. And the hope is that duration and maybe that will alter your conclusion to finally reach an understanding of what is the benefit that when you do recursion for you. 29. Forging An Engaging Video: I mean, when you really boil it down to me, what's important? Average view duration, average few percentage, or just relative retention. Simplistic as that is, audience retention. Audience retention is a metric that tells you how looking at the engaging your videos or the higher you get your audience's attention and average view duration, the more likely it is for you to start promoting your content. Exactly how to get a higher audience retention, how to get a higher average view duration on your video. In this video, I'm going to share with you about 50 audience retention tips slash hex. We will quickly push through those 50 audience evidential tips and the hex, who's a few examples and explanations. But if something needs loomed technical explanation on how to do a certain effect, I will leave a link on how to deal with inside description and zeros. A little surprise for those of you who stick around throughout the video till the end, that draws me. If you want to increase your audience's attention, you will love that little surprise. Let's jump right into it. Use creative transition. Rate of transitions can work really well. Unlike a regular transition, a creative transition will get abs, the focus of your work. It will just lead them to focus on, on whatever you are saying in your video, leading to a longer attention span of the viewer through our video, two different cameras in two different locations, bends the camera in the first shot towards the angle. You will bend the camera in the second Vishal. So the first shot will go something like this, and the second shot will go something like this at subtitles to do or videos. Then subtitles will engage the viewer is a brain in a reading activity while he's watching your video, you will basically be using more of his brain resources while he's watching your video. So instead of the viewers just delay in a way bored watching your video, you will be more focused reading whatever you are saying during the video and also watching it now to a very ordinary table. To build up to the next step. Add zooms, your videos, adding zooms all just to grab the viewer to focus every now and then, but make sure your videos are not harsh tones always a topic that I don't see many, fewer spoken about, which is alignment. Let's see is that this laser beam with the eye of the viewer is just moving all around you because you are moving. They wear during your videos and adding harsh cuts at an image. It's all over the screen, are not giving them the toy him for the viewer to properly digest them, that will lead to a very bad viewing experience and the viewer will be based ambitious, the click off of your video feed into a bad audience retention and also might feel a bit survey on your red flag if we pretended that the laser beam is your viewers all, you need to make sure that the laser beam does barely any movement while watching your video. If that is, our beam is moving all over the screen because of you, or we'll click off. It is a nice example. Very bedroom because the viewer is needed to move to keep track of my array. But this room is a very good Zoom because the viewers didn't do need to move a tool to keep track of my oil. We can talk about alignment for days. Make sure you subscribe because I might make a video dedicated to this topic, adding images over footage, like let's say I drank a cup of coffee yesterday. Here, a picture of a cup of coffee, just that we're doing the screen. Let's say I was driving my car across the neighborhood, isn't I saw a dog across the street. All of those images will help me tell my story. Like let's say you're talking about you use phone all the time. You can just put a picture of your phone on the screen. Or even better, you can use props. You can just bring your phone with you during that particular shot. If you are talking about a bean or something just to grab I've been with you while you are shooting such short, if you're talking about how holding your phone is really tiring and you want to use a tripod bring attribute with the orange shooting. But let's say you are talking about Z, the standard over the distance, maybe add an arrow over the screen. Boynton doesn't extend that. Just a little arrows, that little touch, that little blobs that you are going to use, that little image will help it grabs a viewer its focus and increase his attention spent during the event. But sometimes a viewer might get lost watching your videos. So you can add in March over your video if you're doing a type of challenge, what is the pay off is like 12 h later, just the counter on the screen maybe add 5 h before, just for minutes to hours before the storm hits, 50 min before the storm, it's just a little counter to help is a viewer keep track of time. And the loop for word for that event is that it's going to happen in the future. Exactly the event like delta surprised, Just dimension that is going to happen at the end of the video, mentioned that there is a huge payoff for the viewer to week four at the end of your video will help them stay throughout the weekend for that little surprise, even if your video got ball at certain boards and other things that can help you take your videos to the next level is add B roll to your video. What is B-roll? Well, a role is that shot that I'm taking right now, is that shot of be talking to the camera directly. B-roll is a shot of misleading, is a shot of me struggling to make YouTube content, is a shot of me setting up my lighting. B-roll is overlay footage that you shoot yourself that will adjust that little touches that shows that you care about your videos. Viewers will genuinely notice when you go the extra mile. But let's say you can defend your own B-roll for some reason. Well, you can add free stock footage that you can find all over the internet. Stopped voltage is B-roll, that is film it for you by another creator. You can go to our website like and you can find tons of stock footage that you can just download and take over as the video whenever you are talking about a certain subject, like let's say I was playing basketball yesterday. Then I went over to the beach with my friends. That was just the free stock footage I found online, film and boost commentary. Let's say you're filming the video and it was not that interested in, you can just turn on the camera. And these two retailers have a trend of entertaining. Humerus returns a video in a funny way just to grab that footage and this ticket over the other footage, cut them up and there's just a drag them together that will do the transform to above average revenue. And other things that I like to do is add footage, overwriting board, just an ordinary $5 writing board with some markers you can teach on it if you are making educational content, or you can make a quick funny animation to tell us to read during your video. To get an over-the-top shop, you can just use the disk extend or use a camera tripod. Use the guys logged in your business or blazer cameras standing between you and the disk. Another thing you can do as well as an obligation of Photoshop and emissions. Like let me show you right now. Like yesterday, I went to my colleges and I shoot and I saw a dog approaching me. Like it's literally that easy. It feels a bit casual. So it relates to the viewer and it also shows that you care and why we are in Photoshop. You can add Photoshop drawing an emissions, like I can say is that this is a street. We can even draw a sharp over here, shaw. We can even draw a little me over here. And then we can just take him and be moving all around. And the telephony story of using Bureau of using overlay, stock footage, of using Photoshop and emissions shows that you care. Which brings me to the most important audience's attention tip, which is goes the extra mile whenever you can. I feel like if you were genuinely noticed when you go the extra mile and no matter how expensive it is, no matter how much time it takes, even if it's like a 15-second part of the video, if you need to set up lighting for 2 h adjustable resistor, 15-second the shot Go for it. If you need to spend an extra 4 h editing your video for that specific minute, Go for it. If you need to set up a camera for like half an hour and the jumbo all over your desk. Before going that extra mile will show that you care, which will lead