1. How to Discover Your Personal Style: Hi ladies. Do you tend to spend a fortune of clothing and still
have nothing to wear? Or do you tend to reheat this whole shopping idea
because you go into store with and have
no idea what to buy. Or have you been through a
big life or body changed recently and suddenly
the things that used to work just don't work anymore. I'm Tracy gold and I'm
a personal stylist and YouTube fashion influencer
for women over 40, and I've run my own
fashion business for the last 15 years. I have styled a variety of different women,
different ages, buddy shapes, buddy types, personalities, personal
styles, you name it. I've done it. In this course. I'm going to share with you
the methods that I have tried and tested with my
clients and they'd have really, really worked. I'm going to teach
you how to discover, define, and refine your personal style,
and you know what? Once you do that, it is going to
help you save time because it's going to be easier to get dressed in the morning. It's going to save you money because you know what you buy, you no longer going
to buy a whole bunch of things you'll no longer wear. And it's going to make
sure that you always have clothes in your
closet that you love. And you actually where. Thanks ladies for
trusting me with us. I'm so excited to share
my tips with you. I'm excited to have you
on board this course. I look forward to engaging.
2. What To Expect: Thanks ladies for joining me on this course on personal style. Now, you may be asking
yourself the question, why do I need to define
a personal style? But probably if you're
on this course, you already know that
it's a struggle for you. The thing about personal style, it is the biggest
growing trained. And I think one of the reasons is that the trains just keep coming and going over
and over and over again. I also think is women over 40, we become less concerned with trained and high fashion and more about creating a look
that represents who we are. In this course, I'm really going to deal with some of the myths and some of the
fears that we have around creating our
own personal style. For many women, when
I ask them what is their personal style and
how would they describe it, they can't even describe it. In this course,
I'm going to take you through a process that will help you to determine what
your personal style is. We're going to look
at things like, what is your existing look and what does
that say about you? What look do you want to create? Who and what inspires you? What coding do you
really love to wear? What clothing do you
not like to wear? What do you want to be
wearing on a daily basis? We're also going to
look at the fears and the things that stop
us from creating our own personal style
and dressing in a way that's really authentic
and real for us. And we're going to then look at some very practical ways on how to rate your closet specifically
for your personal style, to wear clothing that
suits your personal style. And very importantly, how to shop for your personal style. Ladies, this is going to save
you tons of time and money. So I'm super excited to go
on this journey with you.
3. Introduction: Assessing Your Existing Look: To get you started again, to take you through a process that will help you to determine what your look is now and
what it says about you. Now if you haven't already
downloaded the worksheets for this exercise and then pause this video now and
go and download it. If you've got it gravid, gated, ready, and we'll
start on the journey.
4. Introduction: What is Your Existing Look?: Question number
one, how would you describe your existing look? Now for some women,
this may be a really, really simple question,
but for you it may not be. I've put some words
on the worksheet that will give you some
form of a guideline. But ladies, there is no
right or wrong about this. Does your book say things like, You tend to be quite classic. Like very simple items
that do not vary fashion forward or that you like
things with neutral colors. Maybe you like very
colorful things and you like lots of
print and pattern. And you like to mix them all up and have some
fun with your look. Or maybe you're feeling like
you look just really is quite duality and could use
a little bit of a change. Maybe you wearing baggy
items, baggy clothing. You're not wearing
much color and you're not feeling that
inspired by you look. So take some time now, pause this video and write down the answers
to that question.
5. Introduction: What Does Your Existing Look Say About You?: Question number two, what do you think your book says about you? This can be quite a tough
question to answer, but I'd like you to use some of the words as the guides below, but come up with your own ones. You think outside
the box on this, what do you think your book
says about you to the world? You know, ladies in reality, the way we dress, the way we show up in the world, and the way we present ourselves does say quite a lot about us. We need to give some thought
to what it is that it says, it could say a multitude of
things and these once again, no right or wrong, that pause the video and take some time to
answer the question.