the viewer to subscribe to your channel. Going the extra mile will show that you care. Grabs a viewer's attention going the extra mile has an inverter lost in effect on your video. You will know that you already do, but that is wards is your toy. They will stick around and zoom out this video and the next one, and then it gets to one. So if you have found an opportunity during your videos to go the extra mile ticket, you can also go the extra mile by adding green screens over your videos. You can just go on YouTube and you'll find tons of green screens for whatever you are trying to create during your video. Screens can be really entertaining and really humorous. But just to make sure is that you don't use them everywhere, or it can just look childish and understand you can do is this right here where I'm coming closer to the screen by every bus in seconds. Instant camera movement just over your B-roll or over your footage trend, that smooth zoom animations that brings the screen closer to the viewer. It will just help me extend this attentions metals have you or you can also do the eye tracking effects that are tracking effect is that you see all over the air. You can just do it by making sure that the thing you are tracking is in the same beliefs during every frame, it will add that little spice up that will grab the viewer's attention. You can also switch camera angles every now and then, the viewer will get bored watching the same visual for an entire 20 min. But every now and then, every light of your video, you move your camera to another location and you will meet from zeros and we'll add that touches. I think by some that will help is if you worked with another tip that I pulled a nickname and movement nickname and is a popular YouTube education you've worked with recently. These easy comes to promise them back towards the camera. A little movement might be a way for you to go the extra mile during your content just to every sentence you are seeing, tried to approach the camera. But a tip I don't see mentioned that a lot is improve your quality as humans, we have five senses, the sense of smell, the central feeling, the sense of taste, and the sense of hearing. I don't see many new words caring about that last one, but it's very important to like, you can watch a video with bad video quality, but you can watch a video with bad audio quality to make sure your mic is not picking up any noise. And if your mike has very terrible quality, you can just go on Amazon and you might find a very suitable option. Another tip that I don't even need to mention is at music videos, just some background the beat and stretch it all the way over throughout your video. It will make your videos more entertaining. If your videos are boring, at least they are listening to the music in the background, is it will just give you that extra Hs, that extra attention is banned for them to last throughout your video, you know what's better is an edit your videos, removing music from your videos whenever you are trying to telephony joke to go the extra mile during your videos. Remove music suddenly from your videos. Moving music suddenly from your videos will cause something called butternut interrupts, button interrupts. We're just the triggers are viewer to find out what went wrong. Music was blamed throughout the video. Doesn't it suddenly cut off? When it cuts off, the viewer will suddenly pay attention to whatever you are about to say. So if you telephony shook, it will be twice as funny. If you went the extra mile, it will be twice as embracing the strategically add butter and interrupts during your video. You can also go the extra mile and add frequently changes to music during your venues. I once counted how many music changes. Mr. Beast, who's the most popular YouTuber in his videos and iPhone does that. He changes the type of music. Urine is video 19 time plucky only lets any song glossed about 40 or 50 s. Max zany switches to another song, isn't it switches to another tone just to keep the viewer engaged for an extended attention span. Another thing you can do is at Sunday fixed your videos, like whenever tickets is bobbing up on the screen at about sound effect. Whenever you throw something at the back and acceleration sound effect whenever a graph is coming onto the screen at a whoosh sound effects, those little sound effects will add that extra touch that shows that you care. You can also add g cuts your videos. Here is that here is that the audio's coming right now. We've got Stuart, basically extending the audio from Zeneca stick to overlap is a previous clip. That effect is used a lot in movies and it makes the transition more seamless. You can also add an L, cut your videos. Can you hear me? You hear me right now. That is the audio from the previous column. L cuts are used a lot in movies and it can help you create that effect of seamless transition. You should try and use boosts. J cuts and L cuts through out your video instead of just creating a harsh got created a G or an L Kahn, a topic that is very complex, 4 m long bone in this video is a storytelling. Apply storytelling to your venue. Whatever goal you are trying to accomplish in your video, trend applies to retailing bit to that concept. I want to go in depth about storytelling, but it's basically separating your video into a3x act one is Introduction, E2 is the journey of the video. Akt3 is a huge bay off and it's just the carries a viewer through out your video till the end, I would example of a blended storytelling to entertainment content is Roy and Torah hand and negative is on Bill of Rights. Storytelling to education content is filmy boost to retelling can just engage the viewer through the video and help them continue to design. And you don't have to make of your entire video a story. You can just come up with a short history. Big sibling, your buoyant. If you are making educational content, that is a really good tip. Try and come up with a short history that helped me solidify your buoyant fluid education content, e.g. I can tell you is that there's some name of the video is the same as the store front of the shop. If the store front is messy and dusty, no one is going to insert the shop. The same thing with YouTube videos. Is there some nail is ugly and messy. No one is going to go inside your video to find if it's worthwhile or not. That was a short example I came up with that help us to read before is a buoyant importance over some Neil. You can also add barrel is to rely on like three storylines that are going in the same direction at the same time. Mr. Beast is very much like the first declare be a challenge if someone for every venture breasts he gives him like $10,000. And the second basic challenge in a totally different person to bark as many cars as you can inside the circle. Syndicates, vectors I mentioned, but it's a storyline. There's any coats back to another in a day, keeps on jumping between storylines during this video to keep the viewer whole good, to know what is going to happen inside each is to rely on an obstacle throughout your video, like if you were creating a challenge libel video, the ad obstacles that you have to solve it during your visuals. Little problems that you have to solve for during your challenge will help engage the viewer to stick around and learn how we are going to solve is at issue. You can also build up throughout your video to a specific moments throughout your video. Try and keep high, but not a single moment in the future that is going to happen at the end of your video, where the viewer is going to get a huge payoff of satisfaction of filling a gap of curiosity in the viewer's brain knows that video is going to turn about like I wanted to study it and erect video. And in a minute he mentioned disobey off like four or three times, reminds the viewer of the huge bay off at the end, we'll help them stick around another important detail. Make your interests extremely short, keep your interests compelling straight into the boy in the video explains the concept of what is going to happen during the video. You don't even need to use an intro. Just remove the intro, jump straight in, straight into the action. A good example of that would be like Mr. vista videos, I tied up an FBI agent piece feels is $100,000 from me before midnight. He keeps it. This is a night. Good luck. Let's go to recall another important that they make your interviews long enough. I see a lot of YouTubers, it makes their interest extremely sure what is the interests don't give enough context of what is happening in the video. Why is it happening? Make sure you don't forget about z. Makes sure you give enough context during your intros of what you are doing in this video while you are doing it. What will happen if you don't do that? Try to relate to the viewers. Desire has been during your video to be relatable to your viewer. Speak his language. For me. I tried to say stuff like if you feel underrated in YouTube, if you feel that YouTube is unjust, you, if you are struggling to grow on YouTube, those are all feelings that you might be feeling on your YouTube. Jordan, just by me saying that. You will focus up to whatever I'm about to say. And if what I'm about to say is actually worthwhile, you will stick around for more videos and dualistic out through out my entire adjust your video is base your viewers liking. I see a lot of YouTubers forget about the base of their videos, their eyes, or mix their videos extremely boring and dull with not that much movement. And the mixer videos extremely fast, the best. And like I told you, very hard for the viewer to keep around doing, adjust the radius your viewers liking. You were making a documentary, e.g. It's typical for that documentary to be slow based, but if you're making a challenge type of video is typical for that venue to be forced to babies, don't follow the trends. Adjust your videos based your viewers like you, the audience loyalty makes sure you don't boast any bad videos on your YouTube channel. If you make sure that every video you boast is a bank Grover video and you go the extra mile in each one of them. Viewers won't be able to wait for your knickers to upload, for them to click on them immediately and dwarfs them all the way through. Which basically means if your previous videos are very impressive, this new one you are boosting is going to get a higher audience retention because of that history of amazing videos. As you mature videos, I see a lot of YouTubers forget about z. Try it, ignores that. And ten z are not funny or they are not numerous. Anyone can be funny, anyone can be humorous users. They need to practice it just like a swimming. You are not born a natural swimmer. You need to practice the same way with being funny. You need to practice just to Troy and the force jokes in your videos every now and then. And those practice, you will get really good at it. It might feel strange at first, but humor in your videos is a massive retention booster. The same thing with being more active on camera must be true, but if you follow your friends that are hybrid active on camera, will z, we're not born like z is developed it. If you look back at the older videos, you will find that they were very awkward, Don't camera, but z developed it, the workload on it. And a few years later, they are starting to use their hands whenever there is beacons have mini facial expressions and their voice can fill an entire room. I made a video and clarity about how to be more active. I will leave that video in the description. Another thing that can be outside of your comfort zone is write, write downs expectations of the viewer of your video. For this value, e.g. 0, you would expect that. You would expect that you will get 50 audience retention tips with a few examples on how to apply those 50 audience retention tips, your videos. I wrote it before I started recording to make sure I focus on your value throughout the entire video. I don t get side tracked. I don't go talking about things that are only valuable to me. So whenever you are making your NIC is the video after you mix the title under some Neil, write down what's the viewer would expect when he clicks on your video. If you can deliver on that, don't make sense. And if you did the river exactly on Z and the extra mile, that will lead to a huge audience retention because the viewer got exactly what you wanted. If you didn't, the viewer will just immediately click off. Once you have started. If you want to go the extra mile, you can record your videos multiple times. I found is that when I'm trying to teach topics that are not very advanced, it in the course, in the video multiple times helps me fully defined. My argument is the more times I record this video and it also helps me become more engaging on camera because I have already said the same thing four times. I don't need to use any brain effort to think about what I'm going to say next. All of that effort that goes into mean becoming more engaging on camera. Now we're gonna move on to a couple of mistakes that this true your audience retention. Don't leave air gaps. I don't need to stress more out. Don't leave air gaps during your videos. The cut out, every air gap and Zeneca step I want to give you is don't not leave air gaps. Do Tim exhibit you were speaking so fast and there's a viewer can to keep up every now and then. Just leave a few air gaps here and there. Just there for the viewer to key bob with whatever you are saying. If you are just this BAM and every word with no air gaps in the middle is a viewer might get distracted for a few seconds and comeback, not knowing where he left off at the just leaves as the entire video. Don't ask for subscribers or likes. I see a lot of YouTubers, especially in the beginning of the video, OSCON for subscribers or likes or anything moves up if you want to ask or subscribers always leave it at the end of the video, or better on Oscar for life. So subscribers at all, as I told you, write down the expectations of the viewer, is a viewer expects you to provide value, not to ask for your own benefit. Asking for subscribers is just like walking inside a sharp ends the shop, asking you for a ten dollar entry fee to enter his shop. Like he's asking for value from you before you even go inside Photoshop. Don't forget to probably identify character names. I see a lot of YouTubers just dimensioning other YouTubers, like beauty by e.g. and exhibit kits, the viewer to know by just saying a random mute you, but you have limited your audience. Don't worry, we will know who's at the tuber is Debby Wu who don't. We'll feel left out and do a broadly leaves a video earlier. The same way if you bring your friends with you in each video of yours, which should be probably identify your friends names in each of your, don't expect this viewer to have a history of your YouTube channel. There's a viewer to be a first-time viewer that has just the senior face for the first time three teams, that weight is big too hips that way, because if you don't, you will feel left out. And the feeling left out will just lead him to live there very early on. Also, don't add promotions. Especially if you are a very small YouTube channel. Like I understand, if you are a very big YouTube channel, you can add that 1 min Ed during your videos just to get that extra revenue because you actually need it, or if it will make you much better. But if you are a small YouTube channel that is getting lectin views, it is not worth it just to focus on the value of the viewer. And if you want to add promotions, leaves him at the end of your video. Don't use advanced language. That is a very important audience retention tip. Don't use advanced language. Reads a viewer like if you was a five-year old, the casual viewer that has no prior knowledge of anything is awarded and desserts is first toy and watching a YouTube video, use very simple, not complicated, casual language when you are speaking. If you are making educational content or like review content, e.g. what you are reviewing this monitor doing, this beak and advanced language like this monitor is CD20 for her tail and all of that advanced language stuff. Try and make it simpler. It is the best value for Bryce. Make it simpler if we use book in advance and language is a viewer might feel left out empty. Click off the same thing with assuming it's common knowledge. Like let's say you are making a video about squid games through and explain each game you are playing in your video, don't ask. Have you or has already seen the show and the nose and names of each character. Trying to give contexts. Don't assume it's common knowledge. Don't give false expectations. Whiskey league be like if you made a video where you said that you will blow a rocket ship, bellows that rocket ship, or don't mix the value because of the viewer and stumbles upon your video and don't see clicks. He finds out that you will blow a toy rocket ship. You were just to click off of your video into a horrible audience's attention, make