6. Introduction: Let The Journey Begin!: Now ladies, if you find these
questions really hard and maybe you can't even answer these questions,
then don't worry, you've come to the right
place because it's in this course that
I'm going to take you through this really fun
and exciting process to help you to define
where you are now, way you want to go and what you want your
doctor to say about you. I look forward to the
journey with you.
7. Section 1: Does Your Look Speak of Who You Are?: In this section, we're
going to take a deeper look at what your existing
Locke says about you. What you'll look is, and we're going to
start exploring the look that you
want to achieve. Now in the introduction section, we did a worksheet on
what does your luck say about you and assessing
your existing Look? I'm just wondering, what
did that feel like for you? What was that process like? Are you happy with the look
that you have or not really? Are you happy with what
your book says about you? And more importantly,
is what it's saying about you accurately
reflecting who you are. Because ladies, the reality is, as I said in the introduction, we do say a lot about ourselves in the way that we dress and what we portray
to the world. So for me, if we are saying
something about ourselves, then my passion is to
help you to create and say something
that is accurate, that accurately
reflects who you are, because that's what makes
it your personal style. The wonderful thing is, is that when we are
dressing to reflect our own personal style and it's accurately reflecting
who we are, then it's just so much easier for us to wear whatever
it is that we love, regardless of other
people around us.
8. Section 1: What Look Do You Want to Create?: Now before we go further, I'd like you to download
the next worksheet that we're going to work
off of because that will have the questions listed. If you haven't already
downloaded that, pause the video and
download that now, if you have that ready,
Let's get started. Ladies, now I want you to
spend some time thinking about the look that
you want to create. What does that look like now, before you get stuck in and your critical
voice starts saying, oh, but I could
never look that way or I don't have the
money for that. Or if only I was
like her what had this coloring or this kind of available balance
on my credit card. What did the cases before
all of that happens? Just give yourself permission
to dream a little bit. I want you to imagine that
anything is possible that you can create what
ever look you desire. Now, pause the video and take some time to answer
this question fully.
9. Section 1: What Do You Want Your Look to Say About You?: Next question. Now that you have an idea of the look that you
want to create, what would this
look say about you? What would the say
about you as a person? And how would it truly
reflect who you are? Take some time to work on your worksheet with
this question.
10. Section 1: Your Existing Look vs Dream Look: Great. Now you've answered, what Lucky want to create. You hopefully have an idea of what that's going
to say about you. Now, I want you to look at the first part
of your worksheet. Let's look now at the existing. What is your existing look and what does that
say about you? How does it compare with
the look that you desire, the look that you
want to create? And what that would
say about you. I'd like you to write a few of your thoughts down
on the worksheet.
11. Section 1: What Stops You?: Okay, Now I'd like you to look at what are the
things that stop you. So we've looked at
your existing look and we've looked at your lock
that you want to create. What are the things, ladies, that stop you from
going from where you are to what you want. Now in some cases, these are very real things and
in some cases they aren't. In many cases I find that the fears are usually fears
that we make up in our heads. Another fears I've heard and
I hear on an ongoing basis. So just to say that you are very normal if you feel these things, some of them that I've
heard are things like, I worry what people will think. I don't have the money
for the clothes I want. I'm afraid of looking
like I'm trying too hard. I'm afraid of standing out. I'm afraid of dressing like
Mac and dressed as Lam. I'm afraid of looking old. I don't want to
be uncomfortable. I'm afraid for people
to see who I really am. I'm afraid people won't
take me seriously. And I'm afraid of being
judged by those close to me. Listen lady, some of
these things are very real and I think it's important to acknowledge them and to actually almost give
them a voice in a way. I'd like you to stop
the video now and spend some time and
reflection on these things. And you may have completely different fears and are listed, but which ones
resonate with you? Which ones may be don't, and which ones are the
things that aren't on the list that are
very real for you. Take some time to answer
these questions now.
12. Section 1: Wear It Anyway: How are you feeling now? Listen, sometimes dealing with our fears and looking
at them straight. Like really eyeballing
them is not an easy thing, but well done for
doing it anyway. This may be an ongoing
process for you. It may not be a once off. Give it some time and
give it some thought. What I'd like to talk
about now though, is what are the lies that we're believing
or what are the myths, truths that were believing? What are the things that
stop us that aren't real? And I mean, this could be
a course all on its own. I'm just going to talk
about this briefly. It's an example of one of the lies that we tell ourselves. All the myths, truths
that we believe is that I don't have the money to
create the look that I want. Now listen, I hear you
if you are saying, I want to create a high-end
designer look with all the latest from Gucci
Dolce Gabbana, you name it. Well then reality check
might be necessary. But in a lot of cases, we think that the
look that we want to create is going to
cost us a fortune. When they really are
ways that you can create an amazing look without having to spend a
huge amount of money. I'm going to be
dealing with that at the end of the
course when I teach you how to shop for
your personal style and how to shop on a budget. They also can be things that
we believe about ourselves, that parents are previous, significant others
or people have told us that just aren't true. I'll give you an example. One of my clients one time had a very domineering
mother and she came to me and she had actually dyed her hair some other
color to mine. And when we were exploring
colors that she could wear, she said, Oh no, I can't wear green. And I was like, wow, that's quite a statement. And as sort of explored a little bit further
with her where this came from and why her belief that
she cannot wear green while her mother had told
her when she was a little girl that she
couldn't wear green. Now in her current reality, she had somebody hair
color to me and there were lots of shades of
green that she could wear and looked really good in. And in fact, everyone
can wear green. It's just finding the
right shade of green, but it stopped to
inner attracts. And even though she
wanted to wait Green, she just couldn't get beyond
the point of believing that she could wear green
because her mother stayed. So sometimes I think
it's important too. The things that we believe that, uh, really not true. Often as women, we tend to be concerned with what
people think of us. And if I weigh that, what
are people going to say? What am I sick? Significant others going to say, do I have support in the space? I hear you ladies. I think there's no
quick fix for that. But at the same time, at this stage of your life, if you want to wear
something that makes you happy and that is a reflection
of your personal style, then I think it's worthwhile working with these
fears and working with these lies that we believe about ourselves in order to where the things that
we really want to. Because it's not just
about the clothing. It never is. It's more
about how we feel about ourselves and how we
dress to reflect who we are, and that we feel grounded
enough in ourselves to wear the things that
speak of who we are and say who we are to the world. And ladies, you are beautiful, you are beautiful as you are, and you deserve to reflect the beautiful
person that you are.
13. Section 2: What Do You Love to Wear?: In this section, we're going
to explore the kind of clothing that you have in your closet that
you love to wear, and how to use that as an indicator of what your
true personal style. Now I want you to spend
some time in your closet. This is super exciting. I want you to go and
take a deep dive. And I really mean a deep dive. So if you have a
cluttered closet, give yourself some
space and some time, this is maybe an exercise
that you want to stop and do now or stop the course
now for a little bit, do this exercise
and then come back. If you do need some time, schedule some time for
yourself to do this, get the husband at the Haas, get the kids a babysitter to get yourself a
good cup of tea or coffee or glass of why put on your favorite music
and hit that closet. I want you to go in there
and I want you to look at all the things that you had and even go to the back
of the closet. They may be some
things that made that you've forgotten that you have. I want you to go through
everything you have and find the pieces that you
really loved to wear. Now for some of you, that may be super easy because
that's all you're wearing. Or maybe you haven't
checked in with yourself for awhile as to what it is that you love to where
maybe you've just been going in your closet and grabbing the first thing that
you see that fits, that's clean, that aren't. And you can put on,
spend some time, have some fun with this lady's. It's really quite fun. And don't worry too much
about the clothing that you don't love, really. I want you to focus your attention on the
things that you do.