sure you deliver on his expectations of your video. Don't use cards or recommend other videos during your video. Like by recommending other videos, I mean, telling him to immediately click off of this video and go watch that other one that will severely destroyed audience retention immediately at that Boeing and curves as well. If you suggest other videos using your core, it might be intrigued and actually click on one of those videos to a horrible audience's attention on the current one is watching. Don't use cords if you want to direct them to other video, leave it till the end this screen of your video. Don't over edit videos. I see a lot of YouTubers over editing their videos, adding all of those images and the stock footage and bureau and animations and everything, everywhere and different circuits. If you over edit your videos, as I told you, the viewers eyes will just be moving everywhere. He will have a bad view and experience. He will click off. He will fill out a bad survey on your video. Try and edit your videos. Try and optimized for audience retention, but don't overeat it. Now before moving on to the final tip of this video, is that a surprise that I told you about? In the beginning of the video, I spent like 2 h creating a checklist of every tip mentioned in this video was explanations through remind you of each step you watch it right now, you will find the file in that description is totally free. And the final tip, don't hint of revenues ending. Don't say stuff like scientists for watching my video. Don't forget to if you said he knows that stuff, the viewer is long gone. Leading tone, audience's attention. That looks something like this. And if this is your first time, my handsome face, Telecon Zeus for videos beside me. Those are the four videos every YouTuber who feel underrated need to watch right now, they will get lots of things up for you. 30. Broad Appeal - The Path To Insanity!: Hopefully, this is vital to this day soon as the bus to insanity because Bruce is not an easy topic for me to explain. Like maybe when I'm 40 years old, I might write a book about bro. But for now, this is all you got to make sure you be extreme attention. I was scrolling away your life. This leap on TikTok a few days back, exactly when I found that extremely entertaining TikTok that I found absolutely hilarious. So I decided that I will go and show it to my mom. What is it? No, I don't get that. Wait. Wait. Let me see. What's the next one is I mean, it was funny, but not as funny as the one I showed her. Well, here's the thing, the TikTok I liked with some deep dark humor. My mom would instigate what TikTok had a broadly Abby Lynn, since we'll be human compared to the deep dark humor TikTok, just some ordinary cat video which any human on the planet can watch and understand and even low-fat, whatever their background or language is, TikTok was broadly appealing. I want you to think about your potential viewers. Big thing right here that is filled with all the people across the world or the potential viewers that can watch your YouTube video. The more you mentioned out of context topics, or actually the viewer to have a certain knowledge for a certain attribute is the more you limit your videos potential will be in watchable boy, viewers, e.g. if you speak English in your YouTube videos, when you have limited your videos, only English speakers around the world, let's say your videos covering a tennis game, e.g. where you have successfully limited Europe potential viewers to English viewers were interested in tennis. And if you keep dimensioning random 1970s tennis players and the covered the stream in depths thinness topics without providing enough context, you have limited your video to only hardcore English's beacon tennis viewers. And let's say e.g. you started talking about basketball for some reason when you have limited your video to only hardcore thinness and basketball, English speaker fence, and so on. I see the most often if you start talking about the radio, you boasted a week ago expecting the viewer to be a subscriber to your YouTube channel, then you have limited your viewers to hardcore tennis and basketball. English is beakers that are all defense of your YouTube channel, which I can guarantee you is not a lot of views. The more USU, attributes about the viewer, more you mentioned random topics without providing enough context, zealous, potential viewers, your video can get imagined. If you traveled abroad for a year, once you came back, you went over to hang around with your old friends? Well, you will probably find it difficult to relate to them. To the game Z12 last week, to the movies they just wash together. Two zeros are new friends. One is tuition. You will feel left out. You would feel an urge to leave behind the screen YouTube video hosting viewers who already have a face that looks something like this. They are introduced to a new YouTube, whatever they can to wait to find an excuse to close off your video and watch a video from your competitors are already familiar with this. I can use Tor talking about a tennis player is or isn't familiar with, the viewer would belong one not paying attention to the concept of broad appeal is the single biggest mistake that small YouTubers make. The mistake that holds them back from achieving their full potential on YouTube. Zed mistake of assuming that the viewer cares about this tuition you just went through today is MS-DOS humans as if you are watching your videos that you have boosted a week ago. How can someone in this Dominion got ours into a business? We just met you? How can someone investees ten-minute break into your video if a fee is left out with watching your video. If you want new viewers to watch your video, make videos for new viewers. Don't expect them to know what your name is. To understand what is the concept behind your own YouTube video without you explain it to them. Assumptions is the more assumptions you have about your target viewer. Zionists view or z will have for me basically my target, you are struggling YouTubers feel on the rating was that comes, that I don't expect you to know what CPR is. So every time I mentioned CD or three calibrate and the store is speaking broadly appealing manner. I will give you a few tips to increase your city or because everybody knows that CPR is one of the most crucial metrics YouTube looks at to promote your videos to new view orders. Okay, So now I will give you a few tips to help increase your click-through rate. You click through rate, which is how many people out of 100 click on your video when it's shown to them. Basically, the higher that number gets, the most likely for you to distort the document in your content to new viewers. Providing contexts might take a few extra seconds from your video. That's much better than the viewer free and lift out is that your video, not being broadly appealing to all be will lose all experiences you see. The first video is only watchable by advanced YouTubers who have an experience with YouTube metric. But the second one can be watched by both at once it and beginner YouTuber is also begin our as another minority began on 90% of the audience in any niche you are in D1 beginners to treat your viewer like if he was one of them, is not only your language in your videos, it's also your titles and your Sumner. Here's an example. I use a lot non WC, a Rubik's cube, less or adversarial. Don't know what nonverbal you see a means. I mean, mammoth interested in Rubik's cubes, but the video assumes that I'm a hardcore Rubik's Cubes fan, which are more Sousa video, doesn't take that much. I better title would be something like rankings awarded Zohar, this Rubik's cubes. Now, that's more neuro rehab helium is a subtitle and ordinary grandma who is just swiping away through. You might consider clicking on occasion like Xiaomi coaches my name because I don't assume that you've already indicated to my content occasional Micah, get to the point. What is rho w is a barrier between a small few subs and a YouTube channel. The law is few cells and subsidy YouTube channel most numerous enjoy the thought of having 1 million people, hopefully someday watching their value, but 1 million people from all different types of backgrounds. Some might understand your video games obsession, and some might have never touched the video game in their lawyers. Some might enjoy relaxing content and some might enjoy fast, basically content. Some even might enjoy a bit of both. If you want to get 1 