14. Section 2: Analysis of Clothing You Love: Well done. Was spending some
time in your closet. Was that quite an exercise? Now hopefully you have some things that
you love to weigh. But you also may have found that these very little that
you love to weigh. And if that's the case, I
just want to encourage you. That's also okay. Because the ADH, many women
who come to me who say Tracy, I went to completely start
from scratch because I'm a completely
different person than I have been in the
last few years. You know, sometimes we go
through massive changes in our lives and it may
be lifestyle changes, it may be stage change, and it also can be body change. So just be kind to
yourself in the space if you really haven't found
things that you love. If you have found
things that you love, then I would like you to
do a bit of an analysis. All the things that
you do, wear and love. What are the
similarities between them and what are
the differences? You publicly, it will find some form of theme going through the
things that you love. So it may be that its texture, its color, its comfort. It's maybe fabrics
that you really enjoy. Maybe it's just the kind
of style that it is. Take a look and do some form of an assessment and maybe
write down some words. You could do it on post-it
notes or on a piece of paper. It doesn't matter how
ever you choose to do it. Just write down a few things to describe the
things that you love and what the similarities are and the differences
between them. Now why I say differences? Because sometimes we're a
little bit all over the place. As women, we tend to fulfill many different roles and
do many different things. And sometimes that reflects
on our personal style too. So as an example, I tend to really like
feminine things, but I also like
really HE things. Well, we can't actually
where those together and I really do, but that's okay. So there is the, there
is a feminine pieces, but then there's the AG pieces that may seem like a difference. And so just take note of that. Or you may find, well, you've got a bit
of spore T and O. You've got a little
bit of trendy, and you've got a little bird. And you've got right
on all those things. Pull it altogether and
just write, ladies, there's no right or
wrong with this at all.
15. Section 3: Who and What Inspires You?: In this section, we're
going to explore who are the people and what
other locks that inspire you and how to use this as an indicator of
your personal style. This is going to be a
fun process, ladies. We're going to just have
some fun and look at the things and the people
that really inspires. So it may be that you have specific women that you
follow on Instagram. It may be that you
look to the stars. It may be your best friend or your mother or your grandmother. It may be anybody. There's no right
or wrong to this, gives some sort to the
women that inspire you. And hey, it could even be
a man who inspires you. I mean, I actually interviewed amazing woman the
one day and I said, Well what inspires you? And she said, I would love to dig into Mick Jagger as closet. And I was fascinated by that
because she really loved his book and felt that
she could bring some of those elements
into her everyday. Look, there's no right
or wrong about this. I just want you to give some
thought of who inspires you and then what are the
locks at Inspire you? I'd like you to
create a mood board. So either you can do
this in real paper. So you can go and
get some magazines or print some things
or from the Internet. It's completely your project has been with us do this
exactly as you wish. Or you could create
a Pinterest board. Pinterest is sometimes a really, really great way of doing that. You could even create
your own moodboard, say in PowerPoint
or in some form of program, anything
doesn't matter. You can do it
exactly as you wish. I want you to go and
find what inspires you, who inspires you and pull it
together on a mood board.
16. Section 3: Key Elements of Your Mood Board: Now we're going to
look at what are the key elements in
this mood board. What are the things
they drew you to it? For example, you may like something that
someone's wearing. You may like an aspect of
it but not the whole book. It may be a tough, it may be something as an example or I really
love that jacket, but I wouldn't weird
with that pair of pens. That's okay. What are the elements
of your mood board that could be indicators
of your personal style. I'll share mine as an example. I really like to mix up styles
and pull things together. One of my favorite
combinations is to combine feminine pieces,
more rock pieces. So for instance, this
image at the top here, which is wearing this really soft fancy black
and white dress. But then she's got these
ruptured elements of the leather jacket and the leather bag that
really appeals to me. I also really love boots, like really quite fun, funky kind of boots. And you can see this
woman on the couch. I mean, all these boots, what I wouldn't do for those. And then also mixed together
with the fishnet stockings, but then the really sort
of soft flowing skirt. I love to mix things up. I also am absolutely obsessed
with the color rate, as you might have noticed. Here, this is the
perfect combination of this whole old rate offered. It actually would wear
this outfit and I love the mixture of fabric. So the soft Shaphan within the leather and
the leather boots. I also love that vintage look. So she's got these
vintage glasses on, which just brings
active vintage look. I also quite like a
sense of opulence. So anything with
embroidery detail, a little bit of shimmer, but more from his point of
view of not overtly shiny, but more of just a sense
of detail railing. And then as I mentioned,
my life advantages, black and white
picture reminds me quite a bit of a 1970s look. And then I love bold
color and bold print. This one here with
the bold floral and the mixtures of flora. This is something I would
really enjoy wearing. Now it may not necessarily
with its exact outfit, but it does appeal to me. The kind of thing that
you want to look at is, what are the elements in your mood board that speak
of your personal style? For me, it's definitely
the combination of bringing styles together. So the combination
of the feminine with a masculine liking
those AGE details, my, she's become quite important
in this type of thing. So I would wear really fun fluency feminine dress
like the one I'm wearing. But then I would put it
together with a pair of rubber boots and leather jacket. Also, this reflects
my love of style, my love of texture, my love of color and pattern. In fact, I'm
surprised that there isn't more pattern in this, but you can see the
picture of opulence. It gives that sense
of opulence and fun. It's not necessarily
that I would win all of these outfits because I wouldn't necessarily
where all of them. But it's just looking for
the themes that run through. What are the things
that really draw you to these pictures in
your moodboard? And how did those thin
indicate your personal style?
17. Section 4: Defining Your Personal Style: In this section, we're
going to look at the various different activities we've done in the
different things we've looked at and see how
we can use the elements of each of these things to
define your personal style. First, I sent you
into your closet to look at what clothing
you love to, where if you did find
things that you love, then hopefully
you've made a list, a couple of different
words to describe those things and why
you love them so much. If you haven't found
anything, then that's okay. This process will help you
to determine going forward. Second, we looked at who
and what inspires you. What are the parts of somebody else's look that
you really love? The women that you
look up to mainly she looked up to which
of those elements. And then you created your mood board to
really reflect that. Reflect looks at you enjoy, reflected looks at you
would like to create. And then remember way back in the beginning
of the course, we spoke about what look, you want to create. Now, I want you to look at those three elements and how
ever you want to do this as absolutely fine if you
want to stop the camera now and go and get your
worksheet and look at that. Get the things that you
have in your closet and look at that and
get your moodboard. It's absolutely fine. I'm
very much a visual person. I generally do tend to do that. I want you to look at those
three exercises that we did. And I want you to look
for the similarities. I want you to look at what are the key elements
that are running through all three
of those things. It could be something
like, well, they all have an
essence of playfulness, or they all have an
essence of very sleek, slim lines, really tailored, really classic, not much color. Or it may be that
they quite sporty, or it may be that it's very eclectic and it's kind
of all over the place. And that's a K12. But I just want you
to take some notes as to what are the
similarities between them. And then we'll hit
into the next section.
18. Section 4: How to Put Your Style Into Action: In this section, we're
gonna look at how to put your personal style into action. Right now, I'm
going to ask you to go back into their
closet of yours. Now, hopefully, you have looked at the key elements
of all three things. The things that
you love to wear, the things that inspire you, and the look that
you want to create. So hopefully you've gained
some form of clarity around what your
personal style is. Now, I would like
you to go back into your closet and really
take a deep dive, not just at the things
that you love to wear, but at the things
that you have that you can possibly use to create your own
personal style example. You may want something
really creative and Burr her shake with freely blazers
and lovey flowing dresses. But you're freely blouses and flowing browsers will need
to go with something. So do you have a good pair
of jeans? You can wait. Do you have a good tailor pair of trousers that you can weigh, that you can weigh with
your Friday blogs, or just trousers or pants
that fits you well. Those kind of things
that you need. What about your shoes
and your accessories? Do you have the right shoes
to reflect your lock? For me as an example, I really like soft
feminine things, but I like to give
them an AG look. And so my shoes become
really important. As an example, even the
dress that I'm wearing, it's soft and it's feminine. But I put it with
a pair of rupture kind of boots and
a biker jacket. Now if I don't have that, then I would need
those elements. I'm looking for those
kinds of elements. What are the elements
that you have annual closet that can work
for your personal style. Ladies, this is really
important because you always want to shop
your own closet first. Sometimes when we buy just a whole bunch of things
and don't think about it. Sometimes we could
actually have bought some of the right things
that would work for us. So go and take a look first in your closet before
going further. Then we'll talk
about the shopping.