million people watching your video. Whereas in you have to create a YouTube video that relates to 1 million people that will require you to treat the camera as FFT rolled a CRT rolled a 10-year-old. All at the same time, we're in the state engaging in the way you produce your content, it will require you to assume that the viewer has no knowledge about that subject while still being interested in which is held in seeing broad appeal can get every sentence you say in your video matters and every topic you'll cover matters. But I have a few tips for you how to create more broadly appealing content. One, don't use advanced in language if you are making a video review and a pneumonic or is that you just bought don't exhibit as a viewer to know is that that molecule is made from LCD. Carbon dioxide is don't use advanced language. Instead tell him that this monitor is the best value for price, is the most colorful monitor in the market right now. Go down to his level to treat the viewer as anyone began on this. This is a mistake. I see a lot of the fitness niche, YouTube or Z making expecting Z regular. They want viewer who is excited about finally training to know everything about the different muscle groups and the muscle fibers and the science behind this. When actually we are ones for Mu is assembled, bookshops go, I don't want to overwhelm is a viewer. Try and make it as simple as possible. Three, limit confusion and provide enough context. Don't execute this if you were to have watched your previous videos already, have an idea of what your video is about. Makes sure to provide enough context. What are you doing in your video and why you are doing it? Like don't go around throwing names for places that are popular in your area that we live in not work if you are blending of getting more than 1,000 views on your video, try and give context for every situation you are going in. Give a short introduction about the famous YouTubers that you are meeting. Because let me tell you a secret. Sometimes zero or some viewers don't actually have the same watch interests like you do. I know, right? Like that's the whole reason an algorithm exists in the first place. Try and give context for every sin and the NSA for keeps the focus on this video. Don't exhibit the viewer to have already watched it. You're annoying. Hundred Minecraft episodes, a playlist. Just keep the focus on this one, on this 901 episode. Make a story about that video. Can you stand out on its own so that they can work without the need for the viewer to already have watched your 900 previous episodes. Don't exhibit the viewer to read. You have prior knowledge of what is the 100 Ben's cells, the challenge for every video of that series, explain again and again, what is the 100 bins cells, the challenge, introduce everyone that is doing it in your veggies, a friend is that always comes with you and your videos. And the camera man holding your camera five, there is a viewer as a clean sheet, don't expect the viewer to have prior knowledge of anything. Your viewer like. He's just take him out to this game. Basically. Don't expect the viewer to know how our refrigerator rewards. Or is the rules of basketball just take them through and explain everything while providing enough context. This might seem like overdoing it. Like a really long videos that you are about to create that is very boring. But here's the thing is that it's a necessity, not a bonus. If you run out of time. To mention the context behind the buoyancy you mentioned in your video. Will the solution to that issue is to reduce the amount of wins you mentioned in your venue. Not to remove the context. If I'm making a video about how to grow on YouTube, I will only mentioned Z boys instead of six, but I will make sure is always making a broadly EBITDA in language that can relate to all new and advanced YouTubers. Six, remove community, human community of humor is basically makes expecting you to know who given is given. Given. Is that one that we beat up last class? Yeah, Kevin, Kevin is just the chicken toy. This is an example of humor in your inner community that would be harder for new viewers to understand, either provide enough context for is that humor makes sure is that you mentioned that given is actually a chicken to it or remove it totally from your video. Seven, limit confusion in your title and your thumbnail. Remember Zan on the BC, a Rubik's Cube, some nail will get rid of that non WCAG outputs are some nail. And then in your venue, mention it later on while providing enough context of what it actually is in your thumbnail is don't hold the weird gadgets or where we're t-shirts that has thickest on them full of zombies, that can lead to confusion. Was a viewer or a misdirecting the viewer's attention from the main idea you want to deliver in your song name, eight niche out. If you are making videos about clip microphone. So only e.g. when Michelle maybe make a video about shotgun microphones. Maybe make videos about microphones in general. Maybe make videos about film mimicking in general. That way you attract the viewer's with your videos, is there is no guide to grow the bill, as I already told you. And it's really differentiates dependent on the initial fuel content and the type of content you are making through the bill is going to be a personal journey for you, trying your best to be more blurry Abilene, but in all types of viewers as your audience. While we can use a camera given all different backgrounds and possible problems, if viewers might have into consideration while filming your video, it's a skill just like swimming. If you break this hard enough, eventually you will become very good at it. So I started practicing. Go back, you're older videos trying to trim our own broadly appealing topics and situations from them to limit confusion because of your camera. And Troy is to retell a story from your own life while keeping it as broadly as possible. Start recording. 31. Storytelling Principles : There are many moving pieces when it comes to capturing an engaging story. And you can do with those moving pieces in many different forms, depending on the nature of your content, depending on the t value the viewer expects from your venue, and depending on your own style of content, what does that mean for maintenance? Tourists, that leads to entertainment, stories, athletes to excite, mint stories, athletes with education. Most of the time, there is no formula that can work well for all different initiatives. But there are a few buttons we can work with. Movies are usually based on storytelling for you don't care about the key character's backstory enough. Xin, you want to care about the final fight scenes that much, which is where storytelling comes to blame us to relate. Your video follows mostly the same concept of a story in a movie, a story is three x. Let's start with the first act. Normally in a movie is the first egg to be subpar to reintroduce the main character's background. Where do they come from? What is their environment like? But you must have, you can tweet to get bored just to leave your video. Normally, we create can't afford the luxury. The character is background, who's a YouTube video, mostly creators they replaced. The first act was just a false debased, quick introduction that confirms on the possibilities is a viewer imagine in the title and the thumbnail, then you have the second bag. That is the part of the movie where the main character finally stores on his conquest to achieve this final goal for a YouTube video that barred the difference in credibly for my niche, niche, like if you were an entertainment channel, e.g. that will be the main character's journey through multiple obstacles reaches final goal. But if you were an education and our YouTube channel e.g. that would be a commission stories and the exome is needed to the final conclusion of Zurb when you are trying to me in the viewer's brain. The second act is mostly delivering on the t values that we were asked for. Wild crafting obstacles in your journey to keep the viewer engaged, waiting for Zeneca Steven, then you have the sewer there. That is what I like to call it that dopamine rush Act. This will you floods the viewer with dopamine, which is basically the happiness hormone, is where you reach the final conclusion. And the viewer feel the excitement. Thrush is already reached the final conclusion and w are the brain lights up with ideas. This is where you finally motivates the viewer to take action and start rushing to achieve his goals. You introduce the reasons behind why rechallenge amateurs, you goes through multiple obstacles and problems on your journey. You finally reaches a final conclusion is that excites the viewer. That's how an ordinary story goes, but there is not an ordinary about a YouTube video. Youtube video has its own taste for my own YouTube education content, e.g. I like to replace the second act with a combination of stories and examples to make my wound they clear to the viewer. I always like to end the video on heavy sequence leading up to the final conclusion, motivating the UT bar to finally take action. You got to start somewhere. There is no story formula that works for all YouTuber is that I can give you, that you can use unjust to create an engaging video. You need to just jump right into it, making your next David, you sending it over the scene if z would engage while they were watching your video, taken zeroed voice and making the NIC is dv du much more tighter and much more engaging. But I have a few tips for you that can help you create an engaging story. How to create an engaging story? You don't have to create one single stories that builds up throughout your video. You can just one stash to reason tells the viewer the time you got lost in a shopping center when you were young, which is why you are getting dragged it today in a shopping center for 24 h straight to finally face your childhood trauma. There is a viewer about that time when you were young, when you couldn't ride a bicycle without training wheels and you didn't improve until you face your fear. And they got rid of those training videos, which you can switch up into a motivational video about how you need to start taking action right now, stories, examples, come up with them. At one time you broke your leg, that one time you went on holiday. We will greatly enjoy listening to stories and do will gladly accept you use to read when blending your video, just try your best to stash, wants to retain and just keep improving with it every other video to capture obstacles, how you couldn't boys that one sells m bins, you need it for your own video. Is that one friend visit has the solution to all issues. How you could indicate your train and the head to grasp bond to a random drug that is going by you. Because if you haven't, you'd have never reached the final goal of your video. Captures the obstacles as you go through your video, or just to try and grab as much footage as possible. Because three, you can always forges a story in both. Get a shot, every experience you go through during your own video, and then later on during boost, you can, in the editing process, create your own story. You can always trim parts out and add boards in, rearrange certain boards to formulate a story. And you can even for record the boast commentary footage. After you're finished editing your video, just grab a random Mike around your house and just the Troy and the story. Tell your story from your own side. Try to fill in the gaps in your story. And they introduce curiosity and intrigue here and there, and just the mood that footage in-between your video and you can easily formulate a very good story every time using dismissal. And most of your favorite YouTubers do the same every time. Now, let's see the damage in just 1 h, we've eliminated 12 adults and 105 studies or computation. This is the most effective tip I can give you in this topic, which is study the computation, might have a clear idea of how to implement the storytelling in their content, and that could be your key to storytelling. Write everything down you noticed while watching their videos and adult offset your own style, your own creativity to create your own storytelling formula ends the final tip I can give you six. It doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to create a masterpiece that would give the viewer is that while he's watching your video, but you can draw it to the harbor. You Troy. Troy. Much better you will be, long term is a much better you will be in the future. Being able to story, tell any story without any proper preparation beforehand, all you have to do is just to keep drawing. It won't be the best at first. And you're dreaming of getting 1 million views to relate to an exciting story, won't help it is, or what is a store? A store that you can work on and improve with your next event. 32. Crafting An Extended Session: I come on a movie about the kids through school of magic. What else do cord is ROI will do it. You don't have a life anyway. Yeah, but the following 2 h later. So what did you think of it? Okay. Just calm down, man. I have kids. I need to know what happens. What are the key we go in the black here. Like other sequels, you can watch all you need to watch Xuan denial. There is new ways that create or deliver on the promises meetings. But I also exhibit you our button, not very optimistic stage to shock. That video is actually pretty good. I was not expecting it to be that engaging stage three, life-changing row, whereas continental axis been in my life, I need to watch more. Let me click on this YouTube channel and find more videos like this one, bro, everybody who is as great as the other one, I have been missing out on so much. Or you need to watch more and extended wash session. And extended wash station is the viewer clicking on one of your videos, liking it so much that he desires to click on the knowns and unknowns or animals or on YouTube has lots of signals that it uses predictive view or satisfaction. But this is the truest one. This is the most representative one of view or satisfaction with as a viewer, like in your video so much that he clicks two or more of your videos are wizards of you are adjusting, which is AB forever on and not watch anymore YouTube videos for an entire decade. The algorithm prioritizes videos that lead to longer overall watch time or viewing sessions rather than videos that get more clicks. If you are as watch your videos beyond diversity click those videos are likely to be searched. More often. Youtube like Josh time and doing YouTube compares an ordinary 10-minute video is at most the viewers watch till the end, but don't watch any more content on YouTube with this incredible five-minute video that will get them you are to go through 2 h worth of content. Well, you will always pick the one that lead to an extended watch session. And extended wash station is the only goal you need to seek if you want YouTube success, what metrics should I care for? Sins that most YouTubers obsess over YouTube metrics. Well, here are a few metrics that you might want to take a look at that can represent how good you are doing with creating an extended wash station. But as I already told you, don't over obsess over analytics. The only thing that matters is you refining the viral video effect is zero refining the amplitudes of you are liking your videos so much that he clicks and watches more of your videos. How to get more viewers to an extended session. You can never get all of your view what has to go through and in extended wash station watching you or YouTube library of videos. But you can increase the percentage of the bowl is Abdu, and you can increase the number of videos viewers watch in a row. I will now give you a couple of tips. I learned the hard way that can help you stay in this view insertion of z, one team's channel customization. Once the viewer finishes one of your venue is immediately click. So your YouTube channel, I start scrolling through your venue is trying to figure out which one of your videos should be the next one on his watch list? Well, you might be presenting multiple types of content or you might have only a few hidden gems among 100 ordinary videos. Most of those as mixed and reduce the chances of you who are watching another one of your videos. Just illusion does that issue is to customize your YouTube channel. Mean beach. You can click on chat or customization from your YouTube Studio and start customizing. Maybe add a few playlist, one for your best day ever videos that you recommend to the viewer to watch. Another one for your videos with friends and one for your challenges videos. Maybe customize your YouTube channel banner to lead to a playlist of videos, especially for WR, your YouTube channel, Beach is a very underrated tool to make sure is that you voted into good use to don't hint observant Jews ending here is the worst out through that you can make. Yes. Yes. This cool. When was the last time that