19. Section 4: What You Need to Create Your Personal Style: Now we are going to look at what you need to
create your book. Now if you have gone through this process and you still haven't found anything
that you love. And you really, really
don't know if there's anything in your
closet that you can actually use for the
look that you create, then it is a little bit of a
bigger process and a bit of a time process because you're going to need to
start from scratch. But in a lot of cases, the awesome things
that you can use, try and push yourself
a little bit. They may even be
some things that will work for now but not ideal, but use them in the interim because you do have
to put on some clothes. And I'm assuming you may not necessarily have the
time to write now, rush out to stores and
buy a whole new wardrobe. Now you know what you have in your closet that
works for your lock. Now you're going to need to make a list of the things
that you need. As an example that I gave
you in the last video, I spoke about the fact that this stress I'd
wear with a pair of pink boots and or something a little bit more rock
she kind of boots. And then with my leather jacket, lay the back and
check it because my personal style is
the feminine stash AGL, like to always have something
a little different, a little bit AG, BOC malloc, something that people wouldn't ordinarily expect to
be worn together. If I didn't have those
things in my closet, then I would need to go
and get those things. However, if I have the rock chick boots
and the biker jacket and the good pair of jeans and the later parents and
that kind of thing. But I don't have the
soft feminine things then that would go on my list. But ladies, just as you
do everything else, you go to a grocery
store and generally, you make a list, right? You make a shopping list. You going to go and buy some
things, do some errands. What do you do? You hopefully make a
list so that you know where you going and it
gives you some focus. I want you to make a shopping
list for your closet. What are the things
that you need to create the look that you desire? Stop the video now
and make that list.
20. Section 5: How to Shop Your Personal Style: In this section
we're going to be talking about how to shop for your personal style and
how to do it on a budget. Becoming a curator
of your closet is the most important
thing that you can do. First for your personal
style and second for your bank balance because
it makes a huge difference. I recently moved to
New York and I've got a lot less clothing
that I've ever had because I had to move from South Africa and take
very little with me. And I have small closet space. But ladies, I have
to tell you I have more to wear than
I ever have had. And I'm not going to quickly
just accumulate more again, because I see the power of a
really well-curated closet. And I think as we get
a little bit older and a little bit more
sophisticated in certain ways. We want to list. We want to have less and
be able to wear mole. So this is really what I'm
going to encourage you to do. Listen, ladies, if you have
big closet space and you like having an abundance of
things, absolutely fine. As long as you know what to wear and you
know how to wear it. Because often what I
find is that lots of choice sometimes makes
it more confusing. Okay, So how are you going to become a curator of your closet? So now remember in
the last section, we spoke about making a list and hopefully you made
a shopping list of the things that you need. Now you're going to start
looking for those things. But before you do that, the first thing you need to
do is to make another list. I know I'm a list
go, I can't help it. But sometimes writing
these things down really makes a difference even if you don't carry the list with you, just writing them down, records, the manual brain. I want you to think
of what is what I call your pre-requisite list. What are the things that an item needs to have before you buy it? For me? Number one is fit. It has to fit me properly. If it doesn't fit me properly, I simply will not buy it. Number two and
they're going to be able to wear it
with other things. Does it full function
in my closet? That's important
to fit function. And in the third is what
I call fabulous city. Well, I got it from another
style is fabulous. Fabulous. Does it suit my personal style? Does it work for me? But you may have other
prerequisites as well. So for example, I
love beautiful shoes, but I live in New
York City and I cannot wear high your
shoes in New York City. And I need to be able to
walk around wherever I go. That's a pre-requisite list. No matter how beautiful
a pair of shoes are, I am not going to buy them
if I cannot walk New York, flattening, end of story period, the end, you need to know what is your pre-requisite list. And that is going to cut down on how often you buy
and what you buy. You're going to become more particular about the items
that you add to your closet. And in so doing, you're going to find that
you're gonna get a lot more. Where out of your things, you're going to buy less, but you're way the mall
and it's going to save you so much, Mami, that's it. So exciting. What I also find is, as I said in the
beginning of this video, is that there's less choice
and sometimes a lot more to where you want to be able to really curate your closet
and make it work for you.