you stuck around after a movie's ending to watch his accredits, watching the credits rolling down the screen. I mean, like what is the point of doing so like if it's not a Marvel movie and that's the same with YouTube videos. That's out of your fields. When you hint to him that the video is ending, That's how you feel when your most favorite YouTuber hints to you that the video has ended. So make sure to always individually right where it ends. You will have an audience retention that looks something like this, which is not that great. Three, recommend another video to the viewer. Here is the best, our true that you can make those really hard, but not difficult as this one. This one, I tried to win a fortnight without building at all, be worried of saying thanks for watching. We're Hoskins of you are subscribed. The best practice for your outro should be to slowly transition. Do you recommend in a similar way due to the viewer? The viewer will find interesting. I can't stress how important that is due to ask is have you worked to subscribe or to like just the slowly took the viewer? Have an extended watch session is a crucial aspect of going viral on YouTube. But that wouldn't really matter if you were not able to catch his oil is a viewer, which is why you need to watch that video next to learn more about the psychology behind the earnings that helicopter view, what you see. You need to be quick and smooth with it so that you can get the most amount to view what to watch. Your NIC is a venue for recommend the anodes are similar video viewers to WR. Makes sure that you are suggesting a video related to the one he is watching right now. Like if he is just to watch a video about you making cakes, e.g. equipment dollar or one where you are breaking down your secret chocolate cake recipe. Don't recommend another one about your baseball games that you had last week. If you are watching a movie like Fast and Furious, e.g. for the first time and you really liked the movie would watch would be likely Vin Diesel driving a car work-life, not him change in diet, but its production through and choose a video to recommend to the viewer that builds up wounds, inflammation provided in your bedroom. With every YouTube video comes an outcome. An outcome comes an intro. So if you want to learn how to optimize your introduction to Hooke's have viewer watch your video till the end, I would really suggest you watching that video to learn more about how to create the perfect to hook, see what I did there. I promise this is a view or information that really means is the information he currently have. After watching my video, five, have a library of videos that you are proud of. This could be the biggest improvements. You can make your YouTube channel, which is you go into your YouTube channel reduce tab and make it sure is the only videos that exist are videos you are proud of. If a venue of yours, It's not the best to be ever made the right reoptimize it using the YouTube editing tool. But if you want to spend the time watching it again, Xin, just to make it private, it's not worth the risk of clicking on one of them and getting a bad impression of your contents that can turn them off of your videos forever. Tin grade videos are much better than 300 average videos within grid videos, somewhere among them. That's why I stress over making videos. You are proud of. If you are not proud of it, don't boast it because it can actually reduce the potential of your future videos going on. You can still have like 300 average videos and do your next video beans the best version of itself going viral, you can still have that situation, but you are when you will go viral more. If all of your videos or videos you are proud of, don't go around making YouTube videos because the artist that rinsing right now, making videos that you are proud, because that is the only way up on YouTube. 33. The Advice To My Younger Self!: I made lots of mistakes when I was first starting on YouTube. Like, as you can tell by his entire clause, like my mistakes that has only single ever talk about is it is always that one mistake that stand out, that one mistake that loose means there are more stable. One mistake is that if I were to go back to my younger self uterus back, I would make sure to correct it. I would give my younger self one singular line of advice. I didn't have to beg for advice. I would tell him to seek feedback. Send your video's over to anyone and everyone. Enjoy your newsletter of introduction. What does this ankle with your new camera quality advise you gave in your video? Resonate with them with the left. One thing good bit throughout your entire video. What are the bars, the left that big for advice and seek feedback from anyone and everyone. Youtube is a very disorienting marathons. Some days you might make a video with a colleague, BT some Neil, and that video might get above average views. So you would assume is that click bait equals more views, which as we have said like multiple times, is known and can lead you down a rabbit hole of content that are soulless, that you are not proud of without the right circle around you, you can easily get misguided on YouTube and losing months of progress. Being too arrogant feelings at every advice I'm giving is not meant for my specific situation. Feelings, atoms, the exception, being too arrogant is the biggest mistake I ever made. Like when you're starting to work in a business firm, most likely you start working as an intern first and enter in. That follows the more experience in bluey and writes down everything he says and the thicks feedback. I mean, you can experiment and builds a house on your own, or you can get an experience it engineered to guide you. You can get your friends to highlight the flaws in your design. You can either it on your own or make it tomorrow. When it comes to YouTube, most new creators underestimate asking for advice or having someone to guide you through YouTube, even though it could be the greatest and the greatest factor in you make it into a new tube in the fastest time muscle will, I envy my friends are adjusted, started on YouTube and they have a direct line of communication to someone who has been on YouTube for more than eight years. I envy them and I'm proud of them is a success they were able to reach in the shortest time possible, is something that you would have never dreamed of when I was first starting. It's not mostly because of me, but like I, he'll be debate. Your friends might not have years of YouTube experience, but z will have an outsider's point of view on your video, which can be very important and even more important than an insider's point of view. I'm not trying to promote innocent during this lesson. My point is for you to find a YouTube mentor in your own YouTube niche and ask him for advice. Ask him to mentor you how to seek advice. One, seek advice from everyone and anyone to seek for ending a YouTube mentor. Cindy your video over to all of your friends, to all of your family, to your YouTuber friends on Discord server as Lucy left on the watching your video, which part of your bed you do a find the most amusing. What does he think of your audio quality? Start asking questions. You can also find a YouTuber who has been in your niche longer than you have been. You can just hit the M M over on Instagram, maybe ostium, a YouTube question on his business e-mail that more experienced in YouTubers had been through many feedback loops, had been through many veterans on YouTube buttons that you will be more than happy to share with fellow YouTuber who understand them and understand the struggle of making content on YouTube. And maybe then you can direct the conversation to another platform that is also getting something out of it, is a feeling that someone out there depends on him. We cannot begin this morning and throw it to improve its content, trying to help bees own life. It's basically a win-win situation for both of you. He will be more than happy to host your own videos and tell you their claws wide-open. If I were to go back, I would never go through the YouTube journey on my own journey, YouTube success is extremely difficult and overwhelming. Drop your arrogance, drops the feelings that you order the exception to the advice I'm giving you and try and find someone to relate to, someone to short in your feedback loop. 34. Seeking The Extra Mile : I want them to imagine a great mountain that you want to climb over. And I want you to imagine yourself on a bicycle, tried