21. Section 5: Online Shopping Tips: Now that you have a list of
the things that you need for your closet and you know,
your pre-requisite list. One of the tools that I use
that I find very useful is to go onto some online stores to research the things
that I'm looking for. Now, I know lots of
women are nervous about shopping online and you don't necessarily have to shop online. But doing the
research beforehand can save you a lot of time. So as an example, last summer I was
looking for a pair of white wide leg high-rise
jeans and they had just coming to style
and they weren't as easy as you would
think to find them. I went to an abundance
of stores and didn't find what I was looking forward
and they were all wrong. In fact, I did a video on that, on my YouTube channel. On that whole process I
tried on a lot of genes. Let me tell you. So finally, after my first day of just not finding a
single thing I wanted, I decided to go online and do some research and
Dana was able to narrow down the
stores that we're most likely going to have
what I was looking for. Now, I do encourage
you to look at online stores because sometimes you can get a
better deal online. You can also get
your size online. You're sometimes if you're
going to a chain store and the branch that
is closest to you doesn't have what
you're looking for, then they've got to interbranch
it or bring it through. Sometimes that's
easy, sometimes not, but online shopping
is super easy. And most stores have got
free delivery, free return. So it's easy, you could do it, It's not difficult to do. However, if you're not
an online shopping, you can really use those
tools as research to find just the things that
you're looking for and that way you save yourself
a lot of time and money.
22. Section 6: Budget Shopping Tips: Now I'm gonna give you some tips on how to shop on a budget. Listen ladies, is no
shame in a budget. It doesn't matter how
small your budget is and how big your budget is. Generally, we, as women
always have a budget. I'm gonna give you my top
tips on how to shop for your budget so that
it saves you a lot of money and you actually
the close my first tip is to learn what to spend on
and what to splurge on. You may think, Oh, well, what? We're all talking budget and everything's
going to be cheap. But actually ladies, when
you become really clear on your personal style
and you start to buy less and way more. You can often splurge
a bit more on some pieces that are
real signature pieces. Signature pieces ladies, can really make a
difference for your lock. They can bring you
look alive and often they are a little
bit more expensive. Determine which pieces
are worthwhile to save on and which to stained on. As an example, I've got some really great signature
pieces like this jacket here. I bought this in Barcelona. It's a one-off. It's FCT beautiful minutes hand painted in words in Italian. And it's a real, real signature piece for me. In fact, some people
even recognize me because I was wearing that
the last time they saw me. Sometimes it's worthwhile
standing a bit more. That was a bit more, but
I've wanted and Warner, warner absolutely loved it, so it's worth spending
a bit more on that. However, maybe a pair of
basic genes are the thing for you to splurge
on because you really struggled to find
a good pair of jeans. Maybe you find cheaper
jeans, foot fine. There's no problem with that. There's also these always ways to make your budget
work for you, but it's just knowing what
are the items that you struggled to find and a worth
spending a bit more on. And what are the
things that you can just kind of pick up along the way and you
don't need to spend so much money on buy
less and way more. Now I've been saying this
a lot in the course, and it really is the key to becoming a curator
of your closet. Because when you buy
list, as I said, if you've got a bit more to
spend on a higher price tag, I mean, sometimes
we wouldn't go, Oh, I can't spend that money on a pair of jeans because
it's just too expensive. Well, maybe they bought a
whole bunch of five P's of cheaper genes and
none of them fit as well as they experience
a pair of jeans. You may as well
by the one-period that you really love and that you can weigh
over and over and over again and they fit
you really well. Use online stores to
research your purchases. I did say this in
the previous video, and I really do
believe it's true. You can sometimes find
really great deals and sometimes the same product
at a different store because they're having a sale or you get 20% off your first
online purchase or something like that. So do your research and
find those bargains, buy from discount
stores, thrift stores, consignment stores,
vintage stores. And I mean, it's just an
abundance available to you. I've even seen discount
stores that have big designer brands from high
into medium level brands. And they are far cheaper
and far more affordable. And if you don't have to have the latest fashion
in the latest trend, then who cares if
it's a season before? If you're dressing for
your personal style, that's not gonna
go out of style. You'll wear it anyway before
you buy a single item, ask yourself these
four questions. First of all, does it suit
my personal in style? Can I address it up
and dress it down? So Cana where this top with a pair of jeans
and trace it down, or with a pair of formal trousers or pants and dress it up with
a pair of heels. Can I wear this jacket
over a dress or where it with a pair of pants and it's going to
look more formal. Do you see what I mean? Can I dress it up
and dress it down? Where am I going to wear a two if you're only going to where
it wants to one occasion, is it worth the Spain if it's a really special occasion and you happy to spend
that kind of money. Absolutely fine. But first-price would be defined something
that you can wear again, that you can wear again
and again and again. And it doesn't matter
if people see you in it because it is your
personal style. What will I wear at width? Have you got things in
your closet that it goes with so many times we
have our loves her skirt, I love the print, but
then you have no tops to go with it and they end up going to have to
buy a top with it. And then you finally
get this outfit together and the dog jumps on the skirt and TAs
it and the whole app, it's got to be trashed
well, no good in that. So can you wear it with
different items in your closet? Is the versatility in that. If you do not answer
yes to these questions, the ladies do not buy it.
23. Well Done! Going Forward: Wow, well done. You have come so far and hopefully you've
learned a huge amount. So let's take a look
at what we've covered. So first of all, in the
beginning of the course, we looked at what is your existing look and what
does it say about you? And I'm assuming that
because you did this course, you weren't happy
with what it said. And hopefully
you're, the results at the end is you are happier. Then we looked at
what look do you want to create and what do you want that to say about you? You spend some time in your
closet and you took a look at what clothing
are you wearing and how is it used as an indicator to watch
your personal style is, then we had fun creating
mood boards and we took a look at our
mood boards to see what, who inspires us,
what inspires us, and what are the key
elements of that? Then we pulled all of those
elements together and took a look at what are
the key elements in all of those things. From what Lucky
you want to create to the clothing that you
love, that you're wearing. And then what inspires you, and that's how you came up with what your personal style is. Then we looked at how to
shop your personal style. We looked again at what you
have existing in your closet, what you have already
that you can utilize, always shopping
your closet first, then what it is that you need. And then we explored
some ways to shop on a budget that'll work
well for you, ladies. I hope this has been
helpful for you. I hope that you have a
clearer vision of what your personal style is and how you can shop for
your personal style. And where would C2 and your personal style as a true
reflection of who you are? I also want to say ladies, that as you start to wear things that reflects
your personal style, also be aware of the internal
dialogue that happens. Sometimes we have people around us who really
can support us and encouraged us to reflect who we truly are and sometimes not. If we don't have
that thing really, you need to be kind
to yourself because you may have some kickback
every once in awhile, but you also may have
people cheering you on saying you looking fabulous,
you're looking gorgeous. What have you done with
your hair recently? What is different about you? I mean, it's really
depending on the people in our lives will depend
on the responses I'd really love for
you to give yourself permission to go
through this process as fast or as slow as you
need to actually own pace. You can always go
back to the videos. You can always go
back to the steps and redo them and do them again. Also, ladies, if
you find that you still are really getting stuck
at the end of this course, I do offer one-on-one sessions and you can check
out my website, Tracy gold fashion And you can look into that because then we
can further refine and work on the areas that you are really struggling with. Also, as I mentioned
the beginning of the video on the
YouTube influencer. And I have a YouTube
channel with tons of free tips on how to look and feel fabulous
in your clothes. So feel free to check out
the details in the cheat below that I give
you the download a cheat with all of
my contact details, if you feel that you
need to reach out. Thank you, ladies for your time. Thank you for doing
this course with me. I really appreciate
that you've trusted me, that you trust that
you've enjoyed this course and I love to
hear what you thought. In conclusion,
ladies, give yourself permission to only buy and wear. What really speaks of
your personal style? Creator look that
reflects who you truly are and whatever you do, make sure to have
fun with your luck. Thanks.