to overcome that hill, trying to climb over that without use like linear, reaching your maximum speed, you will never get over that hill. Or at least you will never find areas for improvement in your cycling scale is used. In a good enough motion will lead to you just the climb and a bit of the hill and just going back down to where your original walls, it is not challenging enough. The only way over that hill is you trying your best, is you, like in unit one cycle before Zoom, making sure that every time you cycle, it's the one that you are truly proud of. That is the only way you are getting over that hill to finally reach the challenges that awaits you beyond this hill, because there are other larger helices that you will also need to paste and overcome. It's not enough to cycle and the good enough motion you need to give your best every single time for you to store the finding new floors for you to start developing an improved and you need to go to all in to make it loud. It's the same as content creation. It's not enough for you to make a good enough video that you work at holiday enough on creating that is entertaining enough. What is a view or unit Move tool in with everybody you are creating? You need to make sure you are making videos that your browser is the only way you improving. That is the only way you will ever get that random comment, highlight things that you need to also overcome the camera quality hill. That is the only way one of your friends who will bizarre telling you that you need to overcome also the storytelling ****, if there is one message, you can get out from this class. If z is one answer I can give you for the question you desire is the answer for. That answer would be the fastest way to grow on YouTube. He's making content you are proud of while seeking constant feedback, you need to test your limits. How engaging can you mute your video? How creative can you make that certainty? Secondly, B-roll montage. How much can you walk in when you don't have to, even if it's like a 15-second part of the video, even if that one little part will take like 10 h, I feel like viewers genuinely noticed when you go the extra mile. And so what filming It's just like trying to make sure we're doing everything we can no matter how expensive is, no matter how much time it takes, make the best video possible. So they have the experience and so they want to, you know, obviously watch more videos because that's what you want. There is no formula for you doing the best in your content, for your seeking the extra mile in your content. Because you can, extra mile is a mindset, not a strategy. It is you're not giving up on the edit, is that, you know, can be better when it's already good enough because, you know, is that old enough shot you got can be better. I can give you examples. Day or night of content creators is going the extra mile. But none of those will stick. If you didn't make a decision, a decision to make content. You are truly proud of a decision too high, but obsess over a singular video, making it the best version of itself, not for the viewer satisfaction, but for your own personal bright for you. Looking back at that video created a year ago and saying that that was the best content you ever created. A singular point in your video where he goes the extra mile might slip by the viewer here or there, but you will not miss that one. If you seek every potential opportunity to go the extra mile neural neural video, viewers will notice if you're looking for specific tips on how to go the extra mile in your content, I would recommend watching the audience retention tipsy lesson. I mentioned like 50 ways are going the extra mile that can help your videos be more engaged in relation to the viewer that you care. It's been two minimums with my career chasing the shortcut on YouTube, Jason's that trend is that will get me to go viral, or is that some new formulas that gets millions of views. But my conclusion of what a successful YouTube video is distorted with mimic and content I'm proud of and just somehow ended at the same conclusion, which is making content and browse. So save your time, learn from my mistake. And they enjoy making content on YouTube, because that is the only way for you to improve and succeed. Or new cube. 35. Final Thoughts & Final Advice: Now, what is the next step? I know that you might have this love during this list on that list so that you might have missed a few tips here or there when don't overstretch about it. Because YouTube is not a one chance, shortest brain. Youtube is alone. Marathon that is filled with all kinds of obstacles and hurdles that you need to overcome, uh, Madison, what is the only one you are competing against is yourself. You might fall here or there, Meselson here or there, but it doesn't matter. You can always continue building on the knowledge you have collected so far. Like YouTube is not a house. Built like one for essential aspects that if you miss one of them, your house will come falling down. Youtube knowledge is like a tank of water. You missing a day of the month doesn't take away from that. When dynein, this effort you put into your YouTube career, the last thing I want for you is you regret that you didn't finish the class design and putting pressure on guilt on yourself. If I were to watch my own class, I'm pretty sure is that I will miss a few tips here or there with our physicians across all the way through or not. Consider this clause done. Thank you for making it till the end. If you miss the innocent urines or clause, you will find a YouTube guy. Down. Here is the three caves and summarizes everything that we went through the urine this in third class. I'm series check it out like I have been working on it for like the Boston three days. If you haven't submitted the class project yet is a perfect time to start, will always be now record your own video and boost it and share it with me in the class project, the discussions area down below, and I will make sure to give you my feedback on it. Now you might be thinking, my God, am I, you helped me so much. I would have failed. The British. Are those out with you? Oh my God, Jamaica, my CV you how I can repay you. You don't have to, but you can give this cluster rating. How often do you find this clause? How informative you find this clause? What you think I should improve on me and my team would really appreciate it if you took a few minutes to do so. This clause has been in the making for like three months now, you can just tell by the amount of shares I have changed during this class. And cluster ratings are the only way for us to help improve our clauses performance on Skillshare. So I would really appreciate it if you took a few minutes to do so. That's it. And now it's time to go back to this clause. We dove into how the YouTube algorithm works out to create a new video from scratch. We discussed this, a different content strategies. How to make more optimized, some Neil, how to create more engaging videos and much, much more. But you don't need all of that. The only thing you need is you having fun while making your content is the only thing you need is the market thick mark is the creator wakes up motivated to make videos. It doesn't make them to serve as a higher algorithm bar. It makes him, because he loves the experience, he loves pushing himself to go through is limit the areas of improvement. He makes EBIT use for himself, his own life experiences to make the best four minute video he has ever created. Sig, broaden your content, seek feedback from anyone and everyone, and most of the water needs seek having fun in your content because that's the end of the day. That is the only thing that matters. People say, You have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing. And it's totally true. And the reason is, is because it's so hard that if you don't, any rational person would give up, it's really hard and you have to do it over a sustained period of time. So if you don't love it, if you're not having fun doing it, you don't really love it, you're gonna give up. And that's what happens to most people. Actually, if you really look at the ones that ended up being successful, unquote in the eyes of society and the ones that didn't, often times, it's the ones that are successful, loved what they did so they could persevere when, you know, when it got really tough. And the ones that didn't love it quit because they're saying, right, who would want to put up with this stuff if you don't love it.